A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Literature and Ecology. Special issue of Anglia. Ed. Hubert Zapf. Vol. 124.1 (2006).

Margulis, Lynn. Symbiotic Planet: A New View of Evolution. New York: Basic Books, 1998.

Melville, Herman. "Bartleby, the Scrivener. A Story of Wall-Street." In Melville, The Piazza Tales and aOther prose Apieces 1839-1860. Ed. Harrison Hayford et al. Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern UP / Newberry Library, 1987. 13-45.

Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York, etc., Signet, 1987. 1991.

Müller, Timo. "Between Poststructuralism and the Natural Sciences: Models and Strategies of Recent Cultural Ecology." Anglistik 21.1 (32010): 175-91.

Murphy, Patrick D. Ecocritical Explorations in Literary and Cultural Studies: Fences, Boundaries, and Fields. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009.

Reed, Ishmael. Mumbo Jumbo. New York: Scribner, 1996.

Ricoeur, Paul. Oneself as Another. 1990. Trans. Kathleeen Blamey. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.

Sauter, Michael. "Ethische Aspekte des kulturökologischen Literaturmodells am Beispiel von Philip Roths The Human Stain." In Kulturökologie und Literatur. Ed. Hubert Zapf. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008. 309-22.

Silko, Leslie Marmon. Ceremony. New York: Penguin, 1977.

Slovic, Scott. Going Away to Think: Engagement, Retreat, and Ecocritical Responsibility. Reno and Las Vegas: U of Nevada P, 2008.

Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. 1854. Ed. and afterword Jeffrey S. Cramer. Introd. Denis Donoghue. New Haven: Yale UP, 2006.

Turner, Mark, ed. The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity. New York: Oxford UP, 2006.

Vickroy, Laurie. Trauma and Survival in Contermporary Fiction. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 2002.

Whitman, Walt. "Song of Myself." In Whitman, Leaves of Grass: A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems Vol. I: Poems 1855-1856. Ed. Sculley Bradley et al. New York: Oxford UP, 1980. 1-83.

Wilson, Edward O. Biophilia. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1984.

_____. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. New York: Random House, 1998.

Zapf, Hubert. Literatur als kulturelle Ökologie: Zur kulturellen Funktion imaginativer Texte an Beispielen des amerikanischen Romans. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2002.

_____. "The State of Ecocriticism and the Function of Literature as Cultural Ecology." In Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies: Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism. Ed. Catrin Gersdorf and Sylvia Mayer. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006. 49-69.

_____. "Literary Ecology and the Ethics of Texts." New Literary History 39.4 (2008): 847-868.

Zapf, Hubert, with Christina Caupert, Timo Müller, Erik Redling and Michael Sauter, eds. Kulturökologie und Literature: Beiträge zu einem transdisziplinären Paradigma der Literaturwisssenschaft. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008.

Yadav, Alok. (George Mason U, USA). Empire of English: Literature, Provinciality, and Nationalism in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Clark, Catherine. (U of Kansas). Daniel Defoe: The Whole Frame of Nature, Time and Providence. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Haslett, Moyra (Queen's U of Belfast). Pope to Burney, 1714-1779: Scriblerians to Bluestockings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. (Women's communities; Swift; Pope; Richardson).

Skinner, John. (U of Turku). An Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Raising the Novel. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.

