Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Bayley, J. 1980 The Human Bones. In: I. M. Stead. Rudston Roman Villa. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society, pp. 146-148. REMAINS, SKELETAL, RUDSTON ROMAN VILLA, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Bayliss, J. H. 1980 The Extinction of Bubonic Plague in Britain. Endeavour 4:58-66. PLAGUE, EXTINCTION, BRITAIN, [CWHM-1981-107-#1439]
Bayliss, J. H. 1985 Epidemiological Considerations of the History of Indigenous Malaria in Britain. [See also Bayliss, J. H., 1987, Abstract.]. Endeavour 9:191-194. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, BRITAIN, [MASCA-4(4):204]
Bayliss, J. H. 1987 Epidemiological Considerations of the History of Indigenous Malaria in Britain. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):204. MALARIA, EPIDEMIOLOGY, BRITAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope 1966 Discussion: The Development and Present Condition of Human Palaeopathology in the United States. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 38-40. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, PRESENT CONDITION, USA, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Bayoumi, M. 1934 Effect of Mummification on Medicine and Pathology of Ancient Egyptians. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association 17:586-593. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [QCIM-1934-16-0163]
Bay-Petersen, J. L. 1978 Animal Exploitation in Mesolithic Denmark. In: Paul Mellars, ed. The Early Postglacial Settlement of Northern Europe: An Ecological Perspective. London: Duckworth, pp. 115-145. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ANIMAL EXPLOITATION, MESOLITHIC, DENMARK, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-11:133 & MELVYL]
Bazas, Theodore 1994 The Plague of Athens. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87(12):755. PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF ATHENS, SMALLPOX, LETTER, [JRNL]
Bazzi, F., and D. Panebianco 1980 Notizie Storiche sull'Epidemia di Colera che Colpi nel 1835 la Città di Cuneo. In: Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Medicina (29, Casale Monferrato, 1978). Casale Monferrato: Tipog Operaia Artigiani. CHOLERA, [CWHM-1981-107-#0312]
Bazzocchi, Giuseppe 1947 Trapanazioni Incaiche. Chiurgia Italiana (Belluno) 1:434. TREPHINATION, PERU, INCA, [DIS IN ANT:694]
Beaconsfield, M., and T. Beaconsfield 1983 Marine Archeology Seen From the "Wasa" and the "Mary Rose": A Physician's Eye-View. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Aarsbok 1983:65-69. ARCHAEOLOGY, MARINE, WASA, MARY ROSE, [CWHM-1984-121-#1568]
Beagrie, G. S., G. W. Thompson, and M. K. Basu 1970 Tooth Position and Alveolar Bone Loss in Skulls. British Dental Journal 129:471-474. DENTITION, TOOTH POSITION, ALVEOLAR BONE LOSS, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:076]
Bean, J. M. W. 1962 Plague, Population and Economic Decline in England in the Later Middle Ages. Economic History Review 15:432-437. PLAGUE, DEMOGRAPHY, ECONOMY, ENGLAND, MIDDLE AGES, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Bean, L. J., and Corinne Shear Wood 1969 The Crisis in Indian Health: A California Example. The Indian Historian 2(3):29-32,36. HEALTH, AMERICA, INDIAN, MODERN, [JRNL]
Bean, L. L., and G. P. Mineau 1986 The Polygony-Fertility Hypothesis: A Reevaluation. Population Studies (London) 40:67-81. MORMON, FERTILITY, [CWHM-1986-129-#1394]
Bean, W. B., et al. 1982 A Nonletter from the Editor and a Case for All Seasons. Seminars in Roentgenology 17:153-162. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, ELEPHANT MAN, [CWHM-1983-117-#1830]
Beardsley, G. 1941 Notes on Cree Medicines, Based on a Collection Made by I. Cowie in 1892. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 27:483-496. MEDICINE, INDIAN, CREE, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Beardsley, Tim 1996 Out of Food? Scientific American 274(4):20-21. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Beasley, M. J., W. A. B. Brown, and A. J. Legge 1992 Incremental Banding in Dental Cementum: Methods of Preparation for Teeth from Archaeological Sites and for Modern Comparative Specimens. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(1):37-50. DENTAL CEMENTUM, INCREMENTAL BANDING, [CWHM-1992-154-#0873]
Beattie, J. 1930 A Note on Two Skulls from Tenerife. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 14(3):447-449. SKULL, TENERIFE, [JRNL]
Beattie, O. 1982 An Assessment of X-ray Energy Spectroscopy and Bone Trace Element Analysis for the Determination of Sex from Fragmentary Human Skeletons. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 2:205-315. SEX ASSESSMENT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:017]
Beattie, Owen B. 1983 A Report on Newly Discovered Human Skeletal Remains from the Last Sir John Franklin Expedition. Musk-Ox 33:68-77. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [ZAGREB-1988:085]
