Panel Chair: Martin Okiyo, Africa Coordinator, ICEVI, Kenya. Inclusive Abacus- An Alternative Approach To The Use Of Abacus As A Tool Of Mathematical Calculations.
E.O. Ogweno, Obede Secondary School, Kisumu
Although this has changed over time, the use of abacus as a tool for mathematical calculation has existed for many years. It has proven its worth and found its way into the schools system, specifically for the learner with visual impairments. Kenyan primary schools require sighted learners to carry out mathematical computations manually using pen and paper. The learner with visual impairments relies heavily on the use of abacus for speed and accuracy. But the conventional way of performing computations with abacus differ with the conventional way of teaching and learning computations for sighted learners; it is impossible to teach both categories in the same class at the same time. Mathematics being a compulsory subject at this education level, it is impossible to actualize inclusive education and by extension inclusion unless a way of harmonizing the two approaches and methodologies is found. Inclusive abacus is a new approach that uses the abacus exactly the same way as the orthodox way of teaching mathematics to sighted learners. If adopted, both sets of learners can learn at the same time in the same class facilitated by the same teacher. The procedures are simple and precise and can be learnt by all.