Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., Giorgio Paoli, and R. Parenti 1979 Blood-Group Determination in Ancient Peruvian Material. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:20.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(6):589-595. BLOOD GROUPING, SKELETAL REMAINS, ANCIENT, PERU, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., Giorgio Paoli, and R. Parenti 1979 On the Possibility of the MN Blood Group Determination in Human Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 30:11.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(7):725-734. BONE, BLOOD GROUP DETERMINATION, MN, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Elena Repetto 1985 Dietary Patterns in the Mesolithic Samples from Uzzo and Molara Caves (Sicily): The Evidence of Teeth. Journal of Human Evolution 14(3):241-254. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., and Elena Repetto 1986 Skeletal Indications of Subsistence Patterns and Activity Régime in the Mesolithic Sample from Grotta dell'Uzzo (Trapani, Sicily): A Case Study. Human Evolution 1:331-352. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ACTIVITY PATTERN, TRAPANI, SICILY, [ANTIQUITY-1995-69:287]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., D. Della Santina, Paolo Francalacci, and Elena Repetto 1988 Reconstruction of Mesolithic Diet Using Dental Microwear and Trace Element Analysis. The Case of Grotta dell'Uzzo (Sicily). Oxford: BAR International Series. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DENTAL WEAR, TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, SICILY, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1989-16:122]
Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., D. Della Santina, and Elena Repetto 1988 Dental Microwear in the Mesolithic Remains from Grotta dell'Uzzo, Sicily. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):188. DENTAL MICROWEAR, SICILY, MESOLITHIC, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borhegyi, Stephan F. de 1961 Shark Teeth, Stingray Spines, and Shark Fishing in Ancient Mexico and Central America. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 17(3):273-296. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE RESOURCE, MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, [JRNL]
Borhegyi, Stephan F. de, and Nevin S. Schrimshaw 1957 Evidence for Pre-Columbian Goiter in Guatemala. American Antiquity 23(2, Part 1):174-176. GOITER, PRECOLUMBIAN, GUATEMALA, [JRNL]
Borisev, V., et al. 1984 Spina Bifida from the Historical Viewpoint. [Serbo-Croatian]. Medicinski Pregled 37(1-2):75-76. SPINA BIFIDA, HISTORICAL VIEWPOINT, [CWHM-1985-124-#1654]
Borkan, Gary A., David E. Hults, and Peter J. Mayer 1982 Physical Anthropological Approaches to Aging. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:12.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 25:181-202. AGING, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [JRNL]
Borkow, Stephen E., and Barnard Kleiger 1971 Spondylolisthesis in the Newborn: A Case Report. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 81:73-76. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, NEONATAL, [JRNL]
Borkowski, Joseph E. 1992 Mona Lisa: The Enigma of the Smile. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37(6):1706-1711. DENTITION, SMILE, MONA LISA, [JRNL]
Borman, N. H. 1966 The History of Ancient Korean Medicine. Yonsei Medical Journal 7:103-118. MEDICINE, KOREA, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-08-02-02621]
Bormann, F. von, S. von Reyher-Pauly, and B. Walbe 1970 Anthropologische Hilfen bei der Klärung Einiger Geschichtlicher Vorgänge. Aerztliche Forschung 24:299-305. ANTHROPOLOGY, [BHM-10:567]
Bórmida, M. 1962 Los Esqueletos de Lauricocha. Acta Prehistorica 5/7:1-34. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LAURICOCHA, [LATIN-AM-ANTIQ-1995-6:162]
Born, E. 1959 Über Natürliche Mumifizierungen. [On Natural Mummification.]. [German]. Zentralblatt fuer Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie 99:490-499. MUMMIFICATION, NATURAL, [NDX-Mummies-01-03-01410]
Bornstein, P., and K. A. Piez 1964 A Biochemical Study of Human Skin Collagen and the Relation Between Intra- and Inter-Molecular Cross-Linking. Journal of Clinical Investigation 43:1813-1823. SKIN, SKIN COLLAGEN, BIOCHEMICAL STUDY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:117]