Beattie, Owen B. 1992 The Results of Multidisciplinary Research into Preserved Human Tissues from the Franklin Arctic Expedition of 1845. [Resultados de una Investigación Multidisciplinar de los Tejidos Humanos Conservados de la Expedición Franklin al Artico.]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 143. MUMMIES, ARCTIC, SOFT TISSUE, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beattie, Owen B., E. Damkjar, W. Kowal, and R. Amy 1985 The Report of an Autopsy Performed on a Member of the Last Franklin Expedition. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 22:6. AUTOPSY, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION MEMBER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beattie, Owen B., and John Geiger 1987 Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [MELVYL]
Beattie, Owen B., and John Geiger 1992 Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition. Vancouver: Greystone Books, Douglas & McIntyre. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1996-23:465]
Beatty, D. R. 1990 Searching for Clues to the Origins of OMT. [Letter]. JAOA: Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 90:653-654. OSTEOPATHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, LETTER, [CWHM-1991-149-#0071-#1795]
Beatty, William K. 1974 Medical Numismatic Notes, XV. Some Medical Aspects of Greek and Roman Coins. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 50(1):85-95. MEDICINE, HISTORY, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski 1988 The Archaeology of Work and Home Life in Lowell, Massachusetts: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Boott Cotton Mills Corporation. Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology 14(2):forthcoming. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT COTTON MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):315]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1987 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 18. Volume 1. Life at the Boardinghouses: A Preliminary Report. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, BOARDINGHOUSE LIFESTYLE, [MELVYL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1987 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 19. Volume 2. The Kirk Street Agents' House. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, AGENTS' HOUSE, KIRK STREET, [MELVYL]
Beaudry, Mary C., and Stephen A. Mrozowski, eds. 1989 Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Cultural Resources Management Study Number 21. Volume 3. The Boarding House System as a Way of Life. Boston, Massachusetts: Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, BOOTT MILLS, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, LOWELL BOARDING HOUSE SYSTEM, [MELVYL]
Beaugrand-Champagne, A. 1944 Les Maladies et la Médecine des Anciens Iroquois. Cahiers des Dix (Montreal) 9:227-242. DISEASE, MEDICINE, IROQUOIS, [COURY 1969:334]
Becchia, Alain 1990 Des Villes Epargnées? L'Epidémie de Choléra de 1832 à Elbeuf. Annales de Démographie Historique 55:53-70. CHOLERA, EPIDEMIC 1832, [CWHM-1991-150-#0254]
Becerril S., Victor M. 1958 Sobre la Autenticidad de Algunas "Cabezas Reducidas" de los Jíbaros. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1965 18(47):41-50. SKULL, SHRUNKEN HEAD, JIVARO, SOUTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Beck, Carl W., and William P. Mulvaney 1966 Apatitic Urinary Calculi from Early American Indians. Journal of the American Medical Association 195(12):1044-1045. URINARY CALCULUS, APATITIC, [JRNL]
Beck, Curt W. 1974 Fifth Symposium on Archaeological Chemistry. Dallas, Texas, 1973. Advances in Chemistry Series, 138. Washington: American Chemical Society. ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, [MELVYL]
Beck, Karl-Georg, and Stefan Klug 1990 The Anthropology of the Predynastic Sites of Maadi and Wadi Digla. In: Ibrahim Rizkana, and Jurgen Seeher, eds. Maadi, Volume IV. The Predynastic Cemeteries of Maadi and Wadi Digla. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, pp. 106-178. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MAADI AND WADI DIGLA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Beck, Lane A. 1980 Physical Anthropology of Skeletal Remains from Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia. [Thesis, Georgia State University, Atlanta]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OAKLAND CEMETERY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THESIS, [AJPA-1987-74:197]
Beck, Lane A. 1985 Bivariate Analysis of Trace Elements in Bone. Journal of Human Evolution 14(5):493-502. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A. 1985 Trace Elements and Dietary Variation During the Mississippian Period in North Georgia. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Birmingham, Alabama. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [AM-ANTIQ-1990-55:741]
