Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: A Preliminary Interpretation. In: Jens Brosted, et al., eds. Native Power: The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples. Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 329-339. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ESKIMO, INUIT, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:591]
Aarli, Johan A. 1991 [But Rocambole Was Not Dead.]. [Norwegian]. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening 111(11):1347. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, [CWHM-1992-152-#0224]
Aaron, Jean E., Juliet Rogers, and John A. Kanis 1992 Paleohistology of Paget's Disease in Two Medieval Skeletons. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89(3):325-331. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, BONE HISTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Aaronson, Sheldon 1986 A Role for Algae as Human Food in Antiquity. Food and Foodways (London) 1:311-315. GOITRE, NUTRITION, ALGAE AS FOOD, [CWHM-1987-134-#0785]
Aaronson, Sheldon 1989 Fungal Parasites of Grasses and Cereals: Their Rôle as Food or Medicine, Now and in the Past. Antiquity 63(239):247-257. PARASITISM, FUNGAL, GRASS, CEREAL, FOOD, MEDICINE, [JRNL]
Aaronson, Sheldon 1994 The Protozoan and Helminth Parasites of Prehistoric and Ancient Peoples. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 22. MUMMIES, NEW WORLD, OLD WORLD, PARASITISM, PROTOZOAN AND HELMINTHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aasen, Diane K. 1984 Pollen, Macrofossil, and Charcoal Analysis of Basketmaker Coprolites from Turkey Pen Ruin, Cedar Mesa, Utah. [Thesis, Washington State University, Pullman]. COPROLITE, TURKEY PEN RUIN, CEDAR MESA, UTAH, AMERICA, INDIAN, BASKETMAKER, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1989-16:28]
Abad León, F. 1984 Real Monasterio de Cañas. Nueve Siglos de Fidelidad. Logroño: Editorial Ochoa. MUMMIES, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:52]
Abadir, F. 1953 Skeleton Found in Shaft No. 42 of the Uninscribed Mastaba "B." In: A. M. Abu-Bakr, ed. Excavations at Giza 1949-1950. Cairo: Government Press, p. 85. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TOMB, MASTABA "B", [ZAGREB-1988:193]
Abatelli, C. 1993 Ethics of Reburial: Two Cases from Southern New England. [For abstract, see Abstracts in Anthropology, 1994, 28(2):209.]. Man in the Northeast 45:27-100. REPATRIATION, [ABSTR-ANHTROPOL-1994-28(2):209]
Abbate, O. P. 1910 Contribution à l'Histoire des Mommies. Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte Série 5(4):65-68. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HISTORY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Abbie, A. A. 1959 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. Bulletin of the Postgraduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney 15(3):101-150. BIOGRAPHY, SMITH; GRAFTON ELLIOT, [JRNL]
Abbie, A. A. 1960 Physical Changes in Australian Aborigines Consequent upon European Contact. Oceania 31:140-144. PHYSICAL CHANGE, EUROPEAN CONTACT, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [COHEN-1989:225]
Abbie, A. A. 1963 Criteria for the Comparison of Skulls. Nature (London) 199:101. SKULL, COMPARISON, CRITERIA, [NDX-Craniometry-05-02-01038]
Abbott, E. Carl 1993 The Mozart Family's Physicians and Their Treatments. Dalhousie Review 73(2):224-229. MOZART, [CWHM-1995-166-#0365]
Abbott, Kenneth H., and Cyril B. Courville 1939 Historical Notes on the Meningiomas. I. A Study of Hyperostoses in Prehistoric Skulls. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 4(3):101-113. SKULL, NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMA, HYPEROSTOSIS, [JRNL]
Abbott, Kenneth H., and Cyril B. Courville 1945 Notes on the Pathology of Cranial Tumors. I. Osteomas of the Skull with Incidental Mention of Their Occurrence in the Ancient Incas. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 10:19-34. SKULL, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, ANCIENT, INCA, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Abbott, Stephen, Erik Trinkaus, and David B. Burr 1996 Dynamic Bone Remodeling in Later Pleistocene Fossil Hominids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 99(4):585-601. BONE REMODELING, NEANDERTAL, AGING, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, [JRNL]
Abd-Elaal, M. S. 1962 [On Mummy Disease.]. [German]. Zentralblatt fuer Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz 12:133. MUMMIES, PATHOLOGY, [NDX-Mummies-03-03-01887]
Abdel-Malek, Shafik, and Youssef Mikhail 1960 A Human Skull with Multiple Unusual Anomalies. Alexandria Medical Journal 6(3):300-306. SKULL, ANOMALY, UNUSUAL, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed Farid 1982 Schistosomiasis in Egypt. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Inc. SCHISTOSOMIASIS, EGYPT, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:059]
Abdelmalek, Ratiba G., and Nabil F. Bissada 1973 Incidence and Distribution of Alveolar Body Dehiscence and Fenestration in Dry Human Egyptian Jaws. Journal of Periodontology 44(9):586-588. JAW, ALVEOLAR BODY, DEHISCENCE, FENESTRATION, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Abderhalden, E., and C. Braham 1909 Über den Gehalt der Muskelsubstanz Ägyptischer Mumien an Monoaminosäuren. Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie 61:419. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUSCULATURE, [LSG3-Mummies]
Abderhalden, E., and A. Weil 1911 Über den Gehalt Ägyptischer Mumien an Eiweiss und Eiweiss Abbauprodukten. Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie 72:15-23. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [LSG3-Mummies]
Abdullaev, AKh, and T. A. Sharafiddinov 1981 [Abu Ali Ibn- Sina (Avicenna) on Leprosy.]. [Russian with English Abstract]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 5:76-79. LEPROSY, CHINA, [NDX-Leprosy history-23-11-10018]
Abe, Horst Rudolf 1990 Zur Geschichte der Lepra in Erfurt. Dermatologische Monatsschrift 176(12):765-770. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1991-151-#0236]
Abel, O. 1912 Grundzüge der Paläobiologie der Wirbeltiere. Stuttgart. BIOLOGY, VERTEBRATE, [DIS IN ANT:517]
Abel, O. 1922 Neue Funde Fossiler Menschenreste in Südafrika und Australien. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 10:313-316. FOSSIL REMAINS, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Abel, O. 1924 Neuere Studien über Krankheiten Fossiler Wirbeltiere. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Vienna 73:104. DISEASE, FOSSIL, VERTEBRATE, [STEINBOCK-1976:083]
Abelho, M. M. C. 1990 [Estudo Antropológico dos Enterramientos de S. Mançoc - (Evora).]. [Portuguese with English Abstract]. Antropologia Portuguêsa 8:69-100. BURIAL, PORTUGAL, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:231]
Abelson, Philip H. 1954 Palaeobiochemistry: Organic Constituents of Fossils. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 53:97-101. BIOCHEMISTRY, BONE, [JRNL]
Abelson, Philip H. 1956 Paleobiochemistry. Scientific American 195(1):83-92. BIOCHEMISTRY, BONE, [JRNL]
Abelson, Philip H. 1957 Some Aspects of Paleobiochemistry. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 69(2):276-285. BIOCHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Aberle, S. B. D. 1932 Child Mortality Among Pueblo Indians. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 16(3):339-349. MORTALITY, CHILD MORTALITY, PUEBLO INDIAN, AMERICA, INDIAN [JRNL]
Aberth, J. 1995 The Black Death in the Diocese of Ely: The Evidence of the Bishop's Register. Journal of Medieval History 21(3):275-288. PLAGUE, DIOCESE OF ELY, [CWHM-1996-170-#0521]
Abler, Thomas S. 1980 Iroquois Cannibalism: Fact not Fiction. Ethnohistory 27(4):309-316. CANNIBALISM, IROQUOIS, [JRNL]
Abler, Thomas S. 1992 Scalping, Torture, Cannibalism and Rape: An Ethnohistorical Analysis of Conflicting Cultural Values in War. Anthropologica 34(1):3-20. WAR, SCALPING, TORTURE, CANNIBALISM, RAPE, [JRNL]
Ablin, Richard J., Maurice J. Gonder, and Ronald S. Immerman 1985 AIDS: A Disease in Ancient Egypt? [Letter]. New York State Journal of Medicine 85(5):200-201. DISEASE, AIDS, ANCIENT, EGYPT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Abom, P. E. 1987 [Plague--a Forgotten but Uneradicated Disease.]. [Swedish]. Lakartidningen 84:1549-1552. PLAGUE, FORGOTTEN BUT NOT ERADICATED, [CWHM-1988-136-#1736]
Abonnenc, E., and M. Abonnenc 1981 Le Bagne de la Guyane Française Durant les Années 1856 à 1872. Un Manuscrit Révélateur. [The Prison of French Guyana from 1856 to 1872. A Revelatory Manuscript.] Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 74:235-252. PRISON, [CWHM-1982-112-#1579]
Abonyi, S. 1993 The Effects of Processing on Stable Isotope Levels and Mineral Concentration in Foods: Implications for Paleodietary Reconstruction. [Thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Alberta.] DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:233]
Abraham, Jerrold L., Andrew Hunt, Brian Burnett, Marvin J. Allison, and Enrique Gerszten 1990 Light Microscopic and Microanalytic Study of Lungs from Pre-Columbian Chilean Mummies: Correlations with Cultural Data and Comparison with Contemporary Pneumoconiosis. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 41:3-5. MUMMIES, CHILE, PNEUMOCONIOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Abram, George H. 1965 The Cornplanter Cemetery. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 35(2):59-73. CEMETERY, CORNPLANTER, [JRNL]
Abrams, J. L., R. Spiro, and N. Goldstein 1950 Metastases in Carcinoma: Analysis of 1000 Autopsied Cases. Cancer 3:74-85. NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, METASTASES, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Abrate, Mario 1973? Popolazione e Peste del 1630 a Carmagnola. Torino: Centro Studi Piemontesi. PLAGUE, HISTORY, CARMAGNOLA, ITALY, 1630, [MELVYL]
Academy of Medicine, Toronto 1975 New Section of Medical Archaeology and Anthropology. Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto 48:54-55. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, [CWHM-1975-85-#1181]
Acheson, J. F., and N. Nitsas 1996 Ocular Torticollis in the Macedonians. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 347(9008):1126. OCULAR TORTICOLLIS, MACEDONIA, LETTER, [CWHM-1996-170-#0724]
Acheson, Roy M. 1960 Effect of Nutrition and Disease on Human Growth. In: J. M. Tanner, ed. Human Growth. New York: Pergamon Press, pp. 73-92. NUTRITION, DISEASE, GROWTH, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:039]
Acheson, Roy M., Gillian Fowler, E. I. Fry, Margaret Janes, K. Koski, P. Urbano, and J. J. van der Werff ten Bosch 1963 Studies in the Reliability of Assessing Skeletal Maturity from X-Rays. Part I. Greulich-Pyle Atlas. Human Biology 35(3):317-349. SKELETAL MATURITY, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Achté, K., and A. Tuulio-Henriksson 1984 [Pharaoh Ekhnaton--a Sick Reformer?]. [Finnish with English Abstract]. Hippokrates (Helsinki) 1:18-25. AKHENATEN, PHARAOH, EGYPT, [CWHM-1985-125-#0023]
Achté, K, and A. Tuulio-Henriksson 1986 [Pharaoh Ekhnaton--God and Man.]. [Finnish with English Abstract]. Hippokrates (Helsinki) 3:10-14. AKHENATEN, PHARAOH, EGYPT, [CWHM-1987-132-#0021]
Acker, Cheryl L., and Patricia K. Townsend 1975 Demographic Models and Female Infanticide. [Letter; with a reply by Carmel Schrire, and William Lee Steiger.] MAN (London) 10:469-472. INFANTICIDE, FEMALE, ESKIMO, DEMOGRAPHY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1942 Problems of Primitive Medicine. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 11:503-521. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1943 Primitive Medicine and Culture Pattern. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 12:545-574. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1944 Head Trophies and Skull Cults in the Old World. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 5(10):1662-1669. SCALP TROPHY, SCALPING, SKULL TROPHY, OLD WORLD, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1944 Head Trophies in America. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 5(10):1670-1675. SCALP TROPHY, SCALPING, SKULL TROPHY, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1944 Origin and Distribution of Skull Cults. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 5(10):1654-1661. SCALP TROPHY, SCALPING, SKULL TROPHY, DISTRIBUTION, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1945 The History of Malaria. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 7:51-56. MALARIA, HISTORY, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:312]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1945 Malaria in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1760-1900. Bulletin of the History of Medicine Supplement Number 4. MALARIA, MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, [CRAN]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1945 On the Collection of Data Concerning Primitive Medicine. American Anthropologist 47(3):427-432. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1946 Contradictions in Primitive Surgery. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 20:184. SURGERY, PRIMITIVE, CONTRADICTION, [DIS IN ANT:694]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1946 Natural Diseases and Rational Treatment in Primitive Medicine. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 19:467-497. MEDICINE, DISEASE, NATURAL TREATMENT, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1946 Primitive Medicine: A Contrast with Modern Practice. Merck Report 55(3):4-8. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, CONTRAST, MODERN, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1947 Primitive Surgery. American Anthropologist 49(1):25-45. SURGERY, PRIMITIVE, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1948 Cinchona and Malaria in Pre-Columbian South America. In: S. R. Kagan, ed. Victor Robinson Memorial Volume. New York: Froben Press, pp. 23-26. CINCHONA, MALARIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, SOUTH AMERICA, [ARME]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1948 Medicine and Disease Among Eskimos. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 10(1):916-921. DISEASE, MEDICINE, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1948 Primitive Autopsies and the History of Anatomy. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 13:334. AUTOPSY, PRIMITIVE, ANATOMY, HISTORY, [DIS IN ANT:648]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1949 Medical Practices. In: Julian H. Steward, ed. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 143. Handbook of South American Indians, Volume 5. The Comparative Ethnology of South American Indians. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 621-643. MEDICAL PRACTICE, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1953 Paleopathology. In: A. L. Kroeber, ed. Anthropology Today: An Encyclopedic Inventory. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, pp. 120-126. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1955 A Short History of Medicine. New York: Ronald Press. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BUIKSTRA:1981:020]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1958 Primitive Medicine's Social Function. Miscellanea Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata [Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1958)] 1:3-7. MEDICAL HISTORY, PRIMITIVE MEDICINE, SOCIAL FUNCTION OF, [JRNL]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1962 Paleopathology. In: Sol Tax, ed. Anthropology Today: Selections. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, pp. 39-45. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1963 Geschichte und Geographie der Wichtigsten Krankheiten. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag. DISEASE, GEOGRAPHY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:247]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1965 History and Geography of the Most Important Diseases. New York: Hafner. [See review by Richard Harrison Shryock, 1966.]. DISEASE, HISTORY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, [SCIENCE-1966-154(3749):641 & CRAN]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1967 Primitive Surgery. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 635-650. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, SURGERY, PRIMITIVE, [BOOK]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1970 Therapie von den Primitiven bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Mit einem Anhang: Geschichte der Diät. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag. [See review by Guenter B. Risse, 1972.]. THERAPY, PRIMITIVE, [BULL HIST MED-46:602-603]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1973 Therapeutics from the Primitives to the 20th Century. With an Appendix: History of Dietetics. [Translated from the original German edition: Erwin H. Ackerknecht. "Therapie von den Primitiven bis zum 20. Jahrhundert" published in 1970 by Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.] New York: Hafner Press; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers. [See reviews by Gert H. Brieger, 1975; Michael R. Zimmerman, 1975.]. THERAPEUTICS, PRIMITIVE TO TWENTIETH CENTURY, [BOOK]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1978 Die Katastrophe in der Geschichte der Medizin. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Militaer Medizin 55:181-188. DISASTER, MEDICAL HISTORY, [CWHM-1980-103-#0464]
Ackerknecht, Erwin H. 1982 Short History of Medicine. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ZAGREB-1988:239]
Ackerman, L. V., and H. J. Spjut 1962 Tumours of Bone and Cartilage. Washington, D.C.: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, BONE AND CARTILAGE, [SBEHP-238]
Ackermann, A. 1953 Le Mécanisme des Mâchoires. [The Mechanics of the Jaw.] Paris. JAW, MECHANISM, [CRAN]
Acolbe, S., and T. A. Varela 1976 La Mortalidad en España desde el Neolítico hasta la Actualidad. Trabajos de Antropología (Madrid) 18(1):7-25. DEMOGRAPHY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Acsádi, Gy., and János Nemeskéri 1957 Paläodemographische Probleme am Beispiel des Frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldes von Halimba-Cseres Kom. Veszprém/Ungarn. HOMO 8:133-148. DEMOGRAPHY, CEMETERY, [JRNL]
Acsádi, Gy., and János Nemeskéri 1970 History of Human Life Span and Mortality. Translated by K. Balás. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. [See review by J. Lawrence Angel, 1972.]. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, LIFE SPAN, MORTALITY, [BOOK]
Acsádi, Gy., János Nemeskéri, and Laszlo Harsányi 1959 Analyse des Trouvailles Anthropologiques du Cimetière de Kérpuszta (XI Siècle) sous l'Aspect de l'Age. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 11:419 CEMETERY, ELEVENTH CENTURY, [SBEHP-169]
Adachi, B. 1895 Pathological Evidence of Osseous Syphilis in the Japanese Paleolithic Period. Journal of the Tokyo Medical Association 9:21-25. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, JAPAN, PALEOLITHIC, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Adachi, B. 1895 Über die Syphilis in der Steinzeit Japan's. Zeitschrift der Medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Tokyo 9:613,479 BIS. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, STONE AGE, JAPAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Adachi, B. 1903 Syphilis in der Steinzeit in Japan. Archiv fuer Dermatologie und Syphilis (Wien and Leipzig) 64:11-14. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, STONE AGE, JAPAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Adachi, B. 1904 Die Orbitae und die Hautmasse des Schädels der Japaner. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 7:379. SKULL, ORBIT, SCALP, JAPANESE, [ARME]
Adachi, B. 1904 Die Porosität des Schädels. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 7:373-378. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, SKULL, [ZAGREB-1988:28 & ARME]
Adams, Barbara 1988 Egyptian Mummies. 2nd Edition. Princes Risborough, Aylesbury, Bucks, UK: Shire Publications. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Adams, C. V. 1964 The Songstress of Amen-re. An X-Ray Examination of an Egyptian Mummy. Medical News (Philadelphia) 20:1. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AMEN-RE, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Adams, F., trans. 1844 Paulus Aegineta, The Seven Books. London: The Sydenham Society. MEDICAL HISTORY, PAULUS AEGINETA, [CRAN]
Adams, F., trans. 1846 Aretaeus the Cappadocian. London: The Sydenham Society. MEDICAL HISTORY, ARETAEUS THE CAPPADOCIAN, [CRAN]
Adams, F., trans. 1849 Hippocrates. The Genuine Works. London: The Sydenham Society. MEDICAL HISTORY, HIPPOCRATES, GENUINE WORKS, [CRAN]
Adams, F., trans. 1950 The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. Translated from the Greek, 2nd Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Wilkins and Wilkins Company. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:253]
Adams, M., and J. D. Niswander 1968 Health of the American Indians: Congenital Defects. Eugenics Quarterly 15:227-234. CONGENITAL DEFECT, AMERICA, INDIAN, [DRY BONES:213 & GPALEOBI.BIB]
Adams, Max, and Jez Reeve 1987 Excavations at Christ Church, Spitalfields 1984-6. Antiquity 61(232):247-256. EXCAVATION, CHRIST CHURCH, SPITALFIELDS 1984-1986, [JRNL]
Adams, Norman 1972 Dead and Buried? The Horrible History of Bodysnatching. Aberdeen: Impulse Publications Ltd. [Originally published in 1928.] GRAVE ROBBING, BODY SNATCHING, [MELVYL]
Adamson, J. D., et al. 1949 Poliomyelitis in the Arctic. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 61:339-348. POLIOMYELITIS, ARCTIC, [QCIM-1949-46:0110]
Adamson, Melitta Weiss, ed. 1995 Food in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. New York: Garland. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1996-170-#0444]
Adamson, P. B. 1970 The 'Bubu'tu' Lesion in Antiquity. Medical History 14:313-318. LESION, "BUBU'TU", HISTORY, MEDICINE, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-12-02-05695]
Adamson, P. B. 1976 Schistosomiasis in Antiquity. Medical History 20(2):176-188. PARASITISM, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, ANTIQUITY, [JRNL]
Adamson, P. B. 1977 The Spread of Rabies into Europe and the Probable Origin of this Disease in Antiquity. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1977(2):140-144. RABIES, ORIGIN, ANTIQUITY, [CWHM-1979-101-#1200]
Adamson, P. B. 1979 Absorption of Lead in Ancient Mesopotamia. Medicina nei Secoli 16:333-337. LEAD POISONING, MESOPOTAMIA, [CWHM-1981-108-#0976]
Adamson, P. B. 1982 Human Diseases and Deaths in the Ancient Near East. Die Welt des Orients 13:5-14. DISEASE, DEATH, MORTALITY, NEAR EAST, [CWHM-1984-121-#0524]
Adamson, P. B. 1989 Diseases Associated with Man and Pig in the Ancient Middle East. Historia Medicinae Veterinariae 14:104-110. ZOONOSES, SWINE, MIDDLE EAST, [CWHM-1990-146-#2395]
Adamson, P. B. 1990 Comments on Cosmetic Surgery in the Ancient Near East. Wuerzburger Medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 8:85-89. SURGERY, COSMETIC, NEAR EAST, [CWHM-1991-149-#2017]
Adams, Stephen L. 1989 The Medicinal Leech: Historical Perspectives. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 15(3):261-264. BLOOD, BLOODLETTING, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Adams, W. Y. 1968 Settlement Pattern in Microcosm: The Changing Aspect of a Nubian Village During Twelve Centuries. In: K. C. Chang, ed. Settlement Archaeology. Palo Alto, California: National Press Books, pp. 174-207. SETTLEMENT PATTERN, NUBIA, [AJPA-1994-93:296]
Adatia, A. 1975 Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease. In: D. P. Burkitt, and H. C. Trowell, eds. Refined Carbohydrate Foods and Disease. London: Academic Press, pp. 251-277. DENTITION, DENTAL CARIES, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:119]
Addington, James E. 1973 Collectors or Farmers: Dental Attrition and Pathology as Related to Subsistence in the Ohio Valley. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL ATTRITION, PREHISTORIC, OHIO VALLEY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:362]
Addington, James E. 1975 Patterns of Dental Attrition and Pathology in Four Prehistoric Populations from the Ohio Valley. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42(2):287. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL ATTRITION, PREHISTORIC, OHIO VALLEY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Addis, Paul 1982 History of Dentistry. By Walter Hoffman-Axthelm, and Translated by H. M. Koehler. 1981. Chicago and Berlin: Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 37(4):472-473. REVIEW OF, HOFFMAN-AXTHELM; WALTER, 1981, [JRNL]
Addis-Castro, Elias, and Georg K. Neumann 1947 The Incidence of Ear Exostoses in the Hopewell People of the Illinois Valley. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1947 57:33-36. EAR, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, HOPEWELL, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
Addison, F. 1949 Jebel Moya. 2 vols. London: Oxford University Press. UROLOGY, URINARY CALCULI, SUDAN, JEBEL MOYA, [DIS IN ANT:351]
Addyman, P. V. 1989 The Archaeology of Public Health at York, England. World Archaeology 21(2):244-264. PUBLIC HEALTH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, YORK, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Adebajo, A. D. 1989 The Antiquity of Rheumatoid Arthritis in West Africa. In: Peter J. Maddison, ed. The Antiquity of the Erosive Arthropathies. Symposium presented at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, England, 24 June 1988. The Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research: Conference Proceedings No. 5, p. 39. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, ANTIQUITY, WEST AFRICA, [PPNL-1990-69:19]
Adelfang, Kay 1991 Scurvy in Medical Dissertations of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 39(2):73-76. SCURVY, [CWHM-1992-152-#0187]
Adels, Barry R., John E. Francis, Jr., and D. Carleton Gajdusek 1962 Measles in Australasian Indigenes. American Journal of Diseases of Children 103:255-261. MEASLES, AUSTRALASIA, [JRNL]
Adelstein, Leo J., and Cyril B. Courville 1933 Traumatic Osteomyelitis of the Cranial Vault: With Particular Reference to Pathogenesis and Treatment. Archives of Surgery 26(4):539-569. OSTEOMYELITIS, TRAUMATIC, SKULL, VAULT, PATHOGENESIS, TREATMENT, [JRNL]
Adler, C. P. 1983 Knochenkrankheiten: Diagnostik makroskopischer, histologischer und radiologischer Strukturveränderungen des Skeletts. Stuttgart and New York: Thieme Verlag. REMAINS, SKELETAL, DIAGNOSIS, HISTOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Adler, M. W. 1980 The Terrible Peril: A Historical Perspective on the Venereal Diseases. British Medical Journal 281(6234):206-211. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MEDICAL HISTORY, [JRNL]
Adloff, P. 1928 Dentinstruktur bei Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Zahnheilkunde 44:478-489. DENTIN, OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, [ARME]
Adloff, P. 1933 Über die Bedeutung des Gebisses fuer die Beurteilung der zum Menschen in Beziehung stehenden Fossilen Reste. Anatomischer Anzeiger 75:542-549. DENTITION, FOSSIL REMAINS, [ARME]
Adloff, P. 1937 Gebissanomalien und Karies beim Vorgeschichtlichen Menschen. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Wochenschrift 40:171-175. DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Adloff, P. 1941 Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Beurteilung des Gebisses von Sinanthropus Pekinensis. [Dentition of Sinanthropus Pekinensis.]. [German]. Anatomischer Anzeiger 91:160-175. DENTITION, SINANTHROPUS PEKINENSIS, HOMO ERECTUS, [ARME]
Aeby, C. 1878 Das Histologische Verhalten Fossilen Knochen- und Zahngewebs. Archiv fuer Mikroskopische Anatomie (Bonn) 15:371-382. BONE, DENTITION, FOSSIL, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:034]
Aegerter, E., and J. A. Kirkpatrick, Jr. 1950 Orthopedic Diseases. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. ORTHOPEDIC DISEASE, [ZAGREB-1988:265]
Aegerter, E., and J. A. Kirkpatrick, Jr. 1968 Orthopedic Diseases (2nd Edition). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. ORTHOPEDIC DISEASE, [BUIKSTRA:1981:020]
Afifi, M. A. 1934 Roentgenographic Manifestations of Urinary Bilharziasis and Calculous Formation in Egypt. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 31:208-223. PARASITOLOGY, BILHARZIASIS, UROLOGY, URINARY CALCULI, BLADDER STONE, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:194]
Afonsky, D. 1951 Some Observations on Dental Caries in Central China. Journal of Dental Research 30(1):53-61. DENTAL CARIES, CHINA, [JRNL]
Africa, T. 1982 Worms and the Death of Kings: A Cautionary Note on Disease and History. Classical Antiquity 1(1):1-17. PARASITISM, ECTOPARASITISM, PEDICULOSIS, [CWHM-1983-115-#1392]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1989 The Paleopathological Evidence, Indicators of Stress of the Shanidar Proto-Neolithic and Ganj Dareh Early Neolithic Human Skeletal Collections. [Dissertation, Columbia University, New York]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 51(3):904A, University Microfilms order number DA9020476.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 75:19.]. DISSERTATION, STRESS INDICATOR, SHANIDAR SKELETON, PROTO-NEOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC, SHANIDAR, GANJ DAREH, ABSTRACT [PPNL-1991-75:19]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1991 Aspects of Skeletal Biology from the Byzantine Sites of Abdera, Greece. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 1. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, BYZANTINE SITE, ABDERA, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1992 Human Environments in a Classical Greek Society, as Revealed by the Paleopathological Evidence. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 5. ENVIRONMENT, PATHOLOGY, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1993 Paleopathology and Manifestations of Stress at the Dawn of Sedentary Life: The Homo sapiens Population of the Shanidar Cave. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, pp. 30-31. STRESS MANIFESTATION, SEDENTARY LIFE, SHANIDAR, HOMO SAPIENS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1994 Paleopathology and Markers of Occupational and Habitual Stress: The Human Condition in Bronze Age Thailand. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 8. STRESS, OCCUPATIONAL AND HABITUAL, BRONZE AGE, THAILAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1995 The Testimony of the Paleopathological Osseous Record: Reconstructions of the Human Condition During Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age in the Northeastern Aegean. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 4. DEMOGRAPHY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, LATE BRONZE TO EARLY IRON AGES, AEGEAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti 1996 Paleopathology and Its Contributions to the Decipherment of the Human Condition in Antiquity: The Case of Two Populations from Malloura in Cyprus. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 8. HUMAN CONDITION IN ANTIQUITY, PALEOPATHOLOGY'S CONTRIBUTION TO DECIPHERMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnosti, and B. Waddell 1994 Analysis of Non-Specific Indicators of Stress in Subadult Skeletons During the Agricultural Transition from Southwestern Asia. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S9. STRESS, SKELETON, SUBADULT, NON-SPECIFIC INDICATOR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Agelarakis, Anagnostis [sic] 1986-1987 Report on the Mycenaean Human Skeletal Remains at Archontiki, Psara. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. OSSA 13:3-11. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, GENERAL PATHOLOGY, BURIAL, MYCENAEAN, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Agnew, L. R. C. 1983 An 18th Century Amputation. Lancet (London) 2(8358):1074-1075. AMPUTATION, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Agnew, R. Gordon 1941 Dental Caries Amongst Tibetans and Border Aborigines. Journal of Dental Research 20:251-252. DENTAL CARIES, TIBET, [ARME]
Agnew, R. Gordon, and Mary Caldwell Agnew 1931 Dental and Dietary Studies Among Aboriginal Tribes of the Tibetan Borderland. [Abstract]. Research Journal of the Hindi Science Academy, Dental 11:478-480. DENTAL CARIES, TIBET, ABSTRACT, [NXDL-1930-1932:0299]
Agogino, George A. 1992 An Unusual Pueblo Skull. Artifact 30(2):33. SKULL, SUTURE, SAGITTAL, ABSENCE OF, PUEBLO INDIAN, [JRNL]
Agrifoglio, L., and F. Bazzi 1972 Sulla Prima Litotripsia con il Metodo Urtelupiano Praticata in Milano, nel 1835, dal Medico Torinese Carlo Colliex. Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia ed Immunologia 15(9-12). UROLOGY, CALCULI, [CWHM-1973-80-#0203]
Agrinier, Pierre 1963 Nuevos Casos de Mutilaciones Dentarias Procedentes de Chiapas, México. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (1962), 15:229-243. DENTAL MUTILATION, CHIAPAS, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Agrinier, Pierre 1964 The Archeological Burials at Chiapa de Corzo and Their Furniture. Provo, Utah: New World Archaeological Foundation. BURIAL, CHIAPA DE CORZO, CHIAPAS, MEXICO, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-THE-AMERICAS-#4542]
Agrinier, Pierre 1978 A Sacrificial Mass Burial at Miramar, Chiapas, Mexico. New World Archaeological Foundation Papers (Provo, Utah) 42:1-52. SACRIFICE, CHIAPAS, MEXICO, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:427]
Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzálo 1947 La Medicina Indígena. América Indígena 7(2):107-127. MEDICAL HISTORY, NAHUA, MAYA, MIXTECA-ZAPOTECAN, [JRNL]
Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzálo 1967 [New Orientation for the Study of Prehispanic Medicine.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 97:293-299. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, PREHISPANIC, [NDX-Medicine primitive history-10-02-07555]
Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzálo 1967 [Rhetoric Ideas of Nahuatl Medicine. Official Commentary.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 97:307-308. MEDICINE, NAHUATL, PRIMITIVE, [NDX-Medicine primitive history-10-02-07555]
Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzálo 1987 Notas para la Historia de Tlacotalpan. Boletín Mexicano de Historia y Filosofía de la Medicina 10:38-46. TLACOTALPAN, MEXICO, [CWHM-1989-140-#2219]
Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzálo, and Roberto Morreno de los Arcos, eds. 1990 Historia General de la Medicina en México. Tomo 2. Medicina Novohispana, Siglo XVI. Mexico City: Academia Nacional de Medicina/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [See review by Bernard Ortiz de Montellano, 1992.]. MEDICINE, NEW SPAIN, HISTORY, [MEDANTHQTR-1992-6:167]
Aguirre, E. 1970 Enfermedades y Accidentes de los Primeros Humanos. Publicaciones del Departamento de Paleontología (Madrid) 12. TRAUMA, FRACTURE, ACCIDENT, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Aguirre, E. 1971 Agresión y Guerra en la Humanidad Naciente. Razón y Fé 882.83:43-60. WAR, AGGRESSION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:48]
Aguirre, E. 1972 Paleopatología y Medicina Prehistórica. In: P. Laín Entralgo. Historia Universal de la Medicina. Madrid: Ed Salvat, pp. 7-40. PATHOLOGY, MEDICINE, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Aguirre, E. 1979 El Cadáver Incorrupto de Colmenar Viejo: Antecendentes y Planteamiento. Publicaciones del Departamento de Paleontología (Madrid) 15:6-9. BODY, CADAVER, ANCIENT, COLMENAR, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Aguirre, O. 1967 Brief Remarks on Anthropology and Its Connections with Odontology. Boletín de Informaciones de la Colonial Estomatología (Guatemala) 1(1):6-10. ODONTOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [METRESS-1974:001]
Ahlgren, L., J. O. Christofferson, and S. Mattsson 1981 Lead and Barium in Archaeological Roman Skeletons Measured by Nondestructive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis. In: D. J. Smith, C. S. Barrett, D. E. Leyden, and P. K. Predecki, eds. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. New York: Plenum. BONE, ROMAN, LEAD, BARIUM, [CWHM-1983-116-#0122]
Ahlquist, J., and O. Damsten 1969 A Modification of Kerley's Method for the Microscopic Determination of Age in Human Bone. Journal of Forensic Sciences 14:205-212. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, KERLEY'S METHOD, AGE ASSESSMENT, [ORT 1981]
Ahlström, C. G. 1976 ["Revulsion" or "Derivation"? Forensic Consideration of the Fatal Course of a Traumatic Head Injury in 1773.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 13:41-49. FORENSICS, SKULL, INJURY, [CWHM-1977-093-#0202-#0783]
Ahlström, C. G. 1982 [Medical Exhibits from an Old Museum.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 19:15-31. MUSEUM, EXHIBIT, [CWHM-1983-117-#1502]
Ahlström, C. G., et al. 1978 Den Egyptiska Mumien på Museum Stobaeanum i Lund. [The Egyptian Mummy at the Stobaeus Museum, Lund.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 15:17-42. MUMMIES, EGYPT, STOBAEUS MUSEUM, LUND, [CWHM-1979-101-#0886]
Aichel, Otto 1915 Die Normale Entwicklung der Schuppe des Hinterhauptsbeines, die Entstehung der 'Inkabein' Genannten Anomalie der Schuppe und die Kausale Grundlage fuer die Typischen Einschnitte an der Schuppe. Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 13:130-168. SKULL, GENETIC ANOMALY, INCA BONE, PERU, [DIGGING UP BONES:180]
Aichel, Otto 1932 Ergebnisse einer Forchungsreise nach Chile-Bolivien. 2. Die Künstliche Schädeldeformation. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 31(1):3-62. SKULL, DEFORMATION, BOLIVIA, CHILE, [PROC-28TH-INTERNATL-CONG-AM-1947:61 & BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):564]
Aiello, Leslie C., and Theya I. Molleson 1993 Are Microscopic Ageing Techniques More Accurate than Macroscopic Ageing Techniques? Journal of Anthropological Science 20(6):689-704. AGE ASSESSMENT, MACROSCOPIC, MICROSCOPIC, [JRNL]
Aigner R., and P. Schroter 1986 Degenerative Wirbelsäulen- und Gelenkserkrankungen bei Alamannen und Bajuwaren. Zeitschrift fuer Orthopaedie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 123:396-397. SPINAL DISEASE, DEGENERATIVE, [GPALEOBI.BIB [NOTE: This is in KRAMAR MS AJPA]]
Ainamo, J., et al. 1970 Caries Prevalence in a Finnish Rural Population. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 28:271-281. DENTAL CARIES, MODERN, RURAL, FINLAND, [ARME]
Ajacques, J. C., J. L. Demetz, and P. Morel 1966 [Notes on the Radiographic Studies of 4 Mandibles from the Burgundian Period in the "Mémoire" Cemetery (Isère).]. [French]. Annales Odonto-Stomatologiques (Lyon) 23:75-87. MANDIBLE, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Paleodontology-07-01-02901]
Ajie, H. O., P. V. Hauschka, I. R. Kaplan, and H. Sobel 1991 Comparison of Bone Collagen and Osteocalcin for Determination of Radiocarbon Ages and Palaeodietary Reconstruction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 107:380-388. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN, OSTEOCALCIN, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:199]
Akabori, Eizo 1934 Septal Apertures in the Humerus in Japanese, Ainu and Koreans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18(3):395-400. HUMERUS, SEPTAL APERTURE, JAPANESE; AINU; KOREAN, [JRNL]
Akabori, Eizo 1939 Torus Mandibularis. J Shanghai Sci Inst 4:239-257. MANDIBLE, TORUS MANDIBULARIS, [OS-OM-OP-1992-33:426]
Akahori, A. 1979 Medical Manuscripts Found in Han Tomb No. 3 at Ma-Wang-Tui. Sudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 63(3):297-301. MEDICINE, ORIENTAL, [NDX-Medicine oriental-21-11-09395]
Akerman, J. W. 1853 An Account of Excavations in an Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground at Harnham Hill, Near Salisbury. Archaeologia (London) 25:259. BURIAL, ANGLO-SAXON, SALISBURY, ENGLAND, [ARME]
Akester, A. Roger 1959 Trephining by a Tibu Medicineman in Tibesti, 1957. In: K. P. Oakley, Winifred M. A. Brooke, A. Roger Akester, and Don R. Brothwell. 1959. Contributions on Trepanning or Trephination in Ancient and Modern Times. MAN (London) 59(Article 133):94-95. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, MODERN, [JRNL]
Akhmedov, A. A., and T. G. Guseinova 1969 [Dental Caries in the Ancient Inhabitants of Azerbaidzhan (Based on Archeologic Data from the Excavations in Mingechaur).]. [Russian]. Stomatologiia (Moskva) 48:95. DENTAL CARIES, AZERBAIZAN, MINGECHAUR, [NDX-Paleodontology-10-02-08248]
Akins, N. J. 1986 A Biocultural Approach to Human Burials from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Santa Fe, New Mexico: United States Department of Interior, Reports of the Chaco Center, Number 9. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:12.]. BURIAL, CHACO CANYON, NEW MEXICO, [PPNL-1988-61:12]
Akins, N. J. 1995 Contrasting Gender Adaptation in Galisteo and San Juan Basins of New Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:56. DISEASE, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, AGRICULTURALIST, A.D. 900-1300, NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Akpom, C. Amechi 1982 Schistosomiasis(4): Nutritional Implications. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 4:776-782. SCHISTOSOMIASIS, NUTRITIONAL IMPLICATION, [JRNL]
Akrawi, F. 1949 Is Bejel Syphilis? British Journal of Venereal Diseases 25:115-123. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BEJEL, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Aksjanova, G. A. 1978 Some Dental Material in Connection with the Problem of the Ancient Populations of Northern Europe. Journal of Human Evolution 7(6):525-528. DENTAL MATERIAL, NORTHERN EUROPE, [JRNL]
Aksoy, Muzaffer, Necdet çamli, and Sakir Erdem 1966 Roentgenographic Bone Changes in Chronic Iron Deficiency Anemia. Blood 27(5):677-685. ANEMIA, BONE CHANGE, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Al-Rodhan, N., and E. R. Laws, Jr. 1990 Meningioma a Historical Study of the Tumor and Its Surgical Management. Neurosurgery 26(5):832-847. MEDICAL HISTORY, NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMA, SURGICAL MANAGEMENT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Alaciati, G. 1967 I Resti Ossei Umani Necropoli dello Swat (W. Pakistan). Rep Mem Ital Medio 8:1-66. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SWAT, PAKISTAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:421]
Alajouanine, T. H., and R. Thure 1945 Perte de Substance Crânienne Consecutive á un Traumatisme Ferme. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 77:71. SKULL, TRAUMA, [CRAN]
Alarcón-Segovia, Donato 1976 Pre-Columbian Representation of Heberden's Nodes. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 19(1):125-126. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HEBERDEN'S NODE, PRECOLUMBIAN, ART, LETTER, [JRNL]
Alarcón-Segovia, Donato 1979 Descriptions of Therapeutic Arthrocenthesis [sic] and of Synovial Fluid in a Nahuatl Text from Prehispanic Mexico. Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia y Filosofía de la Medicina 4:105-112. MEDICINE, AZTEC, [CWHM-1980-105-#0100]
Alarcón-Segovia, Donato 1980 Descriptions of Therapeutic Arthrocenthesis [sic] and of Synovial Fluid in a Nahuatl Text from Prehispanic Mexico. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 39(3):291-293. MEDICINE, AZTEC, [JRNL]
Alarcón-Segovia, Donato 1985 Botticelli and Arthritis. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 28(5):600. ARTHRITIS, BOTTICELLI, LETTER, [JRNL]
Alarcón-Segovia, Donato, Armando Laffón, and Jorge Alcocer-Varela 1983 Probable Depiction of Juvenile Arthritis by Sandro Botticelli. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 26(10):1266-1268. ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE, ART, [JRNL]
Albert, A. M. 1995 Age Determination from Observations of Epiphyseal Union of the Vertebral Centra. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:56. AGE ASSESSMENT, SPINE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Albert-Puleo, M. 1979 The Obstetrical Use in Ancient and Early Modern Times of Convolvulus scammonia or Scammony: Another Non-Fungal Source of Ergot Alkaloids? Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:193-195. OBSTETRICS, ERGOT, [CWHM-1979-102-#0516]
Albertson, D. G., and Douglas K. Charles 1988 Archaic Mortuary Component. In: Douglas K. Charles, Steven R. Leigh, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. The Archaic and Woodland Cemeteries at the Elizabeth Site in the Lower Illinois Valley. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Archeological Center, Volume 7, pp. 29-40. CEMETERY, ARCHAIC AND WOODLAND, ELIZABETH SITE, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1992-24:194 & MELVYL]
Albrecht, Fran Jaecques 1994 Osteological Analysis of Human Skeletons from the Dillard Site (41CO174). Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 62/1991:201-217. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, DILLARD SITE (41CO174), TEXAS, [JRNL]
Albrethsen, S. E., Verner Alexandersen, E. B. Petersen, and J. Balslev Jφrgensen 1976 De Levede og dφde...for 7000 År Siden. Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1976:5-13. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:253]
Albu, Albert 1889 Die Geschichte der Trepanation und ihre Indikationen fuer die Jetztzeit. [Inaugural Dissertation]. Berlin: Emil Streisand. DISSERTATION, TREPHINATION, [DIS IN ANT:694]
Albury, W. R. 1985 Historical Reaction to "New" Diseases. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 18(1):5-12. PLAGUE, SOCIAL ASPECT, [CWHM-1986-127-#1764]
Alcauskas, Elizabeth S. Dyer 1979 The Correlation Between Auditory Exostosis and Cold Water Swimming in Aboriginal Populations. Unpublished typescript on file at the San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego, California. Call number RF200/E8A55. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, SWIMMING, COLD WATER, [SAN-DIEGO-MUSEUM-OF-MAN]
Alcauskas, Elizabeth S. Dyer 1979 The Correlation Between Aural Exostosis and Cold Water Swimming in Aboriginal Populations. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of California, San Francisco, 4 April 1979, p. SF3. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, SWIMMING, COLD WATER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Alcauskas, Elizabeth S. Dyer 1985 An Investigation into the Cause of Death of Two Chihuahuan Mummies. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 59-64. MUMMIES, MEXICO, CAUSE OF DEATH, [BOOK]
Alcauskas, Elizabeth S. Dyer 1985 Using Flander's Index to Sex Skeletons from Pa'ako, New Mexico. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:18-22. PELVIS, SEX ASSESSMENT, FLANDER'S INDEX, PAA-KO, NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Alchon, Suzanne Austin 1984 The Effects of Epidemic Disease in Colonial Ecuador. [Dissertation, History Department, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina]. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, COLONIAL ECUADOR, EFFECT OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:212]
Alchon, Suzanne Austin 1991 Disease, Depopulation, and Public Health in Eighteenth-Century Quito. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 159-182. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Alchon, Suzanne Austin 1991 Native Society and Disease in Colonial Ecuador. Cambridge Latin American Studies 71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Daniel Reff, 1993.]. DISEASE, ECUADOR, COLONIAL ECUADOR, [MELVYL]
Alciati, Giancarlo, and C. Bosman 1978 An Attempt Toward Blood Grouping in Thin Bone Sections: Preliminary Report. Journal of Human Evolution 7(2):111-114. BLOOD GROUPING, THIN BONE SECTION, [JRNL]
Alciati, Giancarlo, and Mario Fedeli 1965 On Some Traumatic Lesions in Human Bone Remains of the Necropolis of But-Kara II (Swat, Pakistan). East and West 15:168-173. TRAUMA, BONE, LESION, NECROPOLIS, PAKISTAN, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:185]
Alciati, Giancarlo, Mario Fedeli, and Vittorio Pesce Delfino 1987 La Malattia dalla Preistoria all'eta Antica. Rome: Laterza. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Alcober, V., and J. M. Granda 1979 Estudio Neutrográfico de la Momia de Colmenar. Publicaciones del Departamento de Paleontología (Madrid) 15:38-41. MUMMIES, COLMENAR, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Alcorn, M. C., and Alan H. Goodman 1985 Dental Enamel Defects Among Contemporary Nomadic and Sedentary Jordanians. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):139. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, CONTEMPORARY, JORDAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Alden, Dauril, and Joseph C. Miller 1987 Out of Africa: The Slave Trade and the Transmission of Smallpox to Brazil, 1560-1831. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 18:195-224. SLAVERY, SLAVE TRADE, SMALLPOX, TRANSMISSION FROM AFRICA TO BRAZIL 1560-1831, [CWHM-1988-136-#2042]
Alden, Dauril, and Joseph C. Miller 1987 Unwanted Cargo. In: Kenneth F. Kiple, ed. The African Exchange. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, pp. 35-109. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:288]
Alden, John R. 1993 Bones: A Forensic Detective's Casebook. By Douglas H. Ubelaker, and Henry Scammell. 1992. Harper Collins. [Review]. Smithsonian 23(12):153-155. FORENSIC ANDTHROPOLOGY, REVIEW OF, UBELAKER; DOUGLAS H., AND HENRY SCAMMELL, 1992, [JRNL]
Alderson, William T., ed. 1992 Mermaids, Mummies, and Mastodons: The Emergence of the American Museum. [Exhibit] Washington, D.C. : American Association of Museums. MUMMIES, [MELVYL]
Aldred, Cyril 1961 The Tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:13.]. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47:41-65. EGYPT, AKHENATEN, THEBES, [ZIMM]
Aldred, Cyril 1964 A Possible Case of Amputation. [Correspondence]. MAN (London) 64(Article 58):56. TRAUMA, AMPUTATION, [JRNL]
Aldred, Cyril 1968 Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt--a New Study. London: Thames and Hudson. AKHENATEN, EGYPT, PHARAOH, NEW STUDY, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:273]
Aldred, Cyril 1988 The Pathology. In: Akhenaten: King of Egypt. By Cyril Aldred. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 231-236. PATHOLOGY, AKHENATEN, KING OF EGYPT, [BOOK]
Aldred, Cyril, and A. T. Sandison 1962 The Pharaoh Akhenaten: A Problem in Egyptology and Pathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:13.]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 36(4):293-316. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AKHENATEN, [JRNL]
Aleksandrovich, N. P. 1991 [Structural Analysis of Collections of Bone Remains from Excavations of the Upper Fortress in Slutsk (12th-13th Centuries).]. [Belorussian with English Abstract]. Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR Seryya: Hramadskikh Navuk 4:74-78. BONE, COLLECTIONS, ANALYSIS, BELORUSSIA, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:243]
Alekseev, V. P. 1980 Materialy po Kraniologii Mokhe. [The Craniology of the Mokhe Cemetery.]. Moskva: Nauuka. Paleoantropologiia Sibiri, pp. 106-130. CRANIOLOGY, MOKHE CEMETERY, RUSSIA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(4):#10777]
Alexander, Marc 1980 'The Rigid Embrace of the Narrow House': Premature Burial & the Signs of Death. Hastings Center Report 10(3):25-31. BURIAL, PREMATURE, [JRNL]
Alexander, Ralph W. 1980 Severe Chronic Periostitus [sic] and Associated Pathology in the Foot and Leg of a Late Archaic Burial from Ohio County, Indiana. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:10.]. Ohio Archaeologist 30:40-43. PERIOSTITIS, ARCHAIC, INDIANA, [PPNL-1981-34:10]
Alexander, Ralph W., and Shiela S. Corey 1981 An Application of Forensic Techniques to Prehistoric Infant Materials. Anthropology SUNY 5(2):23-24. FORENSICS, PREHISTORIC, INFANT, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(4):#10780]
Alexandersen, Verner 1967 The Evidence for Injuries to the Jaws. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 623-629. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, MANDIBLE, TRAUMA, [BOOK]
Alexandersen, Verner 1967 The Pathology of the Jaws and the Temporomandibular Joint. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 551-595. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, PATHOLOGY, JAW, TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT, [BOOK]
Alexandersen, Verner 1978 Approximale Furchen bei Dänischen Mesolithischen und Neolithischen Molaren. [Proximal Grooves in Danish Mesolythic and Neolythic Molars.]. [German with English Abstract]. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 33(3):213-215. DENTAL GROOVE, PROXIMAL, MESOLITHIC TO NEOLITHIC, [NDX-Paleodontology-19-12-09361]
Alexandersen, Verner, and Ole Vagn Nielsen 1970 Generalized Microdontia Probably Associated with Intrauterine Growth Retardation in a Medieval Skeleton. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 33(3):389-401. DENTITION, MICRODONTIA, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Alexandersen, Verner, Krystyna Szlachetko, and Alina Wiereinska 1979 Bilateral Hypoplasia of the Mandibular Condyles in an Ancient Polish Skull. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 31:17.]. OSSA 6:7-21. HYPOPLASIA, MANDIBULAR CONDYLE, SKULL, ANCIENT POLE, [JRNL]
Alexanderson, L. 1940 Brief Study of the Dental Works Done by the Ancient Tribes that Inhabited Mexico. Dental Items of Interest 62:212-217. DENTAL WORK, MEXICO, [ARME]
Alexeeva, T. I., ed. 1989 Antropologiya--Medicine. [Russian]. Moscow: Moscow University Press. ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICINE, [PPNL-1992-79:14]
Alexeyev, V. P., and I. I. Gokhman 1994 Skeletal Remains of Infants from a Burial on the Mal'ta Upper Paleolithic Site. [Skelettreste von Kindern aus Einer Oberpaläolithischen Begräbnisstätte von Mal'ta.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 45(2):119-126. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INFANT, MAL'TA SITE, SIBERIA, [JRNL]
Alfer, C. L. 1892 Die Häufigkeit der Knochen und Gelenktuberkulose in Beziehung auf Alter, Geschlecht, Stand und Erblichkeit. Beitraege zur Klinischen Chirurgie 8:277-290. TUBERCULOSIS, BONE, FREQUENCY, [ORT-1985:457]
Alfrey, A. C., and N. L. Miller 1973 Bone Magnesium Pools in Uremia. Journal of Clinical Investigation 52:3019-3027. NUTRITION, BONE, BONE MAGNESIUM, UREMIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1984-13:092]
Alfrey, A. C., N. L. Miller, and D. Butkus 1974 Evaluation of Body Magnesium Stores. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 84:153-162. NUTRITION, BONE, BODY MAGNESIUM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1984-13:092]
Ali, R. S., and Susan M. MacLaughlin 1991 Sex Identification from the Auricular Surface of the Human Ilium. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):57-61. SEX ASSESSMENT, ILIUM, [CWHM-1991-150-#0346]
Alicandri-Ciufelli, Concezio 1994 Paléoanatomie et Paléopathologie Crânienne Cervicale Oto-Rhino-Laryngologique des Anciens Egyptiens. [French with English Abstract]. Medicina nei Secoli 6(1):87-116. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1995-165-#0117]
Ali-Cohen, L. 1848 Etudes sur l'Histoire Ancienne de la Syphilis en Général et sur l'Histoire de cette Maladie dans les Pays-Bas en Particulier. Annales de la Société de Médecine d'Anvers 5:429-458. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, STATISTICS, THE NETHERLANDS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Aliki 1985 Mummies Made in Egypt. [Children's Book] New York: Harper & Row. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Alkan, Michael L. 1989 Nonvenereal Treponemal Disease. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 25:417-418. TREPONEMAL DISEASE, NONVENEREAL [PETERSON-EARL-1992:71]
Allan, Nigel 1988 Illustrations from the Wellcome Institute Library: A Polish Rabbi's Circumcision Manual. Medical History 33(2):247-254. CIRCUMCISION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Alland, Alexander, Jr. 1970 Adaptation in Cultural Evolution: An Approach to Medical Anthropology. New York and London: Columbia University Press. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, CULTURAL EVOLUTION, [BOOK]
Allaway, W. H. 1986 Soil-Plant-Animal and Human Interrelationships in Trace Element Nutrition. In: W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition. 5th Edition. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, pp. 465-488. NUTRITION, TRACE ELEMENT, HUMAN, ANIMAL, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:044]
Allbrook, D. 1973 Proceedings: Biocultural Interaction in Human Populations of the Western Pacific Basin. Journal of Anatomy (London) 116:484. PALEONTOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-15-07-07804]
Allbrook, David B. 1955 The East African Vertebral Column: A Study in Racial Variability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13(3):489-551. SPINE, RACIAL VARIABILITY, [JRNL]
Allbrook, David B. 1956 Changes in Lumbar Vertebral Body Height with Age. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 14(1):35-39. AGE ASSESSMENT, SPINE, LUMBAR VERTEBRAL BODY HEIGHT, [JRNL]
Allbrook, David B. 1962 Some Problems Associated with Pelvic Form and Size in the Ganda of East Africa. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 92(1):102-114. PELVIS, VARIATION, PATHOLOGY, MODERN, EAST AFRICA, [JRNL]
Allen, D. 1989 Palaeopatholgy at the Wellcome Trust. Paleopathology Association British Section News 6:15-16. WELLCOME TRUST, PALEOPATHOLOGY AT, [CWHM-1989-142-#1473]
Allen, D. J., Frank P. Saul, and Julie Mather Saul 1982 Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of a Coprolite from Cancun, Mexico: A Pilot Study. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 15. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, MEXICO, COPROLITE, SEM, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Allen, D. J., Frank P. Saul, Julie Mather Saul, R. A. Burns, and Michael R. Zimmerman 1984 Old Incised Wound or Vascular Impression? Diagnosis by Scanning Electron Microscopy. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 12. WOUND, INCISED, VASCULAR IMPRESSION, DIAGNOSIS, SEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allen, E. L. 1965 The Medicine Bag--An Indian Relic. North Carolina Medical Journal 26:556-558. MEDICINE BAG, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NDX-Indians north american-07-01-02013]
Allen, F. C. L. 1992 Aboriginal Skeletons in the Closet. [Letter; see also Tony Delamonthe, 1991.]. British Medical Journal 304(6825):509. REPATRIATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, LETTER, [JRNL]
Allen, G. A., and R. A. Cannings 1985 Museum Collections and Life-History Studies. In: E. H. Miller, ed. Museum Collections: Their Roles and Future in Biological Research. Occasional Papers of the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Number 25, pp. 169-194. MUSEUM COLLECTION, BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, [LOVELL-1990:255]
Allen, Harrison 1896 Crania from the Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 10(2nd Series, Part 4):367-448. SKULL, ST. JOHN'S RIVER, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [SNOW-C-E-1962:27]
Allen, P. 1979 The "Justiniac" Plague. Byzantion 49:5-20. PLAGUE, JUSTINIAC PLAGUE, [CWHM-1982-112-#1523]
Allen, Peter S. 1993 The Ice Man. Produced by Katherine Everett. 1992. Fifty-Four minute film for NOVA. Princeton, New Jersey: Films for the Humanities and Sciences (WGBH Collection), P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08541-2053 (800/257-5126). [Review]. Archaeology (New York) 46(3):66-67. ICE MAN, FILM, NOVA, REVIEW OF, EVERETT; KATHERINE, 1992, [JRNL]
Allen, Thomas B. 1996 The Silk Road's Lost World. National Geographic 189(3):44-51. MUMMIES, CHINA, TAKLIMAKAN DESERT, [JRNL]
Allen, V. E. 1977 "When We Settle Down, We Grow Pale and Die:" Health in Western Indian Territory. Journal - Oklahoma State Medical Association 70(6):227-232. HEALTH, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1977-096-#0043]
Allen, Wilma H., Charles F. Merbs, and Walter H. Birkby 1985 Evidence for Prehistoric Scalping at Nuvakwewtaqa (Chavez Pass) and Grasshopper Ruin, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:23-42. SCALPING, PREHISTORIC, CHAVEZ PASS, GRASSHOPPER RUIN, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Aller, W. F. 1954 Aboriginal Food Utilization of Vegetation by the Indians of the Great Lakes Region as Recorded in the Jesuit Relations. Wisconsin Archaeologist 35:59-73. DIET, VEGETABLE, GREAT LAKES REGION, INDIAN, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:355]
Alley, J. N. 1910-1911 Tuberculosis Among the Nez Percés Indians of Idaho. West Virginia Medical Journal 5:410-413. TUBERCULOSIS, IDAHO, NEZ PERCES, [LSG2-Tuberculosis in Indians]
Alliez, J. 1985 Le Choléra de 1884. Marseille 139:38-45. CHOLERA 1884, [CWHM-1987-133-#0407]
Allison, A. C. 1954 Protection Afforded by Sickle-Cell Trait Against Subtertian Malarial Infection. British Medical Journal 1:290-294. MALARIA, SICKLE-CELL TRAIT, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:110]
Allison, A. C. 1955 Aspect of Polymorphism in Man. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 20:239. GENETICS, POLYMORPHISM, [CRAN]
Allison, A. C. 1982 Co-Evolution Between Hosts and Infectious Disease Agents and Its Effects on Virulence. In: Roy M. Anderson, and Robert M. May, eds. Population Biology of Infectious Diseases: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Population Biology of Infectious Disease Agents, Berlin, 14-19 March 1982. Berlin and New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 245-267. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, BIOLOGY, POPULATION BIOLOGY, HOST, AGENT, VIRULENCE, [MASCA-1992-9:020 & MELVYL]
Allison, D. J. 1980 Christopher Columbus: First Case of Reiter's Disease in the Old World? [Letter; see also J. K. Oates, and E. V. Hulse, 1981.]. Lancet (London) 2(8207):1309. REITER'S DISEASE, OLD WORLD, COLUMBUS; CHRISTOPHER, 1436-1506, LETTER, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1976 Introduction. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 12(2):42. PATHOLOGY, PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1977 Paleoepidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Pre-Colombian and Colonial Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):115. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1979 Paleopathology in Peru. Natural History 88(2):74-82. PATHOLOGY, PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1980 Studies of Pre-Columbian American Diseases, 1971-1976. National Geographic Society Research Reports for 1971. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, pp. 1-22. DISEASE, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(1):#02088]
Allison, Marvin J. 1984 Osteopathology of South American Mummies. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 20:6. MUMMIES, SOUTH AMERICA, OSTEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1984 Paleopathology in Peruvian and Chilean Populations. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 515-529. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, PERU, CHILE, [BOOK]
Allison, Marvin J. 1985 Anthropology and Paleopathology. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 23:6-9. ANTHROPOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1985 Archaeology of Andean America. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 23:2-5. ARCHAEOLOGY, AMERICA, ANDEAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1985 Chile's Ancient Mummies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 53:12.]. Natural History 94(10):74-81. MUMMIES, CHILE, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1985 Pre-Columbian American Disease, 1977-1982. National Geographic Society Research Reports 18:109-130. DISEASE, AMERICAN, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:161]
Allison, Marvin J. 1986 8000 B.P. Artificially Prepared Mummies from South America. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 25:5. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1987 Precolumbian Paleopathology. Archivos de Biología y Medicina Experimentales (Santiago de Chile) 20(1):21-30. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Allison, Marvin J. 1988 Simple Techniques for the Evaluation of Osteoporosis in Paleopathology. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 33:14-15. OSTEOPOROSIS, EVALUATION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J. 1990 Silicosis and Chronic Arsenic Poisoning. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 41:13-15. SILICOSIS, POISONING, ARSENIC POISONING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Bernardo T. Arriaza, Guillermo A. Focacci, and Ivan Muñoz 1983 Los Orejones de Arica. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 11:167-172. INDIAN, OREJON, ARICA, CHILE, [PPNL-1989-65:18]
Allison, Marvin J., Harry P. Dalton, Alejandro Pezzia, Enrique Gerszten, Raul Sotil, David Klurfeld, Danny R. Sawyer, Richard P. Elzay, and Ali A. Hossaini 1976 Paleopathology. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 12(2):42-79. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PERU, [CWHM-1976-092-#1105]
Allison, Marvin J., Guillermo A. Focacci, Bernardo T. Arriaza, Vivien Standen, M. Rivera, and Jerold M. Lowenstein 1984 Chinchorro, Momias de Preparación Complicada: Métodos de Momificación. [Chinchorro, Mummies of Complicated Preparation: Mummification Methods.]. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 13:155-173. MUMMIES, CHINCHORRO, PREPARATION, [AJPA-1993-91:200 & PPNL-1989-65:18 & CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:374]
Allison, Marvin J., Guillermo A. Focacci, Enrique Gerszten, Monique M. Fouant, and Marilyn Cebelin 1982 La Sífilis ¿una Enfermedad Americana? [Syphilis, an American Disease?]. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 9:275-283. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, AMERICA, [SORENSON 1990-A-090]
Allison, Marvin J., Guillermo A. Focacci, Enrique Gerszten, Calogero Santoro, and Juan R. Munizaga 1982 Estudio Radiográfico y Demográfico de Morbilidad y Mortalidad de Pueblos Precolumbinos del Perú y Chile. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 8:265-274. DEMOGRAPHY, MORBIDITY, MORTALITY, RADIOLOGY, PERU, CHILE, [PPNL-1989-65:18 & ZAGREB-1988:150]
Allison, Marvin J., Guillermo A. Focacci, and Calogero Santoro 1982 The Pre-Columbian Dog from Arica, Chile. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 41:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 59(3):299-304. DOG, PRECOLUMBIAN, ARICA, CHILE, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten, eds. 19?? - ... Paleopathology Club Newsletter, No. 1 - No. ..., 19?? - .... Richmond, Virginia: Department of Pathology, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University. PALEOPATHOLOGY CLUB NEWSLETTER, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten 1975 Paleopathology in Peruvian Mummies: Application of Modern Techniques. Richmond, Virginia: Medical College of Virginia. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 13:15.]. MUMMIES, PERU, [PPNL-1976-13:15 ]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten 1977 Paleopathology in Peruvian Mummies: Application of Modern Techniques. Richmond, Virginia: Medical College of Virginia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 22:9.]. MUMMIES, PERU, [BOOK]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten 1978 Tuberculosis in the Americas. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):377. TUBERCULOSIS, AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten 1982 Paleopathology in South American Mummies: Application of Modern Techniques. 3rd Edition. Richmond, Virginia: Medical College of Virginia, Department of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Health Sciences Division. MUMMIES, PERU, [BOOK]
Allison, Marvin J., and Enrique Gerszten, eds. 1996 Case History: Case #61. Submitted by Enrique Gerszten. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 64:2. MUMMIES, CHILE, PALEOPATHOLOGY, CASE HISTORY, CASE #61, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, and M. Fouant 1982 Paleopathology: Today's Laboratory Investigates Yesterday's Diseases. [See also Marvin J. Allison, Enrique Gerszten, and M. Fouant, 1983, Abstract.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 41:14.]. Diagnostic Medicine 5(2):28-48. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, YESTERDAY'S DISEASE, [MASCA-2(5;Pachacamac Supplement):159]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, and M. Fouant 1983 Paleopathology: Today's Laboratory Investigates Yesterday's Diseases. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 2(5;Pachacamac Supplement):159. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, YESTERDAY'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, A. Julio Martinez, David Klurfeld, and Alejandro Pezzia 1977 Generalized Connective Tissue Disease in a Mummy from the Huari Culture (Peru). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 22:9.]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 53(3):292-301. MUMMIES, PERU, GENERAL CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, and Juan R. Munizaga 1976 Occupational Diseases in Miners in Colonial Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):163. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, PERU, COLONIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, Juan R. Munizaga, and Calogero Santoro 1980 Metastatic Tumor of Bone in a Tiahuanaco Female. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 32:12.]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 56(3):581-587. NEOPLASM, METASTATIC BONE TUMOR, TIAHUANACO, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, Juan R. Munizaga, Calogero Santoro, and Guillermo A. Focacci 1981 La Práctica de la Deformación Craneana entre los Pueblos Andinos Precolumbinos. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 7:238-260. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, ANDES, [PPNL-1989-65:18]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, Juan R. Munizaga, Calogero Santoro, and Daniel Mendoza 1981 Tuberculosis in Pre-Columbian Andean Populations. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5, pp. 49-61. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, ANDES, [BOOK]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, H. Jean Shadomy, Juan R. Munizaga, and M. Gonzalez 1979 Paracoccidioidomycosis in a Northern Chilean Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 28:13.]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 55(7):670-683. MUMMIES, CHILE, FUNGAL DISEASE, PARACOCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS, [NDX-Mummies-21-12-09664]
Allison, Marvin J., Enrique Gerszten, Raúl Sotil, and Alejandro Pezzia 1976 Primary Generalized Hyperostosis in Ancient Peru. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 15:18.]. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 12(2):49-51. HYPEROSTOSIS, PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Ali A. Hossaini, Nora Castro, Juan R. Munizaga, and Alejandro Pezzia 1976 ABO Blood Groups in Peruvian Mummies. I. An Evaluation of Techniques. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):55-61. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, ABO, BLOOD GROUP, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Ali A. Hossaini, Juan R. Munizaga, and Rosa Fung 1978 ABO Blood Groups in Chilean and Peruvian Mummies. II. Results of Agglutination-Inhibition Technique. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 23:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 49(1):139-142. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, ABO, BLOOD GROUP, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., David Klurfeld, and Enrique Gerszten 1975 Demonstration of Erythrocytes and Hemoglobin Products in Mummified Tissue. Paleopathology Newsletter 11:7-8. MUMMIFICATION, MUMMIFIED TISSUE, BLOOD, HEMATOLOGY, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., L. Lindberg, Calogero Santoro, and Guillermo A. Focacci 1981 Tatuajes y Pintura Corporal de los Indígenos Precolumbinos de Perú y Chile. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 7:218-236. TATTOOING, BODY PAINTING, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, CHILE, [PPNL 1989-65:18]
Allison, Marvin J., Daniel Mendoza, and Alejandro Pezzia 1973 Documentation of a Case of Tuberculosis in Pre-Columbian America. American Review of Respiratory Diseases 107(6):985-991. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Daniel Mendoza, and Alejandro Pezzia 1974 A Radiographic Approach to Childhood Illness in Precolumbian Inhabitants of Southern Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(3):409-415. MUMMIES, PERU, PRECOLUMBIAN, HARRIS LINES, SKELETONS, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Alejandro Pezzia 1973 Preparation of the Dead in Pre-Columbian Coastal Peru, Part One. Paleopathology Newsletter 4:10-12. MORTUARY PRACTICE, PRECOLUMBIAN, COASTAL PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Alejandro Pezzia 1974 Preparation of the Dead in Pre-Columbian Coastal Peru, Conclusion. Paleopathology Newsletter 5:7-9. MORTUARY PRACTICE, PRECOLUMBIAN, COASTAL PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., and Alejandro Pezzia 1976 Treatment of Head Wounds in Pre-Columbian and Colonial Peru. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 15:18.]. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 12(2):74-79. WOUND, HEAD, PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Alejandro Pezzia, and Enrique Gerszten 1974 Infectious Diseases in Pre-Columbian Inhabitants of Peru. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, pp. 1-2. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
Allison, Marvin J., Alejandro Pezzia, and Enrique Gerszten 1974 Infectious Diseases in Precolumbian Inhabitants of Peru, Part I. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):468. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Alejandro Pezzia, Enrique Gerszten, Ronald F. Giffler, and Daniel Mendoza 1974 Aspiration Pneumonia Due to Teeth--950 AD and 1973 AD. Southern Medical Journal 67(4):479-483. PNEUMONIA, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Alejandro Pezzia, Enrique Gerszten, and Daniel Mendoza 1974 A Case of Carrion's Disease Associated with Human Sacrifice from the Huari Culture of Southern Peru. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1974, 8:10.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(2):295-300. CARRION'S DISEASE, SACRIFICE, HUMAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Allison, Marvin J., Alejandro Pezzia, Ichiro Hasegawa, and Enrique Gerszten 1974 A Case of Hookworm Infestation in a Precolumbian American. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 7:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(1):103-106. PARASITISM, HOOKWORM, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Almeida Prado, Antônio de [See also Prado Almeida, Antônio de] 1941 Evoluçao em Patologia. [Evolution in Pathologic Conditions]. Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 17:733-773. EVOLUTION, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Almeida Prado, Antônio de [See also Prado Almeida, Antônio de] 1944 Paleopatologia. Sao Paulo Medico 1:9-14. PALEOPATHOLOGY, REVIEW, [ARME]
Almeida Prado, Antônio de [See also Prado Almeida, Antônio de] 1957 Mutilaçoes Dentárias nos Negros da Lunda: Memoria Descritivade Dois Casos Raros de Anomalias Dentárias. Lisbon: Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Pub. Culturias, Number 33. DENTAL MUTILATION, DENTAL ANOMALY, AFRICA, LUNDA, RARE, [ARME]
Almeido, J. O. 1962 Serologic Studies in Leprosy. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 26:233-240. LEPROSY, SEROLOGY, [COCKBURN-1963:231]
Alpagut, B. 1978 Some Pathological Cases of Ancient Anatolian Mandibles. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU1. MANDIBLE, ANCIENT, PATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Alpagut, B. 1979 Some Paleopathological Cases of the Ancient Anatolian Mandibles. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:15.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(6):571-574. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR PATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, [JRNL]
Alpagut, B. 1994 The Paleopathology of Ancient Anatolia. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S10. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Alpert, Joyce M. 1991 Kokopelli: A New Look at the Humpback Fluteplayer in Anasazi Rock Art. American Indian Art Magazine 17(1):49-57. TUBERCULOSIS, SPINE, POTT'S DISEASE, KOKOPELLI, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W. 1988 [Mesiodens in Nasal Passages of an Early Medieval Body.]. [German]. Die Quintessenz 39:1075-1081. DENTITION, SUPERNUMERARY DENTITION, MESIODEN, NASAL PASSAGE, [CWHM-1989-142-#1463]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 [Dentistry and Archeology.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 79:496-497. ODONTOLOGY, DENTISTRY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1610]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 Odontologische Befunde aus Archäologie und Anthropologie. [Odontological Findings in Archeology and Anthropology.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 79:785-796. ODONTOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1611 & WIEN-KW]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 Zur Problematik Odontologischer Verwandtschaftsanalysen der Prähistorichen Anthropologie am Beispiel der Aplasie/Hypodontie. [The Problems of Odontogenic Kinship Analysis in Prehistoric Anthropology in the Example of Aphasia/Hypodontia.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 78(1):43-71. DENTITION, ANODONTIA, [NDX-Paleodontology-31-08-09994]
Alt, Kurt W. 1991 Zur Paläopathologie Maligner Tumoren: Ein Fall von Knochenkrebs im Frühmittelalter. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 12:39-42. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, MIDDLE AGES, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1982-30(1)-#1747]
Alt, Kurt W. 1993 Advances in Dental Anthropology. Edited by Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen. New York: Wiley-Liss. [Review]. HOMO 44(2):206. REVIEW OF, KELLEY; MARC A., AND CLARK SPENCER LARSEN, 1991, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W. 1994 Prosthetics, Periodontal Therapy and Conservative Dentistry in the Eighteenth Century: Archaeological Findings from Grand Sacconex, Geneva, Switzerland. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 42(2):67-70. DENTISTRY, PROSTHETICS; PERIODONTAL THERAPY; CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY, SWITZERLAND, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDING, [CWHM-1994-163-#0850]
Alt, Kurt W., and C. -P. Adler 1992 Multiple Myeloma in an Early Medieval Skeleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:205-209. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, SKELETAL LESION, LYTIC, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1992-80:09]
Alt, Kurt W., and C. Koçkapan 1993 Artificial Tooth-Neck Grooving in Living and Prehistoric Population. [Artifizielle Zahnhalsdefekte in Rezenten und Prähistorischen Bevölkerungen.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 44(1):5-29. DENTAL MUTILATION, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., and Sandra Pichler 1991 Paläomedizinische Untersuchung einer Spätägyptischen Mumie aus El Hibe (Mittelägypten). [Paleomedical Investigations of a Late Egyptian Mummy from El Hibe (Middle Egypt).]. [German]. Die Quintessenz 42(5):827-839. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MEDICAL STUDY, [NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Alt, Kurt W., Sandra Pichler, Werner Vach, W. Huckenbeck, and Milan Stloukal 1996 Early Bronze Age Family Burial from Velké Pavlovice. Verification of Kinship Hypothesis by Odontologic and Other Nonmetric Traits. [Frühbronzezeitliches Familienbegräbnis von Velké Pavlovice. Überprüfung der Verwandtschaftshypothese mit Odontologischen und Anderen Nicht-Netrischen Merkmalen.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 46(3):256-266. ODONTOLOGY, NON-METRIC TRAITS, KINSHIP HYPOTHESIS, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., Sandra Pichler, Werner Vach, Bohuslav Klíma, Emanuel Vlcek, and Jürg Sedlmeier 1997 Twenty-Five Thousand-Year-Old Triple Burial from Dolní Vestonice: An Ice-Age Family? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 102(1)123-131. MULTIPLE BURIAL, ODONTOLOGIC TRAITS, NON-METRIC TRAITS, BIOSTATISTICS, KINSHIP ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., Friedrich W. Rösing, and Maria Teschler-Nicola, eds. n.d. Dental Anthropology: Fundamentals, Limits, and Prospects. Stuttgart, Jena, and New York. In press. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S11]
Alt, Kurt W., and Werner Vach 1994 Rekonstruktion Biologischer und Sozialer Strukturen in ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Bevölkerungen: Innovative Ansätze zur Verwandtschaftsanalyse in der Archäologie. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 69:56-91. DNA, ANCIENT, ARCHAEOLOGY, [HUM-BIOL-1996-68:196]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp 1992 Pulpoalveolar Disease: Etiology, Incidence, and Differentiation of Periapical Lesions. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(3):163-178. DENTITION, PULPOALVEOLAR DISEASE, ETIOLOGY, INCIDENCE, LESION, PERIAPICAL, DIFFERENTIATION OF, [PPNL-1994-85:15]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp 1994 Morphology and Differentiation of Periapical Cystic Bone Lesions. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S11. BONE, LESION, PERIAPICAL CYSTIC, MORPHOLOGY AND DIFFERENTIATION OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp n.d. Characterization of Periapical Defects: Etiopathology, Epidemiology, and Clinical Consequences. In: Kurt W. Alt, Friedrich W. Rösing, and Maria Teschler-Nicola, eds. Dental Anthropology: Fundamentals, Limits, and Prospects. Stuttgart, Jena, and New York. In press. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S11]
Altman, Roy D. 1990 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Hip. [Abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(Supplement):S80. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]

Altman, Roy D. 1990 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hand. [Abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(Supplement):S80. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HAND, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Altman, Roy D., G. Alarcón, D. Appelrouth, D. Bloch, D. Borenstein, K. Brandt, C. Brown, T. D. Cooke, W. Daniel, R. Gray, R. Greenwald, M. Hochberg, D. Howell, R. Ike, P. Kapila, D. Kaplan, W. Koopman, S. Longley, D. J. McShane, T. Medsger, B. Michel, W. Murphy, T. Osial, R. Ramsey-Goldman, Bruce M. Rothschild, and F. Wolfe 1990 The American College of Rheumatology Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hand. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(11):1601-1610. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HAND, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, [JRNL]
Altman, Roy D., G. Alarcón, D. Appelrouth, D. Bloch, D. Borenstein, K. Brandt, C. Brown, T. D. Cooke, W. Daniel, D. Feldman, R. Greenwald, M. Hochberg, D. Howell, R. Ike, P. Kapila, D. Kaplan, W. Koopman, C. Marino, E. McDonald, D. J. McShane, T. Medsger, B. Michel, W. A. Murphy, T. Osial, R. Ramsey-Goldman, Bruce M. Rothschild, and F. Wolfe 1991 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hip. Arthritis and Rheumatism 34(5):505-514. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter 1988 Discovering the New World's Richest Unlooted Tomb. National Geographic 174(4):509-549. BURIAL, MOCHE, SIPAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter 1990 New Tomb of Royal Splendor. National Geographic 177(6):2-15. TOMB, ROYAL, MOCHE, SIP┴N, PERU, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter, and Christopher B. Donnan 1993 Royal Tombs of Sipán. Los Angeles, California: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles. [See review by Steve Bourget, 1996.]. TOMB, ROYAL, SIP┴N, PERU, [BOOK]
Alva, Walter, and Christopher B. Donnan 1994 Tales from a Peruvian Crypt. Natural History 103(5):26-34. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Alvarez de Miranda, A. 1953 Magia y Medicina Popular en el Mundo Clásico y la Península Ibérica. Archivos Iberoamericanos de Historia de la Medicina (Madrid) 5:309-326. MEDICINE, IBERIA, POPULAR, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Alvarez Miranda, Luis 1969 Un Cementerio Precerámico con Momias de Preparación Complicada. Rehue 2:181-190. MUMMIES, PREPARATION, PRECERAMIC, [MDAC-170 & CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:374]
Amadei, A., G. Bevilacqua, G. Brogi, J. Bruno, M. Castagna, B. Ceccanti, N. Corcione, Gino Fornaciari, A. Marchetti, R. Mariani, A. Menconi, L. Pollina, A. Tognetti, and D. Toraboni 1988 The Mummies of the Abbey of S. Domenico Maggiore in Naples. [Abstracts of twelve papers] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, pp. 5-9. MUMMIES, ITALY, NAPLES, ABSTRACT [JRNL]
Amako, T. 1960 On the Injuries of the Menisci in the Knee Joint of Japanese. Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Surgical Society 33(12):1289-1322. KNEE, MENISCI, INJURY, JAPANESE, [ISCAN-1989:156]
Ambach, E. 1993 Paradoxical Undressing in Fatal Hypothermia (Homo tirolensis). [Letter]. Lancet (London) 341(8855):1285. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ICE MAN, PREHISTORIC, AUSTRIAN-ITALIAN ALPS, LETTER, [JRNL]
Ambach, E., W. Tributsch, and W. Ambach 1992 Is Mummification Possible in Snow? [Letter]. Forensic Science International 54(2):191-192. MUMMIES, MUMMIFICATION IN SNOW, LETTER, [NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Ambers, J. C., K. J. Matthews, and S. G. E. Bowman 1986 Radiocarbon Dates for Two Peat Samples. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 25-26. BOG BODIES, PEAT BOG, RADIOCARBON DATING, [BOOK]
Ambro, Richard D. 1967 Dietary-Technological-Ecological Aspects of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports 70:37-47. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1986 Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Human and Animal Diet in Africa. Journal of Human Evolution 15(8):707-731. DIETARY ANALYSIS, HUMAN, ANIMAL, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1987 Chemical and Isotopic Techniques of Diet Reconstruction in Eastern North America. In: W. F. Keegan, ed. Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands. Southern Illinois University, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 7. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, pp. 87-107. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPIC TECHNIQUE, NORTH AMERICA, [ISCAN-1989:234]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1990 Preparation and Characterization of Bone and Tooth Collagen for Isotopic Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(4):431-451. NUTRITION, BONE CHEMISTRY, CARBON ISOTOPE, NITROGEN ISOTOPE, ARCHAEOLOGY, BONE COLLAGEN, DENTITION, TOOTH COLLAGEN, BONE LIPID, DIAGENESIS, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1991 Effects of Diet, Climate and Physiology on Nitrogen Isotope Abundances in Terrestrial Foodwebs. Journal of Archaeological Science 18(3):293-317. NUTRITION, NITROGEN ISOTOPE, ARCHAEOLOGY, ECOLOGY, ECOLOGY, NITROGEN METABOLISM, WATER METABOLISM, PLANT, SOIL, HERBIVORE, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1993 Isotopic Analysis of Paleodiets: Methodological and Interpretive Considerations. In: Mary K. Sandford, ed. Investigations of Ancient Human Tissue: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology. Langhorne, Pennsylvania: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 59-130. TISSUE, HUMAN, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Ambrose, Stanley H., B. M. Butler, D. B. Hanson, and R. L. Hunter-Anderson 1995 Stable Isotopic Analysis of Human Diet in the Marianas Archipelago. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:57. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARIANAS ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Michael J. DeNiro 1986 Reconstruction of African Human Diet Using Bone Collagen Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios. Nature (London) 319(6051):321-324. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Michael J. DeNiro 1987 Bone Nitrogen Isotope Composition and Climate. [Letter]. Nature (London) 325(6101):201. BONE, BONE NITROGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION AND CLIMATE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and M. Anne Katzenburg, eds. n.d. Close to the Bone: Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis in Archaeology. New York: Plenum Press. In press. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BIOGEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:307]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Lynette Norr 1992 On Stable Isotopic Data and Prehistoric Subsistence in the Sonconusco Region. [See also Brian S. Chisholm, Michael Blake, and Michael W. Love, 1993.]. Current Anthropology 33(4):401-404. SUBSISTENCE, STABLE ISOTOPE, SONCONUSCO, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Lynette Norr 1993 Experimental Evidence for the Relationship of the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Whole Diet and Dietary Protein to Those of Bone Collagen and Carbonate. In: Joseph B. Lambert, and Gisela Grupe, eds. Prehistoric Human Bone: Archaeology at the Molecular Level. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc, pp. 1-37. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:086]
Ambrosetti, Juan Bautista 1903 Cabeza Humana Preparada Según el Procedimiento de los Indios Jívaros, del Ecuador. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 2(Series 3):519-523. MUMMIES, ECUADOR, SHRUNKEN HEAD, JIVARO, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(3):912]
Amedee, Ronald G., and Wolf J. Mann 1989 Osteomyelitis of the Skull Base--An Unusual Manifestation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:10.]. American Journal of Otology 10(5):402-404. OSTEOMYELITIS, SKULL BASE, [JRNL]
Amelsvoort, Vincent van 1989 The Traditional Healer, an Asmat Fallacy? Curare 12:67-70. FRAMBOESIA TROPICA, YAWS, [CWHM-1990-145-#0675]
American Association of Museums 1994 AAM Testifies for Repatriation Funding. Aviso 1994(April):3. REPATRIATION, FUNDING, [JRNL]
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1969 Symposium on Methods for the Study of Skeletal Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):405-461. POPULATION, SKELETAL, STUDY METHOD, SYMPOSIUM [JRNL]
Ames, Azel, Jr. 1875 Sex in Industry: A Plea for the Working-Girl. Boston, Massachusetts: J. R. Osgood and Company. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [MELVYL]
Ames, Azel, Jr. 1875 Special Effects of Certain Forms of Employment Upon Female Health. In: Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston: Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, pp. 67-112. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):315]
Ammerman, A. J., L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, and D. K. Wagener 1976 Toward the Estimation of Population Growth in Old World Prehistory. In: Ezra B. W. Zubrow, ed. Demographic Anthropology: Quantitative Approaches. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 27-61. DEMOGRAPHY, OLD WORLD, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:596 & ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1976-05:381 & MELVYL]
Ammianus, Johannes 1667 Sonderbarer Tractat und Bericht von der Pest. [Curious Treatise and Report of the Plague.]. Schaffhausen. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Ammitzbφll, T., S. Ry Andersen, H. P. Andersson, J. Bodenhoff, M. Eiken, B. Eriksen, N. Foged, M. Ghisler, A. Gotfredsen, Hanna E. Hansen, Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jan Jakobsen, J. Balslev Jφrgensen, T. Kobayasi, N. Kromann, K. J. Lyberth, L. Lyneborg, F. Mikkelsen, J. Mφhl, R. Mφller, J. Myhre, P. O. Pedersen, J. U. Prause, O. Sebbesen, E. Svejgaard, David D. Thompson, V. Frφlund Thomsen, and L. Vanggaard 1991 The People. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 64-101. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, THE PEOPLE, [BOOK]
Ammitzbφll, T., M. Bencard, J. Bodenhoff, Rolf Gilberg, A. Johansson, Jφrgen Meldgaard, Gerda Mφller, Rigmor Mφller, E. Svejgaard, and L. Vanggaard 1991 Clothing. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 116-149. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, CLOTHING, [BOOK]
Ammitzbφll, T., R. Mφller, G. Mφller, T. Kobayasi, H. Hino, Gustav Asboe-Hansen, and Jens Peder Hart Hansen 1989 Collagen and Glycosaminoglycans in Mummified Skin. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 93-99. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, SKIN, COLLAGEN AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS IN, [BOOK]
Amoédo 1901 Les Dents du Pithecanthropus erectus de Java. Compte Rendu de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Paris) 30(Part 1):292. DENTITION, PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS, HOMO ERECTUS, JAVA, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Amon, J., and S. Karhu 1991 Patterns of Enamel Hypoplasia in a Prehistoric Hohokam Population. Ascent 4:1-8. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, HOHOKAM, [AJPA-1995-98:516]
Amorosi, Thomas 1991 Bone Modification. Edited by Robson Bonnichsen, and Marcella H. Sorg. 1989. Orono, Maine: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine. [Review]. American Anthropologist 93(4):987-988. REVIEW OF, BONNICHSEN; ROBSON AND MARCELLA H. SORG, 1989, [JRNL]
Ampoulange, A. 1953 Sépulture Néolithique dans un Gisement du Paléolithique Supérieur. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 50:613-624. SEPULCHER, NEOLITHIC, PALEOLITHIC, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:094]
Amprino, R., Antonio Ascenzi, Benedetto de Bernard 1970 Calcified Tissue Research, Volume 4, Supplement. Proceedings of the Seventh European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Montecatini, Italy, 23-26 March 1970, Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag. CALCIFIED TISSUE RESEARCH, SYMPOSIUM, [MELVYL]
Amprino, R., and A. Bairati 1936 Processi di Ricostruzione e di Reassorbimento nella Sostanza Compatta delle Ossa dell'Uomo. Zeitschrift fuer Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie 24:439-511. BONE, RECONSTRUCTION, REABSORPTION, [ORT 1981]
Amprino, R., and G. Marotti 1964 A Topographic Quantitative Study of Bone Formation and Reconstruction. In: H. J. J. Blackwood, ed. Proceedings of the First European Bone and Tooth Symposium, Somerville College, Oxford, April 1963. Sponsored by the Bone and Tooth Society. Oxford; New York: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press New York (distributed by Macmillan), pp. 21-33. BONE, FORMATION AND RECONSTRUCTION, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:034 & MELVYL]
Amtmann, V. E. 1971 Mechanical Stress, Functional Adaptation, and the Variation Structure of the Human Femur Diaphysis. Ergebnisse der Anatomie 44:1-89. FEMUR, DIAPHYSIS, MECHANICAL STRESS, FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION, VARIATION STRUCTURE, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:055]
Amundsen, Darrel W. 1977 Medical Deontology and Pestilential Disease in the Late Middle Ages. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 32(4):403-421. PLAGUE, MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, [JRNL]
Amy, Roger, Rakesh Bhatnagar, Eric Damkjar, and Owen Beattie 1986 The Last Franklin Expedition: Report of a Postmortem Examination of a Crew Member. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 135(2):115-117. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, LEAD POISONING, [JRNL]
Anand, J. K. 1985 Smallpox Entombed. [Letter; see also Arie J. Zucherman, 1984.]. Lancet (London) 1(8420):101. SMALLPOX VIRUS ENTOMBED, LETTER, [JRNL]
Anand, R., M. L. Ratan, S. K. Mittal, and A. K. Dutta 1988 Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis. Indian Pediatrics 25:208-211. HYPEROSTOSIS, CORTICAL HYPEROSTOSIS, INFANTILE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Anastasov, K. 1987 [Congenital Cleft Lip and Palate Among the Maya in Mexico.]. [Bulgarian with English Abstract]. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 40(2):1-5. CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, MAYA, MEXICO, [NDX-Cleft Lip occurrence-28-08-09101]
Anawalt, Patricia Rieff 1984 Memory Clothing: Costumes Associated with Aztec Human Sacrifice. In: Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 165-195. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, COSTUME, AZTEC, [BOOK]
Anaya Monroy, Fernando 1966 La Antropofagia entre los Antiguos Mexicanos. Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 6:211-218. CANNIBALISM, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Andersch, H. 1962 Erscheinungsformen der Osteopathia deformans Paget bei Archäologischgeborgenem Skelettmaterial und klinischem Krankengut. Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 6:1 7. OSTEOPATHIA DEFORMANS, PAGET'S DISEASE, RECENT, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1962 Die Krankheitsbelastung einer Dorfgemeinschaft am Beispiel des spätslawischen Gräberfeldes von Gustävel. Ausgrabungen und Funde 7(4):189 193. CEMETERY, SLAVIC, AMOUNT OF PATHOLOGY, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1962 Zur Krankheitsbelastung einer slawischen Bevölkerungsgruppe des hohen Mittelalters. Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 2:1 3. PATHOLOGY, SLAVIC, MIDDLE AGES, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1963 Zur Paläopathologie der hochmittelalterlichen slawischen Bevölkerung von Gustävel (Kreis Sternberg). Anthropos 15(N.S.7):227 237. PATHOLOGY, SLAVIC, MIDDLE AGES, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1968 [Diseases and Deformed Skeletal Elements from the Collected Material of the Berlin Nikolai Church (16th--18th Century).]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 60(2):128-146. DEFORMITY, DISEASE, NIKOLAI CHURCH, BERLIN, [NDX-Paleopathology-10-02-08248]
Andersen, B. C. 1988 Pelvic Scarring Analysis: Parturition or Excess Motion? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):181. PELVIC SCARRING, PARTURITION, EXCESS MOTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Andersen, C. H. Vogelius 1956 Förhistoriske Fingeraftryk. [Prehistoric Fingerprints.]. KUML, Archaeological Society of Jutland, Aarhus. FINGERPRINT, PREHISTORIC, [GLOB 1965:194]
Andersen, D. 1983 The Study of Ancient Human Skeletal Remains. Iowa City, Iowa: Office of the Iowa State Archaeologist. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANCIENT, STUDY, [DRY BONES:213]
Andersen, E. and P. Ostergaard 1984 Forekomst af Dentikler i Kranier af Eskimoer, Grφnlandske Middelaldernordboer og Danske Stenalderfolk. [Occurrence of Denticles in the Skulls of Eskimos, Medieval Norsemen from Greenland and Danish Stone Age People.]. [Danish] Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 88:597-602. DENTITION, DENTAL PULP CALCIFICATION, DENTICLE, DENMARK, GREENLAND, [CWHM-1985-126-#1497]
Andersen, Helge, and J. Balslev Jφrgensen 1960 Decalcification and Staining of Archaeological Bones, with Histochemical Interpretation of Metachromasia. Stain Technology 35:91-96. BONE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, METACHROMASIA, HISTOCHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1969 Studies in the Mediaeval Diagnosis of Leprosy in Denmark: An Osteoarchaeological, Historical, and Clinical Study. [Dissertation]. Copenhagen: Costers Bogtrykkeri. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, MEDIEVAL HISTORY, DENMARK, DISSERTATION, [MELVYL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1969 Studies in the Medieval Diagnosis of Leprosy in Denmark: An Osteoarchaeological, Historical, and Clinical Study. Danish Medical Bulletin 16(Supplement 9):1-142. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, MEDIEVAL HISTORY, DENMARK, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1969 Studies in the Medieval Diagnosis of Leprosy in Denmark. Copenhagen: Costers Bogtrykkeri. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, MEDIEVAL HISTORY, DENMARK, [ORT-1981 & ZAGREB-1988:144]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1982 The Osteo-Archaeological Diagnosis of Leprosy. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg/Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 2. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, OSTEOARCHAEOLOGICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1982 The Osteo-Archaeological Diagnosis of Leprosy. In: G. T. Haneveld, and W. R. K. Perizonius, eds. Proceedings of the Fourth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982. Utrecht, The Netherlands: B. V. Elinkwijk, pp. 221-226. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, OSTEOARCHAEOLOGICAL, [ZAGREB-1988:034 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1990 Ergotism: Radiology and Clinical Appearance. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 3. ERGOTISM, RADIOLOGY, APPEARANCE, CLINICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard 1991 The Medieval Diagnosis of Leprosy. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 205-208. LEPROSY, DIAGNOSIS, MEDIEVAL, [BOOK]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, and Keith Manchester 1987 Grooving of the Proximal Phalanx in Leprosy: A Palaeopathological and Radiological Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 59:17; 1990, 71:15.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 14(1):77-82. LEPROSY, MYCOBACTERIUM, PHALANX, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, and Keith Manchester 1988 Dorsal Tarsal Exostoses in Leprosy: A Palaeopathological and Radiological Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 71:15.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 15(1):51-56. LEPROSY, TARSAL EXOSTOSIS, ENTHESOPATHY, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, and Keith Manchester 1990 The Palaeopathology of Leprosy. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 24. [Workshop]. LEPROSY WORKSHOP, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, and Keith Manchester 1992 The Rhinomaxillary Syndrome in Leprosy: A Clinical, Radiological and Paleopathological Study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(2):121-129. LEPROSY, RHINOMAXILLARY SYNDROME, [CWHM-1992-155-#0235]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, Keith Manchester, and R. Shahzady Ali 1992 Diaphyseal Remodelling in Leprosy: A Radiological and Palaeopathological Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:211-219. LEPROSY, RADIOLOGY, REMODELING, [PPNL-1992-80:09]
Andersen, Johannes Gerhard, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1994 Septic Bone Changes in Leprosy: A Clinical, Radiological and Palaeopathological Review. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):21-30. LEPROSY, SEPTIC BONE CHANGE IN, [CWHM-1994-162-#0366]
Andersen, O. 1976 [A Danish Malaria Epidemic.]. [Danish]. Ugeskrift for Laeger 138:3228-3230. MALARIA, DENMARK, [CWHM-1977-093-#1068]
Andersen, S. Ry 1990 Ophthalmopathologische Befunde bei Moorleichen. [Ophthalmopathologic Findings in Bog Victims.]. [German with English Abstract]. Klinische Monatsblaetter fuer Augenheilkunde 197(2):187-190. BOG BODIES, OPHTHALMOPATHOLOGY, [NDX-Paleopathology-32-08-10270]
Andersen, S. Ry 1994 The Eye and Its Diseases in Antiquity. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:14.]. Acta Ophthalmologica 72(Supplement 213):1-123. EYE, DISEASES OF IN ANTIQUITY, [PPNL-1995-89:14]
Andersen, S. Ry, and P. Geertinger 1984 Bog Bodies Investigated in the Light of Forensic Medicine. Journal of Danish Archaeology 2:111-119. BOG BODIES, FORENSIC MEDICINE, [BOGMAN-&-ARCHAEOL-OF-PEOPLE-BROTHWELL-1987:124]
Andersen, S. Ry, and J. U. Prause 1989 Histopathological Examination of Eyes. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 109-111. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, EYE, [BOOK]
Anderson, B. 1932 A Study of the Incidence of Dental Caries in 1,000 Chinese. Journal of Dental Research 12:709-712. DENTAL CARIES, MODERN, CHINA, [ARME]
Anderson, B. 1938 Clinical Study of Arresting Dental Caries. Journal of Dental Research 17:443-452. DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Anderson, B. 1939 Dental Defects in Congenital Syphilis. American Journal of Diseases of Children 57:52. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL DEFECT, [ARME]
Anderson, Bruce Edward 1989 Immature Human Skeletal Remains from Homol'ovi III. Kiva 54(3):231-244. REMAINS, SKELETAL, IMMATURE, HOMOL'OVI III, [JRNL]
Anderson, Duane 1985 Reburial: Is It Reasonable? [See also William Green, 1995.]. Archaeology (New York) 38(5):48-51. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Anderson, Duane C., Michael Finnegan, John Hotopp, and Alton K. Fisher 1978 The Lewis Central School Site (13PW5): A Resolution of Ideological Conflicts at an Archaic Ossuary in Western Iowa. Plains Anthropologist 23(81):183-219. OSSUARY, ARCHAIC, LEWIS CENTRAL SCHOOL SITE, IOWA, RESOLUTION, IDEOLOGICAL, CONFLICT, [JRNL]
Anderson, E. N. 1994 Chumash Healing: Changing Health and Medical Practices in an American Indian Society. By Phillip L. Walker, and Travis D. Hudson. 1993. Banning, California: Malki Museum Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:12.]. [Review]. Journal of Ethnobiology 14(2):184. REVIEW OF, WALKER; PHILLIP L., AND TRAVIS D. HUDSON, 1993, [JRNL]
Anderson, Gaylord West, and Margaret G. Arnstein 1956 Communicable Disease Control. New York: Macmillan. DISEASE, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE, CONTROL OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:248]
Anderson, Glenn A. 1986 Helminthiasis at Mt. Elden Pueblo, a Late Prehistoric Village Near Flagstaff, Arizona. In: Karl J. Reinhard, convener. Section 2: Identification, Origin, and Dispersion of Helminth Parasites in the Prehistoric New World. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 5-6. PARASITISM, HELMINTHIASIS, ARIZONA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, James E. 1960 The Development of the Tympanic Plate. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 180(1):143-153. EAR, TYMPANIC PLATE, DEVELOPMENT, [JRNL]
Anderson, James E. 1962 The Human Skeleton: A Manual for Archaeologists. Ottawa, Canada: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. OSTEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Anderson, James E. 1962 A Pre-Iroquois Burial Site. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 11:11.]. Ontario Archaeology 2(Series B):39-46. BURIAL, PRE-IROQUOIS, [ZIMM]
Anderson, James E. 1964 The People of Fairty. An Osteological Analysis of an Iroquois Ossuary. In: Contributions to Anthropology, 1961-1962, Part 1. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 193(1):28-129. OSSUARY, IROQUOIS, [JRNL]
Anderson, James E. 1965 Human Skeletons of Tehuacán. Science 148(3669):496-497. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TEHUACAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Anderson, James E. 1966 Discussion: Palaeoepidemiology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 116-120. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEOEPIDEMIOLOGY, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Anderson, James E. 1967 The Human Skeletons. In: Douglas S. Byers, ed. The Prehistory of the Tehuacan Valley, Volume One. Environment and Subsistence. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, pp. 91-113. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TEHUACAN VALLEY, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Anderson, James E. 1968 Late Paleolithic Skeletal Remains from Nubia. In: Fred Wendorf, ed. The Prehistory of Nubia. Southern Methodist University Contributions to Anthropology Number 2. Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University, Volume 2, pp. 966-1040. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PALEOLITHIC, NUBIA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Anderson, James E. 1968 The Serpent Mounds Site: Physical Anthropology. Ontario, Canada: Royal Ontario Museum, Art and Archaeology Occasional Paper, 11. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, SERPENT MOUNDS SITE, [ZAGREB-1988:170]
Anderson, James E. 1968 Skeletal "Anomalies" as Genetic Indicators. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 135-147. SKELETAL ANOMALY, GENETIC INDICATOR, [BOOK]
Anderson, James E. 1976 The Human Skeletons. In: James A. Tuck. Ancient People of Port au Choix: The Excavation of an Archaic Indian Cemetery in Newfoundland. Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, Number 17. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 124-131. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PORT AU CHOIX, NEWFOUNDLAND, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:150 & MELVYL]
Anderson, John A. D. 1984 Arthrosis and Its Relation to Work. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 10:429-433. ARTHROSIS, RELATION TO WORK, [JRNL]
Anderson, John Y. 1995 Paleopathology in Oceania: Evidence for Pre-Contact Treponematosis from Navatu, Fiji. [Poster] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 18. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, FIJI, OCEANIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Anderson, K. L. 1996 Aztalan--a Skeletal Analysis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:60. CANNIBALISM, DEMOGRAPHY, WISCONSIN, AZTALAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, Laurel S., and John W. Verano 1996 A Possible Case of Amputation of the Feet, with Evidence of Healing, in a Moche Burial from the North Coast of Peru. [Poster] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 16. FOOT, AMPUTATION (POSSIBLE), WITH HEALING, MOCHE, PERU, POSTER, [JRNL]
Anderson, M., and W. T. Green 1948 Length of the Femur and the Tibia. American Journal of Diseases of Children 75:279-290. FEMUR, TIBIA, LENGTH, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Anderson, Michael W. 1982 Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures. Edited by T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn. 1980. Cambridge, London, New York: Cambridge University Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 37(2):240. REVIEW OF, COCKBURN; AIDAN AND EVE COCKBURN, 1980, [JRNL]
Anderson, P. J. 1986 A Human Skull from the Minoan Site, Kommos, Crete. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 1. SKULL, CRETE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, Patricia C. 1980 A Testimony of Prehistoric Tasks: Diagnostic Residues on Stone Tool Working Edges. World Archaeology 12(2):181-194. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, STONE TOOL, RESIDUE ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Anderson, R. 1966 Dental Caries Prevalence in Relation to Trace Elements. British Dental Journal 1220:271-275. DENTAL CARIES, TRACE ELEMENT, [ARME]
Anderson, R. E. 1995 Examination of Aging Techniques for Preadolescent Skeletal Remains. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:57-58. AGE ASSESSMENT, PREADOLESCENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, R. H. 1895 Medico-Chirurgical Notes on the Works of Hippocrates and Galen. Medical News (Philadelphia) 66:229-234. MEDICINE, GREEK, ROMAN, ANCIENT, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient Greek & Roman]
Anderson, R. N. 1993 Mozart's Death: The Case for Complication of Rheumatic Heart Disease. Dalhousie Review 73(2):234-240. MOZART, CAUSE OF DEATH, [CWHM-1995-166-#0436]
Anderson, Robert T. 1983 Angulation of the Basiocciput in Three Cranial Series. Current Anthropology 24(2):226-228. SKULL, BASIOCCIPUT, ANGULATION OF, HANDEDNESS [JRNL & ADDRESS IN CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY IS MILLS COLLEGE, OAKLAND]
Anderson, Robert T. 1983 On Doctors and Bonesetters in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Chiropractic History 3(1):11-15. BONE, BONESETTER, MANIPULATION, ORTHOPEDIC, [CWHM-1984-121-#0233 & ADDRESS IN CWHM IS MILLS COLLEGE, OAKLAND]
Anderson, Roy M., and Robert M. May 1979 Population Biology of Infectious Diseases: Part I. [See also Robert M. May, and Roy M. Anderson, 1979.]. Nature (London) 280(5721):361-367. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, POPULATION BIOLOGY OF, [JRNL]
Anderson, Roy M., and Robert M. May 1991 Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, [MELVYL]
Anderson, Roy M., and Robert M. May, eds. 1982 Population Biology of Infectious Diseases: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Population Biology of Infectious Disease Agents, Berlin, 14-19 March 1982. Berlin; New York: Springer Verlag. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, BIOLOGY, POPULATION BIOLOGY, [MELVYL]
Anderson, S. 1990 The Human Skeletal Remains from Staunch Meadow, Brandon, Suffolk. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 99/90. London: English Heritage. REMAINS, SKELETAL, STAUNCH MEADOW, BRANDON, SUFFOLK, ENGLAND, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:14]
Anderson, S. 1990 Two Cases of Trauma in English Medieval Skeletons. [Poster] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 3. TRAUMA, MEDIEVAL, ENGLAND, POSTER, [JRNL]
Anderson, S. 1991 The Human Skeletal Remains from Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 9/91. London: English Heritage. [Manuscript, unpublished]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NORFOLK, ENGLAND, [AJPA-1995-98:494]
Anderson, S., and David A. Birkett 1989 The Human Skeletal Remains from Burgh Castle, Norfolk. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 27/89. London: English Heritage. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BURGH CASTLE, NORFOLK, ENGLAND, [ATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:14]
Anderson, Trevor 1986 The Churchyard on the Folkebibliotekstomt (Library Site), Trondheim. An Interim Osteological Report. In: Trevor Anderson, and H. Gφthberg, eds. Olavskirkens Kirkegård. Humanosteologisk Analyse og Faseinndeling, Meddelelser Number 2. Trondheim: Riksantikvaren. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OSTEOLOGICAL REPORT, TRONDHEIM, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:281]
Anderson, Trevor 1986-1987 A Medieval Biparte Cuneiform I with Attempted Unilateral Fusion. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. OSSA 13:39-48. FOOT, CUNEIFORM I, BIPARTITE, ATTEMPTED FUSION, MEDIEVAL TRONDHEIM, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1986-1987 A Medieval Hypoplastic Dens: A Note on Its Discovery and a Review of the Previous Literature. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. OSSA 13:13-37. DENTITION, HYPOPLASTIC DENS, ACQUIRED ABSENCE, MEDIEVAL TRONDHEIM, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1988 Calcaneus Secundarius: An Osteo-Archaeological Note. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 77(4):529-531. OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, FOOT ANOMALY, MEDIEVAL TRONDHEIM, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1991 A Medieval Example of Meningiomatous Hyperostosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. British Journal of Neurosurgery 5:499-504. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMATOUS HYPEROSTOSIS, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1992-78:10]
Anderson, Trevor 1991 An Unusual Dentition from Medieval Canterbury. [Letter]. British Dental Journal 171:351. DENTITION, UNUSUAL, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, [CWHM-1992-154-#0653]
Anderson, Trevor 1992 An Example of Meningiomatous Hyperostosis from Medieval Rochester. Medical History 36(2):207-213. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMATOUS HYPEROSTOSIS, MEDIEVAL, ROCHESTER, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1992 A Medieval Example of Meningiomatous Hyperostosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(3):141-154. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMATOUS HYPEROSTOSIS, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1994-85:15]
Anderson, Trevor 1993 An Anglo-Saxon Case of Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna. Archaeologia Cantiana 112:253-259. MORGAGNI'S SYNDROME, HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, ANGLO-SAXON, [CWHM-1994-163-#0366]
Anderson, Trevor 1993 Bars of Bone on Hip Bones in Antiquity. A Differential Diagnosis: Hereditary Osteo-Onychodypsplasia (Fong's Syndrome). Comment on "Bars of Bone on Hip Bones in Antiquity: Pathological, Occupational or Genetic?" [See Charlotte A. Roberts, 1987.]. Human Evolution 8(4):291-292. INNOMINATE, BARS OF BONE, FONG'S SYNDROME, OSTEO-ONYCHODYPSPLASIA, HEREDITARY, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):73]
Anderson, Trevor 1993 Osteo-Archaeology at Canterbury: The First Five Years. Biochemist 15(4):12-16. OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, CANTERBURY, [CWHM-1994-160-#0353]
Anderson, Trevor 1993 An Unusual Dentition from Medieval Canterbury, Great Britain. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14.]. Journal of Paleopathology 5(3):167-171. DENTITION, UNUSUAL, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1994-162-#0807]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 An Anglo-Saxon Case of Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna from Sarre, Kent. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(1):29-34. SKULL, HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, KENT, [CWHM-1994-164-#0392]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Artistic and Documentary Evidence for Tetradysmelia from Sixteenth Century England. American Journal of Medical Genetics 52(4):475-477. TETRADYSMELIA, MALFORMATION, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, ENGLAND, [NDX-CD-ROM-SEARCHED-09/26/95]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 A Bronze Age Burial from St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe. Archaeologia Cantiana 114:357-361. BURIAL, BRONZE AGE, ST. MARGARET'S-AT-CLIFFE, [CWHM-1995-168-#0212]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Evidence of Birth Deformities in 16th Century Kent. British Medical Journal 309(6970):1748. DEFORMITY, BIRTH, KENT, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Medieval Example of Cleft Lip and Palate from St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 31(6):466-472. CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, CANTERBURY, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Osteo-Archaeological Questionnaire: Results. British Paleopathological Newsletter 16:13-19. OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS, [BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Palaeopathology: More Than Just Dry Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:14.]. Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 24(4):554-580. INHUMATION, CREMATION, ROMAN; ANGLO-SAXON-MEDIEVAL, UNITED KINGDOM, SURVEY OF, [CWHM-1994-164-#0394]
Anderson, Trevor 1994 Unfair to Beauties of Old Pompeii. [Letter]. Times 1994(3 October):21. POMPEII, LETTER, [CWHM-1994-164-#0395]
Anderson, Trevor 1995 An Anomalous Medieval Parietal Bone. Journal of Paleopathology 7(3):223-226. PARIETAL, UNILATERAL DIVIDED, SUTURAL VARIANT, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1995 Documentary and Artistic Evidence for Congenital Conditions from Sixteenth Century England. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):71. CONGENITAL CONDITION, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1995 The Human Skeletons. In: Keith Parfitt, ed. The Iron Age Burials from St Richard's Road, Mill Hill, Deal. London: British Museum Press, pp. 115-215. IRON AGE BURIALS, MILL HILL, DEAL, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1995-168-#0213 & BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Anderson, Trevor 1995 Two Traumatic Cases from Medieval Canterbury. Journal of Paleopathology 7(3):227-235. TRAUMA, MULTIPLE, VIOLENCE, HAND, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, GREAT BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1996 Cranial Weapon Injuries from Anglo-Saxon Dover. [Short Report]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(1):10-14. TRAUMA, SKULL, WEAPON INJURY, ANGLO-SAXON, DOVER, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1996 Documentary and Artistic Evidence for Congenital Conditions from Sixteenth Century England. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 2. CONGENITAL CONDITION, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor 1996 Paracondylar Process: Manifestation of an Occipital Vertebra. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(2):195-201. SPINE, PARACONDYLAR PROCESS, OCCIPITAL VERTEBRA, CRANIAL/CAUDAL SHIFTING, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor n.d. The Cremations from Each End, Ash. Archaeologia Cantiana. In press. CREMATION, EACH END, ASH, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:616]
Anderson, Trevor, and Jon Andrews 1993 A Recently Excavated Odontome from Medieval Canterbury. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:10.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(2):99-104. DENTAL ANOMALY, ODONTOME, [PPNL-1993-83:10]
Anderson, Trevor, and Jon Andrews 1994 An Abnormal Mandibular Canine in Archaeological Material. [Letter]. British Dental Journal 177(4):122. DENTITION, MANDIBULAR CANINE, ABNORMAL, ENGLAND, LETTER, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, and Jon Andrews 1996 Congenital Absence of Permanent Second Molars. British Dental Journal 180(11):436-437. DENTITION, SECOND MOLAR, CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF, [CWHM-1996-170-#1094]
Anderson, Trevor, Caroline Arcini, Svein Anda, Åse Tangerud, and Gunvor Robertsen 1986 Suspected Endemic Syphilis (Treponarid) in Sixteenth-Century Norway. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 57:17.]. Medical History 30(3):341-350. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ENDEMIC, NORWAY, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1993 The First Archaeological Example of Freiberg's Infraction. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:17.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(3):219-221. FOOT, METATARSAL, OSTEOCHONDROSIS, FREIBERG'S INFRACTION, FIRST ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXAMPLE, [PPNL-1993-84:17]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1994 An Archaeological Example of Medieval Trauma. Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):145-150. TRAUMA, MEDIEVAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXAMPLE, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1994 Periosteal Reaction in a New Born Child from Sheppey, Kent. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):47-48. PERIOSTEAL REACTION, CHILD, SHEPPEY, KENT, [CWHM-1994-162-#0368]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1994 A Possible Example of Scheuermann's Disease from Iron Age Deal, Kent. Journal of Paleopathology 6(2):57-62. DISEASE, SCHEUERMANN'S DISEASE, IRON AGE, KENT, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1995-167-#0342]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1995 The First Archaeological Case of Madelung's Deformity? [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):168-173. RADIUS, MADELUNG'S DEFORMITY, NEOPLASM, ETHMOIDAL OSTEOMA, OS METASTYLOIDEUM, MEDIEVAL CANTERBURY, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1995 Freiberg's Infraction: A Case from Medieval Kent. Foot 5:202-203. FOOT, SCAPHOID BONE, CHILD, MALFORMATION, FREIBERG'S INFRACTION, KÖHLER'S BONE DISEASE, KENT, ENGLAND, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1996-169:#0603]
Anderson, Trevor, and Adrian R. Carter 1995 An Unusual Osteitic Reaction in a Young Medieval Child. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):192-195. OSTEITIC REACTION, INFECTION, CHILD, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, and C. Fell 1995 Analysis of Roman Cremation Vessels by Computerized Tomography. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(5):609-617. CREMATION VESSEL, ROMAN, CT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Anderson, Trevor, Jennifer Wakely, and Adrian R. Carter 1992 Medieval Example of Metastatic Carcinoma: A Dry Bone, Radiological, and SEM Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89(3):309-323. NEOPLASM, METASTATIC CARCINOMA, OSTEOBLASTIC DEPOSIT, DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, SEM, MEDIEVAL, CANTERBURY, [JRNL]
Anderson, W. 1992 Badarian Burials: Evidence of Social Inequality in Middle Egypt During the Early Predynastic Era. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 29:51-66. BURIAL, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC, SOCIAL INEQUALITY, [AJPA-1994-93:432]
Anderson, W. A., and T. M. Scotti. 1968 Synopsis of Pathology. St. Louis: Mosby. PATHOLOGY SYNOPSIS, [PPNL-1980-30:9]
Anderson, W. A. D. 1975 Patologija. Beograd: Naucna Knjiga. PATHOLOGY, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:271]
Anderson, Winslow 1888 A Description of the Desiccated Human Remains in the California State Mining Bureau. California State Mining Bureau, Bulletin 1:1-41. REMAINS, HUMAN, DESICCATED, DESCRIPTION, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Anderson, W. L., ed. 1991 Cherokee Removal, Before and After. Athens: University of Georgia Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CHEROKEE, TRAIL OF TEARS, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:291]
Ando, K. 1961 Mummies in Japan. [Japanese]. Tokyo: Mainichi Newspapers. MUMMIES, JAPAN, [MDAC-223]
Ando, K. 1969 Preparation of Nyujo Mummies. [Japanese]. In: Group for Research of Japanese Mummies, eds. Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp. 83-95. MUMMIES, JAPAN, NYUJO, PREPARATION, [MDAC-223]
Ando, K., and K. Sakurai 1969 Research by Cultural History: Extant Japanese Mummies. [Japanese]. In: Group for Research of Japanese Mummies, eds. Research of Japanese Mummies. Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp. 21-82. MUMMIES, JAPAN, [MDAC-223]
Andorka, Rudolf 1994 The Historical Demography of a Proper Hungarian Village: Atány in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Journal of Family History 19(4):311-331. DEMOGRAPHY, HUNGARY, EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1995-165-#0002]
André, J. 1961 L'Alimentation et la Cusine à Rome. Paris. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ROMAN, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:193]
André, J. -M. 1980 La Notion de Pestilentia à Rome: Du Tabou Religieux à l'Interprétation Pré-Scientifique. Latomus 39:2-16. PLAGUE, ROME, [CWHM-1981-108-#1512]
Andreasen, Claus 1989 The Archaeology at Qilakitsoq. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 11-22. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, ARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Andreasen, Claus, Hans Christian Gullφv, Jens Peder Hart Hansen, J. Lyberth, and H. Tauber 1991 The Find. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 37-52. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, THE FIND, [BOOK]
Andreasen, J. O. 1981 Traumatic Injuries of the Teeth. 2nd Edition. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; Philadelphia: Saunders. DENTITION, INJURY, TRAUMATIC, [MELVYL]
Andréasson, Lars 1976 Correlation of Tubal Function and Volume of Mastoid and Middle Ear Space as Related to Otitis Media. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 85(2, Part 1):198-203. EAR, OTITIS MEDIA, TUBAL FUNCTION, MASTOID, MIDDLE EAR, [JRNL]
Andreski, S. 1982 Stregoneria, Sifilide e Celibato. Il Folle Terrore delle Streghe nei Secoli XVI e XVII alla Luce della Medicina e della Psicoanalisi. Intersezioni 2:527-564. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, CELIBACY, [CWHM-1983-117-#2038]
Andreski, S. 1982 The Syphilitic Shock: A New Explanation of the "Great Witch Craze" of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in the Light of Medicine and Society. Encounter (London) 58(5). TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SYPHILITIC SHOCK, WITCHCRAFT CRAZE, [CWHM-1984-120-#1826]
Andreski, S. 1983 Syphilitic Shock. Traditional Medical Systems 2(1):68-79. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SYPHILITIC SHOCK, [CWHM-1984-120-#1827]
Andrew, L. J. 1995 Putting Don Carlos Together Again: Treatment of a Head Injury in Sixteenth-Century Spain. Sixteenth Century Journal 26(2):347-365. SKULL, TRAUMA, SPAIN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1996-169:#0605]
Andrews, Carol 1984 Egyptian Mummies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0062]
Andrews, E. Wyllys IV 1969 Use of Molluscs as Food. In: E. Wyllys Andrews IV. The Archaeological Use and Distribution of Mollusca in the Maya Lowlands. Middle American Research Institute Publication 34. New Orleans: Tulane University, pp. 51-59. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE RESOURCE, MOLLUSC, MAYA, [JRNL]
Andrews, J. R. 1976 The Parasitology of the Maori in Pre-European Times. New Zealand Medical Journal 84(568):62-65. PARASITISM, MAORI, [CWHM-1977-093-#1081-#1385]
Andrews, Janet 1971 Appendix II. Analysis of Two Skeletons from Median Village. In: John P. Marwitt. Median Village and the Fremont Culture Regional Variation. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 95:165-171. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEDIAN VILLAGE, [JRNL]
Andrews, Janet 1972 The Paleopathology of the Eastern Great Basin Fremont Population. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:12 and 1979, 26:12.]. PATHOLOGY, GREAT BASIN, FREMONT, [BOOK]
Andrews, Janet 1979 Appendix II. Analysis of Skeletal Material from the Levee Site and the Knoll Site. In: Gary Frederic Fry, and G. F. Dalley. The Levee Site and the Knoll Site. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 100:107-109. SKELETAL ANALYSIS, LEVEE SITE, KNOLL SITE, [JRNL]
Andrews, P. 1986 Fossil Evidence of Human Origins and Dispersal. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 51(Part 1):419-428. HUMAN ORIGIN AND DISPERSAL, FOSSIL EVIDENCE, [JRNL]
Andrews, P. 1995 Experiments in Taphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):147-153. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, BONE MODIFICATION, BONE ASSEMBLAGE, PALEOECOLOGY, [JRNL]
Andrews, Peter, and Jill Cook 1985 Natural Modifications to Bones in a Temperate Setting. MAN (London) 20:675-691. BONE, BOVINE, NATURAL MODIFICATION TO, TEMPERATE SETTING, [JRNL]
Andrews, Robert R. 1893 Prehistoric American Dentistry. Dental Practitioner (Philadelphia). DENTISTRY, PREHISTORIC, [METRESS-1974:008]
Andrews, Robert R. 1895 Evidences of Prehistoric Dentistry in Central America. Transactions of the Pan-American Medical Congress, Washington 2:1872. DENTISTRY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Andrik, P. 1962 Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Bissanomalien. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 52:129. ANTHROPOLOGY, ANATOMY, ORAL, [CRAN]
Andrik, P. 1965 Palaeostomatologial Kutatésok Eredményei és azok Jelentosége. [Results and Significance of Paleostomatologic Studies.]. [Hungarian]. Fogorvosi Szemle 58:357-363. STOMATOLOGY, [NDX-Paleodontology-07-01-02901]
Andrik, P. 1965 [Some Results of Analyses of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Skulls by Long-Distance X-Ray Pictures.]. [Czech]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 65:173-179. SKULL, PROTOHISTORIC, HISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Craniometry-06-02-01109]
Andrik, P. 1967 [On Changes of the Skull During the Last 4 Millennia.]. [German]. Fortschritte der Kieferorthopaedie 28:313-328. SKULL CHANGE, FOUR MILLENNIA, [NDX-Cephalometry-09-02-01812]
Andrik, P. 1968 [Contribution to the Study of the Variability of the Skull Morphology.]. [Slovak]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 68:200-206. SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, VARIABILITY, [NDX-Paleodontlogy-09-02-04838]
Andrik, P. 1973 The Differentiated Influence of Caries of the Deciduous Teeth on Malocclusion. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 26:1237-1242. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL CARIES, MALOCCLUSION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Andrik, P., and A. Bachraty 1966 Analyza Predhistorickych a Protohistorickych Lebiek Dialkovymi rtg Snimkami. Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae: Anthropologia 10(8):31. SKULL, PROTOHISTORIC, HISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Andritzky, W. 1987 Trepanation and Schädelverformung im Alten Peru. Ethnologie Amerika (Düsseldorf) 23(1):1169-1173. SKULL DEFORMATION, TREPHINATION, PERU, [CWHM-1987-134-#0449]
Andros, F. 1883 The Medicine and Surgery of the Winnebago and Dakota Indians. Journal of the American Medical Association 1:116-118. MEDICINE, SURGERY, DAKOTA, WINNEBAGO, INDIAN, [COURY 1969:333]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1939 The Babaköy Skeleton. Archiv fuer Orientforschung 13:28-31. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BABAKöY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1939 Geometric Athenians. In: R. S. Young. Late Geometric Graves and a Seventh Century Well in the Agora. Hesperia 2(Supplement):236-246. BURIAL, GREECE, [AJPA-1979-51:514]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1942 Classical Olynthians. In: D. M. Robinson. Excavations at Olynthus XI, Necrolynthia. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins Press, pp. 211-240. OLYNTHIANS, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1943 Ancient Cephallenians: The Population of a Mediterranean Island. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1(3):229-260. CEPHALLENIAN, MEDITERRANEAN POPULATION, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1943 Treatment of Archaeological Skulls. In: H. L. Shapiro, ed. Anthropological Briefs (New York) 3:3-8. SKULL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, TREATMENT, [DIGGING UP BONES:181]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1944 Greek Teeth: Ancient and Modern. Human Biology 16(4):283-297. DENTITION, ANCIENT, MODERN, GREEK, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1945 Skeletal Material from Attica. Hesperia 14:279-363. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ATTICA, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Skeletal Change in Ancient Greece. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 4(1):69-97. SKELETAL CHANGE, GREECE, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Social Biology of Greek Cultural Growth. American Anthropologist 48(4, Part 1):493-533. SOCIAL BIOLOGY, CULTURAL GROWTH, GREEK, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Some Interrelationships of Classical Archaeology with Anthropology. American Journal of Archaeology 50:401. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, INTERRELATIONSHIP, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1947 Increase in Length of Life in Ancient Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5(2):231. LIFE SPAN, INCREASE, ANCIENT, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1947 The Length of Life in Ancient Greece. Journal of Gerontology 2:18-24. LIFE SPAN, ANCIENT, GREECE, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1948 Health and the Course of Civilization. Intern 14:15-17, 45-48. HEALTH, CIVILIZATION, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1950 Population Size and Microevolution in Greece. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 15:343-351. DEMOGRAPHY, EVOLUTION, [BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1950 Skeletons. Archaeology (New York) 3(4):233-241. REMAINS, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1951 Table 17. Belt Cave, Skull No. 2, Measurements, Indices, and Observations. In: C. S. Coon. Cave Explorations in Iran, 1949. Philadelphia: Museum Monographs. The University Museum, pp. 86-88. SKULL, BELT CAVE, IRAN, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1951 Troy: The Human Remains. Supplemental Monograph to: C. W. Blegen, ed. Troy Excavations Conducted by the University of Cincinnati 1932-1938. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. REMAINS, HUMAN, TROY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7 & ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1952 The Human Skeletal Remains from Hotu Cave, Iran. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 96(3):258-269. REMAINS, SKELETAL, IRAN, HOTU CAVE, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1953 Classical Archaeology and the Anthropological Approach. In: G. E. Mylonas, and D. Raymond, eds. Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson on His Seventieth Birthday. St. Louis: Washington University, pp. 1224-1231. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, INTERRELATIONSHIP, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1953 The Human Remains from Khirokitia. In: P. Dikaios, ed. Khirokitia. London: Oxford University Press, pp. 416-430. REMAINS, HUMAN, GREECE, KHIROKITIA, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7 & ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1954 Human Biology, Health, and History in Greece from the 1st Settlement Until Now. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1953:168-172,266-270. HEALTH, GREECE, HISTORY, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1954 Some Problems in Interpretation of Greek Skeletal Material: Disease, Posture, and Microevolution. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 12(2):284. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREEK, DISEASE, POSTURE, MICROEVOLUTION, INTERPRETATION PROBLEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1958 Human Biological Changes in Ancient Greece: With Special Reference to Lerna. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1957:266-270. HEALTH, LERNA, GREECE, HISTORY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1959 Early Helladic Skulls from Aghios Kosmas. In: George E. Mylonas. Aghios Kosmas: An Early Bronze Age Settlement and Cemetery in Attica. With an appendix on the Early Helladic Skulls by J. Lawrence Angel. Princeton, New Jersey: University of Princeton Press, pp. 167-179. SKULL, HELLADIC, ATTICA, [AJPA-1979-51:515 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1959 Femoral Neck Markings and Human Gait. Anatomical Record 133(2):244. FEMUR, NECK MARKING, LOCOMOTION, [ISCAN-1989:156]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Age Change in Obesity. Human Biology 32(4):342-365. OBESITY, AGE CHANGE IN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Human Gait, Hip Joint, and Evolution. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18(4):361. HIP JOINT, LOCOMOTION, EVOLUTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Physical and Psychological Factors in Culture Growth. In: A. F. C. Wallace, ed. Selected Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1956. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, pp. 665-670. CULTURE GROWTH, PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN, [BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1961 Appendix 1: Neolithic Crania from Sotira. In: Porphyrios Dikaios. Sotira. Philadelphia: The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, pp. 223-229. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, SOTIRA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1963 Physical Anthropology and Medicine. Journal of the National Medical Association 55:107-116. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICINE, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 Osteoporosis: Thalassemia? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22(3):369-373. OSTEOPOROSIS, THALASSEMIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 Prehistoric Man. In: S. H. Engle, ed. New Perspectives in World History. Washington, D.C.: National Council for Social Studies. PREHISTORIC MAN, [CRAN]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 The Reaction Area of the Femoral Neck. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 32:130-142. FEMORAL NECK, REACTION AREA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Appendix: Human Skeletal Remains at Karatas. In: Excavations at Karatas-Semayük in Lycia, 1965. By Machteld J. Mellink. 1966. American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 70, Number 3, pp. 245-257. American Journal of Archaeology 70(3):255-257. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREECE, KARATAS, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Early Skeletons from Tranquility, California. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Volume 2, Number 1. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, pp. 1-19. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TRANQUILITY, CALIFORNIA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Effects of Human Biological Factors in Development of Civilization. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1965:315-317. BIOLOGY, CIVILIZATION, DEVELOPMENT, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Porotic Hyperostosis, Anemias, Malarias, and Marshes in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean. Science 153(3737):760-763. ANEMIA, MALARIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, MEDITERRANEAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1967 Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 378-389. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, OSTEOPOROSIS SYMMETRICA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Appendix: Human Remains at Karatas. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük in Lycia, 1967. American Journal of Archaeology 72:260-263. REMAINS, HUMAN, KARATAS, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 The Bases of Paleodemography. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):137. DEMOGRAPHY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Ecological Aspects of Palaeodemography. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 263-270. DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Human Skeletal Material from Slovenia. Bulletin of the American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, Harvard University 25:75-108. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SLOVENIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 The Bases of Paleodemography. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):427-437. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 Human Skeletal Material from Franchthi Cave. Hesperia 38:343-381. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FRANCHTHI CAVE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 Paleodemography and Evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(3):343-353. DEMOGRAPHY, EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1970 Appendix: Human Skeletal Remains at Karatas. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1969. American Journal of Archaeology 74:253-259. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Diseases and Culture in the Ancient East Mediterranean. In: Vladimir V. Novotny, ed. Proceedings of the Anthropological Congress Dedicated to Ales Hrdlicka, Prague and Humpolec, 1969. Prague: Academia, pp. 503-508. CULTURE, DISEASE, MEDITERRANEAN, EASTERN, ANCIENT, [AJPA-1979-51:516]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Early Neolithic Skeletons from Catal Huyuk. Anatolian Studies (London) 21:77-98. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, CATAL HUYUK, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Human Paleopathology: Proceedings of a Symposium on Human Paleopathology, held in Washington, D.C., 14 January 1965. Under the Auspices of the Subcommittee on Geographic Pathology, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Edited by Saul Jarcho. 1966. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 26(2):220-221. REVIEW OF, JARCHO; SAUL, 1966, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Human Skeletal Material from the Church of the Holy Apostles. In: Alison Frantz. The Church of the Holy Apostles. The Athenian Agora, Volume 20. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, pp. 30-31. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREECE, CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES, [AJPA-1979-51:516 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 The People of Lerna: Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Population. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [See review by Richard L. Jantz, 1973.]. DEMOGRAPHY, LERNA, AEGEAN, PREHISTORIC POPULATION ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Biological Relations of Egyptian and Eastern Mediterranean Populations During Pre-Dynastic and Dynastic Times. Journal of Human Evolution 1(3):307-313. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BIOLOGICAL RELATION, EGYPT AND EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, PRE-DYNASTIC AND DYNASTIC, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Ecology and Population in the Eastern Mediterranean. World Archaeology 4:88-105. POPULATION, ECOLOGY, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 History of Human Life Span and Mortality. Translated by K. Balas. By: Gy. Acsádi, and János Nemeskéri. 1970. Budapest: Adadémiai Kiadó. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(2):300-302. REVIEW OF, ACSADI; GY., AND JANOS NEMESKERI, 1970, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Late Bronze Age Cypriots from Bamboula: The Skeletal Remains. In: J. L. Benson, ed. Bamboula at Khourion: The Necropolis and the Finds Excavated by J. F. Daniel. Twelfth Publication in the Haney Foundation Series, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 148-165. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CYPRIOT, BAMBOULA, [RESEARCH-&-EXPLORATION-1993-9:69 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 A Middle Palaeolithic Temporal Bone from Darra-i-Kur, Afghanistan. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 62(Part 4):54-56. TEMPORAL BONE, DARRA-I-KUR, AFGHANISTAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Teeth, Health, and Ecology: Pitfalls of Natural Experiments. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):428. DENTITION, TEETH, HEALTH, ECOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Appendix: Human Skeletons from Grave Circles at Mycenae. In: G. E. Mylonas. Ho Taphikos Kylos V Ton Mykenon. [The Grave Circle B of Mycenae.]. [Greek]. Athens: Archeological Society of Athens, pp. 379-397. GRAVE CIRCLE B, GREECE, MYCENAE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069 & AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8 & ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Appendix: Skeletal Fragments of Classical Lycians. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1972. American Journal of Archaeology 77:303-307. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Biological Relations of Egyptians and Eastern Mediterranean Populations During Pre-Dynastic and Dynastic Times. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 307-313. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BIOLOGICAL RELATION, EGYPT AND EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, PRE-DYNASTIC AND DYNASTIC, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Early Neolithic People of Nea Nikomedeia. In: Ilse Schwidetzky, ed. Die Anfänge des Neolithikums vom Orient bis Nordeuropa. Cologne: Böhlau, pp. 103-112. NIKOMEDEIA, NEOLITHIC, POPULATION, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Neolithic Human Remains. Hespersia 42:277-282. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Prehistoric Malaria in the Near East. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:2-3. MALARIA, PREHISTORIC, NEAR EAST, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Bones Can Fool People. F B I Law Enforcement Bulletin 43(1):17-20. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:018]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 The Cultural Ecology of General Versus Dental Health. In: Bevölkerungsbiologie. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, pp. 382-391. ECOLOGY, CULTURAL, HEALTH, GENERAL, DENTAL HEALTH, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Occurrence of Some Pathologies, Ancient and Modern. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):129-130. PATHOLOGY, ANCIENT, MODERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Patterns of Fractures from Neolithic to Modern Times. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:15.]. Anthropologiai Közlemények (Budapest) 18:9-18. TRAUMA, FRACTURE, NEOLITHIC, MODERN, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):96. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Human Skeletons from Eleusis. In: G. E. Mylonas. The South Cemetery of Eleusis. Athens, Greece: Library of the Archaeological Society of Athens, pp. 435-438. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ELEUSIS, GREECE, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Paleoecology, Paleodemography and Health. In: S. Polgar, ed. Population, Ecology and Social Evolution. The Hague: Mouton, pp. 167-190. DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, HEALTH, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Porotic Hyperostosis, Anemias, Malarias, and Marshes in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean. In: P. Reining, and I. Tinker, eds. Population: Dynamics, Ethics, and Policy. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 96-98. [Originally published 1966, Science, 153(3737):760-763.]. ANEMIA, MALARIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, MEDITERRANEAN, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Appendix: Early Bronze Karatas People and Their Cemeteries. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:13.]. American Journal of Archaeology 80(4):385-391. CEMETERY, BRONZE AGE, KARATAS, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Colonial to Modern Skeletal Change in the U.S.A. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):164. SKELETAL CHANGE, COLONIAL TO MODERN USA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Colonial to Modern Skeletal Change in the U.S.A. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):723-735. MICROEVOLUTION, SECULAR CHANGE, ETHNIC MIXTURE, MIGRATION, U.S. SOCIOBIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Introduction to Symposium in Honor of T. Dale Stewart. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):521-530. STEWART; T. DALE, SYMPOSIUM IN HONOR OF, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1977 Anemias of Antiquity: Eastern Mediterranean. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, pp. 1-5. ANEMIA, ANCIENT, MEDITERRANEAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1977 Human Skeletons from Kephala. In: J. E. Coleman. Kephala: A Late Neolithic Settlement and Cemetery. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies, pp. 133-156. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KEPHALA, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1977 Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation: Bone Diseases in Ancient Human Populations. By R. Ted Steinbock. 1976. With a Foreword by T. Dale Stewart. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. Paleopathology Newsletter 17:18-19. REVIEW OF, STEINBOCK; R. TED, 1976, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:462]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1977 Porotic Hyperostosis in the Eastern Mediterranean. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):115. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1978 Pelvic Inlet Form: A Neglected Index of Nutritional Status. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):378. PELVIC INLET, NUTRITIONAL STATUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1978 Porotic Hyperostosis in the Eastern Mediterranean. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 35:15.]. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 14(1):10-16. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, MEDITERRANEAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1979 Osteoarthritis in Prehistoric Turkey and Medieval Byzantium. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):38-43. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PREHISTORIC, TURKEY, MEDIEVAL, BYZANTIUM, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1980 Early Bronze Age Karatash Pathology. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 16 April 1980, p. NF5. PATHOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, KARATASH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1980 Early Bronze Age Anatolians: Nutrition, Occupations, and Pathology. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):201. NUTRITION, OCCUPATION, PATHOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, ANATOLIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1980 Physical Anthropology: Determining Sex, Age, and Individual Features. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 241-257. MUMMIES, SEX ASSESSMENT, AGE ASSESSMENT, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1981 Aidan Cockburn (1912-1981): A Memorial. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 36:2-3. OBITUARY, COCKBURN; AIDAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1981 History and Development of Paleopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 37:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 56(4):509-515. DISEASE, SOCIAL BIOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1981 Physical Anthropological Analysis. In: S. A. Burston, and R. A. Thomas. Archaeological Data Recovery at Catoctin Furnace Cemetery, Frederick County, Maryland. Baltimore: Maryland Department of Transportation, Appendix 2. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, CATOCTIN FURNACE, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1981 Skull Base and Pelvic Change from Paleolithic to Modern Times. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, p. D1. SKULL BASE CHANGE, PELVIS CHANGE, PALEOLITHIC, MODERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1982 Adult Dental Condition as an Indicator of Childhood Health and Nutrition. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57(2):167. DENTITION, ADULT, HEALTH, NUTRITION, CHILDHOOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1982 Identification from Burnt Bones. [Abstract] Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, Florida. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Program Abstract H24:101. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, BURNED BONE, IDENTIFICATION FROM, ABSTRACT, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:166]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1982 A New Measure of Growth Efficiency: Skull Base Height. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 58(3):297-305. GROWTH STRESS, SKULL BASE, CRANIOMETRY, PELVIC INLET, SECULAR CLASS AND ETHNIC DIFFERENCE, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1982 Osteoarthritis and Occupation (Ancient and Modern). In: Vladimir V. Novotny, ed. 2nd Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka. Pragensis: Universitas Carolina, pp. 443-446. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OCCUPATION, ANCIENT, MODERN, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1984 Health as a Crucial Factor in the Changes from Hunting to Developed Farming in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 51-73. HEALTH CHANGE, HUNTING, FARMING, MEDITERRANEAN, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1984 Variation in Estimating Age at Death of Skeletons. Collegium Antropologicum 2:163-168. AGE ASSESSMENT, VARIATION IN, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1995-7:471]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1985 Health and Stress in an Early Bronze Age Population (with Sara C. Bisel). In: J. V. Canby, E. Porada, B. S. Ridgway, and T. Stech, eds. Ancient Anatolia, Aspects of Change and Cultural Development, Essays in Honor of Machteld J. Mellink. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 12-30. HEALTH, STRESS, BRONZE AGE, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1986 Description and Comparison of the Skeleton (with Jennifer Olsen Kelley). In: A. E. Close, ed. The Wadi Kubbaniya Skeleton: A Late Paleolithic Burial from Southern Egypt. Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Press, pp. 53-70. REMAINS, SKELETAL WADI KUBBANIYA, EGYPT, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1986 The Physical Identity of the Trojans. In: M. J. Mellink, ed. Troy and the Trojan War: A Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College, October 1984. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College Press, pp. 63-76. WAR, TROY, TROJAN WAR, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Sara C. Bisel 1986 The Human Skeletal Material from Franchthi Cave. [Manuscript, unpublished]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FRANCHTHI CAVE, GREECE, [ANTIQUITY-1995-69:286]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Sara C. Bisel, and S. Dietz 1980 Det Mykenske Menneske. Saertryk of National Museets Arbejdsmark, pp. 1-13. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Carleton S. Coon 1952 Axial Skeleton of an Upper Palaeolithic Woman from Hotu. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 10(2):252. REMAINS, SKELETAL, IRAN, HOTU CAVE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Carleton S. Coon 1954 La Cotte de St. Brelade II: Present Status. MAN (London) 54(Article 76):53-55. LA COTTE DE ST. BRELADE II SITE, JERSEY COAST, ENGLAND, PRESENT STATUS, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and F. G. Gilkey 1978 Problems in Diagnosis: A Slide Review. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association at the Academy of Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 15 April 1978, pp. T5-T6. DIAGNOSIS, PROBLEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Jennifer Olsen Kelley 1983 Health Status of Colonial Iron-Worker Slaves. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):170-171. HEALTH STATUS, SLAVE, IRON-WORKER, COLONIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Jennifer Olsen Kelley, Michael Parrington, and Stephanie Pinter 1985 Stresses of First Freedom: 19th Century Philadelphia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):140. OCCUPATION, LONGEVITY, GENETIC TRAIT, NUTRITIONAL INDICATOR, PATHOLOGY, URBAN, FREE BLACK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Jennifer Olsen Kelley, Michael Parrington, and Stephanie Pinter 1987 Life Stresses of the Free Black Community as Represented by the First African Baptist Church, Philadelphia, 1823-1841. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74(2):213-229. OCCUPATION, LONGEVITY, GENETIC TRAIT, NUTRITIONAL INDICATOR, PATHOLOGY, URBAN, FREE BLACK, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Jennifer Olsen Kelley, and Gretchen Schneider 1984 Boney Effects of Vanity: 18th Century Stays Versus 19th Century Corsets. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 14. BONE, VANITY, STAYS, CORSETS, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Jennifer Olsen Kelley, and Gretchen Schneider 1985 Bony Effects of Vanity on Spinal Pain: 18th Century Stays Versus Later Corsets. Paper Presented at the Physical Anthropology Section of the 37th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. BONE, VANITY, STAYS, CORSETS, [ISCAN-1989:156]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Wilton Marion Krogman, Stanley M. Garn, Stephen M. Bailey, Patricia E. Cole, Frances P. Schulter, William Walter Greulich, Gloria Y'Edynak, Mary Frances Ericksen, D. Gentry Steele, Walter G. J. Putschar, Vernon E. Krahl, B. Miles Gilbert, Ilse Schwidetzky, Eugen Strouhal, Marcus S. Goldstein, Baruch Arensburg, Hilel Nathan, William W. Howells, William S. Laughlin, A. P. Okladnikov, A. P. Derevyanko, Albert B. Harper, I. V. Atseev, Douglas H. Ubelaker, Marshall T. Newman, Lucile E. St. Hoyme [See also Lucile E. Hoyme], Richard T. Koritzer, Juan R. Munizaga, William M. Bass, Nancy S. Ossenberg, Donald J. Ortner, Robert S. Corruccini, Michael Finnegan, Dan Morse, James Stoutamire, and Jack Duncan 1976 Symposium in Honor of T. Dale Stewart. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):519-746. STEWART; T. DALE, SYMPOSIUM IN HONOR OF, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and L. M. Olney 1981 Skull Base Height and Pelvic Inlet Depth from Prehistoric to Modern Times. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):197. SKULL BASE HEIGHT, PELVIC INLET, PREHISTORIC, MODERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Terrell W. Phenice, Lawrence H. Robbins, and B. Mark Lynch 1980 Lopoy and Lothagam. No. 2: Late Stone-Age Fishermen of Lothagam, Kenya. East Lansing: Michigan State University Museum Anthropological Series, Volume 3, Number 2. [See review by G. Philip Rightmire, 1981.]. LOPOY, LOTHAGAM, STONE AGE, [AJPA-56(2):205]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Lawrence H. Robbins 1980 The Lothagam Site Skeletons (1965-66 Collection). In: J. Lawrence Angel, Terrell W. Phenice, Lawrence H. Robbins, and B. Mark Lynch. Lopoy and Lothagam. No. 2: Late Stone-Age Fishermen of Lothagam, Kenya. East Lansing: Michigan State University Museum Anthropological Series, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 151-165. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LOTHAGAM SITE, KENYA, 1965-1966 COLLECTION, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1988-20:54 & AJPA-56(2):205]
Angel, J. Lawrence, Judy Myers Suchey, Mehmet Yasar Iscan, and Michael R. Zimmerman 1986 Age at Death from the Skeleton and Viscera. In: Michael R. Zimmerman, and J. Lawrence Angel, eds. Dating and Age Determination of Biological Materials. London: Croom Helm, pp. 179-220. REMAINS, SKELETAL AND VISCERAL, DATING, [WHITE & FOLKENS 1991:431 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence, and Michael R. Zimmerman 1982 T. Aidan Cockburn, 1912-1981: A Memorial. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 58(2):121-122. OBITUARY, COCKBURN; T. AIDAN, [JRNL]
Angeles, S. 1994 A Propos de la Chirurgie du Crâne dans l'Ancien Pérou. Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 95(4):325-326. TREPHINATION, PERU, [CWHM-1995-165-#0398]
Angeletti, L. R., U. Agrimi, C. Curia, and R. Mariani-Costantini 1992 The Treatment of Skin Lesions in Classical Theurgical Medicine: A Healing Role for Sacred Serpents? [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 4. LESION, SKIN, TREATMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Anglo, M. 1979 Man Eats Man: The Story of Cannibalism. London: Jupiter. CANNIBALISM, HISTORY, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:427]
Angolotti Cárdenas, E. 1976 Datos para la Historia de la Viruela en España. Revista de Sanidad e Higiene Pública (Madrid) 50:485-498. SMALLPOX, SPAIN, [CWHM-1977-095-#1489]
Angolotti, E. 1980 La Fiebre Amarilla. Historia y Situación Actual. La Fiebre Amarilla en la Barcelona de 1821. Revista de Sanidad e Higiene Publica (Madrid) 54(1-2):89-102. YELLOW FEVER, BARCELONA 1821, [CWHM-1983-118-#2128]
Angot, J. 1984 Un Crâne à Face Décorée de la Civilisation Mixtèque. Histoire des Sciences Médicales 18:255-259. FACIAL DECORATION, [CWHM-1985-124-#0049]
Anjard, R. 1981 Mayan Dental Wonders. Journal of Oral Implantology 9(3):423-426. DENTISTRY, MAYAN, [NXDL-1981-N-5]
Anonymous 1523 Contro alla Peste. Il Consiglio di Messer Marsilio Ficino. Il Consiglio di Maestro Tommaso del Garbo. Una Ricetta duna Polvere Composta da Maestro Mingo da Faenza. Una Ricetta Fatta nello Studio di Bolognia et Molte.... Firenze: Giunta. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BOLOGNA, MALTA, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1603 A Briefe Treatise of the Plague: Vvherein is Shewed, the [Brace] Naturall Cause of the Plague, Preseruations from the Infection, Way To Cure the Infected. Newly Corrected with New Additions, and Many Approoued Remedies. Printed at London by Valentine Si[mmes]. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1681 Leipziger Pest-Schade und Gottesgnade. [Plague Damage and God's Grace at Leipzig.]. Altenburg. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LEIPZIG, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:272]
Anonymous 1721 A Collection of Very Valuable and Scarce Pieces Relating to the Last Plague in the Year 1665. With a Preface Shewing the Usefulness of This Collection; Some Errors of Dr. Mead and His Misrepresentation of Dr. Hodges and.... London: J. Roberts. PLAGUE, HISTORY, 1665, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1769 An Historical Narrative of the Great Plague at London, 1665: With an Abstract of the Most Common Opinions Concerning the Causes, Symptoms, and Cure of That Fatal Disorder: And Some Account of Other Remarkable.... London: Printed for W. Nicoll. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1785 Lady Moira's Account of a Skeleton Found in Drumkeragh in County Down. Archaeologia (London) 7:90-110. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COUNTY DOWN, [GLOB 1965:195]
Anonymous 1821 Description de l'Egypte ou Recueil des Observations et des Recherches qui ont été Faites en Egypte Pendant l'Expedition de l'Armée Francaise. Deuxième Edition. Imprimerie de C. L. F. Panchouche. Tome 6ème, 1822; Tome IIème, 1821. EGYPT, EXPEDITION, FRENCH, DESCRIPTION, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Anonymous 1822 Illustrations of Egyptian Antiquities; Containing a Complete Description of Mummies; the Ancient Methods of Embalming, Sculpture, and Painting; with Ample Tables of the Isiac Deities and the Best.... Bath: Printed by Wood, Cunningham, and Smith. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1822 Notice of a Species of Cannibalism, Practised in the Interior of Sumatra: Together with Some Particulars Relative to the Customs of the Inhabitants, and the Produce of the Country About Tapanooly, Including the Camphor. Edinburgh: Printed for A. Constable. CANNIBALISM, SUMATRA, [MELVYL]
Anonymous 1874 Mummification der Leichen Amerikanischer Indianer. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Epidemiologie 1:157. MUMMIFICATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG1-Mummies]
Anonymous 1879 Higiene de las Razas Prehistóricas Siglo Médico 26:33-39. HYGIENE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Anonymous 1886 Deformities of Bones Among the Ancient Peruvians. Science 7:130. DEFORMITY, ANCIENT, PERU, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Anonymous 1887 Prehistoric Surgery. Westminster Review 128:538. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Anonymous 1892 Prehistoric Trepanning. [Editorial]. Cornhill Magazine, 2nd Series 19:512. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, EDITORIAL, [DIS IN ANT:695]
Anonymous 1892-1893 Prehistoric Trepaning. Popular Science Monthly 42:535-542. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1894 Crâne Trépané de Molincourt (Eure). Revue Mensuelle de l'Ecole d'Anthropolgie de Paris 4:92. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1897 Mummied Heads. [Editorial]. Medical Age 25:433-436. MUMMIES, HEAD, MUMMIFIED, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Anonymous 1897 Präcolumbischen Aussatz und Verstümmelte Peruanische Thonfiguren. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 29:612-621. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1898 Präcolumbische Lepra. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 30:486-488. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1899 Leprosy. Reports (Annual) of the Supervising Surgeon-General of the Marine Hospital Service of the United States 1899:642-669. LEPROSY, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Anonymous 1899 Saint Georges et le Dragon de la Lèpre. Semaine Médicale (Paris) 19(Annexes):Part 5. LEPROSY, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Anonymous 1900 De Quelques Lésions Pathologiques Datant des Temps des Pharaons. Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris) 44(Série 3):58-68. LESION, EGYPT, PHARAOHS, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Anonymous 1900 The Teeth of the Hindoo. [Letter]. Dental Digest 6:658-659. DENTITION, HINDU, [NXDL-1986-1900-0420]
Anonymous 1900 The Teeth of the Hindoo. [Letter]. Dental Cosmos 42:61. DENTITION, HINDU, [NXDL-1986-1900-0420]
Anonymous 1901 A Peruvian Mummy. [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 2:1878. MUMMIES, PERU, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Anonymous 1901 Document sur l'Ancienneté de la Syphilis en Europe. France Médicale 489:309. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ANCIENT, EUROPE, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Anonymous 1901 Inquest on a Mummy. [Editorial]. Medical Press and Circular 72(n.s.):669. MUMMIES, INQUEST, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Anonymous 1901 Leper Houses in the Middle Ages. Polyclinic (London) 5:105-113. LEPROSY, LEPROSARIUM, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG3-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Anonymous 1902 Is Syphilis an Ancient Disease? Medical Press and Circular 74(n.s.):214. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Anonymous 1902 La Lèpre dans l'Art. Correspondant Médical: Journal Médical, Scientifique Littéraire et Illustré 8(196):6. LEPROSY, ART, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Anonymous 1902 Primitive, Prehistoric Trephining. [Editorial]. Medical Press and Circular 74(n.s.):189. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1906 Syphilis Among the Conquerors of Mexico. [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 2:886. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MEXICO, CONQUEST, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Anonymous 1912-1913 Prehistoric Cranial Surgery. [Editorial]. Railway Surgical Journal 19:165-169. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, EDITORIAL, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1915 Trephining Among the Peruvian Indians. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 173:185. TREPHINATION, PERU, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1916 Ancient and Primitive Trephining. [Editorial]. Lancet (London) 1:683. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, EDITORIAL, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1916 Primitive Trephining. British Medical Journal 2:150. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Anonymous 1917 Pre-Columbian Operative Dentistry of the Indians of Middle and South America: The First Record in History of the Inlay Procedure. British Journal of Dental Science 60:623;651. DENTISTRY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [LSG3-Dentistry history]
Anonymous 1919 Oral Surgery in Egypt During the Old Empire. Dental Cosmos 61:900. ORAL SURGERY, EGYPT, OLD EMPIRE, [ARME]
Anonymous 1920 Surgery in Pre-Columbian Indians. Surgical Clinics of North America 4:1091. SURGERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ARME]
Anonymous 1922 Frederic W. Jones (1848-1921). [Obituary]. Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society 131:299. OBITUARY, JONES; FREDERIC W., 1848-1921, [LSG-3-7-0089]
Anonymous 1923 How Old Is Disease? Scientific Monthly 16:669-670. DISEASE, ANTIQUITY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1923 Palaeopathology. Health (Chicago) 3:37,49,57,61. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [LSG3-Palaeopathology]
Anonymous 1927 Disease Among Ancient Egyptians. El Palacio 23(4):131-132. DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1928 Diseases Among Ancient Norsemen. El Palacio 25(14-17):262. DISEASE, ANCIENT NORSEMEN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1928 Tooth Troubles of Early New Mexicans. El Palacio 25(14-17):257-258. DENTAL DISEASE, NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1929 Mummies Examined with X-Ray. El Palacio 27(13-18):205-206. MUMMIES, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1929 Mystery of False Mummies. El Palacio 27(13-18):205. MUMMIES, FALSE, MYSTERY OF, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1932 Cannibal Remains on Alaskan Island. Science 5(1933):9-10. CANNIBALISM, ALASKA, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:098]
Anonymous 1932 Dr. Hrdlicka Finds Proof of Cannibalism. El Palacio 32:81-82. CANNIBALISM, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:098]
Anonymous 1934 Sixty Thousand Years of Dentistry. Mouth Health Quarterly 3:4-9. DENTISTRY, ANCIENT, [ARME]
Anonymous 1935 Alaska Indians Had Brain Surgeons 2,000 Years Ago. Science News Letter 28(766):377. SURGERY, BRAIN, ALASKA, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1938 If You Died in Old Peru. Natural History 41(2):119-125. DEATH, PERU, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1938 Radiography of a Mummy. Radiography and Clinical Photography 14:25. MUMMIES, RADIOGRAPHY, [ESTEBAN-LLAGOSTERA-CUENCA-MADRID-1978:1007]
Anonymous 1940 Malattie Pre-Colombiane fra gli Indiani d'American. Minerva Medica 31(Part 1, Varia):360-364. DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian disease & hygiene]
Anonymous 1941 Antigas e Novas Concepçoes Sôbre a Lepra. Resenha Clinico-Científica 10:109-112. LEPROSY, CONCEPTIONS, OLD, NEW, [LSG4-Leprology history & progress]
Anonymous 1950 "Clinical" Observations on American Archeology. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians 63:29-34. ARCHAEOLOGY, AMERICAN, CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON, [BIBLIO-INDIANS-NORTHERN-MEXICO-#192]
Anonymous 1958 Bibliographie de Paul Rivet. Miscellánea Paul Rivet Octogenario Dicata (México, D.F.) 1:xxix-lxii. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF, RIVET; PAUL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1958 Man and Medicine. MD Medical Newsmagazine 2(3):63-71. MAN, MEDICINE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1961 The Origin of Syphilis. Medical Journal of Australia 2:603. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [DIS IN ANT:169]
Anonymous 1961 Periodontal Disease: Report of an Expert Committee on Dental Health. World Health Organization Technical Research Series 207. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, [CRAN]
Anonymous 1962 Diseases of Ancient Man. British Medical Journal 1(5281):852-853. DISEASE, ANCIENT MAN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1962 Fra Salimbene da Parma: The First Post Mortem Examination of Morbid Anatomy, Performed 1286. Panminerva Medica 4:235-237. POST MORTEM EXAMINATION, FORENSICS, [NDX-History of Medicine-03-02-01361]
Anonymous 1963 [Bibliography of Dutch Writings on Japan.]. [Japanese]. Japanese Journal of Medical Progress/Nisshin Igaku 50:191-192. BIBLIOGRAPHY, DUTCH WRITING, JAPAN, [NDX-History of Medicine 17th century-05-03-01861]
Anonymous 1963 Leprosy in the Bible: The Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Treatment and Prognosis. Minnesota Medicine 46:371-373. LEPROSY, BIBLE, [NDX-Leprosy-04-03-01757]
Anonymous 1963 Tuberculous Spondylitis in Ancient Baltic Countries. Problemy Tuberkuleza 41:86. SPONDYLITIS TUBERCULOSA, BALTIC, [ARME]
Anonymous 1964 Man's Ancestors. British Medical Journal 1(5397):1522-1523. MAN, ANCESTRY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1965 Anne Mowbray's Teeth. British Medical Journal 2(5477):1501. DENTITION, MOWBRAY; ANNE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1966 [Medical Observation of a Mummy. Review of Lyonese Works.]. [French]. Revue Lyonnaise de Médecine 15(20):921-926. MUMMIES, [NDX-Mummies-09-02-04407]
Anonymous 1966 [Prisoners of Hope.]. [Spanish]. Revista Ecuatoriana de Higiene y Medicina Tropical 23:179-182. LEPROSY, [NDX-Leprosy-08-02-03057]
Anonymous 1966 Bibliography, Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Gesnerus 23:5-12. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN H., [BULL-HIST-MED-1989:275]
Anonymous 1966 Mummy: Medical Observation. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 15:921. MUMMIES, OBSERVATION, MEDICAL, [ARME]
Anonymous 1966 Paleopathologist 'Bones Up' on Incan and Pre-Incan Ills. Medical Tribune 1966(26 December):12. DISEASE, INCA, PRE-INCA, [ARME]
Anonymous 1967 Dental Roentgenology of the Royal Egyptian Mummies. Dental Student 46(1):41-45. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DENTITION, RADIOLOGY, [MEDL]
Anonymous 1967 Medical Paleography. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 96(18):1284. MEDICAL, PALEOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1967 University of Michigan Team Studies Egyptian Mummies. Ohio Dental Journal 41(3):166-167. MUMMIES, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, [MEDL]
Anonymous 1968 Discovery of Prehistoric Cemetery Reveals Ohio Indians with Arthritis and Bad Teeth. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 9:12.]. Journal of the American Dental Association 77(4):792-793. ARTHRITIS, DENTAL DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, OHIO, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1968 Epidemics Among the Indians of the Upper Missouri. A Paper read at the Western History Association Meeting in 1968. [Available through Reprints in Anthropology, J & L Reprints, 410 Wedgewood Drive, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68510.]. EPIDEMIC, MISSOURI RIVER, INDIAN, [REPRINTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY]
Anonymous 1968 A Medical Hazard of Cannibalism. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 99(17):866. CANNIBALISM, HAZARD, MEDICAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1968 New Discoveries and Appraisals in Palaeoanthropology. Nature (London) 219:820-824. PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Anthropology physical-09-02-01069]
Anonymous 1968 On Not Eating Your Neighbor. [Editorial]. Journal of the American Medical Association 206(8):1784-1785. CANNIBALISM, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1968 Royal Mummy is a Monkey, U-M's Dental Research Reveals. Journal of the Michigan State Dental Association 50(10):322-323. MUMMIES, MONKEY, [MEDL]
Anonymous 1969 The 4,500-Year-Old Dental Patient. Dental Student 48(2):132-133 passim. DENTISTRY, ANCIENT, [MEDL]
Anonymous 1970 [Dental Restoration in a Prehistoric Indian Woman.]. [German]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 95:1903. DENTAL RESTORATION, PREHISTORIC, INDIAN, [NDX-Paleodontology-11-02-07184]
Anonymous 1970 [The Grave of a Roman Physician.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Allgemeinmedizin; der Landarzt 46:1347. GRAVE, ROMAN PHYSICIAN, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-12-02-05696]
Anonymous 1970 Should Palaeoanthropology Be Big Science? Nature (London) 228:315-316. PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-12-02-07163]
Anonymous 1970 Some Mediaeval Teeth. British Medical Journal 3(5721):478. DENTITION, TEETH, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1970 Was Neanderthal Man Rickety? Medical Journal of Australia 2(26):1220. RICKETS, NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892]
Anonymous 1971 A Current Trend in Palaeoanthropology. Nature (London) 230:489. PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-12-02-07163]
Anonymous 1971 James Arthur Kinnear Brown, C.M.G. (1902-1971). Leprosy Review 42:156-157. OBITUARY, BROWN; JAMES ARTHUR KINNEAR, [NDX-Leprosy history-13-06-06846]
Anonymous 1972 [The Bingen Discovery. Instruments from the Grave of a Roman Physician.]. [German with English Abstract]. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 114:2152-2154. INSTRUMENT, MEDICAL, ROMAN, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-14-06-05829]
Anonymous 1972 X-Rays Play Key Role in Search for Lost Egyptian Rulers. Dental Digest 78:189. RADIOLOGY, PHARAOH, EGYPT, [NDX-Paleodontology-13-07-07892]
Anonymous 1973 Dr. L. S. B. Leakey. [Obituary]. Nature (London) 243(5402):107. OBITUARY, LEAKEY; L. S. B., [JRNL]
Anonymous 1973 How to X-Ray Your Mummy. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 8:15.]. Pract Radiol 1:32-37. MUMMIES, RADIOLOGY, [PPNL 1974-8:15]
Anonymous 1973 Mohammed and Morton's Disease. [MD Clinics]. MD Medical Newsmagazine 17(2):91. MORTON'S DISEASE, OSTEOCHONDROSIS, METATARSAL, MOHAMMED, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1973 Study of a Body 2,000 Years Old. China Reconstructs 22(10):32-34. ANCIENT MAN, [MDAC-238]
Anonymous 1974 An 1847 Color Atlas on Leprosy. Rhode Island Medical Journal 57:86-87. LEPROSY, COLOR ATLAS OF, [NDX-Leprosy history-15-06-06775]
Anonymous 1974 The History of Medicine Museum: The Mummy Autopsy Report; or Preliminary Report. Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Toronto 48(2):23-28. MUMMIES, AUTOPSY, [ZIMM & BHM-10:569]
Anonymous 1974 Negev Desert Lung. [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 4(5945):614. PULMONARY DISEASE, NEGEV, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1974 Schon Neandertaler Litten an Karies. Das Dental Labor (Munich) 22(10):1003-1004. DENTAL CARIES, NEANDERTAL, [BHM-10:568]
Anonymous 1975 An Accessible Archive of Human Experience. Nutrition Reviews 33(10):310-313. PELLAGRA, [CWHM-1976-090-#1117]
Anonymous 1975 Bibliographie. Annales de Démographie Historique 1975:477-505. BIBLIOGRAPHY, POPULATION, DEMOGRAPHY, [CWHM-1980-103-#1465]
Anonymous 1975 Industrial X-Ray Exposes Mummies' Secrets. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:16.]. Rockwell International News 3(16):3. MUMMIES, X-RAY, INDUSTRIAL, [ZIMM]
Anonymous 1975 Obstetric Traces. [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 3(5985):665. OBSTETRIC TRACE, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1976 [The Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1976 (D. C. Gajdusek), (Baruch S. Blumberg).]. [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 120:1981. NOBEL PRIZE (MEDICINE) 1976, GAJDUSEK; DANIEL CARLETON, AND BLUMBERG; BARUCH S. [CWHM-1977-094-#0460]
Anonymous 1976 Albers-Schönberg Disease. Southern Medical Journal 69(6):788. OSTEOPETROSIS, ALBERS-SCHöNBERG DISEASE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1976 Bibliographie. Annales de Démographie Historique 1976:507-557. BIBLIOGRAPHY, POPULATION, DEMOGRAPHY, [CWHM-1980-103-#1465]
Anonymous 1976 Bibliography, Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Gesnerus 33:3-7. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN H., [BULL-HIST-MED-1989:275]
Anonymous 1976 Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. New England Journal of Medicine 295(25):1421-1429. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL 1821, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1976 Cultural Practices and Anemia in Nigeria. Nutrition Reviews 34(9):269-270. ANEMIA, NIGERIA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:262]
Anonymous 1976 His Name Was Waty. [Clipping]. Paleopathology Newsletter 15:20. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1976 Pekin (Weights and Measures) Man. New Scientist 69:620. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PEKING MAN, CHINA, [CWHM-1976-089:#1447]
Anonymous 1976 Pestilence and Progress. (Epidemics That Beset the Colonists). MD Medical News Magazine 20(1):177-181,185. EPIDEMIC, COLONIAL AMERICA, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1976 Regöly-Mérei Gyula (1908-1974). [Obituary]. Orvostörteneti Közlemenyek/Communications de Historia Artis Medicinae 78-79:306-307. OBITUARY, REGöLY-MEREI; GYULA, 1908-1974, [CWHM-1977-095-#1365]
Anonymous 1976 The State of Preservation of the Cadaver of the Marquise of Tai Found in the Han Tomb No. 1 in Mawangtui near Changsha as Revealed by the Fine Structure of the Muscle and Other Tissues. Scientia Sinica 19(4):557-572. MUMMIES, CHINA, CADAVER, HAN TOMB NO. 1, [NDX-Paleontology-18-12-09894]
Anonymous 1976 The Treasures of Tutankhamun. Archaeology (New York) 29(4):236-241. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, TREASURE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1977 Autopsy of an Egyptian Mummy (Nakht--ROM I). Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 117(5):461-476. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, PROTEIN EXTRACT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1977 Bibliographie. Annales de Démographie Historique 1977:511-558. BIBLIOGRAPHY, POPULATION, DEMOGRAPHY, [CWHM-1980-103-#1465]
Anonymous 1977 Birth of a Nobel Prize. I. Discovery of Kuru (1). Tropical and Geographical Medicine 29(1):109-113. KURU, [CWHM-1977-096-#0729]
Anonymous 1977 The Classic. Paget's Disease of Bone: Henry L. Jaffe. [Originally in Archives of Pathology, 1933, 15:83.]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 127:4-23. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1977 Columbus' Trip and Syphilis. [Letter]. Journal of the American Medical Association 237:117-118. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, COLUMBUS; CHRISTOPHER, [CWHM-1977-093-#0348-#1931]
Anonymous 1977 Exorcizing the Leper. Medical Journal of Australia 2(11):345-347. LEPROSY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1977 Exposición de Odontología Prehispánica. ADM; Revista de la Asociación Dental Mexicana 34(4):314-321. ODONTOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, [BHM-15:481]
Anonymous 1977 Patología en Cráneos Precolombinos. Tribuna Odontológica (Buenos Aires) 61:232. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [BHM-15:478]
Anonymous 1978 Bibliographie. Annales de Démographie Historique 1978:497-571. BIBLIOGRAPHY, POPULATION, DEMOGRAPHY, [CWHM-1980-103-#1465]
Anonymous 1978 Calvin P. B. Wells. [Obituary]. British Medical Journal 2(6135):507. OBITUARY, WELLS; CALVIN PERCIVAL BAMPFYLDE, 1908-1978, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1978 Jason A. Hannah and the Hannah Chairs for the History of Medicine. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 52:125-127. HANNAH; JASON ALBERT, HANNAH INSTITUTE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1978 Maize Mystery. MD Medical Newsmagazine 22(4):147-151,(7):36. PELLAGRA, [CWHM-1978-098-#0998]
Anonymous 1978 Outspoken Ethnologist. MD Medical Newsmagazine 22(10):131-136. BIOGRAPHY, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN HEINZ, [CWHM-1979-100-#0004]
Anonymous 1978 Physician-Bacteriologist. MD Medical Newsmagazine 22(11):167-172. BIOGRAPHY, ZINSSER; HANS, 1878-1940, [CWHM-1979-100-#1732]
Anonymous 1979 The Classic. Stiffening of the Spine in Flexion, a Special Form of Disease. Professor V. M. Bechterew. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 143:4-7. SPINE, SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1979 Female Circumcision: Genital and Sexual Mutilations. WIN News (Lexington) 5(4):26-33. CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE, [CWHM-1980-105-#0296]
Anonymous 1979 Nutrition Classics: "Hypervitaminosis" and "Vitamin Balance" by Leslie Julius Harris, and Thomas Moore (Biochemical Journal, 1928, 22). Nutrition Reviews 37:325-327. NUTRITION, HYPERVITAMINOSIS, VITAMIN BALANCE, [CWHM-1980-106-#1862]
Anonymous 1980 [Paleoimmunology.]. [German]. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 67(11):560. IMMUNOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-22-12-11010]
Anonymous 1980 [X-Ray of Egyptian Mummies.]. History of Medicine (London) 8(3):6,34. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [BHM-25:700]
Anonymous 1980 Chang-Sha Ma-Wang-Tui I-Hao Han Mu Ku Shuh Yen-Chiu. [Study of an Ancient Cadaver in Mawangtui Tomb No. 1 of the Han Dynasty in Changsha.]. [Chinese with English Abstract]. Hunan, China: Medical College. MUMMIES, CHINA, CADAVER, ANCIENT, MAWANGTUI TOMB NO. 1, [PPNL-1982-39:17]
Anonymous 1980 Epidemieën in Oudheid en Middeleeuwen. Hermeneus 51(2):57-169. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, [CWHM-1981-107-#0500]
Anonymous 1980 La Agricultura Intensiva Prehispánic. [Editorial]. América Indígena 40(4):613-815. AGRICULTURE, PREHISPANIC, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1980 Percivall Pott 1714-1788. British Journal of Surgery 67(5):377. BIOGRAPHY, PERCIVALL POTT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1980 Suffolk Horror Story Re-Told. East Anglian Daily Times 1980(27 August). ERGOTISM, [CWHM-1981-107-#0505]
Anonymous 1980-1984 Bibliographie International de la Démographie Historique. Annales de Démographie Historique 1980-1984. BIBLIOGRAPHY, INTERNATIONAL, DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORIC, [CWHM-1987-132-#1585]
Anonymous 1981 The Abingdon Sheep Skull Fragment. Veterinary History 2(1):40-41. TREPHINATION, ABINGDON SHEEP SKULL, REQUEST FOR INFORMATION, [CWHM-1982-111-#1871]
Anonymous 1981 Classics in Neurology. Neurology (New York) 31(6):661. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1981 Early European Exploitation of the Northern Atlantic 800-1700. Groningen: Arctic Centre. EXPLOITATION, RESOURCE, NORTHERN, ATLANTIC, [PPNL-1984-47:19]
Anonymous 1981 Erwin H. Ackerknecht's Seventy-Fifth Birthday. [Editorial]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 55:153-155. ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN HEINZ, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1981 New and Views re: Hirschsprung Disease in a Mummy, and 7th and 8th Century Leprosy. MASCA Journal 1(8):251. MUMMIES, LEPROSY, HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1982 The Classic. On Osteo-Sarcoma, Spina-Ventosa, and Tubercles in Bone: Guillaume Dupuytren. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 169:4-14. NEOPLASM, OSTEO-SARCOMA, SPINA-VENTOSA, BONE TUBERCLES, DUPUYTREN; GUILLAUME, [CWHM-1983-116-#0196]
Anonymous 1982 Classics in Infectious Diseases. A Contribution to Human Helminthology: Theodore Bilharz (1825-1862). [Translation of Ein Beitrag zur Helmintholgraphia Humana. Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 1852, 4:53-76.]. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 4(3):727-732. BILHARZIASIS, HELMINTHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1982 Flea-Bitten Rat Gives New Clues to Black Death. New Scientist 94:492. PLAGUE, RAT, PULEX IRRITANS, [CWHM-1982-114-#0596]
Anonymous 1982 Medieval Woman's Guide to Health. By B. Rowland. 1981. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 2(1):31. REVIEW OF, ROWLAND; B., 1981, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1982 Scurvy in Shakespeare's Time. Nutrition History Notes 13:1-5. SCURVY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0724]
Anonymous 1982 Supplementary Entries to Helmut Leitner, "Bibliography to the Ancient Medical Authors," Bern 1973. Part 7. Newsletter/Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy 9:14-15,32. BIBLIOGRAPHY, SUPPLEMENTAL, MEDICAL, [CWHM-1982-114-#0158]
Anonymous 1983 Eskimos Diets and Diseases. Lancet (London) 1(8334):1139-1141. NUTRITION, DISEASE, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1983 Scurvy--in Tennessee! Nutrition History Notes 18:7. SCURVY, TENNESSEE, [CWHM-1984-120-#1707]
Anonymous 1983 Vedecké Zasedáni o Paleopatologii 30-31 Brezna 1982. [Scientific Meeting on Paleopathology, 30-31 March 1982.]. Casopis Národního Muzea 152(3):121-160. SCIENTIFIC MEETING, PALEOPATHOLOGY, 1982, [PPNL-1984-45:19]
Anonymous 1984 The Classic. Case of Fracture of the Spine in Which the Operation of Trephining Was Performed, with Observations. By Robert M'Donnell. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 189:3-11. SPINE, FRACTURE, TREPHINATION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1984 The Classic. The First Stages of Coxa Plana. By Henning Waldenström. 1938. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 191:4-7. FEMUR, COXA PLANA, OSTEOCHONDROSIS, CAPITULAR EPIPHYSIS, NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL HEAD, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1984 Hatters' Shakes. Pharmaceutical Journal 232:433. MERCURY POISONING, HATTER, [CWHM-1984-122-#0681]
Anonymous 1984 Leishmaniases in the New World. Lancet (London) 2(8401):497-499. LEISHMANIASIS, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1984 Medieval Islamic Medicine: Ibn Ridwan's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt." Translated by Michael W. Dols. 1984. Berkeley: University of California Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 3(4):127. REVIEW OF, DOLS; M. W., 1984, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1984 Retour aux Sources. Monstruosités. Déformation Extraordinaire du Crâne et de la Face Observée sur une Indienne de la Caste Paria, Agée de Dix-Sept Ans. J. S. A. Souty, Gazette Médical de Paris, 1832. Les Annales de Chirurgie Plastique 29:297-299. SKULL, DEFORMATION, INDIA, TERATOLOGY, [CWHM-1985-126-#1268]
Anonymous 1985 8,000-Year Old Brains. Medical Post 3 September 1985. BRAIN, ANCIENT, [PPNL-1985-52:19]
Anonymous 1985 Bone Chemistry Symposium. Journal of Human Evolution 14:419-451. SYMPOSIUM, BONE CHEMISTRY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1986-130-#0243]
Anonymous 1985 The Classic. A Human Monster with Inwardly Curved Extremities. By Adolph Wilhelm Otto, 1841. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 194:4-5. TERATOLOGY, ARTHROGRYPOSIS, EXTREMITY, CURVED INWARD, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1985 Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Edited by Gerald D. Hart. 1983. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin. [Review]. MASCA Journal 3(6):197. REVIEW OF, HART; GERALD D., 1983, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1985 The Great Plague of 1665. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 19:223,254. PLAGUE, GREAT PLAGUE 1665, [CWHM-1986-128-#1512]
Anonymous 1985 Neurosurgery...A Thing of the Past? Ancient Egyptian Physicians May Have Founded This Medical Art. Mercyshield (San Diego CA) 20(3):6-8. NEUROSURGERY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 Bibliography, Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Gesnerus 43:6-10. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN H., [BULL-HIST-MED-1989:275]
Anonymous 1986 Dr. John Lawrence Angel. [Obituary]. Times 1986(6 November):22. OBITUARY, ANGEL; JOHN LAWRENCE, 1915-1986, [CWHM-1987-132-#0068]
Anonymous 1986 International Symposium. Art, History and Antiquity of Rheumatic Diseases. Brussels, April 1986. [Abstract]. Clinical Rheumatology 5:179-180,278-294. RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [CWHM-1987-132-#0121]
Anonymous 1986 La Bilharziose en Tunisie. Par M. A. Conor. In: La Tunisie Médicale, 1911, 1, Number 6. La Tunisie Médicale 64:651-659. SCHISTOSOMIASIS, TUNIS, [CWHM-1987-134-#1820]
Anonymous 1986 The Medicine of History: From Paracelsus to Freud. By Harold L. Klawans. 1982. New York: Raven Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(1):44. REVIEW OF, KLAWANS; HAROLD L., 1982, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 Medieval Medicus. By E. J. Kealy. 1981. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(1):42. REVIEW OF, KEALY; E. J., 1981, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knight, in His Voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini, 1593. [Nutrition Classics]. Nutrition Reviews 44(11):370-371. SCURVY, HISTORY, HAWKINS; RICHARD, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 Princes and Peasants: Smallpox in History. By Donald R. Hopkins. 1984. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(1):43. REVIEW OF, HOPKINS; DONALD R., 1984, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica. Edited by E. H. Boone. 1984. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(1):45-47. REVIEW OF, BOONE; E. H., 1984, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1986 The Scientific Proceedings of "Leishmaniasis: The First Centenary 1885-1985." 9 November 1985. J Roy Med Corps 132:127-152. LEISHMANIASIS, [CWHM-1987-133-#1119]
Anonymous 1986 Société de Démographie Historique. International Bibliography of Historical Demography. Annales de Démographie Historique 1986(Supplement):1-141. BIBLIOGRAPHY, INTERNATIONAL, DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORICAL, [CWHM-1987-134-#1630]
Anonymous 1987 [Amputate or Leave It to Nature? A Surgical Case from the 18th Century.]. [Letter in Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 131(3):121. AMPUTATION, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, LETTER, [NDX-Amputation history-28-07-07376]
Anonymous 1987 Biblical Ills and Remedies. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 80(8):534-535. ILLS, REMEDIES, BIBLE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1987 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology No. 28. By Donald J. Ortner, and Walter G. J. Putschar. 1985. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(4):211. REVIEW OF, ORTNER; DONALD J. AND WALTER G. J. PUTSCHAR, 1985, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1987 Plague and the Poor in Renaissance Florence. By A. G. Carmichael. 1986. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Review]. MASCA Journal 4(4):212-215. REVIEW OF, CARMICHAEL; A. G., 1986, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1988 At the Old Royal Mint, EC3...the Documented Black Death Cemetery. Medieval Archaeology 32:252. PLAGUE, CEMETERY, [CWHM-1989-142-#0310]
Anonymous 1988 Bibliography, Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Gesnerus 45:311-312. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN H., [BULL-HIST-MED-1989:275]
Anonymous 1988 Human Achondroplasia. A Multidisciplinary Approach. Proceedings of the First International Symposium, 19-21 November 1986, Rome, Italy. Volume Dedicated to Dr. Alexander Hollaender. Basic Life Sciences 48:1-491. DWARFISM, ACHONDROPLASIA, [CWHM-1990-143-#0006]
Anonymous 1988 Leprosy and the Bible. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 81(1):58. LEPROSY, BIBLE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1988 The Medieval Leper Hospital of St Nicholas, St Andrews. Report of Excavations. Medieval Archaeology 32:302. LEPROSY, LEPROSARIA, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1989-142-#1029]
Anonymous 1989 Asociación Española de Paleopatología, I Reunión Nacional, Logroño, 3 June 1988. Logroño: Centro Médico Riojano. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, SPANISH, MEETING, [PPNL-1989-68:16]
Anonymous 1989 The Classic. A Treatise on the Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroma. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 245:3-9. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS,TREATMENT, SMITH; R. W. 1849, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1989 International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, 3rd Edition. Volumes 1 & 2. Los Angeles: Practice Management Information Corp. DISEASE CLASSIFICATION, [PPNL-1991-75:10]
Anonymous 1989 Obituary: Kenneth W. Decker. [Obituary]. Kiva 55(1):47. OBITUARY, DECKER; KENNETH W., 1954-1989, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1989 Was the Ill-Fated Franklin Expedition a Victim of Lead Poisoning? Nutrition Reviews 47(10):322-323. LEAD POISONING, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1990 Asociación Española de Paleopatología, II Reunión Nacional, Logroño, 26 May 1989. Logroño: Centro Médico Riojano. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, SPANISH, MEETING, [PPNL-1991-73:11]
Anonymous 1991 Earliest Known Victim of Smallpox? Nursing RSA Verpleging 6(11-12):40. SMALLPOX, EARLIEST VICTIM, [CWHM-1992-155-#0136]
Anonymous 1991 The Elephant Man. Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine 14(2):59-61. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, ELEPHANT MAN, [CWHM-1992-155-#0090]
Anonymous 1991 Human Parasitization in Pre-Columbian Indians and Colonial America. Nutrition Reviews 49(3):87-89. PARASITISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, COLONIAL, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1991 National Museum of the American Indian Policy Statement on Native American Human Remains and Cultural Materials. Museum Anthropology 15(2):25-28. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 Ancient Bones for Reburial by Indians. [Taken from the Los Angeles Times, 16 February 1992]. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Newsletter 31(3):3-4. REPATRIATION, BONE, ANCIENT, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 A Baffling Disease from the Land of Volcanoes (1835-1840). Alaska Medicine 34(4):196. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ALASKA 1835-1840, [CWHM-1993-159-#0296]
Anonymous 1992 Case of Butch & Sundance. Anthropology Newsletter (Washington, D.C.) 33(4):2. BUTCH CASSIDY, SUNDANCE KID, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 Cholera 1832, as Reported in "The Imperial Magazine." Pratique 17(3-4):53-54. CHOLERA 1832, [CWHM-1993-159-#0297]
Anonymous 1992 Cocaine's History, Especially the American Experience. [See David F. Musto, 1992.]. [Discussion]. Ciba Foundation Symposium 166:14-19. DISCUSSION OF, MUSTO; DAVID F., 1992, COCAINE, HISTORY, AMERICA, [CWHM-1993-157-#0104]
Anonymous 1992 History of Syphilis. By Claude Quétel. 1990. Translated by Judith Braddock, and Brian Pike. Cambridge and Oxford: Polity Press. [Review]. Medical History 36(3):359. REVIEW OF, QUETEL; CLAUDE, 1990, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 The History of Yellow Fever: An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine. By François Delaporte. 1991. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Review]. Medical History 36(3):360. YELLOW FEVER, TROPICAL MEDICINE, REVIEW OF, DELAPORTE; FRANÇOIS, 1991, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 The History of Yellow Fever: An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine. By François Delaporte, 1991. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Camridge, MA: MIT Press. [Review]. Smithsonian 23(2):147-150. YELLOW FEVER, TROPICAL MEDICINE, REVIEW OF, DELAPORTE; FRANçOIS, 1991, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1992 Report of the Panel for a National Dialogue on Museum/Native American Relations (28 February 1990). Arizona State Law Journal 24(1):487-500. REPATRIATION, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:157]
Anonymous 1993 Ain't No Bones About It. Stones & Bones 35(7):7-8. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1993 Colonial Bones Provide Record of American History. Quest 2(3):4-6. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MARYLAND, COLONIAL, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1993 A History Mystery: Silk in a Mummy's Hair. National Geographic 184(5):Geographica. MUMMIES, EGYPT, FEMALE, HAIR, SILK IN HAIR, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1993 L'Orgine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Aprés 1493? [Abstracts]. Journal of Paleopathology 5(2):69-121. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, ABSTRACTS, [CWHM-1994-162-#0254]
Anonymous 1993 The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. [Taken from: National Park Service Memorandum, 19 November 1991.]. Stones and Bones Newsletter 35(5):1-2. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1994 Anastasia and the Tools of Justice. [Editorial]. [Published erratum appears in Nature Genetics, 1994, 8(4):309.]. Nature Genetics 8(3):205-206. DNA, ROMANOV FAMILY, ANASTASIA, EDITORIAL, [NDX-DNA-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-08-02-95]
Anonymous 1994 Cholera Poor Relief in Enniscorthy, 1832. Pratique (London) 19(3-4):65. CHOLERA, ENNISCORTHY 1832, [CWHM-1995-165-#0231]
Anonymous 1994 Face of Gold Tells a Priceless Story. National Geographic 185(4):Geographica. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1994 Fort Manoel and the Plague of 1813. Pratique (London) 19(3-4):45. PLAGUE, FORT MANOEL 1813, [CWHM-1995-165-#0233]
Anonymous 1994 In the Arctic, the Taint of Cannibalism. National Geographic 186(5):Geographica. CANNIBALISM, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1994 Mummy Makers. Archaeology (New York) 47(6):17. MUMMIES, MUMMIFICATION, EXPERIMENTAL, MODERN, [JRNL]
Anonymous 1994 Smallpox Eradication. Medi Theme 13(2):44-45. SMALLPOX, ERADICATION, [CWHM-1994-162-#0255]
Anonymous 1995 An Epidemic of Mumps at New Archangel (1843-1844). Alaska Medicine 37(2):78. MEDICAL HISTORY, MUMPS, EPIDEMIC, NEW ARCHANGEL, ALASKA, [CWHM-1995-168-#0327]
Anonymous 1995 Syphilis Control in Russian America. 1, 1845. Alaska Medicine 37(3):115. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONTROL OF, RUSSIAN AMERICA, [CWHM-1996-170-#0520]
Anonymous 1995 Wing Tut? Mummified Birds Unearthed in Egypt. San Diego, California: San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 January 1995. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BIRD, [JRNL]
Anonymous n.d. Oral Diseases of Ancient Nations and Tribes. By K. H. Thoma. 1916-1917. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies, 12:327-334. [Review]. Dental Cosmos 59:1162. REVIEW OF, THOMA; K. H., 1916-1917, [MOODIE-1923:556]
Anselment, Raymond A. 1989 Smallpox in Seventeenth-Century English Literature: Reality and the Metamorphosis of Wit. Medical History 33:72-95. SMALLPOX, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Anselment, Raymond A. 1991 Fracastoro's "Syphilis": Nahum Tate and the Realms of Apollo. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 73(1):105-118. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, [CWHM-1992-152-#0225]
Anthony, J. 1966 Observations on Endocranial Moulage. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 262:556. CAST, ENDOCRANIAL, MOULAGE, [ARME]
Anthony, R. 1912 Note sur les Ossements Recueillis par Laval dans la Grotte du Fournet. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 6):65-70. REMAINS, HUMAN, COLLECTION, FRANCE, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Anthony, R. 1918 La Canal Vertébral Lombaire de l'Homme de la Chapelle-aux-Saints. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 6):18 VERTEBRAL CANAL, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Anthony, R. 1922 L'Anatomie Comparée et la Paléontologie Humaine. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 32:67-82. PALEONTOLOGY, ANATOMY, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Antoine, S. E., A. M. Pollard, P. Q. Dresser, and A. W. R. Whittle 1988 Bone Chemistry and Dietary Reconstruction in Prehistoric Britain: Examples from Orkney, Scotland. In: R. M. Farquhar, R. G. V. Hancock, and L. A. Pavlish, eds. Proceedings of the 26th International Archaeometry Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 1988. Toronto: Archaeometry Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, pp. 101-106. BONE CHEMISTRY, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ORKNEY, SCOTLAND, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Antón, Susan C. 1988 Bony Criteria for the Differentiation of Metastatic Carcinoma, Multiple Myeloma, Major Infectious Diseases and Hyperparathyroidism: A Case Study Approach. In: Gary D. Richards, ed. Human Skeletal Biology: Contributions to the Understanding of California's Prehistoric Populations. Archives of California Prehistory, Number 24. Salinas, California: Coyote Press, pp. 43-68. NEOPLASM, METASTATIC CARCINOMA, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, HYPERPARATHYROIDISM, [ANTON-INPUT]
Antón, Susan C. 1988 Intentional Cranial Vault Deformation and Induced Changes of the Cranial Base and Face [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):181. SKULL, DEFORMATION, INTENTIONAL, FACE AND SKULL BASE CHANGE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C. 1989 Facial Structure: The Influence of Intentional Cranial Vault Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):184. SKULL, DEFORMATION, FACIAL STRUCTURE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C. 1989 Intentional Cranial Vault Deformation and Induced Changes of the Cranial Base and Face. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(2):253-267. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIAL BASE, FACE, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C. 1993 Congenital Conditions: What Are They and What Can They Tell Us? [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 14. CONGENITAL CONDITION, GENETICS, TERATOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C. 1997 Endocranial Hyperostosis in Sangiran 2, Gibraltar 1, and Shanidar 5. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 102(1):111-122. ANCIENT HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, HYPEROSTOSIS CRANII, HYPEROSTOSIS CALVARIAE INTERNA, HOMO ERECTUS, NEANDERTAL, CRANIAL THICKNESS, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C., C. R. Jaslow, and S. M. Swartz 1990 Sutural Complexity in Artificially Deformed Human Crania. [See also Susan C. Antón, C. R. Jaslow, and S. M. Swartz, Journal of Morpholology, 1992, 214(3):321-332.]. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):189. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SUTURAL COMPLEXITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C., and Gary D. Richards 1989 Cranio-Facial Configuration and Postcranial Development of a Hydrocephalic Child. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, pp. 5-6. HYDROCEPHALY, CHILD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C., and Gary D. Richards 1991 Osteological Criteria for the Differentiation of Hydrocephalus and Its Subgroupings. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:44. HYDROCEPHALUS, OSTEOLOGICAL CRITERIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Antón, Susan C., C. R. Jaslow, and S. M. Swartz 1992 Sutural Complexity in Artificially Deformed Human (Homo sapiens) Crania. [For abstract see Susan C. Antón, C. R. Jaslow, and S. M. Swartz, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1990, 81(2):189.]. Journal of Morphology 214(3):321-332. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SUTURAL COMPLEXITY, [NDX-Paleontology-34(04)-01070]
Antoniewics, W. 1963 Pathologie Primitive: Paléopathologie. In: Pedro Bosch Gimpera. El Septuagésimo Aniversario de su Nacimiento. México, pp. 8-13. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOL-INST-NAC-ANTROPOL-HIST-1970-39:4]
Antonutto, G., M. Melato, and A. Pezzoli 1979 Histological and Immunochemical Investigations on the Organic Substance Present in Human Bones of the Iron Age. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):711-714. BONE, IMMUNOCHEMISTRY, HISTOLOGY, IRON AGE, [JRNL]
Antunes, M. T., and A. S. Cunha 1992 Neanderthalian Remains from Figueira Brava Cave Portugal. Geobios (Lyon) 25(5):681-692. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEANDERTAL, PORTUGAL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Antúñez de Mayolo R., Santiago Erik 1981 La Nutricíon en el Antiguo Perú. Lima: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, Oficina Numismática. NUTRITION, PERU, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:248]
Anzures y Bolaños, C. 1978 Medicina Tradicional entre los Tarahumares. Medicina Tradicionale (México) 1(4):38-47. MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL, TARAHUMARA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1979-100-#0025]
Aoki, K. 1995 Epidemic of Tuberculosis in Meiji and Taisho Eras in Japan and Excess Deaths from Tuberculosis in Females. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Kekkaku/Tuberculosis 70(8):483-490. MEDICAL HISTORY, TUBERCULOSIS EPIDEMIC, JAPAN, MEIJI ERA, TAISHO ERA, [CWHM-1996-169:#0653]
Aoshima, I. 1907 On the Study of the Venereal Infections. Kyoto Medico-Hygienic Journal 159:19-22. DISEASE, VENEREAL DISEASE, STUDY OF, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Apellaniz, J. M. 1971 ¿Lepra en la Población Romana de Vizcaya? In: Primera Semana de Antropología Vasca. Bilbao: Ed La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca, pp. 376-480. LEPROSY, ROMAN POPULATION, VIZCAYA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Apellaniz, J. M. 1971 Los Enfermos de la Necrópolis de la Cueva de Ereñu'ko Arizti (Ereño, Vizcaya). Kobie (Bilbao) 3:67-70. LEPROSY, NECROPOLIS, VIZCAYA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Appelboom, Thierry 1989 The Past: A Gallery of Arthritics. Clinical Rheumatology (London) 8(4):442-452. ARTHRITIS, HISTORY, [NDX-1990-31-11-13647]
Appelboom, Thierry, ed. 1987 Art, History and Antiquity of Rheumatic Diseases. Brussels: Elsevier. RHEUMATIC DISEASE, ART, HISTORY, [PPNL-1990-71:8]
Appelboom, Thierry, and J. Claude Bennett 1986 Gout of the Rich and Famous. Journal of Rheumatology 13(3):618-622. GOUT, [JRNL]
Appelboom, Thierry, and J. J. Body 1993 The Antiquity of Osteoporosis: More Questions than Answers. [Editorial]. Calcified Tissue International 53(6):367-369. OSTEOPOROSIS, ANTIQUITY OF, EDITORIAL, [CWHM-1994-162-#0368]
Appelboom, Thierry, Corinne de Boelpaepe, George E. Ehrlich, and Jean-Pierre Famaey 1981 Rubens and the Question of the Antiquity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Special Communication]. Journal of the American Medical Association 245(5):483-486. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, ANTIQUITY, ART, [JRNL]
Appelboom, Thierry, and Ariane van Eigem 1990 How Ancient is Temporal Arteritis? Journal of Rheumatology 17(7):929-931. TEMPORAL ARTERITIS, HORTON'S DISEASE, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Appelboom, Thierry, and Christine Rouffin 1986 Erasmus Can a Diagnosis Be Made in Retrospect? Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):284-285. ERASMUS, RETROSPECTIVE DIAGNOSIS [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Appelboom, Thierry, Christine Rouffin, Jean-Louis Vanherweghem, Jean-Pierre Vanden Branden, and George E. Ehrlich 1986 Can a Diagnosis Be Made in Retrospect? The Case of Desiderius Eramus. [Case Report]. Journal of Rheumatology 13(6):1181-1184. DIAGNOSIS, RETROSPECTIVE, ERAMUS; DESIDERIUS, [JRNL]
Appleby, A. B. 1975 Nutrition and Disease: The Case of London 1550-1750. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 6(1). DEFICIENCY DISEASE, NUTRITION, LONDON 1550-1750, [CWHM-1976-092-#0341]
Appleby, A. B. 1978 Disease, Diet, and History. [Review Article]. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 8:725-735. DISEASE, NUTRITIONAL DISORDER, HISTORICAL INFLUENCE, [CWHM-1978-099-#0418]
Appleby, A. B. 1980 Epidemics and Famine in the Little Ice Age. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 10:643-663. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, FAMINE, LITTLE ICE AGE (1550-1700), [CWHM-1981-107-#0501]
Appleby, John H. 1996 Human Curiosities and the Royal Society, 1699-1751. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50(1):13-27. CURIOSITIES, HUMAN, ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; 1699-1751, [CWHM-1996-169:#0316]
Appolonia, G. C. 1987 Sulle Tracce del Mal Francese. Lanternino 10(4):5-9. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [CWHM-1988-135-#2031]
Arambourg, C., and P. Biberson 1956 The Fossil Human Remains from the Paleolithic Site of Sidi Abderrahman (Morocco). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 14(3):467-489. REMAINS, HUMAN, SIDI ABDERRAHMAN, [JRNL]
Arambourg, C., M. Boule, H. Vallois, and R. Verneau 1934 Les Grottes Paléolithiques des Beni-Segoual (Algérie). Archives de l'Institut de Paléontologie Humaine Mémoire 13. GROTTO, PALEOLITHIC, ALGERIA, [DIS IN ANT:590]
Arambourg, C., and R. Hoffstetter 1963 Le Gisement de Ternifine. Archives de l'Institut de Paléontologie Humaine Mémoire 32. MANDIBLE, TERNIFINE STRATUM, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Aranzadi, T. 1925 El Cráneo de D. Alonso de Idiaquez. RIEV: Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos 15:153-172. SKULL, ALONSO DE IDIAQUEZ; D., [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:42]
Arasa, F. 1967 [From Total Pathology to Total Anthropology.]. [Spanish]. Folia Clinica Internacional (Barcelona) 17:110-120. ANTHROPOLOGY, HISTORY, [NDX-Anthropology history-10-02-04166]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de 1980 Contribiçao ao Estudo de Helmintos Encontrados em Material Arqueológico no Brasil. [A Contribution to the Study of Helminths Found in Archaeological Materials from Brazil.]. [Portuguese]. Rio de Janeiro: Tese de Mestrado Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 32:12.]. THESIS, PARASITISM, HELMINTH, ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1980-32:12 & PPNL-1981-35:14 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:528 & SORENSON 1990-A-152 & ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de 1987 Paleoepidemiologia da Ancilostomose. [The Paleoepidemiology of Ancylostomiasis.]. [Portuguese]. [Dissertation, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 63:19.]. DISSERTATION, ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [PPNL-1988-63:19]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Marcia Chame, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, B. M. Ribeiro-Filho, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1986 Exame Parasitológico (Mumificaçes Naturais na Pré-História Brasileira: Um Estudo de Caso). [Portuguese]. Revista de Arqueología (Belém, Para, Brazil) 1:32-33. MUMMIES, BRAZIL, PARASITISM, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1980 Oxyurid Infestations in Small Animals from 9,000 B.P. in Brazil. Paleopathology Newsletter 31:13-14. PARASITISM, ANIMAL, OXYURID INFESTATION, 9000 B.P., BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1981 Subsídios para a Paleoparasitologia no Brasil--II. Sobre o Encontro de Ovos de Nematódeos em Coprólitos de Animais no 9 Milenio, em Minas Gerais. [Portuguese]. Belo Horizonte--MG: VI Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia, p. 137. PARASITISM, ANIMAL, NEMATODE, COPROLITE, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1982 Oxyurid (Nematoda) Egg from Coprolites from Brazil. Journal of Parasitology 68(3):511-512. PARASITISM, OXYURID EGG, COPROLITE, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1985-51:11]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1984 Encontro de Ovos de Trichostrongylideo e Trichuris trichiura em Corpo Mumificado do Período Colonial Brasileiro. [Portuguese]. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Centrode Ciênias Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Gama Filho, pp. 11-14. MUMMIES, BRAZIL, PARASITISM, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, and Luis Fernando Ferreira, eds. 1992 Paleopatologia e Paleoepidemiologia: Estudos Multidisciplinares. [Portuguese]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:15.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEOEPIDEMIOLOGY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES, [PPNL-1994-85:15]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1995 Oxyuriasis and Prehistoric Migrations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. Manguinhos 2(1):99-109. PARASITISM, OXYURIASIS, MIGRATION, [PPNL-1995-92:15]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Marcia Chame, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1989 Strongloides ferreirai (Nematoda, Rhabdiasoidea) em Coprólitos de Kerodon rupestris (Rodentia, Caviidae), Datados de 8.000 a 2.000 Anos. [Portuguese]. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: XI Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia, p. 110 PARASITISM, ANIMAL, COPROLITE, STRONGLOIDES FERREIRAI, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1981 Contribution to Study of Helminth Findings in Archaeological Material in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Biología 41(4):873-881. PARASITISM, HELMINTH, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1989-68:11 & ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1990 Paleoparasitología. Argentina: XVIII Congresso Internacional de Patología. PARASITISM, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1991 Paleoepidemiologia da Ancilostomose na América. [Portuguese]. Anais I Simp Pré-História Nordeste--CLIO (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife) 4:25-27. ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and Marcia Chame 1988 Hookworms and the Peopling of America. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 65:12.]. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 2(4):226-233. PARASITISM, HOOKWORM, AMERICA, [PPNL-1989-65:12 & ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, Marcia Chame, and B. M. Ribeiro-Filho 1989 Strongyloides ferreirai Rodrigues, Vicente & Gomes, 1985 (Nematoda, Rhabdiasoidea) in Rodent Coprolites (8.000-2.000 Years BP), from Archaeological Sites from Piauí, Brazil. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 71:15.]. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 84(4):493-496. COPROLITE, RAT, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1990-71:15 & PPNL-1991-76:8 & ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and M. N. L. Meirelles 1986 Microscopia de Varredura de Larvas de Ancilostomídeos Encontradas em Coprólitos Humanos Datados de 3490 +/- 120 a 430 +/- 70 Anos. [Portuguese]. Caxambu, Minas Gerais: Simpósio Técnico Esp. Microscopia Eletronica Aplicadas às Ciencias Biomédicas, pp. 19-20. PARASITISM, HOOKWORM, ANCYLOSTOMA, COPROLITE, BRAZIL, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, and L. Nuñez 1983 Eggs of Diphyllobothrium pacificum in Precolumbian Human Coprolites. Paleopathology Newsletter 41:11-13. PARASITISM, DIPHYLLOBOTHRIUM PACIFICUM, TAPEWORM, COPROLITE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri, L. Nuñez, and B. M. Ribeiro-Filho 1985 The Finding of Enterobius vermicularis Eggs in Pre-Columbian Human Coprolites. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 80(2):141-143. PARASITISM, ENTEROBIUS VERMICULARIS OVUM, COPROLITE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [CWHM-1987-132-#1410]
Araújo, Adauto José Gonçalves de, A. Rangel, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1993 Climatic Change in Northeastern Brazil--Paleoparasitological Data. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:16.]. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 88(4):577-579 (October/Dececmber). CLIMATIC CHANGE, BRAZIL, PALEOPARASITOLOGICAL DATA, [PPNL-1994-85:16]
Arazuri, J. J. 1974 La Peste en Pamplona en Tiempos de Felipe II. Príncipe de Viana 35:179-192. PLAGUE, PAMPLONA, SPAIN, [CWHM-1977-093-#1507]
Arcelin 1913 Squelette, Trouvé à Solutré, Présentant un Mal de Pott Consolidé. Lyon Médical 120:105-109. TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
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Archibald, R. G., and D. Riding 1926 A Second Case of Sleeping Sickness Caused by Trypanosoms Rhodesiense. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 16:161. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE, [CRAN]
Archila, Ricardo 1961 Historia de la Medicina en Venezuela. Epoca Colonial. Caracas: Tipografía, S.A. MEDICINE, VENEZUELA, COLONIAL PERIOD, HISTORY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:248]
Arcini, Caroline 1990 Evidence of Leprosy in Tenth Century Lund: The Earliest Known Cases in Nordic Countries. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, pp. 3-4. LEPROSY, TENTH CENTURY, LUND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcini, Caroline 1992 Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rare Reality as Recovered Among Scandian Skeletal Remains from Viking and Medieval Times. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift (Supplement) 18:11-21. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, VIKING, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1993-157-#0491]
Arcini, Caroline 1994 One-Sided Chewing. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 3. DENTITION, OCCLUSAL SURFACE, TARTAR ON ONE SIDE ONLY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcini, Caroline 1994 One-Sided Chewing. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S12. DENTITION, OCCLUSAL SURFACE, TARTAR ON ONE SIDE ONLY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcini, Caroline 1995 Osteoarthritis in Large Joints: Widely Different Prevalence Rates with Different Sets of Diagnostic Criteria. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):72. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, LARGE JOINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcini, Caroline 1996 Osteoarthritis in Large Joints: Widely Different Prevalence Rates with Different Sets of Diagnostic Criteria. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 2. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, LARGE JOINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcini, Caroline, and Per Frölund 1996 Two Dwarves from Sweden: A Unique Case. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(2):155-166. DWARFISM, SPONDYLO-EPIPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA CONGENITA, COXA VARA, [JRNL]
Arco Aguilar, Mª del Carmen, Mercedes Arco Aguilar, and Emilio Atienzar 1992 Arqueología de la Muerte en El Menceyato de Icode (Tenerife). [Archaeologic Study of Death in the Menceyato of Icode (Tenerife).]. [Abstract] 1Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 164. FUNERARY RITE, ARCHAEOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arcos, Gualberto 1938 Evolucion de la Medicina en el Ecuador. Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador 61:967. EVOLUTION, MEDICINE, ECUADOR, [ARME]
Arcos, Gualberto 1979 Evolución de la Medicina en el Ecuador. 3rd Edition. (1st Edition, 1933). Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. MEDICINE, ECUADOR, EVOLUTION OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:248]
Arenál, I., and C. de la Rua 1990 Antropología de una Población Medieval Vizcaína. San Juan de Momoitio. Garia. Cuadernos de Sección de Antropología-Etnografía de la Sociedad de Estudios Vascos 7:1-92. ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDIEVAL, VIZCAINA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:38]
Arenas, P. 1987 Medicine and Magic Among the Maka Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 21:279-295. MEDICINE, MAGIC, PARAGUAY, MAKA INDIAN, [CWHM-1988-136-#0053]
Arendt, W., and H. Ullrich 1970 [Secondary Osteoarthropathy (Marie-Bamberger) in a Skeleton from Slavic Times.]. [German]. Beitraege zur Orthopaedie und Traumatologie 17(7):458-464. MARIE-BAMBERGER DISEASE, ARTHROPATHY, HYPERTROPHIC PULMONARY OSTEOARTHROPATHY, SLAVIC PERIOD, [NDX-Paleopathology-12-02-07163]
Arené, E., R. Chávez, V. Rivas, A. Padilla, E. Holguín, H. Rivera, and R. Otazo 1992 Conservación de Momias. [Preservation of Mummies.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 84. MUMMIES, BOLIVIA, CONSERVATION, PRESERVATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arené, E., R. Chávez, V. Rivas, A. Padilla, E. Holguín, H. Rivera, and R. Otazo 1992 Estudio Histológico de Tejidos de Momias. [Histologic Study of Mummy Tissues.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 100. MUMMIES, BOLIVIA, HISTOLOGY, SOFT TISSUE PATHOLOGY, CONSERVATION, PRESERVATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arené, E., R. Chávez, V. Rivas, A. Padilla, E. Holguín, H. Rivera, and R. Otazo 1992 Técnica de Reblandecimiento de Momias. [A Technique for Softening Mummies.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 83. MUMMIES, BOLIVIA, SOFTENING TECHNIQUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arens, W. 1979 Eating People Isn't Right. New Scientist 83:874-977. CANNABALISM, [CWHM-1980-103-#0281]
Arens, W. 1979 The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthropophagy. New York: Oxford University Press. [See reviews by P. G. Rivière, 1979; Ulla Wagner, 1979; R. Needham, 1980; James W. Spinger, 1980; Ivan Brady, 1982.]. CANNIBALISM, [BOOK]
Arensburg, Baruch 1984 Paleopathology in the Middle East. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 20:5. MIDDLE EAST, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arensburg, Baruch 1985 A Short Review of Paleopathology in the Middle East. Mitekufat Haeven/Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 18:21-36. PALEOPATHOLOGY, MIDDLE EAST, [AJPA-1993-91:253]
Arensburg, Baruch and Ofer Bar-Yosef 1973 Human Remains from Ein Gev I, Jordan Valley Israel. Paleorient 1:2201-2206. REMAINS, HUMAN, ISRAEL, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:131]
Arensburg, Baruch, M. S. Goldstein, and Hilel Nathan 1977 Metopism in Bedouin Crania from the Negev of Israel. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 68(3):293-297. METOPISM, BEDOUIN, NEGEV, ISRAEL, [NDX-Skull abnormalities-19-13-10454]
Arensburg, Baruch, M. S. Goldstein, Hilel Nathan, and Yoel Rak 1980 Skeletal Remains of Jews from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods in Israel. I. Metric Analysis. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série 13):175-186. REMAINS, SKELETAL, JEWISH, HELLENISTIC; ROMAN; BYZANTINE PERIOD, METRIC ANALYSIS, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(1):#02477]
Arensburg, Baruch, M. S. Goldstein, and Yoel Rak 1985 Observations on the Pathology [of Skeletal Remains] of the Jewish Population in Israel (100 B. C. to 600 C. E.). Koroth 9(1-2):73-83. PATHOLOGY, JEWISH POPULATION, ISRAEL, [CWHM-1986-128-#1377]
Arensburg, Baruch, and Israel Hershkovitz 1988 Cranial Deformation and Trephination in the Middle East. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(Série 14):139-150. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TREPHINATION, MIDDLE EAST, [JRNL]
Arensburg, Baruch, and Israel Hershkovitz 1988 Neolithic Human Remains from Nahal Hemar, Israel. Atiquot (Jerusalem) 18:50-58. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, ISRAEL, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:787]
Arensburg, Baruch, and Israel Hershkovitz 1989 Artificial Skull "Treatment" in the PPNB Period: Nahal Hemar. In: Israel Hershkovitz, ed. People and Culture Change. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 508, pp. 115-132. SKULL, PLASTERED, NEOLITHIC, ISRAEL, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:787]
Arensburg, Baruch, Hilel Nathan, and M. Ziv 1977 Malleus Fixed (Ossified) to the Tegmen Tympani in an Ancient Skeleton in Israel. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:12.]. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 86(1, Part 1):75-79. EAR, MALLEUS, OSSIFIED, ISRAEL, [JRNL]
Arensburg, Baruch, Ildiko Pap, Anne-Marie Tillier, and Mario Chech 1996 The Subalyuk 2 Middle Ear Stapes. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(2):185-188. EAR, MIDDLE EAR STAPES, NEANDERTAL, SYBALYUK 2, [JRNL]
Arensburg, Baruch, Patricia Smith, and R. Yaker 1978 The Human Remains from Abou Gosh. In: M. Lechevallier, ed. Abou Gosh and Beisamoun. Mémoires et Travaux du Centre de Recherches Préhistoriques de Jerusalem 2:95-105. REMAINS, HUMAN, ABOU GOSH, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:131]
Arensburg, Baruch, Anne-Marie Tillier, B. Vandermeersch, Henri Duday, L. A. Schepartz, and Yoel Rak 1989 A Middle Palaeolithic Hyoid Bone. Nature (London) 338(6218):758-760. HYOID BONE, MIDDLE PALEOLITHIC, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Argyropoulos, E., V. Sassouni, and Z. Xeniotou 1989 A Comparative Cephalometric Investigation of the Greek Craniofacial Pattern. Angle Orthodontist 59(3):195-204. CEPHALOMETRY, CRANIOFACIAL PATTERN, GREECE, [NDX-Paleopathology-30-08-09963]
Arias Cabál, P., and C. Pérez Suarez 1990 Las Sepulturas de la Cueva de los Canes (Asturias) y la Neolitización de la Región Cantábrica. Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) 47:39-62. SEPULCHER, NEOLITHIC, CANTABRICA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:46]
Arkell, A. J., J. W. Cornwall, and F. Mori 1961 Analisi degli Anelli Componenti la Collana della Mummia Infantile di Uan Muhuggiag. [Analysis of the Components of the Rings and Necklaces of the Infant Mummy of Uan Muhuggiag.] [Italian]. Rivista di Antropologia (Rome) 48:161. MUMMIES, INFANT, JEWELRY, [MDAC-238]
Araki, Kazuko 1993 Rokuso Eno Chosoto at Sangeza Temple in Korea. In: Worship of Mummies in Japan and China. Edited by Group for Research of Japanese Mummies. 1993. Tokyo: Heibonsha Limited, Publishers, Chapter 7. MUMMIES, KOREA, SANGEZA TEMPLE, ROKUSO ENO CHOSOTO, [OFF-PRINT-FROM-EVE-COCKBURN-OCTOBER-1996]
Arkle, P. 1944 The Dental Condition and Foods of the Indians of James Bay, Northeastern Canada. [Thesis, University of Toronto, Ontario]. DENTAL CONDITION, DIET, NUTRITION, JAMES BAY, CANADA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Arlidge, J. T. 1892 The Hygiene, Diseases and Mortality of Occupations. London: Percival. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [MELVYL]
Armelagos, George J. 1966 Bones, Bodies and Diseases. By Calvin Wells. 1964. New York: Frederick A. Praeger. [Review]. American Anthropologist 68(5):1309. REVIEW OF, WELLS; CALVIN, 1964, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1966 Frequency of Dental Caries in Four Archeological Populations from Sudanese Nubia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):210. DENTAL CARIES, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1967 Future Work in Paleopathology. In: William D. Wade, ed. Technical Series Number 7. Miscellaneous Papers in Paleopathology: 1. Museum of Northern Arizona. Flagstaff: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, pp. 1-8. PALEOPATHOLOGY, FUTURE WORK, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J. 1967 Man's Changing Environment. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, ed. Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, Chapter 6. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ERADICATION, EVOLUTION, ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, [ARME]
Armelagos, George J. 1968 Paleopathology of Three Archaeological Populations from Sudanese Nubia. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DISSERTATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, SUDAN, NUBIA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:212 & ARME]
Armelagos, George J. 1969 Disease in Ancient Nubia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:12.]. Science 163(3864):255-259. DISEASE, ANCIENT, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1971 Paleopathology: Diseases and Injuries of Prehistoric Man. By Paul A. Janssens. 1970. New York: Humanities Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 35(2):263-264. REVIEW OF, JANSSENS; PAUL A., 1970, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1977 Disease in Ancient Nubia. In: D. Landy, ed. Culture, Disease, and Healing. Studies in Medical Anthropology. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., pp. 77-82. DISEASE, NUBIA, [AJPA-1993-92:247]
Armelagos, George J. 1986 Diet and Disease in Ancient Sudanese Nubia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):172. NUTRITION, DISEASE, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1990 Health and Disease in Prehistoric Populations in Transition. In: Alan C. Swedlund, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Disease in Populations in Transition: Anthropological and Epidemiological Perspectives. New York: Bergin & Garvey, pp. 127-144. DISEASE, HEALTH, POPULATION IN TRANSITION, PREHISTORIC, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:636]
Armelagos, George J. 1991 Human Evolution and the Evolution of Human Disease. Ethnicity & Disease 1:21-26. DISEASE, HUMAN, EVOLUTION OF, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1994-21:242]
Armelagos, George J. 1993 New World Origin of Treponemal Infection. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, pp. 7-8. TREPONEMATOSIS, ORIGIN, NEW WORLD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J. 1994 Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Edited by Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide. 1991. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 21(2):239-243. REVIEW OF, ORTNER; DONALD J. AND ARTHUR C. AUFDERHEIDE, 1991, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Kathleen C. Barnes, and James Lin 1996 Disease in Human Evolution: The Re-Emergence of Infectious Disease in the Third Epidemiological Transition. Anthro Notes 18(3):1-7. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, HUMAN EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Barrett Brenton, Michael Alcorn, Debra L. Martin, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1989 Factors Affecting Elemental and Isotopic Variation in Prehistoric Human Skeletons. In: T. Douglas Price, ed. The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 230-244. BONE, CHEMISTRY, VARIATION, ELEMENTAL AND ISOTOPIC, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., David S. Carlson, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1982 The Theoretical Foundation and Development of Skeletal Biology. In: Frank Spencer, ed. A History of American Physical Anthropology, 1930-1980. New York: Academic Press, pp. 305-328. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, THEORY, DEVELOPMENT, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., and O. Donald Chrisman 1988 Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna: A Nubian Case. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 64:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 76(1):25-28. MORGAGNI'S SYNDROME, HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., and Mark Nathan Cohen, eds. 1985 Paleopathology and the Origins of Agriculture. New York: Academic Press. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AGRICULTURAL ORIGIN, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:227]
Armelagos, George J., C. Jean DeRousseau, and D. O. Chrisman 1986 Methods in Paleopathology. Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):291. PALEOPATHOLOGY, METHODOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Armelagos, George J., and John R. Dewey 1970 Evolutionary Response to Human Infectious Diseases. Bioscience 157:638-644. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTIONARY RESPONSE, [ISCAN-1989:197]
Armelagos, George J., and John R. Dewey 1978 Evolutionary Response to Human Infectious Diseases. In: Michael H. Logan, and Edward E. Hunt, Jr., eds. Health and Human Condition: Perspectives on Medical Anthropology. North Scituate, Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, pp. 101-106. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, HEALTH, HUMAN CONDITION, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTIONARY RESPONSE TO, [MASCA-1992-9:011 & AM-ANTHROPOL-1979-81:957]
Armelagos, George J., John R. Dewey, and Murray H. Bartley 1968 Cribra Orbitalia in Sudanese Nubian Archeological Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):131. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., G. H. Ewing, D. L. Greene, and K. K. Greene 1965 Report of the Physical Anthropology Section of Colorado Nubian Expedition. Kush 13:24-27. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, COLORADO NUBIAN EXPEDITION, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Armelagos, George J., Dennis P. Van Gerven, Debra L. Martin, and Rebecca Huss-Ashmore 1984 Effects of Nutritional Change on the Skeletal Biology of Northeast African Populations. In: J. D. Clark, and S. A. Brandt, eds. From Hunters to Farmers. Berkeley: University of California Press. NUTRITIONAL CHANGE, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, NORTHEAST, AFRICA, [AJPA-1994-93:185]
Armelagos, George J., and Alan H. Goodman 1988 The Origins of Agriculture: Population Growth During a Period of Declining Health. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Economic History (Detroit). AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, HEALTH DECLINE, POPULATION GROWTH, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):239]
Armelagos, George J., and Alan H. Goodman 1991 The Concept of Stress and Its Relevance to Studies of Adaptation in Prehistoric Populations. Collegium Antropologicum 15(1):45-58. STRESS, ADAPTATION, POPULATION, PREHISTORIC, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Armelagos, George J., Alan H. Goodman, and Scott Bickerton 1980 Determining Nutritional and Infectious Disease Stress in Prehistoric Skeletal Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):201. STRESS, NUTRITION, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Alan H. Goodman, and Kenneth H. Jacobs 1978 The Ecological Perspective in Disease. In: Michael H. Logan, and Edward E. Hunt, Jr., eds. Health and the Human Condition, Perspectives on Medical Anthropology. North Scituate, Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, pp. 71-84. DISEASE, ECOLOGY, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:208]
Armelagos, George J., Alan H. Goodman, and Kenneth H. Jacobs 1991 The Origins of Agriculture: Population Growth During a Period of Declining Health. Population and Environment 13:9-22. DEMOGRAPHY, AGRICULTURE, POPULATION GROWTH, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1994-21:242]
Armelagos, George J., Alan H. Goodman, and Debra L. Martin 1991 Paleoepidemiology, Environment, and Disease. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, pp. 8-9. EPIDEMIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Rebecca Huss-Ashmore, and Debra L. Martin 1982 Morphometrics as Indicators of Dietary Stress in Prehistoric Sudanese Nubia. MASCA Journal 2(1):22-26. NUTRITIONAL STRESS, SUDAN, NUBIA, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Kenneth H. Jacobs, and Debra L. Martin 1981 Death and Demography in Prehistoric Sudanese Nubia. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 33-57. DEATH, DEMOGRAPHY, SUDANESE NUBIA, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., John W. Lallo, and Jerome C. Rose 1977 The Paleoepidemiology of the Dickson Mounds Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):115. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DICKSON MOUNDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., T. Leatherman, M. Ryan, and L. Sibley 1992 Biocultural Synthesis in Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology 14:35-52. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, BIOCULTURAL SYNTHESIS IN, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Armelagos, George J., and Alan McArdle 1975 Population, Disease, and Evolution. In: Alan C. Swedlund, ed. Population Studies in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology: A Symposium. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology 30:1-10. DISEASE, POPULATION, EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., and C. Medina 1977 The Demography of Prehistoric Populations. Eugenics Society Bulletin 9:8-14. DEMOGRAPHY, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1986-15:238]
Armelagos, George J., James H. Mielke, Kipling H. Owen, Dennis P. Van Gerven, John R. Dewey, and Paul Emil Mahler. 1972 Bone Growth and Development in Prehistoric Populations from Sudanese Nubia. Journal of Human Evolution 1(1):89-119. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BONE, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, SUDANESE NUBIA, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., James H. Mielke, Kipling H. Owen, Dennis P. Van Gerven, John R. Dewey, and Paul Emil Mahler 1973 Bone Growth and Development in Prehistoric Populations from Sudanese Nubia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 89-119. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BONE, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, SUDANESE NUBIA, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., James H. Mielke, and John Winter, compilers 1971 Bibliography of Human Paleopathology. Amherst, Massachusetts: Research Reports Number 8. Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1974, 7:16.]. BIBLIOGRAPHY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., and James O. Mills 1993 Palaeopathology as Science: The Contribution of Egyptology. In: W. Vivian Davies, and Roxie Walker, eds. Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, pp. 1-18. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, EGYPTOLOGY'S CONTRIBUTION TO PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Armelagos, George J., and Jerome C. Rose 1972 Factors Contributing to Antemortem Tooth Loss in Populations from Prehistoric Nubia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):428. DENTITION, TEETH, LOSS, ANTEMORTEM, NUBIA, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armelagos, George J., Mary Ryan, and Thomas Leatherman 1990 Evolution of Infectious Disease: A Biocultural Analysis of AIDS. American Journal of Human Biology 2(4):353-363. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, AIDS, EVOLUTION OF, [JRNL]
Armendariz, A. 1989 Excavación de la Cueva Sepulcral Urtao II (Oñati, Guipuzcoa). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:9.]. Munibe (San Sebastián) 41:45-86. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, DENTAL ABSCESS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PERIODONTOCLASIA, RIGG'S DISEASE, HYPERCEMENTOSIS, [PPNL-1990-72:9]
Armendariz, A., M. A. Carnicero, F. Etxeberria, and L. Herrasti 1992 Cuerpos Momificados Conservados en el País Vasco. [Mummified Bodies Preserved in the Basque Country.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 165. MUMMIES, BASQUE, MUMMIFICATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Armendariz, A., and F. Etxeberria 1983 Las Cuevas Sepulcrales de la Edad del Bronce en Guipúzcoa. Munibe (San Sebastián) 35:247-354. SEPULCHER, CAVE, BRONZE AGE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT]
Armendariz, A., F. Etxeberria, J. A. Barrutiabengoa, and L. Herrasti 1989 Inés Ruíz de Otalora. Estudio de una Momia del Siglo XVII. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 99:6-11. MUMMIES, SPAIN, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT & ETXEBERRIA-FRANCISCO-BIBLIOGRAPHY-1993-ON-DISK]
Armendariz, J., S. Irigari, and F. Etxeberria 1994 New Evidence of Prehistoric Arrow Wounds in the Iberian Peninsula. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(3):215-222. WOUND, ARROW WOUND, IBERIAN PENINSULA, [CWHM-1994-164-#0685]
Armenian, H. K., J. F. McCarthy, and S. G. Balbanian 1993 Patterns of Infant Mortality from Armenian Parish Records: A Study from 10 Countries of the Diaspora, 1737-1982. International Journal of Epidemiology 22(3):457-462. MORTALITY, INFANT, [CWHM-1994-160-#0002]
Armitage, Philip L., and Juliet Clutton-Brock 1980 An Investigation of the Mummified Cats Held by the British Museum (Natural History). MASCA Journal 1(6 Mummification Supplement):185-188. MUMMIES, CAT, BRITISH MUSEUM, [JRNL]
Armitage, Philip L., and Juliet Clutton-Brock 1981 A Radiological and Histological Investigation into the Mummification of Cats from Ancient Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science 8(2):185-196. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CAT, HISTOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Armitage, Philip, L., B. West, and K. Steedman 1984 New Evidence of Black Rat in Roman London. London Archaeologist 4(14):375-383. RAT, BLACK RAT, LONDON, ROMAN, [CWHM-1985-123-#1605]
Armstrong, Charles J. 1965 A Note on Greek Medicine. [Editorial]. American Journal of Diseases of Children 110:115-116. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Armstrong, W. G., and L. B. H. Tarlo 1966 Amino Acid Components in Fossil Calcified Tissue. Nature (London) 210:481-482. AMINO ACID COMPONENT, FOSSIL, [AJPA-1994-93:185]
Arnason, T., F. Uck, J. Lambert, and R. Hebda 1980 Maya Medicinal Plants of San Jose Succotz, Belize. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2(4):345-364. PLANT, MEDICINAL, BELIZE, [NDX-22-10-0]
Arnaud, G., and S. Arnaud 1975 Luxation Congénitale Bilatèrale de la Hanche et Manifestations d'Hyperostose Porotique sur un Squelette d'Epoque Paléo-Chrétienne. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 24:19.]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(Série 13):307-326. DISLOCATION, HIP, BILATERAL, PRE-CHRISTIAN, [JRNL]
Arnaud, G., and S. Arnaud 1976 Un Nouveau Cas d'Amincissement Bipariètal Symètrique. [A New Case of Symmetrical Biparietal Thinning.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 19:15.]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 13):3-14. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL THINNING, SYMMETRICAL, [JRNL]
Arnaud, G., and S. Arnaud 1978 A Case of Medieval Chronic Osteomyelitis. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU1. OSTEOMYELITIS, CHRONIC, MEDIEVAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arnaud, G., and S. Arnaud 1980 Un Cas d'Ostéomyelite Chronique d'Epoque Médiévale. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:115-119. OSTEOMYELITIS, CHRONIC, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1980-31:17]
Arnaud, G., S. Arnaud, and Antonio Ascenzi 1977 Quelques Exemples des Limites Diagnostiques Anatomo-Pathologiques en Paléopathologie. Communication au XIII Colloque de l'Association Anthropologique Internationale de Langue Française, Caen. DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, LIMIT OF, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:124]
Arnaud, G., S. Arnaud, Antonio Ascenzi, E. Bonucci, and G. Graziani 1978 On the Problem of the Preservation of Human Bone in Sea-Water. Journal of Human Evolution 7(5):409-420. BONE, PRESERVATION, SEA-WATER, [JRNL]
Arnaud, G., S. Arnaud, Charles-Albert Baud, and René Lagier 1980 Histological Study of Buried Sea-Immersed and/or Lake-Immersed Bones. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C2. BONE, HISTOLOGY, IMMERSED, SEA, LAKE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arnay de la Rosa, M., E. Gonzalez-Reimers, A. Castilla-Garcia, and F. Santolaria-Fernandez 1994 Radiopaque Transverse Lines (Harris Lines) in the Prehispanic Population of El Hierro (Canary Islands). Anthropologischer Anzeiger 52(1):53-57. HARRIS LINES, RADIOPAQUE TRANSVERSE LINES, GROWTH ARREST LINES, CANARY ISLANDS, [NDX-PALEOPATHOLOGY-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-04-THROUGH-09]
Arndt, B. 1994 Hygienic Aspects in the Examination of Medieval Cesspits. [Poster] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 3. CESSPIT, MEDIEVAL, EXAMINATION, HYGIENIC ASPECT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Arndt, B. 1994 Hygienic Aspects in the Examination of Medieval Cesspits. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S13. CESSPIT, MEDIEVAL, EXAMINATION, HYGIENIC ASPECT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Arndt, K. -H. 1975-1978 Die Pestepidemie von 1682/83 und ihre Auswirkungen auf Stadt und Universität Erfurt. Beitraege zur Geschichte der Universitaet Erfurt (1392-1816) 18:27-89. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1977-096-#1149]
Arndt, Katherine L. 1985 The Russian-American Company and the Smallpox Epidemic of 1835 to 1840. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association, Anchorage. SMALLPOX, EPIDEMIC, ALASKA, [ANTHROPOL-PAP-UNIV-OREGON-1996-52:127]
Arnett, W. S. 1985 Only the Bad Died Young in the Ancient Middle East. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 21:155-160. OLD AGE, HUMAN AGING AND DEVELOPMENT, [CWHM-1986-130-#1413]
Arnold, David 1986 Cholera and Colonialism in British India. Past & Present 113:118-151. CHOLERA, COLONIALISM, BRITISH INDIA, [CWHM-1987-132-#0387]
Arnold, David 1993 Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India. Berkeley: University of California Press. [See review by William C. Summers, 1994.]. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, NINETEENTH CENTURY, INDIA, [MELVYL]
Arnold, G. 1980 Short History of Dental Extraction from Antiquity to the Present Time. Dental Cadmos 48(12):61-63. DENTAL EXTRACTION, [CWHM-1982-113-#1845]
Arnold, Harry L., Jr. 1966 Paradoxes and Misconceptions in Leprosy. [Chairman's Address]. Journal of the American Medical Association 196(7):647-650. LEPROSY, PARADOX, MISCONCEPTION, [JRNL]
Arnold, Harry L., Jr. 1986 Leprosy and the Social Class in the Middle Ages. [Letter]. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 54(4):647-648. LEPROSY, SOCIAL CLASS, MIDDLE AGES, LETTER, [JRNL]
Arnott, A. 1822 An Account of the Last Illness, Decease, and Post-Mortem Appearances of Napoleon Bonaparte. London: John Murray. NAPOLEON, ILLNESS; DEATH; POST-MORTEM APPEARANCE, [LANCET-1994-344:276]
Arnott, Robert 1996 Healing and Medicine in the Aegean Bronze Age. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:12.]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 89(5):265-270. MEDICAL HISTORY, HEALING, MEDICINE, AEGEAN BRONZE AGE, [CWHM-1996-170-#0002]
Aronson, J. I. 1940 The History of Disease Among the Natives of Alaska. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 8(Series 4):27-40. DISEASE, HISTORY, ALASKA, NATIVE, [CIBA-SYMP-1948-10(1):921 & DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:346]
Aronson, S. M. 1983 Lead and the Demon Rum in Colonial America. Rhode Island Medical Journal 66(1):37-40. LEAD POISONING, RUM, AMERICA, COLONIAL PERIOD, [CWHM-1983-118-#1028]
Aronson, S. M. 1991 The Varied Uses of Gallstones. Rhode Island Medical Journal 74(12):569-570. CALCULUS, GALLSTONE, VARIED USE OF, [CWHM-1992-154-#0393]
Aronson, S. M. 1992 In Feast and Famine. Rhode Island Medicine 75(10)473-474. DIET, NUTRITION, FAMINE, [CWHM-1993-158-#0314]
Aronson, S. M. 1994 Arsenic and Old Myths. Rhode Island Medicine 77(7):233-234. POISON, ARSENIC, MYTH, [CWHM-1995-165-#0034]
Aronson, S. M. 1995 Unclean, Unclean.... Rhode Island Medicine 78(6):155-156. MEDICAL HISTORY, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS, [CWHM-1995-168-#0328]
Aronstain, N. E. 1899-1900 Some Historical and Other Data on Circumcision. Canada Lancet 32:167-169. CIRCUMCISION, RITUAL, HISTORY, [LSG3-Circumcision ritual history]
Aronstam, N. E. 1941 An Excursion into Prehistoric Medicine. Medical Record (New York) 154:380. MEDICINE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Medicine prehistoric]
Aronyk, K. E. 1993 The History and Classification of Hydrocephalus. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 4(4):599-609. HYDROCEPHALUS, CLASSIFICATION, HISTORY, [CWHM-1994-161-#0633]
Arpino, A. 1988 La Paléo-Coprologie: Application a l'Etude de Bergeries Néolithiques. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 1. COPROLOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arquiola, E. 1978-1979 Topinard: Médico y Antropólogo Físico. Asclepio 30-31:41-61. BIOGRAPHY, TOPINARD; PAUL, 1830-1911, MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [CWHM-1981-109-#0065]
Arrese Estrada, J., and G. E. Piérard 1990 Histoire de la Médecine. Poisons et Remèdes Précolombiens et Amérindiens Traditionnels. Revue Médicale de Liège 45:343-347. MEDICINE, HISTORY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1991-149-#0070]
Arrhenius, B. 1990 Trace Element Analysis of Human Skulls. Laborativ Arkeologi 4:15-20. SKULL, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [AM-ANTIQ-1994-59:617]
Arriaga, A. 1941 Características de Los Tarascos y Mutilaciones del Sistema Dentario. Anales del Museo Michoacano, Universidad Michoacano de San Nicolás de Hidalgo 2:14-19. DENTAL MUTILATION, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, TARASCOS, [ARME]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1988 Childbirth in Pre-Columbian Arica, Chile: A Bio-Anthropological and Archaeological Approach. [Thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe]. CHILDBIRTH, PRECOLUMBIAN, ARICA, CHILE, [ARRIAZA-&-MERBS-1995-EVIDENCE-OF-CHILDBIRTH-IN-THE-PELVIS-....]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1989 Obstetric Paleopathology in South American Mummies. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 37:4-5. MUMMIES, SOUTH AMERICA, OBSTETRIC PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1991 The Search for Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies and Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis in Ancient South America. [Dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(4):1412A, University Microfilms order number DA9124781.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:19.]. DISSERTATION, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, ANCIENT, SOUTH AMERICA, [PPNL-1992-79:19]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1992 Bloody Noses, Good Crops--Or, Ritualistic Battles in the Tiwanaku Colonies? [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 14. BATTLE, RITUAL, TIWANAKU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1993 Preparation of the Dead in Coastal Andean Preceramic Populations. Paper presented at the International Mummy Symposium, Forschunginstitut fuer Alpine Vorzeit der Leopold-Franzens-Univerität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. MUMMIES, ANDES, PRECERAMIC PERIOD, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:162]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1993 Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies and Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis in Ancient Northern Chile. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:10.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 91(3):263-278. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, CHILE, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1995 Beyond Death: The Chinchorro Mummies of Ancient Chile. With a foreword by John W. Verano. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [BOOK]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1995 Chile's Chinchorro Mummies. National Geographic 187(3):68-88. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1995 Chinchorro Bioarchaeology: Chronology and Mummy Seriation. Latin American Antiquity 6(1):35-55. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, BIOARCHAEOLOGY, CHRONOLOGY, MUMMY SERIATION, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. 1995 Spondylolysis in Prehistoric Human Remains from Guam. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:60. SPONDYLOLYSIS, GUAM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T. n.d. Spondylolysis in Paleopathology. Bioantropología. In press. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:162]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, Guillermo A. Focacci, and Enrique Gerszten 1984 Mortalidad Materna y de la Niñez en el Area de Arica Prehispánica y Conceptos Asociados. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 12:161-172. MORTALITY, MATERNAL, NEONATAL, PREHISPANIC, [PPNL-1989-65:19]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, and Enrique Gerszten 1988 Maternal Mortality in Pre-Columbian Indians of Arica, Chile. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 64:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 77(1):35-41. MUMMIES, CHILDBIRTH, DYSTOCIA, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, and Vivien Standen 1984 Líneas de Harris en una Población Arcaica Tardía del Extremo Norte de Chile: Morro-1. [Harris Lines in a Late Archaic Population of Extreme Northern Chile: Morro-1.]. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 13:187-191. HARRIS LINES, MORRO-1 SITE, CHILE, [AJPA-1993-91:200 & PPNL-1989-65:19]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, and Vivien Standen 1984 Momificación Artificial en el Extremo Norte de Chile. Sitio Morro 1 (5,860-2,090 A.C.). Informe Técnico de Laboratorio de Paleobiología. Report on file at the Archaeology Department of the University of Tarapacá. MUMMIFICATION, CHILE, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:162]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, Vivien Standen, and Guillermo A. Focacci 1986 Earliest Evidence of Artificial Mummification in South America: Chinchorro Culture. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, p. 14. MUMMIFICATION, CHINCHORRO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Marvin J. Allison, Vivien Standen, Guillermo A. Focacci, and Juan R. Chacama 1986 Peinados Precolombinos en Momias de Arica. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 16-17:353-357. MUMMIES, CHILE, HAIR STYLE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo, and Charles F. Merbs 1995 Evidence of Childbirth in the Pelvis of Prehistoric Andean Women. Estudios de Antropología Biológica 5:65-79. PELVIS, FEMALE, ANDEAN, EVIDENCE OF CHILDBIRTH, [JRNL-OFF-PRINT-FROM-MERBS ]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Charles F. Merbs, and Bruce M. Rothschild 1993 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis in Meroitic Nubians from Semna South, Sudan. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 92(3):243-248. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Ivan Muñoz, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1993 Análisis Antropológico Físico de la Inhumación de Acha-2. In: Ivan Muñoz, Bernardo T. Arriaza, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Acha-2 y los Orígenes del Poblamiento Humano en Arica. Arica, Chile: Universidad de Tarapacá, pp. 47-64. MUMMIES, CHILE, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:53]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Wilmar L. Salo, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1994 Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Extracted from a Pre-Columbian Mummy from Northern Chile. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, pp. 22-23. MUMMIES, CHILE, PRECOLUMBIAN, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS DNA EXTRACTED FROM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Arriaza, Bernardo T., Wilmar L. Salo, Arthur C. Aufderheide, and Todd A. Holcomb 1995 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis in Northern Chile: Molecular and Skeletal Evidence. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 91(1):37-45. MUMMIES, CHILE, TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
Arrington, L. R. 1959 Foods of the Bible. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 35:816-820. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BIBLICAL, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:193]
Arrizabalaga, Jon 1984 Lluis Alcanyís y su "Regiment de la Pestilencia" (Valencia, ca. 1490). Dynamis 4:313. PLAGUE, VALENCIA, SPAIN 1490, [CWHM-1987-132-#1553]
Arrizabalaga, Jon 1985-1986 El "Consilium de Modorrilla" (Roma y Salamanca, 1505): Una Aportación Nosográfica de Gaspar Torrella. Dynamis 5-6:59-94. EPIDEMIC, ROME AND SALAMANCA 1505, [CWHM-1989-140-#0643]
Arrizabalaga, Jon 1988 Medicina Universitaria y Morbus Gallicus en la Italia de Finales del Siglo XV: El Arquiatra Pontificio Gaspar Torrella (c.1452-c.1520). Asclepio 40(1):3-38. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [CWHM-1989-141-#2136]
Arrizabalaga, Jon 1991 La Peste Negra de 1348: Los Orígenes de la Construcción como Enfermedad de una Calamidad Social. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Dynamis 11:73-117. PLAGUE 1348, [CWHM-1992-154-#0221]
Arrizabalaga, Jon 1995 Tratados de la Pest. Fuentes de la Medicina Española. By Velasco de Taranta, Licenciado Fores, Fernando Alvarez, and Diego Alvarez Chanca. 1993. Madrid: Arco/Libros, S.L. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 69(1):121-122. REVIEW OF, TARANTA; VELASCO DE, LICENCIADO FORES, FERNANDO ALVAREZ, AND DIEGO ALVAREZ CHANCA, 1993, [JRNL]
Arsuaga, J. L., and P. J. Pérez 1979 Algunas Consideraciones Acerca de los Estudios Paleodemográficos y Paleoepidemiológicos en Poblaciones Prehistóricas. Col-Pa (Madrid) 35:119-133. DEMOGRAPHY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Arsuaga, Juan-Luis, Ignacio Martínes, Ana Garcia, José-Miguel Carretero, and Eudald Carbonell 1993 Three New Human Skulls from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene Site in Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. Nature (London) 362(6420):534-537. SKULL, PLEISTOCENE, ATAPUERCA, SPAIN, [JRNL]
Artamonov, M. I. 1965 Frozen Tombs of the Scythians. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:12.]. Scientific American 212(5):[100]-119. TOMB, FROZEN, SCYTHIAN, [JRNL]
Arthaud, J. Bradley 1970 Cause of Death in 339 Alaskan Natives as Determined by Autopsy. Archives of Pathology (Chicago) 90:433-438. AUTOPSY, CAUSE OF DEATH, ALASKA, NATIVE, [JRNL]
Arthur, C. K., and J. P. Isbister 1987 Iron Deficiency: Misunderstood, Misdiagnosed and Mistreated. Drugs 33:171-182. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, MISUNDERSTOOD, MISDIAGNOSED, MISTREATED, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Arvidsson, S. -O. 1975 [The 1834 Cholera Epidemic in Vadstena.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1975:110-121,196-197. EPIDEMIC, CHOLERA, VADSTENA, SWEDEN 1834, [CWHM-1976-089:#0349]
Asada, T. 1924 Über die Entstehung und Pathologische Bedeutung der im Röntgenbild des Röhrenknochens am Diaphysenende zum Vorschein kommenden 'Parallelen Querlinienbildung'. Mitteilungen of the Faculty of Medicine of Kyushu University (Fukuoka) 9:43-95. HARRIS LINES, RADIOLOGY, [TYSON & ELERICK 1985:057 & STEINBOCK-1976:055]
Asbel, M. B. 1941 Practice of Dentistry Among the Ancient Hebrews: Contribution to the History of Dentistry. Journal of the American Dental Association 28:1098-1107. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, ANCIENT, HEBREW, [QCIM-30-0122-0044]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1955 Some Histochemical Properties of the Organic Substance in Neanderthal Bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13(4):557-566. BONE, HISTOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1963 Microscopy and Prehistoric Bone. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 330-342. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 4:15.]. BONE, PREHISTORIC, MICROSCOPY, [BOOK]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1973 Thalassémie et Lésions Osseuses. Avec Discussion d'Exemplaires Paléopathologiques Italiens. [Thalassemia and Bone Lesions. With a Discussion of Italian Paleopathological Specimens.]. Colloque de Paléopathologie, Lyon, 23 September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. THALASSEMIA, BONE, LESION, SUMMARY, [JRNL & PPNL-1974-7:19]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1976 Physiological Relationship and Pathological Interferences Between Bone Tissue and Marrow. In: G. H. Bourne, ed. The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone. New York: Academic Press, pp. 403-444. BONE, TISSUE, MARROW, [ZAGREB-1988:075]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1979 A Problem in Palaeopathology. The Origin of Thalassemia in Italy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:15.]. Virchows Archiv; A: Pathological Anatomy and Histology 384(2):121-130. ANEMIA, THALASSEMIA, ITALY, ORIGIN, [NDX-Paleopathology-21-12-10186]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1980 A Comparative Microscopical Investigation of the So-Called Symmetrical Atrophy of the Parietal Bones. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. C2-C3. PARIETAL, SYMMETRICAL ATROPHY, MICROSCOPY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1982 Maxillary Alveolar Hyperostosis in 'Arago 21.' [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 2. MAXILLARY ALVEOLAR HYPEROSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio 1983 Problemi di Paleopatologia; l'Uomo di Saccopastore e il suo Ambiente. Rivista di Antropologia 62(Supplement):99 122. PATHOLOGY, SACCOPASTORE, [WIEN-KW]
Ascenzi, Antonio n.d. I Resti Umani del Sarcofago di Callatis (Romania). Studio Antropologico e Paleopatologico. [The Human Remains of the Callatis Sarcophagus in Rumania. An Anthropological and Paleopathological Investigation.]. [See listing in Paleopathology Newsletter, 1974, 7:19.]. HUMAN REMAINS, SARCOPHAGUS, CALLATIS, RUMANIA, [PPNL-1974-7:19]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and P. Balistreri 1975 Aural Exostoses in a Roman Skull Excavated at the "Baths of the Swimmer" in the Ancient Town of Ostia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 14:10.]. Journal of Human Evolution 4(6):579-584. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, ROMAN, OSTIA, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and P. Balistreri 1976 Porotic Hyperostosis and the Problem of the Origin of Thalassemia in Italy. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the First European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Ciba Foundation, London, England, 1-2 October 1976, p. L1. THALASSEMIA, ORIGIN, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and P. Balistreri 1977 Porotic Hyperostosis and the Problem of the Origin of Thalassemia in Italy. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, pp. 5-9. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, THALASSEMIA, ITALY, ORIGIN, [JRNL

