Berg, S., B. Bertozzi, R. Meier, and S. Mendritzki 1983 Vergleichend-Methodologischer Beitrag und Kritische Bemerkungen zur Interpretation von Blutgruppenbestimmungen an Mumienrelikten und Skelettfunden. [Comparative Methodological Contribution and Critical Observations on the Interpretation of Blood Group Determinations of Mummies and Skeletal Remains.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 41(1):1-19. MUMMIES, SKELETON, BLOOD, GROUPING, [NDX-Mummies-24-12-11696]
Bergdolt, Klaus 1990 Die Pest 1348 in Venedig. Wuerzburger Medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 8:229-244. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [CWHM-1991-149-#2005]
Bergdolt, Klaus 1992 Petrarca und die Pest. [German with English Abstract]. Sudhoffs Archiv 76(1):63-73. PLAGUE, PETRARCA, [CWHM-1992-155-#0140]
Bergemann, H. 1965 [Dentistry in Ancient Judaism.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 55:703-7-6. DENTISTRY, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Dentistry-06-03-02020]
Bergemann, H. 1966 [Dental Prostheses in Ancient India.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 56:921-923. DENTAL PROSTHESIS, ANCIENT, INDIA, [NDX-History of Dentistry-08-02-02620]
Bergemann, H. 1974 Archäologische Schädelfunde auf der Insel Kodiak. [Archaeological Skull Discoveries on the Island of Kodiak.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 64(5):240-243. SKULL, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bergemann, H. 1974 Ritual Changes in the Dentition Among the Aleuts. Quintessence International 5:103-106. DENTAL MUTILATION, ALEUT, [CWHM-1975-85-#0483]
Bergemann, H. 1977 Skorbut an Bord der "Mayflower." [Scurvy on Board the Mayflower.]. [German with English Abstract]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 67(4):222-224. SCURVY, MAYFLOWER, [NDX-Scurvy history-18-13-10984]
Berger, Rainer, Reiner Protsch, Richard Reynolds, Charles Rozaire, and James R. Sackett 1971 New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 12:43-49. BONE, COLLAGEN, DATING, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Berger, Thomas D., and Erik Trinkaus 1993 Late Archaic Human Traumatic Injuries: Activity and/or a Bias in the Record. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 16(Supplement):56. INJURY, TRAUMATIC, ARCHAIC PERIOD, ACTIVITY OR BIASED RECORD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berger, Thomas D., and Erik Trinkaus 1995 Patterns of Trauma Among the Neandertals. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(6):841-852. TRAUMA, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Berget, K. A., and Steven E. Churchill 1994 Subsistence Activity and Humeral Hypertrophy Among Western Aleutian Islanders. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:55. HUMERUS, HUMERAL HYPERTROPHY, SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITY, ALEUT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bergfelder, T., and B. Herrmann 1978 Zur Fertilitätsschätzung an Hand Geburtstraumatischer Veränderungen am Schambein. [The Estimation of Fertility by Birth Traumatic Changes of the Os Pubis.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO 29:17-24. FERTILITY ESTIMATION, PUBIS, TRAUMA, BIRTH, [JRNL]
Bergman, L. E., and T. Hansson 1979 Hard Tissue Changes of the Temporomandibular Joint in an Archaeo-Osteological Material from the 11th Century. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Swedish Dental Journal 3(5):149-155. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR CHANGE, ELEVENTH CENTURY, [NDX-Archaeology-22-07-06179]
Bergman, P. 1993 The Occurrence of Selected Non-Metrical Traits of the Skull in Relation to Cribra Orbitalia and Grave Equipment. Variable Evolution 2-3:65-73. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):302]
Bergman, P., and Gertrud Hauser 1982 [Methodological Contributions to Craniometric Studies of Some Early Medieval Populations of the Upper Donau Region. II. Comparison of Early Medieval Populations on Absolute Skull Measurements.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 40(3):173-184. CRANIOMETRY, MEDIEVAL POPULATION, [NDX-Paleontology-24-12-12358]
Bergmann, H. 1978 Neufunde zum Pesttraktat Jakob Engelins von Ulm. Sudhoffs Archiv; Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften der Pharmazie und der Mathematik (Wiesbaden) 62:282-293. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1979-100-#1249]
Bergot, Catherine, and Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel 1976 Etude Systématique en Fonction de l'Age de l'Os Spongieux et de l'Os Cortical de l'Humérus et du Fémur. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 3(Série 13):215-242. HUMERUS, FEMUR, SPONGY AND CORTICAL BONE, CO╔MBRA, PORTUGAL, [JRNL]
