Williams, Herbert U. 1936 Bone Lesions & Origin of Lues. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 33:783. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LUES, BONE, LESION, ORIGIN, [ARME]
Williams, Herbert U. 1936 The Origin of Syphilis: Evidence from Diseased Bone, a Supplementary Report. Archives Dermato-Syphiligraphiques de la Clinique de l'Hôpital Saint-Louis 33:783-787. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [STEINBOCK-1976:168 & SORENSON 1990-W-170& ARME ]
Williams, Herbert U., J. P. Rice, and J. R. Lacayo 1927 The American Origin of Syphilis, with Citations from Early Spanish Authors Collected by Dr. Montejo y Robledo. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 16:683-696. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, AMERICA, [STEINBOCK-1976:168 & SORENSON 1990-W-171 & ARME]
Williams, John A. 1982 An Enlarged Paracondylar Process and Associated Anomalies in a Plains Woodland Burial. Plains Anthropologist 27(98 Part 1):323-326. PARACONDYLAR PROCESS, ENLARGED, PLAINS WOODLAND, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1985 Evidence of Hydatid Disease in a Plains Woodland Burial. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 50:14.]. Plains Anthropologist 30(107):25-28. PARASITISM, HYDATID DISEASE, ECHINOCOCCOSIS, TAPEWORM, PLAINS WOODLAND, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1985 Evidence of Pre-Contact Tuberculosis in Two Woodland Skeletal Populations from the Northern Plains. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):242-243. TUBERCULOSIS, SKELETAL, PRE-CONTACT, WOODLAND, NORTHERN PLAINS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1985 The Jamestown Mounds Project. Volume 2. Skeletal Biology. Bismarck, North Dakota: State Historical Society of North Dakota. OSTEOMYELITIS, OSTEOPHYTOSIS, PERIOSTITIS, JAMESTOWN MOUNDS PROJECT, [PPNL-1987-57:18]
Williams, John A. 1986 Possible Nutritional Stress in a Plains Woodland Skeletal Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):279-280. NUTRITIONAL STRESS, PLAINS WOODLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1987 Possible Evidence of Scalping in a Plains Late Archaic/Early Woodland Mortuary. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 17. SCALPING EVIDENCE, LATE ARCHAIC/EARLY WOODLAND, PLAINS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1988 Analysis of Miscellaneous Human Osteological Remains Recovered from Multi-County Areas of South Dakota. Report submitted to the Omaha District, United States Army Corps of Engineers. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SOUTH DAKOTA, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:412]
Williams, John A. 1988 Comment on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Brenda J. Baker, and George J. Armelagos, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):729. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1988 Paleodietary Analysis of Miscellaneous Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from South Dakota. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, pp. 10-11. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, NUTRITION, SOUTH DAKOTA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1989 Health Profiles of Archaic and Woodland Populations from the Northern Plains. In the Symposium: Skeletal Biology in the Great Plains: A Multidisciplinary View. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. HEALTH PROFILE, ARCHAIC, WOODLAND, NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:085]
Williams, John A. 1989 Trephination? In a Prehistoric Burial from Emmons County, North Dakota. Plains Anthropologist 34(126):331-335. TREPHINATION, EMMONS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1991 Cribra Orbitalia and Other Abnormalities in a Plains Woodland Skeleton. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 7. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, OSTEOPOROSIS, MINNESOTA, PLAINS WOODLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1991 Evidence of Scalping from a Woodland Cemetery on the Northern Plains. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:184. SCALPING, WOODLAND CEMETERY, NORTHERN PLAINS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A. 1991 Possible Evidence of Scurvy in a Prehistoric Skeleton from the Northeastern Plains. Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science 45:29. SCURVY, PREHISTORIC, NORTHEASTERN PLAINS, [PPNL-1992-77:23]
Williams, John A. 1993 Benefits and Obstacles of Routine Elemental and Isotropic [sic] Analysis in Bioarchaeological Research Contracts. In: Mary K. Sandford, ed. Investigations of Ancient Human Tissue: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology. Langhorne, Pennsylvania: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 387-412. TISSUE, HUMAN, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ELEMENTAL AND ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Williams, John A. 1993 Possible Histiocytosis X in a Plains Woodland Burial. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:208. HISTIOCYTOSIS X, NEOPLASM, EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA, HAND-SCHÜLLER-CHRISTIAN DISEASE, LETTERER-SIWE DISEASE, WILSON MOUNDS SITE (21TR02), MINNESOTA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, John A., and J. Signe Snortland-Coles 1986 Pre-Contact Tuberculosis in a Plains Woodland Mortuary. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 57:20.]. [Note]. Plains Anthropologist 31(113):249-252. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECONTACT, PLAINS WOODLAND, [JRNL]
Williams, J. W. 1899 A Case of Spondylolisthesis, with Description of the Pelvis. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society 24:49-79. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, PELVIS, [ARME]
Williams, L. R. 1980 Analysis of Coprolites Recovered from Six Sites in Northern Chile. In: Clement W. Meighan, and D. L. True, eds. Prehistoric Trails of Atacama: Archaeology of Northern Chile. Los Angeles: Monumenta Archaeologica 7. The Institute of Archaeology. The University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 195-204. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE ANALYSIS, CHILE, NORTHERN, [BOOK]