Ascenzi, Antonio, and P. Balistreri 1977 Porotic Hyperostosis and the Problem of Origin of Thalassemia in Italy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 22:9.]. Journal of Human Evolution 6(7):595-604. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, THALASSEMIA, ITALY, ORIGIN, [JRNL]

Ascenzi, Antonio, A. Bellelli, M. Brunori, G. Citro, R. Ippoliti, E. Lendaro, and R. Zito 1988 On a New Method for Recognizing Thalassemia in Ancient Bones. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 1. THALASSEMIA, DIAGNOSIS, ANCIENT BONE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio, A. Bellelli, M. Brunori, G. Citro, R. Ippoliti, E. Lendaro, and R. Zito 1991 Diagnosis of Thalassemia in Ancient Bones: Problems and Prospects in Pathology. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24--31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 73-75. THALASSEMIA, DIAGNOSIS, ANCIENT BONE, [BOOK]
Ascenzi, Antonio, M. Brunori, G. Citro, and R. Zito 1985 Immunological Detection of Hemoglobin in Bones of Ancient Roman Times and of Iron and Eneolithic Ages. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:13.]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 82(21):7170-7172. BONE, HEMOGLOBIN, ROMAN, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio, T. Aidan Cockburn, and Ekkehard Kleiss 1980 Miscellaneous Mummies. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 224-238. MUMMIES, MISCELLANEOUS, [BOOK]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and V. Marinozzi 1958 Sur la Crâne en Bosse au Cours des Polyglobulies secondaires a l'Hypoxemie Chronique. Acta Haematologica (Basel) 19:253-262. HYPOXIA, CHRONIC, SKULL BOSSING, [ARME]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and Emma Rabino Massa, eds. 1980 Papers presented at the Second European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:1-156. PARIETAL, SYMMETRICAL ATROPHY, [PPNL-1980-31:17]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and Aldo G. Segre 1971 A New Neanderthal Child Mandible from an Upper Pleistocene Site in Southern Italy. Nature (London) 233(5317):280-283. MANDIBLE, PLEISTOCENE, ITALY, NEANDERTAL CHILD, [JRNL]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and Aldo G. Segre 1971 Il Giacimento con Mandibola Neandertaliana di Archi (Reggio Calabria). [The Deposit, with Neanderthal Mandible, from Archi, Reggio Calabria.]. Rendiconti delle Accademia Nazional dei Lincei. Atti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche, e Naturali, Serie 8 50:763. MANDIBLE, ITALY, NEANDERTAL, [PPNL-1974-7:20]
Ascenzi, Antonio, and G. Silvestrini 1984 Bone-Boring Marine Micro-Organisms: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Human Evolution 13(6):531-536. ORGANISM, BONE-BORING, MARINE, [JRNL]
Asch, David L. 1971 A Middle Woodland Population Estimate for the Lower Illinois Valley. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Illinois]. DEMOGRAPHY, ILLINOIS VALLEY, [BUIKSTRA:1981:137]
Asch, David L. 1976 The Middle Woodland Population of the Lower Illinois Valley: A Study in Paleodemographic Methods. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 1, Volume 1. DEMOGRAPHY, ILLINOIS VALLEY, [BOOK]
Asch, David L., and Nancy B. Asch 1977 Chenopod as Cultigen: A Re-Evaluation of some Prehistoric Collections from Eastern North America. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 2:3-45. CHENOPOD, CULTIGEN, RE-EVALUATION, COLLECTION, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BUIKSTRA:1981:137]
Asch, David L., K. B. Farnsworth, and Nancy B. Asch 1979 Woodland Subsistence and Settlement in West Central Illinois. In: David S. Brose, and N'omi Greber, eds. Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, pp. 80-85. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE, SETTLEMENT, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, WEST CENTRAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1992-24:194 & MELVYL]
Asch, Nancy B. 1975 Woodland Subsistence: Implications for Demographic and Nutritional Studies. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42(2):288. DEMOGRAPHY, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, AMERICA, INDIAN, WOODLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ascher, Robert 1959 A Prehistoric Population Estimate Using Midden Analysis and Two Population Models. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 15:168-178. DEMOGRAPHY, MIDDEN ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Aschmann, Homer 1954 The Ecology, Demography and Fate of the Indians of the Central Desert of Baja California. [Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.] DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, BAJA CALIFORNIA, CENTRAL DESERT, [JRNL]
Aschmann, Homer 1959 The Central Desert of Baja California: Demography and Ecology. Ibero-Americana 42:1-315. DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, BAJA CALIFORNIA, CENTRAL DESERT, [JRNL]
Aschoff, L. 1939 War die Syphilis von Alters her eine Europaische Krankheit? Freiburg: H. Speyer. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Aschoff, L., and W. Koch 1919 Skorbut: Eine Pathologisch-Anatomische Studie. Jena: G. Fischer. SCURVY, PATHOLOGY, ANATOMY, [ORT 1981]
Asen, J. 1913 Eine Leprosenordnung von Melaten bei Köln aus dem 16 Jahrhundert. Lepra (Leipzig) 1:755:790. LEPROSY, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, GERMANY, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Ashbell, M. 1964 Dentistry of the Aztecs and Mayas: Vignette in Dental History. Outlook and Bulletin of the Southern Dental Society of New Jersey 33:97-99. DENTISTRY, AZTEC, MAYA, [METRESS-1974:063]
Ashburn, Percy M. 1947 The Ranks of Death: A Medical History of the Conquest of America. Frank D. Ashburn, ed. New York: Coward-McCann. HISTORY, MEDICAL, CONQUEST, AMERICA, MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY, DISEASE AND HISTORY, [MELVYL-BUIKSTRA:1981:020 & ARME]
Asher, Lara J. 1996 Oldest North American Mummy. Archaeology (New York) 49(5):32. MUMMIES, NORTH AMERICA, NEVADA, SKULL FRACTURE, DENTAL ABSCESS, OLDEST IN NORTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Asherson, N. 1978 The Fourth Auditory Ossicle: Fact or Fantasy? Journal of Laryngology and Otology 92(6):453-465. EAR, OSSICLE, [JRNL]
Ashley, G. T. 1954 Variations and Abnormalities of the Human Sternum. [Thesis, Victoria University, Manchester, England]. STERNUM, ABNORMALITY, VARIATION, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:272]
Ashley, G. T. 1956 The Human Sternum: The Influence of Sex and Age On Its Measurements. Journal of Forensic Medicine 3:27-43. AGE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, STERNUM, [AJPA-1980-53:224]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1890 Syphilis in Japan. Medical Record (New York) 38:116-119. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, JAPAN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1891 Pre-Columbian Syphilis. Medical News (Philadelphia) 59:511. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1892 Pre-Columbian Syphilis and East Asia. Journal of the American Medical Association 18:473-475. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, ASIA, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1894 Extracts from a Japanese Work on Syphilis. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 12:9-12. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, JAPANESE WORK, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1894 Migration of Syphilis from East Asia into America by Way of the Behring Sea. Journal of the American Medical Association 22:154-156. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MIGRATION, BERING SEA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1894 Origin of Syphilis in Ancient American. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 12:344-347. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, ANCIENT, AMERICA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1894-1895 Syphilitic Lesion Observed in a Pre-Columbian Skull. University Medical Magazine (Philadelphia) 7:688. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKULL, LESION, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 American Pathological Notes. I. Pre-Columbian Surgery. II. Syphilitic Lesion Observed in a Pre-Columbian Skull. University Medical Magazine (Philadelphia PA) 7:686-689. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SURGERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):570]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Autochthonous Syphilis in Bolivia and Peru. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 13:415-417. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BOLIVIA, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):570]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Photographs of Two Ancient Peruvian Vases, with Some Particularities Presented by Them, and Some Observations About Them. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 13:465-466. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, POTTERY REPRESENTATION, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):570]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Pre-Columbian Leprosy. Chicago: American Medical Association Press. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [DIS IN ANT:293]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Pre-Columbian Leprosy. Journal of the American Medical Association 24:622,669,721,753,803,850. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy History and Statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Some Facts of Interest in Connection with the Question of the Existence of Syphilis or Leprosy in Ancient Peru. Charlotte Medical Journal 7:323. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, PERU, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1895 Vorkommen von Aussatz in Präcolumbischer Zeit in America. [The Appearance of Leprosy in Pre-Columbian Times in America.]. [German title with English text]. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 27:305-306. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896 Evidences in Yukatan as to the Possible Connection of Pre-Columbian Syphilis with Asia. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 14:93-99. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, YUCATAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896 Origin of Syphilis in Ancient America. Sei-i-Kwai Medical Journal (Tokyo) 15:83. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, ANCIENT, AMERICA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896 Pre-Columbian Syphilis in Yucatan. [Notes and News]. American Anthropologist 9(3):106-109. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, YUCATAN, [JRNL]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896 Prof. Bandelier's Views on Huacos Pottery Deformations and Pre-Columbian Syphilis. Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases 14:53-62. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DEFORMATION, POTTERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896-1897 Introduction of Leprosy into America by Negroes. Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly 1:150-153. LEPROSY, NEGRO, AMERICA, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1896-1897 Leprosy Overcome by Isolation in the Middle Ages. Janus: Archives Internationales pour l'Histoire de la Médecine et la Géographie Médicale (Amsterdam) 1:558. LEPROSY, ISOLATION, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1897 Pre-Columbian Leprosy. Journal of the American Medical Association 28:703-704. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):570]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1897 The Question of Pre-Columbian Leprosy: Photographs of Three Pre-Columbian Skulls, and Some Huacos Pottery. Mitteilungen und Verhandlungen der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Lepra-Conferenz zu Berlin im October 1897 1(4):71-75. LEPROSY, SKULL, POTTERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1898 Was Leprosy Pre-Columbian in America? (English). Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 30:488-494. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1898-1899 The Question of Pre-Columbian Leprosy: Photographs of Three Pre-Columbian Skulls, and Some Huacos Pottery. [Discussion]. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 2:15,41,77,113 and 3:28,51,100. LEPROSY, SKULL, POTTERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1899 No Evidence in America of Pre-Columbian Leprosy. Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery 5:145-162. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, NO EVIDENCE, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:570 & SORENSON 1990-A-173]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1899 Was Leprosy Pre-Columbian in America? Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery 5:145-162. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1900 The Japanese Disease "Mitari-Kasa-Yamai" (of 806-809 A.D.): Was it Syphilis or Leprosy? St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 79:183-186. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, MITARI-KASA-YAMAI, JAPAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1900 No Relation Between the Leprosy and Syphilis of Japan and Pre-Columbian America. [English title with German text]. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 32:536. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, JAPAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1900 Pre-Columbian Leprosy. Journal of the American Medical Association 34:379. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1900 Pre-Columbian Lupus (Uta) and Its Surgical Treatment by Amputation of Nose and Upper Lip, as Represented on the Huacos Pottery of Peru. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 79:233-247. LUPUS, UTA, SURGICAL TREATMENT, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, POTTERY REPRESENTATION, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):570]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1901 Deformations on American (Incan) Pottery Not Evidence of Pre-Columbian Leprosy. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 80:177-192. LEPROSY, DEFORMATION, POTTERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, INCA, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1901 Survival of a Tradition of Leprosy of Zoroaster's Time. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 81:94. LEPROSY, HISTORY, ZOROASTER'S TIME, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1901 Testimony of the Bones from the Madeleines of the Middle Ages on the Confusion of Leprosy with Syphilis in Pre-Columbian Europe. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 80:65-80. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, EUROPE, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1902 Introduction of Leprosy into America from Spain: That Disease Was Not Pre-Columbian in the Western Hemisphere, but Syphilis Was. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 83:65-82. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1902 The Pre-Columbian Disease Which Was Mistaken for Leprosy by the Old Spanish Priests. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 83:208-210. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1902 Social Treatment of Lepers During the Christian Era. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 83:315-320. LEPROSY, SOCIAL TREATMENT, CHRISTIAN ERA, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1903 Origin of Quaternary Man in the Western Hemisphere. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 85:225,281. MAN, ORIGIN, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1903 Origin of Syphilis: An American Reply to Mr. Bloch, of Germany. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 84:67-74. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1906 The Relationship of Man to Nature (A Study Prompted by Testimonies of the Sepulchres). Medical Fortnightly 29:262,286,358. SEPULCHER, MAN, NATURE, [LSG3-Anthropology]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1907 An Ancient Peruvian Effigy Vase Exhibiting Disease of the Foot. American Anthropologist 9(4):738-740. FOOT, FOOT DISEASE, POTTERY, PERU, [JRNL]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1908 Origin of Syphilis in Pre-Columbian America: Was It Acquired by Man from the Llamas, or Vice Versa? Some Evidence that Ancient Man, in Peru, Did Not Migrate from East Asia. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 12:197,226. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, LLAMA, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909 The Disease "Uta," and the Pathological Deformations on the Anthropomorphous Huacos Potteries of Old Peru. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 13:307-314. UTA, LEISHMANIASIS, NASO-ORAL, DEFORMATION, PATHOLOGICAL, POTTERY, PERU, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909 On the Question Whether Pre-Columbian Syphilis in America Originated by Unnatural Practices with Female Llamas. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 13:453-460. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, LLAMA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909 Pre-Historic Syphilis in America. Medical Fortnightly 36:347-354. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909 The Question of a Relationship Between "Syphilitic" Llamas of the Department of Puno, Peru, and Pre-Columbian Syphilis in Man. American Medicine 4(n.s.):35-37. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, LLAMA, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909 Some Observations on Certain Pathological Questions Concerning the Mutilations Represented on the Anthropomorphous Huacos Pottery of Old Peru. New York Medical Journal: A Monthly Record of Medicine and Collateral Sciences 90:857-861. MUTILATION, PATHOLOGICAL, POTTERY, PERU, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1909-1910 Before Speech Was, or Symbolic Syphilis of Troglodytic, Neolithic Man in the Western Hemisphere as Carved and Moulded on Calchaquin Wooden and Clay Idols, and Recorded in Quechuan Folklore. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 13:504,545 and 14:8,59,127,177,236,286. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SYMBOLIC, TROGLODYTIC, NEOLITHIC, CLAY IDOL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1910 Utosic Syphilis and Some Other Things of Interest to Paleo-American Medicine, as Represented on the Huacos Potteries of Old Peru. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 14:329,391,446,490. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, POTTERY, PERU, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashmead, Albert S. 1910-1911 Are the Anthropomorphous Coast Potteries of the Valley of Chicama, Peru, and Their Pathological Representations Incan Replicas? Did The Chimus Know Syphilis, and Its Serpent Symbolization Before the Incan Conquest of Their Territory? Did Syphilis Originate on the Andean Mountains, or Did it Come with Sea-Farers and Fish Eating? Was Ancient Man in the Western Hemisphere Dwarfed? American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases 14:540,588 and 15:80,142. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MUTILATION, DWARFISM, PATHOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION, POTTERY, PERU, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Ashtor, Eliyahu 1975 An Essay on the Diet of the Various Classes in the Medieval Levant. In: Robert Forster, and Orest Ranum, eds. Biology of Man in History: Selections from the Annales Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations. Translated by Elborg Forster and Patricia M. Ranum. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 125-162. NUTRITION, MEDIEVAL, LEVANT, [BOOK]
Ashworth, Joel Thomas, Jr., Marvin J. Allison, Enrique Gerszten, and Alejandro Pezzia 1976 The Pubic Scars of Gestation and Parturition in a Group of Pre-Columbian and Colonial Peruvian Mummies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 15:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(1):85-89. MUMMIES, PERU, GESTATION, SCAR, PUBIC, [JRNL]
Askanazy, M., and E. Rutishauser 1933 Die Knochen der Basedow-Kranken: Beitrag zur Latenten Osteodystrophia Fibrosa. Virchows Archiv fuer Pathologische Anatomie 291:653-681. OSTEODYSTROPHY FIBROSA, OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA, [ORT 1981]
Ask-Upmark, E. 1960 [A Case of Brain Tumor (Parasagittal Meningioma) in Ancient Egypt.]. [Swedish]. Svenska Lakartidningen 57:2249-2253. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, BRAIN, PARASAGITTAL MENINGIOMA, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [NDX-Paleontology-01-03-01582]
Askenasy, Hans 1994 Cannibalism: From Sacrifice to Survival. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. CANNIBALISM, [MELVYL]
Aslander, A. 1960 Dental Caries, the Bone-Meal Method and the Cariogenic Properties of Sugar. Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid Afrika/Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa 7:540-546. DENTAL CARIES, CARIOGENESIS, SUGAR, [ARME]
Aslanian, R. G. 1968 [Formation of Disease Pockets of Brucellosis.]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 45(6):31-35. BRUCELLOSIS, [MEDL]
Asociación Española de Paleopatología 1991 Asociación Española de Paleopatología, III Reunion Nacional, Logroño, 15-16 June 1990. Logroño: Centro Médico Riojano. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 77:18.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, SPANISH, MEETING, [PPNL 1992-77:18]
Asociación Española de Paleopatología 1992 Actas del I Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología, IV Reunión de la Asociación Española de Paleopatología (Donostia-San Sebastián, 21-23 June 1991): Enfermedad y muerte en el pasado. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:15.]. Munibe 1992(Supplement No. 8):1-278. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, SPANISH, CONGRESS, 1991, [PPNL-1994-85:15]
Aspes, Alssandra, and Leone Fasani 1992 Tentativo di Classificazione delle Asce Piatte della Regione Sudalpina Centrale e Padan. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 378-388. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, ARTIFACT, AXE, HAUSLABJOCH HATCHET, [BOOK]
Aspillaga, E. A., M. M. Castro, and C. G. Ocampo 1990 Paleopathology and Life-Style: The Chonoan and Fuegian Examples. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):190. PATHOLOGY, LIFE-STYLE, CHONOAN, FUEGIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aspillaga, E. A., M. M. Castro, and C. A. Paredes 1992 Early Human Remains from Patagonia: Cerro Sota, Palli Aike and Cañadon Leona. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:45. REMAINS, HUMAN, PATAGONIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aspöck, Horst, and Herbert Auer 1992 Zur Parasitologischen Untersuchung des Mannes vom Hauslabjoch. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 214-217. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, PARASITISM, [BOOK]
Aspöck, Horst, H. Auer, and O. Picher 1995 The Mummy from the Hauslabjoch: A Medical Parasitological Perspective. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:9.]. Alpe Adria Microbiology Journal 4(2):105-114. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, PARASITOLOGY, [PPNL-1996-94:9]
Aspöck, Horst, F. E. Barth, H. Flamm, and O. Picher 1973 Parasitäre Erkrangungen des Verdauungstraktes bei Prähistorischen Bergleuten von Hallstatt und Hallein (Österreich). [Parasitic Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Prehistoric Miners of Hallstatt and Hallein, Austria.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 13:15.]. Mitteilungen der Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien 103:41-47. PARASITISM, MINER, PREHISTORIC, AUSTRIA, [ZIMM & PPNL-1976-13:15-16 & BHM-15:478]
Aspöck, Horst, H. Flamm, and O. Picher 1973 Darmparasiten in Menschlichen Exkrementen aus Prähistorischen Salzbergwerken der Hallstatt-Kultur (800-350 v, Chr.). [Intestinal Parasites in Human Excrements from Prehistoric Salt Mines of the Hallstatt Period--(800-350 B.C.)]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 13:15.]. Zentralblatt fuer Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektions-Krankheiten und Hygiene. Series A; Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Parasitologie 223(4):549-558. PARASITISM, INTESTINAL PARASITE, COPROLITE, SALT-MINE, HALLSTATT PERIOD, [ZIMM & MEDL & PPNL 1976-13:15]
Assaad, M. B. 1980 Female Circumcision in Egypt: Social Implications, Current Research, and Prospects for Change. Studies in Family Planning 11(1):3-16. CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE, EGYPT, [CWHM-1981-108-#0363]
Assalini, Paolo 1806 Observations on the Disease Called the Plague, on the Dysentery, the Ophthalmology of Egypt, and on the Means of Prevention. With Some Remarks on the Yellow Fever of Cadiz, and the Description and Plan of an Hospital.... New York: Printed and Sold by T. & F. Swords, Printers to the Faculty of Physic of Columbia College. PLAGUE, HISTORY, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Astre, G. 1924 Les Hommes Fossiles de Libos. Un Squelette Aurignacien Stratigraphiquement Inclus dans la Terrasse Monastirienne. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 53:53-91. FOSSIL, MAN, AURIGNACIAN, LIBOS, [ARME]
Asturias, Francisco 1958 Historia de la Medicina en Guatemala. Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria. MEDICINE, GUATEMALA, HISTORY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:248]
Atabek, E. 1989 [The Royal Touch for the King's Evil.]. [Turkish with English Abstract]. Tip Tarihi Arastirmalari (Istanbul) 1989(3):41-44. TUBERCULOSIS, SCROFULA, [CWHM-1990-145-#1954]
Ataur-Rahim, M. 1986 Pilgrimage and Cholera Epidemic in Saudi Arabia: A Bibliographic Survey from 1831-1979. Hamdard Medicus 29(1-2):121-125. BIBLIOGRAPHY, CHOLERA, PILGRIMAGE, SAUDI ARABIA 1831-1979, [CWHM-1987-132-#0388]
Ataur-Rahim, M. 1987 Plague in Saudi Arabia: A Bibliographic Survey from 1878-1914. Hamdard Medicus 30(4):83-85. PLAGUE, SAUDI ARABIA 1878-1914, [CWHM-1988-138-#1574]
Aterman, K. 1994 Did Mozart Have Tourette's Syndrome? Some Comments on Mozart's Language. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37(2):247-258. MOZART, TOURETTE'S SYNDROME, [JRNL]
Aterman, Kurt 1965 Why Did Hephaestus Limp? [Special Article]. American Journal of Diseases of Children 109:381-392. TALIPES, FOOT, CLUB, LIMP, HEPHAESTUS, [JRNL]
Atherton, J. D. 1967 Morphology of Facial Bones in Skulls with Unoperated Unilateral Cleft Palate. Cleft Palate Journal 4:18-30. CLEFT PALATE, UNILATERAL, FACIAL BONE MORPHOLOGY, [MEDL]
Atias, A., and P. E. Cattan 1976 Primer Caso Humano de Infección por Diphyllobothrium pacificum en Chile. Revista Médica de Chile 104:216-217. PARASITISM, DIPHYLLOBOTHRIUM PACIFICUM, TAPEWORM, CHILE, [PPNL-1983-41:13]
Atilla, G. 1993 A Rare Find in Anatolia: A Tooth Implant (Mid-Sixth Century B.C.). Journal of Oral Implantology 19(1):54-57. DENTITION, ORAL IMPLANT, ANATOLIA, SIXTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1994-161-#0917]
Atlee, Walter F. 1859 On an Acephalous Child. Proceedings of the Biological Department of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, 1858 (1 March 1858):8. TERATOLOGY, ACEPHALOUS CHILD, [JRNL]
Atlee, Walter F. 1883 Prehistoric Trephining. Medical News (Philadelphia) 42:426. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Atoche Peña, Pablo, and Conrado Rodríguez Martín 1992 Algunas Notas Sobre un Enterramiento en Juan Fernández (Tacoronte, Tenerife). [Some Notes on the Burial Cave of Juan Fernández (Tacoronte, Tenerife.)]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 158. ARCHAEOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Attenborough, Robert D., and Michael P. Alpers, eds. 1992 Human Biology in Papua New Guinea: The Small Cosmos. Research Monographs on Human Population Biology, Number 10. Oxford and New York: Clarendon Press. [See review by Pierre Lemonnier, 1994.]. BIOLOGY, HUMAN BIOLOGY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, [MELVYL]
Attinasi, L. C. 1977 Human Palaeodemography: An Historical and Methodological Perspective. [Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York]. DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORY, METHODOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Attramadal, A., and J. Jonsen 1978 Heavy Trace Elements in Ancient Norwegian Teeth. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 36(2):97-101. DENTITION, TRACE ELEMENT, ANCIENT, NORWAY, [NDX-Paleodontology-19-12-09361]
Aturaliya, Saras, JoAnn E. Wallgren, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1992 Studies in Human Taphonomy: I. An Experimental Animal Model. [Estudios Sobre Tafonomía Humana. Un Modelo Animal Experimental.]. [Abstract] 1Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 179. TAPHONOMY, HUMAN, EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL MODEL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Atwater, Caleb 1820 On Some Ancient Human Bones.... [Letter]. American Journal of Science and Arts 2(2, Article 5):242-244. BONE, ANCIENT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Atwell, Karen A., and Michael D. Conner, eds. 1991 The Kuhlman Mound Group and Late Woodland Mortuary Behavior in the Mississippi River Valley of West-Central Illinois. Kampsville Archeological Center Research Series, Number 9. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology (for Illinois Department of Transportation). MORTUARY BEHAVIOR, WOODLAND, MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, ILLINOIS, [ANTHROPOLNEWSLETTER-1992-33:29]
Audy, J. R. 1968 Red Mites and Typhus. London: Athlone Press. TYPHUS, PARASITISM, RED MITE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:110]
Audy, J. R., and F. L. Dunn 1974 Health and Disease. In: R. Sargent, ed. Human Ecology. New York: North Holland, pp. 325-343. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, HEALTH, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:110]
Auerbach, O., and M. G. Stemmerman 1944 Roentgen Interpretation of Pathology in Pott's Disease. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 52:57-63. TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, RADIOLOGY, [STEINBOCK-1976:188]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1980 Soft Tissue Anatomic Findings in Three Basketmaker Mummies. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 16 April 1980, p. NF4. MUMMIES, BASKETMAKER, ANATOMY, SOFT TISSUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1981 Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures. Edited by T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn. 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 56(3):321-322. REVIEW OF, COCKBURN; AIDAN, AND EVE COCKBURN, 1980, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1981 Skeletal Lead Content as a Predictor of Social Variance in a Colonial American Population. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, p. D2. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, AMERICA, COLONIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1981 Soft Tissue Paleopathology--an Emerging Subspecialty. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 36:14.]. Human Pathology 12(10):865-867. SOFT TISSUE PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1982 Postmortem Contamination of Interred Bones by Lead from Soil. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, pp. 10-11. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, BONE, POST MORTEM SOIL-LEAD CONTAMINATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1983 Alkaptonuria: Work in Progress. Paleopathology Newsletter 43:7-8. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ALKAPTONURIA, VERTEBRA, DIAGNOSIS, BIOCHEMICAL, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1984 Studies in Taphonomy: Report of a Pilot Experimental Mummification Project in Rats. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, pp. 10-11. MUMMIFICATION, TAPHONOMY, RAT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1985 The Enigma of Ancient Cranial Trepanation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 50:10.]. Minnesota Medicine 68(2):119-122. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1987 Dietary Reconstruction. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. The Mummy from Mummy Cave: Preliminary Reports. Paleopathology Newsletter 60:9-10. MUMMIES, MUMMY CAVE, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1987 Session Summary. In: Arthur C. Aufderheide, moderator. Section 4: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 11. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1988 Summing Up. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 12. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1989 Chemical Analysis of Skeletal Remains. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy, eds. Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 237-260. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1990 Report of Field Operations During Dissections of Mummified Human Remains from Chiribaya Alta and Yaral Sites Near Ilo, Peru. Manuscript on file in the Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, and Paleobiology Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Duluth. MUMMIES, PERU, DISSECTION OF MUMMIFIED HUMAN TISSUE, MANUSCRIPT, [AJPA-1996-101:489]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1991 Trace Element Analysis of Archaeological Bone: Wounded but not Moribund. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 10. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1992 Chemical Dietary Reconstruction of North Chile Prehistoric Population by Trace Mineral Analysis. [Reconstrucción Química de la Dieta de la Población Prehistórica del Norte de Chile Mediante el Análisis de los Elementos Traza.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 124. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, TRACE ELEMENT, CHILE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1992 First World Congress on Mummy Studies. [Report]. Paleopathology Newsletter 77:5-6. MUMMIES, FIRST WORLD CONGRESS, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1992 Strontium Patterns in Infancy Can Validate Retention of Biogenic Signal in Human Archaeological Bone. [Los Patrones de Estroncio en la Infancia Pueden Ratificar la Retención de las Señales Biogénicas en los Huesos Arqueológicos Humanos.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 123. MUMMIES, CHILE, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, STRONTIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1992 Summary on Disease Before and After Contact. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 165-166. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, DISEASE SUMMARY BEFORE AND AFTER CONTACT, [BOOK]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1993 Bioanthropological Findings in Sixty-Four Chinchorro Mummies from Arica, Chile. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 28. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO MUMMIES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1993 Commentary. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 9. NEOPLASM, CANCER, TUBERCULOSIS, TREPONEMATOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1993 Innsbruck Mummy Symposium. Paleopathology Newsletter 84:5-6. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1993 Reconstruccíon Química de la Dieta del Hombre de Acha-2. [Chemical Reconstruction of Acha-2 Man's Diet.]. In: Ivan Muñoz, Bernardo T. Arriaza, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Tempranos Asentamientos Humanos en la Zona de Arica, Chile (9,000 A.P.). [Early Human Settlement in the Arica, Chile Zone 9,000 B.P.]. Arica, Chile: University of Tarapaca. In press. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ACHA-2 MAN, ARICA, CHILE, [AJPA-1993-91:220]
Aufderheide, Arthur C. 1995 Second World Congress on Mummy Studies. Paleopathology Newsletter 90:4-5. MUMMIES, MUMMY STUDIES, SECOND WORLD CONGRESS, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Marvin J. Allison 1992 Chemical Dietary Reconstruction of North Chile Prehistoric Populations by Trace Mineral Analysis. Manuscript on file, Department of Pathology, University of Minnesota, Duluth. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NORTHERN CHILE, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:53]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Marvin J. Allison 1994 Bioanthropological Studies of Spontaneously Mummified Bodies of a Late Phase Chinchorro Site (Morro 1-6) in Northern Chile. Manuscript read at the symposium, Bioarchaeology of the Chinchorro People. Anaheim, California: 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 20-24 April 1994. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [AJPA-1995-98:45]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Marvin J. Allison 1995 Chemical Dietary Reconstruction of North Chile Prehistoric Populations. [Reconstrucción Química de la Dieta de la Poblaciones Prehistóricas del Norte de Chile.]. In: Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre Momias, 1992. [Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1992]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife, pp. 451-462. MUMMIES, CHILE, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CHILE, [AJPA-1996-101:489]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Marvin J. Allison, Marc A. Kelley, Mario Rivera, Jeff H. Shipman, and Larry L. Tieszen n.d. The Prehistory of Pneumonia in the Atacama Desert. Duluth, Minnesota: Manuscript on file, Paleopathology Laboratory, University of Minnesota, 1990. PNEUMONIA, ATACAMA DESERT, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:072]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., J. Lawrence Angel, Jennifer Olsen Kelley, Alain C. Outlaw, Merry A. Outlaw, George Rapp, Jr., and Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr. 1985 Lead in Bone III. Prediction of Social Correlates from Skeletal Lead Content in Four Colonial American Populations (Catoctin Furnace, College Landing, Governor's Land, and Irene Mound). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 51:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(4):353-361. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, AMERICA, COLONIAL, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Mary L. Aufderheide 1991 Taphonomy of Spontaneous ("Natural") Mummification with Applications to the Mummies of Venzone, Italy. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 79-86. MUMMIES, ITALY, TAPHONOMY, MUMMIFICATION "NATURAL", [BOOK]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Jane E. Buikstra, L. Cartmell, C. Weems, and A. Springfield 1991 The Prehistory of Andean Coca Leaf Chewing Practices as Reflected in Radioimmunoassay Measurement of Cocaine in Chiribaya Mummy Hair. Manuscript read at the 90th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, 21-22 October 1991. MUMMIES, CHIRIBAYA, HAIR, COCAINE CONTENT OF, [AJPA-1995-98:45]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Mahmoud Y. El-Najjar 1982 Mummies from the United States. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 3. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, UNITED STATES COLLECTION,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., R. Gibson, Marc A. Kelley, Mario Rivera, Jeff H. Shipman, and Marvin J. Allison 1990 The Prehistory of Pneumonia in the Atacama Desert. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 4. PNEUMONIA, PREHISTORIC, ATACAMA DESERT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Elden Johnson, and Odin Langsjoen, with contributions by Gordon Lothson, and Jan Streiff 1994 Health, Demography, and Archaeology of Mille Lacs Native American Mortuary Populations. Plains Anthropologist 39(149, Memoir 28):251-375. HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, MILLE LACS NATIVE AMERICAN MORTUARY POPULATION, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Marc A. Kelley, Mario Rivera, Luz Gray, Larry L. Tieszen, Elysha Iversen, H. Roy Krouse, and Alvaro Carevic 1994 Contributions of Chemical Dietary Reconstruction to the Assessment of Adaptation by Ancient Highland Immigrants (Alto Ramirez) to Coastal Conditions at Pisagua, North Chile. Journal of Archaeological Science 21(4):515-524. MUMMIES, CHILE, ALTO RAMIREZ, COCAINE, BIOANHTROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Marc A. Kelley, Mario Rivera, H. Roy Krouse, Larry L. Tieszen, Luz Gray, Elisha Iversen, and Alvaro Carevic n.d. The Bioanthropological Findings of Twelve Human Mummies from Pisagua, North Chile. Duluth, Minnesota: Manuscript on file, Paleopathology Laboratory, University of Minnesota, 1991. MUMMIES, CHILE, BIOANTHROPOLOGICAL FINDING, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:072]
Aufderheide, Arthur D., and Conrado Rodríguez Martín n.d. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Paleopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In press. PALEOPATHOLOGY, HUMAN, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF, [PERSONAL-COMM-AUFDERHEIDE-A.-C.]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Conrado Rodríguez Martín, Fernando Estévez, and Michael Torbenson 1992 Chemical Dietary Reconstruction of Tenerife's Guanche Diet Using Skeletal Trace Element Content. [Reconstrucción de la Composición Químicade la Dieta Guanche de Tenerife a Partir del Análisis del Contenido de Elementos Traza en los Huesos.]. [Abstract] 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 54. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, TRACE ELEMENT, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Conrado Rodríguez Martín, and Michael Torbenson 1992 Anatomic Findings in Studies of Guanche Mummified Human Remains from Tenerife, Canary Islands. [Descubrimientos Anatómicos a Raíz de Estudios de Restos Humanos de Guanches de Tenerife, Islas Canarias.]. [Abstract] 1Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 62. MUMMIES, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, MUMMIFICATION, AUTOPSY, RADIOCARBON,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Conrado Rodríguez Martín, and M. Torbenson 1995 Anatomic Findings in Studies of Guanche Mummified Human Remains from Tenerife. In: Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre Momias, 1992. [Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1992]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife, pp. 33-40. MUMMIES, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, ANATOMIC FINDINGS, [AJPA-1996-101:489]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., moderator 1987 Section 4: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, 1-2 April 1987, pp. 11-17. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Ivan Muñoz, and Bernardo T. Arriaza 1993 Seven Chinchorro Mummies and the Prehistory of Northern Chile. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:10.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 91(2):189-201. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO MUMMIES, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Fraser D. Neiman, Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., and George Rapp, Jr. 1981 Lead in Bone II: Skeletal-Lead Content as an Indicator of Lifetime Lead Ingestion and the Social Correlates in an Archaeological Population. [See also Arthur C. Aufderheide, F. D. Neiman, Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., and George Rapp, Jr., 1987, Abstract.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981,36:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 55(3):285-291. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, ATOMIC ABSORPTION, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, COLONIAL VIRGINIA, SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Fraser D. Neiman, Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., and George Rapp, Jr. 1987 Lead in Bone II: Skeletal-Lead Content as an Indicator of Lifetime Lead Ingestion and the Social Correlates in an Archaeological Population. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):204. LEAD INGESTION, LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Donald J. Ortner 1991 Synthesis and Conclusions. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 305-308. PALEOPATHOLOGY, CURRENT SYNTHESES, FUTURE OPTIONS, [BOOK]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., George Rapp, Jr., and Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr. 1982 Skeletal Lead Analysis, Dinkha Tepe, Iran. [Manuscript on file, Archaeometry Laboratory and Department of Pathology, University of Minnnesota, Duluth]. LEAD CONTENT ANALYSIS, SKELETAL, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:162]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., George Rapp, Jr., Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., JoAnne E. Wallgren, Roberto Macchiarelli, Gino Fornaciari, Francesco Mallegni, and Robert S. Corruccini 1992 Lead Exposure in Italy: 800 BC-70 AD. International Journal of Anthropology 7(2):9-15. POISONING, LEAD POISONING, ITALY, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:11 & ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1992-30(4):265]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Larry L. Tieszen, Marvin J. Allison, JoAnn E. Wallgren, and George Rapp, Jr. 1988 Chemical Reconstruction of Components in Complex Diets: A Pilot Study. In: B. E. Kennedy, and G. M. LeMoine, eds. Diet and Subsistence: Current Archaeological Perspectives. Calgary, Alberta: Archaeology Association, University of Calgary, pp. 301-306. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:115]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., JoAnn E. Wallgren, and Ronald Caple 1986 NMR Contributions to the Question of Alkaptonuria (Ochronosis) in an Egyptian Mummy. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 25:3. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ALKAPTONURIA, OCHRONOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., and Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr. 1989 Human Bone Lead Content from the First African Baptist Church Cemetery. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):185-186. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., Jerome S. Handler, Robert S. Corruccini, and Beth Brandon 1986 Lead and Barbadian Bellyache. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, p. 12. LEAD POISONING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr., George Rapp, Jr., and JoAnn E. Wallgren 1988 Anthropological Applications of Skeletal Lead Analysis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 65:12.]. [Research Report]. American Anthropologist 90(4):931-936. LEAD ANALYSIS, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Arthur C., Michael R. Zimmerman, and Rose A. Tyson 1984 Soft Tissue Paleopathology. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, conveners. Section 2: Round Table Discussions. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday and Sunday, 14 and 15 April 1984, pp. 8-9. SOFT TISSUE PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Aufderheide, Mary L., and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1989 Guanche Mummies: The Bioanthropology Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 66:7-8. MUMMIES, GUANCHE, BIOANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
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Augusto Avila, E. 1977 El Xul-e. Creencias Populares Sobre la Etiología de la Caries y el Dolor Dental en Grupos Indígenas Kekchíes. Guatemala Indígena 12(1/2):5-51. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL DISEASE, [CWHM-1981-107-#0264]
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Austin, E. S., W .D. Lindgren, and S. L. Dietrich 1972 Spina Bifida and Myelomeningocele. Family Physician 6:105-111. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA, MYELOMENINGOCELE, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
The Australian Centre for Egyptology 1993 The Genetic and Textile Analysis of the Hargarsa Mummies. The Tombs of El-Hagarsa 2:51-66. MUMMIES, EGYPT, GENETICS, TEXTILES, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S54]
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Autry, W. O. 1983 Sociopolitical Dimensions of the Mississippian System in the Cumberland River Valley of Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky: An Analysis of Mortuary Patterns and Skeletal Remains from Mound Bottom, Tennessee. Report on file, F. H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. REMAINS SKELETAL, MOUND BOTTOM, TENNESSEE, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:098]
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Auzias-Turenne 1870 Les Origines de la Syphilis. Recueil de Mémoires de Médecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacie Militaires, Faisant Suite au Journal qui Paraissait sous le Même Titre 24:185-188. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Aveni, Anthony F. 1991 Aztec Medicine, Health, and Nutrition. By Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano. 1990. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers University Press. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 65(4):582-583. REVIEW OF, ORTIZ DE MONTELANO; BERNARD R., 1990, [JRNL]
AVISO 1993 Museums Prepare for NAGPRA [Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act] Deadlines. AVISO 1993(July):2. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
AVISO 1995 Museum Can Apply for NAGPRA Extension. AVISO 1995(October):1-2. REPATRIATION, NAGPRA EXTENSION, [JRNL]
Avi-Yona, M. 1963 The Bath of the Lepers at Scythopolis. Israel Exploration Journal 13:325-326. LEPROSY, BATH OF THE LEPERS, SCYTHOPOLIS, [ZAGREB-1988:199]
Axtell, J., and W. Strutevant 1980 The Unkindest Cut, or Who Invented Scalping? Notes and Documents. William and Mary Quarterly 37(3):451-472. SCALPING, ORIGIN, [DRY BONES:213 & GPALEOBI.BIB]
Axtell, J. 1992 Columbian Encounters: Beyond 1492. William and Mary Quarterly 49:335-360. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:144]
Ayala, Stephen C. 1978 Malaria in Pre-Columbian America? Part B. [See Julian de Zulueta, 1978 for Part A.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 23:14-15. MALARIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Ayarzagüena, M. 1989 Avance de un Estudio sobre lo Trabajos Paleopatológicos Realizados en España en el Siglo XIX. In: Actas del I Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Paleopatología. Logroño, pp. 14-19. PATHOLOGY, NINETEENTH CENTURY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Ayau, Edward Halealoha 1995 Rooted in Native Soil. Federal Archeology 7(3):30-33. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Ayer, A. A. 1960 Appendix I. Report on Human Skeletal Remains Excavated at Piklihal Near Mudgal. In: F. R. Allchin, ed. Piklihal Excavations. Andhra Pradesh Government Archaeological Series 1:143-45. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PIKLIHAL, [AJPA-1994-93:163]
Aykroyd, R. G. 1995 Calculation of Gustafson's 'Error of Estimation.' [Letter]. Journal of Forensic Sciences 40(6):925. DENTITION, GUSTAFSON'S 'ERROR OF ESTIMATION', CALCULATION OF, [JRNL]
Ayrton, Edward R., and W. L. S. Loat 1911 Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. CEMETERY, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0091]
Azia, S. R. 1992 Dentistry During the Golden Age of Islam. Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society 41:159-162. DENTISTRY, ISLAM, [CWHM-1994-162-#0809]
B., E. 1889 Leprosy in Madagascar and the Hawaiian Islands. Illustrated Medical News 4:150-153. LEPROSY, HISTORY, MADAGASCAR, HAWAII, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
B., S. 1979 The Black Rat in Britain. Nature (London) 281(5727):100-101. PLAGUE, BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Baader, G. 1979 Die Pestschriften des Johann Lang(e) aus Wetzler (1412-1430). Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (Stuttgart) 119:718-722. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1980-105-#1279]
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Babin, Richard W., Joel C. Kahane, and Rita E. Freed 1990 Exercise in Paleo-Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Examination of Two Egyptian Mummies. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 99(9, Part 1):742-748. MUMMIES, EGYPT, OTOLARYNGOLOGY, [JRNL]
Baby, R. S. 1954 Hopewell Cremation Practices. Ohio Historical Society Papers in Archaeology 1:1-7. CREMATION, HOPEWELL, [PACT-19:037 & ARME]
Baca, Oswald G. 1995 Analysis of Deaths in New Mexico's Río Abajo During the Late Spanish Colonial and Mexican Periods, 1793-1846. New Mexico Historical Review 70(3):237-255. DEPOPULATION, NEW MEXICO, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Baccetti, T., L. Franchi, J. M. Cecchi, and E. Pacciani 1995 Associated Dental Anomalies in an Etruscan Adolescent. Angle Orthodontist 65(1):75-79. DENTAL ANOMALY, TOOTH ERUPTION, ECTOPIC, ADOLESCENT, ITALY, ETRUSCAN, [CWHM-1995-167-#0702 & NDX-PALEODONTOL-ON-LINE-ENTRY-MONTH-95-07-THRU-96-05]
Bach, A. 1986 Einige Befunde an den Skeletten aus den Körpergräbern des linienbandkeramischen Gräberfeldes Wandersleben, Kr. Gotha. Anthropologie 24:111-114. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GRAVE YARD, PATHOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bach, H. 1962 Krankheitserscheinungen und Verletzungen an spätmittelalterlichen Skeletten aus Jena. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 2:3 4. PATHOLOGY, INJURY, MIDDLE AGES, GERMANY, [WIEN-KW]
Bachechi, L., Pier Francesco Fabbri, and Francesco Mallegni 1997 An Arrow-Caused Lesion in a Late Upper Palaeolothic Human Pelvis. Current Anthropology 38(1):135-140. INNOMINATE, LESION, ARROW-CAUSED, PALEOLITHIC, [JRNL]
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Bada, Jeffrey L. 1975 Amino Acid Racemization Reactions and Their Geochemical Implications. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 62:71-79. DATING, AMINO ACID RACEMIZATION, [ISCAN-1989:257]
Bada, Jeffrey L. 1985 Aspartic Acid Racemization Ages of California Paleoindian Skeletons. American Antiquity 50(3):645-647. DATING, ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, INDIAN, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Bada, Jeffrey L. 1987 Paleoanthropological Applications of Amino Acid Racemization Dating of Fossil Bones and Teeth. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 45(1):1-8. FOSSIL, ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMETRY DATING, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
Bada, Jeffrey L., R. Gillespie, J. A. Gowlett, and Robert E. M. Hedges 1984 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon Ages of Amino Acid Extracts from Californian Palaeoindian Skeletons. Nature (London) 312(5993):442-444. DATING, ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, INDIAN, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Bada, Jeffrey L., and Reiner Protsch 1973 Racemization Reaction of Aspartic Acid and Its Use in Dating Fossil Bones. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 70(5):1331-1334. DATING, AMINO ACID RACEMIZATION, FOSSIL, BONE, [JRNL]
Bada, Jeffrey L., Roy S. Schroeder, and George F. Carter 1974 New Evidence for the Antiquity of Man in North America Deduced from Aspartic Acid Racemization. Science 184(4138):791-793. DATING, AMINO ACID RACEMIZATION, [JRNL]
Badaloni, G. 1895 Sulla Mummificazione dei Cadaveri: Studi Intorno al Terreno del Cimitero del Precetto in Ferentillo. Atti e Rendiconti della Accadèmia Medico-Chirurgica di Perugia 7:3-32. MUMMIES, ITALY, [LSG2-Mummies]
Badam, G. L. 1977 Inamgaon: Human Skeletal Remains. Man & Environment 1:56-58. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INAMGAON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Badawoy, G. R. 1977 ABO Blood Typing of Ancient Material. [Thesis, Canadian Society of Medical Technology, Hamilton, Ontario.] ABO, BLOOD TYPING, ANCIENT MATERIAL, THESIS, [HART 1983:170]
Bader, R. -E. 1986 Sopono, Pocken und Pockengottlult der Yoruba. Part 2. Medizinhistorisches Journal 21(1/2):31-91. SMALLPOX, YORUBA, [CWHM-1987-131-#2006]
Badikoff, P. 1889 Riedkiy Sluchai Mummifikatsii Trupa. [Rare Case of Mummification of a Dead Body.]. Vestnik Obshtshestvennoî Higienî Sudebnoi i Prakticheskoi Meditsiny 3(3rd. Sect.):15-18. MUMMIFICATION, DEAD BODY, RARE CASE, [LSG2-Mummies]
Badone, E., and R. M. Farquhar 1982 Application of Neutron Activation Analysis to the Study of Element Concentration and Exchange in Fossil Bones. Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry 69(1,2):291-311. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT CONCENTRATION AND EXCHANGE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:320]
Badr, M. M. 1963 The History of Urology in Ancient Egypt. Journal of the International College of Surgeons 39:404-413. HISTORY, UROLOGY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-04-02-01451]
Baer, J. G. 1969 Diphyllobothrium pacificum, a Tapeworm from Sea Lions Endemic Along the Coastal Area of Peru. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 26(4):717-723. PARASITISM, DIPHYLLOBOTHRIUM PACIFICUM, TAPEWORM, SEA LION, COASTAL, PERU, [JRNL]
Baer, J. G., C. H. Miranda, R. W. Fernandes, and T. J. Medina 1967 Human Diphyllobothriasis in Peru. Zeitschrift fuer Parasitenkunde 28:277-289. PARASITISM, DIPHYLLOBOTHRIASIS, TAPEWORM, PERU, [JRNL]
Baessler, Arthur 1904 Peruanische Mumien: Untersuchungen mit X-Strahlen. Berlin: Asher & Co. MUMMIES, PERU, RADIOLOGY, [Z-Ethnol-(Berlin)-1905-37:477]
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Baetjer, F. H., and C. A. Waters 1921 Injuries and Diseases of the Bones and Joints. New York: Paul B. Hoeber. ARTICULATION, JOINT, INJURY, DISEASE, [ARME]
Baetsen, S., P. Bitter, and Tj. D. Bruintes 1995 Hip Dislocation and Evidence of Treatment in an 18th Century Female from Alkmaar, the Netherlands. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):74. HIP, DISLOCATION, TREATMENT OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Baetsen, S., P. Bitter, and Tj. D. Bruintes 1995 Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Tibiofemoral Joint in the 18th Century. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):73. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baetsen, S., P. Bitter, and Tj. D. Bruintes 1996 Hip Dislocation and Evidence of Treatment in an 18th Century Female from Alkmaar, the Netherlands. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 3. HIP, DISLOCATION, TREATMENT OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Baetsen, S., P. Bitter, and Tj. D. Bruintes 1996 Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Tibiofemoral Joint in the 18th Century. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, pp. 2-3. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baeumler, Chr., et al. 1876 Handbuch der Syphilis der Invasionskrankheiten und der Zoonosen. 2nd Edition. Leipzig: Verlag von F.C.W. Vogel, pp. 1-712. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [WIEN-KW]
Bäfverstedt, B. 1966 [How Old Are the Venereal Diseases?]. [Swedish]. Lakartidningen 63:4310-4312. VENEREAL DISEASE, HISTORY, [NDX-Venereal Diseases history-08-02-05245]
Bager, P., et al. 1972 A Case of Spondylitis Tuberculosa in the Danish Neolithic Age. Danish Medical Bulletin 19:176-180. TUBERCULOSIS, SPONDYLITIS, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, [ARME]
Baggieri, G., Mirko D. Grmek, and Luigi Capasso 1995 On the Paleopathology Depicted in a Collection of Roman Votive Terracottas. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):75. DEPICTION, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, TERRACOTTA, ROMAN VOTIVE, POSTER, [JRNL]
Baggs, Albert C. 1992 "Brittled" Bones of Early Brits. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 147(1):39-41. BONE, BRITTLE, BRITISH, [JRNL]
Baglioni, S. 1933 Sulla Conservazione degli Organi Viscerali dei Mummie Egiziane. Bollettino e Atti di Reale Accademia Medica di Roma 59:127. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CONSERVATION, ORGAN, VISCERA, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Bagolini, Bernardino, and Annaluisa Pedrotti 1992 Vorgeschichtliche Höhenfunde im Trentino-Südtirol und im Dolomitenraum vom Spätpaläolithikum bis zu den Anfängen der Metallurgie. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 359-377. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, PREHISTORIC ALPINE POPULATION, [BOOK]
Bagramian, R. A., and A. L. Russell 1971 An Epidemiologic Study of Dental Caries in Race and Geographic Area. Journal of Dental Research 50(6):1553-1556. DENTAL CARIES, EPIDEMIOLOGY, RACE, GEOGRAPHIC, [JRNL]
Bahain, J. J., et al. 1993 Attempt at ESR Dating of Tooth Enamel of French Middle Pleistocene Sites. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes [A] 44(1-2):267-272. DENTITION, TOOTH ENAMEL, PLEISTOCENE, ESR DATING, [NDX-Paleodontology-34(05)-01046]
Bahn, Paul G. 1987 Getting Blood from Stone Tools. Nature (London) 330(6143):14. TOOL, STONE, BLOOD, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1988 Triple Czech Burial. Nature (London) 332(6162):302-303. BURIAL, TRIPLE, CZECH, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1989 Burying the Hatchet. Nature (London) 342(6246):123-124. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1989 Early Teething Troubles. Nature (London) 337(6209):693. DENTITION, TEETHING, TOOTHPICK, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1990 Eating People is Wrong. [See also Paola Villa, and Paul G. Bahn, 1991.]. Nature (London) 348(6300):395. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1991 The Face of Mozart. Archaeology (New York) 44(2):38-41. FACE, MOZART, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1992 The Making of a Mummy. Nature (London) 356(6365):109. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1994 Bones from Roman London. Archaeology (New York) 47(6):27. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ROMAN, LONDON, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1994 European Bone Finds. Archaeology (New York) 47(3):16. HOMO ERECTUS, HOMO SAPIENS, ALTAMURA AND ATAPUERCA, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1995 Evidence of Infanticide. Artefact 16:63. INFANTICIDE, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1995 The Iceman's Fingernail. Artefact 18:85-86. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, FINGERNAIL, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1995 Last Days of the Ice Man. [Review]. The Man in the Ice. By Konrad Spindler. 1995. New York: Harmony Books. Archaeology (New York) 48(3):66-70. REVIEW OF, SPINDLER; KONRAD, 1995, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1996 Siberian Mummy Flap. Archaeology (New York) 49(1):33. MUMMIES, SIBERIA, [JRNL]
Bahn, Paul G. 1996 Treasure of the Sierra Atapuerca. Archaeology (New York) 49(1):45-48. REMAINS, HUMAN, SPAIN, ATAPUERCA BURIAL, [JRNL]
Bahou, Wadie F. 1975 The Relationships of Particular Trace Elements to Various Bone Pathologies in the Dickson Mounds Skeletal Population. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst]. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 11:15-17. BONE PATHOLOGY, TRACE ELEMENT, DICKSON MOUNDS, ABSTRACT, THESIS, [JRNL]
Bailey, J. 1980 The Skeletal Remains. In: R. Shoesmith, ed. Excavations at Castle Green. Hereford City Excavations 1. Council for British Archaeology Research Report 36. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CASTLE GREEN, ENGLAND, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:195 & MELVYL]
Bailey, Mark 1996 Demographic Decline in Late Medieval England: Some Thoughts on Recent Research. [T. S. Ashton Prize: Joint Winning Essay]. Economic History Review 49(1):1-19. DEMOGRAPHY, ENGLAND, LATE MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1996-169:#0050]
Bailey, Percival 1961 Anecdotes from the History of Trephining. Journal of the International College of Surgeons 35(5):382-392. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [NDX-Trephining-02-03-02559]
Bailey, Percival 1994 Anecdotes from the History of Trephining. [Classic Article, 1961]. Surgical Neurology 42(1):83-90. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Bailey, S. 1990 A Study of the Oral Pathological Conditions Present in the Medieval Leprosarium of Chichester. [Dissertation, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, England]. DISSERTATION, ORAL PATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL LEPROSARIUM, CHICHESTER, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:06]
Bailey, S. M. 1980 Effects of Total Body Size on Sex Differences in Volume, Muscularity and Fatness. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):202. SEX DIFFERENCE, BODY SIZE, MUSCLE, FAT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bailit, H. L. 1975 Dental Variation Among Populations: An Anthropologic View. Dental Clinics of North America 19:125-139. DENTITION, VARIATION AMONG POPULATIONS, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bailit, H. L., L. A. Thompson, and J. D. Niswander 1968 Dental Eruption and Hypodontia. Journal of Dental Research 47(4):669. DENTITION, HYPODONTIA, DENTAL ERUPTION, [JRNL]
Bailit, Howard, and E. E. Hunt, Jr. 1964 The Sexing of Children's Skeletons from Teeth Alone and Its Genetic Implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22(2):171-173. DENTITION, CHILDREN, SEX ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Baillie, Rebecca A., and E. Eugene Baillie 1982 Biblical Leprosy as Compared to Present-Day Leprosy. Southern Medical Journal 75(7):855-857. LEPROSY, BIBLE, PRESENT-DAY, [JRNL]
Bainbridge, Douglas, and Santiago Genovés Tarazaga 1956 A Study of Sex Differences in the Scapula. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 86(2):109-134. SEX ASSESSMENT, SCAPULA, [JRNL]
Bainbridge, W. S. 1912 Lithopedion. Report of a Case, with a Review of the Literature. American Journal of Obstetrics 65:31-52. LITHOPEDION, CASE REPORT, LITERATURE REVIEW, [J-ROY-SAC-MED-1996-89:18]
Bak, O. 1971 Gravhulerne på φen Unartoq. Tidsskriftet Groenland 18:77-95. BURIAL CAVE, GREENLAND, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:081]
Bakay, Louis 1971 The Treatment of Head Injuries in the Thirty Year's War (1618-1648): Joannis Scultetus and His Age. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. SKULL, INJURY, TREATMENT, [BOOK]
Bakay, Louis 1982 The Ancient Fear of Trephining Through the Cranial Sutures. Orvostörteneti Közlemenyek/Communications de Historia Artis Medicinae 97-99:15-22. TREPHINATION, [CWHM-1987-133-#0455]
Bakay, Louis 1985 An Early History of Craniotomy. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 54:11.]. CRANIOTOMY, HISTORY, [PPNL-1986-54:11]
Baker, A. S. 1990 Two New Species of Lardoglyphus oudemans acari lardoglyphidae Found in the Gut Contents of Human Mummies. Journal of Stored Products Research 26(3):139-148. MUMMIES, GUT CONTENT, LARDOGLYPHUS OUDEMANS ACARI LARDOGLYPHIDAE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Baker, Arthur C. 1943 The Typical Epidemic Series. American Journal of Tropical Medicine 23(5):559-566. EPIDEMIC, SERIES, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1985 Use of Written Documentation in Diagnoses of Pre-Columbian Syphilis. [Abstract]. In: John B. Gregg, moderator. Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985, p. 6. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1986 Nutritional Inference from Bone Collagen in Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, p. 10. NUTRITION, BONE COLLAGEN, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1990 Differential Diagnosis at Abydos, Egypt. Unpublished manuscript on file at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, Egyptian Section, Philadelphia. DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, ABYDOS, EGYPT, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:048]
Baker, Brenda J. 1990 The Distribution and Dissemination of Treponematosis at the Time of Columbus. [Abstract]. In: Frank P. Saul, and Julie Mather Saul, conveners. Section 5: Symposium. Two Years Before Columbus: The Americas in 1490. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, pp. 11-12. TREPONEMATOSIS, DISTRIBUTION, DISSEMINATION, FOURTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1991 Collagen Preservation and Composition in Ancient Nubian Skeletal Remains. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:46-47. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COLLAGEN, PRESERVATION, COMPOSITION, ANCIENT, NUBIA,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1992 Burial Archaeology: Current Research, Methods and Developments. Edited by Charlotte A. Roberts, Frances Lee, and John Bintliff. 1989. BAR British Series 211. Oxford. [Review]. American Journal of Archaeology 96(1):166-167. REVIEW OF, ROBERTS; CHARLOTTE A.; FRANCES LEE; AND JOHN BINTLIFF, 1989, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1992 Collagen Composition in Human Skeletal Remains from the NAX Cemetery (AD 350-550) in Lower Nubia. [Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(6):1988A, University Microfilms order number DA9233028.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:14.]. DISSERTATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, COLLAGEN COMPOSITION, [PPNL-1993-83:14]
Baker, Brenda J. 1994 Infectious Versus Activity-Induced Lesions of the Clavicle. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 14. LESION, CLAVICLE, INFECTIOUS VERSUS ACTIVITY-INDUCED, POSTER, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J. 1994 Pilgrim's Progress and Praying Indians: The Biocultural Consequences of Contact in Southern New England. In: Clark Spencer Larsen, and George R. Milner, eds. In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 35-45. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE, NEW ENGLAND, [MELVYL]
Baker, Brenda J., and George J. Armelagos 1988 The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis. Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation. [See Marshall Joseph Becker, 1988; Don R. Brothwell, 1988; Andrea Drusini, 1988; Marie Striegel Clabeaux Geise (See also Marie Striegel Clabeaux), 1988; Marc A. Kelley, 1988; Iwataro Morimoto, 1988; Alan G. Morris, 1988; George T. Nurse, 1988; Mary Lucas Powell, 1988; Bruce M. Rothschild, 1988; Shelley R. Saunders, 1988; Milan Stloukal, 1988; Rebecca Storey, 1988; David S. Weaver, 1988; Al B. Wesolowsky, 1988; John A. Williams, 1988.]. [See also Eric B. Ross, 1995.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989,65:12.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):703-737. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J., and George J. Armelagos 1988 Reply to comments on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Marshall Joseph Becker, 1988; Don R. Brothwell, 1988; Andrea Drusini, 1988; Marie Striegel Clabeaux Geise (See also Marie Striegel Clabeaux), 1988; Marc A. Kelley, 1988; Iwataro Morimoto, 1988; Alan G. Morris, 1988; George T. Nurse, 1988; Mary Lucas Powell, 1988; Bruce M. Rothschild, 1988; Shelley R. Saunders, 1988; Milan Stloukal, 1988; Rebecca Storey, 1988; David S. Weaver, 1988; Al B. Wesolowsky, 1988; John A. Williams, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):729-732. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J., L. K. Kealhofer, and Janet E. Richards 1989 Death and Disease in Ancient Egypt: The Northern Cemetery at Abydos. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):187. DEATH, DISEASE, EGYPT, ABYDOS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J., and Janet E. Richards 1993 TB or Not TB? Infectious Disease in Human Remains from the Northern Cemetery at Abydos, Egypt. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 33. TUBERCULOSIS, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ABYDOS, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, Brenda J., T. L. Varney, and G. R. Hamell 1996 Artificial Cranial Deformation at a Seventeenth-Century Iroquois Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:63. SKULL, DEFORMATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, IROQUOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, C. 1923 Report of Congenitally Missing Teeth and Supernumerary Teeth. International Journal of Orthodontics 9:617. DENTITION, SUPERNUMERARY, MISSING, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Baker, D. J. P., and C. Osmond 1986 Childhood Respiratory Infection and Adult Chronic Bronchitis in England and Wales. British Medical Journal 293(6557):1271-1275. INFECTION, RESPIRATORY, BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC, ENGLAND, WALES, [JRNL]
Baker, D. J. P., and C. Osmond 1986 Infant Mortality, Childhood Nutrition, and Ischaemic Heart Disease in England and Wales. Lancet (London) 1(8489):1077-1081. DISEASE, HEART DISEASE, MORTALITY, NUTRITION, CHILDHOOD, ENGLAND, WALES, [JRNL]
Baker, Joan E., and Helen Danzeiser Dockall 1996 Two Possible Cases of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis from the Texas State Cemetery [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, pp. 3-4. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, TEXAS STATE CEMETERY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baker, John R. 1994 The Old Woman and Her Gifts: Pharmacological Bases of the Chumash Use of "Datura." [English with German Abstract]. Curare 17(2):253-276. PHARMACOLOGY, DATURA, AMERICA, INDIAN, CHUMASH, [CWHM-1995-167-#0024]
Baker, John R., and Don R. Brothwell 1980 Animal Diseases in Archaeology. London: Academic Press. [See review by N. Xirotiris, 1984.]. DISEASE, ANIMAL DISEASE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOKS-IN-PRINT-1994-1995-5:0318 & HOMO-1984-35:69]
Baker, Paul T., and J. Lawrence Angel 1965 Old Age Changes in Bone Density: Sex, and Race Factors in the United States. Human Biology 37(2):104-121. BONE, BONE DENSITY CHANGE, SEX AND RACE FACTOR, USA, [JRNL]
Baker, Paul T., and Michael Little 1965 Bone Density Changes with Age, Altitude, Sex and Race Factors in Peruvians. Human Biology 27(2):122-136. BONE, BONE DENSITY CHANGE, AGE; SEX; ALTITUDE; RACE FACTOR, PERU, [JRNL]
Baker, Paul T., and William T. Sanders 1972 Demographic Studies in Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 1:151-178. DEMOGRAPHIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Baker, R. R., J. G. Mather, and J. H. Kennaugh 1983 Magnetic Bones in Human Sinuses. Nature (London) 301:78-80. BONE, MAGNETIC BONE, SINUS, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1983-13:092]
Baker, Shane A. 1988 Rattlesnake Ruin and Anasazi Cannibalism. Newsletter of Brigham Young University Anthropology and Archaeology 4(1):unpaged. CANNIBALISM, ANASAZI, [REV-ARCHAEOL-1992-13:12]
Baker, Shane A. 1990 Rattlesnake Ruin (42Sa 18434): A Case of Violent Death and Perimortem Mutilation in the Anasazi Culture of San Juan County, Utah. Provo, Utah: Department of Anthropology, Brigham Young University. CANNIBALISM, MUTILATION, PERIMORTEM, ANASAZI, [REV-ARCHAEOL-1992-13:12]
Baketel, H. S. 1923 The History of Syphilis. Medical Life 30:623-631. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Bakry, H. S. K. 1965 A Brief Study of Mummies and Mummification. Cairo: Al-Takkadum Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:172]
Balabanova, Svetla, W. Boyuan, and M. Kramer 1993 Nachweis von Drogen in Knockenmaterial von Naturlich Mumifizierten Korper aus Alt-China. Vortrag auf dem 24. Treffen der Oberreinischen Rechtsmediziner, Frankfort/M, 21. und 22. Mai. MUMMIES, CHINA, DRUGS IN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1995-1:48]
Balabanova, Svetla, Franz Parsche, G. Bühler, and Wolfgang Pirsig 1993 Was Nicotine Known in Ancient Egypt? [War Nikotin in Alt-Ägypten Bekannt?]. HOMO 44(1):92-94. MUMMIES, EGYPT, NICOTINE, HAIR, SOFT TISSUE, BONE, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, Franz Parsche, and Wolfgang Pirsig 1992 Drugs in Cranial Hair of Pre-Columbian Peruvian Mummies. Baessler Archiv 40(1):87-92. MUMMIES, PERU, HAIR, DRUGS IN, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1992-30(4):240]
Balabanova, Svetla, Franz Parsche, and Wolfgang Pirsig 1992 First Identification of Drugs in Egyptian Mummies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:7.]. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 79(8):358. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DRUG IDENTIFICATION, [NDX-Mummies-33-08-10301]
Balabanova, Svetla, and Wolfgang Pirsig 1992 Drugs in Cranial Hair of Peruvian Mummy. [Drogas en el Cabello de una Momia Peruana.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 126. MUMMIES, PERU, HAIR, DRUGS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, H. Schneider, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and G. Scherer 1995 Detection of Nicotine in Ancient European Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:12.]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(1):43-50. NICOTINE, DETECTION OF, EUROPE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, and Michael Schultz 1994 Investigation of Nicotine Concentrations in Prehistoric Human Skeletons Found in Early Neolithic Populations (Late PPNB) from the Near East (Turkey and Jordan). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S14. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NICOTINE CONCENTRATION, NEOLITHIC, NEAR EAST, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, and Michael Schultz 1994 Investigation of Nicotine Concentrations in Prehistoric Human Skeletons Found in Early Neolithic Populations (Late PPNB) from the Near East (Turkey and Jordan). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 3. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NICOTINE CONCENTRATION, NEOLITHIC, NEAR EAST, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Was Nicotine Used as a Medicinal Agent in Ancient Populations? [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S15. NICOTINE, MEDICAL USE QUESTIONED, POSTER, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Was Nicotine Used as a Medicinal Agent in Ancient Populations? [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 3. NICOTINE, MEDICAL USE QUESTIONED, POSTER, [JRNL]
Balabanova, Svetla, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and Eugen Strouhal 1994 Nachweis von Nicotin im Kopfhaar von Naturlich Mumifizierten Korpern aus dem Christlichen Sayala (Agyptisch-Nubien). [Evidence of Nicotine in Scalp Hair of Naturally Mummified Bodies from the Christian Sayala (Egyptian-Nubian).]. [German]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 52(2):167-173. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HAIR, NICOTINE CONTENT, [NDX-MUMMIES-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994]
Balado, Manuel 1930 La Trepanación. Boletín del Instituto de Clínica Quirúrgica (Buenos Aires) 6:295-311. TREPHINATION, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Balado, Manuel 1930 Reseña Descriptiva y Bibliográfica Sobre la Trepanación Prehistórica y en los Pueblos Salvajes. La Semana Médica (Buenos Aires) 37(2):892-962. BIBLIOGRAPHY, TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, DESCRIPTION, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Balado, Manuel 1930 Reseña Descriptiva y Bibliográfica Sobre la Trepanación Prehistórica y en los Pueblos Salvajes. Archivos Argentinos de Neurología 6:67-77. BIBLIOGRAPHY, TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, DESCRIPTION, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Balaguer, E. 1983 Introducción a la Paleomedicina. In: Actas de las I Jornadas Antropológicas del Valle del Ebro. Logroño, pp. 76-84. MEDICINE, ARCHAIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:52]
Balaguer Perigüell, E., and R. Ballester Añon 1977 Repercusiones de la Epidemia de Peste de Zaragoza de 1652. Asclepio 29:67-72. PLAGUE, ZARAGOZA 1652, [CWHM-1980-105-#1280]
Balas, Panagiotis, E. 1994 Ancient Hellenic Surgery. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 79(6):22-29. SURGERY, HELLENIC, ANCIENT, [CWHM-1994-163-#0753]
Balázs, B. 1963 Zur Beurteilung des Berufes und des Ernährungszustandes auf Grund von Knochenmaterial. Anthropos 15(N.S.7):15 18 HUMAN BONES, PROFESSION, NUTRITIONAL CONDITION, [WIEN-KW]
Balcázar, Juan Manuel 1956 Historia de la Medicina en Bolivia. La Paz: Ediciones Juventud. MEDICINE, BOLIVIA, HISTORY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:249]
Bal'chiunene, I. A. [See also Balciùniené, I.]. 1986 Spetsifika Karioznogo Porazheniia Zubov u Drevnego Naseleniia Litvy. [Specific Features of Carious Dental Lesions in the Ancient Population of Lithuania.]. [Russian]. Stomatologiia (Moskva) 65(5):63-65. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, LITHUANIA, [NDX-Paleodontology-28-12-13831]
Balciùniené, I. [See also Bal'chiunene, I. A.]. 1993 Odontometry of Lithuanian Paleopopulations. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 51(1):31-39. ODONTOMETRY, PALEOPOPULATION, LITHUANIAN, [NDX-Paleodontology-34(07)-11419]
Balciùniené, I. [See also Bal'chiunene, I. A.]. 1993 The Study of Ethnic Odontology Materials from Plinkaigalis. [Lithuanian with English Abstract]. Lietuvos Archeologija 10:209-218. ODONTOLOGY, ETHNIC, LITHUANIA, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):150]
Baldeón, A. 1983 Algunas Reflexiones en Torno al Hallazgo de un Cráneo Trepanado en el Yacimiento de Fuente Hoz (Alava). Kultura (Vitoria-Gasteitz) 4:7-11. TREPHINATION, ALAVA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Baldock, C., S. W. Hughes, D. K. Whittaker, J. Taylor, R. Davis, A. J. Spencer, K. Tonge, and A. Sofat 1994 3-D Reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian Mummy Using X-ray Computer Tomography. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87(12):806-808. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CT SCAN, 3-D RECONSTRUCTION, [JRNL]
Baldwin, Blythe 1992 A Correlation Between Harris Lines, Bone Rarefaction and Porotic Hyperostosis in a Prehistoric and Historic Subadult Population from Paa-ko, New Mexico. [Thesis, University College of London, Institute of Archaeology, London]. [Manuscript on file, Library, San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego, California.]. HARRIS LINES, BONE RAREFACTION, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PAA-KO, NEW MEXICO, THESIS, [BALDWIN-BLYTHE-THESIS]
Baldwin, Martha 1996 James Cook and the Conquest of Scurvy. Contributions in Medical Studies, Number 40. By Francis E. Cuppage. 1994. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 51(2):231-233. REVIEW OF, CUPPAGE; FRANCIS E, 1994, [JRNL]
Balfour, Henry 1901 Memorial Heads in the Pitt-Rivers Museum. MAN 1(Article 51):65-66. SKULL, ANCESTOR HEAD, NEW HEBRIDES ISLANDS, PITT-RIVERS MUSEUM COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Balfour, Robert S. 1977 Teeth of Old Japan. [Letter]. Journal of the American Dental Association 95(6):1064. DENTITION, DENTAL MUTILATION [JRNL]
Balfour, Rosa Napoliello 1993 I Grandi Medici Versus l'Epidemia Interpretazione del Colera alla sua Prima Comparsa in Italia (1835-37). [Italian with English Abstract]. Medicina nei Secoli 5(3):397-403. CHOLERA, ITALY 1835-1837, [CWHM-1994-162-#0257]
Balguy, C. 1734 An Account of the Dead Bodies of a Man and Woman Which Were Preserved 49 Years in the Moors in Derbyshire. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 38(434):413-415. MUMMIES, ENGLAND, NATURAL, [LSG]
Balíl, A. 1953 La Duración Media de la Vida en la Carpitanía Romana. Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas, y Museos 61:287-292. LIFE EXPECTANCY, CARPETANIA, ROMAN, [ARME]
Balíl, A. 1955 La Edad de Vida Media en Navarra en la Epoca Romana. Principe de Viena (Pamplona) 16:368-373. LIFE EXPECTANCY, NAVARRA, ROMAN EPOCH, [ARME]
Baliña, Luis M., and Raul P. Valdez 1994 Reflections on the International Leprosy Congresses and Other Events in Research, Epidemiology, and Elimination of Leprosy. [Editorial]. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 62(3):412-427. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Ball, A. P. 1977 Measles. In: G. Melvyn Howe, ed. A World Geography of Human Diseases. New York: Academic Press, pp. 237-254. MEASLES, GEOGRAPHY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:249]
Ball, Gene V. 1968 Gout and Rheumatism at the Reynolds Historical Library. Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama 38:216-220. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, [ARME]
Ball, Gene V. 1971 Two Epidemics of Gout. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 45(5):401-408. GOUT, EPIDEMIC, [JRNL]
Ball, Gene V., and Leif B. Sorensen 1969 Pathogenesis of Hyperuricemia in Saturnine Gout. New England Journal of Medicine 280(22):1199-1202. GOUT, PATHOGENESIS, [JRNL]
Ball, J. M. 1989 The Body Snatchers: Doctors, Grave Robbers, and the Law. New York: Dorset (Originally published in 1928). GRAVE ROBBING, BODY SNATCHING, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:117]
Ball, Joseph W., and Jack D. Eaton 1972 Marine Resources and the Prehistoric Lowland Maya: A Comment. [See also Frederick W. Lange, 1971.]. American Anthropologist 74(3):772-776. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE RESOURCE, MAYA, [JRNL]
Ballance, Grace, Charlotte A. Roberts, and Jennifer Wakely 1993 Osteoporosis in Past Populations: Applications of Scientific Methods to the Problems of Diagnosis. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 18. OSTEOPOROSIS, DIAGNOSIS, SCIENTIFIC METHOD, POSTER, [JRNL]
Ballantyne, J. W. 1894 The Teratological Records of Chaldea. Teratologia (London) 1:127-142. TERATOLOGY, CHALDEA, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Ballesteros Rodriguez, Juan 1982 La Peste en Cordoba. Estudios Cordobeses 24. Cordoba: Excma Diputacion Provincial de Cordoba, Servicio de Publicaciones. PLAGUE, HISTORY, CORDOBA, [MELVYL]
Ballinger, W. F., J. C. Treybal, and A. B. Vose 1972 Alexander's Care of the Patient in Surgery, 5th Edition. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co. SURGERY, PATIENT CARE, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Ballinger, William E., Jr. 1988 Paleoneuropathology. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 33:6-9. PALEONEUROPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Balogh, J., and L. Magyar 1985 Successful Trephining in 1803 in Pest. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 126:1238-1240,1243. TREPHINATION, HUNGARY 1803, [CWHM-1986-127-#2291]
Balout, L. 1978 La Momie de Ramsès II au Musée de l'Homme. Courrier du C N R S 28:38-42. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESSES II, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Balslev Jφrgensen, J. 1953 The Eskimo Skeleton. Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of the Aboriginal Greenlanders. Meddelelser om Groenland 146:no. 2 REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREENLAND, ESKIMO, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Balslev Jφrgensen, J. 1989 Anthropology of the Qilakitsoq Eskimos. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 56-57.


