A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Revue d'Histoire des Textes 21 (1991).

Rorty, R. Contingencia, ironía y solidaridad. 1991.

Ruckteschell, K. von. Gefangene der Freiheit: Studiesn zum Typus des Studenten in der Literatur des europäischen Realismus. 1990.

Runge, A., and L. Steinbrügge, eds. Die Frau im Dialog: Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte des Briefes. 1991.

Sauerberg, L. O. Fact into Fiction: Documentary Realism in the Contemporary Novel. 1990.

Schabert, L. In Quest of the Other Person: Fiction as Biography. 1990.

Schleiermacher, F. D. E. Monólogos. Bilingual ed. Ed. and trans. A. Poca. 1991.

Schulten, M. Jean-Paul Sartres L'Idiot de la famille: Ein methodisches Modell der Dichterbiographie: Ein Vergleich zwischen Wilhelm Diltheys verstehender und Jean-Paul Sartres dialektischer Konzeption der Biographie. 1991.

Schwarz, D. R. The Case for a Humanistic Poetics. 1990.

Serpieri, A. Rhetorica e immaginario. 1986.

Singh, C. S. Contemporary Literary Theory: Linear Configurations. 1990.

Sitney, P. A. Modernist Montage: The Obscurity of Vision in Cinema and Literature. 1990.

Spilka, M., and C. McCracken-Flesher, eds. Why the Novel Matters: A Postmodern Perplex. 1990.

Stella, V. L'intelligenza della poesia: Baudelaire, Verga, l'ermetismo, Fubini. 1990.

Stillinger, J. Multiple Authorship and the Myth of the Author in Criticism and Textual Theory. 1991.

Styles et valeurs: Pour une histoire de l'art littéraire au Moyen Âge. 1990.

Sussman, H. Afterimages of Modernity: Structure and Indifference in Twentieth-Century Literature. 1990.

Szöverffy, J. Zum Standort der europäischen Literatur: Funktion, soziale Bezüge und Weltbild um Mittelalter. 1986.

Taeger, A. Die Kunst, Medusa zu töten: Zum bild der Frau in der Literatur der Jahrhundertwende. 1987.

Thomasseau, J.-M. El melodrama. 1989.

Thompson, S. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, 1: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books and Local Legends. 6 vols. Rpt.

Thompson, S., and W. E. Roberts. Types of Indic Oral Tales: India, Pakistan, and Ceylon. 2nd ed. 1991.

Tynianov, I. Formalisme et historie littéraire. Ed. C. Depretto-Genty. 1991.

Ulysse, G. Théâtre et sociétié au cinquecento: Les rapports sociaux dans la comédie italienne de la fin du XVe au premier tiers du XVIe siècle. 2 vols. 1984.

Valdés, M. J., ed. Toward a Theory of Comparative Literature: Selected Papers Presented in the Division of Theory of Literature at the XIth International Comparative Literature Congress (Paris, August, 1985). 1990.

Verene, D. P. The New Art of Autobiography: An Essay on the Life of Giam-Battista Vico Written by Himself. 1991.

Wagner, P., ed. Erotica and the Enlightenment. 1991.

Wagner, P., "Introduction." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Burwick, F. "John Cleland: Language and Eroticism." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Link-Heer, U. "Was the 'Divine Marquis' an Advocate of Virtue? Remarks on the Paradox of the Sadian Theatre." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Porter, R. "Love, Sex, and Medicine: Nicolas Venette and his Tableau de l'amour conjugal." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Baecque, A. de. "The 'Livres remplis d'horreur': Pornographic literature and politics at the beginning of the French Revolution." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Wagner, P. "Anticatholic Erotica in Eighteenth-Century England." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Klein, J. "Mathematics of Desire: On the Meanings of the Darker Movements in English Eighteenth-Century Literature and the Fine Arts." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Weinglass, D. H. "'The Elysium of Fancy': Aspects of Henry Fuseli's Erotic Art." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Roosen, W. "Love-Letters between a Certain Late Nobleman and the Famous Mr. Wilson." In Erotica and the Enlightenment. Ed. P. Wagner. 1991.

Waters, L. and W. Godzich, eds. Reading de Man Reading. 1989.