Peck, John, and Martin Coyle, series eds. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jones, Darryl. (Trinity College Dublin). Jane Austen. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. (U of Leeds). John Keats. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Context." In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Modern Love (Context. Varieties of Love Poetry. Frienship Practices. The Art of Wooing)." In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Epic Impersonality ("Endymion"; "Hyperion"; "The Fall of Hyperion"). In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Narrative Romance ("La Belle Dame sans Merci"; "Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil"; "Lamia"; "The Eve of St Agnes"). In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Endearing Addresses ("Ode to Psyche"; "Ode on a Grecian Urn"; "Ode to a Nightingale"; "Ode on Melancholy"; "To Autumn"). In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Corresponding Selves (Letters)." In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Whale, John. "Conclusion." In Whale, John Keats. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. Charlotte Brontë. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "Introduction." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "Mingled Gold and Iron: Miscegenation in the Ashanti Narratives." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "'Climes Remote and Strange': Colonialism in the Poetry and Belgian Essays." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "'Mixed up in Foreign Hodge-Podge': Slavery and Sexuality in The Professor." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "'Incongruous Unions': Slavery and the Politics of Metaphor in Jane Eyre." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "'Shamrocks and Potatoes': Embodying the Irish Famine in Shirley." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "'A Thing Double-Existent': Foreigners and Slaves in Villette." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Plasa, Carl. "Conclusion." In Plasa, Charlotte Brontë. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Pykett, Lynn. (U College of Wales, Aberystwyth). Charles Dickens. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Llácer Llorca, Eusebio V., Mª Amparo Olivares Pardo and Nicolás Estévez Fuertes, eds. A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Estévez Fuertes, Nicolás, and Amparo Olivares Pardo. "Edgar Allan Poe en el siglo XXI: Una visión retrospectiva." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Ogden, Daniel. "Edgar Allan Poe and American Expansionism on Land and Sea." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Rollason, Christopher. "Perspectivas psicoanalíticas sobre Poe—¿Dupin, inventor del psicoanálisis?" In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Sopeña Balordi, A. Emma. "Personajes psicópatas de Poe." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Pedraza Martínez, Pilar. "Las criptas del deseo." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Duchesneau, Michel. "Edgar Allan Poe and French Modern Music." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Ballesteros Roselló, Fernando J. "La pasión por la ciencia." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Carbonell-Olivares, María. "Translating Contrastive Connectives in Literary Texts from English into Romance Languages: Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Ketterer, David. "Yann Martel's Life of Pi and Poe's Pym." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Martínez López, Miguel. "Ex nihilo nihil fit: Dystopian Satire in Poe's 'Mellonta Tauta'." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Caverzasi, Peter. "Animism and Adaptation in Poe's Short Stories." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Siles, Jaime. "Filosofía del verso y filosofía de la composición: El pensamiento poético de Edgar Allan Poe." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Chimal, Alberto. "La tradición de la forma: Edgar Allan Poe en la enseñanza de la escritura." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Llácer Llorca, Eusebio V. "La huella indeleble de Edgar Allan Poe." In A 21st-Century Retrospective View about Edgar Allan Poe / Una mirada retrospectiva sobre Edgar Allan Poe desde el siglo XXI. Ed. E. V. Llácer Llorca et al. Pieterlen (Switzerland): Peter Lang, 2011.

Nestor, Pauline. (Monash U, Australia). George Eliot. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Williams, John. (U of Greenwich). William Wordsworth. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Tambling, Jeremy. Henry James. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. (also as eBook).

Peach, Linden. (U of Gloucestershire). Virginia Woolf. (Critical Issues). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.

Morton, Timothy. (U of Colorado). Cultures of Taste / Theories of Appetitie: Eating Romanticism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Mortensen, Peter. (U of Aarhus). British Romanticism and Continental Influences: Writing in an Age of Europhobia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Braida, Antonella. (U of Durham). Dante and the Romantics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

García Murga, Fernando. (UPV, fernando.garcia@ehu.es). "Los valores paramétricos de la ironía verbal." Paper presented at the X Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General (U de Zaragoza, April 2012).*

_____. "Por los vericuetos de la pragmática: Hacia la Pragmática (psicológica) de Víctor Sánchez de Zavala." Revista Española de Lingüística 30 (2000): 405-33.

_____. "La Pragmática simbólico-emocional." Teoría 15 (2000): 531-60.

Sánchez de Zavala, Víctor. Investigaciones sobre la actividad lingüística: Obras escogidas de Víctor Sánchez de Zavala. Ed. Fernando García Murga. Spain: UPV/EHU, 2008.

Garmendia, Joana. "A Critical Pragmatic Theory for Irony: What an Ironic Utterance Means, and How It Does So." Ph.D. diss. UPV/EHU, 2007.

Leslie, A. M. "Pretense and Representation: The Origins of a 'Theory of Mind'." Psychological Review 94 (1987): 412-26.

Sánchez de Zavala, Víctor. "On the Non-Existence of Principles Governing Conversation." (Logic Seminar Report LPHS-EHU-02.1). UPV/EHU, 1990.

_____. Hacia la pragmática (psicológica). Madrid: Visor, 1997.

López, Marta Sofía. Ginealogías sáficas: De Katherine Philips a Jeanette Winterson. (Spanish Perspectives in English and American Literature, Communication and Culture, 9). Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt a/M, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2012.* (Sappho, women's writing, lesbianism).

