1992 mayis kpds sorulari

Roger: Yes, do. You’ll enjoy it

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Roger: Yes, do. You’ll enjoy it.

  1. Not bad at all. But it’s been quite severely criticised in some quarters.

  2. Well worth a visit. In fact I want to go back and look around again at leisure.

  3. Excellent. In fact I even bought two pictures.

  4. Rather disappointing. I’d been warned, but didn’t take those warnings seriously.

  5. There’s some good work on view. Pat’s going again tomorrow.

80. Mrs. Marlowe: Did you get a chance to see that house out at Richmond?

Mr. Marlowe: Yes. It’s light and spacious. Just what we are looking for. But it’s in really bad condition.

Mrs. Marlowe: ____

Mr. Marlowe: Yes. But the cost would be too expensive.

  1. Well, can’t we get it repaired and done up?

  2. Are there no good points?

  3. Won’t they bring the price down?

  4. Is the garden a sizeable one?

  5. Then I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.

81. Andy: What’s your programme for the weekend?

Barbara: ____

Andy: Really? But you never go to the cinema!

Barbara: I know. But this film seems to be one that everyone must see.

  1. I don’t know. But I’d rather like to see a show.

  2. All I’ve fixed so far is to go shopping with Jane.

  3. I’ve not really fixed anything yet. But sometime I’m determined to see that film at the capital.

  4. I don’t mind. Perhaps we could go and visit my parents.

  5. It doesn’t matter so long as I get a chance to relax.

82. Son: Sales are at an all-time-high at present, so surely we can relax a little now.

Father: ____

Son: Which means that whether sales are good or bad we just keep on working.

Father: Right. That’s exactly what I mean.

  1. Sales never stay constant. They always go up or down.

  2. I reckon it’s my turn to relax, not yours.

  3. Yes, take a day or two off if you want to.

  4. Certainly not. Now we work all to keep them there.

  5. It’s up to you. Do you think we can afford to relax?

83-85 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Certain features of the motorway undoubtedly ease the strain of driving. Gradients and bends are so controlled as to obviate the necessity of sharp braking and the absence of traffic approaching from the other direction removes one of the commonest sources of accidents. Many dangers remain, however, made more terrible by the high speeds of vehicles. A collision at seventy miles an hour is almost inevitably in its results. A mechanical defect in the car or a puncture can lead to loss of control and catastrophe. The car should be completely roadworthy and tyre pressures and treads need to be checked at regular intervals.
83. The passage emphasises ____ .

  1. that uneven tyre pressures and poor treads are the major cause of accidents

  2. The fact that speed limits on motorways should be reviewed

  3. The high incidence of accidents on motorways in comparison with other roads

  4. Both the advantage and the disadvantages of motorway

  5. The fact that basically motorways are no different from other roads, only wider

84. As is pointed out in the passage, the design of motorways is such that ____ .

  1. it should never be necessary to brake suddenly

  2. catastrophes can always be averted so long as the car has no mechanical defect

  3. a collision at seventy miles an hour is rarely fatal

  4. the dangers of driving are minimised but not the strain

  5. it is difficult to estimate whether a vehicle really is roadworthy

85. One can understand from the passage that the majority of motorway accidents are catastrophic ____ .

  1. as they involve head on collisions

  2. because they occur at high speeds

  3. as brake defects are the cause

  4. since they occur on gradients or bends

  5. since the motorways themselves are not adequately policed and controlled

86-88 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The Antarctic is the most remote continent in the world and the last to be discovered, but nevertheless constitutes about one tenth of the world’s land surface. So far it has escaped the worst of man’s destructive ingenuity but today it is threatened by man’s insatiable appetite for natural resources, and seems to be in danger of losing its pristine environment which serves as the perfect natural laboratory for scientists to pursue knowledge for its own sake.