Hartman, Geoffrey (Sterling Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Yale U; Advisor and Project Director of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies). "Looking Back on Paul de Man." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

_____. Minor Prophecies: The Literary Essay in the Culture Wars. 1991.

_____, ed. Holocaust Remembrance: The Shapes of Memory. 1994.

Derrida, J. "Psyché: Inventions of the Other." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Esch, D. "A Defence of Rhetoric: The Triumph of Reading." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Hertz, N. "Lurid Figures." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Jacobs, C. "Allegories of Reading Paul de Man." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Newmark, K. "Paul de Man's History." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Kamuf, P. "Pieces of Resistance." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Millier, J. H. "'Reading' Part of a Paragraph in Allegories of Reading." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Hamacher, W. "Lectio: de Man's Imperative." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Jauss, H. R. "Response to Paul de Man." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Bennington, G. "Aberratinos: de Man (and) the Machine." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Readings, B. "The Deconstruction of Politics." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Bahti, T. "Lessons of Remembering and Forgetting." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Gasché, R. "In-difference to Philosophy: de Man on Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche." In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. L. Waters and W. Godzich. 1989.

Weise, G. Manierismo e letteratura. 1976.

Wiegmann, H. Rhetorick und ästhetische Vernunft. 1990.

_____. Von Platons Dichterkritik zur Postmoderne: Studien zur Rhetorik und Ästhetik. 1989.

Wilt, J., Abortion, Choice, and Contemporary Fiction. The Armageddon of the Maternal Instinct. 1990.

Winders, J. A. Gender, Theory and the Canon. 1991.

Grady, Hugh. The Modernist Shakespeare: Critical Texts in a Material World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. (Shak. criticism).

Osborne, Laurie E. "The Texts of Twelfth Night." English Literary History 57 (1990): 39-61.

Felperin, Howard. The Uses of the Canon: Elizabethan Literature and Contemporary Theory. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.

Jardine, Lisa. Still Harping on Daughters. Brighton: Harvester, 1983. 2nd ed. 1989.

Calderwood, James L. Shakespearean Metadrama. Minneapolis, 1971.

Bradley, A. C. "Feste the Jester." In Bradley, A Miscellany.London, 1929.

Murry, Middleton. "Shakespeare Criticism." In Murry, Aspects of Literature. New York, 1920.

Cunningham, J. V. "The Donatan Tradition." In Cunningham,Woe or Wonder: The Emotional Effect of Shakespearean Tragedy. 1951.

Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. London: and New York, 1980.

Hotson, Leslie. The First Night of Twelfth Night. New York, 1955.

Erasmus, Desiderius. The Praise of Folly. Ed. and trans. Hoyt Hopewell Hudson. Princeton (NJ), 1941.

Castiglione. The Book of the Courtier. Trans. Sir Thomas Hoby. 1561. Rpt. 1577, 1588, 1603.

Castiglione. (On jests). In Book 2 of The Courtier.

Bakhtin. "The Language of the Marketplace in Rabelais." Ch. 2 of Rabelais and His World. Trans. Helene Iswolsky. Cambridge (MA), 1968.

_____. "Popular-festive Forms." Ch. 3 of Rabelais and His World. Trans. Helene Iswolsky. Cambridge (MA), 1968.

Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 1820.

_____. "Twelfth Night." In Hazlitt, Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. 1817.

Richards, I. A. Coleridge on Imagination. London, 1968.

Mahood, M. M. Shakespeare's Wordplay. London, 1957.

Spitzer, Leo. Linguistics and Literary History. Princeton (NJ), 1948.

Hollander, John. "Musica mundana and Twelfth Night." English Institute Essays: Sound and Poetry. Ed. Northrop Frye. New York, 1957.

French, Marilyn. Shakespeare's Division of Experience. New York, 1981.

Lindberg, David C. Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler. Chicago and London, 1976.

Chenu, M.-D., OP. Understanding St Thomas.

Stringer, Philip. "The Grand Reception and Entertainment of Queen Elizabeth at Oxford in 1592." In Elizabethan Oxford. Ed. Charles Plummer. Oxford, 1977.

Knox, Vicesimus (late 18th c.). In Reminiscences by Oxford Men, 1559-1850. Ed. Lilian M. Quiller Couch. Oxford, 1892. 160-67.

Huizinga, J. Homo Ludens. 1944.

Gaster, T. H. Thespis: Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East. New York, 1950.

Hartman. "Shakespeare's Poetical Character." From Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Ed. Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman. New York: and London, 1985. 37-51.

Krieger, Elliot. "The Morality of Indulgence" (Marxist). From Krieger, A Marxist Study of Shakespeare's Comedies. London, 1979. 97-130.

_____, ed. The Rhode Islander Magazine (Sunday magazine of the Providence Journal-Bulletin).

Barber, C. L. Shakespeare's Festive Comedy: A Study of Dramatic Form and Its Relation to Social Custom. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1959. Rpt. Cleveland (OH), 1963.

