Aids discourse

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AIDS Discourse
Teun A. van Dijk

October 2013
Adam, B. D. (1989). The State, Public-Policy, and AIDS Discourse. Contemporary Crises, 13(1), 1-14. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Adam, B. D., Husbands, W., Murray, J., & Maxwell, J. (2005). Risk construction in the reinfection discourses of HIV-positive men. Health Risk & Society, 7(1), 63-71.
Afeltowicz, L. (2012). The Cognitive Closure of Science Case Study: the Discourse about the Etiology of AIDS, 1981-1986. Polish Sociological Review, (180), 497-521. [[[black box; scientific discourse; hiv/aids; sociology of scientific knowledge; self-referential system; retroviruses htlv-iii; deficiency syndrome aids; cell leukemia-virus; tacit knowledge; antibodies; networks; activism; sociology]]]
Albertin Carbo, P., Domingo Salvany, A., & Hartnoll, R. L. (2001). Psychosocial considerations for the prevention of HIV infection in injecting drug users. Qualitative Health Research, 11(1), 26-39. [[[social discourses on meaning attributed to HIV risk behaviors such as nonsterile syringe use or failure to use condoms and psychosocial considerations for HIV prevention] [injecting drug users]]]
Almonacid Aguila, C., Luzón Trujillo, A., & Torres Sánchez, M. (2008). Educational Quasi-Market in Chile: The Discourse of Policy Makers. Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas=Education Policy Analysis Archives, 16(8).
Ancona, L. (1988). Una sorgente della comunicazione trans-personale: la trans-cultura. (A Source of Transpersonal Communication: Trans-Culture). Archivio di Psicologia Neurologia e Psichiatria, 49(2), 167-175. [[[Interpersonal Behavior] [Discourse Analysis] [Ethnolinguistics] [Communication in Groups]]]
Anderson, J. D. (2005). A pragmatic assessment of non-native speaker discourse: using appropriate engaging strategies. In: José Manuel Oro Cabanas, JoDee Anderson, & Jesús Varela Zapata (Eds.), La enseñanza de las lenguas en una Europa multicultural [archivo de ordenador]. (pp. 889-901).
Aulette-Root, E. (2010). Khomanani: Critical discourse analysis of South Africa state-funded publications on hiv. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 9(1-2), 173-198. [Lg: English][[[[Biomedical discourse] [Denialist discourse] [Health literature] [HIV] [Post-colonial discourse] [South Africa] ]]]
Banach, M. A., Gifford, B. R., & Holodniy, M. (2007). Representational fluency in HIV clinical practice: A model of instructor discourse. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 27(3), 149-156. [[[human immunodeficiency virus (hiv); drug resistance; continuing medical education (cme); modeling discourse; decision-making strategies; continuing medical-education; strategies; care; education, scientific disciplines; health care sciences & services]
Banda, F., & Oketch, O. (2011). Localizing HIV/AIDS discourse in a rural Kenyan community. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 46(1), 19-37. [Lg: English][[[[Communication] [discourse] [HIV/AIDS] [Kenya] [multimodal] [poster] ]]]
Barsalou, L. W. (1999). Language comprehension: Archival memory or preparation for situated action? Discourse Processes, 28, 61-80.
Barsalou, L. W. (1999a). Language comprehension: Archival memory or preparation for situated action? Discourse Processes, 28, 61-80.