85. The human qualities that are dwelt upon in this passage are mainly man’s ____ .

  1. concern for the environment and his determination to protect it

  2. devotion to knowledge and scientific experiment

  3. concern for the underprivileged and his desire to open up new areas of natural resources for them

  4. respect for man and the whole created world

  5. greed and the reckless way he spoils the world

87. We can understand from the passage that the Antarctic ____ .

  1. is at present virtually unspoiled

  2. is a very small and quite useless continent

  3. has noting to offer in the way of natural resources

  4. has suffered greatly from natural sources of destruction

  5. has a climate so incompatible to man that it is safe from man

88. One can understand from the passage that the writer ____ .

  1. greatly admires man’s persistent search for fresh natural resources

  2. looks forward to the time when the world will benefit from the rich natural resources of the Antarctic

  3. is opposed to all scientific projects concerning the Antarctic

  4. does not want to see the exploitation of the Antarctic by man

  5. is rather scornful of those who pursue knowledge for its own sake

89-91 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Inflation is process of steadily rising prices, resulting in a diminishing of the purchasing power of a given nominal sum of money. In other words, you can buy fewer goods for 1 pound in December than you could in January of the same year. One type of inflation is known as demand-pull inflation. This occurs under conditions of full employment, when demand exceeds supply of goods; that is to say, when people want to buy more goods than are available. The process of demand-pull inflation operates as follows. An increased demand for goods leads to an increased demand for labour, resulting in higher wages and salaries. This has the effect of increasing costs of production and thus causes increased prices. However, as wages and salaries are higher, the increased demand for goods continues, and so the cycle goes on.
89. When there is inflation the purchasing power of any given amount of money ____ .

  1. remains unchanged throughout a calendar year

  2. starts to increase at a steady rate

  3. gradually becomes less and less

  4. has to be readjusted at the end of each fiscal year

  5. is completely unpredictable from month to month

90. As is pointed out in the passage, the condition of “demand-pull inflation” ____ .

  1. has a positive effect on production efficiency

  2. occurs when there are plenty of goods but few buyers

  3. invariably leads to a state of unemployment

  4. can only be checked by devaluation

  5. is to be found when there are plenty of would-be buyers, but not enough goods on sale

91. The writer points out that, with demand-pull inflation there is an unending cycle of ____ .

  1. full employment and stabilized salaries

  2. higher wages and more expensive goods

  3. overproduction and falling prices

  4. higher wages but falling sales

  5. increased prices but better quality goods

92-94 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

In the business world today, many companies are showing less interest in the theoretical potential of their staff and more in what they are actually doing at the time. As an alternative or supplement to judging academic credentials, many firms have developed “assessment-centres” in which employees handle simulated business problems, in a setting as close to real life as possible, to demonstrate their competence or indicate the need for training. Candidates for administrative jobs, for example, might work their way through a sample in-box. Bosses find those promoted because of their assessment-centre scores to be competent and the candidates feel the system is fair. In fact, the systems can be working well and giving satisfaction.

92. According to the passage, the trend in business today ____ .

  1. is to put less and less emphasis on academic qualifications

  2. remains roughly what it was at an earlier date

  3. is to make all employees try their hand at administrative work

  4. is to promote those who have theoretical knowledge though lacking in technical background

  5. is to keep moving employees round from one job to another

93. We can understand from the passage that candidates who get poor assessment-centre scores ____ .

  1. are, in the majority of cases, without much theoretical potential

  2. invariably lose their jobs

  3. will never again be considered for promotion

  4. are turned down as incompetent

  5. will probably be offered further training programmes

94. It is clear from the passage that the system of promotion on the basis of assessment-centre scores ____

  1. is proving unsatisfactory as too much emphasis is placed upon theoretical knowledge

  2. it is starting to make for bad relations between management and worker

  3. is proving satisfactory to employer and employee alike

  4. is to be discontinued as it only tests a candidate’s ability to get through an in-box at speed

  5. generally applies only to candidates with an exceptionally good academic background

95-97 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

In Eminent Victorians Lytton Strachey portrays four dominating personalities of the nineteenth century. He is, noticeably, free of undue reverence for the great; indeed his satirical view of life enables him to discover in them many flaws which were discreetly overlooked by previous historians. Perhaps his portrayal of General Gordon is the most controversial of all. Certainly he was a gifted and gallant soldier, but was he also an unbalanced mystic and a self opinionated eccentric? His portrait of Dr Arnold is also disturbing. Was he a wise and foreseeing educationalist and headmaster or try sternly imposing his will on the students in care? The questions thus raised are intensely provocative and make reading stimulating.
95. From the passage we understand that as a biographer, Lytton Strachey was remarkable in his time for ____ .