Bornstein, Philipp E., and Roy R. Peterson 1966 Numerical Variation of the Presacral Vertebral Column in Three Population Groups in North America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):139-146. SPINE, PRE-SACRAL, VARIATION IN, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1988 Instrumental Médico-Quirúrgico en la Hispania Romana. Madrid: Ed Numancia, S.A. INSTRUMENT, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL, ROMANO-SPANISH, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:38]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1990 El Modo de Enfermar en los Pueblos Primitivos. La Medicina en la Prehistoria. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 116:12-21. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, ETHNOMEDICINE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1991 Arqueomedicina de las Culturas Arcaicas Superiores. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 118:15-23. MEDICINE, EGYPT, MESOPOTAMIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:36]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1991 La Medicina el la Hispanias Pre-romana. Revista de Arqueología (Madrid) 121:22-29. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:46]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis 1992 La Arqueomedicina como Fuente y Complemento de los Estudios Paleopatológicos. [Archaeomedicine as a Source and Complement of Paleopathological Studies.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 116. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, MEDICINE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis, and Concepción Mora Postigo 1992 A Case of Bone Treponematosis in the Cranium of a Female from the Samar Cave in the Philippines. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 5-6. SKULL, FEMALE, TREPONEMATOSIS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borobia Melendo, Enrique Luis, and Concepción Mora Postigo 1992 Nuevo Estudio Antropológico y Paleopatológico de los Cráneos de Canarias del Museo Nacional de Etnología. [A New Anthropological and Paleopathological Study of Crania from the Canary Islands in the Museo Nacional de Etnología (National Museum of Ethnology).]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 102. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Borodii, N. K. 1978 History of the Plague Epidemic in the Ukraine in 1770-1774. [Russian]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 1978(9):140-145. PLAGUE, UKRAINE, [CWHM-1980-103-#1421]
Boroneant, Vasile 1993 Nouvelles Données sur les Découvertes Anthropologiques de Schela Cladovei à Drobeta Turnu Severin (Roumanie). L'Anthropologie (Paris) 97(2/3):511-514. REMAINS, HUMAN, SCHELA CLADOVEI, DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, RUMANIA, [JRNL]
Borovanska, L. 1930 Ossification of the Sternum and the Growth of the Sternum in Man. Trans II Cl Czech Akad 30:49. STERNUM, OSSIFICATION AND GROWTH, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Borrel, J. 1920 Pneumonie et Tuberculose chez les Troupes Noires. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur 34:105-115. PNEUMONIA, TUBERCULOSIS, [BUIKSTRA:1981:174]
Borro Saporiti, C. 1984 L'Endemia Tubercolare nel Secolo XIX: Ipotesi per Ripensare un Mito. In: F. Della Peruta, ed. Storia d'Italia--Annali, 7, Malattia e Medicina. Torino: Einaudi, pp. 844-875. TUBERCULOSIS, [AJPA-1994-93:305]
Borromeo, Federico 1987 La Peste di Milano. 1st Edition. Milano: Rusconi. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MILAN, [MELVYL]
Borroni, Giovanni, Giuseppe Vignati, Paolo Gabba, and Alberto Calligaro 1991 Did the Spanish Poet Luis de Góngora Die of Metastatic Malignant Melanoma: A Retrospective Survey on a Portrait by Diego Velázquez. American Journal of Dermatopathology 13(1):91-95. NEOPLASM, MELANOMA, MALIGNANT, METASTATIC, ART, [JRNL]
Bortenschlager, Sigmar, Werner Kofler, Klaus Oeggl, and Werner Schoch 1992 Erste Ergebnisse der Auswertung der Vegetabilischen Reste vom Hauslabjochfund. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 307-312. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, REMAINS, VEGETABLE, [BOOK]
Borthy, L. 1969 [Medical Historical Museum in Copenhagen.]. [Danish]. Nordisk Medicin 82:1351-1353. MUSEUM, MEDICAL, HISTORICAL, COPENHAGEN, [NDX-Medicine history-11-02-06547]
Bortuzzo, L. 1992 The Vertebral Column of a Sixth Millennium BP Achondroplastic Dwarf from Ernes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 6. DWARFISM, ACHONDROPLASIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boruchov, M. and L. Green 1971 Hypodontia in Human Twins and Families. American Journal of Orthodontics 60:165-174. DENTITION, HYPODONTIA, TWINS, FAMILY, [ARME]