Beck, Lane A. 1992 Human Osteology. By Tim D. White. 1991. San Diego, California: Academic Press. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 19(2):257-259. REVIEW OF, WHITE; TIM D., 1991, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A. 1993 Vectors of Death: The Archaeology of European Contact. By Ann F. Ramenofsky. 1987. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [Review]. Journal of Field Archaeology 20(1):112-114. REVIEW OF, RAMENOFSKY; ANN F., [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A., ed. 1995 Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis. New York: Plenum Press. [See reviews by Christopher Carr, 1995; Janet E. Levy, 1996; Elizabeth A. Rega, 1996; Charlotte A. Roberts, 1996; Lori W. Wright, 1996.]. MORTUARY ANALYSIS, REGIONAL APPROACH, [J-ANTHROPOL-RES-1995-51:399 & AM-ANTHROPOL-1996-98:174 & AJPA-1996-100:297 & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1996-23:467]
Beck, Lane A., and E. L. Hoyt 1992 The People of Pecos: Preliminary Reevaluation of Health Patterns for Five Pueblos in the Pecos Valley. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:47. HEALTH, PECOS VALLEY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Beck, Lane A., and Diane M. Zorich 1995 Digging Through Our Data: Using Archaeological Databases for Repatriation Resource Allocation. Symbols 1995(Spring):21-25,28. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Beck, Rosemary 1988 The Dental Pathology of Medieval Christian Sudanese Nubians from the Batn-el-Hajar. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL, NUBIA, THESIS, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:071]
Beck, Rosemary, and D. L. Greene 1989 Dental Disease Among Medieval Christian Sudanese Nubians from the Batn-el-Hajar. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):190. DENTAL DISEASE, MEDIEVAL, CHRISTIANS, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, C. J. 1952 Skeletfundet fra Porsmose ved Naestved. Fra Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1952:25. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NAESTVED, [DIS IN ANT:629]
Becker, I. 1985 Zur Konstitution der Frügeschichtlichen Bevölkerung von Kirchheim unter Teck. [On the Composition of the Early Historical Population at Kirchheim unter Teck.]. [Dipl Biol, Universität Ulm]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 91:18.]. DISSERTATION, DEMOGRAPHY, KIRCHHEIM UNTER TECK, GERMANY, [PPNL-1995-91:18]
Becker, I. 1985 Zur Konstitution der Frügeschichtlichen Bevölkerung von Kirchheim unter Teck. [Physical Make-Up of the Early Historical Population at Kirchheim unter Teck.]. [Dipl Biol, Universität Ulm (corrected translation)]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 95:18.]. DISSERTATION, DEMOGRAPHY, KIRCHHEIM UNTER TECK, GERMANY, [PPNL-1996-95:18]
Becker, J., and K. Condon 1996 Examination of Dental Development Patterns in an African-American Skeletal Series. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:67. DENTAL DEVELOPMENT, AFRICAN-AMERICAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1975 Human Skeletal Remains from Kato Zakro. American Journal of Archaeology 79:271-276. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MINOAN, KATO ZAKRO, CRETE, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1984 Studies of Ancient Populations in Southern Italy and Sicily: Potentials for Paleopathology Research. Paleopathology Newsletter 45:8-9. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL RESEARCH POTENTIAL, SKELETAL REMAINS, ITALY, SICILY, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1985 Metric and Non-Metric Data from a Series of Skulls from Mozia, Sicily and a Related Site. Antropologia Contemporanea 8(3):211-228. SKULL, METRICS AND NON-METRICS, MOZIA, SICILY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S19]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1986 Mandibular Symphysis (Medial Suture) Closure in Modern Homo sapiens: Preliminary Evidence from Archaeological Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(4):499-501. AGE ASSESSMENT, HOMO SAPIENS, MANDIBLE, UNION, SYMPHYSEAL, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1988 Comment on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Brenda J. Baker, and George J. Armelagos, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):720-721. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1989 Bones, Bodies, Behavior, Essays on Biological Anthropology. Edited by George W. Stocking Jr. 1988. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):259-260. REVIEW OF, STOCKING JR.; GEORGE W., 1988, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1990 The Chemistry of Prehistoric Bone. Edited by T. Douglas Price. 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. [Review]. American Journal of Archaeology 94(4):680-681. REVIEW OF, PRICE; T. DOUGLAS, 1989, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1992 An Etruscan Gold Dental Appliance in the Collections of the Danish National Museum: Evidence for the History of Dentistry. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 96:695-700. DENTITION, DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, [CWHM-1994-161-#0918]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1992 Female Vanity Among the Etruscans: The Copenhagen Gold Dental Appliance. [La Vanidad Femenina Entre los Etruscos: Las Prótesis Dentales de Oro de Copenhague.