Williams, Naomi, and Graham Mooney 1994 Infant Mortality in an "Age of Great Cities": London and the English Provincial Cities Compared, c.1840-1910. Continuity and Change 9(2):185-212. MORTALITY, INFANT, ENGLAND; 1840-1910, [CWHM-1994-164-#0025]
Williams, Nigel 1995 The Trials and Tribulations of Cracking the Prehistoric Code. Science 269(5226):923-924. DNA, PCR, [JRNL]
Williams, Peter 1986 Foreword. In: International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, eds. [Exhibit Catalogue] Devils, Drugs and Doctors: A Wellcome History of Medicine. Sydney: The International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited, pp. 6-7. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [BOOK]
Williams, Robert C. 1992 The HLA Distribution of Paleo-Indian. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:174. HLA DISTRIBUTION, ANCIENT, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams, Robert C., Arthur G. Steinberg, Henry Gershowitz, Peter H. Bennett, William C. Knowler, David J. Pettitt, William Butler, Robert Baird, Laidler Dowda-Rea, Thomas A. Burch, Harold G. Morse, and Charline G. Smith 1985 GM Allotypes in Native Americans: Evidence for Three Distinct Migrations Across the Bering Land Bridge. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 54:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(1):1-19. POLYMORPHISM, ALLOTYPE, GENETIC DISTANCE, HAPLOTYPE, [JRNL]
Williams, Rory 1994 Britain's Regional Mortality: A Legacy from Disaster in the Celtic Periphery? Social Science and Medicine 39(2):189-199. DEMOGRAPHY, ENGLAND, CELT, [CWHM-1994-162-#0023]
Williams, S. 1983 [An Early Danish Execution: The Finding of the Cranium.]. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 87:632-634. SKULL, EXECUTION, DANISH, [ARME]
Williams, Sloan R. 1990 The Skeletal Biology of Estuquina: A Late Intermediate Period Site in South Peru. [Dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 51(6):2068A, University Microfilms order number DA9032013.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 75:20.]. DISSERTATION, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, LATE INTERMEDIATE PERIOD, ESTUQUINA SITE, SOUTHERN PERU, [PPNL-1991-75:20]
Williams, Sloan R., and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. n.d. Mortuary Investigations at Chiribaya Alta: A Late Intermediate Period Site Near Ilo, Perú. In preparation. MORTUARY PRACTICE, CHIRIBAYA ALTA SITE, ILO, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:280]
Williams, Sloan R., Jane E. Buikstra, Niki R. Clark, M. C. Lozada Cerna, and E. Torres 1989 Mortuary Site Excavations and Skeletal Biology in the Osmore Project. In: D. Rice, and C. Stanish, eds. Ecology, Settlement and History in the Osmore Drainage. Cambridge: BAR International Series S545, pp. 329-346. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, MORTUARY SITE, OSMORE PROJECT, [ZAGREB-1988:172]
Williams, Sloan R., Niki R. Clark, and Jane E. Buikstra 1990 Excavations en los Cementerios de Estuquiña, Moquegua, sur del Perú. In: Luis Watanabe, Michael Moseley, and Fernando Cabieses Molina, eds. Trabajos Arqueológicos en Moquegua 3. Lima, pp. 95-122. EXCAVATION, CEMETERY, ESTUQUIÑA, MOQUEGUA, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:280]
Williams, Sloan R., J. L. Longmire, and Lane A. Beck 1990 Human DNA Recovery from Ancient Bone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):318. BONE, ANCIENT, DNA RECOVERY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williams-Dean, Glenna 1978 Ethnobotany and Culture Ecology of Prehistoric Man in Southwest Texas. [Dissertation, Texas A & M University, College Station]. DISSERTATION, ETHNOBOTANY, CULTURE ECOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, TEXAS, [PPNL-1990-71:12]
Williams-Dean, Glenna 1986 Pollen Analysis of Human Coprolites. In: Don P. Morris, ed. Archeological Investigations at Antelope House. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, pp. 189-205. COPROLITE, POLLEN ANALYSIS, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:750 & MELVYL]
Williams-Dean, Glenna, and Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr. 1975 Pollen Analysis of Human Coprolites from Antelope House. Kiva 41(1):97-111. COPROLITE, POLLEN, ANTELOPE HOUSE, [JRNL]
Williamson, L. 1978 Infanticide: An Anthropological Analysis. In: M. Kohl, ed. Infanticide and the Value of Life. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus, pp. 61-75. INFANTICIDE, ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Williamson, M. A. 1996 Patterns of Osteoarthritis in Mississippian Period Populations from Northern Georgia. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:245-246. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPIAN PERIOD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williamson, M. A., L. E. Sering, and Clark Spencer Larsen 1994 Bioassay and Analysis of the University of Georgia Archaeological Human Remains Collection. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:208. REMAINS, SKELETAL, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA COLLECTION, BIOASSAY AND ANALYSIS OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Williamson, R. 1956 An Ancient Urinary Vesical Calculus. Centaurus 4:319-324. UROLOGY, URINARY VESICAL CALCULUS, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:197]
Willis, C. E. 1914-1915 Ancient and Modern Dentistry. Science Progress in the Twentieth Century 9:500-509. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, ANCIENT, MODERN, [LSG3-Dentistry history]
Willis, Theodore A. 1924 Backache from Vertebral Anomaly. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics 38(5):658-665. SPINE, VERTEBRAL ANOMALY, BACKACHE, [JRNL]
Willis, Theodore A. 1929 An Analysis of Vertebral Anomalies. American Journal of Surgery 6:163. SPINE, VERTEBRAL ANOMALY, ANALYSIS, [ARME]
Willis, Theodore A. 1931 The Separate Neural Arch. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 13:709. SPINE, NEURAL ARCH, SEPARATE, [SBEHP-203]
Willoughby, Charles C. 1922 The Turner Group of Earthworks, Hamilton County, Ohio. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 8(3):61. SKULL, TROPHY SKULL, TURNER GROUP EARTHWORKS, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, [BOOK]