Balslev Jφrgensen, J., and M. Vesely 1974 Anthropological Investigations of Late Heathen Graves in Upernavik District. Meddelelser om Groenland 202(1) 2:1-36. GRAVE, GREENLAND, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:057]
Balter, Michael 1995 Masters and Slaves in an Iron Age Cave? Science 268(5214):1132-1133. BURIAL, MASTERS AND SLAVES, IRON AGE, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Baltes, W. 1972 Untersuchungen an bronzezeitlichen Schädeln und Gebissen in Oberösterreich. [Inaugural-Dissertation, Bonn]. DENTAL CARIES, BRONZE AGE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Balthazard, and Lebrun 1911 Les Canaux de Havers de l'Os Humain aux Différents Ages. Annales d'Hygiène Publique et de Médecine Légale No. 114. HISTOLOGY, HAVERSIAN CANAL, [ARME]
Bamforth, Douglas B. 1994 Indigenous People, Indigenous Violence: Precontact Warfare on the North American Great Plains. MAN 29(1):95-115. WARFARE, VIOLENCE, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bancroft, T. L. 1897 Note on Mutilations Practised by Australian Aborigines. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 31:25-28. GENITAL MUTILATION, RITUAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [LSG2-Genitals, operations on, ceremonial]
Bandelier, Adolph F. 1904 Aboriginal Trephining in Bolivia. American Anthropologist 6(3):440-446. TREPHINATION, BOLIVIA, [JRNL]
Bandelier, Adolph F. 1906 Über Trepanieren unter den Heutigen Indianern Bolivias. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Americanists (Stuttgart, 1904) 1:81-89. TREPHINATION, BOLIVIA, [JRNL]
Bander, M. S., ed. 1970 Dr. Warren's Postmortem. Massachusetts General Hospital News 29(10):2-3, 8. POST MORTEM, WARREN; DR., [ZIMM & PPNL 1973-3:14]
Bandi, H. -G., ed. 1987 Prähistorische Eskimogräber an der Dovelavik Bay und bei Kitnepaluk im Westen der St. Lorenz Insel, Alaska. Bern/Stuttgart: Verlag Paul Haupt. [See review by A. Stolz, 1994.]. BURIAL, ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [HOMO-1994-44:292]
Banerjee, Arpan K. 1990 The Death of Mozart. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 83(6):414. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, HEMATOMA, EPIDURAL, MOZART, LETTER, [JRNL]
Banerjee, D. N. 1941 Studies in Palaeopathology. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 10:263-267. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:186 & ARME]
Bang, G. 1964 A Comparison Between the Incidence of Dental Caries in Typical Coast Populations and Inland Populations with Particular Regard to the Possible Effect of a High Intake of Salt Water Fish. Odontologisk Tidskrift/Scandinavian Dental Journal 72:12-43. DENTAL CARIES, SALT WATER FISH, [METRESS-1974:017]
Bang, G. 1993 The Age of a Stone Age Human Skeleton Determined by Means of Root Dentin Transparency. Norwegian Archaeological Review 26:55-57. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, ROOT DENTIN TRANSPARENCY, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:425]
Bang, G., and E. Ramm 1970 Determination of Age in Humans from Root Dentin Transparency. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 28:3-35. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, ROOT DENTIN TRANSPARENCY, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:425]
Bang, G., et al. 1972 Dental Caries and Diet in an Alaskan Eskimo Population. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 80:440-444. DENTAL CARIES, DIET, NUTRITION, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [ARME-TOLEDO-RESEARCH-1974:124]
Bankart, A. S. Blundell, and M. C. Cantab 1993 The Classic: Recurrent or Habitual Dislocation of the Shoulder-Joint. [1923 Classic Article]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 291:3-6. ARTICULATION, DISLOCATION, SHOULDER, [JRNL]
Bankl, H., and H. Jesserer 1987 Die Krankheiten Ludwig van Beethovens--Pathographie seines Lebens und Pathologie seiner Leiden. [Ludwig van Beethoven's Diseases.]. Wien-München-Bern: Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich, pp. 1-147. DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, BEETHOVEN; LUDWIG, [WIEN-KW]
Banks, A., and T. P. Hilditch 1933 A Note on the Composition of Some Fatty Materials Found in Ancient Egyptian Tombs. Analyst 1933:265-269. TOMB, EGYPT, FATTY MATERIAL, COMPOSITION OF, [CIBA-SYMPOS-1944-6(2):1812]
Banks, A. L. 1959 The Study of the Geography of Disease. Geographical Journal 125:199-216. DISEASE, GEOGRAPHY OF, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Banks, W. S. 1992 Precious Bones and Ancestral Spirits. Ground Truth 1(3):18. REPATRIATION, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032]
Banta, J. V. 1996 The Orthopaedic History of Spinal Dysraphism. I: The Early History. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 38(9):848-854. SPINE, SPINAL DYSRAPHISM, HISTORY, SCULPTURE, MEDICINE IN ART, [NDX-DNA-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-01-27-97]
Banton, Huston J. 1931 Notes from My Native Practice. Military Surgeon 68(1):24-28. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [JRNL]
Banyai, Andrew L. 1969 Midgets, Dwarfs and Their Fickle Lot. [Letter]. Diseases of the Chest 56(5):404. DWARFISM, HISTORY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Banzer, D., Bernd Herrmann, R. D. Meyer, M. Precht, and Holger Schutkowski 1992 Evidence of Intentional Mummification in a Pre-Columbian Peruvian Mummy. [Evidencias de Momificación Intencional en una Momia Peruana Precolombina.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 180. MUMMIES, PERU, MUMMIFICATION, INTENTIONAL, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Banzer, D., et al. 1992 Nachweis Intentionaler Humifikation bei Präkolumbischen Peruanischen Mumien. Baessler Archiv 40(1):93-100. MUMMIES, PERU, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1992-30(4):240]
Baquedano, Elizabeth, ed. n.d. Symbolism of Trophy Heads and Decapitation in the Americas. Oxford: Oxbow Books. In preparation. SKULL, TROPHY HEAD, AMERICA, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:226]
Bar-Yosef, Ofer 1966 Archaeological Finds & Fossil Faunas. Israel Journal of Zoology 15:104. FOSSIL, FAUNA, [ARME]
Bar-Yosef, Ofer 1988 Evidence for Middle Palaeolithic Symbolic Behaviour: A Cautionary Note. In: L'Homme de Néandertal, Volume 5, La Pensée. Liège: ERAUL, pp. 11-16. CANNIBALISM, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1991-32:135]
Bar-Yosef, Ofer, and N. Goren 1973 Natufian Remains from Hayonim Cave. Paleorient 1:49-68. REMAINS, NATUFIAN, HAYONIM CAVE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:131]
Bar-Yosef, Ofer, B. Vandermeersch, Baruch Arensburg, A. Belfer-Cohen, P. Goldberg, H. Laville, L. Meignen, Yoel Rak, J. D. Speth, E. Tchernov, Anne-Marie Tillier, and Stephen Weiner 1992 The Human Remains. In: The Excavations in Kebara Cave, Mt. Carmel. Current Anthropology 33(5):526-530. REMAINS, HUMAN, KEBARA CAVE, MT. CARMEL, [JRNL]
Bar-Ziv, Jacob, and Gil M. Goldberg 1974 Simple Siliceous Pneumoconiosis in Negev Bedouins. [Scientific Communication]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 11:18.]. Archives of Environmental Health 29(3):121-126. PNEUMOCONIOSIS, SILICEOUS, NEGEV, BEDOUIN, [JRNL]
Barab, B. 1932 A Case of Four Lower Left Bicuspids. Dental Cosmos 74:112-116. DENTITION, BICUSPID, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Baraibar de Cardoqui, E. 1982 La Medicina en Los Primeros Tiempos. Minutos Menarini 123:19-23. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Baraybar, José Pablo 1987 Cabezas Trofeo Nasca: Nuevas Evidencías. Gaceta Arqueológica Andina 15:6-10. SKULL, TROPHY SKULL, NASCA, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:221 & SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:383]
Baraybar, José Pablo 1989 An Example of Prehistoric Scalping in the Central Andes. [Manuscript]. SCALPING, ANDEAN, PREHISTORIC, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1990-1:148]
Baraybar, José Pablo n.d. Late Paracas and Early Nasca Trophy-Heads: The Evidence for Human Sacrifice. In: Elizabeth Baquedano, ed. Symbolism of Trophy Heads and Decapitation in the Americas. Oxford: Oxbow Books. In preparation. SKULL, TROPHY HEAD, SACRIFICE, HUMAN, NASCA, PARACAS, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:221]
Baraybar, José Pablo, Concepción De La Rua, and Lydia Zapata 1994 Reconstruction of Cantabrian Chacolithic Human Diet with Trace Elements of Bone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:53. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, TRACE ELEMENT, BONE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baraybar, José Pablo, and I. Shimada 1993 A Possible Case of Metastatic Carcinoma in a Middle Sican Burial from Batan Grande, Peru. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:10.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(2):129-135. NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, METASTATIC, PERU, [PPNL-1993-83:10]
Barbalucca, G. 1990 Colombo Cercava l'Oro e Trovò la Sifilide. Lanternino 13(1):5-6. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1990-145-#2049]
Barbaud, J. 1988 Les Anciens Calendriers Diététiques. Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (Paris) 35:328-342. NUTRITION, [CWHM-1989-142-#0520]
Barber, C. G. 1929 Immediate and Eventual Features of Healing in Amputated Bone. Annals of Surgery 90:985-992. BONE, AMPUTATED, HEALING, [STEINBOCK-1976:055]
Barber, C. G. 1930 The Detailed Changes Characteristic of Healing Bone in Amputation Stumps. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 12(2):353-359. BONE, HEALING, AMPUTATION, STUMP, [JRNL]
Barber, C. G. 1934 Ultimate Anatomical Modifications in Amputation Stumps. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 16:394-400. AMPUTATION, STUMP, MODIFICATION, [QCIM-1934-15-0163]
Barber, Geraldine 1994 Arachnoid Granulations and Age: A Possible Correlation? [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S16. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine 1994 Arachnoid Granulations and Age: A Possible Correlation? [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 3-4. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine 1995 Arachnoid Granulations and Age in an American Population. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):76. SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION, TERRY COLLECTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine 1996 Arachnoid Granulations and Age in an American Population. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 3. SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION, TERRY COLLECTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine 1996 A Comparison of Radiological and Palaeopathological Diagnostic Criteria for Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna (HFI). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:64. SKULL, HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine, Lee Shepstone, and Juliet Rogers 1995 Arachnoid Granulation Counts as an Ageing Technique Applied to an Archaeological Sample of Known Age at Death. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 4. AGE ASSESSMENT, PARIETAL BONE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION COUNT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, Geraldine, Lee Shepstone, and Juliet Rogers 1995 A Methodology for Estimation Age at Death Using Arachnoid Granulation Counts. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:61. AGE ASSESSMENT, PARIETAL BONE, ARACHNOID GRANULATION COUNT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barber, I. 1992 Archaeology, Ethnography, and the Record of Maori Cannibalism Before 1815: A Critical Review. Journal of the Polynesian Society 101(3):241-292. CANNIBALISM, MAORI, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:16]
Barber, Keith 1986 Peat Macrofossil Analyses as Indicators of the Bog Palaeoenvironment and Climatic Change. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 86-89. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, MACROFOSSIL ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Barber, Russell J., and K. Morgan 1990 Analysis of Skeletal Remains in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Paper on file Casa de la Cultura, Todos Santos, Mexico. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TODOS SANTOS, MEXICO, [PCAS-QUART-1995-31:53]
Barberá, F. 1907 Nota Relativa al Esqueleto Humano de la Colección Paleontológica Botet en Valencia. Siglo Médico 54:677-681. PALEOPATHOLOGY, VALENCIA, [LSG2-Skeletal remains]
Barbetti, M., and H. Allen 1972 Prehistoric Man at Lake Mungo, Australia, by 32,000 Years B.P. Nature (London) 240(5375):46-48. PREHISTORIC MAN, LAKE MUNGO, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Barbezieux, G. 1914 Contribution à l'Etude de l'Histoire de la Lèpre dans la Plus Haute Antiquité. Janus (Leiden) 19:132-149. LEPROSY, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Barbian, L. T., and Ann L. Magennis 1993 Mortuary Practices of a Late Archaic Population from Coastal Maine. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:52. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ARCHAIC, MAINE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barbillion 1924 Un Ancien Syphiligraphie: Astruc (1684-1766). Paris Médical: La Semaine du Clinicien 52(Annexe):196-198. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Barbosa Sueiro, M. B. 1934 La Trépanation Crânienne chez l'Homme Néolithique des Stations Portugaises. Com Serv Geol de Portugal 19:41-51. TREPHINATION, PORTUGAL, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Barbour, E. H., and H. B. Ward 1906 Discovery of an Early Type of Man in Nebraska. Science 24(n.s.):628. PREHISTORIC MAN, NEBRASKA, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Barbujani, G., A. Russo, A. Farabegoli, and E. Calzolari 1989 Inferences on the Inheritance of Congenital Anomalies from Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Occurrence. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:10.]. Genetic Epidemiology 6:73-88. ANOMALY, CONGENITAL, [PPNL-1990-70:10]
Barclay, Gordon J., and Alan D. Fairweather 1984 Rye and Ergot in the Scottish Later Bronze Age. Antiquity 58(223):126. ERGOT, RYE, BRONZE AGE, SCOTLAND, [JRNL]
Barclay-Smith, E. 1902 Two Rare Vertebral Anomalies. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 36:372-374. SPINE, ANOMALY, RARE, [ARME]
Barclay-Smith, E. 1911 Multiple Anomaly in a Vertebral Column. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (London) 45:144-171. SPINE, VERTEBRAL ANOMALY, [ARME]
Bard, Cephas L. 1930 Medicine and Surgery Among the First Californians. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:15.]. Touring Topics (Superseded in 1933 by Westways) 22:20-30. MEDICINE, SURGERY, CALIFORNIA, HISTORY, [ZIMM & PPNL 1975-12:15]
Bardack, David, and Rainer Zangerl 1968 First Fossil Lamprey: A Record from the Pennsylvania of Illinois. Science 162(3859):1265-1267. FOSSIL, LAMPREY, [JRNL]
Bardano, V. T. 1969 Cleft Palate in Montana: A Ten Year Report. Cleft Palate Journal 6:213-220. CLEFT PALATE, MONTANA, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Bardinet, Thierry 1988 Remarques sur les Maladies de la Peau, la Lèpre et le Châtiment Divin dans l'Egypte Ancienne. Revue d'Egyptologie 39:3-36. SKIN DISEASE, LEPROSY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1989-142-#1027]
Bardinet, Thierry 1989 Le Traitement de la Douleur et las Maladies Dentaires dans l'Egypte Ancienne. Information Dentaire (Paris) 71:2873,2875,2877, passim. DENTAL DISEASE, TREATMENT, EGYPT, [CWHM-1991-149-#2544]
Bardinet, Thierry 1995 Les Papyrus Médicaux de l'Egypte Pharaonique. Penser la Médecine. Paris: Fayard. [See reviews by, J. F. Nunn, 1996; Hans Goedicke, 1996.]. MEDICAL HISTORY, MEDICAL PAPYRUS, [MED-HIST-1996-40:251]
Bardis, O. 1967 Circumcision in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(1):22-23. CIRCUMCISION, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bardis, P. 1967 Contraception in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(2):1-3. CONTRACEPTION, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bardis, P. 1967 Incest in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(2):14-20. INCEST, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bare, N. H. 1930 Notes on the Diseases of the Sino-Tibetan Border. Chinese Medical Journal 44:1157-1167. DISEASE, SINO-TIBETAN BORDER, NOTES ON, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barefoot, S. 1978 A 19th Century View of the Great Plague. Pratique (London) 4(1):36-38. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1978-099-#1317]
Barfield, Lawrence 1994 The Iceman Reviewed. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14.]. Antiquity 68(258):10-26. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [JRNL]
Barfield, Lawrence, E. Koller, and A. Lippert 1992 Der Zeuge aus dem Gletscher: Das Rätsel der frühen Alpen-Europäer. Vienna: Carl Ueberreuter. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [ANTIQUITY-1994-68:26]
Bargmann, W. 1964 Histologie und mikroskopische Anatomie des Menschen. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag. ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, MICROSCOPY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barkai, Ron 1989 A Medieval Hebrew Treatise on Obstetrics. Medical History 33:96-119. OBSTETRICS, MEDIEVAL, HEBREW, [JRNL]
Barker, B. C. W. 1973 An Additional Aid to Sexing Aboriginal Skulls by Measuring Mandibular Molars at the Cemento-Enamel Junction. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 8:125-133. SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:410]
Barker, B. C. W. 1975 Periodontal Diseases and Tooth Dislocation in Aboriginal Remains from Lake Nitchie (N. S. W.), West Point (Tasmania) and Limestone Creek (Victoria). Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 10:185-217. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, TOOTH DISLOCATION, TASMANIA, [CWHM-1976-090-#1078]
Barker, B. C. W. 1975 Relation of the Alveolus to the Cemento-Enamel Junction Following Attritional Wear in Aboriginal Skulls: An Inquiry into Normality of Cementum Exposure with Aging. Journal of Periodontology 46(6):357-363. DENTAL ATTRITION, ABORIGINAL, [JRNL]
Barker, B. C. W. 1976 Taurodontism: The Incidence and Possible Significance of the Trait. Australian Dental Journal 21:272-276. TAURODONTISM, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barkley, Marylynn S. 1978 Vertebral Arch Defects in Ancient Egyptian Populations. Journal of Human Evolution 7(7):553-557. VERTEBRAL ARCH DEFECT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Barlachino, M. 1577 Raggionamento sopra la Peste del Anno 1576. [Discussions of the Plague of 1576.]. Firenza. PLAGUE, HISTORY, 1576, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Barley, N. 1972 Anglo-Saxon Magico-Medicine. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 3(2):67-76. MEDICAL HISTORY, ANGLO-SAXON MEDICINE, [CWHM-1972-075-#0032]
Barley, Nigel 1981 The Dowayo Dance of Death. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 149-159. BURIAL, SECONDARY BURIAL, [BOOK]
Barlow, T. 1879 Specimens of Disease of Skull in Congenital Syphilis. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London 30:333-339,350-353. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, SKULL, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Barlow, T. 1883 On Cases Described as 'Acute Rickets' Which Are Probably a Combination of Scurvy and Rickets, the Scurvy Being an Essential, and the Rickets a Variable, Element. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions 66:159-184. SCURVY, RICKETS, [STEINBOCK-1976:274]
Barlow, T. 1895 Der infantile Skorbut und seine Beziehungen zur Rachitis. Zentralblatt Innere Medizin/Internal Medicine 16:505-529. RICKETS, SCURVY, INFANTILE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barlow, T. E. 1942 Os Cuneiforme 1 Bipartitum. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):95-111. FOOT, CUNEIFORM I, BIPARTITE [JRNL]
Barmes, D. E. 1968 Epidemiology in Papua-New Guinea. Part I. Dental Caries. Australian Dental Journal 13:302-312. DENTAL CARIES, PAPUA-NEW GUINEA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:152]
Barmes, D. E. 1969 Caries Etiology in Sepik Villages--Trace Element, Micronutrient and Macronutrient Content of Soil and Food. Caries Research 3:44-59. DENTAL CARIES, ETIOLOGY, [HANSON-NPT-1:046]
Barnard, M. M. 1935 The Secular Variations of Skull Characters in Four Series of Egyptian Skulls. Annals of Eugenics 6:352-371. SKULL, VARIATION, EGYPT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:255]
Barnes, Dennis J. 1996 Beethoven's Final Illness. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 347(9003):766. MEDICAL HISTORY, BEETHOVEN, FINAL ILLNESS OF, LETTER, [CWHM-1996-169:#0720]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1988 Inhumations Recovered from Casa Buena: Skeletal Analysis. In: J. B. Howard, ed. Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway. Volume 2. Soil Systems in Archaeology, Number 11. Phoenix, pp. 619-691. REMAINS, HUMAN, CASA BUENA, SQUAW PEAK, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, [BARNES-1994:335]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1991 Development Defects of the Axial Skeleton in Paleopathology, with Focus on a Southwest Prehistoric Anasazi Population: Puye, New Mexico. [Dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(4):1412A, University Microfilms order number DA9124784.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:19.]. DISSERTATION, DEVELOPMENTAL DEFECT, AXIAL SKELETON, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANASAZI,NEW MEXICO, [PPNL-1992-79:19]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1993 Spina Bifida Occulta or Cleft Neural Arch? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:52-53. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, CLEFT NEURAL ARCH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Developmental Defects of the Axial Skeleton in Paleopathology. Niwot, Colorado: University Press of Colorado. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, SKELETON, AXIAL, [BOOK]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Polydactyly in the Anasazi of Southwestern USA. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 10. POLYDACTYLY, AMERICA, INDIAN, ANASAZI, SOUTHWESTERN USA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Polydactyly in the Southwest. Kiva 59(4):419-431. POLYDACTYLY, SOUTHWEST, USA, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1996 Diseases and Disorders in a 13th Century Frankish Cemetery from Corinth, Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:65. DISEASE, DISORDER, CEMETERY, FRANKISH, THIRTEEN CENTURY, CORINTH, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1996 Medieval Behavior Related Pathology from Frankish Corinth, Greece. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 13. BEHAVIORAL RECONSTRUCTION, COMBAT, BLACKSMITHING HORSEBACK RIDING, DAILY CHORES, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J., and Kenneth Ashworth 1992 Bioarchaeology of Some Plains Woodland Burials from Waurika Lake, Southwest Oklahoma. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. Plains Anthropologist 37(140):233-246. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, BIOARCHAEOLOGY, WAURIKA LAKE SITE, OKLAHOMA, [JRNL]
Barnes, H. 1973 A Dental Examination of the Inhabitants of Tristan da Cunha. British Dental Journal 63:86. DENTITION, TRISTAN DA CUNHA, [METRESS-1974:023]
Barnes, J., and Jerome C. Rose 1989 Dental Morphological Variants and Kinship Among the Prehistoric Caddo. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):188. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, KINSHIP, CADDO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, J. W. B., ed. 1956 Five Ramesseum Papyri. Oxford: The University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:074]
Barnes, K. 1988 An Evolutionary Perspective on Malaria and Pregnancy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):184. MALARIA, PREGNANCY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barneston, J. 1950 Osseous Changes in Neural Leprosy: Radiological Findings. Acta Radiologica (Stockholm) 34:47-56. LEPROSY, NEURAL, OSSEOUS CHANGE, RADIOLOGY, [CRAN & STEINBOCK-1976:209]
Barnett, B. 1980 Painkillers in the Ancient World. [And subsequent correspondence]. Times, 10 October:15; 15 October; 17 October:13; 23 October:17. ANESTHESIA, [CWHM-1981-108-#0050]
Barnett, C. H. 1954 Squatting Facets on the European Talus. Journal of Anatomy 88:509-513. TALUS, SQUATTING FACET, EUROPE, [PALEOBIOS-(LYON)-1994-10:25]
Barnhart, Marion, Morris Goodman, and Jeheskel Shoshani 1980 Update on the Magadan Mammoth's Tissue Vestiges: Skeletal Muscle Identification. Paleopathology Newsletter 29:9-10. MAMMOTH, SKELETAL MUSCLE IDENTIFICATION, MAGADAN, RUSSIA, [JRNL]
Barnicot, N. A. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):216-217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Baron, Heike 1994 PCR-Gestützter Nachweis von Tuberkuloseerregern an Skelettmaterial. Diplomatarbeit Göttingen. DNA, TUBERCULOSIS, [PPNL-1995-91:8]
Baron, Heike, and S. Hummel 1994 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bone by PCR Techniques. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. DNA, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX DNA, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baron, H., and S. Hummel 1994 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bones by PCR Techniques. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S17. DNA, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX DNA, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baron, Heike, Susanne Hummel, and Bernd Herrmann 1996 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bones. Journal of Archaeological Science 23(5):667-671. DNA, ANCIENT, PCR, BONE, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
Baron, J. H. 1982 James Lind Would Not Have Approved. Lancet (London) 1(8284):1313. SCURVY, FRUIT JUICE, LIND; JAMES, [JRNL]
Baron, R. 1990 Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Bone. In: M. J. Favus, ed. Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kelleysville, California: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, pp. 3-7. BONE, ANATOMY, ULTRASTRUCTURE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]
Barondess, D. A. 1992 Biomechanical and Density Changes in Archaeologically-Derived Femora and Humeri from Michigan and Western New York State. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:46. FEMORA, HUMERI, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, BIOMECHANICAL AND DENSITY CHANGE, MICHIGAN, NEW YORK STATE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barr, J. 1949 Some Characteristics of Caries on the Proximal Surfaces of Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 28:446-482. DENTAL CARIES, SURFACE, PROXIMAL, [ARME]
Barraco, Robin A. 1973 Protein in Mummy Tissues. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:5-6. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1974 Extraction and Analysis of Proteinogenous Material from Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, p. 4. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
Barraco, Robin A. 1974 Extraction and Analysis of Proteinogenous Material from Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):469. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1975 Amino Acid Dating. Paleopathology Newsletter 9:8-9. AMINO ACID, DATING, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1975 Preservation of Proteins in Mummified Tissue. Paleopathology Newsletter 11:8-10. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN PRESERVATION, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1977 Autopsy of an Egyptian Mummy. 8. Analysis of Protein Extract. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 20:7.]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 117(5):474. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, PROTEIN EXTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1978 Preservation of Proteins in Mummified Tissues. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 23:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(4):487-491. MUMMIES, PROTEIN PRESERVATION, TISSUE, MUMMY, NATRON, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1980 Paleobiochemistry. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 312-326. MUMMIES, BIOCHEMISTRY, [BOOK]
Barraco, Robin A., Theodore A. Reyman, and T. Aidan Cockburn 1977 Paleobiochemical Analysis of an Egyptian Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:13; 1978, 24:19.]. Journal of Human Evolution 6(6):533-546. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Barral, C. 1956 People of the Grotto Bianchi. Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 3. GROTTO BIANCHI, [ARME]
Barras de Aragón, F. 1933 Notas sobre Restos Humanos Prehistóricos, Protohistóricos y Antiguos de España. Restos Humanos de la Estación Prehistórica de Alcolea (Córdoba). Actas y Memorias de la Sociedad Española de Antropología, Etnografía Prehistoria 12:200-205. TREPHINATION, CORDOBA, SPAIN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Barras de Aragón, F. 1942 Notas sobre Restos Humanos Prehistóricos, Protohistóricos y Antiguos de España. Restos Humanos de la Cueva de la Mora. Actas y Memorias de la Sociedad Española de Antropología, Etnografía Prehistoria 17:53-60. TREPHINATION, CORDOBA, SPAIN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Barras de Aragón, Francisco de las 1909 Sobre dos Momias Procendentes de Quillagua. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 13:333-336. MUMMIES, CHILE, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):575]
Barrett, Frank A. 1991 "Scurvy" Lind's Medical Geography. Social Science and Medicine 33(4):347-353. SCURVY, [CWHM-1992-153-#1130]
Barrett, M. J. 1958 Dental Observations on Australian Aborigines: Continuously Changing Functional Occlusion. Australian Dental Journal 3:39-52. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [NXDL-1958:025]
Barrett, M. J. 1958 Dental Observations on Australian Aborigines. Australian Dental Journal 3:78-91. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:128]
Barrett, M. J. 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):516. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Barrett, M. J. 1977 Masticatory and Non-Masticatory Uses of Teeth. In: R. V. S. Wright, ed. Stone Tools as Cultural Markers: Change, Evolution and Complexity. Prehistory and Material Culture Series Number 12. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, pp. 18-23. DENTITION, MASTICATORY, NON-MASTICATORY, USE OF TEETH, [BOOK]
Barrett, M. J., and Tasman Brown 1975 Comment on "Did La Ferrassie I Use His Teeth as a Tool?" [See John A. Wallace, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(3):396. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, LA FERRASSIE 1, TOOL USE, [JRNL]
Barrett, M. J., et al. 1972 Oral Health of Australian Aborigines: Survey Methods and Prevalence of Dental Caries. Australian Dental Journal 17:37-50. DENTAL CARIES, SURVEY, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:125]
Barrett, W. C. 1883 An Examination of the Teeth of Certain Pre-Historic American Races. Independent Practitioner 4:513-521. DENTITION, TEETH, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [LSG1-Man]
Barretto, M. A., et al. 1953 Incidence of Dental Caries Amongst Indian Adults. Journal of the All-India Dental Association 25:1-2. DENTAL CARIES, ADULT, INDIAN, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:125]
Barrios García, José Raymundo 1992 Estudio Sobre la Noción de Alma Entre los Antiguos Canarios. [A Study on the Concept of Spirit Among the Ancient Inhabitants of the Canary Islands.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 159. MUMMIES, CANARY ISLANDS, RELIGION, BERBER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barros, L., and C. Witcop 1963 Oral and Genetic Study of Chileans in 1960: Periodontal Disease and Nutritional Factors. Archives of Oral Biology 8:195-206. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, CHILE, GENETICS, [ARME]
Barros, L., and C. Witcop 1963 Oral and Genetic Study of Chileans: Factors that Influence the Severity of Periodontal Disease. Archives of Oral Biology 8:765-770. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, CHILE, GENETICS, [ARME]
Barros, Philip de 1993 Native Americans and Archaeologists Working Together Toward Common Goals in California. Society for California Archaeology Newsletter 27(4):8-10. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Barroso, C., M. García, A. Ruíz, P. Medina, and J. L. Sanchidrián 1983 Avance al Estudio Cultural, Antropológico y Paleontológico de la Cueva del "Boquete de Zafarraya" (Alcaucín, Málaga). Antropología y Paleoecología Humana (Granada) 3:3-6. MANIPULATION, ANTHROPOLOGY, NEANDERTAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Barroso, C., P. Medina, J. L. Sanchidrián, A. Ruíz, and M. García 1984 Le Gisement Mousterien de la Grotte du Boquete de Zafarraya (Alcaucin-Andalousie). [The Mousterian Deposit of the Boquete de Zafarraya Cave (Alcaucin-Andalusia).]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 88(1):133-134. MOUSTERIAN, BOQUETE DE ZAFARRAYA CAVE, ALCAUCIN-ANDALUSIA, [JRNL]
Barrow, Mark V. 1970 A Brief History of Teratology to the 20th Century. Teratology 4:119-130. TERATOLOGY, HISTORY, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Barrow, Mark V., Jerry D. Niswander, and Robert Fortuine, comps. 1972 Health and Disease of American Indians North of Mexico: A Bibliography, 1800-1969. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 11:11.]. DISEASE, HEALTH, NORTH OF MEXICO, AMERICA, INDIAN, BIBLIOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Barry, D. 1969 O König, Lebe in Ewigkeit! Organorama 6:22-26. KING, LIFE, ETERNITY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Barry, P. S. I. 1975 A Comparison of Concentrations of Lead in Human Tissues. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 32:119-139. TISSUE, HUMAN, LEAD CONCENTRATION, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:263]
Barry, P. S. I. 1978 Distribution and Storage of Lead in Human Tissues. In: J. O. Nriagu, ed. The Biogeochemistry of Lead in the Environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Part B, pp. 97-150. LEAD, DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE IN HUMAN TISSUE, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:160 & MELVYL]
Barry, P. S. I., and R. Connolly 1981 Lead Concentrations in Mediaeval Bones. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 48(2):173-177. LEAD CONCENTRATION, BONE, MEDIEVAL, [NDX-Archaeology-22-07-06179]
Bartel, B. 1982 A Historical Review of Ethnological and Archaeological Analyses of Mortuary Practice. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 1:32-58. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANALYSIS, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:428]
Bartels, Martin 1913 Die Ausführung der Geradlinigen Präkolumbianischen Trepanation. [Execution of Straight-Line Peruvian Trephination.]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 39:2311. TREPHINATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ARME]
Bartels, Max 1895 Die Medizin der Naturvölker. Leipzig: Ethnologische Beiträge zur Urgeschichte der Medizin. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ARME]
Bartels, Max 1895 Über einen Angeschossenen Menschenknochen aus den Gräberfeldern von Watsch in Krain. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 25:77-80. CEMETERY, KRAIN, [ARME]
Bartels, Paul 1904 Über ein Os Praebasioccipitale, Sergi (Os Basioticum, Albrecht) an einem Chinesenschädel. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie (Berlin) 36:147-152. SKULL, ABNORMALITY, DEFORMITY, [JRNL]
Bartels, Paul 1907 Tuberkulose (Wirbelkaries) in der Jüngeren Steinzeit. Archiv fuer Anthropolgie (Braunschweig) 6(n.s.), 34(complete series):243-255. TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
Barthel, C. 1986 Das Mexikanische Schwitzbad Temazcal als Therapeutische Einrichtung. Curare 9:289-296. SWEATHOUSE, THERAPY, MEXICO, [CWHM-1987-134-#1968]
Barthet, B., and Raymond Riquet 1980 Anthropologie de l'Ossuaire de Belcaire (Bronze Ancien du Département de l'Aude). [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84:36-70. OSSUARY, BRONZE AGE, [JRNL]
Bartlett, Elisha 1841 A Vindication of the Character and Condition of the Females Employed in the Lowell Mills, Against the Charges Contained in the Boston Times, and the Boston Quarterly Review. Lowell, Massachusetts: Leonard Huntress Printer. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [MELVYL]
Bartlett, K. 1931 Prehistoric Pueblo Foods. Museum Notes of the Museum of Northern Arizona 4:1-4. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PREHISTORIC PUEBLO FOOD, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:303]
Bartlett, R. C. l960 Present Status of Serological Tests for Syphilis. Hartford Hospital Bulletin 15:24. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SEROLOGY, [CRAN]
Bartley, M. H., and J. Arnold 1967 Sex Differences in Human Skeletal Involution. Nature (London) 214:908-909. SKELETAL INVOLUTION, SEX DIFFERENCE, [NDX-1968-09-06804]
Barton, John L. 1993 The Pestilence. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 342(8886-8887):1566. PLAGUE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Barton, R. P. 1974 A Clinical Study of the Nose in Lepromatous Leprosy. Leprosy Review 45:135-144. LEPROSY, LEPROMATOUS LEPROSY, NOSE, [STEINBOCK-1976:209]
Bartsch, W. 1960 [Simulation and Self-Mutilation in History and Literature.]. [German]. Medizinische Monatsschrift 14:190-194. MUTILATION, SELF-MUTILATION, HISTORY, [NDX-Self-Mutilation-01-03-01966]
Bartsiokas, A., and M. H. Day 1993 Lead Poisoning and Dental Caries in the Broken Hill Hominid. Journal of Human Evolution 24(3):243-249. DENTAL CARIES, LEAD POISONING, BROKEN HILL HOMINID, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1972 Hephaestus and Clubfoot. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 27(4):450-451. TALIPES, CLUBFOOT, BILATERAL, HEPHAESTUS, [JRNL]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1972 Hephaestus and Clubfoot. [Greek]. Archeia Hellenikes Paidiatrikes Hetaireias 35:246-248. TALIPES, CLUBFOOT, BILATERAL, HEPHAESTUS, [CWHM-1973-77-#0260]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1977 Stature of Greeks of the Pylos Area During the Second Millennium B.C. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. Hippocrates Magazine 2(2):157-160. STATURE, ANCIENT, GREEK, [PPNL-1980-29:16]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1980 Complete Absence of the Permanent Dentition: An Autosomal Recessive Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics 6:333-334. GENETICS, DENTITION, ABSENCE OF, [CWHM-1982-111-#1992]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1982 An Introduction to Ancient Greek Genetics and Skeletal Dysplasias. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 104:3-13. SKELETAL DYSPLASIA, GREEK, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-24-10-10094]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1985 Goiters, Dwarfs, Giants and Hermaphrodites. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 200:1-18. GOITER, DWARFISM, GIGANTISM, HERMAPHRODITISM, [NDX-Dwarfism history-27-09-09574]
Bartucz, L. 1964 Prähistorische Trepanation in Ungarn. Paper Read at 7th Congress International Sciences Anthropol and Ethnol, Moscow TREPHINATION, HUNGARY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baruch, J. Z. 1967 [Ideas on Illness in Old Babylon and Egypt.]. [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 111:1214-1217. ILLNESS, EGYPT, BABYLON, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-08-02-02621]
Baruchin, A. M., and L. Rosenberg 1981 History and Evolution of Surgical Instruments. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 63:443. SURGERY, INSTRUMENT, EVOLUTION OF, EGYPT 100 B.C., [CWHM-1982-112-#1846]
Baruffa, G. 1994 Chagas' Disease in Rio Grande do Sul. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 63(5):457-460. MEDICAL HISTORY, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL, [CWHM-1995-168-#0329]
Baruzzi, R. G., L. F. Marcopito, M. L. C. Serra, F. A. A. Souza, and C. Stabile 1977 The Kren-Akorore: A Recently Contacted Indigenous Tribe. In: Symposium on Health and Disease in Tribal Societies, London, 1976. Health and Disease in Tribal Societies. Ciba Foundation Symposium 49 (new series). Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier/Excerpta Medica/North Holland, pp. 179-211. DISEASE, HEALTH, TRIBAL SOCIETY, KREN-AKORORE, [BOOK]
Barzel, U. S., ed. 1979 Osteoporosis II. New York: Grune and Stratton. OSTEOPOROSIS, [ZAGREB-1988:058]
Basabe, J. M. 1966 El Húmero Premusteriense de Lezetxiki (Guipúzoca). Munibe (San Sebastián) 18:13-32. ARTHROPATHY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Basabe, J. M., and I. Bennasar 1983 Estudio Antropológico de Yacimiento de Fuente Hoz (Anúcita, Alava). Estudios de Arqueología Alavesa (San Sebastián) 11:77-119. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, STOMATOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:02]
Basedow, H. 1932 Diseases of the Australian Aborigines. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 35:177-185;193-198;209-213;229-233;247-250;273-278. DISEASE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [STEINBOCK-1976:274 & WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):221]
Basler, A. 1926 Abhängigkeit der Schädelform des Erwachsenen von der Bettung während des Säuglingsalters. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 52:1001. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Basler, A. 1926-1927 Über den Einfluss der Lagerung von Säuglingen auf die bleibende Schädelform. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 26:225-246. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Basmadjian, K. -J. 1922 La Momie d'une Princesse Arménienne. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine 16:341-344. MUMMIES, PRINCESS ARMENIENNE, [LSG3-Mummies]
Bass, C. 1979 Analysis of Cremation 1 from AZ Y:8:1 (Component 2). In: Bruce B. Huckell, ed. The Coronet Real Project Archaeological Investigation on the Luke Range, Southwestern Arizona. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series 129. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona State Museum, pp. 167-168. CREMATION, AZ Y:8:1 SITE COMPONENT 2, ARIZONA, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:604 & MELVYL]
Bass, William M. 1956 Indian Crania from Moundville, Alabama. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa]. SKULL, ALABAMA, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:208]
Bass, William M. 1964 Pathological Changes. In: The Variation in Physical Types of the Prehistoric Plains Indians. Plains Anthropologist 9(24, Memoir 1):107-111. PATHOLOGICAL CHANGE, PREHISTORIC, PLAINS, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1965 The Physical Anthropology of the Sully Site, 39SL4. Manuscript submitted to the National Park Service, Omaha, Nebraska. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, SULLY SITE 39SL4, SULLY COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:083]
Bass, William M. 1966 A Human Skeleton from the Gillette Site (39ST23), Stanley County, South Dakota. Plains Anthropologist 11(34):290-293. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GILLETTE SITE (39ST23), STANLEY COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1968 Charles Ernest Snow: 1910-1967. [Obituary]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 28(3):369-372. OBITUARY, SNOW; CHARLES ERNEST, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1969 Recent Developments in the Identification of Human Skeletal Material. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):459-461. FORENSICS, SKELETAL IDENTIFICATION, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1969 Smallpox in a Prehistoric Plains Indian Skeletal Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(2):265. SMALLPOX, PLAINS, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1970 Ancient Disease in the Midwest. Illinois State Museum Reports of Investigations, 15. By Dan Morse. 1969. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum. [Review]. American Anthropologist 72(6):1570-1571. REVIEW OF, MORSE; DAN, 1969, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1970 Excavations of a Paleo-Indian Site at Agate Basin, Wyoming. In: Paul H. Oehser, ed. National Geographic Society Research Report, 1961-1962, pp.21-25. AGATE BASIN SITE, WYOMING, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1971 Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual of the Human Skeleton. 2nd Edition. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archaeological Society. [See review by Ma. Eugenia Ramírez Solano, 1973.]. OSTEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Bass, William M. 1973 Lansing Man: A Half Century Later. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38(1):99-104. LANSING MAN, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1976 An Early Indian Cranium from the Medicine Crow Site, (39BF2), Buffalo County, South Dakota. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):695-700. SKULL, MEDICINE CROW SITE, SOUTH DAKOTA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1978 Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Southern Anthropological Society Proceedings, 11. Edited by Robert L. Blakely. 1977. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. [Review]. American Anthropologist 80(4):986-988. REVIEW OF, BLAKELY; ROBERT L., 1977, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1978 Skeletonization Rates in the Southeast United States. Paper presented at the Meetings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, SKELETONIZATION RATE, SOUTHEAST UNITED STATES, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:095]
Bass, William M. 1979 Developments in the Identification of Human Skeletal Material (1968-1978). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(4):555-562. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, AGE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, RACE ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1981 Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual of the Human Skeleton. 2nd Edition. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archaeological Society. OSTEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Bass, William M. 1981 Skeletal Biology on the United States Great Plains: A History and Personal Narrative. In: Richard L. Jantz, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Progress in Skeletal Biology of Plains Populations. Plains Anthropologist 26(94, Part 2, Memoir 17):3-18. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1983 Craniometry and Biological Distance: Biocultural Continuity and Change at the Late-Woodland-Mississippian Interface. Center for American Archeology Research Series. By Judith Droessler. 1981. Evanston, Illinois: Center for American Archeology. [Review]. American Anthropologist 85(4):957-958. REVIEW OF, DROESSLER; JUDITH, 1981, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1983 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. By Donald J. Ortner and Walter G. J. Putschar. 1981. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Number 28. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(4):547-548. REVIEW OF, ORTNER; DONALD J. AND WALTER G. J. PUTSCHAR, 1981, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1983 Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation: Bone Diseases in Ancient Human Populations. By R. Ted Steinbock. With a Foreword by: T. Dale Stewart. 1976. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(4):546-547. REVIEW OF, STEINBOCK; R. TED, 1976, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1987 Forensic Anthropology: The American Experience. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 224-239. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, [BOOK]
Bass, William M. 1987 Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual. 3rd Edition. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archaeological Society. OSTEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Bass, William M. 1992 Bone Modification. Edited by Robson Bonnichsen, and Marcella H. Sorg. 1989. Orono, Maine: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine. [Review]. Human Biology 64(4):634-636. REVIEW OF, BONNICHSEN; ROBSON AND MARCELLA H. SORG, 1989, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1992 A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Scientific Papers Number 6. Edited by Jane E. Buikstra. 1990. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology. [Review]. American Antiquity 57(3):561-562. REVIEW OF, BUIKSTRA; JANE E., 1990, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1993 Postmortem Changes in Human and Animal Remains: A Systematic Approach. By Marc S. Micozzi. 1991. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, Publisher. [Review]. Journal of Forensic Sciences 38(1):225-226. REVIEW OF, MICOZZI; MARC S., 1991, [JRNL]
Bass, William M. 1995 Skeletal Biology in the Great Plains: Migration, Warfare, Health, and Subsistence. Edited by Douglas W. Owsley, and Richard L. Jantz. 1994. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. American Journal of Human Biology 7(1):102-103. REVIEW OF, OWSLEY; DOUGLAS W., AND RICHARD L. JANTZ, 1994, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Hugh E. Berryman 1976 Physical Analysis--Human Skeletal Remains. In: W. Raymond Wood, ed. Fay Tolton and the Initial Missouri Variant. Missouri Archaeological Society Research Series Number 13, pp. 29-31. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:15.]. SPINE, ANOMALY, CONGENITAL, OSTEOPOROSIS, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Walter H. Birkby 1962 The First Human Skeletal Material from the Huff Site, 32M011, and Summary of Putative Mandan Skeletal Material. Plains Anthropologist 7(17):164-177. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MANDAN, HUFF SITE, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Walter H. Birkby 1962 A Human Calvarium from Foard County, Texas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 65:80-86. SKULL, FOARD COUNTY, TEXAS, [NDX-Paleontology-04-03-02227]
Bass, William M., and P. A. Driscoll 1983 Summary of Skeletal Identification in Tennessee: 1971-1981. Journal of Forensic Sciences 28(1):159-168. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, HUMAN IDENTIFICATION, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., David R. Evans, and Richard L. Jantz 1971 The Leavenworth Site Cemetery: Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. With an Appendix on Dentition by Douglas H. Ubelaker. University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology 2:1-200. CEMETERY, LEAVENWORTH SITE, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., John B. Gregg, and Pierre E. Provost 1974 Ankylosing Spondylitis (Marie Strumpel Disease) in Historic and Prehistoric Northern Plains Indians. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 15:13.]. Plains Anthropologist 19(66, Part 1):303-305. SPINE, MARIE-STRÜMPELL DISEASE, RHEUMATOID SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, PLAINS, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Patricia A. Grubbs 1966 Human Skeletal Material from a Keith Focus Plains Woodland Site, 14PH10, Kirwin Reservoir, Phillips County, Kansas. Plains Anthropologist 11(32):135-143. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PLAINS WOODLAND SITE, 14PH10, KIRWIN RESERVOIR, PHILLIPS COUNTY, KANSAS, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Richard L. Jantz 1965 Two Human Skeletons from 39LM227, a Mound Near the Stricker Site, Lyman County, South Dakota. Plains Anthropologist 10(27):20-30. REMAINS, SKELETAL, STRICKER SITE, SOUTH DAKOTA, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Donald C. Lacy 1963 Three Human Skeletons from the PK Burial Sheridan County, Wyoming. Plains Anthropologist 8(21):142-157. BURIAL, PK BURIAL, WYOMING, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Carol J. Loveland 1983 Biological Anthropology of the George Preston, Smith, and Sam Sites, Three Fourche Maline Sites in Southeastern Oklahoma and Northeastern Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeology Society, 1982 53:83-100. FOURCHE MALINE SITE, OKLAHOMA, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and William S. Lyon 1963 A Human Skeleton from the Anthony Site, 14HP1, Harper County, Kansas. Plains Anthropologist 8(21):158-163. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANTHONY SITE, KANSAS, [JRNL]
Bass, William M., and Terrell W. Phenice 1975 Prehistoric Human Skeletal Material from Three Sites in North and South Dakota. In: The Sonota Complex and Associate Sites on the Northern Great Plains. Nebraska State Historic Society, Publications in Anthropology 6. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, pp. 106-140. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:083]
Bass, William M., and M. D. Rucker 1976 Preliminary Investigation of Artifact Association in an Arikara Cemetery (Larson Site), Walworth County, South Dakota. In: National Geographic Society Research Report, 1968, pp. 33-48. CEMETERY, LARSON SITE, SOUTH DAKOTA, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Basset, A. 1984 Aperçu sur l'Epidémiologie de la Lèpre en France au Cours de ces Cinquante Dernières Années. Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique 139:156-164. LEPROSY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, FRANCE, [CWHM-1985-126-#1064]
Basset, A., J. Malgras, and J. Maleville 1994 Aspects of Non-Venereal Treponematosis in West Africa. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologie du Var. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, NON-VENEREAL TREPONEMATOSIS, WEST AFRICA, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:401]
Bassett, E. 1982 Osteological Analysis of Carrier Mills Burials. In: R. Jeffries, and B. Butler, eds. The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project. Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper, Number 33. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, pp. 1029-1114. OSTEOLOGY, BURIAL, CARRIER MILLS BURIAL, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:411]
Bassett, Everett J., Margaret S. Keith, George J. Armelagos, Debra L. Martin, and Antonio R. Villanueva 1980 Tetracycline-Labeled Human Bone from Ancient Sudanese Nubia (A.D. 350). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 37:14.]. Science 209(4464):1532-1534. BONE, TETRACYCLINE-LABELLED, SUDAN, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Bassett, Steven, ed. 1992 Death in Towns: Urban Responses to the Dying and the Dead, 100-1600. Leicester, England: Leicester University Press. [See review by Gustav Milne, 1994.]. INFECTION, URBAN CENTER, DEATH, DYING, [MELVYL]
Basta, L. L. 1976 Sorcery and Scientific Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Journal--Oklahoma State Medical Association 65(5):173-180. MEDICINE, SORCERY, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-17-06-08276]
Bastian, A. 1880 Mumien aus Australien und der Torresstrasse. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 12:302 MUMMIES, AUSTRALIA, TORRES STRAIT, [JRNL]
Bastian, A. 1881 Mumienhand aus Australien. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 13:295-296. MUMMIES, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Bastian, A. 1895 Vorkommen von Aussatz in America zu Präcolumbischer Zeit. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 27:365-366. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Bastien, Joseph W. 1982 Herbal Curing by Qollahuaya Andeans. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 6:13-28. CURE, HERBAL, ANDES, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1982-114-#0028]
Bastien, Joseph W. 1995 The Mountain/Body Metaphor Expressed in a Kaatan Funeral. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 355-378. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, [BOOK]
Bastos, O. M., Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, Luis Fernando Ferreira, A. Santoro, P. Wincker, and C. M. Morel 1996 Experimental Paleoparasitology: Identification of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA in Desiccated Mouse Tissue. Paleopathology Newsletter 94:5-8. PARASITOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL, TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI DNA, MOUSE TISSUE, [JRNL]
Basu, Arabinda, and Anadi Pal 1980 Human Remains from Burzahom. Memoir Number 56. Calcutta: Anthropological Survey of India. [See review by Kenneth A. R. Kennedy, 1984.]. REMAINS, HUMAN, BURZAHOM, INDIA, [AmAnthropol-1984-86:476]
Bataille, R., C. Schuhmann, and A. Bakir 1973 A Propos des Cémentomes. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) 27:677-690. DENTITION, CEMENTOME, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bates, Barbara 1994 The Forgotten Plague: How the Battle Against Tuberculosis Was Won--and Lost. By Frank Ryan. 1993. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Company. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 68(4):750-751. REVIEW OF, RYAN; FRANK, 1993, [JRNL]
Bates, Hampton R. 1975 Sherlock Holmes and Syphilis. [Letter]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 113(9):815. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Bates, Joseph H., and William W. Stead 1993 The History of Tuberculosis as a Global Epidemic. Medical Clinics of North America 77(6):1205-1217. TUBERCULOSIS, EPIDEMIC, GLOBAL, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Batista, R., Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero], and T. Carreras 1995 Proceedings of the IXth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, 1-4 September 1992. Barcelona: Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN, MEETING, [PPNL-1996-95:12]

Bátora, J., J. Jakab, and Michael Schultz 1994 Collective Pit Grave from the Baden Culture, Found in Jelsovce, SW Slovakia. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S18. BURIAL, PIT GRAVE, BADEN CULTURE, JELSOVCE, SLOVAKIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]

Bátora, J., J. Jakab, and Michael Schultz 1994 Collective Pit Grave from the Baden Culture, Found in Jelsovce, SW Slovakia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. BURIAL, PIT GRAVE, BADEN CULTURE, JELSOVCE, SLOVAKIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1935 Report on the Human Remains. In: Mission Archéologique de Nubie, 1929-1934. Cairo: Government Press. REMAINS, HUMAN, NUBIA, [DIS IN ANT:670 & ARME]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1945 The Racial History of Egypt and Nubia. Part I. The Craniology of Lower Nubia from Predynastic Times to the Sixth Century A.D. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 75(I and II):81-101. CRANIOLOGY, NUBIA, PREDYNASTIC TO SIXTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1946 The Racial History of Egypt and Nubia. Part II. The Racial Relationships of the Ancient and Modern Populations of Egypt and Nubia. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 76(II):131-156. RACIAL HISTORY, EGYPT AND NUBIA, [JRNL]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1947 The Pyramid Studies: Anatomical Reports. Annales du Service des Antiquités d'Egypte 47:97-111. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ANATOMY, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1948 Report on the Anatomical Remains Recovered from the Tombs of Akhet-Hetep and Ptah-Irou-ka and a Comment on the Statues of Akhet-Hetep. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 48:487-497. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ANATOMY, [MDAC-042]
Batrawi, Ahmed M. 1951 The Skeletal Remains from the Northern Pyramid of Sneferu. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 51:435-440. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ANATOMY, [MDAC-042]
Batrawi, Ahmed M., and Geoffrey M. Morant 1947 A Study of the First Dynasty Series of Egyptian Skulls from Sakkara and of an Eleventh Dynasty Series from Thebes. Biometrika 34:18-27. SKULL, EGYPT, FIRST DYNASTY, SAKKARA, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:074 & SBEHP-199 & DIS IN ANT:442]
Batres, L. 1889 Momia Tolteca. Antropología Mexicana 1889. MUMMIES, MEXICO, TOLTEC, [AN-MUS-NAC-ARQUEOL-HIST-ETNOGR-1935-2(5):36]
Batts, Martin, Jr. 1939 The Etiology of Spondylolisthesis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 21(4):879-884. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Batty Shaw, A. 1979 East Anglian Bladder Stone. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 72:222-228. UROLOGY, BLADDER STONE, EAST ANGLIAN, ENGLAND, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:194]
Batty Shaw, A. 1980 Paget's Diseases. Practitioner 224(1350):1323-1325,1327. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, [JRNL]
Batty Shaw, A. 1981 Knappers' Rot: Silicosis in East Anglian Flint-Knappers. Medical History 25(2):151-168. SILICOSIS, FLINT KNAPPER, [JRNL]
Batty Shaw, A. 1992 Norfolk and Norwich Medicine: A Retrospect. Norwich: The Norwich Medico-Chirugical Society. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:16.]. MEDICINE, NORFOLK, NORWICH, HISTORY, [PPNL-1993-81:16]
Batujeff, N. 1896 Carabelli's Höckerchen und andere Unbeständige Höcker der oberen Mahlzähne bei dem Menschen und Affen. Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences (St. Petersburg) 5:93-109. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S CUSP, [MOODIE 1923:545 & ARME]
Baud, Charles-Albert 1982 La Taphonomie. Histoire et Archéologie (Dijon) 66:33-35. TAPHONOMY, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:042]
Baud, Charles-Albert 1984 Unknown Alteration of the Median Atlanto-Axial Joint Revealed by Palaeo-Osteology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 2. OSTEOLOGY, ARTICULATION, ATLANTO-AXIAL JOINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baud, Charles-Albert 1992 Crystal Analysis in Paleopathology: Method and Contributions. [El Análisis de Cristales en Paleopatología: Métodos y Aplicaciones.]. [Abstract]. 1Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 125. MUMMIES, CRYSTAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE, PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baud, Charles-Albert, C. Demeurisse, and Christiane Kramer 1983 Fluoride in Ancient Bones: Effect of Attack by Microorganisms. In: The Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research, New Delhi, India, 1983, p. 9. BONE, FLUORIDE IN, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:321]
Baud, Charles-Albert, M. Klohn, and Alberto Susini 1988 Biophysical Study of a Chalcolithic Calcified Lymph Node of Probable Tuberculous Origin. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p.3. LYMPH NODE, CALCIFIED, TUBERCULOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baud, Charles-Albert, and Christiane Kramar 1990 Les Calcifications Biologiques en Archéologie. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):163-170. CALCIFICATION, BIOLOGIC, [JRNL]
Baud, Charles-Albert, and Christiane Kramar 1991 Soft Tissue Calcifications in Paleopathology. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 87-89. CALCIFICATION, SOFT TISSUE, [BOOK]
Baud, Charles-Albert, and René Lagier 1978 Un Cas de Myosite Ossifiante Post-Traumatique du Haut Moyen-Age: Présentation Anatomo-Radiologique. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, pp. TU1-TU2. MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS, POST-TRAUMATIC, MIDDLE AGES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baud, Charles-Albert, and Alberto Susini 1988 Altérations Osseuses dues à l'Action de la Chaux. Notes et Monographies Techniques de la C N R S 24:69-75. CREMATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Baud, Charles-Albert, Alberto Susini, and A. Wetz 1986 Microstructural Alterations in Burned Bones from a Neolithic Tomb at Saint-Leonard, Wallis, Switzerland. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 1. BONE, BURNED, NEOLITHIC, SWITZERLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baud, M. 1978 Le Caractère du Dessin en Egypte Ancienne. Paris: Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient. ART, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ZAGREB-1988:193]
Baudais, D., and Christiane Kramar 1990 La Nécropole Néolithique de Coreaux <> (VD, Suisse). Lausanne: Cahiers d'Archéologie Romande. Bibliothèque Historique Vaudoise, Collection Dirigée par Colin Martin, No. 51, Document du Département d'Anthropologie et d'Ecologie de l'Université de Genève 15. [See review by W. Henke, 1993.]. NECROPOLIS, SWISS, [HOMO-1993-44(2):210]
Baudouin, G. 1894 Arrêt de Dévelopment et Déformations du Squelette Simulant la Syphilis Héréditaire. Bulletin de la Société Française de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie 5:131-134 TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DEFORMITY, CONGENITAL, [LSG2-Bone]
Baudouin, M. 1904 Luxation Prehistorique de l'Atlas sur l'Axis. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5Th Series, 5(5). SPINE, ATLAS, AXIS, DISLOCATION, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1905 Les Gravures sur Os de l'Epoque Gallo-Romaine à la Nécropole de Trossepoil, au Bernard (Vendée). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6(Série 5):310-320. NECROPOLIS, GALLO-ROMAN, BONE, ENGRAVED, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1906 La Préhistoire de la Luxation Congénitale de la Hanche. Homme Préhistorique 7:129-139. DISLOCATION, HIP, CONGENITAL, [ARME & ORT 1981]
Baudouin, M. 1907 Anomalie de Deux Maxillaires Inférieurs Préhistoriques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 8:402-403. DENTITION, MAXILLARY ANOMALY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1907 L'Atlas, Vertèbre Sexuelle. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 8:402. SPINE, ATLAS, SEX DIFFERENCE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1907 Etude d'un Crâne Néolithique à Double Trépanation. Homme Préhistorique 5:207-215. TREPHINATION, DOUBLE, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1907 Ossements d'Animaux, Préparés et Façonnés pour Utilisation, de l'Epoque Moustérienne. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 8(Série 5):521-526. REMAINS, ANIMAL, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1908 Un Cas d'Exostose du Tibia chez un Sujet Néolithique Inhumé dans l'Allée Couverte de la Planche à Puare, â l'lle d'Yeu. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 17:92-101. TIBIAL EXOSTOSIS, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1908 Etude d'un Crâne Préhistorique à Triple Trépanation, Executée sur le Vivant. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 17:363-376. TREPHINATION, TRIPLE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1908 La Grotte de Jammes à Martiel: Etude Anthropologique et Anatomo-Pathologique des Ossements Trouves. Rapport de Mission. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 5):746-784. ANATOMY, PATHOLOGY, REMAINS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1908 La Syphilis en Vendée: Préhistoire et Histoire. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine 7:77-81. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Baudouin, M. 1908 Trouvaille d'un Crâne Atteint d'Osteo-Périostite Alvéolodentaire. France Médicale 24:462. SKULL, ALVEOLUS, OSTEOPOROSIS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1908 Usure des Dents, Première et Deuxième Dentition. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5-6:349. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, PERMANENT, DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1909 Un Cas de Fracture du Col Chirurgical de l'Omoplate d'Origine Préhistorique. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 18:574-583. NECK, FRACTURE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Fractures prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1909 Un Cas d'Ostéite Superficielle de la Partie Moyenne de la Face du Tibia de l'Epoque Néolithique, Trouvé dans l'Ossuaire de Vendrest. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 18:663-667. TIBIA, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1909 Démonstration de l'Existence de la Déformation Artificielle du Crâne à l'Epoque Néolithique dans le Bassin de Paris. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française pp. 278-280. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, NEOLITHIC, PARIS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1909 La Préhistoire de la Luxation Congénitale de la Hanche. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 18:362-376. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1909 Trois Cas de Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne, Observée sur des Sujets Trouvés dans la Grotte de Jannes, à Martiel (Aveyron). France Médicale 56:158-161. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities]
Baudouin, M. 1910 Nouvelle Affection Préhistorique des Vertèbres Cervicales. Paris Chirurgical 2(7). SPINAL DISEASE, VERTEBRA, CERVICAL, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1910 La Préhistoire de la Circoncision. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 19:100-114. CIRCUMCISION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Les Affections des Os à l'Epoque Néolithique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 8:79. BONE DISEASE, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Classification Générale des Lésions des Os Humains à l'Epoque Néolithique. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 20:405-419. BONE, LESION, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1911 De l'Usure des Dents Paléolithiques. Paris Chirurgical 3(8). DENTAL ATTRITION, PALEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Découverte et Fouille Scientifique d'un Puits Funéraire Gallo-Romaine. Sept Congrès Préhistorique de France pp. 440-522. FUNERAL PIT, GALLO-ROMAN, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Les Eclats de Silex dans les Mégalithes Funéraires de Vendée. Homme Préhistorique 8-9. MEGALITHS, FUNERAL, VENDEE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Etude de l'Action sur le Cerveau de la Déformation Annulaire du Crâne des Gallo-Romains à l'Aide des Moulages Intra-Crâniens. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 153:353-355. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities artifical]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Une Fracture Préhistorique de Tiers Inférieur de Radius, Consolidée et Guérie. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 20:351-352. RADIUS, FRACTURE, HEALED, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Fractures prehistoric & ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Note sur Une Usure Spéciale des Molaires du Squelette de La Quina. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française p. 743. DENTITION, MOLAR, LA QUINA, NEANDERTAL, [PPNL-1986-54:8]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Ostéo-Périostite d'un Cubitus, de l'Epoque Gallo-Romaine Trouvé dans une Sépulture de Vendée. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 20:575. OSTEOPOROSIS, GALLO-ROMAN, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1911 La Sépulture Néolithique de Belleville, à Vendrest. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 8:247. BURIAL, NEOLITHIC, BELLEVILLE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Traces d'Action Humaine sur le Crâne Vivant Dues à une Coutume Spéciale de la Déformation Crânienne Annulaire. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 20:597-607, 649-673. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ANNULAR, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Une Trépanation Préhistorique sur un Crâne Considéré à Tort Comme Celui d'un Homme Moderne. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 20:81;89. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Baudouin, M. 1911 Usure des Dents de Première Dentition chez les Hommes de la Pierre Polie. Bulletin du Syndicat Chirurgie de France 14:704-713. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 Comparaison de l'Usure des Dents de la 1ère Dentition chez l'Enfant Néolithique et le Jeune Cochon. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(Série 6):186-190. DENTAL ATTRITION, NEOLITHIC, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Baudouin, M. 1912 De l'Usure des Dents de l'Homme du Paléolithique Inférieur et Moyen. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 21:65. DENTAL ATTRITION, PALEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 Discussion sur les Usures des Dents Néolithiques. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française June, p. 387. DENTAL ATTRITION, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 Les Ossements Humains Travaillés Postmortem de l'Ossuaire Néolithique de Vendrest (Seine-et-Marne): Traces d'Action Humaines, d'Ordre Rituel, Exécutées sur des Os Humains Décarnisés; Enoches et Usures; Grattages et Rondelles Crâniennes. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 21:658-683. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1912 L'Ostéite Déformante chez l'Homme de la Pierre Polie. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) May 20. DEFORMITY, OSTEITE, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 L'Ostéo-Arthrite Déformante à l'Epoque de la Pierre Polie. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 154:1361-1363. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS DEFORMANS, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Arthritis deformans]
Baudouin, M. 1912 La Polyarthrite Alvéolaire à l'Epoque Paléolithique. Semaine Médicale (Paris) Oct 23, pp. 170-171. ARTHRITIS, PALEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 La Polyartrite Alvéolaire Depuis le Quaternaire Jusqu' à l'Epoque Romaine. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 21:739-749. ARTHRITIS, ROMAN, [LSG3-Arthritis deformans]
Baudouin, M. 1912 La Spondylite Déformante chez l'Homme de l'Epoque Néolithique et chez les Animaux Préhistoriques. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 21:274-321. DEFORMITY, SPINE, SPONDYLITIC, NEOLITHIC, [ARME & LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1912 Sur les Vertèbres Lombaires des Néolithiques. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française Apr 25. REMAINS, HUMAN, PALEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1912 L'Usure des Dents de Première et de Seconde Dentition des Hommes de la Période Néolithique est due au Géographisme. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 154:297-299. DENTAL ATTRITION, NEOLITHIC, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Baudouin, M. 1913 Un Cas d'Ostéite Déformante de l'Extrémité Inférieure du Péroné à l'Epoque Néolithique. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 22:405-408. FIBULA, PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1913 La Maladie des Animaux Fossiles: La Plus Vieille Maladie Connue. Paris Médical 20:5-7. FOSSIL, ANIMAL, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1913 La Polyarthrite Alvéolaire Depuis le Quaternaire Jusqu' à l'Epoque Romaine. Gazette Médical de Paris Dec 17, pp. 397-400. ARTHRITIS, PITTING, QUATERNARY, ROMAN, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1913 Trépanations Préhistoriques de France Comparées aux Trépanations Actuelles des Canaques. Paris Chirurgical 5:47-50. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Baudouin, M. 1914 Les Affections Dentaires Découvertes dans l'Ossuaire de Bazoges-en-Pareds. Presse Dentaire (Paris) 17:140. DENTAL DISEASE, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1914 Les Affections Osseuses Découvertes dans l'Ossuaire Néolithiquede Bazoges-en-Pareds. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 23(1). BONE PATHOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1914 Le Métacarpe et le Métatarse chez les Néolithiques Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(Série 6):419-446. METACARPAL, METATARSAL, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Skeleton prehistoric remains]
Baudouin, M. 1914 Nouveau Cas de Fracture Préhistorique Bien Consolidée. Paris Chirurgical 6:61-66. FRACTURE, HEALED, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Fractures prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1914 Les Opérations Chirurgicales Culturelles: L'Origine Préhistorique de la Circoncision. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 23:41-49. SURGERY, CIRCUMCISION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1914 L'Ostéo-Arthrite Déformante Chronique à l'Age de la Pierre Polie, dans l'Ossuaire de Bazoges-en-Pareds (Vendée). Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine 13:96-102. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, DEFORMITY, NEOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [LSG3-Arthritis deformans]
Baudouin, M. 1915 Fréquence de la Bifidite des Racines des Dents Antérieures chez les Squelettes de l'Ossuaire des Cous à Bazoges-en-Pareds. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 12:50-51. DENTITION, TEETH, ANTERIOR, ROOTS, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1915 Nouveaux Faits d'Affections Osseuses dans l'Ossuaire de Belleville. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 24:131-134. BONE DISEASE, BELLEVILLE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1915 Le Point d'Ossification Complémentaire Distal du 1er Métacarpien Néolithique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6(Série 6):140-146. METACARPAL, OSSIFICATION, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Osteology]
Baudouin, M. 1915 Les Vertèbres Cervicales Néolithiques de l'Ossuaire des Cous. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 24(7-8). VERTEBRA, CERVICAL, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1915 Les Vertèbres Lombaires de l'Ossuaire Néolithique des Cous, à Bazoges-en-Pareds (Vendée). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6(Série 6):177-180. VERTEBRA, LUMBAR, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1916 Le Squelette de la Sépulture par Inhumation de l'Epoque Néolithique Découverte Au-Dessous de l'Ossuaire dans l'Allée Couverte de la Planche à Puare, à l'Ile d'Yeu (Vendée). Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 26:150-164. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, FRANCE, [LSG3-Skeleton prehistoric remains]
Baudouin, M. 1918 Les Atlas et les Axis de l'Allée Couverte de Vaudancourt. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 4:150. SPINE, ATLAS, AXIS, VAUDANCOURT, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1918 Corps Etranger en Os Inclus dans un Astragale Humain de la Ciste Néolithique des Cous. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 15:187. BONE, ANKLE, INCLUSIONS, NEOLITHIC, COUS SITE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1918 La Pathologie des Ossements de l'Allée Couverte de Vaudancourt. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 4:142-149. PALEOPATHOLOGY, VAUDANCOURT, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1919 Fracture Mandibulaire Guérie Spontanément et Datant de l'Epoque de la Pierre Polie. Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine (Paris) 81:52. MANDIBLE, FRACTURE, NEOLITHIC, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Baudouin, M. 1919 Le Tubercule de Carabelli à l'Epoque Néolithique et la Signification. Presse Dentaire (Paris). DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TUBERCLE, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1920 Les Affections Osseuses Découvertes dans l'Ossuaire Vierge de la Pierre Polie Situé à Vaudancourt (Oise), Fouille d'une Grande Allée Couverte. Gazette des Hôpitaux Civils et Militaires 93:1223-1228. BONE DISEASE, NEOLITHIC, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Baudouin, M. 1921 Comment on Découvre les Maladies en Préhistoire. Médecine Internationale. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1921 Etude Radiographique de Trois Métatarsiens de l'Age de la Pierre Polie, Atteints d'Osteo-Arthrite Chronique. Avenir Médical (Paris) 18(4):87-88. METATARSAL, ARTHRITIS, NEOLITHIC, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1922 Les Actions Humaines sur les Astragales Humains des Ossuaires Néolithiques d'Apres la Ciste des Cous de Bazoges-en-Pareds. Médecine Internationale June. ANKLE, ACTIVITY, NEOLITHIC, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1922 La Préhistoire de la Goutte. Médecine Internationale, September and October. GOUT, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1923 La Carie Dentaire il y a Dix Mille Ans. I. Etudes des Caries de la Ciste des Cous a Bazoges-en-Pareds. Semaine Dentaire 5:444. DENTAL CARIES, CHILD, BAZOGES-EN-PAREDS, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1923 Emploi de la Radiographie en Pathologie Préhistorique. Noveau J des Medecins, August:250-251. PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1923 L'Extraction Dentaire Préhistorique de Nature Culturelle. Semaine Dentaire 5:154. DENTAL EXTRACTION, PREHISTORIC, [ORT 1981 & ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1923 Un Nouveau Procédé de Trépanation Préhistorique, à Rondelles Circulaires ou Ovales, Découpées au Silex. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 177:1238-1240. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, CIRCULAR, OVAL, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Baudouin, M. 1923 La Préhistoire du Rhumatisme Chronique. La Plus Vieille Maladie du Monde. Médecine Internationale 2. RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1923 Radiographie d'Os Humains Pathologiques de la Pierre Polie. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) Mar 12. BONE PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, [ARME & FIELD MUS 3:16]
Baudouin, M. 1923 Spondylite Déformante chez les Equidés Pré-Romains. Médecine Internationale 2:406. DEFORMITY, SPINE, SPONDYLITIC, HORSE, PRE-ROMAN, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1924 Etudes de Quelques Radiographies d'Os d'Age de la Pierre Polie. Semaine Dentaire 6(37). BONE, RADIOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, [FIELD MUS 3:16]
Baudouin, M. 1924 Inclusion de Silex Taillés Révèlée par la Radiographie dans les Os Préhistoriques. Progrès Médical (Paris) 11:170-173. BONE, ARROW POINT, PREHISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1925 Les Affections des Dents du Dolmen Petit, à Change en Saint-Piat, Prés de Maintenon. Semaine Dentaire 7:114-122. DENTAL DISEASE, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1926 Un Cas de Fracture du Cubitus Simple, Guérie sans Consolidation de l'Epoque Préhistorique. Concours Médicale 33. CUBOID, FRACTURE, HEALED, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1926 Deux Cas de Lésions Crâniennes dans le Dolmen d'Assignan. Concours Médicale 4. SKULL, LESION, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1928 Arrowhead in Human Vertebra. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 186:961. VERTEBRA, ARROW POINT, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1928 Un Cas d'Ankylose Totale du Coude, d'Origine Rhumatismale. Avenir Médical (Paris) Jan. ANKYLOSIS, RHEUMATISM, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1928 Flèche en Silex Incluse dans une Vertèbre Humaine. [Flint Arrow in Vertebra.]. Nature (Paris) 56:451. SPINE, ARROW POINT, [QCIM-1928-04-0142]
Baudouin, M. 1929 Un Cas Intéressant de Pathologie Préhistorique. Une Pointe de Silex dans une Vertèbre Néolithique. Progrès Médical (Paris) June 23. VERTEBRA, ARROW POINT, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1929 Les Depôts de Dents Humaines d'Epoque Néolithique et du Cuivre. Semaine Dentaire. DENTITION, DEPOSIT, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1929 Zeugen Prähistorischer Kämpfe. Umschau 33:473. WARFARE, PREHISTORIC EVIDENCE, [CRAN]
Baudouin, M. 1935 Une Lésion Inconnue de la Rotule chez un Préhistorique. [Patella Lesions of Prehistoric Man.]. Paris Médical 96:470-473. KNEE, PATELLA, LESION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Baudouin, M. 1935 Un Lésion Inconnue de la Rotule chez un Préhistorique. [Patella Lesions of Prehistoric Man.]. Paris Médical (Annexe) 1:6-9. KNEE, PATELLA, LESION, PREHISTORIC, [QCIM-1935-18-0164]
Baudouin, M., and C. Morel 1928 Un Cas Unique de Paléopathologie. Pointe de Fléche dans une Vertèbre Dorsale Humaine. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 186:961-963. SPINE, ARROW POINT, [QCIM-1928-03-0129]
Baudouin, M., and M. E. Tate 1909 Humerus Anormal, à Exostose Double, d'Origine Préhistorique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10(Série 5):262-264. HUMERAL EXOSTOSIS, [ARME]
Baudrimont, E. 1875 Exostose du Tibia Produite par une Flèche en Silex. In: D. E. Lalanne, ed. Notes sur des Fouilles Faites dans Quelques Dolmens de l'Arrondissement de Saint-Afrique. Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société Archéologique de Bordeaux. TIBIA, TIBIAL EXOSTOSIS, TRAUMA, PROJECTILE POINT, [ARME]
Bauer, G. 1988 [Orthopedics and Language--a History of Deformities.]. [Swedish]. Lakartidningen 85(18):1625-1626. ORTHOPEDICS, DEFORMITY, HISTORY, [NDX-Abnormalities history-29-07-07663]
Bauer, G., J. Szilvássy, and H. Kritscher 1983 Ein mittelalterlicher Karnerschädel und eine linke Tibia aus Falkenstein, Niederösterreich, mit Syphilis. [A Syphilitic Middle Ages Skull and a Left Tibia from Lower Austria.]. Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien 85(A):59 72. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKULL, TIBIA, MIDDLE AGES, AUSTRIA, [WIEN-KW]
Bauer, G., et al. 1985 Zwei Schädel mit seltenen Hirnbrüchen (Enzephalocelen). [Two Skulls with Enzephaloceles.]. Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien 87(A):167 182. SKULL, ENCEPHALOCELE, [WIEN-KW]
Bauer, W. 1932 Anatomische und Mikroskopische Untersuchungen Über das Kiefergelenk mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Veränderungen bei Osteo-Arthritis Deformans. Zeitschrift fuer Stomatologie 30:1136, 1279, and 1334. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS DEFORMANS, MICROSCOPY, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Bauer, W. 1944 Tooth Buds and Jaws in Patients with Congenital Syphilis. American Journal of Pathology 20:297-314. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, TEETH, JAW, [ARME]
Baughman, Ernest W. 1945 The Poisoned Dress. Hoosier Folklore Bulletin 4:19-20,32-34. SMALLPOX, NEW WORLD, [J-AM-FOLKLORE-1995-108:75]
Baum, Bruce J., and M. Michael Cohen 1971 Patterns of Size Reduction in Hypodontia. Journal of Dental Research 50(3):779. DENTITION, HYPODONTIA, [JRNL]
Baum, Bruce J., and M. Michael Cohen 1971 Studies on Agenesis in the Permanent Dentition. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 35(1):125-128. DENTITION, PERMANENT, AGENISIS, [JRNL]
Baum, Bruce J., and M. Michael Cohen 1973 Decreased Odontometric Sex Difference in Individuals with Dental Agenesis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38(3):739-741. DENTAL AGENESIS, DIMORPHISM, ODONTOMETRY, [JRNL]
Baum, Michael 1993 Breast Cancer 2000 BC to 2000 AD--Time for a Paradigm Shift? Acta Oncologica (Padua) 32(1):3-8. NEOPLASM, CANCER, BREAST CANCER, 2000 BC TO 2000 AD, [JRNL]
Baum, N. 1987 Paläodontologische Untersuchungen an Skeletten aus dem Bandkeramischen Gräberfeld von Aiterhofen/Ödmühle, Kreis Straubing-Bogen, Niederbayern. [Zahnmedizin Dissertation, Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg]. ODONTOLOGY, DISSERTATION, [HOMO-1989(1990)-40:95]
Baum, N. 1990 Aiterhofen-Ödmühle, Paläodontologie eines Bandkeramischen Gräberfeldes in Niederbayern. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 65, pp. 157-203. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1993.]. ODONTOLOGY, [HOMO-1993-43:307]
Baume, L. J., and J. -P. Vulliemoz 1970 Dietary Fluoride Uptake into the Enamel of Caries-Susceptible "Yellow" Permanent Teeth and Caries-Resistant Permanent and Primary Teeth of Polynesians. Archives of Oral Biology 15:431-443. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ENAMEL, DIETARY FLUORIDE, POLYNESIANS, [HANSON-NPT-1:046]
Baume, Louis, and Jean Meyer 1966 Dental Dysplasia Related to Malnutrition, with Special Reference to Melanodontia and Odontoclasia. Journal of Dental Research 45(3, Supplement):726-741. DENTITION, MELANODONTIA, DENTAL DYSPLASIA, ODONTOCLASIS, MALNUTRITION, [JRNL]
Baumgartner, Leona 1943 Arnold Carl Krebs, 1870-1943. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 14:201-206. OBITUARY, KREBS; ARNOLD CARL, [ARME]
Baumgartner, René 1984 Fussprothese aus einem frühmittelalterlichen Grab aus Bonaduz. [Foot Prothesis Found in an Early Medieval Grave in Bonaduz.]. Archäologie und Museum (Baselland) (Tagesberichte z. Paläopathologie, Symposium in Liestal) 18(3):63-73. FOOT, PROTHESIS, MIDDLE AGES, SWISS, [WIEN-KW]
Baumhoff, Martin A. 1963 Ecological Determinants of Aboriginal California Populations. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 49(2):155-236. ABORIGINAL, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Baumslag, Naomi, and Harold G. Petering 1976 Trace Metal Studies in Bushman Hair. Archives of Environmental Health 31(5):254-257. HAIR, TRACE METAL, BUSHMAN, [JRNL]
Bautier, R. H. 1988 Un Nouvel Ensemble Documantaire pour l'Histoire des Pestes des XIVeme Siècle: L'Exemple de la Ville de Vich en Catalogne. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Royal Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 1988:432-455. PLAGUE, EPIDEMIC, FOURTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1991-148-#0650]
Bauza, S. I., Bruce M. Latimer, and P. V. Scoles 1991 Thoracic Kyphosis in a Chimpanzee, with Implications for Its Appearance in Early Hominids. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:48. SPINE, THORACIC KYPHOSIS, CHIMPANZEE, EARLY HOMINID, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baxby, Derrick 1996 Should Smallpox Virus Be Destroyed? The Relevance of the Origins of Vaccinia Virus. Social History of Medicine 9(1):117-119. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, SMALLPOX, DESTRUCTION OF THE VIRUS, QUESTIONED, [CWHM-1996-170-#0348]
Baxter, P. J., et al. 1988 Is Smallpox a Hazard in Church Crypts? British Journal of Industrial Medicine 45:359-360. SMALLPOX, BURIAL, CHURCH CRYPT, [CWHM-1989-139-#0243]
Bay, R. 1943 Scheinbare und Wirkliche Karies an Praehistorischen Zähnen. Bulletin der Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie und Ethnologie 19:8-9. DENTAL CARIES, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Bayani-Sioson, Pelagia S. 1967 Paleoserology. Acta Medica Philippina 4:50. SEROLOGY, [ARME]
Baye, J. De 1876 La Trépanation Préhistorique. Leroux. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Bayet 1927 Rapport sur le Travail, Manuscrit de M. Tricot-Royer, Intitulé: Un Point d'Histoire: Quelles Etaient les Affections Qualifiées de Lépreuses dans l'Ancien Duché de Brabant? Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine de Belgique 7(Série 5):380-386. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Bayley, J. 1980 The Human Bones. In: I. M. Stead. Rudston Roman Villa. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society, pp. 146-148. REMAINS, SKELETAL, RUDSTON ROMAN VILLA, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Bayliss, J. H. 1980 The Extinction of Bubonic Plague in Britain. Endeavour 4:58-66. PLAGUE, EXTINCTION, BRITAIN, [CWHM-1981-107-#1439]
Bayliss, J. H. 1985 Epidemiological Considerations of the History of Indigenous Malaria in Britain. [See also Bayliss, J. H., 1987, Abstract.]. Endeavour 9:191-194. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, BRITAIN, [MASCA-4(4):204]
Bayliss, J. H. 1987 Epidemiological Considerations of the History of Indigenous Malaria in Britain. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):204. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, BRITAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope 1966 Discussion: The Development and Present Condition of Human Palaeopathology in the United States. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 38-40. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, PRESENT CONDITION, USA, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Bayoumi, M. 1934 Effect of Mummification on Medicine and Pathology of Ancient Egyptians. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association 17:586-593. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [QCIM-1934-16-0163]
Bay-Petersen, J. L. 1978 Animal Exploitation in Mesolithic Denmark. In: Paul Mellars, ed. The Early Postglacial Settlement of Northern Europe: An Ecological Perspective. London: Duckworth, pp. 115-145. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ANIMAL EXPLOITATION, MESOLITHIC, DENMARK, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-11:133 & MELVYL]
Bazas, Theodore 1994 The Plague of Athens. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87(12):755. PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF ATHENS, SMALLPOX, LETTER, [JRNL]
Bazzi, F., and D. Panebianco 1980 Notizie Storiche sull'Epidemia di Colera che Colpi nel 1835 la Città di Cuneo. In: Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Medicina (29, Casale Monferrato, 1978). Casale Monferrato: Tipog Operaia Artigiani. CHOLERA, [CWHM-1981-107-#0312]
Bazzocchi, Giuseppe 1947 Trapanazioni Incaiche. Chiurgia Italiana (Belluno) 1:434. TREPHINATION, PERU, INCA, [DIS IN ANT:694]
Beaconsfield, M., and T. Beaconsfield 1983 Marine Archeology Seen From the "Wasa" and the "Mary Rose": A Physician's Eye-View. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1983:65-69. ARCHAEOLOGY, MARINE, WASA, MARY ROSE, [CWHM-1984-121-#1568]
Beagrie, G. S., G. W. Thompson, and M. K. Basu 1970 Tooth Position and Alveolar Bone Loss in Skulls. British Dental Journal 129:471-474. DENTITION, TOOTH POSITION, ALVEOLAR BONE LOSS, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:076]
Bean, J. M. W. 1962 Plague, Population and Economic Decline in England in the Later Middle Ages. Economic History Review 15:432-437. PLAGUE, DEMOGRAPHY, ECONOMY, ENGLAND, MIDDLE AGES, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Bean, L. J., and Corinne Shear Wood 1969 The Crisis in Indian Health: A California Example. The Indian Historian 2(3):29-32,36. HEALTH, AMERICA, INDIAN, MODERN, [JRNL]
Bean, L. L., and G. P. Mineau 1986 The Polygony-Fertility Hypothesis: A Reevaluation. Population Studies (London) 40:67-81. MORMON, FERTILITY, [CWHM-1986-129-#1394]
Bean, W. B., et al. 1982 A Nonletter from the Editor and a Case for All Seasons. Seminars in Roentgenology 17:153-162. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, ELEPHANT MAN, [CWHM-1983-117-#1830]
Beardsley, G. 1941 Notes on Cree Medicines, Based on a Collection Made by I. Cowie in 1892. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 27:483-496. MEDICINE, INDIAN, CREE, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Beardsley, Tim 1996 Out of Food? Scientific American 274(4):20-21. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Beasley, M. J., W. A. B. Brown, and A. J. Legge 1992 Incremental Banding in Dental Cementum: Methods of Preparation for Teeth from Archaeological Sites and for Modern Comparative Specimens. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(1):37-50. DENTAL CEMENTUM, INCREMENTAL BANDING, [CWHM-1992-154-#0873]
Beattie, J. 1930 A Note on Two Skulls from Tenerife. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 14(3):447-449. SKULL, TENERIFE, [JRNL]
Beattie, O. 1982 An Assessment of X-ray Energy Spectroscopy and Bone Trace Element Analysis for the Determination of Sex from Fragmentary Human Skeletons. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 2:205-315. SEX ASSESSMENT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:017]
Beattie, Owen B. 1983 A Report on Newly Discovered Human Skeletal Remains from the Last Sir John Franklin Expedition. Musk-Ox 33:68-77. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [ZAGREB-1988:085]
Beattie, Owen B. 1992 The Results of Multidisciplinary Research into Preserved Human Tissues from the Franklin Arctic Expedition of 1845. [Resultados de una Investigación Multidisciplinar de los Tejidos Humanos Conservados de la Expedición Franklin al Artico.]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 143. MUMMIES, ARCTIC, SOFT TISSUE, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beattie, Owen B., E. Damkjar, W. Kowal, and R. Amy 1985 The Report of an Autopsy Performed on a Member of the Last Franklin Expedition. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 22:6. AUTOPSY, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION MEMBER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beattie, Owen B., and John Geiger 1987 Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [MELVYL]
Beattie, Owen B., and John Geiger 1992 Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition. Vancouver: Greystone Books, Douglas & McIntyre. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1996-23:465]
Beatty, D. R. 1990 Searching for Clues to the Origins of OMT. [Letter]. JAOA: Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 90:653-654. OSTEOPATHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, LETTER, [CWHM-1991-149-#0071-#1795]
Beatty, William K. 1974 Medical Numismatic Notes, XV. Some Medical Aspects of Greek and Roman Coins. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 50(1):85-95. MEDICINE, HISTORY, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski 1988 The Archaeology of Work and Home Life in Lowell, Massachusetts: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Boott Cotton Mills Corporation. Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology 14(2):forthcoming. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT COTTON MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):315]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1987 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 18. Volume 1. Life at the Boardinghouses: A Preliminary Report. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, BOARDINGHOUSE LIFESTYLE, [MELVYL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1987 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 19. Volume 2. The Kirk Street Agents' House. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, AGENTS' HOUSE, KIRK STREET, [MELVYL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1989 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 21. Volume 3. The Boarding House System as a Way of Life. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, LOWELL BOARDING HOUSE SYSTEM, [MELVYL]
Beaugrand-Champagne, A. 1944 Les Maladies et la Médecine des Anciens Iroquois. Cahiers des Dix (Montreal) 9:227-242. DISEASE, MEDICINE, IROQUOIS, [COURY 1969:334]
Becchia, Alain 1990 Des Villes Epargnées? L'Epidémie de Choléra de 1832 à Elbeuf. Annales de Démographie Historique 55:53-70. CHOLERA, EPIDEMIC 1832, [CWHM-1991-150-#0254]
Becerril S., Victor M. 1958 Sobre la Autenticidad de Algunas "Cabezas Reducidas" de los Jíbaros. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1965 18(47):41-50. SKULL, SHRUNKEN HEAD, JIVARO, SOUTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Beck, Carl W., and William P. Mulvaney 1966 Apatitic Urinary Calculi from Early American Indians. Journal of the American Medical Association 195(12):1044-1045. URINARY CALCULUS, APATITIC, [JRNL]
Beck, Curt W. 1974 Fifth Symposium on Archaeological Chemistry. Dallas, Texas, 1973. Advances in Chemistry Series, 138. Washington: American Chemical Society. ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, [MELVYL]
Beck, Karl-Georg, and Stefan Klug 1990 The Anthropology of the Predynastic Sites of Maadi and Wadi Digla. In: Ibrahim Rizkana, and Jurgen Seeher, eds. Maadi, Volume IV. The Predynastic Cemeteries of Maadi and Wadi Digla. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, pp. 106-178. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MAADI AND WADI DIGLA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Beck, Lane A. 1980 Physical Anthropology of Skeletal Remains from Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia. [Thesis, Georgia State University, Atlanta]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OAKLAND CEMETERY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THESIS, [AJPA-1987-74:197]
Beck, Lane A. 1985 Bivariate Analysis of Trace Elements in Bone. Journal of Human Evolution 14(5):493-502. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A. 1985 Trace Elements and Dietary Variation During the Mississippian Period in North Georgia. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Birmingham, Alabama. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741]
Beck, Lane A. 1992 Human Osteology. By Tim D. White. 1991. San Diego, California: Academic Press. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 19(2):257-259. REVIEW OF, WHITE; TIM D., 1991, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A. 1993 Vectors of Death: The Archaeology of European Contact. By Ann F. Ramenofsky. 1987. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 20(1):112-114. REVIEW OF, RAMENOFSKY; ANN F., [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A., ed. 1995 Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis. New York: Plenum Press. [See reviews by Christopher Carr, 1995; Janet E. Levy, 1996; Elizabeth A. Rega, 1996; Charlotte A. Roberts, 1996; Lori W. Wright, 1996.]. MORTUARY ANALYSIS, REGIONAL APPROACH, [J-ANTHROPOL-RES-1995-51:399 & AM-ANTHROPOL-1996-98:174 & AJPA-1996-100:297 & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1996-23:467]
Beck, Lane A., and E. L. Hoyt 1992 The People of Pecos: Preliminary Reevaluation of Health Patterns for Five Pueblos in the Pecos Valley. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:47. HEALTH, PECOS VALLEY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A., and Diane M. Zorich 1995 Digging Through Our Data: Using Archaeological Databases for Repatriation Resource Allocation. Symbols 1995(Spring):21-25,28. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Beck, Rosemary 1988 The Dental Pathology of Medieval Christian Sudanese Nubians from the Batn-el-Hajar. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL, NUBIA, THESIS, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:071]
Beck, Rosemary, and D. L. Greene 1989 Dental Disease Among Medieval Christian Sudanese Nubians from the Batn-el-Hajar. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):190. DENTAL DISEASE, MEDIEVAL, CHRISTIANS, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, C. J. 1952 Skeletfundet fra Porsmose ved Naestved. Fra Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1952:25. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NAESTVED, [DIS IN ANT:629]
Becker, I. 1985 Zur Konstitution der Frügeschichtlichen Bevölkerung von Kirchheim unter Teck. [On the Composition of the Early Historical Population at Kirchheim unter Teck.]. [Dipl Biol, Universität Ulm]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 91:18.]. DISSERTATION, DEMOGRAPHY, KIRCHHEIM UNTER TECK, GERMANY, [PPNL-1995-91:18]
Becker, I. 1985 Zur Konstitution der Frügeschichtlichen Bevölkerung von Kirchheim unter Teck. [Physical Make-Up of the Early Historical Population at Kirchheim unter Teck.]. [Dipl Biol, Universität Ulm (corrected translation)]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 95:18.]. DISSERTATION, DEMOGRAPHY, KIRCHHEIM UNTER TECK, GERMANY, [PPNL-1996-95:18]
Becker, J., and K. Condon 1996 Examination of Dental Development Patterns in an African-American Skeletal Series. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:67. DENTAL DEVELOPMENT, AFRICAN-AMERICAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1975 Human Skeletal Remains from Kato Zakro. American Journal of Archaeology 79:271-276. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MINOAN, KATO ZAKRO, CRETE, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1984 Studies of Ancient Populations in Southern Italy and Sicily: Potentials for Paleopathology Research. Paleopathology Newsletter 45:8-9. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL RESEARCH POTENTIAL, SKELETAL REMAINS, ITALY, SICILY, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1985 Metric and Non-Metric Data from a Series of Skulls from Mozia, Sicily and a Related Site. Antropologia Contemporanea 8(3):211-228. SKULL, METRICS AND NON-METRICS, MOZIA, SICILY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S19]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1986 Mandibular Symphysis (Medial Suture) Closure in Modern Homo sapiens: Preliminary Evidence from Archaeological Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(4):499-501. AGE ASSESSMENT, HOMO SAPIENS, MANDIBLE, UNION, SYMPHYSEAL, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1988 Comment on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Brenda J. Baker, and George J. Armelagos, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):720-721. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1989 Bones, Bodies, Behavior, Essays on Biological Anthropology. Edited by George W. Stocking Jr. 1988. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):259-260. REVIEW OF, STOCKING JR.; GEORGE W., 1988, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1990 The Chemistry of Prehistoric Bone. Edited by T. Douglas Price. 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. [Review]. American Journal of Archaeology 94(4):680-681. REVIEW OF, PRICE; T. DOUGLAS, 1989, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1992 An Etruscan Gold Dental Appliance in the Collections of the Danish National Museum: Evidence for the History of Dentistry. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 96:695-700. DENTITION, DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, [CWHM-1994-161-#0918]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1992 Female Vanity Among the Etruscans: The Copenhagen Gold Dental Appliance. [La Vanidad Femenina Entre los Etruscos: Las Prótesis Dentales de Oro de Copenhague.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 155. DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Deciduous Molar Retention Among Hellenistic Period Carthaginian Colonists at Marsala (Ancient Lilibeum, Sicily, Italy). [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S19. DENTITION, MOLAR, DECIDUOUS, RETENTION OF, SICILY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Disease and Demography in the Americas. Edited by John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker. 1992. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. American Antiquity 59(2):383-384. REVIEW OF, VERANO; JOHN W., AND DOUGLAS H. UBELAKER, EDS., 1992, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Etruscan Dental Appliances: Origins and Functions as Indicated by an Example from Orvieto, Italy in the Danish National Museum. Dental Anthropology Newsletter 8(3):2-8. DENTAL APPLIANCE, ETRUSCAN, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Etruscan Gold Dental Appliances: Origins and Functions as Indicated by an Example from Valsiarosa, Italy. Journal of Paleopathology 6(2):69-92. DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, [PPNL-1995-91:13]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Suggrundaria and Roman Villas: A Note on an Infant's Burial at Satricum, Lazio, Italy. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 17(2):7-10. BURIAL, INFANT, SATRICUM, LAZIO, ITALY, [PPNL-1995-89:11]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1995 Children's Cemeteries: Early Christianity, Not Disease. Paleopathology Newsletter 89:10-11. CEMETERY, CHILDREN, ITALY, IRON AGE TO MEDIEVAL PERIOD, [JRNL]
Becker, Robert O. 1966 Observation Médicale d'une Momie. Revue Lyonnaise de Médecine 15:821-826. MUMMIES, OBSERVATION, MEDICAL, [ARME]
Becker, Robert O., Joseph A. Spadaro, and Edward W. Berg 1968 The Trace Elements of Human Bone. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 50-A(2):326-334. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT, [JRNL]
Beckett, D. W. 1987 The Striking Hand of God: Leprosy in History. New Zealand Medical Journal 100(829):494-497. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Beckett, H. W. 1910 Appendix I. A Summary of the Literature Relating to the History of Nubia. In: Grafton Elliot Smith, and Frederic Wood Jones. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia: Report for 1907-1908. Volume II: Report on the Human Remains. Cairo: Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Survey Department, pp. 343-370. [See George Andrew Reisner, 1910, for Volume I, Archaeological Report.]. NUBIA, HISTORY, LITERATURE, EGYPT, [BOOK]
Beckett, J. V. 1980 Illness and Amputation in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of Sir James Lowther (1673-1755). Medical History 24(1):88-92. ILLNESS, AMPUTATION, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Beckett, Sean, and Nancy C. Lovell 1994 Dental Disease Evidence for Agricultural Intensification in the Nubian C-Group. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(3)223-240. DENTAL DISEASE, AGRICULTURAL INTENSIFICATION, NUBIA, [CWHM-1994-164-#0773]
Beckett, W. 1700-1720 and 1719-1733 Of the Antiquity of the Venereal Disease. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 5:381 and 7:652. VENEREAL DISEASE, ANTIQUITY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Beddoe, John 1869 Further Particulars Respecting the Cannibals of South Africa. Anthropological Review 7(25):127-128. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Bedet, Bernard 1990 Répartition Spatiale des Inhumations de Périnataux sur l'Oppidum Protohistorique de Gailhan (Gard): Démographie et Société. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):99-104. BURIAL, PERINATAL, DEMOGRAPHY, PROTOHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Bedford, Evan 1974 The Story of the Gouty Heart. British Heart Journal 36(6):603-607. BURIAL, DEMOGRAPHY, PROTOHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Bedford, M. E., Katherine F. Russell, and C. Owen Lovejoy 1989 The Utility of the Auricular Surface Aging Technique. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):190-191. AGE ASSESSMENT, AURICULAR SURFACE TECHNIQUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bedford, M. E., Katherine F. Russell, C. Owen Lovejoy, R. S. Meindl, Scott W. Simpson, and Patricia Stuart-Macadam 1993 Test of the Multifactorial Aging Method Using Skeletons with Known Ages-at-Death from the Grant Collection. [See Richard S. Meindl, M. E. Bedford, Katherine F. Russell, C. Owen Lovejoy, and Scott W. Simpson, 1995; Scott I. Fairgrieve, and Tracy S. Oost, 1995.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 91(3):287-297. AGE ASSESSMENT, DEMOGRAPHY, GRANT COLLECTION (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO), [JRNL]
Beecher, S. B., H. N. McIntosh, and E. McCart 1951 Dental Hypoplasias in Relation to Congenital Syphilis. Journal of Venereal Disease Information 32:71. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL HYPOPLASIAS, [QCIM-1951-49-0223]
Beekman, F. 1928 Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis. Annals of Surgery 88:270-296. OSTEOMYELITIS, HEMATOGENOUS OSTEOMYELITIS, ACUTE, [STEINBOCK-1976:083]
Beeley, J. A., and W. Harvey 1973 Pink Teeth Appearing as a Post-Mortem Phenomenon. Journal--Forensic Science Society 13:297-305. DENTITION, PINK TEETH, POST-MORTEM PHENOMENON, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:347]
Beeley, J. G., and D. A. Lunt 1980 The Nature of the Biochemical Changes in Softened Dentine from Archaeological Sites. Journal of Archaeological Science 7(4):371-377. DENTINE, SOFTENED, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SCOTLAND, [JRNL]
Beeson, Paul B. 1980 Some Diseases That Have Disappeared. American Journal of Medicine 68(6):806-811. DISEASE, EXTINCT, [JRNL]
Beetson 1818 On the Antiquity of Syphilis. Medical and Physical Journal 40:193-197. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ANTIQUITY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Begg, P. 1938 Progress Report on Attrition of the Teeth in Its Relationship to Periodontal Disease and Tooth Decay. Australian Dental Journal 42:315-320. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Begg, P. 1954 Stone Age Man's Dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics 40:298,373,462,517. DENTITION, STONE AGE, [ARME]
Begler, Elsie B., and Richard W. Keatinge 1979 Theoretical Goals and Methodological Realities: Problems in the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Subsistence Economies. World Archaeology 11(2):208-226. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GOAL, METHOD, PROBLEM, [JRNL]
Begley, V. 1976 Protohistoric Material from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and India Contacts. In: K. A. R. Kennedy, and G. L. Possehl, eds. Ecological Backgrounds of South Asian Prehistory. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University South Asia Program, pp. 191-196. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SRI LANKA, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Beguiristain, J. L., and M. A. Beguiristain 1987 Lesiones Patológicas en la Población del Abrigo del Padre Areso (Bigüezal, Navarra). Cuadernos de Sección de Antropología-Etnografía de la Sociedad de Estudios Vascos 4:125-132. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, CARCINOMA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Behan, R. 1945 Pre-Columbian Middle America Medicine. American Journal of Surgery 70:268-274. MEDICINE, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [COURY 1969:334]
Béhar, Moisés 1968 Food and Nutrition of the Maya Before the Conquest and at the Present Time. In: Biomedical Challenges Presented by the American Indian. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication Number 165, pp. 114-119. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975,10:12.]. NUTRITION, FOOD, MAYA, [PPNL 1975-10:12 & ZIMM]
Béhar, Moisés, and N. S. Scrimshaw 1960 Epidemiology of Protein Malnutrition. In: Iago Goldstar, ed. Human Nutrition, Historic and Scientific. New York: International Universities Press. MALNUTRITION, PROTEIN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:209]
Béhar, Moisés, and F. Viteri 1975 Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. In: Progress in Food and Nutrition Science. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 123-137. MALNUTRITION, PROTEIN-CALORIE MALNUTRITION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Behbehani, Abbas M. 1980 The Smallpox Story: Man Finally Defeats an Old Adversary. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 81:447-456,474. SMALLPOX ERADICATION, [CWHM-1982-112-#1778]
Behbehani, Abbas M. 1983 The Smallpox Story: Life and Death of an Old Disease. Microbiological Reviews 47(4):455-509. SMALLPOX, ERADICATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Behlmer, George K. 1979 Deadly Motherhood: Infanticide and Medical Opinion in Mid-Victorian England. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 34(4):403-427. INFANTICIDE, VICTORIAN, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Behrend, Gary D. 1981 Diet, Food Preparation and Dental Health in Prehistory: Analogic Models from the Ethnographic Record. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):200. DENTAL HEALTH, DIET, NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Behrendt, H. C. 1968 [Jaw Abnormalities in Art.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 109:877-879. JAW, ABNORMALITY, ART, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Behrens, Conrad Berthold 1714 Gruendlicher Bericht von der Natur der Pest. [Thorough Report on the Nature of the Plague.]. Brunswick. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Behrensmeyer, Anna K. 1978 Taphonomic and Ecologic Information on Bone Weathering. Paleobiology 4:150-162. TAPHONOMY, BONE WEATHERING, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:321]
Behrensmeyer, Anna K. 1984 Taphonomy and the Fossil Record. American Scientist 72:558-566. TAPHONOMY, FOSSIL RECORD, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:124]
Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Kathleen D. Gordon, and Glenn T. Yanagi 1986 Trampling as a Cause of Bone Surface Damage and Pseudo-Cutmarks. Nature (London) 319(6056):768-771. TAPHONOMY, TRAMPLING, [JRNL]
Behrensmeyer, Anna K., and A. P. Hill, eds. 1980 Fossils in the Making: Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. TAPHONOMY, PALEOECOLOGY, VERTEBRATE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:049 & GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Behura, N. K. 1991 Anthropology of Disease, Treatment and Cure. Man and Life 17(1/2):29-39. DISEASE, TREATMENT, CURE, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1991-29(4):249]
Beiger, G., et al. 1972 The State of Oral Health in French-Canadian Children Between the Ages of 6 and 13 Years. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association/Journal de l'Association Dentaire Canadienne 38:378-384. ORAL HEALTH, FRENCH-CANADIAN, [ARME]
Beighton, P., E. Sujansky, B. Patzak, and K. A. Portele 1993 Genetic Skeletal Dysplasias in the Museum of Pathological Anatomy, Vienna. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47(6):843-847. DYSPLASIAS, SKELETAL, GENETIC, VIENNA, MUSEUM OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, [CWHM-1994-162-#0176]
Beighton, P., E. Sujansky, B. Patzak, and K. A. Portele 1994 Bone Dysplasias of Infancy in the Vienna Collection. Pediatric Radiology 24(6):384-386. BONE DYSPLASIA, INFANT, VIENNA COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Belden, W. W. 1925 A Case Report of Multiple Myeloma. Dental Cosmos pp. 442-447. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, [ARME]
Bell, E. L. 1987 A Preliminary Report on Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation at the Boott Mills Boardinghouses: An Historical and Archaeological Perspective. In: Mary C. Beaudry, and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 18. Volume 1. Life at the Boardinghouses: A Preliminary Report. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior, pp. 55-66. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, BOARDINGHOUSE LIFESTYLE, HEALTH; HYGIENE; SANITATION, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):316 & MELVYL]
Bell, Earl H., and Ales Hrdlicka 1935 A Recent Indian Skull of Apparently Low Type from Nebraska. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 20(1):5-11. SKULL, NEBRASKA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bell, J. T. 1876 Epidemic Diseases and Their Prevention in Relationship to the Water Supply of the Town of Belleville. Belleville, Ontario: Intelligencer Office. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:086]
Bell, Lanny 1973 In the Tombs of the High Priests of Amun. Expedition 15(2):17-27. PRIEST, TOMB, AMUN, [JRNL]
Bell, Lynne S. 1990 Macroscopic and Microscopic Evaluation of Archaeological Pathological Bone: Backscattered Electron Imaging of Putative Pagetic Bone. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 4. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, PAGETIC BONE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, PATHOLOGICAL, SEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bell, Lynne S. 1990 Palaeopathology and Diagenesis: An SEM Evaluation of Structural Changes Using Backscattered Electron Imaging. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 73:11; 1992, 77:18.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(1):85-102. BONE PATHOLOGY AND DIAGENESIS, SEM, [JRNL]
Bell, Lynne S., and Sheila J. Jones 1991 Macroscopic and Microscopic Evaluation of Archaeological Pathological Bone: Backscattered Electron Imaging of Putative Pagetic Bone. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):179-184. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, BONE, [CWHM-1992-153-#0354]
Bell, M. 1986 Brean Down. Current Archaeology 102:218-221. PARASITISM, ENDOPARASITISM, [PPNL-1988-62:6]
Bell, R. C. 1962 Some Curious Aspects of Tattooing. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 15:255-260. TATTOOING, [NDX-Tattooing-03-03-02836]
Bell, W. G. 1924 The Great Plague of London in 1665. London: John Lane. PLAGUE, LONDON, [DISEASE AND HISTORY:240]
Bell, W. J. 1984 Chinese Bound Feet. British Journal of Chiropody 49:60. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, CASE REPORT CA 1945, [CWHM-1984-122-#0573]
Bellagarda, G. 1965 La Càrie Dentaria e le Sue Cure Negli Scritti Degli Antichi. [Dental Caries and Their Treatment in the Writings of the Ancients.]. [Italian]. Minerva Medica 56:892-903. DENTAL CARIES, TREATMENT, ANCIENT, [NDX-Dental Caries-06-02-01176]
Bellamy, P. F. 1842 A Brief Account of Two Peruvian Mummies in the Museum of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 10(1st Series):95-100. MUMMIES, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):576]
Bellantoni, N. F. 1991 Two Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from the Morgan Site, Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut 54:13-20. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MORGAN SITE, ROCKY HILL, CONNECTICUT, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1992-30(3)-#4821]
Bellemore, Jane, Ian M. Plant, and Lynne M. Cunningham 1994 Plague of Athens--Fungal Poison? Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 49(4):521-545. PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF ATHENS, POISON, FUNGAL POISON, [JRNL]
Belli, Antonio, Luigi Capasso, and Walter Ferri 1992 The Stereophotogrammetric Survey of the Val Senales Mummy: Peculiar Photographic Techniques and State of the Art. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 218-226. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, PHOTOGRAPHY, STEREOPHOTOGRAMMETRIC, [BOOK]
Belli, G., G. Belluomini, P. F. Cassoli, S. Cecchi, M. Cucarzi, L. Delitala, Gino Fornaciari, Francesco Mallegni, M. Piperno, A. G. Segre, and E. Segre-Naldini 1991 Découverte d'un Fémur Humain Acheuléen à Notarchiricho (Vensoa, Basilicate). L'Anthropologie (Paris) 95:47-88. FEMUR, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S49 & FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:09]
Bellifemine, Viviana Ines, and Robert D. Jurmain 1995 Pattern of Cranial Trauma in a Prehistoric Population from Central California. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 5. SKULL, TRAUMA, CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bellizza, L., B. Gilli, Emma Rabino Massa, and M. Reddavid 1988 Distances Biologiques Entre Populations Anciennes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, pp. 1-2. POPULATION BIOLOGY, ANCIENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Belloni, Luigi 1965 La Trapanazione del Crànio nella Preistoria e nella Storia. Minerva Medica 56:n.74; varia 1290; interventi 1305. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [DIS IN ANT:694]
Bellucci, R. J., J. Zizmor, and R. E. Goodwin 1975 Odontoma of the Middle Ear: A Case Presentation. Archives of Otolaryngology 101:571-573. NEOPLASM, ODONTOMA, MIDDLE EAR, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bellwood, Peter 1992 The Excavation of Khok Phanom Di, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. Volume 1: The Excavation, Chronology and Human Burials. By C. F. W. Higham, and R. Bannanurag. 1990. Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 19(2):255-256. REVIEW OF, HIGHAM; C. F. W. AND R. BANNANURA, 1990, [JRNL]
Belonoschkin, B. 1972 Mayamedizin. [Translated from Opusc Med, 1969, 14:309-315]. Ethnologie Amerika (Düsseldorf) 8:374-381. MEDICAL HISTORY, AMERICA, INDIAN, MAYA, [CWHM-1973-80-#0846]
Belova, L. V. 1985 Venereal Diseases in the Papers of Medieval Eastern Scientists. [Russian]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 12:59-61. VENEREAL DISEASE, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1986-130-#2132]
Belova, L. V. 1986 Abul Kasim al-Zahrawi on Skin and Venereal Diseases. [Russian]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 4:72-75. SKIN DISEASE, VENEREAL DISEASE, [CWHM-1987-131-#1992]
Belova, L. V. 1986 Aurelius Cornelius Celsus on Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases. [Russian]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 5:75-77. SKIN DISEASE, VENEREAL DISEASE, [CWHM-1987-131-#1993]
Belovich, S. J. 1993 Fracture Patterns in the Carlston Annis (Bt-5) Late Archaic Shell Mound Skeletal Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:65. FRACTURE PATTERN, ARCHAIC, CARLSTON ANNIS BT-5, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beltran, J. R. 1938 Las Enfermadades Dentarias en la Prehistoria. Noticioso Médico Mundial 18:4. DENTAL DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Beltran, J. R. 1938 La Medicina de los Pueblos Primitivos. Prensa Médica Argentina 25:667-673. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, PUEBLOS, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Beltran, J. R. 1941 Las Incógnitas de la Cirurgía Prehistorica. Boletines y Trabajos de la Sociedad Argentina de Cirujanos 2:715-721. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, [CRAN]
Beman, S. B. 1981 Bone Mineral, Cortical Thickness and Age Variation in Kagamil Aleut Mummies. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):200. MUMMIES, ALEUT, KAGAMIL, BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, CORTICAL THICKNESS, AGE VARIATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beman, S. B. n.d. Skeletal Biology of the Kagamil Aleut Mummies. [Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs]. DISSERTATION, MUMMIES, ALEUT, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, [TYSON & ELERICK 1985:051]
Bement, Leland C. 1994 Hunter-Gatherer Mortuary Practices During the Central Texas Archaic. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. [See reviews by Grant D. Hall, 1996; Joseph F. Powell, 1996.]. MORTUARY PRACTICE, HUNTER-GATHERER, TEXAS, [J-ARCHAEOL-RES-1996-52:373 & AM-ANTIQ-1996-61:620]
Benassi, E., and A. Toti 1958 [Notes on the Bones Found in the Excavations of Cemeteries of Spina: Confirmations of the Greek Racial Origin of Thalassemia.]. Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Affini (Turin) 57(1):16-28. THALASSEMIA, GREEK ORIGIN CONFIRMED, [CRAN]
Benassi, Enrico, and Giorgio Ragni 1973 The Amount of Information Which Can Be Derived from the Radiographic Study of Mummies as Exemplified by a Mummy of the Late Ptolemaic Era. Journal of Human Evolution 2:47-48. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOGRAPHY, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:47]
Benassi, Enrico, and Giorgio Ragni 1973 The Amount of Information Which Can Be Derived from the Radiographic Study of Mummies as Exemplified by a Mummy of the Late Ptolemaic Era. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 47-48. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Bendann, E. 1930 Death Customs: An Analytical Study of Burial Rites. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. BURIAL RITES, ANALYSIS, [MELVYL]
Bender, Margaret M., David A. Baerreis, and Raymond L. Steventon 1981 Further Light on Carbon Isotopes and Hopewell Agriculture. American Antiquity 46(2):346-353. AGRICULTURE, HOPEWELL AGRICULTURE, CARBON ISOTOPE, [JRNL]
Bender, Susan J. 1979 Paleodemographic Analysis of a Late Woodland Site in Southwestern Michigan. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 4(2):183-208. DEMOGRAPHY, WOODLAND, MICHIGAN, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219 & PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1994-39:443]
Bendheim, O. 1966 Psychiatry in Yucatan. 3. Medical Archaeology in Mexico. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 17(6):167-169. MEDICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, MEXICO, PSYCHIATRY, YUCATAN, [NDX-Paleopathology-07-01-02901]
Bendich, A., and R. K. Chandra, eds. 1990 Micronutrients and Immune Functions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 587. IMMUNE FUNCTIONS, MICRONUTRIENT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Benditt, John 1989 DNA from a 7,000-Year-Old Brain Opens New Vistas in Prehistory. Scientific American 261(1):25-26. DNA, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Benditt, John 1989 The Syphilized World. Scientific American 260(3):30. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, WORLD, [JRNL]
Bendyshe, Thomas, trans. and ed. 1865 The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. With Memoirs of Him by Marx and Flourens, and an Account of His Anthropological Museum by R. Wagner, and the Inaugural Dissertation of John Hunter, M.D. on the Varieties of Man. Published for the Anthropological Society, London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green. ANTHROPOLOGY HISTORY, JOHANN FRIEDRICH BLUMENBACH, RACE, MUSEUM IN GÖTTINGEN, JOHN HUNTER, [BOOK]
Benedek, Thomas G. 1969 The Gout Encomium of Georg Fleissner, 1594. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 43(2):116-137. GOUT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Benedek, Thomas G. 1978 The 'Tuskegee Study' of Syphilis: Analysis of Moral Versus Methodologic Aspects. Journal of Chronic Diseases 31(1):35-50. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, TUSKEGEE STUDY, [JRNL]
Benedek, Thomas G. 1983 The Gout of Desiderius Erasmus and Willibald Pirckheimer: Medical Autobiography and Its Literary Reflections. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 57(4):526-544. GOUT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Benedek, Thomas G. 1987 Popular Literature on Gout in the 16th & 17th Centuries. [Letter]. Journal of Rheumatology 14(1):186. GOUT, HISTORY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Benedek, Thomas G., and Gerald P. Rodnan 1963 Petrarch on Medicine and the Gout. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 37(5):397-416. GOUT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Benedek, Thomas G., and Gerald P. Rodnan 1963 Podagra by Gottfried Rogg: An Illustrated Encomium on the Gout. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 18:349-352. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout-05-03-01667]
Benedek, Thomas G., and Gerald P. Rodnan 1982 A Brief History of the Rheumatic Diseases. Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases 32(6):59-68. RHEUMATIC DISEASE, HISTORY OF, [JRNL]
Benedict, A. L. 1893 A Prehistoric Dental Anomaly. New York Medical Journal 58:228. DENTAL ANOMALY, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Dentition, abnormalities of]
Benedict, Edward G. 1931 Carcinoma in Osteomyelitis. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics 53(1):1-11. NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, OSTEOMYELITIS, [JRNL]
Benedictow, Ole Jφrgen 1986 The Great Pestilence and Sigdal's Death Register. [Norwegian with English Abstract]. Historisk Tidsskrift (Oslo) 64(1):3-15. PLAGUE, SIGDAL'S DEATH REGISTER, [CWHM-1986-130-#1634]
Benedictow, Ole Jφrgen 1987 Morbidity in Historical Plague Epidemics. Population Studies (London) 41:401-431. PLAGUE, HISTORICAL, MORBIDITY, [CWHM-1988-136-#1737]
Benedictow, Ole Jφrgen 1988 Breast-Feeding and Sexual Abstinence in Early Medieval Europe and the Importance of Protein-Caloric Malnutrition (Kwashiorkor and Marasmus). Scandinavian Journal of History 13:167-206. KWASHIORKOR, MARASMUS, MEDIEVAL, EUROPE, [CWHM-1991-150-#0204]
Benedictow, Ole Jφrgen 1990 The Great Pestilence in Norway: An Epidemiological Study. Collegium Medievale 3(1):19-58. PLAGUE, NORWAY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-148-#1834]
Benedictow, Ole Jφrgen 1992 Plague in the Late Medieval Nordic Countries: Epidemiological Studies. Oslo, Norway: Middelalderforlaget. [See review by Paul Slack, 1993.]. PLAGUE, MEDIEVAL, NORDIC, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [BULL-HIST-MED-1993-67:715]
Benenson, Abram S. 1990 Control of Communicable Diseases in Man. Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE, CONTROL OF, [PETERSON-EARL-1992:71]
Benfer, Robert A. 1968 An Analysis of a Prehistoric Skeletal Population, Casas Grandes, Mexico. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin]. DISSERTATION, POPULATION, SKELETAL, PREHISTORIC, MEXICO, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:554]
Benfer, Robert A. 1974 The Human Skeletal Remains from Tula. In: Richard A. Diehl, ed. Studies of Ancient Tollan: A Report of the University of Missouri Tula Archaeological Project. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, Number 1, pp. 105-121. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TULA, [SEMPOWSKI&SPENCE-1994:456.]
Benfer, Robert A. 1977 The Paloma Project: A Multidisciplinary Study of the Demography, Health and Micro Ecology of a Prefarming Village in Coastal Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):117. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, ECOLOGY, PALOMA, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A. 1981 Demography. In: Robert A. Benfer, director. Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 36:11-12. DEMOGRAPHY, SEDENTISM, FOOD, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A. 1984 The Challenges and Rewards of Sedentism: The Preceramic Village of Paloma, Peru. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 531-558. SEDENTISM, PALOMA, PERU, [BOOK]
Benfer, Robert A. 1986 Holocene Coastal Adaptations: Changing Demography and Health at the Fog Oasis of Paloma, Peru, 7,800-5,000BP. In: M. R. Matos, S. A. Turpin, and H. H. Eling, Jr., eds. Andean Archaeology: Papers in Memory of Clifford Evans. Monograph XXVII, Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles, California: University of California, pp. 45-64. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, FOG OASIS, PALOMA, PERU, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:263]
Benfer, Robert A., Jr. 1990 The Preceramic Period Site of Paloma, Peru: Bioindications of Improving Adaptation to Sedentism. Latin American Antiquity 1(4):284-318. SEDENTISM, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A. 1996 Mortuary Practices and Skeletal Remains at Teotihuacan. Volume 3, Urbanization at Teotihuacan, Mexico. By Martha L. Sempowski, and Michael W. Spence. 1994. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press. [Review]. Latin American Antiquity 7(4):378-380. REVIEW OF, SEMPOWSKI; MARTHA L., AND MICHAEL W. SPENCE, 1994, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A. n.d. Paloma, Chilca Valley, Peru: Remains of Middle Maritime Sedentary Peoples. [Unpublished manuscript on file, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri]. REMAINS HUMAN, MIDDLE MARITIME SEDENTARY PEOPLE, PALOMA, PERU, UNPUBLISHEDMANUSCRIPT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:263]
Benfer, Robert A., director 1981 Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 36:11-13. SEDENTISM, FOOD, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., director 1982 Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 37:6-8. SEDENTISM, FOOD, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., moderator 1988 Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, pp. 3-6. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., and Jeremy B. Edward 1988 Trace Element Analysis of Human Bone: A Paleopathological Perspective. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting ofthe Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 10. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., and Daniel Stewart Edwards 1991 The Principal Axis Method for Measuring Rate and Amount of Dental Attrition: Estimating Juvenile or Adult Tooth Wear from Unaged Adult Teeth. In: Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen, eds. Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 325-340. DENTAL ATTRITION, MEASUREMENT, [MISSOURI-ARCHAEOL-SOC-QTR-1994-11:22 & MELVYL]
Benfer, Robert A., Daniel Stewart Edwards, and Eugenie C. Scott 1988 Comparison of an Age-Independent Measurement of Dental Attrition with Other Skeletal Indicators of Diet. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):186. DENTAL ATTRITION, DIET, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., and Sarah J. Gehlert 1980 Los Habitantes Precolumbinos de la Paloma. In: M. Ramiro Matos, ed. El Hombre y la Cultura Andina. Andahualas 348, Lima 1, Peru, pp. 792-780. POPULATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, PALOMA, PERU, [PPNL-1982-37:8]
Benfer, Robert A., and Thomas W. McKern 1966 The Correlation of Bone Robusticity with the Perforation of the Coronoid-Olecranon Septum in the Humerus of Man. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 24(2):247-252. HUMERUS, SEPTUM, OLECRANON PERFORATION, ROBUSTICITY, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., and John Typpo 1988 Trace Element Analysis of Human Hair: A Paleopathological Perspective. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn,ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 8. HAIR, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., John W. Typpo, and Vickie B. Graf 1982 Trace Element Analysis of Hair. In: Robert A. Benfer, director. Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 37:7. HAIR, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., John T. Typpo, Vicki B. Graf, and Edward E. Pickett 1978 Mineral Analysis of Ancient Peruvian Hair. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):277-282. NUTRITION, HEALTH, HAIR, MINERAL ANALYSIS, PERU, [JRNL]
Benfer, Robert A., James A. Vogt, and Steve Schlagel 1981 Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Ancient Peruvian Bone: The Effects of Soil, Strata, Demography, Diet, and Disease. Paper presented to Symposium on Biogeochemistry in Archaeology, Society for American Archaeology and Society of Archaeological Science Meetings, San Diego. BONE, NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS, SOIL, STRATA, DEMOGRAPHY, NUTRITION,DISEASE, PERU, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:554]
Benfer, Robert A., James A. Vogt, and Steve Schlagel 1982 Trace Element Analysis of Bone. In: Robert A. Benfer, director. Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 37:6-7. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Bengoa, J. M. 1990 Evolución de la Nutrición del ser Humano. G E N 44(4):437-441. DIET, NUTRITION, [CWHM-1993-158-#0316]
Benitez, Jaime T. 1982 The Temporal Bone. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 4. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, TEMPORAL BONE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T. 1984 Temporal Bone Studies: Findings in Two Specimens from the Barrow Frozen Family. In: The Frozen Family from the Utqiagvik Site, Barrow, Alaska: Papers from a Symposium. Arctic Anthropology 21(1):89-97. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, TEMPORAL BONE, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T. 1985 Temporal Bone Paleopathological Studies from Two Members of the Barrow Frozen Family. [Abstract]. In: John B. Gregg, moderator. Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985, pp. 5-6. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, TEMPORAL BONE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T. 1987 Otology. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. The Mummy from Mummy Cave: Preliminary Reports. Paleopathology Newsletter 60:7-8. MUMMIES, MUMMY CAVE, ODONTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T. 1988 Otopathology of Egyptian Mummy PUM II: Final Report. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 64:12.]. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 102(6):485-490. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, OTOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T., and Harold M. Frost 1993 Undecalcified Sections Study from the Right Fibula of Egyptian Mummy PUM II. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, pp. 6-7. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, FIBULA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T., and George E. Lynn 1975 Temporal Bone Studies: Findings with Undecalcified Sections in a 2,600-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 13:16.]. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 89(6):593-599. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TEMPORAL BONE, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T., and George E. Lynn 1980 Temporal Bone Comparative Histological Study of Egyptian Mummy ROM II. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):203-204. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ROM II, HISTOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Benitez, Jaime T., and George E. Lynn 1980 Temporal Bone Studies. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 301-311. MUMMIES, TEMPORAL BONE, [BOOK]
Benito, J. D. 1873 Del Orígen de la Sífilis. Memórias Leidas en la Sociedad Anatómica Española 1:43-46. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, HISTORY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Benjamin, E. M., A. L. Russell, and Roy D. Smiley 1957 Periodontal Disease in Rural Children of 25 Indiana Counties. Journal of Periodontology 28(4):294-298. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, CHILD, [JRNL]
Benjamin, P. V. 1957 Tuberculosis in the Tropics. In: F. R. G. Heaf, ed. Symposium of Tuberculosis. London: Cassell. TUBERCULOSIS, TROPICS, [BUIKSTRA:1981:174]
Ben-Ncer, A. 1990 La Quantification par Pesée Application à l'Archéologie Funéraire l'Exemple du Gisement d'Eybral (Dordogne). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):51-54. ARCHAEOLOGY, FUNERAL, DORDOGNE, [JRNL]
Bennett, J. H., F. A. Rhodes, and H. N. Robson 1959 A Possible Genetic Basis for Kuru. American Journal of Human Genetics 11:169-187. GENETICS, KURU, GENETIC BASE FOR, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:074]
Bennett, John W. 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):425-426. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bennett, John W. 1973 Comment on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See Joseph B. Birdsell, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):350-351. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1965 The Etiology and Genetics of Wormian Bones. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(3):255-260. SKULL, WORMIAN BONE, ETIOLOGY AND GENETICS, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1966 Appendix B. Analysis of Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from the Navajo Reservoir District. In: Frank W. Eddy. Prehistory in the Navajo Reservoir District, Northwestern New Mexico. Museum of New Mexico Papers in Anthropology, Number 15, Part 2. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Museum of New Mexico Press, pp. 523-546. SKELETAL ANALYSIS, NAVAJO, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1967 Craniostenosis: A Review of the Etiology and a Report of New Cases. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 27(1):1-9. CRANIOSTENOSIS, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1969 Symposium on Methods for the Study of Skeletal Populations. Introduction. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):405-406. POPULATION, SKELETAL, METHOD, STUDY, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1969 The Typological Versus the Evolutionary Approach in Skeletal Population Studies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):407-414. POPULATION, SKELETAL, METHOD, STUDY, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1971 Comment on "Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations." [See T. Aidan Cockburn, 1971.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):54. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1972 Lumbo-Sacral Malformations and Spina Bifida Occulta in a Group of Proto-Historic Modoc Indians. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(3):435-439. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA, LUMBOSACRAL MALFORMATION, MODOC INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1972 On the Estimation of Mortality Characteristics in Prehistoric Human Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):430. MORTALITY, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1973 The Indians of Point of Pines, Arizona: A Comparative Study of Their Physical Characteristics. [See review by Louise M. Robbins, 1973.]. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 23:1-75. CHARACTERISTIC, PHYSICAL, INDIAN, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1973 On the Estimation of Some Demographic Characteristics on a Prehistoric Population from the American Southwest. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 39(2):223-231. DEMOGRAPHY, METHODS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1975 Skeletal Remains from Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. National Park Service, Publications in Archeology 7F, Wetherill Mesa Studies. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Interior. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COLORADO, [BOOK]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1985 Science or Sacrilege: The Study of Native American Remains. By Phillip L. Walker, 1984. [Film Review]. Instructional Development Television Services, 2130 Kerr Learning Resources Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106. 3/4" U-matic, 1/2" VHS, or 1/2" Beta 2 videotape color sound format, $100; 3-day rental $40. 41 minutes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(1):105-107. REVIEW, FILM REVIEW, REPATRIATION, REMAINS, HUMAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1987 A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identification. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1988/1989.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:16.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FIELD GUIDE FOR IDENTIFICATION, [PPNL-1989-68:16 & HOMO-1988/1989-38:250]
Bennett, Kenneth A. 1989 Human Skeletal Remains, Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation. 2nd Edition. By Douglas H. Ubelaker. 1988. Washington, D.C.: Taraxacum. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):264-265. REVIEW OF, UBELAKER; DOUGLAS H., 1988, [JRNL]
Bennett, Kenneth A., ed. 1993 A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identification. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:17.]. HUMAN SKELETAL IDENTIFICATION, FIELD GUIDE, [PPNL-1993-84:17]
Bennett, Kenneth A., William S. Pollitzer, Christy G. Turner II, J. Lawrence Angel, Douglas Osborne, T. Dale Stewart, William W. Howells, and William M. Bass 1969 Symposium on Methods for the Study of Skeletal Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):403-461. POPULATION, SKELETAL, METHOD, STUDY, [JRNL]
Bennett, L. 1915 Mummy as a Remedy. Therapeutic Record 12(133):13-17. MUMMIES, REMEDY, [LSG3-Mummies]
Bennett, Peter H., and Thomas A. Burch 1968 The Epidemiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: John H. Bland, ed. Symposium on Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medical Clinics of North America 52(3):479-491. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bennett, Peter H., and Thomas A. Burch 1968 The Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Peter H. Bennett, and P. H. N. Wood, eds. Population Studies of the Rheumatic Diseases. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Foundation, pp. 136-147. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, GENETICS OF, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Bennett, Peter H., and P. H. N. Wood, eds. 1968 Population Studies of the Rheumatic Diseases. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Foundation. DISEASE, RHEUMATOID DISEASE, POPULATION STUDY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088 & ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:321 ]
Bennett, R. 1896 The Diseases of the Bible. London: Religious Tract Society. DISEASE, BIBLE, [ARME]
Bennett, Suzanne M. 1979 The Use of Discriminant Function Analysis in the Assessment of Race. [Senior Honors Paper, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming. Laramie]. RACE ASSESSMENT, DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION ANALYSIS, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:336]
Bennett, W. 1931 Breve Informe sobre las Momias Tarahumaras Solicitado por el Departamento de Antropología Física del Museo Nacional. MUMMIES, MEXICO, TARAHUMARA, [AN-MUS-NAC-ARQUEOL-HIST-ETNOGR-1935-2(5):36]
Bennike, Pia 1981 Skeletforskning--Sygdom og Sundhed i Oldtiden. [Skeletal Research--Diseases and Health in Prehistoric Denmark]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 37:14.]. Humaniora 4:177-182. DISEASE, HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, DENMARK, [PPNL-1982-37:14]
Bennike, Pia 1982 Organizational Methods and Results from the Danish Paleopathology Project. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, pp. 2-3. PALEOPATHOLOGY, DENMARK, METHOD, RESULT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1983 Denmark: Paleopathological Studies. [Regional Report]. Paleopathology Newsletter 43:10-11. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY, SKELETAL REMAINS, DENMARK, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1983 Patterns of Human-Induced Injuries of the Prehistoric Skeletons from Denmark. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):172-173. INJURY, INDUCED, PREHISTORIC, DENMARK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1983 Trepanning Practice in Prehistoric Denmark. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, pp. 14-15. TREPHINATION, DENMARK, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1984 Tandbehandling i Oldtiden. [Prehistoric Dentistry]. [Danish with Engish Abstract]. Dansk Medicinhistorisk Aarbog/Yearbook of Danish Medical History 13:45-55. PATHOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, [CWHM-1986-127-#1595]
Bennike, Pia 1984 Trepanning Practice in Prehistoric Denmark. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 2. TREPHINATION, DENMARK, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1985 Dental Treatment with a Flint Drill 5,000 Years Ago. [Abstract]. In: John B. Gregg, moderator. Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985, p. 7. DENTAL TREATMENT, DRILL, FLINT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1985 First Evidence of Dental Treatment in Denmark 5000 Years Ago. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):144. DENTAL TREATMENT, PREHISTORIC, DENMARK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1985 Palaeopathology of Danish Skeletons: A Comparative Study of Demography, Disease and Injury. Copenhagen, Denmark: Akademisk Forlag. [See reviews by David W. Frayer, 1986; Robert D. Jurmain, 1986; Pierre L. Thillaud, 1988; Michael R. Zimmerman, 1988.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 53:12.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, DISEASE, INJURY, DENMARK, [AJPA-70:279 & ZAGREB-1988:248]
Bennike, Pia 1985 Stenalderbefolkningen på φerne Syd for Fyn: En Antropologisk Undersφgelse. [The Neolithic Population of the Islands South of Fyn.]. [Danish with English Abstract]. Rudkφbing: Medd fra Langelands Museum, pp. 467-491. POPULATION, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1986 Dislocation and/or Congenital Malformation of the Shoulder Joint [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 2. DISLOCATION, MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, SHOULDER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1987 Biological Differences Between the Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic Skeletal Population in Denmark. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):177-178. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1987 Dislocation and/or Congenital Malformation of the Shoulder. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 13. DISLOCATION, MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, SHOULDER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1987 The Peasant Physician. By K. Jappe, and L. Jappe. n.d. Jappe Film, Bakkegardsvej 41, DK 3060 Espergaerde, Denmark. [Film]. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(2):101-102. REVIEW OF, JAFFE; K., AND L. JAFFE, N.D., [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:319 & PPNL-1988-63:15]
Bennike, Pia 1989 A Simplified Preparation of Undecalcified Bone for Osteonanalyses. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):191-192. OSTEONANLYSIS, BONE, UNDECALCIFIED, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1990 Osteoporosis in the Past. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 5. OSTEOPOROSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1990 A Simplified Preparation of Undecalcified Bone for Osteoanalyses. In: Elisabeth Iregren, and Rune Liljekvist, eds. Populations of Nordic Countries: Human Population Biology from the Present to the Mesolithic. Second Seminar of Nordic Physical Anthropology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund. BONE, UNDECALCIFIED, PREPARATION OF, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219 & MELVYL]
Bennike, Pia 1991 Bone Mineral Content and Geometry in Past and Present. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:49 BONE MINERAL, PAST, PRESENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1991 Epidemiological Aspects of Paleopathology in Denmark: Past, Present, and Future Studies. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 140-144. PATHOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECT, DENMARK, [BOOK]
Bennike, Pia 1992 Enlarged Parietal Foramina. [Comment]. Paleopathology Newsletter 78:9. SKULL, PARIETAL FORAMEN, ENLARGED, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia 1992 A 'New' Pathological Collection of Bones for Palaeopathological Studies. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at theNinth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 4-5. COLLECTION, OSTEOPATHOLOGY, MUSEUM OF MEDICAL HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OFCOPENHAGEN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and H. Bohr 1991 Bone Mineral Content in Past and Present. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, pp. 1. BONE MINERAL, PAST, PRESENT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and H. Bohr 1992 Bone Mineral Content in the Past and Present. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 5. BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and Frede Bro-Rasmussen 1988 Ankylosis and Restricted Movement of the Hip in a Right Angle: Examples from Danish Prehistoric Skeletons. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 2. HIP, ANKYLOSIS, MOVEMENT, PREHISTORIC, DENMARK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and Frede Bro-Rasmussen 1989 Contracture and Ankylosis of the Hip Joint in a Right Angle. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 5. HIP, ANKYLOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, Frede Bro-Rasmussen, and P. Bro-Rasmussen 1987 Dislocation and/or Congenital Malformation of the Shoulder Joint. Observations on a Mediaeval Skeleton from Denmark. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 45(2):117-129. DISLOCATION, MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, SHOULDER, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
Bennike, Pia, and J. Christoffersen 1981 Et Hoved Kortere. [A Head Shorter.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 37:14.]. Skalk 3:10-13. STATURE, [PPNL-1982-37:14]
Bennike, Pia, and Klaus Ebbesen 1986 The Bog Find from Sigersdal. Journal of Danish Archaeology 5:85-115. BOG BODIES, SIGERSDAL, [ZAGREB-1988:144]
Bennike, Pia, Klaus Ebbesen, and Lise Bender Jφrgensen. 1986 Early Neolithic Skeletons from Bolkilde Bog, Denmark. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 59:17.]. Antiquity 60(230):199-209. BOG BODIES, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and L. Fredebo 1985 Dental Treatment in the Stone Age. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 89:459-465. DENTAL TREATMENT, STONE AGE, [ARME]
Bennike, Pia, and L. Fredebo 1986 Dental Treatment in the Stone Age. [Translated by L. Sentz from Tandlaegebladet, 1985, 89:459-465.]. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 34:81-87. DENTAL TREATMENT, STONE AGE, [CWHM-1987-132-#1395]
Bennike, Pia, and J. P. Gylding-Sabroe 1986 Rheumatic Arthritis in a Danish Skeleton 2000 Years Old? Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):294. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, DENMARK, 2000 YEARS BP, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bennike, Pia, and J. P. Gylding-Sabroe 1987 Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Danish Skeleton 2,000 Years Old? [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 18. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, DENMARK, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and Holger Schutkowsky 1995 The Reliability of Photonabsorptiometry Scanning of Excavated Bones. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):77. BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, PHOTONABSORPTIOMETRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennike, Pia, and Holger Schutkowsky 1996 The Reliability of Photonabsorptiometry Scanning of Excavated Bones. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 3. BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, PHOTONABSORPTIOMETRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bennion, E. 1981 Phlebotomy: The Art, Practice & Instruments. MD Medical Newsmagazine 25(8):43-46. BLOODLETTING, [CWHM-1982-112-#0193]
Benson, G. G., S. R. Hemingway, and F. N. Leach 1978 Composition of the Wrapping of an Ancient Egyptian Mummy. [Proceedings]. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 30(Supplement):78P. MUMMIES, EGYPT, WRAPPING, [NDX-Mummies-20-12-09213]
Bensoussan, J. C., D. Dessaigne, and Raoul Perrot 1991 Incidences Fonctionnelles de la Paléopathologie Maxillo-Dentaire sur la Base du Crâne et sur l'Articulation Temporo-Mandibulaire (1). Paléobios 7(2):49-63. DENTAL MAXILLARY PATHOLOGY, ARTICULATION, TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT, [JRNL]
Bensoussan, J. C., D. Dessaigne, and Raoul Perrot 1991 Proposition d'une Présentation Iconographique des Résultats d'une Etude Descriptive et Fonctionnelle du Système Maxillo-Dentaire (1). Paléobios 7(2):27-36. SKULL, MAXILLA, DENTITION, TEETH, METHODOLOGY, ICONOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bensoussan, J. C., C. Manfredi, and Raoul Perrot 1992 Selle Turcique et Diagnose de l'Age en Identification Médico-Légale. Paléobios 8(1-2):33-44. SKULL, SUTURE, SYNOSTOSIS, GUSTAFSON, SELLA TURCICA, [JRNL]
Bent, Theodore 1885 Notes on Prehistoric Remains in Antiparos. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 14:134-141. REMAINS, PREHISTORIC, ANTIPAROS, [JRNL]
Bentivoglio, M., G. Grassi-Zucconi, and K. Kristensson 1994 From Trypanosomes to the Nervous System, from Molecules to Behavior: A Survey, on the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of Castellani's Discovery of the Parasites in Sleeping Sickness. Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences 15(2):75-87. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, [CWHM-1994-164-#0140]
Ben-Tor, Amnon 1975 Two Burial Caves of the Proto-Urban Period at Azor. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. BURIAL CAVE, PROTO-URBAN PERIOD, AZOR, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-NEAR-EAST-#1778]
Bentzen, Raymond C. 1929 Dental Conditions Among the Mimbres People of Southwestern United States Previous to the Year 600 A.D.: An Original Study of the Teeth and Jaws from a Series of Skeletons Unearthed by the Jenks Expedition. Dental Cosmos 71:1068-1073. DENTITION, MIMBRES, JENKS EXPEDITION, [ARME]
Bérato, J., Olivier Dutour, J. Williams, H. Zakarian, and P. C. Acquaviva 1990 Epidémiologie des Affections Rhumatismales dans une Population Antique. Etude de la Nécropole du Haut Empire de Saint-Lambert (Frejus, Var). [Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases in an Ancient Population. Study of the Nécropole du Haut-Empire de Saint-Lambert (Frejus, Var).]. Revue du Rhumatisme et des Maladies Ostéoarticulaires 57(5):397-400. RHEUMATISM, [NDX-Paleopathology-31-08-09995]
Beraud, C., P. Morel, and Abbe Boyer 1961 Osteome Géant Fronto-Ethmoidal Découvert sur un Crâne Médiéval du Var. [Giant Fronto-Ethmoidal Osteoma Discovered on a Medieval Skull from the Var.]. [French]. Journal de Radiologie, d'Electrologie et de Médecine Nucléaire 42:45-47. SKULL, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, FRONTO-ETHMOIDAL, MEDIEVAL, [NDX-Paleopathology-02-03-01825]
Berberian, Eduardo E. 1969 Enterratorios de Adultos en Urnas en el Area Valliserrana del Noroeste Argentino: Estudio Osteologico y Osteopatologico del Esqueleto de Rio Chaquiago (Prov de Catamarca). Publicaciones del Instituto de Antropologia Dr. Pablo Cabrera, 29. Cordoba, Argentina: Direccion General de Publicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. OSTEOLOGY, OSTEOPATHOLOGY, URN BURIAL, ARGENTINA, [MELVYL]
Berg, Ed 1972 Paleopathology: Bone Lesions in Ancient Peoples. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 9:12; 1982, 40:13.]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 82:263-267. BONE, LESION, [JRNL]
Berg, K., Friedrich W. Rösing, E. Schwarzfischer, and H. Wischerath 1975 Blood Groupings of Old Egyptian Mummies. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 26:148-153. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ABO BLOOD GROUPING, [JRNL]
Berg, P., and A. Gerber 1974 Auswertung Frühgeschichtlicher Skelettfunde auf dem Territorium des Bezirkes Schwerin aus Stomatologischer Sicht. [Stomatological Evaluation of Prehistoric Skeletons Found in the Territory of the District of Schwerin.]. [German with English Abstract]. Stomatologie der DDR 24:93-98. STOMATOLOGY, REMAINS, SKELETAL, PREHISTORIC, [NDX-Paleodontology-15-07-07804]
Berg, R. 1983 Osteological Analysis of Selected Long Bones from the Gold Mine Site, 16RI13, Richland Parish, Louisiana. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville]. BONE, LONG, ANALYSIS, GOLD MINE SITE, THESIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:419]
Berg, S. 1964 [The Age Determination of Skeletal Findings as a Forensic and Archaeological Problem.]. [German]. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 106:989-995. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETON, FORENSICS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, [NDX-Archaeology-06-02-00397]
Berg, S. 1982 [Attempts at Dating Skeletal Material by Histomorphological Quantification of Its Collagen Content.]. [German]. Archiv fuer Kriminologie 170(3-4):89-98. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COLLAGEN, HISTOMORPHOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-24-12-12358]
Berg, S. 1985 Rechtsmedizinische Befunde an historischem Material. [Medicolegal Findings in Historic Materials.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Lymphologie 9(1):50-53. MEDICOLEGAL FINDING, HISTORIC MATERIAL, [NDX-Paleopathology-26-12-12702 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Berg, S. 1994 Introduction III: Paleopathology and Forensic Medicine. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S8. FORENSIC MEDICINE, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berg, S. 1994 Paleopathology and Forensic Medicine. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 2. FORENSIC MEDICINE, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berg, S., B. Bertozzi, R. Meier, and S. Mendritzki 1983 Vergleichend-Methodologischer Beitrag und Kritische Bemerkungen zur Interpretation von Blutgruppenbestimmungen an Mumienrelikten und Skelettfunden. [Comparative Methodological Contribution and Critical Observations on the Interpretation of Blood Group Determinations of Mummies and Skeletal Remains.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 41(1):1-19. MUMMIES, SKELETON, BLOOD, GROUPING, [NDX-Mummies-24-12-11696]
Bergdolt, Klaus 1990 Die Pest 1348 in Venedig. Wuerzburger Medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 8:229-244. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1991-149-#2005]
Bergdolt, Klaus 1992 Petrarca und die Pest. [German with English Abstract]. Sudhoffs Archiv 76(1):63-73. PLAGUE, PETRARCA, [CWHM-1992-155-#0140]
Bergemann, H. 1965 [Dentistry in Ancient Judaism.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 55:703-7-6. DENTISTRY, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Dentistry-06-03-02020]
Bergemann, H. 1966 [Dental Prostheses in Ancient India.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 56:921-923. DENTAL PROSTHESIS, ANCIENT, INDIA, [NDX-History of Dentistry-08-02-02620]
Bergemann, H. 1974 Archäologische Schädelfunde auf der Insel Kodiak. [Archaeological Skull Discoveries on the Island of Kodiak.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 64(5):240-243. SKULL, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bergemann, H. 1974 Ritual Changes in the Dentition Among the Aleuts. Quintessence International 5:103-106. DENTAL MUTILATION, ALEUT, [CWHM-1975-85-#0483]
Bergemann, H. 1977 Skorbut an Bord der "Mayflower." [Scurvy on Board the Mayflower.]. [German with English Abstract]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 67(4):222-224. SCURVY, MAYFLOWER, [NDX-Scurvy history-18-13-10984]
Berger, Rainer, Reiner Protsch, Richard Reynolds, Charles Rozaire, and James R. Sackett 1971 New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 12:43-49. BONE, COLLAGEN, DATING, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Berger, Thomas D., and Erik Trinkaus 1993 Late Archaic Human Traumatic Injuries: Activity and/or a Bias in the Record. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 16(Supplement):56. INJURY, TRAUMATIC, ARCHAIC PERIOD, ACTIVITY OR BIASED RECORD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berger, Thomas D., and Erik Trinkaus 1995 Patterns of Trauma Among the Neandertals. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(6):841-852. TRAUMA, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Berget, K. A., and Steven E. Churchill 1994 Subsistence Activity and Humeral Hypertrophy Among Western Aleutian Islanders. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:55. HUMERUS, HUMERAL HYPERTROPHY, SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITY, ALEUT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bergfelder, T., and B. Herrmann 1978 Zur Fertilitätsschätzung an Hand Geburtstraumatischer Veränderungen am Schambein. [The Estimation of Fertility by Birth Traumatic Changes of the Os Pubis.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO 29:17-24. FERTILITY ESTIMATION, PUBIS, TRAUMA, BIRTH, [JRNL]
Bergman, L. E., and T. Hansson 1979 Hard Tissue Changes of the Temporomandibular Joint in an Archaeo-Osteological Material from the 11th Century. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Swedish Dental Journal 3(5):149-155. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR CHANGE, ELEVENTH CENTURY, [NDX-Archaeology-22-07-06179]
Bergman, P. 1993 The Occurrence of Selected Non-Metrical Traits of the Skull in Relation to Cribra Orbitalia and Grave Equipment. Variable Evolution 2-3:65-73. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):302]
Bergman, P., and Gertrud Hauser 1982 [Methodological Contributions to Craniometric Studies of Some Early Medieval Populations of the Upper Donau Region. II. Comparison of Early Medieval Populations on Absolute Skull Measurements.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 40(3):173-184. CRANIOMETRY, MEDIEVAL POPULATION, [NDX-Paleontology-24-12-12358]
Bergmann, H. 1978 Neufunde zum Pesttraktat Jakob Engelins von Ulm. Sudhoffs Archiv; Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften der Pharmazie und der Mathematik (Wiesbaden) 62:282-293. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1979-100-#1249]
Bergot, Catherine, and Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel 1976 Etude Systématique en Fonction de l'Age de l'Os Spongieux et de l'Os Cortical de l'Humérus et du Fémur. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 13):215-242. HUMERUS, FEMUR, SPONGY AND CORTICAL BONE, CO╔MBRA, PORTUGAL, [JRNL]
Bergström, K. 1935 [Leprosy in the Middle Ages.]. Svenska Lakartidningen 323:246-251. LEPROSY, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Bergstrom, S. 1992 Female Circumcision: A Humiliation with Deep Cultural Roots. Lakartidningen 89(36):2869-2870. CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE, [CWHM-1993-157-#0925]
Beriac, Françoise 1988 Histoire des Lepreux au Moyen Age: Une Societe d'Exclus. Paris: Imago Diffusion P.U.F. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Beriac, Françoise 1990 Des Lepreux aux Cagots: Recherches sur les Societes Marginales en Aquitaine Medievale. Bordeaux: Federation historique du Sud-Ouest, Institut d'Histoire, Universite de Bordeaux III. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Berillon 1911 La Pathologie des Aztèques d'Après leurs Ex-Voto. Aesculape (Paris) 1:169-173. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AZTEC, [COURY 1969:334]
Berillon 1911 La Pathologie Précolombienne d'Après es les Ex-Voto Aztèques. In: Maloine, ed. Revue de Psychotherapie. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AZTEC, [ARME]
Berkhan, Oswald 1906 Zwei Fälle von Skaphokephalie. Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 6(N.F.):8-11. SKULL, SCAPHOCEPHALIC, [JRNL]
Berkhan, Oswald 1919 Über Makrokephalie in der Familie des Pharao Amenophis IV. (18 Dynastie). Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 17:151-161. MACROCEPHALY, EGYPT, AMENOPHIS, [JRNL]
Berlinguer, Giovanni 1992 The Interchange of Disease and Health Between the Old and New Worlds. American Journal of Public Health 82(10):1407-1413. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, INTERCHANGE, HEALTH, OLD AND NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Berlinguer, Giovanni 1993 The Interchange of Disease and Health Between the Old and New Worlds. International Journal of Health Services 23(4):703-715. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, INTERCHANGE, HEALTH, OLD AND NEW WORLD, [CWHM-1994-162-#0258]
Berman, D., et al. 1972 Dental Caries in English School Children: A Longitudinal Study. British Dental Journal 133:529-538. DENTAL CARIES, ENGLAND, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:124]
Berman, Daniel M. 1978 Death on the Job: Occupational Health and Safety Struggles in the United States. New York: Monthly Review Press. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, DEATH ON THE JOB, [MELVYL]
Bermann, M., Paul S. Goldstein, and L. Watanabe 1990 Algunos Entierros Tiwanaku y del Período Intermedio Tardío en Moquegua. In: L. Watanabe, M. Moseley, and F. Cabieses, eds. Trabajos Arqueológicos in Moquegua, Peru, Volume 2. Lima, Perú: Editorial Escuela Nueva, pp. 97-114. BURIAL, TIWANAKU, MOQUEGUA, PERU, [LATIN-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:162]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1985 La Dentición de los Pobladores Prehistóricos de las Islas Canarias: Estudio Antropológico. [Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. DISSERTATION, DENTITION, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:37 & PPNL-1986-54:8]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1987 Quantitative Analysis of the Molar-Size Sequence in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Isles. Archives of Oral Biology 32(2):81-86. DENTITION, MOLAR SIZE, PREHISTORIC, CANARY ISLANDS, [NDX-Paleodontology-29-12-15117]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1988 Dental Diseases and Harris Lines in the Fossil Human Remains from Atapuerca-Ibeas (Spain). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(3):131-146. DENTAL DISEASE, HARRIS LINES, SPAIN, [PPNL-1989-66:12]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1989 The Carabelli Trait in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Islands. Human Biology 61(1):117-131. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TRAIT, PREHISTORIC, CANARY ISLANDS, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1989 Third Molar Agenesis in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Islands. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(2):207-215. DENTITION, TEETH, AGENESIS, ABORIGINALS, CANARY ISLANDS, HETEROCHRONY,EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Juan-Luis de Arsuaga 1983 Surcos Artificiales de Desgaste Dental en Homínidos Fósiles. Actas del III Congreso de Antropología Biológica de España. Santiago de Compostela, 4-8 Julio, pp. 783-793. DENTITION, FOSSIL, HOMINID, [PPNL-1986-54:8 & ETXEBERRIA-NPT]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Juan-Luis de Arsuaga 1983 L'Usure Anormale du Collet de la Dent chez les Populations Préhispaniques des Canaries. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 87:521-533. DENTAL WEAR, ABNORMAL, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISPANIC, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, Juan-Luis de Arsuaga, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1987 Anomalías de Desgaste Cervical en Molares Humanos de Atapuerca. In: E. Aguirre, et al. El Hombre Fosil de Ibeas. Ed Junta de Castilla y Leon, pp. 360-365. DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL ANOMALY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, Timothy G. Bromage, and Yolanda Fernández Jalvo 1988 Buccal Striations on Fossil Human Anterior Teeth: Evidence of Handedness in the Middle and Early Upper Pleistocene. Journal of Human Evolution 17(4):403-412. DENTITION, TEETH, ANTERIOR, STRIATIONS, HANDEDNESS, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1984 Restos Humanos de la Cueva del Cerro de Juan Barbero (Tielmes de Tajuña, Madrid): Estudio Antropológico. In: I. Martínez. El Comienzo de la Metalurgia. Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) 41:113-119. MANIPULATION, RITUAL, TAPHONOMY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1985 Análisis de la Relación entre la Variabilidad del Complejo de Carabelli y las Dimensiones de los Molares Superiores en las Poblaciones Prehistóricas de las Islas Canarias. In: Actas del VI Congreso de Antropología Biológica. Barcelona, pp. 363-372. DENTITION, MOLAR, CARABELLI'S COMPLEX, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1986 Anomalous Tooth-Neck Wear in North African Mesolithic Populations. Paleopathology Newsletter 54:5-10. DENTITION, TOOTH-NECK WEAR, ANOMALOUS, MESOLITHIC, NORTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1995 Enamel Hypoplasia in the Middle Pleistocene Hominids from Atapuerca (Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(3):301-314. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PLEISTOCENE, ATAPUERCA, SPAIN, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and A. Rosas 1986 Dental Pathologies and Lines of Increased Density in Fossil Hominids from Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 277-284. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENSITY, HOMINID, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and A. Rosas 1986 Dental Pathology and Dental Wear of the Middle Pleistocene Hominids from Atapuerca, Spain. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, pp. 2-3. DENTAL WEAR, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, HOMINID, PLEISTOCENE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bernabeo, Raffaele A., and Carlo Brillante 1991 Ipotesi di Lavoro su una Patologia Antica: La Talassemia Italiana. [Italian with Serbo-Croatian Abstract]. Acta Facultatis Medicae Fluminensis 16(1-2):71-76. THALASSEMIA, ITALY, [CWHM-1992-152-#0228]
Bernal, Ignacio 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):426. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Comment on "Estimation Aboriginal American Population: 2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. 7(4):426. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, JRNL []
Bernard 1883 Sur un Cas Préhistorique d'Hétérotopie Dentaire. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6:316-319. DENTITION, HETEROTOPIC, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Bernard, J. C., and C. A. Vasquez 1973 Study of Sixty Necropsies. International Journal of Leprosy 41:94-101. NECROPSY, [ZAGREB-1988:100]
Bernard-Thierry, S. 1954 Note sur les Signes Corporels dans l'Inde Ancienne. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:236-249. MONKEY, ANCIENT, INDIA, [ARME]
Berndorfer, A. 1962 A 500-Year-Old Skull with a Cleft Lip. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 15:123-128. CLEFT LIP, 500-YEAR-OLD, [NDX-Paleopathology-03-03-02111]
Berndt, Ronald M. 1981 In the Steps of Kuru. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 1(8216):381. KURU, LETTER, [JRNL]
Berner, M. 1992 [The Early Bronze Age Graveyards of Franzhausen I, Lower Austria. 2. Demographic Analysis.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 50(1-2):13-26. DEMOGRAPHY, BRONZE AGE, AUSTRIA, [NDX-Paleontology-33-09-11384]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Bone Remodeling as a Result of Paralysis: A Comparison of Two Cases. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. PARALYSIS, BONE REMODELING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Bone Remodelling as a Result of Paralysis--A Comparison of Two Cases. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S20. PARALYSIS, BONE REMODELLING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and Michael Schultz 1996 Vom Rhizom zum Carcinom    Zur Unterscheidung artifizieller, postmortaler oder intravitaler Einwirkungen auf den Knochen. [Kurzfassung/Abstract]. In: 2. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Kurzfassungen der Beiträge, Freie Universität Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Charité (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), p. 4. NEOPLASM, CANCER, ABSTRACT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-EXTRA.DOC-OF-12/13/96

Berner, R. A. 1980 Early Diagenesis: A Theoretical Approach. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. DIAGENESIS, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]