Hollander, J. "Twelfth Night and the Morality of Indulgence." Sewanee Review 68 (1959): 220-38. Rpt. in Modern Shakespeare Criticism. Ed. Alvin B. Kernan. New York, 1970. 228-41.

Tilley, M. P. "The Organic Unity of Twelfth Night." PMLA 29 (1914): 550-66, 550-1.

Hasler, J. Shakespeare's Theatrical Notation: The Comedies. Bern, 1974.

Welsford, E. The Fool. London, 1935. (Fools).

Tawney, R. H. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. New York, 1926. (Puritans).

Hill, Christopher. Puritanism and Revolution. London, 1958.

_____. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. New York, 1964.

_____. Reformation to Industrial Revolution: A Social and Economic History of Britain 1530-1780. (The Pelican Economic History of Britain, II). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

_____. The Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution. Oxford: Clarendon, 1965. 1975. 1982.

Campbell, O. J. Shakespeare's Satire. 1943. Rpt. Hampden (CT), 1963.

Stone, Lawrence. The Crisis of the Aristocracy. Oxford, 1965.

Draper, J. W. "Olivia's Household." PMLA 49 (1934): 797-806.

Van Doren, M. Shakespeare. 1939. Rpt. Garden City (NY), n.d.

Phialas, P. G. Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies. Chapel Hill (NC), 1966.

Jenkins, H. "Shakespeare's Twelfth Night." (Rice Institute Pamphlet, 45). 1959. Rpt. in Shakespeare: The Comedies. Ed.K. Muir. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1965.

Champion, L. S. The Evolution of Shakespeare's Comedies. Cambridge (MA), 1970.

Weiss, Theodore. The Breath of Clowns and Kings. New York, 1971. (Twelfth Night, etc.).

Markels, J. "Shakespeare's Confluence of Tragedy and Comedy: Twelfth Night and King Lear." Shakespeare Quarterly 15.2 (1964): 75-88.

Dennis, C. "The Vision of Twelfth Night." Tennessee Studies in Literature 18 (1973): 63-74.

Field, B. S., Jr. "Fate, Fortune, and Twelfth Night." Michigan Academician 6 (1973): 193-99.

Leggat, A. Shakespeare's Comedy of Love. London, 1974. (Twelfth Night, etc.).

Salingar, L. G. "The Design of Twelfth Night." Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1958): 117-39.

Tromly, F. B. "Twelfth Night: Folly's Talents and the Ethics of Shakespearean Comedy." Mosaic 7.3 (1974): 53-68.

Hartwig, Joan. "Feste's 'Whirligig' and the Comic Provicence of Twelfth Night." ELH 40 (1973): 501-13.

Bristol, Michael D. (Professor of English, McGill U, Montreal).. "The Festive Agon." From Carnival and Theater: Plebeian Culture and the Structure of Authority in Renaissance England. New York: Methuen, 1985. 3-7, 200-4.

_____. Shakespeare's America / America's Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 1990.

Evans, G. Blakemore. The Riverside Shakespeare. Houghton Mifflin, 1974.

Bradbrook, Muriel. The Rise of the Common Player. Cambridge (MA), 1964.

Turner, Victor. "Variations on a Them of Liminality." In Secular Ritual. Ed. Sally F. Moore and Barbara G. Myerhoff. Amsterdam, 1972.

Montrose, Louis A. "The Purpose of Playing: Reflections on a Shakespearean Anthropology." Helios 8 (1980): 51-74.

Stow, John. A Survay of London. Ed. H. Morley. London, 1890.

Kott, Jan. Shakespeare Our Contemporary. New York, 1966.

Gaigneber, Claude. "Le Combat de carnaval et de carême de P. Breughel (1559)." Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 27 (1972): 313-43.

Thomas, K. "Work and Leisure in Pre-Industrial Society." Past and Present 29 (1964): 67-84.

Tennenhouse, L. "Power on Display." From Power on Display: The Politics of Shakespeare's Genres. New York and London, 1986. 61-8.

Puttenham, George. The Arte of English Poesie. Menston, 1968.

Callaghan, Dympna. "'And all is semblative a woman's part': Body Politics and Twelfth Night." Textual Practice 7 (1993): 428-52.

_____. Woman and Gender in Renaissance Tragedy. Harvester, 1994.

_____. Shakespeare without Women. Forthcoming 1996.

Callaghan, Dympna, Lorraine Helms and Jyotsna Singh. The Weyward Sisters: Shakespeare and Feminist Politics.

