Bardinet, Thierry 1995 Les Papyrus Médicaux de l'Egypte Pharaonique. Penser la Médecine. Paris: Fayard. [See reviews by, J. F. Nunn, 1996; Hans Goedicke, 1996.]. MEDICAL HISTORY, MEDICAL PAPYRUS, [MED-HIST-1996-40:251]
Bardis, O. 1967 Circumcision in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(1):22-23. CIRCUMCISION, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bardis, P. 1967 Contraception in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(2):1-3. CONTRACEPTION, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bardis, P. 1967 Incest in Ancient Egypt. Indian Journal of the History of Medicine (Madras) 12(2):14-20. INCEST, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:269]
Bare, N. H. 1930 Notes on the Diseases of the Sino-Tibetan Border. Chinese Medical Journal 44:1157-1167. DISEASE, SINO-TIBETAN BORDER, NOTES ON, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barefoot, S. 1978 A 19th Century View of the Great Plague. Pratique (London) 4(1):36-38. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1978-099-#1317]
Barfield, Lawrence 1994 The Iceman Reviewed. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:14.]. Antiquity 68(258):10-26. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [JRNL]
Barfield, Lawrence, E. Koller, and A. Lippert 1992 Der Zeuge aus dem Gletscher: Das Rätsel der frühen Alpen-Europäer. Vienna: Carl Ueberreuter. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [ANTIQUITY-1994-68:26]
Bargmann, W. 1964 Histologie und mikroskopische Anatomie des Menschen. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag. ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, MICROSCOPY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barkai, Ron 1989 A Medieval Hebrew Treatise on Obstetrics. Medical History 33:96-119. OBSTETRICS, MEDIEVAL, HEBREW, [JRNL]
Barker, B. C. W. 1973 An Additional Aid to Sexing Aboriginal Skulls by Measuring Mandibular Molars at the Cemento-Enamel Junction. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 8:125-133. SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:410]
Barker, B. C. W. 1975 Periodontal Diseases and Tooth Dislocation in Aboriginal Remains from Lake Nitchie (N. S. W.), West Point (Tasmania) and Limestone Creek (Victoria). Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 10:185-217. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, TOOTH DISLOCATION, TASMANIA, [CWHM-1976-090-#1078]
Barker, B. C. W. 1975 Relation of the Alveolus to the Cemento-Enamel Junction Following Attritional Wear in Aboriginal Skulls: An Inquiry into Normality of Cementum Exposure with Aging. Journal of Periodontology 46(6):357-363. DENTAL ATTRITION, ABORIGINAL, [JRNL]
Barker, B. C. W. 1976 Taurodontism: The Incidence and Possible Significance of the Trait. Australian Dental Journal 21:272-276. TAURODONTISM, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barkley, Marylynn S. 1978 Vertebral Arch Defects in Ancient Egyptian Populations. Journal of Human Evolution 7(7):553-557. VERTEBRAL ARCH DEFECT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Barlachino, M. 1577 Raggionamento sopra la Peste del Anno 1576. [Discussions of the Plague of 1576.]. Firenza. PLAGUE, HISTORY, 1576, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Barley, N. 1972 Anglo-Saxon Magico-Medicine. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 3(2):67-76. MEDICAL HISTORY, ANGLO-SAXON MEDICINE, [CWHM-1972-075-#0032]
Barley, Nigel 1981 The Dowayo Dance of Death. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 149-159. BURIAL, SECONDARY BURIAL, [BOOK]
Barlow, T. 1879 Specimens of Disease of Skull in Congenital Syphilis. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London 30:333-339,350-353. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, SKULL, [STEINBOCK-1976:160]
Barlow, T. 1883 On Cases Described as 'Acute Rickets' Which Are Probably a Combination of Scurvy and Rickets, the Scurvy Being an Essential, and the Rickets a Variable, Element. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions 66:159-184. SCURVY, RICKETS, [STEINBOCK-1976:274]
Barlow, T. 1895 Der infantile Skorbut und seine Beziehungen zur Rachitis. Zentralblatt Innere Medizin/Internal Medicine 16:505-529. RICKETS, SCURVY, INFANTILE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Barlow, T. E. 1942 Os Cuneiforme 1 Bipartitum. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):95-111. FOOT, CUNEIFORM I, BIPARTITE [JRNL]
Barmes, D. E. 1968 Epidemiology in Papua-New Guinea. Part I. Dental Caries. Australian Dental Journal 13:302-312. DENTAL CARIES, PAPUA-NEW GUINEA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:152]