Bastien, S. (2009). Reflecting and shaping the discourse: The role of music in AIDS communication in Tanzania. Social Science & Medicine, 68 (7), 1357-1360.[[[Lg: English] [music][AIDS communication][Tanzania][songs][HIV prevention messages][stigma][metaphors][musicians][AIDS Prevention][Messages][Metaphor][Music][Stigma]]]
Baylies, C., & Bujra, J. (1995). Discourses of power and empowerment in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. In: P. Aggleton, P. Davies, & G. Hart (Eds.), AIDS: Safety, sexuality and risk. (pp. 194-222). Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis [[[Lg: English ] [empowerment & power in fight against HIV/AIDS, Africa, literature review ][AIDS][Empowerment ]]]
Berenguera, A., Pujol-Ribera, E., Violan, C., Romaguera, A., Mansilla, R., Gimenez, A., & Almeda, J. (2011). Experiences about HIV-AIDS preventive-control activities. Discourses from non-governmental organizations professionals and users. Gaceta Sanitaria, 25(3), 184-190. [[[organizations; hiv; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; qualitative research; focus groups; interviews as topic; health education; program evaluation; sexually-transmitted-diseases; qualitative research; focus groups; ; public, environmental & occupati
Bestgen, Y. (1992). Cognitive structure and linguistic marking of narrative discourse: A developmental study / Structure cognitive et marquage linguistique de la narration: Etude developpementale. Archives de Psychologie, 60 (232), 25-44. [[[age] [cognitive structure and linguistic marking in narrative discourse] [1st-6th graders and college students]]]
Bhana, D. (2008). Discourses of childhood innocence in primary school HIV/AIDS education in South Africa. Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research, 7(1), 149-158.
Bjurstrom, E., & Henriksson, B. (1988). The Heterosexualization of the HIV/AIDS Discourse. Sociologisk Forskning, 25(2-3), 29-45.
Blumenreich, M., & Siegel, M. (2006). Innocent victims, fighter cells, and white uncles: A discourse analysis of children's books about AIDS. Childrens Literature in Education, 37(1), 81-110.
Bolton, R. (1992). AIDS and promiscuity: Muddles in the models of HIV prevention. Medical Anthropology, 14(2-4), 145-223. [[[issue of promiscuity in AIDS and HIV prevention discourse]]]
Boshier, R. (1992). Popular Discourse Concerning Aids - its Implications for Adult-Education. Adult Education Quarterly, 42(3), 125-135.
Boshier, R. (1992). Popular discourse concerning AIDS: Its implications for adult education. Adult Education Quarterly, 42(3), 125-135. [[[themes in popular discourse of AIDS, implications for adult prevention education] [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Adult Education; Communication; Health Education; Content Analysis; Prevention]]
Botella Trelis, A., & Stuart, K. (2006). Collocation and knowledge production in an academic discourse community. In: Claus-Peter Neumann, Ramón Plo Alastrué, & Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría (Eds.), Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. (pp. 238-245).
Bourgeois, S. (2007). An archive of caring for nursing: Using Foucauldian archaeology for knowledge development. International Journal for Human Caring, 11 (3), 22-29.[[[Lg: English] [nursing][nursing knowledge][discursive systems][Foucauldian archaeology][archaeological analysis][knowledge development][discourses][Discourse Analysis][Health Care Services][Health Knowledge][Knowledge Level][Nursing]]]
Briggs, C. L. (2004). Theorizing moderning conspiratorially: Science, scale, and the political economy of public discourse in explanations of a cholera epidemic. American Ethnologist, 31(2), 164-187. [[[aids]]]
Brotman, J. S., Mensah, F. M., & Lesko, N. (2011). Urban High School Students' Learning About HIV/AIDS in Different Contexts. Science Education, 95(1), 87-120. [[[socioscientific issues; decision-making; science; discourse; knowledge; hiv; argumentation; sexuality; framework; education; education & educational research]]]
Brouwer, D. C. (2005). Counterpublicity and corporeality in HIV/AIDS zines. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 22(5), 351-371. [[[counterpublic; zines; hiv/aids; corporeal; erotic; grotesque; difference; discourse; activism; communication]]]
Brown, T. (2011). 'Vulnerability is universal': Considering the place of 'security' and 'vulnerability' within contemporary global health discourse. Social Science & Medicine, 72(3), 319-326. [[[global health; security; vulnerability; health geography; infectious-disease; governance; cholera; aids; public, environmental & occupational health; biomedical social sciences]]]
Brozek, B. (2008). Analogy in Legal Discourse. Archiv für rechts-und sozialphilosophie, ARSP, 94(2), 188-201.
