Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Almeido, J. O. 1962 Serologic Studies in Leprosy. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 26:233-240. LEPROSY, SEROLOGY, [COCKBURN-1963:231]
Alpagut, B. 1978 Some Pathological Cases of Ancient Anatolian Mandibles. [Abstract] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU1. MANDIBLE, ANCIENT, PATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Alpagut, B. 1979 Some Paleopathological Cases of the Ancient Anatolian Mandibles. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:15.]. Journal of Human Evolution 8(6):571-574. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR PATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, [JRNL]
Alpagut, B. 1994 The Paleopathology of Ancient Anatolia. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S10. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANATOLIA, POSTER, [JRNL]
Alpert, Joyce M. 1991 Kokopelli: A New Look at the Humpback Fluteplayer in Anasazi Rock Art. American Indian Art Magazine 17(1):49-57. TUBERCULOSIS, SPINE, POTT'S DISEASE, KOKOPELLI, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W. 1988 [Mesiodens in Nasal Passages of an Early Medieval Body.]. [German]. Die Quintessenz 39:1075-1081. DENTITION, SUPERNUMERARY DENTITION, MESIODEN, NASAL PASSAGE, [CWHM-1989-142-#1463]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 [Dentistry and Archeology.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 79:496-497. ODONTOLOGY, DENTISTRY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1610]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 Odontologische Befunde aus Archäologie und Anthropologie. [Odontological Findings in Archeology and Anthropology.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 79:785-796. ODONTOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1611 & WIEN-KW]
Alt, Kurt W. 1989 Zur Problematik Odontologischer Verwandtschaftsanalysen der Prähistorichen Anthropologie am Beispiel der Aplasie/Hypodontie. [The Problems of Odontogenic Kinship Analysis in Prehistoric Anthropology in the Example of Aphasia/Hypodontia.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 78(1):43-71. DENTITION, ANODONTIA, [NDX-Paleodontology-31-08-09994]
Alt, Kurt W. 1991 Zur Paläopathologie Maligner Tumoren: Ein Fall von Knochenkrebs im Frühmittelalter. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 12:39-42. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, MIDDLE AGES, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1982-30(1)-#1747]
Alt, Kurt W. 1993 Advances in Dental Anthropology. Edited by Marc A. Kelley, and Clark Spencer Larsen. New York: Wiley-Liss. [Review]. HOMO 44(2):206. REVIEW OF, KELLEY; MARC A., AND CLARK SPENCER LARSEN, 1991, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W. 1994 Prosthetics, Periodontal Therapy and Conservative Dentistry in the Eighteenth Century: Archaeological Findings from Grand Sacconex, Geneva, Switzerland. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 42(2):67-70. DENTISTRY, PROSTHETICS; PERIODONTAL THERAPY; CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY, SWITZERLAND, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDING, [CWHM-1994-163-#0850]
Alt, Kurt W., and C. -P. Adler 1992 Multiple Myeloma in an Early Medieval Skeleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:9.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:205-209. NEOPLASM, MULTIPLE MYELOMA, SKELETAL LESION, LYTIC, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1992-80:09]
Alt, Kurt W., and C. Koçkapan 1993 Artificial Tooth-Neck Grooving in Living and Prehistoric Population. [Artifizielle Zahnhalsdefekte in Rezenten und Prähistorischen Bevölkerungen.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 44(1):5-29. DENTAL MUTILATION, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., and Sandra Pichler 1991 Paläomedizinische Untersuchung einer Spätägyptischen Mumie aus El Hibe (Mittelägypten). [Paleomedical Investigations of a Late Egyptian Mummy from El Hibe (Middle Egypt).]. [German]. Die Quintessenz 42(5):827-839. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MEDICAL STUDY, [NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Alt, Kurt W., Sandra Pichler, Werner Vach, W. Huckenbeck, and Milan Stloukal 1996 Early Bronze Age Family Burial from Velké Pavlovice. Verification of Kinship Hypothesis by Odontologic and Other Nonmetric Traits. [Frühbronzezeitliches Familienbegräbnis von Velké Pavlovice. Überprüfung der Verwandtschaftshypothese mit Odontologischen und Anderen Nicht-Netrischen Merkmalen.]. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 46(3):256-266. ODONTOLOGY, NON-METRIC TRAITS, KINSHIP HYPOTHESIS, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., Sandra Pichler, Werner Vach, Bohuslav Klíma, Emanuel Vlcek, and Jürg Sedlmeier 1997 Twenty-Five Thousand-Year-Old Triple Burial from Dolní Vestonice: An Ice-Age Family? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 102(1)123-131. MULTIPLE BURIAL, ODONTOLOGIC TRAITS, NON-METRIC TRAITS, BIOSTATISTICS, KINSHIP ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., Friedrich W. Rösing, and Maria Teschler-Nicola, eds. n.d. Dental Anthropology: Fundamentals, Limits, and Prospects. Stuttgart, Jena, and New York. In press. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S11]