Willoughby, Charles C. 1924 Indian Burial Place at Winthrop, Massachusetts. With Notes on the Skeletal Remains by Earnest A. Hooton. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 11(1):1-37. BURIAL, WINTHROP, MASSACHUSETTS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Wilson, C. 1984 Natural Fertility in Pre-Industrial England, 1600-1799. Population Studies 38:225-240. FERTILITY, NATURAL, ENGLAND, PRE-INDUSTRIAL 1600-1799. [CWHM-1985-123-#0573]
Wilson, D. E., and C. Lee 1995 A Possible Case of Congenital Treponematosis in a Caddoan Population from Northeastern Texas. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:223. TREPONEMATOSIS, CONGENITAL, TEXAS, CADDOAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wilson, D. G. 1975 Plant Foods and Poisons from Medieval Chester. Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 58:57-67. PLANT FOOD, POISON, MEDIEVAL, CHESTER, [LINDOW MAN:202]
Wilson, Dudley Butler 1993 Signs and Portents: Monstrous Births from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. London and New York: Routledge. [See reviews by Katharine Park, 1994; Gabrielle M. Spiegel, 1994.]. TERATOLOGY, [MED-HIST-1994-38:228 & BULL-HIST-MED-1994-68:715 & MELVYL]
Wilson, Erasmus 1855 Portraits of Disease of the Skin. London: John Churchill. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ILLUSTRATION, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:84]
Wilson, Erasmus 1863 On the Dermo-Pathology of Celsus. British Medical Journal 2:446-465. DERMATOPATHOLOGY, CELSUS, [ARME]
Wilson, Gale E. 1927 A Study in American Paleohistology. American Naturalist 61(677):555-565. HISTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Wilson, H. H. 1987 Human Skeletal Remains from the Wall and Fredricks Sites. In: R. S. Dickens, Jr., H. T. Ward, and R. P. S. Davis, eds. The Siouan Project: Seasons I and II. Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Monograph Series 1:111-139. REMAINS, SKELETAL, WALL SITE, FREDRICKS SITE, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:49]
Wilson, J. 1973 Syphilis and Yaws: Diagnostic Difficulties and Case Report. New Zealand Medical Journal 78:18-21. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, DIAGNOSTIC DIFFICULTY, CASE REPORT, [STEINBOCK-1976:169]
Wilson, John A. 1962 Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 36(2):114-123. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Wilson, John A. 1964 Ancient Egyptian Medicine. Journal of the International College of Surgeons 41:665-673. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-05-03-01859]
Wilson, John P. 1985 Before and After the Pueblo Revolt: Population Trends, Apache Relations and Pueblo Abandonments in Seventeenth Century New Mexico. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico 11:113-120. DEMOGRAPHY, PUEBLO ABANDONMENT, NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Wilson, J. V. Kinnier 1967 Mental Diseases of Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 723-733. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, MENTAL, MESOPOTAMIA, [BOOK]
Wilson, J. V. Kinnier 1967 Organic Diseases of Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 191-208. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ORGANIC, MESOPOTAMIA, [BOOK]
Wilson, J. V. Kinnier 1969 Scurvy in Ancient Mesopotamia. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 45:380. SCURVY, ANCIENT, MESOPOTAMIA, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06662]
Wilson, J. V. Kinnier, and E. H. Reynolds 1990 Translation and Analysis of a Cuneiform Text Forming Part of a Babylonian Treatise on Epilepsy. Medical History 34(2):185-198. EPILEPSY, [JRNL]
Wilson, Kent 1973 Head Injury from Antiquity to the Present with Special Reference to Penetrating Head Wounds. By E. S. Gurdjian. 1973. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 28(4):415-416. REVIEW OF, GURDJIAN; E. S., 1973, [JRNL]
Wilson, K. M. 1985 The History of the Word "Vampire." Journal of the History of Ideas 46:577-583. VAMPIRISM, [CWHM-1986-128-#1990]
Wilson, Leonard G. 1986 The Historical Riddle of Milk-Borne Scarlet Fever. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 60(3):321-342. SCARLET FEVER, MILK-BORNE, MASTITIS, BOVINE, MILK HYGIENE, [CWHM-1987-132-#1112 & JRNL]
Wilson, Lewis G. 1929 The Colonel and the Streptococcus. [Poem]. [See also Mathew A. Reasoner, 1929.]. Military Surgeon 65(3):364-365. STREPTOCOCCUS, POEM, [JRNL]
Wilson, Louis B., and William M. Chowning 1904 Studies in Pyroplasmosis hominis ('Spotted Fever' or 'Tick Fever' of the Rocky Mountains. [See review by R. A. Ormsbee, 1979.]. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1:31-57. PARASITISM, ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEVER, [CWHM-1982-111-#1778]
Wilson, M. V. 1988 Taphonomic Processes: Information Loss and Information Gain. Geoscience Canada (Toronto) 15:131-148. TAPHONOMY, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:360]
Wilson, N. W. 1901-1902 Indian Medicine. Buffalo Medical Journal 41:740-749. MEDICINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG3-Indians american]
Wilson, P. W., and M. S. Mathis 1930 Epidemiology and Pathology of Yaws. Based on Study of 1423 Consecutive Cases in Haiti. Journal of the American Medical Association 94:1289-1292. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, HAITI, [STEINBOCK-1976:169]
Wilson, Rex L. 1965 Burials. In: Rex L. Wilson. Excavations at the Mayport Mound, Florida. Contributions of the Florida State Museum, Social Sciences, Number 13. Gainesville: University of Florida, pp. 11-13. BURIAL, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Wilson, Rowland P. 1972 Artificial Eyes in Ancient Egypt. Survey of Ophthalmology 16(5):322-331. EYE, ARTIFICIAL, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Wilson, Thomas 1901 Arrow Wounds. American Anthropologist 3(3):513-531. WOUND, ARROW, [JRNL]
