A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Erdei, K. Auf dem Wege zu sich selbst: Die Meditation im 16. Jahrhundert: Eine Funktionsanalytische Gattungsbeschreibung. 1990.

Finney, G. Women in Modern Drama: Freud, Feminism, and European Theater at the Turn of the Century. 1991.

Fournel, J. L. Les dialogues de Sperone Speroni: Libertés de la parole et règles de l'écriture. 1990.

Fricke, H. Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wie soll man über Literatur reden? Kafkas 'Hungerkünstler' und der Umgang mit Dichtung." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wie verständlich muss unsere Fachsprache sein? Die Humanwissenschaften zwischen Nachprüfbarkeit und Öffentlichkeitsansproch." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wieviel Suggestion verträgt die Interpretation? Ein Versuch am lebenden Objekt der Karl-May-Forschung." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wie traditionell darf Analytische Literaturwisseenschaft sein? Zur Unentbehrlichkeit der Literaturgechichte." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wieviel sozialgeschichte gehört zur Werkanalyse? Wickrams Widmungen und ihre Bedeutung für die soziealgeschichtliche Einordnung seiter Romane." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wie empirisch sollte eine Literaturtheorie sein? Drei Typen von 'Erfahrung' bei der Erforschung von Texten." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wieviel Philologie verlangt die Gattungstheorie? Grundsätzliches zu Edition und Rezeption von Goethes (?) 'Maximen und Reflexionen'." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wie wissenschaftlich kann literarische Wertung sein? Argumente und Experimente am Beispiel zeitgenössischer Lyrik." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Fricke, H. "Wieviele 'Methoden' braucht die Literaturwissenschaft? Zur Konkurrenz wissenschaftlicher Standards in einem unwissenschaftlichen Fach." In Fricke, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft: Beiträge zu Grundfragen einer verunsicherten Disziplin. 1991.

Furst, L. R. Fictions of Romantic Irony. 1984.

Gamer, S. B., Jr. The Absent Voice: Narrative Comprehension in the Theater. 1989.

Gervais, B. Récits et actions: Pour une théorie de la lecture. 1990.

Gethmann-Siefert, A. Philosophie und poesie: Otto Pöggeler zum 60. Geburtstag. 2 vols. 1988.

Gluck, M. Georg Lukács and His Generation 1900-1918. 1991.

Gorenberg, M. A., ed. Acerca de la escritura. 1991.

Gosse, E. The Appreciation of Poetry. 1990.

Gregoire, R. Manuale di agiologia: Introduzione alla letteratura agiografica. 1987.

Gross, A. "La folie": Wahnsinn und Narrheit im spätmittelalterlichen und Bild. 1990.

Grossegger, E. Das Burgtheater und sein Publikum: Pächter und Publikum 1749-1817. 2 vols. 1989.

Guellouz, S., ed. La traduction au XVIIe siècle. 1990.

Guidorizzi, E. L'orizzonte: Da Spinoza a Goethe: La poesia dell'infinito. 1991.

Haapala, A. What Is a Work of Literature? 1989.

Hagiography and Medieval Literature: a Symposium. 1981.

Haug, W., and B. Wachinger, eds. Exempel und Exempelsammlungen. 1991.

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Hellenthal, M. Schwarzer Humor: Theorie und Definition. 1989.

Henric, J. Le Roman et le sacré. 1990.

Hoffmann, D. M. Zur Geschichte des Nietzsche-Archivs: Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, Fritz Kögel, Rudolf Steiner, Gustav Naumann, Josef Hofmiller: Chronik, Studien und Dokumente. 1991.

Holbek, B. Interpretation of Fairy Tales: Danish Folklore in a European Perspective. 1987.

Horapolo. Hieroglyphica. Ed. J. M. González de Zárate. 1991.

Hunter, D., ed. Seduction and Theory: Readings of Gender, Representation, and Rhetoric. 1989.

Jason, H. Whom Does God Favor, the Wicked or the Righteous? The Reward-and-Punishment Fairy-Tale. 1989.

Jones, S. S. The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the Allomotifs of "Snow White." 1990.

Ibsch, E., D. Schram and G. Steen, eds. Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. 1991.