Alt, Kurt W., and Werner Vach 1994 Rekonstruktion Biologischer und Sozialer Strukturen in ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Bevölkerungen: Innovative Ansätze zur Verwandtschaftsanalyse in der Archäologie. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 69:56-91. DNA, ANCIENT, ARCHAEOLOGY, [HUM-BIOL-1996-68:196]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp 1992 Pulpoalveolar Disease: Etiology, Incidence, and Differentiation of Periapical Lesions. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 85:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 4(3):163-178. DENTITION, PULPOALVEOLAR DISEASE, ETIOLOGY, INCIDENCE, LESION, PERIAPICAL, DIFFERENTIATION OF, [PPNL-1994-85:15]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp 1994 Morphology and Differentiation of Periapical Cystic Bone Lesions. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S11. BONE, LESION, PERIAPICAL CYSTIC, MORPHOLOGY AND DIFFERENTIATION OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Alt, Kurt W., R. Wächter, and J. C. Türp n.d. Characterization of Periapical Defects: Etiopathology, Epidemiology, and Clinical Consequences. In: Kurt W. Alt, Friedrich W. Rösing, and Maria Teschler-Nicola, eds. Dental Anthropology: Fundamentals, Limits, and Prospects. Stuttgart, Jena, and New York. In press. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S11]
Altman, Roy D. 1990 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Hip. [Abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(Supplement):S80. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]

Altman, Roy D. 1990 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hand. [Abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(Supplement):S80. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HAND, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Altman, Roy D., G. Alarcón, D. Appelrouth, D. Bloch, D. Borenstein, K. Brandt, C. Brown, T. D. Cooke, W. Daniel, R. Gray, R. Greenwald, M. Hochberg, D. Howell, R. Ike, P. Kapila, D. Kaplan, W. Koopman, S. Longley, D. J. McShane, T. Medsger, B. Michel, W. Murphy, T. Osial, R. Ramsey-Goldman, Bruce M. Rothschild, and F. Wolfe 1990 The American College of Rheumatology Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hand. Arthritis and Rheumatism 33(11):1601-1610. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HAND, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, [JRNL]
Altman, Roy D., G. Alarcón, D. Appelrouth, D. Bloch, D. Borenstein, K. Brandt, C. Brown, T. D. Cooke, W. Daniel, D. Feldman, R. Greenwald, M. Hochberg, D. Howell, R. Ike, P. Kapila, D. Kaplan, W. Koopman, C. Marino, E. McDonald, D. J. McShane, T. Medsger, B. Michel, W. A. Murphy, T. Osial, R. Ramsey-Goldman, Bruce M. Rothschild, and F. Wolfe 1991 Criteria for Classification and Reporting of Osteoarthritis of the Hip. Arthritis and Rheumatism 34(5):505-514. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING OF, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter 1988 Discovering the New World's Richest Unlooted Tomb. National Geographic 174(4):509-549. BURIAL, MOCHE, SIPAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter 1990 New Tomb of Royal Splendor. National Geographic 177(6):2-15. TOMB, ROYAL, MOCHE, SIP┴N, PERU, [JRNL]
Alva, Walter, and Christopher B. Donnan 1993 Royal Tombs of Sipán. Los Angeles, California: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles. [See review by Steve Bourget, 1996.]. TOMB, ROYAL, SIP┴N, PERU, [BOOK]
Alva, Walter, and Christopher B. Donnan 1994 Tales from a Peruvian Crypt. Natural History 103(5):26-34. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, PERU, [JRNL]
Alvarez de Miranda, A. 1953 Magia y Medicina Popular en el Mundo Clásico y la Península Ibérica. Archivos Iberoamericanos de Historia de la Medicina (Madrid) 5:309-326. MEDICINE, IBERIA, POPULAR, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:01]
Alvarez Miranda, Luis 1969 Un Cementerio Precerámico con Momias de Preparación Complicada. Rehue 2:181-190. MUMMIES, PREPARATION, PRECERAMIC, [MDAC-170 & CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:374]