Bernhard, Wolfram 1966 Über die Beziehung Zwischen ABO-Blutgruppen und Pockensterblichkeit in Indien und Pakistan. HOMO 17:111-118. SMALLPOX, BLOOD, ABO BLOOD GROUP, MORTALITY RATE, INDIA, PAKISTAN, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:074]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1967 Human Skeletal Remains for the Cemetery of Timargarha. Ancient Pakistan 3:291-407. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TIMARGARHA, [ISCAN-1989:284 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:186]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1968 Human Skeletal Remains from the Bronze and Early Iron Age Cemetery of Timargarha (Dir-State West Pakistan). Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress Anthropol Ethnol Sci, Tokyo 2:144-154. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PAKISTAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1969 Human Skeletal Remains from the Prehistoric Cemetery of Sarai Khola. Pakistan Archaeology 6:100-116. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SARAI KHOLA, PAKISTAN, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1981 Ethnic and Morphological Affinities of the Iron Age Cemetery of Sarai Khola Near Taxila (Pakistan). Journal of Mediterranean Anthropology and Archaeology 1:180-210. MORPHOLOGY, SARAI KHOLA, PAKISTAN, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1985 The People of South Asia: The Biological Anthropology of India, Pakistan and Nepal. Edited by John R. Lukacs. 1984. New York: Plenum Press. [Review]. American Anthropologist 87(4):975-976. REVIEW OF, LUKACS; JOHN R., 1984, [JRNL]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1992 Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Anthropologie des Mannes von Hauslabjoch. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 163-187. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, RACIAL ASSESSMENT, [BOOK]
Bernhardt, Bodo 1992 Zur Frage der Staatsgrenze. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 66-80. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, LEGAL ASPECT, AUSTRIAN, ITALIAN, [BOOK]
Bernís, C., and C. Martínez 1986 Environmental Stress and Developmental Disturbances in Dentition: Comparison Between Two Hispanomoslen Populations. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 229-236. DENTITION, STRESS, DEVELOPMENTAL DISTURBANCE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bernís, C., J. Relinque, A. Brandi, C. Gil, and J. Martín 1985 Hipoplasia Dentaria en la Población Hispano Musulmana de Murcia: Interpretación Biocultural. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Spanish Meeting of Biological Anthropology (Barcelona), pp. 373-382. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, SPAIN, [HOMO-1995-45:286]
Bernor, R. L. 1976 Appendix B: Human Skeletal Remains from Amapa: Description. In: Clement W. Meighan, ed. The Archaeology of Amapa, Nayarit. Monumenta Archaeologica, Volume 2. Los Angeles, California: Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 182-186. REMAINS, SKELETAL, DESCRIPTION, AMAPA, NAYARIT, [PICKERING-&-FOSTER-1994:07 & MELVYL]
Bernstein, Bruce 1991 Repatriation and Collaboration: The Museum of New Mexico. Museum Anthropology 15(3):19-21. REPATRIATION, MUSEUM OF NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Bernstein, David J. n.d. Prehistoric Subsistence on the Southern New England Coast: The Record from Narragansett Bay. New York: Academic Press. SUBSISTENCE, PREHISTORIC, SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND COAST, NARRAGANSETT BAY, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1993-20:361]
Bernstein, R. 1943 Leprosy Through the Ages. Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy 36:385. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Bernstein, S. A. 1933 Über den normalen histologischen Aufbau des Schädeldaches. Zeitschrift fuer Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 101:652-678. SKULL, HISTOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Berrelleza, J. A. R. 1986 El Sacrificio de Niños en Honor a Tlaloc. México, D.F. M.A. Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (publ. I.N.A.H.;S.E.P.). SACRIFICE, HUMAN, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:429]
Berrettoni, B. A., B. A. Carter, and J. R. Carter 1986 Mechanisms of Cancer Metastasis to Bone. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 68-A(2):308-312. NEOPLASM, CANCER, METASTASIS, [WIEN-KW]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1989 Patologías y Morphología Dental de un Cráneo Humano Prehispánico del Oriente de Venezuela: Identificación de Tubérculo Central. [Pathology and Dental Morphology of a Prehispanic Human Skull from Eastern Venezuela: Identification of the Central Tuberculum.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. Acta Cientifica Venezolana 40(4):295-300. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, VENEZUELA, [NDX-Paleopathology-32-08-10270]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1989 Sex Determination with the Head of the Radius. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34(4):1206-1213. SEX ASSESSMENT, RADIUS, [JRNL]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1990 Momias de Venezuela. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. Natura 92:9-15. MUMMIES, VENEZUELA, [CWHM-1992-155-#0731]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1992 Aporte al Conocimiento de las Momias de Venezuela. [Contribution to the Greater Knowledge of the Venezuelan Mummies.]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de laCruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 205. MUMMIFICATION, VENEZUELA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Berruti, S. 1860 Sopra una Mummia Umana Naturale Conservata nel Gabinetto Fisiologico della R. Università di Torino. Giornale della Reale Accadèmia Medico-Chirurgica di Torino 39(2nd Series):449-460. MUMMIES, NATURAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Berry, A. Caroline 1976 The Anthropological Value of Minor Variants of the Dental Crown. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(2):257-267. DENTAL CROWN VARIANT, GENETIC DISTANCE, [JRNL]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1967 Epigenetic Variation in the Human Cranium. Journal of Anatomy (London) 101:361-379. SKULL, VARIATION, EPIGENETIC, [NDX-Paleontology-08-03-03827 & ZIVANOVIC-1982:272 & ARME]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1972 Origins and Relationships of the Ancient Egyptians. Based on a Study of Non-Metrical Variations in the Skull. Journal of Human Evolution 1(2):199-208. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, SKULL, NON-METRICAL VARIATION, [JRNL]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1973 Origins and Relationships of the Ancient Egyptians. Based on a Study of Non-Metrical Variations in the Skull. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 199-208. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, SKULL, NON-METRICAL VARIATION, [BOOK]
Berry, A. Caroline, R. J. Berry, and Peter J. Ucko 1967 Genetical Change in Ancient Egypt. MAN (London) 2(4):551-568. GENETIC CHANGE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Berry, B. L. 1987 The Origin of Chinese Bound Feet. British Journal of Chiropody 52:47. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, [CWHM-1987-134-#0696]
Berry, C. L., and D. E. Poswillo, eds. 1975 Teratology: Trends and Applications. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag. [See review by L. Eckes, 1976]. TERATOLOGY, [HOMO-1976-27:240]
Berry, David Richard 1983 Appendix I. Skeletal Remains from RB 568. In: Helen K. Crotty, ed. Honoring the Dead: Anasazi Ceramics from the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition. Monograph Series, University of California, Los Angeles, Museum of Cultural History, Number 22, pp. 64-67. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANASAZI, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:271 & MELVYL]
Berry, David Richard 1983 Disease and Climatological Relationship Among Pueblo III-Pueblo IV Anasazi of the Colorado Plateau. [Dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of California, Los Angeles]. DISSERTATION, DISEASE AND CLIMATOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP, COLORADO PLATEAU, ANASAZI, [MELVYL]
Berry, David Richard 1985 Aspects of Paleodemography at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:43-64. DEMOGRAPHY, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Berry, David Richard 1985 Dental Paleopathology of Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:253-274. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Berry, R. J. 1968 The Biology of Non-Metrical Variation in Mice and Men. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 103-133. VARIATION, NON-METRICAL, [BOOK]
Berry, R. J. 1979 Section I. Genes and Skeletons, Ancient and Modern. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):669-677. GENETICS, REMAINS, SKELETON, ANCIENT AND MODERN, [JRNL]
Berry, R. J. 1981 The Genetics of Death--Mortal, Morbid and Selfish Genes. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 59-78. GENETICS, [BOOK]
Berry, W. B. N. 1985 The Significance of Type Specimens and Old Collections to Research in the Biological Sciences. In: E. H. Miller, ed. Museum Collections: Their Roles and Future in Biological Research. Occasional Papers of the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Number 25, pp. 23-28. MUSEUM COLLECTION, TYPE SPECIMEN, BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, [LOVELL-1990:256]
Berryman, Hugh E. 1981 The Averbuch Skeletal Series: A Study of Biological and Social Stress in a Late Mississippian Period Site from Middle Tennessee. [Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville]. DISSERTATION, AVERBUCH SKELETAL SERIES, STRESS, BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL, [JRNL]
Berryman, Hugh E. 1985 Submandibular Salivary Gland Defects Among Prehistoric Tennessee Inhabitants from the Averbuch Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):144-145. SALIVARY GLAND DEFECT, PREHISTORIC, TENNESSEE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berryman, Hugh E., and Susan Jones Haun 1996 Applying Forensic Techniques to Interpret Cranial Fracture Patterns in an Archaeological Specimen. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(1):2-9. TRAUMA, SKULL FRACTURE, FORENSICS, [JRNL]
Berryman, Hugh E., Douglas W. Owsley, and Avery M. Henderson 1979 Non-Carious Interproximal Grooves in Arikara Indian Dentitions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(2):209-212. DENTITION, INTERPROXIMAL GROOVE, ETIOLOGY, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bersu, Gerhard, and David M. Wilson 1966 Three Viking Graves in the Isle of Man. Monograph Series of the Society for Medieval Archaeology, Number 1. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology. BURIAL, VIKING, ISLE OF MAN, [MELVYL]
Berthe, J. -P. 1973 La Peste du Michoacan, 1643. Cahiers des Amériques Latines, Série Sciences de l'Homme 8. PLAGUE, MEXICO, MICHOACAN; 1643, [CWHM-1975-85-#1339]
Berthe, J. -P. 1983 Les Epidémies au Mexique au XVIe Siècle. Asclepio 30:257-263. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC, MEXICO, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1985-123-#0513]
Berti, G., and R. Parenti 1964 Saggio di Determinazione dei Gruppi ABO su Ossa Umane. Atti della VIII Riunione Scientifica Istituto Italiano di Preistona e Protostona, Trieste, 19-20 October 1963. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465]
Berti, G., and R. Parenti 1966 Possibilità di una Diagnosi di Gruppo Sanguigno ABO in Ossa Umane. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 96:53-55. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:286]
Berti, G., and R. Parenti 1968 Sur la Détermination des Groupes Sanguins ABO dans les Ossements Humains. VIIme Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Mosca, 3-10 August 1964. 1:463-471. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465]
Berti, P. R., and M. C. Mahaney 1992 Quantification of the Confidence Interval of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia Chronologies. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2, pp. 19-30. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, LINEAR, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & AJPA-1994-95:382]
Berti Bock, G. 1973 Un Contributo alla Ricerca Epidemiologica sui Tumori: Domenico Rigoni Stern (1810-1855). Acta Medicae Historiae Patavina 20:35-55. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, HISTORY, HISTORY, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1995-1:11]
Bertolotti, M. 1913 Une Vertèbre Lombaire Surnuméraire Complète chez Une Momie Egyptienne de la XIeme Dynastie. Trouvaille Radiographique 63-65. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SPINE, VERTEBRAL ANOMALY, LUMBAR, EXTRA, [ARME]
Bertolotti, Mario 1932 La Critica Medica nella Storia. Torino: Fratelli Bocca. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Bertram, Frank P., and J. E. Brown, Jr. 1943 Phenomenon of Bilateral Dental Caries: A Statistical Analysis. Journal of the American Dental Association 30(17):1392-1395. DENTAL CARIES, BILATERAL, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Bertram, Otto 1956 Pictorial History of Medicine. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [PPNL-1983-41:11]
Bertrand, Jean Baptiste 1721 Relation Historique de la Peste de Marseille en 1720. A Cologne: Chez Pierre Marteau, Imprimeur-Libraire. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MARSEILLE, 1720, [MELVYL]
Bertrand, Jean Baptiste 1805 A Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles in the Year 1720.... Translated from the French manuscript of Jean Baptiste Bertrand by Anne Plumptre, with an Introduction and a Variety of Notes. London: Mawman. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MARSEILLES, 1720, DEMOGRAPHY, [MELVYL]
Bertrand, Jean Baptiste 1973 A Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles in the Year 1720. Translated from the French by Anne Plumptre, 1st edition, reprinted, with an introduction by J. N. Biraben. Farnborough, Hants.: Gregg. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MARSEILES, 1720, [MELVYL]
Bertwistle, A. 1932 Prehistoric Bones. British Journal of Radiology 5:589. BONE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Besom, Thomas 1991 Another Mummy. [See also Juan Schobinger, 1991.]. Natural History April:66-67. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, ANDES, INCA, SACRIFICE, HUMAN, [JRNL]
Besta, Giacomo Filippo 1578 Vera Narratione del Successo della Peste, che Afflisse l'Inclita Citta di Milano, l'Anno 1576 & di Tutte le Provisione Fatte a Salute di essa Citta.... Milano: Paolo Gottardo, & Pacifico Pontii, Fratelli. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MILAN, 1576, [MELVYL]
Beswick, T. S. L. 1962 The Origin and Use of the Word Herpes. Medical History 6:214. HERPES, WORD ORIGIN AND USE, [CRAN]
Bethell, P. H., and M. O. H. Carver 1987 Detection and Enhancement of Decayed Inhumations at Sutton Hoo. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 10-21. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, INHUMATION, DECAYED, BURIAL, SHIP BURIAL, SUTTON HOO, ENGLAND, DETECTION AND ENHANCEMENT, [BOOK]
Bethell, P. H., L. J. Goad, Richard P. Evershed, and J. Ottaway 1994 The Study of Molecular Markers of Human Activity: The Use of Coprostanol in the Soil as an Indicator of Human Faecal Material. Journal of Archaeological Science 21(5):619-632. COPROLITE, COPROSTANOL, SOIL, LIPID, FECAL MATERIAL, MOLECULAR MARKER, [JRNL]
Bethell, P. H., and J. U. Smith 1989 Trace-Element Analysis of an Inhumation from Sutton Hoo, Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry: An Evaluation of the Technique Applied to Analysis of Organic Residues. Journal of Archaeological Science 16(1):47-55. BODY SILHOUETTE, ICP, ORGANIC RESIDUE, SUTTON HOO, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Bett, Walter R., ed. 1954 The History and Conquest of Common Diseases. Norman Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. DISEASE, CONQUEST, HISTORY, [HAJ-1970:183 & DISEASE AND HISTORY:239]
Beute, Gordon H. 1979 Arthritis: A Radiologic Overview. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):24-31. ARTHRITIS, RADIOLOGY, OVERVIEW, [JRNL]
Beveridge, William I. 1977 The Start of Pandemics: Site, Season and Spread. Developments in Biological Standardization 39:443-444. EPIDEMIC, INFLUENZA, [CWHM-1978-098-#0416]
Beveridge, William I. 1978 Influenza: The Last Great Plague. New York: Prodist. INFLUENZA, EPIDEMIC, [REFF-1991:291]
Bevilacqua, C. 1986 Il Colera a Trieste nel 1836. Lanternino 9(6):1-2. CHOLERA, TRIESTE 1836, [CWHM-1987-132-#0389]
Bevilacqua, C. 1987 Trieste, 13 Agosto 1849: Colera. Lanternino 10(3):1. CHOLERA, TRIESTE 1849, [CWHM-1987-134-#0386]
Bewtra, Chhanda, Karl J. Reinhard, Wilmar L. Salo, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1994 Presence of Acid-Fast Organisms in Archaeological Tissue. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(1):15-17. TISSUE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ACID-FAST ORGANISM IN, ABSTRACT, [CWHM-1994-164-#0165]
Bewtra, Chhanda, Karl J. Reinhard, Wilmar L. Salo, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1994 Presence of Acid-Fast Organisms in Archaeological Tissue. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 4. TISSUE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ACID-FAST ORGANISM IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beyer-Olsen, Eva Margrete Stermer 1989 Premaxillary Hyperdontia in Medieval Norwegians: A Radiographic Study. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology (Tokyo) 18:177-179. DENTITION, SUPERNUMERARY, HYPERDONTIA, PREMAXILLARY, RADIOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-149-#1828-#2543]
Beyer-Olsen, Eva Margrete Stermer, and Verner Alexandersen 1995 Sex Assessment of Medieval Norwegian Skeletons Based on Permanent Tooth Crown Size. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(3):274-281. SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, TOOTH CROWN SIZE, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Beyer-Olsen, Eva Margrete Stermer, Gisle Bang, and Berit J. Sellevold 1994 Dental Root Dentine Translucency Used in Age Determination of Medieval Norwegians from Trondheim. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(4):305-310. DENTITION, ROOT DENTINE TRANSLUCENCY, AGE ASSESSMENT, [CWHM-1995-166-#0962]
Beyer-Olsen, Eva Margrete Stermer, and Steinar Risnes 1993 Occurrence and Distribution of Blackish Staining on the Crowns of Human Teeth Obtained from an Archeological Excavation of a Medieval Site in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 101(2):65-71. DENTITION, BLACK STAINED, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, NORWAY, [CWHM-1993-158-#1123]
Beyer-Olsen, Eva Margrete Stermer, and Steinar Risnes 1994 Radiographic Analysis of Dental Development Used in Age Determination of Infant and Juvenile Skulls from a Medieval Archaeological Site in Norway. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(4):299-303. SKULL, INFANT, JUVENILE, AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTAL DEVELOPMENT, RADIOLOGY, [CWHM-1995-166-#0961]
Beynon, A. D. 1987 Replication Technique for Studying Microstructure in Fossil Enamel. Scanning Microscopy 1(2):663-669. DENTAL ENAMEL, FOSSIL, MICROSTRUCTURE, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
Beynon, A. D., and M. C. Dean 1991 Hominid Dental Development. [Letter]. [See also Alan Mann, Janet Monge, and Michelle Lampl, 1990.]. Nature (London) 351(6323):196. DENTITION, HOMINID DENTAL EVOLUTION, LETTER, [JRNL]
Beynon, D. E., and M. I. Siegel 1980 Early Human Remains from Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):204. REMAINS, HUMAN, EARLY, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beyron, H. 1964 Occlusal Relations and Mastication in Australian Aborigines. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 22:597-678. DENTITION, OCCLUSION, MASTICATION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [BULL-M┼M-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1995-7:33]
Bez, E. 1983 Analysis of Human Remains from NA 15909. In: J. S. Bruder, ed. Archaeological Investigations in the Adobe Dam Project Area. Museum of Northern Arizona Research Papers 27. Flagstaff, Arizona: Museum of Northern Arizona, pp. 276-280. REMAINS, HUMAN, NA 15909 SITE, ARIZONA, ANALYSIS OF, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:604]
Bhalla, Vijender 1969 Comment on "A Survey of the Evidence for Intrahuman Killing in the Pleistocene." [See Marilyn Keyes Roper, 1969.]. Current Anthropology 10(4):450-451. KILLING, INTRAHUMAN, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Bhat, J. and M. Shetty 1946 Incidence of Dental Caries in Bombay. Indian Dental Journal 18:113-115. DENTAL CARIES, BOMBAY, [ARME]
Bhattiacharya, D. K. 1971 Comment on "Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations." [See T. Aidan Cockburn, 1971.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):54-55. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Biadala, E. 1986 Methods of Confirmation of Death in View of the Prevention of Live Burials ("Apparently Dead Persons") in the 18th and 19th Centuries. [Polish]. Wiadomosci Lekarskie 39:638-644. BURIAL, LIVE BURIAL, CONFORMATION OF DEATH, [CWHM-1987-132-#0457]
Biagi, P. 1989 (1991) An AMS Radiocarbon Date from Grave BS II of the Copper Age Cemetery of Remedello Sotto (Brescia, Northern Italy). Natura Bresciana 26:299-300. CEMETERY, COPPER AGE, BRESCIA, ITALY, DATING, [ANTIQUITY-1994-68:26]
Bianchi, Robert S. 1983 Egyptian Mummies: Myth and Reality. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. Archaeology (New York) 35(2):18-25. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MYTH, REALITY, [JRNL]
Bianchine, Peter J., and Thomas A. Russo 1992 The Role of Epidemic Infectious Diseases in the Discovery of America. Allergy Proceedings 13(5):225-232. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, [JRNL]
Bianco, P., and Antonio Ascenzi 1993 Palaeohistory of Human Bone Remains: A Critical Evaluation and an Example of Its Use. In: Gisela Grupe, and A. N. Garland, eds. Histology of Ancient Human Bone. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:16-17.]. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL THINNING, EGYPT, [PPNL-1993-81:16]
Bibby, B. G., and A. G. Sohrweide 1991 Dental Caries in the Indians of Northeast (Woodland) America. New York State Dental Journal 57(10):23-26. DENTAL CARIES, NORTHEAST AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1992-154-#0655]
Bibliotheque Municipale de Marseille 1973 La Peste à Marseille: Marseille, Bibliotheque Municipale, 8 Octobre-8 Decembre 1973. Marseille: La Bibliotheque. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MARSEILES, [MELVYL]
Bicchieri, M. G. 1973 Comment on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See Joseph B. Birdsell, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):351-352. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Bickerton, S. 1979 Porotic Hyperostosis in a Prehistoric Amerindian Population from Dickson Mound. Paper presented at the Northeastern Anthropological Association, Henniker, New Hampshire. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, DICKSON MOUNDS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:302]
Biddick, Kathleen A., and John Tomenchuk 1975 Quantifying Continuous Lesions and Fractures on Long Bones. Journal of Field Archaeology 2(1/2):239-249. BONE, LONG, FRACTURE, LESION, [JRNL]
Biddittu, I., R. Mallegni, and A. G. Segre 1987 Riss Age Human Remain, Recovered from Pleistocene Deposits in Ponte Mammlo (Rome-Italy). Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 77(2):181-191. REMAINS, HUMAN, RISS AGE, ITALY, [NDX-Paleontology-29-12-15117]
Biddle, M. 1965 Excavations at Winchester. Antiquaries Journal 45:230-266. EXCAVATION, WINCHESTER, [CRAN]
Biddle, M. 1967 Health in Medieval Winchester: The Evidence from Excavations. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, ed. Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 58-60. HEALTH, MEDIEVAL, WINCHESTER, [ARME]
Biddle, Martin, and Birthe Kjφlbye-Biddle 1992 Repton and the Vikings. Antiquity 66(250):37-51. VIKING, REPTON, [JRNL]
Bieder, Robert E. 1990 A Brief Historical Survey of the Expropriation of American Indian Remains. Report commissioned by the Native American Rights Fund. Bloomington, Indiana: R. E. Bieder. REPATRIATION, [MELVYL]
Biedowa J., and E. Radwanska 1971 Kierunek Ewolucyjny Uzebienia w Rodzinie Hominidae. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 24:1-7. STOMATOLOGY, [BHM-10:567]
Bienert, H. D. 1991 Skull Cult in the Prehistoric Near East. Religion Journal of Prehistoric Religion 5:9-23. RELIGION, SKULL CULT, NEAR EAST, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:787]
Bienkowski, P. A. 1982 Some Remarks on the Practice of Cremation in the Levant. Levant 14:80-89. CREMATION, LEVANT, [RESEARCH-&-EXPLORATION-1993-9:69]
Bietak, Manfred, and Johann Jungwirth 1966 Die Osterreichischen Grabungen in Agyptisch-Nubien im Herbst 1965. Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien 69:463-470. CEMETERY, EGYPTIAN NUBIA, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Bietak, Manfred, and Eugen Strouhal 1974 Die Todesumstände des Pharaos Seqenenre' (17. Dynastie). [The Circumstances of Pharaoh Seqenre's Death.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 11:18.]. Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien 78:29-52. DEATH, EGYPT, PHARAOH, SEQENRE, [ZIMM & PPNL 1975-11:18]
Bigaj, J., H. Kubiak, and A. Mleczko 1976 Electron-Microscopic Observation of Pleistocene Tissues. Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Science 21(1-2):23-24. TISSUE, PLEISTOCENE, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-17-07-10208]
Biggerstaff, Robert H. 1973 Heritability of the Carabelli Cusp in Twins. Journal of Dental Research 52(1):40-44. DENTITION, CARABELLI CUSP, HERITABILITY OF, TWINS, [JRNL]
Biggs, H. E. J. 1960 Mollusca from Prehistoric Jericho. Journal of Conchology 24:379-397. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, JERICHO, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:193]
Biggs, Robert D. 1969 Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia. History of Science 8:94-105. MEDICINE, MESOPOTAMIA, [MCNEILL-1976:310]
Biggs, Robert D. 1995 Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health in Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Jack M. Sasson, ed. Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. New York: Scribner, pp. 1911-1924. MEDICAL HISTORY, MEDICINE, SURGERY, PUBLIC HEALTH, MESOPOTAMIA, [CWHM-1996-170-#0006]
Bignall, J. R. 1983 Epidemics in Tudor and Stuart Guildford. Surrey Archaeological Collections 74. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC, GUILDFORD, TUDOR, STUART, [CWHM-1985-124-#0499]
Bijella, M., et al. 1970 Prevalence of Dental Caries in Pupils in a Rural Zone of 12 Municipalities in the Region of Bauru. Revue Belge de Science Dentaire 27:133-138. DENTAL CARIES, RURAL, [ARME]
Bilimoria, K. 1963 Malocclusion--Its Role in the Causation of Periodontal Disease. Journal of the All-India Dental Association 35:293. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, [ARME]
Billard, Michael 1988 A Case of Interproximal Artificial Grooves on Protohistorical Teeth from France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, Inside Back Cover. DENTITION, INTERPROXIMAL GROOVE, ARTIFICIAL, PROTOHISTORIC, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Billard, Michael 1989 A Case of Interproximal Artificial Grooves on Protohistorical Teeth from France. In: Luigi Capasso, ed. Advances in Palaeopathology. DENTITION, INTERPROXIMAL GROOVE, ARTIFICIAL, PROTOHISTORIC, FRANCE, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:01]
Billard, Michael 1990 Violent Traumatic Injuries on Human Skeletal Remains Buried with Horses in a Gallo-Roman Collective Grave. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 5. INJURY, TRAUMATIC, GALLO-ROMAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Billard, Michael 1991 Violent Traumatic Injuries on Human Skeletal Remains Buried with Horses in a Gallo-Roman Collective Grave (Lyon-Vaise, France, AD 200-300). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):259-264. INJURY, TRAUMATIC, GALLO-ROMAN AD 200-300, [CWHM-1992-153-#0356]
Billard, Michael 1994 Château-Gaillard (AIN) Gisement du Recourbe. Sépultures Protohistoriques: Etude Paléopathologique. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 95:13.]. Paléobios (Lyon) 19(1-2-3):51-59. DENTAL DISEASE, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, RICKETS, SCURVY, PROTOHISTORIC, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Billard, Michael 1994 Haemangioma of Cranial Vault on a Skull of Middle Neolithic Period (France, 4312 to 3912 BC). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S21. NEOPLASM, HEMANGIOMA, SKULL, FRANCE, MIDDLE NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Billard, Michael 1994 Haemangioma of the Cranial Vault in a Skull from the Middle Neolithic Period (France, 4312 to 3912 BC). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. NEOPLASM, HEMANGIOMA, SKULL, FRANCE, MIDDLE NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Biller, P. 1986 Childbirth in the Middle Ages. History 36(August):42-49. CHILDBIRTH, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1987-131-#0388]
Billioud, J. 1983 Les Saints de la Peste. Une Grande Page de Solidarité. Marseille 132-133:56-63. PLAGUE, MARSEILLES 1720, CLERGY, [CWHM-1985-125-#1576]
Billioud, J. 1984 Clergè et Peste in Provence aux XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles. Marseille 135:8-12. PLAGUE, CLERGY, PROVENCE, FRANCE, [CWHM-1986-127-#1760]
Billy, Ginette 1979 L'Enfant Magdalénien de la Grotte du Figuier (Ardèche). [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 83:223-252 PATHOLOGY, INFANT, [JRNL]
Billy, Ginette 1982 Les Dents Humaines de la Grotte du Coupe-Gorge à Montmaurin. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 13):211-225. DENTITION, RISS I, ARCHANTHROPIAN, [JRNL]
Billy, Ginette 1985 [Human Remains from the Coupe-Gorge Cavern at Montmaurin (High Garonne).]. [French with English Abstract]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 75(2):223-237. REMAINS, HUMAN, FRANCE, [NDX-Paleontology-26-12-12702]
Bilsborough, A., and J. L. Thompson 1996 Dentition of the Le Moustier 1 Neanderthal. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:69. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, LE MOUSTIER 1, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bilski, R. 1976 Plague Epidemics in 17th Century Holland. Pratique (London) 2:54-59. PLAGUE, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, HOLLAND, [CWHM-1977-094-#1099]
Bilson, Geoffrey 1977 The First Epidemic of Asiatic Cholera in Lower Canada, 1832. Medical History 21(4):411-433. CHOLERA, CANADA, [JRNL]
Bíly, B., M. Pokorná, and M. Sevcik 1983 Stomatologic Research of Children's Skeletal Material of the Burial Ground at Ducové. [Czech with English Abstract]. In: Anonymous. Vedecké Zasedáni o Paleopatologii 30-31 Brezna 1982. [Scientific Meeting on Paleopathology, 30-31 March 1982]. Casopis Národního Muzea 152(3):152-155. STOMATOLOGY, CHILDREN, SKELETON, [PPNL-1984-45:19]
Binder, F. 1971 Caries Frequency and Mottled Enamel in Austrian Regions With Natural F-Content in the Drinking Water. Caries Research 5:18. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ENAMEL, MOTTLED, AUSTRIA, [ARME]
Binford, C. H., and D. H. Connor, eds. 1976 Pathology of Tropical and Extraordinary Diseases. Washington, D.C.: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. TROPICAL DISEASE, EXTRAORDINARY, PATHOLOGY, [ZAGREB-1988:100 & ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:208]
Binford, Chapman 1965 Response to Lecture by V. Mφller-Christensen. International Journal of Leprosy 33:611. RESPONSE TO LECTURE BY, MφLLER-CHRISTENSEN; V., [ORT 1981]
Binford, Lewis R. 1963 An Analysis of Cremations from Three Michigan Sites. Wisconsin Archaeologist 44:98-110. CREMATION, ANALYSIS, MICHIGAN, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:429]
Binford, Lewis R. 1971 Mortuary Practices: Their Study and Their Potential. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology (25):6-29. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Binford, Lewis R. 1971 Mortuary Practices: Their Study and Their Potential. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):6-29. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Binford, Lewis R. 1972 An Analysis of Cremations from Three Michigan Sites. Reprinted in Lewis R. Binford. An Archaeological Perspective. New York and London: Seminar Press, pp. 373-389. REMAINS, HUMAN, CREMATED, MICHIGAN, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:166 & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:604]
Binford, Lewis R. 1972 Mortuary Practices: Their Study and Their Potential. In: Lewis R. Binford. An Archaeological Perspective. New York and London: Seminar Press, pp. 208-243. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741 & MELVYL]
Binford, Lewis R. 1978 Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence and Settlement: A Predictive Model. By Michael A. Jochim. 1976. New York: Academic Press. [Review]. American Antiquity 43(1):137-138. REVIEW OF, JOCHIM; M., 1976, [JRNL]
Binford, Lewis R. 1981 Bones: Ancient Men and Modern Myths. With a foreword by F. Clark Howell. New York: Academic Press. BONE, ANCIENT MAN, MODERN MYTH, [BOOK]
Binford, Lewis R., and W. J. Chasko 1976 Nunamiut Demographic History: A Provocative Case. In: Ezra B. W. Zubrow, ed. Demographic Anthropology: Quantitative Approaches. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 63-143. DEMOGRAPHY, NUNAMIUT, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-11:204 & MELVYL]
Binford, Sally R. 1968 A Structural Comparison of Disposal of the Dead in the Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 24(4):139-154. BURIAL PRACTICE, DEAD, DISPOSAL OF, MOUSTERIAN, UPPER PALEOLITHIC, COMPARISON OF METHOD, [JRNL]
Bingham, Hiram 1912 Discovery of Prehistoric Human Remains Near Cuzco, Peru. American Journal of Science 33:297-305. REMAINS, HUMAN, PREHISTORIC, PERU, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Bingham, Hiram 1916 Further Explorations in the Land of the Incas: The Peruvian Expedition of 1915 of the National Geographic Society and Yale University. National Geographic Magazine 29(5):431-473. MUMMIES, PERU, TREPHINATION, [JRNL]
Bingle, G. J., and J. D. Niswander 1975 Polydactyly in the American Indian. American Journal of Human Genetics 27(1):91-96. POLYDACTYLY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NDX-Indians north american-16-06-03363]
Binneveld, Hans, and Rudolf Dekker, eds. 1993 Curing and Insuring: Essays on Illness in Past Times: The Netherlands, Belgium, England and Italy, 16th-20th Centuries. Proceedings of the Conference "Illness and History," Rotterdam, 16 November 1990. Rotterdam: Erasmus University. [See review by Andrew Hodgkiss, 1995.]. ILLNESS, HISTORY OF, [MELVYL]
Bintliff, J. L., and C. F. Gaffney, eds. 1986 Archaeology at the Interface: Studies in Archaeology's Relationships with History, Geography, Biology and Physical Science. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 300. ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, BIOLOGY, PHYSICAL SCIENCE, [BAR-TITLES-JANUARY-1992]
Biondi, G. 1903 Contributo allo Studio sulla Causa della Mummificazione. Giornale Internazionale delle Scienze Mediche 25(n.s.):937-941. MUMMIFICATION, CAUSE, [LSG2-Mummies]
Biraben, Jean-Noel 1968 Certain Demographic Characteristics of the Plague Epidemic in France, 1720-1722. Daedalus 97:536-545. DEMOGRAPHY, PLAGUE, FRANCE 1720-1722, [COHEN-1989:229]
Biraben, Jean-Noel 1969 Durée de la Vie dans la Population de Columnata (Epipaléolithique Oranais). Population (Paris) 3:487-500. DEMOGRAPHY, LIFE SPAN, EPIPALEOLITHIC, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Biraben, Jean-Noel 1975 Les Hommes et la Peste en France et dans les Pays Européens et Méditerranéens. Civilisations et Societes, Numbers 35 and 36. Paris: Mouton. PLAGUE, HISTORY, EUROPE, MEDITERRANEAN, [MELVYL]
Biraben, Jean-Noel, and Jacques Le Goff 1969 La Peste dans le Haut Moyen Age. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 24:1484-1510. PLAGUE, MIDDLE AGES, [MCNEILL-1976:325 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Biraben, Jean-Noel, and Jacques Le Goff 1975 The Plague in the Early Middle Ages. In: Robert Forster, and Orest Ranum, eds. Biology of Man in History: Selections from the Annales Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations. Translated by Elborg Forster and Patricia M. Ranum. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 48-80. PLAGUE, MIDDLE AGES, [BOOK]
Birath, Gösta 1995 [On the History of Tuberculosis.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1995:47-61. MEDICAL HISTORY, TUBERCULOSIS, [CWHM-1996-169:#0659]
Birch, C. A. 1973 Still's Disease. George Frederick Still (1868-1941). Practitioner 210:307-308. ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE, STILL'S DISEASE, [NDX-Arthritis juvenile history-14-04-03662]
Bircher, E. 1908 Schädelverletzungen Durch Mittelalterliche Nahkampfwaffen. Archiv fuer Klinische Chirurgie 85:488. SKULL, TRAUMA, WOUND, [DIS IN ANT:670]
Bird, H. 1990 When the Body Takes a Strain. New Scientist 1990(7 July):49-52. MARKER, SKELETAL, OCCUPATION, [PINTER-BELLOWS-1994]
Bird, James 1996 Prevalence Studies in Skeletal Populations. [Letter]. [See also Tony Waldron, 1996.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(3):320. POPULATION, SKELETAL, PREVALENCE STUDIES IN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Bird, Junius B., and John Hyslop 1985 The Preceramic Excavations at the Huaca Prieta, Chicama Valley, Peru. [Burial Descriptions, pp. 64-76]. [See also Ian Tattersall, 1985]. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 62(1). ARCHAEOLOGY, BURIALS, HUACA PRIETA, PRECERAMIC, PERU, [JRNL]
Bird, P. 1961 Tristan da Cunha Volcanic Eruption, Dental Research Description. Dental Magazine and Oral Topics 78:210-215. DENTAL RESEARCH, TRISTAN DA CUNHA, [METRESS-1974:023]
Bird, Thomas D., Donald M. Wallace, and Robert F. Labbe 1982 The Porphyria, Plumbism, Pottery Puzzle. Journal of the American Medical Association 247(6):813-814. LEAD POISONING, PLUMBISM, POTTERY, PORPHYRIA, [JRNL]
Birdsell, Joseph B. 1953 Some Environmental and Cultural Factors Influencing the Structure of Australian Aboriginal Populations. American Naturalist 87:171-207. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION STRUCTURE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL FACTOR, INFLUENCE OF, [COHEN-1989:229]
Birdsell, Joseph B. 1973 A Basic Demographic Unit. [For comments, see John W. Bennett, 1973; M. G. Bicchieri, 1973; H. J. M. Claessen, 1973; Rena C. Gropper, 1973; C. W. M. Hart, 1973; Clive Kileff, 1973; S. H. Posinsky, 1973; and Laura Thompson, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):337-356. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Birdsell, Joseph B. 1973 Reply to comments on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See John W. Bennett, 1973; M. G. Bicchieri, 1973; H. J. M. Claessen, 1973; Rena C. Gropper, 1973; C. W. M. Hart, 1973; Clive Kileff, 1973; S. H. Posinsky, 1973; and Laura Thompson, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):337-356. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Birkby, Walter H. 1966 An Evaluation of Race and Sex Identification from Cranial Measurements. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 24(1):21-27. SKULL, RACE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Birkby, Walter H. 1973 Discontinuous Morphological Traits of the Skull as Population Markers in the Prehistoric Southwest. [Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson]. DISSERTATION, SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, SOUTHWEST, [ISCAN-1989:106]
Birkby, Walter H. 1976 Cremated Human Remains. In: E. W. Haury, ed. The Hohokam: Desert Farmers and Craftsman. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press, pp. 380-384. CREMATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, HOHOKAM, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:604]
Birkby, Walter H. 1977 Report on the Teeth Recovered from Pit 6-1-1 Burial No. 1., Guam, Mariana Islands. In: F. R. Reinman. An Archaeology Survey and Preliminary Test Excavations on the Island of Guam, Mariana Islands, 1965-1966. Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, pp. 169-170. DENTITION, BURIAL, GUAM, [HANSON-NPT-3:360]
Birkby, Walter H., and John B. Gregg 1975 Otosclerotic Stapedial Footplate Fixation in an 18th Century Burial. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:13; 1979, 28:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42(1):81-84. EAR, OTOSCLEROSIS, STAPEDIAL FOOTPLATE FIXATION, SOUTHWEST U.S., AMERICA,INDIAN, CAUCASOID, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1978 Structure and Chemical Composition of Ancient Hair. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU2. HAIR, ANCIENT, STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1980 Examination of Ancient Hair. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:35-36. HAIR, ANCIENT, [PPNL-1980-31:17]
Birkett, David A. 1982 Osteochondritis Dissecans in Ancient Populations. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 3. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, ANCIENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1982 Whither Palaeopathology? Scottish Archaeological Review 1:139-143. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1984-119-#1316]
Birkett, David A. 1983 Non-Specific Infections. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 99-105. INFECTION, NON-SPECIFIC, [BOOK]
Birkett, David A. 1983 Osteoarthrosis: A Changing Pattern. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 15. ARTHROSIS, OSTEOARTHROSIS, PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1984 Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee in Various Ancient Populations. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 13. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, ANCIENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1986 The Detailed Ultrastructure of the Hair of Lindow Man. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, p. 11. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, HAIR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1986 Osteochondroma (Cartilaginous Exostosis). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 3. NEOPLASM, OSTEOCHONDROMA, CARTILAGINOUS EXOSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1986 State of Health of a Well to do Medieval Population in Northern England. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):176. HEALTH, ENGLAND, MEDIEVAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1987 Anomalies in the Lower Articular Surface of the Tibia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):178-179. TIBIA, ARTICULAR SURFACE ANOMALY, LOWER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A. 1987 Two Short Arm Problems. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, pp. 11-12. HUMERUS, TRAUMA, FRACTURE, POLIOMYELITIS, MEDIEVAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A., and S. Anderson 1988 Two Cases of Infection Causing Total Loss of the Head of the Femur. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 2. FEMUR, INFECTION, LOSS OF FEMORAL HEAD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Birkett, David A., and Keith Manchester 1982 Andrew Tawse Sandison. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 40:2. OBITUARY, SANDISON; ANDREW TAWSE, [JRNL]
Birley, A. R. 1992 A Case of Eye Disease (Lippitudo) on the Roman Frontier in Britain. Documenta Ophthalmologica 81(1):111-119. EYE DISEASE, ROMAN BRITAIN, [CWHM-1993-158-#1176]
Birsner, J. W., and S. Smart 1956 Osseous Coccidioidomycosis: A Chronic Form of Dissemination. American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 76:1052-1060. FUNGAL DISEASE, COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS, OSSEOUS, DISSEMINATION, [ORT 1981]
Bischoff, James L., and Robert J. Rosenbauer 1981 Uranium Series Dating of Human Skeletal Remains from the Del Mar and Sunnyvale Sites, California. Science 213(4511):1003-1005. REMAINS, HUMAN, DATING, DEL MAR, SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Bisel, Sara C. 1980 A Pilot Study in Aspects of Human Nutrition in the Ancient East Mediterranean, with Particular Attention to Trace Minerals in Several Populations from Different Time Periods. [Dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis]. DISSERTATION, NUTRITION, ANCIENT, MEDITERRANEAN, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Bisel, Sara C. 1981 Bone Minerals, Nutrition and Social Factors in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, p. D1. BONE MINERAL, NUTRITION, ANCIENT, MEDITERRANEAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bisel, Sara C. 1981 Nutrition in Late Bronze Age Greece, as Indicated by Bone Mineral Analysis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):201. NUTRITION, BONE MINERAL ANALYSIS, BRONZE AGE, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bisel, Sara C. 1983 The Herculaneum Project: Preliminary Report. [See also Gore, Rick 1984.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 41:6-7. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, SKELETAL REMAINS, ROMAN, HERCULANEUM, [JRNL]
Bisel, Sara C. 1988 Nutrition in First Century Herculaneum. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 65:12.]. Anthropologie (Brno) 26(1):61-66. NUTRITION, HERCULANEUM, FIRST CENTURY, [PPNL-1989-65:12]
Bisel, Sara C., and J. Lawrence Angel 1985 Health and Nutrition in Myceneaean Greece. A Study in Human Skeletal Remains. In: N. C. Wilkie, and W. D. E. Coulson, eds. Contributions to Aegean Archaeology: Studies in Honor of William A. McDonald. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota, Center for Ancient Studies. Publications in Ancient Studies, Number 1, pp. 197-209. HEALTH, NUTRITION, MYCENAE, [ZAGREB-1988:239 & AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Bishop, M. W. 1983 Burials from the Cemetery of the Hospital of St. Leonards, Newark, Nottinghamshire. Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire 87:23-35. BURIAL, CEMETERY, HOSPITAL, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, [CWHM-1986-129-#1646]
Bissada, Nabil F., and Ratiba G. Abdelmalek 1973 Incidence of Cervical Enamel Projections and Its Relationship to Furcation Involvement in Egyptian Skulls. Journal of Periodontology 44(9):583-585. SKULL, EGYPT, DENTAL ENAMEL, CERVICAL PROJECTION, FURCA, [JRNL]
Bisset, Norman G., et al. 1993 First Identification of Drugs in Egyptian Mummies. [Letter]. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 80(6):244-245: discussion 246. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DRUGS, LETTER, [NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Bisset, Norman G., et al. 1994 Was Opium Known in 18th Dynasty Ancient Egypt?: An Examination of Materials from the Tomb of the Chief Royal Architect Kha. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 41(1-2):99-114. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CHIEF ROYAL ARCHITECT KHA, OPIUM, [CWHM-1994-161-#0055]
Bitschai, J. 1951 Calculosis of the Urinary Tract in Egypt. Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital 17:630-643. UROLOGY, CALCULOSIS, URINARY TRACT, EGYPT, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:194]
Bitschai, J. 1952 The History of Urology in Egypt. American Journal of Surgery 83(7):215-224. MEDICAL HISTORY, UROLOGY, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Bitschai, J., and Leopold Brodney 1956 A History of Urology in Egypt. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, UROLOGY, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Bittles, A. H., and K. J. Collins, eds. 1986 The Biology of Human Aging. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. BIOLOGY, AGING, [PPNL-1988-61:15]
Bittmann, Bente 1977 Om Palaeopatologi, Trepanation og Mummifikation i det Sydlige Andesomrade. Bibliotek for Lager, Medicinsk Forum 6:155-164. MUMMIFICATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, TREPHINATION, ANDES, [EL-DORADO-1978-3(3):85]
Bittmann, Bente 1978 Comments on a Double Mummy Containing a Spear Thrower in the "Anker Nielsen Collection," Iquique, Northern Chile. MUMMIES, CHILE, ANKER NIELSEN COLLECTION, DOUBLE MUMMY WITH SPEAR THROWER, [EL-DORADO-1978-3(3):85]
Bittmann, Bente 1978 Fishermen, Mummies and Balsa Rafts on the Coast of Northern Chile. El Dorado 3(3):60-99. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [JRNL]
Bittmann, Bente 1982 Revisión del Problema Chinchorro. [Review of the Chinchorro Problem.]. Revista Chungará (Arica, Chile) 9:46-70. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, REVIEW OF PROBLEM, [AJPA-1993-91:200]
Bittmann, Bente, and Juan R. Munizaga 1976 The Earliest Artificial Mummification in the World? A Study of the Chinchorro Complex in Northern Chile. Folk (Copenhagen) 18:61-92. MUMMIFICATION, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [AJPA-1993-91:200]
Bittmann, Bente, and Juan R. Munizaga 1977 Algunas Consideraciones en Torno al "Complejo Chinchorro" (Chile). Actas del VII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena 1:119-130. CHINCHORRO, CHILE, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:163]
Bittmann, Bente, and Juan R. Munizaga 1980 Momificación Artificial en el Pacifico Sur: ¿Paralelismo o Difusión? Indiana (Berlin) 6:381-397. MUMMIFICATION, SOUTH PACIFIC, PARALLELISM OR DIFFUSION, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:163]
Bittner, L. H. 1926 Some Observations on the Tertiary Lesions of Framboesia Tropica, or Yaws. American Journal of Tropical Medicine 6:123-130. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, FRAMBOESIA TROPICA, YAWS,LESION, TERTIARY, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Bjarnason, O. 1980 Epidemics in Iceland in the 18th Century. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1980(Supplement 6):76-81. EPIDEMIC, ICELAND, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1981-109-#0505]
Bjarnason, O. 1989 The Last Case of Leprosy in Iceland. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1989:197-203. LEPROSY, LAST CASE, ICELAND, [CWHM-1990-145-#1095]
Björk, Arne, and Lise Björk 1964 Artifical Deformation and Cranio-Facial Asymmetry in Ancient Peruvians. Journal of Dental Research 43(3):353-362. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, ASYMMETRY, CRANIOFACIAL, PERU, [JRNL]
Bjorkengren, Ann G., David J. Sartoris, Stewart Shermis, and Donald Resnick 1987 Patterns of Paravertebral Ossification in the Prehistoric Saber-Toothed Cat. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 58:11.]. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology 148(4):779-782. SPINE, PARAVERTEBRAL OSSIFICATION, SABER-TOOTHED CAT, [JRNL]
Björn, L. O. 1993 First Identification of Drugs in Egyptian Mummies. [Letter]. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 80(6):244; discussion 246. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DRUGS, LETTER, [NDX-Mummies-34(10)-00833]
Björnberg, A. 1982 Facial Mutilations in Mochica Art. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 19:32-44. FACE, MUTILATION, ART, MOCHICA, [CWHM-1983-117-#0057]
Björnfot, B., and M. Sjöberg 1980 [Infanticide and Illegitimacy in Västernorrland in the Late 19th Century.]. Historisch Tijdskrift 1980. INFANTICIDE, ILLEGITIMACY, [CWHM-1982-111-#0868]
Bjorvatn, K., et al. 1988 Examination of Teeth and Tooth-Fragments from Three Burial Sites in the White Nile Valley of Southern Sudan. [Norwegian]. Norske Tannlaegeforenings Tidende 98(4):140-147. DENTITION, BURIAL, SUDAN, [CWHM-1989-140-#1578]
Bjotvedt, G., and Christy G. Turner II 1976 Tooth Trauma and Feeding Behavior in Prehistoric Aleutian Sea Otters. Veterinary Medicine--Small Animal Clinician 71:831-833. DENTAL TRAUMA, FEEDING BEHAVIOR, PREHISTORIC, ALEUTIAN SEA OTTER, [ARME]
Black, Davidson 1925 The Human Skeletal Remains from the Sha Kuo T'un Cave Deposits in Comparison with Those from Yang Shao Tsung and with North China Skeletal Material. Palaeontologia Sinica Series D, Volume 1:Fasc. 3, p. 12. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CHINA, [DIS IN ANT:621-SBEHP-014]
Black, Francis L. 1966 Measles Endemicity in Insular Populations: Critical Community Size and Its Evolutionary Implication. Journal of Theoretical Biology 11:207-211. MEASLES ENDEMICITY, INSULAR POPULATION, CRITICAL COMMUNITY SIZE, EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATION, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:112]
Black, Francis L. 1975 Infectious Diseases in Primitive Societies. Science 187(4176):515-518. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PRIMITIVE, SOCIETY, [JRNL]
Black, Francis L. 1980 Modern Isolated Pre-Agricultural Populations as a Source of Information of Prehistoric Epidemic Patterns. In: N. F. Stanley, and R. A. Joske, eds. Changing Disease Patterns and Human Behavior. New York: Academic Press, pp. 37-54. EPIDEMIC PATTERN, PREAGRICULTURAL POPULATION, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:112 & MELVYL]
Black, Francis L. 1990 Infectious Diseases and the Evolution of Human Populations During the Transition from Primary Food Sources. In: Alan C. Swedlund, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Disease in Populations in Transition. New York: Bergin and Garvey, pp. 55-74. DISEASE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [PERSPECT-BIOL-MED-1994-37:302 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Black, Francis L. 1992 Why Did They Die? [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:17.]. Science 258(5089):1739-1740. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, DEATH, POST CONTACT, AMERICAS [JRNL]
Black, Francis L. 1994 An Explanation of High Death Rates Among New World Peoples When in Contact with Old World Diseases. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37(2):292-307. PARASITOLOGY, [JRNL]
Black, Francis L., Walter J. Hierholzer, J. P. Woodall, and Francisco de P. Pinhiero 1971 Intensified Reactions to Measles Vaccine in Unexposed Populations of American Indians. Journal of Infectious Diseases 124(3):306-317. VACCINE, MEASLES VACCINE, INTENSIFIED REACTION, UNEXPOSED POPULATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Black, Francis L., Francisco de P. Pinheiro, Walter J. Hierholzer, and Richard V. Lee 1977 Epidemiology of Infectious Disease: The Example of Measles. In: Symposium on Health and Disease in Tribal Societies, London, 1976. Health and Disease in Tribal Societies. Ciba Foundation Symposium 49 (new series). Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier/Excerpta Medica/North Holland, pp. 115-135. DISEASE, HEALTH, TRIBAL SOCIETY, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, MEASLES, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF, [BOOK]
Black, G. 1909 Classification of Supernumerary Teeth. Dental Summary (Toledo) 29:1. DENTITION, TEETH, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Black, N. A. 1984 Is Glue Ear a Modern Phenomenon? A Historical Review of the Medical Literature. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences 9:155-163. EAR, OTITIS MEDIA, GLUE EAR, LITERATURE REVIEW, [CWHM-1985-125-#1418]
Black, Peter McL. 1995 Comment on "Intentional Cranial Deformation: A Disappearing Form of Self-Mutilation." [See Peter C. Gerszten, and Enrique Gerszten, 1995.]. Neurosurgery 37(3):381-382. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [JRNL]
Black, S., and J. Louise Scheuer 1995 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Osteological Research. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):78. OSTEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Black, S., and J. Louise Scheuer 1996 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Osteological Research. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 3. OSTEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Black, S., and J. Louise Scheuer 1996 Occipitalization of the Atlas with Reference to Its Embryological Development. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(2):198-194. SPINE, ATLAS, OCCIPUT, EMBRYOLOGY, [JRNL]
Black, Thomas K. III 1978 A New Method for Assessing the Sex of Fragmentary Skeletal Remains: Femoral Shaft Circumference. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(2):227-231. FEMUR, SEX ASSESSMENT, DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION, [JRNL]
Black, Thomas K. III 1979 The Biological and Social Analyses of a Mississippian Cemetery from Southeast Missouri: The Turner Site, 23BU21A. Anthropological Papers ofthe Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Number 68. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan BIOSOCIAL ANALYSIS, CEMETERY, MISSISSIPPIAN, [BOOK]
Black, Thomas K. III 1980 Hopewell in the Lower Illinois Valley: A Regional Approach to the Study of Human Biological Variability and Prehistoric Behavior. Scientific Papers, 2. By Jane E. Buikstra. 1976. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program. [Review]. American Anthropologist 82(1):170. REVIEW OF, BUIKSTRA; JANE E., 1976, [JRNL]
Blackburn, G. L., and A. Ahmad 1995 Skeleton in the Hospital Closet: Then and Now. Nutrition 11(2 Supplement):193-195. MEDICAL HISTORY, DIET, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Blackburn, S. P. 1977 A Short History of Dentistry in Ancient Times. Cal (Chicago IL) 40(9):24-30. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, [ARME]
Blackman, James R., Marvin J. Allison, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Norman Oldroyd, and R. Ted Steinbock 1991 Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in an Andean Mummy. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 291-296. MUMMIES, ANDES, HYPERPARATHYROIDISM, [BOOK]
Blackman, James R., Arthur C. Aufderheide, Marvin J. Allison, R. Ted Steinbock, and Norman O. Oldroyd 1986 Hyperparathyroidism in an 18-Year Old Pre-Inca Chilean Mummy. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 11-12. MUMMIES, CHILE, HYPERPARATHYROIDISM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blackwell, B. A., et al. 1993 ESR Dating Tooth Enamel from the Paleolithic Site at Longola, Zambia. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 44(1-2):253-260. DENTITION, TOOTH ENAMEL, PALEOLITHIC, ESR DATING, [NDX-Paleodontology-34(05)-01046]
Blackwell, B. A., et al. 1993 ESR Isochron Dating for Teeth: A Brief Demonstration in Solving the External Dose Calculation Problem. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 44(1-2):243-252. DENTITION, ESR ISOCHRON DATING, [NDX-Paleodontology-34(05)-01046]
Blackwood, Beatrice 1939 Artificial Cranial Deformation in New Britain. In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Anthropology, Ethnology, and Science. Copenhagen, pp. 293-294. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, NEW BRITAIN, [J-ROY-ANTHROPOL-INST-GB-IRELAND-1955-85:190]
Blackwood, Beatrice, and P. M. Danby 1955 A Study of Artificial Cranial Deformation in New Britain. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 85(1 and 2):173-191. SKULL, DEFORMATION, NEW BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Blackwood, H. J. J. 1957 The Double-Headed Mandibular Condyle. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 15(1):1-8. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR, CONDYLE, DOUBLE-HEADED, [JRNL]
Blackwood, H. J. J. 1963 Arthritis of the Mandibular Joint. British Dental Journal 115:8. ARTHRITIS, MANDIBLE, [ARME]
Blackwood, H. J. J. 1964 Bone and Tooth. In: H. J. J. Blackwood, ed. Proceedings of the First European Bone and Tooth Symposium, held at Somerville College, Oxford, April 1963. Sponsored by the Bone and Tooth Society. Oxford; New York: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press New York, distributed by Macmillan. DENTITION, TEETH, BONE, SYMPOSIUM, [ARME & MELVYL]
Blackwood, H. J. J., ed. 1964 Proceedings of the First European Bone and Tooth Symposium, held at Somerville College, Oxford, April 1963. Sponsored by the Bone and Tooth Society. Oxford; New York: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press New York, distributed by Macmillan. BONE, DENTITION, SYMPOSIUM, [MELVYL]
Blair 1799 Remarks on Mr. Owen's Letter Relating to the History of Venereal Disease. Medical and Physical Journal 2:352. VENEREAL DISEASE, HISTORY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Blair, William C. 1949 Additional Data on Crania from the Warren Mounds, Utah. American Antiquity 14(3):224-225. SKULL, WARREN MOUNDS, UTAH, [JRNL]
Blais, J. M. 1973 [A Famous Canadian Giant: Edouard Beaupré.]. [French with English Abstract]. Neuro-Chirurgie 19(Suppl)2:23-34. GIGANTISM, BEAUPRE; EDOUARD, CANADA, [NDX-Gigantism history-15-05-05806]
Blake, C. Carter 1869 On a Skull from the Chincha Islands. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London [Bound with: Anthropological Review (London), 1869, Volume 24.] 7:67-70. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CHINCHA ISLANDS, PERU, [JRNL]
Blake, C. J. 1880 Exostoses in the Ear Canals of Mound Builders. Transactions of the American Otological Society, 13th Meeting (Boston) 2:417-419. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, MOUND BUILDERS, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Blake, C. J. 1880 On the Occurrence of Exostoses Within the External Auditory Canal in Prehistoric Man. American Journal of Otology 2:81. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Blake, John H. 1878 Notes on a Collection from the Ancient Cemetery at the Bay of Chacota, Peru. Reports of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 2(2):277-304. [Eleventh Annual Report.] MUMMIES, CEMETERY, BAY OF CHACOTA, PERU, [JRNL]
Blake, Michael, Brian S. Chisholm, John E. Clark, Barbara Voorhies, and Michael W. Love 1992 Prehistoric Subsistence in the Soconusco Region. Current Anthropology 33(1):83-94. SUBSISTENCE, PREHISTORIC, SOCONUSCO, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1971 Comparison of the Mortality Profiles of Archaic, Middle Woodland, and Mississippian Skeletal Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(1):43-53. MORTALITY PROFILE, ARCHAIC, MIDDLE WOODLAND, MISSISSIPPIAN, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1977 Introduction: Changing Strategies for the Biological Anthropologist. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 1-9. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGIST, CHANGING STRATEGY, [BOOK]
Blakely, Robert L. 1977 Sociocultural Implications of Demographic Data from Etowah, Georgia. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 45-66. DEMOGRAPHY, ETOWAH, GEORGIA, [BOOK]
Blakely, Robert L. 1978 Resorptive Lesions in the Prehistoric and Historic Skeletal Samples from Etowah, Georgia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):382. LESION, RESORPTIVE, PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, ETOWAH, GEORGIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1980 Sociocultural Implications of Pathology Between the Village Area and Mound C Skeletal Remains from Etowah, Georgia. In: P. Willey, and Fred H. Smith, eds. The Skeletal Biology of Aboriginal Populations in the Southeastern United States. Tennessee Anthropological Association Miscellaneous Paper Number 5, pp. 28-38. PATHOLOGY, ETOWAH, GEORGIA, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:209 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:389]
Blakely, Robert L. 1983 The Anthropology of St. Catherine's Island 3. Prehistoric Human Biological Adaptation. By Clark Spencer Larsen. 1982. New York: Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 57, Part 3. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(3):418-419. REVIEW OF, LARSEN; CLARK SPENCER, 1982, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1988 Bone Strontium Content in Pregnant and Lactating Females from Archaeological Samples. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 10. BONE, STRONTIUM, PREGNANCY, LACTATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1989 Bone Strontium in Pregnant and Lactating Females from Archaeological Samples. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):173-185. STRONTIUM/CALCIUM RATIO, NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, NATIVE, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L. 1992 Covert Medical Practices in Nineteenth-Century Georgia. Grant proposal submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities on file at Georgia State University. GRAVE ROBBING, BODY SNATCHING, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:117]
Blakely, Robert L., ed. 1977 Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. [See reviews by William M. Bass, 1978; Linda L. Klepinger, 1978.]. BIOCULTURAL ADAPTATION, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Blakely, Robert L., ed. 1988 The King Site: Continuity and Contact in Sixteenth-Century Georgia. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. EUROPEAN CONTACT, GEORGIA, KING SITE, [MELVYL]
Blakely, Robert L., and Lane A. Beck 1981 Trace Elements, Nutritional Status, and Social Stratification at Etowah, Georgia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 376:417-431. TRACE ELEMENT, NUTRITION, STRATIFICATION, ETOWAH, GEORGIA, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and Lane A. Beck 1982 Bioarchaeology in the Urban Context. In: Roy S. Dickens, Jr., ed. Archaeology of Urban America: The Search for Pattern and Process. New York: Academic Press, pp. 175-207. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, AMERICA, URBAN, [AJPA-1987-74:197 & MELVYL]
Blakely, Robert L., and Lane A. Beck 1984 Tooth-Tool Use Versus Dental Mutilation: A Case Study from the Prehistoric Southeast. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 9:269-277. DENTITION, TOOTH-TOOL USE, DENTAL MUTILATION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:119]
Blakely, Robert L., and B. Detweiler-Blakely 1986 Odontological Evidence for Differential Stress at the King and Etowah Sites in Sixteenth Century Georgia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):176-177. ODONTOLOGY, STRESS, KING SITE, ETOWAH SITE, GEORGIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and B. Detweiler-Blakely 1989 The Impact of European Diseases in the Sixteenth-Century Southeast: A Case Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 14(1):62-89. DISEASE, EUROPEAN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, SOUTHWEST, [PPNL-1989-67:14]
Blakely, Robert L., and B. Detweiler-Blakely 1990 Models of Epidemicity in the Sixteenth-Century Southeast. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):195. EPIDEMICITY MODEL, SOUTHEAST, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and B. Detweiler-Blakely 1991 Two Cases of Disseminated Bone Tuberculosis from Pre-Columbian America. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:51. TUBERCULOSIS, BONE, DISSEMINATED, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and J. M. Harrington 1993 Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief: The Selectivity Exercised by Grave Robbers at the Medical College of Georgia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:57. GRAVE ROBBING, BODY SNATCHING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and David S. Mathews 1975 Demographic Model of the Etowah Village Population. Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science 33:168-179. DEMOGRAPHY, ETOWAH VILLAGE, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741]
Blakely, Robert L., and David S. Mathews 1990 Bioarchaeological Evidence for a Spanish-Native American Conflict in the Sixteenth-Century Southeast. American Antiquity 55(4):718-744. WARFARE, SPANISH-NATIVE AMERICAN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, SOUTHEAST, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Blakely, Robert L., and Phillip L. Walker 1968 Mortality Profile of the Middle Mississippian Population of Dickson Mound, Fulton County, Illinois. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1967 77:102-108. MORTALITY, DICKSON MOUNDS, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
Blaker, A. A. 1970 Liquid Immersion of Stain-Type Stony Fossils. Journal of Biological Photography 38:32. FOSSIL, PHOTOGRAPHY, [ARME]
Blakey, Michael L. 1981 An Analysis of Hypoplasia and Hypocalcification in Deciduous Dentition from Dickson Mound. In: Debra L. Martin, and M. Pamela Bumsted, eds. Biocultural Adaptation: Comprehensive Approaches to Skeletal Analysis. Research Reports Number 20. Amherst, Massachusetts: Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, pp. 24-34. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, DENTAL ENAMELHYPOCALCIFICATION, DICKSON MOUNDS, [BOOK]
Blakey, Michael L. 1987 Fetal and Childhood Health in Late 18th and Early 19th Century Afro-Americans: Enamel Hypoplasia and Hypocalcification in the FABC Skeletal Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):179. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, DENTAL ENAMELHYPOCALCIFICATION, AFRO-AMERICAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakey, Michael L., and George J. Armelagos 1985 Deciduous Enamel Defects in Prehistoric Americans from Dickson Mounds: Prenatal and Postnatal Stress. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 52:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(4):371-380. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, STRESS, FETUS, NEONATE, DICKSON MOUNDS, [JRNL]
Blakey, Michael L., Alfredo Coppa, S. Damadio, and R. Vargiu 1989 A Comparison of Dental Enamel Defects in Christian and Meroitic Populations at Geili, Central Sudan. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):193. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, CHRISTIAN, MEROITIC, SUDAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakey, Michael L., Teresa E. Leslie, and Joseph P. Reidy 1992 Chronological Distribution of Dental Enamel Hypoplasia in African American Slaves: A Test of the Weaning Hypothesis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:50. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, SLAVE, AFRICAN AMERICAN, WEANING HYPOTHESIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blakey, Michael L., Teresa E. Leslie, and Joseph P. Reidy 1994 Frequency and Chronological Distribution of Dental Enamel Hypoplasia in Enslaved African Americans: A Test of the Weaning Hypothesis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94(4):371-383. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, AMERICA, BLACK, SLAVE, WEANING HYPOTHESIS, [JRNL]
Bland, John H., ed. 1968 Symposium on Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medical Clinics of North America 52(3):477-769. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, SYMPOSIUM, [JRNL]
Bland-Sutton, John 1890 Evolution and Disease. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 1:759. EVOLUTION, DISEASE, [ARME]
Blank, E. 1957 Acrocephalosyndactyly of Apert's Type: Genetic Study. [Thesis, unpublished, University of London]. ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLIA, ACROSPHENOSYNDACTYLIA, APERT'S SYNDROME, [CRAN]
Blank, John Edward 1974 Comparative Palaeodontology of Two Prehistoric Amerindian Populations: Eiden and Libben Sites. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):469. ODONTOLOGY, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blankoff, B. 1927 Ostéite Tuberculeuse Primitive de la Tuberosité d'Ischion. Archives Franco-Belges de Chirurgie 30:895-896. TUBERCULOSIS, PRIMITIVE, [ORT-1985:459]
Blankoff, B. 1958 Un Peu d'Histoire de la Tuberculose Osteoarticulaire-Mal de Pott. Brussels: Drukkerig. TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, OSTEOARTICULAR, HISTORY, [ARME]
Blanton, Patricia, and Norman L. Biggs 1968 Density of Fresh and Embalmed Human Compact and Cancellous Bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):39-44. BONE, FRESH, EMBALMED, DENSITY, [JRNL]
Blanton, Patricia, and Norman L. Biggs 1969 Eighteen Hundred Years of Controversy: The Paranasal Sinuses. American Journal of Anatomy 124:135. SINUS, PARANASAL, [DRY BONES:214]
Blasco, Concepción, and Luis J. Ramos 1974 Cabezas Cortadas en la Cerámica Nazca Según la Colección del Museo de América de Madrid. Cuadernos Prehispánicos (Valladolid, Spain) 2:29-79. SKULL, TROPHY HEAD, NAZCA, PERU, CERAMIC REPRESENTATION, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:221]
Blasi, Olemar 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):426-427. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Blasingham, Emily J. 1956 The Depopulation of the Illinois Indians. Part 1. Ethnohistory 3(3):193-224. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, ILLINOIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Blasingham, Emily J. 1956 The Depopulation of the Illinois Indians. Part 2, Concluded. Ethnohistory 3(4):361-412. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, ILLINOIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Blasio, A. de 1900 Cranio Trepanato del Paese degl'Incas. Rivista Mensile di Psichiatria Forense, Antropologia Criminale e Scienze Affini 3:41-50. TREPHINATION, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):579]
Blasio, A. de 1900 Mummie e Cranii del'Antico Peru Conservati in Alcuni Musei dell'Università di Napoli. Rivista Mensile di Psichiatria Forense, Antropologia Criminale e Scienze Affini 3:169-189. MUMMIES, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):579]
Blassingame, John W. 1972 The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South. New York: Oxford University Press SLAVERY, AMERICA, BLACK, [MELVYL]
Blast, T. H., W. E. Sullivan, and F. D. Geist 1925 The Repair of Bone. Anatomical Record 31:318-344. BONE, REPAIR, [STEINBOCK-1976:056]
Blazek, A. 1967 Osteologisches Material aus dem Beinhaus von St. Mauritius. Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae: Anthropologia 12:55. OSTEOLOGY, ST. MAURITIUS, [ARME]
Blazquez, J. M. 1958 Sacrificios Humanos y Representaciones de Cabezas en la Península Ibérica. Latomus 17:27-ss. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, IBERIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:38]
Bleibtreu, Erika 1991 Grisly Assyrian Record of Torture and Death. Biblical Archaeology Review 17(1):52-61,75. DEATH, TORTURE, ASSYRIA, [JRNL]
Bleibtreu, Hermann K. 1967 Some Problems in Physical Anthropology, the Interpretation of Skeletal Material. Biennial Review of Anthropology 1967:263-265. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INTERPRETATION OF, [JRNL]
Bleicher 1894 Sur Quelques Faits Nouveaux Relatifs a la Fossilation Osseuse. Paris. BONE, FOSSIL, [ARME]
Blersch, H. G. 1975 Das Leibesinnere nach den Altägyptischen Medizinischen Texten. Medizinhistorisches Journal 10(1):28-49. MEDICAL TEXT, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [CWHM-1975-088-#0394]
Bleukx, Koenraad 1995 Was the Black Death (1348-49) a Real Plague Epidemic? England as a Case-Study. In: Werner Verbeke, et al., eds. Serta Devota in Memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux: Pars Posterior: Cultura Mediaevalis. Leuven: Leuven U.P., Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series I, Studia XXI, pp. 65-113. PLAGUE HISTORY, BLACK DEATH, ENGLAND; 1348-1349, [CWHM-1996-169:#0054]
Bleyer, A. 1940 The Antiquity of Achondroplasia. Annals of Medical History 2:306. ACHONDROPLASIA, ANTIQUITY, [ARME]
Blick, Jeffrey P. 1988 Genocidal Warfare in Tribal Societies as a Result of European-Induced Culture Conflict. MAN 23(4):654-670. WARFARE, GENOCIDE, AMERICA, EUROPEAN CONTACT, [JRNL]
Blin, L. 1978 Les Communications de Paris au Bas-Languedoc et la Peste de Gévaudan Vues de Lyon (1720-1723). Cahiers d'Histoire (Lyon) 23(1):73-98. PLAGUE, LYON 1720-1723, [CWHM-1980-103-#1420]
Blinderman, Abraham 1976 The Coroner Describes the Manner of Dying in New York City, 1784-1816. American Journal of Medicine 61(1):103-110. CORONER REPORT, NEW YORK CITY 1784-1816, [JRNL]
Bliquez, Lawrence J. 1981 An Unidentified Roman Surgical Instrument in Bingen. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 36(2):219-220. INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, ROMAN, [JRNL]
Bliquez, Lawrence J. 1983 Classical Prosthetics. Archaeology (New York) 36(5):25-29. PROTHESIS, CLASSICAL, [JRNL]
Bliquez, Lawrence J. 1985 Two Lists of Greek Surgical Instruments and the State of Surgery in Byzantine Times. Symposium on Byzantine Medicine. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, pp. 187-204. MEDICAL HISTORY, SURGERY, BYZANTINE, [BR-J-UROL-1994-74:407]
Bloch, Harry 1984 Smallpox: A Disease that Disappeared. Clinical Pediatrics (Philadelphia) 23(5):290-291. SMALLPOX, ERADICATION, [JRNL]
Bloch, Harry 1988 Abandonment, Infanticide, and Filicide. An Overview of Inhumanity to Children. American Journal of Diseases of Children 142(10):1058-1060. INFANTICIDE, [JRNL]
Bloch, Iwan 1899 Ein Neuer Beitrag zur Frage der Altertumssyphilis. Monatshefte fuer Praktische Dermatolgie 28:629-632. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Bloch, Iwan 1899 Zur Vorgeschichte des Aussatzes. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 31:205-216. LEPROSY, [JRNL]
Bloch, Iwan 1900 Die Angebliche Syphilis in den Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 1:779-829. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Bloch, Iwan 1904 Das Erste Auftreten der Syphilis, (Lustseuche) in der Europäischen Kulturwelt. Jena: Gustav Fischer. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [DIS IN ANT:293]
Bloch, Iwan 1906 La Prétendue Syphilis Préhistorique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série 5)::202-207. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Bloch, Iwan 1906 Der Ursprung der Syphilis (Morbus americanus). [The Origin of Syphilis (Morbus americanus.]. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Americanists (Stuttgart, 1904) 1:57-79. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Bloch, Iwan 1908 The History of Syphilis. In: D'Arcy Power, and J. K. Murphy, eds. A System of Syphilis. London: Oxford University Press, Volume 1, pp. 1-40. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [ORT 1981]
Bloch, Iwan 1908 The Sexual Life of Our Time. London: Rebman. LIFE, SEXUAL, [CRAN]
Bloch, Iwan 1911 Die Knochenfunde aus Prähistorischer und Präcolumbischer Zeit. In: Der Ursprung der Syphilis. Eine Medizinische und Kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Jena: Gustav Fischer, Volume 2, pp. 317-364. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [MOODIE-1923:546 & CRAN]
Bloch, Iwan 1911 Der Ursprung der Syphilis. Jena: Gustav Fischer. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [ORT 1981]
Bloch, Iwan 1914 The History of Syphilis. In: D'Arcy Power, and J. K. Murphy, eds. A System of Syphilis. London: Oxford University Press, Volume 1, pp. 1-40. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [ARME]
Bloch, Maurice 1981 Tombs and States. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 137-147. BURIAL PRACTICE, STATE FORMATION, DEMOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Blockmans, W. 1980 The Social and Economic Effects of Plague in the Low Countries, 1349-1500. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 58:797-963. PLAGUE, LOW COUNTRIES 1349-1500, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECT, [CWHM-1982-112-#1524]
Blom, Frans, S. S. Grosjean, and Harold Cummins 1933 A Maya Skull from the Uloa Valley, Republic of Honduras. Middle American Pamphlets, No. 1 of Publication No. 5 in the "Middle American Research Series," pp. 7-24. SKULL, MAYA, HONDURAS, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, A., and A. A. -L. Bagousse 1994 Une Treponematose due Bas-Empire Romaine en Normandie. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologie du Var, pp. 99-100. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, EUROPE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:560]
Blondiaux, Joël 1984 Deux Neoplasmes dans une Serie Médiévale Limitée du Nord de la France. Siena, Italy: Proceedings of the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, pp. 21-28. NEOPLASM, FRANCE, MEDIEVAL, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:476]
Blondiaux, Joël 1986 Etude des Ossements Humains de la Crypte de l'Eglise Saint-Géry au Mont des Boefs à Cambrai. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:13.]. Revue du Nord 68(269):385-392. REMAINS, HUMAN, CAMBRAI, [PPNL-1986-56:13]
Blondiaux, Joël 1989 Essai d'Anthropologie Physique et de Paléopathologie des Populations du Nord de la Gaule au Haut Moyen Age. [Physical Anthropology and Paleopathology of Northern Gaul Populations in the Dark Ages.]. [French]. [Dissertation, Université de Lille, France]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:19.]. DISSERTATION, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, DARK AGES, GAUL, [PPNL-1989-67:19]
Blondiaux, Joël 1990 Dislocation of the Hip in Medieval France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, pp. 5-6. HIP, DISLOCATION, MEDIEVAL, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël 1990 La Femme et son Corps au Haut Moyen-Age vus par l'Anthropologue et le Paléopathologiste. In: M. Rouche, and J. Heuclin, eds. La Femme au Moyen-Age. City of Maubeuge: Maubeuge, pp. 115-137. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 73:11.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-153:006]
Blondiaux, Joël 1995 Comment on "DNA of Mycobacterium leprae Detected by PCR in Ancient Bone." [Letter]. [See A. Rafi, M. Spigelman, J. Stanford, E. Lemma, H. Donohue, and Joe Zias, 1994.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(3):299. LEPROSY, DNA OF MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE, POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) DETECTION OF, LETTER, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, Charles-Albert Baud, N. Boscher-Barre, et al. 1992 Trace Elements in Paleopathology: Quantitative Analysis of a Case of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:241-244. ARTHROPATHY, OSTEOARTHROPATHY, HYPERTROPHIC, PERIOSTEAL THICKENING, [PPNL-1992-80:09]
Blondiaux, Joël, and Luc Buchet 1990 La Place de l'Anthropologie Morphologique dans l'Etude des Nécropoles. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):191-200. NECROPOLIS, MORPHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, A. Cotten, C. Fontaine, Catherine Hänni, A. Béra, and R. M. Flipo 1995 Two Roman and Medieval Cases of Symmetrical Erosive Polyarthritis from Normandy: Anatomo-Pathologic Radiologic Features and Molecular Evidence for Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):79. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NORMANDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, A. Cotten, C. Fontaine, Catherine Hänni, A. Béra, and R. M. Flipo 1996 Two Roman and Medieval Cases of Symmetrical Erosive Polyarthritis from Normandy: Anatomo-Pathologic Radiologic Features and Molecular Evidence for Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 4. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NORMANDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, Jean-François Duvette, S. Vatteoni, and L. Eisenberg 1994 Microradiographs of Leprosy from an Osteoarchaeological Context. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):13-20. LEPROSY, MICRORADIOLOGY, [CWHM-1994-162-#0144]
Blondiaux, Joël, and M. Houcke 1987 Long Bones Symmetrical Hypertrophies: Four Cases in Medieval Northern France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, Supplement, p. 17. BONE, LONG, HYPERTROPHY, SYMMETRICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, M. Houcke, and M. Lorthoir 1986 Long Bones Symmetrical Hypertrophies: Four Cases in Medieval France. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, pp. 173-187. BONE, LONG BONE, HYPERTROPHY, SYMMETRICAL, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:36]
Blondiaux, Joël, and Frédéric Millot 1991 Dislocation of the Hip: Discussion of Eleven Cases from Mediaeval France. [English with French Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):203-207. DISLOCATION, HIP, FRANCE, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1992-153-#0357]
Bloom, Allan I., Ronald A. Bloom, Gila Kahila, Emmanuel Eisenberg, and Patricia Smith 1995 Amputation of the Hand in the 3600-Year-Old Skeletal Remains of an Adult Male: The First Case Reported from Israel. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):188-191. AMPUTATION, HAND, MIDDLE BRONZE AGE, ISRAEL, [JRNL]
Bloom, Khaled J. 1990 The "King of Terrors": The Mississippi Valley's Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. [Dissertation, University of California, Davis]. DISSERTATION, FEVER, YELLOW FEVER, EPIDEMIC, MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY 1878, [MELVYL]
Bloom, Khaled J. 1993 The Mississippi Valley's Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press. [See reviews by Patricia Peck Gossel, 1994; Anne Hardy, 1995; Suzanne Cameron Linder, 1995.]. FEVER, YELLOW FEVER, EPIDEMIC, MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY 1878, [MELVYL]
Bloom, Ronald A., and Patricia Smith 1991 A Healed Depressed Frontal Bone Fracture in an Early Samaritan (the Goliath Injury). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(3):167-170. BONE, FRONTAL, FRACTURE, DEPRESSED, HEALED, [PPNL-1991-76:13]
Bloom, Ronald A., and Patricia Smith 1992 On the Antiquity of the Seronegative Spondyloarthopathies: Evidence from Ancient Judea. Skeletal Radiology 21(2):111-114. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHOPATHY, SERONEGATIVE, ANTIQUITY OF, [CWHM-1992-156-#0565]
Bloomfield, J. A. 1985 Radiology of Egyptian Mummy. Australasian Radiology 29(1):64-66. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Mummies-26-12-12025]
Blot, Maria Luisa 1994 The Skeletal Population of a Maritime Accident (1786). Paleopathology Newsletter 85:11-12. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SHIPWRECK, [JRNL]
Bloxam, G. W. 1883 Note on a Patagonian Skull. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 12:28-29. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PATAGONIA, [JRNL]
Bluhm, Gilbert B. 1979 Gout and Pseudogout. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):14-17. GOUT, PSEUDOGOUT, [JRNL]
Blum, T. 1923 Malposed Teeth. International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography 9:1. DENTITION, TEETH, MALPOSED, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:119]
Blumberg, Baruch S. 1970 Adaptation to Infectious Disease. Australia Antigen and Hepatitis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 32(2):305-308. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ADAPTATION, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Blumberg, Baruch S., ed. 1961 Proceedings of the Conference on Genetic Polymorphisms and Geographic Variations in Disease. New York: Grune and Stratton. GENETICS, POLYMORPHISM, DISEASE, CONFERENCE, [CRAN]
Blumberg, Baruch S., K. J. Bloch, R. L. Black, and C. Dotter 1961 A Study of the Prevalence of Arthritis in Alaskan Eskimos. Arthritis and Rheumatism 4:325-341. ARTHRITIS, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Blumberg, Baruch S., and Jane E. Hesser 1975 Anthropology and Infectious Disease. In: A. Damon, ed. Physiological Anthropology. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 260-294. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Blumberg, Baruch S., and Leon Sokoloff 1961 Coalescence of Caudal Vertebrae in the Giant Dinosaur Diplodocus.

Arthritis and Rheumatism 4(6):592-601. VERTEBRA, CAUDAL, DINOSAUR, [JRNL]

Blumberg, Joe M., and Ellis R. Kerley 1966 Discussion: Morphometry of Bone in Palaeopathology; a Critical Consideration of Roentgenology and Microscopy in Palaeopathology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 150-170. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, ROENTGENOLOGY, MICROSCOPY, CRITICAL CONSIDERATION, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Blumberg, Joseph E., William L. Hylander, and Robert A. Goepp 1971 Taurodontism: A Biometric Study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(2):243-255. DENTITION, TAURODONTISM, [JRNL]
Blumbergs, Zaiga, Nils-Gustaf Gejvall, and Claes Varenius 1974 Subboreal Faunal Remains from a Peat-Bog in Sandåkra Village, in the Parish of Skurup, Scania, S. Sweden. OSSA 1:24-37. BOG BODIES, FAUNAL REMAINS, PEAT BOG, SANDAKRA VILLAGE, SKURUP PARISH,SCANIA, SOUTH SWEDEN, [JRNL]
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 1796 Osservazioni sopra Alcune Mummie Egiziane Aperte in Londra. Annali di Chimica e Storia Naturale, etc 11:196-223. MUMMIES, EGYPT, OBSERVATION, [LSG2-Mummies]
Blumenschine, Robert J. 1992 Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2364. By Tim D. White. 1992. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [Review]. American Journal of Human Biology 4(6):790-791. REVIEW OF, WHITE; TIM D., 1992, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1992-4:790]
Blustein, Y., N. Stern, and S. S. Kottek 1987 A Case of Prosthetic Dentistry in Ancient Egypt. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 35:120-124. DENTISTRY, PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1988-136-#1567]
B., M. 1929 Zeugen Prähistorischer Kämpfe. Deutsche Aerzte-Zeitung 33:473. PATHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology]
Boada Rivas, Ana María 1988 Las Patologías Oseas en la Población de Marín. Boletín de Arqueología (Bogotá) 3(1):1-24. PATHOLOGY, MARIN, COLOMBIA, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Boase, T. S. R. 1972 Death in the Middle Ages: Mortality, Judgment and Remembrance. London: Thames and Hudson. DEATH, MIDDLE AGES, [MELVYL]
Boaz, N. T., and J. Hampel 1978 Strontium Content of Fossil Tooth Enamel and Diet of Early Hominids. Journal of Paleontology 52(4):928-933. DENTAL ENAMEL, NUTRITION, STRONTIUM CONTENT, EARLY HOMINID, [ISCAN-1989:257]
Boaz, N. T., D. Ninkovich, and M. Rossignol-Strick 1982 Paleoclimatic Setting for Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 69(1):29-33. CLIMATE, HOMO SAPIENS NEANDERTHALENSIS, NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Paleontology-23-12-11365]
Bobbio, A. 1970 The First Endosseous Alloplastic Implant in the History of Man. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 20:1-6. DENTISTRY, ENDOSSEOUS ALLOPLASTIC IMPLANT [BHM-10:570]
Bobbio, A. 1973 Rilievi Odontoiatrici Sul Cosidetto "Uomo Dei Sambaquis" e "Uomo Della Lagoa Santa" Della Preistoria Brasiliana. Rassegna Internazionale di Stomatologia Pratica 24:11-24. DENTITION, BRAZIL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bobin, V. V. 1964 Les Recherches Paléopathologiques des Dernières Années sur les Ossements Découverts en Crimée et dans le Caucase du Nord. Paper Read at 7E Cong Internat Se Anthr et Ethnol. Moscow. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Bocchi, L., V. Capecchi, and C. Orso 1978 Spine Sottocalcaneari in Piedi Paleolitici. [Under-Heel Spines in Paleolithic Chromagnonoid Feet.]. [Italian with English Abstract]. Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento 64(5):501-506. FOOT, HEEL SPINES, CRO-MAGNON, PALEOLITHIC, [NDX-Paleopathology-21-12-10186]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, and André Mariotti 1992 Is Collagen from Teeth or Bones Equivalent for Isotopic (13C, 15N) Diet Investigations? Fifth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC V), Chicago. Special Publications Series of the Paleontological Society 6:30. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:339]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, André Mariotti, Brigitte Lange-Badre, Bernard Vandermeersch, Jacques Paul Borel, and Georges Bellon 1991 Isotopic Biogeochemistry (13C and 15N) of Fossil Vertebrate Collagen: Application to the Study of a Past Food Web Including Neandertal Man. Journal of Human Evolution 20(6):481-492. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NEANDERTAL MAN, [JRNL]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, R. Mariotti, C. Olive, G. Bellon, and D. Billiou 1991 Application de la Biogéchimie Isotopique (13C, 15N) à la Détermination du Régime Alimentaire des Populations Humaines et Animales Durant les Périodes Antiques et Médiévale. Archives Sciences Genéve 44:329-340. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:077]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marilyn L. Fogel, Noreen Tuross, and Melinda Zeder 1995 Trophic Structure and Climatic Information from Isotopic Signatures in Pleistocene Cave Fauna of Southern England. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):327-340. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, STABLE ISOTOPE, CARBON, NITROGEN, OXYGEN, TOOTH, BONE COLLAGEN, APATITE, TROPHIC LEVEL, KENT'S CAVE, UPPER PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Bockenheimer, S., U. Eickhoff, E. Metzel, and K. Voigt 1978 Radiologisch-Aquidensitographische Untersuchungen der Kalottenverletzungen des Pharao Seqenenre. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin 128(6):691-694. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SEQENENRE, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Bocklage, T. J. 1984 Physical Anthropology of the Ancient Maya Foot. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 15. FOOT, MAYA, ANTHROPOLOGY, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1977 Paléodémographie: Ce que nous Apprend la Nubie Soudanaise. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 32:54-69. DEMOGRAPHY, SUDANESE NUBIA, [BHM-15:479]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1977 Perspectives Paléodémographiques. [Thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences, Sociales, Paris]. DEMOGRAPHY, PERSPECTIVE, DISSERTATION, [AJPA-1996-99:582]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1978 Estimation Methods of Age at Death in Adult Skeletons and Demographic Structure of the Populations of the Past. In: M. D. Garralda, and R. M. Grande, eds. I Simposio de Antropologia Biologica de España. Madrid: Facultad de Biología Cuidad Universita, pp. 37-47. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETON, ADULT, DEMOGRAPHY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1986 Once Upon a Time: Palaeodemography. In: B. Herrmann, ed. Innovative Trends in der Prähistorischen Anthropologie. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 7:127-133. DEMOGRAPHY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1994 Estimating the Average for an Unknown Age Distribution in Anthropology. In: M. Di Bacco, E. Pacciani, and Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli, eds. Statistical Tools in Human Biology: Proceedings of the 17th Course of the International School of Mathematics. Erice, Italy, 18-25 September 1993. Singapore and River Edge, New Jersey: World Scientific, pp. 197-202. DEMOGRAPHY, AGE DISTRIBUTION IN ANTHROPOLOGY, [AJPA-1996-99:583 & MELVYL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1977 Estimateurs en Paléodémographie. L'Homme 17(4):65-90. DEMOGRAPHY, [AJPA-1996-99:582]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1982 Farewell to Paleodemography. [See Dennis P. Van Gerven, and George J. Armelagos, 1983.]. Journal of Human Evolution 11(4):321-333. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1985 Matters of Moment. Journal of Human Evolution 14:107-111. DEMOGRAPHY, [ARMELAGOS-REDBOOK:037 & GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:101]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1985 Paleodemography: Resurrection or Ghost? Journal of Human Evolution 14(2):107-111. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1996 Paleodemography: Expectancy and False Hope. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 99(4):571-583. DEMOGRAPHIC ESTIMATOR, AGE DISTRIBUTION, ITERATIVE PROPORTIONAL FITTING, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, M. A. Maia Neto, M. A. Tavares da Rocha, and M. H. Xavier de Morais 1978 Estimation de l'Age au Décès des Squellettes d'Adultes par Régressions Multiples. Contribucoñes para o Estudo da Antropologia Portuguesa 10(3):107-133. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETON, ADULT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, M. A. Tavares da Rocha, and M. H. Xavier de Morais 1980 Peut-on Estimer l'Age au Décès à l'Aide du Remaniement Osseux? Biom Hum (Paris) 15:51-56. AGE ASSESSMENT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Boddington, A. 1987 Chaos, Disturbance and Decay in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 27-42. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, CEMETERY, ANGLO-SAXON, CHAOS; DISTURBANCE; DECAY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A. 1987 From Bones to Population: The Problem of Numbers. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 180-197. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, DEMOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway 1987 Flesh, Bones, Dust and Society. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 3-9. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, DEATH, DECAY, RECOVERY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway 1987 Preface. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, p. ix. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, PREFACE, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. 1987 Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [See review by B. Danner, 1991.]. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., and M. Morgan 1979 The Excavation Record, Part 2: Inhumations. Northamptonshire County Council Occasional Paper, 3. BURIAL, INHUMATION, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:042]
Bödecker, C. F. 1929-1930 Concerning Defects in the Enamel of Teeth of Ancient American Indians. [See review by Ales Hrdlicka, 1930.]. Journal of Dental Research 10:313-322. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Enamel abnormity]
Bödecker, C. F., and H. Bödecker 1931 A Practical Index of the Varying Susceptibility to Dental Caries in Man. Dental Cosmos 73:707-716. DENTAL CARIES, SUSCEPTIBILITY, INDEX, [ARME]
Bodenhoff, J., P. Geertinger, and J. Prause 1979 Isolation of Sporothrix fungorum from a 500-Year-Old Mummy Found in Greenland. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section B: Microbiology 87B(3):201-203. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, SPOROTHRIX FUNGORUM, [NDX-Mummies-20-12-09213]
Bodhe, I. G. 1980 Roentgenographic Study of Human Skeletal Remains of the Chalcolithic Period from Inamgaon, Maharashtra. Journal of the Indian Anthropological. Society In press. REMAINS, SKELETAL, RADIOGRAPHY, INAMGAON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:522]
Boeck, W., and Danielssen 1855 Eléphantiasis des Grecs. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 40:53. ELEPHANTIASIS, GREECE, [LSG2-Leprosy]
Boehmer, Rainer Michael, Friedhelm Pedde, and Beate Salje 1996 Uruk: Die Gräber. Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka: Endberichte 10. With contributions by F. Köcher, S. M. Maul, and G. Meinert. Mainz: Philipp von Zahern. [See review by Geoff Emberling, 1997.]. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY, NEAR EAST, ANCIENT, [J-AM-ARCHAEOL-1997-101:169]
Boehrer, B. T. 1990 Early Modern Syphilis. Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:197-214. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1991-148-#0759-#2260]
Boessler, A. 1906 Peruanische Mumien. Untersuchungen mit X-Strahlen. Berlin. MUMMIES, PERU, RADIOGRAPHY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Boev, Peter 1959 Trépanations d'Intérêt Historique (Trépanations Historiques). Bulletin Inst Morph Acad Sci Bulg 3:197. TREPHINATION, HISTORIC, [DIS IN ANT:670]
Boev, Peter 1963 Les Trépanations Symboliques chez Les Peuplades Turques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 4:671-673. TREPHINATION, TURKEY, SYMBOLIC, [ARME]
Boev, Peter 1972 Trepanación Simbólica. Quiron (La Plata) 3(1):85-95. TREPHINATION, SYMBOLIC, [CWHM-1972-76-#1610]
Boev, Peter 1992 Biological Reconstruction of the Victims of Batac During the Aprilian Rebellion--1876: Paleopathological Data. [English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. Annuaire Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Biologie (Zoologie) 83:295-305. VICTIMOLOGY, BATAC MASSACRE 1876, BIOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DATA, [PPNL-1994-88:09]
Boev, Peter, and O. Ismagulov 1962 Trepanirovanniy Cherep iz Kazashskoy SSR. Sovyetskaya Etnografiya 2:9-10. TREPHINATION, KAZASHSKOY SSR, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Boev, Peter, N. Kondova, V. Stéfanov, and S. Tcholacov 1981 Recherches Paléopathologiques des Populations du Moyen Age en Bulgarie. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congres International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 209-210. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:15.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BULGARIA, [PPNL-1986-55:15]
Boev, Peter, and D. Mallinkov [D. Maslinkov] 1961 Paléopathologie Maxillo-Mandibulaire et Dentaire en Bulgarie. Izvestiya na Instituta po Morfologiya Bulgarska Akademiia na Naukite za Sofia 4:241-258. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MAXILLA, MANDIBLE, BULGARIA, [ARME]
Boev, Peter, and D. Maslinkov 1965 K Probleme Chelustno-Zubnoy Paleopatologii na Teritorii Narodnoy Republiki Bolgarii. Voprosy Antropologii 20:102-114. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BULGARIA, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Boev, Peter, and T. Minkov 1994 A Skeleton of the 10th Century from the Town of Baltchik, with Features of a Rare Illness, Spondyloarthrosis Ankylopoetica [sic]--The Bechterew's Disease. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:9.]. Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia 85(1):327-335. SPINE, BECHTEREW'S DISEASE, SPONDYLOARTHROSIS ANKYLOPOIETICA, RHEUMATOID SPONDYLITIS, [PPNL-1996-94:9]
Boev, Peter, and Slavtcho Tcholakov 1982 Anthropologische Untersuchung eines Kinderkiefers aus der Neolithischen Siedlung in Krenmikoutsi. [Anthropological Study of an Infant's Jaw from the Neolithic Settlement in Kremikoutsi.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologie (Brno) 20(1):41-43. JAW, INFANT, NEOLITHIC, KRENMIKOUTSI, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#10817]
Bogdan, G. 1897-1898 La Lèpre: Esquisse Historique. Bulletin de la Société des Médecins et des Naturalistes de Jassy 9:135-151. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Bogdan, Georgieann 1989 Probable Treponemal Skeletal Signs in Seven Pre-Columbian Coastal North Carolina Ossuary Samples. [Thesis, Anthropology Department, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina]. TREPONEMATOSIS, NORTH CAROLINA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:162]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1988 Possible Treponematosis in Human Skeletons from a Pre-Columbian Ossuary of Coastal North Carolina. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):187-188. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1988 Possible Treponematosis in Human Skeletons from a Pre-Columbian Ossuary in Coastal North Carolina. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 6. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1989 Possible Treponemal Skeletal Symptoms in Eight Pre-Columbian Coastal North Carolina Ossuary Samples. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):194. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1992 Pre-Columbian Treponematosis in Coastal North Carolina. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 155-163. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, SOUTH CAROLINA, TREPONEMATOSIS, [BOOK]
Boglár, L. 1958 Ein Endokannibalischer Ritus in Súdamerika. Miscellanea Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata [Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1958)] 2:67-85. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Bogovski, P. 1980 Historical Perspectives of Occupational Cancer. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 6:921-939. NEOPLASM, CANCER, OCCUPATIONAL, [CWHM-1982-111-#0299]
Bogucka, M. 1991 Illness and Death in a Maritime City: Gdansk in the 17th Century. American Neptune 51:91-104. PUBLIC HEALTH, SANITATION, GDANSK, [CWHM-1993-158-#0341]
Bohen, Barbara E. 1992 Collaborative Investigation of the UI Egypto-Roman Mummy. [Investigación Conjunta de la Momia Romano-Egipcia UI.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 134. MUMMIES, EGYPT, EGYPTIAN-ROMAN, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, STEREO, LITHOGRAPHY,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bohn, A. 1963 Dental Anomalies in Harelip and Cleft Palate. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 21:38. DENTAL ANOMALY, CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, [ARME]
Bohne, C. l955 Die Habsburger Unterlippe. Zahnärztliche Praxis 6:Juni. JAW, HAPSBURG JAW, [CRAN]
Bohrer, Stanley P., and Graham E. Connah 1971 Pathology in 700-Year-Old Nigerian Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 9:12.]. Radiology 98(3):581-584. BONE PATHOLOGY, NIGERIA, [JRNL]
Boigey, M. 1904 Une Opération Chirurgicale à l'Age de Pierre: La Trépanation. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'Etranger 20(Série 4):261-266. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Boismoreau, E. 1921 L'Art Médical Préhistorique. Liber Memorialis Congress de la Historia de la Art del Guérir 1920 1921(1st. Cong.):396-409. ART, MEDICAL, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Medicine prehistoric]
Bolan, A. 1929 Mummy 30041. Hygiea (Chicago) 7:1216. MUMMIES 30041, [ARME]
Boland, W. W., and A. J. Present 1945 Rheumatoid Spondylitis: A Study of 100 Cases with Special Reference to Diagnostic Criteria. Journal of the American Medical Association 129:843-849. SPONDYLITIS, RHEUMATOID SPONDYLITIS, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, [STEINBOCK-1976:312]
Boldsen, Jesper L. 1991 Ageing and Dental Attrition in a Medieval Rural Danish Population. International Journal of Anthropology 6(4):217-224. DENTAL ATTRITION, AGING, MEDIEVAL, DENMARK, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-30(2):121]
Boldsen, Jesper L., and Ove Persson 1982-1984 The Case of a Slowly Growing Tumor Destructing the Face of a Skeleton from Viborg Domkirke, Denmark. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 50:10.]. OSSA 9/11:3-11. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, BENIGN, FACIAL DESTRUCTION, DENMARK, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1964 Pieza del Mes de Junio. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 16:17. DENTAL MUTILATION, SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1966 Pieza del Mes de Noviembre. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 26:44. DENTAL MUTILATION, SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1968 Pieza del Mes de Septiembre. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 33:56. SKULL, DEFORMATION, INFANT, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1968 Pieza del Mes de Diciembre. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 34:50. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1969 Pieza del Mes de Noviembre. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 38:57. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MICHOAC┴N, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1972 Pieza del Mes de Octubre. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 3(Epoca 2):59. SKULL, ADULT, MALE, OBSIDIAN PROJECTILE POINT, TLANEPANTLA, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1973 Pieza del Mes de Agosto. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 6(Epoca 2):53. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Boletín INAH 1974 Pieza del Mes de Marzo. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 8(Epoca 2):51. MANDIBLE, SKULL, SACRIFICE, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Bolk, L. 1914 Supernumerary Teeth in the Molar Region in Man. Dental Cosmos 56:154-167. DENTITION, MOLAR, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Bolk, L. 1915 On the Premature Obliteration of Sutures in the Human Skull. American Journal of Anatomy 17:495-523. SKULL, SUTURE, PREMATURE OBLITERATION, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Bolk, L. 1916 Problems of Human Dentition. American Journal of Anatomy 19:91-148. DENTITION, [ARME]
Bolk, L. 1917 On Metopism. American Journal of Anatomy 22:27-47. METOPISM, [LSG4-Cranium sutures persistance]
Bolk, L. 1919-1920 On Metopism. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 21:209-226. METOPISM, [LSG4-Cranium sutures persistance]
Bollaert, William 1863 On the Idol Head of the Jivaro Indians of Ecuador Exhibited.... Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 2:117-118. MUMMIES, ECUADOR, SHRUNKEN HEAD, JIVARO, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(3):918]
Bollaert, William 1864 On the Alleged Introduction of Syphilis from the New World. Also Some Notes on the Local and Imported Diseases into America. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2:256-269. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Bollet, Alfred Jay 1981 A Report of Reactive Arthritis Following Dysentery in 1743. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 24(6):860. ARTHRITIS, REITER'S DISEASE, DYSENTERY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Bollet, Alfred Jay 1981 The Rise and Fall of Disease. American Journal of Medicine 70(1):12-16. DISEASE, RISE AND FALL, [JRNL]
Bollet, Alfred Jay 1991 Rheumatic Diseases Among Civil War Troops. Arthritis and Rheumatism 34(9):1197-1203. RHEUMATIC DISEASE, CIVIL WAR, UNITED STATES, [JRNL]
Bollet, Alfred Jay 1992 Politics and Pellagra: The Epidemic of Pellagra in the U.S. in the Early Twentieth Century. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 65(3):211-221. PELLAGRA, UNITED STATES, [CWHM-1993-158-#0384]
Bollet, Alfred Jay 1992 Scurvy and Chronic Diarrhea in Civil War Troops: Were They Both Nutritional Deficiency Syndromes? Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 47(1):49-67. SCURVY, DIARRHEA, NUTRITION, CIVIL WAR, UNITED STATES, [JRNL]
Bollet, Alfred J. 1994 "Flesh-Eating Bacteria." A Major Civil War Disease. Resident Staff and Physician 40:11-13. BACTERIA, FLESH-EATING, USA CIVIL WAR, [INTNATL-J-DERAMTOL-1995-34:463]
Bollock, Dillman 1955 Urnas Funerarias Prehistóricas de la Región de Angol. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Santiago, Chile) 26:73-157. FUNERARY, URN, CHILE, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:309 [NOTE: Be sure this is the correct Museo]
Bollough, V. 1976 Women, Birth Control, Prostitution and the Pox. Transactions of the Conference Group for Social and Administrative History 6:20-31. VENEREAL DISEASE, [CWHM-1978-098-#1467]
Bolton, Ralph 1976 Andean Coca Chewing: A Metabolic Perspective. American Anthropologist 78(3):630-634. COCA CHEWING, ANDES, [JRNL]
Boman, E. 1908 Antiquités de la Région Andine de la République Argentine et du Désert d'Atacama. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. ANTIQUITY, ARGENTINA, [MDAC-170]
Bonafé, J. L. 1987 Histoire de la Lèpre. [The History of Leprosy.]. [French]. Acta Leprologica (Geneve) 105:95-100. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [NDX-Leprosy history-28-11-12190]
Bonani, G., Susan D. Ivy, Thomas R. Niklaus, Martin Suter, Rupert A. Housley, Christopher R. Bronk, Gert Jaap van Klinken, and Robert E. M. Hedges 1992 Altersbestimmung von Milligrammproben der Ötztaker Gletscherleiche mit der Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie-Methode (AMS). In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 108-116. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, DATING, [BOOK]
Bonard, E. C. 1980 L'Anémie du Saint-Gothard. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 100:1055-1060. PARASITISM, HOOKWORM INFECTION, ANEMIA, SAINT-GOTHARD, [CWHM-1982-111-#0830]
Bonard, E. C. 1980 Variole. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 100:1051-1054. SMALLPOX, [CWHM-1982-111-#1881]
Bonavia, D. 1988 Exostosis del Conducto Auditivo Externo: Notas Adicionales. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 20:63-68. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1991-29(4):254]
Bond, K. H. 1987 A Preliminary Report on the Demography of the Boott Mills Housing Units #33-48, 1838-1942. In: Mary C. Beaudry, and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 18. Volume 1. Life at the Boardinghouses: A Preliminary Report. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior, pp. 35-56. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, HOUSING UNITS #33-48; 1838-1942, DEMOGRAPHY OF, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):316 & MELVYL]
Bond, K. H. 1988 Alcohol Use in the Boott Mills Boardinghouses: Tension Between Workers and Management: A Documentary and Archaeological Study. [Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts]. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, BOARDINGHOUSE LIFESTYLE, ALCOHOLISM, THESIS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):316]
Bond, K. H. 1989 Company Policy and Alcohol Use at the Boott Mills Housing, Lowell, Massachusetts. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meetings of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Baltimore, Maryland. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, BOARDINGHOUSE LIFESTYLE, ALCOHOLISM, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):316]
Bondeson, Jan 1996 The Earliest Known Case of a Lithopaedion. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 89(1):13-18. FETUS, CALCIFIED, LITHOPEDION, EARLIEST KNOWN CASE, [JRNL]
Bondioli, L., Robert S. Corruccini, and Roberto Macchiarelli 1986 Familial Segregation in the Iron Age Community of Alfedena, Abruzzo, Italy, Based on Osteodental Trait Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(4):393-400. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, FAMILY SEGREGATION, ITALY, IRON AGE, [JRNL]
Boneff, A. 1968 [A New Conception of the Origin of Syphilis in Europe.]. [French]. Annales de Dermatologie et Syphiligraphie (Paris) 95:529-530. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Bonfiglio, L., P. F. Cassoli, Francesco Mallegni, M. Piperno, and A. Solano 1986 Neanderthal Parietal, Vertebrate Fauna, and Stone Artifacts from the Upper Pleistocene Deposits of Contrada Ianni' di San Calogero (Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(2):241-250. PARIETAL, NICOTERA, MOUSTERIAN, [JRNL]
Bonfils, Pierre, Wolfgang Pirsig, Franz Parsche, and Gerfried Ziegelmayer 1986-1987 Flexible Fiberendoscopy: New Approaches and First Findings in Egyptian Mummies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. OSSA 13:61-73. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ENDOSCOPY, FLEXIBLE, HEAD, NECK, [JRNL]
Böni, Th., A. v. Hochstetter, and V. Trancik-Petitpierre 1994 Medico-Historical Methods in Paleopathology. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S22. PALEOPATHOLOGY, MEDICO-HISTORICAL METHODS IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bonin, G. von 1937 Cranial Deformity in the Pueblo Area. American Anthropologist 39(4):720-721. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PUEBLO AREA, [JRNL]
Bonnabeau, Raymond C. 1985 The Edwin Smith Papyrus from Ancient Egypt: The World's First Surgical Treatise. Minnesota Medicine 68(4):277,279-280. SURGICAL PAPYRUS, EGYPT, SMITH; EDWIN, [JRNL]
Bonnassie, P. 1989 Consommation d'Aliments Immondes et Cannibalisme de Survie dans l'Occident du Haut Moyen Age. Annales--Economies-Sociétés-Civilisations 44:1035-1056. CANNIBALISM, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1990-144-#0303]
Bonnemère, L. 1885 Une Amulette Bretonne. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:704. TREPHINATION, AMULET, BRETON, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Bonnet, C. 1972 L'Ancienne Eglise de Collonge (Collonge-Bellerive, Geneve). Geneva (Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva) 20:131-203. CHURCH, ANCIENT, GENEVA, [ZAGREB-1988:089]
Bonney, T. 1924 A Case of Fourth Molar. Dental Cosmos 66:687. DENTITION, MOLAR, FOURTH, [ARME]
Bonnichsen, Robson 1973 Some Operational Aspects of Human and Animal Bone Alteration. In: B. Miles Gilbert, ed. Mammalian Osteo-Archaeology: North America. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archaeological Society. BONE, HUMAN AND ANIMAL, ALTERATION OF, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:323 & MELVYL]
Bonnichsen, Robson, and Marcella Sorg, eds. 1989 Bone Modification. Orono, Maine: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine. [See reviews by Thomas Amorosi, 1991; William M. Bass, 1992.]. BONE, MODIFICATION, [HUM-BIOL-1992-64:634 & AM-ANTHROPO-1991-93:987]
Bonnichsen, Robson, and R. T. Will 1980 Cultural Modifications of Bone: The Experimental Approach to Faunal Analysis. In: B. Miles Gilbert, ed. Mammalian Osteology. 2nd Edition. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archeological Society, Special Publication, pp. 7-30. BONE, CULTURAL MODIFICATION OF, [ARCTIC-ANTHROL-1994-31:075 & MELVYL]
Bonora, F. 1964 Considerazione sulla Esistenza Eventuale della Silicosi nella Preistoria. Rivista di Storia della Medicina (Rome) 8:62-70. SILICOSIS, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Bonora, F. 1964 Considerazione sulla Evoluzione del Pensiero Medico e la sua Influenza sul Contenuto Semantico di Alcuni Vocaboli del Greco Antico. Rivista di Storia della Medicina (Rome) 8:92-104. INFLUENZA, ANCIENT, GREECE, [NHSD]
Bonora, R., and E. de Angelis 1985 La Medicina degli Indiani d'America. Quaderni di Storia della Medicina e della Scienza 1:3-28. MEDICINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1986-130-#0048]
Bonser, W. 1963 The Medical Background of Anglo-Saxon England. London: The Wellcome Historical Medical Library. MEDICINE, ENGLAND, ANGLO-SAXON, [HART 1983:154]
Bonte, E., N. Deschamps, M. Goldberg, and V. Vernois 1988 Quantification of Free Water in Human Dental Enamel. Journal of Dental Research 67(5):880-882. DENTAL ENAMEL, FREE WATER, [JRNL]
Bonzom, Y. 1976 Pathologie de Quelques Populations Anciennes de Basse Normandie. [Dissertation, Thèse pour le Doctorat en Médecine, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Caen]. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1980.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 16:13.]. DISSERTATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORMANDY, [PPNL-1976-16:13 & HOMO-1980-31:271]
Bonzom, Y. 1976 Pathologie de Quelques Populations Anciennes de Basse Normandie. [Pathology of Certain Ancient Populations from Lower Normandy.]. [Abstract by Jean Dastugue, 1976, Thèse pour le Doctorat en Médecine, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Caen]. Paleopathology Newsletter 16:13. DISSERTATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORMANDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bonzom, Y. 1976 Quelques Cas de Paléopathologie Infectieuse Médiévale en Basse Normandie. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 13):137-145. PATHOLOGY, INFECTION, MEDIEVAL, NORMANDY, [JRNL]
Boo-Chai, Khoo 1966 An Ancient Chinese Text on a Cleft Lip. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 38(2):89-91. CLEFT LIP, HISTORY, ANCIENT, CHINA, [JRNL]
Boocock, Phillip A., Charlotte A. Roberts, and Keith Manchester 1995 Maxillary Sinusitis in Medieval Chichester, England. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:9.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 98(4):483-495. LEPROSY, SINUSITIS, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Boocock, Phillip A., Charlotte A. Roberts, and Keith Manchester 1995 Prevalence of Maxillary Sinusitis in Leprous Individuals from a Medieval Leprosy Hospital. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 63(2):265-268. LEPROSY, HISTORY MAXILLARY SINUSITIS, [JRNL]
Book, J. 1950 Clinical and Genetical Studies of Hypodontia. I. Premolar Aplasia, Hyperhydrosis and Canities Prematura. A New Hereditary Syndrome in Man. American Journal of Human Genetics 2:240-263. DENTITION, HYPODONTIA, PREMOLAR APLASIA, HYPERHIDROSIS, CANITIES PREMATURA,NEW HEREDITARY SYNDROME, [ARME]
Boone, D., D. Parsons, S. M. Lachmann, and T. Sherwood 1985 Spina Bifida Occulta: Lesion or Anomaly? Clinical Radiology 36(2):159-161. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, [JRNL]
Boone, Elizabeth Hill 1995 Preface. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. vii-viii. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, PREFACE, [BOOK]
Boone, Elizabeth Hill, ed. 1984 Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. [See anonymous review, 1986.]. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, RITUAL, MESOAMERICA, [BOOK]
Bopp, A. 1993 Pest, Not und Schwere Plagen: Seuchen und Epidemien von Mittelalter bis Heute. By M. Vasold. 1991. München: C. H. Beck-Verlag. [German]. [Review]. HOMO 43(3):304. REVIEW OF, VASOLD; M., 1991, [JRNL]
Borah, Woodrow 1962 Population Decline and the Social and Institutional Changes of New Spain in the Middle Decades of the Sixteenth Century. Proceedings of the 34th International Congress of Americanists (Vienna, 1960) 1:172-178. DEMOGRAPHY, NEW SPAIN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Borah, Woodrow 1964 America as Model: The Demographic Impact of European Expansion upon the Non-European World. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1962) 3:379-387. DEMOGRAPHY, EUROPEAN EXPANSION, DEMOGRAPHIC IMPACT OF, [JRNL]
Borah, Woodrow 1970 The Historical Demography of Latin America: Sources, Techniques, Controversies, Yields. In: Paul Deprez, ed. Population and Economics: Proceedings of Section V [Historical Demography Section] of the Fourth Congress of the International Economic History Association, 1968. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba Press. DEMOGRAPHY, [DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:347 & MELVYL]
Borah, Woodrow 1976 The Historical Demography of Aboriginal and Colonial America: An Attempt at Perspective. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 13-34. DEMOGRAPHY, ABORIGINAL, COLONIAL, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Borah, Woodrow 1976 Renaissance Europe and the Population of America. Revista de Historia 105:17-61. DEMOGRAPHY, RENAISSANCE EUROPE, AMERICA, POPULATION OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:249]
Borah, Woodrow 1991 Epidemics in the Americas: Major Issues and Future Research. Latin American Population History Bulletin 19:2-13. DEMOGRAPHY, DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JACKSON-R-H-1994:212]
Borah, Woodrow 1991 Introduction. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 3-19. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Borah, Woodrow 1992 The Historical Demography of Aboriginal and Colonial America: An Attempt at Perspective. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. 2nd Edition. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 13-34. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, ABORIGINAL AND COLONIAL, [BOOK]
Borah, Woodrow 1993 Disease and Demography in the Americas. Edited by John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker. 1992. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. Ethnohistory 40(3):482-484. REVIEW OF, VERANO; JOHN W., AND DOUGLAS H. UBELAKER, 1992, [JRNL]
Borah, Woodrow, and Sherburne F. Cook 1963 The Aboriginal Population of Central Mexico on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest. [See review by Ana Espinosa Derbez, 1963.]. Ibero-Americana 45:1-157. DEMOGRAPHY, PRECOLUMBIAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, [JRNL]
Borah, Woodrow, and Sherburne F. Cook 1969 Conquest and Population: A Demographic Approach to Mexican History. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 113:177-183. DEMOGRAPHY, MEXICO, [DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:347]
Borchardt, Ludwig 1921 Excavations at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, in 1913-1914. Smithsonian Report for 1915, Publication 2399. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 445-457. EL-AMARNA, EGYPT, EXCAVATION 1913-1914, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0147]
Bordas, L. 1908-1909 L'Homme Fossile de la Corréze. Rennes Médical 4:193-196. FOSSIL, MAN, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
Bordeaux, Michèle 1975 Blazing a Trail to a History of Customary Law by Means of Geographic Hematology. In: Robert Forster, and Orest Ranum, eds. Biology of Man in History: Selections from the Annales Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations. Translated by Elborg Forster and Patricia M. Ranum. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 191-205. BLOOD, HEMATOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, LAW, [BOOK]
Bordes, F., and J. LaFille 1962 [Discovery of a Mousterian Infant's Skeleton in the Roc de Marsal Deposit, Commune of Campagne-du-Bugue (Dordogne).]. [French]. Comptes Rendus Hebomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 254:14-15. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INFANT, MOUSTERIAN, DORDOGNE, [NDX-Paleontology-03-03-02111]
Bordier, A. 1881 Japonais et Malais. Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 10:236-246. DISEASE, JAPAN, [JRNL]
Borghelli, R., et al. 1973 Periodontal Disease and Oral Hygiene in Argentina. Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 75:204-212. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, ORAL HYGIENE, ARGENTINA, [ARME]
Borghesio, A. 1961 Osservazioni sui Mascellari e sui Denti di Crani Neolitici della Collezione Egiziana "G. Marro." Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze 217. DENTITION, EGYPT, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:330]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1966 Studio di Alcune Caratteristiche del Siero Emoagglutinante Anti-H Estratto dai Semi di Ulex europaeus, Usato nella Deterninazione dei Gruppi Sanguigni ABO in Ossa Umane Recenti de Antiche. Parte I. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Residente in Pisa. Memorie, Serie B 73:91-100. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1967 Sulla Determinazione dei Gruppi Sanguigni ABO in Ossa Umane Antiche: Studio Metodologico ed Applicativo. [Thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa]. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:286]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1968 Dimostrazione della Presenza di Alcuni Costituenti Fondamentali delle Sostanze Gruppo-Specifiche ABO in Ossa di Diversa Antichità. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Residente in Pisa. Memorie, Serie B 75:202-217. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1968 New Trends in Blood-Group Determination in Human Ancient Bones. Atti del VIII Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Antropologiche ed Etnologiche, Tokyo-Kyoto 3-10 September 1968 Section A-4:114-117. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465 & 286]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1968 Studio di Alcune Caratteristiche del Siero Emoagglutinante Anti-H Estratto dai Semi di Ulex europaeus, Usato nella Deterninazione dei Gruppi Sanguigni ABO in Ossa Umane Recenti de Antiche. Parte II. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Residente in Pisa. Memorie, Serie B 75:21-30. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:465]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1979 Paleoserology--General Bibliography. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):735-740. PALEOSEROLOGY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M. 1980 Blood-Group Determination on Medieval Bone Samples (XI A.D.) from Gàva Market (Hungary). Antropologia Contemporanea 3:351-354. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, MEDIEVAL, HUNGARY, [AJPA-1993-92:271]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., S. Bartoloni, and C. Omer 1967 Determinazione dei Gruppi Sanguigni ABO in un Gruppo di Scheletri Eneolitici Provenienti dalla Necropoli di Ponte S. Pietro. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 97:35-46. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:286]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., A. Canci, Paolo Francalacci, and Elena Repetto 1990 The Hollowed-Out Skull Base of the Circeo Calvarium. In: The Circeo Neandertal Skull: Studies and Documentation. Rome: Museo Nazional Preistorico Ethnografico Pigorini. CANNIBALISM, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1991-32:136]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., A. Canci, S. Minozzi, Elena Repetto, and V. Scattarella 1992 Skeletal and Dental Indicators of Health Conditions in Italian Bronze Age Samples. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 5. HEALTH INDICATOR, DENTAL, SKELETAL, BRONZE AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., Gino Fornaciari, and A. Palma di Cesnola 1980 Restes Humains des Niveaux Garvettiens de la Grotte Paglicci (Rignano Garganico): Context Archéologique, Etude Anthropologique et Notes de Paléopathologie. [Human Skeletal Remains from the Gravettian Layers of Grotta Paglicci Near Rignano Garganico (Apulia): Prehistoric Archaeology, Anthropological Study and Paleopathology.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série 13):125-152. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PATHOLOGY, APULIA, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Giorgio Paoli 1972 Biochemical and Immunological Investigations on Early Egyptian Remains. Journal of Human Evolution 1:281-287. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, REMAINS, SKELETAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:281]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Giorgio Paoli 1973 Biochemical and Immunological Investigations on Early Egyptian Remains. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 281-287. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, REMAINS, SKELETAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, [BOOK]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Giorgio Paoli 1982 Survey on Paleoserological Studies. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 33:69-89. PALEOSEROLOGICAL STUDY, SURVEY ON, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., Giorgio Paoli, and R. Parenti 1979 Blood-Group Determination in Ancient Peruvian Material. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:20.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(6):589-595. BLOOD GROUPING, SKELETAL REMAINS, ANCIENT, PERU, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., Giorgio Paoli, and R. Parenti 1979 On the Possibility of the MN Blood Group Determination in Human Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):725-734. BONE, BLOOD GROUP DETERMINATION, MN, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Elena Repetto 1985 Dietary Patterns in the Mesolithic Samples from Uzzo and Molara Caves (Sicily): The Evidence of Teeth. Journal of Human Evolution 14(3):241-254. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Elena Repetto 1986 Skeletal Indications of Subsistence Patterns and Activity Régime in the Mesolithic Sample from Grotta dell'Uzzo (Trapani, Sicily): A Case Study. Human Evolution 1:331-352. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ACTIVITY PATTERN, TRAPANI, SICILY, [ANTIQUITY-1995-69:287]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., D. Della Santina, Paolo Francalacci, and Elena Repetto 1988 Reconstruction of Mesolithic Diet Using Dental Microwear and Trace Element Analysis. The Case of Grotta dell'Uzzo (Sicily). Oxford: BAR International Series. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTAL WEAR, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, SICILY, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1989-16:122]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., D. Della Santina, and Elena Repetto 1988 Dental Microwear in the Mesolithic Remains from Grotta dell'Uzzo, Sicily. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):188. DENTAL MICROWEAR, SICILY, MESOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borhegyi, Stephan F. de 1961 Shark Teeth, Stingray Spines, and Shark Fishing in Ancient Mexico and Central America. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 17(3):273-296. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE RESOURCE, MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, [JRNL]
Borhegyi, Stephan F. de, and Nevin S. Schrimshaw 1957 Evidence for Pre-Columbian Goiter in Guatemala. American Antiquity 23(2, Part 1):174-176. GOITER, PRECOLUMBIAN, GUATEMALA, [JRNL]
Borisev, V., et al. 1984 Spina Bifida from the Historical Viewpoint. [Serbo-Croatian]. Medicinski Pregled 37(1-2):75-76. SPINA BIFIDA, HISTORICAL VIEWPOINT, [CWHM-1985-124-#1654]
Borkan, Gary A., David E. Hults, and Peter J. Mayer 1982 Physical Anthropological Approaches to Aging. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 25:181-202. AGING, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Borkow, Stephen E., and Barnard Kleiger 1971 Spondylolisthesis in the Newborn: A Case Report. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 81:73-76. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, NEONATAL, [JRNL]
Borkowski, Joseph E. 1992 Mona Lisa: The Enigma of the Smile. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37(6):1706-1711. DENTITION, SMILE, MONA LISA, [JRNL]
Borman, N. H. 1966 The History of Ancient Korean Medicine. Yonsei Medical Journal 7:103-118. MEDICINE, KOREA, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-08-02-02621]
Bormann, F. von, S. von Reyher-Pauly, and B. Walbe 1970 Anthropologische Hilfen bei der Klärung Einiger Geschichtlicher Vorgänge. Aerztliche Forschung 24:299-305. ANTHROPOLOGY, [BHM-10:567]
Bórmida, M. 1962 Los Esqueletos de Lauricocha. Acta Prehistorica 5/7:1-34. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LAURICOCHA, [LATIN-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:162]
Born, E. 1959 Über Natürliche Mumifizierungen. [On Natural Mummification.]. [German]. Zentralblatt fuer Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie 99:490-499. MUMMIFICATION, NATURAL, [NDX-Mummies-01-03-01410]
Bornstein, P., and K. A. Piez 1964 A Biochemical Study of Human Skin Collagen and the Relation Between Intra- and Inter-Molecular Cross-Linking. Journal of Clinical Investigation 43:1813-1823. SKIN, SKIN COLLAGEN, BIOCHEMICAL STUDY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:117]
Bornstein, Philipp E., and Roy R. Peterson 1966 Numerical Variation of the Presacral Vertebral Column in Three Population Groups in North America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):139-146. SPINE, PRE-SACRAL, VARIATION IN, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1988 Instrumental Médico-Quirúrgico en la Hispania Romana. Madrid: Ed Numancia, S.A. INSTRUMENT, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL, ROMANO-SPANISH, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:38]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1990 El Modo de Enfermar en los Pueblos Primitivos. La Medicina en la Prehistoria. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 116:12-21. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, ETHNOMEDICINE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1991 Arqueomedicina de las Culturas Arcaicas Superiores. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 118:15-23. MEDICINE, EGYPT, MESOPOTAMIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:36]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1991 La Medicina el la Hispanias Pre-romana. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 121:22-29. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:46]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1992 La Arqueomedicina como Fuente y Complemento de los Estudios Paleopatológicos. [Archaeomedicine as a Source and Complement of Paleopathological Studies.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 116. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, MEDICINE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis, and Concepción Mora Postigo 1992 A Case of Bone Treponematosis in the Cranium of a Female from the Samar Cave in the Philippines. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 5-6. SKULL, FEMALE, TREPONEMATOSIS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis, and Concepción Mora Postigo 1992 Nuevo Estudio Antropológico y Paleopatológico de los Cráneos de Canarias del Museo Nacional de Etnología. [A New Anthropological and Paleopathological Study of Crania from the Canary Islands in the Museo Nacional de Etnología (National Museum of Ethnology).]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 102. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borodii, N. K. 1978 History of the Plague Epidemic in the Ukraine in 1770-1774. [Russian]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 1978(9):140-145. PLAGUE, UKRAINE, [CWHM-1980-103-#1421]
Boroneant, Vasile 1993 Nouvelles Données sur les Découvertes Anthropologiques de Schela Cladovei à Drobeta Turnu Severin (Roumanie). L'Anthropologie (Paris) 97(2/3):511-514. REMAINS, HUMAN, SCHELA CLADOVEI, DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, RUMANIA, [JRNL]
Borovanska, L. 1930 Ossification of the Sternum and the Growth of the Sternum in Man. Trans II Cl Czech Akad 30:49. STERNUM, OSSIFICATION AND GROWTH, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Borrel, J. 1920 Pneumonie et Tuberculose chez les Troupes Noires. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur 34:105-115. PNEUMONIA, TUBERCULOSIS, [BUIKSTRA:1981:174]
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Borromeo, Federico 1987 La Peste di Milano. 1st Edition. Milano: Rusconi. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MILAN, [MELVYL]
Borroni, Giovanni, Giuseppe Vignati, Paolo Gabba, and Alberto Calligaro 1991 Did the Spanish Poet Luis de Góngora Die of Metastatic Malignant Melanoma: A Retrospective Survey on a Portrait by Diego Velázquez. American Journal of Dermatopathology 13(1):91-95. NEOPLASM, MELANOMA, MALIGNANT, METASTATIC, ART, [JRNL]
Bortenschlager, Sigmar, Werner Kofler, Klaus Oeggl, and Werner Schoch 1992 Erste Ergebnisse der Auswertung der Vegetabilischen Reste vom Hauslabjochfund. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 307-312. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, REMAINS, VEGETABLE, [BOOK]
Borthy, L. 1969 [Medical Historical Museum in Copenhagen.]. [Danish]. Nordisk Medicin 82:1351-1353. MUSEUM, MEDICAL, HISTORICAL, COPENHAGEN, [NDX-Medicine history-11-02-06547]
Bortuzzo, L. 1992 The Vertebral Column of a Sixth Millennium BP Achondroplastic Dwarf from Ernes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 6. DWARFISM, ACHONDROPLASIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boruchov, M. and L. Green 1971 Hypodontia in Human Twins and Families. American Journal of Orthodontics 60:165-174. DENTITION, HYPODONTIA, TWINS, FAMILY, [ARME]
Borysewicz, M. and Otocki, P. 1975 Dental Caries in Earlier Populations of Slaboszewo, Kolobrzeg and Chelmska Gora XII-XVIII Centuries. [Polish with English and French Abstracts]. Przeglad Antropologiczny 41:311-330. DENTAL CARIES, TWELFTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, POLAND, [CWHM-1976-090-#0206-#1079]
Borza, E. N. 1979 Some Observations on Malaria and the Ecology of Central Macedonia in Antiquity. American Journal of Ancient History 4:102-124. MALARIA, ECOLOGY, MACEDONIA, [CWHM-1982-112-#1064]
Borzone, Augusto 1993 The Contribution of the Pre-Columbian to the European Medical Matter. Medicina nei Secoli 5(1):63-77. MEDICINE, EUROPE, PRECOLUMBIAN CONTRIBUTION TO, [CWHM-1994-162-#0305]
Bos, Gerrit 1993 Ibn Al-Jazzar on Women's Diseases and Their Treatment. Medical History 37(3):296-312. WOMEN, DISEASE, TREATMENT, MEDIEVAL, TUNISIA, [JRNL]
Bosch Millares, J. 1944 Las Armas y Fracturas del Cráneo de los Guanches. El Museo Canario 5:6-29. SKULL, TRAUMA, FRACTURE, GUANCHE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1960 La Terapéutica Quirúrgica de los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. El Museo Canario 6:135-145. SURGERY, CANARY ISLANDS, THERAPY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1962 La Medicina Canaria en la Epoca Prehispánica. Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos 7:539-620 and 8:11-63. MEDICINE, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISPANIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1967 Historia de la Medicina en Gran Canaria. Las Palmas: Cabildo Insular. MEDICINE, CANARY ISLANDS, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
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Bosch Millares, J. 1972 Las Cauterizaciones Craneales en los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. Medicina e Historia (Barcelona) 13(2ª Epoca):8-26. SKULL, THERAPY, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1975 Paleopatología Osea de los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. Cabildo: Ed Excm Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. BONE PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Bosch Millares, J. 1976 La Terapéutica Quirúrgica en los Cráneos de los Canarios Prehispánicos. Acta Médica de Tenerife 38(1). TREPHINATION, CANARY ISLANDS, [CWHM-1978-099-#1727]
Boscher-Barré, Nicole, Norbert Deschamps, and Patrick Trocellier 1991 Proton-Induced X-ray and Gamma Emission (PIXE, PIGE, Macro- and Microprobes) and Neutron-Activated Analysis (NAA) on Pathological Bones. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 10. BONE PATHOLOGY, NEUTRON-ACTIVATED ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boschung, U. 1978 Kolloquium zur Schweizer Pestgeschichte. Gesnerus 35:334-335. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1979-100-#1250]
Bose, H. K. 1959 Preliminary Report on Skeletal Remains. Ancient India 15:40-42. REMAINS, SKELETAL [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bose, H. K. 1966 Preliminary Report on the Skeletal and Cranial Remains from Amirthamangalam. Ancient India 22:20-26. REMAINS, SKELETAL, AMIRTHAMANGALAM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bosga, D., and R. Perizonius 1988 Extrasensory Perception in Anthropo-Osteology: An Exploratory Experiment. Bones: Treasuries of Human Experience in Time and Space 1:73-93. OSTEOLOGY, ANTHROPO-OSTEOLOGY, EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION, [CWHM-1990-144-#0238]
Bosredon, Leon 1909? Les Epidemies de Peste a San-Francisco. Etude de la Campagne Sanitaire Organisee pour les Combattre. Bordeaux: Imprimerie Moderen, A. Destout Aine & Co. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Bossert, W. 1937 The Relation Between the Shape of the Occlusal Surface of Molars and the Prevalence of Decay. Journal of Dental Research 16:63-67. DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Bossnew, W., and B. Alexiev 1981 Données dans l'Histoire et l'Art sur la Pathologie de la Main. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 236-239. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:16.]. ART, HISTORY, PATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1986-55:16]
Bostanci, E. Y. 1959 The Astragalus and Calcaneus of the Roman People of Gordion in Anatolia. Belleten (Ankara) 23:177-201. ASTRAGALUS, CALCANEUS, ROMAN, ANATOLIA, [DIGGING UP BONES:182]
Boswell, J. E. 1984 Expositio and Oblatio: The Abandonment of Children and the Ancient and Medieval Family. American Historical Review 89:10-33. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1985-123-#0837]
Bosworth, David M., and Jack Levine 1949 Tuberculosis of the Spine: An Analysis of Cases Treated Surgically. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 31-A(2):267-274. TUBERCULOSIS, SPINE, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C. 1973 Paleopatología en la Necrópolis Argárica de la Cuesta del Negro, Purullena (Granada). Actas del IV Congreso Española de Historia de la Medicina, Granada 1:21-28. NECROPOLIS, GRANADA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Botella López, Miguel C. 1973 Restos Humanos Eneolíticos con Incisiones en la Provincia de Granada. Anales del Desarrollo 17(41-42):401-423. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05 & J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Botella López, Miguel C., Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil, and Juan A. Ortega Vallet 1992 Trauma in Bronze Age Populations from the Iberian Peninsula (Argar Culture). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 6. TRAUMA, BRONZE AGE, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., J. Manzanares, and Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil 1994 Advances in Andalusian Pathology in the 18th Century. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S23. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANDALUSIA, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., J. Manzanares, and Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil 1994 Advances in Andalusian Pathology in the Eighteenth Century. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 5. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANDALUSIA, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., P. Henrici Du Souich, C. García, and I. Maldonado 1992 Lesiones Múltiples en un Individuo de la Edad del Bronce. [Multiple Lesions in a Bronze Age Specimen.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 117. LESION, MULTIPLE, BRONZE AGE, GRANADA, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., P. Henrici Du Souich, and A. Yoldi 1992 Patología en la Población Medieval de Palacios de La Sierra (Burgos). [Pathology of the Mediaeval Population of Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos).]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 103. PATHOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bothwell, T. H., and C. A. Finch 1962 Iron Metabolism. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Company. METABOLISM, IRON, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]
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Botreau-Roussel, J. M., and Pales 1937 Faut-Il Réviser les Trépanations Préhistoriques? Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 47:296-309. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Boucher, Barbara J. 1955 Sex Differences in the Foetal Sciatic Notch. Journal of Forensic Medicine 2:51-54. SEX ASSESSMENT, SCIATIC NOTCH, FETAL, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:017]
Boucher, Barbara J. 1957 Sex Differences in the Foetal Pelvis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 15(4):581-600. SEX ASSESSMENT, INNOMINATE, FETAL, [JRNL]
Boucher, N. D. 1976 Prehistoric Subsistence at the Helen Point Site. [Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada]. THESIS, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, HELEN POINT SITE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1983-24:398]
Bouchet, A. 1969 [Skull Trephining and the Necessary Instruments.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 110:89-93. TREPHINATION, INSTRUMENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Bouchet, A. 1972 [The Embalming and Preservation of Human Cadavers Over the Centuries.]. [French]. Lyon Médical 227:9-20. MUMMIES, CADAVER, EMBALMING, PRESERVATION, HISTORY, [NDX-Mummies-13-07-07429]
Bouchet, A. 1973 Pseudo-Pathological Abnormalities. Lyon: Colloquede Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:7. PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, ABNORMALITY, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Bouchet, A., L. Fischer, and J. P. Carret 1975 Les Anomalies Osseuses Prolifératives Pseudo-Pathologiques. In: Actes du Premier Colloque Français de Paléopathologie, Lyon, 13-9-73. Travaux et Documents du Centre de Paléoanthropologie et de Paléopathologie 2(2):15-26. BONE, ANOMALY, PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, [HART 1983:041]
Bouchet, F. 1995 Recovery of Helminth Eggs from Archeological Excavations of the Grand Louvre (Paris, France). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. Journal of Parasitology 81(5):785-787. PARASITISM, HELMINTH EGG, GRAND LOUVRE EXCAVATION, PARIS, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Bouchet, F., F. Audoin, N. Leger, R. Marchais, F. Baucheron, and J. Muñoz la Casta 1989 Etude Parasitologique des Coprolithes et des Sédiments de Trois Ensembles Clos. Médiévaux de la Rue de Lutèce (Ile de la Cité) à Paris. Revue d'Archéométrie 13:13-21. PARASITISM, COPROLITE, MEDIEVAL, PARIS, [J-PARASITOL-1995-81:787]
Bouchet, F., and J. C. Paicheler 1995 Paléoparasitologie: Présomption d'un Cas de Bilharziose au XVe Siècle à Montbeliard (Doubs, France). [French with English Abstract]. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3: Sciences de la Vie (Paris) 318(7):811-814. PARASITISM, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, BILHARZIASIS, FRANCE, [CWHM-1996-169:#0250]
Boudet, et al. 1883 Rapport sur Plusieurs Subtances Provenant d'une Momie d'Egypte. Mémoires de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris) 3(Part 2):46-62. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, [LSG1-Mummies]
Bouffard, G. 1909 Autopsie d'un Cas de Goundou chez le Cynocéphale. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 2:216-220. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, GOUNDOU, AUTOPSY, BABOON, [PPNL-1974-6:12]
Bougerol, C. 1985 Medical Practices in the French West Indies: Master and Slave in the 17th and 18th Centuries. History and Anthropology 2:125-143. SLAVERY, SLAVE TRADE, FRENCH WEST INDIES, [CWHM-1987-133-#2009]
Boughton, C. R. 1977 Leprosy in Sydney: A Brief Account. Medical Journal of Australia 2(11):351-353. LEPROSY, AUSTRALIAN, [JRNL]
Boule, M. 1911-1913 L'Homme Fossile de La Chapelle-aux-Saints. Annales de Paléontologie 6:111-172;7:21-56,85-192;8:1-70. FOSSIL, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [DIS IN ANT:591 & ISCAN-1989:157]
Boule, M., and H. Vallois 1935 L'Homme Fossile d'Asselar (Sahara). Revue de Stomatologie (Paris) 37:608-617. FOSSIL, D'ASSELAR, SAHARA, [CRAN]
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Boulos, F. S. 1986 Oncology in Egyptian Papyri. In: S. Retsas, ed. Palaeo-Oncology: The Antiquity of Cancer. London: Ferrand Press, pp. 35-39. NEOPLASM, CANCER, ANTIQUITY OF, [PPNL(SUPPL)1994-85:6]
Boulton, A., and C. R. Butler 1989 Field Conservation Techniques Applied to Human Bone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):195-196. BONE, CONSERVATION, FIELD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bouquet, H. 1918 Syphilis in Mediaeval Paris. American Journal of Urology 14:126. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MEDIEVAL, PARIS, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Bouquet, H. 1934 Die Krankheiten des Ur-Menschen. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 9:No. 407. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology]
Bourdelais, P., and J. Y. Raulot 1978 Sur le Rôle des Contacts Interhumains dans la Transmission du Choléra, Epidémies de 1832 et 1854. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 71:119-130. CHOLERA, [CWHM-1980-103-#0341]
Bourdelais, P., et al. 1978 La Marche du Choléra en France: 1832-1854. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 33:125-142. CHOLERA, FRANCE, [CWHM-1978-098-#0258]
Bourget, Steve 1996 Royal Tombs of Sipán. By Walter Alva, and Christopher B. Donnan. 1993. Los Angeles, California: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles. [Review]. Latin American Antiquity 7(1):81-82. REVIEW OF, ALVA; WALTER, AND CHRISTOPHER B. DONNAN, 1993, [JRNL & BOOK]
Bouriant, M. U. 1888 Fragment d'un Livre de Médecine en Copte Thébain. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Royal Académie del Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 15:374. MEDICINE, THEBES, COPTIC, [CRAN]
Bourke, J. B. 1967 A Review of the Palaeopathology of the Arthritic Diseases. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 352-370. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ARTHRITIS, [BOOK]
Bourke, J. B. 1971 The Palaeopathology of the Vertebral Column in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Medical History 15(4):363-375. SPINE, PATHOLOGY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, NUBIA, [NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892]
Bourke, J. B. 1972 Trauma and Degenerative Disease in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Journal of Human Evolution 1(2):225-232. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT AND NUBIA, ANCIENT, DISEASE, DEGENERATIVE DISEASE, TRAUMA, [JRNL]
Bourke, J. B. 1973 Trauma and Degenerative Diseases in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 225-232. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT AND NUBIA, ANCIENT, DISEASE, DEGENERATIVE DISEASE, TRAUMA, [BOOK]
Bourke, J. B. 1986 The Medical Investigation of Lindow Man. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 46-51. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, MEDICAL INVESTIGATION, [BOOK]
Bourque, Bruce J., and Kenneth Morris 1978 Determining the Season of Death of Mammal Teeth from Archeological Sites: A New Sectioning Technique. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 23:18.]. Science 199(4328):530-531. DENTITION, TEETH, MAMMALIAN, DEATH SEASON, [JRNL]
Bourriau, J., and J. Bashford 1980 Radiological Examination of Two Mummies of the Roman Era. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:10.]. MASCA Journal 1(6;Mummification Supplement):168-171. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ROMAN ERA, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bourrières, C., and O. Devant 1994 La Syphilis Maligne Precoce: Une Explication a l'Epidemie de 1493? In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologie du Var, pp. 170-273. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, EUROPE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:560]
Bourrouilh, D., and B. Chéronnet 1988 A Propos de la Peste en Béarn (1348-1652). Revue de Pau et du Béarn 15:43-62. LEPROSY, BEARN 1348-1652, [CWHM-1991-151-#0239]
Bourry, M., et al. 1990 Mise en Evidence d'un Ostéome du Sinus Frontal sur un Crâne Provenant des Fouilles Archéologiques du Vieux Louvre. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) 44:117-125. SKULL, FRONTAL SINUS, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, [CWHM-1991-149-#0869-#1794-#1834]
Boutarel, M. 1932 La Lèpre: La Littérature Médiévale. Aristote 7:12-14. LEPROSY, LITERATURE, MEDIEVAL, [LSG4-Leprology history & progress]
Bouteiller, M. 1962 [Conditions of Medical Practice in "Primitive Societies."]. [French]. Concours Médical 84:101-110. MEDICINE, SOCIETY, PRIMITIVE, [NDX-Medicine primitive-03-02-01788]
Bouts, W. H. M., and Trinette Stephanie Constandse-Westermann 1994 The Incidence of Dental Pathology in Two Dutch Skeletal Populations from the Early 19th Century. II. Epidemiological Aspects. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 5. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, NINETEENTH CENTURY, HOLLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bouts, W. H. M., and Tj. Pot 1990 Computerized Recording and Analysis of Excavated Human Dental Remains. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 6. DENTAL REMAINS, COMPUTER RECORDING AND ANALYSIS, POSTER, [JRNL]
Boutton, T. W., P. D. Klein, M. J. Lynott, J. E. Price, and L. L. Tieszen 1984 Stable Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Prehistoric Human Diet. In: J. E. Turnland, and P. E. Johnson, eds. Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition. American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Number 258. Washington. NUTRITIONAL RECONSTRUCTION, STABLE ISOTOPE RATIO AS INDICATOR, [AJPA-1994-93:185]
Boutton, T. W., M. J. Lynott, and M. Pamela Bumsted 1991 Stable Carbon Isotopes and the Study of Prehistoric Human Diet. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 30(3):373-385. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [AM-ANTIQ-1995-60:348]
Bouvet, P. 1922 Les Lésions Dentaires des Hommes Préhistoriques. Edited by A. Legrand. Paris. [Thèse de Médecine de Paris]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL LESION, PREHISTORIC, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Bouvier, Marianne, and Douglas H. Ubelaker 1977 A Comparison of Two Methods for the Microscopic Determination of Age at Death. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 46(3):391-394. AGE ASSESSMENT, MICROSCOPIC METHOD, OSTEON, BONE REMODELING, [JRNL]
Bouville, C., Trinette Stephanie Constandse-Westermann, and Raymond R. Newell 1983 Les Restes Humains Mésolithiques de l'Abri Cornille, Istres (Bouches-de Rhône). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10(Série 13):89-110. REMAINS, HUMAN, MESOLITHIC, ISTRES, [JRNL]
Bouyssonie, A., J. Bouyssonie, and L. Bardon 1908 Découverte d'un Squelette Humain Moustérien à la Bouffia de la Chapelle-Aux-Saints (Corrèze). L'Anthropologie (Paris) 19:513-518. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MOUSTERIAN, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [LSG2-Skeletal remains]
Bowden, R. 1984 Maori Cannibalism: An Interpretation. Oceania 55:(2):81-99. CANNIBALISM, MAORI, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:430]
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Bowen, J. E. 1990 The Late Prehistory of Northwestern Ohio. [Dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus]. DISSERTATION, OHIO, NORTHWESTERN, PREHISTORY, [KIRTLANDIA-1991-46:41]
Bowen, Robert N. 1974 Appendix A. Mokapu: Its Historical and Archaeological Past. In: Charles E. Snow. Early Hawaiians: An Initial Study of Skeletal Remains from Mokapu, Oahu. Lexington, Kentucky: The University of Kentucky Press, pp. 129-148. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MOKAPU, OAHU, HAWAII, [BOOK]
Bower, Bruce 1995 Indo-European Pursuits: Scientific Paths Diverge in the Quest for Ancient Eurasians. Science News 147(8):120,121,125. MUMMIES, CHINA, EUROPEAN HERITAGE, [JRNL]
Bowers, D. M. 1973 Smallpox: A Historical Survey. Update 6:833-838. SMALLPOX, HISTORICAL SURVEY, [CWHM-1973-78-#1490]
Bowers, W. F. 1966 Pathological and Functional Changes Found in 864 Pre-Captain Cook Contact Polynesian Burials from the Sand Dunes at Mokapu, Oahu, Hawaii. International Surgery 45:206-217. (or) 46:206-217. (or) 50:206-217. BURIAL, PRE-CONTACT, HAWAII, PATHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHANGE, [NDX-Paleopathology-07-01-02901 & GPALEOBI.BIB [NOTE: I think volume 50 iscorrect] and NDX-07-01-02901 is in error.]]
Bowker, James Henry, Dr. Bleek, and Dr. John Beddoe 1869 The Cave Cannibals of South Africa. Anthropological Review 7(25):121-127. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Bowman, J. E., Susan M. MacLaughlin, and J. Louise Scheuer 1990 The Relationship Between Biological and Chronological Age in the Juvenile Remains from St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 6. REMAINS, HUMAN, JUVENILE, CHURCH, ST. BRIDE'S, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bowman, J. E., Susan M. MacLaughlin, and J. Louise Scheuer 1992 Burial of an Early 19th Century Suicide in the Crypt of St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(1):91-94. SUICIDE, BURIAL, ST. BRIDE'S CHURCH, FLEET STREET, [CWHM-1992-154-#0582]
Bowman, J. E., Susan M. Maclaughlin, and J. Louise Scheuer 1993 A Study of Documentary and Skeletal Evidence Relating to 18th and 19th Century Crypt Burials in the City of London: The St Bride's Project. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:60. BURIAL, EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURY, LONDON, ST BRIDE'S PROJECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bowman, W. B. 1926 Traumatic Lesions of the Spine. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 16:11. SPINE, TRAUMA, LESION, [ARME]
Boxberg, Ida von 1884 Trepaniertes Schädelstück von Zschorna. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 16:467-468. TREPHINATION, [JRNL]
Boxer, Sarah 1995 Body Language: The Lure of the Dead. New York Times 1995(Sunday, 29 October, Section 4):1,14. MUMMIES, PERU, ANDES, ICE WOMAN, [JRNL]
Boyd, D. C. M. 1984 A Biological Investigation of Skeletal Remains from the Mouse Creek Phase and a Comparison with Two Late Mississippian Skeletal Populations from Middle and East Tennessee. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TENNESSEE, BIOLOGY OF, THESIS, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741]
Boyd, D. C. M. 1986 A Comparison of Mouse Creek Phase to Dallas and Middle Cumberland Culture Skeletal Remains. In: Janet E. Levy, ed. Skeletal Analysis in Southeastern Archaeology. North Carolina Archaeological Council Publication 24. Raleigh, North Carolina: Archaeology Branch, NC Division of Archives and History, pp. 103-126. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANALYSIS, ARCHAEOLOGY, SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:145 & AJPA-75:424]
Boyd, D. C. M. 1996 Evaluating Behavioral Inferences from Human Skeletal Morphology: Case Studies from Virginia and Tennessee. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:72. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BEHAVIORAL INFERENCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boyd, J. 1942 Nutrition as It Affects Tooth Decay. Journal of the American Dental Association 29:211-215. DENTAL CARIES, NUTRITION, [ARME]
Boyd, J. 1944 Teeth as an Index of Nutrition. Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago 15:32-33. DENTITION, TEETH, NUTRITION, INDEX, [ARME]
Boyd, L. F. 1978 Evaluation of Wilson Bands as an Indicator of Childhood Stress. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville]. DENTITION, WILSON BANDS, CHILDHOOD STRESS INDICATOR, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:210]
Boyd, L. F., and Jerome C. Rose 1978 Wilson Bands: A Histological Enamel Indicator of Childhood Stress. Southern Anthropological Society Proceedings [12]:23-24. DENTITION, WILSON BANDS, CHILDHOOD STRESS INDICATOR, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Boyd, Lyle G., and William C. Boyd 1939 Blood Group Reactions of Preserved Bone and Muscle. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(3):421-434. BONE, MUSCLE, BLOOD GROUP, REACTION, [JRNL]
Boyd, Mark F. 1949 Epidemiology of Malaria: Factors Related to the Definitive Host. In: Mark F. Boyd, ed. Malariology, Volume 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: W. B. Saunders Company, pp. 608-697. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, DEFINITIVE HOST, [REFF-1991:292]
Boyd, Mark F. 1949 Epidemiology of Malaria: Factors Related to the Intermediate Host. In: Mark F. Boyd, ed. Malariology, Volume 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: W. B. Saunders Company, pp. 551-607. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, INTERMEDIATE HOST, [REFF-1991:292]
Boyd, Robert T. 1975 Another Look at the "Fever and Ague" of Western Oregon. Ethnohistory 22(2):135-154. FEVER, AGUE, OREGON, [JRNL]
Boyd, Robert T. 1985 The Introduction of Infectious Diseases Among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest, 1774-1874. [Dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of Washington, Seattle]. DISSERTATION, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, INTRODUCTION OF, PACIFIC NORTHWEST 1774-1874, AMERICA, INDIAN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:253]
Boyd, Robert T. 1992 Population Decline from Two Epidemics on the Northwest Coast. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 249-255. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, NORTHWEST COAST, EPIDEMIC, DEPOPULATION, [BOOK]
Boyd, Robert T. 1994 The 1847-1848 Pacific Northwest Measles Epidemic. Oregon Historical Quarterly 95:6-47. MEASLES, EPIDEMIC, PACIFIC NORTHWEST, [ETHNOHIST-1996-43:325]
Boyd, Robert T. 1994 Smallpox in the Pacific Northwest: The First Epidemics. B C Studies (Vancouver) 101:5-40. SMALLPOX, EPIDEMIC, PACIFIC NORTHWEST, [ETHNOHIST-1996-43:325]
Boyd, Robert T. 1996 Commentary on Early Contact-Era Smallpox in the Pacific Northwest. Ethnohistory 43(2):307-328. SMALLPOX, PACIFIC NORTHWEST, CONTACT PERIOD, [JRNL]
Boyd, Theodore E. 1971 A History of Poliomyelitis. By John R. Paul. 1971. New Haven, Connecticut and London: Yale University Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 26(3):317-322. REVIEW OF, PAUL; JOHN R., 1971, [JRNL]
Boyd, Thomas H., and Jonathan Haas 1992 The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: Prospects for New Partnerships Between Museums and Native American Groups. Arizona State Law Review 24:253-282. REPATRIATION, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1993-34:565]
Boyd, W. E. 1986 Rye and Ergot in the Ancient History of Scotland. Antiquity 60:(228):45-47. ERGOT, SCOTLAND, [JRNL]
Boyd, William C., and Lyle G. Boyd 1933 Blood Grouping By Means of Preserved Tissue. Science 78(2034):578. BLOOD GROUP, REACTION, PRESERVED, TISSUE, [JRNL]
Boyd, William C., and Lyle G. Boyd 1934 An Attempt To Determine the Blood Group of Mummies. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 31:671-672. MUMMIES, BLOOD GROUP, [ARME]
Boyd, William C., and Lyle G. Boyd 1937 Blood Grouping Test on 300 Mummies, with Notes on the Precipitin-Test. Journal of Immunology 32(4):307-319. MUMMIES, BLOOD GROUP, TEST, PRECIPITIN, EGYPT, AMERICAN SOUTHWEST, PERU, [JRNL & ARME]
Boyd, William C., and Lyle G. Boyd 1937 Les Groupes Sanguins chez les Anciens Egyptiens. Chronique d'Egypte (Brussels) 12:41-44. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BLOOD GROUP, [ARME]
Boyden, S. V., ed. 1970 The Impact of Civilization on the Biology of Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, SOCIETY, [MELVYL]
Boydstun, S. B., Erik Trinkaus, and B. Vandermeersch 1988 Dental Caries in the Qafzeh 3 Early Modern Human. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):188-189. DENTAL CARIES, MODERN, QAFZEH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boyle, David 1899 Huron Crania. Archaeological Report to the Minister of Ecucation, Ontario, Toronto. CRANIOLOGY, AMERICA, INDIAN, HURON, [PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1996-41:90]
Boyle, David 1903 Bored Skulls. Archaeological Report to the Minister of Ecucation, Ontario, Toronto. TREPHINATION, [PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1996-41:90]
Boyle, P. P., and C. O'Gráda 1986 Fertility Trends, Excess Mortality, and the Great Irish Famine. Demography 23:543-562. FERTILITY, FAMINE, IRELAND, [CWHM-1987-134-#0669]
Boylston, Anthea, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1995 Comparison of Different Types of Burial in Roman and Medieval Lincoln, England. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):80. BURIAL, COMPARISON OF TYPE, ROMAN AND MEDIEVAL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND, POSTER, [JRNL]
Boylston, Anthea, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1996 Comparison of Different Types of Burial in Roman and Medieval Lincoln, England. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 4. BURIAL, COMPARISON OF TYPE, ROMAN AND MEDIEVAL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boylston, Anthea, Rebecca Wiggins, Martin Foreman, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1996 Difficult Births and Brief Lives at Castledyke, Barton-upon-Humber. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 16. BIRTH, EARLY DEATH, BARTON-UPON-HUMBER, ENGLAND, POSTER, [JRNL]
Boynton, C. E. 1905 Tuberculosis in Primitive Man. Medical Mirror (St. Louis) 16:361-363. TUBERCULOSIS, PRIMITIVE MAN, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, race, incidence in]
Brφndum, Niels 1981 The Jaws and Teeth of a Medieval Population in Svendborg. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:13.]. OSSA 8:43-52. DENTITION, ODONTOPATHOLOGY, AGE ASSESSMENT, MEDIEVAL, SVENDBORG, [JRNL]
Brφndum, Niels 1983 Dental Conditions in Ancient Rome. [Danish with English Abstract]. Dansk Medicinhistorisk Aarbog/Yearbook of Danish Medical History 1983:164-168. DENTITION, DENTAL HEALTH, ROME, [CWHM-1985-124-#0384]
Brabant, H. 1955 Development of Neolithic Premolars. Archives de Stomatologie (Liège) 3. DENTITION, PREMOLAR, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Brabant, H. 1960 Etude de la Denture d'une Communauté Religieuse Médiévale Soumise à un Régime non Cariogène. Journal Dentaire Belge. DENTITION, MEDIEVAL, [ARME]
Brabant, H. 1960 Observations Odontologiques et Anthropologiques sur les Ossements Provenant des Fouilles Exécutées dans la Cathédrale Sainte-Gertrude à Nivelles, Belgique. Acta Stomatologica Belgica 57:17. ODONTOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, BELGIUM, [DIS IN ANT:591]
Brabant, H. 1962 Contribution à l'Etude de la Paléopathologie des Dents et des Maxillaires. La Denture en Belgique à l'Epoque Néolithique. Bulletin de l'Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 38:1-22. DENTITION, MAXILLA, NEOLITHIC, BELGIUM, [METRESS-1974:023 & ARME]
Brabant, H. 1965 Excavations à Sanga, 1957. Contribution Odontologique a l'Etude des Ossements Trouvés dans la Nécropole Protohistorique de Sanga, République du Congo. Annales de Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale (Tervuren, Belgium) Belgique Série in-8. Sciences Humaines, No. 58. ODONTOLOGY, NECROPOLIS, PROTOHISTORIC, CONGO, [METRESS-1974:033]
Brabant, H. 1966 [Contribution to the Knowledge of the Pathology of the Teeth and Jaws Among the Early Populations of Belgium and the Nord Region of France. The Ossuary of Marville (Meuse, France).]. [French]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 9:224-241. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, ORAL PATHOLOGY, BELGIUM, FRANCE, [NDX-Dental Caries history-07-01-01085]
Brabant, H. 1967 Palaeostomatology. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 538-550. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, PALAEOSTOMATOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brabant, H. 1968 La Denture Humaine à l'Epoque Néolithique. Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 79:105-141. DENTITION, NEOLITHIC, [BULL-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1986-3:45]
Brabant, H. 1969 Observations sur les Dents des Populations Mégalithiques d'Europe Occidentale. [Teeth of Megalithic Occidental European Populations.]. [French]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 12(3):429-460. DENTITION, MEGALITHIC, EUROPE, [NDX-Paleodontology-11-02-07184]
Brabant, H. 1970 La Denture Humaine au Paléolithique Supérieur d'Europe. In: G. Camps, et G. Oliver, eds. L'Homme de Cro-Magnon. Anthropologie et Archéologie. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques. DENTITION, PALEOLITHIC, EUROPE, [PPNL-1986-54:8]
Brabant, H. 1971 Some Facts on the Human Dentition During the Megalithic Era. In: Albert A. Dahlberg, ed. Dental Morphology and Evolution. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, pp. 283-298. DENTITION, MEGALITHIC PERIOD, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:120]
Brabant, H. 1972 Etude des Dents d'un Enfant d'Age Mésolithique Provenant de Gyzycko- Perkunowo, Province de Mazurie, Pologne. [The Teeth of a Child from the Mesolithic Age, Found in Gyzycko-Perkunowo, Province of Masuria, Poland.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 15:5-11. DENTITION, CHILD, MESOLITHIC, POLAND, [NDX-Paleodontology-13-07-07892 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Brabant, H. 1973 Etude Odontologique des Restes Humains Découverts dans la Nécropole Gallo-Romaine et Mérovingienne de Dieue (Meuse) en France. [Odontological Study of Human Remains Discovered in the Gallo-Roman and Merovingian Cemetery at Dieue (Meuse), France.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 16:239-261. ODONTOLOGY, NECROPOLIS, GALLO-ROMAN, FRANCE, [NDX-Archaeology-15-04-03814]
Brabant, H. 1974 Etude des Dents Préhistoriques de la Grotte de Delubre, Vauvenargues (France). [Prehistoric Teeth from the Delubre Grotto, Vauvenargues (France).]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement Européen pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie 17:35-57. DENTITION, PREHISTORIC, FRANCE, [NDX-Paleodontology-15-07-07804]
Brabant, H. 1974 Etude Odontologique des Restes Humains d'Age Néolithique de la Grotte de Burnot en Belgique. [Odontological Study of Human Remains from the Neolithic Age in the Burnet Cave in Belgium.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement Européen pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie 17(3-4):257-271. DENTITION, NEOLITHIC, BELGIUM, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862]
Brabant, H. 1974 Remarques sur la Denture du Crâne du Roi Cyirima II Rujugira (Afrique Centrale). [The Dentition of the Skull of King Cyirima II Rujugira (Central Africa).]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement Européen pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie 17(2):99-103. DENTITION, KING CYIRIMA II, AFRICA, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862]
Brabant, H., Louis Klees, and René Jean Werelds 1958 Anomalies, Mutilations, et Tumeurs des Dents Humaines. Paris: Julien Prélat, Liège, Sciences et Lettres. DENTAL ANOMALY, DENTAL MUTILATION, NEOPLASM, DENTAL TUMOR, [ARME & HART-1983:042 & ZAGREB-1988:279]
Brabant, H., Louis Klees, and René Jean Werelds 1960 Histological Observations on the Teeth of Ancient Belgian People. Dental Abstracts 5(6):354-355. DENTITION, HISTOLOGY, ANCIENT, BELGIUM, [JRNL]
Brabant, H., Louis Klees, and René Jean Werelds 1960 Histological Observations on the Teeth of Ancient Belgian People. Deutsche Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt fuer die Gesamte Zahn-, Mund- Kieferheilkunde 31:43-53. DENTITION, HISTOLOGY, ANCIENT, BELGIUM, [DENTABST-1960-5:354 & METRESS-1974:024]
Brabant, H., and I. Kovacs 1955 Trois Cas d'Agénèsie de Prémolaires au Néolithique. [Three Cases of Premolar Agenesis in the Neolithic Period.]. Archives de Stomatologie (Liège) 10(3):209-217. DENTITION, PREMOLAR, AGENESIS, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Brabant, H., and I. Kovacs 1961 Contribution à l'Etude de la Persistence du Taurodontisme dans les Races Modernes et de sa Parenté Possible avec la Racine Pyramidale des Molaires. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 4:232-286. DENTITION, TAURODONTISM, [SHANIDAR-NEANDER-TRINKAUS-1983:475]
Brabant, H., and I. Kovacs 1961 Etude des Dents Préhistoriques Provenant d'un Four Crèmatoire Néolithique Situé aux Matelles, Départment de l'Herault, France. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 4:382. CREMATION, DENTITION, NEOLITHIC, FRANCE, [CRAN]
Brabant, H., and I. Kovaks 1963 Observations sur la Denture Humaine en France et en Belgique à l'Epoque Gallo-Romaine et au Moyen Age. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 6:169-296. DENTAL VARIATION, MIDDLE AGES, BELGIUM, FRANCE, [METRESS-1974:023 & ARME]
Brabant, H., and I. Kovaks 1965 Observations sur l'Evolution de la Denture Temporaire Humaine en Europe. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 8:235. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, EVOLUTION, EUROPE, [CRAN]
Brabant, H., and B. Lecacheux 1973 Etude de la Denture des Restes Humains d'Age Néolithique Trouvés dans le Tumulus de la Hoguette à Fontenay-le-Marmion (Normandie). [The Dentition of Human Neolithic Remains Found in the Tumulus of la Hoguette at Fontenai-le-Marmion (Normandie).]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 16:131-162. DENTAL REMAINS, NORMANDY, NEOLITHIC, [NDX-Paleodontology-15-07-07804]
Brabant, H., and János Nemeskéri 1963 Etude Anthropologique et Stomatologique d'une Série de Crânes d'Age Hunnique Découverts à Moza (Hongrie). Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 6:317-338. SKULL, ANTHROPOLOGY, STOMATOLOGY, HUNGARY, [ARME]
Brabant, H., and A. Sahly 1962 La Paléostomatologie en Belgique et en France. Acta Stomatologica Belgica 59:285-355. STOMATOLOGY, BELGIUM, FRANCE, [ZAGREB-1988:279 & ARME]
Brabant, H., A. Sahly, and M. Bouyssou 1961 Etude des Dents Préhistoriques de la Station Archéologique des Matelles (Department de l'Herault, France). Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 4:382-448. DENTITION, PREHISTORIC, FRANCE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095 & ARME]
Brabant, H., and F. Twiesselmann 1960 Etude de la Denture de 159 Squelettes Provenant d'un Cimetière du Xeme Siècle à Renaix, Belgique. Revue Belge de Science Dentaire 15:561. DENTITION, TENTH CENTURY, BELGIUM, [ARME]
Brabant, H., and F. Twiesselmann 1964 Observations sur l'Evolution de la Denture Permanente Humaine en Europe Occidentale. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 7:11. DENTITION, EVOLUTION, EUROPE, [ARME]
Brabant, H., and F. Twiesselmann 1967 Nouvelles Observations sur la Denture d'une Population Ancienne d'Age Franc de Coxyde, Belgique. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 10:5-180. DENTITION, ANCIENT, BELGIUM, [METRESS-1974:024]
Brabender, I. 1965 Beitrag zur Paläobiologischen Rekonstruktion Prähistorischer Kalifornischer Populationen. HOMO 16:200-230. BIOLOGY, PREHISTORY, ABORIGINAL, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Brabender, I., and H. Hemmer 1967 [An Upper Pleistocene Skull from Otterstadt/Pfalz.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 59:198-203. SKULL, PLEISTOCENE, OTTERSTADT/PFALZ, [NDX-Anthropology-10-02-04166]
Brace, C. Loring 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring 1967 Environment, Tooth Form, and Size in the Pleistocene. Journal of Dental Research 46(Supplement 5):809-816. DENTITION, FORM AND SIZE, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring 1969 Comment on "A Survey of the Evidence for Intrahuman Killing in the Pleistocene." [See Marilyn Keyes Roper, 1969.]. Current Anthropology 10(4):451-452. KILLING, INTRAHUMAN, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):516-517. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring 1975 Comment on "Did La Ferrassie I Use His Teeth as a Tool?" [See John A. Wallace, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(3):396-397. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, LA FERRASSIE 1, TOOL USE, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring 1986 Egg on the Face, f in the Mouth, and the Overbite. [Commentary]. [See also Robert S. Corruccini, 1987.]. American Anthropologist 88(3):695-697. DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, OVERBITE, F HYPOTHESIS, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring, M. L. Brace, and W. R. Leonard 1989 Reflections on the Face of Japan: A Multivariate Craniofacial and Odontometric Perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(1):93-113. DENTITION, AINU, ASIA, OCEANIA, JOMON, YAYOI, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring, and Stephen Molnar 1967 Experimental Studies in Human Tooth Wear: I. [Technical Note]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 27(2):213-221. DENTAL WEAR, EXPERIMENTAL, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring, and Masafumi Nagai 1982 Japanese Tooth Size: Past and Present. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 59(4):399-411. DENTITION, TOOTH SIZE, JAPAN, ASIA, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring, Alan S. Ryan, and B. Holly Smith 1981 Comment on "Tooth Wear in La Ferrassie Man." [See Pierre-François Puech, 1981.]. Current Anthropology 22(4):426-429. DENTAL WEAR, LA FERRASSIE MAN, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Brace, C. Loring, Shelley L. Smith, and D. K. Hunt 1991 What Big Teeth You Had Grandma! Human Tooth Size, Past and Present. In: Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen, eds. Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 33-57. DENTITION, SIZE, PAST AND PRESENT, [ANTHROL-PAPERS-AM-MUS-NATL-HIST-1995-77:153]
Bracegirdle, Brian 1986 Henry Wellcome: The Man and His Legacy. In: International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, eds. [Exhibit Catalogue] Devils, Drugs and Doctors: A Wellcome History of Medicine. Sydney, Australia: The International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, pp. 19-32. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BOOK]
Bracegirdle, Brian 1986 Medicine in History. In: International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, eds. [Exhibit Catalogue] Devils, Drugs and Doctors: A Wellcome History of Medicine. Sydney, Australia: The International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, pp. 34-38. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BOOK]
Bradbury, Ray, and Archie Lieberman 1978 The Mummies of Guanajuato. New York: H. N. Abrams. MUMMIES, GUANAJUATO, [MELVYL]
Bradfield, Robert B. 1968 Changes in Hair Associated with Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. In: R. A. McCance, and E. M. Widdowson, eds. Calorie Deficiencies and Protein Deficiencies. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. HAIR, MORPHOLOGY, PROTEIN, DEPRIVATION, [TYSON & ELERICK 1985:057]
Bradfield, Robert B. 1971 Protein Deprivation: Comparative Response of Hair Roots, Serum Protein, and Urinary Nitrogen. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 24(4):405-410. HAIR, MORPHOLOGY, PROTEIN, DEPRIVATION, [JRNL]
Bradfield, Robert B. 1972 A Rapid Tissue Technique for the Field of Assessment of Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 25(7):720-729. HAIR, MORPHOLOGY, PROTEIN, DEPRIVATION, [JRNL]
Bradfield, Robert B., Marcelle A. Bailey, and Sheldon Margen 1967 Morphological Changes in Human Scalp Hair Roots During Deprivation of Protein. Science 157(3787):438-439. HAIR, MORPHOLOGY, PROTEIN, DEPRIVATION, [JRNL]
Bradlaw, Robert V. 1953 The Dental Stigmata of Prenatal Syphilis. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 6:147-158. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRENATAL, DENTAL STIGMATA, [JRNL]
Bradley, Cynthia S. 1980 Analysis of the Cremations from AZ BB:13:74. In: Bruce B. Bradley. Excavations at Arizona BB:13:74, Santa Cruz Industrial Park, Tucson, Arizona. CASA Papers 1. Oracle, Arizona: Complete Archaeological Service Associates. CREMATION, AZ BB:13:74, SANTA CRUZ INDUSTRIAL PARK, TUCSON, ARIZONA, [KIVA-1982-47:160]
Bradley, James, W. 1994 NAGPRA'S Implications. [See also Virginia Morell, 1994.]. [Letter]. Science 264(5161):890. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Bradley, John Hodgdon, Jr. 1929 Tales That Dead Men Tell. Scientific Monthly 28:527-530. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, DEAD MEN TELL TALES, [JRNL]
Bradley, Richard, and Ken Gordon 1988 Human Skulls from the River Thames, Their Dating and Significance. Antiquity 62(236):503-509. SKULL, RIVER THAMES AND TRIBUTARIES, SIGNIFICANCE OF, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1983 The Biological Effects of European Contact Among the Arikara. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):176. BIOLOGY, CONTACT, EUROPEAN, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1983 Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Spine in Two Arikara Skeletal Series. [Abstract]. In: John B. Gregg, convener. Section 2: Inborn, Congenital, and Developmental Abnormalities in Paleopathology. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 10. SPINE, ANOMALY, CONGENITAL, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1983 The Effect of Horseback Riding on Arikara Arthritis Patterns. Paper presented at the Eighty Second Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois. ARTHRITIS, HORSEBACK RIDING, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1983 The Plains. [Abstract]. In: Charles F. Merbs, convener. Section 1: Paleopathology in North America: A Regional Survey. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 3. PATHOLOGY, PLAINS, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1984 Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Spine in Two Arikara Skeletal Series. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 49:9.]. Plains Anthropologist 29(106):327-333. SPINE, ANOMALY, CONGENITAL, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce 1984 Separate Neural Arches in Two Arikara Groups. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):141. SPINE, NEURAL ARCH, SEPARATE, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bradtmiller, Bruce, and Douglas W. Owsley 1982 Demographic Reflections of Pathologic Change Among the Arikara. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57(2):171. DEMOGRAPHY, PATHOLOGY, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brady, Ivan 1982 The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthropophagy. By W. Arens. 1979. New York: Oxford University Press. [Review]. American Anthropologist 84(3):595-611. REVIEW OF, ARENS; W., 1979, [JRNL]
Brady, James E. 1989 An Investigation of Maya Ritual Cave Use with Special Reference to Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala. [Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles]. CAVE, RITUAL USE OF, MAYA, GUATEMALA, [MELVYL]
Brady, James E., George Hasemann, and John H. Fogarty 1995 Harvest of Skulls & Bones. Archaeology (New York) 48(3):36-40. BURIAL, 3000 BP, HONDURAS, [JRNL]
Braet, Herman, and Werner Verbeke 1983 Death in the Middle Ages. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series 1, Studia 9. Leuven: Leuven University Press. DEATH, MIDDLE AGES, [MELVYL]
Brahin, J. L. 1984 Radiographic Studies of Two Bolivian Mummy Bundles. MASCA Journal 3(1):3-6. MUMMIES, BOLIVIA, MUMMY BUNDLE, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Brahin, J. L., and S. J. Fleming 1982 Children's Health Problems: Some Guidelines for Their Occurrence in Ancient Egypt. MASCA Journal 2(3):75-81. HEALTH, CHILDREN, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Braidwood, Robert J. 1975 Comment on "A Demographer's View of Prehistoric Demography." [See William Petersen, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(2):237-238. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Brailsford, J. F. 1938 Brodie's Abscess and Its Differential Diagnosis. British Medical Journal 2;119-123. ABSCESS, BRODIE'S ABSCESS, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, [STEINBOCK-1976:083]
Brain, C. K. 1970 New Finds at Swartkrans Australopithecine Site. Nature (London) 225:1112. AUSTRALOPITHECINE, SWARTKRANS, [ARME]
Brain, J. L. 1988 Male Menstruation in History and Anthropology. Journal of Psychohistory 15:311-323. BLOODLETTING, MENSTRUATION, MALE, FOLKLORE, [CWHM-1989-139-#0189]
Brain, P. 1976 Bulls Blood: A Mystery of Antiquity. South African Medical Journal/Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif 50(1):22-24. BLOOD, BULL, MYSTERY, MEDICINE, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Brain, P. 1979 In Defence of Ancient Bloodletting. South African Medical Journal/Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif 56(4):149-154. BLOODLETTING, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE, [JRNL]
Brain, Robert 1979 The Decorated Body. Harper and Row, Publishers. BODY, DECORATION, [CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:374]
Brama, I. 1978 Deafness in the Bible and Talmudic Literature. [Hebrew]. Harefuah 94:185-186. DEAFNESS, BIBLE, TALMUD, [CWHM-1979-100-#1582]
Bramblett, Claud A. 1967 Pathology in the Darajani Baboon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 26(3):331-40. BABOON, DARAJANI, PATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bramwell, Nigel H., and Roger W. Byard 1989 The Bones in the Abbey: Are They the Murdered Princes? A Review of the Evidence. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 10(1):83-87. FORENSICS, MURDER, [JRNL]
Branche, A. 1936 Superstitions et Pratiques de Médecine Indigènes. Annales de Médecine et de Pharmacie Coloniales 34:387-405. MEDICAL PRACTICE, SUPERSTITION, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Brandt, J. 1950 Planterester fra et Moselig fra Aeldre Jernalder (Borremose). [Plant Remains in the Body of an Early Iron Age Man from Borre Fen.]. Aarboeger foer Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie/Årbφger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1951:348-350. BOG BODIES, PLANT REMAINS, IRON AGE, BORRE FEN, [LINDOW MAN:202 & GLOB 1965:194]
Brandt, K. L. 1993 Patterns of Tooth Wear in Six Human Groups. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:61. DENTAL WEAR PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brandt, Steven A. 1988 Early Holocene Mortuary Practices and Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Southern Somalia. World Archaeology 20(1):40-56. MORTUARY PRACTICE, HUNTER-GATHERER, EARLY HOLOCENE, SOMALIA, [JRNL]
Branfill, B. R. 1981 On the Savandurga Rude Stone Cemetery, Central Maisur. Indian Antiquary 10:1-12. CEMETERY, MAISUR, INDIA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:186]
Branson, C. C. 1931 Paleotologic Development of Skull and Teeth. International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography 17:315-324. SKULL, DENTITION, TEETH, PALEOTOLOGY, [CRAN]
Brash, J. C., Doris Layard, and Matthew Young 1935 The Anglo-Saxon Skulls from Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire and Burwell, Cambridgeshire, with a Comparison of Their Principal Characters and Those of the Anglo-Saxon Skulls in London Museums. Biometrika 27(3 and 4):373-408. CRANIOLOGY, CRANIOMETRY, [JRNL]
Brasili Gualandi, P. 1992 Food Habits and Dental Disease in an Iron-Age Population. [German Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 50(1/2):67-82. DENTAL DISEASE, NUTRITION, IRON AGE, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-30(2):124]
Brass, W., ed. 1971 Biological Aspects of Demography. London: Taylor & Francis. DEMOGRAPHY, BIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1976-05:373]
Bratescu, G. 1977 New Information Concerning the Plague Epidemic of Jassy in 1770. [Rumanian]. Revista de Igiena, Bacteriologie, Virusologie, Parazitologie, Epidemiologie, Pneumoftiziologie. Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia 22(1):55-59. PLAGUE, JASSY 1770, [CWHM-1977-095-#1233]
Bratescu, G. 1977 On the Nature of Ancient "Scurvy Epidemics" in Banat and Transylvania. [Rumanian wiht English and Russian Abstracts]. Igiena (Bucharest) 26(1):89-95. PELLAGRA, SCURVY, [CWHM-1977-094-#1014]
Bratescu, G. 1979 Seuchenschutz und Staatsinteresse im Donauraum (1750-1850). Sudhoffs Archiv; Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften der Pharmazie und der Mathematik 63:25-44. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1979-102-#1330]
Brätter, P., D. Gawlik, J. Lausch, and U. Rösick 1976 On the Distribution of Trace Elements in Human Skeletons. Proceedings of the 1976 International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Munich, Germany 1:257-265. REMAINS, SKELETON, TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1983-13:093]
Brätter, P., D. Gawlik, J. Lausch, and U. Rösick 1977 On the Distribution of Trace Elements in Human Skeletons. Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry 37:393-403. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TRACE ELEMENT, DISTRIBUTION OF, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:158]
Brätter, P., D. Gawlik, and U. Rösick 1989-1990 A View into the Past: Trace Element Analysis of Human Bone from Former Times. HOMO, 1988 39:99-106. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Bratton, Timothy L. 1981 The Identity of the Plague of Justinian [Part I]. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 3(2):113-124. PLAGUE, JUSTINIAC PLAGUE A.D. 543, IDENTIFICATION, [CWHM-1982-112-#1525 & NDX-Plague history-23-13-11710]
Bratton, Timothy L. 1981 The Identity of the Plague of Justinian [Part II]. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 3(3):174-180. PLAGUE, IDENTIFICATION, [NDX-Plague history-23-13-11710]
Bratton, Timothy L. 1988 The Identity of the New England Indian Epidemic of 1616-19. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 62(3):351-383. EPIDEMIC, NEW ENGLAND, INDIAN, IDENTIFICATION, [JRNL]
Bräuer, Günter, and R. Fricke 1980 Zur Phänomenologie Osteoporotischer Veränderungen bei Bestehen Systemischer Hämatologischer Affektionen: Paläopathologische Analyse Eines Skelettes der Geometrischen Periode (900--700 v. Z.) aus Tiryns (Peloponnes). [On the Phenomenology of Osteoporotic Alterations in Conjunction with Systemic Hematological Affections: Paleopathological Analysis of a Geometric Period Skeleton (900--700 B.C.) from Tiryns, Peloponnes.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO 31:198-211. OSTEOPOROSIS, BLOOD, HEMATOLOGY, TIRYNS, PELOPONNES, [JRNL]
Bräuer, Günter, and Richard E. F. Leakey 1986 A New Archaic Homo sapiens Cranium from Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 76(3):245-252. SKULL, ARCHAIC, KENYA, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
Bräuer, Günter, and Michael J. Mehlman 1988 Hominid Molars from a Middle Stone Age Level at the Mumba Rock Shelter, Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(1):69-76. DENTITION, HOMINID, TANZANIA, [JRNL]
Bräuer, Günter, and Michael Schultz 1996 The Morphological Affinities of the Plio-Pleistocene Mandible from Dmanisi, Georgia. Journal of Human Evolution 30:445-481. MANDIBLE, PLIO-PLEISTOCENE, DMANISI, GEORGIA, MORPHOLOGICAL AFFINITIES, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-EXTRA.DOC-OF-12/13/96

Brauer, J. C., and C. H. Blackstone 1941 Dental Aspects of Congenital Syphilis. Journal of the American Dental Association 28:1633-1639. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL ASPECT, [QCIM-1941-30-0204]