Borysewicz, M. and Otocki, P. 1975 Dental Caries in Earlier Populations of Slaboszewo, Kolobrzeg and Chelmska Gora XII-XVIII Centuries. [Polish with English and French Abstracts]. Przeglad Antropologiczny 41:311-330. DENTAL CARIES, TWELFTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, POLAND, [CWHM-1976-090-#0206-#1079]
Borza, E. N. 1979 Some Observations on Malaria and the Ecology of Central Macedonia in Antiquity. American Journal of Ancient History 4:102-124. MALARIA, ECOLOGY, MACEDONIA, [CWHM-1982-112-#1064]
Borzone, Augusto 1993 The Contribution of the Pre-Columbian to the European Medical Matter. Medicina nei Secoli 5(1):63-77. MEDICINE, EUROPE, PRECOLUMBIAN CONTRIBUTION TO, [CWHM-1994-162-#0305]
Bos, Gerrit 1993 Ibn Al-Jazzar on Women's Diseases and Their Treatment. Medical History 37(3):296-312. WOMEN, DISEASE, TREATMENT, MEDIEVAL, TUNISIA, [JRNL]
Bosch Millares, J. 1944 Las Armas y Fracturas del Cráneo de los Guanches. El Museo Canario 5:6-29. SKULL, TRAUMA, FRACTURE, GUANCHE, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1960 La Terapéutica Quirúrgica de los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. El Museo Canario 6:135-145. SURGERY, CANARY ISLANDS, THERAPY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1962 La Medicina Canaria en la Epoca Prehispánica. Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos 7:539-620 and 8:11-63. MEDICINE, CANARY ISLANDS, PREHISPANIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1967 Historia de la Medicina en Gran Canaria. Las Palmas: Cabildo Insular. MEDICINE, CANARY ISLANDS, HISTORY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1969 Paleopatología Craneana de los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos 15:69-77. SKULL, PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, [BHM-10:570]
Bosch Millares, J. 1972 Las Cauterizaciones Craneales en los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. Medicina e Historia (Barcelona) 13(2ª Epoca):8-26. SKULL, THERAPY, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:04]
Bosch Millares, J. 1975 Paleopatología Osea de los Primitivos Pobladores de Canarias. Cabildo: Ed Excm Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. BONE PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Bosch Millares, J. 1976 La Terapéutica Quirúrgica en los Cráneos de los Canarios Prehispánicos. Acta Médica de Tenerife 38(1). TREPHINATION, CANARY ISLANDS, [CWHM-1978-099-#1727]
Boscher-Barré, Nicole, Norbert Deschamps, and Patrick Trocellier 1991 Proton-Induced X-ray and Gamma Emission (PIXE, PIGE, Macro- and Microprobes) and Neutron-Activated Analysis (NAA) on Pathological Bones. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 10. BONE PATHOLOGY, NEUTRON-ACTIVATED ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Boschung, U. 1978 Kolloquium zur Schweizer Pestgeschichte. Gesnerus 35:334-335. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1979-100-#1250]
Bose, H. K. 1959 Preliminary Report on Skeletal Remains. Ancient India 15:40-42. REMAINS, SKELETAL [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bose, H. K. 1966 Preliminary Report on the Skeletal and Cranial Remains from Amirthamangalam. Ancient India 22:20-26. REMAINS, SKELETAL, AMIRTHAMANGALAM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:422]
Bosga, D., and R. Perizonius 1988 Extrasensory Perception in Anthropo-Osteology: An Exploratory Experiment. Bones: Treasuries of Human Experience in Time and Space 1:73-93. OSTEOLOGY, ANTHROPO-OSTEOLOGY, EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION, [CWHM-1990-144-#0238]
Bosredon, Leon 1909? Les Epidemies de Peste a San-Francisco. Etude de la Campagne Sanitaire Organisee pour les Combattre. Bordeaux: Imprimerie Moderen, A. Destout Aine & Co. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Bossert, W. 1937 The Relation Between the Shape of the Occlusal Surface of Molars and the Prevalence of Decay. Journal of Dental Research 16:63-67. DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, DENTAL CARIES, [ARME]
Bossnew, W., and B. Alexiev 1981 Données dans l'Histoire et l'Art sur la Pathologie de la Main. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 236-239. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:16.]. ART, HISTORY, PATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1986-55:16]
Bostanci, E. Y. 1959 The Astragalus and Calcaneus of the Roman People of Gordion in Anatolia. Belleten (Ankara) 23:177-201. ASTRAGALUS, CALCANEUS, ROMAN, ANATOLIA, [DIGGING UP BONES:182]