Wilson, William H., Charles F. Merbs, and William S. Laughlin 1961 Pelvic Ossification and Dentition in the Sadlermiut Eskimos. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 19(1):103. PELVIC OSSIFICATION, DENTITION, SADLERMIUT ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wilson, W. M., and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1994 An Analysis of the Relationship Between Percent Cortical Area and Established Stress Indicators. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:208-209. BONE, PERCENT CORTICAL AREA, STRESS INDICATOR, RELATIONSHIP, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin 1992 Das Frühbronzezeitliche Gräberfeld von Franzhausen I, Niederösterreich. 3, Untersuchung der Epigenetischen Merkmale. [The Early Bronze Age Graveyard of Franzhausen I, Lower Austria. 3. Study of Epigenetic Characteristics.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 50(1-2):27-49. AUSTRIA, BRONZE AGE, EPIGENETIC CHARACTERISTIC, [NDX-Paleontology-33-09-11384 & CWHM-1993-159-#1509]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1989 Anthropologische Untersuchungen der frühmittelalterlichen Skelettfunde aus Horn, NÖ. mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der krankhaften Veränderungen des Skelettes aus dem Thalhammerschen Ziegelofen. Archaeologia Austriaca (Vienna) 73:117 132. TRAUMA, MIDDLE AGES, AUSTRIA, [WIEN-KW]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin, and Maria Teschler-Nicola 1991 Das Spätantike Gräberfeld von Lentia/Linz. [The Late Antique Graveyard at Lentia (Linz), Austria.]. [German]. Linzer Archäologische Forschungen 19:7-266. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CEMETERY, LINZ, AUSTRIA, [BOOK & AUTHOR]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and M. E. Berner 1994 Fracture Patterns Within a Group of Invalids: An Indicator of Social Care? [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 29. FRACTURE, FRACTURE PATTERN OF INVALID, SOCIAL CARE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin, Maria Teschler-Nicola, and M. E. Berner 1994 Fracture Patterns Within a Group of Invalids--an Indicator of Social Care? [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S143. FRACTURE, FRACTURE PATTERN OF INVALID, SOCIAL CARE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Anthony Lyle, and Michael Schultz 1995 Occurrence of Tumors Within Skeletal Remains from a Late Antique Burial Site in Linz, Austria. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 15. NEOPLASM, CANCER, DEFLESHED HUMAN BONE, SYMPOSIUM, CANCER IN ANTIQUITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wiltse, Leon L. 1957 Etiology of Spondylolisthesis. Clinical Orthopaedics 10:48-60. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Wiltse, Leon L., P. H. Newman, and Ian Machab 1976 Classification of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 117:23-29. SPONDYLOLYSIS, SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, CLASSIFICATION, [JRNL]
Wiltse, Leon L., Eric H. Widell, Jr., and Douglas W. Jackson 1975 Fatigue Fracture: The Basic Lesion in Isthmic Spondylolisthesis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 57-A(1):17-22. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, ISTHMIC, FRACTURE, FATIGUE, [JRNL]
Wiman, L. G. 1992 The Largest Institution for Patients with Tuberculosis in Sweden Had Its Own Cemetery for the Victims of the Disease. [Swedish]. Lakartidningen 89(5):311-312. TUBERCULOSIS CEMETERY, [CWHM-1992-155-#0275]
Wimberger, H. C. 1925 Klinisch-radiologische Diagnostik von Rachitis, Skorbut und Lues congenita im Kindesalter. Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde/Advances in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics 28:264-276. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, RICKETS, SCURVY, INFANTILE, RADIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Wimmer, F. 1929 Trepanationen in Vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Umschau 33:72-74. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Winchell, Frank, Jerome C. Rose, and Randall W. Moir 1992 Bioanthropological Investigations of Nineteenth Century Burials at Site 41DT105. Dallas, Texas: Archaeology Research Program, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University. CEMETERY, SINCLAIR (41DT105), DELTA COUNTY, TEXAS, BIOANTHROPOLOGY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:172]
Winchell, Frank, Jerome C. Rose, and Randall W. Moir 1995 Health and Hard Times: A Case Study from the Middle to Late Nineteenth Century in Eastern Texas. In: Anne L. Grauer, ed. Bodies of Evidence: Reconstructing History Through Skeletal Analysis. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 161-172. HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, NINETEENTH CENTURY, TEXAS, [BOOK]
Wind, Jan 1982 Evolutionary Biology and Pathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 14. BIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, EVOLUTIONARY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wind, Jan 1982 Radiological Examination of Fossil Hominid Skulls. [Display]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 18. SKULL, FOSSIL, RADIOLOGY, DISPLAY, [JRNL]
Wind, Jan 1982 Uvula-Exzision. Anthropologische Betrachtungen. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 124:895-896. MUTILATION, UVULA, UVULECTOMY, [CWHM-1983-118-#2043]
Wind, Jan 1984 Computerized X-ray Tomography of Fossil Hominid Skulls. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 47:20.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(3):265-282. TEMPORAL BONE, LABYRINTH, FACIAL NERVE, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, HOMO ERECTUS, [JRNL]
Winder, N. 1992 The Removal Estimator: A 'Probable Numbers' Statistic that Requires No Matching. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):15. TAPHONOMY, [BRIT-SECT-NEWS-1992-12:14]
Winder, S. C. 1974 Morphology of the Anterior Femoral Neck. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, p. 7. FEMUR, NECK, ANTERIOR, MORPHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
Windle-Taylor, Paul C., Pauline J. Emery, and Peter D. Phelps 1981 Ear Deformities Associated with the Klippel-Feil Syndrome. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 35:18.]. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 90(2):210-216. DEFORMITY, EAR, KLIPPEL-FEIL SYNDROME, [JRNL]
