A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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The Journal of Historical Pragmatics. Benjamins.

Willcock, Gladys D. Shakespeare as Critic of Language. London: Oxford UP, 1934.

_____. "Shakespeare and Rhetoric." Essays and Studies 20 (1943): 50-61.

_____. "Shakespeare and Elizabethan Rhetoric." Shakespeare Survey 7 (1954): 12-24.

_____. "Language and Poetry in Shakespeare's Early Plays." Proceedings of the British Academy 40 (1954): 103-17.

Hariot, Thomas. A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia. 1588.

Palmer, D. J. The Rise of English of English Studies: An Account of the Study of English Language and Literature from Its Origins to the Making of the Oxford English School. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1965.

Ehlich, Konrad. "On the Historicity of Politeness." In Politeness in Language: Studies in Its History, Theory, and Practice. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. 71-107.

Sell, Roger. "Literary pragmatics and speech act theory of literature." In Writing vs. Speaking: Language, Text, Discourse, Communication. Ed. Svetla Cmejrkova, Frantisek Danes and Eva Havlova. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1994. 127-135.

_____. "A Historical but Non-Historicist Pragmatics of Literary Communication." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2 (2001): 1-32.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. "Overture to the Cru and the Cuit." 1964. In Structuralism. Ed. Jacques Ehrmann. Garden City (NY): Doubleday-Anchor, 1970.

Tallis, Raymond. Enemies of Hope: A Critic of Contemporary Pessimism, Irrationalism, Anti-Humanism and Counter-Enlightenment. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.

Habermas, Jürgen. Justification and Application: Remarks on Discourse Ethics. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1993.

Turner, John. "Introduction." In Shakespeare: The Play of History. By Graham Holderness et al. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988. 19-9.

Aron, Paul, and Jean-Pierre Bertrand. Les 100 Mots du Symbolisme. (Que sais-je). Paris: PUF, 2011.

Baronian, Jean-Baptiste. Meurtre à Waterloo. (Romans de gare – Kill and read). Liège: SNCB / Éditions Luc Pire, 2011.

Urien, Emmanuelle. Tous nos petits morceaux. Stories. Ed. D'un noir si bleu, 2011.

Francken, Louis. Le vrai capitaine Haddock, Herbert James. Waterloo: Éditions Avant-Propos, 2011. (Herbert James Haddock, 1861-1946).

Cantier, Jacques. Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. Paris: Éditions Perrin, 2011.

Van de Weyer, André. Le port du voile islamique dans l'enseignement. Waterloo: Éditions Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2011.

Dauzat, Pierre-Emmanuel, Marie-Laurence Desclos , Silvia Milanezi & Jean-François Pradeau. Guide de poche des auteurs grecs et latins. (Classiques en Poche). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2011.
Madrid: Cuadernos de la casa de la cultura. Ed. Enrique Díez Canedo. 3 vols. 1937-38. (Republican).

Música. Journal. 5 vols. Barcelona, 1938-1939. Rpt. Residencia de Estudiantes, c. 2000.
Gass, Susan M. (Michigan ed. The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Michigan State University, USA and Alison Mackey, Georgetown University, USA. London: Routledge, 2011.

Beckett, Samuel. The Letters of Samuel Beckett: Volume 1, 1929-1940. Ed. Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Lois More Overbeck, Dan Gunn and George Craig. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009.

_____. The Letters of Samuel Beckett: Volume 2, 1941-1956. Ed. George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn, Lois More Overbeck. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011.

"Samuel Daniel." The Poetry Foundation.*



_____. The Worthy Tract of Paulus Jouius, Contayning a Discourse of Rare Inuentions, Called Imprese (London: Printed by G. Robinson for Simon Waterson, 1585).

_____. Delia, Contayning Certayne Sonnets: With the Complaint of Rosamond (London: Printed by J. Charlewood for Simon Waterson. 1592).