Bergström, K. 1935 [Leprosy in the Middle Ages.]. Svenska Lakartidningen 323:246-251. LEPROSY, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Bergstrom, S. 1992 Female Circumcision: A Humiliation with Deep Cultural Roots. Lakartidningen 89(36):2869-2870. CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE, [CWHM-1993-157-#0925]
Beriac, Françoise 1988 Histoire des Lepreux au Moyen Age: Une Societe d'Exclus. Paris: Imago Diffusion P.U.F. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Beriac, Françoise 1990 Des Lepreux aux Cagots: Recherches sur les Societes Marginales en Aquitaine Medievale. Bordeaux: Federation historique du Sud-Ouest, Institut d'Histoire, Universite de Bordeaux III. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Berillon 1911 La Pathologie des Aztèques d'Après leurs Ex-Voto. Aesculape (Paris) 1:169-173. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AZTEC, [COURY 1969:334]
Berillon 1911 La Pathologie Précolombienne d'Après es les Ex-Voto Aztèques. In: Maloine, ed. Revue de Psychotherapie. PALEOPATHOLOGY, AZTEC, [ARME]
Berkhan, Oswald 1906 Zwei Fälle von Skaphokephalie. Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 6(N.F.):8-11. SKULL, SCAPHOCEPHALIC, [JRNL]
Berkhan, Oswald 1919 Über Makrokephalie in der Familie des Pharao Amenophis IV. (18 Dynastie). Archiv fuer Anthropologie (Braunschweig) 17:151-161. MACROCEPHALY, EGYPT, AMENOPHIS, [JRNL]
Berlinguer, Giovanni 1992 The Interchange of Disease and Health Between the Old and New Worlds. American Journal of Public Health 82(10):1407-1413. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, INTERCHANGE, HEALTH, OLD AND NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Berlinguer, Giovanni 1993 The Interchange of Disease and Health Between the Old and New Worlds. International Journal of Health Services 23(4):703-715. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, INTERCHANGE, HEALTH, OLD AND NEW WORLD, [CWHM-1994-162-#0258]
Berman, D., et al. 1972 Dental Caries in English School Children: A Longitudinal Study. British Dental Journal 133:529-538. DENTAL CARIES, ENGLAND, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:124]
Berman, Daniel M. 1978 Death on the Job: Occupational Health and Safety Struggles in the United States. New York: Monthly Review Press. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, DEATH ON THE JOB, [MELVYL]
Bermann, M., Paul S. Goldstein, and L. Watanabe 1990 Algunos Entierros Tiwanaku y del Período Intermedio Tardío en Moquegua. In: L. Watanabe, M. Moseley, and F. Cabieses, eds. Trabajos Arqueológicos in Moquegua, Peru, Volume 2. Lima, Perú: Editorial Escuela Nueva, pp. 97-114. BURIAL, TIWANAKU, MOQUEGUA, PERU, [LATIN-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:162]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1985 La Dentición de los Pobladores Prehistóricos de las Islas Canarias: Estudio Antropológico. [Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. DISSERTATION, DENTITION, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:37 & PPNL-1986-54:8]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1987 Quantitative Analysis of the Molar-Size Sequence in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Isles. Archives of Oral Biology 32(2):81-86. DENTITION, MOLAR SIZE, PREHISTORIC, CANARY ISLANDS, [NDX-Paleodontology-29-12-15117]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1988 Dental Diseases and Harris Lines in the Fossil Human Remains from Atapuerca-Ibeas (Spain). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(3):131-146. DENTAL DISEASE, HARRIS LINES, SPAIN, [PPNL-1989-66:12]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1989 The Carabelli Trait in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Islands. Human Biology 61(1):117-131. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TRAIT, PREHISTORIC, CANARY ISLANDS, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María 1989 Third Molar Agenesis in Human Prehistoric Populations of the Canary Islands. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(2):207-215. DENTITION, TEETH, AGENESIS, ABORIGINALS, CANARY ISLANDS, HETEROCHRONY,EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Juan-Luis de Arsuaga 1983 Surcos Artificiales de Desgaste Dental en Homínidos Fósiles. Actas del III Congreso de Antropología Biológica de España. Santiago de Compostela, 4-8 Julio, pp. 783-793. DENTITION, FOSSIL, HOMINID, [PPNL-1986-54:8 & ETXEBERRIA-NPT]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Juan-Luis de Arsuaga 1983 L'Usure Anormale du Collet de la Dent chez les Populations Préhispaniques des Canaries. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 87:521-533. DENTAL WEAR, ABNORMAL, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISPANIC, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, Juan-Luis de Arsuaga, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1987 Anomalías de Desgaste Cervical en Molares Humanos de Atapuerca. In: E. Aguirre, et al. El Hombre Fosil de Ibeas. Ed Junta de Castilla y Leon, pp. 360-365. DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL ANOMALY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, Timothy G. Bromage, and Yolanda Fernández Jalvo 1988 Buccal Striations on Fossil Human Anterior Teeth: Evidence of Handedness in the Middle and Early Upper Pleistocene. Journal of Human Evolution 17(4):403-412. DENTITION, TEETH, ANTERIOR, STRIATIONS, HANDEDNESS, PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1984 Restos Humanos de la Cueva del Cerro de Juan Barbero (Tielmes de Tajuña, Madrid): Estudio Antropológico. In: I. Martínez. El Comienzo de la Metalurgia. Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) 41:113-119. MANIPULATION, RITUAL, TAPHONOMY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1985 Análisis de la Relación entre la Variabilidad del Complejo de Carabelli y las Dimensiones de los Molares Superiores en las Poblaciones Prehistóricas de las Islas Canarias. In: Actas del VI Congreso de Antropología Biológica. Barcelona, pp. 363-372. DENTITION, MOLAR, CARABELLI'S COMPLEX, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1986 Anomalous Tooth-Neck Wear in North African Mesolithic Populations. Paleopathology Newsletter 54:5-10. DENTITION, TOOTH-NECK WEAR, ANOMALOUS, MESOLITHIC, NORTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and Pilar-Julia Pérez 1995 Enamel Hypoplasia in the Middle Pleistocene Hominids from Atapuerca (Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(3):301-314. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PLEISTOCENE, ATAPUERCA, SPAIN, [JRNL]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and A. Rosas 1986 Dental Pathologies and Lines of Increased Density in Fossil Hominids from Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 277-284. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENSITY, HOMINID, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:03]
Bermúdez de Castro, José María, and A. Rosas 1986 Dental Pathology and Dental Wear of the Middle Pleistocene Hominids from Atapuerca, Spain. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, pp. 2-3. DENTAL WEAR, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, HOMINID, PLEISTOCENE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bernabeo, Raffaele A., and Carlo Brillante 1991 Ipotesi di Lavoro su una Patologia Antica: La Talassemia Italiana. [Italian with Serbo-Croatian Abstract]. Acta Facultatis Medicae Fluminensis 16(1-2):71-76. THALASSEMIA, ITALY, [CWHM-1992-152-#0228]
Bernal, Ignacio 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):426. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Comment on "Estimation Aboriginal American Population: 2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. 7(4):426. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, JRNL []
Bernard 1883 Sur un Cas Préhistorique d'Hétérotopie Dentaire. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 6:316-319. DENTITION, HETEROTOPIC, PREHISTORIC, [LSG1-Medicine, prehistoric]
Bernard, J. C., and C. A. Vasquez 1973 Study of Sixty Necropsies. International Journal of Leprosy 41:94-101. NECROPSY, [ZAGREB-1988:100]
Bernard-Thierry, S. 1954 Note sur les Signes Corporels dans l'Inde Ancienne. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 10:236-249. MONKEY, ANCIENT, INDIA, [ARME]
Berndorfer, A. 1962 A 500-Year-Old Skull with a Cleft Lip. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 15:123-128. CLEFT LIP, 500-YEAR-OLD, [NDX-Paleopathology-03-03-02111]
Berndt, Ronald M. 1981 In the Steps of Kuru. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 1(8216):381. KURU, LETTER, [JRNL]
Berner, M. 1992 [The Early Bronze Age Graveyards of Franzhausen I, Lower Austria. 2. Demographic Analysis.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 50(1-2):13-26. DEMOGRAPHY, BRONZE AGE, AUSTRIA, [NDX-Paleontology-33-09-11384]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Bone Remodeling as a Result of Paralysis: A Comparison of Two Cases. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 4. PARALYSIS, BONE REMODELING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1994 Bone Remodelling as a Result of Paralysis--A Comparison of Two Cases. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S20. PARALYSIS, BONE REMODELLING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Berner, M. E., Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and Michael Schultz 1996 Vom Rhizom zum Carcinom Zur Unterscheidung artifizieller, postmortaler oder intravitaler Einwirkungen auf den Knochen. [Kurzfassung/Abstract]. In: 2. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Kurzfassungen der Beiträge, Freie Universität Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Charité (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), p. 4. NEOPLASM, CANCER, ABSTRACT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-EXTRA.DOC-OF-12/13/96
