Blondiaux, Joël, A. Cotten, C. Fontaine, Catherine Hänni, A. Béra, and R. M. Flipo 1995 Two Roman and Medieval Cases of Symmetrical Erosive Polyarthritis from Normandy: Anatomo-Pathologic Radiologic Features and Molecular Evidence for Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):79. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NORMANDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, A. Cotten, C. Fontaine, Catherine Hänni, A. Béra, and R. M. Flipo 1996 Two Roman and Medieval Cases of Symmetrical Erosive Polyarthritis from Normandy: Anatomo-Pathologic Radiologic Features and Molecular Evidence for Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 4. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NORMANDY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, Jean-François Duvette, S. Vatteoni, and L. Eisenberg 1994 Microradiographs of Leprosy from an Osteoarchaeological Context. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):13-20. LEPROSY, MICRORADIOLOGY, [CWHM-1994-162-#0144]
Blondiaux, Joël, and M. Houcke 1987 Long Bones Symmetrical Hypertrophies: Four Cases in Medieval Northern France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, Supplement, p. 17. BONE, LONG, HYPERTROPHY, SYMMETRICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Blondiaux, Joël, M. Houcke, and M. Lorthoir 1986 Long Bones Symmetrical Hypertrophies: Four Cases in Medieval France. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, pp. 173-187. BONE, LONG BONE, HYPERTROPHY, SYMMETRICAL, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:36]
Blondiaux, Joël, and Frédéric Millot 1991 Dislocation of the Hip: Discussion of Eleven Cases from Mediaeval France. [English with French Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):203-207. DISLOCATION, HIP, FRANCE, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1992-153-#0357]
Bloom, Allan I., Ronald A. Bloom, Gila Kahila, Emmanuel Eisenberg, and Patricia Smith 1995 Amputation of the Hand in the 3600-Year-Old Skeletal Remains of an Adult Male: The First Case Reported from Israel. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):188-191. AMPUTATION, HAND, MIDDLE BRONZE AGE, ISRAEL, [JRNL]
Bloom, Khaled J. 1990 The "King of Terrors": The Mississippi Valley's Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. [Dissertation, University of California, Davis]. DISSERTATION, FEVER, YELLOW FEVER, EPIDEMIC, MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY 1878, [MELVYL]
Bloom, Khaled J. 1993 The Mississippi Valley's Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press. [See reviews by Patricia Peck Gossel, 1994; Anne Hardy, 1995; Suzanne Cameron Linder, 1995.]. FEVER, YELLOW FEVER, EPIDEMIC, MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY 1878, [MELVYL]
Bloom, Ronald A., and Patricia Smith 1991 A Healed Depressed Frontal Bone Fracture in an Early Samaritan (the Goliath Injury). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(3):167-170. BONE, FRONTAL, FRACTURE, DEPRESSED, HEALED, [PPNL-1991-76:13]
Bloom, Ronald A., and Patricia Smith 1992 On the Antiquity of the Seronegative Spondyloarthopathies: Evidence from Ancient Judea. Skeletal Radiology 21(2):111-114. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHOPATHY, SERONEGATIVE, ANTIQUITY OF, [CWHM-1992-156-#0565]
Bloomfield, J. A. 1985 Radiology of Egyptian Mummy. Australasian Radiology 29(1):64-66. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Mummies-26-12-12025]
Blot, Maria Luisa 1994 The Skeletal Population of a Maritime Accident (1786). Paleopathology Newsletter 85:11-12. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SHIPWRECK, [JRNL]
Bloxam, G. W. 1883 Note on a Patagonian Skull. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 12:28-29. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PATAGONIA, [JRNL]
Bluhm, Gilbert B. 1979 Gout and Pseudogout. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal 27(1):14-17. GOUT, PSEUDOGOUT, [JRNL]
Blum, T. 1923 Malposed Teeth. International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography 9:1. DENTITION, TEETH, MALPOSED, [ARME-TOLEDO-RES-BUL-1974:119]
Blumberg, Baruch S. 1970 Adaptation to Infectious Disease. Australia Antigen and Hepatitis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 32(2):305-308. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ADAPTATION, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Blumberg, Baruch S., ed. 1961 Proceedings of the Conference on Genetic Polymorphisms and Geographic Variations in Disease. New York: Grune and Stratton. GENETICS, POLYMORPHISM, DISEASE, CONFERENCE, [CRAN]
Blumberg, Baruch S., K. J. Bloch, R. L. Black, and C. Dotter 1961 A Study of the Prevalence of Arthritis in Alaskan Eskimos. Arthritis and Rheumatism 4:325-341. ARTHRITIS, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1992-21:088]
Blumberg, Baruch S., and Jane E. Hesser 1975 Anthropology and Infectious Disease. In: A. Damon, ed. Physiological Anthropology. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 260-294. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:111]
Blumberg, Baruch S., and Leon Sokoloff 1961 Coalescence of Caudal Vertebrae in the Giant Dinosaur Diplodocus.