  1. avoiding all subjects of a controversial nature

  2. writing biographies not of the great but of little known people

  3. concentrating his attention on the bad, even vicious people of his age

  4. not giving an idealised picture of the great

  5. conforming to the established norms and attitudes of his society

96. According to the passage, the biographies of Lytton Strachey are of a kind that ____ .

  1. unduly emphasise the faults and weaknesses of the person portrayed

  2. leave the reader stimulated and in doubt as to the essential nature of the person portrayed

  3. trick the reader into disliking the person portrayed

  4. give the reader a great deal of unsupported gossip

  5. the intelligent reader would do well to ignore

97. The main point of the passage is to ____ .

  1. bring to our notice how unreliable Lytton Strachey is as a biographer

  2. explain why so many people have been disappointed by Lytton Strachey’s biographies

  3. defend Strachey’s view of Victorian attitudes

  4. compare and contrast Strachey’s portrayal of General Gordon with that of Dr Arnold

  5. give an idea of the content, character and approach of the book Eminent Victorians

98-100 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

If the key to good nutrition is consuming a variety of foods, then vegetables can truly stand as the cornerstone of a health diet. Of all foods, they offer the most diversity. There are literally hundreds of varieties available to us, and because of careful plant breeding, today’s vegetable harvest is continually being expanded and improved. In addition, vegetables are replete with nutrients. They supply nearly all of the vitamins and minerals required for good health, many of them – especially starchy vegetables like potatoes and winter squash - contain complex carbohydrates, which furnish us with energy. Most also provide dietary fiber, and a few, such as lima beans and potatoes, can contribute significantly to our protein intake. At the same time, vegetables contain no cholesterol, have little or no fat, and are low in calories. In nutritional parlance, vegetables are “nutrient dense” – that is, their store of nutrients is relatively high for the number of calories they supply.

98. It is emphasised in the passage that vegetables ____ .

  1. provide us with vitamins and minerals but not carbohydrates or proteins

  2. are a pleasant but unessential part of most people's diet

  3. are highly nutritious and at the same time low in calories

  4. have a surprisingly high calorie content

  5. cannot take the place of meat in our diet

99. The author points out that the kinds of vegetable at our disposal ____ .

  1. are constantly increasing as new kinds are frequently being bred

  2. are deceptive as the nutrient content is invariably the same

  3. are unfortunately inadequate in most parts of the world

  4. are not sufficient to keep anyone in really good health

  5. have a dangerously high cholesterol content

100. We can understand from the passage that ____ .

  1. vegetables must be eaten in conjunction with foods rich in fats and minerals

  2. only a limited range of vitamins are to be found in vegetables

  3. potatoes are among the least valuable of the vegetables

  4. the starchy vegetables are a good source of energy

  5. only a small fraction of the nutrients we need for health can be derived from vegetables

1-24 sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. As a result of continuing economic recession, a huge _____ in the budget seems inevitable.

  1. redundancy

  2. improvement

  3. profit

  4. distinction

  5. deficit

2. The recent economic figures _____ that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis.

  1. commit

  2. imply

  3. incur

  4. evolve

  5. invoke

3. When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt _____ to call a meeting of the financial staff.

  1. obliged

  2. blamed

  3. consumed

  4. omitted

  5. rewarded

4. As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not _____ enough to convict the man.

  1. subsequent

  2. conclusive

  3. adamant

  4. earnest

  5. consecutive

5. He devised an _____ scheme whereby the rate of unemployment in the country could be brought down sharply.

  1. irrelevant

  2. unstable

  3. ingenious

  4. untamed

  5. illegible

6. I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, _____ when it came to summing up the case.

  1. particularly

  2. completely

  3. sufficiently

  4. effectively

  5. respectively

7. As soon as the leak in the boiler was noticed, one of the engineers was naturally _____ .

  1. taken after

  2. run down

  3. made out

  4. sent for

  5. turned up

8. At the board meeting, his suggestion was _____ as it seemed politically controversial.

  1. put out

  2. taken out

  3. held in

  4. burst into

  5. cast aside

9. When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help _____ who could do nothing for _____ .

  1. that / himself

  2. them / their

  3. those / themselves

  4. these / ourselves

  5. us / yourself

10. The very idea of establishing a literary ‘canon’ has become _____ controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term.