Ramelli, Agostino. Le diverse e artificiose machine. Paris, 1588.

Cartari, Vincenzo. Imagini de i Dei de gli Antichi. Venice, 1571.

_____. Vere e nove Imagini. Padua, 1616.

Cunningham, William. The Cosmological Glasse. 1559.

Schedel, Hartmann. Liber Cronicarum (The Nuremberg Chronicle). 1493.

Heywood, John. The Spider and the Flie. 1556.

Fulvio, Andrea. Illustrium Imagines. Rome, 1517.

Huttich, Johann. Imperatorum et Caesarum Vitae. 1534.

du Choul, Guillaume. Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romains. Lyons, 1556.

Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Ed. William Thynne, 1532.

_____. Chaucer. Caxton, 1484.

_____. Chaucer. Pynson, 1492.

_____. Chaucer. Thomas Speght, 1602.

Kircher, Athanasius. Arca Noë. Amsterdam, 1673.

Ceruti, Benedetto, and Andrea Chiocco. Musaeum Francisci Calceolari Veronensis. Verona, 1622.

Wormius, Olaus. Musei Wormiani Historia. Copenhagen, 16755.

Mercati, Michele. Metallotheca. Rome, 1719.

Imperatus, Ferdinandus. Dell' Historia Naturale. Rome, 1599.

Legati, Lorenzo. Museo Cospi annesso a quello del famoso Ulisse Aldrovandi. Bologna, 1677.

Digges, Leonard. A Prognostication Everlasting. London, 1576.

Digges, Thomas. "A perfit description of the caelestiall orbes." In A Prognostication Everlasting. By Leonard Digges. London, 1576.

Printing press established in Germany (c. 1455), Italy (1465), France (1470), Spain (1472), Holland and England (1475), Denmark (1489), Mexico (1533), Cambridge (MA), 1638.

Luther. Ninety-five Theses against Indulgences. Placard at the door of the Collegiate Church of All Saints, Wittenberg, autumn 1517. Printed at Leipzig, Madgeburg, Nuremberg and Basle.

_____. Sermon on Indulgences and Grace. April 1518.

Manguel, Alberto. A History of Reading. London: Flamingo, 1997.

McLean, Antonia. Humanism and the History of Science in Tudor England. London: Heinemann, 1972.

De Hamel, Christopher. Medieval Craftsmen: Scribes and Illuminators. London: British Museum Press, 1992.

Grafton, Anthony. The Footnote: A Curious History. London: Faber & Faber, 1997.

Reynolds, L. D., and N. G. Wilson. Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.

Kiessling, Nicolas K. The Library of Robert Burton. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1988.

Camille, Michael. "Sensations of the Page: Imaging Technologies and Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts." In The Iconic Page in Manuscript, Print, and Digital Culture. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1998.

Davies, Martin. "Humanism in Script and Print." In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Rupp, E. G., and Benjamin Drewery. Martin Luther. London: Edward Arnold, 1970.

Cameron, Euan. The European Reformation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.

Edwards, Mark U., Jr. Printing, Propaganda, and Martin Luther. Berkeley: U of California P, 1994.

Rouse, Richard H., and Mary A. Rouse. "Statim invenire: Schools, Preachers, and New Attitudes towards the Page." In Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. 201-25.

Luborsky, Ruth Samson. "Connections and Disconnections between Images and Texts: The Case of Secular Tudor Book Illustration." World and Image 3 (1987): 74-85.

Houston, R. A. Literacy in Early Modern Europe: Culture and Education 1500-1800. London and New York: Longman, 1988.

Madan, Falconer. Books in Manuscript. London: Kegan Paul, 1920.

Wright, C. E. English Vernacular Hands from the 12th to the 15th Centuries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960.

De Hamel, Christopher. A History of Illuminated Manuscripts. London: Phaidon Press, 1994.

Green, Jonathan. Chasing the Sun: Dictionary-Makers and the Dictionaries They Made. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996.

MacArthur, Tom. Worlds of Reference. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Dyson, George. Darwin among the Machines. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1997.

Chartier, Roger. The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Trans. Lydia G. Cochrane. Oxford: Polity Press, 1994.

McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. London: U of Toronto P, 1962.

McKenzie, D. F. Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts. London: British Library, 1986.

Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1971.