Bull, P. (2004). The analysis of equivocation in political interviews. In: Breakwell, Glynis M. (Ed.), Doing social psychology research. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. [[social psychology research][equivocation analysis][political interviews][archives][discourse analysis][data recording][data interpretation][voter perceptions][statistical analysis techniques][Credibility][Discourse Analysis][Experimentation][Ingroup Outgroup][Interviews]]
Bush, A. J., & Boller, G. W. (1991). Rethinking the Role of Television Advertising During Health Crises: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Federal AIDS Campaigns. Journal of Advertising, 20(1), 28-37. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Campbell, N. D., & Shaw, S. J. (2008). INCITEMENTS TO DISCOURSE: Illicit Drugs, Harm Reduction, and the Production of Ethnographic Subjects. Cultural Anthropology, 23(4), 688-717. [[[harm reduction; hiv; ethnography; drug research; governmentality; new-england cities; syringe access; public-health; users; aids; risk; ; anthropology]]]
Cano Mora, L., & Sánchez Macarro, A. (2005). Going to extremes: the pragmatic functions of hyperbole in discourse. In: José Manuel Oro Cabanas, JoDee Anderson, & Jesús Varela Zapata (Eds.), La enseñanza de las lenguas en una Europa multicultural [archivo de ordenador]. (pp. 1103-1115).
Celestini, F. (2005). The triviality reproach to Gustav Mahler - A discourse-analytical observation (1899-1911). Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft, 62(3), 165-176.
Cheung, M. (2006). A discourse analysis of Chinese and English sales letters in Hong Kong. In: Claus-Peter Neumann, Ramón Plo Alastrué, & Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría (Eds.), Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. (pp. 145-150).
Cheung, M. (2006). Producing and communicating electronic sales messages in Hong Kong: insights from a discourse study and from industry practitioners. In: Claus-Peter Neumann, Ramón Plo Alastrué, & Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría (Eds.), Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. (pp. 109-118).
Chuter, C., & Seidel, G. (1987). The Aids Campaign in Britain: A Heterosexist Disease. Text, 7(4), 347-361. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Sociolinguistics]]]
Clarke, J. N. (2006). Homophobia out of the closet in the media portrayal of HIV/AIDS 1991, 1996 and 2001: Celebrity, heterosexism and the silent victims. Critical Public Health, 16(4), 317-330. [Lg: English][[[[acquired immune deficiency syndrome] [allopathy] [article] [attitude to AIDS] [Canada] [discourse analysis] [ethics] [health promotion] [heterosexuality] [homophobia] [homosexuality] [human] [Human immunodeficiency virus infection] [infection control]
Cochand, P., Singy, P., Weber, O., & Dennier, G. (2003). HIV Risk Behavior and Preventive Discourse: A Qualitative Study Among Young Homosexuals in French-Speaking Switzerland. Medecine et Hygiene, 61(2423), 305+.
Cochand, P., Singy, P., Weber, O., & Dennier, G. (2003). Hiv Risk Behaviour and Preventive Discourse: a Qualitative Study Among Young Homosexuals in French Speaking Switzerland. Medecine et Hygiene, 61(2423), 305-+. [[[gay men]]]
Coelho, C. A., Liles, B. Z., & Duffy, R. J. (1991). Discourse Analyses with Closed Head Injured Adults: Evidence for Differing Patterns of Deficits. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 72(7), 465-468.