  1. too

  2. as

  3. such

  4. so

  5. more

11. They haven’t met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to _____ at a regular interval.

  1. the other

  2. each other

  3. themselves

  4. the others

  5. one other

12. It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact _____ I think about it, _____ I regret it.

  1. as much / so much more

  2. the more / as much

  3. much / as much

  4. the most / so much

  5. the more / the more

13. The scheme has been _____ consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put _____ effect.

  1. under / into

  2. within / through

  3. for / to

  4. in / off

  5. over / ever

14. It was _____ his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks _____ the principles of economic cooperation.

  1. by / through

  2. ever / for

  3. through / on

  4. with / at

  5. without / from

15. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year _____ he had predicted.

  1. such as

  2. even so

  3. in case

  4. just as

  5. so far as

16. Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the operation _____ he was the most senior of the officers available.

  1. whyever

  2. whether

  3. even though

  4. whenever

  5. so that

17. Why can’t you admit that _____ hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved?

  1. unless

  2. whatsoever

  3. though

  4. whenever

  5. however

18. Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate _____ they had known in advance who the principal speakers were.

  1. if only

  2. while

  3. since

  4. after

  5. until

19. Our delegates hadn’t shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries _____

  1. would be, too.

  2. wouldn’t have, either.

  3. had not, either.

  4. have had, too.

  5. would have, too.

20. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations _____ by a growing number of countries.

  1. will have been questioned

  2. was questioned

  3. had been questioned

  4. would be questioned

  5. has been questioned

21. It seems likely that, by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge _____ by the Ministry.

  1. would have been announced

  2. would be announced

  3. are being announced

  4. will have been announced

  5. have been announced

22. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they _____ so.

  1. had not done

  2. have not done

  3. would not do

  4. would not have done

  5. never do

23. Had they apologised for deliberately overcharging me, I _____ a complaint with the Consumers’ rights Office.

  1. will not have filed

  2. may not have filed

  3. would not have filed

  4. was not filing

  5. may not file

24. We _____ no problems whatsoever with the dam since it _____ forty years ago.

  1. had / has been constructed

  2. have had / was constructed

  3. had had / had been constructed

  4. are having / is constructed

  5. were having / was being constructed

25-34 sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

25. To protect its own fisheries, Canada has taken a tougher line with foreign vessels fishing its coasts.

  1. Kanada, kendi balıkçılığını geliştirebilmek için, kıyılarında avlanan yabancı teknelere karşı önlemlerini artırmıştır.

  2. Kanada, kendi balıkçılık bölgelerini kurtarmak amacıyla, kıyılarında avlanan yabancı teknelere karşı sert bir mücadeleye girmiştir.

  3. Kanada, kendi balıkçılığını güçlendirmek için, kıyılarına yaklaşan yabancı balıkçı teknelerine karşı sert önlemler almıştır.

  4. Kanada, kendi balık alanlarını korumak için, kıyılarında balık avlayan yabancı teknelere karşı daha sert bir tavır almıştır.

  5. Kanada, kendi balık alanlarını iyileştirmek amacıyla, sert önlemler alarak kıyılarında yabancı teknelerin avlanmasını engellemiştir.

26. In his statement, he did not conceal the fact that Serbia’s hard-line attitude had led to the breakdown of the talks.

  1. Demecinde, Sırbistan’ın katı tutumunun görüşmelerin kesilmesine yol açtığı gerçeğini saklamadı.

  2. Yaptığı açıklamada, görüşmelerin kesilmesinde Sırbistan’ın uzlaşmaz tutumunun etkili olduğu gerçeğini saklamadı.

  3. Konuşmasında, Sırbistan’ın olumsuz tavrı sonucu görüşmelerin kesildiği gerçeğini belirtmekten sakınmadı.

  4. Görüşmelerin kesilmesine, Sırbistan’ın uzlaşmaz tavrının neden olduğu gerçeğini belirtmekten çekinmedi.

  5. Sırbistan’ın katı tutumu nedeniyle görüşmelerin kesildiğini açıkça belirtmekten çekinmedi.

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