_____. Delia and Rosamond Augmented, Cleopatra (London: Printed by J. Roberts & E. Allde for Simon Waterson, 1594).

_____. The First Fowre Books of the Ciuile Warres betweene the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke (London: Printed by P. Short for Simon Waterson, 1595).

_____. The Poeticall Essayes of Sam. Danyel (London: Printed by P. Short for Simon Waterson, 1599)-comprises books 1-5 of The Civil Wars, the first revision of Cleopatra, Musophilus, and Letter from Octavia:

_____. A Panegyrike Congratulatorie to the Kings Maiestie. Also Certaine Epistles (London: Printed by V. Simmes for E. Blount, 1603); republished with A Defence of Ryme (London: Printed by V. Simmes for E. Blount, 1603).

_____. The Vision of the 12. Goddesses (London: Printed by T. Creede for Simon Waterson, 1604).

_____. Certaine Small Poems Lately Printed: With the Tragedie of Philotas (London: Printed by G. Eld for Simon Waterson, 1605).

_____. A Funerall Poeme uppon the Death of the Late Noble Earle of Devonshyre (London, 1606).

_____. The Queenes Arcadia (London: Printed by G. Eld for Simon Waterson, 1606).

_____. Certaine Small Workes (London: Printed by J. Windet for Simon Waterson, 1607)—includes The Queen's Arcadia, the second revision of Cleopatra, and the revised version of Philotas;

_____. The Tragedie of Philotas (London: Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Edw. Blount, 1607).

_____. The Civile Wares betweene the Howses of Lancaster and Yorke Corrected and Continued (London: Printed by H. Lownes for Simon Waterson, 1609).

_____. Tethys' Festival, in The Order and Solemnitie of the Creation of the High and Mightie Prince Henrie (London: Printed by W. Stansby for John Budge, 1610).

_____. The First Part of the Historie of England (London: Printed by N. Okes, 1612).

_____. Hymens Triumph (London: Printed by J. Legat for Francis Constable, 1615).

_____. The Collection of the Historie of England (London: Printed by N. Okes, 1618).

_____. The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel (London: Printed by Nicholas Okes for Simon Waterson, 1623).

_____. The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Samuel Daniel, 5 volumes, edited by Alexander B. Grosart (London: Privately printed, 1885-1896).

_____. The Tragedy of Philotas, edited by Laurence Michel, Yale Studies in English, 110 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949; revised and enlarged edition, Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1970).

_____. The Tragedie of Cleopatra, in Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare, volume 5, edited by Geoffrey Bullough (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul/New York: Columbia University Press, 1964). pp. 406-449.

_____. The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses, edited by Joan Rees, in A Book of Masques: In Honour of Allardyce Nicoll (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967), pp. 18-42.

_____. Tethys' Festival, in Inigo Jones: The Theatre of the Stuart Court, by Stephen Orgel and Roy Strong, volume 1 (London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1973), pp. 191-201.

Harry Sellers, "A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Daniel, 1585-1623: With an Appendix of Daniel's Letters," Proceedings and Papers of the Oxford Bibliographical Society, 2, part 1 (1927): 29-54.

Sellers, "Supplementary Note to 'A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Daniel,'" Proceedings and Papers of the Oxford Bibliographical Society, 2, part 4 (1930): 341-342.

James L. Harner, Samuel Daniel and Michael Drayton: A Reference Guide (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980).

R. E. Brettle, "Samuel Daniel and the Children of the Queen's Revels, 1604-5," Review of English Studies, 3 (April 1927): 162-168.

Geoffrey Creigh, "Samuel Daniel's Masque The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses," Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association, new series 24 (1971): 22-35.

Thomas Gardner, "'A Parodie! A Parodie!': Conjectures on the Jonson-Daniel Feud," in Lebende Antike: Symposion für Rudolf Sühnel, edited by Horst Meller and Hans-Joachim Zimmermann (Berlin: Schmidt, 1967), pp. 197-206.