Cohen, A. D., & Shively, R. L. (2007). Acquisition of requests and apologies in Spanish and French: Impact of study abroad and strategy-building intervention. Modern Language Journal, 91(2), 189-212. [[[discourse completion tests; contexts; linguistics]]]
Compton, M. V. (1988). Discourse Rules in Teletypewriter Conversations. Dissertation Abstracts International, B: Sciences and Engineering, 48, 10, 2944-3. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Hearing Disorders] [Hearing Aids] [Dyadic Interaction]]]
Cover, R. (2012). Mediating Suicide: Print Journalism and the Categorization of Queer Youth Suicide Discourses. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(5), 1173-1183. [[[queer youth; suicide; news; discourse; bullying; sexual orientation; gay men; young; homophobia; people; shame; risk; psychology; social sciences - other topics]]]
Craib, R. B. (2010). The archive in the field: document, discourse, and space in Mexico's agrarian reform. Journal of Historical Geography, 36(4), 411-420. [[[agrarian reform; peasants; space; veracruz; epistemology; surveying; politics; land; geography; history of social sciences]]]
Dahl, B. (2009). The "failures of culture": Christianity, kinship, and moral discourses about orphans during Botswana's AIDS crisis. Africa Today, 56(1), 23-43. [Lg: English]
De Kock, L., & Wilis, J. (2007). Competing or co-existing? Representations of HIV/AIDS by white women teachers in post-apartheid South Africa. Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research, 6(3), 229-237. [[[interviews; qualitative data; racism; risk perceptions; socio-cultural aspects; stereotypes; sub-saharan africa; psychosocial context; aids; prevention; adolescents; discourses; blame; risk; sex; ]]]
De Souza, R. (2007). The construction of HIV/AIDS in Indian newspapers: A frame analysis. Health Communication, 21(3), 257-266. [[[health communication; perspective; discourse; communication; health policy & services]]]
Denis, M., Pazzaglia, F., Cornoldi, C., & Bertolo, L. (1999). Spatial discourse and navigation: An analysis of route directions in the city of Venice. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13(2), 145-174. [[[descriptions of route directions as navigational aids & spatial discourse in unfamiliar environments, 19-40 yr old residents of city of Venice] [Direction Perception; Geography; Spatial Orientation (Perception); Stimulus Novelty; Visual Perception; Italy]]
Drager, K. D. R., & Reichle, J. E. (2001). Effects of discourse context on the intelligibility of synthesized speech for young adult and older adult listeners: Applications for AAC. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44 (5), 1052-1057. [[[augmentative and alternative communication] [synthesized speech] [discourse comprehension] [sentence context] [older vs younger adults] [electronic communication aids]]]
Drago, A., & Zerbino, E. (1996). Sull'interpretazione metodologica del discorso freudiano / On the methodological interpretation of the Freudian discourse. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 57 (5-6), 539-566. [[[interpretation of double negatives in Freud's text "Denial"]]]
Ezekiel, M. J., Talle, A., Juma, J. M., & Klepp, K. I. (2009). "When in the body, it makes you look fat and HIV negative": The constitution of antiretroviral therapy in local discourse among youth in Kahe, Tanzania. Social Science & Medicine, 68(5), 957-964. [[[tanzania; antiretroviral therapy; body image; sick role; social structure; hiv; northern tanzania; aids; infection; risk; men; lipodystrophy; ; public, environmental & occupational health; social sciences, biomedical]]]
Faria, C. (2008). Privileging prevention, gendering responsibility: an analysis of the Ghanaian campaign against HIV/AIDS. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(1), 41-73. [[[hiv/aids; ghana; gender; public health; discourse; competing discourses; hiv aids; women; geography; health; epidemic; disease; geography]]]
Fausto Neto, A. (1999). Comunicação e mídia impressa. Estudo sobre a AIDS. São Paulo, Brazil: Hacker Editores. [[[b][Lg: por][ISBN: 8586179213][AIDS (Disease)][AIDS (Disease) and mass media][AIDS (Disease)][Mass media in health educacion][Journalism, Medical][Discourse analysis]]]
Finn, M., & Sarangi, S. (2008). Quality of life as a mode of governance: NGO talk of HIV 'positive' health in India. Social Science & Medicine, 66(7), 1568-1578. [[[india; quality of life (qol); hiv/aids; non-government organizations (ngos); neoliberal governmentality; foucault; empowerment; empowerment; discourse; people; state; aids; pune; public, environmental & occupational health; social sciences, biomedical]
Fivkova, M. (2006). Utterances as literary discourse phenomena: a multi-dimensional approach to interpretation. In: Claus-Peter Neumann, Ramón Plo Alastrué, & Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría (Eds.), Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. (pp. 188-190).