Amadei, A., G. Bevilacqua, G. Brogi, J. Bruno, M. Castagna, B. Ceccanti, N. Corcione, Gino Fornaciari, A. Marchetti, R. Mariani, A. Menconi, L. Pollina, A. Tognetti, and D. Toraboni 1988 The Mummies of the Abbey of S. Domenico Maggiore in Naples. [Abstracts of twelve papers] In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, pp. 5-9. MUMMIES, ITALY, NAPLES, ABSTRACT [JRNL]
Amako, T. 1960 On the Injuries of the Menisci in the Knee Joint of Japanese. Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Surgical Society 33(12):1289-1322. KNEE, MENISCI, INJURY, JAPANESE, [ISCAN-1989:156]
Ambach, E. 1993 Paradoxical Undressing in Fatal Hypothermia (Homo tirolensis). [Letter]. Lancet (London) 341(8855):1285. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ICE MAN, PREHISTORIC, AUSTRIAN-ITALIAN ALPS, LETTER, [JRNL]
Ambach, E., W. Tributsch, and W. Ambach 1992 Is Mummification Possible in Snow? [Letter]. Forensic Science International 54(2):191-192. MUMMIES, MUMMIFICATION IN SNOW, LETTER, [NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Ambers, J. C., K. J. Matthews, and S. G. E. Bowman 1986 Radiocarbon Dates for Two Peat Samples. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 25-26. BOG BODIES, PEAT BOG, RADIOCARBON DATING, [BOOK]
Ambro, Richard D. 1967 Dietary-Technological-Ecological Aspects of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports 70:37-47. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1986 Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Human and Animal Diet in Africa. Journal of Human Evolution 15(8):707-731. DIETARY ANALYSIS, HUMAN, ANIMAL, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1987 Chemical and Isotopic Techniques of Diet Reconstruction in Eastern North America. In: W. F. Keegan, ed. Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands. Southern Illinois University, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 7. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, pp. 87-107. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPIC TECHNIQUE, NORTH AMERICA, [ISCAN-1989:234]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1990 Preparation and Characterization of Bone and Tooth Collagen for Isotopic Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(4):431-451. NUTRITION, BONE CHEMISTRY, CARBON ISOTOPE, NITROGEN ISOTOPE, ARCHAEOLOGY, BONE COLLAGEN, DENTITION, TOOTH COLLAGEN, BONE LIPID, DIAGENESIS, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1991 Effects of Diet, Climate and Physiology on Nitrogen Isotope Abundances in Terrestrial Foodwebs. Journal of Archaeological Science 18(3):293-317. NUTRITION, NITROGEN ISOTOPE, ARCHAEOLOGY, ECOLOGY, ECOLOGY, NITROGEN METABOLISM, WATER METABOLISM, PLANT, SOIL, HERBIVORE, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H. 1993 Isotopic Analysis of Paleodiets: Methodological and Interpretive Considerations. In: Mary K. Sandford, ed. Investigations of Ancient Human Tissue: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology. Langhorne, Pennsylvania: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 59-130. TISSUE, HUMAN, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Ambrose, Stanley H., B. M. Butler, D. B. Hanson, and R. L. Hunter-Anderson 1995 Stable Isotopic Analysis of Human Diet in the Marianas Archipelago. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:57. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARIANAS ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Michael J. DeNiro 1986 Reconstruction of African Human Diet Using Bone Collagen Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios. Nature (London) 319(6051):321-324. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Michael J. DeNiro 1987 Bone Nitrogen Isotope Composition and Climate. [Letter]. Nature (London) 325(6101):201. BONE, BONE NITROGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION AND CLIMATE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and M. Anne Katzenburg, eds. n.d. Close to the Bone: Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis in Archaeology. New York: Plenum Press. In press. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BIOGEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:307]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Lynette Norr 1992 On Stable Isotopic Data and Prehistoric Subsistence in the Sonconusco Region. [See also Brian S. Chisholm, Michael Blake, and Michael W. Love, 1993.]. Current Anthropology 33(4):401-404. SUBSISTENCE, STABLE ISOTOPE, SONCONUSCO, [JRNL]