Winer, R., and M. Michael Cohen 1962 Dental Caries in Mongolism. Dental Progress 2:217-219. DOWN'S SYNDROME, DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Wing, Elizabeth S. 1967 Animal Remains from a Midden at Fort Walton Beach. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 30:57-58. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:368]
Wing, Elizabeth S. 1977 Prehistoric Subsistence Patterns of the Central Andes and Adjacent Coast and the Spread in the Use of Domestic Animals. National Science Foundation Report. Soc. 74-20634. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE PATTERN, ANIMAL, DOMESTICATED, ANDES, INDIAN, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1982-35:74]
Wing, Elizabeth S. 1977 Subsistence Systems in the Southeast. Florida Anthropologist 30(2):81-87. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE SYSTEM, SOUTHEAST, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Wing, Elizabeth S. 1978 Subsistence at the McLarty Site, Indian River Country. Florida Anthropologist 31(1):3-7. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, FLORIDA, AMERICA, INDIAN, SPANISH, [JRNL]
Wing, Elizabeth S. 1978 Use of Dogs for Food: An Adaptation to the Coastal Environment: The Economy and Ecology of Maritime Middle America. In: Barbara L. Stark, and Barbara Voorhies, eds. Prehistoric Coastal Adaptations: The Economy and Ecology of Maritime Middle America. New York: Academic Press, pp. 29-41. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DOG AS FOOD, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1982-35:74 & WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1985-16:353 & MELVYL]
Wing, Elizabeth S., and Antoinette B. Brown 1979 Paleonutrition: Method and Theory in Prehistoric Foodways. New York: Academic Press. [See review by Richard I. Ford, 1981.]. NUTRITION, FOODWAYS, PREHISTORIC, METHOD, THEORY, [BOOK]
Wingate, R. J., and Thomas Roy Hester 1972 Ten Burials from Green Lake, Texas. Florida Anthropologist 25(3):119-127. BURIAL, GREEN LAKE, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Winick, Jennifer, and Anagnosti Agelarakis 1995 Elucidating Perspectives of the Human Condition in the Chalcolithic Levant: Dietary and Biocultural Characteristics as Revealed by Dental Analysis of the Ma'avarot Skeletal Collection. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 11. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTITION, MOLAR, CARABELLI,S CUSP, DENTAL DISEASE, MA'AVAROT SKELETAL COLLECTION, CHALCOLITHIC, LEVANT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Winkle, S. 1983 Die Cholera-Pandemic 1830-1832 und Sertuerners Unbeachtete Seuchenprophylaktische Anregungen. Hamburger Ärzteblatt 37:163-169,203-208. CHOLERA, GERMANY 1830-1832, [CWHM-1985-126-#0332]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and Karl Grosschmidt 1986-1987 A Case of Poliomyelitis from an Early Medieval Cemetery at Georgenberg/Upper Austria. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:18.]. OSSA 13:191-205. POLIOMYELITIS, ATROPHY, PARALYTIC CLUMP FOOT, SPINE, SCOLIOSIS, SPONDYLOLYSIS, BIRTH OF THE CHILD AFTER ITS MOTHER'S DEATH, [JRNL]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and Karl Grosschmidt 1987 Osteopathologische Befunde an Skelettresten der Aunjetitzerkultur aus Waidendorf, NÖ. Fundberichte aus Oesterreich (Vienna) 26:19 33. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BRONZE AGE, AUSTRIA, [WIEN-KW]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and Karl Grosschmidt 1987 Skelettfunde der frühen Bronzezeit aus Walterskirchen, Fels am Wagram, Trasdorf und Groβweikersdorf. Fundberichte aus Oesterreich (Vienna) 26:9 17. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BRONZE AGE, AUSTRIA, [WIEN-KW]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and Karl Grosschmidt 1987 Symptome einer Hungerosteopathie an einem Skelett aus einer urnenfelderzeitlichen Siedlungsgrube in Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, NÖ. Fundberichte aus Oesterreich (Vienna) 26:95 102. NUTRITION, MALNUTRITION, HUNGER, OSTEOPATHOLOGY, AUSTRIA, [WIEN-KW]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and H. Wilfing 1991 Tell El-dab'a VI: Anthropologische Untersuchungen an den Skelettresten der Kampagnen 1966-69, 1975-80, 1985. Vienna: Österreichische Adademie der Wissenschaft. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:20.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HARRIS LINES, MALNUTRITION, NILE DELTA, EGYPT, [PPNL-1995-89:20]
Winkler, Eike-Meinrad, and B. Winkler-Höller 1989/1990 Das Skelett der Sog. Dias-Nigerin im Stadtmuseum von Lüderitz/Südwestafrika/Namibia. [The Skeleton of the Socalled [sic] Dias-Negress in the Town Museum of Lüderitz/Southwest-Africa/Nambia.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO, 1988 39:195-213. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FEMALE, BLACK, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Winkler, Ivo 1992 Autonome Südtiroler Zuständigkeiten bei Archäologischen Funden. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 81-86. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, LEGAL ASPECT, TYROLEAN, [BOOK]
Winland, Kenneth J. 1995 Multiple Myeloma in Prehistory: Reconciling Modern Clinical Data and Paleopathological Fact. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 14. NEOPLASM, CANCER, DEFLESHED HUMAN BONE, SYMPOSIUM, CANCER IN ANTIQUITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Winland, Kenneth J. 1996 Diagnostic Criteria for Metastatic Carcinoma in Prehistoric Remains: A Reassessment. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:246. NEOPLASM, METASTATIC CARCINOMA, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, REASSESSMENT OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Winland, Kenneth J., Bruce M. Rothschild, and Christine Rothschild n.d. Reproducibility of Patterns of Tuberculosis-Related Periosteal Reaction in the Hamman-Todd, Grant, Terry Collections. American Journal of Physical Anthropology In press. TUBERCULOSIS, PERIOSTEAL REACTION, TUBERCULOSIS-RELATED, HAMMAN-TODD COLLECTION; GRANT COLLECTION; TERRY COLLECTION, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#379]
