Jantz, Richard L. 1973 The People of Lerna: Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Population. By J. Lawrence Angel. 1971. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press; Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [Review]. American Anthropologist 75(4):1106-1107. REVIEW OF, ANGEL; J. LAWRENCE, 1971, [JRNL]
Jantz, Richard L. 1974 The Prehistoric People of the Fort Ancient Culture of the Central Ohio Valley. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers Number 47. By Louise M. Robbins and Georg K. Neumann, 1972. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(3):464-465. REVIEW OF, ROBINS; LOUISE M. AND GEORG K. NEUMANN, 1972, [JRNL]
Jantz, Richard L. 1989 White Traders in the Upper Missouri: Osteological Evidence from the Swan Creek Site. In the Symposium: Skeletal Biology in the Great Plains: A Multidisciplinary View. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL, TRADE, WHITE TRADER, SWAN CREEK SITE, UPPER MISSOURI, OSTEOLOGY, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:084]
Jantz, Richard L., David R. Hunt, and Lee Meadows 1994 Maximum Length of the Tibia: How Did Trotter Measure It? [See also Mildred Trotter, and Goldine C. Gleser, 1952.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93(4):525-528. TIBIA, STATURE ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Jantz, Richard L., and Douglas W. Owsley 1984 Long Bone Growth Variation Among Arikara Skeletal Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(1):13-20. LONG BONE GROWTH, NUTRITIONAL AND DISEASE STRESS, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Jantz, Richard L., and Douglas W. Owsley 1984 Temporal Changes in Limb Proportionality Among Skeletal Samples of Arikara Indians. Annals of Human Biology 11(2):157-163. LIMB PROPORTIONALITY CHANGE, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NDX-Indians north american-25-10-10568]
Jantz, Richard L., and Douglas W. Owsley 1985 Patterns of Infant and Early Childhood Mortality in Arikara Skeletal Populations. In: Status, Structure and Stratification: Current Archaeological Reconstructions. Calgary, Alberta: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, pp. 209-213. MORTALITY, INFANT AND EARLY CHILDHOOD, AMERICA, INDIAN, ARIKARA, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:084]
Jantz, Richard L., Douglas W. Owsley, and P. Willey 1978 Craniometric Relationships of Central Plains Populations. In: D. J. Blakeslee, ed. The Central Plains Tradition. Iowa City, Iowa: Office of State Archeologist, University of Iowa, pp. 144-156. CRANIOMETRY, CENTRAL PLAINS, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Jantz, Richard L., and Douglas H. Ubelaker 1981 Introduction. In: Richard L. Jantz, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Progress in Skeletal Biology of Plains Populations. Plains Anthropologist 26(94, Part 2, Memoir 17):1-2. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Jantz, Richard L., and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. 1981 Progress in Skeletal Biology of Plains Populations. Plains Anthropologist 26(94, Part 2, Memoir 17):1-106. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Jantzen, G. 1968 Der Blinde Harfner aus dem Grabrelief des Paatenemheb: Eine Frühe Künstlerische Darstellung der Arteritis Temporalis? Materia Medica Nordmark 20:689-694. ARTERITIS TEMPORALIS, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:077]
Janzen, J. M. 1989 Problems, Paradoxes and Potentials in the Definition of "Mennonite Populations." [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):246. MENNONITE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Janzon, G. O. 1974 Gotlands Mellanneolitiska Graver. [The Middle Neolithic Graves of Gotland.]. Studies in North-European Archaeology. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell. [Dissertation, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis]. DISSERTATION, GRAVE, NEOLITHIC, GOTLAND, [HART 1983:095]
