Curriculum vitae and list of publications

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May 2004

Personal Details
Name: Mahmoud Huleihel

Date and place of birth: September 1, 1955, Acbara Village, Israel

Marital status: Married + 4
Address and telephone number at work:
The Institute for Applied Biosciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

P.O.B. 653

Beer Sheva 84105, Israel

Tel.: 972-8- 461999

Fax: 972-8-6472970

Address and telephone number at home:
Har Kena'an 8

Ramot, Beer-Sheva


Tel.: 972-8- 6482689

B.Sc. 1973-1976 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel; Department of Biology, Major: Biology and


M.Sc. 1976-1978 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, Department of Biology, Advisor: Prof. Yair Cassuto.

Thesis: "Effect of Physical effort on the human respiratory and

circulatory systems".
Ph.D. 1980-1984 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Advisor: Prof. Mordechai Aboud. Thesis: "Effect of mouse interferon on the replication of retroviruses and teir function in neoplastic processes in rat cells and on syncytium formation in mouse cells”.

Post- doc. 1985-1987 National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research Facility,

Frederick, Maryland 21701, USA.Training Laboratory, Viral

Carcinogenesis Section of Viral Pathology, Advisor: Prof. Ulf

Rapp. Activation and control of expression of cellular

oncogenes in human and animal tumors.

Post-doc. 1987-1988 Training Laboratory, Biology, Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Advisor: Prof. Jacob Tal. Molecular biology of Densoviruses (Parvoviruses).

Employment History

2003- Present Senior Investigator B, The Institute for Applied Biosciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

FTIR spectroscopy detection and study of viral infected or cancer cells

and study of various aspects related to HTLV-I Tax gene activities.
1999- 2003 Senior Investigator C, The Institute for Applied Biosciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

Antiviral and antitumor activities of natural products, FTIR

Spectroscopy and HTLV-I Tax gene related activities.
1991-1999 Manager of Biotechnology Laboratory, The Institute for Applied

Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

General Services and working on antiviral activity of natural products.
1988-1991 Senior Researcher, Virology Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-

Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. Developing

diagnostic kits for genital infectious diseases.
1980-1984 Teaching Assistant: Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
1978-1980 Teaching Assistant: Animal Anatomy and Physiology. Department of Biology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Professional Activities
Membership in professional/scientific societies
2000-2001 International Society for Antiviral Research

1995-1997 Israel Society for Microbiology (ISM)

Educational activities
(a) Courses taught
1999 – Microbiology - MSc, Unit of Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Biotechnological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.


2000 – Senior Professional Instructor in Environmental Engineering Students Laboratory, Microorganisms Respiration and Fermentation, MSc students, Dept. of Biotechnological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

(b) Selected courses (Participating Lecturer)
2002/2003- Course for Biomedical Engineering Students, DNA sequencing and GeneScan techniques,…. (6 hours).
(c) Research students
1999/2000 – Podleski Andre – (Basic science program, Soroka Medical Center) – Biomatrix for Osteogenic cells.
2001/2003 – Livnat Salah, MSc. student– (Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Effect of MC against Herpes viruses.
2001/2002 – Hani Alfahel, MSc. Student -(Unit of Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Biotechnological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). FTIR microscopy as a method for study and detection of pathogens.
2002/2004 – Yana Shavinsky, MSc. student– (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Tax involvment in DNA repair.
2002/2003 – Evgenia Goldman, MSc. student– (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). HTLV-I activation by Tax and apoptosis inducing agents.
2002/2003 – Phoad Dyab, MSc. Student -(Unit of Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Biotechnological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Detection of infective agents (bacteria, viruses and fungi) by FTIR microspectroscopy.
2003/2004– Jehad Alfenesh, MSc. student– (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Antiviral activity of red microalgal polysaccharides and interferon against various members of the herpes family viruses.

2003/2004 – Yolia Tabakin-Fix, MSc. student– (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Activatory effects of HTLV-I Tax protein on dormant human pathogenic viruses: Mechanism and Clinical implications.

2004/2006 – Yana Shavinsky, PhD student– (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Tax involvment in DNA repair.
2004/2005 – Yavgeni Bogomolani, MSc. Student -(Dept. of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Study of the development kinetics of cell malignant transformation with retroviruses by FTIR micro spectroscopy and fluorescence techniques.

(d) BSc students- 3' year research project.