Winlock, H. E. 1922 The Egyptian Expedition 1921-1922. Excavations at Thebes. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 17:19-48. EXCAVATION, THEBES 1921 TO 1922, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Winlock, H. E. 1928 The Egyptian Expedition 1925-1927. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 23(2):3-58. EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 1925-1927, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:079]
Winlock, H. E. 1930 A Late Dynastic Embalmer's Table. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 30:102-106. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, EMBALMER'S TABLE, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Winlock, H. E. 1936 A Discovery of Egyptian Jewelry by X-ray. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 31:274-278. JEWELRY, EGYPT, DISCOVERY, RADIOLOGY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Winlock, H. E. 1941 Materials Used at the Embalming of King Tut-Ankh-Amun. Papers of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Publication No. 10 (30 pp.). MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, TUTANKHAMON, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Winlock, H. E. 1942 Excavations at Deir el Bahri 1911-1931. New York: Macmillan Company. EXCAVATION, DEIR EL BAHRI 1911-1931, [BOOK & Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Winlock, H. E. 1945 The Slain Soldiers of Neb-Hepet-Re Mentu-Hotpe. Publications, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Egyptian Expedition, Volume 16. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SOLDIER, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:079]
Winlock, H. E. 1973 Materials Used at the Embalming of King Tut-Ankh-Amun. Reprint of 1941 Edition. New York: Arno Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION MATERIAL, TUTANKHAMUN, [EL MAHDY 1989:186 & BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#1612]
Winslow, Charles E. A. 1943 The Conquest of Epidemic Disease, a Chapter in the History of Ideas. Princeton: Princeton University Press. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, CONQUEST, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:234]
Winslow, Charles E. A. 1952 Man and Epidemics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. MAN, EPIDEMICS, [MCNEILL-1976:325]
Winslow, J. B. 1724 Conformation Particulière du Crâne d'un Sauvage de l'Amérique Septentrionale. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Année MDCCXXII:322-324. SKULL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:130]
Winsor, H. 1924-1925 What Killed Off Fossil Animals? Paleopathological Development. Western Medical Times 54:147-157. FOSSIL, ANIMAL, EXTINCTION, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, [LSG3-Palaeopathology]
Winter, D. A. 1988 Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Gait: Implications for Understanding Human Locomotor Control. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):288-289. LOCOMOTION, LOCOMOTOR CONTROL, BIOMECHANICS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Winter, Gordon R., and P. Donald Maiocco 1949 Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Odontogenesis Imperfecta. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 2(6):782-798. OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, ODONTOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, [JRNL]
Winter, M. 1984 La Trepanación en Oaxaca. In: Alfredo López Austin, and Carlos Viesca Treviño, eds. Historia General de la Medicina en México. Tomo I: México Antiguo. México, D.F.: Academia Nacional de Medicina, U.N.A.M., pp. 58-64. TREPHINATION, MEXICO, OAXACA, [PPNL-1986-55:18]
Winters, W. J. 1974 An Application of Dental Anthropological Analysis to the Human Dentition of Two Early Metal Age Sites, Palawan, Philippines. Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) 17(1):28-35. DENTITION, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, [BHM-15:481]
Winterton, W. R. 1980 The Soho Cholera Epidemic 1854. History of Medicine (London) 8(2):11-14. CHOLERA, LONDON 1854, [CWHM-1980-106-#0321]
Winton, Marianne 1966 A Genetic Interpretation of Hypocone Variation of Prehistoric Skeletons from Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):209-210. DENTITION, HYPOCONE, VARIATION, GENETICS, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wischhusen, H. G., et al. 1976 Zu Christian Ehrenfried Eschenbachs (1712-1788) Beschreibung Einiger 'Ossa Wormiana Maxima' (1775). Anatomischer Anzeiger 140:309-318. SKULL, WORMIAN BONE, [CWHM-1977-094-#0263]
Wise, Karen 1996 Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Edited by Tom D. Dillehay. 1995. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. [Review]. American Anthropologist 98(4):928-929. REVIEW OF, DILLEHAY; TOM D., 1995, [JRNL & BOOK]
Wise, Karen, Niki R. Clark, and Sloan R. Williams 1994 A Late Archaic Period Burial from the South-Central Andean Coast. Latin American Antiquity 5(3):212-227. EAR, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, PERU, [JRNL]
Wise, Robert I. 1980 Brucellosis in the United States: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of the American Medical Association 244(20):2318-2322. BRUCELLOSIS, USA, [JRNL]
Wisner, G. 1992 Idaho Burial Suggests Life of Hardships. Mammoth Trumpet 7(2):1-2. REMAINS, SKELETAL, IDAHO, [POWELL-&-STEELE-1994:194]
Wissler, Clark 1936 Changes in Population Profiles Among the Northern Plains Indians. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 36, Part 1. New York: American Museum of Natural History. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTHERN PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [DOBYNS-NUMBER-THINNED-1983:369 & MELVYL & MELVYL]
Wissler, Clark 1936 Distribution of Deaths Among American Indians. Human Biology 8(2):223-231. DEATH, DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Wit, Constant de 1972 La Circoncision chez les Anciens Egyptiens. Zeitschrift fuer Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Leipzig) 99:41-48. CIRCUMCISION, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:285]