Barmes, D. E. 1969 Caries Etiology in Sepik Villages--Trace Element, Micronutrient and Macronutrient Content of Soil and Food. Caries Research 3:44-59. DENTAL CARIES, ETIOLOGY, [HANSON-NPT-1:046]
Barnard, M. M. 1935 The Secular Variations of Skull Characters in Four Series of Egyptian Skulls. Annals of Eugenics 6:352-371. SKULL, VARIATION, EGYPT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:255]
Barnes, Dennis J. 1996 Beethoven's Final Illness. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 347(9003):766. MEDICAL HISTORY, BEETHOVEN, FINAL ILLNESS OF, LETTER, [CWHM-1996-169:#0720]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1988 Inhumations Recovered from Casa Buena: Skeletal Analysis. In: J. B. Howard, ed. Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway. Volume 2. Soil Systems in Archaeology, Number 11. Phoenix, pp. 619-691. REMAINS, HUMAN, CASA BUENA, SQUAW PEAK, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, [BARNES-1994:335]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1991 Development Defects of the Axial Skeleton in Paleopathology, with Focus on a Southwest Prehistoric Anasazi Population: Puye, New Mexico. [Dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(4):1412A, University Microfilms order number DA9124784.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:19.]. DISSERTATION, DEVELOPMENTAL DEFECT, AXIAL SKELETON, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANASAZI,NEW MEXICO, [PPNL-1992-79:19]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1993 Spina Bifida Occulta or Cleft Neural Arch? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:52-53. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, CLEFT NEURAL ARCH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Developmental Defects of the Axial Skeleton in Paleopathology. Niwot, Colorado: University Press of Colorado. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, SKELETON, AXIAL, [BOOK]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Polydactyly in the Anasazi of Southwestern USA. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 10. POLYDACTYLY, AMERICA, INDIAN, ANASAZI, SOUTHWESTERN USA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1994 Polydactyly in the Southwest. Kiva 59(4):419-431. POLYDACTYLY, SOUTHWEST, USA, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1996 Diseases and Disorders in a 13th Century Frankish Cemetery from Corinth, Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:65. DISEASE, DISORDER, CEMETERY, FRANKISH, THIRTEEN CENTURY, CORINTH, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J. 1996 Medieval Behavior Related Pathology from Frankish Corinth, Greece. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 13. BEHAVIORAL RECONSTRUCTION, COMBAT, BLACKSMITHING HORSEBACK RIDING, DAILY CHORES, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, Ethne J., and Kenneth Ashworth 1992 Bioarchaeology of Some Plains Woodland Burials from Waurika Lake, Southwest Oklahoma. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. Plains Anthropologist 37(140):233-246. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, BIOARCHAEOLOGY, WAURIKA LAKE SITE, OKLAHOMA, [JRNL]
Barnes, H. 1973 A Dental Examination of the Inhabitants of Tristan da Cunha. British Dental Journal 63:86. DENTITION, TRISTAN DA CUNHA, [METRESS-1974:023]
Barnes, J., and Jerome C. Rose 1989 Dental Morphological Variants and Kinship Among the Prehistoric Caddo. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):188. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, KINSHIP, CADDO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barnes, J. W. B., ed. 1956 Five Ramesseum Papyri. Oxford: The University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:074]
Barnes, K. 1988 An Evolutionary Perspective on Malaria and Pregnancy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):184. MALARIA, PREGNANCY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barneston, J. 1950 Osseous Changes in Neural Leprosy: Radiological Findings. Acta Radiologica (Stockholm) 34:47-56. LEPROSY, NEURAL, OSSEOUS CHANGE, RADIOLOGY, [CRAN & STEINBOCK-1976:209]
Barnett, B. 1980 Painkillers in the Ancient World. [And subsequent correspondence]. Times, 10 October:15; 15 October; 17 October:13; 23 October:17. ANESTHESIA, [CWHM-1981-108-#0050]
Barnett, C. H. 1954 Squatting Facets on the European Talus. Journal of Anatomy 88:509-513. TALUS, SQUATTING FACET, EUROPE, [PALEOBIOS-(LYON)-1994-10:25]
Barnhart, Marion, Morris Goodman, and Jeheskel Shoshani 1980 Update on the Magadan Mammoth's Tissue Vestiges: Skeletal Muscle Identification. Paleopathology Newsletter 29:9-10. MAMMOTH, SKELETAL MUSCLE IDENTIFICATION, MAGADAN, RUSSIA, [JRNL]
