Anderson, W. 1992 Badarian Burials: Evidence of Social Inequality in Middle Egypt During the Early Predynastic Era. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 29:51-66. BURIAL, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC, SOCIAL INEQUALITY, [AJPA-1994-93:432]
Anderson, W. A., and T. M. Scotti. 1968 Synopsis of Pathology. St. Louis: Mosby. PATHOLOGY SYNOPSIS, [PPNL-1980-30:9]
Anderson, W. A. D. 1975 Patologija. Beograd: Naucna Knjiga. PATHOLOGY, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:271]
Anderson, Winslow 1888 A Description of the Desiccated Human Remains in the California State Mining Bureau. California State Mining Bureau, Bulletin 1:1-41. REMAINS, HUMAN, DESICCATED, DESCRIPTION, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Anderson, W. L., ed. 1991 Cherokee Removal, Before and After. Athens: University of Georgia Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CHEROKEE, TRAIL OF TEARS, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:291]
Ando, K. 1961 Mummies in Japan. [Japanese]. Tokyo: Mainichi Newspapers. MUMMIES, JAPAN, [MDAC-223]
Ando, K. 1969 Preparation of Nyujo Mummies. [Japanese]. In: Group for Research of Japanese Mummies, eds. Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp. 83-95. MUMMIES, JAPAN, NYUJO, PREPARATION, [MDAC-223]
Ando, K., and K. Sakurai 1969 Research by Cultural History: Extant Japanese Mummies. [Japanese]. In: Group for Research of Japanese Mummies, eds. Research of Japanese Mummies. Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp. 21-82. MUMMIES, JAPAN, [MDAC-223]
Andorka, Rudolf 1994 The Historical Demography of a Proper Hungarian Village: Atány in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Journal of Family History 19(4):311-331. DEMOGRAPHY, HUNGARY, EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1995-165-#0002]
André, J. 1961 L'Alimentation et la Cusine à Rome. Paris. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ROMAN, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:193]
André, J. -M. 1980 La Notion de Pestilentia à Rome: Du Tabou Religieux à l'Interprétation Pré-Scientifique. Latomus 39:2-16. PLAGUE, ROME, [CWHM-1981-108-#1512]
Andreasen, Claus 1989 The Archaeology at Qilakitsoq. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 11-22. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, ARCHAEOLOGY, [BOOK]
Andreasen, Claus, Hans Christian Gullφv, Jens Peder Hart Hansen, J. Lyberth, and H. Tauber 1991 The Find. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 37-52. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, THE FIND, [BOOK]
Andreasen, J. O. 1981 Traumatic Injuries of the Teeth. 2nd Edition. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; Philadelphia: Saunders. DENTITION, INJURY, TRAUMATIC, [MELVYL]
Andréasson, Lars 1976 Correlation of Tubal Function and Volume of Mastoid and Middle Ear Space as Related to Otitis Media. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 85(2, Part 1):198-203. EAR, OTITIS MEDIA, TUBAL FUNCTION, MASTOID, MIDDLE EAR, [JRNL]
Andreski, S. 1982 Stregoneria, Sifilide e Celibato. Il Folle Terrore delle Streghe nei Secoli XVI e XVII alla Luce della Medicina e della Psicoanalisi. Intersezioni 2:527-564. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, CELIBACY, [CWHM-1983-117-#2038]
Andreski, S. 1982 The Syphilitic Shock: A New Explanation of the "Great Witch Craze" of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in the Light of Medicine and Society. Encounter (London) 58(5). TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SYPHILITIC SHOCK, WITCHCRAFT CRAZE, [CWHM-1984-120-#1826]
Andreski, S. 1983 Syphilitic Shock. Traditional Medical Systems 2(1):68-79. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SYPHILITIC SHOCK, [CWHM-1984-120-#1827]
Andrew, L. J. 1995 Putting Don Carlos Together Again: Treatment of a Head Injury in Sixteenth-Century Spain. Sixteenth Century Journal 26(2):347-365. SKULL, TRAUMA, SPAIN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1996-169:#0605]
Andrews, Carol 1984 Egyptian Mummies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0062]
Andrews, E. Wyllys IV 1969 Use of Molluscs as Food. In: E. Wyllys Andrews IV. The Archaeological Use and Distribution of Mollusca in the Maya Lowlands. Middle American Research Institute Publication 34. New Orleans: Tulane University, pp. 51-59. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE RESOURCE, MOLLUSC, MAYA, [JRNL]
Andrews, J. R. 1976 The Parasitology of the Maori in Pre-European Times. New Zealand Medical Journal 84(568):62-65. PARASITISM, MAORI, [CWHM-1977-093-#1081-#1385]
Andrews, Janet 1971 Appendix II. Analysis of Two Skeletons from Median Village. In: John P. Marwitt. Median Village and the Fremont Culture Regional Variation. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 95:165-171. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEDIAN VILLAGE, [JRNL]
Andrews, Janet 1972 The Paleopathology of the Eastern Great Basin Fremont Population. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:12 and 1979, 26:12.]. PATHOLOGY, GREAT BASIN, FREMONT, [BOOK]
Andrews, Janet 1979 Appendix II. Analysis of Skeletal Material from the Levee Site and the Knoll Site. In: Gary Frederic Fry, and G. F. Dalley. The Levee Site and the Knoll Site. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 100:107-109. SKELETAL ANALYSIS, LEVEE SITE, KNOLL SITE, [JRNL]
