A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Chatman, Seymour

1978 Story and Discourse. Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film (Ithaca and London: Cornell UP).

1990 Coming to Terms: The Rhetoric of Narrative in Fiction and Film (Ithaca and London: Cornell UP).

Cobley, Evelyn

1986 "Description in Realist Discourse: The War Novel." in Style 20.3: 395–410.

Costigan, Edward

1996 "Aspects of Narrative in Some Plays by Shakespeare." in English Studies 77.4: 323–42.

de Jong, Irene J.F.

1991 Narrative in Drama: The Art of the Euripidean Messenger-Speech (Leiden: Brill).

2004 [1987] Narrators and Focalizers: The Presentation of the Story in the Iliad (London: Bristol Classical Press).

Doty, Kathleen

1989 "Dialogue, Deixis, and Narration in a Dramatic Adaptation." in Poetica 31: 42–59.

Elam, Keir

1980 The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama (London and New York: Methuen).

Floyd, Virginia Hastings

1977 "Point of View in Modern Drama." in Studies in Interpretation, vol. 2, edited by Esther M. Doyle and Virginia Hastings Floyd, 13–27 (Amsterdam: Rodopi).

Fludernik, Monika

1996 Towards a 'Natural' Narratology (London and New York: Routledge).

2000 "Genres, Text Types, or Discourse Modes? Narrative Modalities and Generic Categorization." in Style 34.2: 274–92.

Freeman, Roger

1997 "Narrative and Anti-Narrative: Televisual Representation and Non-Causal Linearity in Contemporary Drama." in Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 12.1: 39–55.

Garner, Stanton B.

1989 The Absent Voice. Narrative Comprehension in the Theater (Urbana: University of Illinois Press).

Genette, Gérard

1988 [1983] Narrative Discourse Revisited, translated by Jane E. Lewin, Foreword by Jonathan Culler (Ithaca and London: Cornell UP).

Hardy, Barbara

1981 "Shakespeare's Dramatic Narrative." in Papers from the First Nordic Conference for English Studies, Oslo, 17-19 September, 1980, edited by Stig Johansson and Björn Tysdahl, 1–17 (Oslo: Institute of English Studies, University of Oslo).

1997 Shakespeare's Storytellers. Dramatic Narration (London and Chester Springs, PA: Peter Owen).

Hart, Jonathan

1991 "Narrative, Narrative Theory, Drama: The Renaissance." in Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 18.2-3: 117–65.

Herman, David

2002 Story Logic. Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. Frontiers of Narrative (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

2004 "Towards a Transmedial Narratology." in Narrative across Media. The Languages of Storytelling, edited by Marie-Laure Ryan. Frontiers of Narrative, 47–75 (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

Herman, David / Jahn, Manfred / Ryan, Marie-Laure (eds.)

2005 Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory (London and New York: Routledge).

Hühn, Peter

2005a "Plotting the Lyric: Forms of Narration in Poetry." in Theory into Poetry. New Approaches to the Lyric, edited by Eva Müller-Zettelmann and Margerate Rubik, 147–72 (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi).

2005b "Transgeneric Narratology: Applications to Lyric Poetry." in The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology, edited by John Pier. Narratologia 4: 139–58 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Hühn, Peter / Kiefer, Jens

2005 The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century, translated by Alastair Matthews. Narratologia 7 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Hühn, Peter / Schönert, Jörg

2002 "Zur narratologischen Analyse von Lyrik." in Poetica 34.3-4: 287–305.

Jahn, Manfred

2001 "Narrative Voice and Agency in Drama: Aspects of a Narratology of Drama." in New Literary History 32.3: 659–79.

Jewkes, W. T.

1984 "'To Tell my Story': The Function of Framed Narrative and Drama in Hamlet." in Shakespearian Tragedy, edited by Malcolm Bradbury and David Palmer, 31–46 (New York: Holmes & Meier).

Lovrod, Marie

1994 "The Rise of Metadrama and the Fall of the Omniscient Observer." in Modern Drama 37.3: 497–508.

Meisel, Martin

1983 Realizations. Narrative, Pictorial, and Theatrical Arts in Nineteenth-Century England (Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP).

Meister, Jan Christoph (ed.)

2005 Narratology beyond Literary Criticism. Mediality, Disciplinarity. Narratologia 6 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Morrison, Kristin

1983 Canters and Chronicles. The Use of Narrative in the Plays of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press).

Müller-Zettelmann, Eva / Rubik, Margarete (eds.)

2005 Theory into Poetry. New Approaches to the Lyric (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi).

Nünning, Ansgar

1994 "Be my Confessors! Formen und Funktionen epischer Kommunikationsstrukturen in Peter Shaffers Amadeus." in Forum Modernes Theater 9.2: 141–60.

Nünning, Ansgar

2004 "On Metanarrative: Towards a Definition, a Typology, and an Outline of the Functions of Metanarrative Commentary." in The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology, edited by John Pier. Narratologia 4: 11–57 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Nünning, Ansgar (ed.)