Barnicot, N. A. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):216-217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Baron, Heike 1994 PCR-Gestützter Nachweis von Tuberkuloseerregern an Skelettmaterial. Diplomatarbeit Göttingen. DNA, TUBERCULOSIS, [PPNL-1995-91:8]
Baron, Heike, and S. Hummel 1994 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bone by PCR Techniques. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. DNA, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX DNA, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baron, H., and S. Hummel 1994 Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bones by PCR Techniques. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S17. DNA, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX DNA, DETECTION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Baron, Heike, Susanne Hummel, and Bernd Herrmann 1996 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA in Ancient Human Bones. Journal of Archaeological Science 23(5):667-671. DNA, ANCIENT, PCR, BONE, DISEASE, INFECTIOUS, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
Baron, J. H. 1982 James Lind Would Not Have Approved. Lancet (London) 1(8284):1313. SCURVY, FRUIT JUICE, LIND; JAMES, [JRNL]
Baron, R. 1990 Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Bone. In: M. J. Favus, ed. Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kelleysville, California: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, pp. 3-7. BONE, ANATOMY, ULTRASTRUCTURE, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]
Barondess, D. A. 1992 Biomechanical and Density Changes in Archaeologically-Derived Femora and Humeri from Michigan and Western New York State. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:46. FEMORA, HUMERI, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, BIOMECHANICAL AND DENSITY CHANGE, MICHIGAN, NEW YORK STATE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barr, J. 1949 Some Characteristics of Caries on the Proximal Surfaces of Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 28:446-482. DENTAL CARIES, SURFACE, PROXIMAL, [ARME]
Barraco, Robin A. 1973 Protein in Mummy Tissues. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:5-6. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1974 Extraction and Analysis of Proteinogenous Material from Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, p. 4. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
Barraco, Robin A. 1974 Extraction and Analysis of Proteinogenous Material from Mummified Tissue. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):469. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1975 Amino Acid Dating. Paleopathology Newsletter 9:8-9. AMINO ACID, DATING, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1975 Preservation of Proteins in Mummified Tissue. Paleopathology Newsletter 11:8-10. MUMMIES, TISSUE, PROTEIN PRESERVATION, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1977 Autopsy of an Egyptian Mummy. 8. Analysis of Protein Extract. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 20:7.]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 117(5):474. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, PROTEIN EXTRACT, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1978 Preservation of Proteins in Mummified Tissues. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 23:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(4):487-491. MUMMIES, PROTEIN PRESERVATION, TISSUE, MUMMY, NATRON, [JRNL]
Barraco, Robin A. 1980 Paleobiochemistry. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 312-326. MUMMIES, BIOCHEMISTRY, [BOOK]
Barraco, Robin A., Theodore A. Reyman, and T. Aidan Cockburn 1977 Paleobiochemical Analysis of an Egyptian Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:13; 1978, 24:19.]. Journal of Human Evolution 6(6):533-546. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Barral, C. 1956 People of the Grotto Bianchi. Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 3. GROTTO BIANCHI, [ARME]
Barras de Aragón, F. 1933 Notas sobre Restos Humanos Prehistóricos, Protohistóricos y Antiguos de España. Restos Humanos de la Estación Prehistórica de Alcolea (Córdoba). Actas y Memorias de la Sociedad Española de Antropología, Etnografía Prehistoria 12:200-205. TREPHINATION, CORDOBA, SPAIN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Barras de Aragón, F. 1942 Notas sobre Restos Humanos Prehistóricos, Protohistóricos y Antiguos de España. Restos Humanos de la Cueva de la Mora. Actas y Memorias de la Sociedad Española de Antropología, Etnografía Prehistoria 17:53-60. TREPHINATION, CORDOBA, SPAIN, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Barras de Aragón, Francisco de las 1909 Sobre dos Momias Procendentes de Quillagua. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 13:333-336. MUMMIES, CHILE, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):575]