Andrews, P. 1986 Fossil Evidence of Human Origins and Dispersal. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 51(Part 1):419-428. HUMAN ORIGIN AND DISPERSAL, FOSSIL EVIDENCE, [JRNL]
Andrews, P. 1995 Experiments in Taphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):147-153. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, BONE MODIFICATION, BONE ASSEMBLAGE, PALEOECOLOGY, [JRNL]
Andrews, Peter, and Jill Cook 1985 Natural Modifications to Bones in a Temperate Setting. MAN (London) 20:675-691. BONE, BOVINE, NATURAL MODIFICATION TO, TEMPERATE SETTING, [JRNL]
Andrews, Robert R. 1893 Prehistoric American Dentistry. Dental Practitioner (Philadelphia). DENTISTRY, PREHISTORIC, [METRESS-1974:008]
Andrews, Robert R. 1895 Evidences of Prehistoric Dentistry in Central America. Transactions of the Pan-American Medical Congress, Washington 2:1872. DENTISTRY, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Andrik, P. 1962 Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Bissanomalien. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 52:129. ANTHROPOLOGY, ANATOMY, ORAL, [CRAN]
Andrik, P. 1965 Palaeostomatologial Kutatésok Eredményei és azok Jelentosége. [Results and Significance of Paleostomatologic Studies.]. [Hungarian]. Fogorvosi Szemle 58:357-363. STOMATOLOGY, [NDX-Paleodontology-07-01-02901]
Andrik, P. 1965 [Some Results of Analyses of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Skulls by Long-Distance X-Ray Pictures.]. [Czech]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 65:173-179. SKULL, PROTOHISTORIC, HISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Craniometry-06-02-01109]
Andrik, P. 1967 [On Changes of the Skull During the Last 4 Millennia.]. [German]. Fortschritte der Kieferorthopaedie 28:313-328. SKULL CHANGE, FOUR MILLENNIA, [NDX-Cephalometry-09-02-01812]
Andrik, P. 1968 [Contribution to the Study of the Variability of the Skull Morphology.]. [Slovak]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 68:200-206. SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, VARIABILITY, [NDX-Paleodontlogy-09-02-04838]
Andrik, P. 1973 The Differentiated Influence of Caries of the Deciduous Teeth on Malocclusion. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 26:1237-1242. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, DENTAL CARIES, MALOCCLUSION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Andrik, P., and A. Bachraty 1966 Analyza Predhistorickych a Protohistorickych Lebiek Dialkovymi rtg Snimkami. Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae: Anthropologia 10(8):31. SKULL, PROTOHISTORIC, HISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Andritzky, W. 1987 Trepanation and Schädelverformung im Alten Peru. Ethnologie Amerika (Düsseldorf) 23(1):1169-1173. SKULL DEFORMATION, TREPHINATION, PERU, [CWHM-1987-134-#0449]
Andros, F. 1883 The Medicine and Surgery of the Winnebago and Dakota Indians. Journal of the American Medical Association 1:116-118. MEDICINE, SURGERY, DAKOTA, WINNEBAGO, INDIAN, [COURY 1969:333]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1939 The Babaköy Skeleton. Archiv fuer Orientforschung 13:28-31. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BABAKöY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1939 Geometric Athenians. In: R. S. Young. Late Geometric Graves and a Seventh Century Well in the Agora. Hesperia 2(Supplement):236-246. BURIAL, GREECE, [AJPA-1979-51:514]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1942 Classical Olynthians. In: D. M. Robinson. Excavations at Olynthus XI, Necrolynthia. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins Press, pp. 211-240. OLYNTHIANS, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1943 Ancient Cephallenians: The Population of a Mediterranean Island. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1(3):229-260. CEPHALLENIAN, MEDITERRANEAN POPULATION, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1943 Treatment of Archaeological Skulls. In: H. L. Shapiro, ed. Anthropological Briefs (New York) 3:3-8. SKULL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, TREATMENT, [DIGGING UP BONES:181]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1944 Greek Teeth: Ancient and Modern. Human Biology 16(4):283-297. DENTITION, ANCIENT, MODERN, GREEK, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1945 Skeletal Material from Attica. Hesperia 14:279-363. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ATTICA, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Skeletal Change in Ancient Greece. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 4(1):69-97. SKELETAL CHANGE, GREECE, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Social Biology of Greek Cultural Growth. American Anthropologist 48(4, Part 1):493-533. SOCIAL BIOLOGY, CULTURAL GROWTH, GREEK, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1946 Some Interrelationships of Classical Archaeology with Anthropology. American Journal of Archaeology 50:401. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, INTERRELATIONSHIP, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1947 Increase in Length of Life in Ancient Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5(2):231. LIFE SPAN, INCREASE, ANCIENT, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1947 The Length of Life in Ancient Greece. Journal of Gerontology 2:18-24. LIFE SPAN, ANCIENT, GREECE, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1948 Health and the Course of Civilization. Intern 14:15-17, 45-48. HEALTH, CIVILIZATION, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1950 Population Size and Microevolution in Greece. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 15:343-351. DEMOGRAPHY, EVOLUTION, [BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1950 Skeletons. Archaeology (New York) 3(4):233-241. REMAINS, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1951 Table 17. Belt Cave, Skull No. 2, Measurements, Indices, and Observations. In: C. S. Coon. Cave Explorations in Iran, 1949. Philadelphia: Museum Monographs. The University Museum, pp. 86-88. SKULL, BELT CAVE, IRAN, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1951 Troy: The Human Remains. Supplemental Monograph to: C. W. Blegen, ed. Troy Excavations Conducted by the University of Cincinnati 1932-1938. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. REMAINS, HUMAN, TROY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7 & ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1952 The Human Skeletal Remains from Hotu Cave, Iran. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 96(3):258-269. REMAINS, SKELETAL, IRAN, HOTU CAVE, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1953 Classical Archaeology and the Anthropological Approach. In: G. E. Mylonas, and D. Raymond, eds. Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson on His Seventieth Birthday. St. Louis: Washington University, pp. 1224-1231. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, INTERRELATIONSHIP, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1953 The Human Remains from Khirokitia. In: P. Dikaios, ed. Khirokitia. London: Oxford University Press, pp. 416-430. REMAINS, HUMAN, GREECE, KHIROKITIA, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7 & ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1954 Human Biology, Health, and History in Greece from the 1st Settlement Until Now. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1953:168-172,266-270. HEALTH, GREECE, HISTORY, [ARME]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1954 Some Problems in Interpretation of Greek Skeletal Material: Disease, Posture, and Microevolution. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 12(2):284. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREEK, DISEASE, POSTURE, MICROEVOLUTION, INTERPRETATION PROBLEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1958 Human Biological Changes in Ancient Greece: With Special Reference to Lerna. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1957:266-270. HEALTH, LERNA, GREECE, HISTORY, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:7]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1959 Early Helladic Skulls from Aghios Kosmas. In: George E. Mylonas. Aghios Kosmas: An Early Bronze Age Settlement and Cemetery in Attica. With an appendix on the Early Helladic Skulls by J. Lawrence Angel. Princeton, New Jersey: University of Princeton Press, pp. 167-179. SKULL, HELLADIC, ATTICA, [AJPA-1979-51:515 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1959 Femoral Neck Markings and Human Gait. Anatomical Record 133(2):244. FEMUR, NECK MARKING, LOCOMOTION, [ISCAN-1989:156]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Age Change in Obesity. Human Biology 32(4):342-365. OBESITY, AGE CHANGE IN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Human Gait, Hip Joint, and Evolution. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18(4):361. HIP JOINT, LOCOMOTION, EVOLUTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1960 Physical and Psychological Factors in Culture Growth. In: A. F. C. Wallace, ed. Selected Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1956. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, pp. 665-670. CULTURE GROWTH, PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN, [BECK-FAX-07/12/96]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1961 Appendix 1: Neolithic Crania from Sotira. In: Porphyrios Dikaios. Sotira. Philadelphia: The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, pp. 223-229. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, SOTIRA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1963 Physical Anthropology and Medicine. Journal of the National Medical Association 55:107-116. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICINE, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 Osteoporosis: Thalassemia? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22(3):369-373. OSTEOPOROSIS, THALASSEMIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 Prehistoric Man. In: S. H. Engle, ed. New Perspectives in World History. Washington, D.C.: National Council for Social Studies. PREHISTORIC MAN, [CRAN]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1964 The Reaction Area of the Femoral Neck. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 32:130-142. FEMORAL NECK, REACTION AREA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Appendix: Human Skeletal Remains at Karatas. In: Excavations at Karatas-Semayük in Lycia, 1965. By Machteld J. Mellink. 