1998 Unreliable Narration: Studien zur Theorie und Praxis unglaubwürdigen Erzählens in der englischsprachigen Erzählliteratur (Trier: WVT).

Nünning, Ansgar / Nünning, Vera (eds.)

2000 Multiperspektivisches Erzählen. Zur Theorie und Geschichte der Perspektivenstruktur im englischen Roman des 18. bis 20. Jahrhunderts (Trier: WVT).

Nünning, Vera / Nünning, Ansgar (eds.)

2002a Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär. WVT-Handbücher sum Literaturwissenshaftlichen Studium 5 (Trier: WVT).

Nünning, Vera / Nünning, Ansgar

2002b "Produktive Grenzüberschreitungen: Transgenerische, intermediale und interdisziplinäre Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie." in Nünning/Nünning (2002a: 1–22).

Nünning, Ansgar / Sommer, Roy

2002 "Drama und Narratologie: Die Entwicklung erzähltheoretischer Modelle und Kategorien für die Dramenanalyse." in Nünning / Nünning (2002a: 105–28).

Nünning, Ansgar / Sommer, Roy

2006 "Die performative Kraft des Erzählens: Formen und Funktionen des Erzählens in Shakespeares Dramen." in Shakespeare Jahrbuch 142, edited by Ina Schabert (Bochum: Verlag und Druckkontor Kamp).

Pavel, Thomas

1985 The Poetics of Plot. The Case of English Renaissance Drama (Manchester: Manchester UP).

Pfister, Manfred

1988 [1977] The Theory and Analysis of Drama, translated by J. Halliday (Cambridge: Cambridge UP).

Pier, John / Schaeffer, Jean-Marie (eds.)

Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales 108 (Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS).

Prince, Gerald

1999 "Revisiting Narrativity." in Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context, edited by Walter Grünzweig and Andreas Solbach, 43–51 (Tübingen: Narr).

2003 A Dictionary of Narratology. 2nd ed. (1st ed. 1987) (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

2005 "Narrativity." in Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, edited by David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan, 387–88 (London and New York: Routledge).

Richardson, Brian

1987 "'Time is out of Joint': Narrative Models and the Temporality of the Drama." in Poetics Today 8.2: 299–309.

1988 "Point of View in Drama: Diegetic Monologue, Unreliable Narrators, and the Author's Voice on Stage." in Comparative Drama 22.3: 193–214.

2000a "Narrative Poetics and Postmodern Transgression: Theorizing the Collapse of Time, Voice, and Frame." in Narrative 8.1: 23–42.

2000b "Recent Concepts of Narrative and the Narratives of Narrative Theory." in Style 34.2: 168–75.

2001 "Voice and Narration in Postmodern Drama." in New Literary History 32.3: 681–94.

Ryan, Marie-Laure

1992 "The Modes of Narrativity and Their Visual Metaphors." in Style 26.3: 368–87.

1997 "Interactive Drama: Narrative in a Highly Interactive Environment." in Modern Fiction Studies 43.3: 677–707.

2005 "On the Theoretical Foundations of Transmedial Narratology." in Narratology beyond Criticism. Mediality, Interdisciplinarity, edited by Jan Christoph Meister. Narratologia 6: 1–23 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Ryan, Marie-Laure (ed.)

2004 Narrative Across Media. The Languages of Storytelling. Frontiers of Narrative (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

Shakespeare, William

1997 Pericles, Prince of Tyre, in The Norton Shakespeare. Based on the Oxford Edition, edited by Stephen Greenblatt et al., 2719–83 (New York and London: Norton).

Sommer, Roy

2000 "Funktionsgeschichten: Überlegungen zur Verwendung des Funktionsbegriffs in der Literaturwissenschaft und Anregungen zu seiner terminologischen Differenzierung." in Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 41: 319–41.

2005 "Narrative and Drama." in Routledge Encylopedia of Narrative Theory, edited by David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan, 119–24 (London and New York: Routledge).

Stanzel, Franz K.

1984 [1979] A Theory of Narrative, translated by Charlotte Goedsche (Cambridge: Cambridge UP).

Stoppard, Tom

1975 Travesties (London and Boston: Faber and Faber).

Tschauder, Gerhard

1991 "Wer 'erzählt' das Drama? Versuch einer Typologie des Nebentexts." in Sprache und Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 68: 50–67.

Wall, Kathleen

1994 "The Remains of the Day and its Challenges to Theories of Unreliable Narration." in Journal of Narrative Technique 24.1: 18–42.

Wilson, Rawdon:

1995 Shakespearean Narrative (Newark and London: University of Delaware Press).

Wehrmann, Jürgen

2004 "Irish Tradition or Postdramatic Innovation? Storytelling in Contemporary Irish Plays." in Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 52.3: 243–56.

Wolf, Werner

1993 Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Erzählkunst: Theorie und Geschichte mit Schwerpunkt auf illusionsstörendem englischen Erzählen (Tübingen: Niemeyer).