Jappe, K., and Jappe, L. n.d. The Peasant Physician. Jappe Film, Bakkegardsvej 41, DK 3060 Espergaerde, Denmark. [See review by Pia Bennike, 1987.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 63:15.]. [Film]. FILM, PEASANT, PHYSICIAN, [PPNL-1988-63:15]
Jaramillo Uribe, Jaime 1964 La Población Indígena de Colombia en el Momento de la Conquista y sus Transformaciones Posteriores. Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 1:239-293. DEMOGRAPHY, CONQUEST, COLOMBIA, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:314]
Jarcho, Saul 1963 The Influence of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology on Medicine. Military Medicine 128(6):473-482. ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1963 Paläopathologie. By A. Tasnádi-Kubacska. 1962. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 37(5):478-479. REVIEW OF, TASNADI-KUBACSKA; A., 1962, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1964 Lead in the Bones of Prehistoric Lead-Glaze Potters. American Antiquity 30(1):94-96. BONE, LEAD CONTENT, LEAD-GLAZE POTTER, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1964 Some Observations on Disease in Prehistoric North America. [The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 38(1):1-19. DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1965 Anomaly of the Vertebral Column (Klippel-Feil Syndrome) in American Aborigines. Journal of the American Medical Association 193(10):843-844. KLIPPEL-FEIL SYNDROME, SPINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1965 The Development and Present Condition of Human Palaeopathology in the United States. [Abstract]. A Paper Presented at the Symposium on Human Palaeopathology, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 14 January 1965. PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, CONDITION, UNITED STATES, ABSTRACT, [ARME]
Jarcho, Saul 1965 Human Paleopathology: The Development and Present Condition in the United States. Archives of Pathology (Chicago) 79:425-427. PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, CONDITION, UNITED STATES, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1965 Paleopathology. Science 147(3662):1160-1163. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1966 Concluding Remarks. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 175. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, CONCLUDING REMARKS, [BOOK]
Jarcho, Saul 1966 The Development and Present Condition of Human Palaeopathology in the United States. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 3-30. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, PRESENT CONDITION, USA, [BOOK]
Jarcho, Saul 1967 A Roman Experience with Heat Stroke in 24 B.C. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 43:767-768. STROKE, HEAT, ROMAN 24 B.C., [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-08-02-02621]
Jarcho, Saul 1970 Lepers, Pariahs, and Churches. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 46(4):287-289. LEPER, PARIAH, CHURCH, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1970 Tollund Man and Other Bog Burials. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 46(7):554-557. BOG BODIES, TOLLUND MAN, OTHERS, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1971 Lazar Houses and Dissemination of Leprosy. Medical History 15:401. LEPROSY, DISSEMINATION, LEPROSARIUM, [NDX-Leper Colonies history-13-06-06845 & STEINBOCK-1976:210]
Jarcho, Saul 1973 Palaeopathology; Diseases and Injuries of Prehistoric Man. By Paul A. Janssens. Translated into English by Ida Dequeecker. 1970. London: John Baker; New York: Humanities Press. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 47(3):309-311. REVIEW OF, JANSSENS; PAUL A., 1970, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1976 Medical and Nonmedical Comments on Cato and Varro, with Historical Observations on the Concept of Infection. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 43:372-378. CATO; MARCUS PORCIUS 234-149 B.C., VARRO; MARCUS TERENTIUS 116-27 B.C., INFECTION, [CWHM-1976-092-#0237]
