1. Physical Requirements.
a. Total solids, % by weight of paint, ASTM D 2369. 70 percent minimum.
b. Pigment, % by weight of total solids, ASTM D 2371. 83 percent minimum.
c. Total zinc dust, % by weight of pigment. ASTM D 521. 93 percent minimum.
d. Total zinc, % by weight of total solids (by calculation) ASTM D 521. 77 percent minimum.
e. Total solids, % by volume, ASTM D 2697. 45 percent minimum.
f. Color. Greenish gray, approximating FS-595B-34159, visual comparison.
g. Pot life. SSPC-Paint 22, Section 5.5 with the following exception: 6 hours minimum at 77+/-3 F (25+/-2 C) with no evidence of gellation. The coating will be in a free-flowing condition and easily sprayed.
2. Qualitative Requirements.
a. Mixing. Section 5.2, SSPC-Paint 20 using only a high shear (Jiffy) mixer.
b. Storage Life. Section 5.4, SSPC-Paint 20.
c. Mudcracking. Section 5.7, SSPC-Paint 20.
3. Material Quality Assurance. Analysis for each component.
Material Quality Assurance will conform to the requirements of Supplement 1084.
C. Epoxy Intermediate Coat. Provide a two-part epoxy intermediate coat composed of a base component and a curing agent suitable for application over the epoxy-polyamide zinc rich primer.
The base component shall contain an epoxy resin together with color pigments, mineral fillers, gellant, leveling agent, and volatile solvents. The curing agent component will contain a liquid polyamide resin and volatile solvent. The coating shall also meet the following:
1. Physical Requirements.
a. Color. White, meeting or exceeding, FS-595B-37875 as per ASTM E 1347.
b. Components. Two, mixed before application.
c. Volume solids, ASTM D 2697. 50 percent minimum.
d. Pot life. SSPC-Paint 22, Section 5.5 with the following exception: 6 hours minimum at 77+/-3 F (25+/-2 C) with no evidence of gellation. The coating shall be in a free-flowing condition and easily sprayed
e. Curing time.
(1) Set-to-touch, ASTM D 1640. 4 hours, maximum at 77 F (25 C).
(2) Dry-to-recoat, ASTM D 1640. 24 hours, maximum at 77 F (25 C).
(3) Full cure. 7 days, maximum at 50 F (10 C).
No pick-up when rubbed with a cloth soaked in Methyl Ethyl Ketone.
f. Fineness of grind, ASTM D 1210. Hegman 3 minimum.
g. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), maximum, ASTM D 3960. 3.5 lb/gal (0.419 g/mL), as applied.
2. Material Quality Assurance. Material Quality Assurance will conform to the requirements of Supplement 1084.
D. Urethane Finish Coat. Provide a two-component urethane finish coat composed of a polyester and/or acrylic aliphatic urethane and suitable for use as a finish coat over the white epoxy polyamide intermediate coat. The coating shall also meet the following:
1. Physical Requirements.
a. Finish, Specular gloss, ASTM D 523. Use Fed Std 595B-16440 Gray: 70 % minimum after 3000 hours weathering resistance. Color change less than 2.0 ΔE*, (C.I.E 1976 L*a*b*) ASTM D2244.
b. Volume solids, ASTM D 2697. 42 percent minimum.
c. Curing time, at 77 F (25 C) and 50% RH. Set-to-touch, ASTM D 1640: 30 minutes, minimum; 4 hours, maximum.
d. Pot life. SSPC-Paint 22, Section 5.5 with the following exception: 4 hours minimum at 77+/-3 F (25+/-2 C) with no evidence of gellation. The coating shall be in a free-flowing condition and easily sprayed
e. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), maximum, ASTM D 3960. 3.5 lb/gal (0.419 g/mL), as applied.
f. Colors.
(1) Specified.[2]
(2) Elective. As specified on the plans.
g. Gloss requirements, ASTM D 523.