W. W. Greg, "Hymen's Triumph and the Drummond MS." Modern Language Quarterly (London), 6 (1903): 59-64.

Greg, Pastoral Poetry & Pastoral Drama: A Literary Inquiry, with Special Reference to the Pre-Restoration Stage in England (London: Bullen, 1906).

Russell E. Leavenworth, Daniel's Cleopatra: A Critical Study, Elizabethan & Renaissance Studies, no. 3 (Salzburg: Institut für Englische Sprache und Literatur, Universität Salzburg, 1974).

Kenneth Muir, "Elizabeth I, Jodelle, and Cleopatra," Renaissance Drama, new series 2 (1969): 197-206.

Arthur M. Z. Norman, "Daniel's The Tragedie of Cleopatra and Antony and Cleopatra," Shakespeare Quarterly, 9 (1958): 11-18.

Norman, "The Tragedie of Cleopatra and the Date of Antony and Cleopatra," Modern Language Review, 54 (January 1959): 1-9.

John Pitcher, "In those figures which they seem": Samuel Daniel's Tethys' Festival (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984).

Johanna Procter, "The Queenes Arcadia (1606) and Hymens Triumph (1615): Samuel Daniel's Court Pastoral Plays," in The Renaissance in Ferrara and Its European Horizons/Il Rinascimento a Ferrara e i suoi orizzonti europei, edited by J. Salmons and W. Moretti (Cardiff: University of Wales Press/Ravenna: Lapuccu, 1984), pp. 83-109.

Joan Rees, Samuel Daniel: A Critical and Biographical Study, Liverpool English Texts and Studies (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1964).

Rees, "Samuel Daniel's Cleopatra and Two French Plays," Modern Language Review, 47 (January 1952): 1-10.

Ernest Schanzer, "Daniel's Revision of His Cleopatra," Review of English Studies, new series 8, no. 32 (1957): 375-381.

Cecil C. Seronsy, "The Doctrine of Cyclical Recurrence and Some Related Ideas in the Works of Samuel Daniel," Studies in Philology, 54 (July 1957): 387-407.

Seronsy, Samuel Daniel (New York: Twayne, 1967).

Seronsy, "Well-Languaged Daniel: A Reconsideration," Modern Language Review, 52 (October 1957): 481-497.

Pierre Spriet, Samuel Daniel (1563-1619): Sa vie, son oeuvre, Etudes Anglaises, no. 29 (Paris: Didier, 1968).

Stirling, Brents. "Daniel's Philotas and the Essex Case." Modern Language Quarterly 3 (Dec. 1942): 583-594.

Talbert, Ernest William. The Problem of Order: Elizabethan Political Commonplaces and an Example of Shakespeare's Art. Chapel Hill (NC): U of North Carolina P, 1962.

Wilkes, G. A. "Daniel's Philotas and the Essex Case: A Reconsideration," Modern Language Quarterly 23 (1962): 233-42.

Smollett. Advice. Satire. 1746. (Vs. London life)

_____. Reproof. Satire. 1747. (Vs. London life)

_____. Peregrine Pickle. 1751, 2nd rev. ed. 1758.

_____. (attr.). The Faithful Narrative of Habbakkuk Hilding. Pamphlet (vs. Fielding). 1752.

_____, ed. (1756-63) Critical Review. Periodical.

_____, trans. History and Adventures of Don Quixote. 2 vols. 1755.

_____, ed. A Compendium of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages. Anthology of travel narratives. 1756. (With an account of the Cartagena de Indias expedition, probably his).

_____. Complete History of England. 1757-58.

_____. The Present State of All Nations. Geography, history, etc. (in collab.?). 1768-69.

Martz, Louis L. The Later Career of Tobias Smollett. 1942.

Boucé, Paul-Gabriel. The Novels of Tobias Smollett. 1976.

Basker, James G. Tobias Smollett: Critic and Journalist. 1988.

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