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 155. DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Deciduous Molar Retention Among Hellenistic Period Carthaginian Colonists at Marsala (Ancient Lilibeum, Sicily, Italy). [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S19. DENTITION, MOLAR, DECIDUOUS, RETENTION OF, SICILY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Disease and Demography in the Americas. Edited by John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker. 1992. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. American Antiquity 59(2):383-384. REVIEW OF, VERANO; JOHN W., AND DOUGLAS H. UBELAKER, EDS., 1992, [JRNL]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Etruscan Dental Appliances: Origins and Functions as Indicated by an Example from Orvieto, Italy in the Danish National Museum. Dental Anthropology Newsletter 8(3):2-8. DENTAL APPLIANCE, ETRUSCAN, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:204]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Etruscan Gold Dental Appliances: Origins and Functions as Indicated by an Example from Valsiarosa, Italy. Journal of Paleopathology 6(2):69-92. DENTAL APPLIANCE, GOLD, ETRUSCAN, [PPNL-1995-91:13]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1994 Suggrundaria and Roman Villas: A Note on an Infant's Burial at Satricum, Lazio, Italy. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 17(2):7-10. BURIAL, INFANT, SATRICUM, LAZIO, ITALY, [PPNL-1995-89:11]
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1995 Children's Cemeteries: Early Christianity, Not Disease. Paleopathology Newsletter 89:10-11. CEMETERY, CHILDREN, ITALY, IRON AGE TO MEDIEVAL PERIOD, [JRNL]
Becker, Robert O. 1966 Observation Médicale d'une Momie. Revue Lyonnaise de Médecine 15:821-826. MUMMIES, OBSERVATION, MEDICAL, [ARME]
Becker, Robert O., Joseph A. Spadaro, and Edward W. Berg 1968 The Trace Elements of Human Bone. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 50-A(2):326-334. BONE, TRACE ELEMENT, [JRNL]
Beckett, D. W. 1987 The Striking Hand of God: Leprosy in History. New Zealand Medical Journal 100(829):494-497. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Beckett, H. W. 1910 Appendix I. A Summary of the Literature Relating to the History of Nubia. In: Grafton Elliot Smith, and Frederic Wood Jones. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia: Report for 1907-1908. Volume II: Report on the Human Remains. Cairo: Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Survey Department, pp. 343-370. [See George Andrew Reisner, 1910, for Volume I, Archaeological Report.]. NUBIA, HISTORY, LITERATURE, EGYPT, [BOOK]
Beckett, J. V. 1980 Illness and Amputation in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of Sir James Lowther (1673-1755). Medical History 24(1):88-92. ILLNESS, AMPUTATION, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Beckett, Sean, and Nancy C. Lovell 1994 Dental Disease Evidence for Agricultural Intensification in the Nubian C-Group. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(3)223-240. DENTAL DISEASE, AGRICULTURAL INTENSIFICATION, NUBIA, [CWHM-1994-164-#0773]
Beckett, W. 1700-1720 and 1719-1733 Of the Antiquity of the Venereal Disease. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 5:381 and 7:652. VENEREAL DISEASE, ANTIQUITY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Beddoe, John 1869 Further Particulars Respecting the Cannibals of South Africa. Anthropological Review 7(25):127-128. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Bedet, Bernard 1990 Répartition Spatiale des Inhumations de Périnataux sur l'Oppidum Protohistorique de Gailhan (Gard): Démographie et Société. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):99-104. BURIAL, PERINATAL, DEMOGRAPHY, PROTOHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Bedford, Evan 1974 The Story of the Gouty Heart. British Heart Journal 36(6):603-607. BURIAL, DEMOGRAPHY, PROTOHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Bedford, M. E., Katherine F. Russell, and C. Owen Lovejoy 1989 The Utility of the Auricular Surface Aging Technique. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):190-191. AGE ASSESSMENT, AURICULAR SURFACE TECHNIQUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bedford, M. E., Katherine F. Russell, C. Owen Lovejoy, R. S. Meindl, Scott W. Simpson, and Patricia Stuart-Macadam 1993 Test of the Multifactorial Aging Method Using Skeletons with Known Ages-at-Death from the Grant Collection. [See Richard S. Meindl, M. E. Bedford, Katherine F. Russell, C. Owen Lovejoy, and Scott W. Simpson, 1995; Scott I. Fairgrieve, and Tracy S. Oost, 1995.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 91(3):287-297. AGE ASSESSMENT, DEMOGRAPHY, GRANT COLLECTION (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO), [JRNL]
Beecher, S. B., H. N. McIntosh, and E. McCart 1951 Dental Hypoplasias in Relation to Congenital Syphilis. Journal of Venereal Disease Information 32:71. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL HYPOPLASIAS, [QCIM-1951-49-0223]
