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(01:09:52) | [Oxide] 12:09 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: we went back for the loot pierre was carrying

(01:10:04) | [Oxide] 12:09 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] Coonsquatch: same only i have like 70 minutes of play time and barely know what im doing

(01:10:04) | [Oxide] 12:09 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: And so much more from all the bags I saw on the floor

(01:10:07) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: and all of mine with it?

(01:10:18) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: Yeah after we died a few times -.-

(01:10:26) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 2 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:10:31) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: like my 20k scrape metal, my wood and other stuff lol

(01:10:36) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Oh.. so you were greifing due to your deaths?

(01:10:39) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: honestly, if the stuff had still been on his body the first time, we would have taken it and left

(01:10:50) | [Oxide] 12:10 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: I highly doubt that Blitz.. but it's your story

(01:11:20) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: no, you brought rockets for a reason, you didn't know I took the loot, you came to raid

(01:11:20) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: doubt whatever you want. it's the truth. if the reverse had happened, and someone was snooping near

(01:11:26) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 7 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:11:44) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: I came back looking for the stuff and then told blitz to tp to me

(01:11:45) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: our base, we would have killed them, and i wouldn't be upset if they attacked, i kinda wish it

(01:11:45) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: lol

(01:11:48) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Death Notes] BuyMyMixtape killed a Stag with a Hunting Bow from 17m.

(01:11:54) | [Oxide] 12:11 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: would happen more

(01:12:16) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: let me finish this castle and We'll have some fun

(01:12:26) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 2 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:12:35) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: honestly, i don't want to breal your castle, the thing looks amazing

(01:12:39) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: *break

(01:12:46) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: O've worked so hard on it

(01:12:53) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: it shows

(01:12:57) | [Oxide] 12:12 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: so many hours, so much resources

(01:13:06) | joined [windows/76561198105264418]

(01:13:06) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Fuzzyegg joined the server, from United States.

(01:13:12) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Resources you kept in your house for the castle too right?

(01:13:20) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: Yeah

(01:13:26) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 5 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:13:27) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: all of it was for the castle

(01:13:36) | kicked: Steam: k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled

(01:13:36) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] BuyMyMixtape left the server. (Reason: Steam: k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled)

(01:13:39) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: And who knew until right now?

(01:13:47) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Anyone with a brain woulda figured that out.

(01:13:52) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: ok

(01:13:57) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: obviously

(01:14:03) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] The server time and date is 12/25/2015 00:13

(01:14:04) | [Oxide] 12:13 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I've told the admin, and I came all the way out here away from everyone to do it

(01:14:26) | [Oxide] 12:14 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 6 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:14:45) | [Oxide] 12:14 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Yep... otherwise i'm sure your house would have been fortified.

(01:15:01) | [Oxide] 12:14 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: hadn't you put so many resources into the castle

(01:15:14) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: Oh yeah, I just recently put up the metal, for the reason of D5 and the other clan

(01:15:26) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 3 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:15:27) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: look, this raid was the most fun i've had in this game, and if you attack our base when we're here,

(01:15:34) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: that would be great fun too

(01:15:40) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: ^

(01:15:48) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Sure.. I'll see if I can get my whole clan to log in

(01:15:54) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: over 500,000 stone, imagine the metal!! I threw a lot away, and over 2mil wood

(01:15:57) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: See what I can set up

(01:16:03) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: sure, attacked by admins, that's ****

(01:16:04) | [Oxide] 12:15 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Shouldn't take 30 of us long

(01:16:06) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [BoxLooters] BoxLooters: Data saved!

(01:16:11) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: f a i r

(01:16:26) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 4 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:16:29) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: plus, i though you wanted community

(01:16:30) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: I've got 43 in mining, i've got 33 in woodcutting... I've earned all my loot

(01:16:34) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I mean, once I'm done with the project, I'll be more the happy to attack

(01:16:35) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: You want fights

(01:16:54) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Nole doesn't care what I do with the resources I harvest =)

(01:16:58) | Saved 45,043 ents, serialization(0.00), write(0.01), disk(0.00) totalstall(0.02).

(01:16:58) | Saving complete

(01:17:01) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] BuyMyMixtape joined the server, from United States.

(01:17:01) | joined [windows/76561198041544309]

(01:17:03) | [Oxide] 12:16 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: im sure he doesn't

(01:17:13) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] Fuzzyegg: hi

(01:17:14) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Merry Xmas

(01:17:18) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Hi Fuzzy

(01:17:24) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I haven't attacked anyone up entil today, and the reason I killed pirre is because he was at my base

(01:17:26) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 8 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:17:26) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: i hope you enjoy your power trip Grimm, merry christmas

(01:17:40) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Didn't realize I was on a power trip

(01:17:45) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I had a ton of resources and if I was out, he would've killed me, like last time

(01:17:51) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Guess I might as well earn it then.