Flotow, L. (2005). The (globalizated) three amigos: translating and disseminating HIV/AIDS prevention discourse. TTR: etudes sur le texte et ses transformations, 18(2), 193-208.
Forner, M. (1983). Discourse Strategies in Caretaker Speech: Could They Be Learning Aids? Minnesota Papers in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, 9, 77-104. [[[discourse analysis] [syntax] [bilingualism] [child language] ]]
Foster, N. (2007). Reinscribing black women's position within HIV and AIDS discourses. Feminism & Psychology, 17(3), 323-329. [[[hiv/aids; epidemic; health; impact; psychology, multidisciplinary; women's studies]]]
Foster, S. W. (1990). The pragmatics of culture: The rhetoric of difference in psychiatric nursing. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 4(5), 292-297. [[[cultural rhetoric in discourse] [psychiatric nurses and Hispanic and Black and Asian Pacific inpatients] [conference presentation]]]
Friedman, E. G., & Martin, R. (Eds.). (1995). Utterly other discourse. The texts of Christine Brooke-Rose. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 1564780791][Brooke-Rose, Christine][Women and literature][Psychological fiction, English][Difference (Psychology) in literature][Discourse analysis, Literary]]]
Friedman, E. J. (Ed.). (1995). Utterly other discourse the texts of Christine Brooke-Rose. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press. [[[b] [Brooke-Rose, Christine; Women and literature; Psychological fiction, English; Difference (Psychology) in literature.; Discourse analysis, Literary.]]]
Friedman, E. J., & Martin, R. (Eds.). (1995). Utterly other discourse: The texts of Christine Brooke-Rose. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press. [[[b] [Women and literature; Psychological fiction, English; Difference (Psychology) in literature; Discourse analysis, Literary]]]
Gacoin, A. (2010). Youth voice and HIV prevention: discursive opportunities, limitations and productive impossibilities. Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 31(2), 165-178. [[[hiv prevention; voice; youth studies; dialogue; power; discourse; student voice; ]]]
Gasser, P. (1983). Authority between discourse and consultation / Autoritaet zwischen Diskus und Beratung. Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 133 (1), 63-70. [[[authority of educators] [childrearing]]]
Gibbs, A., & Jobson, G. (2011). Narratives of masculinity in the Daily Sun: implications for HIV risk and prevention. South African Journal of Psychology, 41(2), 173-186. [[[daily sun; hiv; masculinity; media; narrative psychology; south-africa; gender; health; aids; men; representations; discourse; hiv/aids; magazine; behavior; psychology]]]
Goldstein, D. M. (1994). AIDS and women in Brazil: The emerging problem. Social Science and Medicine, 39(7), 919-929. [[[public vs private discourse on AIDS and sexuality, low income urban females, Brazil]]]
González Pueyo, M. I. (2006). Scientific and technical discourse and the internet. In: Claus-Peter Neumann, Ramón Plo Alastrué, & Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría (Eds.), Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. (pp. 595-600).
Graffigna, G., & Olson, K. (2009). The Ineffable Disease: Exploring Young People's Discourses About HIV/AIDS in Alberta, Canada. Qualitative Health Research, 19(6), 790-801. [[[discourse analysis; focus groups; health promotion; hiv/aids, prevention; youth; focus groups; hiv; communication; health; risk; construction; margins; women; health policy & services]]]
Groes-Green, C. (2009). Health discourse, sexual slang and ideological contradictions among Mozambican youth: implications for method. Culture Health & Sexuality, 11(6), 655-668. [[[young people; sexuality; slang; mozambique; reliability; validity; young-people; aids; construction; perspectives; behavior; culture; africa; zambia; risks; kenya; family studies; social sciences, biomedical]]]
Guilhaumou, J., & Maldidier, D. (1986). Effets de l'archive; l'analyse de discours du cote de l'histoire. (Effects of the Archive: Discourse Analysis from the Historical Perspective). Langages, 21, 81, 43-56. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Diachronic Linguistics] [French] [Text Analysis]]]
Guilhaumou, J., Maldidier, D., & Robin, R. (1994). Discours et archive: Expérimentations en analyse du discours. Liège: Mardaga. [[[b] [Sociolingustics; Discourse analysis]]]
Guillén Nieto, V. (2005). An inter-cultural discourse analysis approach to business interaction: observations on business English students' scripts of sales negotiations. In: José Manuel Oro Cabanas, JoDee Anderson, & Jesús Varela Zapata (Eds.), La enseñanza de las lenguas en una Europa multicultural [archivo de ordenador]. (pp. 851-863).
