Preparation of subgrade, stockpiled topsoil 600
Preservative 453, 665, 796, 797
Pressure treated guardrail, posts, braces, block 453, 785
Pressure, pneumatically placed mortar 405
Prestressed concrete bridge members
Concrete 387
Construction methods 386
Materials 385
Transportation, storage and erection 390
Price adjustments, concrete pavement deficiency 179
Prime coat
Aggregate 198
Bituminous material 198
Equipment 198
Preparation of surface 198
Weather Limitations 198
Primer 53, 198, 336, 360, 364, 365, 373, 374, 646, 658, 679, 682, 772
Primer coat 336
Privy vaults removed 84
Processes, patented 31
Profile grinding, PCC pavement 179
Progress 44, 46, 51
Schedule and preconstruction conference 44
Unsatisfactory 51
Proof rolling 100
Proportioning 204, 206, 264, 270, 271, 272, 469
Proposal 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 29, 34, 35, 43, 81, 82, 84, 167, 430, 434, 449
Combination or conditional 14
Delivery of 13
Guaranty 13, 16
Interpretation of quantities 11
Irregular 12
Issuance of 11
Preparation of 12
Public opening 14
Consideration of 15
Prosecution and progress 43, 46
Protection and restoration of property 33
Protection of excavation, structure 287
Pruning for roadside cleanup 603
Pull box 518, 520, 541
Quick setting concrete mortar 146, 723, 725, 726
Radio Interference Filter 866
Radiographic inspection of weld 354
Railings 397, 398, 663, 790
Construction Methods, General 398
Materials 398
Railings for structures
Steel 398
Railroad, excavation near 287
Raised pavement markers 50
Adhesive 804
Layout 498
Random embankment material, definition of 88
Rebuilt guardrail 454
Reconditioning shoulders 491
Furnishing and compacting additional aggregate 492
Materials 491
Preparation 492
Prosecution 491
Recycled pavements and bases 155, 157
Recycled portland cement 88, 700
Reference monuments 447
Reflective sheeting, sign 827
Reflectors, barrier 521, 803
Reflectors, delineators 496, 803
Reinforced concrete elliptical culvert, pipe 741
Reinforced concrete pipe 430, 431, 432, 730
Reinforced concrete pipe, epoxy coated 430, 741
Reinforcing steel 142, 250, 295, 302, 315, 385, 398, 401, 403, 421, 427, 430, 448, 453, 456, 458, 501, 523, 777
Clearances 303
Epoxy coated 387
Placing 303
Sampling 303
Splicing 305
Epoxy coated 302, 411, 419, 445
Prestressing steel 385
Reinforcing steel, material
Epoxy coated 306
Rail steel bars 777
Steel wire fabric, welded 778
Relays, for traffic signal controllers 864
Release of prestressing strands 390
Removal of existing soil 600
Removal of falsework 300
Removal of pavement markings 581
Removal of rubbish, tree pruned 634
Removal of stakes and wrapping, tree 632
Removal of structures and obstructions 79
Reporting, investigating, and resolving motorist damage claims 38
Required quality control tests for asphalt 230
Requirement for contract bond 16
Resilient and flexible joints 755
Responsibility for damage claims and liability insurance 36
Restoration of surfaces opened by permit 32
Restrained joints, water main 568
Reuse of traffic signal equipment 549
Furnished 40
Use of materials found on the work 19
Rigid overhead sign support 537
Rigid pavement (see Pavement, concrete) 250, 273
Riprap 421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 604, 605
Haul 24
Haul 24
Road closed 474
Roads and pavement, temporary 488
Roads and pavements for maintaining traffic 490
Earthwork 488
Fences 488
Maintenance 489
Pavement 488
Roadside 9, 603, 613
Cleanup 603
Roadside cleanup
Cleaning 603
Disposal of refuse 603
Intensity of cleanup 603