Full gloss
minimum 80% unless specified on the plans
30 to 45%
Lusterless (Matte)
maximum 6%
2. Material Quality Assurance.
Material Quality Assurance will conform to the requirements of Supplement 1084.
Performance Requirements. Test the coating system, which consists of the organic zinc prime coat, the epoxy intermediate coat, and the urethane topcoat, prior to use.
Prepare three panels for each of the specified tests according to ASTM D 609, except provide a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch (3 mm) and use ASTM A 36/A 36M hot rolled steel. Blast clean (using coal slag abrasive) the surface to equal, as nearly as is practical, the standard Sa 2 1/2 of ASTM D 2200 (Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-SP10 meets this requirement). Ensure that the surface has a nominal height of profile of 1 to 3.5 mils (25 to 88 m) verified by using appropriate replica tape. Coat and cure the panels according to the manufacturer’s printed instructions. Provide a dry film coating thickness for the system to be tested as follows:
Organic Zinc:
3.0 to 5.0 mils (75 to 125 m)
5.0 to 7.0 mils (125 to 175 m)
2.0 to 4.0 mils (50 to 100 m)
The coating system shall pass each of the following tests:
A. Fresh Water Resistance Test (ASTM D 870). Scribe the panels according to ASTM D 1654 to the depth of the base metal in the form of an “X” having at least 2-inch (50 mm) legs, and immerse panels in fresh tap water at 75 5 F (25 3 C). After 30 days of immersion, examine the panels to verify that they show no rusting and that the coating shows no blistering, softening, or discoloration. Rate blistering according to ASTM D 714.
B. Salt Water Resistance Test (ASTM D 870). Scribe the panels as specified in “A” above, and immersed panels in a water solution of 5 percent sodium chloride at 75 5 F (25 3 C). After 7, 14, and 30 days of immersion, examine the panels to verify that they show no rusting and that the coating shows no blistering or softening. Rate blistering according to ASTM D 714. Replace the sodium chloride solution with a fresh solution after examination at 7 and 14 days.
C. Weathering Resistance Test. Test the panels according ASTM D 4587, Method D, using Ultra Violet A 340 bulbs. Place the panels on test at the beginning of a wet cycle. After 3000 hours of continuous exposure, examine the panels to verify that they show no rusting and that the coating shows no blistering or loss of adhesion. Perform the 60 degree specular gloss measurements on the sprayed panels utilized for this test. Average the three initial measurements (one per panel) together. Also, average the three final measurements together.
D. Salt Fog Resistance Test. Scribe the panels as specified in “A” above, and test them according to ASTM B 117. After 3000 hours of continuous exposure, examine the coating to verify that it shows no loss of bond and that it shows no rusting or blistering beyond 1/16 inch (2 mm) from the center of the scribe mark. Rate blistering according to ASTM D 714.
E. Adhesion Test, ASTM D 4541 Type IV. Test the panels according to the following:
1. Lightly sand the coating surface and aluminum dolly, and apply a quick set adhesive.
2. Allow adhesive to cure overnight.
3. Scribe the coating and adhesive around the dolly before testing.
4. Make a minimum of 4 trials to failure, and report the 4 trials. Ensure that each trial is greater than 400 pounds per square inch (2.8 MPa). Reject trial if fracture at the primer-blast interface occurs.
Prequalification. Before approval, submit copies of the manufacturer’s certified test data showing that the coating system complies with the performance requirements of this specification to the Laboratory Ensure that the certified test data also states the following physical properties for each coating: Density, pounds per gallon (g/mL); Solids, percent by weight; Solids, percent by volume; Viscosity; Drying time; and VOC content, pounds per gallon (g/mL).
Use an independent testing laboratory, approved by the Laboratory, to develop the test data. Include with the test data the brand name of the paint, name of manufacturer, number of lots tested, and date of manufacture.
Once the Director approves the coating, the Department will not require further performance testing by the manufacturer unless the formulation or manufacturing process has been changed, in which case the Department will require new certified test results.
Sampling. The Laboratory will establish acceptance variances.
Furnish materials certified according to S 1084 and listed on the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL).