Clanchy, Michael. From Memory to the Written Record: England 1066-1307. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.

Stock, Brian. The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the Eleventh and Tenth Centuries. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1983.

Stock, Brian. Listening for the Text: On the Uses of the Past. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990.

Gilbert, Neal. Renaissance Concepts of Method. New York: Columbia UP, 1960.

Reiss, Timothy J. Knowledge, Discovery and Imagination in Early Modern Europe: The Rise of Aesthetic Rationalism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Gillespie, Vincent. "Medieval Hypertext: Image and Text from York Minster." In Of the Making of Books: Medieval Manuscripts, Their Scribes and Readers: Essays Printed to M. B. Parkes. P. R. Robinson and Rivkah Zim. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1997.

Marcus, Leah S. Unediting the Renaissance: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton. London: Routledge, 1996.

Wallace, Jennifer. "Sheila Still Making Waves." Interview with Dale Spender. Times Higher Education Supplement 13 Nov. 1998: 20.

Tribble, Evelyn B. "The Peopled Page: Polemic, Confutation, and Foxe's Book of Martyrs." In The Iconic Page. Ed. Bornstein and Tinkle.

Sutherland, Kathryn, ed. Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.

Bolgar, R. R. The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1954.

Jardine, Lisa. Erasmus, Man of Letters: The Construction of Charisma in Print. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1993.

Bath, Michael. Speaking Pictures: English Emblem Books and Renaissance Culture. London and New York: Longman, 1994.

Moss, Anne. Printed Commonplace Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Montaigne. Œuvres complètes. Ed. Albert Thibaudet and Maurice Rat. Paris: Gallimard, 1962.

Hayles, N. Katherine. The Cosmic Web: Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

Ramelli, Agostino. Le Diverse et Artificiose Machine de Capitano Agostino Ramelli. Paris, 1588.

Hawes, Stephen. Pastime of Pleasure. 1509.

Willis, John. Mnemonica; sive ars reminiscendi. London, 1618.

Mercier, Louis-Sébastien. L'An 2440. 1771.

Platter, Thomas. Thomas Platter's Travels in England, 1599. Trans. C. Williams. London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.

Milton. The Works of John Milton. (The Columbia Milton). Ed. Frank Allen Patterson. 18 vols. in 21. New York: Columbia UP, 1931-38.

Darbishire, H., ed. The Early Lives of Milton. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1932.

Galileo. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. 1632.

Elizabeth (Princess). Letter to Queen Katherine, prefacing her trans. of Ch. 1 of John Calvin's Institution de la Religion Chrestienne (Geneva, 1541). Edinburgh: Scottish Record Office, MS RH 13/78, Fols. Ir-7r. In Elizabeth I: Collected Writings. Ed. Leah S. Marcus et al. Forthcoming 2000.

Elizabeth I. Collected Writings. Ed. Leah S. Marcus, Janel M. Mueller and Mary Beth Rose. Chicago: U of Chicago P, forthcoming 2000.

Jarman, Mark. Poetry in Atlantic Monthly's 'Audible Anthology', c. 2000.

Spenser. Muiopotmos: Or The Fate of the Butterfly. 1590.

Harris, Roy. The Language Machine. London: Duckworth, 1987.

Borst, Arnold. The Ordering of Time: From the Ancient Computus to the Modern Computer. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993.

Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Alastair Fowler. London: Longman, 1971.

Descartes, René. Meditations on First Philosophy. Ed. and trans. John Cottingham. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Hobbes. Elements of Philosophy: The First Section Concerning Body. (De Corpore). Ed. J. C. A. Gaskin. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.

Dyson, George. Darwin among the Machines. London: Penguin, 1997.

Rochester. The Poems of John Wilmot Earl of Rochester. Oxford: Blackwell, 1984.

Gibson. Neuromancer. London: HarperCollins, 1995.

Gray, Chris Hables, ed. The Cyborg Handbook. London: Routledge, 1995.

Salzman, Paul. English Prose Fiction 1558-1700. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.

Marvell. Poems and Letters. Ed. H. M. Margoliouth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.

Donne, John. Poetical Works. Ed. Sir Herbert Grierson. London: Oxford UP, 1929.

Ong, Walter J. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1958.

Moxon, Joseph.. Moxon's Mechanic Exercises; or The Doctrine of Handy-works Applied to the Art of Printing. 1683. Rpt. New York: The Typothetae of the City of New York, 1896. (XXIII).