Jarcho, Saul 1978 A Discussion of Dr. Michael R. Zimmerman's Paper, "An Experimantal Base for Paleopathologic Diagnosis." Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 45(6):303-305. DISCUSSION, MICHAEL R. ZIMMERMAN, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-20-12-09708]
Jarcho, Saul 1979 The Siamese Twins of Santo Domingo. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 5(1):145-147. TERATOLOGY, CONJOINED TWINS, SANTO DOMINGO, [CWHM-1980-104-#1450]
Jarcho, Saul 1980 Some Lost, Obsolete, or Discontinued Diseases: Serous Apoplexy, Incubus, and Retrocedent Ailments. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 2(Series 5):241-266. SEROUS APOPLEXY, INCUBUS, RETROCEDENT AILMENT, DREAM, [CWHM-1981-110-#0440]
Jarcho, Saul 1981 Some Historical Problems Connected with the Study of Egyptian Mummies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:16.]. Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte 58-59:106-122. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PROBLEM, [PPNL-1982-39:16]
Jarcho, Saul 1982 Some Early Italian Epidemiological Maps (1514-1732). Imago Mvndi 34:1-11. EPIDEMIOLOGY, CARTOGRAPHY, ITALY 1514-1732, [CWHM-1983-118-#0577]
Jarcho, Saul 1984 Laveran's Discovery in the Retrospect of a Century. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 58:215-224. MALARIA, LAVERAN'S DISCOVERY, [CWHM-1985-123-#0998 & JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1987 Falstaff, Kittredge, and Galen. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30(2):197-200. MEDICINE, SHAKESPEARE, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1987 A History of Semitertian Fever. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 61:411-430. FEVER, SEMITERTIAN FEVER, [CWHM-1988-136-#0716 & JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1988 The Hunt for a Manuscript on Cinchona. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31:437-439. CINCHONA, [CWHM-1988-138-#0388]
Jarcho, Saul 1990 Transatlantic Transmission of Infectious Diseases: The Applicability of Paleopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 73:12.]. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 66(6):660-663. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, TRANSATLANTIC, TRANSMISSION, [PPNL-1991-73:12]
Jarcho, Saul 1992 Smallpox in an 18th-Century Italian Princess. New York State Journal of Medicine 92(11):480-484. SMALLPOX, ITALY, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul 1993 Observations on the Present State of Paleopathology: Reflections Twenty Years After the Founding of the Paleopathology Association. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 1. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PRESENT STATE OF, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul, ed. 1966 Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Jarcho, Saul, ed. 1976 Essays on the History of Medicine. New York: New York Academy of Medicine. MEDICAL HISTORY, ESSAYS ON, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:225]
Jarcho, Saul, and P. M. Levin 1938 Hereditary Malformation of the Vertebral Bodies. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 62:216-226. SPINE, VERTEBRAL BODY, MALFORMATION, HEREDITARY, [BARNES-1994:341]
Jarcho, Saul, Norman Simon, and Edgar M. Bick 1963 A Fused Hip from Wupatki. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 11:12.]. Plateau 35(3):69-74. HIP, FUSED, WUPATKI, [JRNL]
Jarcho, Saul, Norman Simon, and Henry L. Jaffe 1907 Sur une Figurine Scaphoide de l'Ancienne Egypte. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 18:369. SKULL, SCAPHOID, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Jarcho, Saul, Norman Simon, and Henry L. Jaffe 1965 Symmetrical Osteoporosis (Spongy Hyperostosis) in a Prehistoric Skull from New Mexico. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 11:12.]. El Palacio 72(4):26-30. OSTEOPOROSIS, SYMMETRICAL, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, NEW MEXICO, [JRNL]
Jarlφv, N. V., and J. P. Gylding-Sabroe 1979 Osteoartrose. In: J. Friis, R. Bach Andersen, and I. Rossel, eds. Fysiurgi og Rehabiliterind, Kφbenhavn: Chr. Ejlers' Forlag, pp. 321-331. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:259]