Brauer, Jaymie L. 1991 A Case of Acromegaly in a Prehistoric Skeleton from the San Cristobal Ruins, New Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:53-54. ACROMEGALY, PREHISTORIC, NEW MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brauer, Jaymie L. 1991 A Case of Acromegaly in a Prehistoric Skeleton from the San Cristobal Ruins, New Mexico. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. ACROMEGALY, PREHISTORIC, NEW MEXICO, POSTER, [JRNL]
Brauer, Jaymie L. 1992 Out of the Closet: The Research Value of Human Skeletal Collections. Museum Anthropology 16(2):35-39. COLLECTION, SKELETAL, RESEARCH VALUE, [JRNL]
Braun, P. 1969 [Medicine of Andean Indians.]. [French]. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 77:2119-2121. MEDICINE, ANDES, PRIMITIVE, [NDX-Medicine primitive-11-02-06549]
Braune, Max 1875 Die Geschichte der Trepanation. [Inaugural Dissertation]. Berlin: Gustav Lange. DISSERTATION, TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Braunstein, Ethan M. 1988 Digital Skeletal Imaging: Applications in Physical Anthropology. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):189-190. REMAINS, SKELETAL, DIGITAL IMAGING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Braunstein, Ethan M., Rose A. Tyson, and James E. Harris 1991 Paleopathology and Differential Diagnosis of Cortical Desmoids. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:54. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AMENHOTEP, FEMUR, CORTICAL DESMOID, CORTICAL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Braunstein, Ethan M., Susan J. White, and James E. Harris 1989 Paleoradiographic Evaluation of the Egyptian Royal Mummies. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 2. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bray, R. S. 1987 Note on the History of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Parassitologia 29(2-3):175-179. LEISHMANIASIS, CUTANEOUS, MEDITERRANEAN, MIDDLE EAST, HISTORY, [NDX-Leishmaniasis-30-06-07862]
Bray, Tamara L. 1996 Repatriation, Power Relations and the Politics of the Past. Antiquity 70(268):440-444. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Bray, Tamara L., and Lauryn Guttenplan Grant 1994 The Concept of Cultural Affiliation and Its Legal Significance in the Larsen Bay Repatriation. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 153-157. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, CULTURAL AFFILIATION, LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE OF, [BOOK]
Bray, Tamara L., and Thomas W. Killion 1994 Appendix: Larsen Bay Repatriation Letters. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 187-192. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Bray, Tamara L., and Thomas W. Killion 1994 Chronology of Events. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. xiii-xiv. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Bray, Tamara L., and Thomas W. Killion, eds. 1994 Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. [See reviews by Madonna L. Moss, 1995; and Bruce G. Trigger, 1995; Stephen L. Zegura, 1995.]. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Breasted, J. H. 1912 Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. London: Hodder and Stoughton. RELIGION, THOUGHT, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [CRAN]
Breasted, J. H. 1930 The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. SURGICAL PAPYRUS, EGYPT, SMITH; EDWIN, [CRAN]
Brébant 1886 Notes sur un Curieux Procédé d'Embaumement et de Momification Constaté sur Deux Cadavres Trouvés à Reims dans des Cercueils de Plomb. Union Médicale et Scientifique du Nord-Est 10:290-305. MUMMIFICATION, EMBALMING, PROCEDURE, [LSG1-Mummies]
Brehm, B., ed. 1989 Of Hair, Scalps and Skulls. Nashville, Tennessee: Mini-Histories. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:17.]. HAIR, SCALP, SKULL, [PPNL-1990-69:17]
Brehm, H. C., and E. R. Evans 1977 Preliminary Report of an Experimental Stone Box Burial. Tennessee Anthropologist 2:16-23. BURIAL, STONE BOX, EXPERIMENTAL, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Breinl, A., and H. Priestley 1915 Note on 'Boomerang Leg': A Bone Disease Occurring Amongst Australian Aboriginals. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 18:217-218. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, BOOMERANG LEG, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):221]
Breitinger, E. 1938 Zur Trepanation in der Frühbronzezeit. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 15:73-77. TREPHINATION, BRONZE AGE, [ARME]
Breitinger, E. 1939 Gutgeheilter Unterkieferbruch aus der Frühbronzezeit. Sudhoffs Archiv fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 32:103. BRONZE AGE, [CRAN]
Breitinger, E. 1954 Das Brandknochengemenge von Dauborn. Nassauische Annalen (Wiesbaden) 65:48-61. CREMATION, [PACT-19:041]
Breitinger, Emil 1982 Depressio Biparietalis Circumscripta I. Zwei Falle aus dem Awaren Zeitlichen Gräberfeld von Zwolfaxing bei Wein. [Depressio Biparietalis Circumscripta I. Two Cases from the Avar Period Cemetery of Zwolfaxing near Vienna.]. Archaeologia Austriaca 66:141-153. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL CIRCUMSCRIBED DEPRESSION, VIENNA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#10825]
Breitinger, Emil 1983 Depressio Biparietalis Circumscripta chez les Anciens Egyptiens. [Depressio Biparietalis Circumscripta in Ancient Egyptians.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10(Série 13):71-79. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL CIRCUMSCRIBED DEPRESSION, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Brekhus, P., et al. 1944 A Study of the Pattern and Combinations of Congenitally Missing Teeth in Man. Journal of Dental Research 23:117-131. DENTITION, TEETH, MISSING, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Brenes Gómez, W. 1989 Epidemiología de las Caries Dental en Poblaciones Amerindias en Transición Sociocultural. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Vínculos 15(1/2):45-57. DENTAL CARIES, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1982-30(1)-#1055]
Brennan, Ellen R. 1983 Mortality Patterns in Anthropological Populations. Human Biology 55(1):1-7 MORTALITY PATTERN, ANTHROPOLOGICAL POPULATION, [JRNL]
Brennan, Mary Ursula 1987 Dental Hypoplasias in the French Paleolithic. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 13. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PALEOLITHIC, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brennan, Mary Ursula 1988 Harris Lines and Dental Hypoplasias in the French Paleolithic. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):190. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HARRIS LINES, PALEOLITHIC, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brennan, Mary Ursula 1991 Health and Disease in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Southwestern France: A Bioarcheological Study. [Dissertation, New York University, New York]. DISSERTATION, DISEASE, HEALTH, PALEOLITHIC, FRANCE, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:850]
Brennan, Mary Ursula 1993 Behavioral Implications of Arthritis in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Southwestern France. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:61. ARTHRITIS, BEHAVIORAL IMPLICATION, PALEOLITHIC, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brennan, Mary Ursula 1995 Implications of Non-Specific Stress Indicators in Juveniles of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:67. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, STRESS INDICATOR, JUVENILE, PALEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brenot, Philippe, and M. Lorber 1978 Pathologie Dentaire du Néolithique Périgourdin. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, pp. TU2-TU3. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, PERIGOURDIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brenot, Philippe, and Raymond Riquet 1977 La Trépanation Néolithique. Archeologia 104:8-17. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [CWHM-1977-094-#1398]
Brenton, Barrett P. 1987 Monitoring Change in Food Processing Technology by Means of Skeletal Analysis. Paper presented to the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Amherst, Massachusetts. NUTRITION, FOOD PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, [COHEN-1989:231]
Brenton, Barrett P. 1990 Mycotoxin Analyses of Stored Barley from Iron-Age-Type Storage Pits: Implications for Human Health and Nutrition. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):199. HEALTH, NUTRITION, MYCOTOXIN, STORED BARLEY, IRON AGE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bresciani, J., W. Dansgaard, B. Fredskild, M. Ghisler, P. Grandjean, J. C. Hansen, Jens Peder Hart Hansen, N. Haarlφv, B. Lorentzen, P. Nansen, A. M. Rφrdam, and H. Tauber 1991 Living Conditions. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 150-167. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, LIVING CONDITION, [BOOK]
Bresciani, J., N. Haarlφv, P. Nansen, and G. Mφller 1983 Head Louse (Pediculus humanus suscp. capitis de Geerò). From Mummified Corpses of Greenlanders, AD 1460 (+/-50). Acta Entomologica Fennica 42:24-27. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, LICE, [HART-HANSEN-1991:188]
Bresciani, J., N. Haarlφv, P. Nansen, and G. Mφller 1989 Head Lice in Mummified Greenlanders from AD 1475. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society, Number 12, 1989, pp. 89-92. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, PARASITE, HEAD LOUSE, [BOOK]
Bresciani, Sergio 1990 The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Origin of Treatment in Mandibular Traumatology. [English with Serbo-Croatian Abstract]. Acta Facultatis Medicae Fluminensis 15(3-4):85-87. MANDIBLE, TRAUMATOLOGY, [CWHM-1992-152-#0643]
Bressani, R., R. Paz, and N. S. Scrimshaw 1958 Chemical Changes in Corn During the Preparation of Tortillas. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 6:770-774. CORN, CHEMICAL CHANGE, TORTILLA PREPARATION, [KIRTLANDIA-1991-46:41]
Breternitz, David A., Alan C. Swedlund, and Duane C. Anderson 1971 An Early Burial from Gordon Creek, Colorado. American Antiquity 36(2):170-182. BURIAL, GORDON CREEK, COLORADO, [JRNL]
Breton, A. C. 1916 Physical Anthropology at San Diego. MAN (London) 16:36-38. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, [LSG3-Anthropology]
Brett, P. M. 1919 An Acquired Cranial Deformity. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 22:122. SKULL, DEFORMITY, ACQUIRED, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities artifical]
Breuer, R. 1931 Pathologisch-Anatomische Befunde am Skelett des Hohlenbaren. In: O. Abel, and J. Kyrle. Diedrachenhohle bei Mixnitz. Speläologische Monographien (Vienna) 7:9. PATHOLOGY, ANATOMY, [ARME]
Breuzon, D. 1904 La Médecine dans les Sanctuaires d'Egypte. France Médicale. MEDICINE, EGYPT, [ARME]
Brewer, C. 1978 Horseisi Son of Naspihimegori. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 60(2):133-134. HORSEISI, NASPIHIMEGORI, [NDX-Mummies-19-12-08886]
Brewer, E. J., and E. H. Giannini 1983 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Clinics in Rheumatic Diseases 9:629-640. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Brewer, I. W. 1906 Tuberculosis Among the Indians of Arizona and New Mexico. New York Medical Journal 134:981-983. TUBERCULOSIS, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, INDIAN, [LSG2-Tuberculosis in Indians]
Brewerton, Derrick A. 1989 Discussion. In: Peter J. Maddison, ed. The Antiquity of the Erosive Arthropathies. Symposium presented at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, England, 24 June 1988. The Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research: Conference Proceedings No. 5, p. 34. ARTHROPATHY, EROSIVE, ANCIENT, [PPNL-1990-69:19]
Brewerton, Derrick A. 1992 All About Arthritis: Past, Present, Future. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London: Harvard University Press. ARTHRITIS, HISTORY, [MED-HIST-1993-37:475]
Brewis, Alexandra A., Maureen A. Molloy, and Douglas G. Sutton 1990 Modeling the Prehistoric Maori Population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(3):343-356. FERTILITY, MORTALITY, NEW ZEALAND, POLYNESIA, [JRNL]
Breznova, D., and B. Hurda 1976 Xylotomic Examination of Timber from Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Zeitschrift fuer Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Leipzig) 103:139-142. COFFIN, XYLOTOMIC STUDY, TIMBER, EGYPT, [ZIMM]
Brial, M. 1960 Anomalies Morphologiques des Dents. Société d'Etudes et de Recherches Préhistoriques et Institut Pratique de Préhistoire 9:139-158. DENTAL ANOMALY, [ARME]
Brian, Luigi 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):516. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Briceno Berru, Jose Enrique 1991 Peru, Hora Fatal: La Peste, los Cuervos y los Sepultureros: El Fondo Monetario Internacional, los Patrones y los Lacayos. Lima: Ediciones Interculturales. PLAGUE, HISTORY, PERU, [MELVYL]
Brickley, M. B. 1995 A Novel Approach to Detecting Osteoporosis in Archaeological Bone. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):81. OSTEOPOROSIS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL BONE, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brickley, M. B. 1996 A Novel Approach to Detecting Osteoporosis in Archaeological Bone. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 4. OSTEOPOROSIS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL BONE, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1982 Postcranial Size in Prehistoric Northern Alabama: Implications for Nutrition and Behavior. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57(2):172-173. NUTRITION, POSTCRANIAL SIZE, ALABAMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1983 Subsistence Activities and Biochemical Properties of Long Bones in Two Amerindian Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):177. SUBSISTENCE, BIOCHEMISTRY, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1985 Changes in Long Bone Structure with the Transition to Agriculture: Implications for Prehistoric Activities. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]. DISSERTATION, STRUCTURE, LONG BONE, [HANSON-NPT-1:046]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1985 Structural Changes of the Arms Associated with Habitual Grinding of Corn. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):149. OCCUPATION, STRUCTURAL CHANGE, CORN GRINDING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1986 Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Prehistoric Nutrition and Activity Patterns. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):181. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, NUTRITION PATTERN, ACTIVITY PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1987 Osteological Correlates of Prehistoric Activities. Paper Presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OCCUPATIONAL MARKER, [COHEN-1989:231]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1988 Atlatl Use and Degenerative Joint Disease. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):190. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, ATLATL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1989 Bone Cortical Area in the Evaluation of Nutrition and Activity Levels. American Journal of Human Biology 1(6):785-792. NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT, ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT, BONE CORTICAL AREA, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1989 Changes in Activities with the Shift to Agriculture in the Southeastern United States. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:14.]. Current Anthropology 30(3):385-394. AGRICULTURE, ACTIVITY CHANGE, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1989 Osteoarthritis, Diaphyseal Dimensions and Strength of the Femur in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):196-197. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, FEMUR, PREHISTORIC, SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1989 Spondylolysis and Its Relationship to Degenerative Joint Disease in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(3):321-329. SPINE, NEURAL ARCH DEFECT, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1990 Degenerative Joint Disease in Prehistoric Northwestern Alabama. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):199-200. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, ALABAMA, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1990 Osteological Correlates of Weapon Use. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Center for American Archeology Scientific Papers, Number 6. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology in cooperation with the Biological Anthropology Unit of the American Anthropological Association, pp. 87-98. WEAPON USE, OSTEOLOGICAL CORRELATE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1991 Degenerative Joint Disease in Hunter-Gathers and Agriculturalists from the Southeastern United States. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(4):379-391. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1991 Skeletal Evidence of Changes in Subsistence Activities Between the Archaic and Mississippian Time Periods in Northwestern Alabama. In: Mary Lucas Powell, Patricia S. Bridges, and Ann Marie Wagner Mires, eds. What Mean These Bones? Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology. Tuscaloosa and London: The University of Alabama Press, pp. 89-101. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITY CHANGE, SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, [BOOK]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1992 Black Mesa Anasazi Health: Reconstruction of Life from Patterns of Death and Disease. By Debra L. Martin, Alan H. Goodman, George J. Armelagos, and Ann L. Magennis. 1991. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 14. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89(2):269-270. REVIEW OF, MARTIN; DEBRA L.; ALAN H. GOODMAN; GEORGE J. ARMELAGOS; AND ANN L. MAGENNIS, 1991, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1992 Prehistoric Arthritis in the Americas. Annual Review of Anthropology 21:67-91. DISEASE, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1992 Vertebral Arthritis in a Northwestern Alabama Skeletal Sample. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:54. ARTHRITIS, VERTEBRAL, ALABAMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1993 The Effect of Variation in Methodology on the Outcome of Osteoarthritic Studies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:17.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(4):289-295. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIC STUDY, METHODOLOGY, [PPNL-1994-85:17]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1993 Establishment of Consistent Criteria for Diagnosis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 12. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, CALCIUM PYROPHOSPHATE DEPOSITION DISEASE,DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1993 Mortality and Warfare at Koger's Island, Northwestern Alabama. Paper presented, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina. MORTALITY, WARFARE, KOGER'S ISLAND, ALABAMA, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:145]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1994 Prehistoric Diet and Health in a Coastal New York Skeletal Sample. Northeast Anthropology (Albany NY) 48:13-23. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, NEW YORK, COASTAL, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):266]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1994 Vertebral Arthritis and Physical Activities in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12-13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93(1):83-93. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OSTEOPHYTOSIS, SOUTHEASTERN, USA, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1995 A Field Guide to Joint Disease in Archaeology. By Juliet Rogers, and Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron]. 1995. New York: J. Wiley. [Review]. American Antiquity 61(3):630. REVIEW OF, ROGERS; JULIET, AND TONY WALDRON, 1995, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S. 1996 Warfare and Mortality at Koger's Island, Alabama. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(1):66-75. TRAUMA, SCALPING, KOGER'S ISLAND, ALABAMA, [JRNL]
Bridges, Patricia S., Keith P. Jacobi, and Mary Lucas Powell 1996 Warfare-Related Trauma in the Late Prehistory of Alabama. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:74. TRAUMA, WAR-RELATED, ALABAMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bridgman, C. F. 1967 A Mummy Comes to Life. Science on the March 47:20-22. MUMMIES, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:296]
Bridgman, R. F. 1955 La Médecine dans la Chine Antique. Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques (Louvain) 10:1. MEDICINE, CHINA, ANCIENT, [DIS IN ANT:236 & CRAN]
Brieger, Gert H. 1975 Therapeutics from the Primitives to the Twentieth Century (With an Appendix: History of Dietetics). By Erwin H. Ackerknecht. 1973. New York and London: Hafner Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 30(1):80-81. REVIEW OF, ACKERKNECHT; ERWIN H., 1973, [JRNL]
Brieger, G. H. 1980 The Diseases of Runners: A View from the Eighteenth Century--a Commentary. Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 43(4):29-32. DISEASE, RUNNER, [CWHM-1982-111-#1798]
Brier, Bob 1981 Ancient Egyptian Magic. New York: Quill. EGYPT, MAGIC, ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MAGIC, [MELVYL]
Brier, Bob 1985 Philosophical Issues. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Committee on the Preservation of Human Remains: Preliminary Report. Paleopathology Newsletter 52:4. REPATRIATION, PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUE, [JRNL]
Brier, Bob 1994 Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9-10.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Brier, Bob, and M. L. V. Bennett 1977 Autopsy of an Egyptian Fish Mummy. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1977, 18:17.]. PLA Report (Post Library Association) 5:8-11. MUMMIES, EGYPT, FISH, AUTOPSY, [PPNL-1977-18:17 & ZIMM]
Brier, Bob, and Ronald Wade 1995 The Use of Natron in Egyptian Mummification: Preliminary Report. Paleopathology Newsletter 89:7-9. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, NATRON, USE OF, [JRNL]
Briggs, C. S., and R. C. Turner 1986 Appendix: A Gazetteer of Bog Burials from Britain and Ireland. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 181-195. BOG BODIES, BURIAL, BRITAIN, IRELAND, [BOOK]
Briggs, D. E. 1991 Extraordinary Fossils. American Scientist 79:130-141. FOSSIL, EXTRAORDINARY, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:323]
Briggs, L. C. 1971 Prehistoric Indian Skeletons from New Hampshire. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 46:7.]. Man in the Northwest 1:51-53. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEW HAMPSHIRE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [PPNL 1984-46:07]
Briggs, L. C., and L. P. Biese 1977 The Clement Site: Analysis of Skeletal Material. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:7.]. Man in the Northeast 13:86-90. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CLEMENT SITE, [PPNL 1984-46:07]
Briggs, L. Cabot, and Damian Sancho 1952 Cranial Deformation in Minorca, Balearic Islands. [Brief Communication]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 10(3):371-372. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MINORCA, [JRNL]
Briggs, Peter S. 1989 Art, Death and Social Order: The Mortuary Arts of Pre-Conquest Central Panama. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S550. MORTUARY ART, PRECOLUMBIAN, PANAMA, [BAR-TITLES-IN-PRINT-APRIL-1993:16]
Brigham, W. T., J. Wyman, and J. B. S. Jackson 1866 On the Distorted Skull of a Child from the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 11:70-71. SKULL, DEFORMATION, HAWAII, [JRNL]
Brigham Young University 1993 Evidences of a Christian Population in the Egyptian Fayum and Genetic and Textile Studies of the Akhmim Noble Mummies. Brigham Young University Studies 33(2):214-243. MUMMIES, EGYPT, GENETICS, TEXTILES, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S54]
Brighetti, Antonio 1965 [The Mummies of Ferentillo.]. [Italian]. Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria 31(4):107-116. MUMMIES, FERENTILLO, [NDX-Mummies-07-01-02605]
Brighetti, Antonio 1968 Bologna e la Peste del 1630. Con Documenti Inediti dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Bologna: Gaggi. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BOLOGNA, 1630, [MELVYL]
Brighetti, Antonio 1968 [An Unpublished Consultation for Gout in a Roman Lady of the 18th Century.]. [Italian]. Policlinico; Sezione Pratica 75:1304-1307. GOUT, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ROMAN, [NDX-Gout history-10-02-06387]
Brightman, Robert A. 1988 The Windigo in the Material World. Ethnohistory 35(4):337-379. CANNIBALISM, ALGONQUIAN WINDIGO COMPLEX, [JRNL]
Brim, C. H. 1936 Medicine in the Bible. New York: Froben. MEDICINE, BIBLICAL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Brimblecombe, P. 1976 Attitudes and Responses Towards Air Pollution in Medieval England. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 26:941-945. AIR POLLUTION, MEDIEVAL, ENGLAND, [AJPA-1995-98:494]
Brinch, O. 1952 Investigations into the Occurrence of Dental Caries in Denmark in the Middle Ages. British Dental Journal 93:88. DENTAL CARIES, MIDDLE AGES, DENMARK, [ARME]
Brinch, O., and V. Mφller-Christensen 1949 Om Sammenlignende Undersögelser over Kariesforekomst På Arkaeologisk Kraniemateriale Med en Forelöbig Meddelelse om Undersögelser over Kariesfrekvensen i Danmarks Middelalder (Aebelholt Kloster). [Comparative Research on the Occurrence of Caries in the Archaeological Cranial Material, with a Preliminary Account of the Investigation of the Frequency of Caries in the Danish Middle Ages.] [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 54:369-91. DENTAL CARIES, SKULL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, [ARME]
Brinch, O., and V. Mφller-Christensen 1949 On Comparative Investigations into the Occurrence of Dental Caries in Archaeological Skulls. Odontologisk Tidskrift/Scandinavian Dental Journal 57(4):357-380. DENTAL CARIES, SKULL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, [ARME & PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:255]
Brinch, O., and V. Mφller-Christensen 1949 Über Vergleichende Untersuchungen über das Kariesvorkommen an Archäologischem Schädelmaterial.... Schweizerische Monatsschrift fuer Zahnheilkunde 59:853-882. DENTAL CARIES, [STROUHAL-&-BARES-1993:135]
Briscoe, J. F. 1888-1889 Osteo-Porosis of the Calvarium, Shown in the Fragments of a Skull Found on the Island of Lamoo, Zanzibar, June 8, 1888. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London 40:252-254. OSTEOPOROSIS, CALVARIUM, ZANZIBAR, [LSG2-Cranium, diseases of]
Brisko, J. A., and K. Dozier 1986 Evidence of Surgical Skills of Roman Physicians from 6th Century A. D. Carthage. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):181. SURGERY, SIXTH CENTURY, ROMAN, CARTHAGE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
British Medical Journal 1968 Porphyria--a Royal Malady: Articles Published in or Commissioned by the British Medical Journal. London: British Medical Association. [See review by Hugh Trevor-Roper, 1968.]. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, [MELVYL]
British Museum 1904 A Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms. Predynastric Antiquities, Mummies, Mummy-Cases, and Other Objects Connected with the Funeral Rites of the Ancient Egyptians. London: British Museum. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0179]
British Museum 1922 A Guide to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Egyptian Rooms, and the Coptic Room. London: British Museum. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0180]
British Museum 1938 A Handbook of the Egyptian Mummies and Coffins Exhibited in the British Museum. London: British Museum. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0182]
British Museum 1984 Egyptian Mummies. London, Great Britain: British Museum. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Britnell, Richard 1994 The Black Death in English Towns. Urban History 21(2):195-210. MEDICAL HISTORY, PLAGUE, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1995-168-#0007]
Britton, H. A., J. P. Canby, and C. M. Cohler 1960 Iron Deficiency Anemia Producing Evidence of Marrow Hyperplasia in the Calvarium. Pediatrics 25:621-628. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, SKULL, MARROW HYPERPLASIA, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Broad, William J. 1981 Sir Isaac Newton: Mad as a Hatter. Science 213(4514):1341-1342,1344. MERCURY POISONING, NEWTON; ISAAC, [JRNL]
Broca, Paul 1866-1867 Trépanation chez les Incas. Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale de Médecine (Paris) 32:866-871. TREPHINATION, PERU, INCA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:584 & ARME]
Broca, Paul 1867 Cas Singulier de Trépanation chez les Incas. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(Série 2):403-408. TREPHINATION, PERU, INCA, [ZAGREB-1988:144 & ARME]
Broca, Paul 1868 Sur les Crânes et Ossements des Eyzies. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 2):350-392,432-446. SKULL, REMAINS, SKELETAL, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Broca, Paul 1871 Sur la Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 6(Série 2):100-133. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [ARME]
Broca, Paul 1873 The Troglodytes, or Cave-Dwellers, of the Valley of the Vézère. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, for 1872 1872:310-347. TROGLODYTE, [JRNL]
Broca, Paul 1875 Sur Deux Séries de Crânes Provenant d'Anciennes Sépultures Indiennes des Environs de Bogata. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Americanists (Nancy, France, 1875) 1:367-382. CRANIOLOGY, BOGATA, COLOMBIA, [JRNL]
Broca, Paul 1875 Sur les Trépanations Préhistorique. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9:542-556. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Broca, Paul 1875 Sur les Trous Pariétaux et sur la Perforation Congénitale Double et Symétrique des Pariétaux. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:326-336. PARIETAL PERFORATION, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Broca, Paul 1876 Sur Deux Séries de Crânes Provenant d'Anciennes Sépultures Indiennes des Environs de Bogata. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 11(Série 2):359-373. CRANIOLOGY, BOGATA, COLOMBIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):584]
Broca, Paul 1876 Sur l'Age des Sujets à la Trépanation Chirurgicale Néolithique. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 11(Série 2):572. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [ARME & ORT 1981]
Broca, Paul 1876 Sur les Trépanations du Crâne et les Amulettes Crâniennes a l'Epoque Néolithique. Congrès International d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie Préhistorique (1876 Budapest) 1876:101-196. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Broca, Paul 1876 Sur les Trépanations Préhistoriques. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 11(Série 2):236 and 431. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [DIS IN ANT:670]
Broca, Paul 1876 Trépanations Préhistoriques, Crânes Trépanés à l'Aide d'un Eclat de Verre. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 11:512. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Broca, Paul 1877 Anciens Crânes Déformés Macrocéphale des Environs de Tiflis. [See review by Paul Topinard, 1879.]. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1877. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MACROCEPHALY, [REV-ANTHROPOL-1879-2:496]
Broca, Paul 1877 De la Trépanation du Crâne, Pratiquée sur un Chien Vivant, par la Méthode Néolithique. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 12:400. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Broca, Paul 1877 Sur la Trépanation du Crâne, et les Amulettes Crâniennes à l'Epoque Néolithique. Paris: Leroux. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Broca, Paul 1877 Sur la Trépanation du Crâne, et les Amulettes Crâniennes à l'Epoque Néolithique. Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 6:1-42,193-225. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [JRNL]
Broca, Paul 1878 Sur des Crânes et des Objets d'Industrie Provenant des Fouilles de M. Ber à Tiahuanaco (Pérou). Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1(Série 3):230-235. CRANIOLOGY, TIAHUANACO, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):584]
Broca, Paul 1879 Sur un Mode Peu Connu de Déformation Toulousaine. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3:699-701. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [LATIN-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:162]
Brock, Sharon L. 1981 Paleopathology. In: Robert A. Benfer, director. Adaptations to Sedentism and Food Production: The Paloma Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 36:12. SEDENTISM, FOOD PRODUCTION, PATHOLOGY, PALOMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Brock, Sharon L., and Christopher B. Ruff 1988 Diachronic Patterns of Change in Structural Properties of the Femur in the Prehistoric American Southwest. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(1):113-127. FEMUR, STRUCTURAL PROPERTY, CHANGE, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, BONE ADAPTATION, CROSS-SECTIONAL GEOMETRY, [JRNL]
Brockbank, W. 1964 Sovereign Remedies, A Critical Depreciation of the 17th Century London Pharmacopoeia. Medical History 8:1. MEDICAL HISTORY, PHARMACOPOEIA, LONDON, [BR-J-DERMATOL-1970-82:309]
Brockmann, H. 1911 Ueber Gruppenspezifische Strukturen des Tierischen Blutes. Zeitschrift fuer Immunitätsforchung und Experimentelle Therapie 9:87-116. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:286]
Brodar, V. 1961 Prispevek k Problemu Metopizma. Bioloski Vestnik 9:119-123. METOPISM, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Brodie, B. 1982 Children: A Glance at the Past. M C N: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 7(4):219-225. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1983-116-#0829]
Brodie, Janet Farrell 1994 Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. [See review by Carolyn G. Shapiro, 1994.]. ABORTION, CONTRACEPTION, NINETEENTH CENTURY, AMERICA, [J-HIST-MED-1994-49:576]
Brodrick, H., and C. A. Hill 1907 Notes on a Recently Discovered Skeleton, Scoska Cave, Littondale. Reports of Meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1906 1907:698. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SCOSKA CAVE, LITTONDALE, [LSG2-Skeletal remains]
Brodsky, Isadore Irvine 1936 The Operation of Cerebral Decompression as Practised by the Natives of New Britain Fifty Years Ago. Medical Journal of Australia 2:817. SKULL SURGERY, CEREBRAL DECOMPRESSION, NINETEENTH CENTURY, NEW BRITAIN, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Brodsky, Isadore Irvine 1938 The Trephiners of Blanche Bay, New Britain, Their Instruments and Methods. British Journal of Surgery 26(101):1-9. TREPHINATION, NEW BRITAIN, INSTRUMENT, METHOD, [JRNL]
Brodsky, Isadore Irvine 1943 Congenital Abnormalities, Teratology and Embryology: Some Evidence of Primitive Man's Knowledge as Expressed in Art and Lore in Oceania. Medical Journal of Australia 1:417-420. TERATOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, ABNORMALITY, CONGENITAL, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Brody, Saul Nathaniel 1974 The Disease of the Soul: Leprosy in Medieval Literature. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. LEPROSY, LITERATURE, MEDIEVAL, [BOOK]
Broeck, E. Van Den 1892 Sur la Teneur en Fluor des Ossements Préhistoriques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 11:117. REMAINS, HUMAN, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Broeck, E. Van Den 1902 Comment on Peut Savoir de Quoi se Nourrissaient les Préhistoriques? Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 21. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, INTERPRETATION, [ARME]
Broek, A. J. P. Van Den 1943 On Exostoses in the Human Skull. Acta Neerlandica Morphologiae Normalis et Pathologicae (Utrecht) 5:95-118. SKULL, EXOSTOSIS, [ARME]
Brogi Ciofi, M. 1984 La Peste del 1630 a Firenze con Particolare Riferimento ai Provvedimenti Igienico-Sanitari e Sociali. Archivio Storico Italiano 142:47-75. PLAGUE, FLORENCE 1630, [CWHM-1988-136-#1738]
Broida, M. O. 1983 Maize in Kentucky Fort Ancient Diets: An Analysis of Carbon Isotope Ratios in Human Bone. [Thesis, Anthropology Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington]. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, FORT ANCIENT, KENTUCKY, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:098]
Broida, M. O. 1984 An Estimation of the Percentage of Maize in the Diets of Two Kentucky Fort Ancient Villages. In: D. L. Pollack, C. B. Hockensmith, and T. N. Sanders, eds. Late Prehistoric Research in Kentucky. Frankfurt, Kentucky: Kentucky Heritage Council, pp. 68-82. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:116]
Bromage, Timothy G. 1984 Interpretation of Scanning Electron Microscopic Images of Abraded Forming Bone Surfaces. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 64(2):161-178. TAPHONOMY, ABRADED FORMING BONE SURFACE, INTERVASCULAR RIDGING, REMODELING,SEM, [JRNL]
Bromage, Timothy G. 1987 The Scanning Electron Microscopy/Replica Technique and Recent Applications to the Study of Fossil Bone. Scanning Microscopy 1(2):607-613. BONE, FOSSIL, SEM, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
Bromage, Timothy G., Patrick D. Horne, and Michael R. Zimmerman 1981 Stafne Defect: A Histological Approach. Paleopathology Newsletter 33:7-9. MANDIBLE, STAFNE DEFECT, HISTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bromage, Timothy G., and S. Shermis 1981 The LaBrea Woman (HC 1323); Descriptive Analysis. 3:59-75. LA BREA WOMAN, DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS, [BULL-SOUTHERN-CALIF-ACAD-SCI-1989-88:125]
Broman, George E., Jr. 1957 Precondylar Tubercle in American White and Negroes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 15(1):125-135. SKULL, TUBERCLE, PRECONDYLAR, WHITE, NEGRO, [JRNL]
Bromberg, A. 1972 Aztec and Maya Public Health and Preoptometry in Mexico. American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry 49:603-606. PUBLIC HEALTH, AZTEC, MAYA, [NDX-Indians north american history-13-06-06483]
Bromilow, G. 1993 Finders Keepers? Museums Journal 93(3):31-34. REPATRIATION, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1993-34:565]
Brongers, J. A. 1966 Ultra-Violet Fluorescence Photography of a Soil Silhouette of an Interred Corpse. Berichten der Rijksdienst Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek 15-16:227-228. BODY, PHOTOGRAPHY, ULTRAVIOLET, [DIGGING UP BONES:182]
Bronson, Bennet 1966 Roots and the Subsistence of the Ancient Maya. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 22(3):251-279. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE, ROOT STOCK, MAYA, [JRNL]
Bronson, Wendy, and Anne Bogardt 1991 A Preliminary Method for Calculation and Storing Occlusal Surface Area. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 2. DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, CALCULATION, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bronzini, C. 1968 [Cranial Deformities Cause by Rickets.]. [Italian]. Policlinico; Sezione Pratica 75:1701-1705. DEFORMITY, SKULL, RICKETS, [NDX-Skull-10-02-09371]
Broodbank, Cyprian 1994 Skeletal Biology in the Great Plains: Migration, Warfare, Health, and Subsistence. Edited by Douglas W. Owsley, and Richard L. Jantz. 1994. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. Antiquity 68(261):859,861. REVIEW OF, OWSLEY; DOUGLAS W., AND RICHARD L. JANTZ, 1994, [JRNL]
Brook, A. H. 1984 A Unifying Aetiological Explanation for Anomalies of Human Tooth Number and Size. Archives of Oral Biology 29:373-378. DENTITION, DENTAL ANOMALY, NUMBER AND SIZE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:120]
Brooke, John 1968 Historical Implications of Porphyria. British Medical Journal 1(5584):109-111. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, [JRNL]
Brooke, Winifred 1959 Trephining by a Medicineman in Bolivia, 1950. In: K. P. Oakley, Winifred M. A. Brooke, A. Roger Akester, and Don R. Brothwell. 1959. Contributions on Trepanning or Trephination in Ancient and Modern Times. MAN (London) 59(Article 133):93-94. TREPHINATION, BOLIVIA, MODERN, [JRNL]
Brookes, Richard 1722 A History of the Most Remarkable Pestilential Distempers that Have Appeared in Europe for Three Hundred Years Last Past: With What Proved Successful or Hurtful in Their Cure: Together with the Method of.... 2nd Edition. London: Printed for A. Corbet, and J. Roberts. PLAGUE, HISTORY, EUROPE, FOURTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [MELVYL]
Brooks, A. S., C. C. Smith, and N. T. Boaz 1991 New Human Remains from Ishango, Zaire, in Relation to Later Pleistocene Human Evolution. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:54-55. REMAINS, HUMAN, ZAIRE, EVOLUTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Francis J. 1993 Revising the Conquest of Mexico: Smallpox, Sources, and Populations. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 24(1):1-29. SMALLPOX, MEXICO, [CWHM-1993-159-#0319]
Brooks, H. 1929 Medicine of the American Indian. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 5(2nd. Ser.):509-537. MEDICINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Brooks, J. J., H. T. Enterline, and G. E. Aponte 1980 The Final Diagnosis of President Cleveland's Lesion. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 31:18.]. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 2:1-25. LESION, DIAGNOSIS, PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, [PPNL-1980-31:18]
Brooks, P. M. 1980 Anti-Rheumatic Therapy Through the Ages. Australian Nurse's Journal 9(4):19-20. RHEUMATISM, THERAPY, [CWHM-1981-108-#1712]
Brooks, Robert L. 1996 Standards for Data Collection from Human Skeletal Remains: Proceedings of a Seminar at The Field Museum of Natural History, Organized by Jonathan Haas. By Jane E. Buikstra, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. 1994. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series Number 44. Fayetteville, Arkansas: Arkansas Archaeological Survey. [Review]. Plains Anthropologist 41(156):197-200. REVIEW OF, BUIKSTRA; JANE E., AND DOUGLAS H. UBELAKER, EDS., 1994, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1955 Skeletal Age at Death: The Reliability of Cranial and Pubic Age Indicators. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13(4):567-597. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKULL, PUBIC BONE, AGE AT DEATH INDICATOR, RELIABILITY, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1975 The Application of Forensic Data to Archaeological Skeletal Interpretations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42(2):292. FORENSIC DATA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1975 Human or Not? A Problem in Skeletal Identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences 20(1):149-153. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, SKELETAL IDENTIFICATION, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1981 Teaching of Forensic Anthropology in the United States. [Letter]. Journal of Forensic Sciences 26(4):627-631. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, TEACHING OF, USA, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1985 The Frozen Family from Utqiagvik Site, Barrow, Alaska: Papers from a Symposium. Organized by John E. Lobdell. 1984. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. Arctic Anthropology, Volume 21. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68(4):561-562. REVIEW OF, LOBDELL; JOHN E., 1984, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1988 Obituary: Louise Marie Robbins, 1928-1987. [Obituary]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(4):437-438. OBITUARY, ROBBINS; LOUISE MARIE, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1989 Death, Decay, and Reconstruction. Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Edited by A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway. 1988. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(1):123-124. REVIEW OF, BODDINGTON; A.; A. N. GARLAND; AND ROBERT C. JANAWAY, 1988, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T. 1989 Description or Diagnosis? [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 1. DESCRIPTION, DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1974 Excavation by Request: Physical Anthropological Identification of Pioneer Burials. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):131. BURIAL, PIONEER, ANTHROPOLOGICAL, IDENTIFICATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1978 Palaeoepidemiology as a Possible Interpretation of Multiple Child Burials Near Zape Chico, Durango, Mexico. In: Carroll L. Riley, and Basil C. Hedrick, eds. Across the Chichimec Sea: Papers in Honor of J. Charles Kelley. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, pp. 96-101. EPIDEMIOLOGY, MULTIPLE CHILD BURIAL, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1980 Cranial Deformation: Possible Evidence of Pochteca Trading Movements. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 72(4):1-12. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1984 Observed Pathology in a Skeletal Series from a Burial Cave in North Central Nevada. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, pp. 2-3. PATHOLOGY, NEVADA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1984 Problems of Burial Exhumation, Historical and Forensic Aspects. In: Ted A. Rathbun, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. Human Identification: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 64-86. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, BURIAL EXHUMATION, [BOOK]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1991 Craniosynostoses. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, pp. 16-17. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Richard H. Brooks 1991 Pathological Traits Observed in a Historic Great Basin Native American Indian Skeleton. International Journal of Anthropology 6(3):267-275. SKELETON, PATHOLOGIC, HISTORIC, GREAT BASIN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1982-30(1)-#0841]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Richard H. Brooks, and Dennis L. Jenkins 1985 Pathology or the Borings of Invertebrates: A Case Study from Nevada. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:9-17. INVERTEBRATE, BORING, PATHOLOGY, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Richard H. Brooks, Gail E. Kennedy, J. Austin, James R. Firby, Louis A. Payen, Peter J. Slota, Jr., Christine A. Prior, and R. E. Taylor 1990 The Haverty Human Skeletons: Morphological, Depositional, and Geochronological Characteristics. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 12(1):60-83. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HAVERTY SKELETONS, MODERN, LOS ANGELES 1924, MORPHOLOGICAL; DEPOSITIONAL; GEOCHRONOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Jerome S. Cybulski, and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy, moderators 1989 Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, pp. 2-9. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Michele B. Haldeman, and Richard H. Brooks 1988 Osteological Analyses of the Stillwater Skeletal Series, Stillwater Marsh, Churchill County, Nevada: Final Report. United States Department of Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Cultural Resource Series Number 2. Fallon, Nevada: United States Department of Interior. [See review by Brian E. Hemphill, 1991.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, STILLWATER SKELETAL SERIES, OSTEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, [MELVYL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Michele B. Haldeman, and Richard H. Brooks 1990 Unusual Eburnation Frequencies in a Skeletal Series from the Stillwater Marsh Area, Nevada. In: J. C. Janetski, and D. B. Madsen, eds. Wetland Adaptations in the Great Basin. Brigham Young University Museum Peoples Cultures Occasional Paper, Number 1. Salt Lake City, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, pp. 91-105. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, EBURNATION FREQUENCY, UNUSUAL, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Rodger Heglar 1972 A Preliminary Report on the Palaeoserology of the Niah Cave Burials. Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) 15:87-88. SEROLOGY, BURIAL, NIAH CAVE, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., Rodger Heglar, and Richard H. Brooks 1979 Radiocarbon Dating and Palaeoserology of a Selected Burial Series from the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Malaysia. Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) 20(1):21-31. DATING, SEROLOGY, MALAYSIA, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and William D. Hohenthal 1963 Archaeological Defective Palate Crania from California. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21(1):25-32. PALATE, DEFECTIVE, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and F. Jerome Melbye 1965 Multiple Myeloma in Archeological Populations. [Abstract]. Paper delivered at 1965 American Anthropological Association Meetings in Denver. Cf. Abstracts, p. 10. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, ABSTRACT, [CRAN]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and F. Jerome Melbye 1967 Skeletal Lesions Suggestive of Pre-Columbian Multiple Myeloma in a Burial from the Kane Mounds, Near St. Louis, Missouri. In: William D. Wade, ed. Technical Series Number 7. Miscellaneous Papers in Paleopathology: 1. Museum of Northern Arizona. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, pp. 23-29. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, SKELETAL LESION, PRECOLUMBIAN, MISSOURI, [BOOK]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Judy Myers Suchey 1990 Skeletal Age Determination Based on the Os Pubis: A Comparison of the Acsádi-Nemeskéri and Suchey-Brooks Methods. Human Evolution 5:227-238. AGE ASSESSMENT, OS PUBIS, ACS┴DI-NEMESK┼RI METHOD, SUCHEY-BROOKS METHOD, COMPARISON OF, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Brooks, Sheilagh T., and Rose A. Tyson, arrangers 1989 Section 3: Poster Sessions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, pp. 10-11. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Brose, David S. 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):517. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Brossmann, Joachim, L. M. White, A. Stabler, K. W. Preidler, R. Andresen, Parviz Haghighi, and Donald Resnick 1996 Enlargement of the Third Intercondylar Tubercle of Parsons as a Sign of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Paleopathologic and Radiographic Study. Radiology 198(3):845-849. KNEE, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ENLARGEMENT OF THE THIRD INTERCONDYLAR TUBERCLE OF PARSONS, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96 & NDX-DNA-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-01-27-97]
Brossollet, J. 1973 Les Prépasteruiens à la Recherche du Bacille de Yersin. Histoire des Sciences Médicales 7:353-356. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1974-81-#1149]
Bröste, K. 1956 Prehistoric Man in Denmark. Volume 1, Part 1. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. PREHISTORIC MAN, DENMARK, [SBEHP-098]
Bröste, K., and K. Fischer-Mφller 1943 Koelbjerg-Skelette. Et fund fra Tidlig Maglemosetid. Aarboeger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie/Årbφger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1943:21-231. BOG BODIES, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:255]
Broszindki, H. 1974 [Lactose as an Agent Against Gout and Rheumatism.]. [German]. Sudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 58(3):312-315. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, LACTOSE, [NDX-Gout history-18-10-07709]
Brothwell, Don R. 1958 Congenital Absence of the Basi-Occipital in a Romano-Briton. MAN (London) 58(Article 86):73-74. SKULL, BASI-OCCIPITAL ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, ROMANO-BRITON, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1958 Evidence of Leprosy in British Archaeological Material. Medical History 2:287-291. LEPROSY, BRITAIN, [ARME & STEINBOCK-1976:209]
Brothwell, Don R. 1959 Notable Examples of Early Trephining. In: K. P. Oakley, Winifred M. A. Brooke, A. Roger Akester, and Don R. Brothwell. 1959. Contributions on Trepanning or Trephination in Ancient and Modern Times. MAN (London) 59(Article 133):95-96. TREPHINATION, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1959 A Rare Dental Anomaly in Archaeological Material. British Dental Journal 107:400-401. DENTAL ANOMALY, RARE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1959 Teeth in Earlier Human Populations. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 18:59-65. DENTITION, EARLY POPULATION, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1959 The Use of Non-Metrical Characters of the Skull in Differentiating Populations. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie 6:103-109. SKULL, DIFFERENTIATING, NON-METRICS, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1960 The Bronze Age People of Yorkshire: A General Survey. Advancement of Science 16:311-322. POPULATION, BRONZE AGE, YORKSHIRE, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1960 A Possible Case of Mongolism in a Saxon Population. Annals of Human Genetics 24:141-150. DOWN'S SYNDROME, MONGOLISM, SAXON, [NDX-AUTHOR-1960-01-01-A-00167]
Brothwell, Don R. 1961 Cannibalism in Early Britain. Antiquity 35(140):304-307. CANNIBALISM, BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1961 Diseases in Earlier Man. New Scientist 9:238-240. DISEASE, EARLY MAN, [CRAN]
Brothwell, Don R. 1961 The Palaeopathology of Early British Man: An Essay on the Problems of Diagnosis and Analysis. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 91(2):318-344. ANALYSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1961 An Upper Palaeolithic Skull from Whaley Rock Shelter No. 2, Derbyshire. MAN (London) 61(Article 146):113-116. SKULL, PALEOLITHIC, DERBYSHIRE, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1962 Appendix III. A Note on the Dental Pathology of the West Kennet People. In: S. Piggott. The West Kennet Long-Barrow Excavations 1955-56. London: H. M. S. O., Appendix 3. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, WEST KENNET, [METRESS-1974:024 & ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1963 The Biology of Earlier Human Populations. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 325-329. BIOLOGY, EARLY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1963 The Macroscopic Dental Pathology of Some Earlier Human Populations. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press, pp. 271-288. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1963 The Palaeopathology of Pleistocene and More Recent Mammals. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 275-278. PATHOLOGY, MAMMALIAN, PLEISTOCENE, RECENT, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1964 Further Comments on the Right Parietal from Swanscombe: Anomalies and Endocranial Features. In: C. D. Ovey, ed. The Swanscombe Skull: A Survey of Research on a Pleistocene Site. London: Royal Anthropological Institute, pp. 173-174. SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL ANOMALY, SWANSCOMBE SKULL, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1965 The Palaeopathology of Early-Middle Bronze Age Remains from Jericho. In: K. M. Kenyon ed. Jericho II. London: Palestine Exploration Society. REMAINS, HUMAN, BRONZE AGE, JERICHO, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1965 The Palaeopathology of the E.B.- M.B. and Middle Bronze Age Remains from Jericho (1957-1958 Excavations). In: K. M. Kenyon, ed. Excavations at Jericho. London: British School of Archeology in Jerusalem, Volume 2, pp. 685-693. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, JERICHO, [ORT-1981]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 The Amerindians of Guyana: A Biological Review. Eugenics Review 59:22-45. BIOLOGY, GUYANA, [NDX-Indians south american-08-02-02786]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 The Bio-Cultural Background to Disease. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 56-68. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, BIOCULTURAL ADAPTATION AND DISEASE, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 Biparietal Thinning in Early Britain. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R.Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 413-416. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL THINNING, BRITAIN, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 The Evidence for Neoplasms. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 320-345. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, NEOPLASM, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 Evidence of Endemic Calculi in an Early Community. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 349-351. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ENDEMIC CALCULUS, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 Humans Remains from Gortnacargy, Co. Cavan. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 97:75-84. REMAINS, HUMAN, IRELAND, [BHM-10:569]
Brothwell, Don R. 1967 Major Congenital Anomalies of the Skeleton: Evidence from Earlier Populations. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 423-443. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, CONGENITAL ANOMALY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1968 Introducing the Field. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 1-18. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1969 Dietary Variation and the Biology of Earlier Human Population. In: P. J. Ucko, and G. W. Dimbleby, eds. The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals. Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, London University, 1968. Chicago, Illinois: Aldine, pp. 531-545. DIETARY VARIATION, BIOLOGY, HUMAN, [BHM-10:567 & MELVYL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1969 Stones, Pots, and People: A Plea for Statistical Caution. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology, revised edition. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 669-679. DEMOGRAPHY, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:596]
Brothwell, Don R. 1970 The Real History of Syphilis. Science Journal 6:27-32. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Brothwell, Don R. 1971 Africa's Contribution to Palaeopathology from the Past to the Future. In: Mary Douglas and Phyllis M. Kaberry, eds. Man in Africa. Garden City: Anchor Books. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AFRICA, PAST, FUTURE, CONTRIBUTION, [ARME]
Brothwell, Don R. 1971 Disease, Micro-Evolution and Earlier Populations: An Important Bridge Between Medical History and Human Biology. In: Edwin Clarke, ed. Modern Methods in the History of Medicine. London: Athlone Press of the University of London, pp. 112-134. DISEASE, EVOLUTION, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1971 Forensic Aspects of the So-Called Neolithic Skeleton Q1 from Maiden Castle, Dorset. World Archaeology 3:233-241. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, MAIDEN CASTLE, DORSET, ENGLAND, FORENSICS, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:030]
Brothwell, Don R. 1971 Palaeodemography. In: W. Brass, ed. Biological Aspects of Demography. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 111-130. DEMOGRAPHY, BIOLOGICAL ASPECT, [DIGGING UP BONES:183]
Brothwell, Don R. 1972 Community Health as a Factor in Urban Cultural Evolution. In: Peter J. Ucko, Ruth Tringham, and G. W. Dimbleby, eds. Man, Settlement, and Urbanism. Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, London University, 1970. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, pp. 353-361. DEMOGRAPHY, PUBLIC HEALTH, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:596 & MELVYL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1972 Digging Up Bones: The Excavation, Treatment and Study of Human Skeletal Remains. 2nd Edition. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). REMAINS SKELETAL, EXCAVATION, TREATMENT, STUDY, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Brothwell, Don R. 1972 Paleodemography and Earlier British Populations. World Archaeology 4:75-87. DEMOGRAPHY, EARLY BRITAIN, [HART 1983:020]
Brothwell, Don R. 1973 The Ancient Egyptians: From Turin to the Future. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 167-168. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1973 The Evidence for Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Early Egypt. In: A. Basu, A. K. Ghosh, S. K. Biswar, and R. Ghosh, eds. Physical Anthropology and Its Extending Horizons: S. S. Sarkar Memorial Volume. Calcutta: Orient Longman Limited, pp. 45-55. OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, EGYPT, EVIDENCE FOR, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT & DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:142]
Brothwell, Don R. 1974 Osteological Evidence of the Use of a Surgical Modiolus in a Romano-British Population: An Aspect of Primitive Technology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 14:10.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 1(2):209-211. SURGERY, ROMANO-BRITISH, PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY, [PPNL-1976-14:10 & ZIMM]
Brothwell, Don R. 1975 Possible Evidence for a Cultural Practice Affecting Head Growth in some Late Pleistocene East Asian and Australasian Populations. Journal of Archaeological Science 2:75-77. SKULL, DEFORMATION, POSSIBLE, PLEISTOCENE, EAST ASIA, AUSTRALASIA, [SHANIDAR-NEANDER-TRINKAUS-1983:476]
Brothwell, Don R. 1976 Further Evidence of Bone Chewing by Ungulates: The Sheep of North Ronaldsay, Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science 3:179-182. TAPHONOMY, BONE CHEWING, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:323]
Brothwell, Don R. 1976 Further Evidence of Treponematosis in a Pre-Columbian Population from Oceania. [Note and Comment]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:12.]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 50(3):435-442. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, OCEANIA, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1978 Possible Evidence of the Parasitisation of Early Mexican Communities by the Micro-Organism Treponema. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London 15:113-130. PARASITISM, TREPONEMA, MEXICO, [DIGGING UP BONES:183 & HART 1983:126]
Brothwell, Don R. 1981 Digging Up Bones: The Excavation, Treatment and Study of Human Skeletal Remains. 3rd. Edition. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. REMAINS SKELETAL, EXCAVATION, TREATMENT, STUDY, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Brothwell, Don R. 1981 Microevolutionary Change in the Human Pathogenic Treponemes: An Alternative Hypothesis. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 31(1):82-87. TREPONEME, PATHOGENIC, MICROEVOLUTIONARY CHANGE, [PETERSON-EARL-1992:71]
Brothwell, Don R. 1986 The Remains of Lindow Woman. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 52-53. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1987 The Bog Man and the Archaeology of People. London: British Museum Publications Ltd. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1989/1990.]. BOG BODIES, BOG PEOPLE, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1987 Decay and Disorder in the York Jewbury Skeletons. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 22-26. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, REMAINS, SKELETAL, JEWBURY, DECAY AND DISORDER, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1988 Comment on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Brenda J. Baker, and George J. Armelagos, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):721. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1989 The Relationship of Tooth Wear to Aging. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, ed. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 303-316. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTAL WEAR, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219 & MELVYL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1990 Ancient Calcified Tissue Research: A View to the 21st Century. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 0(Pilot Issue):2-21. TISSUE, ANCIENT, CALCIFIED, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1991 Malocclusion and Methodology: The Problem and Relevance of Recording Dental Malalignment in Archaeology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):27-37. DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1991 Nils-Gustaf Gejvall, 1911-1991. [Obituary]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):283. OBITUARY, GEJVALL; NILS-GUSTAF, 1911-1991, [CWHM-1992-153-#1140]
Brothwell, Don R. 1991 On Zoonoses and Their Relevance to Paleopathology. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 18-22. ZOONOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL RELEVANCE, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R. 1994 Ancient Trephining: Multi-Focal Evolution or Trans-World Diffusion? Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):129-139. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R. 1994 On the Possibility of Urban-Rural Contrasts in Human Population Palaeobiology. In: A. R. Hall, and H. K. Kenward, eds. Urban-Rural Connexions: Perspectives from Urban-Rural Archaeology. Symposia of the Association of Environmental Archaeology Number 12. Oxford: Oxbow Monograph 47, pp. 129-136. POPULATION BIOLOGY, URBAN-RURAL CONTRAST, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:205]
Brothwell, Don R., ed. 1963 Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., ed. 1968 The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press. [See review by Audrey J. Sublett, 1970.]. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Patricia Brothwell 1969 Food in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples. London: Thames and Hudson. [See review by Efraín Castro, 1972.]. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Richard Burleigh 1975 Radiocarbon Dates and the History of Treponematoses in Man. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 14:10.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 2(4):393-396. TREPONEMATOSIS, HISTORY, RADIOCARBON DATES, [PPNL 1976-14:10 & ZIMM]
Brothwell, Don R., Virginia M. Carbonell, and Denys H. Goose 1963 Congenital Absence of Teeth in Human Populations. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press, pp. 179-190. DENTITION, ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and H. G. Carr 1962 The Dental Health of the Etruscans. British Dental Journal 113:207-210. DENTAL HEALTH, ETRUSCAN, [METRESS-1974:024 & CRAN]
Brothwell, Don R., and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. 1973 Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1973.]. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Keith Dobney 1986 Studies on the Hair and Nails of Lindow Man and Comparative Specimens. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 66-70. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, HAIR, NAILS, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Eric Higgs 1963 Preface. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 15-16. SCIENCE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Eric Higgs, eds. 1963 Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson. ARCHAEOLOGY, SCIENCE IN, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Eric Higgs, eds. 1969 Science in Archaeology: A Survey of Progress and Research. With a foreword by Grahame Clark. Revised and Enlarged Edition. London: Thames and Hudson. ARCHAEOLOGY, SCIENCE IN, [MELVYL]
Brothwell, Don R., T. Holden, D. Liversage, et al. n.d. Establishing a Minimum Damage Procedure for Gut Sampling of Intact Human Bodies: The Case of the Huldremose Woman. In preparation. BOG BODIES, HULDREMOSE WOMAN, GUT SAMPLE, [PPNL-1989-65:9]
Brothwell, Don R., and W. Krzanowski 1974 Evidence of Biological Differences Between Early British Populations from Neolithic to Medieval Times as Revealed by Eleven Commonly Available Cranial Vault Measurements. Journal of Archaeological Science 1:249-260 BIOLOGY, HUMAN, CRANIOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, MEDIEVAL, BRITAIN, [HART 1983:020]
Brothwell, Don R., A. Malaga, and Richard Burleigh 1979 Studies on Amerindian Dogs, 2: Variation in Early Peruvian Dogs. [For part 1, see Burleigh, and Brothwell, 1978]. Journal of Archaeological Science 6(2):139-161. DOG, VARIATION, ANCON, CARBON-14, PERU, ECUADOR, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R., and V. Mφller-Christensen 1963 Medico-Historical Aspects of a Very Early Case of Mutilation. Danish Medical Bulletin 10:21-25. MUTILATION, [NDX-Paleopathology-04-03-02227]
Brothwell, Don R., and V. Mφller-Christensen 1963 A Possible Case of Amputation, Dated to c. 2,000 B.C. MAN (London) 63(Article 244):192-194. AMPUTATION, TWO THOUSAND B.C., [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R., Theya I. Molleson, P. H. K. Gray, and R. Harcourt 1969 The Application of X-Rays to the Study of Archaeological Materials. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology: A Survey of Progress and Research. With a foreword by Grahame Clark. Revised and Enlarged Edition. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 513-525. ARCHAEOLOGY, SCIENCE IN, RADIOLOGY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:124 & MELVYL]
Brothwell, Don R., Theya I. Molleson, and C. Metreweli 1968 Radiological Aspects of Normal Variation in Earlier Skeletons: An Exploratory Study. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 149-172. SKELETAL VARIATION, RADIOLOGY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Rosemary Powers 1968 Congenital Malformations of the Skeleton in Earlier Man. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 173-203. MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., Rosemary Powers, and B. Denston 1978 The Human Skeletal Remains from Amesbury Barrow 51 with Special Reference to the Case of Trephination and Its Position in the History of Trephining in Britain. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 43:16.]. Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 70/71:43-60. TREPHINATION, BRITAIN, HISTORY, [PPNL-1983-43:16]
Brothwell, Don R., and A. T. Sandison 1967 Editorial Acknowledgments. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by: Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, p. xv. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and A. T. Sandison 1967 Editorial Prolegomenon: The Present and Future. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. xi-xiv. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. 1967 Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [See review by W. M. Krogman, 1968.]. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., A. T. Sandison, and P. H. K. Gray 1969 Human Biological Observations on a Guanche Mummy with Anthracosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):333-347. MUMMIES, GUANCHE, ANTHRACOSIS, [JRNL]
Brothwell, Don R., and Richard Spearman 1963 The Hair of Earlier Peoples. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 427-436. HAIR, EARLY PEOPLE, [BOOK]
Brothwell, Don R., and Mark Spigelman 1993 Drugs in Ancient Populations. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 341(8853):1157. DRUGS, LETTER, [JRNL]
Brotmacher, L. 1955 Medical Practice Among the Somalis. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 29:197-229. MEDICAL PRACTICE, AFRICA, SOMALIA, [QCIM-1955-58:0373]
Brouardel 1886 Sur un Cas de Momification d'un Cadavre: Applications Médicos-Légales. Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris) 15:793-811. MUMMIFICATION, MEDICO-LEGAL, [LSG1-Mummies]
Broudy, D. W., and P. A. May 1983 Demographic and Epidemiologic Transition Among the Navajo Indians. Social Biology 30(1):1-16. DEMOGRAPHY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AMERICA, INDIAN, NAVAJO, [MASCA-1992-9:011]
Brouqui, M., R. Cornuet, and C. de Tassigny 1978 Traitement par Rayonnements Gamma, de la Momie de Ramsès II. Revue Générale Nucléaire 1:10-14. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESSES II, GAMMA RAYS, [HART-HANSEN-1991:188]
Brown, Alan K. 1967 The Aboriginal Population of the Santa Barbara Channel. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, Number 69. Berkeley, California: University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, Berkeley. DEMOGRAPHY, SANTA BARBARA CHANNEL, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Brown, Andy 1995 Convict Health on Norfolk Island, and Mutiny and Medicine: An International Conference on the History of Medicine. Bulletin of the Adler Museum of the History of Medicine 21(2):16-19. MEDICAL HISTORY, NORFOLK ISLAND, CONVICT HEALTH, [CWHM-1996-169:#0363]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1972 Bone Strontium Content as an Indication of Social Stratification. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):431. BONE, STRONTIUM CONTENT, STRATIFICATION, SOCIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1973 Bone Strontium Content as a Dietary Indicator in Human Skeletal Populations. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, Publication No. 74-15,677. DISSERTATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, BONE STRONTIUM, DIETARY INDICATOR, [BOOK]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1974 Bone Strontium Content as a Dietary Indicator in Human Skeletal Populations. Contributions to Geology 13(2):47-48. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BONE STRONTIUM, DIETARY INDICATOR, [JRNL]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1981 Assessment of Paleonutrition from Skeletal Remains. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 376:405-416. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [JRNL]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1986 The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets. Studies in Archaeology. Edited by Robert I. Gilbert, Jr., and James H. Mielke. 1985. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press. [Review]. American Anthropologist 88(3):719. REVIEW OF, GILBERT; ROBERT I. JR. AND JAMES H. MIELKE, 1985, [JRNL]
Brown, Antoinette B. 1988 Diet and Nutritional Stress. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. The King Site: Continuity and Contact in Sixteenth-Century Georgia. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 73-86. EUROPEAN CONTACT, GEORGIA, KING SITE, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITIONAL STRESS, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741]
Brown, Antoinette B., and Robert L. Blakely 1985 Biocultural Adaptation as Reflected in Trace Element Distribution. Journal of Human Evolution 14(5):461-468. ADAPTATION, BIOCULTURAL, TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Brown, Antoinette B., and H. Keyser 1978 Sample Preparation for Strontium Analysis of Ancient Skeletal Remains. Contributions to Geology 16:85-87. REMAINS, SKELETAL, STRONTIUM ANALYSIS, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1985-12:439]
Brown, Barbara 1994 Bones: A Forensic Detective's Casebook. By Douglas H. Ubelaker, and Henry Scammell. 1992. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94(3):427-429. REVIEW OF, UBELAKER; DOUGLAS H., AND HENRY SCAMMELL, 1992, [JRNL]
Brown, Barbara 1994 What the Bones Tell Us. By J. H. Schwartz. 1993. New York: Henry Holt. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94(3):427-429. REVIEW OF, SCHWARTZ, J. H., 1993, [JRNL]
Brown, Betty Ann 1984 Ochpaniztli in Historical Perspective. In: Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 195-210. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, RITUAL, OCHPANIZTLI, [BOOK]
Brown, David Henderson 1975 Ocular Leprosy in Hawaii: The Past. Annals of Ophthalmology 7(8):1025-1030. LEPROSY, OCULAR, HAWAII, [JRNL]
Brown, E. A. R. 1981 Death and the Human Body in the Later Middle Ages: The Legislation of Boniface VIII on the Division of the Corpse. Viator 12:221-270. CADAVER, CORPSE, BODY, DIVISION OF, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1983-115-#0273]
Brown, J. S., and J. H. Middlemiss 1956 Bone Changes in Tropical Ulcer. British Journal of Radiology 29:213-217. BONE CHANGE, ULCER, TROPICAL, [ORT 1981]
Brown, James A. 1971 The Dimensions of Status in the Burials at Spiro. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):92-112. BURIAL, SOCIAL STATUS, DIMENSIONS OF, SPIRO, [JRNL]
Brown, James A. 1971 The Dimensions of Status in the Burials at Spiro. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology (25):92-112. BURIAL, SOCIAL STATUS, DIMENSIONS OF, SPIRO, [JRNL]
Brown, James A. 1971 Introduction. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):1-5. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Brown, James A. 1971 Introduction. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology (25):1-5. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Brown, James A. 1979 Charnel Houses and Mortuary Crypts: Disposal of the Dead in the Middle Woodland Period. In: D. Brose, and N. Greber, eds. Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, pp. 211-219. MORTUARY PRACTICE, MIDDLE WOODLAND, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:431]
Brown, James A. 1981 The Search for Rank in Prehistoric Burials. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 25-37. BURIAL, PREHISTORIC, RANK, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:211]
Brown, James A. 1995 Andean Mortuary Practices in Perspective. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 391-405. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, [BOOK]
Brown, James A., ed. 1971 Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):i-112. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Brown, James A., ed. 1971 Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology (25):i-112. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Brown, Jennifer 1971 The Cure and Feeding of Windigos: A Critique. American Anthropologist 73(1):20-22. CANNIBALISM, WINDIGO, [JRNL]
Brown, Jennifer Herendeen 1986 Neurologic Surgery: From Neolithic Man to Harvey Cushing. [See also Jack W. Tupper, 1987.]. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 71(7):15-19. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Brown, Keri A., R. G. Allaby, A. N. Garland, and Terence A. Brown n.d. Ancient DNA in Archaeological Bones and Plant Remains. In: W. Szymanski, ed. Archaeological Sciences 1991 Proceedings. In press. DNA, BONE, PLANT, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:187]
Brown, Keri A., and Terence A. Brown 1992 Amount of Human DNA in Old Bones. Ancient DNA Newsletter 1:18-19. DNA, ANCIENT, AMOUNT IN OLD BONE, [HUM-BIOL-1996-68:196]
Brown, Keri A., Kerry O'Donoghue, and Terence A. Brown 1995 DNA in Cremated Bones from an Early Bronze Age Cemetery Cairn. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:16.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):181-187. DNA, ANCIENT, BONE, CREMATED, HYBRIDIZATION PROBING, POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION, [JRNL]
Brown, Michael W., Arch W. Templeton, and Fred J. Hodges, III 1964 The Incidence of Acquired and Congenital Fusions in the Cervical Spine. American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 92(6):1255-1259. SPINE, CERVICAL, FUSION IN, [JRNL]
Brown, P. 1981 Artificial Cranial Deformation: A Component in the Variation in Pleistocene Australian Aboriginal Crania. Archaeology in Oceania 16:156-167. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PLEISTOCENE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA [SHANIDAR-NEANDER-TRINKAUS-1983:476]
Brown, Paula, and Donald Tuzin 1983 Editors' Preface. In: Paula Brown, and Donald Tuzin, eds. The Ethnography of Cannibalism. Washington, D.C.: Society for Psychological Anthropology, pp. 1-5. CANNIBALISM, ETHNOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Brown, Paula, and Donald Tuzin, eds. 1983 The Ethnography of Cannibalism. Washington, D.C.: Society for Psychological Anthropology. CANNIBALISM, ETHNOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Brown, Peter J. 1981 Working Group on Anthropology and Infectious Disease. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 12:7. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND ANTHROPOLOGY, WORKING GROUP ON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Brown, Peter J. 1983 Introduction: Anthropology and Disease Control. Medical Anthropology 7(2):1-7. DISEASE, DISEASE CONTROL, ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Brown, Peter J. 1990 Favism. In: Kenneth F. Kiple, ed. The Cambridge History and Geography of Diseases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. FAVISM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Brown, Phyllida 1992 The Return of the Big Killer. New Scientist 136:30-37. MEDICAL HISTORY, TUBERCULOSIS, POVERTY, PUBLIC HEALTH, [JRNL & ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:205]
Brown, R. 1957 The Pattern and Frequency of Congenital Absence of Teeth. Iowa Dental Journal 43:60-61. DENTITION, ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Brown, R. H., and W. M. Cunningham 1961 Some Dental Manifestations of Mongolism. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 14(6):664-676. DOWN'S SYNDROME, DENTITION, MONGOLISM, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman 1985 Comment on "The Supraorbital Torus: 'A Most Remarkable Peculiarity'." [See Mary Doria Russell, 1985.]. Current Anthropology 26(3):350. SKULL, SUPRAORBITAL TORUS, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman 1988 Concepts of Occlusion: The Australian Evidence. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):191. DENTAL OCCLUSION, CONCEPT, AUSTRALIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman 1991 Interproximal Grooving: Different Appearances, Different Etiologies. [See also Vincenzo Formicola, 1991.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86(1):86-87. DENTITION, INTERPROXIMAL GROOVE, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman 1995 A Century of Dental Anthropology in South Australia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:70. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, AUSTRALIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman, and Stephen Molnar 1990 Interproximal Grooving and Task Activity in Australia. [See also Robert B. Eckhardt, Robert, 1990.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 71:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(4):545-553. DENTAL WEAR, USE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman, and Stephen Molnar, eds. 1991 Craniofacial Variation in Pacific Populations. Papers Presented at a Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, 30 May 1991. Seventeenth Pacific Science Congress. Adelaide, Australia: Anthropology and Genetics Laboratory, Department of Dentistry, University of Adelaide. CRANIOFACIAL VARIATION, [JRNL]
Brown, Tasman, and Patricia Smith 1988 Craniofacial Morphology of Two Skeletal Populations from Israel. Human Biology 60(1):55-68. MORPHOLOGY, CRANIOFACIAL, ISRAEL, [JRNL]
Brown, Terence A., and Keri A. Brown 1992 Ancient DNA and the Archaeologist. Antiquity 66(250):10-23. DNA, ANCIENT, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Brown, Terence A., and Keri A. Brown 1994 Ancient DNA: Using Molecular Biology to Explore the Past. [Review]. BioEssays 16(10):719-726. REVIEW OF, ANCIENT DNA: USING MOLECULAR BIOLOGY TO EXPLORE THE PAST, [NDX-DNA-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-08-02-95]
Brown, Thomas H. 1988 The African Connection: Cotton Mather and the Boston Smallpox Epidemic of 1721-1722. Journal of the American Medical Association 260(5):2247-2249. SMALLPOX, BOSTON 1721-1722, [JRNL]
Brown, William, James Donohue, Norman Axnick, Joseph Blount, Neal Ewen, and Oscar Jones 1970 Syphilis and Other Venereal Diseases. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, VENEREAL DISEASE, [PETERSON-EARL-1992:71]
Brown, W. L. 1900 [Early Medical Knowledge.]. Physician and Surgeon Illustrated 1:529-534. MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE, EARLY, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient]
Browne, David M., Helaine Silverman, and Rubén García 1993 A Cache of 48 Nasca Trophy Heads from Cerro Carapo, Peru. Latin American Antiquity 4(3):274-294. SKULL, TROPHY SKULL, PERU, [JRNL]
Browne, Joseph 1720 A Practical Treatise of the Plague, and All Pestilential Infections that Have Happen'd in this Island for the Last Century. 2nd Edition. London: Printed for J. Wilcox, and Sold by J. Roberts. PLAGUE, HISTORY, ENGLAND, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [MELVYL]
Browne, S. G. 1970 How Old Is Leprosy? British Medical Journal 3(5723):640-641. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Browne, S. G. 1975 Some Aspects of the History of Leprosy: The Leprosie of Yesterday. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 68(8):485-493. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Browne, S. G. 1980 How Old Is Leprosy? [Reminiscence]. International Journal of Dermatology 19(9):530-532. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Browne, S. G. 1985 The History of Leprosy. In: Robert C. Hastings, ed. Leprosy. With a Foreword by Jacinto Convit. Edinburgh and New York: Churchill Livingston. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:383]
Browne, Suzanne A. 1984 The Effects of Epidemic Disease on Colonial Ecuador. [Dissertation, Department of History, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina]. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, ECUADOR, COLONIAL PERIOD, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Brownlie, J. R. 1886 On Certain Mummy Teeth. Journal of the British Dental Association 7:401-403. MUMMIES, DENTITION, TEETH, [LSG1-Mummies]
Bruce, Gordon M. 1941 A Note on Penal Blinding in the Middle Ages. Annals of Medical History 3:369-371. BLINDING, PENAL, MIDDLE AGES, [HAJ-1970:183]
Bruce, Margaret F., and Juliet F. Cross 1987 Skeletal Collections, Department of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen. Paleopathology Association British Section News 2:11-18. COLLECTION, SKELETAL, DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY, UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, [CWHM-1987-134-#0223]
Bruce, Margaret F., and Juliet F. Cross 1989 The Human Burials. In: J. Stones, ed. Three Scottish Carmelite Friaries. Excavations at Aberdeen, Linlithgow and Perth, 1980-1983. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series 6. Oxford: Oxbow Books. BURIAL, SCOTLAND, [BRITSECTNEWS-1989-7:01]
Bruce, Margaret F., N. W. Kerr, and Juliet F. Cross 1988 Caries Experience in the Dentition of Mediaeval Scots. Archives of Oral Biology 33:143-148. DENTAL CARIES, MEDIEVAL, SCOTLAND, [BRITSECTNEWS-1989-7:02]
Bruce, Robert A., and James R. Hayward 1968 Condylar Hyperplasia and Mandibular Asymmetry: A Review. Journal of Oral Surgery 26(4):281-290. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR ASYMMETRY, CONDYLAR HYPERPLASIA, [JRNL]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan 1965 Paleogenesis and Paleo-Epidemiology of Primate Malaria. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 32:363-387. MALARIA, PRIMATE, ORIGIN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [NDX-Palepathology-06-04-03116]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan 1978 The Social History of Malaria in Europe. Society for the Social History of Medicine Bulletin 22:17-18. MALARIA, SOCIAL HISTORY, EUROPE, [CWHM-1978-099-#0910]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan 1984 Columbus, Yellow Fever, and Louisiana. British Medical Journal 289(6439):237. YELLOW FEVER, COLUMBUS, LOUISIANA, [JRNL]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan 1985 Mosquitoes, Malaria and War: Then and Now. [John Hull Grundy Lecture]. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 131:85-99. MALARIA, WAR, MOSQUITO, JOHN HULL GRUNDY LECTURE, [CWHM-1986-129-#1232]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan 1988 Three Hundred and Fifty Years of the Peruvian Fever Bark. British Medical Journal 296(6635):1486-1487. CINCHONA, [JRNL]
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan, and Julian de Zulueta 1980 The Rise and Fall of Malaria in Europe: A Historico-Epidemiological Study. English Language Edition Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. MALARIA, EUROPE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Bruchhaus, H., and L. Finke 1994 Skull Injuries in Skeletons of Corded Ware Populations in Thuringia (Germany). [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S24. SKULL, INJURY, CORDED WARE POPULATION, THURINGIA, GERMANY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bruchhaus, H., and L. Finke 1994 Skull Injuries in Skeletons of Corded Ware Populations in Thuringia (Germany). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 6. SKULL, INJURY, CORDED WARE POPULATION, THURINGIA, GERMANY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bruder, C. J. 1978 Die Phallus-Darstellung bei den Maya: Ein Fruchtbarkeits-Symbol. Ethnologie Amerika (Düsseldorf) 14:809-815. PHALLUS, MAYA, [CWHM-1978-097-#1173]
Brues, Alice M. 1946 Appendix A: Tables A-I--A-IV: Alkali Ridge Skeletal Material, Measurements, Indices, and Observations. In: John Otis Brew. Archaeology of Alkali Ridge, Southeastern Utah. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 21:317-329. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ALKALI RIDGE, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1946 Appendix B. Alkali Ridge Skeletons, Pathology and Anomaly. In: J. Otis Brew. Archaeology of Alkali Ridge, Southeastern Utah. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 21:327-329. PATHOLOGY, ANOMALY, ALKALI RIDGE, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1957 Skeletal Material from the Nagle Site. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society 5:101-106. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NAGLE SITE, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1958 Identification of Skeletal Remains. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 48(5):551-563. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, SKELETAL IDENTIFICATION, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:106]
Brues, Alice M. 1958 Skeletal Material from the Horton Site. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society 6:27-32. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HORTON SITE, [ARME]
Brues, Alice M. 1959 Skeletal Material from the Morris Site. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society 7:63-70. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MORRIS SITE, [ARME]
Brues, Alice M. 1959 The Spearman and the Archer--An Essay on Selection in Body Build. American Anthropologist 61(3):457-469. BODY BUILD, SPEARMAN, ARCHER, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1966 Discussion: Palaeoepidemiology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 107-112. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEOEPIDEMIOLOGY, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Brues, Alice M. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):96. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Brues, Alice M. 1996 Skeletal Analysis. In: James A. Brown. The Spiro Ceremonial Center: The Archaeology of Arkansas Valley Caddoan Culture in Eastern Oklahoma. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Number 29, Volume Two. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, pp. 317-324. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, SPIRO CEREMONIAL CENTER, OKLAHOMA, [JRNL]
Bruesch, S. R. 1974 A Cure for Scalped Head. Morristown Journal of Pathology 1(1):23-26. SCALPING, CURE, [DRY BONES:214 & GPALEOBI.BIB & INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:247]
Bruetsch, Walter L. 1959 The Earliest Record of Sudden Death Possibly Due to Atherosclerotic Coronary Occlusion. Circulation 20(3):438-441. ATHEROSCLEROTIC CORONARY OCCLUSION, EARLIEST DEATH, [JRNL]
Brugge, David M. 1994 Post-Contact Demographic Trends in New Mexico. In: Meliha S. Duran, and David T. Kirkpatrick, eds. Artifacts, Shrines, and Pueblos: Papers in Honor of Gordon Page. The Archaeological Society of New Mexico: 20. Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 49-61. DEMOGRAPHY, NEW MEXICO, POST-CONTACT, [JRNL]
Brühl, Gustavus 1880 On the Pre-Columbian Existence of Syphilis. Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic 43:487-493. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ORT 1981 & MOODIE 1923:546 & ARME]
Brühl, Gustavus 1880 & 1890 On the Pre-Columbian Existence of Syphilis in the Western Hemisphere. Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic 4:487 and 24:275. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Bruintjes, Tj. D. 1988 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH). A 10th Century Case from the St. Servaas Church at Maastricht. Bones, Treasuries of Human Experience in Time and Space 1:23-28. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, TENTH CENTURY, MAASTRICHT, [CWHM-1990-144-#1511]
Bruintjes, Tj. D. 1990 The Auditory Ossicles in Human Skeletal Remains from a Leper Cemetery in Chichester, England. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 74:12.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(6):627-633. LEPROSY, EAR, AUDITORY OSSICLE, OTITIS MEDIA, EROSION, INCUS NOTCH, CHICHESTER, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D. 1994 Paleoepidemiology of Infectious Middle Ear Disease: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S25. EAR, INFECTIOUS MIDDLE EAR DISEASE, THEORY AND METHOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D. 1994 Paleoepidemiology of Infectious Middle Ear Disease: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 5. EAR, INFECTIOUS MIDDLE EAR DISEASE, THEORY AND METHOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D., and R. G. A. M. Panhuysen 1992 Paleopathological Diagnosis of Seronegative Spondylarthropathies. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 6-7. SPONDYLARTHROPATHY, SERONEGATIVE, DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D., and R. G. A. M. Panhuysen 1994 Hyoid Bones in Two Medieval Populations from Maastricht (The Netherlands). [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S26. HYOID BONE, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, THE NETHERLANDS, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D., and R. G. A. M. Panhuysen 1994 Hyoid Bones in Two Medieval Population from Maastricht (The Netherlands). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 5-6. HYOID BONE, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, THE NETHERLANDS, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D., R. G. A. M. Panhuysen, and W. A. M. van Maurik 1995 An Unusual Stapes from Medieval Maastricht. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):82. EAR, STAPES, UNUSUAL, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bruintjes, Tj. D., R. G. A. M. Panhuysen, and W. A. M. van Maurik 1996 An Unusual Stapes from Medieval Maastricht. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 5. EAR, STAPES, UNUSUAL, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Brumberg, J. J. 1982 Chlorotic Girls, 1870-1920: A Historical Perspective on Female Adolescence. Child Development 53:1468-1477. ANEMIA, HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIA, [CWHM-1983-118-#0039]
Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. 1994 Comment on "Engendering Tomb 7 at Monte Albán: Respinning an Old Yarn." [See Sharisse D. McCafferty, and Geoffrey G. McCafferty, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(2):153. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MIXTEC, MONTE ALB┴N, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Brumont, F. 1988 Le Pain et la Peste: Epidémie et Subsistance en Vieille-Castille à la Fin du XVIe Siècle. Annales de Démographie Historique 1988:207-200. PLAGUE, BREAD, [CWHM-1989-142-#1605]
Brumpt, L. C. 1988 La Thalassémie Béta Zéro Eurasiatique et les Migrations Mongoles. Histoire des Sciences Médicales 22(1):65-74. ANEMIA, THALASSEMIA, [CWHM-1989-141-#0059]
Brumpt, L. C., and J. F. Pays 1972 Signification Anthropologique de la Thalassémie Eurasiatique. Maroc Médical 52:499-506. ANEMIA, ERYTHROBLASTIC, THALASSEMIA, EURASIA, [CWHM-1973-78-#0049]
Bruneel, C. 1979 L'Epidémie de Dysenterie de 1779 dans les Pays-Bas Autrichiens. Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire (Brussels) 145:191-395. DYSENTERY, AUSTRIA 1779, [CWHM-1983-117-#0551]
Brunn, W. von 1936 Über Trepanationen im Sächsisch-Thüringischen Kulturkreis. Sudhoffs Archiv fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 29:203-215. TREPHINATION, CULTURE, [ARME & AN-ANTROPOL-M┼X-1972-9:171]
Bruno, G. 1959 Malformazioni delle Dita della Mano nella Patologia e nell'Arte. Minerva Medica 50(92):3685. MALFORMATION, PATHOLOGY, ART, [CRAN]
Brunton, G., and R. Engelbach 1927 The Tomb of Pa-ra Messu. Memoirs of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt 41:19-26. BURIAL, PA-RA MESSU, [ARME]
Bruszt, P., and Megjelenés Alatt Köhegyi 1966 [Examination of the Skeletons of the Dead Killed During the Siege of Eger (Hungary) in 1552 and Preserved in the Fortress Ossuary. Origin of the Bones and Odontological Characteristics.]. [French]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 9(2):171-178. DENTITION, ODONTOLOGY, OSSUARY, HUNGARY, [NDX-Dental Caries history-07-01-01085]
Bruszt, P., et al. 1971 Increase in the Incidence of Caries in the Adult Female Population of Hungary in the Last 15-20 Years. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Stomatologie 68:20-23. DENTAL CARIES, FEMALE, HUNGARY, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:126]
Bruszt, P., et al. 1971 The Increase of Dental Caries in the Adult Female Population of Hungary in the Last 15 to 20 Years. Caries Research 5:10-11. DENTAL CARIES, FEMALE, HUNGARY, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:126]
Brutzer, C. 1898 Sectionsbefunde aus dem Leprosorium zu Riga. St. Petersburger Medicinsche Wochenschrift 15:363-367. LEPROSY, LEPROSARIUM, [ORT 1981]
Bruusgaard, E. 1929 Über das Schicksal der Nicht Spezifisch Behandelten Luetiker. Archiv fuer Dermatologie und Syphilis (Wien and Leipzig) 157:309-332. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Bruyère, B. 1937 Rapport sur les Fouilles de Deir el-Médineh (1934-1935), I. La Nécropole de l'Ouest. Le Carie: L'Institut Français d'Archéologie Oriental. EXCAVATION, NECROPOLIS, DEIR EL-MEDINEH, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Bruyère, B. 1937 Rapport sur les Fouilles de Deir el-Médineh (1934-1935), II. La Nécropole de l'Est. Le Carie: L'Institut Francais d'Archéologie Oriental. EXCAVATION, NECROPOLIS, DEIR EL-MEDINEH, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Bryant, John 1994 NAGPRA'S Implications. [Letter]. Science 264(5161):890. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1974 The Eric O. Callen Collection. American Antiquity 39(3):497-498. COPROLITE, ERIC. O. CALLEN COLLECTION, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY, [JRNL]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1974 Pollen Analysis of Prehistoric Human Faeces from Mammoth Cave. In: Patty Jo Watson, ed. Archaeology of the Mammoth Cave Area. New York: Academic Press, pp. 203-209. COPROLITE, POLLEN ANALYSIS, MAMMOTH CAVE, [LINDOW MAN:198 & 202]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1974 Prehistoric Diet in Southwest Texas: The Coprolite Evidence. American Antiquity 39(3):407-420 NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, COPROLITE, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1974 The Role of Coprolite Analysis in Archeology. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 45:1-28. COPROLITE ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1975 Pollen as an Indicator of Prehistoric Diets in Coahuila, Mexico. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 46:87-106. NUTRITION, POLLEN, PREHISTORIC, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1977 Late Quaternary Pollen Records from the East-Central Periphery of the Chihuahuan Desert. In: The Chihuahuan Desert, United States and Mexico. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series 3:3-21 POLLEN, QUATERNARY, MEXICO, [LINDOW MAN:202]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. 1979 Prehistoric Diets. College Station, Texas: University Lecture Series of the Texas A & M University, 28 November 1979. NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, [LINDOW MAN:198 & 202]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr. n.d. Pollen Analysis of Human Coprolites from Antelope House. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, POLLEN ANALYSIS, ANTELOPE HOUSE, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:148]
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr., and Glenna Williams-Dean 1975 The Coprolites of Man. Scientific American 232(1):100-109. COPROLITE, [JRNL]
Bryce, T. H. 1913 Teeth in Prehistoric Man. British Dental Journal 34:105-113. DENTITION, PREHISTORIC MAN, [LSG3-Teeth in anthropology]
Bryceson, A., and R. E. Pfaltzgraaf 1990 Leprosy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. MEDICAL HISTORY, LEPROSY, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:205]
Bryk, F. 1931 Die Beschneidung bei Mann und Weib, ihre Geschichte, Psychologie und Ethnologie. [Circumcision of Man and Woman, History, Psychology, and Ethnology.]. Neubrandenburg: Verlag Gustav Feller. CIRCUMCISION, HISTORY, PSYCHOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, [WIEN-KW]
Buberl, Paul 1922 Die Griechisch-Ägyptischen Mummienbildnisse der Sammlung Th. Graf. Wien: Krystall. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0211]
Bucaille, Maurice 1976 Momies Pharaoniques et Etudes Médicales: L'Urgence d'un Sauvetage. Archéologia (Dijon) 98:30-38 MUMMIES, EGYPT, PHARAOH, MEDICAL STUDY, [ARME]
Bucaille, Maurice 1977 Les Momies Pharaoniques et la Médecine. Ramsès II à Paris. [The Pharaonic Mummies and Medicine. Ramses II in Paris.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:12.]. Médecine et Hygiene (Geneva) 35:2422-2430. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESSES II, [ZIMM & PPNL 1979-27:12]
Bucaille, Maurice 1980 The Lesions of the Mummy of Merneptah. Their Possible Relationship with the Exodus of Moses. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. C3-C4. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MERNEPTAH, LESION, EXODUS, MOSES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bucaille, Maurice 1987 Les Momies des Pharaons et la Médecine: Ramsès II à Paris; Le Pharaon et Moïse. Paris: Librairie Séguier. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESSES, [BHM-25:700]
Bucaille, Maurice 1987 Mummies of the Pharaohs: Modern Medical Investigations. Translated by Alastair D. Pannell and M. Bucaille. New York: St. Martin's Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 74:12.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PHARAOH, MEDICAL INVESTIGATION, MODERN, [PPNL-1991-74:12]
Bucaille, Maurice 1990 Mummies of the Pharaohs: Modern Medical Investigations. Translated from the French by Alastair D. Pannell and the author. 1st Edition. New York: St. Martin's Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, INVESTIGATION, MODERN MEDICAL, [MELVYL]
Bucaille, Maurice, P. Ceccaldi, M. Durigon, C. Faure, and J. Mignot 1976 Application de Techniques Médicales à l'Etude des Momies Pharaoniques. [Application of Medical Techniques to the Study of the Pharaonic Mummies.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:12.]. Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine (Paris) 160:208-212. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PHARAOH, MEDICAL STUDY, [ZIMM & PPNL 1979-27:12]
Bucaille, Maurice, K. Kassem, R. L. Meligiy, M. Manialawiy, A. Ramsiys, and C. Faure 1976 Intérêt Actuel de l'Etude Radiologique des Momies Pharaoniques. [The Current Value of Radiological Studies of Egyptian Mummies.]. [Author's Translation]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:13.]. Annales de Radiologie (Paris) 19(5):475-480. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PHARAOH, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Mummies-18-12-09384]
Bucci, D. S. 1980 [Mortality in the Florentine Plague of 1630-1601.]. Ric Stor (Firenze) 10. PLAGUE, FLORENCE 1630-1631, [CWHM-1982-111-#1563]
Buchanan, E. F., John Parkington, T. S. Robey, and J. C. Vogel 1984 Shellfish, Subsistence, and Settlement: Some Western Cape Holocene Observations. In: M. Hall, G. Avery, D. M. Avery, M. L. Wilson, and A. J. B. Humphreys, eds. Frontiers: Southern African Archaeology Today. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 207, Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology, Number 10. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SHELLFISH, HOLOCENE, SOUTH AFRICA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1986-27:149 & MELVYL]
Buchanan, E. W., and W. F. Kean 1987 Possible Description of Lasègue's Sign in the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus. Clinical Rheumatology 6:296. SPINE, LASEGUE'S SIGN, SURGICAL PAPYRUS, EGYPT, SMITH; EDWIN, [CWHM-1988-136-#0627]
Buchanan, J. H. 1987 Cushing's Monsters. Pennsylvania Medicine 90(2):67-74. ACROMEGALY, [CWHM-1988-135-#0018]
Buchanan, W. F. 1988 Shellfish in Prehistoric Diet: Elands Bay, S. W. Cape Coast, South Africa. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 31. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S455. NUTRITION, SHELLFISH, SOUTH AFRICA, [BAR-TITLES-IN-PRINT-APRIL-1993:11]
Buchanan, W. W. 1979 The Contribution of History to the Study of the Aetiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medical History 23(2):229-230. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Buchanan, W. W. 1986 The Arthritis of Mary Queen of Scots: Due to Marfan's Syndrome? Clinical Rheumatology 5(3):419-420. ARTHRITIS, MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, MARFAN'S SYNDROME, [NDX-Arthritis history-28-07-07839]
Buchanan, W. W. 1990 L'Hyperparathyroïdie Primitive. Le Premier Cas Décrit d'Ostéite Fibrokstique. Revue du Rhumatisme et des Maladies Ostéoarticulaires 57:167-169. OSTEITIS FIBROSA, HYPERPARATHYROIDISM, [CWHM-1991-148-#1050-#1642]
Buchanan, W. W. 1993 Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Link with Columbus? Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 23(2):209-214. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, COLUMBUS, [CWHM-1993-158-#0566]
Buchanan, W. W. 1994 Rheumatoid Arthritis: Another New World Disease? Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 21(5):289-294. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Buchanan, W. W., Gunnar R. Kraag, David G. Palmer, and W. Peter Cockshott 1981 The First Recorded Case of Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 124(6):812-815. OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA, FIRST RECORDED CASE, [JRNL]
Buchanan, W. W., and R. M. Laurent 1990 Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Example of Ecological Succession? Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 7(1):77-91. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, [CWHM-1991-148-#0116]
Buchet, L. 1988 Les Déformations Crâniennes en Gaule et dans les Régions Limitrophes Pendant le Haut Moyen-Age. Archéologie Médiévale (Caen and Paris) 18:55-73. SKULL, DEFORMATION, FRANCE, MIDDLE AGES, [BULL-M┼M-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1995-7:66]
Buchheim, Liselotte 1956 Die Arteriosklerose der Alten Ägypter. Therapia Berichte 28:108. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, EGYPT, [ARME]
Buchheim, Liselotte 1961 Steht die Medizinhistorische Erforschung der Altägyptischen Heilkunde an einem Anfang oder an ihrem Ende? [Is Medical Historical Research on Ancient Egyptian Medicine Starting or Ending?]. [German]. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 103:318-321. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine-02-02-01173]
Buchheim, Liselotte 1963 [100 Years of Ancient Egyptian Medical History.]. [German]. Sudhoffs Archiv fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 47:174-176. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-05-03-01860]
Buchheim, Liselotte 1964 Aus der Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde. Der älteste Zahnwurntext-in Babylonischer Keilschrift; eine medizinisch-kulturhistorische Studie. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 1964:1014-1018. DENTAL HEALTH, BABYLONIA, [ARME]
Buchheim, Liselotte 1964 Ein Altägyptisches Verjüngungsrezept. Pharmaberichte Bayer 6:20-22. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [ARME]
Buchman, Joseph, and Herman S. Lieberman 1941 Prevalence of Syphilis of the Bones and Joints. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology (Chicago) 44(1):1-12. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BONE, ARTICULATION, JOINT, [JRNL]
Buchwald, Henry, Richard B. Moore, and Richard L. Varco 1974 Surgical Treatment of Hyperlipidemia. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 11:18.]. Circulation 49(5, Supplement I):I-1-I-37. HYPERLIPIDEMIA, TREATMENT, [JRNL]
Buck, A. de 1937 The Judicial Papyrus of Turin. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 23:152-164. PAPYRUS, JUDICIAL, TURIN, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Buck, Albert Henry 1917 The Growth of Medicine from the Earliest Time to About 1800. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Buck, Andrea L. 1992 Trauma at Nuvakwewtaqa (Chavez Pass), Arizona: Evidence of Perimortem Skull Fractures. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, pp. 14-15. SKULL, FRACTURE, PERIMORTEM, ARIZONA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Buckatzch, E. J. 1951 The Constancy of Local Populations and Migration in England Before 1800. Population Studies (London) 5:62-69. DEMOGRAPHY, ENGLAND, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:195]
Buckland, A. W. 1882 Surgery and Superstition in Neolithic Times. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 11:7-21. SURGERY, SUPERSTITION, NEOLITHIC, [JRNL]
Buckland, A. W. 1888 On Tattooing. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 17:318-328. MUTILATION, BODY, TATTOOING, [JRNL]
Buckland-Wright, J. C. 1970 A Radiographic Examination of Frontal Sinuses in Early British Populations. MAN (London) 5(3):512-517. SINUS, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Buckley, J. M. H. 1977 Comparison of Systems of Estimation Skeletal Age. Archives of Disease in Childhood 52:667-668. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETAL, SYSTEM COMPARISON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1986-15:239]
Buckley, L. 1990 A Palaeopathological and Radiological Study of Seventeenth Century Skeletons from the Hospital of St. Mary d'Urso, Drogheda, Ireland. [Poster]. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, pp. 6-7. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL STUDY, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, IRELAND, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bucklin, R. 1983 The Shroud of Turin: A Pathologist's Viewpoint. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 24(4):95-98. SHROUD OF TURIN, [NDX-Paleopathology-24-12-12358]
Bucknell, Monamy, Donald Hunter, Reginald Hunter, and Kenneth M. A. Perry 1993 Chronic Mercury Poisoning. [1946 Classic Article from British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1946; 3:55-63]. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 50(2):97-106. POISONING, MERCURY POISONING, CHRONIC, [JRNL]
Buczacki, S. T. 1985 Some Comments on the Early History of Clubroot Disease in Britain. Archives of Natural History 12(1):51-58. CLUBROOT DISEASE, BRITAIN, [CWHM-1986-128-#0353]
Buczko, C. M. 1978 Correlation of Elements in Fossil Bones. Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters 32:201-208. BONE, FOSSIL, CORRELATION OF ELEMENTS IN, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Buczko, C. M., and L. Vas 1977 Effect of Climate on Chemical Composition of Fossil Bones. Nature (London) 269:792-793. BONE, FOSSIL, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, EFFECT OF CLIMATE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1983-13:093]
Budak, Michael 1984 Experiment in Laurel Culture Burial Practices. Minnesota Archaeologist 34(1):31-57. BURIAL PRACTICE, LAUREL CULTURE, EXPERIMENT IN, [PLAINS-ANTROPOL-1994-39:443]
Budge, E. A. Wallis 1925 Figures of Animals, Birds, and Reptiles, Sacred to the Gods. In: E. A. Wallis Budge. The Mummy. A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archeology, pp. 385-388. ANIMAL, BIRD, REPTILE, SACRED, [BOOK]
Budge, E. A. Wallis 1925 The Mummy: A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology. 2nd Edition. Cambridge: The University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ARCHAEOLOGY, FUNERARY, [BOOK]
Budge, E. A. Wallis 1972 The Mummy. [Reprint Edition]. New York: Collier. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:12.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HISTORY, [PPNL 1973-03:12]
Budge, E. A. Wallis 1989 The Mummy: A History of the Extraordinary Practices of Ancient Egypt. [Reprint Edition]. New York: Bell Publishing Company. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HISTORY, [BOOK]
Budinoff, L. 1989 The Relationship Between Parity Status and Bone Mineral Density of the Lumbar Spine. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):199. SPINE, LUMBAR, BONE MINERAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Budworth, Geoffrey, Margaret McCord, Ann V. Priston, and I. M. Stead 1986 The Artefacts. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 38-40. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, ARTIFACT, [BOOK]
Budzynska, J., and J. Piontek 1977 [Variability of Female Spines in the Medieval Populations of Kolobrzeg and Koszalin.]. [German with English Abstract]. Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (71 Part 2):1349-1353. SPINE, FEMALE, VARIATION, MEDIEVAL, GERMAN, [NDX-Anthropometry history-19-07-05116]
Buechley, Robert W. 1979 Population History and Cancer Incidence in Hispanic New Mexicans. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):432. CANCER, HISTORY, INCIDENCE, HISPANIC, NEW MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buelens M., T. Pot, and E. Warmenbol 1991 A Palaeo-Odontological Approach to the Bronze Age Cave-Burials from Sinsin-Trou de Leuve (Namur, Belgium). Anthropologie et Préhistoire (Brussels) 102:61-75. ODONTOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, BELGIUM, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-30(2):122]
Bueschgen, Wolf 1996 Avulsion Fracture of the Anterior Process of the Calcaneus? [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 17. CALCANEUS, ANTERIOR PROCESS, AVULSION FRACTURE, POSTER, [JRNL]
Bueschgen, Wolf, and D. Troy Case 1996 Evidence of Prehistoric Scalping at Vosberg, Central Arizona. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(3):230-248. TRAUMA, SCALPING, VIOLENCE, ARIZONA, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Buffard, P., and Bryon 1973 A Case of Exostosing Disease from the Medieval Burial in Neris-les-Bains. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. DISEASE, EXOSTOSING, BURIAL, MEDIEVAL, NERIS-LES-BAINS, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Buffard, P., and Raoul Perrot 1973 Typical Case of Ankylosing Spondylitis Connected with a Bilateral Hip-Arthrosis, from La Chapelle St-Gerald, Givors. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, HIP-ARTHROSIS, BILATERAL, LA CHAPELLE ST-GERALD, GIVORS, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Bufkin, W. Jackson 1971 The Avulsive Cortical Irregularity. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 112(3):487-492. FEMUR, DISTAL, CORTICAL DEFECT, [JRNL]
Bugyi, B. 1961 Znaczenie Paleopatologii dla Antropologii. Czlowiek w Czasie i Przestrzeni (Warsaw) 4:176-181. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ARME]
Bugyi, B. 1962 Paläopathologische Beiträge zum Vorgang der sesshaften Ansiedlung und des Übergangs zum Ackerbau im ungarischen Hirtenvolk (X.-XIII. Jahrhundert). [Paleopathological Aspects of a Settlement During Agricultural Change Within Hungarian Herdsman (Tenth to Thirtheenth Century).]. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 3:8 11. PATHOLOGY, AGRICULTURAL CHANGE, HUNGARY, [WIEN-KW]
Bugyi, B. 1962 Statistische Probleme der Paläopathologie und der Paläodemographie. [Statistical Problems of Paleopathology and Paleodemography.]. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 4:1 9. PATHOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, [WIEN-KW]
Bugyi, B. 1972 Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Kindermorbiditätsverhältnisse Anhand der Harris--Wellschen Transversalen Knochenlinien an Lebender Population. Prophylaxe (Heidelberg) 1972:33-36. HARRIS LINES, [CWHM-1973-77-#1005]
Bugyi, B. 1973 About the Transversal Sclerotic Lines of the Long Bones of the Extremities. Anthropologie (Brno) 11:101-104. HARRIS LINES, [CWHM-1975-86-#1139]
Buhmann, D. 1979 Paläopathologie im Süddeutschen Raum: Ein Beitrag zur Methodik Paläopathologischer Forschung. [Paleopathology in Southern Germany. A Contribution on Methodology in Paleopathological Research.]. [German with English Abstract]. Sudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 63(4):367-391. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, METHODOLOGY, GERMANY, [NDX-Paleopathology-21-12-10186]
Buhmann, D., and C. P. Adler 1982 A Thousand Year Old Building--Church or Hospital? [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 3. HOSPITAL, CHURCH, ONE THOUSAND YEARS B.P., ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1970 An Analysis of the Human Skeletal Material from Burial Mounds in North Central Kansas. University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology Number One. By Terrell W. Phenice. 1969. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas. [Review]. American Anthropologist 72(6):1569-1570. REVIEW OF, PHENICE; TERRELL W., 1969, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1972 Hopewell in the Lower Illinois Valley. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Illinois]. DISSERTATION, HOPEWELL, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, [BUIKSTRA:1981:138]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1973 Technique and Interpretation in the Study of a Complex Cremation Site. In: Jane E. Buikstra, and Lynne Goldstein. The Perrins Ledge Crematory. Reports of Investigations, Number 28. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum, pp. 15-23. CREMATION, STUDY, TECHNIQUE, INTERPRETATION, [SEMPOWSKI&SPENCE-1994:457]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1974 Healed Fractures in Macaca mulatta: Age, Sex, and Symmetry. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):132. FRACTURE, HEALED, MACACA MULATTA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1974 The Human Skeletal Remains of Altar de Sacrificios: An Osteobiographic Analysis. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 63, Number 2. By Frank P. Saul. 1972. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(3):455-456. REVIEW OF, SAUL; FRANK P., 1972, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1975 Healed Fractures in Macaca Mulatta: Age, Sex, and Symmetry. Folia Primatologica (Basel) 23:140-148. FRACTURE, HEALED, MACACA MULATTA, [ARME]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1976 The Caribou Eskimo: General and Specific Disease. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 1):351-367. TUBERCULOSIS, HARRIS LINES, CARIBOU ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1976 Hopewell in the Lower Illinois Valley: A Regional Approach to the Study of Human Biological Variability and Prehistoric Mortuary Behavior. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 2, Volume 2. [See review by Thomas K. Black III, 1980.]. MORTUARY BEHAVIOR, PREHISTORIC, HOPEWELL, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1977 Biocultural Dimensions of Archeological Study: A Regional Perspective. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 67-84. ARCHAEOLOGY, BIOCULTURAL, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1977 Differential Diagnosis: An Epidemiological Model. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:17.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:316-328. DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL MODEL, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1977 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis: An Epidemiological Approach. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):120. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1980 Cremated Bone: Experimental Evidence. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BONE, CREMATED, [SEMPOWSKI&SPENCE-1994:458]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1981 Bio-Archeology at the Koster Site: The Multidisciplinary Approach of Modern Archeology. Koster. Peoria, Illinois: Volume 2, Number 1, 5 Leaves. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, KOSTER SITE, ILLINOIS, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(3):#08119]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1981 Introduction. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5, pp. 1-23. TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1981 Mortuary Practices, Palaeodemography and Palaeopathology: A Case Study from the Koster Site (Illinois). In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 123-132. MORTUARY PRACTICE, DEMOGRAPHY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ILLINOIS, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:231]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1981 The Northwestern Archeological Program. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5, pp. v-vi. ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROGRAM, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1981 A Specialist in Ancient Cemetery Studies Looks at the Reburial Issue. Early Man 3(3):26-27. REPATRIATION, REMAINS, HUMAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1984 The Lower Illinois River Region: A Prehistoric Context for the Study of Ancient Diet and Health. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 215-234. HEALTH, NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1985 Liaison with the AAPA Committee on the Scientific Importance of Human Remains. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Committee on the Preservation of Human Remains: Preliminary Report. Paleopathology Newsletter 52:5. REPATRIATION, HUMAN REMAINS, SCIENTIFIC IMPORTANCE, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1987 Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers, No. 34. Edited by Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller. 1985. Tempe: Arizona State University. [Review]. American Anthropologist 89(1):209-211. REVIEW OF, MERBS; CHARLES F. AND ROBERT J. MILLER, 1985, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1989 Current Issues in Paleopathological Research on Mycobacterial and Mycotic Diseases. [Abstract]. In: Jane E. Buikstra, Mary Lucas Powell, and R. Ted Steinbock, conveners. Section 5: Symposium. Mycobacterial and Mycotic Diseases. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 13. MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, MYCOTIC DISEASE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1990 Sumario de la Investigación de Restos Humanos de Omo, Moquegua y San Geronimo, Ilo. In: Luis K. Watanabe, Michael E. Moseley, and Fernando Cabieses, eds. Trabajos Arqueológicos en Moquegua, Perú. Programa Continsuyu del Museo Peruano de Ciencias de la Salud. Lima, Peru: Southern Peru Copper Corporation, pp. 59-69. REMAINS, HUMAN, MOQUEGUA, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:308]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1991 Out of the Appendix and Into the Dirt: Comments on Thirteen Years of Bioarchaeological Research. In: Mary Lucas Powell, Patricia S. Bridges, and Ann Marie Wagner Mires, eds. What Mean These Bones? Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology. Tuscaloosa and London: The University of Alabama Press, pp. 172-188. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1992 Diet and Disease in Late Prehistory. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 87-101. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1993 Theory Meets Data: Cockburn's Contributions to the Study of Ancient Tuberculosis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 5. TUBERCULOSIS, ANCIENT, COCKBURN'S CONTRIBUTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1995 Tombs for the Living...or...for the Dead: The Osmore Ancestors. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 229-280. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1996 Mortuary Practices and Skeletal Remains at Teotihuacan. Volume 3, Urbanization at Teotihuacan, Mexico. By Martha L. Sempowski, and Michael W. Spence. 1994. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press. [Review]. Journal of Archaeological Research 52(4):526-528. REVIEW OF, SEMPOWSKI; MARTHA L., AND MICHAEL W. SPENCE, 1994, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E. 1996 Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians: Health and Disease Across a Hunter-Gatherer Continent. By Stephen Webb. 1995. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press. [Review]. Journal of Anthropological Research 52(2):237-240. REVIEW OF, WEBB; STEPHEN, 1995, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., ed. 1981 Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5. [See reviews by John B. Gregg, 1982; and Rose A. Tyson, 1982; and an essay review by W. D. Sharpe, 1983.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981,36:14.]. TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., ed. 1990 A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Center for American Archeology Scientific Papers, Number 6. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology in cooperation with the Biological Anthropology Unit of the American Anthropological Association. [See reviews by Paul Sledzik, 1991; Mehmet Yasar Iscan, 1992; Marcella H. Sorg, 1993.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 75:17.]. ANGEL; J. LAWRENCE, PAPERS IN HONOR OF, [AMANTHROPOL-1991-93:706 & PPNL-1991-75:17]
Buikstra, Jane E., E. Autry, E. Breitburg, Leslie E. Eisenberg, and Nikolaas J. van der Merwe 1988 Diet and Health in the Nashville Basin: Human Adaptation and Maize Agriculture in Middle Tennessee. In: B. E. Kennedy, and G. M. LeMoine, eds. Diet and Subsistence: Current Archaeological Perspectives. Calgary, Alberta: Archaeology Association, University of Calgary, pp. 243-259. DIET, HEALTH, MAIZE, TENNESSEE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:116]
Buikstra, Jane E., Brenda J. Baker, and Della Collins Cook 1993 What Diseases Plagued Ancient Egyptians? A Century of Controversy Considered. In: W. Vivian Davies, and Roxie Walker, eds. Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, pp. 24-53. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, DISEASE IN ANCIENT EGYPT, CONTROVERSY OVER, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., Jill Bullington, D. K. Charles, Della Collins Cook, Susan Frankenberg, L. Konigsberg, Joseph B. Lambert, and Liang Xue 1987 Diet, Demography, and the Development of Horticulture. In: W. F. Keegan, ed. Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands. Southern Illinois University, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 7. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, pp. 67-85. NUTRITION, DEMOGRAPHY, HORTICULTURE, [ISCAN-1989:234]
Buikstra, Jane E., Maria Cecilia Lozada Cerna, Gordon Rakita, and Paula Tomczak 1996 The People Behind the Pots: Context, Diet, and Behavior of Ancient Andeans. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 14. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CERAMIC CHRONOLOGY, CHIRIBAYA CULTURE, ANDES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Della Collins Cook 1978 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis: An Epidemiological Approach. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 35:15.]. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 14(1):32-44. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Della Collins Cook 1978 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis (or Blastomycosis?): Prehistoric Disease in Biocultural Perspective. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):383. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Della Collins Cook 1980 Palaeopathology: An American Account. Annual Review of Anthropology 9:433-470. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AMERICAN ACCOUNT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Della Collins Cook 1981 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis in West-Central Illinois: Prehistoric Disease in Biocultural Perspective. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archaeological Program, Scientific Papers 5, pp. 115-139. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, ILLINOIS, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., Mahmoud Y. El-Najjar, Michael A. De Vasto, Florence Hantschke Chapman, M. Anne Katzenberg, Theodore A. Reyman, and Marie Striegel Clabeaux [See also Marie Striegel Clabeaux Geise] 1977 Symposium: Recent Studies in Paleopathology. Held at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists St. Louis, Missouri, 1976. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:315-370. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SYMPOSIUM 1976, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and D. Fowler 1975 An Osteological Study of the Human Skeletal Material from the Bentsen-Clark Site. In: L. D. Banks, and J. Winters, eds. The Bentsen-Clark Site, Red River County, Texas: A Preliminary Report. San Antonio, Texas: Texas Archeological Society, pp. 79-97. OSTEOLOGY, BENTSEN-CLARK SITE, TEXAS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:420]
Buikstra, Jane E., Susan Frankenberg, Joseph B. Lambert, and Liang Xue 1989 Multiple Elements: Multiple Expectations. In: T. Douglas Price, ed. The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 155-210. BONE CHEMISTRY, PREHISTORIC, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Lynne Goldstein 1973 The Perrins Ledge Crematory. Reports of Investigations, Number 28. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum. CREMATORY, PERRINS LEDGE, [PACT-19:041 & SEMPOWSKI&SPENCE-1994:457]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Claire C. Gordon 1980 Individuation in Forensic Science Study: Decapitation. [See also Jane E. Buikstra, Claire C. Gordon, and Lucile E. St. Hoyme (See also Luciel E. Hoyme), 1984.]. Journal of Forensic Sciences 25(1):246-259. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, DECAPITATION, MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, HUMAN IDENTIFICATION, OSTEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Claire C. Gordon 1981 The Study and Restudy of Human Skeletal Series: The Importance of Long Term Curation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 376:449-465. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LONG TERM CURATION, IMPORTANCE OF, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., Claire C. Gordon, and Lucile E. St. Hoyme [See also Lucile E. Hoyme] 1984 The Case of the Severed Skull: Individuation in Forensic Anthropology. In: Ted A. Rathbun, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. Human Identification: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 121-135. [See also Jane E. Buikstra, and C. C. Gordon, 1980.]. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, DECAPITATION, MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, HUMAN IDENTIFICATION, OSTEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Lyle W. Konigsberg 1985 Paleodemography: Critiques and Controversies. American Anthropologist 87(2):316-333. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., Lyle W. Konigsberg, and Jill Bullington 1985 Diet, Sedentism, and Demographic Change: The Identification of Key Variables. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):151. DIET, SEDENTISM, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE, IDENTIFICATION OF VARIABLES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., Lyle W. Konigsberg, and Jill Bullington 1986 Fertility and the Development of Agriculture in the Prehistoric Midwest. American Antiquity 51(3):528-546. FERTILITY, AGRICULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, PREHISTORIC, MIDWEST, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Nikolaas J. van der Merwe 1986 Diet, Demography and Health: Human Adaptations and Maize Agriculture in the Eastern Woodlands. Paper presented to the Nineteenth Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta. DIET, DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, HUMAN ADAPTATION, MAIZE AGRICULTURE, EASTERN WOODLAND, [COHEN-1989:232]
Buikstra, Jane E., and James H. Mielke 1985 Demography, Diet, and Health. In: Robert I. Gilbert, Jr., and James H. Mielke, eds. The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, pp. 359-422. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DIET, DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, [BOOK]
Buikstra, Jane E., and George R. Milner 1991 Isotopic and Archaeological Interpretations of Diet in the Central Mississippi Valley. Journal of Archaeological Science 18(3):319-329. NUTRITION, CARBON ISOTOPE, MAIZE, CAHOKIA, LATE WOODLAND, MISSISSIPPIAN, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and George R. Milner, comps. 1989 The Dickson Mounds Site: An Annotated Bibliography. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum. DICKSON MOUNDS SITE, BIBLIOGRAPHY, ANNOTATED [MELVYL]
Buikstra, Jane E., George R. Milner, and Jerome C. Rose 1989 Archaeological and Isotopic Interpretations of the Central Mississippi Valley. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ISOTOPIC INTERPRETATION OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:098]
Buikstra, Jane E., Mary Lucas Powell, and R. Ted Steinbock, conveners 1989 Section 5: Symposium. Mycobacterial and Mycotic Diseases. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, pp. 13-16. MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, MYCOTIC DISEASE, SYMPOSIUM 1989, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., A. Poznanski, M. L. Cerna, Paul S. Goldstein, and Lisa M. Hoshower 1990 A Case of Juvenile Rheumatoid from Pre-Columbian Peru. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Center for American Archeology Scientific Papers, Number 6. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology in cooperation with the Biological Anthropology Unit of the American Anthropological Association, pp. 99-137. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Buikstra, Jane E., Walter G. J. Putschar, and George J. Armelagos 1984 Infectious Diseases of the Skeleton. [Abstract]. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, conveners. Section 2: Round Table Discussions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 9. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, SKELETON, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Mark Swegle 1989 Bone Modification Due to Burning: Experimental Evidence. In: Robson Bonnichsen, and Marcella Sorg, eds. Bone Modification. Orono, Maine: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine, pp. 247-258. BONE, MODIFICATION, BURNING, EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:098]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. 1994 Standards for Data Collection from Human Skeletal Remains: Proceedings of a Seminar at The Field Museum of Natural History, Organized by Jonathan Haas. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series Number 44. Fayetteville, Arkansas: Arkansas Archaeological Survey. [See reviews by David M. Glassman, 1996; Robert L. Brooks, 1996; Shelley R. Saunders, 1996.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HUMAN, STANDARDS FOR DATA COLLECTION, [PPNL-1994-88:07 & HUM-BIOL-1996-68:155 & PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1996-41:197]
Buikstra, Jane E., Michael Vadeboncouer, and Gary Behrend 1973 The Lundy Site: Human Osteology. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society 22:159-170. OSTEOLOGY, LUNDY SITE, [JRNL]
Buikstra, Jane E., and Sloan Williams 1991 Tuberculosis in the Americas: Current Perspectives. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 161-172. TUBERCULOSIS, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Buján, J. 1979 Estudio Histopatológico de Muestras de Tejido Procedentes del Cuerpo Momificado de Colmenar Viejo. Publicaciones del Departamento de Paleontología (Madrid) 15:49-51. MUMMIES, HISTOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Bujatti-Narbeshuber, M., and J. A. Hoogewerff 1995 Iridium, Rare-Earth Elements and the Koefels-Comet-Impact-Series Scenario (KISS) of Mass Extinction and Neolithic Paleopathology. Impacts as Triggers in Double Niche Transition (DNT) Theory of Hominid Selection, XXXIII. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):83. KOEFELS-COMET-IMPACT-SERIES SCENARIO (KISS), MASS EXTINCTION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bujatti-Narbeshuber, M., and J. A. Hoogewerff 1996 Iridium, Rare-Earth Elements and the Koefels-Comet-Impact-Series Scenario (KISS) of Mass Extinction and Neolithic Paleopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 5. KOEFELS-COMET-IMPACT-SERIES SCENARIO (KISS), MASS EXTINCTION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bull, H. R. 1894 Tuberculosis Among the Indians. Transactions of the Colorado Medical Society 1894:314-321. TUBERCULOSIS, INDIAN, [LSG2-Tuberculosis in Indians]
Bullen, Adelaide K. 1972 Paleoepidemiology and Distribution of Prehistoric Treponemiasis (Syphilis) in Florida. Florida Anthropologist 25(4):133-174. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DISTRIBUTION, EPIDEMIOLOGY, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Bullen, Adelaide K. 1973 Appendix: Some Human Skeletal Remains from Amelia Island, Florida. In: E. Thomas Hemmings, and Kathleen A. Deagan. Excavations on Amelia Island in Northeast Florida. Contributions of the Florida State Museum, Anthropology and History, Number 18. Gainesville, Florida: Florida State Museum, pp. 72-87. SKULL DEFORMATION, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bullington, Jill 1988 Dental Microwear in an Archeological Sample of Human Juveniles. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):192. DENTAL MICROWEAR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bullington, Jill 1991 Deciduous Dental Microwear of Prehistoric Juveniles from the Lower Illinois River Valley. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84(1):59-73. DENTAL ATTRITION, DIET, WEANING, AGE-RELATED TOOTH WEAR, [JRNL]
Bullion, S. K. 1987 Incremental Structures of Enamel and Their Applications to Archaeology. [Dissertation, University of Lancaster, England]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ENAMEL, INCREMENTAL STRUCTURES, APPLICATION TO ARCHAEOLOGY, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:085]
Bullock, Peter Y. 1991 A Reappraisal of Anasazi Cannibalism. Kiva 57(1):5-16. CANNIBALISM, ANASAZI, [JRNL]
Bullock, Peter Y. 1992 A Return to the Question of Cannibalism. [See also Christy G. Turner II, and Jacqueline A. Turner, 1992.]. Kiva 58(2):203-205. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Bullock, Peter Y. 1994 Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2364. By Tim D. White. 1992. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [Review]. MAN 29(1):190-191. REVIEW OF, WHITE; TIM D., 1992, [JRNL]
Bullough, P. G. 1965 Ivory Exostosis of the Skull. Postgraduate Medical Journal 41:277-281. SKULL, EXOSTOSIS, IVORY, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Bullough, P. G., and V. J. Vigorita 1987 Orthropädische Krankheitsbilder: Pathologie--Radiologie--Klinik. Stuttgart and New York. ORTHOPAEDICS, PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, CLINICAL, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S69]
Bullough, Vern L. 1987 Nutrition, Women, and Sex Ratios. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30(3):450-460. ANEMIA, HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIA, [JRNL]
Bullough, Vern L., and C. Campbell 1980 Female Longevity and Diet in the Middle Ages. Speculum 55:317-325. NUTRITION, LONGEVITY, FEMALE, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1980-106-#0568]
Bulst, N. 1979 Der Schwarze Tod. Demographische, Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichtliche Aspekte der Pestkatastrophe von 1347-1352. Saeculum: Jahrbuch fuer Universalgeschichte 30(1):45-67. PLAGUE 1347-1352, [CWHM-1980-105-#1281]
Bulst, N. 1985 La Lutte Contre la Peste Noire en France (1348-Début XVIe Siècle). Annales de Démographie Historique 45:34-38. PLAGUE, FRANCE 1348-1500, [CWHM-1987-131-#1689]
Bumstead, F. J. 1874 Note on the History of Syphilis. Medical Record (New York) 9:243. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Bumsted, M. Pamela 1980 VT-CH-94: Vermont's Earliest Known Agricultural Experiment Station. Man in the Northeast 19:73-82. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENTATION, VERMONT, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:150]
Bumsted, M. Pamela 1981 The Potential of Stable Carbon Isotopes in Bioarcheological Anthropology. In: Debra L. Martin, and M. Pamela Bumsted, eds. Biocultural Adaptation: Comprehensive Approaches to Skeletal Analysis. Research Reports Number 20. Amherst, Massachusetts: Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, pp. 108-126. ANTHROPOLOGY, CARBON, ISOTOPE, [BOOK]
Bumsted, M. Pamela 1983 Adult Variation in δ13C: Pre-Columbian North America. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):178-179. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, δ13C VARIATION IN ADULT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bumsted, M. Pamela 1984 Human Variation: δ13C in Adult Bone Collagen and the Relation to Diet in a Isochronous C4 (Maize) Archaeological Population. Los Alamos, New Mexico: Los Alamos National Laboratory. DIET, BONE COLLAGEN, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:355]
Bumsted, M. Pamela 1985 Past Human Behavior from Bone Chemical Analysis--Respects and Prospects. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 58:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 14(5):539-551. BONE, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Bumsted, M. Pamela, et al. 1986 Multi-Element Enhancement of 13C/12C Dietary Interpretation: Pilot Study. Paper presented to the Nineteenth Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [COHEN-1989:232]
Bunak, V. V. 1964 [Comparative Study of Lines of Splitting, Force and Growth in Cranial Bones.]. [Russian]. Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii 46:43-53. SKULL, SPLITTING, FORCE, GROWTH, [NDX-Craniology-06-02-01109]
Bunim, Joseph J., Thomas A. Burch, and William M. O'Brien 1964 Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors on the Occurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Rheumatoid Factor in American Indians. Bulletin on Rheumatic Diseases 15(1):349-350. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bunn, Henry Thomas 1981 Archaeological Evidence for Meat-Eating by Plio-Pleistocene Hominids from Koobi Fora and Olduvai Gorge. Nature (London) 291(5816):574-577. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE, CUTMARK, STONE TOOL, KOOBI FORA, OLDUVAI, MEAT-EATING, [JRNL]
Bunn, Henry Thomas 1982 Meat-Eating and Human Evolution: Studies on the Diet and Subsistence Patterns of Plio-Pleistocene Hominids in East Africa. [Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley]. DISSERTATION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [MELVYL]
Bunn, Henry Thomas 1984 Evidence on the Diet and Subsistence Patterns of Plio-Pleistocene Hominids at Koobi Fora, Kenya and Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. In: J. Clutton-Brock, and C. Grigson, eds. Animals in Archaeology. Volume 1. Hunters and Their Prey. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 163, pp. 21-30. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, KOOBI FORA, OLDUVAI, [AJPA-1995-98:208 & MELVYL]
Burch, Ernest S., Jr. 1994 Comment on "Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture." [See Robert McGhee, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):578-579. DISEASE, INUIT CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, [JRNL]
Burchard, R. 1975 Coca Chewing: A New Perspective. In: Vera Rubin, ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton, pp. 463-484. COCA, COCA CHEWING, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1977-6:095 & MELVYL]
Burda, R. 1993 Proteinanalyse als Hilfsmittel in der Paläopathologie am Beispiel der Cribra Orbitalia. München: Diplomarbeit Universitat. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S27]
Burda, R., and D. Weickmann 1994 New Results Supporting the Theory that Cribra Orbitalia Can Be Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S27. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Burda, R., and D. Weickmann 1994 New Results Supporting the Theory that Cribra Orbitalia Can Be Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 6. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Buret, Frederic 1890 La Syphilis Aujourd'hui et chez les Anciens. Paris: Société d'Editions Scientifiques. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Buret, Frederic 1891 Syphilis in Ancient and Prehistoric Times. Volume 1. Translated by A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F. A. Davis Company. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Buret, Frederic 1891 Syphilis Today and Among the Ancients. Translated by A. H. Ohman-Dumesnil. New York: F. A. Davis. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [STATUS & HEALTH...:211]
Buret, Frederic 1892 La Syphilis à Ninive et à Babylone chez les Anciens Assyro-Chaldéens. Journal des Maladies Cutanées et Syphilitiques 4:49-57. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BABYLONIA, HISTORY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Buret, Frederic 1893 La Soi-Disant Origine Américaine de la Syphilis: D'ou Vient Cette Légende? Journal des Maladies Cutanées et Syphilitiques 5:257-274. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, AMERICA, HISTORY, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Buret, Frederic 1894 Le "Gros Mal" du Moyen-Age et la Syphilis Actuelle. With a Preface by Dr. Lancereaux. Paris: Societe d'Editions Scientifiques. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Buret, Frederic 1895 Syphilis in the Middle ages and in Modern Times. Volume 2. Translated by A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F. A. Davis Company. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Buret, Frederic 1895 Syphilis Today and Among the Ancients. Volumes 1 and 2. Philadelphia. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Buret, Frederic 1905 Analyse de Deux Documents du XIIIe Siècle Relatifs à la Syphilis. Journal des Maladies Cutanées et Syphilitiques 17:328-336. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, THIRTEENTH CENTURY, HISTORY, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Burger, E., E. Schimmer, and G. Ziegelmayer 1985 Auswirkungen Künstlicher Schädeldeformierungen auf den Sexualdimorphismus der Mandibula. [Effects of Artificial Cranial Deformations on the Sexual Dimorphism of the Lower Jaw.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO 36:46-53. SKULL, DEFORMATION, DIMORPHISM, MANDIBLE, [JRNL]
Burger, E., and G. Ziegelmayer 1982 Eine Umfangreiche Skelettserie aus Verschiedenen Küstenregionen Altperus. [A Voluminous Skeletal Series from Various Coastal Regions of Ancient Peru.]. [German with English and French Abstract]. HOMO 33:220-230. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TROPHY SKULL, PERU, [JRNL]
Burger-Heinrich, E. 1991 Ausgrabungen im mittleren Irak. Anthropologische Ergebnisse eines Fundkomplexes aus dem ersten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend. [Excavation in Middle Iraq. Anthropologic Results of Findings from the Thousand Years Before Christ.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 49(1-2):23-28. ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, IRAQ, [NDX-Paleopathology-32-08-10270 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Burgess, Renate 1976 Notes on Some Plague Paintings. Medical History 20:422-428. PLAGUE, PAINTING, [JRNL]
Burgess, Shelley 1994 Contact and Warfare in Northeastern Nebraska. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 5. EUROPEAN CONTACT, WARFARE, NORTHEASTERN NEBRASKA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burggraf, Ernst 1680 Traktat von der Ungarischen Hauptschwachheit. [Treatise on the Hungarian Principal Disease.]. PLAGUE, HISTORY, HUNGARY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Burgos, J. D., G. Correal-Urrego, and C. Arregocés 1994 Treponematosis en Restos Oseos Precerámicos de Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 19(73):237-241. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, COLOMBIA, [PPNL-1995-90:10]
Burke, R. M. 1938 A Historical Chronology of Tuberculosis. 2nd Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. TUBERCULOSIS, CHRONOLOGY, [CRAN]
Burkett, Kenneth P. 1977 A Rockshelter Burial in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 47(4):48-52. BURIAL, ROCKSHELTER, PENNSYLVANIA, [JRNL]
Burkhardt, L. 1970 Pathologische Anatomie des Schädels. In: Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer, pp. 1-352. SKULL, HISTOLOGY, PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Burkill, T. A. 1977 Medicine in Ancient Israel. Central African Journal of Medicine 23(7):153-156. MEDICINE, ISRAEL, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-18-10-08032]
Burkitt, A. N. 1924 The Physical Characteristics of the Australian Aboriginal. Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Scientific Congress, pp. 248-251. CHARACTERISTIC, PHYSICAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [ISCAN-1989:089]
Burkitt, A. N., and J. I. Hunter 1922-1923 Description of a Neanderthaloid Australian Skull: Production of Facial Characteristics of Australian Skull in General. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (London) 57:31-54. SKULL, NEANDERTALOID, AUSTRALIA, [LSG3-Ethnology]
Bürkle-de la Camp, H. 1937 Über Meniscusschaden. Archiv fuer Orthopaedische und Unfallchirugie 37:354-368. INJURY, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Burko, Henry, Harry Z. Millins, and Janet Watson 1961 Skull Changes in Iron Deficiency Anemia Simulating Congenital Hemolytic Anemia. American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 86(3):447-452. ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC, IRON DEFICIENCY, CONGENITAL, SKULL CHANGE, [JRNL]
Burks, John M., Martii A. Siimes, William C. Mentzer, and Peter R. Dallman 1976 Iron Deficiency in an Eskimo Village. Journal of Pediatrics 88(2):224-228. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, AMERICA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Burland, C. A. 1948 Art and Life in Ancient Mexico. Oxford: Cassirer. LIFE, ART, ANCIENT, MEXICO, [CRAN]
Burleigh, Richard 1980 Radiocarbon Dating of Animal Remains from Egypt. MASCA Journal 1(6;Mummification Supplement):188-189. RADIOCARBON DATING, ANIMAL REMAINS, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Burleigh, Richard, and Don R. Brothwell 1978 Studies on Amerindian Dogs, 1: Carbon Isotopes in Relation to Maize in the Diet of Domestic Dogs from Early Peru and Ecuador. [For part 2, see Brothwell, Malaga, and Burleigh, 1979]. Journal of Archaeological Science 5(4):355-362. DOG, NUTRITION, MAIZE, PERU, ECUADOR, [JRNL]
Burleigh, Richard, and Srboljub Zivanovic 1980 Radiocarbon Dating of a Cro-Magnon Population from Padina, Yugoslavia, with Some General Recommendations for Dating Human Skeletons. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 70:269-274. DATING, CRO-MAGNON, REMAINS, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Burleson, C. H., and W. R. Trevathan 1991 Computer-Aided Analysis of Human Skeletal Material. Practicing Anthropology 13(2):30-31. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COMPUTER-AIDED ANALYSIS, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:117]
Burnet, F. M. 1953 Natural History of Infectious Disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, NATURAL HISTORY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Burnet, F. M. 1962 Natural History of Infectious Diseases. 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, NATURAL HISTORY, [CRAN]
Burnet, F. M. 1971 Reflections on Kuru. Human Biology in Oceania 1:3-9. KURU, HISTORY, [NDX-Kuru-14-06-06312]
Burnet, F. M., and D. O. White 1975 Natural History of Infectious Diseases. 4th edition. New York: Cambridge University Press. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, NATURAL HISTORY, [ZAGREB-1988:116]
Burnett, B. A. 1990 The Bioarcheological Synthesis of the Eastern Portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series 38:385-418. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, BIOARCHAEOLOGICAL SYNTHESIS, GULF COASTAL PLAIN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Burnett, B. A., and A. M. Harmon 1989 Descriptive Osteology of 41DT80, 41DT124, and 41HP78. In: Archaeological Investigations at Cooper Lake: 1987 Season. Draft Report. Archaeology Research Program. Dallas, Texas: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Southern Methodist University. OSTEOLOGY, COOPER LAKE (41DT80; 41DT124; AND 41HP78), [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:171]
Burnett, B. A., A. M. Harmon, and Jerome C. Rose 1990 Bioarcheological Overview of the Trans-Mississippi South. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):201. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burnett, Catherine 1994 Eskimo Repatriation. Archaeology (New York) 47(3):18. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Burnett, J. 1968 Plenty and Want: A Social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. NUTRITION, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, MODERN, ENGLAND, [HART 1983:154]
Burnette, Barbara A., and Melissa D. Bittinger 1991 A Prehistoric Occupational Disease? Osteolysis of the Interior Sphenoid. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 9. OSTEOLYSIS, INTERIOR SPHENOID, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, POSTER, [JRNL]
Burns, G., and P. K. Lewin 1992 Eco-Archaeometry: The Development of Environmental Sciences in Archaeology and Paleopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992,79:12.]. Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons 21(2):98-100. ARCHAEOLOGY, ARCHAEOMETRY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1992-79:12]
Burns, H. A. 1936-1937 Indian Medicine. Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa 42:106-111. MEDICINE, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Burns, Karen R., and William R. Maples 1976 Estimation of Age from Individual Adult Teeth. Journal of Forensic Sciences 21(2):343-356. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, ADULT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1979 Log-Linear Analysis of Dental Caries Occurrence in Four Skeletal Series. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(4):637-647. DENTAL CARIES, LOG-LINEAR ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1979 Log-Linear Analysis of Dental Paleopathology Data. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):423-424. DENTAL PATHOLOGY DATA, LOG-LINEAR ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1980 A Multivariate Study of Dental Caries in Ancient Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):209. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, GREEK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1982 A Study of Sexual Dimorphism in the Dental Pathology of Ancient Peoples. [Dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:13.]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 43(2):494A, University Microfilms order number DA8216427.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, ANCIENT POPULATION, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Burns, R. 1992 The Donner Party, a Documentary Film. Santa Monica, California: Direct Cinema Limited. [Documentary Film]. CANNIBALISM, DONNER PARTY, DOCUMENTARY FILM, [WEST-J-MED-1994-160:342]
Burns, Robert Ignatius 1972 The Medieval Crossbow as a Surgical Instrument: An Illustrated Case History. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 48(8):983-989. INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, MEDIEVAL CROSSBOW, [JRNL]
Burns, S. B. 1985 Clinical Reference Photography. Medical Heritage 1(4). AMPUTATION, BELOW KNEE 1865, [CWHM-1986-128-#1003]
Burns, S. D., and L. M. Rankin-Hill 1994 Bioarchaeology and Paleodemography of the Mackey Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:62. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, MACKEY SITE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., and R. Bruce Martin 1983 The Effects of Composition, Structure and Age on the Torsional Properties of the Human Radius. Journal of Biomechanics 16:603-608. RADIUS, TORSIONAL PROPERTY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:055]
Burr, David B., and R. Bruce Martin 1989 Errors in Bone Remodeling: Toward a Unified Theory of Metabolic Bone Disease. American Journal of Anatomy 186:186-216. BONE, METABOLIC DISEASE, REMODELING ERROR, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Burr, David B., R. Bruce Martin, Mitchell B. Schaffler, Robert D. Jurmain, E. James Harner, and Eric L. Radin 1983 Osteoarthritis: Sex-Specific Relationship to Osteoporosis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 61(3):299-303. ARTHROSIS, OSTEOARTHROSIS, OSTEOPOROSIS, BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., Christopher B. Ruff, and David D. Thompson 1990 Patterns of Skeletal Histologic Change Through Time: Comparison of an Archaic Native American Population with Modern Populations. Anatomical Record 226:307-313. HISTOLOGIC CHANGE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ARCHAIC AND MODERN, COMPARISON OF, [AJPA-1995-98:170]
Burr, David B., M. B. Schaffler, R. Bruce Martin, and Robert D. Jurmain 1983 Osteoarthritis: Sex-Specific Relationship to Osteoporosis Among Eskimos. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):179. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OSTEOPOROSIS, ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., M. B. Schaffler, and K. H. Yang 1988 Histomorphometric Analysis of Adaptive Bone Remodeling in Response to Elevated Mechanical Strain. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):192. BONE REMODELING, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burrell, Lydia L. 1988 A Diachronic Study of Sexual Dimorphism in a Series of Human Skeletal Populations from Ancient Nubia. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DISSERTATION, SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, NUBIA, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:071]
Burrell, Lydia L., Mary C. Mass, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1986 Patterns of Long-Bone Fracture in Two Nubian Cemeteries. Human Evolution 1(6):495 506. FRACTURE, EGYPT, [WIEN-KW & AM-ANTHROPOL-1995-97:479 & ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Burton, Frank A. 1920 Prehistoric Trephining of the Frontal Sinus. California State Journal of Medicine 18:321-324. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, SINUS, FRONTAL, [ARME]
Burton, Frank A. 1923-1924 Aural Exostosis. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 32:97-117. EAR, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, [JRNL-(XEROX-COPY-OF-JRNL-ARTICLE)]
Burton, Frank A. 1927 Some Cases of Prehistoric Nasal Pathology. Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology 27:373-392. NOSE, NASAL PATHOLOGY, [HRDLICKA-CATA:327]
Burton, Frank A. 1927 Some Considerations on Prehistoric Aural, Nasal, Sinus Pathology and Surgery. Santa Fe, New Mexico: El Palacio Press, pp. 1-38. SURGERY, AURAL, NASAL, SINUS, PREHISTORIC, [BOOK]
Burton, Irving F. 1979 History of Egyptian Mummies. By Thomas Pettigrew. 1834. Patenoster Row, London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman. [Review]. Paleopathology Newsletter 28:11-12. REVIEW OF, PETTIGREW; THOMAS, 1834, [JRNL]
Burton, Irving F., convener, and Joseph O. Reed, Julius Rutzky, Haide Sawaf, Jeanne Lusher, Paul Wooley, and Gerald D. Hart, panelists 1977 Panel Discussion. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, pp. 35-39. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, [JRNL]
Burton, James H., and T. Douglas Price 1991 Paleodietary Applications of Barium Values in Bone. In: E. Pernicka, and G. A. Wagner, eds. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Heidelberg. Basel: Berkhauser Verlag AG, pp. 787-795. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BARIUM VALUE IN BONE, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:184]
Burton, James H., and T. Douglas Price 1990 The Ratio of Barium to Strontium as a Paleodietary Indicator of Consumption of Marine Resources. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(5):547-557. NUTRITION, BONE CHEMISTRY, BARIUM, STRONTIUM, [JRNL]
Burton, James H., and Lori E. Wright 1995 Nonlinearity in the Relationship Between Bone Sr/Ca and Diet: Paleodietary Implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(3):273-282. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE CHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Burton, Richard F. 1864 Notes on Scalping. Anthropological Review 2(4):49-52. SCALPING, AFRICA, AMERICA, ASIA, EUROPE, [JRNL]
Burton, Richard F. 1866 Notes on an Hermaphrodite. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London 2:262-263. HERMAPHRODITE, [JRNL]
Burznski, N., and D. Bixlen 1973 Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Genetic Counseling. Journal of Oral Medicine 28:61-66. AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, [ARME]
Busacchi, Vincenzo 1935 La Trapanazione del Cranio nei Popoli Preistorici (Neolitici e Precolumbiani) e nei Primitivi Moderni. Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Affini (Turin) 34(Supplement):64,128. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Busacchi, Vincenzo 1935 Le Trapanazione del Cranio nei Popolipreistorici (Neolitici e Precolombiani) e nei Primitivi Moderni. Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria 1(Serie 2):64,128. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [CRAN]
Buschan, Georg 1893 Künstlichen Augen Peruanischer Mumien. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 25:265-266. MUMMIES, PERU, [JRNL]
Buschan, Georg 1900 Trepanation. In: Kustos P. Matschie (Herausgeber). Handwörterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie, und Ethnologie, b. 8, s. 97. Breslau: Eduard Trewendt. TREPHINATION, [CRAN]
Buschan, Georg 1901 Zur Pathologie der Neger. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 31:?-?. PATHOLOGY, NEGRO, [ARME]
Buschan, Georg 1902 Chirurgisches aus der Völkerkunde. Reichs-Medicinal-Anzeiger 27:43;61;82;343;365;386. SURGERY, FOLKLORE, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Buschan, Georg 1934 Über Primitive Trepanation. Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift 36:308. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Buschan, Georg 1936 Über Künstliche und Natürliche Veränderungen an den Zähnen, Pflege und Behandlung derselben bei den Natur-und Frühgeschichtlichen Völkern. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 86:874-879. DENTAL VARIATION, ARTIFICIAL, NATURAL, [CRAN]
Bush, Helen 1991 The Association of Vertebral Canal Size and Dental Enamel Hypoplasia in a Romano-British Population Sample. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:56. VERTEBRAL CANAL SIZE, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, ROMANO-BRITISH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bush, Helen 1991 Concepts of Health and Stress. In: Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567, pp. 11-21. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, CONCEPT OF HEALTH AND STRESS, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Bush, Helen, and Ann J. Stirland 1987 Osteological Evidence for Decapitations in Two British Roman Cemeteries. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 12. DECAPITATION, ROMAN-BRITISH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bush, Helen, and Ann J. Stirland 1991 Romano-British Decapitation Burials: A Comparison of Osteological Evidence and Burial Ritual from Two Cemeteries. Anthropologie (Brno) 29(3):205-210. DECAPITATION BURIAL, ROMANO-BRITISH, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:52]
Bush, Helen, and Marek Zvelebil 1991 Pathology and Health in Past Societies: An Introduction. In: Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567, pp. 3-9. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, HEALTH, PATHOLOGY, [ANTHROL-PAPERS-AM-MUS-NATL-HIST-1995-77:154]
Bush, Helen, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. 1991 Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567. [See reviews by Charlotte A. Roberts, 1993; Joan W. Chase, 1994.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:693 & AM-ANTIQ-1994-59:170]
Bushnell, David I., Jr. 1920 Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 71:11-160. BURIAL FORM, CEMETERY, EASTERN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bushnell, G. E. 1920 A Study in the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. New York: William Wood. TUBERCULOSIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [BUIKSTRA:1981:020]
Bushnell, G. H. S. 1957 Peru. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. PERU, [BOOK]
Bushnell, G. H. S. 1970 Comment on "Depopulation of the Central Andes in the 16th Century." [See C. T. Smith, 1970.]. Current Anthropology 11(4-5):460. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, ANDES, [JRNL]
Bushnell, O. A. 1993 The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawai'i. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [See review by Ilza Veith, 1994.]. DISEASE, GENOCIDE, HAWAII, [MELVYL]
Busk, G. 1866 An Account of the Discovery of a Human Skeleton Beneath a Bed of Peat on the Coast of Cheshire. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 4:101-104. BOG BODIES, SKELETAL REMAINS, CHESHIRE, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Busk, G. 1871 On the Discovery of Platycnemic Men in Denbighshire. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London 2(4):450-468. PLATYCNEMIA, DENBIGHSHIRE, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Busk, G. 1874 Notice of a Human Fibula of Unusual Form, Discovered in the Victoria Cave, near Settle, in Yorkshire. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 3:392-395. FIBULA, UNUSUAL FORM, VICTORIA CAVE, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Busoni, Carlo Alberto, B. Ceccanti, Gino Fornaciari, Francesco Mallegni, and E. Orsitto 1982 Lo Scheletro del Beato Monaldo da Capodistria: Analisi Antropologica e Paleopatologica. In: Beato Monaldo da Giustinopoli, 1210-1280 ca. Atti Raccolti in Occasione del VII Centenario del suo Transito, Trieste, pp. 97-128. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ITALY, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:03]
Bustamente, A. 1875 Estudios Sobre el Orígen de la Sífilis. Gaceta Médica de Lima 1:39,55,81. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Bustamente, M. E. 1978 El Maxilar de Vucub Caquix: Un Episodio del Popol Vuh. Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia y Filosofía de la Medicina 4(23):25-44. MEDICINE, MAYAN, [CWHM-1979-102-#0956]
Bustamente, Miguel E. 1958 La Fiebre Amarilla en México y su Origen en América. [Yellow Fever in Mexico and Its Origin in America.]. México, D.F.: Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales. YELLOW FEVER, ORIGIN, [SORENSON 1990-B-480]
Busvine, J. R. 1976 Insects, Hygiene and History. London: Athlone Press. INSECT, HYGIENE, HISTORY, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Butler, B. H. 1969 Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains. In: S. Alan Skinner, R. K. Harris, and K. M. Anderson, eds. Investigations at the Sam Kaufman Site, Red River County Texas. Southern Methodist University Contributions in Anthropology, Number 5, pp. 115-136. REMAINS, HUMAN, ANALYSIS, SAM KAUFMAN SITE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:420]
Butler, B. M. 1988 Archaeological Investigations on the North Coast of Rota, Mariana Islands. Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Report Number 23, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 8. Carbondale, Illinois. INVESTIGATION, ARCHAEOLOGY, MARIANA ISLANDS, [HANSON-NPT-1:048]
Butler, Carol Roetzel 1994 Sensitivities and Practical Considerations in the Return of Human Remains. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 163-165. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Butler, Charles S. 1936 Syphilis sive Morbus Humanus: A Rationalization of Yaws So-Called. Lancaster: The Science Press Printing Co. [See review by Ales Hrdlicka, 1936.]. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 AJPA-1936-22:172 & CRAN]
Butler, P. M. 1979 Some Morphological Observations on Unerupted Human Deciduous Molars. OSSA 6:23-37. DENTITION, TEETH, MORPHOLOGY, DENTAL ENAMEL THICKNESS, [JRNL]
Butler, Ronald J. 1969 The Helicoidal Pattern of Dental Attrition in a Protohistoric Arikara Skeletal Population from the Northern Plains. [Dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ATTRITION, HELICOIDAL, PROTOHISTORIC, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Butler, Ronald J. 1972 Age-Related Variability in Occlusal Wear Planes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(3):381-390. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL OCCLUSAL WEAR PLANE, AGE-RELATED, [JRNL]
Butler, Ronald J. 1973 The Lasanen Site: An Historic Burial Locality in Mackinac County, Michigan. Anthropological Series, Volume 1, Number 1. Edited by Charles E. Cleland. 1971. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Museum. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 39(2):320-321. REVIEW OF, CLELAND; CHARLES E., 1971, [JRNL]
Butlin, N. G. 1983 Our Original Aggression. Sydney and Boston: George Allen and Unwin. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-1995:299]
Butlin, N. G. 1985 Macassans and Aboriginal Smallpox: The "1798" and "1829" Epidemics. Historical Studies (Melbourne) 21:313-335. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1987-134-#0109]
Butterfield, William C. 1966 Tumor Treatment, 3000 B.C. Surgery 60(2):476-479. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, TREATMENT, THREE THOUSAND B.C., [JRNL]
Butterfield, William C. 1976 Medicine Depicted in Ancient Egyptian Art. Connecticut Medicine 40:459-466. MEDICINE, ART, EGYPT, [CWHM-1976-092-#0081]
Butzer, K. W. 1970 Physical Conditions in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Egypt Before the Period of Agriculture and Urban Settlement. In: E. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, and N. G. L. Hammond. Cambridge Ancient History I. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-69. PHYSICAL CONDITION, EUROPE, ASIA, EGYPT, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1924 Appendix: On the Human Remains Excavated at Kish. In: S. Langdon. Excavations at Kish 1923-24, Volume 1. Paris: P. Geunther. REMAINS, HUMAN, KISH, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1924 Notes on a Skull, in the University Museum Oxford, from Aveline's Hole. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society 2:115. SKULL, AVELINE'S HOLE, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1928 Human Remains. In: Dorothy A. E. Garrod, L. H. Dudley Buxton, Grafton Elliot Smith, and Dorothea M. A. Bate. Excavation a of Mousterian Rock-Shelter at Devil's Tower, Gibraltar. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 58:57-85. REMAINS, HUMAN, MOUSTERIAN ROCK-SHELTER, DEVIL'S TOWER, GIBRALTAR, [JRNL]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1930-1931 Künstlich Deformierte Schädel von Cypern. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 7:236-240. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CYPRUS, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1938 Platymeria and Platycnemia. Journal of Anatomy (London) 73:31-36. PLATYMERIA, PLATYCNEMIA, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley, and D. Talbot Rice 1931 Report on the Human Remains Found at Kish. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 61:57-119. REMAINS, HUMAN, KISH, [JRNL]
Buyst, H. 1977 The Epidemiology of Sleeping Sickness in the Historical Luangwa Valley. Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale 57:349-359. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, AFRICA, [CWHM-1978-099-#1737]
Buzhilova, Alexandra P., M. V. Kozlovskaya, and I. V. Ovchinnikov 1995 Cremated Bones from a Scythian Mound: Paleopathological Findings. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):84. CREMATION, SCYTHIAN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Buzhilova, Alexandra P., M. V. Kozlovskaya, and I. V. Ovchinnikov 1996 Cremated Bones from a Scythian Mound: Paleopathological Findings. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 5. CREMATION, SCYTHIAN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Byard, Roger 1988 Traditional Medicine of Aboriginal Australia. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 139(8):792-794. MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Bycock, Jesse 1993 The Skull and Bones in Egil's Saga: A Viking, a Grave and Paget's Disease. Viator 24:23-50. PAGET'S DISEASE, [CWHM-1996-171-#0414]
Bye, Robert A., Jr. 1985 Ethnoecological Notes for Southwestern Chihuahua. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 111-120. ETHNOECOLOGY, CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Bye, Robert A., Jr. 1985 Medicinal Plants of the Tarahumara Indians of Chihuahua, Mexico. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 77-104. PLANT, MEDICINAL, TARAHUMARA, [BOOK]
Byers, P. D. 1977 The Diagnostic Value of Bone Biopsies. In: L. V. Avioli, and S. M. Krane, eds. Metabolic Bone Disorders. New York: Academic Press, pp. 183-236. BONE, BIOPSY, DIAGNOSIS, [ZAGREB-1988:058]
Byers, Steven N. 1991 Technical Note: Calculation of Age at Formation of Radiopaque Transverse Lines. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(3):339-343. AGE ASSESSMENT, HARRIS LINE FORMATION, LONG BONE MEASUREMENT, [JRNL]
Byers, Steven N. 1994 On Stress and Stature in the "Osteological Paradox." [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 35(3):282-284. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Byers, Steven N., Kaoru Akoshima, and Bryan Curran 1989 Determination of Adult Stature from Metatarsal Length. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(3):275-279. STATURE ASSESSMENT, ADULT, METATARSAL, TERRY COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Byl, S. 1988 Rheumatism and Gout in the Corpus Hippocraticum. Antiquité Classique 57:88-102. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CORPUS HIPPOCRATICUM, [CWHM-1989-142-#0736]
Bynum, C. W. 1985 Disease and Death in the Middle Ages. Essay Review of The Black Death. By R. S. Gottfried. 1983. New York: Free Press. [Review]. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 9:97-102. REVIEW OF, GOTTFRIED; R. S., 1983, [CWHM-1985-126-#1663]
Bynum, W. F. 1993 Medicine in Mozart's Europe. Dalhousie Review 73(2):187-201. MOZART, [CWHM-1995-166-#0374]
Bynum, W. F., and Roy Porter 1991 Introduction. In: W. F. Bynum, and Roy Porter. Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:1-xviii. LIFE, DEATH, LONDON, [JRNL]
Bynum, W. F., and Roy Porter, eds. 1991 Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:[i]-150. LIFE, DEATH, LONDON, [JRNL]
Byock, Jesse L. 1993 The Skull and Bones in Egil's Saga: A Viking, A Grave, and Paget's Disease. Viator 24:23-50. DISEASE, PAGET'S DISEASE, [SCI-AM-1995-272(1):87]
Byock, Jesse L. 1995 Egil's Bones. Scientific American 272(1):83-87. DISEASE, PAGET'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
Byrne, Kevin B., and David C. Parris 1987 Reconstruction of the Diet of the Middle Woodland Amerindian Population at Abbott Farm by Bone Trace-Element Analysis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 62:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74(3):373-384. STRONTIUM, SODIUM, ZINC, [JRNL]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1962 Gout in the Time and Person of George IV: A Case History. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 21:325-338. GOUT, GEORGE IV, [NDX-Gout-04-02-01298]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1975 The Historical Evolution of the Concept of Connective Tissue Diseases. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement 12:11-29. COLLAGEN DISEASE, [JRNL]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1979 Historical Aspects of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Rheumatology and Rehabilitation 18:197-203. SPINE, SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, HISTORY, [CWHM-1980-106-#1683]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1983 Historical Perspectives in the Aetiology of Ankylosing Spondylitis. British Journal of Rheumatology 22(4 Supplement 2):1-4. SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, ETIOLOGY, [ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:162]
Bywaters, E. G. L., E. B. Hamilton, and R. Williams 1971 The Spine in Idiopathic Haemochromatosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 30:453-465. SPINE, IDIOPATHIC HAEMOCHROMATOSIS, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:13]
Bywaters, Jane 1986 Improving on Nature. In: International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, eds. Devils, Drugs and Doctors: A Wellcome History of Medicine. [Exhibit Catalogue]. Sydney, Australia: The International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, pp. 57-59. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BOOK]
Bywaters, Jane 1986 Other Medicines. In: International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, eds. Devils, Drugs and Doctors: A Wellcome History of Medicine. [Exhibit Catalogue]. Sydney, Australia: The International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, pp. 39-41. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BOOK]
C., M. 1914 l'Isolement des Lépreux en France au Moyen Age. Progrès Médical (Paris) 30(Série 3):91. LEPROSY, ISOLATION, MIDDLE AGES, FRANCE, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Cabanis, E. A., M. T. Iba-Zizen, and A. Delmas 1971 Trois Crânes Paleo-Perviens Déformés. Approche Anthropométrique, Déductions Pratiques. [Three Deformed Paleo-Peruvian Skulls. Anthropometric Approach: Practical Conclusions.]. [French with English Abstract]. Archives d'Anatomie Pathologique (Paris) 19(4):349-356. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PERU, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892 & ARME & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cabieses Molina, Fernando 1963 [The Neuropsychiatric Terminology in Quechau of the 16th Century.]. [Spanish]. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima 46:277-299. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC TERMINOLOGY, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, QUECHAU, [NDX-History of Medicine 16th century-05-03-01861]
Cabourdin, G., et al. 1980 La Démographie Avant les Démographes (1500-1670). Annales de Démographie Historique 1980:13-157. DEMOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHERS 1500-1670, [CWHM-1987-132-#1586]
Caccialanza, E. 1983 [Cranioplasty from the Historical and Etiopathogenetic Viewpoint.]. Minerva Chirurgica 38(12):815-818. CRANIOPLASTY, HISTORY, ETIOPATHOGENETIC, [MEDL]
Cachot de Girard, R. C. 1994 Scientific Notes on Paracas Mummy Bundle No. 294. Andean Past 4:77-79. MUMMIES, PERU, PARACAS MUMMY BUNDLE 294, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):275]
Cadenat, H., Fabié, and Roques 1967 [The Toulousian Cranium Studied from the Point of View of the Influence on the Angles of the Cranial Bases of Voluntary Deformations of the Vault.]. [French]. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie du Midi de la France 25:265-277. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TOULOUSIAN, [NDX-Craniometry-09-02-02140 & ARME]
Cadot, S., and J. L. Miquel 1990 Etude Descriptive et Approce Technique des Incrustations Dentaires dans le Mexique Precolombian. Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale/Tropical Dental Journal 13(2):41-51. DENTAL DECORATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, [CWHM-1991-149-#2505]
Cadotte, M. 1984 A Propos de la Description par Jacques Cartier d'une 'Grosse Maladie' Survenue au Cours de son Deuxième Voyage au Canada. [Jacques Cartier's Description of a Major Disease Occurring During His 2nd Voyage to Canada.]. [French]. Union Médicale du Canada 113(8):651-655. SCURVY, HISTORY, [CWHM-1985-126-#1952 & NDX-SCURVY HISTORY-26-13-14006]
Caffaratto, T. M. 1961 [Ancient Piedmontese Physicians in French Territory.]. [French]. Bulletin de la Fédération des Sociétés de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique de Langue Française 13:594-597. PHYSICIAN, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine-03-02-01360]
Caffaratto, T. M. 1975 La Questione della Pellagra e l'Opera di Cesare Lombroso. Annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino 18:111-156. PELLAGRA, [CWHM-1978-098-#0999]
Caffaratto, T. M. 1979 Le Grandi Epidemie in Piemonte dal Secolo XIV al Secolo XIX. Minerva Medica 70:1813-1824; 2105-2115; 2265-2284; 2341-2358; 2413-2420. EPIDEMIC, [CWHM-1980-105-#0457]
Caffaratto, T. M. 1980 La Piú Grande Nemica del Genere Umano: La Peste. Minerva Ginecologica 32:945-947. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1981-110-#1440]
Caffey, J. 1936-1937 The Skeletal Changes in the Chronic Hemolytic Anemias. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 37:293-324. ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC, CHRONIC, SKELETAL CHANGE, [ARME & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Caffey, J. 1939 Syphilis of the Skeleton in Early Infancy: The Non-Specificity of Many of the Roentgenographic Changes. American Journal of Roentgenology 42:637-655. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKELETON, INFANT, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Caffey, J. 1951 Chronic Poisoning due to Excess of Vitamin A. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy 65:12-26. POISONING, CHRONIC, VITAMIN A, EXCESS OF, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Caffey, J. 1951 Cooley's Erythroblastic Anemia: Some Skeletal Findings in Adolescents and Young Adults. American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 65:547-560. ANEMIA, COOLEY'S ANEMIA, RADIOLOGY, SKELETON, [AJPA-1996-101:26]
Caffey, J. 1955 On Fibrous Defects in Cortical Walls of Growing Tubular Bones. Advances in Pediatrics 7:13-51. DEFECT, FIBROUS, CORTICAL WALL OF GROWING BONE, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Caffey, J. 1957 Cooley's Anemia: A Review of the Roentgenographic Findings in the Skeleton. American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 78:381. ANEMIA, COOLEY'S ANEMIA, RADIOLOGY, SKELETON, [ARME]
Cahill, Jane, Karl J. Reinhard, David Tarler, and Peter Warnock 1991 It Had To Happen: Scientists Examine Remains of Ancient Bathroom. Biblical Archaeology Review 17(3):64-69. PARASITISM, LATRINE, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CITY OF DAVID, OLD CITY TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, [JRNL]
Caiden, James D. 1966 The Genetics of Carabelli's Trait in Skeletal Populations of the Western United States. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):210. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TRAIT, GENETICS, UNITED STATES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Caillat-Lamarsalle, M., and Raoul Perrot 1983 Contribution à l'Anthropométrie du Tibia Médiéval. Paléobios 1(1-2):59-67. TIBIA, MEDIEVAL, ANTHROPOMETRY, [CWHM-1984-122-#1912]
Caillat-Lamarsalle, M., et al. 1983 Note sur l'Etude Mecanique Comparative de Tibias Médiévaux. Paléobios 1:127-135. TIBIA, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1985-126-#1505 & ARME]
Cailliaud, R. 1826 Rapport de M. Mareschal sur la Momie Donnée à la Société Académique. Journal de la Section de Médecine de la Société Académique du Départment de la Loire-Inférieure 2:180-196. MUMMIES, [LSG1-Mummies]
Calame, Andre 1951 Le Syndrome de Morgagni-Morel: Etude Anatomo-Clinique. Hyperostose Frontale Interne Adiposite, Virilisme et Troubles Neuro-Psychiques. Paris: Masson. MORGAGNI'S SYNDROME, HYPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA, [MELVYL]
Calamus 1898 Le Mal de Dents chez les Anciens (Médecine et Empirisme). Revue Odontologique (Paris) 17:496-499. DENTAL DISEASE, ANCIENT, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Calatrava Páramo, L. 1979 La Llamada Enfermedad de los Habsburgo: Datos Históricos, su Tratamiento Actual y Resultados. Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid) 96:557-574. PROGNATHISM, GENETICS, HAPSBURG FAMILY, [CWHM-1981-107-#0684]
Calcagno, James M. 1981 On the Applicability of Sexing Human Skeletal Material by Discriminant Function Analysis. Journal of Human Evolution 10(2):189-198. SEX ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Calcagno, James M. 1986 Dental Reduction in Post-Pleistocene Nubia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(3):349-363. DENTITION, TOOTH SIZE, MESOLITHIC, AGRICULTURALIST, INTENSIVE AGRICULTURALIST, [JRNL]
Calcagno, James M., and K. R. Gibson 1992 An Early Case of Root Caries in the Hominid Fossil Record: A Reexamination of the Dental Pathologies of the Kabwe Cranium ("Rhodesian Man"). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:57. DENTAL CARIES, ROOT, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, KABWE CRANIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Calcaterra, T. C., and P. J. Boyne 1977 Giant Cementifying Fibroma of the Mandible. Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology 84:120-123. MANDIBLE, NEOPLASM, FIBROMA, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Caldarelli, S. B. 1980 Pesquisas Arqueológicas no Interior do Estado de Sao Paulo. [Archeological Studies in the Interior of the State of Sao Paulo.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 36:16.]. Revista de Pré-História 1980:85-92. ARCHAEOLOGY, SAO PAULO, [PPNL-1981-36:16]
Calder, Angela M. 1976 Archaeological Problems and Palaeopathology in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the First European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Ciba Foundation, London, England, 1-2 October 1976, p. L2. CEMETERY, ANGLO-SAXON, PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Calder, Angela M. 1977 Survival Properties of Organic Residues Through the Human Digestive Tract. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:13.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 4(2):141-151. COPROLITE, ORGANIC RESIDUE, DIGESTIVE TRACT, [JRNL]
Calder, Angela M. 1983 Australia: Research 'Down Under.' [Regional Report]. Paleopathology Newsletter 43:10. PATHOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Calder, John, and Angela M. Calder 1977 Talo-Calcaneal Bridging in an Anglo-Saxon. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:13.]. Medical History 21(3):316-319. TALO-CALCANEAL BRIDGING, ANGLO-SAXON, [JRNL]
Caldwell, Joseph R. 1969 New Discoveries at Dickson Mounds. In: Dan Morse. Ancient Disease in the Midwest. Reports of Investigations, Number 15. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum, pp. 72-74. DISEASE, DICKSON MOUNDS, [BOOK]
Caldwell, Peggy C. 1987 The New York City Medical Examiner's Museum. In: Frank P. Saul, Peggy Caldwell, and Leslie E. Eisenberg, conveners. Section 2: Forensic Pathology and Paleopathology--Potential Interfaces. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 5. MUSEUM, NEW YORK CITY MEDICAL EXAMINER'S, FORENSIC PATHOLOGY AND PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Calhoun, John B. 1972 Plight of the Ik and Kaiadilt as Seen as a Chilling Possible End for Man. Smithsonian 3(8):26-33. IK, KAIADILT, [JRNL]
Caligo, M. A., G. Cipollini, Gino Fornaciari, and G. Bevilacqua 1991 Estrazione di Acido Desossiribonucleico (DNA). In: D. G. Banchieri, ed. La Mummia di Varese. Varese: Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Varese, Musei Civici, pp. 20-21. MUMMIES, ITALY, DNA EXTRACTION, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:11]
Caligo, M. A., G. Cipollini, C. Ghimenti, G. Bevilacqua, and Gino Fornaciari 1994 Ancient Nucleic Acids in Human Organic Remains from S. Domenico Maggiore Abbey Mummies in Naples, Italy (XV-XVI Centuries). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S28. MUMMIES, ITALY, DNA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Caligo, M. A., G. Cipollini, C. Ghimenti, G. Bevilacqua, and Gino Fornaciari 1994 Ancient Nucleic Acids in Human Organic Remains from S. Domenico Maggiore Abbey Mummies in Naples, Italy (XV-XVI Centuries). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 6. MUMMIES, ITALY, DNA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Caligo, M. A., G. Cipollini, C. Ghimenti, A. Moretti, G. Bevilacqua, and Gino Fornaciari 1994 Caratterizzazione degli Acidi Nucleici Estratti dalle Mummie della Basilica di san Domenico Maggiore in Napoli (XV-XVI Secolo). Rivista di Antropologia 73: In press. MUMMIES, ITALY, NAPLES, ABBEY OF SAINT DOMENICO MAGGIORE, DNA, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:12]
Calin, A. 1989 The History of Sero-Negative Spondylarthropathies. In: Peter J. Maddison, ed. The Antiquity of the Erosive Arthropathies. Symposium presented at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, England, 24 June 1988. The Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research: Conference Proceedings No. 5, pp. 30-33. SPONDYLARTHROPATHY, SERONEGATIVE, HISTORY, [PPNL-1990-69:19]
Call 1902 La Sífilis de Remotos Tiempos. Revista de Especialidades Médicas; La Oto-Rino-Laringología Española 5:159-161. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Callaghan, Richard T. 1986 Analysis of the Fluoride Content of Human Remains from the Gray Site, Saskatchewan. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:12.]. Plains Anthropologist 31(114, Part 1):317-328. REMAINS, HUMAN, FLUORIDE, GRAY SITE, SASKATCHEWAN, [JRNL]
Callen, Eric O. 1963 Diet as Revealed by Coprolites. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 186-194. NUTRITION, COPROLITE, PREHISTORIC, [BOOK & ARME]
Callen, Eric O. 1965 Food Habits of Some Pre-Columbian Mexican Indians. Economic Botany 19:335-343. NUTRITION, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, [LINDOW MAN:199]
Callen, Eric O. 1967 Analysis of the Tehuacan Coprolites. In: Douglas S. Byers, ed. The Prehistory of the Tehuacan Valley, Volume One. Environment and Subsistence. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, pp. 261-289. COPROLITE, TEHUACAN, [BOOK & LINDOW MAN:199 & 202]
Callen, Eric O. 1967 The First New World Cereal. American Antiquity 32(4):535-538. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CEREAL, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Callen, Eric O. 1968 Plants, Diet and Early Agriculture of Some Cave Dwelling Pre-Columbian Indians. Proceedings of the 37th International Congress of Americanists (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1966) 2:641-656. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITION, PRECOLUMBIAN, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Callen, Eric O. 1969 Les Coprolithes de la Cabane Acheuléene du Lazaret. In: H. de Lumley, ed. Une Cabane Acheuléene dans la Grotte du Lazaret. Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française (Nice) 7:123-124. COPROLITE, [LINDOW MAN:202]
Callen, Eric O. 1973 Dietary Patterns in Mexico Between 6500 B.C. and 1580 A.D. In: C. Earle Smith, Jr., ed. Man and His Foods: Studies in the Ethnobotany of Nutrition--Contemporary, Primitive, and Prehistoric Non-European Diets. Papers Presented at the Eleventh International Botanical Congress (Seattle, Washington) (24 August-2 September 1969). University of Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, pp. 29-49. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MEXICO, [BOOK & HEALTH-DISEASE-TRIBAL-SOC-1977:060]
Callen, Eric O., and T. W. M. Cameron 1955 The Diet and Parasites of Pre-Historic Huaca Prieta Indians as Determined by Dried Coprolites. [Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 2:6.]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada 5(7 June):51-52. NUTRITION, PARASITISM, COPROLITE, ABSTRACT, [ARME]
Callen, Eric O., and T. W. M. Cameron 1960 A Prehistoric Diet Revealed in Coprolites. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 2:7.]. New Scientist 8(190):35-40. NUTRITION, COPROLITE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Callen, Eric O., and Paul S. Martin 1969 Plant Remains in Some Coprolites from Utah. American Antiquity 34(3):329-331. COPROLITE, UTAH, [JRNL]
Callender, G. R., and R. W. French 1935 Wound Ballistics: Studies in the Mechanism of Wound Production by Rifle Bullets. Military Surgeon 77(4):177-201. WOUND, BULLET, RIFLE, [JRNL]
Calloway, C. G. 1986 Green Mountain Diaspora. Vermont History 54:197-228. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:289]
Calnan, K. A. 1992 The Health Status of Bronze Age Greek Women. [Dissertation, University of Cincinnati, Ohio]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(9):3265A, University Microfilms order number DA9232335.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:14.]. DISSERTATION, HEALTH, FEMALE, GREEK, BRONZE AGE, [PPNL-1993-83:14]
Calot, F. 1922 Le Diagnostic de la Coxalgie. Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris), 4 April. TUBERCULOSIS, HIP, COXALGIA, DIAGNOSIS, [ARME]
Calot, F. 1924 Toutes les Hanches Baptisées Arthrites Sèches Déformantes, Rhumatisme Localisé, Morbus Coxae Senilis, Osteochondrite du Coxa Plana, Sont en Réalité des Subluxations Congénitales Quel'on Avait Mé. Monde Médical (Paris), 1 April. ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS, RHEUMATISM, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Calot, F. 1925 Les Subluxations Congénitales de la Hanche. Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris), 13 January. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Calot, F. 1929 Ce que Tout Pratique en Doit Savoir de la Renovation des Diagnostics des Maladies de la Hanche par les Travaux d'Après-Guerre. Monde Médical (Paris), 1(742). HIP DISEASE, DIAGNOSIS, [ARME]
Calvet, J., W. Von Kindler, and J. Coll 1964 [Cranial Deformities Caused by Local Customs.]. [French]. Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica 18:439-445. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [NDX-Skull-06-04-03923]
Calvi, G. 1981 L'Oro, il Fuoco, le Forche: La Peste Napoletana del 1656. Archivio Storico Italiano 138:407-458. PLAGUE, NAPLES 1656, [CWHM-1983-118-#1566]
Calvi, G. 1984 Un Metafora degli Scambi Sociali: La Peste Fiorentina del 1630. Quaderni Storici 19:35-64. PLAGUE, FLORENCE 1630, [CWHM-1987-134-#1580]
Calvy, G. L. 1963 Anthropology and Clinical Medicine. U.S. Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory 13:1-4. MEDICINE, CLINICAL, ANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Anthropometry-05-02-00277]
Calwell, H. G. 1984? The White Plague in Ulster: A Short History of Tuberculosis in Northern Ireland. Ulster: Ulster Medical Society. TUBERCULOSIS, HISTORY, NORTHERN IRELAND, [MELVYL]
Calzolari, L. 1969 The Italian Plastic Surgery of the XIV Century. Panminerva Medica 11:1-3. PLASTIC SURGERY, ITALY, FOURTEENTH CENTURY, [NDX-Surgery plastic history-10-02-09642]
Camarogo, Carlos A. 1994 1492--The Medical Consequences. Western Journal of Medicine 160(6):545-553. DISEASE, EUROPEAN-AMERICAN EXCHANGE, [JRNL]
Cambresier, P. 1975 In Memoriam Professeur Hyacinthe Brabant. [Obituary]. Revue Médicale de Liège 30:696. OBITUARY, BRABANT; HYACINTHE, D. 1975 [CWHM-1976-089:#0238]
Cameron, Esther 1991 Identification of Skin and Leather Preserved by Iron Corrosion Products. Journal of Archaeological Science 18(1):25-33. SKIN, LEATHER, ELASTIN, ORGANIC REMAINS, COLLAGEN, SEM, IDENTIFICATION, ANGLO-SAXON, [JRNL]
Cameron, J. M., and B. G. Sims 1974 Forensic Dentistry. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. FORENSIC DENTISTRY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1982-11:129]
Cameron, John 1910 The Anatomy of the Mummies. In: M. A. Murray, ed. The Tomb of Two Brothers. Manchester: Sherrat and Hughes, pp. 33-47. MUMMIES, ANATOMY, [ARME]
Cameron, John 1934 The Skeleton of British Neolithic Man. London: Williams and Norgate. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, BRITISH, [ISCAN-1989:157 & ARME]
Cameron, Malcom Laurence 1993 Anglo-Saxon Medicine. Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 7. New York: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Roland Alexander Foulkes, 1994.]. MEDICINE, ANGLO-SAXON, HISTORY OF, [AM-ANTHROPOL-1994-96:756 & J-MED-HIST-1994-49:318 ]
Cameron, Thomas W. M. 1958 Parasites of Animals and Human Diseases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 70(Article 3, Part 6):564-573. PARASITIC DISEASE, ANIMAL AND HUMAN, [JRNL]
Caminos, R. A., trans. 1954 Late-Egyptian Miscellanies. Brown Egyptological Studies, 1. London: Oxford University Press. MISCELLANEA, LATE-EGYPTIAN, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:116]
Camp, J. 1974 An Oriental Oddity. World Medicine 9:76-77. TERATOLOGY, SIAMESE TWINS, CONJOINED TWINS, CHANG AND ENG, [CWHM-1974-83-#1474]
Campart, J. 1905 Primitive Art in Egypt. Philadelphia: Lippincott. ART, PRIMITIVE, EGYPT, [CRAN]
Campbell, Alastair H. 1981 Tooth Avulsion in Victorian Aboriginal Skulls. Archaeology in Oceania 16(2):116-118. DENTITION, TOOTH AVULSION, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(3):#08128]
Campbell, Alastair H., and Miroslav Prokopec 1984 Antiquity of Tooth Avulsion in Australia. Artefact 8:3-9. DENTAL AVULSION, ANTIQUITY, AUSTRALIA, [ZAGREB-1988:158]
Campbell, B. H. 1964 Science and Human Evolution. Nature (London) 203:448. EVOLUTION, SCIENCE, [ARME]
Campbell, Bernard G. 1968 The Use of Nomenclature in the Study of Recent and Fossil Man. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 19-29. FOSSIL, MAN, NOMENCLATURE, [BOOK & ARME]
Campbell, D. 1933 Dental Deformities in Children of Parents with Hutchinson's Teeth. Dental Cosmos 75:348. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DENTAL DEFORMITY, HUTCHINSON'S TEETH, [ARME]
Campbell, D. 1934 Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisor Teeth. Dental Cosmos 76:459-471. DENTITION, INCISOR, ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Campbell, D. J. 1954 The Venereal Diseases. In: W. R. Bett, ed. The History and Conquest of Common Diseases. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, p. 178. VENEREAL DISEASE, [CRAN]
Campbell, D. K. 1947 Anomalies of Dentition Suggestive of Syphilitic Heredity, with Cleft Palate and Harelip. Journal of the American Dental Association 35(8):557-561. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DENTAL ANOMALY, CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, HEREDITY, [JRNL]
Campbell, Gregory R. 1989 The Epidemiological Consequences of Forced Removal: The Northern Cheyenne in Indian Territory. In: Gregory R. Campbell, ed. Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health. Plains Anthropologist 34(124, Part 2, Memoir 23):85-97. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, FORCED REMOVAL, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF, [JRNL]
Campbell, Gregory R. 1989 Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health: An Introductory Overview. In: Gregory R. Campbell, ed. Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health. Plains Anthropologist 34(124, Part 2, Memoir 23):v-xiv. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Campbell, Gregory R., ed. 1989 Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health. Plains Anthropologist 34(124, Part 2, Memoir 23):v-148. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Campbell, H. S. 1934 Concerning the History of Syphilis. American Journal of Surgery 26:402-412. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Campbell, J. 1983 Smallpox in Aboriginal Australia, 1829-31. Historical Studies (Melbourne) 20:536-556. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA 1829-1831, [CWHM-1986-129-#0146]
Campbell, J. 1985 Smallpox in Aboriginal Australia: The Early 1830s. Historical Studies (Melbourne) 21:226-358. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1987-134-#0110]
Campbell, Lyle 1986 Comment on "The Settlement of the Americas: A Comparison of the Linguistic, Dental, and Genetic Evidence." [See Joseph H. Greenberg, Christy G. Turner II, and Stephen L. Zegura, 1986.]. Current Anthropology 27(5):488. DENTITION, LANGUAGE, GENETICS, AMERICAS, [JRNL]
Campbell, Matthew 1994 Ice Maiden of the Steppes. [Reprinted from Sunday Times of London]. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Newsletter 33(9):8. MUMMIES, RUSSIA, SCYTHIAN, [JRNL]
Campbell, Stuart, and Anthony Green, eds. 1995 The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East. Oxbow Monograph 51. Oakville, Connecticut: Brown Book Company. [See review by Geoff Emberling, 1997.]. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY, NEAR EAST, ANCIENT, [J-AM-ARCHAEOL-1997-101:169]
Campbell, T. D. 1925 Dental Anomaly in the Skull of an Australian Aborigine. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 49:99-100. DENTAL ANOMALY, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [METRESS-1974:054]
Campbell, T. D. 1925 Dentition and Palate of the Australian Aboriginal. University of Adelaide, Publications under the Keith Sheridan Foundation, Number 1. Adelaide, Australia: The Hassell Press. DENTITION, PALATE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [BOOK & PPNL 1986-54:8 & ARME]
Campbell, T. D. 1937 Observations on the Teeth of Australian Aborigines, Hermannsberg, Central Australia. Australian Journal of Dentistry 41:1-6. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:299]
Campbell, T. D. 1939 Food, Food Values and Food Habits of the Australian Aborigines in Relation to Their Dental Conditions. Part I. Australian Journal of Dentistry 43:2-15. DENTITION, DIET, NUTRITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1972-13:524 & DIGGING UP BONES:184]
Campbell, T. D. 1939 Food, Food Values and Food Habits of the Australian Aborigines in Relation to Their Dental Conditions. Part II. Australian Journal of Dentistry 43:45-55. DENTITION, DIET, NUTRITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1972-13:524 & DIGGING UP BONES:184]
Campbell, T. D. 1939 Food, Food Values and Food Habits of the Australian Aborigines in Relation to Their Dental Conditions. Part III. Australian Journal of Dentistry 43:73-83. DENTITION, DIET, NUTRITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1975-16:401 & BULL-MEM-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1995-7:33]
Campbell, T. D. 1939 Food, Food Values and Food Habits of the Australian Aborigines in Relation to Their Dental Conditions. Part IV. Australian Journal of Dentistry 43:141-156. DENTITION, DIET, NUTRITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1972-13:524 & DIGGING UP BONES:184]
Campbell, T. D. 1939 Food, Food Values and Food Habits of the Australian Aborigines in Relation to Their Dental Conditions. Part V. Australian Journal of Dentistry 43:177-199. DENTITION, DIET, NUTRITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1972-13:524 & DIGGING UP BONES:184]
Campbell, T. D. 1942 A Suggested Reconstruction of the Missing Anterior Teeth of the Cohuna Specimen. Records of the South Australian Museum, Adelaide 7:235-236. DENTITION, TEETH, ANTERIOR, COHUNA SPECIMEN, [METRESS-1974:055]
Campbell, T. D. 1944 The Dental Condition of a Skull from the Silyatki Site, Arizona. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 34:321-322. DENTITION, SILYATKI SITE, ARIZONA, [ARME]
Campbell, T. D. 1953 Caries in Primitive Peoples. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Campbell, T. D., and M. J. Barrett 1953 Dental Observations on Australian Aborigines: A Changing Environment and Food Pattern. Australian Journal of Dentistry 57:1-6. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:299]
Campbell, William C. 1979 History of Trichinosis: Paget, Owen and the Discovery of Trichinilla spiralis. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 53(4):520-552. TRICHINOSIS, TRICHINILLA SPIRALIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1980-106-#1212 & JRNL]
Campbell-Wilson, M. 1970 Report on the Occlusions and Dentitions of a Group of Skulls Excavated at a Cairn Cemetery in Fife. Dental Practitioner and Dental Record 21:68-72. DENTAL OCCLUSION, CAIRN CEMETERY, FIFE, [NDX-Paleodontology-12-02-07163]
Campbell-Wilson, M. 1970 Report on the Occlusions and Dentitions of a Group of Skulls Excavated at a Cairn Cemetery in Fife. Transactions of the British Society for the of Study Orthodontics 5:80-84. DENTAL OCCLUSION, CAIRN CEMETERY, FIFE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Campell, W. C. 1925 An Analysis of Bone and Joint Lesions of Known Syphilitic Origin. Radiology 5:122-131. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LESION, BONE, ARTICULATION, JOINT, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1973 Las Erosiones Craneales en Paleopatología. Medicina e Historia (Barcelona) 24:3-4. SKULL, TRAUMA, EROSION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1973 Estudio de un Cráneo Patológico Descubierto en la Cova d'Annes. Speleon (Barcelona) 20:117-124. SKULL, FRACTURE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1974 El Laboratorio de Antropología. Centros de la Diputación San Jorge 92:49-51. ANTHROPOLOGY, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1975-1976 Cráneo Pseudopatológico de la Cueva de Regiron. Speleon (Barcelona) 22:225-227. SKULL, PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1975-1976 La Medicina Egipcia. Información Arqueológica (Barcelona) 22:104-105. MEDICINE, EGYPT, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1976 Lesiones Patológicas en Cráneos Prehistóricos de la Región Valenciana. Servicio de Investigación Prehistórica. Serie Trabajos Varios (Valencia) 50:1-96. SKULL, LESION, PREHISTORIC, VALENCIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1976 Paleopatología. Boletín Informativo de la Asociación de Amigos de la Arqueología (Madrid) 5:34-37. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1976 Pseudoartrosis del Escafoides Carpiano en un Individuo de la Edad del Bronce. Medicina e Historia (Barcelona) 61(3-4):29. FRACTURE, PSEUDOARTHROSIS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1976 La Trepanación en la Prehistoria. Información Arqueológica (Barcelona) 19:3-7. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1976-1978 Abrasiones Dentarias y Cráneos Enclavados del Poblado de Ullastret (Baix Emporda, Gerona). Ampurias (Barcelona) 38-40:317-326. DENTAL MUTILATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1977 Paleopatología del Cráneo en Cataluña, Levante y Baleares. Monografías Locales, 17. Barcelona, España: Ed Montblanc-Martín, pp. 1-630. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CATALUñA, LEVANTE, BALEARES, SPAIN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:06]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1977 Paleopatología del Cráneo en Cataluña, Valencia y Baleares. [Paleopathology of the Skull.]. Barcelona, España: Editorial Montblanc-Martin. [See Précis and Commentary by Julie Mather Saul, 1983.]. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CATALUñA, VALENCIA, BALEARES, SPAIN, [PPNL-1983-44:7 & ETXEBERRIA-FRANCISCO-BIBLIOGRAPHY-1993-ON-DISK]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1978 Afecciones Otorrinolaringológicas en la Prehistoria. Revista Internacional de Otorrinolaringológica (Barcelona) 6:363-372. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1978 Dos Notas de Paleopatología. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina (Valencia) 15:311-323. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1978 Visión Médica Actual de la Trepanación Prehistórica. Anales de Medicina (Barcelona) 54(1):52-58. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1979 Els Austrolopitecs, peça clau per a l'Hominización. Información Arqueológica (Barcelona) 31:189-192. EVOLUTION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1979 Mémoires Originaux: Mutilations Dentaires de la Préhistoire de la Péninsule Ibérique. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 83(3):373-394 DENTAL MUTILATION, IBERIA, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1980 Estudio Etiopatogénico de la Lesión Encontrada en un Cráneo Procedente de Yacimiento Talayótica de Cales Coves en Menorca. Asclepio 32:77-85. SKULL, LESION, MENORCA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1980 Incisiones Rituales en un Cráneo de Mont Blanc. Ampurias (Barcelona) 41-42:367-370. SKULL MUTILATION, RITUAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1980 Lesiones Paleopatológicas en los Individuos de la Cueva del Barranco de la Higuera (Baños de Fortuna, Murcia). Anales de la Universidad de Murcia (Murcia) 37:201-209. LESION, PATHOLOGICAL, MURCIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1980 Malformación Vertebral en un Individuo Perteneciente a la Cultura Talayótica Menorquina. Asclepio 32:65-76. MALFORMATION, VERTEBRAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:07 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1980 Los Procesos de Hominización. In: Historia Universal Salvat 1. Barcelona: Ed Salvat, pp. 11-31. EVOLUTION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1981 Estudio del Cráneo Trepanado de Les Bagases. In: J. Aparicio, J. V. Martinez, and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero], eds. Las Raices de Bañeres (Alicante). Serie Arqueológica (Valencia) 8:247-253. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1981 Lesions Patológiques en dos Cranis Exhumats a la Cova de la Torre Negra (San Cugat del Vallés). Arrahona (Sabadell) 10:63-68. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, LESION, SPAIN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1982 Paleoneurocirugía. Anales de Medicina (Barcelona) 68(1):60-67. TREPHINATION, NEUROSURGERY, THERAPY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1983 La Enfermedad en la Prehistoria. Introducción a la Paleopatología. Madrid: Ed Salvat. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1984 Coxartria en un Individu Neolític de la Fàbrica Agustí de Banyoles. Anales del Instituto de Estudi Girondenses (Gerona) 27:31-34. ARTHROSIS, ARTHROPATHY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:36]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1984 Neurosurgical Pathology in Prehistory. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:7.]. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 70(3-4):275-290. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, THERAPEUTIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08 & NDX-Paleopathology-25-12-12542 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1984 Problemas Diagnósticos de los Tumores Cerebrales en Paleopatología. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:13.]. Dynamis 4:115-149. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, CEREBRAL, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [CWHM-1987-132-#1411 & PPNL-1986-56:13]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1984 Los Traumatismos en la Prehistoria y en los Tiempos Antiguos. Medicina e Historia (J Uriach, Barcelona) 2(Serie 3):1-16. FRACTURE, TRAUMA, PREHISTORIC, [CWHM-1984-121-#1569 & ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1984-1986 Documentos Históricos de Patología Osteoarticular, nº 1-19. Barcelona: Ed Laboratorios FHER. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1985 Estudi de les Restes Humanes Trobades a la Cova del Toll (Moià) Durant la Campanya de Salvament Portada a Terme l'Estiu de 1985. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:10.]. Empúries: Revista de Prehistória, Arqueología i Etnología 47:34-40. REMAINS, HUMAN, COVA DEL TOLL SITE, [PPNL-1990-70:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1985 Estudio de un Sacro Humano Procedente de "El Vilar" (Sant Pere de Ribes), Perteneciente a la Epoca Alto Medieval. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:10.]. Empúries: Revista de Prehistória, Arqueologia i Etnologia 47:292-295. SACRUM, MEDIEVAL, EL VILAR SITE, [PPNL-1990-70:10 & ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1985 Maladies et Accidents des Hommes du Moyen Age. Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie 96:74-75. DISEASE, ACCIDENT, MIDDLE AGES, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1985 Paleopatología de la Columna Vertebral. Investigación y Ciencia, pp. 6-13. SPINE, PATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:08]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1986 Paleopatología. Jano (Madrid) 30:2362-2375. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1986 Study of a Trepanned Skull Belonging to the Neolithic Period, Coming from the Site of "Can Tintorer" in Gavá (Barcelona), Spain. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 95-103. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, BARCELONA, NEOLITHIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1986 Study of a Trepanned Skull Belonging to the Neolithic Period, from the Site of 'Can Tintoré' in Gava (Barcelona), Spain. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 3. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, CAN TINTORE SITE, NEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1987 Las Enfermedades del Hombre Primitivo. In: Albarracin. Historia de las Enfermedades. Madrid: Ed Wellcome-España, pp. 26-34. DISEASE, HISTORY, PRIMITIVE MAN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1987 La Investigación Paleopatológica. Cuadernos de Sección de Antropología-Etnografía de la Sociedad de Estudios Vascos 4:180-193. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1988 Prehistoria. In: López Piñero. Historia de la Medicina Valenciana. Valencia: Ed Vincent-García, pp. 24-54. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:09]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1989 Herniated Intervertebral Lumbar Discs in an Individual from the Roman Era, Exhumated from the 'Quinta de San Rafael' (Tarragona, Spain). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 2(2):89-94. SPINE, INTERVERTEBRAL DISC, HERNIATED, ROMAN ERA, QUINTA DE SAN RAFAEL SITE, [PPNL-1989-67:15]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1989 Historic News of Paleopathology in Spain. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:9.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(1):7-14. PALEOPATHOLOGY NEWS, SPAIN, [PPNL-1990-72:9]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1989 Osteo-Articular Tuberculosis in the Middle Ages in Spain. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:13.]. Empuries Revista de Prehistoria, Arqueología i Etnología 48-50:142-151. TUBERCULOSIS, OSTEO-ARTICULAR, MIDDLE AGES, SPAIN, [PPNL-1994-86:13]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1990 La Cova Sepulcral del Neolític Antic de l'Avellaner (Cogolls, Les Planes d'Hostoles. La Garrotxa). Estudio Paleopatológico. Centre d'Investigaciones Arqeolòques de Girona, Sèrie Monogràfica Num 11. Girona, pp. 1-125. NEOPLASM, OSTEOCHONDROMA, FRACTURE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:49]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1990 Diagnostic Possibilities of Meningiomas in Paleopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 7. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMA, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1990 Etude des Restes Squelettiques d'un Individu de l'Epoque Tardi-Romaine, Atteint de Polyarthrite Rhumatoïde. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:12.]. Anthropologie et Préhistoire 101:71-83. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, [PPNL-1992-79:12]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1991 Healing of the Skull Bone After Injury. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(3):137-149. SKULL, INJURY, HEALING, [PPNL-1991-76:13]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1991 The Possibility of Diagnosing Meningiomas in Palaeopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:11.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):225-230. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMA, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [CWHM-1992-153-#0495 & PPNL-1992-78:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1991 Prehistoric Trephining as a Magico-Religious Ritual. In: The Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on the History of Medicine, Antwerp, 3-7 September 1990, pp. 87-93. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:11.]. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, RITUAL, [PPNL-1992-78:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1992 Lesiones Oseas en las Neoplasias Craneocerebrales. [Osteal Lesions in Cranio-Encephalic Neoplasies.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 93. SKULL, TRAUMA, NEOPLASM, TUMOR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1992 Malignant Skull Tumours in Ancient Times (Spain). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 7. SKULL, NEOPLASM, TUMOR, MALIGNANT, ANCIENT, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1992 Noticia Histórica de la Paleopatología en España. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Asclepio 44(2):173-191. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SPAIN, [CWHM-1993-158-#0213]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1993 Paleopatología. Los Primeros Vestigios de la Enfermedad. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14; 1995, 89:15.]. Colección Histórica de Ciencias de la Salud (Fundación Uriach, Barcelona), 4:1-167. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1994-87:14 & ETXEBERRIA-FRANCISCO-BIBLIOGRAPHY-1993-ON-DISK]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] 1994 Paleopatología: Los Primeros Vestigios de la Enfermedad. Primera Parte. [See review by Luigi Capasso, 1994.]. Colección Histórica de Ciencias de la Salud (Fundación Uriach, Barcelona). [PALEOPATHOLOGY, ]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec] n.d. Paleopatología. Los Primeros Vestigios de la Enfermedad. Segunda Parte. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 91:13.]. Colección Histórica de Ciencias de la Salud (Fundación Uriach 1838, Barcelona), 5. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1995-91:13

Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and M. J. Alvareda 1987 Estudio de los Restos Humanos Procedentes de la Necrópolis Paleocristiana de Gerena, Sevilla (Siglos V-VI). Noticiario Arqueológico Hispánico: Arqueológica (Madrid) 29:202-210. REMAINS, HUMAN, NECROPOLIS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]

Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and J. Barbera 1982 Dental Mutilations in the Pre- and Proto-History of the Iberian Peninsula. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 3. DENTAL MUTILATION, IBERIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and J. A. Barceló 1985 Estudio Morfométrico de la Cara Interna de la Escama del Hueso Occipital. [Morphometric Study of the Internal Surface of the Squama Occipitalis.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 58:11.]. Paleontologia i Evolució 19:69-129. [English translation 19:131-145.]. OCCIPITAL, MORPHOMETRY, [PPNL-1987-58:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Carvajal 1990 Posibilidades Diagnósticas de la Tomagrafía Computarizada en los Estudios Paleopatológicos. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:12.]. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina (Valencia) 20:435-450. DIAGNOSIS, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [PPNL-1992-79:12]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Carvajal 1995 The Possibility of Studying Craniostenosis and Related Pathologies by Vestibular Craniometry, Using Computerized Tomography. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):85. CRANIOSTENOSIS AND RELATED PATHOLOGY, STUDY BY VESTIBULAR CRANIOMETRY, CT SCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Carvajal 1996 Craneometría Vestibular Mediante Tomografía Computarizada. [Vestibular Craniometry Using Computerized Tomography.]. Archivo Español de Morfología 1:29-38. SKULL, DEFORMITY, VESTIBULAR CRANIOMETRY, CT SCAN, [PPNL-1996-95:13]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Carvajal 1996 The Possibility of Studying Craniostenosis and Related Pathologies by Vestibular Craniometry, Using Computerized Tomography (CT). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, pp. 5-6. CRANIOSTENOSIS AND RELATED PATHOLOGY, STUDY BY VESTIBULAR CRANIOMETRY, CT SCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and M. Casademont 1979 Artropatía Degenerativa en un Individuo de la Era Precristiana. Medicina Española (Valencia) 78:82-94. ARTHROSIS, DEGENERATIVE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10 & ARME]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], M. Hernandez, E. Chimenos, and D. Turbon 1992 Etude Anthropologique et Paléopathologique du Squelette Médiéval 0-52 de "La Olmeda" (Pedrosa de la Vega, Prov. Palencia, Espagne). Paléobios 8(1-2):23-31. AMPUTATION, PUNITIVE, INJURY, STEEL BLADE, ENTHESOPATHY, ARTHROSIS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ABSCESS, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and T. Majó 1992 Study of Three Trepanned Neolithic Skulls Exhumed in Sant Pau Road, Barcelona (Spain). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 7. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, NEOLITHIC, POSTER, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Malgosa 1991 Braquimielia en un Esqueleto Procedente de la Necrópolis Talayótica de "S'Illot des Porros" (Mallorca). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:13.]. Actas del IX Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Medicina 1991:1179-1188. PATHOLOGY, MALLORCA, [PPNL-1992-79:13]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and V. J. Marí-Balcells 1984 Microscopy of Osteal Tumours in Paleopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 3. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, OSTEAL, MICROSCOPY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and A. Martín 1977 Estudio Antropológico del Individuo nº 1 de la Follonera. In: E. Pons. La Follonera, Gerona. Gerona: Ed Diputación Gerona, pp. 200-234. ANTHROPOLOGY, GERONA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and O. Mercadal 1988 New Trephined Skulls in Minorca. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 2. TREPHINATION, MINORCA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and O. Mercadal 1989 New Trephined Skulls in Minorca. Journal of Paleopathology 1:15-20. TREPHINATION, MINORCA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], O. Mercadal, and R. -M. Blanch 1993 A Mortal Wound Caused by a Flint Arrowhead in Individual MF-18 of the Neolithic Period Exhumed at Sant Quirze del Valles. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:10.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(2):145-150. SPINE, WOUND, ARROW, NEOLITHIC, SANT QUIRZE DEL VALLES, [PPNL-1993-83:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and Conrado Rodríguez Martín 1994 Spinal Congenital Malformations in Spanish Prehistoric Populations: A Comparative Study Between the Iberian Peninsula and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S29. SPINE, MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, PREHISTORIC, COMPARATIVE STUDY, IBERIAN PENINSULA, TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN), ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and Conrado Rodríguez Martín 1994 Spinal Congenital Malformations in Spanish Prehistoric Populations: A Comparative Study Between the Iberian Peninsula and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 6. SPINE, MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, PREHISTORIC, COMPARATIVE STUDY, IBERIAN PENINSULA, TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN), ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and María-Elena Salas-Cuesta 1995 Signs of Meningiomas in a Skull of the Mexican Colonial Period. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:16.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):144-150. NEOPLASM, MENINGIOMA, TRAUMA, SKULL, COLONIAL PERIOD, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and Francesc Tarrats 1991 Anthropological Identification and Paleopathological Study of a Skeleton, Probably Pertaining to the Roman Doctor from the I-II Century B.C., Tiberius Claudius Apollinaris (Tarragona, Spain). Dynamis 11:387-414. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, APOLLINARIS; TIBERIUS CLAUDIUS, FIRST CENTURY, ROMAN-SPAIN, [CWHM-1992-154-#0320]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and Daniel Turbón 1980 Cráneo Trepanado de la Bauma de los Ossos. In: Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Medicina. Barcelona, pp. 472-479. TREPHINATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], Daniel Turbón, L. Camacho, and J. L. Cases 1984 Probable Aneurisma Cavernoso Retro-Ocular Derecho con Osteoma Reactivo en el Individuo nº 7 de la Necrópolis Visigótica de Clunia (Burgos). Ampurias (Barcelona) 45/46:342-350. ANEURISM, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], Daniel Turbón, and M. Hernández 1986 Estudio Paleopatológico Preliminar de la Necrópolis Medieval de La Olmeda (Pedrosa de la Vega, Palencia). In: Actas del VIII Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Medicina, Murcia-Cartagena. NECROPOLIS, MEDIEVAL, PALENCIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], Daniel Turbón, and M. Hernández 1988 Cranial Pathology of a Medieval Population in Castile (Spain). Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 118:153-170. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL, SPAIN, [J-HUM-EVOL-1993-24:40]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and R. Viñas 1974 Estudio Antropológico de los Cráneos de la Bófia de la Serra de los Picals. Speleon (Barcelona) 21:103-118. SKULL, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and R. Viñas 1975-1976 Estudio de la Mandíbula del Individuo I de la Cova del Mas D'Abad (Cove de Virromá, Castellón). Speleon (Barcelona) 22:229-239. MANDIBLE, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:10]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and R. Viñas 1980 Contribución a la Paleopatología a Través del Arte Rupestre. In: Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Medicina. Barcelona, pp. 462-471. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ART, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1978 Estudio Paleopatológico de los Restos Exhumados en la Necrópolis Medieval del <> (Ripoll, Girona). In: M. D. Garralda, and R. M. Grande. I Simposio de Antropología Prehistórica de España. Madrid, pp. 67-68. REMAINS, HUMAN, NECROPOLIS, MEDIEVAL, RIPOLL, GIRONA, SPAIN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1979 Mutilaciones Dentarias en un Individuo Procedente del Yacimiento de Cabrerizos (Segovia). Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) 36:489-495. DENTAL MUTILATION, RITUAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1980 Lésions Rituelles Sanglants dans la Préhistoire de l'Espagne. In: Actas del 3ème Congrès Européen Paleopathology Association. Caen, pp. 201-207. MUTILATION, RITUAL, LESION, SPAIN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:51]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1980 Ritual Injuries Involving Blood in the Prehistory of Spain. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C4. INJURY, RITUAL, PREHISTORIC, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1985-1986 Exposición de Nuestra Experiencia Paleopatológica de Epoca Medieval. Dynamis 5/6:31-58. PATHOLOGY, EXPERIENCE, MEDIEVAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1987 Manual de Antropología Biológica para Arqueólogos. Barcelona: Ed CYMS. ANTHROPOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, ANTHROPOMETRY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], and E. Vives 1987 Les Mutilations Dentaires Préhistoriques Post-Mortem dans la Péninsule Ibérique. Anthropologie Physique et Archéologie. Paris: Editer CNRS, pp. 359-365. DENTAL MUTILATION, PREHISTORIC, POST MORTEM, IBERIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:11]
Campillo, Domingo [Campillo i Valero, Domènec], et al. 1990 Cribra Orbitaria y Osteoporosis Hiperostosicas en Paleopatológica. Asclepio 42(1):365-391. ANEMIA, CRIBRA ORBITALIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, [CWHM-1991-149-#0081-#1797-#1835]
Campo Martín, M. 1985 La Enfermedad Entre los Cántabros y Astures en el Periodo Pre-Romano. In: Memoria de Licenciatura. Madrid: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. MEDICINE, ARCHAIC, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:47]
Campo Martín, M. 1986 La Enfermedad en los Pueblos Pre-Romanos del Norte Penisular. Jano (Madrid) 728:26-34. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12]
Campos Campos, S. A. 1978 Paleopatología (Dientes, Maxilares y Mandíbula). [Tesis, Universidad Tecnológica de México, Escuela de Odontología, México]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MEXICO, [REV-MEX-ESTUD-ANTROPOL-1980-26:198]
Camps, F. 1953 Medical and Scientific Investigation in the Christie Case. London: Medical Publications. CHRISTIE CASE, INVESTIGATION, [SBEHP-239]
Camps, G., and G. Oliver, eds. 1970 L'Homme de Cro-Magnon. Anthropologie et Archéologie. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques. CRO-MAGNON, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [PPNL-1986-54:8]
Camps Mercadal, F. 1912 Cráneo Trepanado de Biniatzem. Revista de Menorca (Baleares) 7:199-200. TREPHINATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12 & HOMEN-JUAN-COMAS-1965-2:144]
Campusano, C., H. Figueroa, B. Lazo, J. Pinto-Cisternas, and C. Salinas 1972 Some Dental Traits of Diaguitas Indian Skulls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(1):139-142. DENTITION, INDIAN, DIAGUITAS, [JRNL]
Camus, Albert 1966 The Plague. Translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert. New York: Modern Library. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Camus, P. 1910 Note sur la Carie Dentaire a l'Epoque Néolithique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1(Série 6):136-141. DENTAL CARIES, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology 1979 Committee Report: Statement on the Excavation, Treatment, Analysis, and Disposition of Human Skeletal Remains from Archaeological Sites in Canada. Canadian Review of Physical Anthropology/Revue Canadienne d'Anthropologie Physique 1:32-36, REMAINS, SKELETAL, EXCAVATION, TREATMENT, ANALYSIS, DISPOSITION, CANADA, [GREEN-E-L-1984:274]
Canal, P., Mariantonia Capitanio, C. Corrain, et al. 1987 Analisi FRX (Fluorexcenza ai Raggi X) di Reperti Archeologici (Denti Umani) di Varia Provenienza. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:16.]. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 117:234-249. DENTITION, RADIOLOGY, [PPNL-1989-68:17]
Canales, Pedro P. 1912 Los Cementerios Indígenas en la Costa del Pacífico. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Americanists (Part 1, Buenos Aires, 1910), pp. 273-297. CEMETERY, SOUTH AMERICA, PACIFIC COAST, [JRNL]
Canalis, E. 1990 Regulation of Bone Remodeling. In: M. J. Favus, ed. Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kelleysville, California: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, pp. 23-26. BONE, REMODELING, REGULATION, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Canalis, Rinaldo F., Roberto M. Aragon, Fernando Cabieses, and William N. Hanafee 1980 Fibrous Dysplasia: Findings in a Pre-Columbian Skull. American Journal of Otolaryngology 1(2):131-135. SKULL, FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Canalis, Rinaldo F., Fernando Cabieses, William G. Hemenway, and Robert Aragon 1981 Prehistoric Trephination of the Frontal Sinus. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:10.]. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 90(2):186-189. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, SINUS, FRONTAL, [JRNL]
Canavan, M. M. 1937 Exostoses Within the Calvarium: Survey of Skulls in the Warren Museum of the Harvard University Medical School. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (Chicago) 38:1240-1242. SKULL, EXOSTOSIS, WARREN, MUSEUM, [LSG4-Cranium exostosis]
Canci, A., S. Minozzi, and Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli 1994 Osteomyelitis: Elements for Differential Diagnosis of Skeletal Material. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 88-90. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, OSTEOMYELITIS, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Canci, A., and Elena Repetto 1991 Un Cas d'Ostéome Crânien chez un Sujet du Néolithique Italien--Grotte des Arene Candide (Ligurie, Italie). [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 34:89-95. SKULL, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, ITALY, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1992-30(4):265]
Canci, A., Elena Repetto, and Silvanna M. Borgognini Tarli 1992 Sellar Pathology in a Middle Bronze Age Skull from Southern Italy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:17.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(4):305-310. NEOPLASM, PITUITARY ADENOMA, NON-SECRETING, CHROMOPHOBE [CWHM-1993-157-#0194 & PPNL-1993-81:17]
Canci, A., Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli, and Elena Repetto 1991 Osteomyelitis of Probable Haematogenous Origin in a Bronze Age Child from Toppo Daguzzo (Basilicata, Southern Italy). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(2):135-139. OSTEOMYELITIS, BRONZE AGE, ITALY, [CWHM-1991-151-#0340]
Canci, A., et al. 1993 I Resti Umani della Media Età del Bronzo Rinvenuti nell'Ipogeo de Madonna di Loreto (Trinitapoli, Foggia). [Italian with English Abstract]. Antropologia Contemporanea 16(1-4):33-39. REMAINS, HUMAN, ITALY, MIDDLE AGES, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(3):226]
Candela, P. B. 1936 Blood-Group Reactions in Ancient Human Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21(3):429-432. BLOOD GROUP, REACTION, SKELETON, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Candela, P. B. 1937 Blood Group Determinations upon Minnesota and New York Skeletal Material. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(1):71-78. BLOOD GROUP DETERMINATION, SKELETON, MINNESOTA, NEW YORK, [JRNL]
Candela, P. B. 1939 Blood-Group Determinations upon the Bones of Thirty Aleutian Mummies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 24(3):361-383. MUMMIES, ALEUT, BONE, BLOOD GROUP DETERMINATION, [JRNL]
Candela, P. B. 1939 Blood-Group Tests on Stains, Mummified Tissues, and Cancellous Bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):187-214. MUMMIES, BONE, CANCELLOUS, BLOOD GROUP, TEST, [JRNL]
Candela, P. B. 1940 Reliability of Blood-Group Tests on Human Bones. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 27(3):365-381. BONE, BLOOD GROUP, TEST, RELIABILITY, [JRNL]
Candela, P. B. 1943 Blood Group Tests on Tissues of Paracas Mummies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1(1):65-67. MUMMIES, PARACAS, TISSUE, BLOOD GROUP, TEST, [JRNL]
Canedo, Nelly 1985 Preliminary Assessment of Protein-Calorie Deficiency in Mummified Scalp Tissue from Chihuahua, Mexico. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 53-58. MUMMIES, MEXICO, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY, SCALP, [BOOK]
Cann, Rebecca L. 1994 Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimens. Edited by Bernd Herrmann, and Susanne Hummel. 1994. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Review]. American Journal of Human Biology 6(6):791-792. REVIEW OF, HERRMANN; BERND, AND SUSANNE HUMMEL, 1994, [JRNL]
Cannefax, G. T., L. C. Norins, and E. J. Gillespie 1967 Immunology of Syphilis. Annual Revue of Medicine 18:471-482. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, INFANT, IMMUNOLOGY, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Cannon, Kenneth P. 1995 Blood Residue Analyses of Ancient Stone Tools Reveal Clues to Prehistoric Subsistence Patterns in Yellowstone. CRM 2:14-16. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE PATTERN, STONE TOOL, BLOOD RESIDUE ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Cannon, Kenneth P., and M. E. Newman 1994 Results of Blood Residue Analysis of a Late Paleoindian Projectile Point from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11:18-21. BLOOD RESIDUE ANALYSIS, PROJECTILE POINT, WYOMING, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CRM-1995-2:16]
Cannon, Marvin S. 1980 Ciertas Prácticas Odontológicas de los Aborígenes del Nuevo Mundo. By Focion Febres-Cordero. 1974. Caracas, Venezuela. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 35(3):357-358. REVIEW OF, FERBRES-CORDERO; FOCION, 1974, [JRNL]
Cannon, Marvin S. 1981 An X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies. Edited by James E. Harris, and Edward E. Wente. Chicago, Illinois and London: University of Chicago Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 36(3):351-352. REVIEW OF, HARRIS; JAMES E. S. AND EDWARD E. WENTE, 1980, [JRNL]
Cannon, Marvin S. 1983 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. By Donald J. Ortner, and Walter G. J. Putschar. 1981. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Number 28. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 38(2):196. REVIEW OF, ORTNER; DONALD J. AND WALTER G. J. PUTSCHAR, 1981, [JRNL]
Cano, Raul J., M. K. Borucki, M. Higby-Schweitzer, Hendrik N. Poinar, George O. Poinar, Jr., and K. J. Pollard 1994 Bacillus DNA in Fossil Bees: An Ancient Symbiosis? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60(6):2164-2167. DNA, ANCIENT, BEE; PROPLEBEIA DOMINICANA, [NDX-MUMMIES-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994]
Cano, Raul J., and Hendrik N. Poinar 1993 A Rapid and Simple Method for Extracting DNA from Fossil and Museum Specimens Suitable for the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Biotechniques. In press. DNA, EXTRACTION, METHODOLOGY, [HERRMANN-&-HUMMEL-1994:102]
Canu, Georges 1908 Trépanation Préhistorique et Rondelles Crâniennes. [Paris Thèse Nombre 328]. Paris: Henri Jouve. DISSERTATION, TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Capasso, Luigi 1985 L'Origine delle Malattie. [The Origin of Diseases]. Chieti, Italy: Marino Solfanelli Editore. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 52:16.]. DISEASE, ORIGIN, [PPNL-1985-52:16]
Capasso, Luigi 1985-1986 Familiar Relationship Reconstruction in the Burials "Circles" of the Alfedena Necropolis (Iron Age: L'Aquila, Italy) Using the Mobility and Topographic Distribution of Non-Malignant Osseous Neoplasm. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:14.]. OSSA 12:3-7. NEOPLASM, NON-MALIGNANT, EXOSTOSIS, IRON AGE, ITALY, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1987 Laser-Radiogrammetry: A New Technology for the Study of Pathologic Human Bone, Ancient and Living. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, Supplement, p. 17. BONE, ANCIENT, LIVING, LASER, RADIOGRAMMETRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1988 Exostoses of the Auditory Bony Meatus in Precolumbian Peruvians. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(3):113-116. AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, [PPNL-1989-66:12]
Capasso, Luigi 1988 Paleopathology of the Bronze Age Population from the Grotta dello Scoglietto (Tuscany, Italy). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 3. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, TUSCANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1989 A Paleopathological Case of the Osseous Leontiasis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 2(2):85-88. LEPROSY, LEONTIASIS OSSEA [PPNL-1989-67:15]
Capasso, Luigi 1990 Biological and Technological Patterns in Iron Age Populations from Central Italy. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 7. BIOLOGY, TECHNOLOGY, IRON AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1991 Fossil Mosquitoes and the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Man's Ancestors. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:14.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(3):171-201. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, MOSQUITO, [CWHM-1992-152-#0117 & PPNL-1991-76:14]
Capasso, Luigi 1992 An Unusual Find: An Ancestral Variant (Processus Paramastoideus) in the Human Cranium. Paleopathology Newsletter 79:7-9. OCCIPITAL, PARAMASTOID, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1993 La Enfermedad en la Prehistoria de Alava. Aproximación a la Arqueologia, 4. Edited by Francisco Etxeberria. Museo Arqueologico. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 5(1):61-62. REVIEW OF, ETXEBERRIA; FRANCISCO, NO DATE, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1993 A Preliminary Report on the Tattoos of the Van Senales Mummy (Tyrol, Neolithic). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14.]. Journal of Paleopathology 5(3):173-182. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, TATTOO AS CURE FOR, [PPNL-1994-87:14 & CWHM-1994-162-#0146]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 Counting the Dead: The Epidemiology of Skeletal Populations. By Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron]. 1994. Chichester, England and New York: John Wiley & Sons. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):169-170. REVIEW OF, WALDRON; TONY, 1994, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 Lésions Ostéo-Archéologiques: Recueil et Identification. By: Pierre L. Thillaud, and Pierre Charon. 1994. Sceaux, France: Kronos B.Y. Editions. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:19.]. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):170-171. REVIEW OF, THILLAUD; PIERRE L., AND PIERRE CHARON, 1994, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Edited by: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun. 1994. Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):172-173. REVIEW OF, DUTOUR; OLIVIER, GYORGY PALFI, JACQUES BERATO, AND JEAN-PIERRE BRUN, 1994, [PPNL-1995-91:14 & J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:172]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 Paleopathologia: Los Primeros Vertigios de la Enfermedas. Primera Parte. By Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero]. 1994. Fundación Uriach. [Review]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(3):171-172. REVIEW OF, CAMPILLO; DOMINGO [CAMPILLO I VALERO, DOM┼NEC], 1994, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 Paul Janssens and Nini Janssens. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 86:5. OBITUARY, JANSSENS; PAUL, AND JANSSENS; NINI, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1994 Ungueal Morphology and Pathology of the Human Mummy Found in the Val Senales (Eastern Alps, Tyrol, Bronze Age). Munibe 46:123-132. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, FINGER NAIL, UNGUEAL MORPHOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):300]
Capasso, Luigi 1995 Documentazioni Paleopatologiche dell'Inquinamento Atmosferico nell'Antichità. [Italian with English Abstract]. Medicina nei Secoli 7(3):435-444. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION, [CWHM-1996-170-#0461]
Capasso, Luigi 1995 Osteoma: Paleopathology and Phylogeny. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):86. NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, PALEOPATHOLOGY AND PHYLOGENY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi 1996 Osteoma: Paleopathology and Phylogeny. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 6. NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, PALEOPATHOLOGY AND PHYLOGENY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, ed. 1987 Abstracts of Papers Delivered at the Seventh European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyons, France, 1988. Journal of Paleopathology 1:45-99. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, SEVENTH EUROPEAN, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS, [CWHM-1989-142-#1477]
Capasso, Luigi, ed. 1989 Advances in Paleopathology. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--1. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ADVANCES IN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:139]
Capasso, Luigi, and Luciana Rita Angeletti 1994 History of Medicine and Prehistoric Orthopedics. Medicina nei Secoli 6(1):71-85. MEDICAL HISTORY, ORTHOPEDICS, [CWHM-1995-165-#0306]
Capasso, Luigi, and Arnaldo Capelli 1992 The First Italian Case of Trepanation Dated to Roman Times. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 7-8. TREPHINATION, ITALY, ROMAN ERA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Arnaldo Capelli 1993 Le Epidemie di Peste in Abruzzo dal 1348 al 1702. Cerchio, Aq.: A. Polla. PLAGUE, ABRUZZO 1348-1702, [MELVYL]
Capasso, Luigi, Arnaldo Capelli, Luigi Frati, and Renato Mariani-Costantini 1992 Notes on the Paleopathology of the Mummy from Hauslabjoch/Val Senales (Southern Tyrol, Italy). In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 209-213. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, DENTITION, TATTOO, [BOOK]
Capasso, Luigi, Arnaldo Capelli, Luigi Frati, and V. Pierfelice 1992 Absence of the Foramen Nutricum with a Probable Aneurismatic Cyst of the Right Ilium in a Medieval Subject from South-West Italy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:17.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(3):185-192. ILIUM, ILIAC FOSSA, LESION, VASCULAR ORIGIN, ANEURYSMAL BONE CYST, [PPNL-1994-85:17]
Capasso, Luigi, L. Di Domenicantonio, Gabriella di Tota, and Caterina Scarsini 1994 Bronze Javelin Point in a Femur from the Necropolis of Pontecagnano (Salerno, Southern Italy, IV Century BC). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S30. FEMUR, PONTECAGNANO, ITALY, BRONZE JAVELIN POINT IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, L. Di Domenicantonio, Gabriella di Tota, and Caterina Scarsini 1994 Bronze Javelin Point in a Femur from the Necropolis of Pontecagnano (Salerno, Southern Italy, IV Century BC). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 7. FEMUR, PONTECAGNANO, ITALY, BRONZE JAVELIN POINT IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Luigi Frati 1994 Epidermal-Adnexa Pathology of the Ice-Man (Bronze Age, Tyrol). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S31. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, EPIDERMAL-ADNEXA PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and L. Frati 1994 Epidermal-Adnexa Pathology of the Ice-Man (Bronze Age, Tyrol). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 7. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, EPIDERMAL-ADNEXA PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Alan H. Goodman 1992 Introduction. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, INTRODUCTION, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER]
Capasso, Luigi, and Renato Mariani-Costantini 1994 Paleopatologia dei Tumori Umani. Medicina nei Secoli (Arte e Scienza) 6(1):1-51. NEOPLASMA, TUMOR, HUMAN, HISTORY, [CWHM-1995-165-#0119 & J-PALEOPATHOL-1995-1:11]
Capasso, Luigi, C. Metoni, and Gabriella di Tota 1995 Bone Changes Due to Rickets: Preliminary Histological Observations on Paleopathological Samples. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 154(3):91-95. RICKETS, BONE CHANGE, HISTOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Capasso, Luigi, and Quinzio Milanesi 1980 Note Paleopatologiche su Alcuni Aborigeni Australiani Antichi. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:15.]. Seminario di Scienze Antropologiche. 2:215-224. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [PPNL-1984-47:15]
Capasso, Luigi, and Quinzio Milanesi 1981 La Patologia Dentaria e dei Mascellari dei Fuegini Antichi (Terra del Fuoco). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:16.]. Seminario di Scienze Antropologiche. 3:29-33. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, TERRA DEL FUEGO, [PPNL-1984-47:16]
Capasso, Luigi, M. Di Muzio, and L. Spoletini 1993 Alterazioni Scheletriche Dovute a Rachitismi: Problemi Diagnostici ed Esempi Paleopatologici Abruzzesi di Epoca Rinascimentale. [Italian with English Abstract]. Antropologia Contemporanea 16(1-4):41-47. SPINE, RACHIOPATHY, DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEM IN PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(3):226]
Capasso, Luigi, M. Di Muzio, Gabriella di Tota, and L. Spoletini 1991 A Case of Probable Cranial Hemangioma (Iron Age, Central Italy). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:11.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(1):55-63. NEOPLASM, CRANIAL HEMANGIOMA, IRON AGE, ITALY, [CWHM-1992-154-#0321 & PPNL-1992-78:11]
Capasso, Luigi, and G. Petrozzi 1979 Alcuni Metodi Istologici ed Istochimici per la Dimostrazione della Strutturae della Composizione delle Sostanze Organiche nell'Osso Umano Antico. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:15.]. Seminario di Scienze Antropologiche 1:67-75. BONE, ANCIENT, HISTOCHEMISTRY, [PPNL-1984-47:15]
Capasso, Luigi, and M. Piccardi 1980 La Grotta dello Scoglietto: Un Probabile Centro Nosocomiale dell'Antica Etàdel Bronzo in Toscana. [The Scoglietto Cave: A Bronze Age Medical Center in Tuscany.]. [Italian with English and French Abstracts]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:15.]. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 35(1/2):165-181. MEDICAL CENTER, BRONZE AGE, TUSCANY, [PPNL 1984-47:15 & ARME]
Capasso, Luigi, and V. Rossi 1980 Aspetti Patologici di Talune Ossa Umane della Grotta dei Colombi all'Isola di Palmaria (La Spezia). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:15.]. Studi per l'Ecologia del Quaternario 2:211-214. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, VERTEBRAL, RIB, FRACTURE, [PPNL-1984-47:15]
Capasso, Luigi, and P. Sciulli 1988 Idiopathic Heteropia of the Maxillary Central Incisors in a Precolumbian Peruvian from Cuzco. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:17.]. Journal of Paleopathology 2(3):170-172. DENTITION, INCISOR, MAXILLARY, IDIOPATHIC HETEROPIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, [PPNL-1990-69:17]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1990 Fossil Mosquitoes and the Origins of Human Malaria. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 8. MALARIA, ORIGIN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1991 The Human Mummies of Navelli: Natural Mummification at New Site in Central Italy. Paleopathology Newsletter 75:7-8. MUMMIFICATION, ITALY, NAVELLI, NATURAL, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1992 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry on Ancient Human Dental Calculi from Iron Age Population of Sulmona (Central Italy, III Century B.C.) Anthropologie (Brno) 30(2):54-57. DENTAL CALCULUS, IRON AGE, ITALY, ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:287]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1992 Atomic Absorption Studies on Ancient Human Dental Calculi from an Iron Age Population in Central Italy (Sulmona, Abruzzo, ca IIIrd Century B.C.). Anthropologie (Brno) 30(2):205-208. DENTAL CALCULUS, IRON AGE, ITALY, ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:57]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1992 Foramen Caecum Molare as a Developmental Defect of the Enamel. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, FORAMEN CAECUM MOLARE, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1993 Probable Persistence of the Remains of a Rouget-Neumann Sheath into the Canalicular System of Ancient Human Bone. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:7.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3:49-53. BONE, ANCIENT, ROUGET-NEUMANN SHEATH [PPNL-1993-82:07]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1995 Gli Inumati della Necropoli Medioevale della Chiesa di 'San Lorenzo' d'Aversa: Studio Antropologico e Paleopatologico. Caserta, Italy: Soprintendenza B.A.A.A.S. di Caserta e Benevento. ANTHROPOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, CEMETERY, CHIESA DI 'SAN LORENZO' D' AVERSA, ITALY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:287]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1996 Possible Therapy for Headaches in Ancient Times. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:13.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(3):316-319. TREPHINATION, HEADACHE, MIDDLE AGES, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, and Gabriella di Tota 1996 An Unusual Paleopathological Finding: A Possible 'Ciclicium' in a XV Century Natural Mummy from Central Italy. Paleopathology Newsletter 93:11-12. MUMMIES, ITALY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY, OSTEOCHONDROMA, RIB FRACTURE, COXO-FEMORAL ARTHRITIS, 'CICLICIUM', [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, Gabriella di Tota, K. W. Jones, and C. Tuniz 1995 Synchrotron Radiation Microprobe Analysis of Human Dental Calculi from an Archaeological Site: A New Possible Perspective in Palaeonutrition Studies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:16.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(3):282-288. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTAL CALCULI, SYNCHROTRON RADIATION MICROPROBE ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Capasso, Luigi, Gabriella di Tota, V. Pierfelice, and F. Pietrangelo 1994 A Case of Dermoid Extracranial Cyst in an Adult Male Subject from the Medieval Cemetery of Teramo-Sant'Anna (VII-XII Century A.D., Central Italy). Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 153(5):231-235. CYST, DERMOIS EXTRACRANIAL, MALE, MEDIEVAL, TERAMO-SANT'ANNA, ITALY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Capasso, Luigi, et al. 1992 [The Absence of a Central Lower Incisor in a Medieval Subject from the Norman Cemetery of San Lorenzo di Aversa (Caserta).]. [Italian with English Abstract]. Minerva Stomatologica 41(12):545-547. DENTITION, INCISOR, LOWER, ABSENT, [NDX-Paleodontology-34(08)-00894]
Capecchi, V. 1978 Pied Plat, Pied Creux et Epine Sous-Calcanéenne Paléolithique. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU3. FOOT, FLAT, PALEOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capecchi, V. 1980 A Propos de Deux Cas de "Epine sous-Calcanéenne" dans des Pieds Vieux de 18,000 ans. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:127-130. CALCANEUS, SPINE, [PPNL-1980-31:18]
Capecchi, V. 1980 Quelques Reflexions sur la Préhistoire du Pied Bot Congénital. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. C4-C5. TALIPES, CLUB FOOT, CONGENITAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capecchi, V. 1984 La Biologia e la Patologia degli Etruschi. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 3. BIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, ETRUSCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capecchi, V. 1984 Grave Artrosi Lombo-Sacrale in Etrusco del VI Secolo. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, pp. 3-4. SACRUM, LUMBAR, SIXTH CENTURY, ETRUSCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capecchi, V., Emma Rabino Massa, and M. Piccardi 1988 Un Cas de Sacro-Iléite Ankylosante (Maladie de Strumpel-Marie) chez un Péruvien Précolombien. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 3. SPINE, MARIE-STRÜMPELL DISEASE, RHEUMATOID SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSIS, SACROILIAC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capecchi, V., and Emma Rabino Massa, eds. 1987 Proceedings of the Fifth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 1984. Siena, Italy: Tipografia Senese. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [PPNL-1988-61:16 [Note: Ask Eve Cockburn to send us a copy of this report to Daniel V. Elerick at the San Diego Museum of Man.]]
Capel, Stuart 1994 Radiography and Archaeology. Radiography Today 60(689):15-16. RADIOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL USE OF, [CWHM-1994-164-#0663]
Capelli, Arnaldo, and Luigi Capasso 1994 Studio Antropologico sulla Mummia del Beato Lorenzo da Villamagna. In: AAVV Verbali della Ricognizione Canonica e dell'Intervento Conservatorio del Corpo del Beato Lorenzo da Villamagna. Teramo: Edigrafital Editore, pp. 55-101. MUMMIES, ITALY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY, [PPNL-1996-93:12]
Capelli, Arnaldo, Luigi Capasso, L. Frati, and R. Mariani-Costantini 1992 Paleopathological Evidence from the Iceman Mummy: Preliminary Report and Future Perspectives. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 8. MUMMIES, ICEMAN MUMMY, PRELIMINARY REPORT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Capitan, L. 1882 Recherches Expérimentales sur les Trépanations Préhistoriques. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5:535-538. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Capitan, L. 1889 Armes de Jet à Tranchant Transversal Concave ou Convexe. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 12(Série 3):609-620. WEAPON, CONCAVE, CONVEX, THROWING AND CUTTING, CUT MARK, [ARME]
Capitan, L. 1895 Importance des Etudes Pathologiques en Anthropologie Générale. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7. ANTHROPOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Capitan, L. 1895 A Propos de Déformation Crâniennes dans l'Art Antique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6(Série 4):9-10. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ART, [ARME]
Capitan, L. 1899 Moulages et Crânes Trépanés du Pérou. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10(Série 4):584. TREPHINATION, PERU, PREHISTORIC, SKULL MOLDS, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Capitan, L. 1909 La Pathologie dans la Céramique des Anciens Péruviens. Revue de l'Ecole d'Anthropologie de Paris 6. PATHOLOGY, CERAMIC REPRESENTATION, PERU, [ARME]
Capitan, L. 1909 Le Squelette Humain Moustérien de la Chapelle-Aux-Saints (Corrèze). Revue de l'Ecole d'Anthropologie de Paris 19:103-108. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [LSG2-Skeletal remains]
Capitan, L. 1920 Les Sacrifices Humains et l'Anthropophagie Rituelle chez les Anciens Mexicains. Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris 12:211-217. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL CANNIBALISM, SACRIFICE, HUMAN SACRIFICE, MEXICO, [ARCTIC-ANTHROL-1994-31:075]
Capitan L., and Peyrony 1910 Deux Squelettes Humains au Milieu de Foyers de l'Epoque Moustérienne. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1(Série 6):48-53. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MOUSTERIAN, [LSG2-Skeletal remains]
Caplan, A. L., H. T. Engelhardt, Jr., and J. J. McCartney, eds. 1981 Concepts of Health and Disease. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing. [See review by R. S. Hagey, 1982.]. DISEASE CONCEPT, HEALTH, [AJPA-59:472]
Caplan, R. M. 1980 Winter Thoughts About Sumer. Journal of the Iowa Medical Society 70(2):70,72. SUMER, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-21-10-08334]
Caplan, R. M. 1994 Leprosy in Iowa: 1860 1954. Iowa Medicine 84(4):173-174. LEPROSY, 1860-1954, IOWA, USA, [NDX-LEPROSY-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994 & CWHM-1994-164-#0285]
Caporael, Linda 1976 [Ergotism in Salem in 1692?] American Journal of Science 192:21-?. ERGOTISM, SALEM 1692, [CWHM-1976-090-#0416]
Capparoni, P. 1921 Giov. Battista da Vercelli, Sifiloiatra Squartato Sotto Leone X. Rome: F. Centenari. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Capper, A. 1925 An Epitome of the History of Syphilis. Archives of Dermatology and Syphiology 12:509. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Cappucini, J. 1884 Nella Peste Napoletana. In: S. Angello di Sorrento. The Neapolitan Plague. PLAGUE, HISTORY, NAPLES, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Capuano, M. 1986 I Ritratti di Dante e il Profilo Anatomico del Poeta. Lanternino 9(2):5-6,12. ANATOMY, [CWHM-1986-129-#1647 & ARME]
Carabellese, F. 1897 La Peste di 1348. [The Plague of 1348.]. Rocca S. Casciano. PLAGUE, HISTORY, 1348, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Caramelea, V. V., D. Nicolaescu-Plopsor, and C. Maximilian 1963 Contributi Paleodemografice la Studiul Unor Comunitatitribale din Epoca Bronzului de pe Teritoriul Rominiei. Probleme de Antropologie 7:243-261. DEMOGRAPHY, BRONZE AGE, RUMANIA, [ARME]
Carbone, Victor A., and Bennie C. Keel 1985 Preservation of Plant and Animal Remains. In: Robert I. Gilbert, Jr., and James H. Mielke, eds. The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, pp. 1-19. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, REMAINS, PLANT AND ANIMAL, PRESERVATION OF, [BOOK & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:631]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1958 The Dentition of the Kish Population, 3,000 B.C. [Thesis, University of Chicago, Illinois]. DENTITION, KISH, THREE THOUSAND B.C., [ARME]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1960 The Tubercle of Carabelli in the Kish Dentition, Mesopotamia, 3000 B.C. Journal of Dental Research 39(1):124-128. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TUBERCLE, KISH, MESOPOTAMIA, THREE THOUSAND B.C., [JRNL]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1963 Variations in the Frequency of Shovel-Shaped Incisors in Different Populations. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 211-234. DENTITION, INCISOR, SHOVELLED, [BOOK & ARME]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1964 The Paleo-Dental-Pathology of Ancient Mesopotamians. [Abstract]. Journal of Dental Research 43(5):798. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MESOPOTAMIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1965 The Paleo Dental-Pathology of Ancient Mesopotamians, 3000-538 B.C. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(3):329. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MESOPOTAMIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1965 The Teeth of the Neanderthal Child from Gibraltar: A Re-Evaluation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(1):41-49. DENTITION, GIBRALTAR, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Carbonell, Virginia M. 1966 The Paleodental Pathology of Ancient Mesopotamians. Journal of Dental Research 45(2):413. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MESOPOTAMIA, [JRNL]
Carcassi, V., R. Cepellini, and F. Pitzus 1957 Frequenza della Talassemia in Quattro Popolazioni Sarde e suoi Rapporti cos la Distribuzione dei Gruppi Sanguini a della Malaria. Bollettino dell'Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese 36:206-218. THALASSEMIA, MALARIA, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:313]
Cárdenas, Juan de 1978 Problemas y Secretos Maravillosos de las Indias. [Reprint of 1951 Edition]. Edited, with notes, by Xavier Lozoya. Mexico City: Academia Nacional de Medicina. [See review by James D. Goodyear, 1985.]. MEDICINE, NEW SPAIN [BULL-HIST-MED-1985-59:117]
Cárdenas Muñoz, R. 1979 Miositis Osificante Progresiva. Revista Médica de Chile 107:373. MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS PROGRESIVA, [CWHM-1980-106-#1096]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1985 Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Dos Momias Provenientes de Chihuahua, México: Resumen en Español. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 139-147. MUMMIES, MEXICO, CHIHUAHUA, [BOOK]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1988 The Columbian Mummy Project. Paleopathology Newsletter 63:7-8. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1989 La Momificación Aborigen en Colombia. Boletín Museo del Oro (Bogotá) 25:120-124. MUMMIFICATION, COLOMBIA, ABORIGINAL, [CARDENAS-NPT]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1990 The Application of Computer Assisted Tomography in a Mummy Bundle from Colombia. Paleopathology Newsletter 69:13-14. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, MUMMY BUNDLE, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1990 El Enmochilado de Chiscas: Un Caso de Momificación Aborigen en el Siglo XVIII AD para la Antropología Física Actual. Memorias V Congreso Nacional de Antropología. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología, pp. 235-249. MUMMIFICATION, COLOMBIA, ABORIGINAL, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [CARDENAS-NPT]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1990 Mitos y Verdades Sobre la Desnutrición Entre los Muiscas: Una Visión Crítica. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología Bogotá 6(1):127-139. MALNUTRITION, MUISCAS, [CARDENAS-NPT]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1991 Two Drawings of Pathological Conditions in Guaman Poma's Chronicle of Peru--A.D. 1615. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 77:18.]. Bioantropología 1:1-20. PATHOLOGICAL CONDITION, SKETCH OF CONDITION, POMA'S CHRONICLE, PERU, [CWHM-153:006 & PPNL 1992-77:18]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1992 Momias, Santuarios y Ofrendas: El Contexto Ritual de la Momificación en el Altiplano Central de los Andes Colombianos. [Mummies, Sanctuaries and Offerings: The Ritualistic Context of Mummification in the Central Altiplano of the Columbian Andes.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 152. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, MUMMIFICATION, RITUAL, MOQUE, ETHNOGRAPHY, ETHNOHISTORY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1992 Momificación Aborigen en Colombia: Un Proyecto Interdisciplinario. [Aboriginal Mummification in Columbia: An Interdisciplinary Project.]. [Poster]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 206. MUMMIFICATION, COLOMBIA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1993 Cocaine and Other Hallucinogens in Human Archaeological Remains: Setting the Cultural-Historical Context for a Growing Field of Enquiry in Bioanthropology. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 19. REMAINS, HUMAN, HALLUCINOGENS IN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1993 A Cotton Object Introduced into the Anal Canal of a 16th Century AD Colombian Mummy. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 18. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, ANAL CANAL, POSTER, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1994 The Cultural Context of Aboriginal Coca Use and Hallucinogenic Substances in Colombian Archaeology and Ethnography: A Model for Bioanthropological Interpretation. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S32. COCA, ABORIGINAL USE, COLOMBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1994 Form and Function of Aboriginal Mummification in Colombia: A View from Ethnohistory and Modern Technology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 20. MUMMIFICATION, COLOMBIA, FORM AND FUNCTION OF, ETHNOHISTORY, MODERN TECHNOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1995 Hallucinogenically Induced Phosphene Decorations: Archaeological and Ethnographic Correlations in Aboriginal Colombia. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):87. HALLUCINOGEN USE, EFFECT ON CERAMIC DECORATION, COLOMBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1995 Momias, Santuarios y Ofrendas: El Contexto Ritual de la Momificación en el Altiplano Central de los Andes Colombianos. [Mummies, Sanctuaries and Offerings: The Ritualistic Context of Mummification in the Central Altiplano of the Columbian Andes.]. In: Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre Momias, 1992. [Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1992]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, MUMMIFICATION, RITUAL, MOQUE, ETHNOGRAPHY, ETHNOHISTORY, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:164]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe 1996 Hallucinogenically Induced Phosphene Decorations: Archaeological and Ethnographic Correlations in Aboriginal Colombia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 6. HALLUCINOGEN USE, EFFECT ON CERAMIC DECORATION, COLOMBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe, and Ramiro Huertas-Motta 1990 Un Caso de Mucocele del Seno Frontal en Un Cráneo de Chicscas, Boyacá. Boletín Museo del Oro (Bogotá) 26:131-134. SKULL, SINUS, FRONTAL, MUCOCELE, COLUMBIA, [CARDENAS-NPT & PPNL-1991-74:12]
Cárdenas-Arroyo, Felipe, and Luis Guillermo Rendon 1988 Datos Patológicos y Culturales Sobre un Cráneo de Belalcázar, Cauca (Tierradentro). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:17.]. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 26:109-127. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CULTURE, DATA, TIERRADENTRO, [CARDENAS-NPT & PPNL-1989-68:17]
Cardy, A. 1994 Whithorn: The Late Medieval Cemetery. [Unpublished skeletal report]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, WHITHORN CEMETERY, UNPUBLISHED REPORT, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Carette-Pillot 1947 La Denture des Hommes du Paléolithique. Odontologie: Revue de Thérapeutique, de Chirurgie et de Prothése Dentaire (Paris) 85:3-32 and 75-90. DENTITION, PALEOLITHIC, [METRESS-1974:024]
Carey, E. J. 1923 Multiple and Bilateral Traumatic Parosteal Bone and Callus Formation of Femurs and Left Innominate Bone. Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society 356-361. BONE, TRAUMA, CALLUS, [ARME]
Carle, P. 1941 Burial Customs of the Indians of the Southwest. [Thesis, Texas Technological College, Lubbock]. BURIAL CUSTOM, AMERICA, SOUTHWEST, INDIAN, THESIS, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:17]
Carley, C. D. 1981 Historical and Archaeological Evidence of Nineteenth Century Fever Epidemics and Medicine at Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Vancouver. Historical Archaeology 15(1):19-35. FEVER, HUDSON BAY COMPANY, VANCOUVER, NINETEENTH CENTURY, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):316]
Carli-Thiele, P. 1995 Scurvy: Investigations on the Human Skeleton Using Macroscopic, Radiological and Microscopic Methods. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):88. SCURVY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carli-Thiele, P. 1996 Scurvy: Investigations on the Human Skeleton Using Macroscopic, Radiological and Microscopic Methods. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 6. SCURVY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carli-Thiele, P. 1996 Spuren von Mangelerkrankungen an Steinzeitlichen Kinderskeleten. [Vestiges of Deficiency Diseases in Stone Age Child Skeletons.]. Göttingen: Erich Goltze. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:13.]. DEFICIENCY DISEASE, CHILDREN, STONE AGE, [PPNL-1996-96:13]
Carli-Thiele, P. 1996 Vestiges of Deficiency Diseases in Stone Age Child Skeletons. In: Michael Schultz, ed. Advances in Paleopathology and Osteoarchaeology, Volume I. Göttingen: Verlag Erich Goltze. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CHILD, STONE AGE, DEFICIENCY DISEASE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Carli-Thiele, P., Kerstin Kreutz, Michael Schultz, and Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen 1994 Workshop V: Diseases in Infancy and Childhood. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. WORKSHOP, DISEASE, INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carli-Thiele, P., and Michael Schultz 1994 Cribra Orbitalia in the Early Neolithic Child Populations from Wandersleben and Aiterhofen (Germany). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S33. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, CHILD, NEOLITHIC, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carli-Thiele, P., and Michael Schultz 1994 Cribra Orbitalia in the Early Neolithic Child Populations from Wandersleben and Aiterhofen (Germany). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 7. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, CHILD, NEOLITHIC, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carli-Thiele, P., and Michael Schultz 1996 Zur Differentialdiagnose von Mangelkrankheiten des Kindesalters in bandkeramischen Populationen. [Kurzfassung/Abstract]. In: 2. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Kurzfassungen der Beiträge, Freie Universität Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Charité (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), p. 10. MALNUTRITION, DEFICIENCY DISEASE, CHILDREN, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-EXTRA.DOC-OF-12/13/96

Carli-Thiele, P., Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, and Michael Schultz 1995 Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an den Skeleten der subadulten Individuen der neolithischen Populationen von Aiterhofen (Bayern) und Wandersleben (Thüringen). In: N. Nieszery. Linearbandkeramische Gräberfelder in Bayern (Aiterhofen-Ödmühle, Senkhofen, Mangolding und Dillingen-Steinheim). Espelkamp: Verlag Marie Leidorf. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SUBADULT, NEOLITHIC, BAYERN, THÜRINGEN, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]

Carlos, James P., and Alan M. Gittelsohn 1965 Longitudinal Studies of the Natural History of Caries. 1. Eruption Patterns of the Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 44(3):509-516. DENTAL CARIES, HISTORY, NATURAL, [JRNL]
Carlson, Catherine C., George J. Armelagos, and Ann L. Magennis 1992 Impact of Disease on the Precontact and Early Historic Populations of New England and the Maritimes. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 141-153. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, NEW ENGLAND, MARITIME PROVINCES, [BOOK]
Carlson, David S. 1976 Temporal Variation in Prehistoric Nubian Crania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 1):467-484. CRANIOLOGY, TEMPORAL VARIATION, CRANIOFACIAL EVOLUTION, MASTICATION, CEPHALOMETRY, MULTIPLE DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Carlson, David S., George J. Armelagos, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1974 Factors Influencing the Etiology of Cribra Orbitalia in Prehistoric Nubia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1974, 8:10.]. Journal of Human Evolution 3(5):405-410. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, ETIOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Carlson, David S., George J. Armelagos, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1976 Patterns of Age-Related Cortical Bone Loss (Osteoporosis) Within the Femoral Diaphysis. Human Biology 48(2):295-314. OSTEOPOROSIS, AGE-RELATED CORTICAL BONE LOSS, FEMORAL DIAPHYSIS, [JRNL]
Carlson, David S., and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1974 Hyperostotic Cranial Lesions and Anemia in Prehistoric Nubia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):132-133. ANEMIA, LESION, SKULL, PREHISTORIC, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carlson, David S., and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1977 Masticatory Function and Post-Pleistocene Evolution in Nubia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 46(3):495-506. SKULL, MASTICATORY FUNCTION, CRANIOFACIAL EVOLUTION, NUBIA [JRNL]
Carlson, K. J. 1996 A Case of Survived Scalping from the Fisher Mounds Site, Illinois. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 4. SCALPING, FISHER MOUNDS SITE, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carlson, K. J., Della Collins Cook, and Ethan M. Braunstein 1996 A Biomechanical Analysis of Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Modern Human Femurs from Franchthi Cave, Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:80-81. FEMUR, MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC, MODERN, FRANCHTHI CAVE, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carlson, Roy L., and George J. Armelagos 1965 Cradleboard Hoods, Not Corsets. Science 149(3680):204-205. DEFORMATION, CRADLEBOARD, CORSET, [JRNL]
Carlton, Michael W. 1996 Great Balls of Fire: St. Anthony and Ergotism. Mithridata 6(2):9-14. ERGOTISM, [CWHM-1996-170-#0462]
Carmagnani, Marcello 1967-1968 Colonial Latin American Demography: Growth of Chilean Population, 1700-1830. Journal of Social History 1(2):179-191. DEMOGRAPHY, LATIN AMERICA, COLONIAL, POPULATION, CHILE 1700-1830, GROWTH OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Carman, J., ed. n.d. Material Harm: Studies in the Archaeology of War and Violence. Worldwide Archaeology Series. Cruithne Press. In press. VIOLENCE AND WAR, [FILER-JOYCE-1995:108]
Carmean, Kelli, and Joseph Eldon Molto 1991 The Las Palmas Burial Tradition of the Cape Region, Baja California Sur: Some New Research Questions. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 27(4):23-38. BURIAL TRADITION, BAJA CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Carmen Serra, Mari, Magali Civera, and Arturo Roman P. 1982 Entierros en un Sitio Formativo del Sur de la Cuenca de México Terremote-Tlatenco, D. F. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 19(1):55-91. ANEMIA, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY, DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL MUTILATION, SKULL, DEFORMATION, TERREMOTE-TLATENCO, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Carmichael, Ann G. 1986 Plague and the Poor in Renaissance Florence. New York: Cambridge University Press. [See anonymous review, 1987.]. PLAGUE, RENAISSANCE, FLORENCE, [MASCA-4(4):212]
Carmichael, Ann G., and Arthur M. Silverstein 1987 Smallpox in Europe Before the Seventeenth Century: Virulent Killer or Benign Disease? Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 42(2):147-168. SMALLPOX, EUROPE, [CWHM-1987-134-#1893 & JRNL]
Carmichael, D. J., P. V. Tobias, and C. M. Dodd 1975 A Partial Biochemical Characterization of Fossilized Bone from Makapansgat, Swartkrans and Queen Charlotte Islands. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 51:257-262. BONE, BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1984-13:93 & CWHM-1975-088-#0170]
Carmichael, E. B. 1980 The Pellagra Story in the United States of America. Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama 49(9):23,26,31,33. PELLAGRA, USA, [CWHM-1981-108-#1404]
Carmichael, Patrick H. 1988 Nasca Mortuary Customs: Death and Ancient Society on the South Coast of Peru. [Dissertation, University of Calgary]. DISSERTATION, MORTUARY CUSTOM, NASCA, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:184]
Carmichael, Patrick H. 1995 Nasca Burial Patterns: Social Structure and Mortuary Ideology. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 161-187. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, NASCA BURIAL PATTERN, [BOOK]
Carmichael, Patrick H., Brenda V. Kennedy, and Janice D. Lacapra n.d. Unbraiding the Past: A Forensic Examination of Nasca Hair Artifacts. Calgary, Canada: Manuscript on file, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, 1992. FORENSICS, HAIR ARTIFACT, NASCA, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:184]
Carmignani, Renzo 1954 Il Cannibalismo degli Asandè. Roma. CANNIBALISM, ZANDE, CENTRAL AFRICA, [J-ROY-ANTHROPOL-INST-GB-IRELAND-1960-90:257]
Carmignani, Renzo 1955 Gli Asandè o Niam-Niam e il Problema del Loro Cannibalismo. In: Atti della 45th Riunione della Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze, Roma. CANNIBALISM, ZANDE, NIAM NIAM, CENTRAL AFRICA, [J-ROY-ANTHROPOL-INST-GB-IRELAND-1960-90:257]
Carmignani, Renzo 1957 Il Cannibalismo degli Asandè. Africa (Rome, Italy) 27:397-400. CANNIBALISM, ZANDE, CENTRAL AFRICA, [J-ROY-ANTHROPOL-INST-GB-IRELAND-1960-90:257]
Carmona Arroyo, F., and V. Monleon Alegre 1993 El Ejercicio de la Odontologia en España: Ley XC de los Reyes Catolicos. Revista de Actualidad Odontoestomatológica Española 53(424):58-64. MEDICAL HISTORY, ODONTOLOGY, SPAIN, [CWHM-1995-168-#0893]
Carmona García, Juan I. 1979 El Sistema de la Hospitalidad Pública en la Sevilla del Antiguo Régimen. Seville: Diputación Provincal. HOSPITAL, PUBLIC HOSPITAL, SEVILLE, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Carnese, F. R., and M. Palatnik 1972 [Paleoserological Studies of Mummified Remains of Argentinean Aborigines.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Sangre (Barcelona) 17:201-210. MUMMIES, ARGENTINA, SEROLOGY, [NDX-Mummies-13-07-07429]
Carnot, A. 1893 Recherches sur la Composition Générale et la Teneur en Fluor des Os Modernes et des Os Fossiles des Differents Ages. Annales des Mines (St. Etienne, France) BONE, MODERN, FOSSIL, FLUORINE, [ARME]
Carpenter, Edmund 1991 Repatriation Policy and the Heye Collection. Museum Anthropology 15(3):15-18. REPATRIATION, HEYE COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Carpenter, K. 1986 The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. SCURVY, HISTORY, [ISCAN-1989:220]
Carpenter, K. 1987 The Problem of Land Scurvy, 1820-1910. Society for the Social History of Medicine Bulletin 40:20-22. SCURVY, LAND SCURVY 1820-1910, [CWHM-1988-135-#1903]
Carr, Christopher 1995 Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis. Edited by Lane Anderson Beck. 1995. New York: Plenum Press. [Review]. Journal of Anthropological Research 51(4):399-403. REVIEW OF, BECK; LANE ANDERSON, 1995, [JRNL]
Carr, H. Graham 1960 Some Dental Characteristics of the Middle Minoans. MAN (London) 60(Article 157):119-122. DENTITION, MIDDLE MINOANS, [JRNL]
Carr, Lucien 1876-1879 Observations on the Crania from the Stone Graves in Tennessee. Reports of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 2:361-384. SKULL, STONE GRAVE, TENNESSEE, [JRNL]
Carr, Mia 1996 Developmental Canalization and Stress in Five Species of Primates. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 17. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, GORILLA, CHIMPANZEE, ORANGUTAN, BABOON, GIBBON, POSTER, [JRNL]
Carr, Robert S., M. Yasar Iscan, and Richard A. Johnson 1984 A Late Archaic Cemetery in South Florida. Florida Anthropologist 37(4):172-188. OSTEOMYELITIS, OSTEITIS, PERIOSTITIS, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Carrada Bravo, T. 1976 La Epidemiología Histórica del Tétanos en América. Salud Pública de México 18:961-971. EPIDEMIOLOGY, TETANUS, AMERICA, [CWHM-1977-096-#1461]
Carrada Bravo, T. 1981 La Lepra en la República Mexicana. Revista Médica (México) 19:567-569. LEPROSY, MEXICO, [CWHM-1982-113-#0972]
Carranza Bello, A. 1989 Reconocimiento de Piezas Dentales en Antropología. Practica Odontológica 10(12):21-22,24-27. ODONTOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-148-#1670]
Carrasco, P. 1971 Los Barrios Antiguos de Cholula. Estudios y Documentos de la Región de Puebla-Tlaxcala 3:9-88. BARRIO, ANCIENT, CHOLULA, MEXICO, [LORY 1977:108]
Carrasco, T., and A. Malgosa 1990 Paleopatología Oral y Dieta. Interpretación de la Patología Dental de 112 Individous Procendentes de una Necrópolis Talayóica Mallorquina (Siglos VI al II A.C.). Dynamis 10:17-37. DIET, ORAL PATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-149-#0641-#1821]
Carrasco, T., A. Malgosa, and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero] 1991 Patologías Dentarias de la Necrópolis Talayótica de "S'Illot des Porros", Mallorca. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:13.]. Actas del IX Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Medicina 1991:1189-1199 DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MALLORCA, [PPNL-1992-79:13]
Carreño, Alberto María 1912 La Trepanación Entre Nuestros Aborígenes. [Trephination Among Our Aborigines.]. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Americanists (Part 2, Mexico, 1910) 1:113-119. TREPHINATION, MEXICO, ABORIGINAL, [SORENSON 1990-C-069 & ARME]
Carrera Padros, M. 1982 Mitología de la Infertilidad y Esterilidad. Minutos Menarini 119:6-11. MYTHOLOGY, INFERTILITY, STERILITY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:39]
Carreras Panchón, Antonio 1973 Dos Testimonios Sobre la Epidemia de Peste de 1599 en Valladolid. Asclepio 25:351-357. PLAGUE, VALLADOLID 1599, MEXICO, [CWHM-1975-088-#1208]
Carreras Panchón, Antonio 1976 La Peste y los Médicos en la España del Renacimiento. Ediciones del Instituto de Historia de la Medicina Española. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca. PLAGUE, SPAIN, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Carreras Panchón, Antonio 1977 Las Epidemias de Peste en la España del Renacimiento. Asclepio 29:5-15. PLAGUE, RENAISSANCE, SPAIN, [CWHM-1980-105-#1282]
Carreras Panchón, Antonio 1981 Sobre el Concepto de Pestilencia (Waba') en el "Canon" de Avicena. Asclepio 33:265-273. PLAGUE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0535]
Carreras Roca, M. 1983 Aportaciones del Saber Médico en la Antigüedad. Minutos Menarini 127:24-27. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:39]
Carretero, J. M., J. Oliva, A. M. Pérez, and P. J. Pérez 1987 Frecuencia de la Faceta Supernumeraria de la Tibia en la Población Prehistórica Canaria. In: Actas del V Congreso Español de Antropología Biológica. León, pp. 453-462. TIBIA, FACET, SUPERNUMERARY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12]
Carretero, J. M., and P. J. Pérez 1986 Anomalies of the Skull Base of Canary Aboriginals and Observation of Vascular Impressions on the Frontal Bone. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, pp. 3-4. SKULL BASE ANOMALY, ABORIGINAL, CANARY ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carretero, J. M., and P. J. Pérez 1986 Anomalies of the Skull Base of Canary Aboriginals and Observation of Vascular Impressions on the Frontal Bone. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 121-128. SKULL, FRONTAL ANOMALY, ABORIGINAL, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12]
Carrière, G., and J. Reboul 1894 Un Cas de Trépanation Préhistorique Fait Pendant la Vie et Suivie de Guérison Opératoire, Observée sur un Crâne de la Grotte Sépulchrale de Rousson Pies Salindres. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5:351-356. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Carrillo, J. L. 1979 La Dialéctica Ciencia-Creencia y su Manifestación en la Málaga de 1803: El Conflicto del Cierre de los Templos. Jábega (Málaga) 26(2):3-8. YELLOW FEVER, MALAGA 1803-1804, [CWHM-1980-105-#1746]
Carrillo, J. L., and L. Garcia Ballester 1977 Repercusiones Sociales de la Epidemia de Fiebre Amarilla de Málaga (1803-1804). Asclepio 29:73-99. YELLOW FEVER, MALAGA 1803-1804, [CWHM-1980-105-#1747]
Carrillo, J. L., and A. J. Ray 1976 Diffusion of Diseases in the Western Interior of Canada, 1830-1850. Geographical Review 66:139-157. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DISEASE DIFFUSION, CANADA, [CWHM-1977-094-#0401]
Carrillo Montesinos, J. M. 1981 La Lepra en la Edad Media: España. Arch Hosp Provinc S Juan de Dios 2(1):135-138. LEPROSY, MIDDLE AGES, SPAIN, [CWHM-1983-115-#0991]
Carrillo Montesinos, J. M. 1981 El "Zaraath" de la Biblia, Corresponde a la Lepra Actual? Arch Hosp Provinc S Juan de Dios 2(2):167+. LEPROSY, BIBLE, [CWHM-1983-115-#0992]
Carrnubba, R. W. 1981 The First Detailed Report on Persian Mummy. [Including a translation of "Amoenitatum Exoticarum," Lemgo, 1712, pp. 516-524]. Physis (Florence) 23:459-471. DRUG, MUMMY AS DRUG, [CWHM-1982-113-#1165]
Carro Otero, J. 1976 Un Caso de Traumatologia Craneal en la Astorga del Siglo V (d.C.). Galicia Clinica 48:596-618. TRAUMA, SKULL, FIFTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1977-093-#0385-#1373]
Carro Otero, J., and M. L. Varela Ogando 1984-1985 Estudio Anatomo-Antropológico del Esqueleto Atribuído a D. Osorio Gutiérrez. El <> de Villanueva de Lorenzana, Lugo. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:12]
Carroll, Charles 1993 Administering Federal Laws and Regulations Relating to Native Americans: Practical Processes and Paradoxes. CRM 16(Special Issue):16-21. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Carroll, David S. 1957 Roentgen Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease. Southern Medical Journal 50:1486-1490. SICKLE CELL DISEASE, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Carroll, G. A. 1972 Traditional Medical Cures Along the Yukon. Alaska Medicine 14:50-53. CURE, MEDICAL, YUKON RIVER, [ZAGREB-1988:239]
Cartailhac, E. 1881 [Un Crâne Humain avec les Traces d'un Travail Ayant eu pour but l'Enlévement d'un Fragment du Pariétal Gauche.]. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 4:297;306. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, PARIETAL, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Cartailhac, E. 1883 Nouveau Crâne Trépané des Dolmens de l'Aveyron. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon 2:148-150. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Cartailhac, E. 1894 or 1896 Quelques Faits Nouveaux du Préhistorique Ancien des Pyrénées. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 7:309-318. PYRENEES, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Cartailhac, E. 1902 Presentation d'un Cubitus Percé d'une Fleche: Discussion. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 5). CUBOID, ARROW POINT, [ARME]
Carter, A. R., and Trevor Anderson 1996 The First Archaeological Example of Enchondroma? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(4):411-413. NEOPLASM, ENCHONDROMA, FRACTURE, RADIOGRAPHY, CANTERBURY, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Carter, Giles F., ed. 1978 Archaeological Chemistry. Pullman, Washington: American Chemical Society. CHEMISTRY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:332 & MELVYL]
Carter, Giles F., ed. 1978 Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Archaeological Chemistry: Archaeological Chemistry  II. Chicago, Illinois, 1977. Advances in Chemistry Series, 171. Washington: American Chemical Society. ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, [MELVYL]
Carter, H. T. 1931 Yellow Fever: An Epidemiological and Historical Study of Its Place of Origin. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. YELLOW FEVER, EPIDEMIOLOGY, HISTORY, ORIGIN, [ARME]
Carter, Hodding, ed. 1968 The Past as Prelude: New Orleans, 1718-1968. New Orleans: Tulane University. DEMOGRAPHY, NEW ORLEANS 1718-1968, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:251]
Carter, Howard 1927 The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen: Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, Volume Two. London: Cassel and Company, Ltd. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, TOMB, [BOOK & X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Carter, Howard 1933 The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen: Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, Volume Three. London: Cassel and Company, Ltd. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, TOMB, [BOOK & X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Carter, Howard, and A. C. Mace 1923 The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen: Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, Volume One. London: Cassel and Company, Ltd. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, TOMB, [BOOK & X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Carter, J. T. 1928 The Teeth in Rhodesian Man. In: Rhodesian Man and Associated Remains. London: British Museum (Natural History), p. 64. DENTITION, RHODESIAN MAN, KABWE, ZAMBIA, [ARME]
Carter, Ray A. 1934 Infectious Granulomas of Bones and Joints, with Special Reference to Coccidioidal Granuloma. Radiology 23(1):1-16. NEOPLASM, GRANULOMA, COCCIDIOIDAL, [JRNL]
Cartmell, Larry Wayne, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Angela Springfield, Cheryl Weems, and Bernardo T. Arriaza 1991 The Frequency and Antiquity of Prehistoric Coca-Leaf-Chewing Practices in Northern Chile: Radioimmunoassay of a Cocaine Metabolite in Human-Mummy Hair. [Report]. Latin American Antiquity 2(3):260-268. MUMMIES, CHILE, HAIR, COCAINE METABOLITE, COCA CHEWING, [JRNL]
Cartmell, Larry Wayne, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Angela Springfield, Cheryl Weems, and Bernardo T. Arriaza 1992 The Frequency and Antiquity of Prehistoric Coca-Leaf-Chewing Practices in Northern Chile: Radioimmunoassay of a Cocaine Metabolite in Human-Mummy Hair. [Antigüedad y Asiduidad de la Práctica Prehistórica de Mascar la Hoja de Coca en el Norte de Chile: Radioinmunoensayo de un Metabolito de Cocaína del Cabello de una Momia Humana.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 127. MUMMIES, CHILE, HAIR, COCAINE METABOLITE, COCA CHEWING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cartmell, Larry Wayne, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Angela Springfield, Cheryl Weems, and Bernardo T. Arriaza n.d. The Frequency and Antiquity of Prehistoric Coca-Leaf-Chewing Practices in Northern Chile: Radioimmunoassay of a Cocaine Metabolite in Human Mummy Hair. In: Arthur C. Aufderheide, and R. Anton, eds. Mummy Studies. Proceedings of the First World Conference on Mummy Studies. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Museo Arquelogica y Ethnografico. MUMMIES, HAIR, COCAINE METABOLITE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:161]
Cartmell, Larry Wayne, Arthur C. Aufderheide, and Cheryl Weems 1991 Cocaine Metabolites in Pre-Columbian Mummy Hair. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 84(1):11-12. MUMMIES, HAIR, COCAINE METABOLITE, [CWHM-1991-150-#0035]
Cartwright, Frederick F. 1972 Smallpox Epidemic, 1772. Teach-In 1:701-703. SMALLPOX, EPIDEMIC 1772, [CWHM-1972-075-#1160]
Cartwright, Frederick F. 1972 Smallpox Epidemic, 1772. Update 5:863-865. SMALLPOX, [CWHM-1972-76-#1482]
Cartwright, Frederick F. 1983 Pandemics Past and Future. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 267-280. PANDEMIC, PAST, FUTURE, [BOOK]
Cartwright, Frederick F., and Michael D. Biddis 1972 Disease and History. London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:16.]. DISEASE, HISTORY, [BOOK & PPNL 1974-5:16 & ZIMM]
Cartwright, G., M. Lauritsen, P. Jones, I. Merrill, and M. Wintrobe 1946 The Anemia of Infection. I. Hypoferremia, Hypercupremia, and Alterations in Porphyrin Metabolism in Patients. Journal of Clinical Investigation 25:65-80. ANEMIA, INFECTION, [AJPA-1993-91:211]
Carvajal, A., A. Martínez, and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero] 1992 Computerized Tomography Study of the Internal Structures of a Mummy Dating from the Beginning of this Century. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 8. MUMMIES, INTERNAL STRUCTURE, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Carvalho de Mello e Alvim, Marília, and Sheila Maria Ferraz Mendonça de Souza 1983-1984 Os Esqueletos Humanos da Furna do Estrago--Pernamvuco, Brasil--Nota Prévia. [Portuguese.]. Arquivos do Museu de História Natural. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte 8-9:349-363. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Carvalho, Silvia M. S. 1983 A Cerâmica e Os Rituais Antropofágicos. Revista de Antropologia (Sao Paulo) 26:39-52. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL CANNIBALISM, CERAMIC REPRESENTATION, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Casanova, G. 1984 Epidemie e Fame nella Documentazione Greca d'Egitto. Aegyptus (Milano) 64:163-201. EPIDEMIC, FAMINE, GREEK EGYPT, [CWHM-1988-136-#0657]
Casanova, M., P. Leroy, C. Boucekkine, J. Weissenbach, C. Bishop, M. Fellous, M. Purrello, G. Fiori, and M. Siniscalco 1985 A Human Y-Linked DNA Polymorphism and Its Potential for Estimating Genetic and Evolutionary Distance. Science 230:1403-1405. GENETICS, Y-CHROMOSOME, LINKAGE, GENETIC DISTANCE, EVOLUTION, [MYRES-JOEL-BYU-/801-375-6521-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997]
Casanueva, Fernando 1991 Smallpox and War in Southern Chile in the Late Eighteenth Century. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 183-212. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Casas Gaspar, E. 1943 Perhistoria de la Medicina. Barcelona: Ed BYP. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Casati, A. 1959 Le Iperostosi Interabulari del Cranio come Fatto di Variabilita Normale. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 89:127. SKULL, HYPEROSTOSIS, INTERTUBULAR, [CRAN]
Case, D. T. 1996 Brachydactyly in Arikara Skeletal Remains from South Dakota. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:81. BRACHYDACTYLY, SOUTH DAKOTA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ARIKARA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Caselitz, Peter von 1980 Bemerkungen zur Demographie der Spätmittelalterlichen und Frühneuzeitlichen Stadt Stade. Stader Jahrbuch 70:7-47. DEMOGRAPHY, STADT, [CWHM-1984-119-#1317 & ARME]
Caselitz, Peter von 1981 Aspekte der Ernährung in der Römischen Kaiserzeit, dargestellt an den Moorleiche von Windeby--1. [Notes on the Nutrition of Roman Times, as Observed in the Bog Body from Windeby--1.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:14.]. Offa 36/1979:108-115. BOG BODIES, NUTRITION, ROMAN ERA, WINDEBY, [PPNL-1982-39:14]
Caselitz, Peter von 1981 Der Gesundheitszustand der Einwohner der Spätmittelalterlichen und Neuzeitlichen Stadt Stade. Teil I. Stomatologische Untersuchungen. [Health Conditions in the Late Medieval and Modern Populations of Stade. I. Dental Observations.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:14.]. Stader Jahrbuch 1981:18-38. DENTITION, MEDIEVAL, MODERN, STADE, [PPNL-1982-39:14]
Caselitz, Peter von 1981 Operation at Foramen Magnum--A New Case from Medieval Times. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:13.]. OSSA 8:53-61. FORAMEN MAGNUM, MEDIEVAL CLINICAL OPERATION, [JRNL]
Caselitz, Peter von 1981 Untersuchungen zur Zahnkaries und deren Folgen am Beispiel der in der Klosterkirche zu Bad Iburg Bestatteten. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:13.]. Osnabrücker Mitteilungen 87:9-18. DENTAL CARIES, [PPNL-1982-40:13]
Caselitz, Peter von 1981 Zahnkaries und ihre Folgen bei einer Schleswiger Bevölkerungsstichprobe des Spätmittelalters. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:13.]. Die Heimat 11:357-363. DENTAL CARIES, [PPNL-1982-40:13]
Caselitz, Peter von, and G. Delling 1981 Erste Ergebnisse einer Zusammenarbeit von Paläopathologie und Prähistorischer Anthropologie am Beispiel Nordwestdeutschen Fundmaterials. [Preliminary Results of the Collaboration of Paleopathology and Prehistoric Anthropology in a Study in Northwest German Material.]. [German English and French Abstracts]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 38:11.]. HOMO 32:44-52. PATHOLOGY, PREHISTORY, GERMAN, [JRNL]
Cashion, M. A. 1987 A Diachronic Assessment of Stress Indicators in Three Plains American Indian Populations. [Thesis, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge]. STRESS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ZAGREB-1988:110]
Cashman, John 1994 "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Edited by Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell. 1991. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 49(1):123-125. REVIEW OF, COOK; NOBLE DAVID, AND W. GEORGE LOVELL, 1991, [JRNL]
Casillas, L., and Luis A. Vargas Guadarrama 1984 La Alimentación Entre los Mexicas. In: Alfredo López Austin, and Carlos Viesca Treviño, eds. Historia General de la Medicina en México. Tomo I: México Antiguo. México, D.F.: Academia Nacional de Medicina, U.N.A.M., pp. 133-156. NUTRITION, MEXICO, [PPNL-1986-55:18]
Caso, Alfonso 1932 Monte Albán, Richest Archaeological Find in America. National Geographic 62(4):487-512. ARCHAEOLOGY, MIXTEC, MONTE ALBAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Caso, Alfonso 1938 Exploraciones en Oaxaca: Quinta y Sexta Temporadas 1936-1937. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía y Historia, Publicación Número 34. Tacubaya, D.F., México: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía y Historia. EXPLORATION OAXACA, [BOOK & ARME]
Caso, Alfonso 1969 El Tesoro de Monte Albán. México, D.F.: Memorias del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 3. ARCHAEOLOGY, MIXTEC, MONTE ALBAN, MEXICO [MELVYL & CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:164]
Casotti, Luigi 1955 Instrumental Odontologico Procedente de las Excavaciones del Antiguo Egipto. Revista Española de Estomatologia 3(3):237-248. ODONTOLOGY, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Casotti, Luigi 1958 [Stomatological Fragments in Ancient Egypt.]. Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Affini (Turin) 57:33-35 STOMATOLOGY, EGYPT, [ARME]
Cassar, Paul 1974 Surgical Instruments on a Tomb Slab in Roman Malta. Medical History 18(1):89-93. INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, ROMAN, MALTA, [JRNL]
Cassar, Paul, and A. Ganado 1979 Two More Documents of 1813 Written on Wood During the Plague of Malta. Melita Hist 7:356-362. PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF MALTA, [CWHM-1982-112-#1526]
Cassedy, James H. 1966 Discussion: The Development and Present Condition of Human Palaeopathology in the United States. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 41-42. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, PRESENT CONDITION, USA, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Cassedy, James H. 1995 Plague of Strangers: Social Groups and the Origins of City Services in Cincinnati, 1819-1870. Urban Life and Urban Landscape Series. By Alan I. Marcus. 1991. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 69(1):141-142. REVIEW OF, MARCUS; ALAN I., 1991, [JRNL]
Cassels, D. 1966 Doctor-Anthropologist Makes Historic Diagnoses from Bones. Medical Post December 20:13. BONE, DIAGNOSIS, [GWELSPAL.BIB]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1971 Apparently Cancerous Lesions in a Sadlermuit Eskimo Jawbone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 35(2):275. CANCER, LESION, SADLERMUIT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1972 A Comparison of Nutrition and Health in Preagricultural and Agricultural Amerindian Skeletal Populations. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison]. DISSERTATION, AGRICULTURE, PREAGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, HEALTH, AMERICA, INDIAN, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 & ISCAN-1989:198 & ARME]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1974 Determination of Nutritional and Health Status in Skeletal Populations, the Use of Multiple Techniques for Data Analysis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):472. NUTRITION, HEALTH STATUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1977 Probable Malignancy in a Sadlermiut Eskimo Mandible. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 46(2):291-296. NEOPLASM, MALIGNANCY, MANDIBLE, DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1978 The Diagnosis of 'Syphilis' in Amerindian Bones: Methodological and Historical Comments. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association at the Academy of Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 15 April 1978, pp. T4-T5. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BONE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1979 Arthritis in Dry Bones: Diagnostic Problems. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):68-69. ARTHRITIS, DRY BONE, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [JRNL]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1980 Nutrition and Health in Agriculturalists and Hunter-Gatherers: A Case Study of Two Prehistoric Populations. In: N. W. Jerome, R. F. Kandel, and G. H. Pelto. Nutritional Anthropology, Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture. Pleasantville, New York: Redgrave, pp. 117-145. NUTRITION, HEALTH, AGRICULTURALIST, HUNTER-GATHERER, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:339]
Cassidy, Claire M. 1984 Skeletal Evidence for Prehistoric Subsistence Adaptation in the Central Ohio River Valley. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 307-345. NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, OHIO RIVER VALLEY, [BOOK]
Cassman, V. 1991 Las Momias Chinchorro Tratamiento de Conservación. Proyecto Conservación Momias Chinchorro. Universidad de Tarapacá. Manuscript on file, Department of Archaeology, Universidad de Tarapacá. MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, CONSERVATION PROJECT, UNIVERSIDAD DE TARAPACA, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:164]
Castaldi, L. 1937 I Piu Antichi Documenti Medici (Paleopatologia). [Most Ancient Medical Documents (Paleopathological).]. Rassegna Internazionale di Clinica e Terapia (Napoli) 18:148-158. PATHOLOGICAL DOCUMENT, ANCIENT, [ARME]
Castany, J., E. Sánchez Campoy, L. Guerrero, J. Carreras, R. Mora, and G. Vila 1990 El Berguedà: De la Prehistòria a l'Antiquitat. Berga: Llibres de l'Ambit, 4. ANTHROPOLOGY, PREHISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Castany, J., and L. Guerrero 1986 Algunes Consideracions sobre la Prehistòria i l'Antropologia a les Comarques del Bagues, Berguedà i Solsonè. Dovella (Manresa) 18:35-41. ANTHROPOLOGY, PREHISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Castany, J., and L. Guerrero 1986 El Megalitisme al Solsonès: Darreres Investigacions Arqueològiques i Antropológiques. Ilerda (Lérida) 47:9-46. ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, MEGALITHIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Castellana, C., A. Malgosa, and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero] 1991 Estudio de las Artropías de la Necrópolis Talayótica de "S'Illot des Porros" (Mallorca). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:13.]. Actas del IX Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Medicina 1991:1207-1217. PATHOLOGY, MALLORCA, [PPNL-1992-79:13]
Castellano, M. 1976 Estudio de Comportamiento del Material Orgánico en el Proceso de Envejecimiento de Restos Oseos. Apliación al Establecimiento de la Data. [Tesis Doctoral, Resumen, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Legal, Universidad de Granada]. DISSERTATION, FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:51]
Castellanos, Alfredo 1928 Deformación Artificial en un Cráneo Humano Fósil de la Argentina. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Americanists (Rome, 1926) 1:283-290. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARGENTINA, [JRNL]
Castellanos, J., and M. A. L. Reguero 1977 La Peste en la Malaga del Siglo XVII (1637): Aproximación a su Historia Social. Asclepio 29:101-118. PLAGUE, MALAGA 1637, [CWHM-1980-105-#1283]
Castelli, L. 1893 La Poplazione e la Mortalità del Centennio 1791-1890. Edited by Ufizio di Igiene--Città di Firenze. Firenze: Stabilimento Tipografico Fiorentino. MORTALITY, [AJPA-1994-93:305]
Castex, D., Patrice Courtaud, and A. Hambucken-Bontempi 1993 La Détérmination Sexuelle des Séries Archéologiques la Validité de Certains Caractères Osseux <>. [Sexual Diagnosis in Archeological Samples Validity of "Extra-Coxal" Bone Features.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(1-2):225-235. SEX ASSESSMENT, EXTRA-COXAL BONE FEATURE, [JRNL]
Castiglioni, Angelo, and Alfredo Castiglioni 1994 Discovering Berenice Panchrysos. Egyptian Archaeology 4:19-22. REMAINS, SKELETAL, EGYPT, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Castiglioni, Arturo 1941 A History of Medicine. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. HISTORY, MEDICINE, [ARME]
Castillo, Edward 1989 Native Response to the Colonization of Alta California. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 1. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands West. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 377-394. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, ALTA CALIFORNIA, COLONIZATION OF, NATIVE RESPONSE TO, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:137]
Castillo-Ojugas, A. 1991 Trapeziometacarpal Osteoarthritis in a Painting by Diego Velazquez. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 34(1):127-128. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ART, LETTER, [JRNL]
Castillo-Ojugas, A., and S. Castillo Aguilar 1987 La Reumatología en el Arte. Madrid: Médica Internacional. RHEUMATISM, ART, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Castillo-Ojugas, A., and Iñigo R. Hernández 1989 Description of Psoriatic Arthropathy in the 17th Century. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 32(6):812-813. ARTHROPATHY, PSORIATIC ARTHROPATHY, LETTER, [CWHM-1990-144-#1006 & JRNL]
Castillo Quartiellers, R. 1909 Momificación y Embalsamamiento en Tiempo de los Faraones. Revista de Medicina y Cirugía Prácticas 83:209-224. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, EMBALMING, [LSG3-Embalming history]
Castillos, Juan José 1976 A Late Egyptian Mummy at the National Natural History Museum of Montevideo. Revue d'Egyptologie 28:48-60. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUSEUM, MONTEVIDEO, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Castillos, Juan José 1982 A Reappraisal of the Published Evidence on Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic Cemeteries. Toronto: Benben Publications. CEMETERY, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC AND DYNASTIC, REAPPRAISAL OF PUBLISHED EVIDENCE, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:127]
Castor, E. R., and C. G. Baker 1982 CT of an Egyptian Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14; 1983, 41:14.]. CT Clinical Symposium (General Electric Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 5(10). MUMMIES, EGYPT, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [PPNL-1982-40:14]
Castro, Efraín 1972 Food in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples. By Don R. Brothwell, and Patricia Brothwell. 1969. London: Thames and Hudson. [Review]. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 9:302-303. REVIEW OF, BROTHWELL; DON, AND PATRICIA BROTHWELL, 1969, [JRNL]
Castro, J. M. de 1984 Etude Anthropologique de la Denture de la Population Prehispanique de l'Ile de Grande Canarie. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 27(1):11-29. DENTITION, PREHISPANIC, CANARY ISLANDS, [CWHM-1985-124-#1246 & ARME]
Castro, M. E. 1972 El Hombre y su Medio Ambiente Aspectos Antropológicos e Históricos. [Comentario por Escrito]. Los Recursos Naturales del Estado de Puebla y su Aprovechamiento Primera Mesa Rodonda:17-28. MAN, ANTHROPOLOGY, HISTORY, [LORY 1977:108]
Castro, Mario M., R. Moreno, and Eugenio A. Aspillaga 1995 Genetic Epidemiology and the Evolution of Disease: The Chilean Case. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):89. DISEASE, EVOLUTION OF, GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, CHILE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Castro, Mario M., R. Moreno, and Eugenio A. Aspillaga 1996 Genetic Epidemiology and the Evolution of Disease: The Chilean Case. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, pp. 6-7. DISEASE, EVOLUTION OF, GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, CHILE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Castro, Petrus a 1657 Pestis Neopolitana, Romana et Genuensis. [Neapolitan, Roman and Genoese Plague.]. Verona. PLAGUE, HISTORY, GENOA, NAPLES, ROME, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Castro de la Mata, Ramiro, and Duccio Bonavia 1980 Lumbosacral Malformations and Spina Bifida in a Peruvian Preceramic Child. Current Anthropology 21(4):515-516. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA, LUMBOSACRAL MALFORMATION, CHILD, PERU, [JRNL]
Castro e Almeida, M. E., and Claude Masset 1983 Les Sutures Exocrânienns et l'Age. Hommes et Femmes Portugais de la Collection Ferraz de Macedo. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Antropología Biológica (Madrid) 4:9-13. AGE ASSESSMENT, CRANIAL SUTURE, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Catasus, M., F. Rosell, and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero] 1992 Blood Groups in Medieval Catalonia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p.9. ABO, BLOOD GROUP, MEDIEVAL, CATALONIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Catel, W., and J. Grube 1934 Über den Einfluss der Lagerung auf die Schädelform der Säuglinge. Jahrbuch fuer Kinderheilkunde 93(3 F.):129-142. SKULL, FORM, SÄUGLINGE, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Cates, G. L. 1976 The St. Marys Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1808: Georgia's First Confrontation. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 65:287-289. YELLOW FEVER, GEORGIA, AMERICA 1808, [CWHM-1976-092-#1616]
Cates, G. L. 1980 "The Seasoning": Disease and Death Among the First Colonists of Georgia. Georgia Historical Quarterly 64:146-158. DISEASE, DEATH, SEASONALITY, COLONIAL, GEORGIA, [CWHM-1983-115-#0462]
Cathala-Rolland, C. 1987 Dental Study of an Ancient Population in Laverune of Gallo-Roman Origin. [French]. Information Dentaire (Paris) 69:1939-1947. DENTITION, GALLO-ROMAN, LAVERUNE, FRANCE, [CWHM-1988-136-#1568]
Cattaneo, C. 1991 Direct Genetic and Immunological Information in the Reconstruction of Health and Biocultural Conditions of Past Populations: A New Prospect for Archaeology. In: Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567, pp. 39-53. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, GENETICS, IMMUNOLOGY, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, and R. J. Sokol 1990 Blood in Ancient Human Bone. [Letter]. Nature (London) 347(6291):339. BONE, BLOOD, ANCIENT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, and R. J. Sokol 1992 Detection of Human Proteins in Buried Blood Using ELISA and Monoclonal Antibodies: Towards the Reliable Species Identification of Blood Stains on Buried Materials. Forensic Science International 57:139-146. BLOOD, PROTEIN, HUMAN, ELISA, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:276]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, and R. J. Sokol 1992 Reliable Identification of Human Albumin in Ancient Bone Using ELISA and Monoclonal Antibodies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87(3):365-372. BLOOD PROTEIN, IMMUNOLOGY, HEMATOLOGY, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, and R. J. Sokol 1993 Blood Residues on Stone Tools: Indoor and Outdoor Experiments. World Archaeology 25(1):29-43. BLOOD RESIDUE, TOOL, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, and R. J. Sokol 1995 Differential Survival of Albumin in Ancient Bone. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):271-276. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, ALBUMIN, BONE PROTEIN, ELISA, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips, Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron], J. R. Booth, and R. J. Sokol 1994 Immunological Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma in a Medieval Bone. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:13.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):1-2. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, BONE, MEDIEVAL, IMMUNOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF, [PPNL-1994-86:13 & CWHM-1994-162-#0424 & ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, and R. J. Sokol 1994 Immunological Detection of Albumin in Ancient Human Cremations Using ELISA and Monoclonal Antibodies. Journal of Archaeological Science 21(4):565-571. ALBUMIN, ARCHAEOLOGY, BLOOD PROTEIN, BONE, CREMATION ELISA, IMMUNOLOGY, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY, SERUM, THERMOSTABILITY, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., K. Gelsthorpe, R. J. Sokol, and D. Smillie 1991 Identification of Ancient Blood and Tissue--ELISA and DNA Analysis. Antiquity 65(249):878-881. BLOOD, TISSUE, ELISA AND DNA ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Cattaneo, C., et al. 1992 Detection of Blood Proteins in Ancient Human Bone Using ELISA: A Comparative Study of the Survival of IgG and Albumin. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(2):103-107. BLOOD, BONE, PROTEIN, ELISA, [CWHM-1992-155-#0279]
Cauchies, J. -M. 1973-1975 Une Epidémie de Peste à Mons en 1468/69. Annales du Cercle Archéologique de Mons 69:215-222. PLAGUE, MONS 1468-1469, [CWHM-1977-093-#1509]
Caughey, D. E. 1974 The Arthritis of Constantine IX. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 33(1):77-80. ARTHRITIS, CONSTANTINE IX, [JRNL]
Caulfield, E. 1942 Some Common Diseases of Colonial Children. Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts 35:4-65. DISEASE, COMMON, CHILD, COLONIAL, NORTH AMERICA, [AJPA-1996-100:258]
Cavallaro, J. 1908 Syphilis in Its Relation to Dentition. Dental Cosmos 50:1151 and 61:3125. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DENTITION, [METRESS-1974:140 & ARME]
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., A. P. Piazza, P. Menozzi, and J. Mountain 1988 Reconstruction of Human Evolution: Bringing Together Genetic, Archaeological, and Linguistic Data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 85:6002-6006. HUMAN EVOLUTION, GENETICS, ARCHAEOLOGY, LINGUISTICS, [MYRES-JOEL-BYU-/801-375-6521-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997]
Cave, A. J. E. 1928 Two Cases of Congenitally Enlarged Apprieral Foramina. Journal of Anatomy (London) 63:172. FORAMEN, PARIETAL, ENLARGED, CONGENITAL, [CRAN]
Cave, A. J. E. 1937 The Antiquity of Vertebral Nomenclature. Journal of Anatomy (London) 72:169-172. VERTEBRAL, NOMENCLATURE, ANTIQUITY, [ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1938 Remarks on Certain Neolithic Skulls. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 31:1373. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1938 Report of the Neolithic Skeletons in Excavations of An Untouched Chamber in the Lanhill Long Barrow. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London 4:131-150. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, LANHILL LONG BARROW, [ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1938 The Surgery of Ancient Egypt. University of Leeds Medical Society Magazine SURGERY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1939 Evidence for the Incidence of Tuberculosis in Ancient Egypt. British Journal of Tuberculosis 33:142-152. TUBERCULOSIS, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ZAGREB-1988:34 & ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1940 The Surgical Aspects of the Crichel Trepanation. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London 6:131. TREPHINATION, CRICHEL, SURGICAL ASPECT, [ARME]
Cave, A. J. E. 1941 The Earliest English Example of Bilateral Cervical Rib. British Journal of Surgery 29(113):47-51. RIB, CERVICAL, BILATERAL, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Cave, A. J. E. 1956 Cremated Remains from Mound 11. Appendix III. In: The Pagan-Danish Barrow Cemetery at Heath Wood, Engleby. 1955 Excavations. Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 76:55. CREMATION REMAINS, MOUND ELEVEN, HEATH WOOD, ENGLEBY, [DIGGING UP BONES:184]
Cave, A. J. E. 1956 Report on Human Remains from Snell's Corner, Horndean, Hampshire. Proceedings of Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 20:148-170. REMAINS, HUMAN, SNELL'S CORNER, HAMPSHIRE, [ARME]
Cave, Alfred A. 1995 The Failure of the Shawnee Prophet's Witch-Hunt. Ethnohistory 42(3):445-475. WITCHCRAFT, SORCERY, WITCH-HUNT, SHAWNEE PROPHET'S, [JRNL]
Cawte, J. E. 1975 Australian Aboriginal Medicine Before European Contact. Annals of Internal Medicine 82:422-423. MEDICINE, PRE-CONTACT, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1975-087-#1281]
Ceccaldi, P. F., and C. Roubet 1987 Recherches sur les Momies Ramsès II. [Research on the Ramses II Mummies.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine (Paris) 171(1):119-127. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESSES II, [CWHM-1988-136-#1376 & NDX-Mummies-28-12-13085]
Ceccarelli, Giovanni 1994 Infettivologia e Parassitologia nella Bibbia. [Italian.] Minerva Medica 85(7-8):417-422. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PARASITISM, BIBLE, [CWHM-1995-165-#0242]
Ceccarelli, Giovanni 1994 La Lebbra nella Bibbia. [Leprosy in the Bible.]. [Italian with English Abstract]. Minerva Medica 85(4):197-201. LEPROSY, BIBLICAL, [NDX-LEPROSY-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994 & CWHM-1994-164-#0286]
Cechová, L. 1976 Zubní Kámen u Osteologického Materiálu. [Dental Calculus in Osteological Material.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 76(4):271-274. DENTAL CALCULUS, [NDX-Paleodontology history-18-12-09894 & BHM-15:478]
Cechová, L., and S. Titlbachová 1978 Asymmetry and Symmetry of Caries in the Czech Population in the Past. [Czech]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 78:238-241. DENTAL CARIES, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, [CWHM-1979-101-#0199]
Cechová, L., and S. Titlbachová 1978 [Tooth Status in the Population of Prague from the 10th to the 12th Century.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 78(3):214-217. DENTAL HEALTH, TENTH TO TWELFTH CENTURY, PRAGUE, [NDX-Tooth Diseases occurrence-20-14-11314]
Cechová, L., S. Titlbachová, and V. Picko. 1972 Etat de la Denture des Slaves Provenant de Libice et Datant du IXe Siècle à la Moitie du XIe Siècle. [The Dentition of Slavs Living in Libice from the 9th to the Middle of the 11th Century.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 15(3-4):217-231. DENTITION, NINTH TO ELEVENTH CENTURY, LIBICE, SLAVIC, [NDX-Paleodontology-14-07-07344 & METRESS-1974:024 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cechová, L., S. Titlbachová, and Z. Titlbach 1974 [Lower Wisdom Tooth and Its Complications in the Past.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 74(4):305-308. DENTITION, MOLAR, THIRD LOWER, LOWER WISDOM TEETH, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862]
Cederquist, Robert, and Albert A. Dahlberg 1979 Age Changes in Facial Morphology of an Alaskan Eskimo Population. OSSA 6:39-68. FACE, AGE CHANGE, FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION, CEPHALOMETRY, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Cejka, J., M. Frydrych, E. Kaprálová, and Eugen Strouhal 1978 Chemicky Vyzkum Staroegyptskych Mumií z Ceskoslovenskych Sbírek. [Chemical Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Mummies from a Czechoslovak Collection.]. [Czech.]. Casopis Národního Muzea, Odd. Prírodovedny 143(3/4):81-83. MUMMIES, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, CHEMICAL RESEARCH, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Cejka, J., M. Fydrych, E. Kapralová, et al. 1976 Contribution to the Chemical Research on Egyptian Mummies. Zeitschrift fuer Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Leipzig) 103:128-139. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CHEMICAL RESEARCH, [ZIMM]
Cejka, J., E. Kaprálová, Z. Urbanec, and Eugen Strouhal 1978 Contribution to the Physico-Chemical Research on Ancient Egyptian Materials. Zagreb: ICOM, Comm Conservation, 5th Triennial Meeting, Report 78(1-6), pp. 1-10. RESEARCH MATERIAL, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Cekus, G. 1991 Anthropologic Investigation of the Avar Period Necropolis from the Stara Moravica Site. [Serbo-Croatian with English Abstract]. Rad Vojvodanskih Muzeja 33:85-105. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CEMETERY, AVAR PERIOD, STARA MORAVICA SITE, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):145]
Celli, Angelo 1933 The History of Malaria in the Roman Campagna from Ancient times. London: John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd. MALARIA, ITALY, HISTORY, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1995-1:39 & MELVYL]
Centerwall, W. R. 1968 A Recent Experience with Measles in a "Virgin Soil" Population. Pan American Health Organization, Science Publication Number 165. MEASLES, VIRGIN SOIL POPULATION, [BOOK]
Cepeda Cárdenas, Gerardo, and Raúl Martín Arana 1968 Hueso Grabado del Centro de México. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 31:38-41. FEMUR, ENGRAVED, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cerny, J. 1945 The Will of Naunaknte and the Related Documents. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 31:29. MUMMIES, EGYPT, NAUNAKNTE'S WILL AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, [CRAN]
Cerny, M. 1983 Calva with Several Traces After Injury. In: Anonymous. Vedecké Zasedáni o Paleopatologii 30-31 Brezna 1982. [Scientific Meeting on Paleopathology, 30-31 March 1982.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Casopis Národního Muzea 152(3):142-145. SKULL, INJURY, [PPNL-1984-45:19]
Cerreto, Richard 1986 Pathological Conditions and Non-Metric Variations in the Human Skeletal Sample from CA-LAN-43. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 22(3):49-62. PATHOLOGY, VARIATION, [JRNL]
Cerreto, Richard, contributor 1991 Human Skeletal Remains. In: Laura Lee Mitchell. Coyote Canyon Cave, an Inner Coastal Rockshelter Excavation of CA-ORA-236. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Numbers 2 and 3, Section 4, pp. 77-80. REMAINS, HUMAN, COYOTE CANYON CAVE, [JRNL]
Cervenka, Jaroslav 1984 African Mask With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Journal 21(1):38-40. CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, MASK, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Cervenka, Jaroslav, and Burton L. Shapiro 1970 Cleft Uvula in Chippewa Indians: Prevalence and Genetics. Human Biology 42(1):47-52. UVULA, CLEFT UVULA, AMERICA, INDIAN, CHIPPEWA, [JRNL]
Cerveny, J. 1973 The Oldest Presentation of Cleft Lip in Czechoslovakia. Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae 15:195-198. CLEFT LIP, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, [NDX-Medicine in Art-15-06-07112]
Cesnys, G. 1991 The Neolithic and Bronze Age Man in South-East Baltic Area. 1. An Inventory of Recent and Old Craniological Materials from an Univariate Viewpoint. HOMO 42(1):1-20. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, BRONZE AGE, BALTIC, [JRNL]
Cesnys, G. 1993 Paleodemography, Anthropology and Population Genetics of the Plinkaigalis Population. [Lithuanian with English Abstract]. Lietuvos Archeologija 10:182-196,213-218. ANTHROPOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION GENETICS, PLINKAIGALIS POPULATION, LITHUANIA, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):150]
Chabert, L. 1938 Quelques Remarques sur l'Appareil Masticateur des Neanderthaliens. Journal de Médecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest 115:81-89. MASTICATION, NEANDERTAL, [ARME]
Chadwick, J., and W. N. Mann 1950 The Medical Works of Hippocrates. Oxford: Blackwell. HIPPOCRATES, MEDICINE, [CRAN]
Chagas, Carlos 1920 American Trypanosomiasis, the Acute Form. Rio de Janeiro. TRYPANOSOMIASIS, AMERICAN TRYPANOSOMIASIS, [MELVYL]
Chakrabarty, A., and S. Dastidar 1989 Correlation Between Occurrence of Leprosy and Fossil Fuels: Role of Fossil Fuel Bacteria in the Origin and Global Epidemiology of Leprosy. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 27:483-496. LEPROSY, ORIGIN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, FOSSIL FUEL BACTERIA, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Chakraborty, Ranajit, P. Smouse, and James V. Neel 1988 Population Amalgamation and Genetic Variation: Observations on Artificially Agglomerated Tribal Population of Central and South America. American Journal of Human Genetics 43:709-725. GENETICS, DNA, SOUTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA, [MYRES-JOEL-BYU-/801-375-6521-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997]
Chakraborty, Ranajit, and Emöke J. E. Szathmáry, eds. 1985 Diseases of Complex Etiology in Small Populations: Ethnic Differences and Research Approaches. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 194. New York: Alan R. Liss. [See review by Robert S. Corruccini, 1987.]. DISEASE, ETIOLOGY, SMALL POPULATION, [American Anthropol-89(2):499]
Chala H., J. I. 1940-1941 Apuntes para la Historia de la Profilaxis de la Lepra. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) 9:565-573. LEPROSY, PROPHYLAXIS, HISTORY, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Chalian, W. 1940 An Essay on the History of Lockjaw. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 8(2):171-201. JAW, LOCKJAW, TRISMUS, TETANUS, HISTORY, [ARME]
Chalmers, J., and K. C. Ho 1970 Geographical Variations in Senile Osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 52-B(4):667-675. OSTEOPOROSIS, SENILE, GEOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, Andrew T. 1996 Bog Bodies: New Discoveries and New Perspectives. Edited by R. C. Turner, and R. G. Scaife. 1995. London: British Museum Press. [Review]. Journal of Archaeological Science 23(5):799-800. REVIEW OF, TURNER; R. C., AND R. G. SCAIFE, EDS., 1995, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, Andrew T., S. Rogers, and C. A. Romanowski 1992 Osteochondroma in a British Neolithic Skeleton. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 47(1):51-53. NEOPLASM, OSTEOCHONDROMA, NEOLITHIC, BRITAIN, [CWHM-1992-155-#0236 & WIEN-KW]
Chamberlain, Andrew T., and Sevi Triantaphyllou 1996 An Obstetric Fatality from Northern Greece. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 17. TIBIA, FIBULA, HEALED FRACTURE, SPINE, SPINAL DISTORTION, OBSTETRIC DIFFICULTY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, E. Burnham, and Robert B. Taft 1938 Ancient Arthritis. Radiology 30(6):761-762. ARTHRITIS, MASTODON, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, W. Edward, N. E. Wayson, and L. H. Garland 1931 The Bone and Joint Changes of Leprosy: A Roentgenologic Study. Radiology 17(5):930-939. LEPROSY, BONE, ARTICULATION, JOINT, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Chame, Marcia 1988 Estudo Comparativo das Fezes e Coprólitos nao Humanos da Regiao Arqueológica de Sao Raimundo Nonato-Sudeste do Piauí. [Thesis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Nacional Museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. DISSERTATION, COPROLITE, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1989-68:11]
Chame, Marcia, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Luiz Fernando Ferreira 1984 Premières Observations sur la Faune de la Serra da Capivara Sud-Est du Piaui-Brésil. Recueil II, Etudes Américanistes Interdisciplinaires, Amérique du Sud 4:33-40. FAUNAL, OBSERVATION, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Chame, Marcia, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1989 Testing the Color Parameter of Coprolite Rehydration Solution. Paleopathology Newsletter 68:9-11. COPROLITE, REHYDRATION, [JRNL]
Chame, Marcia, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1991 Experimental Paleoparasitology: An Approach to the Diagnosis of Animal Coprolites. Paleopathology Newsletter 76:7-9. COPROLITE, ANIMAL, PARASITISM, DIAGNOSIS, [JRNL]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1966 Les Restes Osseux Humains du Cemetère Méroïtique d'Aksha (Rép du Sudan). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 9):285-297. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEROITIC, AKSHA, SUDAN, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1967 Aksha III. La Population du Cimetière Méroïtique. Etude Anthropologique. Paris: Firmin Didot. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEROITIC, AKSHA, SUDAN, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1969 Le Carie Dentaire chez les Hommes Préhistoriques d'Afrique du Nord: Epipaléolithique et Néolithique. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 73:545-578. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [BHM-15:479]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1980 Etude des Variations Métriques des Couronnes Dentaires des Nort-Africains, de l'Epipaleolithique à l'Epoque Actuelle. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84(2):254-271. DENTITION, VARIATION, NORTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1981-1982 The Biocultural Basis of Health: Expanding Views of Medical Anthropology. [Les Bases Bioculturelles de la Santé: Aspects Elargis de l'Anthropologie Médicale.]. By: L. G. Moore, P. W. Van Ardsdale, J. E. Glittenberg, and R. A. Aldrich. 1980. St. Louis, London: C. V. Mosby Cy. [Review]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 85:342. REVIEW OF, MOORE; L. G., P. W. VAN ARDSDALE, J. E. GLITTENBERG, AND R. A. ALDRICH, 1980, [JRNL]
Chandler, David L. 1981 Health and Slavery in Colonial Columbia. New York: Arno Press. SLAVERY, HEALTH, COLUMBIA, COLONIAL PERIOD, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:251]
Chandler, R. F. 1983 Vindication of Maritime Indian Herbal Remedies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 9:323-327. MEDICINE, REMEDY, HERBAL, MARITIME, AMERICA, INDIAN [CWHM-1985-124-#0046]
Chandler, R. F., et al. 1979 Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68. HERBAL REMEDY, MARITIME INDIAN, [CWHM-1979-101-#0022]
Chandra, R. K., ed. 1985 Trace Elements in Nutrition of Children. New York: Raven Press. NUTRITION, CHILD, TRACE ELEMENT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Chandra, S., and V. M. Desai 1970 Relationship of Betel Chewing and Dental Caries. Journal of the Indian Dental Association 42:269-276. DENTAL CARIES, BETEL, [HANSON-NPT-1:047]
Chaney, Ralph W. 1935 The Food of 'Peking Man.' Carnegie Institution of Washington, New Service Bulletin 3:199-202. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PEKING MAN, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:194]
Chang, K. C. 1962 New Evidence of Fossil Man in China. Science 136:749-760. FOSSIL, MAN, CHINA, [NDX-Anthropology-03-02-00204]
Chang, K. C., ed. 1968 Settlement Archaeology. Palo Alto, California: National Press Books. ARCHAEOLOGY, SETTLEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY, [AJPA-1994-93:296]
Chang, T. J., M. B. Werd, and C. Hovelsen 1995 Metallic Implants Used in Foot Surgery. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 12(3):457-474. FOOT, SURGERY, METAL IMPLANT; 1500-1995, [CWHM-1996-169:#0612]
Chanmugam, P. K., F. L. W. Jayawardena 1954 Skeletal Remains from Tirukketiswaram. Ceylon Journal of Science 5:65-68. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TIRUKKETISWARAM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:423]
Chantre 1883 Déformations Artificielles du Crâne au Caucase. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon 2:174-176. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed]
Chapel, Thomas A., Amir H. Mehregan, and Theodore A. Reyman 1981 Histologic Findings in Mummified Skin. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 4(1):27-30. MUMMIES, SKIN, HISTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Chapelain-Jaures, E. 1920 La Pathologic dans l'Egypte Ancienne d'Après les Momies et les Manifestations Realistes de l'Art Egyptien. [Thèse de Doctorat en Médecine, Paris]. DISSERTATION, MUMMIES, EGYPT, PATHOLOGY, ART, [ARME]
Chapin, A. 1850 Remarks on the Venereal Disease at the Sandwich Islands. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 42:89-93. VENEREAL DISEASE, SANDWICH ISLANDS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Chapin, Charles V. 1902 The End of the Filth Theory of Disease. Popular Science Monthly 60(January 1902):234-239. DISEASE, FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE, END OF, [JRNL]
Chapin, R., and C. Mills 1942 Dental Caries in the Panama Canal Zone. Pediatrics 21:55-60. DENTAL CARIES, PANAMA, [ARME]
Chaplin, James H. 1966 Discussion and criticism of "Tool Use and Crowded Teeth in Australopithecinae." [See A. Oppenheimer, 1964.]. Current Anthropology 7(3):357. DENTITION, TOOL USE, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, [JRNL]
Chaplin, Raymond E. 1971 The Study of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites. London: Seminar Press. [See review by Guy Gibbon, 1974.]. BONE, ANIMAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1963 Incidence of Arthritis in a Prehistoric Middle Mississippian Indian Population. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1962 72:59-62. ARTHRITIS, MISSISSIPPIAN, INDIAN, [PPNL 1975-10:16 & ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1964 The Incidence and Age Distribution of Osteoarthritis in a Number of Prehistoric American Indian Populations. [Thesis, University of Indiana]. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1964 The Incidence and Age Distribution of Osteoarthritis in an Archaic American Indian Population. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1963 73:64-66. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1965 Comparison of Osteoarthritis in Three Aboriginal Populations. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1964 74:84-86. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ABORIGINAL, POPULATION, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1968 Osteophytosis in the Vertebral Column in a Number of Aboriginal American Indian Populations. [Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington]. DISSERTATION, SPINE, OSTEOPHYTOSIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1969 Incidencia de la Artritis en Una Población Indigena Prehistórica de la Cultura Misisipiana Media. In: Mesa Redonda de Ciencias Prehistóricas y Anthropológicas, Primer Tomo. Lima, Peru: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Peru. Instituto Riva-Aguero. Seminario de Anthropologia. ARTHRITIS, PREHISTORIC, MIDDLE MISSISSIPPIAN, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1970 Vertebral Osteophytosis in the Populations of Tlatilco and Tlatelolco, Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 33(1):127. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, VERTEBRAL, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1972 Geographical Survey of the Incidence of Osteophytosis in Indian Populations of Aboriginal America. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists (Stuttgart-Munich, 1968) 4:375-381. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1972 Vertebral Osteophytosis in Prehistoric Populations of Central and Southern Mexico. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(1):31-37. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, VERTEBRAL, PREHISTORIC, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1973 Osteophytosis in Prehistoric Brazilian Populations. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. MAN (London) 8(1):93-99. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1976 Dental Paleopathology at Tapera, Florianoposil, Brazil. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):170. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, BRAZIL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1977 Dental Paleopathology at Florinapolis, Brazil. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:18.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:347-349. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Chapman, J. S. 1977 The Atypical Mycobacteria and Human Mycobacteriosis. New York: Plenum Press. MYCOBACTERIA, MYCOBACTERIOSIS, ATYPICAL, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Chapman, John 1982 Foreword. In: Srboljub Zivanovic. Ancient Diseases: The Elements of Palaeopathology. With a Foreword by John Chapman. Translated by Lovett F. Edwards. New York: Pica Press, pp. xvi-xx. DISEASE, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Chapman, Michael 1980 Infanticide and Fertility Among Eskimos: A Computer Simulation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53(2):317-327. INFANTICIDE, FEMALE, FERTILITY, LACTATION, COMPUTER SIMULATION, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Chapman, Robert 1981 The Emergence of Formal Disposal Areas and the "Problem" of the Megalithic Tombs in Prehistoric Europe. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-81. TOMB, MEGALITHIC, EUROPE, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Chapman, Robert 1987 Mortuary Practices: Society, Theory Building and Archaeology. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 198-213. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, MORTUARY PRACTICE, [BOOK]
Chapman, Robert, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. 1981 The Archaeology of Death. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, [HANSON-NPT-2:063 & STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:231 & ARME & MELVYL]
Chapman, Robert, and Klavs Randsborg 1981 Approaches to the Archaeology of Death. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-24. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY, APPROACH, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Chappel, H. G. 1927 Jaws and Teeth of Ancient Hawaiians. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 9(3):249-268. DENTITION, ANCIENT, HAWAII, [METRESS-1974:049 & ARME]
Chapple, Eliot D. 1977 Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America: An Anthropological Biologist's Perspective. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 131-141. BIOCULTURAL ADAPTATION, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Charatan, Fred 1994 Peruvian Mummy Shows that TB Preceded Columbus. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 308(6932):808. MUMMIES, PERU, TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Charcot, and Richer 1889 Les Difformes et les Malades dans l'Art. DEFORMITY, ART, [ARME]
Charcot, Jean-Martin 1993 On Arthropathies of Cerebral or Spinal Origin. [Classical Article]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 296:4-7. ARTHROPATHY, CEREBRAL OR SPINAL ORIGIN, CLASSICAL ARTICLE, [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K. 1992 Woodland Demographic and Social Dynamics in the American Midwest: Analysis of a Burial Mound Survey. World Archaeology 24(2):175-197. DEMOGRAPHY, BURIAL MOUND SURVEY, WOODLAND, MIDWEST, AMERICA, INDIAN [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K., and Jane E. Buikstra 1983 Archaic Mortuary Sites in the Central Mississippi Drainage: Distribution, Structure, and Behavioral Implications. In: James L. Phillips, and James A. Brown, eds. Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest. New York: Academic Press, pp. 117-145. MORTUARY SITE, MISSISSIPPI DRAINAGE, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:140 & MELVYL]
Charles, Douglas K., Jane E. Buikstra, and Lyle Konigsberg 1983 Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Lower Illinois River Valley: The Behavioral Implications. Northwestern University Archaeological Program Scientific Papers. MORTUARY PRACTICE, WOODLAND, ARCHAIC, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:231 [NOTE: This is probably a dupe.]]
Charles, Douglas K., Jane E. Buikstra, and Lyle Konigsberg 1986 Behavioral Implications of Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Lower Illinois Valley. In: K. B. Farnsworth, and T. E. Emerson, eds. Early Woodland Archaeology. Center for American Archaeology, Kampsville Seminars in Archaeology, Number 2. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archaeology Press, pp. 458-474. MORTUARY PRACTICE, WOODLAND, ARCHAIC, ILLINOIS, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Charles, Douglas K., Keith Condon, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1986 Cementum Annulation and Age Determination in Homo sapiens. I. Tooth Variability and Observer Error. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(3):311-320. DENTITION, CEMENTUM ANNULATION, OBSERVER ERROR, TOOTH VARIABILITY, AGE ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K., Keith Condon, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1989 Estimating Age at Death from Growth Layer Groups in Cementum. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, ed. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 277-301. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, CEMENTUM GROWTH LAYER GROUPS, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219 & MELVYL]
Charles, Douglas K., Steven R. Leigh, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. 1988 The Archaic and Woodland Cemeteries at the Elizabeth Site in the Lower Illinois Valley. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Archeological Center, Volume 7. CEMETERY, ARCHAIC AND WOODLAND, ELIZABETH SITE, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, [MELVYL]
Charles, R. P. 1952 Les Sépultures Préhistoriques de Terevaine près de La Ciotat (Bouches-du-Rhône). Cahiers Ligures de Préhistoire et d'Archéologie 1:29-61. SEPULCHER, PREHISTORIC, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095]
Charles, R. P. 1959 Observations sur les Restes Humaines du Dolmen des Caïres, Commune de Laissac (Aveyron). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 56:119-120. REMAINS, HUMAN, OBSERVATION, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095]
Charlier, Christine 1980 Observations Paléopathologiques sur une Population Viking d'Allemagne du Nord: Schleswig, 11E-13E Siècles. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C5. PATHOLOGY, ELEVENTH TO THIRTEENTH CENTURY, VIKING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Charlier, Christine 1986 Evidence of Rheumatic Affection in the Upper Paleolithic Human Remains of Nazlet Khater Upper Egypt. Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):294. REMAINS, HUMAN, RHEUMATISM, UPPER PALEOLITHIC, EGYPT, NAZLET KHATER, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Charlier, Christine 1993 The Upper Palaeolithic Man of Nazlet Khater (Upper Egypt): Dysraphic and Arthritic Lesions. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 19. SKULL, DYSRAPHISM, CONGENITAL HERNIATION, SPINE, SCOLIOSIS, ARTHRITIS, NAZLET MAN, HOMO SAPIENS, POSTER, [JRNL]
Charlier, J. 1969 La Peste à Bruxelles de 1667 à 1669 et ses Consequences Demographiques. Bruxelles: Pro Civitate. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BRUSSELS, 1667-1669, DEMOGRAPHY, [MELVYL]
Charlton, N. 1973 Some Reflections on the History of Pharaonic Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 59:200-205. EGYPT, PHARAONIC, HISTORY, [JAMA-1980-244:164]
Charlton, Thomas H. 1985 Comment on "Demographic Estimates in Archaeology: Contributions from Ethnoarchaeology on Mesoamerican Peasants." [See Charles C. Kolb, 1985.]. Current Anthropology 26(5):591. DEMOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY, MESOAMERICA, [JRNL]
Chase, Arlen F., and Diane Z. Chase 1996 A Mighty Maya Nation. Archaeology (New York) 49(5):66-72. DENTAL DECORATION, BURIAL PRACTICE, MAYA, BELIZE, CARACOL [JRNL]
Chase, Debra A. 1991 Evidence of Disease in Ancient Near Eastern Texts: Leprosy in the Epilogue to the Code of Hammurapi? In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 200-204. LEPROSY, ANCIENT, NEAR EAST, [BOOK]
Chase, J. E. 1976 Deviance in Gallina: A Report on a Small Series of Gallina Human Skeletal Remains. In: U.S. National Forest Service, Southwest Region. Archaeological Excavations in the Llaves Area, Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico, 1972 and 1974. Archaeological Report 13. Albuquerque, New Mexico. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GALLINA, NEW MEXICO, DEVIANCE IN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:068]
Chase, Joan W. 1988 A Comparison of Signs of Nutritional Stress in Prehistoric Populations of the Potomac Piedmont and Coastal Plain. [Dissertation, The American University]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 49(11):3412A, University Microfilms order number DA8907975.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 71:19.]. DISSERTATION, NUTRITION, NUTRITIONAL STRESS, PREHISTORIC, PIEDMONT, COASTAL PLAIN, POTOMAC, [PPNL-1990-71:19]
Chase, Joan W. 1994 Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Context. Edited by Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. 1991. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 567. [Review]. American Antiquity 59(1):170-171. REVIEW OF, BUSH; HELEN, AND MAREK ZVELEBIL, 1991, [AM-ANTIQ-1994-59:170]
Chase, Joan W. 1994 What Mean These Bones? Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology. Edited by Mary Lucas Powell, Patricia S. Bridges, and Ann Marie Wagner Mires. 1991. Tuscaloosa and London: The University of Alabama Press. [Review]. American Antiquity 59(1):169-170. REVIEW OF, POWELL; MARY LUCAS, PATRICIA S. BRIDGES, AND ANN MARIE WAGNER MIRES, 1991, [JRNL]
Chase, L. A. 1968 Lithopedion. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 99:226-230. LITHOPEDION, [J-ROY-SAC-MED-1996-89:18]
Chase, M. P. 1985 Fevers, Poisons, and Apostemes: Authority and Experience in Montpellier Plague Treatises. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 441:153-169. PLAGUE, FEVER, POISON, APOSTEME, [NDX-History of Medicine medieval-26-10-10405]
Chase, Philip G. 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):125-125. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Chassaignac, E. 1851-1852 De l'Exostose Médio-Palatine comme Symptôme de la Syphilis Constitutionnelle. Bulletin de la Société de Chirurgie de Paris 2:138-139. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, TORUS PALATINUS AS A SYMPTOM, [AJPA-1950-8:99]
Chassinat, E. G. 1921 Un Papyrus Médical Copte. Mémoires Publiés par les Membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Volume 32. PAPYRUS, MEDICAL, COPTIC, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Chatterjee, B. K., and P. Gupta 1963 Report on the Adittanalur Skulls. Calcutta, India: Anthropological Survey of India. SKULL, ADITTANALUR, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:423]
Chatters, J. C., and C. R. Pasternak 1992 A Possible Case of Prehistoric Brucellosis from Northwestern America. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:59. BRUCELLOSIS, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chauliac, Guy de 1923 On Wounds and Fractures. Translated by W. A. Brennan. Chicago, Illinois: W. A. Brennan. MEDICAL HISTORY, WOUND, FRACTURE, [J-BONE-JOINT-SURG-1937-19:63 & MELVYL]
Chaussinand, R. 1948 Tuberculose et Lèpre, Maladies Antagoniques. Eviction de la Lèpre par la Tuberculose. [Tuberculosis and Leprosy-Antagonistic Illnesses.]. International Journal of Leprosy 16:431-438. TUBERCULOSIS, LEPROSY-ANTAGONISTIC, [STEINBOCK-1976:210 & ZAGREB-1988:34]
Chaussinand, R. 1949 L'Expansion de la Lèpre de l'Antiquité à nos Jours. Acta Tropica (Basel) 6:105-119. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [QCIM-1949-46-0358 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:076]
Chauvet 1877 Trépanations Préhistoriques. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 12:12. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Chauvet, S. 1924 L'Art en Médecine Indigène. Progrès Médical (Paris) 39(Supplement, Illustrated):49-52. MEDICINE, ART, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Chauvet, S. 1936 La Médecine chez les Peuples Primitifs (Préhistoriques et Contemporains). La Medecine à Travers le Temps et l'Espace. Volume 1. Paris: Librairie Maloine. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [ARME]
Chavarin, J. J. 1884 La Elefantíasis en los Griegos. Voz de Hipócrates 2:54,98,108,115,140,154,165,172,180,199,203,271,279,288. ELEPHANTIASIS, GREECE, [LSG2-Leprosy]
Chave, S. P. W. 1969 Bones in Broadwick Street. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 1(5645):710. BONE, BROADWICK STREET SITE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Chawla, T., et al. 1963 Prevalence of Periodontal Disease in Urban Luchnow (India), Using Ramfjord's Technique. Journal of the All-India Dental Association 35:151-159. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, INDIA, [ARME]
Cheek, A. L., and B. C. Keel 1984 Value of Conflicts in Osteo-Archaeology. In: Ernestene L. Green, ed. Ethics and Values in Archaeology. New York: Free Press, pp. 194-207. OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, CONFLICT IN, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032 & MELVYL]
Cheeseman, E. A., W. J. Martin, and W. T. Russell 1938 Disease and Environment. Biometrika 30:341-362. DISEASE, ENVIRONMENT, [JRNL]
Chege, Nancy, David J. Sartoris, Rose A. Tyson, and Donald Resnick 1996 Imaging Evaluation of Skull Trepanation Using Radiography and CT. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:13.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(3):249-258. TREPHINATION, HRDLICKA PALEOPATHOLOGY COLLECTION, SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN, RADIOGRAPHY AND CT EVALUATION, [JRNL]
Chelminski, R. 1982 Did Napoleon Die at the Hands of a Secret Assassin? Smithsonian 1982(April):76-85. NAPOLEON, ARSENIC, [CWHM-1983-115-#0087]
Chen, L. B., and T. Hung 1981 [Scanning Electron Microscopic View of Parasitic Worm Ova in an Ancient Corpse (Author's Transl).]. [Chinese with English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 38:11.]. Chung-Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hseuh Yuan Hsueh Pao/Acta Academia Medicinae Sinica 3(1):64-65. PARASITISM, BODY, MALE, ANCIENT, CHINA, SEM, [NDX-Paleopathology-23-12-11365 & PPNL-1982-38:11 & ARME]
Chen, L. Y., et al. 1985 Studies on the Antigenicity of the Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum Collected from an Unearthed Ancient Corpse of the Western Han Dynasty (167 B.C.). Acta Academiae Medicinae Wuhan 5:217-219. MUMMIES, CHINA, OVUM, SCHISTOSOMA JAPONICUM, [CWHM-1988-135-#1479]
Chen, P. C. Y. 1988 Longhouse Dwelling, Social Contact and the Prevalence of Leprosy and Tuberculosis Among Native Tribes of Sarawak. Social Science and Medicine 26(1):1073-1077. LEPROSY, TUBERCULOSIS, SARAWAK, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:123]
Chen, P. S., A. R. Terepka, and H. C. Hodge 1961 The Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Bone Seekers. Annual Review of Pharmacology 1:369-396. PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1983-13:093]
Cheng, Tsung O. 1984 Glimpses of the Past from the Recently Unearthed Ancient Corpses in China. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 49:9.]. Annals of Internal Medicine 101(5):714-715. MUMMIES, CHINA, [JRNL]
Cheréau, A. 1876 Mutilations Ethniques. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales 11:153-167. MUTILATION, ETHNIC, [LSG1-Ethnology]
Cherfas, Jeremy 1991 Ancient DNA: Still Busy After Death. Science 253(5026):1354-1356. DNA, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Chernetskii, O. E. 1976 [Newly Discovered Archeological Monument of Scythian Medicine.]. [Russian]. Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie 2-3:79-81. MEDICINE, SCYTHIAN, ANCIENT, [NDX-Archaeology-18-07-05405]
Cherniack, M. G. 1992 Diseases of Unusual Occupations: An Historical Perspective. Occupational Medicine 7(3):369-384. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL, [CWHM-1993-157-#0285]
Chernoff, Amoz I. 1959 The Distribution of the Thalassemia Gene: A Historical Review. Blood 14(8):899-911. THALASSEMIA, GENE DISTRIBUTION, HISTORICAL REVIEW, [JRNL]
Cherry, Steven 1992 Change and Continuity in the Cottage Hospitals c. 1859-1948: The Experience in East Anglia. Medical History 36(3):271-298. HOSPITAL, ENGLAND, CHANGE AND CONTINUITY 1859 TO 1948, [JRNL]
Chesterman, C. C. 1927 The Relation of Yaws and Goundou. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 20:554. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, GOUNDOU, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:300]
Chevalier, Jean Andre Ulysse 1870 Notice Historique sur la Maladrerie de Voley pres Romans, Precedee de Recherches sur la Lepre, les Lepreux et les Leproseries et Suivie de 72 Pieces Justificatives Inedites. Romans: H. Rosier. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Cheverud, James M., and Luci A. P. Kohn 1991 The Effects of Fronto-Occipitial [sic] Artificial Cranial Modification on the Cranial Base and Face. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:58. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIAL BASE, FACE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cheverud, James M., Luci A. P. Kohn, Lyle W. Konigsberg, and Steven R. Leigh. 1992 Effects of Fronto-Occipital Artificial Cranial Vault Modification on the Cranial Base and Face. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 88(3):323-345. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIAL BASE, FACE, [JRNL]
Cheverud, James M., and James E. Midkiff. 1992 Effects of Fronto-Occipital Cranial Reshaping on Mandibular Form. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87(2):167-171. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, MANDIBLE, PERUVIAN ANCON, CRANIAL GROWTH, [JRNL]
Chew, M. B. 1973 Chinese Bound Foot. Radiography 39:39-42. FOOT, CHINESE BOUND FOOT, [CWHM-1974-83-#0443]
Cheyne, William Watson 1891 Lectures on the Pathology of Tuberculous Disease of Bone and Joints. British Medical Journal 1891:896-901. TUBERCULOUS, BONE, JOINT, [STEINBOCK-1976:188]
Cheyne, William Watson 1895 Tuberculous Disease of Bones and Joints: Its Their Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment. Edinburgh: Y. J. Pentland. TUBERCULOSIS, BONE, JOINT, PATHOLOGY, SYMPTOM, TREATMENT, [STEINBOCK-1976:188 & MELVYL]
Cheyron, J. 1977 Le Choléra de 1854 dans l'Ardèche. Revue du Vivarais 81(1):5-12. CHOLERA, FRANCE, [CWHM-1978-098-#0259]
Chiang, L. C. 1963 Skeletal Lesions of Leprosy. Postgraduate Medicine 34:A63-A67. LEPROSY, SKELETON, LESION, [NDX-Leprosy-05-03-02249]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A. 1971 Comment on "Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations." [See T. Aidan Cockburn, 1971.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):55. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A. 1973 Why a Collection of Papers on "Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians"? In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 1-3. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A., Anna M. Conti-Fuhrman, and Emma Rabino Massa 1970-1971 Nota Preliminare sulla Ultrastruttura dei Capelli di Mummia Egiziana al Microscopio Elettronico a Scansione. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1973, 4:18.]. Rivista di Antropologia (Rome) 57:275-278. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SEM, [ZIMM]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A., Melchiorre Masali, and D. Davide 1966 Ricerche sulle Collezioni Antropologiche Egiziane del l'Istituto di Antropologia di Torino. Rivista di Antropologia 53:61-66. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TORINO COLLECTION, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:466]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A., and Emma Rabino Massa 1967 Conservazione dei Globuli in Tessuti di Mummie Egiziane. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1973, 4:18.]. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 98:181-182. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CONSERVATION, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Chiarelli, Brunetto A., and Emma Rabino Massa 1967 La Conservazione dei Tessuti nelle Mummie Egiziane. Rivista di Antropologia (Rome) 54:167-170. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CONSERVATION, [ZIMM]
Chick, E. W. 1971 North American Blastomycosis. In: R. D. Baker, ed. Human Infections with Fungi, Actinomycetes and Algae. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 465-506. BLASTOMYCOSIS, NORTH AMERICA, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Chil y Naranjo, G. 1878 Mémoire sur l'Origine des Guanches ou Habitants Primitifs des Iles Canaries. Congrès International des Science Anthropologiques, Paris, 16-21 August, pp. 167-170. CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, [CRAN & SURG-NEUROL-1994-41:512]
Chil y Naranjo, G. 1900 Anatomía Patológica de los Aborígenes Canarios. El Museo Canario 8:42-44,79-80,111-112,139-141. MUMMIES, HISTOPATHOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:46]
Child, Angela M. 1995 Microbial Taphonomy of Archaeological Bone. Studies in Conservation 40(1):19-30. TAPHONOMY, [JRNL]
Child, Angela M. 1995 Towards an Understanding of the Microbial Decomposition of Archaeological Bone in the Burial Environment. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):165-174. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, MICROBIAL DECOMPOSITION OF BURIED BONE, [JRNL]
Child, Angela M., and A. M. Pollard 1990 Immunochemistry in Palaeopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 8. IMMUNOCHEMISTRY, PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Child, Angela M., and A. M. Pollard 1992 A Review of the Applications of Immunochemistry to Archaeological Bone. Journal of Archaeological Science 19(1):39-47. BONE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ELISA, IMMUNOCHEMISTRY, RIA, TUBERCULOSIS, WESTERN BLOT, [JRNL]
Childe, V. Gordon 1945 Directional Changes in Funerary Practices During 50,000 Years. MAN (London) 45(Article 4):13-19. MORTUARY PRACTICE, DIRECTIONAL CHANGE, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Chimenos, E. 1985 Estudio Paleopatológico de una Mandíbula Medieval. Empuries (Barcelona) 48:?. MANDIBLE, MEDIEVAL, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:14]
Chimenos, E. 1988 Introducción a la Paleoestomatología. In: Dossier IX. Barcelona. Centre Documentació Catalana d'Arqueología. STOMATOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Chimenos, E. 1990 Estudio Paleoestomatológico de Poblaciones Prehistóricas de Catalunya. STOMATOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:46]
Chimenos, E., S. Junca, J. Sentis, and J. J. Echeverría 1990 Estudio Paleopatológico de la Pérdida de Soporte Oseo y del Desgaste Oclusal en Restos Humanos de Maxilares, Mandíbulas y Piezas Dentarias. Archivos de Odonto Estomatología (Barcelona) 6(1):15-24. DENTAL ABRASION, DENTAL ATTRITION, PERIODONTOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Chimenos, E., and A. Martínez Pérez 1990 Antecendentes Prehistóricos de la Enfermedad Periodontal. Avances en Periodoncia (Madrid) 2:149-154. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Chimenos, E., O. Mercadal, A. Pérez Pérez, and S. Junca 1989 Paleopatología Maxilar, Mandibular y Dentaria de La Balma de La Sargantana (Oliola, La Noguera, Lleida). In: Actas del IV Congreso Español de Antropología Biológica. Barcelona. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MAXILLA, MANDIBLE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:44]
Chimenos Küstner, E., Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, and Carles Lalueza Fox 1992 The Evolution of Dental Pathology of Infectious Origin. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 9. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, INFECTIOUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chimenos, S., and O. Mercadal 1990 La Cova Sepulcral del Neolític Antic de l'Avellaner (Cogolls, Les Planes d'Hostoles. La Garrotxa). Estudio Estomatológico. Centre d'Investigaciones Arqeolòques de Girona, Sèrie Monogràfica Num 11. Girona, pp. 1-125. DENTAL CARIES, NEOPLASM, GRANULOMA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:49]
Chipault, A. 1890 Statistiques des Trépanations. Gazette des Hôpitaux Civils et Militaires 63:975;983. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, STATISTICS, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Chipault, A., and E. Daleine 1893 Notes Iconographiques sur l'Historie de la Trépanation. Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpêtrière 6:292. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, [ARME]
Chippaux, C. 1961 Mutilations et Déformations Ethniques dans les Races Humaines: La Calotte Crânienne, les Orifices Faciaux, l'Oreille, le Nez, les Lèvres. [Ethnic Mutilations and Deformations in Human Races: The Cranial Cap, Facial Orifices, the Ear, Nose and Lips.]. Histoire de la Médecine (Paris) 11(11):7-48. MUTILATION, DEFORMATION, ETHNIC, [SORENSON 1990-C-225]
Chipps, H. 1932 Anodontia. Dental Cosmos 74:612-613. DENTITION, ANODONTIA, [ARME]
Chisholm, Brian S. 1986 Reconstruction of Prehistoric Diet in British Columbia Using Stable Carbon Isotopic Analysis. [Dissertation, Archaeology Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia]. DISSERTATION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CARBON ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:116]
Chisholm, Brian S. 1989 Variation in Diet Reconstructions Based on Stable Isotopic Evidence. In: T. Douglas Price, ed. The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-37. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Chisholm, Brian S., Michael Blake, and Michael W. Love 1993 More on Prehistoric Subsistence in the Soconusco Region: Response to Ambrose and Norr. [See also Stanley H. Ambrose, and Lynette Norr, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 34(4):432-434. SUBSISTENCE, STABLE ISOTOPE, SONCONUSCO, [JRNL]
Chisholm, Brian S., and R. G. Matson 1994 Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Evidence on Basketmaker II Diet at Cedar Mesa, Utah. Kiva 60(2):239-255. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CEDAR MESA, UTAH, AMERICA, INDIAN, BASKETMAKER II, [JRNL]
Chisholm, Brian S., and D. Erle Nelson 1983 An Early Human Skeleton from South Central British Columbia: Dietary Inference from Carbon Isotope Evidence. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 7:85-86. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CARBON ISOTOPE EVIDENCE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:383]
Chisholm, Brian S., D. Erle Nelson, Keith A. Hobson, Henry P. Schwarcz, and Martin Knyf 1983 Carbon Isotope Measurement Techniques for Bone Collagen: Notes for the Archaeologist. Journal of Archaeological Science 10(4):355-360. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, STABLE CARBON ISOTOPE ANALYSIS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL BONE, COLLAGEN EXTRACTION, δ13C MEASUREMENT, [JRNL]
Chisholm, Brian S., D. Erle Nelson, and Henry P. Schwarcz 1982 Stable-Carbon Isotope Ratios as a Measure of Marine Versus Terrestrial Protein in Ancient Diets. Science 216(4550):1131-1132. NUTRITION, ISOTOPE, PROTEIN, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Chisholm, Brian S., D. Erle Nelson, and Henry P. Schwarcz 1983 Marine and Terrestrial Protein in Diets on the British Columbia Coast. Current Anthropology 24(3):396-398. NUTRITION, PROTEIN, MARINE AND TERRESTRIAL, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [JRNL]
Chisholm, Brian S., Henry P. Schwarcz, and D. Erle Nelson 1983 Application of Stable Isotope Measurements to Paleodiet Reconstruction on the Northwest Coast of North America. Paper presented at the XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 1983. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, STABLE ISOTOPE MEASUREMENT, [PRICE-T-DOUGLAS-1989-CHEM-PREHIST-HUM-BONE:257]
Chisholm, Colin 1799 An Essay on the Malignant Pestilential Fever Introduced into the West Indian Islands from Boullam, on the Coast of Guinea, as It Appeared in 1793 and 1794. Early American Imprints, First Series, Number 35302. Philadelphia: Printed for Thomas Dobson, at the Stone House, Number 41, South Second Street. FEVER, MALIGNANT PESTILENTIAL FEVER, ESSAY ON, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:245 & MELVYL]
Chisolm, J. Julian, Jr. 1971 Lead Poisoning. Scientific American 224(2):15-23. POISON, LEAD POISONING, [JRNL]
Chistov, Yu. K. 1994 Human Cranial Remains from South Yemen. [Menschliche Schädelreste von Südyemen.]. [English with German and French Abstract]. HOMO 45(1):8-30. SKULL, REMAINS, HUMAN, SOUTH YEMEN, [JRNL]
Chiu, C. -H., Susan Guise Sheridan, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1992 Trace Elements in the Dental Tissues of an Ancient Sudanese Nubian Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:60. DENTAL TISSUE, TRACE ELEMENT, ANCIENT, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chochol, J. 1958 Dosavadni Vysledky Anthropologickeho Rozboru Luzickych Zarovych Pohrbu z Ceskych Zemi. [Bisherige Ergebnisse einer Anthropologischen Analyse der Lausitzer Brandgräber in den Böhmischen Ländern.]. Pamatky Archeologicke (Praha) 49:559-582. CREMATION, [PACT-19:044]
Chohayeb, Aida A. 1991 The Dental Heritage of Ancient Egypt. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:14.]. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 39(2):65-69. DENTITION, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [CWHM-1992-152-#0644 & PPNL-1991-76:14]
Choksey, K. M. 1974 Dentistry in Ancient India. News Bulletin of the Indian Dental Association 5(1,2):9-12. DENTISTRY HISTORY, INDIA, [CWHM-1975-86-#0376]
Chong, Key Ray 1990 Cannibalism in China. Wakefield, New Hampshire: Longwood Academic. CANNIBALISM, CHINA, [MELVYL]
Choquet, J. 1909 Examen de l'Appareil Dentaire du Crâne de l'Homme Préhistorique de La Chapelle-aux-Saints. Comptes Rendus du Ve Congrès Dentaire International I. Berlin. DENTITION, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [CRAN]
Chououet 1876 Découverte de Gisements Néolithique à Moret (Seine-et-Marne): Sépultures à Crémation, Trépanations Posthumes. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 11:276-286. CREMATION, TREPHINATION, POST MORTEM, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
Chowder, Ken 1992 How TB Survived Its Own Death To Confront Us Again. Smithsonian 23(8):180-194. TUBERCULOSIS, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Chrisman, Donald, Donald J. Ortner, Bruce M. Rothschild, and David S. Weaver 1991 Panel Discussion. Reported by M. Cassandra Hill. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 13. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Christensen, D. 1994 Pre-Columbian Mummy Lays TB Debate to Rest. Science News 145(12):181. MUMMIES, PERU, TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
Christensen, George n.d.[1951] The Pathological Basis of Periodontal Disease. DISEASE, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PATHOLOGICAL BASIS OF, [FRANCIS-EDWARDS'S-CATALOG-1994:15]
Christensen, Howard A., et al. 1983 The Ecology of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Republic of Panama. Journal of Medical Entomology 20:463-484. LEISHMANIASIS, CUTANEOUS LEISHMANIASIS, PANAMA, [CWHM-1984-121-#1111]
Christensen, O. E. 1969 Un Examen Radiologique des Momies Egyptiennes des Musées Danois. [Radiologic Examination of Egyptian Mummies in Danish Museums.]. [French]. Semaine des Hôpitaux de Paris 45:1990-1998. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [MEDL & NDX-Mummies-10-02-07788 & ARME & HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:068]
Christensen, O. E. 1970 Über Röntgenuntersuchungen Ägyptischer Mumien aus Dänischen Museen. [X-Ray Examinations of Egyptian Mummies Belonging to Danish Museums.]. Electromedica 4:274-276. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:296 & Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Christiansen, R. L. 1975 Proposed Guidelines for the Classification, Nomenclature, and Naming of Morphologic Defects. Syndrome Identification 3:1-8. MORPHOLOGIC DEFECT, NOMENCLATURE, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Christianson, Eric H. 1983 Wound Management Advice in Antebellum America. [From The Transylvania Journal of Medicine and Associate Sciences, 1828-1853]. Clinics in Plastic Surgery 10(4):671-677. WOUND MANAGEMENT, AMERICA, ANTEBELLUM PERIOD, [JRNL]
Christianson, W. T. 1992 Stillbirths, Mummies, Abortions, and Early Embryonic Death. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 8(3):623-639. MUMMIES, ANIMAL, ABORTION, DEATH, EMBRYONIC, [NDX-MUMMIES-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Christie, A. B. 1977 Smallpox. In: G. Melvyn Howe, ed. A World Geography of Human Diseases. New York: Academic Press, pp. 255-270. SMALLPOX, GEOGRAPHY OF, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:251]
Christophers, B. E. 1979 Gout and Its Sufferers. [Letter]. Medical Journal of Australia 2(6):311. GOUT, HISTORY, LETTER, [NDX-Gout history-21-10-0]
Christophersen, K. M. 1939 Odontologiske Undersφgelser af Danmarks Forhistoriske Befolkning II. Om Taendernes Tilstand i Danmarks Yngre Stenalder og Bronzealder. [Dental Investigations of the Prehistoric Danish Population II. Dental Health in Denmark's Neolithic and Bronze Age.]. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 43:142. ODONTOLOGY, DENMARK, [CRAN]
Christophersen, K. M. 1940 Über die Zahnverhältnisse bei einer Volksgruppe der Wildingerzeit: Odontologische Untersuchungen aus der Grabstätte bei Trelleborg. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2:87-108. ODONTOLOGY, [ARME]
Christophersen, K. M. 1941 Odontologiske Undersφgelser af Danmarks Forhistoriske Befolkning IV. Om Taendernes Tilstand i Jernalderen. [Dental Investigations of the Prehistoric Danish Population IV. Dental Health in the Iron Age. [Danish with English Summary.]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 45:304. ODONTOLOGY, DENMARK, [CRAN]
Christophersen, K. M., and P. O. Pedersen 1939 Investigations into Dental Conditions in the Neolithic Period and in the Bronze Age in Denmark. Dental Record 59:575-585. DENTITION, NEOLITHIC, BRONZE AGE, DENMARK, [ARME]
Christorphus, M. 1682 Horologium Pestis Nuntium. Hamburg. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Chugunoff, S. 1889-1890 O Naturalnoi Mumii, Naidennoi v g. Tomskie. [On a Natural Mummy Found in the City of Tomsk.]. Trudî Tomskavo Obshtshestva Yestestvoïpitatelei (Tomsk) 2:107-122. MUMMIES, CITY OF TOMSK, NATURAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Chumlea, W. Cameron, Robert M. Malina, G. Lawrence Rarick, and Vern D. Seefeldt 1980 Communalities for Rates of Diaphyseal Elongation of Short Bones of the Hand of Children With Down Syndrome. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53(1):129-131. DOWN'S SYNDROME, SHORT BONES, HAND, RATE OF ELONGATION, COMMUNALITIES, [JRNL]
Chumlea, W. Cameron, Debabrata Mukherjee, and Alex F. Roche 1984 A Comparison of Methods for Measuring Cortical Bone Thickness. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 65(1):83-86. BONE, CORTICAL, SECOND METACARPAL, CALIPER, DIGITIZER, [JRNL]
Chundun, Z. 1991 The Significance of Rib Lesions in Individuals from a Chichester Medieval Hospital. [Dissertation, University of Bradford, England]. DISSERTATION, RIB, LESION, MEDIEVAL, CHICHESTER, ENGLAND, [AJPA-1994-95:182]
Chung, C., et al. 1964 A Genetic Study of Dental Caries with Special Reference to PTC Taste Sensibility. American Journal of Human Genetics 16:231-245. DENTAL CARIES, GENETICS, PTC SENSIBILITY, [ARME]
Chung, M. S., and C. Y. Kim 1985 Prehistoric Korean Jawbones and Teeth. [Korean]. Taehan Chikkwa Uisa Hyophoe Chi/Journal of the Korean Dental Association 23(2):133-156. DENTITION, PREHISTORIC, KOREA, [CWHM-1986-127-#1597 & ARME & BHM-25:701]
Church, Franklin H. 1939 Syphilis of the Center of the Face. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 7:705-718. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, FACE, CENTER, [STEINBOCK-1976:161 & ARME]
Church, H. M. 1900-1901 Extracts from the Talmud and from Celsus, Illustrative of the State of Medical Science at the Beginning of the Christian Era (Gynaecological). Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society 26:215-226. MEDICINE, GYNECOLOGY, HISTORY, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient]
Churcher, C. S., and W. A. Kenyon 1960 The Tabor Hill Ossuaries: A Study in Iroquois Demography. Human Biology 32(3):249-273. DEMOGRAPHY, IROQUOIS, OSSUARY, TABOR HILL, [JRNL]
Churchill, Edward Delos 1971 Chest Wounds in Ancient Sculpture. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 26(3):304-305. WOUND, CHEST, SCULPTURE, [JRNL]
Ciacemetti, Luigi, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli 1968 The Skin of Egyptian Mummies. [Special Article]. Archives of Dermatology 97:712-716. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SKIN, [JRNL]
Cianfrani, T. 1960 A Short History of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY, HISTORY, [ARME]
Ciba Zeitschrift 1936 (Various authors: Wólfel, Dominik J.; Wehrli, G. A.; Busch, J.; Gerlitt, John). Die Trepanation. Ciba Zeitschrift (Basel) 4(Number 39):cover, 1325-1355. TREPHINATION, [DIS IN ANT:695]
Cieplak, W., and Charles F. Merbs 1977 Coccidioidomycosis in an Arizona Chimpanzee Colony. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):123. FUNGAL DISEASE, COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS, CHIMPANZEE, ARIZONA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cifuentes, Aguirre O. 1963 Odontología y Mutilaciones Dentarias Mayas. Editorial Universitaria, No. 46. Guatemala. DENTAL MUTILATION, ODONTOLOGY, MAYA, [PROC-38TH-INTERNATL-CONG-AM-1968-4:394 & ARME]
Cigna, Arrigo A. 1972 A Consideration of Modern Dating Methods for Archaeological Purposes. Journal of Human Evolution 1:65-72. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DATING METHODS FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL PURPOSES, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:65]
Cigna, Arrigo A. 1973 A Consideration of Modern Dating Methods for Archaeological Purposes. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 65-72. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DATING METHODS FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL PURPOSES, [BOOK]
Çilingiroglu, A. 1987 Brain Surgery 2900 Years Ago. Newspot (Ankara) May 28(8):6. TREPHINATION, IRON AGE, DILKAYA, [CWHM-1987-134-#2035]
Cipolla, Carlo M. 1973 Cristofano and the Plague: A Study in the History of Public Health in the Age of Galileo. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. PLAGUE, HISTORY, GALILEO'S TIME, [MELVYL]
Cipolla, Carlo M. 1977 A Plague Doctor. In: The Medieval City. Edited by H. A. Miskimin, et al. New Haven, pp. 65-72. PLAGUE, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1980-103-#1422]
Cipolla, Carlo M. 1978 Peste del 1630-31 nell'Empolese. Archivio Storico Italiano 136:469-481. PLAGUE [CWHM-1980-106-#1358]
Cipolla, Carlo M. 1982 Bilancio di una Epidemia di Peste: Il Caso di Pistoia nel 1630-31. Bollettino Storico Pistoiese 84(Seria 3):17,65-93. PLAGUE, PISTOIA, ITALY 1630-1631 [CWHM-1985-125-#1577]
Cipolla, Carlo M. 1992 Miasmas and Disease: Public Health and Environment in the Pre-Industrial Age. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. [See review by Lisa Sattenspiel, 1993.]. PUBLIC HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, PREINDUSTRIAL AGE, [AJPA-1993-90:259]
Cipriani, Lido 1935 América, Cuartel General de las Deformaciones Craneanas. [America, Headquarters of Cranial Deformations.]. By José Imbelloni. 1934. Proceedings of the 25th Congress of Americanists (La Plata, Argentina, 1932), Volume 1, pp. 59-68. [Review]. Archivio per l'di Antropologia e di Etnologia (Florence) 65:156-157. REVIEW OF, IMBELLONI; JOSE, 1934, [SORENSON 1990-C-247 & BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:629]
Cipriani, M. 1960 [On the Origin of Some Old Names for Syphilis.]. [Italian]. Rivista di Storia della Medicina (Rome) 4:257-268. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, ORIGIN OF NAMES, [NDX-Syphilis history-02-03-02455]
Cipriano-Bechtle, A., Gisela Grupe, and P. Schröter 1996 Ageing and Life Expectancy in the Early Middle Ages. [Altern und Lebenserwartung im Frühen Mittelalter.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 46(3):267-279. LIFE EXPECTANCY, MIDDLE AGES, [JRNL]
Cirone, M. 1965 [Recognition of an Ancient Eskimo Tomb on the Island of Kutdiek.]. [Italian]. Giornale di Medicina Militare 115:218-221. TOMB, KODIAK, ESKIMO, [NDX-Anthropology-06-02-00293 & ARME]
Císarová, O, and P. Kubista 1986 [An Explanation of Changes Observed in Mummified Bodies.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Soudni Lekarstvi 31(4):58-61. MUMMIES, BODY CHANGE, EXPLANATION, [NDX-Mummies-28-12-13085]
Cissoko, S. M. 1968 Famines et Epidemies à Tombouctou et dans la Boucle du Niger du XVIe au XVIIIe Siècle. Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire (B) 3:806-821. EPIDEMIC, FAMINE, TOMBOUCTOU, AFRICA, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-11:242]
Civera, M. 1984 Los Dientes y sus Enfermadades Entre los Mexicas. In: Alfredo López Austin, and Carlos Viesca Treviño, eds. Historia General de la Medicina en México. Tomo I: México Antiguo. México, D.F.: Academia Nacional de Medicina, U.N.A.M., p. 251. DENTAL DISEASE, MEXICO, HISTORY, [PPNL-1986-55:18]
Claassen, H. 1991 Methoden zur Lebensaltersbestimmung am Menschlichen Skelett, Dargestellt am Beispiel von Hallstattzeitlichen Körper- und Brandbestattungen. [Methods in Age Determination in Human Skeletons Exemplified by Inhumation and Cremation Burials of the Hallstatt Period.]. [German with English Abstract]. Zeitschrift fuer Gerontologie 24(6):316-318. AGE ASSESSMENT, METHODOLOGY, [CWHM-1992-155-#0237 & NDX-Paleontology-33-09-11384]
Claassen, H. 1991 Neandertaloide Merkmale am Stirnbein: Ein Auffälliger Hallstattzeitlicher Schädel aus dem Grabhügefeld von Dietfürt/Oberpfalz. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 49(1-2):3-21. SKULL, NEANDERTALOID, [CWHM-1992-152-#0344]
Claassen, H. 1991 Palaopathologische Befunde am Hallstattzeitlichen Menschen der Oberpfalz: Rückschlusse auf Seine Umwelt. [Paleopathologic Findings in Hallstatt Period Humans of Oberpfalz. Conclusions Concerning the Environment.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 49(3):217-229. PATHOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, HALLSTATT PERIOD, GERMANY, [CWHM-1992-154:142 & WIEN-KW & NDX-Paleopathology-33-09-11385]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1967 Paleopathology of the Orchid Site, Fort Erie, Ontario. Buffalo, New York. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York]. DISSERTATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ORCHID SITE, FORT ERIE, ONTARIO, [BUIKSTRA:1981:159]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1969 Problems in the Use of Paleopathologic Data in the Interpretation of Behavior in Archeologic Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 16:9.]. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 31:850-854. BEHAVIOR, INTERPRETATION, [PPNL-1976-16:9 & ZIMM]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1971 Comment on "Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations." [See T. Aidan Cockburn, 1971.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):55-56. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1973 The Paleopathology of the Indians of New Jersey. Man in the Northeast 5:7-25. PATHOLOGY, NEW JERSEY, INDIAN, [GAGNE 1982:10]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):96-97. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1975 The Etiology of Periostitis in North American Indian Skeletal Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42(2):295. PERIOSTITIS, NORTH AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1976 Health and Disease in the Population of a Pre-Iroquois Ossuary. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):170-171. HEALTH, DISEASE, PRE-IROQUOIS, OSSUARY POPULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1977 Congenital Dislocation of the Hip in the Prehistoric Northeast. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:13.]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 53(4):338-346. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, [JRNL]
Clabeaux, Marie Striegel [See also Geise, Marie Striegel Clabeaux] 1977 Health and Disease in the Population of an Iroquois Ossuary. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:19.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:359-370. HEALTH, DISEASE, IROQUOIS, OSSUARY POPULATION, [JRNL]
Claessen, H. J. M. 1973 Comment on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See Joseph B. Birdsell, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):352. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Claflin, R. 1936 Healing of Disturbed and Undisturbed Extraction Wounds. Journal of the American Dental Association 23:945-959. DENTAL EXTRACTION WOUND, HEALING, [ARME]
Clairet, D., and J. Dagorn 1994 Skeletal Disorders Acquired in Syphilis: Radiographic Study and Differential Diagnosis. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 32-35. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, SKELETAL DISORDER, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Claparols, P. J. 1975 Teeth Modifications and Their Socioeconomic and Political Significance Among Some Peoples of the World and Early Filipinos. Journal of the Philippine Dental Association 27(3):32-43. DENTITION, MODIFICATION, [CWHM-1978-098-#1384]
Clark, C. A. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Clark, Donald W. 1994 Still a Big Story: The Prehistory of Kodiak Island. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 137-149. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, PREHISTORY, [BOOK]
Clark, Edwin 1962 Whistler and Glisson on Rickets. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 36(1):45-61. RICKETS, WHISTLER, GLISSON, [JRNL]
Clark, George A. 1978 Vertebral Morphology and Pathology in Dickson Mound Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):386-387. SPINE, MORPHOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, DICKSON MOUNDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clark, George A. 1981 The Paleoepidemiology of Harris Lines in Dickson Mound Infant-Child Populations, and Tibial Growth. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):209. HARRIS LINES, EPIDEMIOLOGY, DICKSON MOUNDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clark, George A. 1983 The Evolutionary and Clinical Significance of Spinal Canal and Vertebral Body Proportional Relationships. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):182. SPINAL CANAL, VERTEBRAL BODY, PROPORTIONALITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clark, George A. 1985 Heterochrony, Allometry, and Canalization in the Human Vertebral Column: Examples from Prehistoric Amerindian Populations. [Dissertation, University of Massachusetts]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(3):741A, University Microfilms order number DA8509532.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, HETEROCHRONY, ALLOMETRY, CANALIZATION, VERTEBRAL COLUMN, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, INDIAN, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Clark, George A. 1988 New Method for Assessing Changes in Growth and Sexual Dimorphism in Paleoepidemiology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 64:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 77(1):105-116. GROWTH, SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, VERTEBRAL MORPHOLOGY, DICKSON MOUNDS, [JRNL]
Clark, George A. 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):125. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Clark, George A., and Jack A. Delmond 1979 Vertebral Osteophytosis in Dickson Mound Populations: A Biochemical Interpretation. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):54-58. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, VERTEBRAL, BIOMECHANICS, DICKSON MOUNDS, [JRNL]
Clark, George A., Nicholas R. Hall, George J. Armelagos, Gary A. Borkan, Manohar M. Panjabi, and F. Todd Wetzel 1986 Poor Growth Prior to Early Childhood: Decreased Health and Life-Span in the Adult. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(2):145-160. GROWTH, EARLY, SPINE, VERTEBRAL NEURAL CANALS, ADULT HEALTH AND LIFE SPAN, [JRNL]
Clark, George A., Marc A. Kelley, John M. Grange, and M. Cassandra Hill 1987 The Evolution of Mycobacterial Disease in Human Populations: A Reevaluation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 59:17.]. [For comments, see M. Anne Katzenberg, 1987; Linda L. Klepinger, 1987; Nancy C. Lovell, 1987; Janet McGrath, 1987; Marc S. Micozzi, 1987; R. Ted Steinbock, 1987; and David S. Weaver, 1987.]. Current Anthropology 28(1):45-62. MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, [JRNL]
Clark, George A., Marc A. Kelley, John M. Grange, and M. Cassandra Hill 1987 Reply to comments on "The Evolution of Mycobacterial Disease in Human Populations: A Reevaluation." [See M. Anne Katzenberg, 1987; Linda L. Klepinger, 1987; Nancy C. Lovell, 1987; Janet McGrath, 1987; Marc S. Micozzi, 1987; R. Ted Steinbock, 1987; and David S. Weaver, 1987.]. Current Anthropology 28(1):57-59. MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, [JRNL]
Clark, Grahame 1963 Foreword. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 17-19. ARCHAEOLOGY, SCIENCE, [BOOK & ARME]
Clark, Jeffrey T., and Kevin M. Kelly 1993 Human Genetics, Paleoenvironments, and Malaria: Relationships and Implications for the Settlement of Oceania. American Anthropologist 95(3):612-630. GENETICS, PALEOENVIRONMENT, MALARIA, SETTLEMENT, OCEANIA, [JRNL]
Clark, Jessica 1993 New Technologies Reveal 'Lady' Udja's Secrets. In the Field 64(3):3. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, IMPACTED, ARTHRITIS, RADIOLOGY, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Clark, K. 1990 Palaeopathology in Archaeological Animal Bone Assemblages. [Dissertation, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, England]. DISSERTATION, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANIMAL BONE ASSEMBLAGE, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:06]
Clark, N. 1993 Periodontitis in Dry Skulls. Dental Anthropology Newsletter 7:1-3. SKULL, DRY, PERIODONTITIS IN, [AJPA-1996-101:489]
Clark, Stephen, M. 1981 Smallpox and the Iroquois Wars: An Ethnohistorical Study of the Influence of Disease and Demographic Change on Iroquoian Culture History, 1630-1700. [Thesis, California State University, Northridge]. THESIS, SMALLPOX, AMERICA, INDIAN, IROQUOIS, [J-CALIF-GR-BASIN-ANTHROPOL-1996-18:30]
Clark, T., et al. 1986 Fort Ancient Mandible: An Unusual Abnormality Associated with Untreated Trauma. Journal of Forensic Odontostomatology 4(2):53-59. MANDIBLE, FORT ANCIENT, TRAUMA, ABNORMALITY, [CWHM-1988-137-#1132]
Clark, William Arthur 1937 History of Fracture Treatment up to the Sixteenth Century. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 19(1):47-63. FRACTURE, TREATMENT OF, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Clarke, C. H. 1917 Reminiscences of Early Embalming. New York. EMBALMING, HISTORY, [CIBA-SYMPOS-1944-6(2):1812]
Clarke, E. 1968 Disease in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Nursing Times 64:1491-1493. DISEASE, GRECO-ROMAN, ANTIQUITY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Clarke, Edwin, ed. 1971 Modern Methods in the History of Medicine. London: Athlone Press of the University of London. MEDICINE, HISTORY, MODERN METHOD, [BOOK]
Clarke, G. 1979 The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills. Winchester Studies, Number 3, Pre-Roman and Roman Winchester, Part 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press. CEMETERY, ROMAN, LANKHILLS, ENGLAND, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:031]
Clarke, John M. 1911 The Paleontological Society. Address of the President: Early Parasitism. Science 33(843):284-296. PARASITISM, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Clarke, John M. 1921 Organic Dependence and Disease: Their Origin and Significance. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. [See review by Charles Schuchert, 1921.]. DISEASE, ORGANIC DEPENDENCE, ORIGIN, SIGNIFICANCE, [SCIENCE 1921-54(1405):550 & MOODIE 1923:546 & ARME]
Clarke, Nigel G. 1988 Relationship Between Periodontal Defects and Dental Pulp Disease. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):196-197. DENTAL PULP DISEASE, PERIODONTAL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clarke, Nigel G. 1990 Periodontal Defects of Pulpal Origin: Evidence in Early Man. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:9.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 82(3):371-376. DENTAL ABSCESS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PULPOALVEOLAR DISEASE, RETROGRADE PERIODONTITIS, [JRNL]
Clarke, Nigel G. 1991 Some Anatomical Factors that Influence the Pathways Followed by Dental Inflammatory Exudates. In: Tasman Brown, and Stephen Molnar, eds. Craniofacial Variation in Pacific Populations. Papers Presented at a Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, 30 May 1991. Seventeenth Pacific Science Congress. Adelaide, Australia: Anthropology and Genetics Laboratory, Department of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, pp. 129-137. DENTAL ABSCESS, DENTAL ALVEOLAR BONE, FENESTRATION, DEHISCENCE, [JRNL]
Clarke, Nigel G., S. E. Carey, W. Srikandi, R. S. Hirsh, and P. I. Leppard 1986 Periodontal Disease in Ancient Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(2):173-183. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, ALVEOLAR BONE, LESION, [JRNL]
Clarke, Nigel G., and R. S. Hirsch 1991 Physiological, Pulpal, and Periodontal Factors Influencing Alveolar Bone. In: Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen, eds. Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 241-266. DENTITION, BONE, ALVEOLAR, INFLUENCING FACTOR, [AJPA-1995-97:082]
Clarke, Nigel G., and R. S. Hirsch 1991 Tooth Dislocation: The Relationship with Tooth Wear and Dental Abscesses. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(3):293-298. DENTAL ABSCESS, DENTAL ATTRITION, TOOTH TILTING, [JRNL]
Clarke, Steven K. 1976 Post-Weanling Mortality in Paleopopulations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):171. MORTALITY, POST-WEANING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clarke, Steven K. 1977 Mortality Trends in Prehistoric Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:13.]. Human Biology 49(2):181-186. DEMOGRAPHY, MORTALITY, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, [JRNL]
Clarke, Steven K. 1978 Markers of Metabolic Insult: The Association of Radiopaque Transverse Lines, Enamel Hypoplasia and Enamel Histopathologies in a Prehistoric Human Skeletal Sample. [Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 39(5):3023A, University Microfilms order number 7820497.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, HARRIS LINES, TRANSVERSE LINES, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, DENTAL ENAMEL HISTOPATHOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, SKELETAL POPULATION, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Clarke, Steven K. 1980 Early Childhood Morbidity Trends in Prehistoric Populations. Human Biology 52(1):79-85. DEMOGRAPHY, MORBIDITY TREND, CHILDHOOD, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, [JRNL]
Clarke, Steven K. 1982 The Association of Early Childhood Enamel Hypoplasias and Radiopaque Transverse Lines in a Culturally Diverse Prehistoric Skeletal Population. Human Biology 54(1):77-84. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HARRIS LINES, CHILDHOOD, [JRNL]
Clarkson, J. 1989 Review of Terminology, Classifications and Indices of Developmental Defects of Enamel. Advances in Dental Research 3:104-109. DENTAL ENAMEL, DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, [AJPA-1994-93:305]
Clarkson, L. 1975 Death, Disease and Famine in Pre-Industrial England. Dublin: Gill and MacMillan. DEATH, DISEASE, FAMINE, ENGLAND, PRE-INDUSTRIAL, [ZAGREB-1988:034]
Clary, K. H. 1984 Anasazi Diet and Subsistence as Revealed by Coprolites from Chaco Canyon. In: J. W. Judge, and J. D. Schelberg, eds. Recent Research on Chaco Prehistory. Albuquerque, New Mexico: U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 265-279. NUTRITION, SUBSISTENCE, COPROLITE, CHACO CANYON, ANASAZI, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:433]
Clason, A. T. 1982 Lessons from Animal Paleopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 4. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANIMAL, LESSON, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clastres, Pierre 1974 Guayakí Cannibalism. In: Patricia, J. Lyon, ed. Native South Americans: Ethnology of the Least Known Continent. Boston: Little, Brown, pp. 309-321. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AMERICA, GUAYAKI, [AM-ETHNOL-1995-22(1):098 & MELVYL]
Clausen, Carl J., H. K. Brooks, and A. B. Wesolowsky 1975 The Early Man Site at Warm Mineral Springs, Florida. Journal of Field Archaeology 2(1/2):191-213. EARLY MAN SITE, WARM MINERAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Clausen, Carl J., H. K. Brooks, and A. B. Wesolowsky 1975 Florida Spring Confirmed as 10,000 Year Old Early Man Site. Florida Anthropological Society Publications Number 7. Florida Anthropologist 28(3, Part 2):1-38. EARLY MAN SITE, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Clausen, Carl J., A. D. Cohen, Cesare Emiliani, J. A. Holman, and J. J. Stipp 1979 Little Salt Spring, Florida: A Unique Underwater Site. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 26:12.]. Science 203(4381):609-614. EARLY MAN SITE, WARM MINERAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Claussen, Bruce F. 1982 Chronic Hypertrophy of the Ulna in the Professional Rodeo Cowboy. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 164:45-47. ULNA, HYPERTROPHY, COWBOY, [JRNL]
Claxton, A. C. 1989 Dental Identification of Fifteenth Century Battle Victims. British Dental Journal 167:77-78. FORENSIC DENTISTRY, [CWHM-1990-145-#0666]
Clay, Rotha Mary 1909 The Mediaeval Hospitals of England. London: Methuen. HOSPITAL, MEDIEVAL, ENGLAND, HISTORY, [DISEASE AND HISTORY:240]
Clay, Rotha Mary 1966 The Mediaeval Hospitals of England. 1st Edition, 2nd Impression. New York: Barnes & Noble. HISTORY, HOSPITAL, MEDIEVAL, ENGLAND, [MELVYL & WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):271]
Cleaton-Jones, P. 1970 Agenesis and Peg-Shaped Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors in Kalahari Bushmen. Journal of Dental Research 49(2):457. DENTITION, INCISOR, PEG-SHAPED, DENTAL AGENESIS, KALAHARI BUSHMEN, [JRNL]
Clegg, Edward J. 1971 Cráneos Deformados de la Isla de Sacrificios, Veracruz, México. By Juan Comas, and Paulette Marquer. 1969. Cuadernos: Serie Antropológica, Número 23. 1969. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [Review]. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 8:293-294. REVIEW OF, COMAS; JUAN AND PAULETTE MARQUER, 1969, [JRNL]
Clein, G. P. 1959 Mozart: A Study in Renal Pathology. Kings College Hospital Gazette 37:37-45. MOZART, RENAL PATHOLOGY, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:413P]
Cleland, Charles E. 1982 The Inland Shore Fishery of the Northern Great Lakes: Its Development and Importance in Prehistory. American Antiquity 47(4):761-784. DIET, INLAND SHORE FISHERY, NORTHERN GREAT LAKES, DEVELOPMENT, IMPORTANCE, [JRNL]
Cleland, Charles E., ed. 1971 The Lasanen Site: An Historic Burial Locality in Mackinac County, Michigan. Anthropological Series, Volume 1, Number 1. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Museum. [See reviews by Ronald J. Butler, 1973; Alfred K. Guthe, 1973.]. BURIAL, LASANEN SITE, MICHIGAN, [AJPA-1973-39(2):320 & ARME]
Cleland, J. B. 1911-1912 Two Cases of Tuberculosis in Australian Aborigines with Nodular Deposits in the Viscera. Transactions of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 5:256-273. TUBERCULOSIS, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, race, incidence in]
Cleland, J. B. 1919 'Boomerang' Leg. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 22:165-166. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, BOOMERANG LEG, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):221]
Cleland, J. B. 1928 Disease Among the Australian Aborigine. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 31:53-59;65-70;125-130;141-145;157-160;173-177;196-198;202-206;216-220;232-235;262-266;281-282;290-294;307-313;326-330. DISEASE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [COCKBURN-1963:066 & WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):221]
Cleland, J. B. 1953 The Healing Art in Primitive Society. Mankind 4:395-411. MEDICAL HISTORY, HEALING, PRIMITIVE SOCIETY, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:300]
Cleland, J. B. 1958 Aborigines: Diseases and Medicines. Australian Encyclopaedia 1:82-87. MEDICAL HISTORY, DISEASE, MEDICINE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:300]
Cleland, J. B. 1962 Disease in the Australian Native. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65:95-105. MEDICAL HISTORY, DISEASE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:300]
Cleland, J. B., and B. G. Macgraith 1930 Notes on the Pathological Lesions and Vital Statistics of Australian Natives in Central Australia. Medical Journal of Australia 2:80-83. LESION, PATHOLOGICAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:300]
Clement, A. J. 1952 The Basic Aetiology of Dental Caries With Special Reference to the Unique Opportunities for Caries Research in South Africa. Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa/Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid Afrika 7:180-190. DENTAL CARIES, ETIOLOGY, SOUTH AFRICA, [ARME]
Clement, A. J. 1956 Caries in the South African Ape-Man: Some Examples of Undoubted Pathological Authenticity Believed To Be 800,000 Years Old. British Dental Journal 101:4-7. DENTAL CARIES, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, [ARME]
Clement, A. J. 1957 The Bacteriology of the Primitive Mouth. Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa/Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid Afrika 12:281. MOUTH, PRIMITIVE, BACTERIOLOGY, [ARME]
Clement, A. J. 1958 The Antiquity of Caries. British Dental Journal 104:115-123. DENTAL CARIES, ANTIQUITY, [ARME]
Clement, A. J. 1961 Caries Immunity in Primitive Peoples. [Thesis for M.D.S. Degree, University of the Witwatersrand]. DENTAL CARIES, IMMUNITY, PRIMITIVE PEOPLE, [ARME]
Clement, A. J. 1963 Variations in the Microstructure and Biochemistry of Human Teeth. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 245-269. DENTAL VARIATION, BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROSTRUCTURE, [BOOK & ARME]
Clements, Forrest E. 1932 Primitive Concepts of Disease. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 32(2):185-252. DISEASE CONCEPT, PRIMITIVE, [JRNL]
Clements, M. R., L. Johnson, and D. R. Fraser 1987 A New Mechanism for Induced Vitamin D Deficiency in Calcium Deprivation. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):204. VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY, INDUCED, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Clements, M. R., L. Johnson, and D. R. Fraser 1987 A New Mechanism for Induced Vitamin D Deficiency in Calcium Deprivation. [Letter]. [See also Clements, M. R., L. Johnson, and D. R. Fraser, 1987, Abstract.]. Nature (London) 325(6099):62-64. VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY, INDUCED, LETTER, [JRNL]
Clemow, F. C. 1903 The Geography of Disease. London and Cambridge: C. J. Clay and Sons. [See review by S., F. C., 1903.]. DISEASE, GEOGRAPHY OF, [MAN-1903-3(ARTICLE-83):144]
Clendinnen, F. J. 1898 Skiagram of Hand of Egyptian Mummy, Showing Abnormal Number of Sesamoid Bones. Intercolonial Medical Journal of Australasia 3:106. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HAND, SESAMOID, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Cleugh, James 1954 Secret Enemy: The Story of a Disease. London: Thames and Hudson. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Cleugh, James 1956 Secret Enemy: The Story of a Disease. New York: T. Yoseloff. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Cliff, Andrew, Peter Haggett, and Matthew Smallman-Raynor 1993 Measles: An Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease from Global Expansion to Local Retreat, 1840-1990. Oxford and Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell. [See review by Gerry Kearns, 1995.]. MEASLES, HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY; 1840-1900, [MED-HIST-1995-39:239]
Cliff, Andrew, et al. 1984 Les Epidémies dans une Ile: L'Islande. Pour la Science 81:22-30. MEASLES, [CWHM-1986-127-#1246]
Clift, William 1823 On Some Fossil Bones Discovered in Caverns in the Limestone Quarries of Oreston. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London BONE, FOSSIL, CAVERN, ORESTON, [MOODIE 1923:546]
Clifton, K. M. 1983 A Review of Enamel Hypoplasia and Its Presence in a Prehistoric Illinois Population. [Manuscript on file, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University]. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:264]
Cloquell Rodrigo, B. 1985 Dos Nuevos Casos de Alteraciones Artificiales en Piezas Dentarias Enelíticas. Trabajos de Arqueología (Madrid) 19(4):323-?. DENTAL MUTILATION, ARTIFICIAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Clot, Antoine Barthelemy 1840 De la Peste Observee en Egypte: Recherches et Considerations sur Cette Maladie. Paris: Fortin, Masson. PLAGUE, HISTORY, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Clottes, Jean, and Pierre Clottes 1980 La Grotte Sépulcrale de Gardouch, à Belcaire (Aude). [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84:21-35. SEPULCHER, AUDE, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Clough, Cecil H. 1993 The Discovery of America, the Italian Wars, and the Impact of Syphilis on Western Christendom. Medical Historian--Bulletin of the Liverpool Medical History Society 6:17-52. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1994-161-#0347]
Clune, T. 1953 Prevalence of Dental Caries in Primary and Permanent Teeth. Rhode Island Medical Journal 36:653. DENTAL CARIES, PREVALENCE, [ARME]
Cluzel, C. 1973 Evaluation de la Gracilisation Dentaire dans les Anciennes Populations du Maghreb. Libyca 21:55-61. DENTITION, GRACILIZATION, [CWHM-1976-092-#1098]
Cluzet 1919 Sur les Spondylites Post-Traumatiques. Paris Médical SPONDYLITIS, POST-TRAUMATIC, [ARME]
Coale, Ansley J. 1974 The History of the Human Populations. Scientific American 231(3):41-51. POPULATION HISTORY, [JRNL]
Coard, R., and R. W. Dennell 1995 Taphonomy of Some Articulated Skeletal Remains: Transport Potential in an Artificial Environment. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(3):441-448. TAPHONOMY, [JRNL]
Cobb, Ivo Geikie 1938 Through the Leper-Squint: A Study of Leprosy from Pre-Christian Times to the Present Day. London, Selwyn & Blount. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Cobern, Camden M. 1913 The Sacred Ibis Cemetery and Jackal Catacombs at Abydos. National Geographic 24(9):1042-1056. EGYPT, ANIMAL MUMMIFICATION, IBIS, JACKAL, ABYDOS, [JRNL]
Cocchi, A. 1891 Ricerche Antropologiche sul Torus Palatinus. Archivio per l'Antropologia 22:281-290. TORUS PALATINUS, [AJPA-1950-8:99]
Cochrane, Robert Greenhill 1947 Practical Textbook of Leprosy. London: G. Cumberlege. LEPROSY, TEXTBOOK, [HAJ-1970:183]
Cochrane, Robert Greenhill 1961 Biblical Leprosy. Christian Medical Fellowship Quarterly (I.V.F.) 24. LEPROSY, BIBLE, [ARME & DIS IN ANT:305]
Cochrane, Robert Greenhill 1963 Biblical Leprosy: A Suggested Interpretation. 2nd Edition. London: Published for the Christian Medical Fellowship by the Tyndale Press. LEPROSY, BIBLICAL, [MELVYL]
Cochrane, Robert Greenhill 1964 The History of Leprosy and Its Spread Throughout the World. In: R. G. Cochrane, and T. F. Davey, eds. Leprosy in Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Bristol, England: Wright and Sons Ltd., pp. 1-12. LEPROSY, HISTORY, SPREAD, [ORT 1981 & ARME]
Cochrane, Robert Greenhill, and T. Frank Davey, eds. 1964 Leprosy in Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Bristol: Wright and Sons Ltd. LEPROSY, [MELVYL]
Cocilovo, J. A. 1975 Estudio de dos Factores que Influencian la Morfologia Craneana en una Coleccion Andina: El Sexo y la Deformacion Artificial. Revista del Instituto de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán 2:197-212. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ANDES, [AJPA-1995-98:194]
Cocilovo, J. A. 1978 Estudio de dos Factores que Influyen en la Morfologia Craneana en una Coleccion Patagonica: El Sexo y la Deformacion Artificial. Arquivos de Anatomia e Antropologia del Instituto de Antropologia Professor Souza Marques 3:113-141. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PATAGONIA, [AJPA-1995-98:194]
Cockayne, E. A. 1936 Cleft Palate, Hare Lip, Dacryocystitis, and Cleft Hand and Feet. Biometrika 28(1 and 2):60-63. CLEFT PALATE, HARE LIP, CLEFT HAND AND FOOT, DACRYOCYSTITIS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1973 Autopsy Team Seeks a Mummy's Medical Secrets. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1973, 4:18.]. Smithsonian 4(8):80-89. MUMMIES, AUTOPSY, MEDICAL SECRETS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1974 [Origin of the word "Paleopathology."]. Paleopathology Newsletter 7:1. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ORIGIN OF THE WORD, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1975 [Reports on Autopsy Examination of ROM-I.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 9:2-5. MUMMIES, ROM-I, AUTOPSY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1978 Do--please--spare me packets tattered,/Photographs all bent and battered,/...! [Doggerel]. Paleopathology Newsletter 22:1. EDITORIAL WOES, WORLDWIDE, DOGGEREL, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1978 Pizarro's Skull. [See also W. J. McGee, 1894, American Anthropologist, volume 8, number 1, pp. 1-25.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 21:3-4. SKULL, TRAUMA, MORTAL, AUTOPSY, ANTHROPOMETRY, PIZARRO, LIMA, PERU, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1979 Ascaris in the New World? Paleopathology Newsletter 26:10-11. PARASITISM, ASCARIS, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1979 Ochronosis (Alkaptonuria). Paleopathology Newsletter 26:8-9. OCHRONOSIS, ALKAPTONURIA, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1979 Three by Michael R. Zimmerman. Paleopathology Newsletter 28:12. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION OF THREE WORKS BY, ZIMMERMAN; MICHAEL R., [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1980 In Memoriam: Tamotsu Ogata. Paleopathology Newsletter 30:3. OBITUARY, OGATA; TAMOTSU, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1982 The Autopsy of PUM-II. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 16. [Exhibit, title only]. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, PUM-II, EGYPT, AUTOPSY,EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1982 History and Aims of the Association. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1982 Mummies: A Worldwide Phenomenon. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 1. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1984 Studying the Past--But What Does the Future Hold? In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 1. PAST, FUTURE, STUDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1987 Acknowledgements. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. The Mummy from Mummy Cave: Preliminary Reports. Paleopathology Newsletter 60:10. MUMMIES, MUMMY CAVE, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1987 Dr. Walter G. J. Putschar. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 58:5. OBITUARY, PUTSCHAR; WALTER G. J., [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1990 David Birkett 1934-1990. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 70:2. OBITUARY, BIRKETT; DAVID, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1990 Welcome to the Delegates. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1992 The Autopsy of PUM II. [La Autopsia de PUM II.]. [Poster]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 199. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, AUTOPSY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1992 Cotton in Ancient Egypt: A Unique Find?. [Algodón en el Antiguo Egipto: ¿ Un Hallazgo Unico?]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 151. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, DEHYDRATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1992 Reply to Robert W. Mann. [Commentary]. [See Robert W. Mann, 1992.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 77:10-11. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY, CRITICISM, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1992 Welcome to the Delegates. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Autopsy (and Parasites) in Newfoundland. [News from the field]. Paleopathology Newsletter 88:4-5. MUMMIES, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUTOPSY, PARASITISM, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Autopsy in Alaska. [News from the field]. Paleopathology Newsletter 88:4. MUMMIES, ALASKA, AUTOPSY, PULMONARY EDEMA, HYPOPROTEINEMIA, EMPHYSEMA, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Donald J. Ortner: Appointment as Acting Director of the National Museum of Natural History. Paleopathology Newsletter 86:5-6. ORTNER; DONALD J., NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Forty Years On: Are Aidan Cockburn's Theories Still Valid? In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologie du Var. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, AIDAN COCKBURN'S THEORY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:402]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 The Paleopathology Association. Paleopathology Newsletter 86:16. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Standardized Osteological Database: Another Advance. [News from the field]. Paleopathology Newsletter 88:5. OSTEOLOGY, OSTEOLOGICAL DATABASE, STANDARDIZED, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1994 Welcome to the Delegates. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, WELCOME TO THE DELEGATES, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Another Slant on Repatriation. Paleopathology Newsletter 91:5. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Section 1: Workshops. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, pp. 1-3. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, 22ND, WORKSHOP, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Section 2: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, pp. 4-11. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, 22ND, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Section 3: Symposium on the Recognition of Cancer in Antiquity. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, pp. 12-17. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, 22ND, SYMPOSIUM, CANCER IN ANTIQUITY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Section 4: Poster Presentations. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, pp. 18-23. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, 22ND, POSTER PRESENTATIONS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1995 Third World Congress on Mummy Studies. Paleopathology Newsletter 90:5. MUMMIES, MUMMY STUDIES, SECOND WORLD CONGRESS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1996 Cecil J. Hackett (1905-1995). [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 93:5. OBITUARY, HACKETT; CECIL J., [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1996 Jean Dastugue 1910-1996. [Obituary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 96:2. OBITUARY, DASTUGUE; JEAN, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve 1996 Welcome to the Delegates. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 1. WELCOME TO THE DELEGATES, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1973 Death and Disease in Ancient Egypt. Detroit, Michigan: A Two-Day Symposium Sponsored by the Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine; the Division of Physical Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution; and the Department of Ancient Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, 1-2 February 1973. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:0-7. DEATH, DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1973-present Paleopathology Newsletter, No. 1, March 1973 (continuing). Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association. PALEOPATHOLOGY NEWSLETTER, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1974 Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, SYMPOSIUM, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1975 Preliminary Reports on the Examination of PUM-III. Paleopathology Newsletter 12:6-14. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-III, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1976 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the First European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Ciba Foundation, London, England, 1-2 October 1976. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1976 Preliminary Reports on the Examination of PUM-IV. Paleopathology Newsletter 16:3-6. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-IV, EXAMINATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1977 Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, INQUIRY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1978 Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Academy of Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 15 April 1978. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1978 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1979 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of California, San Francisco, 4 April 1979. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1980 Live Mammoth from a Test Tube? [Reprinted by permission of the Detroit Free Press, based on an AP report, with commentary by T. Aidan Cockburn]. Paleopathology Newsletter 29:11-14. MAMMOTH, CYTOLOGY, CELL BIOLOGY, LENINGRAD, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1980 Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 16 April 1980. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1980 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1981 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Section 1. Retrospect. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, pp. 1-5. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Section 2: Prospect (Panel Discussion), Theodore A. Reyman, moderator, and John B. Gregg, Peter K. Lewin, Donald J. Ortner, R. Ted Steinbock, and Michael R. Zimmerman, panelists. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, pp. 6-8. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Section 3: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, pp. 9-14. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1982 Section 4: Exhibits. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 15-16. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1983 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1983 Section 3: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, pp. 14-15. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1983 Section 4: A.A.P.A. Sessions on Paleopathology. A. Skeletal Analysis and Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Health. Comments by Jane E. Buikstra. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, pp. 16-17. SKELETAL ANALYSIS, HEALTH STATUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1983 Section 4: A.A.P.A. Sessions on Paleopathology. B. Paleoepidemiology. Comments by J. Lawrence Angel. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 17. PATHOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1983 Study Groups. Leprosy: Report from Keith Manchester, Chairman. Paleopathology Newsletter 43:5-6. LEPROSY, TUBERCULOSIS, MYCOBACTERIOLOGY, BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1984 Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1984 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1984 Section 3: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, pp. 10-13. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1984 Section 4: Exhibits. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, pp. 14-15. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1985 Committee on the Preservation of Human Remains: Preliminary Report. Paleopathology Newsletter 52:2-5 REPATRIATION, REMAINS, HUMAN, COMMITTEE, PRESERVATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1985 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1986 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1986 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1986 Section 5: Exhibits. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 16-17. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1987 The Mummy from Mummy Cave: Preliminary Reports. Paleopathology Newsletter 60:4-10. MUMMIES, MUMMY CAVE, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1987 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1987 Section I. Workshops. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1988 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1988 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1988 Section 1: Workshops and Round Table Discussions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, pp. 1-2. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1988 Section 3: Exhibits. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 6. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1989 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1989 Section 1: Round Table Discussion. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, DISCUSSION, ROUND TABLE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1990 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1990 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1990 Section 4: Round Table Discussions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, p. 10. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, DISCUSSION, ROUND TABLE, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1991 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1991 Section 4: Demonstrations and Discussions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, pp. 16-17. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1992 Karl Reinhard reports regarding reburial of Omaha Native American remains and 28 skeletons and 11 mummies from Ventana Cave. [Report]. Paleopathology Newsletter 77:7-8. MUMMIES, VENTANA CAVE, SKELETON, REBURIAL, REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1992 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1992 Section 1: Workshops and Lecture. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, pp. 1-4. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1992 Section 2: Contributed Papers and Posters. Coordinator: Charles F. Merbs. Moderators: Charlotte A. Roberts, and M. Anne Katzenberg. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, pp. 5-13. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1992 Section 3: Symposium. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, pp. 14-18. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, SYMPOSIUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1993 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1994 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1994 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, ed. 1995 Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, 22ND, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, and Theodore A. Reyman 1982 Paleopathology. [Editorial]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14.]. Journal of the American Medical Association 248(4):472-473. PALEOPATHOLOGY, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Cockburn, Eve, and Theodore A. Reyman 1993 Autopsy of PUM-II. [Video]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 19-20. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, AUTOPSY, VIDEO, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1959 The Evolution of Infectious Diseases. International Record of Medicine 172:493-508. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION OF, [NDX-AUTHOR-1960-1-1:A-243]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1961 Eradication of Infectious Diseases. Science 133(3458):1050-1058. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ERADICATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1961 The Origin of the Treponematoses. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 24:221-228. TREPONEMATOSIS, ORIGIN, [NDX-Treponemal Infections history-02-03-02559 & ARME]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1963 The Evolution and Eradication of Infectious Diseases. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION, ERADICATION, [BOOK]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1967 The Evolution of Human Infectious Diseases. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, ed. Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 84-107. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION, ERADICATION, [MASCA-1992-9:011 & ISCAN-1989:198 & ARME]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1971 Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations. [For comments, see Kenneth A. Bennett, 1971; D. K. Bhattiacharya, 1971; Brunetto A. Chiarelli, 1971; Marie Striegel Clabeaux (See also Marie Striegel Clabeaux Geise), 1971; W. C. Osman Hill, 1971; F. P. Lisowski, 1971; Ralph S. Riffenburgh, 1971; Calvin Wells, 1971; and Srboljub Zivanovic.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):45-62. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1971 Reply to comments on "Infectious Diseases in Ancient Populations." [See Kenneth A. Bennett, 1971; D. K. Bhattiacharya, 1971; Brunetto A. Chiarelli, 1971; Marie Striegel Clabeaux (See also Marie Striegel Clabeaux Geise), 1971; W. C. Osman Hill, 1971; F. P. Lisowski, 1971; Ralph S. Riffenburgh, 1971; Calvin Wells, 1971; and Srboljub Zivanovic.]. Current Anthropology 12(1):58-60. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANCIENT POPULATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1973 Death and Disease in Ancient Egypt. Science 181(4098):470-471. DEATH, DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1973 Histology and Electron Microscopy. Paleopathology Newsletter 3:8-9. HISTOLOGY, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1973 Infectious Diseases in Antiquity. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:1. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1973 Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. 2nd Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION, ERADICATION, [ZAGREB-1988:180]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1974 Autopsy of Egyptian Mummy PUM-II. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):472. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, AUTOPSY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1974 Autopsy of Egyptian Mummy PUM-II. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, p. 3. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, AUTOPSY, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1974 Research Goals of the Association. Paleopathology Newsletter 5:12-14. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, GOALS, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1977 Coda. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, pp. 39-40. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, INQUIRY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1977 Comment on "Temporal Variation and Sex Differences in the Incidence of Cranial Porotic Hyperostosis in Peru." [See Cathleen Campbell Papadopoulos, 1977.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 19:14. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, BARTONELLA BACILLIFORMIS, VERRUGA, OROYA FEVER, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1977 Introduction. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, p. [i]-[ii]. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, INQUIRY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1977 Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation: Bone Diseases in Ancient Human Populations. By R. Ted Steinbock. 1976. With a Foreword by T. Dale Stewart. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. Paleopathology Newsletter 17:19. REVIEW OF, STEINBOCK; R. TED, 1976, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:463]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1977 Where Did Our Infectious Diseases Come From? The Evolution of Infectious Disease. In: Symposium on Health and Disease in Tribal Societies, London, 1976. Health and Disease in Tribal Societies. Ciba Foundation Symposium 49 (new series). Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier/Excerpta Medica/North Holland, pp. 103-113. DISEASE, HEALTH, TRIBAL SOCIETY, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION OF, [BOOK & MELVYL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1978 Paleopathology and Its Association. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 23:18.]. Journal of the American Medical Association 240:151-153. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1979 Arthritis: Modern Concepts and Ancient Evidence. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):[3]. ARTHRITIS, MODERN CONCEPT, ANCIENT EVIDENCE, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1980 Future Prospects for Palaeopathology. In: Proceedings of the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. 5-10. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN MEMBERS MEETING, FUTURE PROSPECTS, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:178]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1980 Future Prospects for Paleopathology. [Summary of Opening Address]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C1. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1980 Introduction. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-8. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, INTRODUCTION, [BOOK]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1980 Paleopathology and the Parasites. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 31:18.]. Australian Microbiologist 1:3-6. PARASITISM, PATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1980-31:18]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1981 Ancient Parasites on the West Bank of the Nile. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 2(8252):938. PARASITISM, ANCIENT, EGYPT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan 1981 The Problem of Leprosy. [Summary]. [See Rubin, Stanley, 1974. Medieval English Medicine. New York: Newton-Abbott.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 35:5. LEPROSY, MEDIEVAL, SOUTH ACRE, NORFOLK, ENGLAND, LEPER CEMETERY POPULATION, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, ed. 1967 Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EVOLUTION, ERADICATION, [ISCAN-1989:198 & ARME]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, Robin A. Barraco, Willian H. Peck, and Theodore A. Reyman 1980 A Classic Mummy: PUM II. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 52-70. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, [BOOK]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, Robin A. Barraco, Theodore A. Reyman, and William H. Peck 1975 Autopsy of an Egyptian Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:13.]. Science 187(4182):1155-1160. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, and Irving R. Burton 1976 Anemias of Antiquity. [Symposium Summary]. Paleopathology Newsletter 16:6-8. ANEMIA, PREHISTORIC, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, and Eve Cockburn 1977 Paleopathology in Peru. Paleopathology Newsletter 19:3-6. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PERU, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, and Eve Cockburn 1981 Autopsies in Mummies. [Letter]. New England Journal of Medicine 305(25):1534. MUMMIES, AUTOPSY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, and Eve Cockburn, eds. 1980 Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [See reviews by Arthur C. Aufderheide, 1981; Michael W. Anderson, 1982.]. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, [BOOK]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, Howard Duncan, and Jeanne M. Riddle 1979 Arthritis, Ancient and Modern: Guidelines for Field Workers. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):74-79. ARTHRITIS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, GUIDELINES, [JRNL]
Cockburn, T. Aidan, and L. M. de González 1981 Treponematosis in Colonial Mexico. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, p. D4. TREPONEMATOSIS, COLONIAL, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Codrington, K. de B. 1930 Indian Cairn- and Urn-Burials. MAN (London) 30:190-196. BURIAL, CAIRN BURIAL, URN BURIAL, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:423]
Coelho, J. 1935 Etude Médical des Crânes Artificiellement Déformés chez les Anciens Habitants de l'Argentine. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 43:2125. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, ARGENTINA, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Coenen, V., Tj. D. Bruintjes, and R. G. A. M. Panhuysen 1995 Maxillary Sinusitis in Medieval Maastricht, the Netherlands. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):90. MAXILLARY SINUSITIS, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coenen, V., Tj. D. Bruintjes, and R. G. A. M. Panhuysen 1996 Maxillary Sinusitis in Medieval Maastricht, the Netherlands. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 7. MAXILLARY SINUSITIS, MEDIEVAL, MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cofield, R. B. 1934 Bony Bridging in Tuberculosis of the Spine. Journal of the American Medical Association 1934:1-9. TUBERCULOSIS, SPINE, BONY BRIDGING, [STEINBOCK-1976:188]
Coggins, Clemency 1994 Comment on "Engendering Tomb 7 at Monte Albán: Respinning an Old Yarn." [See Sharisse D. McCafferty, and Geoffrey G. McCafferty, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(2):153-155. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MIXTEC, MONTE ALBAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cohen, B. 1942 Preliminary Survey of the Oral Condition of Bantu Citrusworkers. South African Dental Journal 16:155-159. ORAL HEALTH, BANTU, [ARME]
Cohen, B. 1982 An Inquiry into the Decay of Teeth. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 64(6):375-382. DENTAL CARIES, INQUIRY, [NDX-Dental Caries history-24-09-08454]
Cohen, G. 1972 [From One Fossil Man to Another.]. [French]. Cahiers de Médecine 13:153-154. FOSSIL, MAN, [NDX-Paleontology-13-07-07892]
Cohen, Herbert J., and Harold Diner 1970 The Significance of Developmental Dental Enamel Defects in Neurological Diagnosis. Pediatrics 46(5):737-747. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DIAGNOSIS, NEUROLOGICAL, [JRNL]
Cohen, M. Michael, and R. Wagner 1948 Dental Development in Pituitary Dwarfism. Journal of Dental Research 27:445-458. DWARFISM, PITUITARY, DENTAL DEVELOPMENT, [ARME]
Cohen, M. Michael, F. J. Blitzer, M. G. Arvystas, and R. H. Bonneau 1970 Abnormalities of the Permanent Dentition in Trisomy G. Journal of Dental Research 49(6):1386-1393. TRISOMY G, DENTAL ABNORMALITY, [JRNL]
Cohen, M. Michael, Jr. 1988 Craniosynostosis Update 1987. American Journal of Medical Genetics Supplement 4:99-148. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, UPDATE 1987, [BARNES-1994:337]
Cohen, M. Michael, Jr. 1979 Craniosynostosis and Syndromes with Craniosynostosis. Birth Defects Original Article Series 15(5b):13-65. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, SYNDROMES WITH, [PPNL 1992-77:15]
Cohen, M. Michael, Jr. 1979 Studies in Achondroplasia: A Cephalometric Analysis of the Craniofacial Complex. [Dissertation, University of Minnesota]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 40(9):5105-5106A, University Microfilms order number 8006597.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, ACHONDROPLASIA, CRANIOFACIAL COMPLEX, CEPHALOMETRY, ABSTRACT, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Cohen, M. Michael, Jr. 1988 Further Diagnostic Thoughts About the Elephant Man. American Journal of Medical Genetics 29:777-782. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, ELEPHANT MAN, DIAGNOSIS, [CWHM-1989-140-#1917]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1971 Population Growth, Subsistence, and Settlement in the Ancón-Chillon Region of the Central Coast of Peru. [Dissertation, Columbia University, New York]. DISSERTATION, DEMOGRAPHY, SUBSISTENCE, SETTLEMENT, ANCON-CHILLON REGION, PERU, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-11:224]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1972-74 Some Problems in the Quantitative Analysis of Vegetable Refuse Illustrated by a Late Horizon Site on the Peruvian Coast. Ñawpa Pacha 10-12:49-60. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, VEGETABLE REFUSE, PERU, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1975 Archaeological Evidence for Population Pressure in Pre-Agricultural Societies. American Antiquity 40(4):471-475. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION PRESSURE, PRE-AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1975 Population Pressure and the Origins of Agriculture: An Archaeological Example from the Coast of Peru. In: S. Polger, ed. Population, Ecology and Social Evolution. The Hague: Mouton, pp. 79-121. DEMOGRAPHY, AGRICULTURAL ORIGIN, PERU, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1986-15:240]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1977 The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. [See reviews by Christopher Meiklejohn, 1978; Ilse Schwidetzky, 1979.]. NUTRITION, CRISIS, FOOD, PREHISTORIC, [BOOK & AJPA-49:286]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1984 An Introduction to the Symposium. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 1-11. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1989 Health and the Rise of Civilization. New Haven, Connecticut and London: Yale University Press. [See reviews by Henry C. Harpending, 1990; Danna J. Leaman, 1994; Corinne Shear Wood, 1994.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:11.]. HEALTH, CIVILIZATION, MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY, [BOOK & AJPA-1992-87:127]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1992 Comment on "The Osteological Paradox: Problems of Inferring Prehistoric Health from Skeletal Samples." [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 33(4):358-359. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1994 The Osteological Paradox Reconsidered. [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992; and James W. Wood, and George R. Milner, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):629-637. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1995 Estimating the Health and Status of the Sexes from Skeletal Samples. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:77. HEALTH ASSESSMENT, STATUS ASSESSMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1995 On Paleopathology: Reply to Wood and Milner. [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992; James W. Wood, and George R. Milner, 1994; Mark Nathan Cohen, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 36(3):495. OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos 1984 Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture: Editors' Summation. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 585-601. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos 1984 Preface. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. xix-xx. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos, eds. 1984 Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc. [See reviews by Linda L. Klepinger, 1986; Philip L. Walker, 1986.]. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, Carl W. Armstrong, Marie Elaine Danforth, Keith P. Jacobi, and Kathleen O'Connor 1992 Health Indicators on the Fringe of Spanish Influence: The Maya of Tipu, Belize. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:60. HEALTH INDICATOR, MAYA, BELIZE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, Kathleen O'Connor, Marie Elaine Danforth, Keith P. Jacobi, and Carl W. Armstrong 1994 Health and Death at Tipu. In: Clark Spencer Larsen, and George R. Milner, eds. In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 121-133. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE, HEALTH, DEATH, TIPU, [MELVYL & WILEY-LISS-FLYER]
Cohen, Sheldon G. 1989 The Pharaoh and the Wasp. Allergy Proceedings 10(2):149-151. ALLERGY, WASP, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G. 1992 Asthma in Antiquity: The Ebers Papyrus. Allergy Proceedings 13(3):147-154. ASTHMA, EBERS PAPYRUS, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G., and Ana Maria Saavedra-Delgado 1990 Through the Centuries with Food and Drink, for the Better or Worse VII. The Middle Ages. Allergy Proceedings 11(4):179-187. DIET, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G., and Ana Maria Saavedra-Delgado 1990 Through the Centuries with Food and Drink, for the Better or Worse VIII. The School of Salerno. Allergy Proceedings 11(6):313-317. DIET, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Cohn, Isidore, Jr. 1988 Honorary Fellows of the First Century. Annals of Surgery 207(5):509-516. SURGERY, FIRST CENTURY, [JRNL]
Cohn, N. 1975 Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch-Hunt. London: Chatto-Heinemann. WITCHCRAFT, WITCH HUNT, EUROPE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1995-36:337]
Coimbra, Carlos E. A., Jr. 1988 Human Settlements, Demographic Pattern, and Epidemiology in Lowland Amazonia: The Case of Chagas's Disease. American Anthropologist 90(1):82-97. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AMAZONIAN, [JRNL]
Coker, Scott 1995 Looking for a Correlation. [Correlation Between Enamel Hypoplasia and Harris Lines.] Internship paper on file at the San Diego Museum of Man. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HARRIS LINES, CORRELATION BETWEEN, NEW MEXICO, AMERICA, INDIAN, PAA-KO, [JRNL]
Coker, W. S., and J. R. McNeill 1984 Dr. Tomas Romay's Unpublished Manuscript on Yellow Fever, 27 June 1804. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 71:456-462. YELLOW FEVER, MANUSCRIPT 1704, ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF, [CWHM-1985-123-#1985]
Colakova, R., and D. Bozkov 1981 Wahrscheinliche Helminthosen bei den Antiken Thrakern unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Nahrung und Lebensweise. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congres International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 211-212. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:15.]. PARASITISM, HELMINTHIASIS, [PPNL-1986-55:15]
Cole, A. 1960 An Anthropological View of Disease--Paleopathology of American Indians. University of Toronto Medical Journal 37(5):157-158. DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cole, D. 1987 The Role of Women in the Medical Practice of Ancient Egypt. Discussions in Egyptology 9:25-29. MEDICAL PRACTICE, ROLE OF WOMAN, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:270]
Cole, David 1985 Clinical Hirudology: Revival of an Ancient Art. New Zealand Medical Journal 98(771):28-29. HIRUDOLOGY, LEECHING, [JRNL]
Cole, F. C. 1928 Skeletal Material from Mechta-el-Arbi. In: A. W. Pond. A Contribution to the Study of Prehistoric Man in Algeria, N. Africa. Logan Museum Bulletin, Number 1, pp. 166-189. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MECHTA-EL-ARBI, ALGERIA, [ARME]
Cole, Harold N. 1937 Congenital and Prenatal Syphilis. Journal of the American Medical Association 109:580-585, TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, PRENATAL, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Cole, Harold N., James C. Harkin, Bertram S. Kraus, and Alan R. Moritz 1955 Pre-Columbian Osseous Syphilis. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 71:231-238. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, OSSEOUS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Cole, W. G. 1960 Sex and Love in the Bible. London: Hodder and Stoughton. SEX, LOVE, BIBLE, [CRAN]
Coleman, E. 1976 Infanticide in the Early Middle Ages. In: S. M. Stuard, ed. Women in Mediaeval Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 47-70. INFANTICIDE, MIDDLE AGES, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Coleman, William 1984 Epidemiological Method in the 1860s: Yellow Fever at Saint-Nazaire. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 58:145-163. YELLOW FEVER, SAINT-NAZAIRE 1860, [CWHM-1985-123-#1986 & JRNL]
Coleman, William H. 1965 Anthropometric and Morphological Studies on Cranii of the Moundville Indian. [Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa]. SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, MOUNDVILLE, INDIAN, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Coleman, William H. 1969 Sex Differences in the Growth of the Human Bony Pelvis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(2):125-151. SEX ASSESSMENT, INNOMINATE, [JRNL]
Coletti, F. 1881 L'Origine della Sefilide: Studii Storici ed Osservazioni Critiche. Gazzetta degli Ospitali (Milano) 2:64;112;154. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Colin, Andrie, and James F. Fries 1976 An 'Experimental' Epidemic of Reiter's Revisited: Follow-up Evidence on Genetic and Environmental Factors. Annals of Internal Medicine 84(5):564-566. ARTHRITIS, REITER'S SYNDROME, EPIDEMIC, EXPERIMENTAL, [JRNL]
Colins, E. T. J. 1975 Dietary Change and Cereal Consumption in Britain in the Nineteenth Century. Agricultural History Review 23. DIETARY CHANGE, CEREAL, NINETEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1976-092-#0244]
Collections Research News 1995 NAGPRA Update. Collections Research News Summer 1995. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Collett, Margot 1933 A Study of Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasty Skulls from Kerma (Nubia). Biometrika 25:254-284. CRANIOLOGY, KERMA, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Collier, Stephen, and Keith A. Hobson 1987 The Importance of Marine Protein in the Diet of Coastal Australian Aborigines. Current Anthropology 28(4):559-564. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE PROTEIN, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Collilieux, A., and J. -F. Dousset 1980 Note sur la Pseudo-Pathologie Dentaire. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. C5-C6. DENTAL PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Collilieux, Montserrat Sansilbano [See also Sansilbano-Collilieux, Montserrat] and Louis Bortuzzo 1995 A Case of Platyspondyly from the Middle Ages. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):91. DWARFISM, PLATYSPONDYLY, SPONDYLOMETAPHYSEAL DYSOSTOSIS OF KOZLOWSKI, MIDDLE AGES, POSTER, [JRNL]
Collilieux, Montserrat Sansilbano [See also Sansilbano-Collilieux, Montserrat] and Louis Bortuzzo 1996 A Case of Platyspondyly from the Middle Ages. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 18. DWARFISM, PLATYSPONDYLY, SPONDYLOMETAPHYSEAL DYSOSTOSIS OF KOZLOWSKI, MIDDLE AGES, POSTER, [JRNL]
Collins, Douglas H. 1949 The Pathology of Articular and Spinal Diseases. London: Arnold. SPINAL DISEASE, ARTICULAR DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Collins, Douglas H. 1956 Paget's Disease of Bone: Incidence and Subclinical Forms. Lancet (London) 2(6933):51-57. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, [JRNL]
Collins, Douglas H. 1966 Pathology of Bone. London: Butterworths. BONE PATHOLOGY, [ORT 1981]
Collins, Douglas H., and J. M. Winn 1955 Focal Paget's Disease of the Skull (Osteoporosis Circumscripta). Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 69:1. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, OSTEOPOROSIS CIRCUMSCRIPTA, [ARME]
Collins, H. B., Jr. 1941 Relationships of an Early Indian Cranial Series from Louisiana. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31:145-155. SKULL, LOUISIANA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian anthropology]
Collins, Matthew J., Michael S. Riley, Angela M. Child, and Gordon Turner-Walker 1995 A Basic Mathematical Simulation of the Chemical Degradation of Ancient Collagen. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):175-183. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, COLLAGEN, CHEMICAL DEGRADATION OF, [JRNL]
Collins, Michael B., Thomas Roy Hester, Frank A. Weir, and Frederick Ruecking, Jr. 1969 Two Prehistoric Cemetery Sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 40:119-157. CEMETERY, PREHISTORIC, RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Collins, Newell E. 1943 Perforated Indian Skulls. Wisconsin Archeologist 24(3):49-53. TREPHINATION, PERFORATED SKULL, INDIAN, [WISCONSIN-ARCHEOL-1978-59:264 & PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1996-41:90]
Collins, Sara L. 1986 Osteological Studies of Human Skeletal Remains from the Keopu Burial Site. In: Toni L. Han, Sara L. Collins, S. D. Clark, and A. Garland, eds. Moe Kau a Ho'oilo: Hawaiian Mortuary Practices at Keopu, Kona, Hawai'i. Departmental Report Series, Report 86-1. Honolulu, Hawai'i: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, pp. 165-249. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OSTEOLOGY, KEOPU BURIAL SITE, KONA, HAWAII, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:338 & MELVYL]
Collins, Sara L. 1990 Palaeopathology in the Hawaiian Islands: A Case Study from Keopu. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):206. PATHOLOGY, KEOPU, HAWAII, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Collins, Sara L. 1992 Diet and Nutrition in Hawaiian Prehistory: A Study of the Nutritional Status Represented by the Keopu Burials. [Dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(12)4375A, University Microfilms order number DANN73906.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:15.]. DISSERTATION, NUTRITION, HAWAII, [PPNL-1993-83:15]
Colton, Harold S. 1936 The Rise and Fall of the Prehistoric Population of Northern Arizona. Science 84(2181):337-343. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTHERN ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Colton, Harold S. 1949 The Prehistoric Population of the Flagstaff Area. Plateau 22:(2):21-25. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION, PREHISTORIC, FLAGSTAFF, [JRNL]
Coltrain, J. B. 1993 Corn Agriculture in the Eastern Great Basin: A Pilot Stable Carbon Isotope Study. Utah Archeology 6(1):49-55. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CORN AGRICULTURE, CARBON ISOTOPE, GREAT BASIN, [AJPA-1996-99:516]
Coltrain, J. B. 1994 The Great Salt Lake Wetlands: A Study in Prehistoric Diet. Paper presented at the 59th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Anaheim, California. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GREAT SALT LAKE WETLAND, [AJPA-1996-99:516]
Colyer, F. 1922 The Teeth of Londoners of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Dental Record 42:237-243. DENTITION, SEVENTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, LONDON, [METRESS-1974:025]
Colyer, F. 1947 Study of Roman Skulls. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 40:837. SKULL, ROMAN, [ARME]
Colyer, S. 1917 Dental Caries Among Certain Central African Races. Dental Record 37:405-409. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [ARME]
Colyer, S. 1919 Dental Caries Among Certain Southeast African Tribes. Dental Record 39:401-405. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [ARME]
Comar, C. L. 1967 Some Principles of Strontium Metabolism: Implications, Applications, Limitations. In: J. M. A. Lenihan, et al., eds. Strontium Metabolism. London: Academic Press, pp. 17-31. METABOLISM, STRONTIUM METABOLISM, [JACKSON-BRYAN-1993:123]
Comaroff, J. 1978 Medicine and Culture: Some Anthropological Perspectives. Social Science and Medicine (Oxford) 12(4B):247-254. MEDICINE, CULTURE, ANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Anthropology cultural-20-07-05232]
Comas, Juan 1942 Contribution a l'Etude du Metópisme. Archives Suisses d'Anthropologie Générale 10:273-412. METOPISM, [SBEHP-146 & HANDBOOK OF MIDDLE AMER, PHYS. ANTHRO., p. 241]
Comas, Juan 1942 Contribution a l'Etude du Metópisme. Genève: Imprimérie Albert Kundig. METOPISM, [JAEN-ESQUIVEL-&-GUADARRAMA-1971:57 & MELVYL]
Comas, Juan 1942 El Hueso Interparietal en los Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas (México) 2(4):469-490. SKULL, INCA BONE, MEXICO [ARME & DAVALOS-HURTADO-1965:39]
Comas, Juan 1943 El Metopismo: Sus Causas y Frecuencia in los Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales del Instituto de Etnografía Americana, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 4:121. SKULL, METOPISM, MEXICO, [DAVALOS-HURTADO-1965:39 & AN-INAH-1971-EPOCA-7A-2:57]
Comas, Juan 1948 Bibliografía Morfológica Humana de América del Sud. Primera Parte: Texto. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MORPHOLOGY, SOUTH AMERICA, [CRAN]
Comas, Juan 1951 La Realidad del Trato Dado a los Indígenas de América entre los Siglos XV y XX. América Indígena 11(4):323-370. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1956 Historia y Bibliografía de los Congresos Internacionales de Ciencias Antropológicas: 1865-1954. Publicaciones del Instituto de Historia, Primera Serie, Número 37. México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. BIBLIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [BOOK]
Comas, Juan 1958 La Deformación Cefálica Intencional en la Región del Ucayali, Perú. Miscellanea Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata [Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1958)] 2:109-119. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PERU, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1960 Datos para la Historia de la Deformación Craneal en Mexico. Historia Mexicana 9:509-520. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [ARME]
Comas, Juan 1965 Crânes Mexicaíns Scaphocéphales. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 69(3-4):273-301. SCAPHOCEPHALY, MEXICO, [ARME]
Comas, Juan 1966 La Escafocefalia en Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales de Antropología (México) 3:99-118. SCAPHOCEPHALY, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1968 Dos Microcéfalos Axtecas: Leyenda, Historia y Antropología. Cuaderno de Antropología, Número 22. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. Universidad Nacional de México. [See review by Alonso Ortiz Rusell, 1971.]. MICROCEPHALY, LEGEND, HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGY, AZTEC, [AN-ANTROPOL-MEX-1971-8:290 & ARME]
Comas, Juan 1969 Crânes Déformes de l'Ile de Sacrificios (Etat de Veracruz, Mexique). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris Série 12 14(3):209-257. SKULL, DEFORMATION, VERACRUZ, [CRAN]
Comas, Juan 1972 La Supuesta Difusión Transatlántica de la Trepanación Prehistórica. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 9:157-173. TREPHINATION, TRANSATLANTIC DIFFUSION, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1974 Orígenes de la Momificación Prehispánica en América. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 11:357-382. MUMMIFICATION, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1976 Human Skeletal Remains from Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico, with a Review of Cranial Deformity Types in the Maya Region. Middle American Research Institute. Publication 31. By T. Dale Stewart. 1974. New Orleans, Louisiana: Tulane University, pp. 199-225. [Review]. Anales de Antropología 13:369-370. REVIEW OF, STEWART; T. DALE, 1974, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1976 El Metopismo: Sus Causas y Frecuencia en Cráneos Mexicanos. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropólogicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Volume 4. METOPISM, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan, Samuel Fastlicht, María Teresa Jaén Esquivel, Sergio López Alonso, Arturo Romano, Javier Romero, and Carlos Serrano Sánchez 1974 Antropología Físca: Epoca Prehispánica. Panorama Histórico y Cultura, III. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Departmento de Antropología Física, Secretaría de Educación Pública. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Comas, Juan, and Paulette Marquer 1969 Cráneos Deformados de la Isla de Sacrificios, Veracruz, México. Cuadernos: Serie Antropológica, Número 23. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigacione, Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [See reviews by T. Dale Stewart, 1970; Edward J. Clegg, 1971; Frank P. Saul, 1971.]. SKULL, DEFORMATION, VERACRUZ, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan, and Carlos Serrano Sánchez 1973 Craneología Cora-Huichol, México. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 10:311-328. CRANIOLOGY, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comess, L. J., P. H. Bennette, M. B. Man, T. A. Burch, and M. Miller 1969 Congenital Anomalies and Diabetes in the Pima Indians. Diabetes 18:471. DIABETES, CONGENITAL ANOMALY, PIMA, INDIAN, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Comiti, V. -P. 1981 Littré et l'Histoire des Epidémies. Histoire des Sciences Médicales 15:235-239. EPIDEMIOLOGY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0536]
Commission on Oral Health, Research and Epidemiology 1982 An Epidemiological Index of Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel (DDE Index). International Dental Journal 32(2):159-167. DENTITION, DENTAL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INDEX OF, [JRNL]
Comode, Patrick 1975 Paléopathologie: L'Hypogée de Loisy-en-Brie, Civilisation Seine-Oise-Marne. [The Hypogaeum at Loisy-en-Brie, Civilization Seine-Oise-Marne.]. [Thèse, M.D., Faculté de Dijon, no. 4]. [See review by Jean Dastugue, 1977.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 11:19.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:19.]. DISSERTATION, COMODE; PATRICK, [PPNL 1975-11:19 & PPNL-1994-87:19 & ZIMM]
Comode, Patrick 1992 Schématisation des Lésions Vertébrales. [Poster, three each]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 9-10. LESION, SPINAL, POSTER, [JRNL]
Comrie, J. D. 1910 Early Knowledge Regarding Phthisis. Edinburgh Medical Journal 5(n.s.):19-37. ASTHMA, PHTHISIS, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, history & statistics]
Comte, E. 1922 Anthropologie et Orthodontie. Odontologie: Revue de Thérapeutique, de Chirurgie et de Prothése Dentaire (Paris) 60:667-675. ODONTOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [LSG3-Teeth in anthropology]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., Marianne Marek, and D. Gentry Steele 1986 Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Palm Harbor Site (41AS80), a Mortuary Site on the Central Gulf Coast of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society 55:213-249. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PALM HARBOR SITE (41AS80), TEXAS, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1987 Development of Expanded Occlusal Surfaces on First Molars as a Result of Severe Attrition and Hypercementosis: Examples from Prehistoric Coastal Populations of Texas. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):189. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, HYPERCEMENTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, TEXAS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1988 Maxillary Lingual Anterior Tooth Wear in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers from the Texas Coast. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):197-198. DENTAL WEAR, PREHISTORIC, HUNTER-GATHERER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1989 Enlarged Occlusal Surfaces on First Molars Due to Severe Attrition and Hypercementosis: Examples from Prehistoric Coastal Populations of Texas. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(1):9-15. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, HYPERCEMENTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Conant, Marcus A. 1974 Syphilis. Western Journal of Medicine 120(1):46-54. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [JRNL]
Conard, A. R. 1988 Analysis in Dietary Reconstruction. In: J. M. Heilman, M. C. Lileas, and C. Turnbow, eds. A History of 17 Years of Excavation and Reconstruction: A Chronicle of 12th Century Human Values. Dayton, Ohio: Museum of Natural History, pp. 112-156. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ANALYSIS IN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:099]
Conard, Nicholas J. 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):125-126. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Conaway, E. B. 1937 A Dental Radiographic Study of Two Mummies. Radiography and Clinical Photography 13:21-22. MUMMIES, DENTITION, RADIOLOGY, [ARME & CRAN & QCIM-1937-22-0342]
Conde-Glez, Carlos J., Ernesto Calderón, Luis Juáez-Figueroa, and Mauricio Hernández-Avila 1993 Historical Account of Venereal Diseases in Mexico. Genitourinary Medicine 69(6):462-466. DISEASE, VENEREAL DISEASE, MEXICO, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Condon, James Knighton 1900 The Bombay Plague, Being a History of the Progress of Plague in the Bombay Presidency from September 1896 to June 1899. Compiled under the orders of Government, by Captain J. K. Condon. Bombay: Printed at the Education Society's Steam Press. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BOMBAY, 1896-1899, [MELVYL]
Condon, Keith W. 1981 Correspondence of Developmental Enamel Defects Between the Mandibular Canine and First Premolar. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville]. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DENTITION, CANINE, PREMOLAR, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Condon, Keith W. 1984 Intratooth Associations of Developmental Enamel Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):147. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W. 1988 Histological Structure of Enamel Surface Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):198. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, SURFACE, HISTOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., J. Becker, C. Condon, and J. R. Hoffman 1994 Dental and Skeletal Indicators of a Congenital Treponematosis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:70. TREPONEMATOSIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL AND SKELETAL INDICATOR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., and D. K. Charles 1983 Evaluation of the Cemental Annulation Aging Technique. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):183. AGE ASSESSMENT, CEMENTAL ANNULATION TECHNIQUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., Douglas K. Charles, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1986 Cementum Annulation and Age Determination in Homo sapiens. II. Estimates and Accuracy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(3):321-330. DENTITION, CEMENTUM, AGE ASSESSMENT, FORENSICS, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., J. Henderson, and J. Becker 1993 Dental Analysis of Freedman's Cemetery. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:73. DENTAL ANALYSIS, FREEDMAN'S CEMETERY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., and Jerome C. Rose 1992 Intertooth and Intratooth Variability in the Occurrence of Developmental Enamel Defects. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2, pp. 61-78. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, VARIABILITY, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER & AJPA-1994-95:382]
Cone, Robert O., Larry Danzig, Donald Resnick, and Amy Beth Goldman 1983 The Bicipital Groove: Radiographic, Anatomic, and Pathologic Study. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology 141(4):781-788. HUMERUS, BICIPITAL GROOVE, RADIOLOGY, ANATOMY, PATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1970 The Treatment of Rickets, as Suggested by Boerhaave and Glisson and Interpreted by Dr. John Theobald of London in 1746. Pediatrics 46(4):619. RICKETS, TREATMENT, BOERHAAVE, GLISSON, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1971 Book of Accidents (1830): Excerpt XI: Riding a Wild Horse. Pediatrics 47(5):947. BONE ACCIDENT, WILD HORSE RIDING, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1973 Was Sir Walter Scott's Lameness Caused By Poliomyelitis? Pediatrics 51(1):35. POLIOMYELITIS, SIR WALTER SCOTT, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1979 Princess Elizabeth, Second Daughter of King Charles I, and Rickets. Pediatrics 64(2):241. RICKETS, ELIZABETH; PRINCESS 1635-1650, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1980 A Rachitic Infant Painted by Burgkmair 136 Years Before Dr. Whistler Described Rickets. Clinical Pediatrics (Philadelphia) 19(3):194. RICKETS, ART, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1981 Daniel Defoe on the Deplorable Effect of the Great London Plague of 1665 on Women with Child. Pediatrics 67(2):221. PLAGUE, LONDON, 1665, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1981 The Nursing Bottle Caries Syndrome. Journal of the American Medical Association 245(22):2334. NUTRITION, INFANT, DENTAL CARIES, NURSING BOTTLE CARIES SYNDROME, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1983 On Bloodletting in Children, as Viewed in 1851. Pediatrics 72(3):282. BLOODLETTING, CHILDREN 1851, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1984 A Dutch Epidemic of Diphtheria Reported in 1517. Pediatrics 74(1):111. DIPHTHERIA, NETHERLANDS 1517, [JRNL]
Cone, Thomas E., Jr. 1984 Infant Feeding: A Historical Perspective. In: R. B. Howard, and H. S. Winter, eds. Nutrition and Feeding of Infants and Toddlers. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Co., pp. 1-20. NUTRITION, INFANT, [CWHM-1985-124-#0791]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C. 1983 Paleoparasitiologia do Gênero Trichuris Roederer, 1761, com um Estudo Paleoepidemiológico Sobre a Origem do Trichuris trichiura (Linn., 1771) Stiles, 1901 na América. [Paleoparasitology of the Genus Trichuris, with a Paleoepidemiological Study of the Origins of T. trichiura in America.]. [Portuguese]. [Dissertation, Universidade Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 63:19.]. DISSERTATION, PARASITISM, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AMERICA, [PPNL-1988-63:19]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1981 Trichuris trichiura Infection in Colonial Brazil. Paleopathology Newsletter 35:13-14. PARASITISM, TRICHURIS TRICHIURA, INFECTION, COLONIAL, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1989 Enteroparásitos em Indios Yanomâmi. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:9.]. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 84(Supplement 4):111-113. PARASITISM, YANOMAMI, [PPNL-1990-72:9-10]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., M. Cesário, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, B. M. Ribeiro-Filho, and Luis Fernando Ferreira 1987 Enteroparasitos em Indios Yanomami. In: Proceedings of the X Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Parasitologia, Salvador-Bahia, pp. 46-47.


Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo 1986 The Origin and Prehistoric Dispersion of Human Trichiuriasis [sic] in the New World. In: Karl J. Reinhard, convener. Section 2: Identification, Origin, and Dispersion of Helminth Parasites in the Prehistoric New World. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 6-7. PARASITISM, TRICHURIASIS, ORIGIN, DISPERSION, NEW WORLD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo 1990 Intestinal Helminths in South American Indians: Some Evolutionary Interpretations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):207. HELMINTH, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo 1991 Intestinal Helminths in Lowland South American Indians: Some Evolutionary Interpretations. Human Biology 63(6):865-875. HELMINTH, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Luis Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, Marcia Chame, and B. M. Ribeiro Filho 1991 Trends and Perspectives in Paleoparasitological Research. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 76-78. PARASITISM, TRENDS, PERSPECTIVES, [BOOK]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., Luis Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and B. M. Ribeiro-Filho 1988 The Use of a Statistical Test for the Identification of Helminth Eggs in Coprolites. Paleopathology Newsletter 62:7-8. PARASITISM, COPROLITE, HELMINTH EGG, IDENTIFICATION, STATISTICS, [JRNL]
Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C., B. M. Ribeiro-Filho, Luis Fernando Ferreira, and Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo 1985 The Experimental Approach to Paleoparasitology: Desiccation of Trichuris trichiura Eggs. Paleopathology Newsletter 51:9-11. PARASITISM, TRICHURIS TRICHIURA OVUM, [JRNL]
Congdon, Russell T. 1932 Spondylolisthesis and Vertebral Anomalies in Skeletons of American Aborigines. With Clinical Notes on Spondylolisthesis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 14(3):511-524. SPINE, VERTEBRAL ANOMALY, SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Congressional Report 101-473 1990 Providing for the Protection of Native American Graves and the Repatriation of Native American Remains and Cultural Patrimony. Senate Report, 101st Congress, 2d Session. REPATRIATION, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:157]
Congressional Report 101-877 1990 Providing for the Protection of Native American Graves, and Other Purposes. House of Representatives Report, 101st Congress, 2d Session. REPATRIATION, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:157]
Conklin, Beth A. 1995 "Thus Are Our Bodies, Thus Was Our Custom": Mortuary Cannibalism in an Amazonian Society. American Ethnologist 22(1):75-101. CANNIBALISM, MORTUARY CANNIBALISM, AMAZON, [JRNL]
Conlogue, Gerald, Michael Schlenk, Frank Cerrone, and John Ogden 1989 Dr. Leidy's Soap Lady: Imaging the Past. Radiologic Technology 60(5):411-415. MUMMIES, SOAP LADY, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Conlogue, Gerald J., and Gretchen Worden 1990 Adapting Radiographic Equipment and Procedures for an Examination of an Adipocere Cadaver. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, p. 3. BODY, CADAVER, ADIPOCERE, RADIOLOGY, EQUIPMENT, POSTER, [JRNL]
Connell, B., and Christopher J. Knüsel 1996 Rotator Cuff Enthesopathy in Archaeological Skeletons: A Possible Indicator of Occupational Stress. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 18. SHOULDER, ROTATOR CUFF ENTHESOPATHY, OCCUPATIONAL STRESS INDICATOR, POSTER, [JRNL]
Connelly, M. P. E., Susan Guise Sheridan, and Mark R. Schurr 1994 Antemortem Fluoride Levels in an Ancient Nubian Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:70. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FLUORIDE, ANTEMORTEM, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Conner, S. P. 1989 Politics, Prostitution and the Pox in Revolutionary Paris 1789-1799. Journal of Social History 22:713-734. VENEREAL DISEASE, PROSTITUTION, PARIS 1798-1799, [CWHM-1990-143-#1871]
Connolly, Robert C. 1969 Microdetermination of Blood Group Substances in Ancient Human Tissue. In: Kinship of Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen Affirmed by Serological Micromethod. [See also Harrison, Connolly, and Abdalla 1969.]. Nature (London) 224(5217):325. TISSUE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, BLOOD GROUP, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C. 1985 Lindow Man: Britain's Prehistoric Bog Body. Anthropology Today (London) 1(5):15-17. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, BRITAIN, [LINDOW MAN:206]
Connolly, Robert C. 1985 Preliminary Anatomical Description. In: Ian Stead, and R. C. Turner. Lindow Man. Antiquity 59(225):28-29. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, ANATOMY, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C. 1986 The Anatomical Description of Lindow Man. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithica, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 54-62. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, ANATOMY, [BOOK]
Connolly, Robert C. 1990 European Bog Bodies: Trauma and Pathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, pp. 8-9. BOG BODIES, TRAUMA, PATHOLOGY, EUROPE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C. 1990 Stubby Thumb Syndrome in a Bog Body. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 9. BOG BODIES, STUBBY THUMB SYNDROME, POSTER, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C. 1996 Bog Bodies: New Discoveries and New Perspectives. Edited by R. C. Turner, and R. G. Scaife. 1995. London: British Museum Press. [Review]. Antiquity 70(268):466-467. REVIEW OF, TURNER; R. C., AND R. G. SCAIFE, EDS., 1995, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C., Richard P. Evershed, G. Embery, J. B. Stanbury, D. Green, P. Beahan, and J. B. Shortall 1986 The Chemical Composition of Some Body Tissues. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithica, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 72-76. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, BODY TISSUE, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, [BOOK]
Connolly, Robert C., and D. H. Goose 1986 The Dentition of Lindow Man. British Dental Journal 161(1):40. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, DENTITION, [NDX-Paleodontology-27-12-13393 & ARME]
Connolly, Robert C., and R. G. Harrison 1969 Kinship of Smenkhare and Tutankhamen, Confirmed by Serological Micro Method. Nature (London) 224:325. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, SMENKHARE, KINSHIP, SEROLOGY, [HART 1983:171]
Connolly, Robert C., R. G. Harrison, A. B. Abdalla, and S. Ahmed 1980 An Analysis of the Interrelationships Between Pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:10.]. MASCA Journal 1(6;Mummification Supplement):178-181. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PHARAOH, EIGHTEENTH DYNASTY, [JRNL]
Connolly, Robert C., R. G. Harrison, and Soheir Ahmad 1976 Serological Evidence of the Parentage of Tutankhamun and Smenkhkare. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 62:184-186. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, SMENKHARE, PARENTAGE, SEROLOGY, [JRNL]
Connolly, S. J. 1983 The "Blessed Turf": Cholera and Popular Panic in Ireland, June 1832. Irish Historical Studies 23(91). CHOLERA, IRELAND 1832, [CWHM-1985-124-#0277]
Connor, Jennifer J. 1992 Medical Bibliography, Publishing, and Libraries. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 9(2):261-268. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MEDICAL, [CWHM-1993-157-#1577]
Connor, Melissa, and Dale Slaughter 1984 Diachronic Study of Inuit Diets Utilizing Trace Element Analysis. In: The Frozen Family from the Utqiagvik Site, Barrow, Alaska: Papers from a Symposium. Arctic Anthropology 21(1):123-134. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, NUTRITION, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Connor, Michael D. 1990 Population Structure and Skeletal Variation in the Late Woodland of West-Central Illinois. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 82(1):31-43. DEMOGRAPHY, SKELETAL VARIATION, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
Conor, M. 1911 La Bilharziose en Tunisie. La Tunisie Médicale 1(6). SCHISTOSOMIASIS, TUNIS, [CWHM-1987-134-#1820]
Conrad, C. I. 1981 Arabic Plague Chronologies and Treatises: Social and Historical Factors in the Formation of a Literary Genre. Studia Islamica 54:52-96. PLAGUE, ARABIC, LITERATURE, [CWHM-1982-113-#1476]
Conrad, Geoffrey E. 1982 The Burial Platforms of Chan Chan: Some Social and Political Implications. In: Michael E. Moseley, and Kent C. Day, eds. Chan Chan: Andean Desert City. 1st Edition. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 87-117. BURIAL PLATFORM, CHAN CHAN, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:222 & MELVYL]
Conrad, Lawrence I. 1982 Ta'un and Waba,: Conceptions of Plague and Pestilence in Early Islam. [See also Conrad, Lawrence I., 1987, Abstract.]. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient/Journal de l'Histoire Economique et Sociale de l'Orient 25:268-307. PLAGUE, PESTILENCE, ISLAM, [MASCA-4(4):205]
Conrad, Lawrence I. 1987 Ta'un and Waba,: Conceptions of Plague and Pestilence in Early Islam. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):205. PLAGUE, PESTILENCE, ISLAM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Conrad, Lawrence I. 1993 Epidemic Disease in Central Syria in the Late Sixth Century: Some New Insights from the Verse of Hassan ibn Thabit. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 30:12-58. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EPIDEMIC, SIXTH CENTURY, SYRIA, [CWHM-1996-170-#0532]
Conrad, Lawrence I. 1995 Epilepsy in Babylonia. Cuneiform Monographs, Number 2. By M. Stol. 1993. Groningen, The Netherlands: Styx Publications. [Review]. Medical History 39(1)120-121. REVIEW OF, STOL; M., 1993, [JRNL]
Conrad, Lawrence I. 1996 Die Epidemiologie der Pest. Der Konzeptwandel in der Erforschung der Infektionsketten seit der Entdeckung des Pesterregers im Jahre 1894. By Hugo Kupferschmidt. 1993. Gesnerus, Supplement 43. Aarau: Verlag Sauerländer. [Review]. Medical History 40(1):110-111. REVIEW OF, KUPFERSCHMIDT; HUGO, 1993, [JRNL]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie 1982 A Skeleton Found in a Roman Well at Velsen (Province North Holland, the Netherlands). [English with French Abstract]. Helinium 22(2):135-169. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ROMAN WELL, NORTH HOLLAND, NETHERLANDS, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#08451]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie (1), and W. H. M. Bouts (2) 1994 The Incidence of Dental Pathology in Two Dutch Skeletal Populations from the Early 19th Century. 1. Methodological Problems and Solutions. 2. Epidemiological Aspects. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S34. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEM AND SOLUTION, NINETEENTH CENTURY, HOLLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie, and W. H. M. Bouts 1994 The Incidence of Dental Pathology in Two Dutch Skeletal Populations from the Early 19th Century. I. Methodological Problems and Solutions. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 7. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEM AND SOLUTION, NINETEENTH CENTURY, HOLLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie, and Christopher Meiklejohn 1979 The Human Remains from Swifterbant. Helinium 19:237-266. REMAINS, HUMAN, SWIFTERBANT, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie, Christopher Meiklejohn, and Raymond R. Newell 1984 A Reconsideration of the Mesolithic Skeleton from Rastel, Commune de Peillon, Alpes-Maritimes, France. Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 26:75-89. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MESOLITHIC, MARITIMES, FRANCE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:098]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie, and Raymond R. Newell 1982 Mesolithic Trauma: Demographical and Chronological Trends. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 4. TRAUMA, DEMOGRAPHY AND CHRONOLOGY, MESOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Constandse-Westermann, Trinette Stephanie, and Raymond R. Newell 1989 Limb Lateralization and Social Stratification in Western European Mesolithic Societies. In: Israel Hershkovitz, ed. People and Culture Change. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 508, pp. 405-433. LIMB, LATERALIZATION, [BAR-TITLES-JANUARY-1992 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:282]
Constanzó, María de las Mercedes 1941 Restos Humanos de Pampa Grande (Salta). Anales del Instituto de Etnografía Americana, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 2:239-254. REMAINS, HUMAN, ARGENTINA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):595]
Constanzó, María de las Mercedes 1942 Lesiones Dentarias en los Indígenas Prehispánicos. Relaciones de la Sociedad de Argentina de Antropología 3:241-252. DENTITION, LESION, PREHISPANIC, ARGENTINA, [METRESS-1974:013]
Constanzó, María de las Mercedes 1945 Observaciones Etnográficas. El Peinado y el Tocado en Momias del Norte de Chile. Boletín del Departamento de Estudios Etnográficos y Coloniales I (Santa Fé, Argentina) 1:71-89. MUMMIES, CHILE, ETHNOGRAPHY, [CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:374]
Contenau, Georges 1938 La Médecine en Assyrie et la Babylonie. Paris. MEDICINE, ASSYRIAN, BABYLONIAN, HISTORY, [MCNEILL-1976:310]
Conti-Fuhrman, Anna M., and Emma Rabino Massa 1972 Preliminary Note on the Ultrastructure of the Hair from an Egyptian Mummy Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Journal of Human Evolution 1:487-488. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, HAIR, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:487]
Conti-Fuhrman, Anna M., and Emma Rabino Massa 1973 Preliminary Note on the Ultrastructure of the Hair from an Egyptian Mummy Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 487-488. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, HAIR, [BOOK]
Contis, G., and A. Rosalie David 1996 The Epidemiology of Bilharzia in Ancient Egypt: 5000 Years of Schistosomiasis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 96:13.]. Parasitology Today 12(7):253-255. PARASITOLOGY, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, EGYPT, [PPNL-1996-96:13]
Contreras Dueñas, F. 1977 La Lepra en la Literatura. II & III. Gaceta Medicina Española 51:164-172,245-250. LEPROSY, LITERATURE, [CWHM-1978-097-#0810]
Contreras, Felix 1973 Historia de la Lepra en España. Madrid: Hergon. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Contreras Más, A. 1977 Legislación Frente a la Peste en Mallorca Bajomedieval. Medicina e Historia (Barcelona) 74:I-XVI. PLAGUE, MEDIEVAL, MALLORCA, [CWHM-1978-098-#1053]
Contreras Más, A., and R. Ressello Vaquer 1982 La Asistencia a los Leprosos en Mallorca Durante el Antiguo Regimen. Fontilles 13:635-642. LEPROSY, MALLORCA, [CWHM-1984-119-#0930]
Conway, G. A., and J. C. Slocumb 1979 Plants Used as Abortifacients and Emmenagogues by Spanish New Mexicans. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:241-261. ABORTIFACIENT, EMMENAGOGUE, SPANISH NEW MEXICO, [CWHM-1980-104-#0001]
Conway, J. F. 1986 Syphilis and Bronzino's London Allegory. Journal of the Warburg & Courtauld Institute 49:250-255. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ART, BRONZINO'S LONDON ALLEGORY, [CWHM-1987-133-#2099]
Cook, Della Collins 1971 Patterns of Nutritional Stress in Some Illinois Woodland Populations. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Illinois]. STRESS, NUTRITION, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:339]
Cook, Della Collins 1974 Mortuary Practice: An Assessment of Sources of Error in Paleodemography. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):473. DEMOGRAPHY, MORTUARY PRACTICE, ERROR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1976 The Epidemiology of Periostitis in Prehistoric Illinois. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):171. PERIOSTITIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1976 Pathologic States and Disease Processes in Illinois Woodland Populations: An Epidemiologic Approach. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Illinois]. DISSERTATION, DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:040 & ZIMM]
Cook, Della Collins 1978 Age at Death, Bone Lesions, and Disturbed Growth: The Meaning of Stress Indicators in Paleonutrition. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):387. NUTRITIONAL STRESS INDICATOR, AGE AT DEATH, BONE LESION, DISTURBED GROWTH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1979 Subsistence Base and Health in Prehistoric Illinois Valley: Evidence from the Human Skeleton. Medical Anthropology (Pleasantville) 3(1):109-124. SUBSISTENCE, HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1980 Hereditary Enamel Hypoplasia in a Prehistoric Indian Child. Journal of Dental Research 59(9):1522. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HEREDITARY, PREHISTORIC, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1980 Paget's Disease and Treponematosis in Prehistoric Midwestern Indians: The Case for Misdiagnosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:17.]. OSSA 7:41-63. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, TREPONEMATOSIS, ILLINOIS, WOODLAND,INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1981 Koniag Eskimo Tooth Ablation: Was Hrdlicka Right After All? Current Anthropology 22(2):159-163. DENTAL ABLATION, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1981 Mortality, Age-Structure, and Status in the Interpretation of Stress Indicators in Prehistoric Skeletons: A Dental Example from the Lower Illinois Valley. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 133-144. DENTITION, STRESS INDICATOR, MORTALITY, AGE-STRUCTURE, SOCIAL STATUS, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:213 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:040]
Cook, Della Collins 1983 The Midwest. In: Charles F. Merbs, convener. Section 1: Paleopathology in North America: A Regional Survey. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 3. PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1983 Social Status and Health: A Comparison of Middle Woodland and Mississippian Populations from Westcentral Illinois. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):184. HEALTH, SOCIAL STATUS, MIDDLE WOODLAND, MISSISSIPPIAN, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1984 Adult Age Determination from Dentition. In: Ted A. Rathbun, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. Human Identification: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 307-328. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [BOOK]
Cook, Della Collins 1984 Subsistence and Health in the Lower Illinois Valley: Osteological Evidence. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 235-269. SUBSISTENCE, HEALTH, ILLINOIS, [BOOK]
Cook, Della Collins 1986 Tuberculosis in Prehistoric Illinois: Morbidity, Mortality, and the Interpretation of Stress Indicators. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):190. TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1990 Epidemiology of Circular Caries: A Perspective from Prehistoric Skeletons. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Center for American Archeology Scientific Papers, Number 6. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology in cooperation with the Biological Anthropology Unit of the American Anthropological Association. EPIDEMIOLOGY, CIRCULAR CARIES, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:171 & MELVYL]
Cook, Della Collins 1993 African Burial Ground Addenda. [Letter]. Archaeology (New York) 46(4):10. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEW YORK, AMERICA, SLAVE, BLACK, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins 1994 Dental Evidence for Congenital Syphilis (and Its Absence) Before and After the Conquest of the New World. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 169-175. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, EUROPE, NEW WORLD, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:560]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1974 Circular Caries: A New Tool in Nutritional Assessment in the Past. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):133. DENTAL CARIES, CIRCULAR, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, NUTRITION, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1979 Health and Differential Survival in Prehistoric Populations: Pre-Natal Dental Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):429-430. DENTAL DEFECT, PRE-NATAL, HEALTH, DIFFERENTIAL SURVIVAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1979 Health and Differential Survival in Prehistoric Populations: Prenatal Dental Defects. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(4):649-664. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, CIRCULAR PATHOLOGY, PRIMARY DENTITION, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra n.d. Sex Determination in Hopewell Crania from Illinois: A Discriminant Function Analysis. SEX ASSESSMENT, SKULL, HOPEWELL, ILLINOIS, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:412]
Cook, Della Collins, Jane E. Buikstra, C. Jean DeRousseau, and D. Carl Johanson 1983 Vertebral Pathology in the Afar Australopithecines. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(1):83-101. VERTEBRAL PATHOLOGY, SCHEUERMANN'S DISEASE, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, AFAR, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and K. D. Hunt 1995 Sex Differences in Trace Elements: Status or Self-Selection? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:78. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, SEX DIFFERENCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and G. Rusch-Behrend n.d. Calibration of the Gustafson Dental Age Estimation Method in a Prehistoric Amerindian Sample: A Perspective on the Need for Population-Specific Standards. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, GUSTAFSON METHOD, NEED FOR POPULATION-SPECIFIC STANDARD, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:327]
Cook, F. A. 1894 Medical Observations Among the Esquimaux. New York Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 4:282-286. MEDICAL OBSERVATION, ESKIMO, [LSG2-Eskimo]
Cook, J. 1986 The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Taphonomic and Archaeological Problems. In: Derek A. Roe, ed. Studies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and Northwest Europe. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 296, pp. 143-162. ARCHAEOLOGY, TAPHONOMY, SEM, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHEOL-1993-3:176]
Cook, J. 1986 Marked Human Bones from Gough's Cave. Proceedings of the University of the Bristol Spelaeological Society 17:275-285. BONE, MARKED, GOUGH'S CAVE, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHEOL-1993-3:176]
Cook, J. 1991 Preliminary Report on Marked Human Bones from the 1986-1987 Excavations at Gough's Cave, Somerset, England. Anthropologie (Brno) 29(3):181-187. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MARKED HUMAN BONE, GOUGH'S CAVE, SOMERSET, ENGLAND, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:52]
Cook, James, and James King 1784 A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere Performed Under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore. London: Stockdale. VOYAGE, PACIFIC OCEAN, COOK; JAMES, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:128 & MELVYL]
Cook, Jill 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):126-127. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Cook, Jill 1994 Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2364. By Tim D. White. 1992. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [Review]. Antiquity 68(258):157-158. REVIEW OF, WHITE, TIM D., 1992, [JRNL]
Cook, Megan, Joseph Eldon Molto, and Colin Anderson 1988 Possible Case of Hyperparathyroidism in a Roman Period Skeleton from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Diagnosed Using Bone Histomorphometry. [Published erratum appears in American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1988 April, 75(4):577.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 62:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(1):23-30. HISTOMORPHOMETRY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL BONE, RESORPTION SURFACE, [JRNL]
Cook, Megan, Joseph Eldon Molto, and Colin Anderson 1989 Fluorochrome Labelling in Roman Period Skeletons from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):137-143. BONE, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, INFECTION, [JRNL]
Cook, Noble David 1981 Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1660. Cambridge Latin-American Studies, 41, 14/22. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Carmelo Sáenz de Santa María, 1982.]. DEMOGRAPHY, COLONIAL, PERU, [REFF-1991:294 & REV-INDIAS-1982-42:703]
Cook, Noble David 1992 Impact of Disease in the Sixteenth-Century Andean World. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 207-213. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, ANDES, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell 1991 Editors' Preface. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. xv-xx. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell 1991 Unraveling the Web of Disease. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 213-242. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell, eds. 1991 "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press. [See reviews by Daniel Reff, 1993; John Cashman, 1994.]. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, José Hernández Palomo, María Luz Peña Fernández, and Alexandra Parma Cook 1988 Epidemics in the Parish of Santa Ana de Triana, 1665-1850. Paper presented at the 46th International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, PARISH OF SANTA ANA DE TRIANA; 1665-1850, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:252]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1935 Diseases of the Indians of Lower California in the Eighteenth Century. California and Western Medicine 43:432-434. DISEASE, BAJA CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1937 The Extent and Significance of Disease Among the Indians of Baja California 1697-1773. Ibero-Americana 12:1-39. DISEASE, BAJA CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1939 The Smallpox Epidemic of 1797 in Mexico. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 7:937-969. SMALLPOX, EPIDEMIC, MEXICO 1797, [REFF-1991:294]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1939 Smallpox in Spanish and Mexican California, 1770-1845. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 7:153-191. SMALLPOX, CALIFORNIA 1170-1845, [REFF-1991:294]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1940 Population Trends Among the California Mission Indians. Ibero-Americana 17:1-48. DEMOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 Francisco Xavier de Balmis and the Introduction of Vaccination to Latin America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 11:543-560. VACCINATION, AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 Francisco Xavier de Balmis and the Introduction of Vaccination to Latin America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 12:70-101. VACCINATION, AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 The Mechanism and Extent of Dietary Adaptation Among Certain Groups of California and Nevada Indians. Ibero-Americana 18:1-59. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: I. Ibero-Americana 21:1-194. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: II. Ibero-Americana 22:1-55. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: III. Ibero-Americana 23:1-115. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: IV. Ibero-Americana 24:1-29. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1945 Demographic Consequences of European Contact with Primitive Peoples. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 237:107-111. DEMOGRAPHY, EUROPEAN CONTACT, EFFECT OF, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1980-21:276]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1946 Human Sacrifice and Warfare as Factors in the Demography of Pre-Colonial Mexico. Human Biology 18(2):81-102. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, WARFARE, DEMOGRAPHY, PRECOLONIAL, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1946 The Incidence and Significance of Disease Among the Aztecs and Related Tribes. Hispanic American Historical Review 26:320-335. DISEASE, AZTEC AND RELATED TRIBES, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1966-7:446 & COURY 1969:336 & ARME]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1947 Survivorship in Aboriginal Populations. Human Biology 19(2):83-89. SURVIVORSHIP, ABORIGINAL POPULATION, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1955 The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(2):31-78. DEMOGRAPHY, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1955 The Epidemic of 1830-1833 in California and Oregon. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 44(3):303-326. EPIDEMIC OF 1830-1833, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:458]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1956 The Aboriginal Population of the North Coast of California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(3):81-129. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTH COAST, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1957 The Aboriginal Population of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(4):131-154. DEMOGRAPHY, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1960 Dating Prehistoric Bone by Chemical Analysis. In: Robert F. Heizer and Sherburne F. Cook, eds. The Application of Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 28:223-239. BONE, PREHISTORIC, DATING, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1960 Reconstruction of Extinct Populations. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 16:173-182. POPULATION RECONSTRUCTION, EXTINCT, [ARME]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1964 The Aboriginal Population of Upper California. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1962) 3:397-403. DEMOGRAPHY, UPPER CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):427-429. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1966 Discussion: Palaeoepidemiology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 112-116. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEOEPIDEMIOLOGY, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1968 The Destruction of the California Indian. California Monthly 79(3):14-19. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:306]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1972 Prehistoric Demography. McCaleb Modules in Anthropology 16:1-42. DEMOGRAPHY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1976-05:374]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1973 Interracial Warfare and Population Decline Among the New England Indians. Ethnohistory 20(1):1-24. WARFARE, INTERRACIAL, DEPOPULATION, NEW ENGLAND, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1973 The Significance of Disease in the Extinction of the New England Indians. Human Biology 45(3):485-508. DISEASE, EXTINCTION, NEW ENGLAND, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization. Ibero-Americana Volume 21 to Volume 24. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CONFLICT, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, WHITE, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:137 & MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Indian Population of New England in the Seventeenth Century. University of California Publications in Anthropology, Volume 12. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. POPULATION, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, NEW ENGLAND, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Population of the California Indian, 1769-1970. Berkeley, California. University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA 1769-1970, AMERICA, INDIAN, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:145]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1978 Historical Demography. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 8, California. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 91-98. DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORICAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F., comp. 1976 Bibliography of Sherburne Friend Cook. Journal of California Anthropology 3(1):5-12. BIBLIOGRAPHY, COOK; SHERBURNE FRIEND, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1960 The Indian Population of Central Mexico: 1531-1610. Ibero-Americana 44:1-109. DEMOGRAPHY, CENTRAL MEXICO 1531-1610, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1966 On the Credibility of Contemporary Testimony on the Population of Mexico in the Sixteenth Century. In: Summa Antropológica en Homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, pp. 229-239. DEMOGRAPHY, MEXICO, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:306]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1968 The Population of Mixteca Alta, 1520-1960. Ibero-Americana 50:1-89. DEMOGRAPHY, MIXTECA ALTA, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1971-1979 Essays in Population History: Mexico and the Caribbean. Three Volumes. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:212 & MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1977-1980 Ensayos sobre Historia de la Poblacion. Coleccion America Nuestra, 2, 13, and 29. México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno. DEMOGRAPHY, [MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F., Sheilagh T. Brooks, and H. E. Ezra-Cohn 1962 Histological Studies on Fossil Bone. Journal of Paleontology 36:483-494. BONE, FOSSIL, HISTOLOGY, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:124]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1947 The Quantitative Investigation of Aboriginal Sites: Analysis of Human Bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5(2):201-219. BONE, HUMAN BONE, ABORIGINAL SITE, ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1951 The Physical Analysis of Nine Indian Mounds of the Lower Sacramento Valley. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 40(7):281-312. BURIAL MOUND, SACRAMENTO VALLEY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1959 The Chemical Analysis of Fossil Bone: Individual Variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 17(2):109-115. BONE, FOSSIL, VARIATION, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Cesar Marino 1988 Roman Catholic Missions in California and the Southwest. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 4, History of Indian-White Relations. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 472-480. ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS, CALIFORNIA, SOUTHWEST, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Lesley Byrd Simpson 1948 The Population of Central Mexico in the Sixteenth Century. Ibero-Americana 31:1-241. DEMOGRAPHY, CENTRAL AMERICA SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Cook, T. 1936 Supernumerary Teeth. Annals of Dentistry 3:140 DENTITION, TEETH, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Cooke, C., and T. C. Rowbotham 1968 Dental Report. In: L. P. Wenham. The Romano-British Cemetery at Trentholme Drive, York. London: H.M.S.O. DENTITION, CEMETERY, ROMANO-BRITISH, YORK, [HART 1983:154]
Cooke, R. G. 1981 [Food Habits of the Pre-Columbian Natives of Panama.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Revista Médica de Panama 6(1):65-89. NUTRITION, PRECOLUMBIAN, PANAMA, [NDX-Paleontology-22-12-11010]
Cooley, T. 1927 Cooley's Anemia and Bone Change. American Journal of Diseases of Children 34:347. ANEMIA, COOLEY'S ANEMIA, BONE CHANGE, [ARME]
Coombs, Isabel, and D. W. T. Crompton 1991 A Guide to Human Helminths. London and New York: Taylor and Francis. [See review by Charles W. Kim, 1992.]. PARASITISM, HELMINTHS, [QRTLY-REV-BIOL-1993-68:312]
Coon, Carleton S. 1950 Three Skulls from Tell Hassuna. Sumer 6:93-96. SKULL, TELL HASSUNA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:162]
Coon, Carleton S. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Coon, Carleton S. 1971 A Fossilized Human Mandibular Fragment from Kangatotha, Kenya, East Africa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(2):157-163. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR FRAGMENT, FOSSIL, KENYA, [JRNL]
Coon, Carleton S., and J. Lawrence Angel 1953 Interpretations of the Hotu Skeletons. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 11(2):256. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HOTU, INTERPRETATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cooney, J. P., and E. H. Crosby 1944 Absorptive Bone Changes in Leprosy. Radiology 42(1):14-19. LEPROSY, BONE CHANGE, [JRNL]
Cooper, Alan 1992 Removal of Colorings, Inhibitors of PCR, and the Carrier Effect of PCR Contamination from Ancient DNA Samples. Ancient DNA Newsletter 1:32. DNA, ANCIENT, CONTAMINATION, REMOVAL OF, [HUM-BIOL-1996-68:196]
Cooper, Alan 1994 DNA from Museum Specimens. In: Bernd Herrmann, and Susanne Hummel, eds. Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimens. Paperback edition. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 149-165. DNA, ANCIENT, MUSEUM SPECIMEN, RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Cooper, Alan, and Hendrik N. Poinar 1994 Contamination and Negative Results in Ancient DNA Studies and Amber Research. Ancient DNA 2:5-7. DNA, ANCIENT DNA STUDY, CONTAMINATION, NEGATIVE RESULTS, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1994-6:792]
Cooper, Donald B. 1965 Epidemic Disease in Mexico City, 1761-1813. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, MEXICO CITY 1761-1813, [REFF-1991:294]
Cooper, Donald B. 1986 The New "Black Death": Cholera in Brazil 1855-1856. Social Science History 10:467-488. CHOLERA, BRAZIL 1855-1856, [CWHM-1987-133-#0408]
Cooper, J. 1936 Ancient Egyptian Mummification. West Virginia Medical Journal 32:117. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [ARME]
Cooper, J. 1937 Total Absence of Both Lower Permanent Central Incisors. Dental Items of Interest 59:1088. DENTITION, INCISOR, ABSENCE, [ARME]
Cooperman, E. M. 1975 Marfan's Syndrome and Sherlock Holmes. [Letter]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 112:423. ARACHNODACTYLY, MARFAN'S SYNDROME, SHERLOCK HOLMES, LETTER, [CWHM-1975-087-#0069]
Cootjans, G. 1971 La Canine dans la Literature Greco-Latine. Revue Belge de Médecine Dentaire 26:387-392. DENTITION, CANINE, GRECO-LATINE LITERATURE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cope, J. C. 1980 Roman Medical Instruments. Missouri Medicine 77(9):574. INSTRUMENT, MEDICAL, ROMAN, [NDX-Surgical Instruments history-22-14-12580]
Copeman, P. W. M. 1995 The Creation of Global Dermatology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:16.]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 88(2):78-84. DERMATOLOGY, WORLD WIDE, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 1. British Journal of Dermatology 82(1):78-88. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 2. British Journal of Dermatology 82(2):182-191. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 3. British Journal of Dermatology 82(3):303-310. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1960 Doctors and Disease in Tudor Times. London: Dawson's of Pall Mall. MEDICAL HISTORY, ENGLAND, TUDOR, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:84 & MELVYL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1964 A Short History of the Gout and the Rheumatic Diseases. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, GOUT, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, [MELVYL & BR-J-DERMATOL-1970-82:309]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1967 The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London: A History 1617-1967. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:84 & MELVYL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1970 Historical Aspects of Gout. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 71:14-22. GOUT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Copeman, W. S. C., and M. Winder 1969 The First Medical Monograph on the Gout. Medical History 13:288-293. GOUT, MEDICAL MONOGRAPH, [NDX-Gout history-10-02-06387]
Coppa, Alfredo, Roberto Macchiarelli, and G. Biondi 1980 L'Omogeneita Biologica degli Inumati delle Necropoli Protohistoriche de Katelai e Loebanr (Swat, Pakistan Occ.): Lo Studio di Varianti Morfologiche Discontinue del Cranio. [Italian with English Abstract]. Antropologia Contemporanea 3(3):405-408. CRANIOLOGY, PROTOHISTORIC, PAKISTAN, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(2):#05091]
Coppa, Alfredo, D. Mancinelli, P. Petrone, and R. Vargiu 1989 Paleodemography of Iron Age Populations in South-Central Italy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):206. DEMOGRAPHY, IRON AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coppa, Alfredo, and A. M. Palmieri 1988 Changing Dietary Patterns at Geili. In: I. Caneva, ed. El Geili: The History of a Middle Nile Environment 7000 B.C.-A.D. 1500. BAR International Series 424. Cambridge: Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology No. 29, pp. 275-302. DIETARY PATTERN CHANGE, GEILI, AFRICA, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:322]
Coppa, Alfredo, R. Vargiu, A. Cucina, D. Mancinelli, and J. Calcagno 1996 Dental Anthropology of Iron Age Populations in Central-Southern Italy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:89. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, IRON AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coppi, A. 1832 Cenni Storici di Alcune Pestilenze. [Historical Signs of Some Plagues.]. Rome. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and J. L. Hardwick 1981 The Investigation of Dental Disease in Exhumed Remains. Journal of Dentistry 9:302-310. FORENSIC DENTISTRY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0616]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and William J. Moore 1970 The Dentition of a Romano-British Skeleton. British Dental Journal 129:571-572. DENTITION, SKELETON, ROMANO-BRITISH, [NDX-Paleodontology-12-02-07163]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and William J. Moore 1976 The Distribution of Dental Caries in Ancient British Populations. 4. The 19th Century. Caries Research 10(6):401-414. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, BRITISH, [NDX-Dental Caries history-17-05-06855 & HART 1983:154]
Corbett, T. H. 1968 Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Pueblo Village. Journal of the American Medical Association 205:186. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, AMERICA, INDIAN, PUEBLO, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cordell, Linda S. 1989 Durango to Durango: An Overview of the Southwest Heartland. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 1. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands West. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 17-40. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:146]
Cordell, Linda, S., ed. 1980 Tijeras Canyon: Analyses of the Past. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Publication Series. Albuquerque, New Mexico: The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and the University of New Mexico Press. DEMOGRAPHY, BIOARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cordero-Febres, Focion 1974 Ciertas Prácticas Odontológicas de los Aborígenes del Nuevo Mundo. Caracas, Venezuela. [See review by Marvin S. Cannon, 1980.]. ODONTOLOGY, NEW WORLD, [J-HIST-MED-1980-35:357]
Cordier, Gerard 1990 Blessures Préhistoriques Animales et Humaines avec Armes ou Projectiles Conserves. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 87(10):462-481. WOUND, PROJECTILE, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Cordler, R. 1928 Tsantsas, Mummified Heads of the Amazon. Aesculape (Paris) 18:116. MUMMIES, AMAZON, TSANTSAS, HEAD, MUMMIFIED, [ARME]
Corleto, Luigia Melillo 1993 Pharmacopoeia in Ancient Egypt. [Italian with English Abstract]. Medicina nei Secoli 5(1):1-17. PHARMACOLOGY, PHARMACOPOEIA, EGYPT, [CWHM-1994-162-#0036]
Corlett, William Thomas 1935 The Medicine-Man of the American Indian and His Cultural Background. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. SHAMAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK & CRAN]
Cornejo Bovroncle, Jorge 1939 Las Momias Incas. Cuzco, Peru. MUMMIES, INCA, [COURY 1969:336]
Cornejo Bouroncle, Jorge 1939 Las Momias Incas: Trepanaciones Craneanas en el Antiguo Perú. Boletín del Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru) 3(11):106-115. MUMMIES, PERU, INCA, TREPANATION, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:596 & MDAC-170]
Corner, B. 1991 Care of the Newborn in Antiquity. West England Medical Journal 106(4):94. CHILDCARE, [CWHM-1993-157-#0995]
Cornero, S., and R. Puche 1996 Physical and Chemical Analysis in Human Bones from a Littoral Area of Parana River (Argentina): An Introduction to Health and Paleodiet. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:90. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, HEALTH, ARGENTINA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cornet, L. 1965 ["Little Feet" of Chinese Women.]. [French]. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 73:99-100. FOOT, FOOT BINDING, CHINA, [NDX-Self Mutilation-06-04-03846]
Cornet, L., and J. Vilasco 1971 Pian Osseux et Goundou. Journal de Chirurgie 102:101-104. PERIOSTITIS, OSTEOPLASTIC, GOUNDOU, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Cornwall, I. W. 1954 The Human Remains from Sutton Walls. Archaeological Journal 110:60. REMAINS, HUMAN, SUTTON WALLS, [ARME]
Cornwall, I. W. 1956 Bones for the Archaeologist. New York: The MacMillan Company. BONE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOK & CRAN]
Cornwell, N. S., and Jesse T. Littleton 1968 An Investigation of Transverse Lines by Axial Tomography. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):130. HARRIS LINES, TRANSVERSE LINES, AXIAL TOMOGRAPHY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cornwell, William S. 1974 Annotated Bibliography: Paleopathology of Egyptian Mummies. Paleopathology Newsletter 8:15-16. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MUMMIES, EGYPT, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANNOTATED, [JRNL]
Cornwell, William S. 1977 Some Thoughts on the Definition of Human Paleopathology. Paleopathology Newsletter 18:10-12. PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEFINITION, [JRNL]
Cornwell, William S., and A. J. Sublett 1967 The Kleis Site: Skeletal Analysis. In: Marian E. White. An Early Historic Niagara Frontier Iroquois Cemetery in Erie County, New York. Researches and Transactions of the New York State Archeological Association. Rochester, New York: New York State Archaeological Association, Volume 16, p. 1. SKELETAL ANALYSIS, KLEIS SITE, [ARME]
Corominas, J. M. 1950 El Origen de la Medicina Prehistórica. Revista de Información Médico-Terapéutica 25:37-38. MEDICINE, ORIGIN, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Corrado, G. 1899 Ricerche sull'una Mummia Rinvenuta a Cagliari e Considerazione sulla Causa della Mummificazione. Atti della Reale Accadèmia Medico-Chirurgica (Naples) 53(n.s.):467-503. MUMMIES, ITALY, MUMMIFICATION, [LSG2-Mummies]
Corrain, C. 1961 Lo Scheletro Umano di Roncoferraro (Mantova). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14.]. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 16:111-112. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MANTOVA, [PPNL-1982-40:14]
Corrain, C. 1981 Lo Scheletro di Sant' Antonio di Padova--Indagine Osteometrica. In: V. Meneghilli, and A. Poppi, eds. Ricognizione del Corpo di S. Antonio di Padova. Studi Storici e Medico-Antropologici. [Examination of the Body of St. Anthony of Padua. Historical, Medical and Anthropological Studies.]. Padova: Ed. Messagero, pp. 157-177. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:17.]. MUMMIES, PADUA; ST. ANTHONY OF, OSTEOMETRY, [PPNL-1984-45:17]
Corrain, C., ed. 1981 [A book-sized report consisting of 22 papers totaling 331 pages.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:11.]. Quaderni di Scienze Antropologiche (Padua) 7:1-331. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, BLOOD GROUP TESTING, DEMOGRAPHY, [PPNL-1983-42:11]
Corrain, C., and A. Bertoldi 1981 Odontometria dei Reperti Umani Antichi della Val Brembana (Bergamo). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:15.]. Quaderni di Scienze Antropologiche (Padua) 1981:5-25. ODONTOMETRY, ANCIENT, BERGAMO, ITALY, [PPNL-1982-39:15 [Note: Germaná, F., 1981; and Corrain, C., and A. Bertoldi,

1981 both seem to start on the same page of the same journal.]]