709.00 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel. Provide epoxy coated reinforcing steel according to ASTM A 775/A 775M, with the following modifications:
5.1 Ensure that steel reinforcing bars to be coated conform to 709.01, 709.03, or 709.05, and are free of oil, grease, or paint.
5.2 Ensure that the coating material meets the requirements listed in Annex A1 and is a color that facilitates inspection of the installed bar. The color is subject to approval of the Director.
5.3 Sample required.
8.3.1 Evaluate the adhesion of the coating by bending production coated bars around a mandrel of specified size according to the bending tables in ASTM A 615 (ASTM A 615M) or ASTM A 996 (ASTM A 996M) as applicable. Perform the bend test for adhesion of the coating at a uniform rate, and ensure that it takes up to 90 seconds to complete. Place the two longitudinal deformations in a plane perpendicular to the mandrel radius, and ensure that the test specimens are at thermal equilibrium between 68 and 86 F (20 and 30 C).
12.1 Perform tests, inspection, and sampling at a site specified by the Director. Sampling for testing requires three 30-inch (1 m) samples for each bar size, for each coating lot, and for each heat of steel reinforcing bars.
14.1 Report of test results required.
Where reinforcing bar cages for prestressed concrete beams are fabricated by tack welding, patch the areas damaged by the tack welding according to ASTM A 775, Section 11, permissible Amount of Damaged Coating and Repair of Damaged Coating.
709.01 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide deformed and plain billet steel bars for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 615 (ASTM A 615M), with the following modification:
13.1 Where positive identification of a heat can be made, perform one tension test and one bend test from each bar designation number of each heat in the Lot. Where identification of the heat is not practical, perform one tension test and one bend test for each bar designation number in each lot of 10 tons (10 metric tons) or fraction thereof.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.03 Rail Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide rail steel deformed and plain bars for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 996/A 996M.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.05 Axle Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide axle steel deformed and plain bars for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 996/A 996M.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.08 Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide cold drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 82, with the following modification:
7.2 Completely cover galvanized wire with a coating of pure zinc of uniform thickness, so applied that it will adhere firmly to the surface of the wire. Ensure that the minimum weight of zinc coating is 0.8 ounces per square foot (244 g/m2) of surface as determined by ASTM A 90.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.09 Fabricated Steel Bar or Rod Mats for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide fabricated steel bar or rod mats for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 184/A 184M, with the following modifications:
4 Use deformed bars.
4.1 Provide longitudinal bars conforming to Grade 60 of 709.01, 709.03, or 709.05.
4.2 Provide longitudinal bars according to 709.01, Grade 60. Provide transverse bars according to 709.01.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.10 Welded Steel Wire Fabric For Concrete Reinforcement. Provide welded steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 185.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.11 Deformed Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide deformed steel wire for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 496.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.12 Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. Provide welded deformed steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement according to ASTM A 497.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.13 Coated Dowel Bars. Provide coated dowel bars according to AASHTO M 254, with the following modifications:
4.1 The core material will consist of steel according to 709.01, 709.03, or 709.05.
5.2 Is waived. Ensure that the coating thickness is as approved under 2.5 and is within the manufacturer’s stated tolerance.
Coat all surfaces of dowel bars. Suitably re-coat ends of dowel bars that have been cut to length after coating or have not had the uncoated ends coated during manufacturing or fabrication. Prepare surface and patch uncoated bar ends with material equivalent to the original epoxy coating.
If the Contractor elects to use basket supports for positioning of the above dowel bars as specified in 451.08.B or as shown on the plans, provide a fusion-bonded epoxy coated basket dowel bar assembly. Repair uncoated areas with surface preparation and patching material equivalent to the original epoxy coating.
Suitably repair coating on the dowel bars or baskets damaged during installation.