Arthritis and Rheumatism 4(6):592-601. VERTEBRA, CAUDAL, DINOSAUR, [JRNL]
Blumberg, Joe M., and Ellis R. Kerley 1966 Discussion: Morphometry of Bone in Palaeopathology; a Critical Consideration of Roentgenology and Microscopy in Palaeopathology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 150-170. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, ROENTGENOLOGY, MICROSCOPY, CRITICAL CONSIDERATION, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Blumberg, Joseph E., William L. Hylander, and Robert A. Goepp 1971 Taurodontism: A Biometric Study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(2):243-255. DENTITION, TAURODONTISM, [JRNL]
Blumbergs, Zaiga, Nils-Gustaf Gejvall, and Claes Varenius 1974 Subboreal Faunal Remains from a Peat-Bog in Sandåkra Village, in the Parish of Skurup, Scania, S. Sweden. OSSA 1:24-37. BOG BODIES, FAUNAL REMAINS, PEAT BOG, SANDAKRA VILLAGE, SKURUP PARISH,SCANIA, SOUTH SWEDEN, [JRNL]
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 1796 Osservazioni sopra Alcune Mummie Egiziane Aperte in Londra. Annali di Chimica e Storia Naturale, etc 11:196-223. MUMMIES, EGYPT, OBSERVATION, [LSG2-Mummies]
Blumenschine, Robert J. 1992 Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2364. By Tim D. White. 1992. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [Review]. American Journal of Human Biology 4(6):790-791. REVIEW OF, WHITE; TIM D., 1992, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1992-4:790]
Blustein, Y., N. Stern, and S. S. Kottek 1987 A Case of Prosthetic Dentistry in Ancient Egypt. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 35:120-124. DENTISTRY, PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1988-136-#1567]
B., M. 1929 Zeugen Prähistorischer Kämpfe. Deutsche Aerzte-Zeitung 33:473. PATHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology]
Boada Rivas, Ana María 1988 Las Patologías Oseas en la Población de Marín. Boletín de Arqueología (Bogotá) 3(1):1-24. PATHOLOGY, MARIN, COLOMBIA, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Boase, T. S. R. 1972 Death in the Middle Ages: Mortality, Judgment and Remembrance. London: Thames and Hudson. DEATH, MIDDLE AGES, [MELVYL]
Boaz, N. T., and J. Hampel 1978 Strontium Content of Fossil Tooth Enamel and Diet of Early Hominids. Journal of Paleontology 52(4):928-933. DENTAL ENAMEL, NUTRITION, STRONTIUM CONTENT, EARLY HOMINID, [ISCAN-1989:257]
Boaz, N. T., D. Ninkovich, and M. Rossignol-Strick 1982 Paleoclimatic Setting for Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 69(1):29-33. CLIMATE, HOMO SAPIENS NEANDERTHALENSIS, NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Paleontology-23-12-11365]
Bobbio, A. 1970 The First Endosseous Alloplastic Implant in the History of Man. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 20:1-6. DENTISTRY, ENDOSSEOUS ALLOPLASTIC IMPLANT [BHM-10:570]
Bobbio, A. 1973 Rilievi Odontoiatrici Sul Cosidetto "Uomo Dei Sambaquis" e "Uomo Della Lagoa Santa" Della Preistoria Brasiliana. Rassegna Internazionale di Stomatologia Pratica 24:11-24. DENTITION, BRAZIL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Bobin, V. V. 1964 Les Recherches Paléopathologiques des Dernières Années sur les Ossements Découverts en Crimée et dans le Caucase du Nord. Paper Read at 7E Cong Internat Se Anthr et Ethnol. Moscow. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Bocchi, L., V. Capecchi, and C. Orso 1978 Spine Sottocalcaneari in Piedi Paleolitici. [Under-Heel Spines in Paleolithic Chromagnonoid Feet.]. [Italian with English Abstract]. Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento 64(5):501-506. FOOT, HEEL SPINES, CRO-MAGNON, PALEOLITHIC, [NDX-Paleopathology-21-12-10186]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, and André Mariotti 1992 Is Collagen from Teeth or Bones Equivalent for Isotopic (13C, 15N) Diet Investigations? Fifth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC V), Chicago. Special Publications Series of the Paleontological Society 6:30. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:339]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, André Mariotti, Brigitte Lange-Badre, Bernard Vandermeersch, Jacques Paul Borel, and Georges Bellon 1991 Isotopic Biogeochemistry (13C and 15N) of Fossil Vertebrate Collagen: Application to the Study of a Past Food Web Including Neandertal Man. Journal of Human Evolution 20(6):481-492. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NEANDERTAL MAN, [JRNL]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marc Fizet, R. Mariotti, C. Olive, G. Bellon, and D. Billiou 1991 Application de la Biogéchimie Isotopique (13C, 15N) à la Détermination du Régime Alimentaire des Populations Humaines et Animales Durant les Périodes Antiques et Médiévale. Archives Sciences Genéve 44:329-340. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:077]
