14.6 Bryan O’Donnell presented the status of the WE-06-02, Space-based Global observing system for weather A new Vision for the space-based Global Observing System is being developed on the outcome of the WMO Workshop on Re-design and Optimization of the GOS held in June 2007. The draft Vision will be submitted for endorsement in March 2009. The final draft Vision is expected to be released soon in order to allow satellite coordinating structures such as CGMS and CEOS to give consideration to it and provide feedback on how they would plan to contribute to the actual implementation of this vision, once it is formally adopted.
The Vision foresees, as operational components:
geostationary satellites with improved resolution imagers and IR hyperspectral sounders
sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites in mid-morning, afternoon, and early-morning orbit, with imagery and full IR and MW sounding package
a constellation of low Earth orbit satellites of various inclinations, with GPS radio-occultation sounders
Question: If WMO proposes something who implements it? B. O’Donnell: civil space agencies incorporate requests into their plans for satellite development.