Guizzardi, G., Stella, R., & Remy, J. (1997). Rationality and preventive measures: The ambivalence of the social discourse on AIDS. In: L. Van Campenhoudt, M. Cohen, G. Guizzardi, & D. Hausser (Eds.), Sexual interactions and HIV risk: New conceptual perspectives in European research. (pp. 159-180). Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis [[[Lg: English ] [social network interactions & discourse & role of media in production of effective norms & representations & rationality underlying AIDS preventive measures
Gurevich, M., Mathieson, C. M., Bower, J., & Dhayanandhan, B. (2007). Disciplining bodies, desires and subjectivities: Sexuality and HIV-positive women. Feminism & Psychology, 17(1), 9-38. [[[discourse; hiv; intimacy; power; protection; spontaneity; responsibility; risk; safer sex; social support; infected women; young-adults; violence; ; psychology, multidisciplinary; women's studies]]]
Ha, Q. M. (2011). Tran Van Dinh's Blue Dragon, White Tiger and Postcolonial Discourse on the Vietnam War. Archiv Orientalni, 79(1), 71-+. [[[arts & humanities - other topics; asian studies]]]
Hammons, P. (1994). The Language of the Hive: Political Discourse in Seventeenth-Century England. The 9(1), 119-33. [[[English literature] [1600 1699] [language] [political discourse] [review article]]]
Holt, M., & Stephenson, N. (2006). Living with HIV and negotiating psychological discourse. Health, 10(2), 211-231. [[[gay men; living with hiv; positive thinking; psychological discourse; subjectivity; improve clinical outcomes; psychosocial interventions; social support; ]]]
Hoosen, S., & Collins, A. (2004). Sex, sexuality and sickness: Discourses of gender and HIV/AIDS among KwaZulu-Natal women. South African Journal of Psychology, 34(3), 487-505. [[[african-american women; developing-countries; aids-prevention; risk; ]]]
Horowitz, M. J., Milbrath, C., & Stinson, C. H. (1995). Signs of defensive control locate conflicted topics in discourse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52(12), 1040-1047. [[[signs of defensive control & discussion of conflictual topics, adults with pathological grief in psychodynamic psychotherapy] [Conflict; Defense Mechanisms; Grief; Psychotherapeutic Processes; Psychotherapy; Adulthood; Nonverbal Communication]]
Hudgins, A. M. (2007). Problematizing the discourse: Sex trafficking policy and ethnography. In: L. L. O'Toole, J. R. Schiffman, & M. L. K. Edwards (Eds.), Gender violence: Interdisciplinary perspectives (2nd ed.). (pp. 409-414). New York, NY: New York University Press [[[Lg: English ] [sex trafficking policy ][ethnography ][Trafficking Victims Protection Act ][Global AIDS Act ][Human Trafficking][Policy Making][Prostitution ]]]
Hugo, W., & Nyilimana, V. (2008). HIV/AIDS Education in Butare-ville Secondary Schools (Rwanda): Analyzing Pedagogic Discourse Using a Bernsteinian Framework. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3), 457-464.
Ibáñez Moreno, A., & Ortigosa Pastor, A. (2005). A contrastive discourse analysis of proverbs in English and Spanish: the discovery of how much can be communicated through so little. In: José Manuel Oro Cabanas, JoDee Anderson, & Jesús Varela Zapata (Eds.), La enseñanza de las lenguas en una Europa multicultural [archivo de ordenador]. (pp. 1149-1161).

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