Barrett, Frank A. 1991 "Scurvy" Lind's Medical Geography. Social Science and Medicine 33(4):347-353. SCURVY, [CWHM-1992-153-#1130]
Barrett, M. J. 1958 Dental Observations on Australian Aborigines: Continuously Changing Functional Occlusion. Australian Dental Journal 3:39-52. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [NXDL-1958:025]
Barrett, M. J. 1958 Dental Observations on Australian Aborigines. Australian Dental Journal 3:78-91. DENTITION, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:128]
Barrett, M. J. 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):516. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Barrett, M. J. 1977 Masticatory and Non-Masticatory Uses of Teeth. In: R. V. S. Wright, ed. Stone Tools as Cultural Markers: Change, Evolution and Complexity. Prehistory and Material Culture Series Number 12. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, pp. 18-23. DENTITION, MASTICATORY, NON-MASTICATORY, USE OF TEETH, [BOOK]
Barrett, M. J., and Tasman Brown 1975 Comment on "Did La Ferrassie I Use His Teeth as a Tool?" [See John A. Wallace, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(3):396. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, LA FERRASSIE 1, TOOL USE, [JRNL]
Barrett, M. J., et al. 1972 Oral Health of Australian Aborigines: Survey Methods and Prevalence of Dental Caries. Australian Dental Journal 17:37-50. DENTAL CARIES, SURVEY, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:125]
Barrett, W. C. 1883 An Examination of the Teeth of Certain Pre-Historic American Races. Independent Practitioner 4:513-521. DENTITION, TEETH, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [LSG1-Man]
Barretto, M. A., et al. 1953 Incidence of Dental Caries Amongst Indian Adults. Journal of the All-India Dental Association 25:1-2. DENTAL CARIES, ADULT, INDIAN, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:125]
Barrios García, José Raymundo 1992 Estudio Sobre la Noción de Alma Entre los Antiguos Canarios. [A Study on the Concept of Spirit Among the Ancient Inhabitants of the Canary Islands.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 159. MUMMIES, CANARY ISLANDS, RELIGION, BERBER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Barros, L., and C. Witcop 1963 Oral and Genetic Study of Chileans in 1960: Periodontal Disease and Nutritional Factors. Archives of Oral Biology 8:195-206. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, CHILE, GENETICS, [ARME]
Barros, L., and C. Witcop 1963 Oral and Genetic Study of Chileans: Factors that Influence the Severity of Periodontal Disease. Archives of Oral Biology 8:765-770. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, CHILE, GENETICS, [ARME]
Barros, Philip de 1993 Native Americans and Archaeologists Working Together Toward Common Goals in California. Society for California Archaeology Newsletter 27(4):8-10. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Barroso, C., M. García, A. Ruíz, P. Medina, and J. L. Sanchidrián 1983 Avance al Estudio Cultural, Antropológico y Paleontológico de la Cueva del "Boquete de Zafarraya" (Alcaucín, Málaga). Antropología y Paleoecología Humana (Granada) 3:3-6. MANIPULATION, ANTHROPOLOGY, NEANDERTAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:43]
Barroso, C., P. Medina, J. L. Sanchidrián, A. Ruíz, and M. García 1984 Le Gisement Mousterien de la Grotte du Boquete de Zafarraya (Alcaucin-Andalousie). [The Mousterian Deposit of the Boquete de Zafarraya Cave (Alcaucin-Andalusia).]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 88(1):133-134. MOUSTERIAN, BOQUETE DE ZAFARRAYA CAVE, ALCAUCIN-ANDALUSIA, [JRNL]
Barrow, Mark V. 1970 A Brief History of Teratology to the 20th Century. Teratology 4:119-130. TERATOLOGY, HISTORY, [ISCAN-1989:126]
Barrow, Mark V., Jerry D. Niswander, and Robert Fortuine, comps. 1972 Health and Disease of American Indians North of Mexico: A Bibliography, 1800-1969. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 11:11.]. DISEASE, HEALTH, NORTH OF MEXICO, AMERICA, INDIAN, BIBLIOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Barry, D. 1969 O König, Lebe in Ewigkeit! Organorama 6:22-26. KING, LIFE, ETERNITY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Barry, P. S. I. 1975 A Comparison of Concentrations of Lead in Human Tissues. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 32:119-139. TISSUE, HUMAN, LEAD CONCENTRATION, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:263]