Bocherens, Hervé, Marilyn L. Fogel, Noreen Tuross, and Melinda Zeder 1995 Trophic Structure and Climatic Information from Isotopic Signatures in Pleistocene Cave Fauna of Southern England. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):327-340. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, STABLE ISOTOPE, CARBON, NITROGEN, OXYGEN, TOOTH, BONE COLLAGEN, APATITE, TROPHIC LEVEL, KENT'S CAVE, UPPER PLEISTOCENE, [JRNL]
Bockenheimer, S., U. Eickhoff, E. Metzel, and K. Voigt 1978 Radiologisch-Aquidensitographische Untersuchungen der Kalottenverletzungen des Pharao Seqenenre. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin 128(6):691-694. MUMMIES, EGYPT, SEQENENRE, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Bocklage, T. J. 1984 Physical Anthropology of the Ancient Maya Foot. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14-15 April 1984, p. 15. FOOT, MAYA, ANTHROPOLOGY, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1977 Paléodémographie: Ce que nous Apprend la Nubie Soudanaise. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 32:54-69. DEMOGRAPHY, SUDANESE NUBIA, [BHM-15:479]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1977 Perspectives Paléodémographiques. [Thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences, Sociales, Paris]. DEMOGRAPHY, PERSPECTIVE, DISSERTATION, [AJPA-1996-99:582]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1978 Estimation Methods of Age at Death in Adult Skeletons and Demographic Structure of the Populations of the Past. In: M. D. Garralda, and R. M. Grande, eds. I Simposio de Antropologia Biologica de España. Madrid: Facultad de Biología Cuidad Universita, pp. 37-47. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETON, ADULT, DEMOGRAPHY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1986 Once Upon a Time: Palaeodemography. In: B. Herrmann, ed. Innovative Trends in der Prähistorischen Anthropologie. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 7:127-133. DEMOGRAPHY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre 1994 Estimating the Average for an Unknown Age Distribution in Anthropology. In: M. Di Bacco, E. Pacciani, and Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli, eds. Statistical Tools in Human Biology: Proceedings of the 17th Course of the International School of Mathematics. Erice, Italy, 18-25 September 1993. Singapore and River Edge, New Jersey: World Scientific, pp. 197-202. DEMOGRAPHY, AGE DISTRIBUTION IN ANTHROPOLOGY, [AJPA-1996-99:583 & MELVYL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1977 Estimateurs en Paléodémographie. L'Homme 17(4):65-90. DEMOGRAPHY, [AJPA-1996-99:582]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1982 Farewell to Paleodemography. [See Dennis P. Van Gerven, and George J. Armelagos, 1983.]. Journal of Human Evolution 11(4):321-333. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1985 Matters of Moment. Journal of Human Evolution 14:107-111. DEMOGRAPHY, [ARMELAGOS-REDBOOK:037 & GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:101]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1985 Paleodemography: Resurrection or Ghost? Journal of Human Evolution 14(2):107-111. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, and Claude Masset 1996 Paleodemography: Expectancy and False Hope. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 99(4):571-583. DEMOGRAPHIC ESTIMATOR, AGE DISTRIBUTION, ITERATIVE PROPORTIONAL FITTING, [JRNL]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, M. A. Maia Neto, M. A. Tavares da Rocha, and M. H. Xavier de Morais 1978 Estimation de l'Age au Décès des Squellettes d'Adultes par Régressions Multiples. Contribucoñes para o Estudo da Antropologia Portuguesa 10(3):107-133. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETON, ADULT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre, M. A. Tavares da Rocha, and M. H. Xavier de Morais 1980 Peut-on Estimer l'Age au Décès à l'Aide du Remaniement Osseux? Biom Hum (Paris) 15:51-56. AGE ASSESSMENT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219]