(01:17:55) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: "me and my 30 friends would make short work of you"

(01:18:04) | [Oxide] 12:17 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: what was that supposed to be?

(01:18:14) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: A truthful statement lol

(01:18:26) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 12 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:18:30) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Unfortenately most of our clan can't stand rust.. it brings out the worst in people.

(01:18:45) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: you guys play arma, you think that's different?

(01:18:47) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: lol

(01:18:55) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: i've been playing this game for 3 days, and an admin feels the need to threaten me

(01:18:59) | disconnecting: closing

(01:18:59) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Fuzzyegg left the server. (Reason: Disconnected)

(01:19:00) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: i think i win?

(01:19:00) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Arma is a completely different game style

(01:19:04) | disconnecting: disconnect

(01:19:04) | [Oxide] 12:18 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Coonsquatch left the server. (Reason: Disconnected)

(01:19:12) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: Arma 3?

(01:19:16) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: Not really - we've played that guite a bit

(01:19:21) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Find a new place to play blitz... griefing isnt allowed here.

(01:19:22) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: CTU have any servers on there?

(01:19:26) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 6 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:19:36) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: disagreeing with you is griefing?

(01:19:39) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: When did we grief?

(01:19:45) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] BlitzKregel: i can't wait for the server rules to be finalized

(01:19:51) | [Oxide] 12:19 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Tossing all of NotSo's items on the ground is

(01:20:12) | [Oxide] 12:20 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: why? Is it not the smae as taking them all?

(01:20:17) | [Oxide] 12:20 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Not even close

(01:20:26) | [Oxide] 12:20 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Refreshed 2 containers (0 destroyed)

(01:20:27) | [Oxide] 12:20 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: no, you destroy what you cant have and that's wrong

(01:20:30) | [Oxide] 12:20 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: If you had taken them... then you planned on using them to your advantage....

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [Updater] Building Grades update check failed!

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [Updater] PlayersOnline update check failed!

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [Updater] ### Update check finished!

(01:21:51) | Rejecting connection - Steam Auth Timeout

(01:21:51) | kicked: Steam Auth Timeout

(01:21:51) | Steam gave us a k_EAuthSessionResponseOK ticket response for unconnected id 76561198056637543

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Updating internals ...

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There are 242 items and 168 blueprints in the game.

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: We are going to use 183 items and 129 blueprints of them.

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Base item rarity is 2 and base blueprint rarity is 2.

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: With a 11.0% chance that any drop is a blueprint we get:

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 41.722% chance to get one of 46 common items (w=8000, 368000/785000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 36.280% chance to get one of 80 uncommon items (w=4000, 320000/785000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 9.070% chance to get one of 40 rare items (w=2000, 80000/785000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 1.927% chance to get one of 17 very rare items (w=1000, 17000/785000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 3.795% chance to get one of 21 common blueprints (w=8000, 168000/487000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 5.331% chance to get one of 59 uncommon blueprints (w=4000, 236000/487000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 1.536% chance to get one of 34 rare blueprints (w=2000, 68000/487000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 0.339% chance to get one of 15 very rare blueprints (w=1000, 15000/487000).

(01:21:51) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Internals have been updated

(01:21:52) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:

(01:21:52) | server.description: "No server description has been provided."

(01:21:52) | server.url: ""

(01:21:52) | server.headerimage: ""

(01:21:54) | [Oxide] 12:21 AM [Warning] CallHook 'OnTick' on plugin 'RustIO v2.8.0' took average: 692ms

(01:22:39) | joined [windows/76561198174427559]

(01:22:40) | [Oxide] 12:22 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Atlas_x1 joined the server, from United States.

(01:23:05) | joined [windows/76561198056637543]

(01:23:05) | [Oxide] 12:23 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] SexyPotato joined the server, from United States.

(01:23:48) | joined [windows/76561198078987144]

(01:23:48) | [Oxide] 12:23 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] MrBeast joined the server, from United States.

(01:23:54) | joined [windows/76561198132408560]

(01:23:54) | [Oxide] 12:23 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted joined the server, from United States.

(01:23:55) | has auth level 2

(01:24:32) | [Oxide] 12:24 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: any reason for all the crashes today?

(01:24:33) | [Oxide] 12:24 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Grimmfang joined the server, from United States.