Jarman, H. N., A. J. Legge, and J. A. Charles 1972 1. Retrieval of Plant Remains from Archaeological Sites by Froth Flotation. In: E. S. Higgs, ed. Papers in Economic Pre-History: Studies by Members and Associates of the British Academy Major Research Project in the Early History of Agriculture. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 39-48. PLANT REMAINS, RETRIEVAL, [HART 1983:210]
Jaroff, L. 1992 Iceman. Time 140:62-69. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [RADIOLOGY-1994-193:272]
Jasin, Joanne 1993 The Transmission of Learned Medical Literature in the Middle English Liber Uricrisiarum. Medical History 37(3):313-329. UROLOGY, FOURTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Jasinska, M. 1970 Thermoluminescence of Biological Materials. Nature (London) 227:1159. THERMOLUMINESCENCE, BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL, [ARME]
Jaso, J. V. 1935 Case of Supposed Assault. American Journal of Surgery 29:457. TRAUMA, ASSAULT, MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Jastrow, Morris 1917 Babylonian Assyrian Medicine. Annals of Medical History 1:232. MEDICINE, BABYLONIAN, ASSYRIAN, [CRAN]
Jastrzebowski, Z. 1980 Typhoid Fever Epidemics in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1870. [Polish with English and Russian Abstracts]. Archiwum Historii Medycyny (Warszawa) 43:179-190. TYPHOID FEVER, POLAND 1815-1870, [CWHM-1981-109-#1699]
Jaworowski, Zbigniew 1968 Stable Lead in Fossil Ice and Bones. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 12:17.]. Nature (London) 217(5124):152-153. LEAD CONTENT, FOSSIL, ICE, BONE, [PPNL 1975-12:17]
Jaworowski, Zbigniew, F. Barbalat, C. Blain, and E. Peyre 1985 Heavy Metals in Human and Animal Bones from Ancient and Contemporary France. Science of the Total Environment 43(1-2):103-126. METAL, HEAVY, BONE, HUMAN, ANIMAL, FRANCE, [NDX-Paleontology-26-12-12702]
Jaworowski, Zbigniew, F. Barbalat, C. Blain, and E. Peyre 1985 Historical Changes of Trace Metals in Human Bones from France. In: N. D. Priest, ed. Metals in Bone. Hingham, Massachusetts: MTP Press, pp. 383-393. BONE, FRANCE, TRACE METAL, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:265]
Jaworowski, Zbigniew, et al. 1984 Evolution Chronologique de la Teneur en Plomb, Cadmium et Zinc des Os chez l'Homme en France. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3: Sciences de la Vie (Paris) 299:409-412. BONE, LEAD, CADMIUM, ZINC, [CWHM-1985-126-#0187]
Jaworski, M. A., A. Severini, G. Mansour, K. Hennig, J. D. Slater, and H. Konrad 1989 Inherited Diseases in North American Mennonites Focus on Old Colony (Chortitza) Mennonites. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):247. DISEASE, CONGENITAL, NORTH AMERICA, MENNONITE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Jaworski, Z. 1981 [Morphology of Children's Permanent Teeth From the Cremation Vaults of the Lausitz Culture.]. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 34:487-492. CREMATION, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, CHILDREN, LAUSITZ, [MEDL]
Jaworski, Z. 1981 [Remnants of Mandibles and Maxillas of Prehistoric Slavs from the Cremation Vaults of the Lausitz Culture.]. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 34:897-907. CREMATION, MANDIBLE, MAXILLA, LAUSITZ, [CWHM-1983-116-#1293 & ARME]
Jaworski, Z. 1981 [Tooth Loss in Life in Bone Remnants from the Cremation Vaults of the Lausitz Culture.]. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 34:969-974. CREMATION, DENTAL LOSS, PREMORTEM, LAUSITZ, [CWHM-1983-116-#1294]
Jaworski, Z. 1983 [The Alveolar Trabeculae in the Jaw Remnants of Pre-Historic Slavs Found in the Cremation Vaults of the Lausitz Culture.]. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 36:257-264, 333-338. CREMATION, JAW, ALVEOLAR TRABECULAE, PREHISTORIC, LAUSITZ, [CWHM-1984-122-#0046 & MEDL]
Jaworski, Z. 1983 [Tooth Abrasion and Changes in the Anatomical Structure of the Mandible of Humans Living 3,000 Years Ago in the Tarnobrzeg Region.]. [Polish]. Protetyka Stomatologiczna 33(1):59-66. DENTAL ABRASION, MANDIBULAR CHANGE, POLAND, [CWHM-1984-122-#1333]