1966. American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 70, Number 3, pp. 245-257. American Journal of Archaeology 70(3):255-257. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREECE, KARATAS, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Early Skeletons from Tranquility, California. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Volume 2, Number 1. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, pp. 1-19. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TRANQUILITY, CALIFORNIA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Effects of Human Biological Factors in Development of Civilization. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1965:315-317. BIOLOGY, CIVILIZATION, DEVELOPMENT, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1966 Porotic Hyperostosis, Anemias, Malarias, and Marshes in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean. Science 153(3737):760-763. ANEMIA, MALARIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, MEDITERRANEAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1967 Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 378-389. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, OSTEOPOROSIS SYMMETRICA, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Appendix: Human Remains at Karatas. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük in Lycia, 1967. American Journal of Archaeology 72:260-263. REMAINS, HUMAN, KARATAS, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 The Bases of Paleodemography. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 29(1):137. DEMOGRAPHY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Ecological Aspects of Palaeodemography. In: Don R. Brothwell, ed. The Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations. Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, Volume 8. London: Pergamon Press, pp. 263-270. DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1968 Human Skeletal Material from Slovenia. Bulletin of the American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, Harvard University 25:75-108. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SLOVENIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 The Bases of Paleodemography. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):427-437. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 Human Skeletal Material from Franchthi Cave. Hesperia 38:343-381. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FRANCHTHI CAVE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1969 Paleodemography and Evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(3):343-353. DEMOGRAPHY, EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1970 Appendix: Human Skeletal Remains at Karatas. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1969. American Journal of Archaeology 74:253-259. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Diseases and Culture in the Ancient East Mediterranean. In: Vladimir V. Novotny, ed. Proceedings of the Anthropological Congress Dedicated to Ales Hrdlicka, Prague and Humpolec, 1969. Prague: Academia, pp. 503-508. CULTURE, DISEASE, MEDITERRANEAN, EASTERN, ANCIENT, [AJPA-1979-51:516]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Early Neolithic Skeletons from Catal Huyuk. Anatolian Studies (London) 21:77-98. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, CATAL HUYUK, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Human Paleopathology: Proceedings of a Symposium on Human Paleopathology, held in Washington, D.C., 14 January 1965. Under the Auspices of the Subcommittee on Geographic Pathology, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Edited by Saul Jarcho. 1966. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 26(2):220-221. REVIEW OF, JARCHO; SAUL, 1966, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 Human Skeletal Material from the Church of the Holy Apostles. In: Alison Frantz. The Church of the Holy Apostles. The Athenian Agora, Volume 20. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, pp. 30-31. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GREECE, CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES, [AJPA-1979-51:516 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1971 The People of Lerna: Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Population. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [See review by Richard L. Jantz, 1973.]. DEMOGRAPHY, LERNA, AEGEAN, PREHISTORIC POPULATION ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Biological Relations of Egyptian and Eastern Mediterranean Populations During Pre-Dynastic and Dynastic Times. Journal of Human Evolution 1(3):307-313. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BIOLOGICAL RELATION, EGYPT AND EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, PRE-DYNASTIC AND DYNASTIC, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Ecology and Population in the Eastern Mediterranean. World Archaeology 4:88-105. POPULATION, ECOLOGY, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 History of Human Life Span and Mortality. Translated by K. Balas. By: Gy. Acsádi, and János Nemeskéri. 1970. Budapest: Adadémiai Kiadó. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(2):300-302. REVIEW OF, ACSADI; GY., AND JANOS NEMESKERI, 1970, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Late Bronze Age Cypriots from Bamboula: The Skeletal Remains. In: J. L. Benson, ed. Bamboula at Khourion: The Necropolis and the Finds Excavated by J. F. Daniel. Twelfth Publication in the Haney Foundation Series, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 148-165. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CYPRIOT, BAMBOULA, [RESEARCH-&-EXPLORATION-1993-9:69 & MELVYL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 A Middle Palaeolithic Temporal Bone from Darra-i-Kur, Afghanistan. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 62(Part 4):54-56. TEMPORAL BONE, DARRA-I-KUR, AFGHANISTAN, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1972 Teeth, Health, and Ecology: Pitfalls of Natural Experiments. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(3):428. DENTITION, TEETH, HEALTH, ECOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Appendix: Human Skeletons from Grave Circles at Mycenae. In: G. E. Mylonas. Ho Taphikos Kylos V Ton Mykenon. [The Grave Circle B of Mycenae.]. [Greek]. Athens: Archeological Society of Athens, pp. 379-397. GRAVE CIRCLE B, GREECE, MYCENAE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069 & AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8 & ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Appendix: Skeletal Fragments of Classical Lycians. In: Machteld J. Mellink. Excavations at Karatas-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1972. American Journal of Archaeology 77:303-307. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LYCIA, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Biological Relations of Egyptians and Eastern Mediterranean Populations During Pre-Dynastic and Dynastic Times. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 307-313. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BIOLOGICAL RELATION, EGYPT AND EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, PRE-DYNASTIC AND DYNASTIC, [BOOK]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Early Neolithic People of Nea Nikomedeia. In: Ilse Schwidetzky, ed. Die Anfänge des Neolithikums vom Orient bis Nordeuropa. Cologne: Böhlau, pp. 103-112. NIKOMEDEIA, NEOLITHIC, POPULATION, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Neolithic Human Remains. Hespersia 42:277-282. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1973 Prehistoric Malaria in the Near East. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:2-3. MALARIA, PREHISTORIC, NEAR EAST, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Bones Can Fool People. F B I Law Enforcement Bulletin 43(1):17-20. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:018]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 The Cultural Ecology of General Versus Dental Health. In: Bevölkerungsbiologie. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, pp. 382-391. ECOLOGY, CULTURAL, HEALTH, GENERAL, DENTAL HEALTH, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Occurrence of Some Pathologies, Ancient and Modern. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):129-130. PATHOLOGY, ANCIENT, MODERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1974 Patterns of Fractures from Neolithic to Modern Times. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:15.]. Anthropologiai Közlemények (Budapest) 18:9-18. TRAUMA, FRACTURE, NEOLITHIC, MODERN, [ZIMM]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):96. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Human Skeletons from Eleusis. In: G. E. Mylonas. The South Cemetery of Eleusis. Athens, Greece: Library of the Archaeological Society of Athens, pp. 435-438. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ELEUSIS, GREECE, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Paleoecology, Paleodemography and Health. In: S. Polgar, ed. Population, Ecology and Social Evolution. The Hague: Mouton, pp. 167-190. DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY, HEALTH, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:069]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1975 Porotic Hyperostosis, Anemias, Malarias, and Marshes in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean. In: P. Reining, and I. Tinker, eds. Population: Dynamics, Ethics, and Policy. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 96-98. [Originally published 1966, Science, 153(3737):760-763.]. ANEMIA, MALARIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, MEDITERRANEAN, [AM-ANTIQ-1989-54:8]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Appendix: Early Bronze Karatas People and Their Cemeteries. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:13.]. American Journal of Archaeology 80(4):385-391. CEMETERY, BRONZE AGE, KARATAS, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Colonial to Modern Skeletal Change in the U.S.A. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):164. SKELETAL CHANGE, COLONIAL TO MODERN USA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Angel, J. Lawrence 1976 Colonial to Modern Skeletal Change in the U.S.A. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):723-735. MICROEVOLUTION, SECULAR CHANGE, ETHNIC MIXTURE, MIGRATION, U.S. SOCIOBIOLOGY, [JRNL]
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