Witenberg, G. 1961 Human Parasites in Archeological Findings. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 2:7.]. Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 25:86. PARASITE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [ARME]
Withington, Edward Theodore 1894 Medical History from the Earliest Times: A Popular History of the Healing Art. London: The Scientific Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, [MELVYL & BR-J-DERMATOL-1970-82:310]
Witkop, Carl J., Jr. 1957 Hereditary Defects in Enamel and Dentin. Acta Genet 7:236-229. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DENTIN DEFECT, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Witkop, Carl J., Jr. 1987 Agenesis of Succedaneous Teeth: An Expression of the Homozygous State of the Gene for the Pegged or Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisor Trait. American Journal of Medical Genetics 26:431-436. DENTITION, INCISOR, MAXILLARY, LATERAL, AGENESIS, GENETICS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):224]
Wittig, Manfred, and Gabriele Wortmann 1992 Untersuchungen an Haaren aus den Begleitfunden des Eismannes vom Hauslabjoch Vorläufig Ergebnisse. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 273-298. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, HAIR, [BOOK]
Wittmers, Lorentz E., Jr., Agnes A. Alich, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1981 Lead in Bone: 1. Direct Analysis for Lead in Milligram Quantities of Bone Ash by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:12.]. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 75(1):80-85. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Wittmers, Lorentz E., Jr., Arthur C. Aufderheide, Agnes A. Alich, and JoAnn A. Wallgren 1980 Skeletal Analysis for Lead from Multiple Sites: The Feasibility of Predicting Total Skeletal Lead Burden from Single Bone Samples. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers and Exhibits on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 16 April 1980, p. NF3. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wittmers, Lorentz E., Jr., Arthur C. Aufderheide, JoAnn Wallgren, George Rapp, Jr., and Agnes A. Alich 1988 Bone Trace Metal Studies: What We Need To Know for Appropriate Predictive Interpretation. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 8. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, INTERPRETATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wittmers, Lorentz E., Jr., Arthur C. Aufderheide, JoAnn Wallgren, George Rapp, Jr., and Agnes A. Alich 1988 Lead in Bone IV. Distribution of Lead in the Human Skeleton. Archives of Environmental Health 43(6):381-391. BONE, LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Witts, L. J. 1972 Porphyria and George III. British Medical Journal 4(5838):479-480. PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, [JRNL]
Wittwer-Backofen, U. 1988/1989 Überblick über den Aktuellen Stand Paläodemographischer Forschung. [On the Current Situation of Palaeodemographic Research.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO, 1987 38:151-160. DEMOGRAPHY, CURRENT SITUATION OF RESEARCH, [JRNL]
Wittwer-Backofen, U. 1989-1990 Teeth and Anthropology. By E. Cruwys, and R. A. Foley. 1986. Oxford: BAR British International Series, Number 291. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:54. REVIEW OF, CRUWYS; E., AND R. A. FOLEY, 1986, [JRNL]
Wittwer-Backofen, U. 1989-1990 Trace Elements in Environmental History. Edited by Gisela Grupe, and Bernd Herrmann. 1988. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:52. REVIEW OF, GRUPE; GISELA, AND BERND HERRMANN, 1988, [JRNL]
Wittwer-Backofen, U. 1990 Zur Paläodemographie des Neolithikums. [On Palaeodemography of the Neolithic.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO, 1989 40:64-81. DEMOGRAPHY, NEOLITHIC, [JRNL]
Wohl, Anthony S. 1983 Endangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd. PUBLIC HEALTH, ENGLAND, VICTORIAN PERIOD, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:089 & MELVYL]
Wokroj, F. 1974 Morphological Structure of Mediaeval Skulls Excavated on the Baltic Coast Between the Oder and Vistula Rivers. Folia Morphologica (Praha) 22(2):131-133. SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, STRUCTURE, BALTIC COAST, [NDX-Paleopathology-16-07-04862 & ARME]
Wolder, M. David 1506 Historia von der Groten Pestilenze. [History of the Great Plague.]. Hamburg. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:275]
Wolf, D. J. 1976 A Population Model for the Analysis of Osteological Material. [Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson]. DISSERTATION, POPULATIONAL MODEL, ANALYSIS OF OSTEOLOGICAL MATERIAL, [ARME & Armelagos-redbook:412]
Wolf, David R. 1977 Middle Mississippian: A Prehistoric Cultural System Viewed from a Biological Perspective. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens: University of Georgia Press, pp. 27-44. ADAPTATION, BIOCULTURAL, PREHISTORIC, MISSISSIPPIAN, [BOOK]
Wolf, J. H. 1989 Die "Bankart-Operation"--ein Blick auf Werdegang und Wirken Ihres Erfinders. Operative Orthopaedie und Traumatologie (Munich) 1:206-209. BANKART; A. S. BLUNDELL, [CWHM-1991-149-#2371]
Wolfe, D. L. 1993 The Frequency and Incidence of Transverse Lines in Chiribaya Individuals. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:210. HARRIS LINES, FREQUENCY AND INCIDENCE, SOUTH CENTRAL ANDES, SOUTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wolfe, Linda D., and J. Patrick Gray 1982 Subsistence Practices and Human Sexual Dimorphism of Stature. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 51:20.]. Journal of Human Evolution 11(7):575-580. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, SUBSISTENCE PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1925 Die Trepanation bei den Naturvölkern. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 38:131. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1925 Trepanation bei den Urvölkern. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 75:249. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1925 Die Trepanation. Studien über Ursprung, Zusammenhänge und Kulturelle Zugehörigkeit der Trepanation. [Trepanation. Studies on the Origin, Connections, and Cultural Affiliation of Trepanation. First Study: The Cultural Affiliation and the Unified Origin of Trepanation in Melanesia and America.]