Boswell, J. E. 1984 Expositio and Oblatio: The Abandonment of Children and the Ancient and Medieval Family. American Historical Review 89:10-33. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1985-123-#0837]
Bosworth, David M., and Jack Levine 1949 Tuberculosis of the Spine: An Analysis of Cases Treated Surgically. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 31-A(2):267-274. TUBERCULOSIS, SPINE, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C. 1973 Paleopatología en la Necrópolis Argárica de la Cuesta del Negro, Purullena (Granada). Actas del IV Congreso Española de Historia de la Medicina, Granada 1:21-28. NECROPOLIS, GRANADA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05]
Botella López, Miguel C. 1973 Restos Humanos Eneolíticos con Incisiones en la Provincia de Granada. Anales del Desarrollo 17(41-42):401-423. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:05 & J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:168]
Botella López, Miguel C., Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil, and Juan A. Ortega Vallet 1992 Trauma in Bronze Age Populations from the Iberian Peninsula (Argar Culture). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 6. TRAUMA, BRONZE AGE, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., J. Manzanares, and Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil 1994 Advances in Andalusian Pathology in the 18th Century. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S23. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANDALUSIA, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., J. Manzanares, and Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil 1994 Advances in Andalusian Pathology in the Eighteenth Century. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 5. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANDALUSIA, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., P. Henrici Du Souich, C. García, and I. Maldonado 1992 Lesiones Múltiples en un Individuo de la Edad del Bronce. [Multiple Lesions in a Bronze Age Specimen.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 117. LESION, MULTIPLE, BRONZE AGE, GRANADA, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Botella López, Miguel C., P. Henrici Du Souich, and A. Yoldi 1992 Patología en la Población Medieval de Palacios de La Sierra (Burgos). [Pathology of the Mediaeval Population of Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos).]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 103. PATHOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, SPAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bothwell, T. H., and C. A. Finch 1962 Iron Metabolism. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Company. METABOLISM, IRON, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:045]
Botreau-Roussel, J. M. 1925 Ostéites Pianioues 'Goundou.' Paris: Masson et Cie. TREPONEMATOSIS, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, GOUNDOU, [ARME]
Botreau-Roussel, J. M., and Pales 1937 Faut-Il Réviser les Trépanations Préhistoriques? Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 47:296-309. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Boucher, Barbara J. 1955 Sex Differences in the Foetal Sciatic Notch. Journal of Forensic Medicine 2:51-54. SEX ASSESSMENT, SCIATIC NOTCH, FETAL, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:017]
Boucher, Barbara J. 1957 Sex Differences in the Foetal Pelvis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 15(4):581-600. SEX ASSESSMENT, INNOMINATE, FETAL, [JRNL]
Boucher, N. D. 1976 Prehistoric Subsistence at the Helen Point Site. [Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada]. THESIS, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, HELEN POINT SITE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1983-24:398]
Bouchet, A. 1969 [Skull Trephining and the Necessary Instruments.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 110:89-93. TREPHINATION, INSTRUMENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-10-02-06663]
Bouchet, A. 1972 [The Embalming and Preservation of Human Cadavers Over the Centuries.]. [French]. Lyon Médical 227:9-20. MUMMIES, CADAVER, EMBALMING, PRESERVATION, HISTORY, [NDX-Mummies-13-07-07429]