Ambrose, Stanley H., and Lynette Norr 1993 Experimental Evidence for the Relationship of the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Whole Diet and Dietary Protein to Those of Bone Collagen and Carbonate. In: Joseph B. Lambert, and Gisela Grupe, eds. Prehistoric Human Bone: Archaeology at the Molecular Level. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc, pp. 1-37. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:086]
Ambrosetti, Juan Bautista 1903 Cabeza Humana Preparada Según el Procedimiento de los Indios Jívaros, del Ecuador. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 2(Series 3):519-523. MUMMIES, ECUADOR, SHRUNKEN HEAD, JIVARO, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(3):912]
Amedee, Ronald G., and Wolf J. Mann 1989 Osteomyelitis of the Skull Base--An Unusual Manifestation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:10.]. American Journal of Otology 10(5):402-404. OSTEOMYELITIS, SKULL BASE, [JRNL]
Amelsvoort, Vincent van 1989 The Traditional Healer, an Asmat Fallacy? Curare 12:67-70. FRAMBOESIA TROPICA, YAWS, [CWHM-1990-145-#0675]
American Association of Museums 1994 AAM Testifies for Repatriation Funding. Aviso 1994(April):3. REPATRIATION, FUNDING, [JRNL]
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1969 Symposium on Methods for the Study of Skeletal Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):405-461. POPULATION, SKELETAL, STUDY METHOD, SYMPOSIUM [JRNL]
Ames, Azel, Jr. 1875 Sex in Industry: A Plea for the Working-Girl. Boston, Massachusetts: J. R. Osgood and Company. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [MELVYL]
Ames, Azel, Jr. 1875 Special Effects of Certain Forms of Employment Upon Female Health. In: Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston: Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, pp. 67-112. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, TEXTILE MILL, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):315]
Ammerman, A. J., L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, and D. K. Wagener 1976 Toward the Estimation of Population Growth in Old World Prehistory. In: Ezra B. W. Zubrow, ed. Demographic Anthropology: Quantitative Approaches. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 27-61. DEMOGRAPHY, OLD WORLD, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1985-26:596 & ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1976-05:381 & MELVYL]
Ammianus, Johannes 1667 Sonderbarer Tractat und Bericht von der Pest. [Curious Treatise and Report of the Plague.]. Schaffhausen. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:269]
Ammitzbφll, T., S. Ry Andersen, H. P. Andersson, J. Bodenhoff, M. Eiken, B. Eriksen, N. Foged, M. Ghisler, A. Gotfredsen, Hanna E. Hansen, Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jan Jakobsen, J. Balslev Jφrgensen, T. Kobayasi, N. Kromann, K. J. Lyberth, L. Lyneborg, F. Mikkelsen, J. Mφhl, R. Mφller, J. Myhre, P. O. Pedersen, J. U. Prause, O. Sebbesen, E. Svejgaard, David D. Thompson, V. Frφlund Thomsen, and L. Vanggaard 1991 The People. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 64-101. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, THE PEOPLE, [BOOK]
Ammitzbφll, T., M. Bencard, J. Bodenhoff, Rolf Gilberg, A. Johansson, Jφrgen Meldgaard, Gerda Mφller, Rigmor Mφller, E. Svejgaard, and L. Vanggaard 1991 Clothing. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 116-149. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, CLOTHING, [BOOK]
Ammitzbφll, T., R. Mφller, G. Mφller, T. Kobayasi, H. Hino, Gustav Asboe-Hansen, and Jens Peder Hart Hansen 1989 Collagen and Glycosaminoglycans in Mummified Skin. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 93-99. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, SKIN, COLLAGEN AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS IN, [BOOK]
Amoédo 1901 Les Dents du Pithecanthropus erectus de Java. Compte Rendu de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Paris) 30(Part 1):292. DENTITION, PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS, HOMO ERECTUS, JAVA, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Amon, J., and S. Karhu 1991 Patterns of Enamel Hypoplasia in a Prehistoric Hohokam Population. Ascent 4:1-8. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, HOHOKAM, [AJPA-1995-98:516]
Amorosi, Thomas 1991 Bone Modification. Edited by Robson Bonnichsen, and Marcella H. Sorg. 1989. Orono, Maine: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine. [Review]. American Anthropologist 93(4):987-988. REVIEW OF, BONNICHSEN; ROBSON AND MARCELLA H. SORG, 1989, [JRNL]
Ampoulange, A. 1953 Sépulture Néolithique dans un Gisement du Paléolithique Supérieur. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 50:613-624. SEPULCHER, NEOLITHIC, PALEOLITHIC, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:094]