Berner, R. A. 1980 Early Diagenesis: A Theoretical Approach. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. DIAGENESIS, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1966 Über die Beziehung Zwischen ABO-Blutgruppen und Pockensterblichkeit in Indien und Pakistan. HOMO 17:111-118. SMALLPOX, BLOOD, ABO BLOOD GROUP, MORTALITY RATE, INDIA, PAKISTAN, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:074]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1967 Human Skeletal Remains for the Cemetery of Timargarha. Ancient Pakistan 3:291-407. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TIMARGARHA, [ISCAN-1989:284 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:186]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1968 Human Skeletal Remains from the Bronze and Early Iron Age Cemetery of Timargarha (Dir-State West Pakistan). Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress Anthropol Ethnol Sci, Tokyo 2:144-154. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PAKISTAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1969 Human Skeletal Remains from the Prehistoric Cemetery of Sarai Khola. Pakistan Archaeology 6:100-116. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SARAI KHOLA, PAKISTAN, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1981 Ethnic and Morphological Affinities of the Iron Age Cemetery of Sarai Khola Near Taxila (Pakistan). Journal of Mediterranean Anthropology and Archaeology 1:180-210. MORPHOLOGY, SARAI KHOLA, PAKISTAN, [ISCAN-1989:284]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1985 The People of South Asia: The Biological Anthropology of India, Pakistan and Nepal. Edited by John R. Lukacs. 1984. New York: Plenum Press. [Review]. American Anthropologist 87(4):975-976. REVIEW OF, LUKACS; JOHN R., 1984, [JRNL]
Bernhard, Wolfram 1992 Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Anthropologie des Mannes von Hauslabjoch. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 163-187. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, RACIAL ASSESSMENT, [BOOK]
Bernhardt, Bodo 1992 Zur Frage der Staatsgrenze. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 66-80. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, LEGAL ASPECT, AUSTRIAN, ITALIAN, [BOOK]
Bernís, C., and C. Martínez 1986 Environmental Stress and Developmental Disturbances in Dentition: Comparison Between Two Hispanomoslen Populations. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 229-236. DENTITION, STRESS, DEVELOPMENTAL DISTURBANCE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bernís, C., J. Relinque, A. Brandi, C. Gil, and J. Martín 1985 Hipoplasia Dentaria en la Población Hispano Musulmana de Murcia: Interpretación Biocultural. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Spanish Meeting of Biological Anthropology (Barcelona), pp. 373-382. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, SPAIN, [HOMO-1995-45:286]
Bernor, R. L. 1976 Appendix B: Human Skeletal Remains from Amapa: Description. In: Clement W. Meighan, ed. The Archaeology of Amapa, Nayarit. Monumenta Archaeologica, Volume 2. Los Angeles, California: Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 182-186. REMAINS, SKELETAL, DESCRIPTION, AMAPA, NAYARIT, [PICKERING-&-FOSTER-1994:07 & MELVYL]
Bernstein, Bruce 1991 Repatriation and Collaboration: The Museum of New Mexico. Museum Anthropology 15(3):19-21. REPATRIATION, MUSEUM OF NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Bernstein, David J. n.d. Prehistoric Subsistence on the Southern New England Coast: The Record from Narragansett Bay. New York: Academic Press. SUBSISTENCE, PREHISTORIC, SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND COAST, NARRAGANSETT BAY, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1993-20:361]
Bernstein, R. 1943 Leprosy Through the Ages. Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy 36:385. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Bernstein, S. A. 1933 Über den normalen histologischen Aufbau des Schädeldaches. Zeitschrift fuer Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 101:652-678. SKULL, HISTOLOGY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Berrelleza, J. A. R. 1986 El Sacrificio de Niños en Honor a Tlaloc. México, D.F. M.A. Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (publ. I.N.A.H.;S.E.P.). SACRIFICE, HUMAN, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:429]