Beekman, F. 1928 Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis. Annals of Surgery 88:270-296. OSTEOMYELITIS, HEMATOGENOUS OSTEOMYELITIS, ACUTE, [STEINBOCK-1976:083]
Beeley, J. A., and W. Harvey 1973 Pink Teeth Appearing as a Post-Mortem Phenomenon. Journal--Forensic Science Society 13:297-305. DENTITION, PINK TEETH, POST-MORTEM PHENOMENON, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:347]
Beeley, J. G., and D. A. Lunt 1980 The Nature of the Biochemical Changes in Softened Dentine from Archaeological Sites. Journal of Archaeological Science 7(4):371-377. DENTINE, SOFTENED, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SCOTLAND, [JRNL]
Beeson, Paul B. 1980 Some Diseases That Have Disappeared. American Journal of Medicine 68(6):806-811. DISEASE, EXTINCT, [JRNL]
Beetson 1818 On the Antiquity of Syphilis. Medical and Physical Journal 40:193-197. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ANTIQUITY, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Begg, P. 1938 Progress Report on Attrition of the Teeth in Its Relationship to Periodontal Disease and Tooth Decay. Australian Dental Journal 42:315-320. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Begg, P. 1954 Stone Age Man's Dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics 40:298,373,462,517. DENTITION, STONE AGE, [ARME]
Begler, Elsie B., and Richard W. Keatinge 1979 Theoretical Goals and Methodological Realities: Problems in the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Subsistence Economies. World Archaeology 11(2):208-226. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GOAL, METHOD, PROBLEM, [JRNL]
Begley, V. 1976 Protohistoric Material from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and India Contacts. In: K. A. R. Kennedy, and G. L. Possehl, eds. Ecological Backgrounds of South Asian Prehistory. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University South Asia Program, pp. 191-196. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SRI LANKA, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Beguiristain, J. L., and M. A. Beguiristain 1987 Lesiones Patológicas en la Población del Abrigo del Padre Areso (Bigüezal, Navarra). Cuadernos de Sección de Antropología-Etnografía de la Sociedad de Estudios Vascos 4:125-132. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, CARCINOMA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Behan, R. 1945 Pre-Columbian Middle America Medicine. American Journal of Surgery 70:268-274. MEDICINE, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [COURY 1969:334]
Béhar, Moisés 1968 Food and Nutrition of the Maya Before the Conquest and at the Present Time. In: Biomedical Challenges Presented by the American Indian. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication Number 165, pp. 114-119. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975,10:12.]. NUTRITION, FOOD, MAYA, [PPNL 1975-10:12 & ZIMM]
Béhar, Moisés, and N. S. Scrimshaw 1960 Epidemiology of Protein Malnutrition. In: Iago Goldstar, ed. Human Nutrition, Historic and Scientific. New York: International Universities Press. MALNUTRITION, PROTEIN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:209]
Béhar, Moisés, and F. Viteri 1975 Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. In: Progress in Food and Nutrition Science. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 123-137. MALNUTRITION, PROTEIN-CALORIE MALNUTRITION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Behbehani, Abbas M. 1980 The Smallpox Story: Man Finally Defeats an Old Adversary. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 81:447-456,474. SMALLPOX ERADICATION, [CWHM-1982-112-#1778]
Behbehani, Abbas M. 1983 The Smallpox Story: Life and Death of an Old Disease. Microbiological Reviews 47(4):455-509. SMALLPOX, ERADICATION, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Behlmer, George K. 1979 Deadly Motherhood: Infanticide and Medical Opinion in Mid-Victorian England. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 34(4):403-427. INFANTICIDE, VICTORIAN, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Behrend, Gary D. 1981 Diet, Food Preparation and Dental Health in Prehistory: Analogic Models from the Ethnographic Record. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):200. DENTAL HEALTH, DIET, NUTRITION, PREHISTORIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Behrendt, H. C. 1968 [Jaw Abnormalities in Art.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 109:877-879. JAW, ABNORMALITY, ART, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Behrens, Conrad Berthold 1714 Gruendlicher Bericht von der Natur der Pest. [Thorough Report on the Nature of the Plague.]. Brunswick. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Behrensmeyer, Anna K. 1978 Taphonomic and Ecologic Information on Bone Weathering. Paleobiology 4:150-162. TAPHONOMY, BONE WEATHERING, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:321]

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