Schmidt, S. J. "Empirical Studies in Literature and the Media: Perspectives for the Nineties." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Bourdieu, P. "Questions of Method." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Andringa, E. "Expert Readers before 'Before the Law'." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Cupchik, G. C. "Unity in the Esthetic Process." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Dollerup, C. "Associations in the Reading Process." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Forstorp, P.-A. "'Going on the Word': An Aspect of Fundamentalist Text Practice." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Halász, L. "Effect and Reminding in Literary Text Processing." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Hoffstaedter-Kohn, P. "Linguistic Competence and Poetic Text Processing." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Larsen, S. F., J. László and U. Seilman. "Across Time and Place: Cultural-Historical Knowledge and Personal Experience in Appreciation of Literature." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Long, D. L., and A. C. Graesser. "Differences between Oral and Literary Discourse: The Effect of Pragmatic Information on Recognition Memory." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Martindale, A. E., and C. Martindale. "Stimulus and Temperament as Determinants of Imaginative Reactions to Texts." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Pilkington, A. "The Literary Reading Process: A Relevance Theory Perspective." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Seters, R. T. "Reading and Judging Literary Reviews as a Culturally Determined Activity." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Sell, R. D. "How Can Literary Pragmaticists Develop Empirical Methods? TheProblem of Modal and Evaluative Expressions in Literary Texts." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Shen, Y. "Constrains of Mappability in Metaphor Comprehension." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Steen, G. "Empirical Research on Metaphor in Literature." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Zwaan, R. A. "The Literary Situational-Action Model and the Reading Process." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Dijkstra, K. "Literary Institutions: The Application of Literary Theories and Sociological Concepts." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Janssen, S. "The Modus Operandi of Literary Reviewers." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

de Jong, S. "Parents and the acquisition of Books: The Use of Information Channels." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Leemans, H. "Can the Theory of Consumer Behavior Explain the Choice Made by Buyers of Literary Books?" In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

de Nooy, W. "The Uses of Literary Classifications." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Tilborghs, D.-J. "Publishing Literature and Romance: An Inquiry into Bourdieu's Thesis on Differences in Characteristics of Producers of Cultural Goods." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Shavit, Z. "Canonicity and Literary Institutions." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Verdaasdonk, D. "The Profession of Filmmakers: Determinants of Careers in the Art." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Viehoff, R. "Conditions of the Critical Assessment of Literature: some Theses and Empirical Data on the Interplay of Social Contexts, Actions, and Values." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Cha, B. "The Social Function of Teaching German Literature in Korea." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Davis, S. N. "Reading in Context: The Impact of Feminist Scholarship." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Geljon, C., and D. Schram. "The Testing of Teaching Methods: A Comparative Approach." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Hunt, R. A. "Subverting the Literary System: Nonhegemonic Literary Socialization." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

MacNealy, M. S. "Creativity in Literary Scholars." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Müller-Michaels, H. "Literatur in der Handlungsforschung." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Ohtaki, T. "Vorschläge zur Verbesserung des Literaturunterrichts in Japan." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

van Peer, W. "Processing of Sound and Image in Children's Television Programmes." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Rupp, G. "Literature Re-read in the Classroom: The Perspective of the Literary Act." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Wieler, P. "Communication about Literature in the Classroom." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Assche, A. van. "Content-Analysis and 'Experimental' Methods in Literary Theory." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Fokkema, D. "Changing the Canon: A Systems Theoretical Approach." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Groeben, N., and M. Schreier. "Does and Empirical Science of Literature Need Metatheoretical Discussion? Yes, but—Some Answers." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Martindale, C. "Chaos Theory, Strange Attractors, and the Laws of Literary History." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Nierlich, E. "The Construction of Object-Theories of Empirical Sciences in General From and for Non-Scientific Practice and Its Possible Application to Empirical Studies of Literature." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Ronen, R. "Ambiguity in Literary Conceptualizations: The Case of 'World'." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Scheffer, B. "Die Interpretation literarischer Texte aus der Sicht einer empirischen Literaturwissenschaft." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Schmidt, S. J. "Literary Systems as Self-Organizing Systems." In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Bourdieu, P., et al. "The Structure of the Literary Field and the Homogeneity of Cultural Choices." Panel discussion. In Empirical Studies of Literature: Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference, Amsterdam 1989. Ed. E. Ibsch, D. Schram and G. Steen. 1991.

Jourde, P. Géographies imaginaires de quelques inventeurs de mondes au XXe siècle: Gracq, Borges, Michaux, Tolkien. 1991.

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Lamberton, R. Homer the Theologian: Neoplatonism, Allegorical Reading and the Growth of the Epic Tradition. 1989.

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Lehman, H.-T. Theater und Mythos: Die Konstitution des Subjekts im Diskurs des antiken Tragödie. 1991.

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