Barry, P. S. I. 1978 Distribution and Storage of Lead in Human Tissues. In: J. O. Nriagu, ed. The Biogeochemistry of Lead in the Environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Part B, pp. 97-150. LEAD, DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE IN HUMAN TISSUE, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:160 & MELVYL]
Barry, P. S. I., and R. Connolly 1981 Lead Concentrations in Mediaeval Bones. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 48(2):173-177. LEAD CONCENTRATION, BONE, MEDIEVAL, [NDX-Archaeology-22-07-06179]
Bartel, B. 1982 A Historical Review of Ethnological and Archaeological Analyses of Mortuary Practice. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 1:32-58. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANALYSIS, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:428]
Bartels, Martin 1913 Die Ausführung der Geradlinigen Präkolumbianischen Trepanation. [Execution of Straight-Line Peruvian Trephination.]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 39:2311. TREPHINATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ARME]
Bartels, Max 1895 Die Medizin der Naturvölker. Leipzig: Ethnologische Beiträge zur Urgeschichte der Medizin. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ARME]
Bartels, Max 1895 Über einen Angeschossenen Menschenknochen aus den Gräberfeldern von Watsch in Krain. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 25:77-80. CEMETERY, KRAIN, [ARME]
Bartels, Paul 1904 Über ein Os Praebasioccipitale, Sergi (Os Basioticum, Albrecht) an einem Chinesenschädel. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie (Berlin) 36:147-152. SKULL, ABNORMALITY, DEFORMITY, [JRNL]
Bartels, Paul 1907 Tuberkulose (Wirbelkaries) in der Jüngeren Steinzeit. Archiv fuer Anthropolgie (Braunschweig) 6(n.s.), 34(complete series):243-255. TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
Barthel, C. 1986 Das Mexikanische Schwitzbad Temazcal als Therapeutische Einrichtung. Curare 9:289-296. SWEATHOUSE, THERAPY, MEXICO, [CWHM-1987-134-#1968]
Barthet, B., and Raymond Riquet 1980 Anthropologie de l'Ossuaire de Belcaire (Bronze Ancien du Département de l'Aude). [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84:36-70. OSSUARY, BRONZE AGE, [JRNL]
Bartlett, Elisha 1841 A Vindication of the Character and Condition of the Females Employed in the Lowell Mills, Against the Charges Contained in the Boston Times, and the Boston Quarterly Review. Lowell, Massachusetts: Leonard Huntress Printer. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [MELVYL]
Bartlett, K. 1931 Prehistoric Pueblo Foods. Museum Notes of the Museum of Northern Arizona 4:1-4. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PREHISTORIC PUEBLO FOOD, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:303]
Bartlett, R. C. l960 Present Status of Serological Tests for Syphilis. Hartford Hospital Bulletin 15:24. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SEROLOGY, [CRAN]
Bartley, M. H., and J. Arnold 1967 Sex Differences in Human Skeletal Involution. Nature (London) 214:908-909. SKELETAL INVOLUTION, SEX DIFFERENCE, [NDX-1968-09-06804]
Barton, John L. 1993 The Pestilence. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 342(8886-8887):1566. PLAGUE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Barton, R. P. 1974 A Clinical Study of the Nose in Lepromatous Leprosy. Leprosy Review 45:135-144. LEPROSY, LEPROMATOUS LEPROSY, NOSE, [STEINBOCK-1976:209]
Bartsch, W. 1960 [Simulation and Self-Mutilation in History and Literature.]. [German]. Medizinische Monatsschrift 14:190-194. MUTILATION, SELF-MUTILATION, HISTORY, [NDX-Self-Mutilation-01-03-01966]
Bartsiokas, A., and M. H. Day 1993 Lead Poisoning and Dental Caries in the Broken Hill Hominid. Journal of Human Evolution 24(3):243-249. DENTAL CARIES, LEAD POISONING, BROKEN HILL HOMINID, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1972 Hephaestus and Clubfoot. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 27(4):450-451. TALIPES, CLUBFOOT, BILATERAL, HEPHAESTUS, [JRNL]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1972 Hephaestus and Clubfoot. [Greek]. Archeia Hellenikes Paidiatrikes Hetaireias 35:246-248. TALIPES, CLUBFOOT, BILATERAL, HEPHAESTUS, [CWHM-1973-77-#0260]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1977 Stature of Greeks of the Pylos Area During the Second Millennium B.C. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. Hippocrates Magazine 2(2):157-160. STATURE, ANCIENT, GREEK, [PPNL-1980-29:16]
Bartsocas, Christo S. 1980 Complete Absence of the Permanent Dentition: An Autosomal Recessive Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics 6:333-334. GENETICS, DENTITION, ABSENCE OF, [CWHM-1982-111-#1992]
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