2001/2002 – Tania Krep, BSc. student– (Dept. Biology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Characterization of the cytosolic metabolism of Zebularine in cancer cells.

2003/2004 – Ronit Dian, BSc. student– (School of Lab. Medical Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Construction of various HTLV-I Tax gene constructs and testing their biological activities.

2003/2004 – Hanifa Abo-Tam'a, BSc. student– (School of Lab. Medical Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). Insertion of different point mutations in HTLV-I Tax gene and examining their activity on wtTax in cell culture.

(d) Research Assistants (Scientists)

2000- Marina Talyshinsky (PhD).

2001- Yelena Supron (M.Sc).

Reviewer of Scientific Thesis
2002 Master thesis of Miri Alezra, Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2002 Master thesis of Ziad Hammody, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2002 Master thesis of Aviv Kahana, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2002 Master thesis of Tsipi Ruham, Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Tutor "In Scientific Reading"
2003 Hagar Levni, Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Manuscript Reviewer of Scientific Journals.
2003- Pharmacol. Res.

2003- Spectroscopy Letters.

2003- Vibrational Spectroscopy.

2003- Marine Biotechnology.

Awards, and Fellowships
1999 - Ma'OF (established by the Kahanoff Foundation, $30,000 grant + 3 years position as a researcher)

Scientific Publications.

1. Aboud M, and Huleihel M: Rapid cyncytium formation by Molony murine sarcoma virus in NIH/3T3 cells and its delay by mouse interferon. Arch. Virol. 70: 103-114, 1981.

2. Aboud M, Wolfson Y and Huleihel M: Rapid purification of extracellular and intracellular Molony murine leukemia virus. Arch Virol 71: 185-195, 1982.

3. Huleihel M and Aboud M: Effect of mouse interferon on retrovirus production by chronically infected rat cells. Antiviral Res 2:167-175, 1982.

4. Huleihel M and Aboud M: Effect of interferon on cell transformation and virus production in rat cells exogenously infected with Molony murine sarcoma and leukemia viruses. Int J Cancer 29: 471-476, 1982.

5. Aboud M, Hassan Y and Huleihel M: Effect of interferon on assembly of intracellular murine leukemia virus particles in chronically infected NIH/3T3 Cells. Arch Virol 74:249-258, 1982.

6. Huleihel M, Marvit J and Aboud M: The mechanism of interferon effect on cell transformation by murine sarcoma virus. Int J Cancer 31: 737-743, 1983.

7. Huleihel M and Aboud M: Inhibition of retrovirus DNA supercoiling in interferon treated cells. J Virol 48: 120-126, 1983.

8. Hassan Y, Huleihel M, Priel E, Wolfson M and Aboud M: Effect of mouse interferon on chemical carcinogenesis in normal rat kidney cells infected with Molony murine leukemia virus. Carcinogenesis 6: 1787-1790, 1985.

9. Hassan Y, Huleihel M, Priel E, Rosner K and Aboud M: Effect of Molony murine leukemia virus on the carcinogenicity of 3-methylcholanthrene in normal rat kidney cells. Arch. Virol. 90: 63-71, 1986.

10. Hassan Y, Huleihel M, Wolfson M, and Aboud M: Phenotypic hetrogeneity in chemical retroviral carcinogenesis. Cell Biol Int Rep 10: 19-26, 1986.

11. Huleihel M, Goldsborough M, Cleveland JL, Gunnel M, Bonner T and Rapp UR: Characterization of murine A-raf, a new oncogene related to the v-raf oncogene. Molecular and Cellular Biology 6: 2655-2662, 1986.

12. Rapp, UR., Cleveland, J.L., Storm, S.M., Beck, T.W., Huleihel, M. Transformation by raf and myc oncogenes. Princess Takamatsu Symp. 17, 55-74, 1986.

13. Beck T, Huleihel M, Gunnel M, Bonner T and Rapp UR: The complete coding sequence of human A-rat-1 oncogene and transforming activity of a human A-raf carrying retrovirus. Nucleic Acid Research 15: 595-609, 1987.

14. Cleveland J, Huleihel M, Eisenman R, Ihle J and Rapp UR (1987): V-myc regulation of c-myc expression. In: N.O. Kjeldgaard and J. Forchhammer (Eds) Alfred Benzon Symposium 24. Viral carcinogenesis: functional aspects. Munksgaard International Publishing Co., Copenhagen, pp339-351.