Roadway 6, 9, 20, 25, 39, 310, 321, 507
Tolerances 96
Roadway Excavation and Embankment
General 90
Rock and shale excavation 91, 94
Rock channel protection 424
Rumble strips on shoulders
Construction of Type 2 Rumble Strips on Shoulders 493
Rustication 301
Safety, public convenience and 32
Sanitary Provisions 32
Sawing and sealing asphalt concrete pavement joints 199
Scalping 78, 80
School speed limit sign assembly 536, 538
Scope of payment 56
Scope of work 16
Screenings 692, 693, 699
Sealer 275, 325, 397, 651, 719
Hot applied, joint 719
Preformed elastomeric compression 720
Silicone, joint 792
Preformed elastomeric compression 395
Sealing joints, PCC 259
Sediment control 113
Seeding 114, 118, 607, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 644, 645
And mulching with erosion control netting 636
And renovating existing sod 638
Methods 621
Fertilizer 117, 602, 607, 609, 623, 625, 636, 644
Watering 622, 633
Seeding and mulching 607
Fertilizer 609
Innoculating bacteria 611
Repair seeding and mulching 623
Seed 610
Watering 622
Seeds 611, 612
Service branches, water mains 572
Service stop and service box 565, 903
Setting forms, PCC 252
Sewers and drains 430
Shale 89, 91, 93, 100, 101, 289, 290, 650, 695, 696, 698, 700, 706, 714, 718
Excavation 93
Shallow pipe underdrains 449
Sheet copper 395, 790
Sheet lead 395, 790
Sheet materials for concrete curing 719
Sheet piling left in place
Materials 291
Sheet piling, left in place 290
Sheeting 281, 286, 289, 290, 574, 575, 670, 671, 827
Excavation for structures 290
Traffic sign 524
Shoulders 91, 493
Rumble strips on 493
Sidewalk finish 322
Sidewalk, temporary 489
Sign 16, 487, 523, 524, 525, 527, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 538, 539, 540, 671, 830, 831
Contractor personnel requirements 541
Fabrication 524
Flasher assembly 536
Service 536
Sign flasher assembly 536
Sign lighting and electrical signs 535
Ballast 538
Changeable-message sign 536
Conduit 536
Disconnect switch 537
Electrical signs 538
Inspection 538
Internally illuminated sign 536
Materials 536
Mercury vapor luminaire 535
Photoelectric controls 538
Power service 548
Removal, storage or reerection 538
School speed limit sign assembly 831
Switch enclosure 536
Timer with enclosure 538
Sign service 536
Sign supports
Ground mounted 528
Overpass structure mounted 529, 530
Pole mounted 528
Signal supports 847
Signs wired 537
Signs, for work zone marking 476
Signs, traffic 523
Site conditions, differing 16
Slag, cement from 678
Slip form 315
Bridge railing 314
PCC pavement 252
Slope and channel protection 421
Concrete 423
Crushed aggregate 423
Dumped rock 424
Materials 421
Paved gutter 424
Slump 265, 310, 312
Portland cement concrete 315
Structural concrete 312
Smoothness, PCC pavement 259
Sod 625, 626, 627, 628, 635, 645
Sodding 625, 635
Preparation 626
Sod 627
Sodium chloride 776
Soil 4, 88, 93, 430, 566, 602, 607, 608, 609, 610, 623, 625, 641, 642, 689, 798
Definition of 88
Erosion control 113
For embankment 93
Lime modified 105
Renovating existing 602
Solid state digital type controller 846
Soundness of aggregate 689, 690
Source of supply and quality requirements 21
Span wire supports 529
Special provisions
Coordination with plans and specifications 21
Specifications 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21, 28, 29, 34, 52, 62, 89, 119, 120, 186, 279, 280, 281, 283, 285, 330, 346, 362, 435, 477, 684, 730, 742, 743, 751, 791, 792, 816, 817, 843, 849, 859, 861, 870, 881, 882
Conformity 21
Splicing, piling 297
Spreading and finishing flexible pavement 175