Jaworski, Z. 1986 An Evaluation Test of the Masticatory System of Human Remnants Incinerated (1100-700 B.C.) in the Furmany Village, Province of Tarnobrzeg. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 39:118-121. MASTICATION, [CWHM-1987-134-#1443]
Jaworski, Z. 1987 A Trial of Analysis of the Bone Remains of the Temporomandibular Joint of Humans Living Near Tarnobrzeg 3000 Years Ago. Protetyka Stomatologiczna 37(1):37-42. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT, TARNOBRZEG 3000 B.P., [CWHM-1988-137-#1505]
Jaworski, Z., and M. Jaworska 1982 [Morphology and Topography of Maxillary Sinus Floor in Cremated Bone Remains of a Pre-Slavic Population.]. [Polish]. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 35(4):199-210. CREMATION, MAXILLA, PRESLAVIC, [MEDL]
Jayson, M. I. V. 1975 The History of Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 18(2):187-188. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, HISTORY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Jazutak 1929 Die Gegengelenkflächen am Kreuz- und Hüftbein. Anatomischer Anzeiger 68:137-144. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Jeang, K., and E. C. Fletcher 1983 Tuberculous Otitis Media. Journal of the American Medical Association 249:2231-2232. EAR, OTITIS MEDIA, TUBERCULOUS, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Jeans, Philip C., and Jean V. Cooke 1930 Prepubescent Syphilis. New York: D. Appleton. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREPUBESCENT, [STEINBOCK-1976:164 & MELVYL]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1906 La Lèpre dans l'Histoire. Chronique Médicale (Paris) 13:180-183. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1918 De l'Existence du Tubercle de Carabelli aux Epoque Paléolithique et Néolithique dans l'Antiquité Classique et au Moyen Age. [See reviews in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1(2):239 and Annals of Medical History 1(4).]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris 34(Annee 1-2):51-52. DENTITION, CARABELLI'S TUBERCLE, PALEOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC, MIDDLE AGES, [MOODIE 1923:549]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1929 La Lèpre à Travers les Ages. Progrès Médical (Paris) 44(Supplement, No. 44):73-80. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1930-1931 Como se Protegía Europa Contra la Lepra en la Edad Media. Día Médico 3:681. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 Como se Protegía Europa Contra la Lepra en la Edad Media. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine 25:1-155. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 Como se Protegía Europa Contra la Lepra en la Edad Media. Crónica Médica Mexicana (México, D.F.) 30:408-419. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 Como se Protegía Europa Contra la Lepra en la Edad Media. Rinascenzas Medica 8:51,75. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 Historie de la Syphilis, Son Origine, Son Expansion. Progres Realises dans l'Etude de Cette Maladie Depuis la Fin du XVe Siecle Jusqu'a l'Epoque Contemporaine.... Paris: G. Doine & Cie. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 La Lépre est-elle Mentionée dans les Textes Sacrés de l'Inde Antique? Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 24:362. LEPROSY, HISTORY, FOLKLORE, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Jeanselme, Edouard 1931 Traité de la Syphilis. Paris: G. Doin et Cie, Tome 1, pp. 8-432. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, TRAIT, [COURY 1969:341]
Jefferson, George T. 1992 People and the Brea: A Brief History of a Natural Resource. Terra 31(1):3-8. BREA WOMAN, [JRNL]
Jeffreys, Alec J. 1984 Palaeomolecular Biology: Raising the Dead and Buried. Nature (London) 312(5991):198. PALEOMOLECULAR BIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Jeffreys, Alec J., M. J. Allen, Erika Hagelberg, and A. Sonnberg 1992 Identification of the Skeletal Remains of Josef Mengele by DNA Analysis. Forensic Science International 56(1):65-76. FORENSICS, DNA ANALYSIS, MENGELE; JOSEF, [CWHM-1993-157-#0245 & INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:187]