Boddington, A. 1987 Chaos, Disturbance and Decay in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 27-42. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, CEMETERY, ANGLO-SAXON, CHAOS; DISTURBANCE; DECAY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A. 1987 From Bones to Population: The Problem of Numbers. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 180-197. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, DEMOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway 1987 Flesh, Bones, Dust and Society. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 3-9. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, DEATH, DECAY, RECOVERY, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway 1987 Preface. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, p. ix. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, PREFACE, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. 1987 Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [See review by B. Danner, 1991.]. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, [BOOK]
Boddington, A., and M. Morgan 1979 The Excavation Record, Part 2: Inhumations. Northamptonshire County Council Occasional Paper, 3. BURIAL, INHUMATION, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:042]
Bödecker, C. F. 1929-1930 Concerning Defects in the Enamel of Teeth of Ancient American Indians. [See review by Ales Hrdlicka, 1930.]. Journal of Dental Research 10:313-322. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Enamel abnormity]
Bödecker, C. F., and H. Bödecker 1931 A Practical Index of the Varying Susceptibility to Dental Caries in Man. Dental Cosmos 73:707-716. DENTAL CARIES, SUSCEPTIBILITY, INDEX, [ARME]
Bodenhoff, J., P. Geertinger, and J. Prause 1979 Isolation of Sporothrix fungorum from a 500-Year-Old Mummy Found in Greenland. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section B: Microbiology 87B(3):201-203. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, SPOROTHRIX FUNGORUM, [NDX-Mummies-20-12-09213]
Bodhe, I. G. 1980 Roentgenographic Study of Human Skeletal Remains of the Chalcolithic Period from Inamgaon, Maharashtra. Journal of the Indian Anthropological. Society In press. REMAINS, SKELETAL, RADIOGRAPHY, INAMGAON, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:522]
Boeck, W., and Danielssen 1855 Eléphantiasis des Grecs. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 40:53. ELEPHANTIASIS, GREECE, [LSG2-Leprosy]
Boehmer, Rainer Michael, Friedhelm Pedde, and Beate Salje 1996 Uruk: Die Gräber. Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka: Endberichte 10. With contributions by F. Köcher, S. M. Maul, and G. Meinert. Mainz: Philipp von Zahern. [See review by Geoff Emberling, 1997.]. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY, NEAR EAST, ANCIENT, [J-AM-ARCHAEOL-1997-101:169]
Boehrer, B. T. 1990 Early Modern Syphilis. Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:197-214. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1991-148-#0759-#2260]
Boessler, A. 1906 Peruanische Mumien. Untersuchungen mit X-Strahlen. Berlin. MUMMIES, PERU, RADIOGRAPHY, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Boev, Peter 1959 Trépanations d'Intérêt Historique (Trépanations Historiques). Bulletin Inst Morph Acad Sci Bulg 3:197. TREPHINATION, HISTORIC, [DIS IN ANT:670]
Boev, Peter 1963 Les Trépanations Symboliques chez Les Peuplades Turques. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 4:671-673. TREPHINATION, TURKEY, SYMBOLIC, [ARME]
Boev, Peter 1972 Trepanación Simbólica. Quiron (La Plata) 3(1):85-95. TREPHINATION, SYMBOLIC, [CWHM-1972-76-#1610]
Boev, Peter 1992 Biological Reconstruction of the Victims of Batac During the Aprilian Rebellion--1876: Paleopathological Data. [English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:9.]. Annuaire Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Biologie (Zoologie) 83:295-305. VICTIMOLOGY, BATAC MASSACRE 1876, BIOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DATA, [PPNL-1994-88:09]
Boev, Peter, and O. Ismagulov 1962 Trepanirovanniy Cherep iz Kazashskoy SSR. Sovyetskaya Etnografiya 2:9-10. TREPHINATION, KAZASHSKOY SSR, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Boev, Peter, N. Kondova, V. Stéfanov, and S. Tcholacov 1981 Recherches Paléopathologiques des Populations du Moyen Age en Bulgarie. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congres International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 209-210. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:15.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BULGARIA, [PPNL-1986-55:15]