Corrain, C., and G. Graziati 1963 Anomalia in Ossa Lunghe dell'Ossario di Solferino. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14.]. Rivista di Antropologia (Rome) 50:141-160. BONE, ANOMALY, OSSUARY, [PPNL-1982-40:14]
Corrain, C., G. Graziati, and P. Leonardi, eds. 1976 La Sepoltura Epipaleolitica nel Riparo di Vatte di Zambana. Preistoria Alpina 12. SEPULCHER, PALEOLITHIC UPPER, [PPNL-1982-40:15]
Correa, Henao A. 1965 [Tattooing in Antioquía.]. [Spanish]. Antioquía Médica 15:459-488. TATTOOING, HISTORY, [NDX-Tattooing-07-01-03836]
Corrêa, J. V. 1981 [Podagra--a 1788 Thesis.]. [Portuguese with English Abstract]. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas; Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo 36(1):1-6. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout history-23-10-08955]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo 1985 Algunas Enfermedades Precolombians. Revista de la Universidad Nacional (Bogotá) 1(1):. DISEASE, COLOMBIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [BOL-ARQUEOL-BOGATA-1988-3:14]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo 1986 Paleopatología--Lesiones Luéticas de gran Antigüedad en Colombia. Boletín de Arqueología (Bogotá) 1(1):. LESION, LUETIC, COLOMBIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [BOL-ARQUEOL-BOGATA-1988-3:14]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo 1990 Aguazuque: Evidencias de Cazadores, Recolectores y Plantadores en la Altiplanicie de la Cordillera Oriental. Bogotá: Fundación de Investigaciones Arqueológicas Nacionales. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:10.]. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, OSTEOMYELITIS, TREPONEMATOSIS, NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, [PPNL-1990-72:10]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo 1990 Paleopatología. In: Gonzalo Urrego Correal. Aguazuque: Evidencias de Cazadores, Recolectores y Plantadores en la Altiplanicie de la Cordillera Oriental. Publicación de la Fundación de Investigacions Arqueológicas Nacionales, Number 42. Bogotá, Colombia: Banco de la Republica, pp. 195-246. PALEOPATHOLOGY, COLOMBIA, [JRNL]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo, and Iván Flores 1992 Estudio de Momias del Departamento de Santander (Colombia). [A Study of Mummies from the Department of Santander, Columbia.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 96. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, GUANES, RADIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo, and Iván Flores 1992 Estudio de Momias Guanes de la Mesa de los Santos (Santander, Colombia). Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales (Bogatá) 70:283-289. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, [ANN-HUM-GENET-1994-58:272]
Corrigan C. E., and S. Segal 1950 Incidence of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip at Island Lake, Manitoba. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 62:535-540. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, [ZAGREB-1988:016]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1972 The Biological Relationships of Some Prehistoric and Historic Pueblo Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):373-388. GENETIC DRIFT, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, DISTANCE STATISTICS, MICROEVOLUTION, SOUTHWEST, INDIAN, SKELETON, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1974 An Examination of the Meaning of Cranial Discrete Traits for Human Skeletal Biological Studies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(3):425-445. SKULL, DISCRETE TRAIT, NONMETRIC, METRIC, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, WHITE, NEGRO, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1978 Crown Component Variation in Hominoid Upper First Premolars. Archives of Oral Biology 23:491-494. DENTITION, PREMOLAR VARIATION, HOMINOID, [ARME]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1986 Gone to a Better Land: A Biohistory of a Rural Black Cemetery in the Post-Reconstruction South. Edited by Jerome C. Rose. 1985. Fayettesville, Arkansas: Arkansas Archeological Survey, Research Series Number 25. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(2):251. REVIEW OF, ROSE; JEROME C., 1985, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1987 Diseases of Complex Etiology in Small Populations: Ethnic Differences and Research Approaches. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 194. Edited by Ranajit Chakraborty, and Emöke J. E. Szathmáry. 1985. New York: Alan R. Liss. [Review]. American Anthropologist 89(2):499. REVIEW OF, CHAKRABORTY; RANAJIT AND EMÖKE J. E. SZATHMARY, 1985, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S. 1987 Incisor Overbite, Overjet and the f Hypothesis. [See also C. Loring Brace, 1986.]. American Anthropologist 89(4):947-948. DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, OVERBITE, F HYPOTHESIS, [CWHM-1988-137-#0453 & JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., Arthur C. Aufderheide, Jerome S. Handler, and Lorenz E. Wittmers, Jr. 1987 Patterning of Skeletal Lead Content in Barbados Slaves. Archaeometry 29:233-239. LEAD POISONING, SLAVERY, SLAVE TRADE, BARBADOS, [CWHM-1988-137-#1050 & GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:217]
Corruccini, Robert S., Elizabeth M. Brandon, and Jerome S. Handler 1989 Inferring Fertility from Relative Mortality in Historically Controlled Cemetery Remains from Barbados. American Antiquity 54(3):609-614. FERTILITY, MORTALITY, BARBADOS, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., Jerome S. Handler, and Keith P. Jacobi 1985 Chronological Distribution of Enamel Hypoplasias and Weaning in a Caribbean Slave Population. Human Biology 57(4):699-711. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, CARIBBEAN SLAVE POPULATION, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., Jerome S. Handler, Robert J. Mutaw, and Frederick W. Lange 1982 Osteology of a Slave Burial Population from Barbados, West Indies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 59(4):443-459. OSTEOLOGY, BARBADOS, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., Keith P. Jacobi, Jerome S. Handler, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1987 Implications of Tooth Root Hypercementosis in a Barbados Slave Skeletal Collection. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74(2):179-184. LEAD CONTAMINATION, DENTITION, TOOTH ROOT HYPERCEMENTOSIS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, BLACK, AFRICAN, CARIBBEAN, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., J. D. Niswander, P. L. Workman, et al. 1974 Anthropological Studies Related to Health Problems of North American Indians. New York: MSS Information Corporation. HEALTH, NORTH AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Corruccini, Robert S., and Donald J. Ortner 1976 The Skeletal Biology of the Virginia Indians. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):171-172. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, INDIAN, VIRGINIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., and L. Darrell Whitley 1981 Occlusal Variation in a Rural Kentucky Community. American Journal of Orthodontics 79(3):250-262. DENTAL OCCLUSAL VARIATION, KENTUCKY, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., Rosario H. Yap Potter, and Albert A. Dahlberg 1983 Changing Occlusal Variation in Pima Amerinds. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 62(3):317-324. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL OCCLUSION, DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, TOOTH REPLACEMENT, ARCH SIZE, NUTRITIONAL CONSISTENCY, PIMA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Corruccini, Robert S., et al. 1989 "Orthodontistry" and Dental Occlusion in Etruscans. Angle Orthodontist 59(1):61-64. DENTAL OCCLUSION, ETRUSCAN, [NDX-Malocclusion history-30-07-08490]
Corsini, C., et al. 1983 L'Enfant Abandonnné et Victime. Annales de Démographie Historique 1983:95-192. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1987-132-#0943]
Cortada Colomer, T. 1979 Estudi Camparatiu de l'Abrasió de la Mandíbula de Puiganserich-J i la Mandíbula de Banyoles. In: Quaderns del Centre d'Estudis Comarcals de Banyoles. Girona, pp. 1-7. MANDIBLE, ABRASION, STOMATOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:41]
Cortejoso, L. 1950 La Tuberculósis y su Tratamiento en la América Precolumbina. [Tuberculosis and Its Treatment in Pre-Columbian America.]. Archivos Iberoamericanos de Historia de la Medicina (Madrid) 2(2):636-650. TUBERCULOSIS, TREATMENT, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [SORENSON 1990-C-381]
Corti, G. 1968 [Dentistry in Antiquity.]. [Italian]. Dental Cadmos 36:561-574. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Dentistry-09-02-03358]
Corvi, A. 1986 Documenti d'Interesse Medico-Farmaceutico dell'Archivio di Stato di Parma sulla Peste del 1630. Atti e Memorie della Accademia Italiana di Storia della Farmacia 3:215-219. PLAGUE, PARMA, ITALY 1630 [CWHM-1987-133-#1704]
Corwin, R. W. 1902 Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Indian Lancet (Calcutta) 19:470-472. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient Egypt]
Corzo Sánchez, R. 1989 Los Sacrificios Infantiles en Cádiz. Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Castellonenses 14:239-246. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, INFANT, CADIZ, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:13]
Corzo Sánchez, R., and M. Ferreiro López 1984 Sacrificios Humanos en el Cádiz Antiguo. In: Actas del II Congreso Andaluz de Estudios Clásicos: 57 y ss. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, CADIZ, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:14]
Cosgrove, C. B. 1929 A Note on a Trephined Indian Skull from Georgia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13(2):353-357. TREPHINATION, GEORGIA, [JRNL]
Cosman, Bard C. 1986 Bloodletting as Purging Behavior. [Letter]. American Journal of Psychiatry 143(9):1188-1189. BLOODLETTING, PURGING, STRESS, PSYCHOLOGICAL, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cosman, Madeleine Pelner 1982 The Medieval Medical Third Party: Compulsory Consultation and Malpractice Insurance. Annals of Plastic Surgery 8(2):152-162. SURGERY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Cosman, Madeleine Pelner 1983 A Feast for Aesculapius: Historical Diets for Asthma and Sexual Pleasure. Annual Review of Nutrition 3:1-33. APHRODISIAC, ANAPHRODISIAC, [CWHM-1984-121-#0074]
Costa, A., and G. Weber 1963 [The Beginning of Pathological Anatomy in the 15th Century, Studied from the Texts of Antonio Benivieni, Bernardo Torni and Leonardo da Vinci.]. [Italian]. Archivio de Vecchi per l'Anatomia Patologica e la Medicina Clinica 39:429-878. MEDICINE, FIFTEENTH CENTURY, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine 15th century-05-03-01860]
Costa, P., and Ma. J. Camarero 1982 Un Médico en la Mastaba de la Princesa Idut. Medicina Española (Valencia) 81:109-114. MEDICINE, MASTABA, EGYPT, [CWHM-1983-116-#0476]
Costa, Pedro 1978 The Frontal Sinuses of the Remains Purported to be Akhenaten. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 64:76-79. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SINUS, FRONTAL, AKHENATEN, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1976 Age, Sex, and Tooth Mortality in an Archeological Eskimo Sample from Point Hope, Alaska. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):172. DENTITION, AGE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, TOOTH MORTALITY, ALASKA, ESKIMO,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1977 Dental Pathology and Related Factors in Archaeological Eskimo Skeletal Samples from Point Hope and Kodiak Island, Alaska. [Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 38(11):6809A, University Microfilms order number 7806569.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, SKELETAL POPULATION, POINT HOPE, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1978 Dental Pathology and Related Factors in Archeological Eskimo Skeletal Samples from Point Hope and Kodiak Island, Alaska. [Dissertation, Abstract, University of Pennsylvania]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 24:19.]. Dissertation Abstracts International. Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences 38:11. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, SKELETAL POPULATION, POINT HOPE, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [PPNL-1978-24:19 & ZIMM]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1979 Evaluation of Criteria for Diagnosing Periodontal Disease in Dried Skeletal Material. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):430. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DIAGNOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1979 Interrelations of Dental Pathologies in Two Archeologic Eskimo Skeletal Samples. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of California, San Francisco, 4 April 1979, p. SF1-SF2. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1980 Age, Sex, and Antemortem Loss of Teeth in Prehistoric Eskimo Samples from Point Hope and Kodiak Island, Alaska. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 33:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53(4):579-587. DENTAL ABSCESS, DENTAL CARIES, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1980 Incidence of Caries and Abscesses in Archeological Eskimo Skeletal Samples from Point Hope and Kodiak Island, Alaska. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 31:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(4):501-514. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ABSCESS, DENTAL ATTRITION, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1982 Periodontal Disease in the Prehistoric Ipiutak and Tigara Skeletal Remains from Point Hope, Alaska. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14; 1985, 49:10.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 59(1):97-110. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL WEAR, SUPERERUPTION, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1984 Dental Pathology of Nineteenth Century and Prehistoric Labrador Eskimo. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):148. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, PREHISTORIC AND NINETEENTH CENTURY, LABRADOR, ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr. 1986 Determination of Age at Death: Dentition Analysis. In: Michael R. Zimmerman, and J. Lawrence Angel, eds. Dating and Age Determination of Biological Materials. London: Croom Helm, pp. 248-269. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:220 & MELVYL]
Costa, Raymond L., Jr., Ellis J. Neiburger, David Kingsnorth Patterson, and Jerome C. Rose 1985 Dental Paleopathology. In: Donald J. Ortner, convener. Section 1: Workshop/Round Tables. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985, pp. 2-3. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1979 The Description of His Smallpox by the Abbé Molina (1761). Revista Médica de Chile 107:1141-1151. SMALLPOX, [CWHM-1981-109-#1577]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1980 [Venereal Diseases in Chile, from the XVIth to the XVIIIth Centuries (Author's Transl).]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Revista Médica de Chile 108(10):969-976. VENEREAL DISEASE, SIXTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, CHILE, [NDX-Syphilis history-22-14-12620]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1985 Vincente A. Padín: La Flebotomía y la Dentística. Revista Médica de Chile 113:1027-1032. BLOODLETTING, DENTISTRY, [CWHM-1987-132-#0253]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1991 Andrés Bello y el Cólera. Revista Médica de Chile 119(5):601-603. CHOLERA, ANDRES BELLO, [CWHM-1993-159-#0327]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1991 La Primera y Unica Epidemia de Cólera en Chile (1886-1888). Revista Médica de Chile 119(4):481-484. CHOLERA, CHILE, [CWHM-1993-158-#0392]
Costa-Casaretto, Claudio 1991 Sobre el Origen de la Sifilis y los Apuntes de Andrés Bello. Revista Médica de Chile 119(10):1219-1224. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, ANDRES BELLO, [CWHM-1993-159-#0328]
Costa Junqueira, Mª Antonietta, and Agustín Llagostera 1992 Momias y Prehistoria de San Pedro de Atacama. [Mummies and Prehistory in San Pedro de Atacama.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 153. MUMMIES, CHILE, ATACAMA, MUMMIFICATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costa Junqueira, Mª Antonietta, and W. A. Neves 1990 Osteobiography and Late Agriculture Social Organization at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):209. OSTEOBIOGRAPHY, ATACAMA, CHILE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Costello, J. G., and D. Hornbeck 1989 Alta California: An Overview. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 1. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands West. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 303-331. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, CALIFORNIA, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:146]
Costello, J. G., and Phillip L. Walker 1987 Burials from the Santa Barbara Presido Chapel. Historical Archaeology 21(1):3-17. BURIAL, SANTA BARBARA PRESIDO CHAPEL, [BHM-25:703]
Costin, Cathy Lynne 1994 Comment on "Engendering Tomb 7 at Monte Albán: Respinning an Old Yarn." [See Sharisse D. McCafferty, and Geoffrey G. McCafferty, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(2):155. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MIXTEC, MONTE ALBAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Costo, Rupert, and Jeannette Henry Costo 1987 The Missions of California: A Legacy of Genocide. San Francisco: Indian Historian Press. GENOCIDE, ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS, CALIFORNIA, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:137 & MELVYL]
Cotte, C. 1905 La Carie Dentaire et l'Alimentation dans la Provence Préhistorique. Homme Préhistorique 3:74-79. DENTAL CARIES, PREHISTORIC, FRANCE, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Cotte, J. 1916 Note sur l'Etat de Conservation de Restes Organisés Datant de l'Epoque Néolithique. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales (Paris) 79:1003-1005. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, CONSERVATION, [ARME]
Cottle, G. F. 1912 Photographs of Lepers. United States Naval Medical Bulletin 6(3):342-344. LEPROSY, PHOTOGRAPH, [JRNL]
Cottom, C. 1978 An Epidemiological Study of Arthritis in a Skeletal Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):388. ARTHRITIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, SKELETAL POPULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cotton, Gerald E., Arthur C. Aufderheide, and Volker G. Goldschmidt 1987 Preservation of Human Tissue Immersed for Five Years in Fresh Water of Known Temperature. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:12.]. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32(4):1125-1130. PATHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, TISSUE (BIOLOGY), SUBMERGED BODIES, [JRNL]
Cotton, M. A. 1960 Preservation in Iron Age Bog Burials. Archaeological News Letter (London) 6(11):247-251. BOG BODIES, BURIAL, PRESERVATION, IRON AGE, [JRNL]
Coturri, E. 1962 [The Hospitalization of Lepers at Lucques from the 13th to the 15th Century.]. [French]. Scalpel (Bruxelles) 115:269-276. LEPROSY, LEPROSARIUM, THIRTEENTH TO FIFTEENTH CENTURY, [NDX-History of Medicine-03-02-01360]
Coughanowr, E. 1985 The Plague in Livy and Thucydides. Antiquité Classique 54:152-158. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, LIVY, THUCYDIDES, [CWHM-1988-135-#1640]
Coughlin, Elizabeth A. 1977 Analysis of PUM--II Mummy Fluid. Paleopathology Newsletter 17:7-8. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-II, MUMMY FLUID, [JRNL]
Coughlin, Elizabeth A. 1980 The Effects of Botanical Products on Rehydrated Mummified Tissue and on Experimentally Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 16 April 1980, p. NF3. MUMMIFICATION, TISSUE, MUMMIFIED, EXPERIMENTAL, REHYDRATION, ABSTRACT [JRNL]
Coughlin, Elizabeth A. 1980 The Effects of Botanical Products on Rehydrated Mummified Tissue and on Experimentally Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C6. MUMMIFICATION, MUMMIFIED TISSUE, EXPERIMENTAL, REHYDRATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coulehan, J. L. 1976 Navajo Indian Medicine: A Dimension in Healing. Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (Menlo Park) 39:93-96 MEDICINE, HEALING, NAVAJO, INDIAN, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Coulehan, J. L. 1980 Navajo Indian Medicine: Implications for Healing. Journal of Family Practice 10(1)55-61. MEDICINE, HEALING, NAVAJO INDIAN, [CWHM-1980-106-#1113]
Council for British Archaeology 1993 The Spitalfields Project. Research Report of the Council for British Archeology Numbers 85 and 86. York: Council for British Archaeology. SPITALFIELDS PROJECT, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Count, Earl W. 1951 Morris Steggerda: 1900-1950. [Obituary]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 9(1):97-106. OBITUARY, STEGGERDA; MORRIS, [JRNL]
Courrent, P. 1903 Le Crâne Trépané de Montlaur et la Chirurgie Préhistorique. Montpellier Médical 17:546-551. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Courtaud, Patrice 1992 Les Activites Quotidiennes: L'Apport de l'Observation de Certains Caracteres Osseux. Archeo-Nil 2:53-58. BONE, MARKER, OCCUPATIONAL, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Courteaux, F. 1975 De Zwarte Zusters te Aalst of de Geschiedenis van de Pest, 1475-1975. Het Land van Aalst 27:141-184. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1976-089:#1607]
Courteaux, F. 1976 Verpleging van Leprozen te Aalst. Het Land van Aalst 28:26-34. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1977-093-#1014]
Courtenay, W. J. 1980 The Effect of the Black Death on English Higher Education. Speculum 55:696-714. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1981-108-#1355]
Courville, Cyril B. 1944 Some Notes on the History of Injury to the Skull and Brain. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 9:1. SKULL, BRAIN, INJURY, HISTORY, [ARME & CRAN]
Courville, Cyril B. 1947 Notes on the Pathology of Cranial Tumors. 5. Vascular Anomalies, Angiomas, and Angioblastic Tumors of the Skull and Its Investments. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 12:79-96. SKULL, NEOPLASM, VASCULAR ANOMALY, ANGIOMA, ANGIOBLASTIC TUMOR, [AJPA-1995-98:208]
Courville, Cyril B. 1948 Cranial Injuries Among the Indians of North America. A Preliminary Report. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 13:181-219. SKULL, INJURY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1949 Injuries to the Skull and Brain in Ancient Egypt. Some Notes on the Mechanism, Nature, and Effects of Cranial Injuries from Predynastic Times to the End of the Ptolemic Period. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 14(2):53-85. SKULL, INJURY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075 & ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1950 Cranial Injuries in Prehistoric Man: With Particular References to the Neanderthals. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 15(1):1-21. SKULL, INJURY, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Courville, Cyril B. 1951 Injuries to the Skull and Brain in Oceania: With Reference to the Mechanism and Nature of Such Injuries, the Measures Used in Protection Against Them, and Their Treatment Particularly Among the Melanesians. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 16:14-70. SKULL, BRAIN, INJURY, OCEANIA, [ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1952 Cranial Injuries Among the Early Indians of California. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 17(4):137-162. SKULL, INJURY, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Courville, Cyril B. 1953 Cranial Injuries in Prehistoric Animals--with Special Notes on a Healed Wound of the Skull in the Dire Wolf (Canis [Aenocyon] dirus [Leidy]) and a Mortal Wound in the California Black Bear (Ursus americanus). Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 18:117-126. SKULL, INJURY, ANIMAL, PREHISTORIC, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:325]
Courville, Cyril B. 1956 Observations on Cranial Injuries in the Western Frontier. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 44:473-485. SKULL, INJURY, WESTERN FRONTIER, [ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1959 Cranioplasty in Prehistoric Times. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 24:1-8. CRANIOPLASTY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1961 The "Wound Man" and Craniocerebral Injury. A Transitional Figure Bridging the Gap Between Medieval Astrological Theories and Scientific Concepts of the Renaissance. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 26(2):47-61. SKULL, INJURY, MEDIEVAL, WOUND MAN, ART, [NDX-History of Medicine-02-02-01173]
Courville, Cyril B. 1962 Cranial Injuries in the Gold Rush Period of California. Report of a Skull Showing Fatal Gunshot Wounds. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 27:91-94. SKULL, INJURY, GOLD RUSH, CALIFORNIA, [ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1965 War Wounds of the Cranium in the Middle Ages. I. As Disclosed in the Skeletal Material from the Battle of Wisby (1326 A.D.). Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 30:27-33. SKULL, INJURY, WAR, BATTLE OF WISBY (1326 A.D.), [NDX-Skull-06-04-03923 & ARME]
Courville, Cyril B. 1965 War Wounds of the Cranium in the Middle Ages. II. As Noted in the Skulls of the Sedlec Ossuary Near Kuttenberg, Czechoslovakia. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 30:34-44. SKULL, INJURY, WAR, SEDLEC OSSUARY, KUTTENBERG, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, [NDX-Skull-06-04-03923]
Courville, Cyril B. 1967 Cranial Injuries in Prehistoric Man. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 606-622. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, SKULL, INJURY, PREHISTORIC MAN, [BOOK]
Courville, Cyril B., and Kenneth H. Abbott 1942 Cranial Injuries of the Pre-Columbian Incas: With Comments on Their Mechanism, Effects and Lethality. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 7:107-142. SKULL, INJURY, PRECOLUMBIAN, INCA, [ARME & CURR-ANTHROPOL-1971-12:061]
Courville, Cyril B., and H. Kade 1964 Split Fractures on the Skull Produced By Edged Weapons and Their Accompanying Brain Wounds. Report of a Case. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 29:32-39. SKULL, BRAIN, INJURY, WEAPON, [NDX-Paleopathology-05-04-02878 & ARME]
Courville, Cyril B., and P. M. Rocovich 1946 A Contribution to the Study of Sinus Pericranii (Stromeyer). Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 11:145-158. SKULL, NEOPLASM, TUMOR, SINUS PERICRANIA, STROMEYER'S CEPHALOHEMATOCELE, [AJPA-1995-98:208]
Coury, Charles 1967 The Basic Principles of Medicine in the Primitive Mind. Medical History 11:111-127. MEDICINE, BASIC PRINCIPLE, PRIMITIVE MIND, [NDX-History of Medicine-08-02-02620]
Coury, Charles 1969 La Médecine de l'Amérique Précolombienne. Paris: Les Editions Roger Dacosta. MEDICINE, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [BOOK]
Coury, Charles 1970 [The "Drug" and Drug Addiction in Americans Before the Conquest.]. [French]. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 78:979-981. DRUG, ADDICTION, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [NDX-Indians north american-11-02-05912]
Coutelier, L. 1971 The Bone Lesions in Leprosy: A Study Based on Microradiography and Fluorescence Microscopy. International Journal of Leprosy 39:231-243. LEPROSY, BONE LESIONS IN, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Coutelier, L., K. Fleshman, and H. Noel 1975 Observations sur le Remaniement Osseux dans un Cas de Lèpre. Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale 55:359-371. LEPROSY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Coutselinis, A., C. Dritsas, and Th. Pitsios 1991 Expertise Médico-Légale du Crâne Pléistocène LA01/S2 (Apidima II), Apidima, Laconie, Grèce. [Forensic Investigation of the Pleistocene Skull LAO1/S2 (Apidima II), Apidima, Laconia, Greece. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 95(2/3):401-408. SKULL, PLEISTOCENE, GREECE, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-30(1):#1986 & PETERSON-EARL-SYRACUSE-UNIV]
Couyba, L. 1905 La Peste en Agenais au XVIIe Siecle. Villeneuve-sur-Lot: R. Leygues. PLAGUE, HISTORY, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [MELVYL]
Cowan, C. Wesley 1978 Seasonal Nutritional Stress in a Late Woodland Population: Suggestions from Some Eastern Kentucky Coprolites. Tennessee Anthropologist 3:117-128. STRESS, NUTRITIONAL, COPROLITE EVIDENCE, WOODLAND, KENTUCKY, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:537]
Cowan, Richard A. 1967 Lake-Margin Ecologic Exploitation in the Great Basin as Demonstrated by an Analysis of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports 70:21-35. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Cowgill, George L. 1975 On Causes and Consequences of Ancient and Modern Population Changes. American Anthropologist 77(3):505-525. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION CHANGE, CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, [JRNL]
Cowgill, U. M. 1971 Some Comments on Manihot Subsistence and the Ancient Maya. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 27(1):51-63. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MAYA, [JRNL]
Cowgill, U. M. 1975 Paleoecology and Man. In: D. D. Hemphill, ed. Trace Substances in Environmental Health--IX. Columbia: University of Missouri, pp. 23-27. ECOLOGY, MAN, [NDX-Paleontology-17-07-10208]
Cowie, Leonard W. 1977 Plague and Fire: London 1665-6. London: Wayland Publishers. PLAGUE, FIRE, LONDON, [BOOK]
Cowles, R. B. 1935 Primitive Medicine. Hygiea (Chicago) 13:817-819. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Cowles, R. B. 1963 Missiles, Clay Pots and Mortality Rates in Primitive Man. American Naturalist 97(892):29-37 DEMOGRAPHY, MORTALITY, PRIMITIVE MAN, [ARME]
Cowlishaw, G. 1978 Infanticide in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania 48:262-283. INFANTICIDE, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1979-101-#0674]
Cox, Joseph, Sr., Charles F. Low, Charles L. Metz, and Frank W. Langdon 1880 Archaeological Explorations near Madisonville, Ohio. Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 3:10-68,128-139,203-220. ARCHAEOLOGY, MADISONVILLE, OHIO, [JRNL]
Cox, M. 1989 Skeletal Markers in Parturition. Paper presented at the 10th Hrdlicka Conference, Liblice, Czech Republic. PARTURITION, MARKER, SKELETAL, [J-FORENSIC-SCI-1994-39:1056]
Cox, Margaret 1989 The Huguenots of Spitalfields: The Evidence from the Christ Church Project. Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London 25(1):21-38. HUGUENOT, SPITALFIELDS, CHRIST CHURCH PROJECT, [CWHM-1990-144-#1512]
Cox, Margaret 1989 The Human Bones from Ancaster. London: English Heritage, Ancient Monuments Laboratory. Report 93/89. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANCASTER, ENGLAND, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Cox, Margaret 1990 The Human Bones from West Heslerton, North Yorkshire. London: English Heritage, Ancient Monuments Laboratory. Report 112/90. REMAINS, SKELETAL, WEST HESLERTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:14]
Cox, Margaret 1993 A Dangerous Assumption: Anyone Can Be an Historian! The Lessons from Christ Church, Spitalfields, London. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:75. OSTEOLOGY, CHRIST CHURCH, SPITALFIELDS, LONDON, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Cox, Margaret 1995 The Jewish Burial Ground at Jewbury. By J. M. Lilley, G. Stroud, Don R. Brothwell, and M. H. Williamson. 1994. York, England: York Archaeological Trust and Council for British Archaeology. [Review]. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(3):456. REVIEW OF, LILLEY; J. M., G. STROUD, DON R. BROTHWELL, AND M. H. WILLIAMSON, 1994, JEWISH BURIALS, YORK, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Cox, Margaret, Theya I. Molleson, and Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron] 1990 Preconceptions and Perception. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 9. BULLET WOUND, SUICIDE, CHRIST CHURCH, SPITALFIELDS, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cox, Margaret, Theya I. Molleson, and Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron] 1990 Preconception and Perception: The Lessons of a 19th Century Suicide. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(5):573-581. BULLET WOUND, SUICIDE, CHRIST CHURCH, SPITALFIELDS, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Cox, Margaret, and Andrew Scott 1992 Evaluation of the Obstetric Significance of Some Pelvic Characters in an 18th Century British Sample of Known Parity Status. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89(4):431-440. PELVIS, PREAURICULAR SULCUS, PUBIC PITTING, PUBIC TUBERCLE, PARITY STATUS, [JRNL]
Cox, Peter R., and John Peel, eds. 1972 Population and Pollution. London: Academic Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:16.]. POPULATION, POLLUTION, [PPNL 1973-12:16 & ARME]
Coxon, Ann 1962 The Kisii Art of Trephining. Guy's Hospital Gazette 76:263-273. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, KISII, ART OF, [DIS IN ANT:695 & SURG-NEUROL-1994-41:512]
Coyne, Sheila 1981 Mandibular First Premolars. In: A. C. Hayes, ed. Contributions to Gran Quivira Archeology. National Park Service Publications in Archeology, Number 17. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, pp. 139-140. DENTITION, GRAN QUIVIRA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(3):#08155 & VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:070]
Coyne, Sheila 1981 Variations and Pathologies in the Vertebral Columns of Gran Quivira Indians. In: A. C. Hayes, ed. Contributions to Gran Quivira Archeology. National Park Service Publications in Archeology, Number 17. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, pp. 151-156. SPINE, VARIATION, PATHOLOGY, GRAN QUIVIRA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(3):#08156 & VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:070 & BARNES-1994:337]
Crabb, H., and A. Darling 1960 The Gradient of Mineralization in Developing Enamel. Archives of Oral Biology 2:308-318. DENTAL ENAMEL, MINERALIZATION, [ARME]
Crabb, Mary Katherine 1992 An Epidemic of Pride: Pellagra and the Culture of the American South. Anthropologica 34(1):89-103. PELLAGRA, AMERICAN SOUTH, [JRNL]
Craib, J. 1988 Human Remains Along Transect A. In: J. Craib, and G. Ward, eds. Archaeological Investigations at Mochong, Rota, Mariana Islands. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, pp. 110-115. [Unpublished Report]. ARCHAEOLOGY, MARIANA ISLANDS, UNPUBLISHED REPORT, [HANSON-NPT-1:047]
Craib, J., and G. Ward, eds. 1988 Archaeological Investigations at Mochong, Rota, Mariana Islands. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office. [Unpublished Report]. ARCHAEOLOGY, MARIANA ISLANDS, UNPUBLISHED REPORT, [HANSON-NPT-1:047]
Craig, A. B. 1958 A Dwarf Burial from Limestone County, Alabama. Journal of Alabama Archaeology 4:15-17. DWARFISM, BURIAL, LIMESTONE COUNTY, ALABAMA, [WALTHALL-JOHN-A-1980:281]
Craig, B. 1990 Bones of Contention: The Controversy over Digging up Human Remains in Parks. National Parks 64:7-8. REPATRIATION, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032]
Craig, J., and Clark Spencer Larsen 1993 Archaeological and Osteological Investigations at the Cross Cemetery, Sangamon County, Illinois. Contract report prepared for Roosevelt National Life Insurance Company. Springfield, Illinois: Hanson Engineers Incorporated. CEMETERY, CROSS CEMETERY, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ARCHAEOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:156]
Crain, Jay B. 1966 Population Dynamics, Disease, and Palaeopathology. Cornell Journal of Social Relations 1:25-38. DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, POPULATION DYNAMICS, [ARME]
Crain, Jay B. 1971 Human Palaeopathology: A Bibliographic List. Sacramento Anthropological Society Paper 12. Sacramento, California: Sacramento Anthropological Society. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1974, 7:16.]. BIBLIOGRAPHY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK & ARME]
Crainic, K., et al. 1989 ABO Tissue Antigens of Egyptian Mummies. Forensic Science International 43(2):113-124. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ABO TISSUE ANTIGEN, [NDX-Mummies-31-07-09044]
Cramp, Rosemary 1983 The Archaeologist's View--General. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 11-20. DISEASE, ANCIENT MAN, [BOOK]
Cran, J. A. 1959 The Relationship of Diet to Dental Caries. Australian Dental Journal 4:182-190. DENTAL CARIES, DIET, NUTRITION, [ARME]
Cran, J. A. 1960 The Histological Structure of the Teeth of Central Australian Aborigines and the Relationship to Dental Caries Incidence. Australian Dental Journal 5:100-104. DENTAL CARIES, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:302]
Crane, G. G., R. W. Hornabrook, and A. Kelly 1971-1972 Anemia on the Coast and Highlands of New Guinea. Human Biology in Oceania 1:235-241. ANEMIA, NEW GUINEA, [WEBB-STEPHEN-PPATHOL-ABORIGIN-AUST-1995:301]
Craviotto, C. 1965 [Retrospective Analytical Investigation of the Pathogenetic Aspects of the Osteopathy of a Leontiasic Skull. Study by Means of the X-ray Diffraction Technic.]. [Italian]. Rivista di Anatomia Patologica e di Oncologia 27:68-85. LEPROSY, LEONTIASIS OSSEA, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-07-01-02901 & ARME]
Crawford, Dorothy J. 1979 Food: Tradition and Change in Hellenistic Egypt. World Archaeology 11(2):136-146. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, EGYPT, HELLENISTIC, [JRNL]
Crawford, E. Margaret 1984 Dearth, Diet, and Disease in Ireland, 1850: A Case Study of Nutritional Deficiency. Medical History 28(2):151-161. NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY, EYE DISEASE, XEROPHTHALMIA, IRELAND 1850, [JRNL]
Crawford, E. Margaret 1988 Scurvy in Ireland During the Great Famine. Social History of Medicine 1:281-300. SCURVY, FAMINE, IRELAND, [CWHM-1989-140-#2023]
Crawford, J. F. 1973 An Interesting Asymmetry in a Mediaeval Skull. British Dental Journal 134(11):488-490. SKULL, ASYMMETRY, MEDIEVAL, [NDX-Paleodontology-14-07-07343 & ARME]
Crawford, Michael H. 1992 When Two Worlds Collide. [See also D. Gentry Steele, and Joseph F. Powell, 1992.]. Human Biology 64(3):271-279. MIGRATION, BIOLOGY, HUMAN, [JRNL]
Crawford, Michael H. 1995 Marshall T. Newman (1911-1994). [Obituary]. Human Biology 67(5):683-687. OBITUARY, NEWMAN; MARSHALL T.; 1911-1994, [JRNL]
Crawford, Michael H., ed. 1976 The Tlaxcaltecans: Prehistory, Demography, Morphology and Genetics. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology, Number 7. [See review by Robert N. Tyzzer III, 1978.]. DEMOGRAPHY, GENETICS, MORPHOLOGY, PREHISTORY, TLAXCALTECANS, [BOOK]
Crawfurd, John 1865 On Cannibalism in Relation to Ethnology. Privately printed. London, Spottiswoode & Co. CANNIBALISM, ETHNOLOGY, [MELVYL]
Crawfurd, R. 1914 Plague and Pestilence in Literature and Art. Oxford: Clarendon Press. PLAGUE, PESTILENCE, LITERATURE, ART, [DISEASE AND HISTORY:240]
Creamer, F. H. 1912 Tuberculosis Among the American Indians. Journal-Lancet (Minneapolis) 32:434-439. TUBERCULOSIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG2-Tuberculosis in Indians]
Creamer, W. 1990 The Study of Prehistoric Demography in the Northern Rio Grande Valley. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):210. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTHERN RIO GRANDE VALLEY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Creel, Darrell 1989 A Primary Cremation at the NAN Ranch ruin, with Comparative Data on Other Cremations in the Mimbres Area, New Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology 16:309-329. CREMATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, NEW MEXICO, MIMBRES AREA, [JRNL]
Creighton, Charles 1891 A History of Epidemics in Britain. Volume 1. From A.D. 664 to the Extinction of Plague. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. EPIDEMIC, HISTORY, BRITAIN, [ARME & DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:350]
Creighton, Charles 1894 A History of Epidemics in Britain. Volume 2. From the Extinction of Plague to the Present Time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. EPIDEMIC, HISTORY, BRITAIN, [ARME & DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:350]
Creighton, Charles 1965 A History of Epidemics in Britain (2nd ed.). 2 Volumes. New York. EPIDEMIC, HISTORY, BRITAIN, [MCNEILL-1976:322]
Cremin, B. J., and R. M. Fisher 1970 The Lesions of Congenital Syphilis. British Journal of Radiology 43(509):333-341. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, LESIONS OF, [JRNL]
Cremona, G. 1989 Il Lebbroso nei Tempi. Lanternino 12(4):12-13. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1990-143-#1158]
Cressman, L. S., and O. Larsell 1945 A Case of Probable Osteomyelitis in an Indian Skeleton. Western Journal of Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics 53:332-335. OSTEOMYELITIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Creutz, R. 1940 Die Medizin der Alt-Ägypter, Alt-Mesopotamier und Inder. Die Medizinische Welt 14:774-777. MEDICINE, EGYPT, INDIA, MESOPOTAMIA, HISTORY, [QCIM-Medicine history-29-0305-053]
Criado Hernández, Constantino, and Miguel Clavijo Redondo 1992 Características Geográficas de los Enterramientos con Momias de la Isla de Tenerife. [Geographical Characteristics of Mummy Burials in the Island of Tenerife.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 75. MUMMIES, CANARY ISLANDS, GUANCHE, ENVIRONMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cripps, Derek J., and Arthur C. Curtis 1967 Syphilis Maligna Praecox: Syphilis of the Great Epidemic? An Historical Review. [Historical Review]. Archives of Internal Medicine 119:411-418. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, EPIDEMIC, [JRNL]
Crisan, R. H. 1966 [Archeological Findings on the History of Gynecology in Rumania.]. [German]. Sudhoffs Archiv; Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften der Pharmazie und der Mathematik 50:297-301. GYNECOLOGY, RUMANIAN, ARCHAEOLOGICAL HISTORY, [NDX-Archaeology-08-01-00852 & NDX-Paleontology-08-02-03827 & ARME]
Crissey, John T., and Lawrence Charles Parish 1981 The Dermatology and Syphilology of the Nineteenth Century. With an Introduction by Walter B. Shelley. New York: Praeger. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Crist, Thomas A. J. 1991 The Bone Chemical Analysis and Bioarchaeology of an Historic South Carolina African-American Cemetery. Volumes in Historical Archaeology Number 18. Columbia, South Carolina: South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, SOUTH CAROLINA, AMERICA, AFRICAN, [RESEARCH DESIGN, AFRICAN BURIAL GROUND, NEW YORK, DRAFT-1992:133]
Crist, Thomas A. J. 1992 Bibliography of Historic Cemetery Archaeology and Relocation Projects. Manuscript on file, John Milner Associates, Inc., West Chester, Pennsylvania. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORIC CEMETERY, RELOCATION PROJECT, [RESEARCH DESIGN, AFRICAN BURIAL GROUND, NEW YORK, DRAFT-1992:133]
Crist, Thomas A. J. 1995 Bone Chemistry Analysis and Documentary Archaeology: Dietary Patterns of Enslaved African Americans in the South Carolina Low Country. In: Anne L. Grauer, ed. Bodies of Evidence: Reconstructing History Through Skeletal Analysis. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 197-219. HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, BONE CHEMISTRY, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SLAVE, SOUTH CAROLINA, [BOOK]
Crist, Thomas A. J., J. P. McCarthy, and D. G. Roberts 1992 Comparative Archeology and Osteology of the First African Baptist Church Cemeteries: Observations Regarding the Formation of Philadelphia's Early Nineteenth Century African-American Community. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Kingston, Jamaica. CEMETERY, FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA, ARCHAEOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032]
Crist, Thomas A. J., and Ted A. Rathbun 1993 Patterns of Stress and Diet at a South Carolina Plantation: The Bone Chemistry Analysis of an Historic African-American Skeletal Sample. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:76. NUTRITION, STRESS, SOUTH CAROLINA, AMERICA, BLACK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Crist, Thomas A. J., and J. A. Ward 1990 The Archaeology and Osteology of the 10th Street First African Baptist Church Cemetery, Philadelphia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Northeast Historical Archeology, Kingston, Ontario. CEMETERY, FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA, ARCHAEOLOGY, OSTEOLOGY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032]
Crist, Thomas A. J., A. Washburn, and J. P. McCarthy 1991 The First African Baptist Church Revisited: Biohistorical Comparisons Between Two African-American Skeletal Samples from Antebellum Philadelphia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:63. BIOHISTORY, FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, TWO SKELETAL SAMPLES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Croisier 1904 La Chirurgie Crânienne à l'Epoque Néolithique. Annales de Médico-Chirurgicales du Centre (Tours) 4:58. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Croissant, Le Sieur Pichatty de 1754 A Journal of the Plague at Marseilles, in the Year 1720. Printed for F. and J. Noble. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MARSEILLES, 1720, [MELVYL]
Croix, A. 1979 [The "Caquins" of Brittany and the Fear of Leprosy.]. Annales de Bretagne 86. LEPROSY, BRITTANY, [CWHM-1982-111-#1020]
Cronberg, S. 1986 Plague in Malmö in 1712. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 23:93-103. PLAGUE, MALMö, SWEDEN 1712, [CWHM-1987-133-#1705]
Crone, M. D., and R. G. Wallace 1990 The Radiographic Features of Familial Expansive Osteolysis. Skeletal Radiology 19:245-250. OSTEOLYSIS, FAMILIAL EXPANSIVE, RADIOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:326]
Cronje, G. 1984 Tuberculosis Mortality Decline in England and Wales 1851-1910. In: Robert Woods, and John Woodward, eds. Urban Disease and Mortality in 19th Century England. London: Batsford, pp. 79-101. DISEASE, MORTALITY, URBAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY, ENGLAND, [AJPA-1994-95:182]
Cronk, C. E., and V. A. Stallings 1988 Relationship of Nutritional Status and Disease Characteristics to Patterns of Growth in Children with Crohn Disease. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):200. CROHN'S DISEASE, NUTRITIONAL STATUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1967 Conquistador y Pestilencia: The First New World Pandemic and the Fall of the Great Indian Empires. Hispanic American Historical Review 47(3):321-337. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, NEW WORLD, PANDEMIC, [JRNL]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1969 The Early History of Syphilis: A Reappraisal. American Anthropologist 71(2):218-227. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, REAPPRAISAL, [JRNL]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1972 The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Company. DISEASE, COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE, [BOOK & STATUS & HEALTH ...:213 & STEINBOCK-1976:161 & ARME]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1976 Epidemic and Peace, 1918. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. INFLUENZA, EPIDEMIC; 1918, [DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:350 & MELVYL]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1976 Virgin Soil Epidemics as a Factor in the Aboriginal Depopulation of America. William and Mary Quarterly 33:289-299. EPIDEMIC, DEPOPULATION, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, [CWHM-1977-095-#0030]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1978 God...Would Destroy Them, and Give Their Country to Another People. American Heritage 29(6):38-43. CONQUEST, NEW WORLD, AMERICA, INDIAN, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1986 The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900. New York: Cambridge University Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:11.]. BIOLOGICAL EXPANSION, EUROPE 900-1900, [PPNL-1990-70:11]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1986 Ecological Imperialism, The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900. New York: Cambridge University Press. ECOLOGICAL IMPERIALISM, [REFF-1991:295]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1991 Infectious Disease and the Demography of the Atlantic Peoples. Journal of World History 2:119-133. DEMOGRAPHY, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ATLANTIC POPULATION, [WEST-J-MED-1994-160:553]
Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1992 Summary on Population Size Before and After Contact. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 277-278. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, POPULATION SIZE SUMMARY BEFORE AND AFTER CONTACT, [BOOK]
Crosby, L. A., and P. Kamins 1991 The History of the Calcaneal Fracture. Orthopaedic Review 20(6):501-509. CALCANEUS, FRACTURE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1992-152-#0345]
Cross, A. B. 1977 The Solomon Islands Tragedy--a Tale of Epidemic Poliomyelitis. Medical History 21(2):137-155. POLIOMYELITIS, EPIDEMIC, SOLOMON ISLANDS, [CWHM-1977-094-#1121 & JRNL]
Cross, Juliet F., and Margaret F. Bruce 1989 The Skeletal Remains. In: J. A. Stones, ed. Three Scottish Carmelite Friaries: Excavations at Aberdeen, Linlithgow and Perth, 1980-1986. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Number 6. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 119-141. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SCOTTISH CARMELITE, ABERDEEN, LINLITHGOW, PERTH, SCOTLAND, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:616 & MELVYL]
Crossley, Becky, Andy Levy, and Juliet Rogers 1996 A Study of Pituitary Adenoma from Barton on Humber. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 7. PITUITARY GLAND, PITUITARY ADENOMA, MEDIEVAL, SAXON, BARTON ON HUMBER, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Crubézy, Eric 1985 Un Cas Médiéval d'Articulation Coraco Claviculaire Bilatéral. [French with Engish Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 89:117-124. ARTICULATION, JOINT, CORACOID-CLAVICULAR, BILATERAL, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Crubézy, Eric 1990 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis: Diagnosis and Importance in Paleopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:14.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(2):107-118. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, DIAGNOSIS, [PPNL-1992-79:14 & WIEN-KW & CWHM-1991-150-#0351]
Crubézy, Eric 1990 Merovingian Skull Deformations in the Southwest of France. In: David Austin, and Leslie Alcock, eds. From the Baltic to the Black Sea, Studies in Medieval Archaeology. London: Unwin Hyman, pp. 189-208. SKULL, DEFORMATION, FRANCE, [BULL-MEM-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1995-7:66 & MELVYL]
Crubézy, Eric 1993 The Spitalfields Project Volume 2: The Anthropology--The Middling Sort. 67-87. By Theya I. Molleson, and Margaret Cox, with H. A. Waldron [See also Tony Waldron], and D. K. Whittaker. 1993. Council for British Archaeology Research Report 86. York: Council for British Archaeology. [Review]. [For annotation, see Journal of Field Archaeology, 1994, 21:237.]. Bulletins et Mémoirs de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(3-4):477-479. REVIEW OF, MOLLESON; THEYA I.; AND MARGARET COX; WITH H. A. WALDRON; AND D. K. WHITTAKER, 1993, [JRNL]
Crubézy, Eric, and E. Crubézy-Ibanez 1993 Evaluation sur une Série de Squelettes de Critères Diagnostics de la Maladie Hypérostosique: Implications Epidemiologiques. [Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria for Hyperostotic Diseases on a Series of Skeletons: Epidemiological Implications.]. [French with English Abstract]. Revue du Rhumatisme et des Maladies Ostéoarticulaires (Edition Française) 60(9):586-590. HYPEROSTOSIS, DIAGNOSIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [CWHM-1994-163-#0372]
Crubézy, Eric, and T. Janin 1993 Pott's Disease and Artefacts Associated with Them in Graves During Egyptian Predynastic Times. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 32. TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, PREDYNASTIC, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Crubézy, Eric, G. Morlock, and Jean Zammit 1986 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Enthesopathy in Medieval Skeletons. Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):293. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, HYPEROSTOTIC DISEASE, ENTHESOPATHY, MEDIEVAL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Crubézy, Eric, and Erik Trinkaus 1992 Shanidar 1: A Case of Hyperostotic Disease (DISH) in the Middle Paleolithic. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89(4):411-420. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, HYPEROSTOTIC DISEASE, SHANIDAR 1, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Crubézy, Eric, and Jean Zammit 1986 Some Very Rare Cases of Cranial Pathology in the Late Middle Ages in Southwest France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 4. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Crump, J. A. 1901 Trephining in the South Seas. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 31:167-172. TREPHINATION, SOUTH SEAS, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Crump, T. 1981 Translation of Case Reports in "Ueber die Multiplen Fibrome der Haut und ihre Beziehung zu den Multiplen Neuromen" by F. v. Recklinghausen. Advances in Neurology 29:259-275. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, [CWHM-1982-114-#1195]
Crumplin, M. K. H. 1988 Surgery at Waterloo. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 81(1):38-42. SURGERY, WATERLOO, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Cruwys, Elizabeth 1988 Morphological Variation and Wear in Teeth of Canadian and Greenland Inuit Polar Research 24:293-298. DENTITION, VARIATION, WEAR, CANADA, GREENLAND, ESKIMO, [AJPA-1995-97:082]
Cruwys, Elizabeth 1993 Comment on "The Return of the Ahayu:da: Lessons for Repatriation from Zuni Pueblo and the Smithsonian Institution." [See William Merrill, Edmund Ladd, and T. J. Ferguson, 1993.]. Current Anthropology 34(5):556. REPATRIATION, ZUNI PUEBLO, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, [JRNL]
Cruwys, Elizabeth, and Corinne Duhig 1993 A Possible Case of Dental Erosion in a Skull from the French Congo (People's Republic of the Congo). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:17.]. Journal of Paleopathology 5(1):47-52. DENTITION, DENTAL EROSION, FRENCH CONGO, [JRNL]
Cruwys, Elizabeth, and R. A. Foley, eds. 1986 Teeth and Anthropology. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 291. [See review by U. Wittwer-Backofen, 1989/1990.]. DENTITION, TEETH, DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [BAR-TITLES-MARCH-1990 & HOMO-1989/1990-39:54]
Cruwys, Elizabeth, N. D. Robb, and B. G. N. Smith 1992 Anterior Tooth Notches: An Anglo-Saxon Case Study. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:17.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(3):211-220. DENTITION, ANTERIOR TOOTH NOTCHES, ANGLO-SAXON CASE STUDY, [PPNL-1994-85:17]
Cruxent, J. M., and Irving Rouse 1958 An Archaeological Chronology of Venezuela. Volumes 1 and 2. Social Science Monographs 6. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. ARCHAEOLOGY, CHRONOLOGY, VENEZUELA, [BOOK & CRAN]
Cruz, Marcelo E. 1993 Pre-Columbian Neurology in Ancient Ecuador. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 2(1):5-10. NEUROLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, ECUADOR, [CWHM-1993-157-#0711]
Cseplák, G. 1976 [Comparative Studies of Human Finger and Nail Imprints on Pottery Fragments of the Copper Period.]. [German with English Abstract]. Hautarzt 27(10):495-497. FINGERPRINT AND NAILPRINT, POTTERY, COPPER AGE, [NDX-Paleontology-18-12-09894]
Csillag, I., and H. Jellinek 1963 A Newly Discovered Hungarian Surgical Print from the 16th Century. Acta Chirurgica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 4:337-341. SURGERY, HUNGARY, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, ART, [NDX-History of Medicine 16th century-05-03-01860]
Csonka, G. W. 1953 Clinical Aspects of Bejel. British Journal of Venereal Diseases 29:95-103. TREPONEMATOSIS, BEJEL, CLINICAL ASPECT, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Csonka, G. W. 1983 Spirochaetes Syphilis. In: D. J. Weatherall, J. G. G. Ledingham, and D. A. Warrell, eds. Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 5.277-5.292 TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SPIROCHAETE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1995-36:337 & MELVYL]
Csonka, Yvon 1992 Expansion et Famines chez les Inuit Caribous: Le Scénario et Ses Interprétations. Anthropologie et Sociétés 16(2):15-35. FAMINE, INUIT, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:592]
Csonka, Yvon 1994 Comment on "Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture." [See Robert McGhee, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):579-580. DISEASE, INUIT CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, [JRNL]
Cubrilovic, S., B. Frese, T. Koca, John R. Lukacs, and Michael Schultz 1994 Workshop VII: Diseases of the Teeth and Tooth Sockets. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 31. WORKSHOP, DENTITION, DISEASE OF TEETH AND TOOTH SOCKETS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cucina, A., Alfredo Coppa, D. Mancinelli, M. Lucci, and R. Vargiu 1994 The Plague in Rome in the Late Middle Age: Demographic and Stress Aspects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:74. PLAGUE, ROME, LATE MIDDLE AGES, DEMOGRAPHY, STRESS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cucina, A., and Mehmet Yasar Iscan 1995 Assessment of Enamel Hypoplasia in a High-Status Burial Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:81. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, FLORIDA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cucina, A., and Mehmet Yasar Iscan 1996 Ancient Florida Indians: Assessment of Living Conditions Through the Analysis of Dentition. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:91-92. DENTITION, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cugat, R., et al. 1993 Osteochondritis Dissecans: A Historical Review and Its Treatment with Cannulated Screws. Arthroscopy 9(6):675-684. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, TREATMENT, [CWHM-1994-162-#0373]
Cuijpers, S. A. G. F. M., E. Smits, and George J. R. Maat 1995 Dry Bone Histotechnique. [Workshop]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):92. BONE, DRY, HISTOTECHNIQUE, WORKSHOP, [JRNL]
Cuijpers, S. A. G. F. M., E. Smits, and George J. R. Maat 1996 Dry Bone Histotechnique. [Workshop]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 23-24. BONE, DRY, HISTOTECHNIQUE, WORKSHOP, [JRNL]
Culbert, T. Patrick, and Don S. Rice, eds. 1991 Precolumbian Population History in the Maya Lowlands. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [See review by Nicholas P. Dunning, 1993.]. DEMOGRAPHY, MAYA, [SCIENCE-1993-260:376]
Cule, John H. 1977 Some Early Hospitals in Wales and the Border. Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru/National Library of Wales Journal 20(2):97-130. HISTORY, HOSPITAL, EARLY, WALES AND BORDER REGION, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):271]
Cule, John H. 1987 Biblical Ills and Remedies. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 80(8):534. DISEASE, REMEDY, BIBLE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Cule, John H., and I. Lynn Evans 1968 Porotic Hyperostosis and the Gelligaer Skull. Journal of Clinical Pathology 21(6):753-758. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, GELLIGAER SKULL, [JRNL]
Cule, John H., and T. Turner, eds. 1986 Child Care Through the Centuries. Cardiff: British Society for the History of Medicine. [See also Proc. of Brit. Congr. Hist. Med., 10th, Swansea, 1984.] MEDICAL HISTORY, CHILD CARE, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:209]
Culebras, Antonio 1993 Trephination of the Skull in Pre-Columbian Cultures. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 2(1):11-12. TREPHINATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, [CWHM-1993-157-#0712]
Culin, Stewart 1898 An Archaeological Application of the Röntgen Rays. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 49:10.]. Bulletin of the Free Museum of Science and Art of the University of Pennsylvania 1(4):180-183. RADIOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL APPLICATION, [JRNL]
Cullen, Tracey 1995 Mesolithic Mortuary Ritual at Franchthi Cave, Greece. Antiquity 69(263):270-289. MORTUARY RITUAL, FRANCHTHI CAVE, GREECE, [JRNL]
Cullen, Tracey, and Della Collins Cook n.d. Mortuary Ritual and Human Biology at Franchthi Cave, Greece. In: Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. In press. MORTUARY RITUAL, HUMAN BIOLOGY, FRANCHTHI CAVE, GREECE, [ANTIQUITY-1995-69:287]
Culley, J. 1936 The California Indians: Their Medical Practices and Their Drugs. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25:332-339. MEDICINE, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Culotta, Elizabeth 1993 Seesawing on Syphilis. Science 260(5110):892. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Cumbaa, Stephen L. 1975 Patterns of Resource Use and Cross-Cultural Dietary Change in the Spanish Colonial Period. [Dissertation, University of Florida]. DISSERTATION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD, FLORIDA, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1985-38:67]
Cumbaa, Stephen L. 1976 A Reconsideration of Freshwater Shellfish Exploitation in the Florida Archaic. Florida Anthropologist 29(2, Part 1):49-59. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SHELLFISH EXPLOITATION, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cuming, H. Syer 1857 On The Discovery of Celtic Crania in the Vicinity of London. Journal of the British Archaeological Association 13:237-239. SKULL, CELTIC, LONDON, [LINDOW MAN:206]
Cummings, Linda Scott 1989 Coprolites from Medieval Christian Nubia: An Interpretation of Diet and Nutritional Stress. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DISSERTATION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITIONAL STRESS, COPROLITE, NUBIA, [J-ETHNOLBIOL-1993-13:13]
Cummings, Linda Scott 1993 Phytoliths as Indicators of Subsistence: Coprolites and Features. [Abstract]. Phytolitharien Newsletter 7(3)7. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PHYTOLITH, COPROLITE, ABSTRACT, [AJPA-1996-101:112]
Cummings, Martin M. 1979 Index Medicus, 1879-1979. [Editorial]. Military Medicine 144(12):829-830. INDEX MEDICUS, HISTORY, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Cummins, Harold 1933 A Maya Skull from the Uloa Valley, Republic of Honduras: 3. Comments on the Skull. Middle American Pamphlets: No. 1 of Publication No. 5 in the "Middle American Research Series," pp. 17-24. SKULL, MAYA, HONDURAS, [JRNL]
Cummins, J. S. 1988 Pox and Paranoia in Renaissance Europe. History Today 38(August):28-35. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, RENAISSANCE, [CWHM-1989-139-#1929]
Cummins, Light T. 1995 Getting Beyond Bolton: Columbian Consequences and the Spanish Borderlands, A Review Essay. [Review]. New Mexico Historical Review 70(2):201-215. REVIEW OF, THOMAS; DAVID HURST; ED, 1989; 1990; 1991, [JRNL]
Cummins, S. L. 1911-1912 Primitive Tribes and Tuberculosis. Transactions of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 5:245-255. TUBERCULOSIS, RACE, INCIDENCE, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, race, incidence in]
Cummins, S. L. 1939 Primitive Tuberculosis. London: John Bale Medical Publications. TUBERCULOSIS, PRIMITIVE, [ARME]
Cumont 1900-1901 Sur les Ossements Trouvés à Pinchart (Ottignies). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 19:63. REMAINS, HUMAN, OTTIGNIES, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
Cumston, Charles Green 1925 The Origin of Syphilis. Medical Journal and Record 122:164. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Cumston, Charles Green 1926 An Introduction to the History of Medicine. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. MEDICINE, HISTORY, INTRODUCTION, [CRAN]
Cumston, Charles Green 1987 An Introduction to the History of Medicine from the Time of the Pharaohs to the End of the XVIIIth Century. New York: Dorset Press. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:254]
Cunha, E., and Ana Maria Silva 1995 War Lesions from the Famous Portuguese Medieval Battle of Aljubarrota. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):93. LESION, WAR, PORTUGUESE MEDIEVAL BATTLE OF ALJUBARROTA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cunha, E., and Ana Maria Silva 1996 War Lesions from the Famous Portuguese Medieval Battle of Aljubarrota. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 7. LESION, WAR, PORTUGUESE MEDIEVAL BATTLE OF ALJUBARROTA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cunha, E., et al. 1992 Paleodemography of a Medieval Portuguese Skeletal Population: Preliminary Results. [French with English and Italian Abstracts]. Rivista di Antropologia 70:237-245. DEMOGRAPHY, MEDIEVAL, PORTUGAL, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):137]
Cunha, Eugénia 1993 Evolution de la Maladie Hyperostosique à Coimbra de l'Epoque Médiévale à la Fin du XIXE Siècle. [Evolution of Hyperostotic Disease (DISH) in Coimbra from Middle Ages to the End of the 19th Century.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(1-2):313-320. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, HYPEROSTOTIC DISEASE, EVOLUTION OF, COIMBRA, PORTUGAL, [JRNL]
Cunha, Xavier da 1899 Revoadas de Peste Bubonica em Lisboa nos Seculos XVI e XVII, Velharias Recopiladas por Xavier da Cunha. Lisboa: Typ de A. de Mendonca & Duarte. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LISBON, SIXTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [MELVYL]
Cunningham, D. J. 1892 The Skull and some of the Other Bones of the Skeleton of Cornelius Magrath, the Irish Giant. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 21:40-41. GIGANTISM, CORNELIUS MAGRATH, THE IRISH GIANT, [JRNL]
Cunningham, Richard 1973 The Place Where the World Ends: A Modern Story of Cannibalism and Human Courage. New York: Sheed and Ward. CANNIBALISM, MODERN, [MELVYL]
Cuong, Nguyen Lan 1982-1984 About the Dead Bodies of Two Buddhist Monks Preserved in the Form of Statues at the Dau Pagoda. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 50:10.]. OSSA 9/11:105-109. MUMMIES, VIETNAM, [JRNL]
Cuozzo, J. W. 1987 Earlier Orthodontic Intervention: A View from Prehistory. Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association 58(4):33-40. DENTISTRY, ORTHODONTICS, PREHISTORIC, [BHM-25:702]
Cuppage, Francis E. 1994 James Cook and the Conquest of Scurvy. Contributions in Medical Studies, Number 40. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. [See review by Martha Baldwin, 1996.]. MEDICAL HISTORY, SCURRY, JAMES COOK, [J-HIST-MED-1996-51:231]
Curran, Anita S. 1984 Lead Poisoning: A Historical Overview. New York State Journal of Medicine 84(9):437-438. LEAD POISONING, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Curran, William J. 1986 The Forensic Investigation of the Death of Josef Mengele. New England Journal of Medicine 315(17):1071-1073. FORENSICS, MENGELE; JOSEF, [JRNL]
Curry, E. 1979 The Insects Associated with the Manchester Mummies. In: A. Rosalie David, ed. The Manchester Museum Mummy Project: Multidisciplinary Research on Ancient Egyptian Mummified Remains. Manchester: Manchester Museum, pp. 113-117. MUMMIES, EGYPT, INSECT ASSOCIATION, MANCHESTER MUSEUM MUMMY PROJECT, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S117]
Curtin, A. J. 1984 Human Burials from Namu (ElSx 1): A Descriptive Analysis. [Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia]. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:383]
Curtin, Philip D. 1968 Epidemiology of the Slave Trade. Political Science Quarterly 83:190-216. SLAVE TRADE, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF, [COHEN-1989:235]
Curtin, Philip D. 1969 The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. SLAVE TRADE, ATLANTIC, CENSUS OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:246 & MELVYL]
Curtin, Philip D. 1992 The Slavery Hypothesis for Hypertension Among African Americans: The Historical Evidence. American Journal of Public Health 82(12):1681-1686. HYPERTENSION, SLAVERY HYPOTHESIS, BLACK, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Curtin, Philip D. 1994 Médecine et Hygiène en Afrique Centrale de 1885 à nos Jours. 2 Volumes. By Pieter Gustaaf Janssens, M. Kivits, and J. -P. Vuylsteke. 1992. Brussels: Fondation Roi Baudouin. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 68(4):746-747. REVIEW OF, JANSSENS; PIETER GUSTAAF, M. KIVITS, AND J. -P. VUYLSTEKE, 1992, [JRNL]
Curtis, Arthur C., and Florante C. Bocobo 1957 North American Blastomycosis. Journal of Chronic Diseases 5(4):404-429. BLASTOMYCOSIS, NORTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Curtis, Robert I. 1984 Salted Fish Products in Ancient Medicine. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 39(4):430-445. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, SALTED FISH, [JRNL]
Curto, Silvio 1970 Medicina e Medici dell'Antico Egitto. Quaderno del Museo Egizio di Torino, No. 5. Torino: Museo Egizio. MEDICAL HISTORY, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT & MELVYL]
Curto, Silvio 1972 Archaeological Outline of Egypt from the Paleolithic to the Modern Arab State. Journal of Human Evolution 1:141-146. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, ARCHAEOLOGICAL OUTLINE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141-146]
Curto, Silvio 1973 Archaeological Outline of Egypt from the Paleolithic to the Modern Arab State. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 141-146. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, ARCHAEOLOGICAL OUTLINE, [BOOK]
Curzon, M. E. J. 1976-1977 Dental Disease in Eskimo Skulls in British Museums. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 24:19.]. OSSA 3/4:83-95. DENTAL DISEASE, BRITISH MUSEUM COLLECTION, ESKIMO [JRNL]
Curzon, M. E. J., and P. C. Spector 1981 Strontium in Human Dental Enamel. In: S. C. Skoryna, ed. Handbook of Stable Strontium. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 581-592. DENTAL ENAMEL, STRONTIUM, [JACKSON-BRYAN-1993:124]
Curzon, M. E. J., et al. 1970 Dental Caries in Eskimo Children of the Keewatin District in the Northwest Territories. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association/Journal de l'Association Dentaire Canadienne 36:324-325. DENTAL CARIES, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, ESKIMO, [ARME]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton 1897 Scarred Skulls from Florida. American Anthropologist 10(1):12-18. SKULL, SCARRED, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Cushing, H. 1922 Cranial Hyperostoses Produced by Meningeal Endotheliomas. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (Chicago) 8:139-152. HYPEROSTOSES, CRANIAL, MENINGEAL, ENDOTHELIOMAS, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Custer, Jay F., John Ilgenfritz, and Keith R. Doms 1988 A Cautionary Note on the Use of Chemstrips for Detection of Blood Residues on Prehistoric Stone Tools. Journal of Archaeological Science 15(3):343-345. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BLOOD RESIDUE, ARTIFACT, DETECTION OF, [JRNL]
Cuvelier, E. 1968 "A Treatise of the Plague" de Thomas Lodge (1603), Traduction d'un Ouvrage Médical Français. Etudes Anglaises 21:395-403. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1976-092-#0859-#1211-#1559]
Cuvier, G. 1820 Recherches sur les Ossements Fossiles. Volume 4. Paris: G. Dufour and E. d'Ocagne. FOSSIL REMAINS, [ORT 1981]
Cwirko-Godycki, M, and M. J. Swedborg 1978 Anthropometric Characteristics of Bones from a Medieval Cemetery at Ostrow Lednicki and Analysis of Pathological Symptoms Occurring on Them. Przeglad Antropologiczny 44:221-239. BONE, ANTHROPOMETRY, CEMETERY, MEDIEVAL, OSTROW LEDNICKI, [ZAGREB-1988:256]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1968 Analysis of the Skeletal Remains from the Surmat Site, Fort Erie, Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 11:8-26. OSTEOLOGY, SURMAT SITE, FORT ERIE, ONTARIO, CANADA, [AM-ANTIQ-1995-60:348]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1974 Tooth Wear and Material Culture: Precontact Patterns in the Tsimshian Area, British Columbia. Syesis 7:31-35. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, MATERIAL CULTURE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, TSIMSHIAN, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1977 Cribra Orbitalia, a Possible Sign of Anemia in Early Historic Native Populations of the British Columbia Coast. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 19:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):31-39. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, GENETIC DISORDER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1978 An Earlier Population of Hesquiat Harbour, British Columbia. Cultural Recovery Paper, 1. Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia Provincial Museum. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 26:12.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, EARLY POPULATION, HESQUIAT HARBOUR, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [ZAGREB-1988:16 & ZIMM]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1978 Modified Human Bones and Skulls from Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 26:12.]. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 2:15-32. SKULL, BONE, MODIFIED, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [ZIMM]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1978 On the Interpretation and Misinterpretation of Trepanation in British Columbia. [Abstract]. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 12:59. TREPHINATION, BRITISH COLUMBIA, ABSTRACT, [AJPA-1995-98:208]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1980 Possible Pre-Columbian Treponematosis on Santa Rosa Island, California. [See abstract by Jerome S. Cybulski, 1981.]. Canadian Review of Physical Anthropology/Revue Canadienne d'Anthropologie Physique 2:19-25. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, SANTA ROSA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA, [GAGNE 1982:10]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1980 Skeletal Remains from Lillooet, British Columbia, with Observations for a Possible Diagnosis of Skull Trephination. Syesis 13:53-59. TREPHINATION, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1981 Paleopathology in Northwest Coast Peoples. Toronto: A Paper Delivered to the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Its 147th Annual Meeting in Toronto. PATHOLOGY, NORTHWEST COAST, [GAGNE 1982:10]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1981 Possible Pre-Columbian Treponematosis on Santa Rosa Island, California. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):212. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, SANTA ROSA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1981 Pueblo Population and Society: The Arroyo Hondo Skeletal and Mortuary Remains. By Ann M. Palkovich. 1980. School of American Research Press: Arroyo Hondo Archaeological Series, Volume 3. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 56(1):96-97. REVIEW OF, PALKOVICH; ANN M., 1980, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1983 The Northwest. In: Charles F. Merbs, convener. Section 1: Paleopathology in North America: A Regional Survey. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, p. 2. PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1984 Tumors in Antiquity in Canada: A Preliminary Survey. In: Guy R. Marrocco, convener. Section 1: Tumors in Antiquity. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, pp. 3-4. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, ANTIQUITY, CANADA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1986 Rencontre Avec nos Ancêtres. Ce Que Nous Revelent Leurs Ossements. [Meeting Our Ancestors. What Their Bones Can Tell Us]. By Robert Larocque. 1985. Montreal: Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(4):488-489. REVIEW OF, LAROCQUE; ROBERT, 1985, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1987 Ancient Examples from British Columbia. In: Frank P. Saul, Peggy Caldwell, and Leslie E. Eisenberg, conveners. Section 2: Forensic Pathology and Paleopathology--Potential Interfaces. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 4. FORENSICS, PATHOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, INTERFACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1988 Brachydactyly, a Possible Inherited Anomaly at Prehistoric Prince Rupert Harbour. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 64:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 76(3):363-376. BRACHYDACTYLY, CONGENITAL, BRITISH COLUMBIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1988 Skeletons in the Walls of Old Quebec. Northeast Historical Archeology 17:61-84. REMAINS, SKELETAL, QUEBEC, CANADA, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:156]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1989 Bones: Treasuries of Human Experience in Time and Space. Volume One. 1988. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(4):631-632. REVIEW OF, BONES: TREASURIES OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE IN TIME AND SPACE; VOLUME ONE OF A PROPOSED YEARLY NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED BY A NEW DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPO-OSTEOLOGY OF THE RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, 1988, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1989 Skeletons in the Walls of Old Quebec. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 3. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OLD QUEBEC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1992 Northwest Coast Human Remains: Pre- and Post-European Contact Issues Relating to Health, Disease, and Culture. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:66. HEALTH, DISEASE, CULTURE, PRE AND POST EUROPEAN CONTACT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cybulski, Jerome S. 1994 Culture Change, Demographic History, and Health and Disease on the Northwest Coast. In: Clark Spencer Larsen, and George R. Milner, eds. In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 75-85. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE, NORTHWEST COAST, [MELVYL & WILEY-LISS-FLYER]
Cybulski, Jerome S., ed. 1981 Contributions to Physical Anthropology, 1978-1980. National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper Number 106. Ottawa, Canada: National Museums of Canada. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 1978-1980, [PPNL 1982-37:15 & GAGNE 1982:11]
Cybulski, Jerome S., Darlene Balkwill, Gregory S. Young, and Patricia D. Sutherland 1992 A Greenville Burial Ground: Human Remains and Mortuary Elements in British Columbia Coast Prehistory. Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series Paper Number 146. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization. [See review by Jeff H. Shipman, 1994.]. REMAINS, HUMAN, MORTUARY ELEMENTS, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [AJPA-1994-94:285 & ARCTIC-ANTHROPOL-1994-31:153 & MELVYL]
Cybulski, Jerome S., and L. Bradley Pett 1981 Bone Changes Suggesting Multiple Myeloma and Metastatic Carcinoma in Two Early Historic Natives of the British Coast. In: Jerome S. Cybulski, ed. Contributions to Physical Anthropology, 1978-1980. National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper Number 106. Ottawa, Canada: National Museums of Canada, pp. 176-186. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 37:15.]. NEOPLASM, METASTATIC CARCINOMA, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, EARLY HISTORIC, BRITISH COLUMBIA COAST, [PPNL 1982-37:15 & GAGNE 1982:10]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1978 Pathological Changes in the Morphology of the Young Paleolithic Skeletal Remains from Stetten (Southwest Germany). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU3. PATHOLOGICAL CHANGE, MORPHOLOGY, PALEOLITHIC, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1980 Pathological Changes in the Morphology of the Young Paleolithic Skeletal Remains from Stetten (Southwest Germany). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 9:15-17. PATHOLOGICAL CHANGE, MORPHOLOGY, PALEOLITHIC, GERMANY, [PPNL-1980-30:11]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1980 A Possible Trisomy 21 from the Late Hallstatt Period. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C6. DOWN'S SYNDROME, TRISOMY 21, HALLSTATT PERIOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1982 Demographie des Gräberfeldes von Vollmarshausen, Kr. Kassel. In: J. Bergmann. Ein Gräberfeld der Jüngeren Bronze- und Älteren Eisenzeit bei Vollmarshausen, Kr. Kassel. Kasseler Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Marburg) 5:422-427. DEMOGRAPHY, CEMETERY, KASSEL, [PACT-19:046]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1982 Frequencies of Spondylopathy and Caries in Different Periods, Social and Sex Groups from the Merovingian Age. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 4. DENTAL CARIES, SPONDYLOPATHY, FREQUENCY, MEROVINGIAN AGE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1984 Femur Neck Fractures of Prehistoric and Historic Times. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 4. FEMUR, FRACTURE, PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1984 Frequencies of Spondylopathy and Caries During the Early Middle Ages in Southwest Germany. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):150. SPONDYLOPATHY, DENTAL CARIES, MIDDLE AGES, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred 1989 Tooth Enamel Structure and Its Correlation on Tooth Wear and Caries. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):208-209. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ENAMEL, DENTAL WEAR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Czarnetzki, Alfred, Christian Uhlig, and Rotraut Wolf 1982 Menschen des Frühen Mittelalters: Im Spiegel der Anthropologie und Medizin. [Exhibit Catalog]. Stuttgart: Württenbergisches Landesmuseum. MEDICINE, ANTHROPOLOGY, EXHIBIT, [BOOK & CZARNETZKI, UHLIG, AND WOLF-1982]
Czeizel, A. 1980 Life and Death of Tutankhamun from Human Genetic Aspects. Therapia Hungarica 28(1):40-43. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, GENETICS, [NDX-History-23-10-09315]
Czeizel, E. 1974 Tutanhamon élete és halála humángenetikai szempontból. [Life and Death of Tutankhamen from the Viewpoint of Human Genetics.] [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 115:97-102. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMEN, GENETICS, [CWHM-1974-84-#1486 & BIB HIST MED, VOL 10 1970-1974, p. 822 ]
Czermak, J. N. 1852 Beschreibung und Mikroskopische Untersuchung Zweier Ägyptischer Mumien. [Microscopy of Egyptian Mummies.]. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe 9:427-469. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MICROSCOPY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4 & ARME]
Czermak, J. N. 1879 Beschreibung und Mikroskopische Untersuchung von Mumien. Leipzig: Gesammelte Schriften I, pp. 114-156. MUMMIES, DESCRIPTION, MICROSCOPY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Czingelly 1895 A. Gyógyászat az ókori népeknél. [Medicine Among the Ancients.]. [Hungarian.]. Gyógyszerészi Hetilap [The Weekly Pharmaceutist] (Budapest) 34:41. MEDICINE, HISTORY, ANCIENT, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient]
D. 1910 Die Indianer Feuerlands und die Tuberkulose. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 57:1075. TUBERCULOSIS, TIERRA DEL FUEGO, [LSG2-Tuberculosis in Indians]
D'Amore, Concetta, Francesco Mallegni, and Mirella Schiano di Zenise 1979-1980 Antropologia Pompeiana del 79 d.C.: Sesso ed Età di Morte. [Italian with English Abstract]. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 109-110:297-308. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, DEATH, POMPEII A.D. 79, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(1):#02160]
D'Amore, Concetta, Almerico Radice, and Mirella Schiano di Zenise 1980 Le Collezioni del Museo Annesso all'Instituto di Antropologia del'Universita di Napoli. I. Craniologica. Le Deformazioni Craniche. [Italian with English Abstract]. Quaderni di Scienze Antropologiche (Padua) 4:150-163. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(2):#05107]
D'Amore, Concetta, Almerico Radice, and Mirella Schiano di Zenise 1981 [Radiological Study of Skull 1 of the Necropolis of Madonna delle Grazie at Mirabella Eclano (Avellino).]. [Italian]. Radiologia Medica (Torino) 67(7-8):503-508. SKULL, RADIOLOGY, NECROPOLIS, ITALY, [NDX-Paleontology-23-12-11365]
D'Amore, Concetta, and Mirella Schiano di Zenise 1980 Le Collezioni del Museo Annesso all'Instituto di Antropologia del'Universita di Napoli. II. Calcografica. La Collezioni Cipriani. [Italian with English Abstract]. Quaderni di Scienze Antropologiche (Padua) 4:239-250. CALCOGRAPHY, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(2):#05108]
D'Andrea, A. C. 1995 Archaeobotanical Evidence for Zoku-Jomon Subsistence at the Mochiyazawa Site, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(5):583-595. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ZOKU-JOMON PERIOD, HOKKAIDO, JAPAN, [JRNL]
D'Alessandro, A., and Luigi Capasso 1996 The Ossification of the Thyroid Cartilage: Paleopathological Interest. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 7. THYROID CARTILAGE, OSSIFICATION OF, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL INTEREST, POSTER, [JRNL]
D'Alessandro, A., L. Di Domenicantonio, U. Ragghianti, V. Consoli, and Luigi Capasso 1995 The Ossification of the Thyroid Cartilage: Paleopathological Interest. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):94. THYROID CARTILAGE, OSSIFICATION OF, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL INTEREST, POSTER, [JRNL]
D'Auria, Sue, Peter Lacovara, and Catharine H. Roehrig 1992 Mummies & Magic: The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Dallas Museum of Art. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MAGIC, FUNERARY ART, [JRNL]
d'Errico, F. 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):127-128. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
d'Errico, F., Giuliano Villa, and Gino Fornaciari 1986-1987 Dental Esthetics of an Italian Renaissance Noblewoman, Isabella d'Aragona. A Case of Chronic Mercury Intoxication. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:15.]. OSSA 13:207-228. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL WEAR, MERCURY, SEM, RENAISSANCE, ITALY, [JRNL]
D'Harcourt, R. 1939 La Médecine dans l'Ancien Perou. Paris. MEDICINE, PERU, ANCIENT, [ARME]
da Carpi, Berengario 1990 On Fracture of the Skull or Cranium. Translated by L. R. Lind. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 80, Part 4. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Philosophical Society. [See review by Nancy G. Siraisi, 1991.]. SKULL, FRACTURE, [BULLHISTMED-1991-65:583]
da Silva, L. J. 1983 [The Antiquity of Some Foci of Schistosomiasis of the State of Sao Paulo.]. [Portuguese with English Abstract]. Revista Brasileira de Malariologia e Doencas Tropicais 35:73-78. PARASITISM, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, OCCURRENCE, [NDX-Schistosomiasis occurrence-26-13-13974]
Da Silva, O. J. 1967 Malaria Eradication in the Americas. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, ed. Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 309-330. MALARIA, AMERICA, ERADICATION, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1972-13:103]
Dabbert, A. 1970 Schädel aus Peru. [Skull from Peru.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 60:345-351. SKULL, PERU, [NDX-Paleodontology-11-02-07184 & ARME & BHM-10:569]
Dacha, Ego 1991 Le Attività Sanitarie nell'America Precolombiana. [Italian with English Abstract]. Atti dell'Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere 48:153-160. SANITATION, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [CWHM-1993-158-#0471]
Dacie, John 1983 Concluding Remarks. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 281-282. DISEASE, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Daegling, David J. 1989 Biomechanics of Cross-Sectional Size and Shape in the Hominoid Mandibular Corpus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(1):91-106. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR CORPUS, HOMINOID, BIOMECHANICS OF CROSS-SECTIONAL SIZE AND SHAPE, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Daga 1864 Documents pour Servir à l'Histoire de la Syphilis chez les Arabes. Archives Générales de Médecine 4:158;287. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Dagen, G. 1965 [The Dental Art of the Past. Collection of Facts.]. [French]. Information Dentaire 47:1699-1704. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Dentistry-06-03-02020]
Dagen, G. 1966 [Dentists of Ancient Times at the Palais-Royal.]. [French]. Information Dentaire 48:3498-3502. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Dentistry-07-01-01866]
Daggett, R. E. 1994 The Paracas Mummy Bundles of the Great Necropolis of Wari Kayan: A History. Andean Past 4:53-75. MUMMIES, PERU, WARI KAYAN NECROPOLIS, PARACAS MUMMY BUNDLE, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):275]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1977 Mohammed's Foot. British Journal of Chiropody 42:33. METATARSAL, MORTON'S DISEASE, OSTEOCHONDROSIS, MOHAMMED, [CWHM-1977-094-#0802]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1980 Polydactylism. British Journal of Chiropody 45:147. POLYDACTYLISM, [CWHM-1981-107-#1473]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1986 The Feet of Sailors. [Extract from G. Dickens. The Dress of the British Sailor. 1957. London: HMSO]. British Journal of Chiropody 51:128. FOOT, SAILOR, [CWHM-1987-132-#0666]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1987 Chinese Bound Feet. British Journal of Chiropody 52:6. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, [CWHM-1987-133-#0714]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1987 Indian Child's Booties. British Journal of Chiropody 52:6. FOOTWEAR, CHILD, CHEYENNE, DEER-SKIN BOOTIES, [CWHM-1987-133-#0715]
Dagnall, J. Colin 1992 Chinese Footbinding. Chiropodist--Journal of British Podiatric Medicine 47:162. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, [CWHM-1992-156-#0574]
Dahl, Erik, and Arne Björk 1981 Ossification Defects and Craniofacial Morphology in Incomplete Forms of Mandibulofacial Dysostosis: A Description of Two Dry Skulls. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 35:15.]. Cleft Palate Journal 18(2):83-89. SKULL, OSSIFICATION DEFECT, [JRNL]
Dahl, Erik, S. Kreiborg, and Arne Björk 1975 A Morphologic Description of a Dry Skull with Mandibulofacial Dysostosis. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 83(5):257-266. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULOFACIAL DYSOSTOSIS, [MEDL]
Dahl, W. H. 1875 Alaskan Mummies. American Naturalist 9:433-440. MUMMIES, ALASKA, [ARME]
Dahl, William, Kathleen Matthews, John Midthun, and Peter Sapin 1981 "Musher's Knee" and "Hooker's Elbow" in the Arctic. [Letter]. New England Journal of Medicine 304(12):737. OSTEOPATHOLOGY, OCCUPATIONAL, MUSHER'S KNEE, HOOKER'S ELBOW, ARCTIC, LETTER, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1937 Inherited Congenital Absence of Six Incisors, Deciduous and Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 16:59-62. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTITION, PERMANENT, INCISOR, ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1945 The Changing Dentition in Man. Journal of the American Dental Association 32:676-690. DENTITION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:120]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1951 The Dentition of the American Indian. In: W. S. Laughlin, ed. Papers on the Physical Anthropology of the American Indian. New York: Viking Fund, pp. 138-176. DENTITION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:120]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1953 Concepts of Occlusion in Physical Anthropology and Comparative Anatomy. Journal of the American Dental Association 46(5):530-535. DENTAL OCCLUSION, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1958 Anthropological Aspects of Human Dentition. International Dental Journal 8:158-159. DENTITION, ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECT, [AJPA-1996-99:630]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1958 Rotated Maxillary Central Incisors Among Various Tribes of American Indians. [Japanese]. Journal of the Japan Orthodontic Society/Nihon Kyosei Shika Gakkai Zasshi 17:157-169. DENTITION, ROTATED MAXILLARY CENTRAL INCISOR, AMERICA, INDIAN, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:076]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1959 A Wing-Like Appearance of Upper Incisors Among American Indians. [Abstract]. Journal of Dental Research 38(1):203-204. DENTITION, INCISOR, UPPER, WING-LIKE APPEARANCE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1960 Clinical Aging Patterns in Teeth of Different Population Groups. In: Nathan W. Shock, ed. Aging: Some Social and Biological Aspects. Symposia presented at the Chicago Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 29-30 December 1959. American Association for the Advancement of Science Publications Number 65, pp. 357-366. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:327 & AJPA-1996-99:630 & MELVYL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1960 The Dentition of the First Agriculturists (Jarmo, Iraq). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18(4):243-256. DENTITION, AGRICULTURALIST, EARLIEST, JARMO, IRAQ, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1960 Microscopic Studies of Abrasion and Attrition on Tooth Surfaces. [Abstract]. Journal of Dental Research 39(4):713-714. DENTAL ABRASION, DENTAL ATTRITION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1960 The Olduvai Giant Hominid Tooth. Nature (London) 188:962. DENTITION, GIGANTISM, GIANT HOMINID, OLDUVAI, [NDX-Paleodontology-02-03-01825]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1962 Anthropology in Dentistry. In: G. C. Paffenbarger, and S. Pearlman, eds. Frontiers of Dental Science. Vistas of Science 3, National Science Teachers Association. New York: Scholastics Book Services Division of Scholastics Magazines, Inc., pp. 113-121. DENTISTRY, ANTHROPOLOGY IN, [AJPA-1996-99:631]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1962 Preliminary Report of the Dentition Study of Two Isolates of Kodiak Island. Arctic Anthropology 1(1):115-116. DENTITION, KODIAK ISLAND ISOLATE, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1963 Analysis of the American Indian Dentition. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. Dental Anthropology. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 5. Oxford: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press, pp. 149-177. DENTAL ANALYSIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1963 Dental Evolution and Culture. Human Biology 35(3):237-249. DENTITION, EVOLUTION, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1964 Aging Patterns in Teeth. International Dental Journal 14:376-380. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1964 Dental Evolution and Culture. In: Stanley M. Garn, ed. Culture and the Direction of Human Evolution. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press. DENTITION, EVOLUTION, CULTURE, [ARME]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1965 Evolutionary Background of Dental and Facial Growth. Journal of Dental Research 44(1, Supplement):151-160. EVOLUTION, GROWTH, DENTAL AND FACIAL, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1965 Geographic Distribution and Origin of Dentitions. International Dental Journal 15(3):348-355. DENTITION, ORIGIN, GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1967 Introduction. In: P. O. Pedersen, Albert A. Dahlberg, and Verner Alexandersen, eds. Journal of Dental Research, 46(Supplement 5):769-992. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dental Morphology. Journal of Dental Research 46(Supplement 5):75-76. DENTITION, MORPHOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:120]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1969 Dental Pathology of the Early Indian Populations of the Midwest. In: Dan Morse. Ancient Disease in the Midwest. Reports of Investigations, Number 15. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum, pp. 40-43. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MIDWEST, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1991 Historical Perspective of Dental Anthropology. In: Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen, eds. Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 7-11. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, HISTORY, [AJPA-1996-99:633]
Dahlberg, Albert A. 1991 Interpretations of General Problems in Amelogenesis. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 269-272. AMELOGENESIS, INTERPRETATION, [BOOK]
Dahlberg, Albert A., ed. 1971 Dental Morphology and Evolution. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. DENTITION, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:121]
Dahlberg, Albert A., and Virginia M. Carbonell 1961 The Dentition of the Magdalenean Female from Cap Blanc, France. MAN (London) 61(Article 48):49-50. DENTITION, MAGDALENEAN, FEMALE, CAP BLANC, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A., and Thomas M. Graber, eds. 1977 Orofacial Growth and Development. The Hague: Mouton. DENTITION, OROFACIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1988-17:121]
Dahlberg, Albert A., and W. Kinsey 1962 Etude Microscopique de l'Abrasion et de l'Attrition sur la Surface des Dents. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 5:242-251. DENTAL ABRASION, DENTAL ATTRITION, MICROSCOPY, [ARME]
Dahlberg, Albert A., and Oscar Mikkelsen 1947 The Shovel-Shaped Character in the Teeth of the Pima Indians. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5(2):234-235. DENTITION, SHOVEL-SHAPED, AMERICA, INDIAN, PIMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dahlberg, Albert A., and Robert N. Stanley 1965 Paleopathology of the Dentition. Paper Delivered at the 1965 American Anthropological Association Meetings in Denver. Cf. Abstracts, pp. 15. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Dahlin, David C. 1967 Bone Tumors: General Aspects and Data on 3,987 Cases. 2nd Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, BONE, [STEINBOCK-1976:398 & MELVYL]
Dailey, Robert C. 1967 A Remarkable Treatment for Rabies Among Plains Indians. Florida Anthropologist 20(1-2):19-24. RABIES, TREATMENT FOR, AMERICA, INDIAN, PLAINS, [JRNL]
Dailey, Robert C. 1968 Two Indian Crania from Peru. Florida Anthropologist 21(4):124-128. MUMMIES, PERU, SKULL DEFORMATION, OSTEOPOROSIS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL CARIES, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, [JRNL]
Dailey, Robert C. 1974 The Sowell Mound Population, Bay County, Florida. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):474. SOWELL MOUND, FLORIDA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dailey, Robert C., L. R. Morrell, and W. A. Cockrell 1972 The St. Marks Cemetery (8WA108). Bureau of Historic Sites and Properties Special Reports 2:1-24. ST. MARKS, CEMETERY (8WA108), [ZAGREB-1988:071]
Dailey, Robert C., and Dan Morse 1973 Letter report on site 8By39 Skeletal Analysis. On file Temple Mound Museum, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANALYSIS, SITE 7BY39, FLORIDA, LETTER REPORT OF, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1987-40:327]
Dailey, Robert C., and Dan Morse 1984 The Sowell Mound, a Weeden Island Period Burial Site in Bay County, Northwest Florida. Florida Anthropologist 37(4):165-171. SKULL, DEFORMATION, NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, BONE, LONG BONE, PERIOSTITIS, OSTEITIS, WEEDEN ISLAND PERIOD, BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Dailey, Robert C., Dan Morse, and George Slade 1974 The Reed Skull: A Case of Extensive Cranial Trauma. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 50(7):817-820. TRAUMA, SKULL, REED SKULL, [JRNL]
Daland, Judson 1935 Depressed Fracture and Trephining of the Skull by the Incas of Peru. Annals of Medical History 7(6):550-558. TREPHINATION, PERU, INCA, TRAUMA, FRACTURE, [JRNL]
Dalby, Gwen 1994 Middle Ear Disease in Antiquity. [Dissertation, University of Bradford, England.]. DISSERTATION, EAR, MIDDLE EAR DISEASE, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:207]
Dalby, Gwen, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1993 Otosclerosis and Stapedial Footplate Fixation in Archaeological Material. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:17.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(3):207-212. OTOSCLEROSIS, STAPEDIAL FOOTPLATE FIXATION, ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL, [PPNL-1993-84:17]
Dalby, Gwen, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1993 The Palaeopathology of Middle Ear and Mastoid Infection. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 20. EAR, INFECTION, MIDDLE EAR, MASTOID, POSTER, [JRNL]
Dale, F. C. 1878 Leprosy, and Its History in the Hawaiian Islands. Western Lancet 7:401-405. LEPROSY, HISTORY, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, [LSG1-Leprosy]
Dale, P. 1945 Supernumerary Tooth in a Child of 12 Months. American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery 31:325-326. DENTITION, CHILD, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Daleau, F. 1883 Sur les Lésions que Présentent Certains Os de la Période Paléolithique. Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes-Rendus. V.p. 1883-1884 12:600-602. BONE, LESION, SURGERY, PALEOLITHIC, [LSG1-Surgery, prehistoric]
Dales, G. F., and J. M. Kenoyer 1991 Summaries of Five Seasons of Research at Harappa (District Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan), 1986-1990. In R. H. Meadow, ed. Harappa Excavations 1986-1990. Monographs in World Archaeology Number 3. Madison, Wisconsin: Prehistory Press, pp. 185-262. EXCAVATION, HARAPPA; 1986-1990, [AJPA-1994-93:163]
Daliouris, C. P., and M. J. Papagrigorakis 1994 Paleopathological Findings in Ancient and Modern Greek Skulls. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 7-8. SKULL, GREEK, ANCIENT AND MODERN, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Daliouris, C. P., M. J. Papagrigorakis, and M. D. Hatziantoniou 1994 Paleopathological Findings in Ancient and Modern Greek Skulls. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S35. SKULL, GREEK, ANCIENT AND MODERN, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dall, W. H. 1878 On the Remains of Later Pre-Historic Man Obtained from Caves in the Catherina Archipelago, Alaska Territory, and Especially from the Caves of the Aleutian Islands. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, No. 318. Washington City: Smithsonian Institution. REMAINS, HUMAN, ALASKA, ALEUTIAN, [JRNL]
Dall'Agnola, Massimo 1992 La Momificación Natural en Ambiente Deshidratado "por Calor" y "en Frío". [Natural Mummification in a Dehydrated Environment "Through Heat" and "Through Cold".]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 178. MUMMIES, MUMMIFICATION, DEHYDRATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dallman, P. R., M. A. Siimes, and A. Stekel 1980 Iron Deficiency in Infancy and Childhood. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 33:86-118. ANEMIA, INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, [AJPA-1993-91:211]
Dalquest 1962 A Human Skull and Associated Fauna from Foard County, Texas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 65:76-79. SKULL, FOARD COUNTY, TEXAS, [NDX-Paleontology-04-03-02227]
Dalrymple, J. 1835 An Account of the Examination of Two Bodies Found in the Vaults of the Ruins of Wymondham Abbey, in Norfolk. Medical Quarterly Review 3:169-171. MUMMIES, NORFOLK, WYNONDHAM ABBEY, [LSG1-Mummies]
Dalton, Harry P., Marvin J. Allison, and Alejandro Pezzia 1976 The Documentation of Communicable Diseases in Peruvian Mummies. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1976, 15:19.]. Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 12(2):43-48. MUMMIES, PERU, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, [JRNL]
Damadio, Stephanie, Alfredo Coppa, D. Mancinelle, R. Vargiu, T. Doro Garetto, and George J. Armelagos 1990 Paleobiology and Paleopathology of the Fishermen from Ra's Al-Hamra (RH5, Qurum, Sultanate of Oman, 3.700-3.200 B.C.). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):212. BIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, FISHERMEN, 3700 BC TO 3200 BC RA'S AL-HAMRA, OMAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Damasio, Hanna, Thomas Grabowski, Randall Frank, Albert M. Balaburda, and Antonio R. Damasio 1994 The Return of Phineas Gage: Clues About the Brain from the Skull of a Famous Patient. Science 264(5162):1102-1105. SKULL, BRAIN, PHINEAS GAGE, [JRNL]
Damell, David, and Monica Modin 1979 Another Look at the Vikings. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. Archaeology (New York) 32(3):15-21. VIKING, [JRNL]
Dammann, G. E. 1984 Dental Care During the Civil War. Illinois Dental Journal January-February:12-17. DENTITION, DENTAL CARE, CIVIL WAR, UNITED STATES, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:194]
Damme, Catherine 1978 Infanticide: The Worth of an Infant Under Law. Medical History 22(1):1-24. INFANTICIDE, [JRNL]
Damstén, O. 1968 Eraiden Nubialasuskallojen ja Niiden Hampaiston Rakenteentarkastelua. [Observations on Nubian Skulls and Their Dentitions.]. [Finnish]. Suomen Hammaslaakariseuran Toimituksia/Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society 64(3):71-75. DENTITION, NUBIA, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-09-02-03359 & METRESS-1974:033 & ARME]
Dan, Bruce B. 1987 Toxic Shock Syndrome: Back to the Future. Journal of the American Medical Association 257(8):1094-1095. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME, INFLUENZA, COMPLICATION, [JRNL]
Danda, J. 1979 [Syphilis--from Where, When and How? (Author's Translation).]. [Czech]. Ceskoslovenska Dermatologie 54(5):308-312. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [NDX-Syphilis history-21-14-11712]
Dandoit, R. 1973 Evolution de la Dysharmonie Dento-Maxillaire Depuis l'Age Franc Jusqu' à nos Jours en Belgique et en France. Tentative d'Explication par Examen Comparatif de la Tête de Profil par le Procédé de la Téléradiographie. [Evolution of Dentomaxillary Dysharmony from the Middle Ages to the Present Time in Belgium and France. Tentative Explanation of Comparative Study of the Profile of the Head by Teleradiography.]. [French with English Abstract]. Acta Stomatologica Belgica 70:151-197. DENTOMAXILLARY DISHARMONY, [NDX-Paleodontology-15-07-07804 & BHM-10:567]
Dandoit, R. 1974 Critique de l'Etiologie de la Dysharmonie Dento-Maxillaire par Manque de Place Selon Begg. [Comments on Begg's Theory About the Dentomaxillary Dysharmony Caused by Tooth Crowding.]. [French]. Acta Stomatologica Belgica 71:75-90. DENTOMAXILLARY DISHARMONY, DENTAL CROWDING, [NDX-Paleodontology-15-07-07804 & BHM-10:567]
Danek, K. 1989 Kolik Vlastné Behával Denne Ráno Ramses II? Lékar a Telesná Vychova 17(4):71-74. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMESES II, [CWHM-1990-146-#1932]
Danenberg, P. J., R. S. Hirsch, N. G. Clarke, P. I. Leppard, and Lindsay C. Richards 1991 Continuous Tooth Eruption in Australian Aboriginal Skulls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(3):305-312. DENTAL ATTRITION, FACIAL GROWTH, PERIODONTITIS, [JRNL]
Danforth, M. S. 1939 Report on X-Ray Films of an Egyptian Mummy. Bulletin of the Museum of Art of Rhode Island School of Design 27:36-37. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOGRAPHY, [ARME]
Danforth, Marie Elaine 1987 Dental Microdefects in a Colonial Maya Population. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, pp. 13-14. DENTAL DEFECT, COLONIAL MAYA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine 1988 A Comparison of Late Classic and Colonial Mayan Health Patterns Using Enamel Microdefects. [Dissertation, Anthropology Department, Indiana University, Bloomington]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, HEALTH PATTERN, MAYA, [COHEN-1989:235]
Danforth, Marie Elaine 1988 A Comparison of Health Patterns in the Classic and Colonial Maya Using Microscopic Dental Indicators. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):201-202. HEALTH PATTERN, DENTAL INDICATOR, CLASSIC MAYA, COLONIAL MAYA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine 1989 Enamel Microdefect Formation in Deciduous Teeth. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):209. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL ENAMEL MICRODEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine 1991 Childhood Health Patterns at Tipu: Evidence from Harris Lines. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:65. HARRIS LINES, HEALTH, CHILDHOOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, S. L. Bennett, Mark Nathan Cohen, and H. Melkunas 1985 Femoral Cortical Involution in a Colonial Maya Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):162. FEMUR, CORTICAL INVOLUTION, COLONIAL MAYA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, and Della Collins Cook 1991 An Osteological Analysis of Social Organization at Carter Ranch Pueblo, Arizona. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 101:101-110. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OSTEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, CARTER RANCH PUEBLO, [AM-ANTIQ-1994-58:098]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, Della Collins Cook, and Stanley G. Knick III 1994 The Human Remains from Carter Ranch Pueblo, Arizona: Health in Isolation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:13.]. American Antiquity 59(1):88-101. REMAINS, HUMAN, ARIZONA, CARTER RANCH PUEBLO, HEALTH IN ISOLATION, [JRNL]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, and J. A. Giliberti 1992 Patterns of Inter- and Intraobserver Error in the Microscopic Scoring of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2, pp. 51-60. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, LINEAR, SCORING ERROR, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1996-23:850]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, K. S. Herndon, and Kathryn B. Propst 1993 A Preliminary Study of Patterns of Replication in Scoring Linear Enamel Hypoplasias. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:17.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(4):297-302. DENTITION, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, LINEAR, PATTERNS OF REPLICATION IN SCORING, [PPNL-1994-85:17]
Danforth, Marie Elaine, Kathryn B. Propst, and Keith P. Jacobi 1994 Enamel Hypoplasias: Materials and Methods. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 2. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dani, A. H. 1966 Gandhara Grave Complex in West Pakistan. Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) 11:99-110. GRAVE COMPLEX, PAKISTAN, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Dani, A. H. 1967 Timargarha and the Gandhara Grave Culture. Ancient Pakistan 3:1-407. CULTURE, GRAVE, TIMARGARHA, GANDHARA, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Daniel, Hal J. III, Raymond T. Schmidt, Robert S. Fulghum, and Linda Ruckriegal 1988 Otitis Media: A Problem for the Physical Anthropologist. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 31:143-167. EAR, OTITIS MEDIA, MASTOID PROCESS, EUSTACHIAN TUBE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, RACIAL VARIABILITY, [JRNL]
Daniel, Thomas M. 1978 An Immunochemist's View of the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):388-389. TUBERCULOSIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Daniel, Thomas M. 1981 An Immunochemist's View of the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. In: Jane E. Buikstra, ed. Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5, pp. 35-48. TUBERCULOSIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [BOOK]
Danieli, E., and S. Bolognese 1991 L'Uomo che venne dal Ghiaccio. Trento. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [ANTIQUITY-1994-68:26]
Daniels, Farrington, Jr., and Peter W. Post 1966 Histological and Histochemical Examination of American Indian Scalps and Mummies. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):206. MUMMIES, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Daniels, Farrington, Jr., and Peter W. Post 1970 The Histology and Histochemistry of Prehistoric Mummy Skin. In: William Montagna, J. Peter Bently, and Richard L. Dobson, eds. Advances in Biology of Skin, Volume X: The Dermis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp. 279-292. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:12; 1978, 24:20.]. MUMMIES, SKIN, HISTOLOGY, HISTOCHEMISTRY, [PPNL 1973-3:12 & ZIMM]
Daniels, J. D. 1992 The Indian Population of North America in 1492. William and Mary Quarterly 49(3rd Series):298-318. POPULATION, AMERICA, NORTH AMERICA, INDIAN 1492, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:289]
Daniels, Roger L., Norman J. Sauer, and Lawrence H. Robbins 1976 Terrell Wayne Phenice: 1940-1975. [Obituary]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):[1]-4. OBITUARY, PHENICE; TERRELL WAYNE, [JRNL]
Danielsen, K. 1969 Leprogenic Odontodysplasia. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 42-46. LEPROSY, ODONTODYSPLASIA, [ARME]
Danielsen, K. 1970 Ondontodysplasia Leprosia in Danish Medieval Skeletons. Tanglaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 74:603-625. LEPROSY, ODONTODYSPLASIA, MEDIEVAL, DENMARK, [ARME & BHM-10:570]
Danielssen, D. C., and W. Boeck 1973 Regulations Concerning Lepers. [Translated from Danielssen, D. C., and W. Boeck: Traité de la Spédalskhed. Paris: Baillière, pp. 120-122]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 49(6):567-568. LEPROSY, REGULATION, [JRNL]
Danilishina, E. 1987 Childbirth in the Ancient World. [Russian with English Abstract]. Iz Istorii Med 17:154-161. CHILDBIRTH, [CWHM-1988-138-#0347]
Danilova, Ye. I., and V. N. Korpusova 1981 Catacomb Burial with Trepanned Skull (Crimea). [Russian with English Abstract]. Sovetskaya Arkheologiya 1:266-274. TREPHINATION, CRIMEA, [CWHM-1981-110-#1824]
Dannenfeldt, Karl H. 1985 Egyptian Mumia: The Sixteenth Century Experience and Debate. Sixteenth Century Journal 16:163-180. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, MUMIA, [ARCTIC-ANTHROPOL-1995-32:177]
Dannenhoffer, R. 1990 A Look at the Demographic Makeup of the Highland Park Cemetery Collection. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):213. DEMOGRAPHY, HIGHLAND PARK CEMETERY COLLECTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Danner, B. 1991 Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Edited by A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and R. C. Janaway. 1987. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Review]. HOMO 42(1):96. REVIEW OF, BODDINGTON; A., A. N. GARLAND, AND R. C. JANAWAY, EDS., 1987, [JRNL]
Danón, J. 1974 Datos para el Estudio de las Epidemias de Peste en el Siglo XVIII. Medicina e Historia (J Uriach) 32:5. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1974-81-#1150]
Danón, J. 1977 Un Brote de Fiebre Amarilla en el Puerto de Barcelona, en 1803. Asclepio 29:119-125. YELLOW FEVER, BARCELONA 1803, [CWHM-1980-105-#1748]
Darby, G. E. 1933 Indian Medicine in British Columbia. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 28:433-438. MEDICINE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Darby, W. J., Paul Ghalioungui, and L. Grivetti 1977 Food: The Gift of Osiris. London: Academic Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:13.]. FOOD, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ZIMM]
Dardenne-Deschamps, C., N. Barré-Boucher, N. Deschamps, P. Trocellier, J. Blondiaux, and L. Buchet 1994 Diagenèse e Paléopathologie: Etude d'une Sépulture Féminine en Sacrophage de Plomb (Lyon, IVe Siècle). Dossier Doc Archéolog 17:189-206. DIAGENESIS, [AJPA-1995-98:479]
Daremberg, Charles 1865 La Médecine dans l'Homere: Ou Etudes d'Archéologie sur les Medécins, l'Anatomie, la Physiologie, la Chirurgie et la Medécine dans les Poemes Homeriques. Paris: Didier. MEDICAL HISTORY, HOMER, [MELVYL]
Daressy, G., and C. Gaillard 1905 La Faune Momifiée de l'Antique Egypte. Catalogue Général des Antiquités Egyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Volume 25. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MYTH, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Darling, A. J. 1956 Some Observations in Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Calcification of the Dental Enamel. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 49:759-765. AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, CALCIFICATION, DENTAL ENAMEL, [ARME]
Darling, D. 1846 Indian Diseases and Remedies. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 34:9-13. DISEASE, REMEDY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BIBLIO-INDIANS-NORTHERN-MEXICO-#222]
Darlington, H. S. 1933 The Magic of Malay Medicine. Psychoanalytic Review 20:38-52. MEDICINE, MALAY, MAGIC, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Darmon, Pierre 1993 La Chirurgie du Cancer Mammaire de l'Antiquité au XIX Siècle. Contraception--Fertilité--Sexualité 21(3):259-262. NEOPLASM, CANCER, BREAST, SURGERY, [CWHM-1995-165-#0596]
Dart, R. D. 1947 The Army Medical Museum. Journal of Technical Methods and Bulletin of the International Association of Medical Museums 27:12-22. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE, [AFMM]
Dart, Raymond A. 1940 Population Fluctuations over 7000 Years in Egypt. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 27:95-143. DEMOGRAPHY, EGYPT, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141]
Dart, Raymond A. 1959 Further Light on Australopithecine Humeral and Femoral Weapons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 17(2):87-93. WEAPON, HUMERAL, FEMORAL, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, [JRNL]
Dart, Raymond A. 1962 A Cleft Adult Mandible and Nine Other Lower Jaw Fragments from Makapansgat. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 20(3):267-286. CLEFT MANDIBLE, MAKAPANSGAT, [JRNL]
Dart, Raymond A. 1962 From Cannon-Bone Scoops to Skull Bowls at Makapansgat. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 20(3):287-295. SKULL BOWL, CANNON BONE, MAKAPANSGAT, [JRNL]
Dart, Raymond A. 1969 Comment on "A Survey of the Evidence for Intrahuman Killing in the Pleistocene." [See Marilyn Keyes Roper, 1969.]. Current Anthropology 10(4):452-453. KILLING, INTRAHUMAN, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Das, A. C. 1981 Squatting Facets on the Talus in U.P. (Uttar Pradesh) Subjects. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 8(3):90-92. FACET, SQUATTING, TALUS, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Das, Salil K., A. R. Doberenz, and R. W. Wyckoff 1967 Lipids in Fossils. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 23:519-525. LIPID, FOSSIL, [NDX-AUTHORS-1968-9-07095]
Das, Salil K., and Robert S. Harris 1970 Lipids and Fatty Acids in Fossil Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 49(1):126-130. DENTITION, FOSSIL, LIPID, FATTY ACID, [JRNL]
Dasen, Véronique 1988 Dwarfism in Egypt and Classical Antiquity: Iconography and Medical History. Medical History 32(3):253-276. DWARFISM, CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Dasen, Véronique 1990 Dwarfs in Athens. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 9(2):191-207. DWARFISM, ATHENS, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:05]
Dasen, Véronique 1993 Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. [See review by Nicholas Vlahogiannis, 1995.]. DWARFISM, EGYPT, GREECE, [MED-HIST-1995-39:119 & MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Dastugue, Jean 1958 Note de Paléopathologie sur Quatre "Gloc" Givertebraux. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 10):320-327. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Dastugue, Jean 1958 Notes de Paléopathologie: I. Luxations Invétérées du Coude sur des Squelettes Mésolithiques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9:203 209. DISLOCATION, [WIEN-KW]
Dastugue, Jean 1959 Arthroses du Genou avec Polissage Articulaire sur des Squelettes Mésolithiques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:201 205. KNEE, ARTHROSIS, MESOLITHIC, [WIEN-KW]
Dastugue, Jean 1959 Un Orifice Crânien Préhistorique. [A Prehistoric Cranial Aperture.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:16.]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:357-363. SKULL, ORIFICE, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1960 Pathologie de Quelques Néandertaliens. [Pathology of some Neanderthals.]. In: Actes du 6ème Congrès International Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques Société, Paris, 1960, pp 577-581. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:16.]. PATHOLOGY, NEANDERTAL, [PPNL-1974-5:16 & PPNL-1974-7:13]
Dastugue, Jean 1962 Pathologie des Hommes de Taforalt. [Pathology of Taforalt Men.]. In: Ferembach, ed. La Nécropole Epipaléolithique de Taforalt (Maroc Oriental). Rabat: Edita-Casablanca, pp. 132-158. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:16.]. LESION, JOINT, VERTEBRA, CHRONIC, TAFORALT, EAST MOROCCO, EPIPALEOLITHIC, [PPNL 1974-5:16 & ARME]
Dastugue, Jean 1965 Tumeur Maxillaire sur un Crâne du Moyen-Age. [Maxillary Tumor in a Skull from the Middle-Ages.]. [French]. Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l'Etude du Cancer 52(1):69-72. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, MAXILLARY, MIDDLE AGES, [NDX-Palepathology-06-04-03116 & ARME]
Dastugue, Jean 1967 Pathologie des Crânes d'Aksha. [Pathological Skulls of Aksha.]. In: Aksha III. Paris: Firmin-Didot, pp. 159-171. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, AKSHA, [PPNL 1974-5:17 & L'Anthropologie-(Paris)-77:91 & ZIMM]
Dastugue, Jean 1967 Pathologie des Hommes de Cro-Magnon. [Pathology of Cro-Magnon.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:16.]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 71:479-492. CRO-MAGNON, PATHOLOGY, [PPNL 1974-5:16 & PPNL 1974-7:13 & ARME]
Dastugue, Jean 1969 Les Lésions Pathologique du Squelette de Chancelade. [Pathology of Chancelade.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 73:247-252. SKELETAL PATHOLOGY, CHANCELADE MAN, [PPNL 1974-5:17 & PPNL 1974-7:13 & ARME & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Dastugue, Jean 1970 Le Crâne Trépané de Glenat. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie du Sud-Ouest 6(4):1-10. TREPHINATION, [PALEOBIOS-(LYON)-1994-10:47]
Dastugue, Jean 1970 Pathologie des Hommes du Paléolithique Supérieur. In: L'Homme de Cro-Magnon, Anthropologie et Archéologie. Paris, pp. 121-126. CRO-MAGNON, PATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1974-7:13]
Dastugue, Jean 1970 Pathology of Columnata. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. Mémoires du Centre de Recherches Anthropologiques, Préhistoriques et Ethnographiques, Algiers (Paris) 15:121-126. PELVIS, FRACTURE, PARALYSIS, PATHOLOGY, COLUMNATA POPULATION, NORTH AFRICA, [ZIMM]
Dastugue, Jean 1973 Crânes Protohistoriques Trépanés ou Pathologiques d'Afrique du Nord. [Pathological or Trephined Skulls from Northern Africa.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 77(1-2):63-92. TREPHINATION, NORTH AFRICA, PROTOHISTORIC, PATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1973 Les Crânes Trépanés de la Vallée du Petit-Morin. [Trephined Skulls from the Valley of Petit-Morin (France).]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10(Série 12):249-263. TREPHINATION, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1973 Diagnosis of Ancient Trepanations. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 5:17.]. TREPHINATION, ANCIENT, DIAGNOSIS, [PPNL-1974-5:17]
Dastugue, Jean 1973 Diagnosis of Skull Empirical Trephinings. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by R. Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. TREPHINATION, EMPIRICAL, DIAGNOSIS, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1974 Pathology of French Paleolithic Man. Paleopathology Newsletter 7:9-14. PATHOLOGY, PALEOLITHIC, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1975 Pathologie des Hommes Epipaléolithiques d'Afalou-Bou-Rhumme (Algérie). [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 79(3):483-506. PATHOLOGY, EPIPALEOLITHIC, ALGERIA, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1977 Paléopathologie: L'Hypogée de Loisy-en-Brie. By: Patrick Comode. [Review; Thèse Médecine, Dijon, 1975]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 81:164-165. REVIEW OF, COMODE; P., 1975, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1978 Du Diagnostic des Scolioses en Paléopathologie. By: F. Metz. [Review; Thèse Médecine, Caen, 1977]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 82:605-606. REVIEW OF, METZ; F., 1977, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1978 Possibilities, Limits and Prospects in Paleopathology of the Human Skeleton. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October, 1978, p. TU4. PALEOPATHOLOGY OF THE HUMAN SKELETON, POSSIBILITY, LIMIT, PROSPECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1979 Pathologie des Mésolithiques de France. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 83:602-625. PATHOLOGY, MESOLITHIC, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1980 Notes sur les Pièces Pathologiques du Squelette Hallstattien de VIX. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84:104-111. PALEOPATHOLOGY, HALLSTATT, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1980 Possibilities, Limits and Prospects in Paleopathology of the Human Skeleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:12.]. Journal of Human Evolution 9:3-8. PALEOPATHOLOGY OF THE HUMAN SKELETON, POSSIBILITY, LIMIT, PROSPECT, [PPNL-1980-30:12]
Dastugue, Jean 1981-1982 Les Restes Humains des Nécropoles Pharaoniques de Soleb (Nubie Soudanaise). III. Les Pièces Pathologiques. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 85:251-268. REMAINS, HUMAN, PHARAONIC, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1982 Les Maladies de Nos Ancêtres. Recherche (Paris) 13:980-988. DISEASE, ANCIENT, [MICHAEL H. DAY-1986]
Dastugue, Jean 1982 Normal, Anormal, Pathologique.... Un Problème pour l'Anthropologiste. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 13):191-199. PATHOLOGY, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, METHODOLOGY, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#10852 & JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean 1985 Difficultés et Ecueils en Paléopathologie. Histoire et Archéologie 97:17-27. PALEOPATHOLOGY OF THE HUMAN SKELETON, POSSIBILITY, LIMIT, PROSPECT, [PPNL-1986-53:14]
Dastugue, Jean 1986 The Borderlines Between Normal and Pathologic in Paleopathology. Paper presented at the 6th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 10 September 1986. PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORMALITY, PATHOLOGY, [ZAGREB-1988:265 [NOTE: I can find no mention of this paper in Eve Cockburn's report of the meeting; it may only appear in the proceedings of the meeting.]]
Dastugue, Jean 1986 Die Paläopathologie. In: Illustrierte Geschichte der Medizin. Band 1. Salzburg: Andreas & Andreas, pp. 19-47. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Dastugue, Jean, ed. 1981 Paleopathology Association: 3rd European Meeting--3e Congrès Européen. Ch. Corlet. Condé-sur-Noireau. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:14.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN, MEETING, [PPNL-1982-40:14]
Dastugue, Jean, and P. Comode 1982 Problèms Posés par Deux Pertes de Substance Osseuses Humérales Mérovingiennes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 5. HUMERUS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dastugue, Jean, and V. Gervais 1992 Paléopatologie du Squelette Humain. Paris: Editions Boubée. [See review by Pierre L. Thillaud, 1994.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:7.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SKELETAL, HUMAN, [PPNL-1993-82:07]
Dastugue, Jean, and M. A. de Lumley 1976 Les Maladies des Hommes Préhistoriques du Paléolithique et du Mésolithique. In: H. de Lumley, ed. La Préhistoire Française. Paris: Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Volume 1, pp. 612-622. PATHOLOGY, PALEOLITHIC, MESOLITHIC, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:098]
Dastugue, Jean, and M. A. de Lumley 1976 Les Maladies des Hommes Préhistoriques. In: J. Guilane. La Préhistoire Française. Paris: Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Volume 2, pp. 153-164. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:098]
Dastugue, Jean, and F. Metz 1977 Bloc Calcanéo-Naviculaire Bilatéral sur un Squelette Mérovingien. Journal de Médecine de Caen 12(4):137-140. FOOT, CALCANEO-NAVICULAR BLOCK, BILATERAL, [BHM-15:482]
Date, Anand 1986 Osler on Leprosy. [Letter]. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 54(4):651-653. LEPROSY, HISTORY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Datta, J. M. 1959 Demography and Prehistoric Man. Man in India 39:257-280. DEMOGRAPHY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:186]
Datta, J. M. 1962 Demographic Notes on Harappa Skeletons. In: P. Gupta, P. C. Dutta, and A. Basu, eds. Human Skeletal Remains from Harappa. Calcutta, India: Anthropological Survey of India, pp. 6-12. DEMOGRAPHY, HARAPPA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:186]
Dauer, A. M., and L. von Karolyi 1970 Maganga--ein wissenschaftlicher film? Medizinhistorisches Journal 5:138-144. TREPHINATION, [JRNL]
Daugherty, C. G. 1995 The Death of Socrates and the Toxicology of Hemlock. Journal of Medical Biography 3(3):178-182. MEDICAL HISTORY, TOXICOLOGY, HEMLOCK, SOCRATES, [CWHM-1995-168-#0064]
Daumas, F. 1956 Une Histoire de la Médecine Egyptienne Antique. Journal Savants 1956:165-175. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Daumas, F. 1965 La Civilisation de l'Egypte Pharaonique. Paris: Arthaud. CIVILIZATION, PHARAONIC, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Daumas, F. 1978 Réflexions sur la Médecine Egyptienne. Bulletin de Liaison-Association des Amis de la Musée de la Pharmacie Montpellier 1978(December):23-40. MEDICINE, EGYPT, [CWHM-1981-108-#0523]
Daumas, F., and Paul Ghalioungui 1976 Quelques Représentations de Maladies Oculaires, dans l'Ancienne Egypte. Chronique d'Egypte (Brussels) 51(101):17-29. EYE DISEASE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [CWHM-1979-100-#0488]
Daunton, M. J. 1991 Health and Housing in Victorian London. In: W. F. Bynum, and Roy Porter. Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:126-144. HEALTH, HOUSING, VICTORIAN, LONDON, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1945 La Deformación Craneana entre los Tlatelolca. Tlatelolco a Través de los Tiempos 3:31-60. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TLATELOLCA, MEXICO, [AM-INDIGENA-1968-28:564]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1945 La Deformación Craneana entre los Tlatelolca. Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de la Historia 4(1):31-50. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TLATELOLCA, MEXICO, [ARME & Cuarta Reunión de Mesa Redonda sobre Problemas Antropológicos de México y Centro América. El Occidente de México. 1946. ]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1946 Las Deformaciones Craneanas. In: Emma Hurtado, ed. México Prehispánico. Antología de "Esta Semana." México, pp. 831-840. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [AM-INDIGENA-1968-28:564 & BOL-INST-NAC-ANTROPOL-HIST-1968-31:2 & ARME]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1951 La Deformación Craneana entre los Tlatelolcas. México, D.F.: Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. [Tesis, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México]. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TLATELOLCA, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1953 Investigaciones Osteopatológicas Pre-Hispánicas en México. Memoria del Congreso Cientifico Mexicano 12:78-81. PATHOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, [COURY 1969:336]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1954-1955 La Alimentación entre los Mexicas. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14(Part 1):103-118. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1955 Un Ejemplo de Patología Oseo Prehispánica de México. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 7:147-155. BONE PATHOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1955 Los Restos de Hernán Cortés. Memorias y Revista de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias México 57(3-4):431-457. REMAINS, HERNAN CORTES, MEXICO, [BOL-INST-NAC-ANTROPOL-HIST-1968-31:3]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1961 La Osteología Mexicana en el Museo del Hombre de Paris. Homenaje a Pablo Martínez del Río. México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. OSTEOLOGY, MUSEE DE L'HOMME DE PARIS, [AM-INDIGENA-1968-28:565]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1964 La Patología Osea Prehispánica. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1962) 3:79-85. OSTEITIS, PERIOSTITIS, CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 La Alimentación en México. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 239-245. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 La Alimentación entre los Mexicas. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 201-216. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 La Deformación Craneana entre los Tlatelolca. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 21-40. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 Las Deformaciones Craneanas. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 13-20. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 Un Ejemplo de Patología Osea Prehispánica de México. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 155-165. OSTEOPATHOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 Investigaciones Osteopatológicas Prehispánics en México. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 151-154. OSTEOPATHOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 Los Restos de Hernan Cortes. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 167-182. REMAINS, HUMAN, HERNAN CORTES, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1965 Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):433-434. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1967 La Osteopatología en los Teotihuacanos. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1965 18(47):35-40. OSTEOPATHOLOGY, TEOTIHUACAN, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio 1970 Pre-Hispanic Osteopathology. In: T. Dale Stewart, vol. ed. Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume Nine: Physical Anthropology. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, pp. 68-81. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:13.]. OSTEOPATHOLOGY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and J. M. Ortiz de Zárate 1952-1953 La Plástica Indígena y la Patología. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 13(2 and 3):95-104. DEFORMATION, PATHOLOGY, CERAMIC REPRESENTATION, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and J. M. Ortiz de Zárate 1965 La Plastíca Indigena y la Patología. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 143-150. PALEOPATHOLOGY, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and Arturo Romano 1954-1955 Las Deformaciones Corporales Entre los Mexicas. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14(Part 1):79-101. DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and Arturo Romano 1955 Estudio Preliminar de los Restos Osteológicos Encontrados en la Tumba del Templo de las Inscripciones. Palenque, en Ruz l'Huillier, A.P. 107-110. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TEMPLE OF INSCRIPTIONS, PALENQUE, [ARME]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and Arturo Romano 1965 Las Deformaciones Corporales entre los Mexicas. In: Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. Temas de Antropología Física. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Secretaría de Educación Pública, pp. 75-102. DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio, and L. Vargas y Vargas 1956 La Radiología en Paleopatología. Anales de Medicina (Barcelona) 1:159-162. PALEOPATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Davey, T. F. 1974 The Nose in Leprosy: Steps to a Better Understanding. Leprosy Review 45:97-103. LEPROSY, NOSE, [STEINBOCK-1976:210]
David, A. Rosalie 1984 Conclusion. In: A. Rosalie David, and Edmund Tapp, eds. Evidence Embalmed: Modern Medicine and the Mummies of Ancient Egypt. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 158-159. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MEDICINE, MODERN, [BOOK]
David, A. Rosalie 1984 Introduction. In: A. Rosalie David, and Edmund Tapp, eds. Evidence Embalmed: Modern Medicine and the Mummies of Ancient Egypt. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 3-42. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MEDICINE, MODERN, [BOOK]
David, A. Rosalie 1985 The Manchester Mummy Project. Archaeology (New York) 38(6):40-47. MUMMIES, MANCHESTER MUSEUM MUMMY PROJECT, [JRNL]
David, A. Rosalie, ed. 1978 Mysteries of the Mummies: The Story of the Unwrapping of a 2000-Year-Old Mummy by a Team of Experts. New York: Scribner. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 28:13.]. MUMMIES, UNWRAPPING, [ZIMM]
David, A. Rosalie, ed. 1979 The Manchester Museum Mummy Project: Multidisciplinary Research on Ancient Egyptian Mummified Remains. Manchester: Manchester Museum. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:14.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MANCHESTER MUSEUM MUMMY PROJECT, [ZIMM]
David, A. Rosalie, ed. 1986 Science in Egyptology: Proceedings of the 'Science in Egyptology' Symposia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [See review by Pierre L. Thillaud, 1989.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 58:11.]. SYMPOSIUM, EGYPTOLOGY, [PPNL-1987-58:11]
David, A. Rosalie, and Edmund Tapp, eds. 1992 The Mummy's Tale: The Scientific and Medical Investigation of Natsef-Amun, Priest in the Temple of Karnak. New York: St Martin's Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, NATSEF-AMUN, [PPNL-1994-87:14 & EGYPTIAN-ARCHAEOL-1992-2:38]
David, A. Rosalie, and Edmund Tapp, eds. 1984 Evidence Embalmed: Modern Medicine and the Mummies of Ancient Egypt. Manchester: Manchester University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, EMBALMING, [BOOK]
David, D. J., D. Poswillo, and Donald Simpson 1982 The Craniosynostoses: Causes, Natural History, and Management. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, CAUSE, HISTORY, MANAGEMENT, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Dávid, Z. 1973 The Plague in 1738. [Hungarian with German Abstract]. Orvostörteneti Közlemenyek/Communications de Historia Artis Medicinae 69-70:75-130. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1974-81-#1151]
Davida, E. 1926 Untersuchungen über die Obliteration der Schädelnähte und Synchondrosen. Zeitschrift fuer Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 81:465-529. SKULL, SUTURE, OBLITERATION, [HOMO-1996-46:290]
Davide, D. 1972 Survey of the Skeletal and Mummy Remains of Ancient Egyptians Available in Research Collections. Journal of Human Evolution 1:155-159. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, RESEARCH COLLECTIONS, MUMMIES AND SKELETAL REMAINS, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:155]
Davide, D. 1973 Survey of the Skeletal and Mummy Remains of Ancient Egyptians Available in Research Collections. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 155-159. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, RESEARCH COLLECTIONS, MUMMIES AND SKELETAL REMAINS, [BOOK]
Davidow, S. 1944 Gingivitis Among the Bantu. South African Dental Journal 18:131-137. GINGIVITIS, BANTU, [ARME]
Davidow, S. 1944 Gingivitis Among the Bantu. South African Dental Journal 18:161-165. GINGIVITIS, BANTU, [ARME]
Davidson, A. 1864-1865 An Account of Tubercular Leprosy in the Island of Madagascar. Edinburgh Medical Journal 10:33-42. LEPROSY, TUBERCULAR, MADAGASCAR, [LSG1-Leprosy]
Davidson, G. W. 1990 From Shamans to Curators: Bearers of Tradition. Caduceus 6(1):36-53. SHAMANISM, [CWHM-1990-146-#2062]
Davidson, I., and S. Solomon 1990 Was OH7 the Victim of a Crocodile Attack? Tempus 2:197-206. TRAUMA, REPTILE ATTACK, OLDUVAI HOMINID 7, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:180]
Davidson, J. R., and B. R. Ortiz de Montellano 1983 The Antibacterial Properties of an Aztec Wound Remedy. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 8:149-161. INJURY, WOUND, REMEDY, ANTIBACTERIAL, AZTEC, [CWHM-1984-120-#0135]
Davidson, W. S. 1978 Havens of Refuge: A History of Leprosy in Western Australia. Nedlands, West Australia: University of Western Australia Press. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Davidson, W. V. 1991 Geographical Perspectives on Spanish-Pech (Paya) Indian Relationships, Northeast Honduras, Sixteenth Century. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 3. The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 205-226. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, SPANISH-PECH (PAYA) INDIAN RELATIONSHIP, NORTHEAST HONDURAS, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:289]
Davies, D. A. 1981 Plague, Death and Disease in Herefordshire, 1575-1640. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, Herefordshire 43(3). PLAGUE, HEREFORDSHIRE 1575-1640, [CWHM-1985-124-#1358]
Davies, D. M. 1972 The Influence of Teeth, Diet, and Habits on the Human Face. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.; New York: Crane, Russak. [See review by Stephen Molnar, 1974.]. MORPHOLOGY, FACIAL, TEETH, DIET, HABIT, [BOOK & AJPA-1974-41(1):161-162 & ARME]
Davies, D. M., and D. C. A. Picton 1969 A Study of the Periodontal State in 202 Skulls of Primitive Peoples. Journal of Periodontal Research 4(3):230-234. DENTAL CONDITION, PERIODONTAL, PRIMITIVE PEOPLE, [ARME]
Davies, D. M., D. C. A. Picton, and A. G. Alexander 1969 An Objective Method of Assessing the Periodontal Condition in Human Skulls. Journal of Periodontal Research 4:74-77. SKULL, PERIODONTAL CONDITION, ASSESSMENT, [BROWN-TASMAN-AND-STEPHEN-MOLNAR-1991]
Davies, G. N. 1963 Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. Journal of Dental Research 42(1, Supplement):209-232. ORAL DISEASE, SOCIAL CUSTOM, HABIT, [JRNL]
Davies, J. N. P. 1956 The History of Syphilis in Uganda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 15:1041. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, UGANDA, [DIS IN ANT:168]
Davies, Margaret Lloyd, and T. A. Lloyd Davies 1987 Biblical Ills and Remedies. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 80(8):534-535. DISEASE, REMEDY, BIBLE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Davies, Margaret Lloyd, and T. A. Lloyd Davies 1989 Biblical Leprosy: A Comedy of Errors. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 82(10):622-633. LEPROSY, BIBLE, NEURODERMATITIS, [JRNL]
Davies, Nigel 1981 Human Sacrifice: In History and Today. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, HISTORY, [BOOK & WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:434]
Davies, Nigel 1984 Human Sacrifice in the Old World and the New: Some Similarities and Differences. In: Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 211-226. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, [BOOK]
Davies, Norman de Garis 1927 Two Ramesside Tombs at Thebes. Robb de Peyster Tytus Memorial Series, Volume 5. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. TOMB, RAMESSIDE, THEBES, EGYPT, [ZAGREB-1988:193 & CRAN]
Davies, Norman de Garis 1930 The Tomb of Ken-Amun at Thebes New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Egyptian Expedition, Volume 1. TOMB, KEN-AMUN, THEBES, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Davies, Norman de Garis 1943 The Tomb of Rekh-Mi-Re at Thebes. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition. MUMMIES, EGYPT, THEBES, REKH-MI-RE, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:162]
Davies, Norman de Garis, and A. H. Gardiner 1915 The Tomb of Amenemhet (No. 82), Copied in Line and Colour. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. TOMB, AMENEMHET (NO. 82), [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Davies, P. 1968 An 8,000 to 12,000 Years Old Human Tooth from Western Australia. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 3:33-40. DENTITION, AUSTRALIA, [METRESS-1974:055]
Davies, P. D. O., M. J. Humphries, S. P. Byfield, A. J. Nunn, J. H. Darbyshire, K. M. Citron, and W. Fox 1984 Bone and Joint Tuberculosis: A Survey of Notifications in England and Wales. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:16.]. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 66-B:326-330. TUBERCULOSIS, BONE, ARTICULATION, JOINT, WALES, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Davies, P. L. 1968 Relationship of Cusp Reduction in the Permanent Mandibular First Molar to Agenesis of Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 47(3):499. DENTAL AGENESIS, DENTITION, MOLAR, PERMANENT, CUSP REDUCTION, [JRNL]
Davies, Peter J. 1984 Mozart's Illnesses and Death. Musical Times 125:?-?. MOZART, ILLNESS, DEATH, [INJURY-1989-20:330]
Davies, Peter J. 1987 Mozart's Left Ear, Nephropathy and Death. Medical Journal of Australia 147(11/12):581-585. MOZART, EAR, NEPHROPATHY, DEATH, [JRNL]
Davies, Peter J. 1994 Beethoven's Nephropathy and Death. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87(12):772. BEETHOVEN, NEPHROPATHY, DEATH, LETTER, [JRNL]
Davies, R. A. 1989 The Effect of the Black Death on the Parish Priests of the Medieval Diocese of Conventry and Lichfield. Historical Research 62(147):85-90. PLAGUE, CONVENTRY, LICHFIELD, PRIEST, [CWHM-1989-141-#1718]
Davies, R. M., M. C. Downer, P. S. Hull, et al. 1974 Alveolar Defects in Human Skulls. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1(2):107-111. DENTITION, ALVEOLAR DEFECT, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862]
Davies, R. W. 1971 The Roman Military Diet. Britannia 2:122-142. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ROMAN MILITARY, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1983-10:150]
Davies, T., and P. Pedersen 1955 The Degree of Attrition of the Deciduous Teeth and First Permanent Molars of Primitive and Urbanized Greenland Natives. British Dental Journal 99:35-43. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTITION, PERMANENT, DENTAL ATTRITION, PRIMITIVE, URBANIZED, GREENLAND, NATIVE, [ARME]
Davies, W. Vivian, and Roxie Walker, eds. 1993 Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:13-14.]. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, [BOOK & PPNL-1994-86:13]
Davies, W. Vivian, and Roxie Walker 1993 Preface. In: W. Vivian Davies, and Roxie Walker, eds. Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, pp. vii-viii. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, PREFACE, [BOOK]
Davis, D. E. 1986 The Scarcity of Rats and the Black Death: An Ecological History. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 16:455-470. PLAGUE, RAT, [CWHM-1986-129-#1804]
Davis, D. H. S., et al. 1975 Plague. In: William T. Hubbert, William F. McCulloch, and Paul R. Schnurrenberger, comps. and eds. Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Man. 6th Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 147-173. PLAGUE, [COHEN-1989:235 & MELVYL]
Davis, Dave D. 1992 Rumors of Cannibals. Archaeology (New York) 45(1):49. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Davis, Devra Lee 1987 Paleolithic Diet, Evolution, and Carcinogens. [Letter]. Science 238(4834):1633-1634. NUTRITION, EVOLUTION, CARCINOGEN, PALEOLITHIC, LETTER, [JRNL]
Davis, J. Barnard 1860-1863 Sur les Déformations Plastiques de Crâne. Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1:379-390. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed]
Davis, J. Barnard 1862 Notes on the Distortions Which Represent Themselves in the Crania of Ancient Britons. Natural History Review 2:290. SKULL, DISTORTION, ANCIENT, BRITON, [ARME]
Davis, J. Barnard 1865 On Synostotic Crania Among Aboriginal Races of Man. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem 22:1-39. SKULL, SYNOSTOTIC, ABORIGINAL, [ORT 1981]
Davis, J. Barnard 1867 Ueber Makrokephale Schädel und über die Weibliche Schädelform. Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 2:17-27. SKULL, FEMALE, MACROCEPHALIC, [JRNL]
Davis, J. Barnard 1873 Upon a Scaphoid Skull. A Letter from Prof. Luigi Calori. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 2:140-150. SKULL, MALE, SCAPHOCEPHALIC, [JRNL]
Davis, Joseph H. 1990 Forensic Anthropology and the Medical Examiner. In: Joseph H. Davis, arranger. Section 1: Forensic Seminar. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, p. 1. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICAL EXAMINER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Davis, Joseph H., arranger 1990 Section 1: Forensic Seminar. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, pp. 1-2. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Davis, M. 1981 Odd Ailments: A Random Sampling of Strange Disorders, as Reported in American and British Medical Journals. Discover 2:48-50. DISORDER, AILMENT, STRANGE, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Davis, P., and R. Janssen 1991 Dental Health in Ancient Egypt, with Particular Reference to the Mummified Heads in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:14.]. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 39:61-64. DENTAL HEALTH, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [PPNL-1991-76:14]
Davis, P., and E. King-Turner 1956 The Investigation of the Tristan da Cuhna Dental Health. British Dental Journal 100:262-267 DENTAL HEALTH, TRISTAN DA CUHNA, [METRESS-1974:025]
Davis, Peg 1992 Cranial Modification at Nuvakwewtaqa. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 5. SKULL, DEFORMATION, POSTER, [JRNL]
Davis-Kimball, Jeannine, and Leonid T. Yablonsky 1995 1995 Excavations at Pokrovka, Russia. Berkeley Archaeology (Berkeley, California) [Journal Subtitle: If It's Old, It's News] 3(1):3-4,6. BURIAL, POKROVKA, RUSSIA, [JRNL]
Davivongs, V. 1963 The Pelvic Girdle of the Australian Aborigine; Sex Differences and Sex Determination. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21(4):443-445. SEX ASSESSMENT, PELVIS, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Dawes, J. D., and J. R. Magilton 1980 The Cemetery of St. Helen-on-the-Walls, Aldwark. In: P. V. Addyman, ed. The Archaeology of York 12/1. London: Council of British Archaeology, pp. 1-120. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 33:16.]. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1983.]. CEMETERY, ST. HELEN-ON-THE-WALLS, [PPNL-1981-33:16 & PPNL-1982-37:11 & HOMO-1983-34:61 & WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):262]
Dawkins, W. B., and G. Busk 1870 On the Discovery of Platycnemic Men in Dengeghshire. British Association Report 40:148. PLATYCNEMIA, DENGEGHSHIRE, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Dawson, C. 1948 Dental Defects and Periodontal Disease in Egypt, 1946-1947. Journal of Dental Research 27:512-523. DENTAL DEFECT, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, EGYPT, 1946-1947, [ARME]
Dawson, George Gordon 1977 Healing: Pagan and Christian. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. HEALING, PAGAN, CHRISTIAN, [BOOK]
Dawson, J. E., and Erik Trinkaus 1995 Vertebral Osteoarthritis of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 Neandertal. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:81-82. SPINE, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, NEANDERTAL, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS 1, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dawson, J. W. 1894 On Specimens in the Peter Redpath Museum of McGill University. Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 28:1-5. TREPHINATION, [SURG-NEUROL-1994-41:512]
Dawson, Peter J. 1968 The Original Illustrations of Hodgkin's Disease. [Historical Note]. Archives of Internal Medicine 121:289-[290]. HODGKIN'S DISEASE, ILLUSTRATION, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1924 A Mummy from Torres Straits. Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology (Liverpool) 11:87-96. MUMMIES, TORRES STRAITS, [MDAC-208]
Dawson, Warren R. 1925 A Mummy of the Persian Period. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 11:76-77. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PERSIAN PERIOD, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1927 Contributions to the History of Mummification. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 20:832-842. MUMMIFICATION, HISTORY, [ROSE & ARME]
Dawson, Warren R. 1927 Making a Mummy. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 13:40-49. MUMMIFICATION, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1927 On Two Egyptian Mummies Preserved in the Museums of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 61:290. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUSEUMS OF EDINBURGH, [ARME]
Dawson, Warren R. 1927 On Two Mummies Formerly Belonging to the Duke of Sutherland. With a Supplementary Note by M. L. Tildesley. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 13:155-161. MUMMIES, DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1927 Pygmies, Dwarfs and Hunchbacks in Ancient Egypt. Annals of Medical History 9(4):315-326. DWARFISM, PYGMY, DWARF, HUNCHBACK, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1928 Mummification in Australia and America. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 58:115-138. MUMMIFICATION, AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1928 Note on an Ancient Egyptian Figure. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14:126-127. FIGURE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1928 Two Mummies from Colombia. MAN (London) 28:73. MUMMIES, COLOMBIA, [QCIM-1928-4:0309 & ARME]
Dawson, Warren R. 1929 A Bibliography of Works Relating to Mummification in Egypt with Excerpts, Epitomes, and Critical and Biographical Notes. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dawson, Warren R. 1929 A Bibliography of Work Relating to Mummification in Egypt, with Excerpts, Epitomes, Critical and Bibliographical Notes. Mémoires de l'Institut d'Egypte 13. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Dawson, Warren R. 1929 Magician and Leech. London: Methuen. MAGIC, LEECH, [CRAN]
Dawson, Warren R. 1929 A Note on the Egyptian Mummies in the Castle Museum, Norwich. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 15:186-189. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CASTLE MUSEUM, NORWICH, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1932 The Earliest Surgical Treatise. British Journal of Surgery 20(77):34-43. SURGICAL TREATISE, EARLIEST, [JRNL]
Dawson, Warren R. 1934 A Leechbook or Collection of Medical Recipes of the 15th Century. London: MacMillan and Company. MEDICAL, RECIPE, FIFTEENTH CENTURY, [ZAGREB-1988:239]
Dawson, Warren R. 1934 Studies in the Egyptian Medical Texts--III. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 20:41-46. TEXT, MEDICAL, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:116]
Dawson, Warren R. 1938 Pygmies and Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 24:185. DWARFISM, PYGMY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ARME]
Dawson, Warren R. 1938 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. London: Cape. BIOGRAPHY, SMITH; SIR GRAFTON ELLIOT, [MDAC-008]
Dawson, Warren R. 1953 The Egyptian Medical Papyri. In: E. A. Underwood, ed. Science, Medicine and History. London: Oxford University Press. EGYPT, MEDICAL, PAPYRI, [MDAC-042]
Dawson, Warren R. 1953 Remarks on the Memoir by Dr. Franz Jonckheers Entitled "Autour de l'Autopsie d'une Momie," Bruxelles, 1942. Manuscript Dated January 11, 1953. MUMMIES, AUTOPSY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Dawson, Warren R. 1967 The Egyptian Medical Papyri. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 99-111. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, PAPYRI, MEDICAL, EGYPT, [BOOK]
Dawson, Warren R. 1967 Foreword. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. vii-x. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, [BOOK]
Dawson, Warren R. 1986 Herodotus as a Medical Writer. [Lecture, Osler Club of London, 1934]. Bulletin-Institute of Classical Studies 33:87-96. HERODOTUS, MEDICAL WRITER, EGYPT, LECTURE 1934, [CWHM-1988-138-#0547]
Dawson, Warren R., and P. H. K. Gray 1968 Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum. I. Mummies and Human Remains. London: The Trustees of the British Museum. MUMMIES, REMAINS, HUMAN, CATALOG OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Dawson, Warren R., and P. H. K. Gray 1968 Catalogue of the Human Remains in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities, British Museum. London. REMAINS, HUMAN, CATALOGUE OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, [DAVID & TAPP 1984:166]
Day, C. D. Marshall 1944 Nutritional Deficiencies and Dental Caries in Northern India. British Dental Journal 76:115-122. DENTAL CARIES, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY, INDIA, [ARME]
Day, C. D. Marshall 1944 Nutritional Deficiencies and Dental Caries in Northern India. British Dental Journal 76:143-147. DENTAL CARIES, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY, INDIA, [ARME]
Day, C. D. Marshall 1944 Oral Conditions in the Famine District of the Hissar. Journal of the American Dental Association 31(1):52-58. DENTITION, FAMINE, HISSAR, [JRNL]
Day, C. D. Marshall 1951 Epidemiology of Periodontal Disease. Journal of Periodontology 22:59-60. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [ARME]
Day, C. D. Marshall, and K. L. Shourie 1947 Periodontal Disease in India. Proceedings of the All-India Conference on Medical Research 38:141. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, INDIA, [ARME]
Day, C. D. Marshall, and K. L. Shourie 1949 A Roentgenographic Survey of Periodontal Disease in India. Journal of the American Dental Association 39(5):572-588. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, AGE GROUP, INDIA, [JRNL]
Day, C. D. Marshall, and G. Tandan 1940 The Incidence of Periodontal Disease in the Punjab. British Dental Journal 69:381-389. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PUNJAB, [ARME]
Dayton, Judith A. 1986 Animal Remains--the Cladocera and Chironomidae. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 93-98. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, REMAINS, ANIMAL, [BOOK]
de Assis Leite, F. L. 1891 Excavaçoes Historico-Medicas. Medicina Contemporánea 9:379-388. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [LSG2-Medicine, history, ancient]
de Baye 1877 Communication Relative aux Crânes Perforés et aux Rondelles Crâniennes Trouvées dans les Stations Néolithiques du Petit-Morin. Congrès International d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie Préhistorique (1876 Budapest) 8:196-199. TREPHINATION, PETIT-MORIN, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
De Beauclair, I. 1967 Infant Burial in Earthenware Pots and the Pyramidal Grave on Yap. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 24:35-39. BURIAL, INFANT, YAP ISLAND, [HANSON-NPT-2:064]
De Bevoise, Ken 1995 Agents of Apocalypse: Diseases in the Colonial Philippines. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [See review by Erlinda Montillo-Burton, 1996.]. DISEASE HISTORY, PHILIPPINE ISLAND, COLONIAL PERIOD, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:578]
de Blasio, A. 1900 Cranio Trapanato del Paese degl' Incas. Rivista Mensile di Psichiatria Forense, Antropologia Criminale e Scienze Affini 3:41-50. TREPHINATION, PERU, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
de Blasio, A. 1900 Mummie e Cranii dell' Antico Perù. Rivista Mensile di Psichiatria Forense, Antropologia Criminale e Scienze Affine 3:169-189. MUMMIES, PERU, SKULL, [LSG2-Mummies]
de Boléo, J. P. 1974 [History of Dental Extractions from Antiquity to Modern Oral Surgery.]. [Portuguese]. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Chirurgia Maxiofaciale 15(1-2):129-182. SURGERY, ORAL, HISTORY, [NDX-Surgery oral history-16-08-06308]
de Boni, U., M. M. Lenczner, and John W. Scott 1977 Autopsy of an Egyptian Mummy. 6. Trichinella spiralis Cyst. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 20:7.]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 117(5):472. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, PARASITISM, TRICHINOSIS, TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS, [JRNL]
de Castro, J. M. B. 1984 [Anthropological Study of the Dentition of the Pre-Hispanic Population of Grand Canary Island.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie 27(1):11-29. ODONTOLOGY, GRAND CANARY ISLAND, [NDX-Paleodontology-25-12-12541]
de Castro, J. M. B. 1987 Dental Diseases and Harris Lines in the Fossil Human Remains from Atapuerca-Ibeas (Spain). Journal of Paleopathology 1:131-146. DENTAL DISEASE, HARRIS LINES, ATAPUERCA-IBEAS, SPAIN, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:171]
de Celinski, M. F. T. 1838 De Trepanatione Cranii. Berolini: Typis Nietackianis. [Dissertatio Medico-Chiruigica]. DISSERTATION, TREPHINATION, [ARME]
de González, L. M., and R. Harrington 1981 Subadult Ossuary in a Chultun at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, p. D3. OSSUARY, SUBADULT, CHICHEN ITZA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Jager, C. 1965 Dental Caries Incidence in the Okavango Bushmen. Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa/Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid Afrika 20:365-367. DENTAL CARIES, OKAVANGO BUSHMEN, [ARME]
de Jong, L., and Trinette Stephanie Constandse-Westermann 1995 Degeneration of the Joint Surfaces in a Sample of 21 Individuals of Known Age, Sex and Profession. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):95. JOINT SURFACE, DEGENERATION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Jong, L., and Trinette Stephanie Constandse-Westermann 1996 Degeneration of the Joint Surfaces in a Sample of 21 Individuals of Known Age, Sex and Profession. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 11. JOINT SURFACE, DEGENERATION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Jonge, T. E. 1963 Le Tubercule de Carabelli dans les Molaires de la Mâchoire Inférieure. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 6:147. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TUBERCLE, [CRAN]
de Jonge, T. E. 1966 Minus Variants and Anomalies in the Molar Region of the Human Teeth. Proceedings: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 69:164-190. DENTITION, MOLAR VARIATION, [ARME]
de Jonge, T. E. 1968 Ninusvarianten und Anomalien im Molarbereich des Menschlichen Gebisses. [Minus Variants in the Molar Region of the Human Teeth.]. Stoma (Heidelberg) 21:38-50. DENTITION, MOLAR VARIATION, [NXDL-1968-N57]
de la Borbolla, D. F. Rubín 1940 Types of Tooth Mutilation Found in Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 26(1):349-465. DENTAL MUTILATION, MEXICO, [JRNL]
de La Calle, Manuel Rivero 1975 Estudio Antropológico de Dos Momias de la Cultura Paracas. [Anthropological Study of Two Mummies from the Paracas Culture.]. Ciencias, Series 9, Antropologia y Prehistoria (Havana) 3:1-40. MUMMIES, PERU, PARACAS, ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY, [PPNL 1976-15:14 & ZIMM]
De Los Santos, I. 1993 Méthodes d'Extraction et d'Amplification de l'ADN Ancien. Mémoire de DEA, Université de Bordeaux, 1. DNA, EXTRACTION AND AMPLIFICATION, [BULL-MEM-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1994-6:22]
de Lumley, H. 1969 Les Coprolithes de la Cabane Acheuléenne du Lazaret. II--Analyse et Diagnostic. In: H. de Lumley, ed. Une Cabane Acheuléenne dans la Grotte du Lazaret (Nice). Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 7:123-124. COPROLITE, ANALYSIS, DIAGNOSIS, [LINDOW MAN:202]
de Lumley, M. A. 1962 Lésions Osseuses de l'Homme de Castellar (A.M.). Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 9:191-205. LESION, BONE, SKELETAL PATHOLOGY, CASTELLAR MAN, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095 & ARME]
de Lumley, M. A. 1973 Skull Lacunae. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by R. Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. SKULL, LACUNAE, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
de Maricourt 1884 Sur Quelques Têtes de la Sépulture Mérovingienne de Hermes (Oise). Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7:667-678. TREPHINATION, OISE, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
De Marinis, Raffael C. 1992 La Piú Antica Metallurgia nell'Italia Settentrionale. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 389-409. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, AXE, DAGGER, METALLURGY, [BOOK]
de Mets 1898 La Trépanation Préhistorique. Annales de la Société Médico-Chirurgicale d'Anvers 1898:200-203. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
de Micheli, A. 1979 [The Inquisition and Physicians in New Spain.]. [Spanish]. Prensa Médica Mexicana 44(11-12):273-277. INQUISITION, PHYSICIAN, NEW SPAIN, [NDX-Physicians history-23-12-11658]
de Mortillet, A. 1882 Trépanation Préhistoriques. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5:143-146. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Trephining, primitive and prehistoric]
de Mortillet, G. 1898 Antiquité de l'Homme. Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes-Rendus 1897 26(Part 1):328-330. MAN, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Man prehistoric]
de Nadaillac, Marquis 1891 Les Plus Anciens Vestiges de l'Homme en Amérique. Revue des Questions Scientifiques. Bruxelles. REMAINS, HUMAN, ANCIENT, AMERICA, [ARME]
de Nadaillac, Marquis 1892 Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples. Translated by Nancy Bell [N. D'Anvers]. New York: G. P. Putnam, Vide pp. 257 ff. MANNERS, MONUMENTS, PREHISTORIC, [CRAN]
de Nadaillac, Marquis 1900 Les Trepanations Préhistoriques. Revue des Questions Scientifiques de Louvain. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
de Paiva-Boléo, J. 1974 [History of Tooth Extraction from Antiquity to Modern Times.]. [French]. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) (108):575-595. DENTAL EXTRACTION, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Dentistry-17-06-08275]
de Pancorbo, M. M., A. Castro, S. Alonso, I. Fernandez-Fernandez, C. Barbero, A. Garcia-Orad, N. Izaguirre, M. Iriondo, and C. de la Rua 1995 Genetic Typing with HUMTH01, HUMVWA31A and HUMFES/FPS Short Tandem Repeat Loci, D1S80 Variable Number Tandem Repeat Locus and HLA-DQ Alpha of Recent and from XII-XIII Centuries Spongy Bone. Electrophoresis 16(9):1612-1626. BONE, SPONGY BONE, GENETIC TYPING, HLA-DQ ANTIGENS, [NDX-PALEOPATHOLOGY-ON-LINE-ENTRY-MONTH-95-07-THRU-96-05]
de Rivero, M. 1857 Sur les Yeux des Momies Péruviennes. [Abstract]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 44:517. MUMMIES, PERU, ABSTRACT, [LSG2-Mummies]
de Rosemont 1916 Embaumement chez les Anciens. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'Etranger 2:525-529. EMBALMING, ANCIENT, [LSG3-Embalming history]
De Rouffignac, C. 1985 Parasite Egg Survival and Identification from Hibernia Wharf, Southwark London Archaeologist 5:103-105. PARASITISM, PARASITE OVUM, HIBERNIA WHARF, SOUTHWARK, [CWHM-1986-130-#1484 & ARME]
De Rouffignac, C. 1987 Medieval Man and His Worms. Biologist (London) 34:187-190. PARASITISM, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1988-138-#1443]
de Saint-Périer, R. 1914 Lésions Osseues d'un Squelette d'Enfant Trouvé dans un Milieu Gallo-Romain. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(Série 6):31-36. BONE, LESION, GALLO-ROMAN, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
de Saint-Périer, R. 1925 Les Armes et les Blessures Préhistoriques. Progrès Médical (Paris) 40(Supplement, Illustrated):81-85. WOUND, WEAPON, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Surgery prehistoric & primitive]
de Sevelinges 1759 Observations sur les Effets de la Momie d'Egypte. Journal de Médecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, Etc 11:224-227. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [LSG1-Mummies]
De Silva, P. Ariyaratne, and Michael G. Gomez 1994 The History of Venereal Disease and Yaws (Parangi) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Genitourinary Medicine 70(5):349-354. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS (PARANGI), VENEREAL DISEASE, HISTORY, SRI LANKA (CEYLON), [JRNL]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1981 Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery. Pharmacy International 2(October):217-219. ENEMA SCENE, MAYA POTTERY, [CWHM-1982-112-#0545]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1981 South American Ritual Anadenanthera Enemas. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 116:1187-1191. ENEMA, ANADENANTHERA, RITUAL, SOUTH AMERICA, [CWHM-1982-112-#0546]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1983 A Multidisciplinary Overview of Intoxicating Enema Rituals in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 9:129-166. HALLUCINOGEN, ENEMA, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1985-124-#0493]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1985 A Multidisciplinary Overview of Intoxicating Snuff Rituals in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 13:3-49. HALLUCINOGEN, SNUFF, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1985-125-#1918]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1985 Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Americas. Latin America Studies 33. Dordrecht, Holland: Foris Publications. ENEMA, SNUFF, NEW WORLD, RITUAL USE, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1994-3:226 & MELVYL]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1987 Supplementary Data in Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 19:327-331. HALLUCINOGEN, ENEMA, SNUFF, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1988-135-#0575]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1988 Rituels de Drogue sur la Poterie Maya à Berlin-Ouest. Organorama 2:8-14. DRUG, RITUAL, MAYA, SCENE ON POTTERY, [CWHM-1993-157-#0037]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1993 An Introduction to Herbal Pharmacoepidemiology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 38(2-3):197-208. PHARMACOLOGY, [CWHM-1993-158-#0052]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M., and N. M. Hellmuth 1986 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ritual Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 16:213-262. ENEMA, RITUAL, MAYA, SCENE ON POTTERY, [CWHM-1987-131-#0623]
de Stefano, G. F., and Roberto Macchiarelli 1979 Variétés: Traits Discontinus dans un Echantillon de Crânes d'Habitants de la Terre de Feu. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 83:105-108. SKULL, VARIATION, TERRA DEL FUEGO, [JRNL]
De Terra, Helmut 1937 The Siwaliks of India and Early Man. Early Man International Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Natural Science, pp. 257-268. PATHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, SIWALIKS, EARLY MAN, INDIA, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology & CRAN]
De Terra, Helmut, Javier Romero, and T. Dale Stewart 1949 Tepexpan Man. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, Number 11. New York: The Viking Fund, Inc. TEPEXPAN MAN, [BOOK & CRAN]
de Toni, G. 1972 [Origins, Significance and History of Circumcision in The Customs and Religion of Various Peoples. Why Rescue It from Oblivion?]. [Italian]. Minerva Pediatrica 24:1021-1039. CIRCUMCISION, HISTORY, [NDX-Circumcision history-14-05-04425]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1974 The Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):475. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1974 The Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, pp. 6-7. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1976 New Evidence Concerning the Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):174. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1977 The Percentage of Calcium and Phosphorus in Human Bone as Diagnostic of Severe Hypothyroidism. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:338-346. HYPOTHYROIDISM, PHOSPHORUS, CALCIUM, PERCENTAGE, DIAGNOSTIC, [JRNL]
de Villiers, Hertha, and M. L. Wilson 1982 Human Burials from Byneskranskop, Bredasdrop District, Cape Province, South Africa. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:13.]. Annals of the South African Museum/Annales van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 88(2):205-248. BURIAL, BYNESKRANSKOP, BREDASDROP DISTRICT, CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
De Vito, Carol, and Shelley R. Saunders 1990 A Discriminant Function Analysis of Deciduous Teeth to Determine Sex. Journal of Forensic Sciences 35(4):845-858. SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, [JRNL]
De Vries, Andre 1977 History of Gout. Including Comments from an Illustrious Timeless Gathering. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 76A:1-12. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout history-18-10-07709]
De Vries, Andre, and Abraham Weinberger 1975 King Asa's Presumed Gout: Twentieth Century A.D. Discussion of Ninth Century B.C. Biblical Patient. New York State Journal of Medicine 75(3):452-455. GOUT, KING ASA, NINTH CENTURY, BIBLE, [JRNL]
De Vries, Jan 1984 European Urbanization, 1500-1800. London: Methuen. DEMOGRAPHY, URBANIZATION, EUROPE 1500-1800, [MASCA-1992-9:041 & MELVYL]
De Vries, R. R. P. 1978 The Epidemic at Voorzorg. [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 122:1851-1853. TYPHUS, VOORZORG 1845, [CWHM-1980-103-#1919]
Deagan, Kathleen A. 1984 Their Number Become Thinned: Native American Population Dynamics in Eastern North America. By Henry F. Dobyns. 1983. Knoxville, Tennessee: The University of Tennessee Press. [Review]. Historical Quarterly 63:212-215. REVIEW OF, DOBYNS; H. F., 1983, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1990-43:11 & MELVYL]
Deagan, Kathleen A. 1990 Accommodation and Resistance. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 2. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands East. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 297-314. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, ACCOMMODATION, RESISTANCE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:289]
Dean, G. 1975 The Curse of the Pharaohs. World Medicine 10(18):17-21. HISTOPLASMOSIS, EGYPT, [CWHM-1975-087-#0655]
Dean, Geoffrey 1968 Royal Malady. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 1(5589):443. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, LETTER, [JRNL

Dean, Geoffrey 1968 Royal Malady. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 2(5599):243-244. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, LETTER, [JRNL

Dean, Glenna 1993 Use of Pollen Concentrations in Coprolite Analysis: An Archaeobotanical Viewpoint with a Comment to Reinhard, et al. (1991). Journal of Ethnobiology 13(1):102-114. COPROLITE, POLLEN, [CWHM-1994-160-#0027]
Dean, H. Trendley 1934 Classification of Mottled Enamel Diagnosis. Journal of the American Dental Association 21(8):1421-1426 DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, MOTTLING, DIAGNOSIS, CLASSIFICATION, [JRNL]
Dean, Jeffrey S., Robert C. Euler, George J. Gumerman, Fred Plog, Richard H. Hevly, and Thor N. V. Karlstrom 1985 Human Behavior, Demography, and Paleoenvironment on the Colorado Plateaus. American Antiquity 50(3):537-554. DEMOGRAPHY, COLORADO, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C. 1985 The Eruption Pattern of Permanent Incisors and First Permanent Molars in Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 67(3):251-257. DENTAL ERUPTION, HOMINID, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C., and A. D. Beynon 1991 Tooth Crown Heights, Tooth Wear, Sexual Dimorphism and Jaw Growth in Hominoids. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 78(3):425-440. DENTITION, HOMINOID, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:163]
Dean, M. C., A. D. Beynon, D. J. Reid, and D. K. Whittaker 1993 A Longitudinal Study of Tooth Growth in a Single Individual Based on Long- and Short-Period Incremental Markings in Dentine and Enamel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3:249-264. DENTITION, TOOTH GROWTH, LONGITUDINAL STUDY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:357]
Dean, M. C., and A. E. Scandrett 1995 Rates of Dentine Mineralization in Permanent Human Teeth. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(4):349-358. DENTITION, PERMANENT, TETRACYCLINE, DENTINE MINERALIZATION RATE, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C., C. B. Stringer, and T. G. Bromage 1986 Age at Death of the Neanderthal Child from Devil's Tower, Gibraltar and the Implications for Studies of General Growth and Development in Neanderthals. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(3):301-309. DENTITION, AGE ASSESSMENT, CHILD, GIBRALTAR, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1993 Induced Changes in Sinus and Meningeal Vessel Patterns Due to Artificial Cranial Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:79. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CHANGE, SINUS, MENINGEAL VESSEL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1994 Comparative Endocranial Effects of Craniosynostosis and Artificial Cranial Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:77. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, ENDOCRANIAL EFFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1995 Effects of Cultural Cranial Deformation and Craniosynostosis on Cranial Venous Sinus and Middle Meningeal Vessel Pattern Expression. [Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(7):2751-A, University Microfilms order number #DA9539949.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 95:18.]. DISSERTATION, SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, SINUS, MENINGEAL VESSEL PATTERN, [PPNL-1996-95:18]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1995 Sinus and Meningeal Vessel Pattern Changes Induced by Artificial Cranial Deformation: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(1):1-14. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SINUS; VENOUS, VESSEL; MENINGEAL, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1996 Effects of Cultural Cranial Deformation on the Expression of Cranial Venous Sinus Patterns. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:94. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SINUS PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Deas, V. J. 1992 Ante-Mortem Tooth Loss and Dental Health at Poundbury Camp, Dorchester, Dorset. [Dissertation, Kings College, University of London]. DISSERTATION, DENTITION, POUNDBURY CAMP, DORCHESTER, DORSET, ENGLAND, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:669]
Debeaux, P. 1973 Hemotypological Study of Ancient Remains. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by R. Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:9. REMAINS, HUMAN, HEMOTYPOLOGY, ANCIENT, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Debets, G. F. 1955 Paleoanthropological Find in Kostenki. Sovetskaya Ethografiya 1:43-53. PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, KOSTENKI, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
Debets, G. F. 1955 Skeletons in the Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) Cemetery at Voloschkoyo. Sovetskaya Ethografiya 3:62-73. CEMETERY, MESOLITHIC, VOLOSCHKOYO, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
DeBlecourt, J. J., A. Polman, and T. DeBlecourt-Meindersman 1961 Hereditary Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 20:215-223. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, HEREDITY, [STEINBOCK-1976:312]
DeBoer, Warren 1985 Comment on "Demographic Estimates in Archaeology: Contributions from Ethnoarchaeology on Mesoamerican Peasants." [See Charles C. Kolb, 1985.]. Current Anthropology 26(5):591-592. DEMOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY, MESOAMERICA, [JRNL]
Debruyn, John R. 1990 Journal of a Plague Year: Arthur Helps, Stephen Spring-Rice, John Simon and the Health Fund for London, 1853-54. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 148(2):217-223. PLAGUE, LONDON, [CWHM-1993-158-#0345]
Dechaume, M. 1938 Lesions Buccales, Dentaires et Maxillaires dans les Maladies Professionnelles. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles: Hygiène et Toxicologie Industrielles 1:200-220. LESION, DENTAL, BUCCAL, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Decio, F. Carlo 1900 La Peste in Milano, nell'Anno 1451. [The Plague at Milan in the Year 1451.]. Milan. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MILAN, 1451, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Decker, F. H., and M. G. Bohrod 1939 Medullary Artefacts in Prehistoric Bones. American Journal of Roentgenology 42:374-375. BONE, MEDULLARY ARTIFACT, PREHISTORIC, [QCIM-1939-26:0386 & ARME]
Decker, J. F. 1989 Scurvy at York: A Dread Affliction Lingered at the Bay. Beaver (Winnepeg) 69(1):42-48. SCURVY, YORK, [CWHM-1989-141-#2012]
Decker, Kenneth W. 1986 Isotopic and Chemical Reconstruction of Diet and Its Biological and Social Dimensions at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. Paper Presented at the 51st Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, [ISCAN-1989:257]
Decker, Kenneth W., and Larry L. Tieszen 1989 Isotopic Reconstruction of Mesa Verde Diet from Basketmaker III to Pueblo III. Kiva 55(1):33-46. NUTRITION, BASKETMAKER III TO PUEBLO III, MESA VERDE, [JRNL]
Decorse, D. J. 1905 Le Tatouage, les Mutilations Ethniques et la Parure chez les Populations du Soudan. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 16:129. MUTILATION, ETHNIC, [ARME]
Dededind, A. 1896 A Novel Use for Röntgen Rays. British Journal of Photography 43:131. RADIOLOGY, NOVEL USE, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Deegan, M., and S. Rubin 1988 Written in Bones: Palaeopathology and Anglo-Saxon Medicine. Archaeology Today 9(1):40-45. MEDICINE, ANGLO-SAXON, [CWHM-1989-140-#0083]
Deelder, A. M., R. L. Miller, N. de Jonge, and F. W. Krijer 1990 Detection of Schistosome Antigen in Mummies. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 335(8691):724-725. MUMMIES, SCHISTOSOME ANTIGEN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Deeley, Thomas J. 1983 A Brief History of Cancer. Clinical Radiology 34(6):597-608. NEOPLASM, CANCER, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Deeley, W. S. 1976 Diet Caused Early Man's Dental Ills. Dental Student 54(8):102-104. DENTAL DISEASE, DIET, ANCIENT, MAN, [BHM-15:479 & ARME]
Deeley, W. S. 1976 Greeks, Romans Applied Science to Knowledge of the Oral Cavity. Dental Student 54(9):38-40. DENTISTRY, GREEK, ROMAN, [CWHM-1981-108-#0437]
Deetz, James, and Edwin N. Dethlefsen 1971 Some Social Aspects of New England Colonial Mortuary Art. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):30-38. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Deetz, James, and Edwin N. Dethlefsen 1971 Some Social Aspects of New England Colonial Mortuary Art. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology 25:30-38. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Deevey, E. S. 1969 Specific Diversity in Fossil Assemblages. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 22:224. FOSSIL, DIVERSITY, ASSEMBLAGES, [ARME]
Defleur, Alban, Olivier Dutour, Hélène Valladas, and Bernard Vandermeersch 1993 Cannibals Among the Neanderthals? [Letter]. Nature (London) 362(6417):214. CANNIBALISM, NEANDERTAL, LETTER, [JRNL]
Defoe, Daniel 1754 The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665. Containing, Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, both Public and Private, that Happened During that Dreadful Period. London: F. and J. Noble. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL & NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Defoe, Daniel 1800 The History of the Plague in London, in 1665. Philadelphia: Printed by B. & J. Johnson, Number 147 High-Street. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1800? Pathetic History of the Plague in London, in the Year 1665: Whereof Three Thousand Died in One Night, and an Hundred Thousand Taken Sick. [Eight Lines of Verse.]. Charlestown, Massachusetts: Printed and sold by J. White, Charlestown. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1803 A Pathetic History of the Plague in London in the Year 1665. To Which Is Here Added, an Account of the Surprising Revivals of Religion in a Number of Towns in the New-England States, and also in Nova-Scotia.... Worcester, Massachusetts: Daniel Greenleaf. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1819 The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665: Containing Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, Both Public and Private, That Happened During That Dreadful Period. London: Printed by H. Teape for John Offor. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1824 An Abridgment of The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665. By a Citizen, Who Lived the Whole Time in London. Together with an Account of the Fire in 1666; from the Memoirs of Evelyn. A New Edition. London: C. and J. Rivington. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1832 The History of the Great Plague in London in the Year 1665, Containing Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, Both Public and Private, During That Dreadful Period. A New Edition. London: Renshaw and Rush. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1857 The History of the Plague of London: Together with, Religious Courtship. New York: Derby & Jackson. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1889 History of the Plague in London, 1665. With preface by Sir Walter Scott. London: G. Bell. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1894 History of the Plague in London. New York, Cincinnati, etc.: American Book Co. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, [MELVYL]
Deftos, L. J. 1990 Calcitonin. In: M. J. Favus, ed. Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kelleysville, California: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, pp. 53-55. CALCITONIN, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:047]
Degens, Egon T., Stanley W. Watson, and Charles C. Remsen 1970 Fossil Membranes and Cell Wall Fragments from a 7000-Year-Old Black Sea Sediment. Science 168(3936):1207-1208. CELL, WALL FRAGMENT, FOSSIL, MEMBRANE, [JRNL]
Degerbol, M. 1964 Outline of History of Human Race. Nordisk Medicin 71:604. HISTORY, HUMAN RACE, [ARME]
Deiber, A. 1904 Clément d'Alexandrie et l'Egypte. Mémoires Publiés par les Membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Volume 10. MEMOIRS, CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Deichgräber, K. 1971 [The Greek Physicians' Graciosity.]. [German]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 96:841-845. PHYSICIAN, PATIENT, HISTORY, [NDX-Physician Patient history-12-02-07390]
Deines, H. von 1956 Mutter der Menschen. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin Inst Orientforsch Mitteilungen 4:27:39. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Deines, H. von 1959 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 6. Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Drogennamen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deines, H. von, and W. Westendorf 1961 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 7, Part 1. Wörterbuch der Medizinischen Texte. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deines, H. von, and W. Westendorf 1962 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 7, Part 2. Wörterbuch der Medizinischen Texte. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deitrick, L. 1980 The Occurrence and Interpretation of Trauma at the Larson Site, 39WW2, Walworth County, South Dakota. [Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville]. TRAUMA, LARSON SITE, SOUTH DAKOTA, [DRY BONES:215]
DeJarnette, D. L., and S. B. Wimberly 1941 The Bessemer Site: Excavation of Three Mounds and Surrounding Village Areas Near Bessemer, Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum Paper 17. ARCHAEOLOGY, BESSEMER SITE, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:213]
Dekeyser, L. 1912 Quelques Considérations sur les Léproseries Belges du Moyen Age. Journal Médical de Bruxelles 17:187;201;235. LEPROSY, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Dekin, Albert A., Jr. 1984 Retrospect and Prospect: Archaeology. In: The Frozen Family from the Utqiagvik Site, Barrow, Alaska: Papers from a Symposium. Arctic Anthropology 21(1):149-151. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Dekin, Albert A., Jr. 1987 Sealed in Time: Ice Entombed an Eskimo Family for Five Centuries. National Geographic 171(6):824-836. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, [JRNL]
Del Guerra, Giorgio 1970 I Primi Documenti Quattrocenteschi sulla Sifilide e le Lezioni Pisane di Luca Ghini, Secolo XVI. Pisa: Giardini. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
del Portillo 1911 Período Prehistórico en la Historia de la Sífilis. Revista Española de Dermatología y Sifiliografía 13:121-128. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Del Pozo, E. C. 1964 [The Next Spanish Edition of the Aztec Herbarium by Martin de la Cruz and Juan Badiano.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 94:231-233. HERBARIUM, AZTEC, [NDX-History of Medicine 16th century-05-03-01861]
Del Pozzo, Giovanna, and John Guardiola 1989 Mummy DNA Fragment Identified. [Letter]. Nature (London) 339(6224):431-432. MUMMIES, DNA, LETTER, [JRNL]
Del Rio Garcia, C., and D. Pinto Uchoa 1980 Um Sambaqui do Litoral do Estado de Sao Paulo. [A Shell Mound on the Coast of the State of Sao Paulo]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 36:16.]. Revista de Pré-História 1980:11-84. MIDDEN, SHELL, SAO PAULO, [PPNL-1981-36:16]
Delaire, J., and J. Billet 1964 Considérations sur les Déformations Crâniennes Intentionelles. Revue de Stomatologie 65:535-541. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [AJPA-1980-52:500]
Delamonthe, Tony 1991 Aboriginal Skeletons in the Closet: Time To Send Them Home. [See also F. C. L. Allen, 1992.]. [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 303(6817):1564. REPATRIATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Delannoy, Y. 1977 Une Epidémie de Choléra à Enghien (1849). Annales du Cercle Archéologique d'Enghien 18:279-307. CHOLERA, ENGHIEN 1849, [CWHM-1980-105-#0290]
Delaporte, François 1991 The History of Yellow Fever: An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press. [See review by Anonymous, 1992.]. TROPICAL MEDICINE, YELLOW FEVER, HISTORY, [MED-HIST-1992-36:360]
Delattre, A. 1967 Vestibular Orientation of Skulls By Radiologic Method. Journal of Science and Medicine 85:219. SKULL, VESTIBULAR ORIENTATION, RADIOLOGY, []
Delfino, A. 1948 Alteraciones Dentomaxilares Intencionales de Carácter Etnico. Nueva Classification. Revista del Museo de La Plata, Nueva Serie, Tomo R, Antropologia 4:93-116. DENTAL ALTERATION, INTENTIONAL, NEW CLASSIFICATION, [ARME]
Deligny, L. 1891 Des Epidemies et en Particulier de la Grande Peste du XVIIe Siecle en Lorraine. Nancy: Berger-Levrault. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LORRAINE, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [MELVYL]
Delisle, Fernand 1880 Contribution à l'Etude des Déformations Artificielles du Crâne. [Dissertation]. Paris: A. Parent. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [MELVYL]
Delisle, Fernand 1889 Sur les Déformations Artificielles du Crâne dans les Deux-Sèvres et la Haute-Garonne. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 12(Série 3):649-669. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, FRANCE, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed & ARME]
Delisle, Fernand 1892 La Déformation Artificielle du Crâne chez les Tribus Indiennes du Nord-Quest des Etats-Unis et de la Colombie Britannique. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Americanists (Paris, 1890) 1:300-334. SKULL, DEFORMATION, NORTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Delisle, Fernand 1902 Les Déformations Artificielles du Crâne en France: Carte de Leur Distribution. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 5):111-167. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, FRANCE, DISTRIBUTION OF, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities artifical & ARME]
Dell'Arco, Mario 1952 La Peste a Roma. Roma: Bardi. PLAGUE, HISTORY, ROME, [MELVYL]
Dellenius, Julianne A. 1912 Das Scheitelbein unter dem Einfluss der Fronto-Occipitalen Schädeldeformation. Ein Beitrag zur Somatischen Anthropologie der Calchaquístämme. Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 11(N.F.):113-139. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, SOUTH AMERICA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):601]
Dellenius, Julianne A. 1912 La Verdadera Forma del Cráneo Calchaquí Deformado. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Americanists (Part 1, Buenos Aires, 1910) 1:150-154. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [JRNL]
Delling, G. 1991 Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen: Erinnerung Anlasslich des 100. Jahrestags Seiner Publikation "Die Fibrose oder Deformirende Ostitis, die Osteomalacie und die Osteoplastische Carcinose in Ihren Gegenseitigen Beziehungen". Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 116(51-52):1976-1979. BIOGRAPHY, RECKLINGHAUSEN; FRIEDRICH DANIEL VON, [CWHM-1992-154-#1058]
Delorenzi, Enzo, and Renato R. Grilletto 1989 Le Mummie del Museo Egizio di Torino: N. 13001 13026 Indagine Antropo-Radiologica. Milano: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino La Goliardica. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 71:15.]. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [PPNL-1990-71:15 & MELVYL]
Delorenzi, Enzo, and Maurizio Mancini 1973 Radiological Observations on the Mummies of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 49. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Delorenzi, Enzo, and Maurizio Mancini 1973 Radiological Observations on the Mummies of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. Journal of Human Evolution 2:49. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOGRAPHY, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:49]
Deloria, Vine, Jr. 1989 A Simple Question of Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of the Reburial Issue. N A R F Legal Review/Native American Rights Fund 14(2):1-12. REPATRIATION, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:024]
Deloria, Vine, Jr. 1992 Indians, Archaeologists, and the Future. American Antiquity 57(4):595-598. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Delson, Eric 1988 One Source Not Many. Nature (London) 332(6161):206. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Deluca, M. 1988 Patterns of Degenerative Joint Disease of the Proximal Ulna in Prehistoric North Alabama. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):203. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, PROXIMAL ULNA, PREHISTORIC, NORTH ALABAMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Delvincourt, and Baudet 1905 Découverte d'une Double Trépanation Préhistorique à Montigny-sur-Crécy, Canton de Crécy-sur-Serre (Aisne). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série 5):207-209. TREPHINATION, AISNE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Demaitre, Luke 1985 The Description and Diagnosis of Leprosy by Fourteenth-Century Physicians. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 59(3):327-344. LEPROSY, DESCRIPTION, DIAGNOSIS, FOURTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Demarest, Arthur A. 1984 Overview: Mesoamerican Human Sacrifice in Evolutionary Perspective. In: Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 227-247. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, MESOAMERICAN, [BOOK]
Dembo, Adolfo 1937 La Decoración Dentaria en la América Aborigen. Revista Geográfica Americana, Año 4 7:95-100. DENTAL DECORATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):600]
Dembo, Adolfo 1937 Sobre un Cráneo de la Patagonia con Mutilación Dentaria. Gaea, Anales de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos 5:345-347. DENTAL MUTILATION, PATAGONIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:600 & ARME]
Dembo, Adolfo 1937 La Ténica de las Mutilaciones Dentarias en la América Precolumbiana. Revista Geográfica Americana, Año 4 8:195-202. DENTAL MUTILATION, TECHNIQUE, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):600]
Dembo, Adolfo 1938 La Decoración Dentaria en la América Aborígen. Las Referencias de los Cronistas Ampliamente Confirmados por los Hallazgos Arquelógicos. Anales de la Sociedad Geográfia e Historia de Guatemala 15(2):231-236. DENTAL MUTILATION, TECHNIQUE, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [METRESS-1974:060 & ARME]
Dembo, Adolfo 1938 La Técnica de las Mutilaciones Dentarias en la América Precolombia. Revista del Círculo Odontológico del Rosario, Argentina Enero-Marzo:1-11. DENTAL MUTILATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [ARME & AN-INAH-1947-2:9]
Dembo, Adolfo 1939 Mutilaciones Dentarias Entre los Aborígenes de la Republica Argentina y Regiones Vecinas. Physis (Buenos Aires) 48(Tomo 16):315-363. DENTAL MUTILATION, ARGENTINA, [ARME]
Dembo, Adolfo, and José Imbelloni 1938 Deformaciones Intencionales del Cuerpo Humano de Carácter Etnico. [Intentional Deformations of the Human Body of Ethnic Character.]. Humanior, Biblioteca del Americanista Moderno. Buenos-Aires, Argentina: José Anesi. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ETHNIC CHARACTER, [BOOK & SORENSON 1990-D-084 & COURY 1969:336 & ARME]
Dembo, Adolfo, and O. L. Paulotti 1942 Dos Mujeres Izozo con Mutilaciones Dentarias Intencionales. Consideraciones sobre la Técnica Significado y Difusión del Aguzamiento en Sud América. Relaciones de la Sociedad de la Argentina de Antropología 3:157-172. DENTAL MUTILATION, INTENTIONAL, FEMALE, [METRESS-1974:060 & ARME]
Dembo, Adolfo, O. L. Paulotti, and A. Billinghurst 1949 Criterios para la Diagnósis de las Mutilaciones Dentarias Intencionales. Runa 2:139-147. DENTAL MUTILATION, INTENTIONAL, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, [ARME]
Demeny, P. 1968 Early Fertility Decline in Austria-Hungary: A Lesson in Demographic Transition. Daedalus 1968(Spring):502-522. DEMOGRAPHY, FERTILITY DECLINE, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, [MASCA-1992-9:011]
Demirjian, A., H. Goldstein, and J. M. Tanner 1973 A New System of Dental Age Assessment. Human Biology 45(2):211-227. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Dempster, J. H. 1928 Prehistoric Disease. Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society 27:95-99. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [QCIM-1928-03-0286]
Deneke, J. F. 1984 Preventive Measures Against Infanticide in the 19th Century. Krankenpflege Journal 22(5):36-38. INFANTICIDE, PREVENTION, GERMANY, [CWHM-1985-123-#0838]
Denevan, William M. 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):429. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Denevan, William M. 1970 The Aboriginal Population of Tropical America: Problems and Methods of Estimation. In: Paul Deprez, ed. Population and Economics: Proceedings of Section V (Historical Demography Section) of the Fourth Congress of the International Economic History Association (Bloomington, Indiana, 1968). Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba Press, pp. 251-269. DEMOGRAPHY, TROPICAL AMERICA, METHODOLOGY, PROBLEMS, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:308 & MELVYL]
Denevan, William M. 1970 The Aboriginal Population of Western Amazonia in Relation to Habitat and Subsistence. Revista Geográfica (Rio De Janeiro) 72:61-86. DEMOGRAPHY, HABITAT, SUBSISTENCE, AMAZONIA, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:308]
Denevan, William M. 1976 The Aboriginal Population of Amazonia. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 205-234. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, AMAZONIA, [BOOK]
Denevan, William M. 1976 Preface. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. xvii-xix. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, PREFACE, [BOOK]
Denevan, William M., ed. 1976 The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, [BOOK]
Denevan, William M., ed. 1992 The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. 2nd Edition. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:11.]. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, [PPNL-1993-83:11]
Denham, Woodrow W. 1974 Population Structure, Infant Transport, and Infanticide Among Pleistocene and Modern Hunter-Gatherers. Journal of Anthropological Research 30(3):191-198. INFANTICIDE, HUNTER-GATHERER, PLEISTOCENE, MODERN, [JRNL]
DeNiro, Michael J. 1985 Postmortem Preservation and Alteration of In Vivo Bone Collagen Isotope Ratios in Relation to Palaeodietary Reconstruction. Nature (London) 317(6040):806-809. NUTRITION, BONE, COLLAGEN, ISOTOPE, [JRNL]
DeNiro, Michael J. 1987 Stable Isotopy and Archaeology. American Scientist 75(2):182-191. STABLE ISOTOPY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
DeNiro, Michael J., and S. Epstein 1978 Influence of Diet on the Distribution of Nitrogen Isotopes in Animals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 42:495-506. ISOTOPE, NITROGEN, DISTRIBUTION, INFLUENCE OF DIET, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:761]
DeNiro, Michael J., and S. Epstein 1981 Influence of Diet on the Distribution of Nitrogen Isotopes in Animals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 45:341-351. ISOTOPE, NITROGEN, DISTRIBUTION, INFLUENCE OF DIET, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:467]
DeNiro, Michael J., and Christine A. Hastorf 1985 Alteration of 15N/14N and 13C/12C Ratios of Plant Matter During the Initial Stages of Diagenesis: Studies Utilizing Archaeological Specimens from Peru. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 49:97-115. DIAGENESIS, PLANT MATTER, 15N/14N AND 13C/12C RATIO, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:409]
DeNiro, Michael J., and Margaret J. Schoeninger 1983 Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Bone Collagen: Variations Within Individuals, Between Sexes, and Within Populations Raised on Monotonous Diets. Journal of Archaeological Science 10(3):199-203. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN CARBON-13/CARBON-12 AND NITROGEN-15/NITROGEN-14 RATIOS, NATURAL VARIABILITY, MASS SPECTROMETRY, [JRNL]
DeNiro, Michael J., Margaret J. Schoeninger, and Christine A. Hastorf 1985 Effect of Heating on the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Bone Collagen. Journal of Archaeological Science 12(1):1-7. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN, CARBON, NITROGEN, ISOTOPE RATIO, HEATING EFFECT, [JRNL]
DeNiro, Michael J., and S. Weiner 1988 Chemical, Enzymatic and Spectroscopic Characterization of "Collagen" and Other Organic Fractions from Prehistoric Bone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52:2197-2206. BONE COLLAGEN, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:118]
DeNiro, Michael J., and S. Weiner 1988 Organic Matter Within Crystalline Aggregates of Hydroxyapatite: A New Substrate for Stable Isotopic and Possibly Other Biogeochemical Analyses of Bone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52:2415-2423. BONE, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:118]
DeNiro, Michael J., and S. Weiner 1988 Use of Collagenase to Purify Collagen from Prehistoric Bones for Stable Isotopic Analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52:2425-2431. BONE COLLAGEN, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:118]
Denko, Charles W. 1993 Jack London: A Modern Analysis of His Mysterious Disease. Journal of Rheumatology 20(10):1760-1763. LONDON, JACK, DISEASE, MYSTERIOUS, [JRNL]
Dennell, R. W. 1979 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition: Some Food for Thought. World Archaeology 11(2):121-135. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Dennie, Charles D. 1962 A History of Syphilis. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [PPNL-1980-32:8 & ARME]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1931 Cervical Ribs: A Prehistoric Example. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 16(2):211-214. RIB, CERVICAL, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1931 Osteitis Fibrosa in a Skeleton of a Prehistoric American Indian. Archives of Pathology 11:939-944. OSTEITIS FIBROSA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [STEINBOCK-1976:398 & ARME]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1931 Osteitis Fibrosa in a Skeleton of a Prehistoric American Indian. Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society 13:408-418. OSTEITIS FIBROSA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1933 Palaeopathological Evidence of Paget's Disease. Annals of Medical History 5:73-81. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE, [QCIM-1933-13:0361 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:254]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1935 Prehistoric Syphilitic Lesions. Example from North America. Southwestern Medical Journal 19:202-204. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LESION, PREHISTORIC, [STEINBOCK-1976:161 & ARME]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1938 Syphilis of a Pueblo Skull Before 1350. Archives of Pathology 26:724-727. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKULL, PUEBLO, TWELFTH CENTURY, [STEINBOCK-1976:161 & ARME]
Denninger, Henri Stearns 1967 Osteitis Fibrosa in a Skeleton of a Prehistoric American Indian. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 371-377. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, OSTEITIS FIBROSA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Dennis, Wayne, and Marsena Galbreath Dennis 1940 Cradles and Cradling Practices of the Pueblo Indians. American Anthropologist 42(1):107-115. CRADLE, CRADLING PRACTICE, PUEBLO INDIAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Dennis, Wayne, and Marsena Galbreath Dennis 1991 The Effect of Cradling Practices Upon the Onset of Walking in Hopi Children. [1940, Classic Article]. Journal of Genetic Psychology 152(4):563-572. CRADLING PRACTICE, WALKING, HOPI, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1992-156-#1065]
Dennison, J. 1979 Citrate Estimation as a Means of Determining the Sex of Human Skeletal Material. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 14:136-143. SEX ASSESSMENT, CITRATE ESTIMATION METHOD, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:107]
Dennison, K. J., and P. Houghton 1986 Amino-Acids in Archaeological Bone 2. Journal of Archaeological Science 13(5):393-402. BONE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AMINO-ACID IN, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CRIBRA ORBITALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA, [JRNL]
Denny, H. 1871 Notice of the Discovery of a Pair of Ancient Shoes and a Human Skeleton in the Peat Moss on Austwick Common, near Claphan, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of West Riding of Yorkshire 5:162-178. BOG BODIES, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Denolin, H. 1985 [History of Coronary Disease and Its Therapy.]. Cardiologia (Rome) 30(1):9-13. CORONARY DISEASE, HISTORY, THERAPY, [MEDL]
Denon, V. 1803 Reisen Durch Ober- und Unter-Ägypten und Bonaparte's Feldzügen. Berlin und Hamburg. EGYPT, BONAPARTE, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Denston, C. B. 1967-1968 The Cremations. In: J. W. Marriott. A Bronze Age Burial Site at Kinneil Mill, Stirlingshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 100:96-99. CREMATION, KINNEIL MILL SITE, BRONZE AGE, [PACT-19:047]
Denston, C. B. 1976 The Human Remains. In: I. M. Stead. Excavations at Winterton Roman Villa and Other Roman Sites in North Lincolnshire. London: HSMO, pp. 290-300. REMAINS, HUMAN, LINCOLNSHIRE, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Denston, C. B. 1981 The Cremated Bone. In: N. M. Sharples. The Excavation of a Chambered Cairn, the Ord North, at Lairg, Sutherland by J. Z. W. P. Corcoran. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 111:48-52. CREMATION, SUTHERLAND, [PACT-19:047]
Dent, C. E. 1968 Royal Malady. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 2(5597):118-119. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, LETTER, [JRNL

Dent, J. A. 1968 Discovery of Prehistoric Cemetery Reveals Sick Indians. 77:792. DISEASE, CEMETERY, PREHISTORIC, INDIAN, [ARME]

DePalma, A. F., and R. H. Rothman 1992 The Classic: The Nature of Pseudoarthrosis. 1968. Classical Article. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 284:3-9. ARTHROSIS, PSEUDOARTHROSIS, [JRNL]
Depew, M. J. 1992 Rare Endocranial Lesion of an Archaeologically Derived Individual from Santa Catalina Island, California. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:69. LESION, SKULL, ENDOCRANIAL, SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Depew, M. J., and T. Nagata 1994 Supplementing Our Understanding of Adult Human Trabecular Bone in Health and Disease Through Scanning Electron Microscopy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:79-80. BONE, TRABECULAR BONE, DISEASE, HEALTH, SEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
DePratter, Chester B. 1983 Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Chiefdoms in the Southeastern United States. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens]. DISSERTATION, CHIEFDOMS, SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:194 & STATUS & HEALTH ...:213]
Deprez, Paul, ed. 1970 Population and Economics: Proceedings of Section V (Historical Demography Section) of the Fourth Congress of the International Economic History Association (Bloomington, Indiana, 1968). Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba Press. DEMOGRAPHY, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:308 & MELVYL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1975 Bone and Ageing. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 34:100-115. BONE, AGING, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1977 Arthritis in Flemish Paintings (1400-1700). [See also Dequeker, Jan V., 1987, Abstract.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. British Medical Journal 1(6070):1203-1205. ARTHRITIS, FLEMISH, ART, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1979 Rheumatism in the Art of the Late Middle Ages. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. Organorama 16:9-19. RHEUMATISM, MIDDLE AGES, ART, [ZAGREB-1988:221]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1981 Polymyalgia Rheumatica with Temporal Arteritis, as Painted by Jan Van Eyck in 1436. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 36:16; 1983, 44:12.]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 124(12):1597-1598. RHEUMATISM, POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA, TEMPORAL ARTERITIS, ART, VAN EYCK, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1984 Arthritis in the Paintings of Sandro Botticelli. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 27(10):1196-1197. ARTHRITIS, ART, SANDRO BOTTICELLI, LETTER, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1987 Arthritis in Flemish Paintings. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):205. ARTHRITIS, ART, FLEMISH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1987 Rheumatic Diseases in Visual Arts. In: T. Appelboom, ed. Art, History and Antiquity of Rheumatic Diseases. Brussels: Elsevier Librico, pp. 31-40. RHEUMATIC DISEASE, ART, [ZAGREB-1988:221]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1988 Triggering Factors for Pathological Joint Changes. In: G. E. Ehrlich, and G. Gallacchi, eds. The Elderly Rheumatic Patient--Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Aspects. Toronto: Hans Huber, pp. 18-28. ARTICULATION, JOINT, JOINT CHANGE, TRIGGERING FACTOR, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:13]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1989 Paget's Disease in a Painting by Quinten Metsys (Massys). [See also Pankaj Sharma, 1990.]. British Medical Journal 299(6715):1579-1581. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, ACROMEGALY, ART, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1991 Art, History, and Rheumatism: The Case of Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466-1536 Suffering from Pustulotic Arthro-Osteitis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 50(7):517-521. RHEUMATISM, PUSTULOTIC ARTHRO-OSTEITIS, ART, HISTORY, ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1991 Paleopathology of Rheumatism in Paintings. In: Donald J. Ortner, and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. A Symposium held at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 24-31 July 1988. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 216-221. RHEUMATISM, ART, [BOOK]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1992 Siebrandus Sixtius: Evidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Robust Reaction Type in a Seventeenth Century Dutch Priest. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 51(4):561-562. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Dequeker, Jan V. 1994 Vertebral Osteoporosis as Painted by Vittore Carpaccio (1465): Reflections on Palaeopathology of Osteoporosis in Pictorial Art. [Editorial]. Calcified Tissue International 55(5):321-323. SPINE, OSTEOPOROSIS, HISTORY IN ART, EDITORIAL, [CWHM-1995-166-#0420]
Dequeker, Jan V., and H. Rico 1992 Rheumatoid Arthritis-Like Deformities in an Early 16th-Century Painting of the Flemish-Dutch School. Journal of the American Medical Association 268(2):249-251. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ARTISTIC REPRESENTATION, FLEMISH-DUTCH SCHOOL OF PAINTING, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Dequeker, Jan V., Ludo Vanopdenbosch, and Antonio Castillo Ojugas 1995 Early Evidence of Scleroderma. British Medical Journal 311(7021):1714-1715. DERMATOLOGY, SCLERODERMA, EARLY EVIDENCE OF, [JRNL]
Deraniyagala, P. E. P. 1971 The Age of Ceylon's Extinct Human, Balangoda Man. Loris 12:212. BALANGODA MAN, CEYLON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:424]
Dérobert, L., and G. Fully 1960 Etude Critique de la Valeur du Degré d'Obliteration des Sutures Crâniennes pour la Détermination de l'Age d'Après l'Examen des 480 Crânes. Annales de Médecine Légale 40:154-165. SKULL, SUTURE, AGE ASSESSMENT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Dérobert, Léon, and Henri Reichlen n.d. [1947?] Les Momies. Le Cult des Morts dans le Monde Sauvage et Civilisée. [Mummies. The Cult of the Dead in the Primitive and the Civilized Worlds.]. Paris: Editions Prisma. MUMMIES, CULT, DEAD, [MDAC-171 & SORENSON 1990-D-098 & AN-ANTROPOL-MEX-1974-11:380]
DeRoo, T., and H. J. Schroder 1976 Pocket Atlas of Skeletal Age. The Hague: Nijhoff. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETAL, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1986-15:240]
DeRousseau, C. Jean 1973 Mortuary Site Survey and Paleodemography in the Lower Illinois River Valley. New Orleans: Paper Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. DEMOGRAPHY, ILLINOIS, [BUIKSTRA:1981:138]
DeRousseau, C. Jean 1978 Biomechanical Aspects of Osteo-Arthritis in Primates, Including Man. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):389-390. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ALL PRIMATES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
DeRousseau, C. Jean 1978 Osteoarthritis in Non-Human Primates: A Locomotor Model of Joint Degeneration. [Dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 38(11):6809A, University Microfilms order number DA7907865.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, NON-HUMAN PRIMATE, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
DeRousseau, C. Jean 1987 Erosive and Proliferative Arthritis in Non-Human Primates. In: Howard Duncan, and Robert D. Jurmain, conveners. Section 3: Arthritis Revisited--Erosive Arthritis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 9. ARTHRITIS, EROSIVE, PROLIFERATIVE, NON-HUMAN PRIMATE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
DeRousseau, C. Jean, ed. 1990 Primate Life History and Evolution. New York: Wiley-Liss. EVOLUTION, PRIMATE LIFE HISTORY, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:056]
DeRousseau, C. Jean, Richard G. Rawlins, and Janet L. Denlinger 1983 Aging in the Musculoskeletal System of Rhesus Monkeys: I. Passive Joint Excursion. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 61(4):483-494. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, LOCOMOTION, PASSIVE JOINT EXCURSION, AGING, MACACA MULATTA, CAYO SANTIAGO, [JRNL]
Derry, Douglas E. 1907 Notes on Predynastic Egyptian Tibiae. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 41:123-130. TIBIA, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC, [MOODIE-1923:547 & ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1908 Anatomical Report B. Archaeological Survey of Nubia Bulletin 3. ANATOMICAL REPORT, NUBIA, [ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1909 Anatomical Report. Archaeological Survey of Nubia Bulletin 3:29-52. ANATOMICAL REPORT, NUBIA, [ARME & CRAN]
Derry, Douglas E. 1909 Anatomical Report. Archaeological Survey of Nubia Bulletin 6:42. ANATOMICAL REPORT, NUBIA, [STEINBOCK-1976:398]
Derry, Douglas E. 1909 Field Notes: Archaeological Survey of Nubia Bulletin No. 4, Cairo: National Printing Department--Egypt, pp. 22-28. NUBIA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, FIELD NOTES, [ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1911 Note on Accessory Articular Facets Between the Sacrum and Ilium and Their Significance. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 45:202-210. FACET, ACCESSORY, SACRO-ILIAC, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Derry, Douglas E. 1913 A Case of Hydrocephalus in an Egyptian of the Roman Period. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 47(4):436-458. HYDROCEPHALUS, EGYPT, ROMAN PERIOD, [MOODIE 1923:547 & ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1914 Parietal Perforation Accompanied with Flattening of the Skull in an Ancient Egyptian. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 48:417. PARIETAL PERFORATION, PARIETAL FLATTENING, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [MOODIE-1923:547 & ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1915 Note on Skulls from Shurafa. In: W. M. Flinders Petrie, and Ernest Mackay. Heliopolis, Kafr Ammar and Shurafa. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account. Eighteenth Year, 1912. Publication xxiv. London: School of Archaeology in Egypt. CRANIOLOGY, SHURAFA, EGYPT, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141 & MELVYL]
Derry, Douglas E. 1923 On the Sexual and Racial Characters of the Human Ilium. Journal of Anatomy (London) 58:71-83. RACE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, ILIUM, [AJPA-1963-21:455]
Derry, Douglas E. 1927 Appendix I. Report upon the Examination of Tut.Ankh.Amen's Mummy. In: Howard Carter. The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen: Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, Volume Two. London: Cassel and Company, Ltd., pp. 143-161. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, [BOOK & X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:026]
Derry, Douglas E. 1927 A Study of Crania from the Oasis of Sîwah. Harvard African Studies 8(Varia Africana 4):199-222. CRANIOLOGY, OASIS OF SIWAH, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Derry, Douglas E. 1927 Die Untersuchung der Mummi des Tut-Ench-Anum. [Study of Tut-Ankh-Amen Egypt.]. Umschau 31:480-483. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, [QCIM-1927-02-0350]
Derry, Douglas E. 1931 Note on the Skeleton Hitherto Believed To Be That of King Akhenaten. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 31:119. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, [ALDRED-1988:311]
Derry, Douglas E. 1933 Appendix I. Report Upon the Two Human Foetuses Discovered in the Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen. In: Howard Carter. The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen: Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, Volume Three. London: Cassel and Company, Ltd., pp. 167-169. MUMMIES, EGYPT, FETUS, TUTANKHAMON, TOMB, [BOOK]
Derry, Douglas E. 1933 Incidence of Dental Diseases in Ancient Egypt. British Medical Journal 1:112. DENTAL DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1934 An X-ray Examination of the Mummy of King Amenophis I. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 34:47-48. MUMMIES, EGYPT, KING AMENOPHIS I, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Derry, Douglas E. 1935 Pelvic Bones of 11th Dynasty Egypt. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 42:490. PELVIS, ELEVENTH DYNASTY, EGYPT, [ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1935 Report on the Human Remains from the Granite Sacrophagus Chamber in the Pyramid of Zoser. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 35:28-30. REMAINS, HUMAN, PYRAMID, ZOSER, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Derry, Douglas E. 1938 Pott's Disease in Ancient Egypt. Medical Press 197:196-199. TUBERCULOSIS, POTT'S DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [STEINBOCK-1976:188 & ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1938 Two Skulls with Absence of Pre-Maxilla. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 72:295-299. MAXILLA, PRE-MAXILLA, ABSENCE, [ARME]
Derry, Douglas E. 1939 The "Mummy" of Sitamun. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 39:411-416. MUMMIES, SITAMUN, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Derry, Douglas E. 1939 Notes on the Remains of Shashanq. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 39:549-551. REMAINS, SHASHANQ, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Derry, Douglas E. 1940-1941 An Examination of the Bones of King Psusennes I. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 40:969-970. BONE EXAMINATION, KING PSUSENNES I, [MDAC-042]
Derry, Douglas E. 1942 On Mummification Methods Practised at Different Periods. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 41:240-265. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, METHODOLOGY, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:053]
Derry, Douglas E. 1942 Report on the Skeleton of King Amenenopet and Har-Nakht. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 41:149-150. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SKELETON, AMENENOPET, HAR-NAKHT, [MDAC-042]
Derry, Douglas E. 1947 The Bones of Prince Ptah-Shepses. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 47:139-140. REMAINS, HUMAN, PRINCE PTAH-SHEPSES, [MDAC-042]
Derry, Douglas E., and Grafton Elliot Smith 1909 Anatomical Report, Dealing with the Work from November 1 to December 31, 1909. Archaeological Survey of Nubia Bulletin 5. ANATOMICAL REPORT, NUBIA, [ORT 1981]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1963 [Tuberculosis Spondylitis in Ancient Inhabitants of the Baltic Countries Based on Archaeological Material of Excavations.]. [Russian]. Problemy Tuberkuleza 41:86. TUBERCULOSIS, SPONDYLITIS, ANCIENT, BALTIC, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-05-03-01860]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1964 Nekotrye Paleopatologicheskie Dannye o Zhitelyakh Pribaltiki. [Paleopathogical Data on Baltic Sea Coast Inhabitants.]. [Russian]. Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii 46:80-90. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BALTIC, [NDX-1965-06-01-N362]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1965 Some Paleopathologic Data on Baltic Coast Inhabitants. Federation Proceeding; Translation Supplement 24:225-230. PATHOLOGICAL DATA, BALTIC SEA COAST, [NDX-Palepathology-06-04-03116 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1966 O Trepanatsiiakh Cherepa u Drevnikh Zhiteleipribaltiki. [On Skull Trephining in Early Inhabitants of the Baltic Sea Coast.]. [Russian]. Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii 50(2):87-90. TREPHINATION, BALTIC SEA COAST, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-08-02-03827 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1967 Rentgenologicheskii Analiz Kostnoi Patologii Zhetili Pribaltiki po Materialam Arkhelogicheskikh Raskopok. [Radiographic Analysis of Bone Pathology of Inhabitants of the Baltic Region, Based on Data of Archeological Excavations.]. [Russian]. Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii 12:69-73. BONE PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, BALTIC, [NDX-1969-10-AUTHOR-01336]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1968 [On the Development of Surgery of Bone Injuries on the Baltic Coast: Based on Data of Archeological Findings.]. [Russian]. Ortopediia, Travmatologiia i Protezirovanie 29:86-89. BONE, INJURY, BALTIC COAST, [NDX-Paleopathology-10-02-08248 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1971 Über die Regeneration von Knockenverletzungen bei den Bewohnern des Baltikums Vergangenre Jahrhunderte. [Regeneration of Bone Injuries Among Residents of the Baltic Regions in Past Centuries.]. [German]. Anatomischer Anzeiger 129:523-530. INJURY, BONE, REGENERATION, BALTIC, [NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892 & ARME & BHM-10:568]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1973 [Morphologic and X-ray Characteristics of Femurs of Ancient Inhabitants of Latvia.]. [Russian with English Abstract]. Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii 65:47-52. FEMUR, RADIOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, LATVIA, [NDX-Paleopathology-15-07-07804]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1974 Battle Casualties Among Earlier Inhabitants of the Baltic Region. [Russian with English Abstract]. Asklepii (Sofia) 3:40-44. WARFARE, INJURY, WOUND, BALTIC COAST, [CWHM-1975-86-#1724]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1978 Izmeneniia Kostei Skeleta u Zhitelei Pribaltiki na Paleoantropologicheskom Materiale. [Changes in Skeletal Bones in Residents of the Baltic Area Studied on the Paleoanthropological Material.]. [Russian with English Abstract]. Arkhiv Patologii (Moskva) 40(2):65-69. SKELETAL CHANGE, BALTIC, [NDX-Paleopathology-19-12-09361 & ARME & BHM-15:479]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1979 Extensive Trepanation of the Skull in Ancient Latvia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:17.]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 53(3):459-464. TREPHINATION, LATVIA, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1979 Schädeltrepanationen im Alten Lettland. [Trephinations of the Skull in Ancient Latvia (Author's Transl).]. [German with English Abstract]. Zentralblatt fuer Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie 123(3):214-221. TREPHINATION, LATVIA, ANCIENT, [NDX-Trephining history-20-14-11365]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1980 Diagnosis of Certain Diseases in Baltic Late 18th & Early 19th Centuries. [Russian with English Abstract]. Iz Ist Med Sborn Stat (Riga) 12:59-64. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [CWHM-1981-110-#1779]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1980 [X-ray Morphological Characteristics of the Traumatic Bone Injuries and Wounds of the Inhabitants of the Ancient Baltic Region.]. [Russian with English Abstract]. Arkhiv Patologii (Moskva) 42(2):64-68. TRAUMA, INJURY, WOUND, BONE, ANCIENT, BALTIC, [NDX-Paleopathology-21-12-10186 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1982 Some Macro- and Microstructural Aspects of the Lower Extremity Bones in the Population of Latvia According to Palaeoanthropological Data. Anthropologie (Brno) 20(1):1-6. BONE, LOWER EXTREMITY, PALEOANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#10860]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1983 Trephining of the Skull in Ancient Latvia on the Evidence of Archeological Findings. [Russian with English Abstract]. Orvostörteneti Közlemenyek/Communications de Historia Artis Medicinae Nos. 102-104, 29(2-4):157-166. TREPHINATION, LATVIA, [CWHM-1987-133-#2144]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1985 Ausgänge von Verwundungen und Traumatischen Verletzungen des Schädels von Menschen im Alten Lettland an Hand der Materialien von Archäologischen Ausgrabungen. [Outcome of Wounds and Traumatic Injuries on the Skulls of Men Living in Ancient Latvia Based on Findings of Archeological Excavations.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anatomischer Anzeiger 159(1-5):105-115. SKULL, TRAUMA, WOUND, ANCIENT, LATVIA, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-27-12-13393 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1985 Deformiruiuschchie Artrozy i Spondilezy po Rezul'tatam Issledovanii Kostnogo Materiala Dobel'skogo Mogil'nika 14-16 VV. Akademiya Nauk Latviiskoi S.S.R. Izvestiya/Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis 4:74-80. ARTHRITIS, [BHM-25:703]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1986 Multiple Battle Injuries in a Stone Age Latvian Population. Orvostörteneti Közlemenyek/Communications de Historia Artis Medicinae Numbers 113-114, 32(1-2):143-146. WAR, INJURY, WOUND, LATVIA, STONE AGE, [CWHM-1989-141-#1552]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1986 Some Paleopathological Data Concerning the Caucasus People. [Russian with English Abstract]. Iz Istorii Med 16:141-146. PATHOLOGY, CAUCASUS, [CWHM-1988-137-#1501]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1987 Paleopathology of Bronze Age Population in Latvia. Anthropologie (Brno) 25(1):57 61. PATHOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, [WIEN-KW]
Derums, V. Iâ. 1989 Trephined Skulls in Ancient Latvia. [Russian with English Abstract]. Izvestiya na Instituta po Meditsinskii 18:155-160. TREPHINATION, LATVIA, [CWHM-1990-145-#1520]
Derums, V. Iâ., and G. I. Demidov 1978 Rentgeno-Morfologicheskoe Issledovanie Pervoi Pliusnevoi i Piatochnoi Kostei po Materialam Arkheologicheskikh Raskopok v Latvii. [Roentgeno-Morphological Study of the 1st Metatarsal Bone and the Calcaneus from Archaeological Excavations in Latvia.]. [Russian]. Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii 74(4):111-115. METATARSAL, CALCANEUS, RADIOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, LATVIA, [BHM-15:481 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ., and A. P. Miltin'sh 1986 [Paleopathologic Findings Concerning Syphilis.]. [Russian with English Abstract]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 9:71-73. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1987-131-#1532 & NDX-Syphilis history-27-14-15334 & ARME]
Derums, V. Iâ., and A. P. Miltin'sh 1986 Paleopatologicheskie Dannye o Sifilise. [Paleopathologic Findings Concerning Syphilis.]. [Russian]. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii 5:63-67. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [ARME & BHM-25:703]
Derums, Vilis 1978 Tautas Veseliba un Dziednieciba Senaja Baltija. Riga: Zinatne. PATHOLOGY, BALTIC, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Derums, W., and A. Miltinsch 1988 Paläopathologische Angaben über die syphilis im Baltikum. [Paleopathologic Data on Syphilis in the Baltic Area.]. [German with English Abstract]. Dermatologische Monatsschrift 174(9):554-561. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, BALTIC, [CWHM-1990-143-#1612 & NDX-Paleopathology-30-08-09963 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Derums, W. J. 1970 Diseases and Treatment in the Ancient Baltics. Riga, USSR: Zinatne. DISEASE, TREATMENT, ANCIENT, BALTIC, [ZAGREB-1988:256]
Dervieux, Binet L., and Piédelièvre 1923 Quelques Points Particuliers de la Momification. Annales de Médecine Légale 3:316. MUMMIFICATION, [LSG3-Mummies]
Desanti, M. V. 1977 The Structural Reliability of Mummy Tissue in Tracing Disease Ecology in Prehistoric and Recent Human Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):126-127. MUMMIES, TISSUE, DISEASE ECOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, RECENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Desfosses, P. 1935 Paleontology & Medicine. PALEONTOLOGY, MEDICINE, [ARME]
Desjardins, E. 1973 [Saint Paul Bay Disease.]. [French]. Union Médicale du Canada 102:2148-2152. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [NDX-Syphilis history-15-08-09195]
Desowitz, R. S. 1981 New Guinea Tapeworms and Jewish Grandmothers: Tales of Parasites and People. New York: Norton. PARASITISM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Despy, G. 1977 La "Grande Peste Noire de 1348" a-t-elle Touché le Roman Pays de Brabant? Brussels: Centenaire du Séminaire d'Histoire Médiévale de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1876-1976, pp. 195-217. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1977-096-#1151]
Desse, G. 1966 Le Diagnostic Morphologique du Cotyle. Paris: Expansion Scientifique Française. DIAGNOSIS, MORPHOLOGY, [PPNL-1974-7:13]
Desse, G. 1973 Osteophytic Marks on the Lumbo-Sacral Spine. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by R. Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. SPINE, LUMBOSACRAL, OSTEOPHYTIC MARK, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Desse, G., and P. Giot 1952 Lesions Osteoarticulaires de la Nécropole Gauloise Deumel-en-Plomeur. Revue de Rhumatisme 11. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, LESION, [ARME]
Dethlefsen, Edwin S. 1969 Colonial Gravestones and Demography. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(3):321-333. DEMOGRAPHY, GRAVESTONE, COLONIAL, [JRNL]
Dettwyler, Katherine A. 1991 Can Paleopathology Provide Evidence for "Compassion"? [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 74:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84(4):375-384. SHANIDAR I, ROMITO 2, WINDOVER BAY, HANDICAP, ARCHAEOLOGICAL INFERENCE, [JRNL]
Dettwyler, Katherine A. 1995 A Time to Wean: The Hominid Blueprint for the Natural Age of Weaning in Modern Human Populations. In: Patricia Stuart-Macadam, and Katherine A. Dettwyler, eds. Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 39-73. BREASTFEEDING, EVOLUTIONARY PATTERN OF WEANING, [BOOK]
Detweiler-Blakely, B. 1988 Stress and the Battle Casualties. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. The King Site: Continuity and Contact in Sixteenth-Century Georgia. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 87-98. EUROPEAN CONTACT, GEORGIA, KING SITE, BATTLE CASUALTY, STRESS OF, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:742]
Devor, E. J., and L. S. Cordell 1981 Neural-Tube Defects in a Prehistoric South-Western Indian Population. Annals of Human Biology 8(1):65-75. SPINE, NEURAL TUBE DEFECT, AMERICA, [NDX-Paleopathology-22-12-11011 & ARME]
Devoto, Francisco C. H. 1971 Shovel-Shaped Incisors in Pre-Columbian Tastilian Indians. Journal of Dental Research 50(1):168. DENTITION, INCISOR, SHOVELLED, [JRNL]
Devoto, Francisco C. H., and Norberto H. Arias 1967 Shovel-Shaped Incisors in Early Atacama Indians. Journal of Dental Research 46(6):1478. DENTITION, INCISOR, SHOVELLED, ATACAMA, [JRNL]
Devoto, Francisco C. H., and Beatriz M. Perrotto 1972 Groove Pattern and Cusp Number of Mandibular Molars from Tastilian Indians. Journal of Dental Research 51(1):205. DENTITION, MOLAR GROOVE PATTERN, MOLAR CUSP NUMBER, TASTILIAN, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Dewey, John R. 1967 Metric Assessment of Osteoporotic Bone Loss in Meroitic, X-Group and Christian Archaeological Populations from Sudanese Nubia. [Thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City]. THESIS, BONE LOSS, OSTEOPOROSIS, SUDANESE NUBIA, [MARTIN & BUMSTED-1981:103]
Dewey, John R. 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):517-518. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Dewey, John R., George J. Armelagos, and Murray H. Bartley 1969 Femoral Cortical Involution in Three Nubian Archaeological Populations. Human Biology 41(1):13-28. FEMUR, CORTICAL INVOLUTION, OSTEOPOROSIS, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Dewey, John R., Murray H. Bartley, Jr., and George J. Armelagos 1968 Rate of Femoral Cortical Bone Loss in Three Nubian Populations Utilizing Non-Normalized and Normalized Data. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):135. BONE LOSS, CORTICAL, FEMUR, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dewey, John R., Murray H. Bartley, Jr., and George J. Armelagos 1969 Rates of Femoral Cortical Bone Loss in Two Nubian Populations: Utilizing Normalized and Non-Normalized Data. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 65:61-66. FEMUR, CORTICAL INVOLUTION, OSTEOPOROSIS, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Dewey, Nicholas 1992 Brave New World of Medical Knowledge: Two 16th Century Writers and Their Books. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 79(5):302-305. MEDICINE, MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1993-157-#0038]
Dewhurst, K. 1963 The Treatment of Syphilis in the Seventeenth Century. A Case Report by John Locke. Practitioner 190:397-402. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [NDX-Syphilis-04-03-02965]
Dewilde, H. 1943 Stigmas of Congenital Syphilis in Deciduous Dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery 29:368. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL STIGMATA, [ARME]
Dexter, R. W. 1977 Contributions of Cincinnati-Area Physicians to Ohio Archeology in the 19th Century. Ohio State Medical Journal 73:409-411. ARCHAEOLOGY, PHYSICIAN, CINCINNATI, OHIO, [CWHM-1977-096-#0075]
Dfesche, H. F. 1978 Skull Operations in the 18th Century. (Dut). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 122:873-876. SKULL, OPERATION, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1979-100-#0294]
Dharmendra 1947 Leprosy in Ancient Indian Medicine. International Journal of Leprosy 15:424-430. LEPROSY, MEDICINE, INDIA, [QCIM-1948-43-0352 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:078]
Dhavalikar, M. K. 1986 Inamgaon: The Archaeological Setting and the Disposal of the Dead. In: John R. Lukacs, and S. R. Walimbe, eds. Excavations at Inamgaon. Volume II. Pune, India: Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, pp. 1-13. DEAD, DISPOSAL OF, INAMGAON, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:322]
Dhima, A. 1987 Survey of Anthropological Features of the Illyrians. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 45(2):131-144. PALEONTOLOGY, ILLYRIAN, [NDX-Paleontology-28-12-13831]
di Muzio, M., and Luigi Capasso 1992 Spinal Lesions of Probable Brucellar Origin in Bone Material from Abruzzo (Central Italy). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 10. LESION, SPINAL, BRUCELLOSIS, ITALY, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Muzio, M., and R. Mariani-Costantini 1994 Ultrastructural Investigations of Post-Mortem Alterations of Ancient Bones. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S36. TAPHONOMY, ULTRASTRUCTURE, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Muzio, M., R. Mariani-Costantini, R. Palmirotta, L. Frati, B. Dainelli, and T. Iezzi 1994 Ultrastructural Investigation of Bacterial Spores from an Egyptian Mummy. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S37. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BACTERIAL SPORE, ULTRASTRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Tota, Gabriella, and Luigi Capasso 1996 Parasites in Amber: A New Perspective in Paleopathology. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 7-8. AMBER, PARASITES IN, NEW PERSPECTIVE IN PALEOPATHOLOGY, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Tota, Gabriella, Luigi Capasso, and M. di Muzio 1992 A Probable Bladder Stone from an Iron Age Burial in Central Italy. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 10. BLADDER STONE, IRON AGE, ITALY, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Tota, Gabriella, L. Di Domenicantonio, and Luigi Capasso 1995 Parasites in Amber: A New Perspective in Paleopathology. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):96. AMBER, PARASITES IN, NEW PERSPECTIVE IN PALEOPATHOLOGY, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Tota, Gabriella, Luigia Melillo, and Luigi Capasso 1994 La Mortalità nella Prima e nella Seconda Infanzia in Alcune Popolazioni Abruzzesi Antiche: Implicazioni Paleodemografiche e Paleopatologiche. [Italian with English Abstract]. Medicina nei Secoli 6(1):147-161. DEMOGRAPHY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ITALY, [CWHM-1995-165-#0015]
di Tota, Gabriella, and F. Pietrangelo 1994 Fifth Toe Distal Inter-Phalangeous Synostosis: Paleopathological Description and Possible Evolutionary Significance. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S38. TOE, FIFTH, SYNOSTOSIS, INTER-PHALANGEOUS, POSTER, [JRNL]
di Tota, Gabriella, and F. Pietrangelo 1994 Fifth Toe Distal Inter-Phalangeous Synostosis: Paleopathological Description and Possible Evolutionary Significance. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 8. TOE, FIFTH, SYNOSTOSIS, INTER-PHALANGEOUS, POSTER, [JRNL]
Diamandopoulos, A., L. Kolonas, and M. Grapsa-Kotrotsou 1994 Use of Lead Cosmetics in Bronze-Age Greece. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 344(8924):754-755. LEAD, COSMETICS, BRONZE AGE, GREECE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Diamond, Jared 1992 The Arrow of Disease. Discover 13(10):64-73. DISEASE, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:146]
Diamond, Jared 1997 Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. CONQUEST, DISEASE, WEAPON, ANIMAL DOMESTICATION, [BOOK]
Diaz, Max R. 1940 Una Tumba Perteneciente a la Cultura Mochica. Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Americanists (Part 2, Lima, 1939) 1:551-558. BURIAL, MOCHE, [JRNL]
Díaz Balerdi, J. M. 1984 Divinidades Salutíferas en la Epigrafía Romana en Alava. Cuadernos de Historia de la Medicina Vasca 2:113-119. EPIGRAPHY, DIVINE, ROMAN, ALAVA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:1:14]
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal 1877 Histoire Véridique de la Conquête de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Paris. CONQUEST, MEXICO, [ARME]
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal 1927 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Maurice Keatinge. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company. CONQUEST, HISTORY, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal 1960 Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España. Volumes 1 and 2. México, D.F.: Editorial Porrua, S.A. CONQUEST, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Díaz-Jiménez y Martínez, E. 1991 Conservación Indefinida del Cadáver Humano. In: Actas de las XIII Jornadas Españolas de Medicina Forense. Valencia, pp. 419-433. EMBALMING, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
DiBartolomeo, J. R. 1979 Exostoses of the External Auditory Canal. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology Supplement 88(6, Part 2, Supplement 61):2-20. EAR, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, [NDX-AUTHOR-1980-31-03-02079 & INTNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1993-3:98]
DiBennardo, Robert, and Howard L. Balit 1978 Stress and Dental Asymmetry in a Population of Japanese Children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(1):89-94. DENTAL ASYMMETRY, FLUCTUATING, PRENATAL STRESS, JAPANESE, REGRESSION ANALYSIS, PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
DiBennardo, Robert, and James V. Taylor 1979 Sex Assessment of the Femur: A Test of a New Method. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(4):635-637. SEX ASSESSMENT, FEMUR, [JRNL]
DiBennardo, Robert, and James V. Taylor 1982 Classification and Misclassification in Sexing the Black Femur by Discriminant Function Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 58(2):145-151. SEX ASSESSMENT, FEMUR, AMERICA, BLACK, [JRNL]
DiBennardo, Robert, and James V. Taylor 1983 Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis of Sex and Race in the Postcranial Skeleton. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 61(3):305-314. RACE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, FEMUR, INNOMINATE, TERRY COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Dice, M. H. 1993 A Disarticulated Human Bone Assemblage from Leroux Wash, Arizona. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe]. CANNIBALISM, REMAINS, HUMAN, DISARTICULATED, LEROUX WASH, ARIZONA, THESIS, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:17]
Dice, M. H. 1993 Disarticulated Human Remains from Hansen Pueblo, Colorado. Report to Woods Canyon Archaeological Consultants, Yellow Jacket, Colorado. CANNIBALISM, REMAINS, HUMAN, DISARTICULATED, HANSEN PUEBLO, COLORADO, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:17]
Dicke, B. H. 1932 The Tsetse Fly's Influence on South African History. South African Journal of Science 29:792. TSETSE FLY, SOUTH AFRICA, [CRAN]
Dickel, David N. 1984 Growth Stress and Central California Prehistoric Subsistence Shifts. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):152-153. GROWTH STRESS, SUBSISTENCE CHANGE, PREHISTORIC, CENTRAL CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N. 1986 Osteological Remains from the Windover Early Archaic Site, Florida. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):195. OSTEOLOGY, WINDOVER SITE, FLORIDA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N. 1987 Severe Neural Tube Defect Syndrome from the Early Archaic of Florida (8Br246). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):195. SPINE, NEURAL TUBE DEFECT SYNDROME, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N. 1989 Interproximal Dental Grooves in a Florida Archaic Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):214. DENTAL INTERPROXIMAL GROOVING, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N. 1990 Maxillary Anterior Attrition (AMA) and Molar Lingual Root Polish (LRP) from the Florida Early Archaic. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):215. DENTAL ATTRITION, MAXILLARY, DENTITION, MOLAR LINGUAL ROOT, FLORIDA, ARCHAIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N. 1991 Descriptive Analysis of the Skeletal Collection from Prehistoric Manasota Key Cemetery, Sarasota County, Florida (8SO1292). Florida Archaeological Report 22. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MANASOTA KEY CEMETERY, FLORIDA (8SO1292), DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF, [ANTHROL-PAPERS-AM-MUS-NATL-HIST-1995-77:155]
Dickel, David N., C. G. Aker, B. K. Barton, and Glen H. Doran 1988 An Orbital Floor and Ulna Fracture from the Early Archaic of Florida. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:17.]. Journal of Paleopathology 2(3):165-170. FRACTURE, ORBIT, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, [PPNL-1990-69:17]
Dickel, David N., and Glen H. Doran 1989 Severe Neural Tube Defect Syndrome from the Early Archaic of Florida. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(3):325-334. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA, NEURAL TUBE DEFECT, BONE INFECTION, CSE, ARCHAIC, FLORIDA, [JRNL]
Dickel, David N., Peter D. Schulz, and Henry M. McHenry 1984 Central California: Prehistoric Subsistence Changes and Health. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 439-461. HEALTH, NUTRITION, [BOOK]
Dickemann, Mildred 1975 Demographic Consequences of Infanticide in Man. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 6:107-137. INFANTICIDE, DEMOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHIC CONSEQUENCES, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1986-15:240]
Dickemann, Mildred 1989 Homicide. By Martin Daly, and Margo Wilson. 1988. Hawthorne, New York: Walter de Gruyter, Inc. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(1):127-130. REVIEW OF, DALY; MARTIN AND MARGO WILSON, 1988, [JRNL]
Dickerson, J. W. 1976 Diet and Disease: Historical Aspects. Journal of Biosocial Sciences 8:193-200. DEFICIENCY DISEASE, NUTRITION, [CWHM-1976-092-#0342]
Dickerson, Richard E. 1992 A Little Ancient History. Protein Science 1(1):129-139. PHARMACOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY, [CWHM-1993-159-#0048]
Dickey, J. L. 1902 The Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Remote and Recent Past. Transactions of the West Virginia Medical Association 1902:634-642. TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY, HISTORY, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, history & statistics]
Dickie, E. R. 1979 Family Behavior and the Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus in Malo, New Hebrides: Ethnology, Ethnography and Epidemiology in the Study of the Natural History of Disease. [Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia]. DISSERTATION, HEPATITIS B VIRUS, TRANSMISSION OF, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Dickinson-McDonald, Charlene 1988 Femoral Circumference as an Indicator of Sex in Prehistoric Central California Indian Populations. In: Gary D. Richards, ed. Human Skeletal Biology: Contributions to the Understanding of California's Prehistoric Populations. Archives of California Prehistory, Number 24. Salinas, California: Coyote Press, pp. 1-12. FEMUR, CIRCUMFERENCE, SEX ASSESSMENT, PREHISTORIC, CENTRAL CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [ANTON-INPUT]
Dickinson, John A., and Jan Grabowski 1993 Les Populations Amérindiennes de la Vallée Laurentienne, 1608-1675. [French with English Abstract]. Annales de Démographie Historique 1993:51-65. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN 1608-1675, [CWHM-1994-161-#0004]
Dickson, Don F. 1969 Dickson Mounds. In: Dan Morse. Ancient Disease in the Midwest. Reports of Investigations, Number 15. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum, pp. 69-72. DISEASE, ANCIENT, DICKSON MOUNDS, [BOOK]
Dickson, Don F., and Morse, D. F. 1956 Prehistoric Pathology. Central States Archaeological Journal 2:143-150. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Dickson, G. C. 1979 Concepts of Occlusion. Charles Tomes Lecture, 1978. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 61(3):177-182. ODONTOLOGY, OCCLUSION, [NDX-Paleodontology-21-12-10186 & BHM-15:483]
Dickson, Glenn R., and E. Martyn Jope 1986 Preservation in Bogs. [Letter]. Nature (London) 324(6098):622. BOG BODIES, PRESERVATION, LETTER, [JRNL]
Dickson, James H., Camilla A. Dickson, and David J. Breeze 1979 Flour or Bread in a Roman Military Ditch at Bearsden, Scotland. Antiquity 53(207):47-51. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ROMAN MILITARY, [JRNL]
Diday, P. 1859 A Treatise on Syphilis in New-Born Children and Infants at the Breast. Translated by G. Whiley. The New Sydenham Society. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [FRANCIS-EDWARDS'S-CATALOG-1994:04]
Dieck, Alfred 1947 Die Noch Nicht Geborgene Moorleiche von Bonsdorf, Kreis Celle, aus dem Jahre 1450 und die Moorleiche vom Rieper Moor, Kreis Rotenburg (Hanover), Gefunden im Jahre 1751. [The Bodies Found Preserved in a Peat-Bog at Bonsdorf (Celle District) in 1450 and at Rieper (Rotenburg District, Hanover, in 1751.]. Kunde BOG BODIES, BONSDORF, HANOVER, [GLOB 1965:194]
Dieck, Alfred 1958 Zur Geschichte der Moorleichenforschung und Moorleichendeutung. [On the History of the Study and Interpretation of the Bog People.]. Jahresschrrift fuer Mitteldtsheutsche Vorgeschichte 41-42. BOG BODIES, HISTORY, INTERPRETATION, [GLOB 1965:195]
Dieck, Alfred 1963 Zum Problem der Hominidenmoorfunde. [The Problem of the Bog People.]. Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen aus Niedersachsen Urgeschichte 105-112. BOG BODIES, [LINDOW MAN:204 & GLOB 1965:195]
Dieck, Alfred 1965 Die Europäischen Moorleichenfunde. Neümunster. BOG BODIES, EUROPE, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Dieck, Alfred 1972 Stand und Aufgaben der Moorleichenforschung. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 2:365-368. BOG BODIES, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Dieck, Alfred 1983 Die Moorleiche von Obenaltendorf bei Stade. Stader Jahrbuch 1983:7-56 BOG BODIES, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Dieck, Alfred 1984 Ägyptische Mumien und Europäische Moorleichen als Offizinelle Heimittel in Mittel- und Westeuropa. Curare 7:211-232. DRUG, MUMMY AS DRUG, [CWHM-1985-125-#0253]
Diego Cuscoy, Luis 1968 Los Guanches. Vida y Cultura del Primitivo Habitante de Tenerife. Museo Arqueologico Publicaciones, Numero 7. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. CANARY ISLANDS, ABORIGINAL, TENERIFE, LIFE AND CULTURE OF, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:134 & MELVYL]
Diehl, L. R. 1992 Skeletons in the Closet: Uncovering the Rich History of the Slaves of New York. New York 25(39):78-86. SLAVERY, AMERICA, BLACK, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:032]
Diehl, M. 1992 Frauengestalten in der Krankenpflege des Mittelalters. Deutsche Krankenpflege-Zeitschrift 45(7):486-491. HEALTH PROFESSION, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1993-157-#1200]
Diener, Lennart 1973 A Human-Masked and Doll-Shaped Hawk-Mummy. Chronique d'Egypte (Brussels) 58(95):60-65. MUMMIES, HAWK, HUMAN-MASKED, DOLL-SHAPED, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Diener, Lennart 1973 Mummies, Art and Papyri--the Source of Our Knowledge of Pharaonic Medicine. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1973:26-45,239-240. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ART, MEDICAL PAPYRUS, [CWHM-1973-80-#0408]
Diener, Lennart 1975 Mummier, Magi och Medicin. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1975:39-49,194. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [CWHM-1976-089:#0537]
Diener, Lennart 1976-1977 Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation, Bone Diseases in Ancient Human Populations. By R. Ted Steinbock. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. OSSA 3/4:[189]-191. REVIEW OF, STEINBOCK; R. TED, 1976, [JRNL]
Diener, Lennart 1978 [Akhenaten--Politics and Pathology.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1978:29-41 (Swedish), 198-199 (English abstracts). AKHENATEN, EGYPT, POLITICS, PATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1979-100-#0010 & ARME]
Diener, Lennart 1980 [Osteology and History--Roentgenological Aspects.]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 6:112-117. OSTEOLOGY, HISTORY, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Diener, Lennart 1980 Radiology of a "Child-Mummy" in Stockholm: Unexpected Findings. MASCA Journal 1(4):102-103. MUMMIES, CHILD, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Diener, Lennart 1981 Radiology of Two "Child-Mummies" in Stockholm: Surprising Results. MASCA Journal 1(7):218-219. MUMMIES, CHILD, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Diener, Lennart 1985 The Two Oldest Patients Ever Examined at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm--and Problems of Disease in Ancient Egypt. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1985:55-63. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [CWHM-1986-128-#1202]
Diener, Lennart 1986 Animals and Animal-Mummies in Pharaonic Egypt from a Medico-Historical Viewpoint. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1986:39-54. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ANIMAL-MUMMIES, [CWHM-1987-133-#0088]
Diener, Lennart, ed. 1984 [Roster ur Riksgropen--ben och skarvor beratt...Helgeandsholmen.]. [Symposium]. [Swedish with English Abstract]. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1984:49-61. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SYMPOSIUM, [CWHM-1985-124-#1250 & ARME]
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Dillehay, Tom D., ed. 1995 Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. [See reviews by William H. Isbell, 1996; Mary Lucas Powell, 1996; Karen Wise, 1996.]. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, [BOOK]
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Dillingham, P. C. 1996 Long Bone Growth Variation in Children from the Toqua Site (40MR6). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:98. BONE, LONG BONE, CHILD, GROWTH VARIATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dillon, Brian D., Lynda Brunker, and Kevin O. Pope 1985 Ancient Maya Autoamputation? A Possible Case from Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Guatemala. Journal of New World Archaeology 5(4):24-38. AMPUTATION, AUTOAMPUTATION, GUATEMALA, MAYA, [JRNL]
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Dimbleby, G. W. 1963 Pollen Analysis. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Eric Higgs, eds. Science in Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 139-149. ARCHAEOLOGY, SCIENCE IN, POLLEN ANALYSIS, [KROEBER-ANTHROPOL-SOC-PAP-SPEC-PUB-1969-2:72 & BOOK & ARME]
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Dinic, B., and M. Jankovic 1976 [Blood Groups of Human Fossil Remains.]. [Serbo-Croatian with English Abstract]. Bilten za Hematologiju i Transfuziju 4(3):33-38. BLOOD GROUP, FOSSIL, [NDX-Paleontology-18-12-09894]
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Dinner, D. S. 1972 A Report of Two Rare Cases of Factitious Anaemia. South African Medical Journal/Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif 46:1070-1071. ANEMIA, FACTITIOUS, ARTIFICIAL, [NDX-Medicine primitive-13-06-07181]
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Dirckx, J. H. 1980 The Pied Piper of Hamelin. A Medical-Historical Interpretation. American Journal of Dermatopathology 2(1):39-45. PLAGUE, TYPHUS, PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, [CWHM-1982-112-#1527]
Dirckx, J. H. 1981 Virgil on Anthrax. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:15.]. American Journal of Dermatopathology 3:191-195. ANTHRAX, VIRGIL, [PPNL-1982-39:15]
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Dittert, A. E., and D. E. Dove, eds. 1985 Proceedings of the 1983 Hohokam Symposium. Arizona Archaeological Society Occasional Paper Number 2. Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Archaeological Society. SYMPOSIUM, HOHOKAM, 1983, [BARNES-1994:343 & PPNL-1986-55:17]
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Dittrick, Jean 1979 Sexual Dimorphism of the Femur and Humerus in Prehistoric Central California Skeletal Samples. [Thesis, California State University, Fullerton]. SEX ASSESSMENT, HUMERUS, FEMUR, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:237]
Dittrick, Jean, and Judy Myers Suchey 1986 Sex Determination of Prehistoric Central California Skeletal Remains Using Discriminant Analysis of the Femur and Humerus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(1):3-9. SEX ASSESSMENT, FEMUR, HUMERUS, CENTRAL CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
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Dixon, D. M. 1972 Population, Pollution and Health in Ancient Egypt. In: Peter R. Cox, and John Peel, eds. Population and Pollution: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Society. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 29-36. PUBLIC HEALTH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, HEALTH, POPULATION, POLLUTION, EGYPT, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):197 & MELVYL]
Dixon, D. M. 1973 Masticatories in Ancient Egypt. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 433-449. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, MASTICATORY (QUID) [BOOK]
Dixon, D. M. 1989 A Note on Some Scavengers of Ancient Egypt. World Archaeology 21(2):193-197. PUBLIC HEALTH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, SCAVENGER, ANIMAL, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Dixon, R. A., S. Ensor, E. L. Lewis, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1994 The Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by PCR from Human Bone? [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 14. TUBERCULOSIS, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, DETECTION OF BY PCR FROM HUMAN BONE, POSTER, [JRNL]
Dixon, R. A., S. Ensor, E. L. Lewis, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1994 The Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by PCR from Ancient Human Bone. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S39. DNA, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX DNA, DETECTION OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Dixon, R. A., S. Ensor, E. L. Lewis, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1994 The Detection of Mycobacterium

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