Spreading and shaping flexible pavement 201
Spreading and surface tolerances flexible pavement 178
Spreading equipment flexible pavement 173
Stabilized crushed aggregate 203
Stainless 398, 496, 523, 524, 541, 670, 825
Stainless steel, for signs and supports 825, 827, 828, 832, 844, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 863, 903
Static load test
Application of load 293
Expansion and contraction 394
Piles 297
Steel-wheeled rollers 173
Steel, material 785
Anchor base 546
Anchor bolts 527
Bars or mats 778
Bolts 348
Epoxy coated, welded wire fabric 779
Guardrail posts 453, 785
Poles and arms 523, 825
Prestressing 793
Stainless 825
Structural 343
Wire fabric, welded 778
Wire, cold drawn 778
Wire, deformed 778
Steps 81, 83, 86, 445, 458, 459, 460, 664, 794, 795
Manhole 445, 795
Stone aggregate 697
Stone curb 461
Stone, riprap for tree protection 604
Stop and crosswalk lines 580
Storage of materials 29
Structural 81, 265, 284, 358, 359, 380, 381, 382, 395, 396, 397, 398, 409, 410, 421, 422, 424, 425, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 442, 445, 447, 523, 566, 648, 654, 655, 656, 658, 662, 663, 665, 699, 700, 701, 756, 760, 766, 772, 786, 793, 796, 817, 822
steel 395, 398, 523
Tube and pipe 523, 524
Structural expansion and contraction joints 395
Structural joint sealers 395
Structural plate corrugated metal structures on footings 408
Structural plate, corrugated steel structure 431, 760
Structural steel 786
Anchor bolts 396
Arc welding electrodes and flux 787
Bearing devices 396
Bolts 788
Camber 344
Care of material 344
Castings 787, 789
Cellular polyvinyl chloride sponge 794
Cold rolled steel 787
Ductile iron castings 789
Elastomeric bearings 791
Fabrication 340
Fillers 346
Finish 345
Galvanized steel 786
Holes for bolts 347
Horizontally curved beams and girders 346
Joints and splices 346
Machine bolts 789
Material control 343
Nondestructive testing 354
Pin holes 346
Pins and rollers 346
Plates, web and flange 355
Prestressed 793
Sheet piling 787
Shipping and erection 357
Shop assembly 353
Shop drawings 342, 384
Shop painting 341
Stiffeners 345
Straightening and workmanship 344
Backfills 288
Concrete for 310
Drainage of 399
Drilled shafts 411
Dynamic loading 409
Falsework and forms 300
Painting 360
Pneumatically placed mortar 403
Railings 397
Removal of 81
Shop drawings 279
Steel 340
Timber 297
Traffic 284
Utilities 412
Waterproofing 325
Stud shear connectors 352
Stumps removed 79
Subbase, definition of 88
Subgrade 2, 3, 9, 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 134, 135, 137, 142, 143, 201, 250, 252, 798
Compaction 95
Construction 96
Drainage 91
Proof rolling 102
Soft 101
Subgrade Compaction and Proof Rolling
Compaction of the Subgrade 100
Suitable material 89
Superpave asphalt concrete 235
Asphalt Binder 237
Compaction 238
Quality Control 237
Type A Mix Design 235
Type B Mix Design 237
Superplasticizer for concrete 295
Supports 302, 306, 401, 507, 508, 523, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 660, 668, 673, 779, 804, 817, 847
Reinforcing steel 306
Traffic sign 823
Surface finish 320
Switch enclosure 850
Switches 864, 866, 867, 872
Switches for traffic signal controllers 864, 866
Symbol markings 580
Tack coat
Cover aggregate 197
Equipment 196
Cover Aggregate 196, 197, 198, 199
Tacking existing surfaces 197
Tandem roller 173
Tanks Removed 81, 84
Tapping saddle 565
Tapping saddle and corporation stop 903
Tapping sleeve, valve, and valve box 903
Taxes, licenses, permits 31
Temporary casing construction, drilled shafts 414