Berrettoni, B. A., B. A. Carter, and J. R. Carter 1986 Mechanisms of Cancer Metastasis to Bone. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 68-A(2):308-312. NEOPLASM, CANCER, METASTASIS, [WIEN-KW]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1989 Patologías y Morphología Dental de un Cráneo Humano Prehispánico del Oriente de Venezuela: Identificación de Tubérculo Central. [Pathology and Dental Morphology of a Prehispanic Human Skull from Eastern Venezuela: Identification of the Central Tuberculum.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. Acta Cientifica Venezolana 40(4):295-300. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, VENEZUELA, [NDX-Paleopathology-32-08-10270]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1989 Sex Determination with the Head of the Radius. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34(4):1206-1213. SEX ASSESSMENT, RADIUS, [JRNL]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1990 Momias de Venezuela. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:10.]. Natura 92:9-15. MUMMIES, VENEZUELA, [CWHM-1992-155-#0731]
Berrizbeitia, Emily L. de 1992 Aporte al Conocimiento de las Momias de Venezuela. [Contribution to the Greater Knowledge of the Venezuelan Mummies.]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de laCruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 205. MUMMIFICATION, VENEZUELA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Berruti, S. 1860 Sopra una Mummia Umana Naturale Conservata nel Gabinetto Fisiologico della R. Università di Torino. Giornale della Reale Accadèmia Medico-Chirurgica di Torino 39(2nd Series):449-460. MUMMIES, NATURAL, [LSG2-Mummies]
Berry, A. Caroline 1976 The Anthropological Value of Minor Variants of the Dental Crown. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(2):257-267. DENTAL CROWN VARIANT, GENETIC DISTANCE, [JRNL]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1967 Epigenetic Variation in the Human Cranium. Journal of Anatomy (London) 101:361-379. SKULL, VARIATION, EPIGENETIC, [NDX-Paleontology-08-03-03827 & ZIVANOVIC-1982:272 & ARME]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1972 Origins and Relationships of the Ancient Egyptians. Based on a Study of Non-Metrical Variations in the Skull. Journal of Human Evolution 1(2):199-208. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, SKULL, NON-METRICAL VARIATION, [JRNL]
Berry, A. Caroline, and R. J. Berry 1973 Origins and Relationships of the Ancient Egyptians. Based on a Study of Non-Metrical Variations in the Skull. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 199-208. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, SKULL, NON-METRICAL VARIATION, [BOOK]
Berry, A. Caroline, R. J. Berry, and Peter J. Ucko 1967 Genetical Change in Ancient Egypt. MAN (London) 2(4):551-568. GENETIC CHANGE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Berry, B. L. 1987 The Origin of Chinese Bound Feet. British Journal of Chiropody 52:47. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, [CWHM-1987-134-#0696]
Berry, C. L., and D. E. Poswillo, eds. 1975 Teratology: Trends and Applications. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag. [See review by L. Eckes, 1976]. TERATOLOGY, [HOMO-1976-27:240]
Berry, David Richard 1983 Appendix I. Skeletal Remains from RB 568. In: Helen K. Crotty, ed. Honoring the Dead: Anasazi Ceramics from the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition. Monograph Series, University of California, Los Angeles, Museum of Cultural History, Number 22, pp. 64-67. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANASAZI, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:271 & MELVYL]
Berry, David Richard 1983 Disease and Climatological Relationship Among Pueblo III-Pueblo IV Anasazi of the Colorado Plateau. [Dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of California, Los Angeles]. DISSERTATION, DISEASE AND CLIMATOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP, COLORADO PLATEAU, ANASAZI, [MELVYL]
Berry, David Richard 1985 Aspects of Paleodemography at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:43-64. DEMOGRAPHY, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Berry, David Richard 1985 Dental Paleopathology of Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:253-274. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Berry, R. J. 1968 The Biology of Non-Metrical Variation in Mice and Men. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 103-133. VARIATION, NON-METRICAL, [BOOK]
Berry, R. J. 1979 Section I. Genes and Skeletons, Ancient and Modern. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):669-677. GENETICS, REMAINS, SKELETON, ANCIENT AND MODERN, [JRNL]
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