Bouchet, A. 1973 Pseudo-Pathological Abnormalities. Lyon: Colloquede Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:7. PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, ABNORMALITY, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Bouchet, A., L. Fischer, and J. P. Carret 1975 Les Anomalies Osseuses Prolifératives Pseudo-Pathologiques. In: Actes du Premier Colloque Français de Paléopathologie, Lyon, 13-9-73. Travaux et Documents du Centre de Paléoanthropologie et de Paléopathologie 2(2):15-26. BONE, ANOMALY, PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, [HART 1983:041]
Bouchet, F. 1995 Recovery of Helminth Eggs from Archeological Excavations of the Grand Louvre (Paris, France). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. Journal of Parasitology 81(5):785-787. PARASITISM, HELMINTH EGG, GRAND LOUVRE EXCAVATION, PARIS, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Bouchet, F., F. Audoin, N. Leger, R. Marchais, F. Baucheron, and J. Muñoz la Casta 1989 Etude Parasitologique des Coprolithes et des Sédiments de Trois Ensembles Clos. Médiévaux de la Rue de Lutèce (Ile de la Cité) à Paris. Revue d'Archéométrie 13:13-21. PARASITISM, COPROLITE, MEDIEVAL, PARIS, [J-PARASITOL-1995-81:787]
Bouchet, F., and J. C. Paicheler 1995 Paléoparasitologie: Présomption d'un Cas de Bilharziose au XVe Siècle à Montbeliard (Doubs, France). [French with English Abstract]. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3: Sciences de la Vie (Paris) 318(7):811-814. PARASITISM, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, BILHARZIASIS, FRANCE, [CWHM-1996-169:#0250]
Boudet, et al. 1883 Rapport sur Plusieurs Subtances Provenant d'une Momie d'Egypte. Mémoires de l'Académie de Médecine (Paris) 3(Part 2):46-62. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, [LSG1-Mummies]
Bouffard, G. 1909 Autopsie d'un Cas de Goundou chez le Cynocéphale. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 2:216-220. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, GOUNDOU, AUTOPSY, BABOON, [PPNL-1974-6:12]
Bougerol, C. 1985 Medical Practices in the French West Indies: Master and Slave in the 17th and 18th Centuries. History and Anthropology 2:125-143. SLAVERY, SLAVE TRADE, FRENCH WEST INDIES, [CWHM-1987-133-#2009]
Boughton, C. R. 1977 Leprosy in Sydney: A Brief Account. Medical Journal of Australia 2(11):351-353. LEPROSY, AUSTRALIAN, [JRNL]
Boule, M. 1911-1913 L'Homme Fossile de La Chapelle-aux-Saints. Annales de Paléontologie 6:111-172;7:21-56,85-192;8:1-70. FOSSIL, LA CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS, NEANDERTAL, [DIS IN ANT:591 & ISCAN-1989:157]
Boule, M., and H. Vallois 1935 L'Homme Fossile d'Asselar (Sahara). Revue de Stomatologie (Paris) 37:608-617. FOSSIL, D'ASSELAR, SAHARA, [CRAN]
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Boulos, F. S. 1986 Oncology in Egyptian Papyri. In: S. Retsas, ed. Palaeo-Oncology: The Antiquity of Cancer. London: Ferrand Press, pp. 35-39. NEOPLASM, CANCER, ANTIQUITY OF, [PPNL(SUPPL)1994-85:6]
Boulton, A., and C. R. Butler 1989 Field Conservation Techniques Applied to Human Bone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):195-196. BONE, CONSERVATION, FIELD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bouquet, H. 1918 Syphilis in Mediaeval Paris. American Journal of Urology 14:126. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MEDIEVAL, PARIS, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Bouquet, H. 1934 Die Krankheiten des Ur-Menschen. La Presse Médicale (Paris) 9:No. 407. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology]
Bourdelais, P., and J. Y. Raulot 1978 Sur le Rôle des Contacts Interhumains dans la Transmission du Choléra, Epidémies de 1832 et 1854. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 71:119-130. CHOLERA, [CWHM-1980-103-#0341]
Bourdelais, P., et al. 1978 La Marche du Choléra en France: 1832-1854. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 33:125-142. CHOLERA, FRANCE, [CWHM-1978-098-#0258]
Bourget, Steve 1996 Royal Tombs of Sipán. By Walter Alva, and Christopher B. Donnan. 1993. Los Angeles, California: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles. [Review]. Latin American Antiquity 7(1):81-82. REVIEW OF, ALVA; WALTER, AND CHRISTOPHER B. DONNAN, 1993, [JRNL & BOOK]
Bouriant, M. U. 1888 Fragment d'un Livre de Médecine en Copte Thébain. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Royal Académie del Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 15:374. MEDICINE, THEBES, COPTIC, [CRAN]
Bourke, J. B. 1967 A Review of the Palaeopathology of the Arthritic Diseases. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 352-370. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ARTHRITIS, [BOOK]
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