Temporary concrete barrier 755
Temporary dams 115
Temporary dike 115
Temporary material applications 28
Temporary preformed pavement markings 476
Temporary rock check dams 116
Temporary seeding and mulching 114
Temporary slope drains 114
Temporary soil erosion and sediment control 114
Temporary structure 285
Maintenance 285
Removal of 285
Terminal blocks, controller 867
Terminal buses, controller 868
Termination of contractor’s responsibility 75
Test methods for aggregate 689
Test reports
Railing 398
Structural drainage 399
Structural steel 284
Test specimens, concrete 311
Test, dynamic load, for piles 409
Test, static load for piles 291
Testing facilities, asphalt quality control 230
Testing plan 28
Testing, prequalification, traffic signal controllers 555
Testing, traffic signal
Cable insulation 550
Circuit continuity 550
Ground 550
Tests, samples, other specifications 28
Thermoplastic pavement marking 587
Threads for bolts and pins 353
Three-wheel roller 177
Through traffic 473, 475
Thrust block, water main 568
Tie bars 143, 255, 303
Tightening bolts 350
Timber 53, 294, 295, 297, 299, 398, 663, 665, 793, 796
Structural 793
Time based coordinator 859
Time extension 19
Time switches 866, 867
Timer with enclosure 536, 831
Tolerances on excavations and embankment 96
Topsoil 600, 601, 607, 610, 620, 625, 644
Material 601
Placing stockpiled 600
Preparation of subgrade 601
Stripping and lifting 600
Tracer tape, water main 568
Traffic 1, 4, 39, 62, 68, 81, 83, 87, 142, 144, 148, 202, 218, 220, 225, 226, 227, 228, 250, 259, 286, 318, 329, 333, 334, 460, 463, 464, 472, 473, 475, 476, 485, 486, 487, 490, 499, 540, 549, 552, 554, 557, 559, 563, 564, 582, 643, 644, 675, 817, 832, 834, 835, 840, 842, 843, 859, 870, 873, 881, 882, 884, 885, 886, 887, 891
Activated controller 859
Compacted surface 201
Control 473
Controller work pad 557
Island 460
Maintaining 472
Paint 590
Pavement marking 577, 579, 581, 591, 594, 596
Messenger wire 524, 541
NEMA TS-1 841, 846, 859, 862, 866, 889, 890
NEMA TS-2 841, 859, 862
Nonreflective sheeting 524
Pavement marking 580
Power service 518, 536, 542, 549
Reflective sheeting 496, 524, 850
Rigid overhead supports 529
Silk screen inks 524
Square posts 523
Stainless steel hardware 496, 524, 541
Transformer base 517
U-channel posts 523, 823
Traffic compacted surface, materials 201
Conditioning subgrade 201
Maintenance, weights and volumes 201
Traffic signal controllers 550, 554
Cabinets 556
Controllers 859
Convenience outlet and light 866
Coordination 556
Dial coordinators 886
Flasher 831
Ground bus bar 868
Lightning protection devices 872
Materials and equipment 554
NEMA TS-1 831, 846, 847, 859, 860, 862, 864, 865, 867, 868, 869, 884
NEMA TS-2 869
Preemption 870
Radio interference filter 866
Relays 865, 867, 871, 882
Solid state-digital type controller 884
Ventilating fan 864
Wiring 867, 871
Wiring harness 868
Traffic signal equipment 541
Cable support assemblies 547, 849
Conduit riser 547
Disconnect switch and enclosure 552
Down guy assemblies 547
Foundations 545
Loop detector pavement cutting 551
Loop detector unit 544, 846
Magnetometer detector unit 545
Magnetometer sensor probes 545
Pedestal 547, 849
Pedestrian pushbutton 544, 845
Pedestrian signal head 544, 843
Pedestrian signal lamps 834
Performance test 551
Power service 850
Removal of traffic signal installation 549
Short circuit test 550
Signal supports 546
Strain poles 546
Testing of 549
Vehicular signal lamps 834
Working drawing 542
Traffic signs and sign supports
Aluminum extrusions 524