Do not expose coated dowels to weather or sunlight for a period exceeding 180 days.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.14 Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire Fabric for Reinforcement. Provide epoxy coated steel wire and welded wire fabric for reinforcement according to ASTM A 884, with the following modifications:
5.1 Ensure that plain or deformed steel wire or welded wire fabric to be coated conform to 709.08, 709.10, 709.11, or 709.12, and is free of oil, grease, or paint.
8.1 Ensure that the coating thickness conforms to Type A. Provide dry film thickness of 5 to 12 mils (0.13 to 0.31 mm).
8.4 Test coated steel wire or welded wire fabric at the manufacturer’s plant before shipment or at other sites as designated by the Laboratory.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
709.15 Plastic Supports for Reinforcing Steel. Conform to Supplement 1125.
709.16 Galvanized Reinforcing Steel Option for Bridge Structure Spirals. As an option to 709.00 provide galvanized reinforcing steel for the spiral bars only in round column and drilled shaft reinforcing steel cages. Galvanized steel will conform to ASTM A767, Class 1. The galvanized coated reinforcing steel will meet all other requirements of 509.
The galvanized coating will be applied after the reinforcing has been fabricated. If the galvanized surface becomes damaged during handling in the field, repairs will conform to ASTM A780.
Where a sample is requested, provide a replacement splice conforming to the lap length requirements for epoxy coated reinforcing.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1068.
710.01 Barbed Wire. Furnish barbed wire according to ASTM A 121, Type Z, Class 3 Galvanizing, or ASTM A 585, Type I, with the following modifications:
A. ASTM A 121, Type Z, Class 3.
6.3.1 Ensure that the weight of coating for various gages of wire composing the strands and barbs are not less than 0.80 ounces per square foot (244 g/m2) of surface.
7.1 Furnish No. 12 1/2, 13 1/2 or 15 1/2 steel wire gage barbed wire. Ensure that the barbs are four point round steel wire spaced 5 inches (130 mm) center-to-center.
9.1 Select one sample, as per Section 9.2, from each 50 spools or fraction thereof.
11.1 Perform inspection at the project site.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1067.
B. ASTM A 585, Type I.
12.3 Does not apply.
14.1 Perform inspection at the project site.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1067.
710.02 Woven Steel Wire Fence, Type 47. Furnish woven steel wire fence according to ASTM A 116, Type Z, Class 3 galvanizing, with the following modifications:
7.1 Ensure that the fence fabric is design number 1047-6.9.
11.1 Perform inspection at the project site.
In addition, ensure that all hardware and attachments are galvanized according to 711.02.
Furnish certified material according to Supplement 1067.
710.03 Chain-Link Fence. Furnish chain-link fence according to AASHTO M 181, with the following modifications:
3.1 Furnish posts, gate frames, post braces, and top rails made of Type I or Type III material. Furnish Type I material conforming to the requirements of Table 710.03-1. Furnish Type III material conforming to the requirements of Table 710.03-2.
Furnish top rails in lengths not less than 18 feet (5.5 m).
Fasten the fabric to the posts using either aluminum alloy or galvanized steel bands or wires. Furnish wires that have a 0.148-inch (3.7 mm) minimum diameter and a zinc coating or steel fasteners that are not less than 0.8 ounces per square foot (244 g/m2).
Furnish stretcher bars that have a 3/4 3/16-inch (19 5 mm) cross-section or an equivalent cross-section with a length equal to full height of fabric.
Furnish steel truss rods that have a steel 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) diameter or equivalent cross-section and that have suitable adjustment.
Usage –
fence height
6 ft or less
Diameter or
Line posts
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
2.250 1.700
2.250 1.700
End, corner pull posts
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
3.500 3.500
Gate Posts, for nominal width of gate (single or one leaf of Double):
Up to 6 ft incl.
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
3.500 3.500
Over 6 to 13 ft incl.
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
Over 13 to 18 feet incl.
Grade 1 Pipe
Over 18 feet
Gate frames
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
Top rails,[1] post braces
Grade 1 Pipe
Grade 2 Pipe
1.500 1.310
1.6250 1.250
Round tubing
[1] When tension wire is specified, it will be of 0.177 in diameter.
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