Elias, Norbert. The Civilizing Process. Vols. 1 and 2. 1939. Oxford, 1982.

Gent, Lucy, and Nigel llewellyn, eds. Renaissance Bodies: The Human Figure in English Culture c. 1540-1660. London, 1990.

Gurr, Andrew. Playgoing in Shakespeare's London. Cambridge, 1987.

Barker, Francis. The Tremulous Private Body: Essays on Subjection. London and New York, 1984.

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. "The Body Politic." In Coming to Terms: Feminism, Theory, Politics. Ed. Elizabeth Weed. London and New York, 1989.

Jagendorf, Zvi. "Coriolanus: Body Politic and Private Parts." Shakespeare Quarterly 41.4 (1990): 455-69.

Zavarzadeh, Mas'ud. Seeing Films Politically. Albany (NY), 1991.

Ebert, Teresa L. "Political Semiosis in/of American Cultural Studies." American Journal of Semiotics 8.1-2 (1991): 113-35.

Fraser, Nancy. Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis, 1989.

Morton, Donald. "Texts of Limits, the Limits of Texts, and the Containment of Politics in Contemporary Critical Theory." Diacritics 20.1 (1990): 57-75.

Barrett, Michèle. Women's Oppression Today: The Marxist/Feminist Encounter. 1980. London, 1988.

Wolff, Janet. "Reinstating Corporeality: Feminism and Body Politics." In Feminine Sentences: Essays on Women and Culture. Berkeley (CA), 1990.

Bashar, Nazife. "Rape in England between 1500 and 1700." In The Sexual Dynamics of History. Ed. London Feminist History Group. London, 1983. 28-46.

Grosz, Elizabeth. "Notes Towards a Corporeal Feminism." Australian Feminist Studies 5 (Summer, 1987): 1-16.

Dempster, Elizabeth. "Women Writing the Body: Let's Watch a Little How She Dances." IN Grafts: Feminist Cultural Criticism. Ed. Susan Sheridan. London, 1988. 35-54.

Riley, Denise. "Am I That Name? FEminism and the Category of 'Women' in History. Minneapolis (MN), 1988.

Paster, Gail Kern. "Leaky Vessels: The Incontinent Women of City Comedy." In Renaissance Drama as Cultural History: Essays from Renaissance Drama 1977 to 1987. Ed. Mary Beth Rose. Evanston (IL), 1990. 211-33.

Fisher, Sheila, and Janet E. Halley, eds. Seeking the Woman in Late Medieval and Renaissance Writings. Knoxville (TN), 1989.

Orgel, Stephen. "Nobody's Perfect: Or Why Did the English Stage Take Boys for Women?" South Atlantic Quarterly 88.1 (Winter 1989): 7-29.

Woodbridge, Linda. Women and the English Renaissance: Literature and the Nature of Womankind, 1540-1620. Urbana (IL): U of Illinois P, 1984.

McLuskie, Kathleen. Renaissance Dramatists. Atlantic Highlands (NJ), 1989.

_____. "The Act, the Role, and the Actor: Boy Actresses on the Elizabethan Stage." New Theatre Quarterly 5 (1987): 120-30.

Ryan, Kiernan. Shakespeare. Atlantic Highlands (NJ), 1989.

Case, Sue-Ellen. Feminism and Theatre. London and New York, 1988.

Rackin, Phyllis. "Androgyny, Mimesis, and the Marriage of the Boy Heroine on the English Renaissance Stage." PMLA 102.1 (1987): 29-41.

Howard, Jean. "Scripts and/versus Playhouses: Ideological Production and the Renaissance Public Stage." In The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Valerie Wayne. New York and London, 1991.

Gibbons, Brian, ed. Romeo and Juliet. London and New York, 1980.

Stubbes, Philip. The Anatomy of Abuses. London, 1583.

Barish, Jonas. The Antitheatrical Prejudice. Berkeley (CA), 1981.

Binns, J. W. "Women or Transvestites on the Elizabethan Stage? An Oxford Controversy." The Sixteenth Century Journal 5.2 (1974): 95-120.

Clark, Sandra. "'Hic Mulier, Haec Vir' and the Controversy over Masculine Women." Studies in Philology 82.2 (1985): 157-83.

Dekker, Rudolf, and Lotte C. Van de Pol. The Tradition of Female Transvestitism in Early Modern Europe. New York, 1989.

Levine, Laura. "Men in Women's Clothing: Anti-Theatricality and Effeminization form 1579 to 1642." Criticism (Spring 1986): 121-43.

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