A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Lagmanovich, David. 1989. Estructura del cuento hispanoamericano. Veracruz: Universidad Veracruzana.

Lancelotti, Mario. 1965. De Poe a Kafka: para una teoría del cuento. Buenos Aires: EUDEBA.

Lohafer, Susan and Jo Ellyn Clary (Eds.). 1989. Short Story Theory at a Crossroads. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.

Lothe, Jakob and Hans H. Skei (Eds.). 2004. The Art of Brevity. Excursions in Short Fiction Theory and Analysis. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.

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Rosmarin, Adena. 1985. The Power of Genre. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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Serra, Edelweiss. 1978. Tipología del cuento literario. Madrid: Cupsa.

Serra, Edelweiss, Graciela Tomassini and Stella Maris Colombo (Eds.). 1994. Poéticas del

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Spang, Kurt. 1993. Géneros literarios. Madrid: Síntesis.

Vallejo, Catharina V. de. 1992. Elementos para una semiótica del cuento hispanoamericano delsiglo XX. Miami: Universal.

—. (Ed.). 1989. Teoría cuentística del siglo XX (aproximaciones hispánicas). Miami: Universal.

Zavala, Lauro (Ed.). 1993. Teorías del cuento I: Teorías de los cuentistas. Mexico: Universidad

Nacional Autónoma de México; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.

—. (Ed.). Teorías del cuento II: La escritura del cuento. Mexico: UNAM, 1995.

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—. (Ed.). Teorías del cuento IV: Cuentos sobre el cuento. Mexico: UNAM, 1998.

Edwidge Danticat's collection _Krik? Krak!

Conrad. "Amy Foster."

Santiago, Esmeralda. When I Was Puerto Rican. Memoir.

Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land, A Multicultural Anthology of American Fiction, and its counterpart of short autobiographical pieces, Visions of America: Personal Narratives from the Promised Land, both edited by Wesley Brown and Amy Ling,

*Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry*, edited by Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan (Penguin, 1994)

Julia Alvarez's How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents

Ana Menendez's /In

Cuba I Was a German Shepherd /and Susan Muaddi Darraj's /Inheritance of Exile:

Stories from South Philly /(Notre Dame, 2007)

WordPress For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

by Lisa Sabin-Wilson



Resident Evil 5 Limited Edition Collector's Guide: The Complete Official Guide

by Piggyback



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Josselson, R. (2004). The hermeneutics of faith and the hermeneutics of

suspicion. Narrative Inquiry, 14(1), 1-29.

Josselson, R. (2006). Narrative research and the challenge of accumulating

knowledge. Narrative Inquiry, 16, 1, 3-10.

Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D., ABPP is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at

The Fielding Graduate University and was formerly a Professor at The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem and a Visiting Professor at Harvard University. She

is the author of Playing Pygmalion: How People Create One Another; Revising

Herself: The Story of Women's Identity from College to Midlife and The Space

Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of Human Relationships. She has

co-edited eleven volumes of the Annual, The Narrative Study of Lives and is

a founder of the Society for Qualitative Inquiry. She has been a recipient

of the Henry A. Murray Award from the American Psychological Association and

a Fulbright Fellowship.

4 Graham Greene, Le Troisième homme (1950), Paris, 1978, " Le livre de poche "

5 David Lodge, Un tout petit monde (1984), Paris, Rivages, 1991

6 Pierre Siniac, Ferdinaud Céline, Paris, Rivages, 1997 ; puis 2002

7 Harold Ramis, Un jour sans fin, USA, 1993.

8 Henri Vernes, Krouic, Verviers, 1972, collection " Pocket Marabout ".

9 San-Antonio, Dis bonjour à la dame, Paris, Fleuve Noir, 1975.

10 Albert Simonin, Touchez pas au grisbi, Paris Gallimard, 1953, collection " Série noire ".

11 Anthony Burgess, L'Orange mécanique (1962), Paris, Robert Laffont, 1972 pour la traduction française.

12 Jacques Roubaud, La Belle Hortense, Paris Ramsay, 1985, collection " Mots ".

14 Thomas Kuhn, La Structure des révolutions scientifiques (1962), Paris, Flammarion, 1983,

16 Antoine Compagnon, Le Démon de la théorie (Littérature et sens commun), Paris, Seuil, 1998, collection " La couleur des idées ", chapitre 4 (" Le lecteur "), pp. 147-175.

17 David Lodge, Changement de décor (1975), Paris, 1991, Rivages / " Poche "

19 Natsume Sôseki, Je suis un chat (1905), Paris, Gallimard, 1989 24 Philippe Hamon, L'Ironie littéraire (Essai sur les formes de l'écriture oblique), Paris, Hachette, 1996,

Gérard Genette, " Peut-on parler d'une critique " immanente " ? ", Poétique, n° 126, avril 2001, pp. 131-150.

Frank Wagner, " Pannes de sens (Apories herméneutiques et plaisir de lecture) ", Poétique, n° 142, avril 2005, pp. 185-203.

27 Roland Barthes, Le Plaisir du texte, Paris, Seuil, 1973 ; pp. 100-101 de la réédition dans la collection " Points ".

28 Alphonse Allais, " Un drame bien parisien ", nouvelle publiée dans Le Chat noir, le 26 avril 1880, et disponible dans de nombreux recueils ou anthologies. Elle est reproduite intégralement, en " Appendice I ", dans Umberto Eco, Lector in fabula (1979), Paris, Grasset, 1985 pour la traduction française, pp. 293-298. On sait que l'ouvrage d'Umberto Eco revêt pour une large part la forme d'un commentaire virtuose de cette nouvelle.

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