According to Dr. Isa Mammadov. Rector of the Baku Inservice Institute, and Ms. Raliga Aliyeva, a staff member in charge of the English language program, their mandate is to provide inservice education to teachers within the Azeri capitol city of Baku. 1 he institute works closely with the Baku Education Department. With an instructional staff of 100. of whom 50 are methodologists. they serve 351 schools and educational institutions with 40.000 teachers in 11 regions of Baku.
Teachers in Baku public schools complete their recertilication inservice training every live years. They do not, however, receive any salary recognition for increased knowledge and skills. Teachers in Azerbaijan do not have collective bargaining. The teachers complete 156 clock hours of training at the rate of six hours each day in one of two modes: either one meeting per week for 8-9 months, or the entire month of June. The institute publishes an extensiv e annual schedule, which is distributed to all schools. All sessions are conducted in the institute. There is some small group work, and teachers learn to work with new required textbooks. There are a few videotaped lessons for them to observe.