Aluminum forgings 826
Aluminum welding rods 826
Barrier wall assembly 531
Beam supports 528
Clear coating 827
Covering of signs 531
Drive posts 528
Foundations 527
Glare shields 524
Hardware 828
Inspection 531
Materials 523
Pole caps 825
Reflective sheeting 827
Removal, storage or erection 531
Sheeting 524, 846
Sign erection 530
Sign identification 526
Sign storage 530
Silk screen inks 827
Square posts 824
Stainless steel hardware 825
Steel anchor bolts and nuts 824
U-channel posts 823
Working drawings 524
Transverse lines 579, 580, 581
Tree 80, 605, 606, 630, 631, 633, 634, 635, 645
Tree root aeration
Aggregate 606
Earth embankment 606
Tile 605
Wells 606
Trees 629
Protection, riprap for 604
Root aeration 605
Wells for 604
Tremie, for drilled shafts 417
Tubing, steel, square and rectangle 761
Type 2 waterproofing 793
Type B waterproofing 316
Ultrasonic testing of welds 356
Unacceptable and unauthorized work 23
Unacceptable materials 29
Unclassified excavation 286
Underdrains 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 655, 656, 757, 764, 798
Aggregate 451
Materials 448, 449
Outlets 451
Pipe 449
Underground storage tanks removed 84
Use of explosives 32, 120
Use of reclaimed pavement 88, 89, 168, 169, 228
Utilities 4, 22, 850
Contractor’s responsibility 40
Cooperation with 22
Structures, general 279
Valve box and service box, water main 573
Valves and equipment, water main 570
Vehicular signal head, conventional 543, 832
Vehicular signal head, optically programmed 544, 833
Vertical extension of expansion joints 394
Vibrators 250, 313
Vibratory roller 177, 243
Vines 631, 632, 645
Vitrified clay pipe 431, 432, 433, 754
Walks 81, 83, 458, 459
Bituminous 459
Concrete 458
Curb ramps 459
Walks and steps 459
Walls in cut, rip-rap tree protection 604
Walls, retaining, cellular 466
Washers 340, 348, 396, 662, 788, 790, 826
Waste areas, borrow and 25
Water for dust control 490
Water main
Fire hydrant 565
Water main and service branches
Blocking and wedging 568
Disinfection 569
Excavation 566
Fire hydrant 571
Materials 565
Meter, setting, stop, chamber 573, 903
Polyethylene, pipe, branches, fittings 901
Restrained joints 568
Testing, hydrostatic 569
Trench for dewatering, water main 567
Watering 607, 625, 628, 631, 633
Landscape 633
Sod 628
Waterproofing 325, 326, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 429, 440, 646, 663, 664, 679, 682, 683, 791, 793, 794
Asphalt primer 679, 682
Coal tar pitch 741
Materials 325
Preparation of surface 336
Type 2 338, 793
Type 3 338, 794
Type A 336
Type B 336
Type D 337
Way Excavation and Embankment
Restrictions On The Use Of Embankment Materials 89
Weather limitations 171
Weep holes 302
Welding 2, 5, 303, 340, 344, 345, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 383, 524, 654, 655, 658, 670, 787, 788, 822, 826
Bearing piles 296, 297
Magnetic particle inspection 356
Radiographic inspection 355
Structural steel 352
Wildlife seeding 614
Wire 2, 394, 455, 457, 529, 533, 534, 540, 543, 547, 552, 553, 659, 660, 661, 674, 778, 779, 780, 784, 804, 805, 813, 850, 852, 853, 855, 856, 857, 858, 866, 868, 872, 882
Barbed 780
Fence 780
Messenger 546
Rope rail 784
Wiring harness 846
Wiring of traffic controllers 867
Withdrawal of proposals 14
Wood pole 541
Words on pavement 580
Work zone markings, signs 477
Work, The
Contractor’s Responsibility for 39
Extra 19, 57
Inspection of 23
Scope of 17
Suspension of 17, 20
Working drawings, plans and 20
Working drawings, sign lighting 536
Wound dressing, tree 634
Woven wire fence 456, 780