Amprino, R., Antonio Ascenzi, Benedetto de Bernard 1970 Calcified Tissue Research, Volume 4, Supplement. Proceedings of the Seventh European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Montecatini, Italy, 23-26 March 1970, Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag. CALCIFIED TISSUE RESEARCH, SYMPOSIUM, [MELVYL]
Amprino, R., and A. Bairati 1936 Processi di Ricostruzione e di Reassorbimento nella Sostanza Compatta delle Ossa dell'Uomo. Zeitschrift fuer Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie 24:439-511. BONE, RECONSTRUCTION, REABSORPTION, [ORT 1981]
Amprino, R., and G. Marotti 1964 A Topographic Quantitative Study of Bone Formation and Reconstruction. In: H. J. J. Blackwood, ed. Proceedings of the First European Bone and Tooth Symposium, Somerville College, Oxford, April 1963. Sponsored by the Bone and Tooth Society. Oxford; New York: Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press New York (distributed by Macmillan), pp. 21-33. BONE, FORMATION AND RECONSTRUCTION, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:034 & MELVYL]
Amtmann, V. E. 1971 Mechanical Stress, Functional Adaptation, and the Variation Structure of the Human Femur Diaphysis. Ergebnisse der Anatomie 44:1-89. FEMUR, DIAPHYSIS, MECHANICAL STRESS, FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION, VARIATION STRUCTURE, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:055]
Amundsen, Darrel W. 1977 Medical Deontology and Pestilential Disease in the Late Middle Ages. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 32(4):403-421. PLAGUE, MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, [JRNL]
Amy, Roger, Rakesh Bhatnagar, Eric Damkjar, and Owen Beattie 1986 The Last Franklin Expedition: Report of a Postmortem Examination of a Crew Member. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 135(2):115-117. FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, LEAD POISONING, [JRNL]
Anand, J. K. 1985 Smallpox Entombed. [Letter; see also Arie J. Zucherman, 1984.]. Lancet (London) 1(8420):101. SMALLPOX VIRUS ENTOMBED, LETTER, [JRNL]
Anand, R., M. L. Ratan, S. K. Mittal, and A. K. Dutta 1988 Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis. Indian Pediatrics 25:208-211. HYPEROSTOSIS, CORTICAL HYPEROSTOSIS, INFANTILE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Anastasov, K. 1987 [Congenital Cleft Lip and Palate Among the Maya in Mexico.]. [Bulgarian with English Abstract]. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 40(2):1-5. CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, MAYA, MEXICO, [NDX-Cleft Lip occurrence-28-08-09101]
Anawalt, Patricia Rieff 1984 Memory Clothing: Costumes Associated with Aztec Human Sacrifice. In: Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 13-14 October 1979. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 165-195. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, COSTUME, AZTEC, [BOOK]
Anaya Monroy, Fernando 1966 La Antropofagia entre los Antiguos Mexicanos. Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 6:211-218. CANNIBALISM, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Andersch, H. 1962 Erscheinungsformen der Osteopathia deformans Paget bei Archäologischgeborgenem Skelettmaterial und klinischem Krankengut. Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 6:1 7. OSTEOPATHIA DEFORMANS, PAGET'S DISEASE, RECENT, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1962 Die Krankheitsbelastung einer Dorfgemeinschaft am Beispiel des spätslawischen Gräberfeldes von Gustävel. Ausgrabungen und Funde 7(4):189 193. CEMETERY, SLAVIC, AMOUNT OF PATHOLOGY, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1962 Zur Krankheitsbelastung einer slawischen Bevölkerungsgruppe des hohen Mittelalters. Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 2:1 3. PATHOLOGY, SLAVIC, MIDDLE AGES, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1963 Zur Paläopathologie der hochmittelalterlichen slawischen Bevölkerung von Gustävel (Kreis Sternberg). Anthropos 15(N.S.7):227 237. PATHOLOGY, SLAVIC, MIDDLE AGES, [WIEN-KW]
Andersch, H., and L. Schott 1968 [Diseases and Deformed Skeletal Elements from the Collected Material of the Berlin Nikolai Church (16th--18th Century).]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 60(2):128-146. DEFORMITY, DISEASE, NIKOLAI CHURCH, BERLIN, [NDX-Paleopathology-10-02-08248]
Andersen, B. C. 1988 Pelvic Scarring Analysis: Parturition or Excess Motion? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):181. PELVIC SCARRING, PARTURITION, EXCESS MOTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Andersen, C. H. Vogelius 1956 Förhistoriske Fingeraftryk. [Prehistoric Fingerprints.]. KUML, Archaeological Society of Jutland, Aarhus. FINGERPRINT, PREHISTORIC, [GLOB 1965:194]
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