2002 "Das Problem der Narrativität in Literatur, bildender Kunst und Musik: Ein Beitrag zu einer intermedialen Erzähltheorie." in Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär, edited by Vera Nünning and Ansgar Nünning, 23–104 (Trier: WVT).

2003 "Narrative and Narrativity: A Narratological Reconceptualization and Its Applicability to the Visual Arts." in Word & Image 19.3: 180–97.

2005 "Metalepsis as a Transgeneric and Transmedial Phenomenon. A Case Study of the Possibilities of 'Exporting' Narratological Concepts." in Narratology beyond Criticism. Mediality, Interdisciplinarity, edited by Jan Christoph Meister. Narratologia 6: 83–107 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Alber, Jan

2005 "Banished Behind Bars: The Representation and Role of Prisons from Charles Dickens's Novels to Twentieth-Century Film." PhD. Diss., University of Freiburg.


1999 Poetics, edited and translated by Stephen Halliwell (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP).

Bal, Mieke

1997 Narratology. Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, 2nd ed. (1st ed. 1985) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).

Beckett, Samuel

1973 [1958] Krapp's Last Tape (London: Faber & Faber).

Behn, Aphra

1996 [1684-87] Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister, edited by Janet Todd (London: Penguin Books).

Bordwell, David

1985 Narration in the Fiction Film (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press).

1989 Making Meaning. Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP).

Branigan, Edward

1992 Narrative Comprehension and Film (London: Routledge).

Bulhof, Francis

1966 Transpersonalismus und Synchronizität. Wiederholung als Strukturelement in Thomas Manns "Zauberberg" (Groningen: van Denderen).

Burgess, Anthony

1968 ReJoyce (New York: Norton).

Chatman, Seymour

1978 Story and Discourse. Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP).

1990 Coming To Terms. The Rhetoric of Narrative in Fiction and Film (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP).

1999 "New Directions in Voice-Narrated Cinema." in Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis, edited by David Herman. Theory and Interpretation of Narrative Series, 315–39 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP).

Churchill, Caryl

1994 The Skriker (London: Nick Hern Books).

Dickens, Charles

1982 [1838] Nicholas Nickleby (Oxford/New York: Oxford UP).

Edgar, David

1987 [1976] Destiny, in Plays: One, David Edgar, 311–405 (London: Methuen).

1990 [1985] Entertaining Strangers, in Plays: Two, David Edgar, 387–508 (London: Methuen).

Fludernik, Monika

1996 Towards a 'Natural' Narratology (London and New York: Routledge).

2000 "Genres, Text Types, or Discourse Modes—Narrative Modalities and Generic Categorization." in Style 34.2: 274–92.

2001 "New Wine in Old Bottles? Voice, Focalization and New Writing." in New Literary History 32.3: 619–38.

2003 "Metanarrative and Metafictional Commentary." in Poetica 35: 1–39.

(under review) "The Rehabilitation of the Author in Narrative Study."

Frank, Armin Paul

1981 Das englische und amerikanische Hörspiel (München: Fink).

Gaiser, Gottlieb

1978-79 "A Note on the Principle of Dramatization in 'Circe'." in JJQ 16: 501–05.

Genette, Gérard

1980 [1972] Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, translated by Jane E. Lewin, Foreword by Jonathan Culler (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP).

Goldman, Arnold

1966 The Joyce Paradox: Form and Freedom in his Fiction (Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP).

Hannes, Rainer

1990 Erzählen und Erzähler im Hörspiel: Ein linguistischer Beschreibungsansatz (Marburg: Hitzeroth).

Herman, David

2004 "Towards a Transmedial Narratology." in Narrative across Media. The Languages of Storytelling, edited by Marie-Laure Ryan. Frontiers of Narrative, 47–75 (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

Hornby, Richard

1986 Drama, Metadrama and Perception (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP).

Hühn, Peter

2005 "Transgeneric Narratology: Application to Lyric Poetry." in The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology, edited by John Pier. Narratologia 4: 139–58 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Hühn, Peter / Kiefer, Jens

2005 The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Narratologia 7 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).

Jahn, Manfred

2001 "Narrative Voice and Agency in Drama: Aspects of a Narratology of Drama." in New Literary History 32: 659–79.

2003 A Guide to Narratological Film Analysis. Poems, Plays, and Prose: A Guide to the Theory of Literary Genres. English Department, University of Cologne, Version: 1.7. 2 August 2003. http://www.uni-koeln.de/~ame02/pppf.htm.

Joyce, James

1986 [1922] Ulysses, edited by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior (London: The Bodley Head).

Kane, Sarah

2001 [2000] 4:48 Psychosis, in Complete Plays, Sarah Kane, 203–46 (London: Methuen).

Kimpel, Ben

1974/75 "The Voices of Ulysses." in Style 9: 283–319.

Klose, Werner

1974 Didaktik des Hörspiels (Stuttgart: Reclam).

Korte, Barbara / Schneider, Ralf

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