Boev, Peter, and D. Mallinkov [D. Maslinkov] 1961 Paléopathologie Maxillo-Mandibulaire et Dentaire en Bulgarie. Izvestiya na Instituta po Morfologiya Bulgarska Akademiia na Naukite za Sofia 4:241-258. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, MAXILLA, MANDIBLE, BULGARIA, [ARME]
Boev, Peter, and D. Maslinkov 1965 K Probleme Chelustno-Zubnoy Paleopatologii na Teritorii Narodnoy Republiki Bolgarii. Voprosy Antropologii 20:102-114. PALEOPATHOLOGY, BULGARIA, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:273]
Boev, Peter, and T. Minkov 1994 A Skeleton of the 10th Century from the Town of Baltchik, with Features of a Rare Illness, Spondyloarthrosis Ankylopoetica [sic]--The Bechterew's Disease. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:9.]. Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia 85(1):327-335. SPINE, BECHTEREW'S DISEASE, SPONDYLOARTHROSIS ANKYLOPOIETICA, RHEUMATOID SPONDYLITIS, [PPNL-1996-94:9]
Boev, Peter, and Slavtcho Tcholakov 1982 Anthropologische Untersuchung eines Kinderkiefers aus der Neolithischen Siedlung in Krenmikoutsi. [Anthropological Study of an Infant's Jaw from the Neolithic Settlement in Kremikoutsi.]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologie (Brno) 20(1):41-43. JAW, INFANT, NEOLITHIC, KRENMIKOUTSI, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1983-5(3):#10817]
Bogdan, G. 1897-1898 La Lèpre: Esquisse Historique. Bulletin de la Société des Médecins et des Naturalistes de Jassy 9:135-151. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Bogdan, Georgieann 1989 Probable Treponemal Skeletal Signs in Seven Pre-Columbian Coastal North Carolina Ossuary Samples. [Thesis, Anthropology Department, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina]. TREPONEMATOSIS, NORTH CAROLINA, PRECOLUMBIAN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:162]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1988 Possible Treponematosis in Human Skeletons from a Pre-Columbian Ossuary of Coastal North Carolina. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):187-188. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1988 Possible Treponematosis in Human Skeletons from a Pre-Columbian Ossuary in Coastal North Carolina. [Exhibit]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 6. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, EXHIBIT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1989 Possible Treponemal Skeletal Symptoms in Eight Pre-Columbian Coastal North Carolina Ossuary Samples. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):194. TREPONEMATOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, NORTH CAROLINA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bogdan, Georgieann, and David S. Weaver 1992 Pre-Columbian Treponematosis in Coastal North Carolina. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 155-163. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, SOUTH CAROLINA, TREPONEMATOSIS, [BOOK]
Boglár, L. 1958 Ein Endokannibalischer Ritus in Súdamerika. Miscellanea Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata [Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1958)] 2:67-85. CANNIBALISM, SOUTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Bogovski, P. 1980 Historical Perspectives of Occupational Cancer. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 6:921-939. NEOPLASM, CANCER, OCCUPATIONAL, [CWHM-1982-111-#0299]
Bogucka, M. 1991 Illness and Death in a Maritime City: Gdansk in the 17th Century. American Neptune 51:91-104. PUBLIC HEALTH, SANITATION, GDANSK, [CWHM-1993-158-#0341]
Bohen, Barbara E. 1992 Collaborative Investigation of the UI Egypto-Roman Mummy. [Investigación Conjunta de la Momia Romano-Egipcia UI.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 134. MUMMIES, EGYPT, EGYPTIAN-ROMAN, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, STEREO, LITHOGRAPHY,ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bohn, A. 1963 Dental Anomalies in Harelip and Cleft Palate. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 21:38. DENTAL ANOMALY, CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, [ARME]
Bohne, C. l955 Die Habsburger Unterlippe. Zahnärztliche Praxis 6:Juni. JAW, HAPSBURG JAW, [CRAN]
Bohrer, Stanley P., and Graham E. Connah 1971 Pathology in 700-Year-Old Nigerian Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 9:12.]. Radiology 98(3):581-584. BONE PATHOLOGY, NIGERIA, [JRNL]
Boigey, M. 1904 Une Opération Chirurgicale à l'Age de Pierre: La Trépanation. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'Etranger 20(Série 4):261-266. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
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