15. Rapp UR, Cleveland JL, Storm SM, Beck TW and Huleihel M (1987): Transformation by raf and myc oncogenes. In: S.A. Aaronson, et al. (Eds) Oncogenes and Cancer, Japan Sci. Press, Tokyo/VNU Sci. Press, Utrecht, pp6-26.

16. Cleveland J, Huleihel M, Bressler P, Siebenlist U, Akiyana L, Eisenman RN and Rapp UR: Negative regulation of C-myc transcription involve myc family proteins. Oncogene Research 3: 357-375, 1988.

17. Troppmair, J. Huleihel, M. Cleveland, J. Mushinski JF, Kurie J, Morse HC. 3rd Wax JS. Potter M., Rapp UR. Plasmacytoma induction by J series of v-myc recombinant retroviruses: evidence for (raf and myc) oncogenes for transformation. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 141:110-4, 1988.

18. Rapp UR, Heidecker G, Huleihel M. Cleveland JL, Choi WC, Pawson T, Ihle JN, Anderson WB. raf family serine/threonine protein kinases in mitogen signal transduction. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1988; 53 Pt 1: 173-84.

19. Heidecker G, Cleveland JL, Beck T, Huleihel M, Kolch W, Storm SM and Rapp UR (1989): Role of raf and myc oncogenes in signal transduction. In N. Colburn (Ed.) Genes and Signal Transduction in Multistage Carcinogenesis. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp339-374.

20. Wasylyk C, Wasylyk B, Heidecker G, Huleihel M, and Rapp UR: Expression of raf oncogenes activates the PLEA1 transcription factor motif. Molecular and Cellular Biology 9:2247-2250,1989.

21. Heidecker G, Huleihel M, Cleveland JL, Kolch W, Beck TW, Iloyd P, Pawson T and Rapp R: Mutational activation of c-raf-1 and definition of the minimal transforming sequence. Molecular and Cellular Biology 10: 2503-2512, 1990.

22. Hassan Y, Preil E, Huleihel M, Segal S and Aboud M: Chemical-retroviral cooperative carcinogenesis and its molecular basis in NIH/3T3 cells. Carcinogenesis 11:2097-2102, 1990.

23. Preil E, Hassan Y, Huleihel M, Segal S and Aboud M: Amplification of Molony murine leukemia virus DNA and its possible role in facilitation of chemical carcinogenesis in rat cells. Journal General Virology 72: 2317-2320, 1991.

24. Aboud M., Amitai H., Huleihel M., Har-Vardi I., Gopas J. and Segal S.: Differential transcriptional control of the H-2K and H-2D loci of the major histocompatibility complex in fibrosarcoma cells. Immunological Investigations 20:475-485, 1991.

25. Mor-Vaknin N., Turgeman H., Torgeman A., Wolfson M., Huleihel M. and Aboud M. Rapid syncytium formation between human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1)-infected T-cells and human nervous system cells: A possible implication for tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy. Cell Biol. Int. 22: 95-103, 1998.

26. Huleihel M., Ishanu, V., Tal J. and Arad S.: Antiviral effect of microalgal polysaccharides on Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster viruses. J. Appl. Phycol. 13: 127-134, 2001.

27. Huleihel. M. and Arad, S. Effect of Porphyridum sp. Polysaccharide on malignant cell transformation by moloney murine sarcoma virus. Antiviral research, 50:A71, 2001.

28. Huleihel M. and Ishano V. Effect of propolis extract on malignant cell transformation by moloney murine sarcoma virus. Arch. Virol. 146: 1-10, 2001.

29. Huleihel M. and Arad S. Effect of Porphyridum sp. Polysaccharide on malignant cell transformation by moloney murine sarcoma virus. Anti-Cancer Res. 21 (3B): 2073-2078, 2001.

30. Huleihel, M. Talyshinsky, M., and Erukhimovitch, V. FTIR Microscopy as a Method for Detection of Retrovirally Transformed Cells. Spectroscopy 15 : 57-64, 2001.

31. Mordechai S., Mordechai J. , Ramesh J., Levi C., Huleihel M., Erukhimovitch V., Moser A. and Kapelushnik J. Application of FTIR Microscopy for the Follow-up of Childhood Leukemia Chemotherapy”, in Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Applications III, Cam Nguyen Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4491, 243-250, 2001.