Jeffries, R., and B. Butler 1982 Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois. In: R. Jeffries, and B. Butler, eds. The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project. Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper, Number 33. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University. ADAPTATION, HUMAN, SALINE VALLEY, ILLINOIS, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:415]
Jelenko, C. 1976 Centuries of Compound Depressed Skull Fracture Management. [Letter]. JACEP (Dallas TX) 5:278. SKULL, FRACTURE, [CWHM-1976-092-#0318]
Jelinek, A. J., and J. E. Fitting, eds. 1965 Studies in the Natural Radioactivity of Prehistoric Material. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Number 25. RADIOACTIVITY, PREHISTORIC MATERIAL, [BIENNIAL-REV-ANTHROPOL-1967:296]
Jelinek, J. 1957 Anthropofagie a Pohrební Ritus doby Bronzové na Podklade Nálezu z Moravy a z Okolních Üzemí. [Cannibalism and Burial Ceremony During the Bronze Age: Study Based on Excavations in Moravia and Adjacent Territories.]. [Czech]. Acta Musei Moraviae 42:1-133. CANNIBALISM, BURIAL CEREMONY, BRONZE AGE, MORAVIA, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:]
Jelinek, J. 1966 Jaw of Intermediate Type of Neanderthal Man from Chech. Nature (London) 212:70. JAW, NEANDERTAL, [ARME]
Jelinek, J. 1968 An Interesting Paleopathological Find from Bvno. Anthropologie (Brno) 6:99-102. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL FIND, BRNO, [ARME]
Jelinek, J. 1968 Three Trephined Early Bronze Age Skulls from Bohemia. Anthropologie (Brno) 6:25-32. TREPHINATION, BOHEMIA, BRONZE AGE, [ARME]
Jelinek, J. 1988 Nové Nálezy a Názory v Paleopatologii. [New Findings in Paleopathology.]. [Czech]. Brno: Moravské Muzeum--Ustav, Anthropos (Brno) PALEOPATHOLOGY, NEW FINDINGS, [WIEN-KW]
Jelinek, J. 1992 Two Early Neolithic Female Burials with Foetal Remains. Anthropologie (Brno) 30(2):165-168. BURIAL, FEMALE, UTERUS, FETAL REMAINS, NEOLITHIC, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:60]
Jelks, J. T. 1893 The Antiquity of Syphilis, and Moses as a Health Officer. Journal of the American Medical Association 21:105-110. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PREHISTORIC, MOSES, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Jelliffe, D. B., and F. J. Bennett 1960 Indigenous Medical Systems and Child Health. Journal of Pediatrics 57(2):248-261. MEDICINE, HEALTH, CHILDREN, PRIMITIVE, [JRNL]
Jenkins, Carol L. 1988 Health in the Early Contact Period: A Contemporary Example from Papua New Guinea. Social Science and Medicine 26(10):997-1006. HEALTH, EARLY CONTACT PERIOD, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:138]
Jenkins, J. S. 1995 Mozart and Medicine in the Eighteenth Century. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 88(7):408P-413P. MEDICAL HISTORY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, MOZART, [JRNL]
Jenkins, N. J. 1974 Subsistence and Settlement Patterns in the Western Middle Tennessee Valley During the Transitional Archaic-Woodland Period. Journal of Alabama Archaeology 20:183-193. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, TENNESSEE VALLEY, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1989-30:393]
Jenks, Albert Ernest 1937 Minnesota's Browns Valley Man and Associated Burial Artifacts. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 49:1-49. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BROWNS VALLEY MAN, MINNESOTA, [JRNL]
Jenks, Albert Ernest, and Lloyd A. Wilford 1938 Sauk Valley Skeleton. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society 10:136-168. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SAUK VALLEY, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Jenness, Diamond 1921 The "Blond" Eskimos. American Anthropologist 18(3):257-267. BLOND, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
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