. Anthropos (St. Gabriel-Mödling) 20:1-50. TREPHINATION, ORIGIN, AFFILIATION, CULTURAL, [SORENSON 1990-W-221 & LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive & ARME]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1927 Die Kulturelle Stellung der Trepanation. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 57:104-107. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1936 Die Methoden der Urgeschichtlichen und Primitiven Trepanation. Ciba Zeitschrift (Basel) 4(39):1331. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1936 Vom Sinn der Trepanation. Ciba Zeitschrift (Basel) 4(39):1325-1355. TREPHINATION, [DIS IN ANT:701 & CRAN]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef 1937 El Significado de la Trepanación. Los Métodos de la Trepanación Prehistórica y Primitiva. Actas Ciba 5:139-153. TREPHINATION, METHODOLOGY, [AN-ANTROPOL-M┼X-1972-9:173]
Wölfel, Dominik Josef, G. A. Wehrli, J. Busch, and John Gerlitt 1936 Die Trepanation Ciba Zeitschrift (Basel) 4(39):1325-1355. TREPHINATION, [ARME & CRAN]
Wolff, G., T. F. Wienker, and H. Sander 1993 On the Genetics of Mandibular Prognathism: Analysis of Large European Noble Families. Journal of Medical Genetics 30(2):112-116. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR PROGNATHISM, GENETICS OF, NOBLE FAMILY, EUROPE, [JRNL]
Wolff, H. L., and J. J. Croon 1968 The Survival of Smallpox Virus (Variola Minor) in Natural Circumstances. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 38:492-493. SMALLPOX, SURVIVAL, [NDX-AUTHOR-1968-09-02-08858 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:224]
Wolff, J. 1892 Das Gesetz der Tranformation der Knochen. Berlin. BONE, TRANSFORMATION, [STEINBOCK-1976:276]
Wolff, L. 1894 Die Syphilis Unter den Urvölkern Amerikas mit Besonderer Bezugnahme auf ihr Bestehen. Daselbst vor der Entdeckung Amerikas durch Colombus. Dermatologische Zeitschrift 1:230. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [ARME]
Wolff, L. 1896 Syphilis Among the Original Populations of America, Considering Especially Its Existence There Before Columbus' Discovery of America. Sei-i-Kwai Medical Journal 15:61-64. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Wolff, P. 1973 Vivre en Temps de Peste. Provence Historique 23:236-242. PLAGUE, MONTAUBAN 1441, [CWHM-1978-098-#1059]
Wolfsperger, M. 1993 Rekonstruktion des Nahrungsverhaltens Anhand von Spurenelementen in Menschlichen Skelettresten: Ein Kritischer Überblick. [Reconstruction of the Nutritional Behavior Based on Trace Elements in Human Skeletal Remains: A Critical Overview.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 51(2):131-146. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [NDX-Paleopathology-34(10)-00934]
Wolfsperger, M. 1993 Trace Element Analysis of Medieval and Early Modern Skeletal Remains from Western Austria for Reconstruction of Diet. [Spurenelementanalyse Mittelalterlicher und Frühneuzeitlicher Skelettreste aus Westösterreich zur Rekonstruktion des Nahrungsverhaltens.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 43(3):278-294. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, MEDIEVAL, EARLY MODERN, WESTERN AUSTRIA, [JRNL]
Wolfsperger, M., and M. Berner 1994 Impact of Histological Deterioration on Concentrations of Sr, Zn, and Mg in Excavated Human Bone. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S144. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SR; ZN; MG CONCENTRATION, IMPACT OF HISTOLOGICAL DETERIORATION, POSTER, [JRNL]
Wolfsperger, M., and M. Berner 1994 Impact of Histological Deterioration on Concentrations of Sr, Zn, and Mg in Excavated Human Bone. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 29-30. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SR; ZN; MG CONCENTRATION, IMPACT OF HISTOLOGICAL DETERIORATION, POSTER, [JRNL]
Wolley, A. M. 1988 Prehistoric Zinc Nutrition: Archaeological, Ethnographic, Skeletal, and Chemical Evidence. [Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln]. NUTRITION, ZINC NUTRITION, THESIS, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:412]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1970 Interstitial Wear and Dental Dimensions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 33(1):146. DENTAL DIMENSION, DENTAL WEAR, INTERSTITIAL, [JRNL]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1971 Interstitial Wear. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(2):205-227. DENTAL INTERSTITIAL WEAR, [JRNL]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):521-522. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1975 Comment on "Did La Ferrassie I Use His Teeth as a Tool?" [See John A. Wallace, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(3):399. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, LA FERRASSIE 1, TOOL USE, [JRNL]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1979 The Krapina Dental Remains. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(1):67-113. DENTAL REMAINS, KRAPINA, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Wolpoff, Milford H. 1986 Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology in the People's Republic of China. Edited by Wu Rukang, and John W. Olsen. 1985. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(1):122-123. REVIEW OF, RUKANG; WU AND JOHN W. OLSEN, 1985, [JRNL]
Wolter, A. 1959 [The Position of Medicine Among the Aztecs Before the Conquest.]. [French]. Scalpel (Bruxelles) 112:768-773. MEDICINE, PRECOLUMBIAN, AZTEC, [NDX-Indians south american-01-02-01088]
Wondrák, E. 1966 [Contribution to the Problem of Prehistoric Trepanations on the Example of a Probably Aëneolithic Skull.]. [Czech]. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 105:753-755. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-08-02-02621 & ARME]
Wondrák, E. 1967 Die Praehistorischen Schädeltrepanationen und ihre Problematik an Hand eines bis Jetzt Unbeachteten Eneolithischen Schädels. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medical 44:183-188. TREPHINATION, [BHM-10:568]
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