The Behavıor Of Waste Water Tunnel Structures Under Eartquake Effects And A Sample Investıgatıon
The massive wreckages and affects occurring during earthquakes may have secondary results such as epidemics and fires. Especially the damage on waste water tunnel structures is a reason for these secondary affects. Therefore the behavior under earthquake influence of structures of waste water tunnels need special care while planning.
During earthquakes, certain damage on waste water tunnel structures are clearly seen because of the temporary or permanent displacement occurring. These displacements may happen because of such reasons as wave spreading, being close to fault line, landslide and liquefaction. Besides these reasons, corrosion at regions of joining materials is another reason why so much damage is seen.
When American and Japanese regulations and reports of earthquakes are analyzed, deformation occurring at tunnel structure under seismic effects are related to the depth of the main rock, natural period of surface layer, sliding wave surface velocity, wave length of seismic motion and the depth of the immersed rock.
In this study, the behavior of waste water tunnel structures under earthquake influence is analyzed. Permanent deformations at ground and damages at the waste water tunnel structures are researched and as a sample investigation, the behavior of a waste water tunnel structure which is still under construction in Beykoz, İstanbul is analyzed under a probable earthquake effect.
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