Sidney, Philip. Poems. Ed. W. A. Ringler. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.

Jardine, Lisa. "Inventing Rudolph Agricola: Cultural Transmission, Renaissance Dialectic, and the Emerging Humanities." In The Transmission of Culture in Early Modern Europe. Ed. Anthony Grafton and Ann Blair. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1990. 39-86.

Ovid. Metamorphoses. Ed. Mary M. Innes. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

Oram, William A., et al., eds. The Shorter Poems of Edmund Spenser. New Haven: Yale UP, 1989.

Browne, Thomas. The Major Works. Ed. C. A. Patrides. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

Crooke, Helkiah. Microcosmographia. London, 1615.

Sylvester, Joshua. The Divine Weekes and Works of Guillaume de Saluste, Sieur du Bartas. Ed. Suan Snyder. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.

Cunningham, Andrew. The Anatomical Renaissance: The Resurrection of the Anatomical Projects of the Ancients. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1997.

Clarke, Edwin, and C. D. O'Malley. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord: A Historical Study Illustrated by Writings from Antiquity to the Present Day. Berkeley: U of California P, 1968.

Porter, Roy. The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Mankind from Antiquity to the Present. London: HarperCollins, 1997.

Dodge, Martin, and Jim Giles. "Mapping the World Wide Web." The Guardian 28 Oct. 1999.

Phillips, Margaret Mann. Erasmus on His Times: A Shortened Version of the 'Adages' of Erasmus. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1967.

Sawday, Jonathan. "Shapeless Elegance: Robert Burton's Anatomy of Knowledge." In English Renaissance Prose: History, Language, and Politics. Tempe (Arizona): Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1997. 173-202.

Haraway, Donna. Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium: FemaleMan©_Meets_OncoMouseTM. New York and London: Routledge, 1997.

Talon, Omer. (1510-62). Dialectici commentarii tres. 1546. (Actually written by his friend Peter Ramus).

Ramus, Peter. Dialectici commentarii tres. 1546. (Appeared under name of Omer Talon).

_____. Dialectique. 1555.

_____. Dialecticae libri duo.

_____. Aristotelicae animadversiones. Rev. versions in 1556-60, eventually titled Scholae dialecticae.

_____. Quod sit una doctrinae instituendae methodus. 1557.

Dürer, Albrecht. (1471-1528).

Schegk, Jacob. (1511-1587; Swiss Aristotelian physician, debated with Ramus 1568-70).

Ramus. Euclid. Mathematical handbook. 1545. rpt. 1549, 1558.

Grynaeus, Simon. (1493-1541), ed. (Greek editio princeps of Euclid, with Proclus' commentary of the first book).

Fine, Oronce. (Mathematician, Regius professor, teacher of Peter Ramus, 1494-1555). Protomathesis.

Cardamo, Girolamo. (1501-1576).

Melanchton, Philip. (1497-1560).

Velsius, Justus. (fl. 1542-56). Leuven, published at Strasbourg.

Picolomini, Alessandro. (1508-1578). Commentarium de certitudine mathematicarum disciplinarum. 1547.

Ramus. Dialectics. Several eds since 1555.

_____. Proemium mathematicum. 1567.

_____. Remarks on Aristotle.

_____. Scholae Mathematicae. 1569.

Charpentier, Jacques. (1521-1574).

Lorraine (Cardinal de). (1524-1574).

Peletier du Mans, Jacques. (1517-1582).

Frege, Gottlob. Begriffschrift. 1879.

Recorde, Robert. (c. 1510-1558). Whetstone of Witte. 1557.

Euclid. (Works). Trans. Henry Bnillingsley. With a "Mathematicall Preface" by John Dee 1570.

Dee, John (1527-1608).

Dupleix, Scipion. (1569-1661). Éthique. 1610.

Wotton (son of Anthony Wotton), trans. Dialectica. by Peter Ramus. 1626.

Fontenelle, Bernard de. (1657-1757).

MacIlmaine. (U of St andrews, MA 1570), trans. of Ramus' Dialectica. 1574. 2nd ed. 1581.

Napier, John. (1550-1617, st. St Andrews U and continental Europe). Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio. 1614.

Ong, W. J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. Ithaca (NY) and London: Cornell UP, 1971.

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