(01:24:33) | joined [windows/76561197986489599]

(01:24:43) | [Oxide] 12:24 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I've crashed like 3-4 times TODAY

(01:24:57) | [Oxide] 12:24 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [God] [CTU] Grimmfang: Yeah =(

(01:25:30) | [Oxide] 12:25 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [cd] (CD)NotSoWrong#Wanted: I got most of my good stuff, but they got or threw away my stone, all 60k of it :(

(01:34:33) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Updating internals ...

(01:34:33) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There are 242 items and 168 blueprints in the game.

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: We are going to use 183 items and 129 blueprints of them.

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Base item rarity is 2 and base blueprint rarity is 2.

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: With a 11.0% chance that any drop is a blueprint we get:

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 41.722% chance to get one of 46 common items (w=8000, 368000/785000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 36.280% chance to get one of 80 uncommon items (w=4000, 320000/785000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 9.070% chance to get one of 40 rare items (w=2000, 80000/785000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 1.927% chance to get one of 17 very rare items (w=1000, 17000/785000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 3.795% chance to get one of 21 common blueprints (w=8000, 168000/487000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 5.331% chance to get one of 59 uncommon blueprints (w=4000, 236000/487000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 1.536% chance to get one of 34 rare blueprints (w=2000, 68000/487000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: There is a 0.339% chance to get one of 15 very rare blueprints (w=1000, 15000/487000).

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] [BetterLoot] BetterLoot: Internals have been updated

(01:34:34) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:

(01:34:34) | server.description: "No server description has been provided."

(01:34:34) | server.url: ""

(01:34:34) | server.headerimage: ""

(01:34:37) | [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Warning] CallHook 'OnTick' on plugin 'RustIO v2.8.0' took average: 695ms

(01:35:11) | [Oxide] 12:35 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Grimmfang joined the server, from United States.

(01:35:11) | joined [windows/76561197986489599]

(01:36:28) | [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Pierre joined the server, from United States.

(01:36:28) | joined [windows/76561198015666174]

(01:40:00) | [Oxide] 12:39 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] Veczey joined the server, from Canada.

(01:40:00) | joined [windows/76561198055484015]

(01:40:26) | [Oxide] 12:40 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: yo

(01:40:35) | [Oxide] 12:40 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: heyas

(01:41:04) | [Oxide] 12:40 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: almost xmas :)

(01:41:11) | [Oxide] 12:41 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: it is here =)

(01:41:20) | [Oxide] 12:41 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: oh where you from?

(01:42:16) | [Oxide] 12:42 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: From michigan

(01:42:42) | [Oxide] 12:42 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: oh nice

(01:43:03) | [Oxide] 12:42 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: im from BC in canada so it's only 10:42 rn

(01:43:09) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: having fun Grimm?

(01:43:10) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: Ah gotcha

(01:43:21) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: what do you mean? I'm at my house

(01:43:24) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [BoxLooters] BoxLooters: Data saved!

(01:43:26) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: bull ****

(01:43:47) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: hope you don't have any items on you

(01:43:49) | [Oxide] 12:43 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: there are only 3 people on and you were shooting rockets before Vec came on

(01:44:06) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: im in my base

(01:44:14) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: what you restart the server hoping we'd get off for the night?

(01:44:21) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: so you could come raid?

(01:44:26) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: I can't restart the servers... but good guess

(01:44:31) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Warning] CallHook 'OnServerSave' on plugin 'EntityOwner v1.0.6' took: 554ms

(01:44:31) | Saved 45,071 ents, serialization(0.00), write(0.01), disk(0.00) totalstall(0.02).

(01:44:31) | Saving complete

(01:44:42) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: I am tired of you bull tho

(01:45:01) | [Oxide] 12:44 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: Lol what 'bull' is that?

(01:45:22) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.18.0] The game time is 10/3/2025 5:07:57 AM

(01:45:33) | [D5] Fedosenko[6029473/76561197991633474] was killed by bear.prefab (bear)

(01:45:39) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: Your general attitude =)

(01:45:39) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: I knew you raided my base last time

(01:45:50) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [SWAG] Veczey: #heat

(01:45:53) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: probably hoping we'd leave after our stuff was gone

(01:45:55) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: You have been weighed.....

(01:46:02) | [Oxide] 12:45 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: you have been measured......

(01:46:07) | [Oxide] 12:46 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: you have been found lacking.

(01:46:24) | [Oxide] 12:46 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: Making you gone was never a issue =)

(01:46:41) | [Oxide] 12:46 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [Player] [D5] Pierre: Because you'd rather harass us every chance

(01:47:05) | [Oxide] 12:47 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: Of course the raider doesn't think it's self inflicted.. he couldn't have possibly done anything

(01:47:27) | [Oxide] 12:47 AM [Info] [Better Chat] [CTU Admin] [CTU] Grimmfang: It was meant to slow you down.. make you re evalutae how you wanted to play here

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