32. Huleihel, M., Salman, A., Erukhimovitch, V., Ramesh, J., Hammody, Z. and Mordechai, S.  Novel Spectral Method for the Study of Viral Carcinogenesis in vitro J. of Biochem. and Biophys. Methods 50/2-3, 111-121, 2002.

33. Huleihel, M., Eshanu V., Tal, J. and Arad S. Activity of Porphyridium sp. polysaccharide against Herpes simplex viruses in vitro and in vivo. J. of Biochem. and Biophys. Methods 50/2-3, 189-200, 2002.

34. Kleiner O., Ramesh J., Huleihel M., Cohen B., Kantarovich K., Levi C., Polyak B., Marks R., Mordechai J., Cohen Z. and Mordechai S. A comparative study of gallostones from children and adults using FTIR spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy. BMC Gastroenterol. 2 (3), 1-14, 2002.

35. Zalah L., Huleihel M., Konson A., Manor E., Harry Ford Jr., Marquez V. E., Johns D. G. and Agbaria R. Metabolic pathways of N-methanocarbathymidine, a novel antiviral agent, in native and herpes simplex virus type-1 infected vero cells. Antiviral. Anti-viral Res. 55(1), 63-75,2002.

36. Huleihel M., Erukhimovitch V. , Talyshinsky M. and Karpasas M. Spectroscopic characterzition of normal primary and malignant cells transformed by retroviruses. Appl. Spectroscopy 56 (5), 640-645, 2002.

37. Ramesh J., Kapelushnik J., Mordechai J., Moser A., Huleihel M., Erychimovitch V., Levi C. and Mordechai S. Novel methodology for the follow-up of acute lymphoblastic leukemia using FTIR microscopy. J. of Biochem. and Biophys. Methods 51 (3): 251-261, 2002.

38. Salman A., Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Huleihil M. and Huleihel M. FTIR- spectroscopic method for detection of cells infected with herpes viruses. Biopolymers (Biospectroscopy) 67, 406-412, 2002.

39. Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. Anti-viral activity of red microalgal polysaccharides against retroviruses. Cancer Cell International 2 (8), 1-14, 2002.

40. Huleihel, M., and Eshanu V.: Anti-HSV effect of an aqueous extract of propolis. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. 4, 923-927, 2002.

41. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. Spectroscopic characterization of human and mouse primary cells, cell lines and malignant cells. Photochem. and Photobiol. 4, 923-927, 2002.

42. Schavinsky Y., Goldman E., Ben-Aroya Z., Torgeman A., Aboud M. and Huleihel M. Activation of HTLV-I long terminal repeat by apoptosis inducing agents: Mechanismand implications for HTLV-I pathogenicity (Review). Int.J..of Mol. Med. 11(1), 3-11, 2003.

43. Schavinsky Y., Huleihel M., Aboud M. and Torgeman A. TPA activates p21WAF-1 promoter in human T-cells through its second most upstream Sp1 site. BBRC 304, 696-700, 2003.

44. Salman A. , Ramesh J., Erukhimovitch V. , Talyshinsky M., Mordechai S. and Huleihel M. FTIR Microscopic Studies on Malignant Rabbit Bone Marrow fibroblasts infected with Mouse Sarcoma Virus. J. of Biochem. and Biophys. Methods 55, 141-153, 2003.

45. Huleihel M., Salman A., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Vitaly Erukhimovitch. Microspectroscopic investigation of malignant cells from cell culture and leukemic patients. Spectroscopy 17(2-3), 469-476, 2003.

46. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. Spectroscopic evaluation of carbohydrate levels in cell line treated with red microalgal polysaccharides. Spectroscopy 17(2-3), 447-451, 2003.

47. Goldman E., Schavinsky Y., Ben-Aroya Z., Aboud M. and Huleihel M. Molecular Aspects in HTLV-I Pathogenesis. Current Topics in Virol. 3, 53-67, 2003.

48. Huleihel M., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Erukhimovitch V. Spectroscopic evaluation of cells infected with herpes viruses and treated with red microalgal polysaccharides. Appl. Spect.57(4), 390-395, 2003.

49. Schavinsky Y., Huleihel M., Aboud M. and Torgeman A. Role of protein kinase C and the Sp1-p53 complex in activation of p21WAF-1 expression by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in human T-cells. Oncogene 22, 5315-5324, 2003.

50. Goldman E. and Huleihel M. Critical role of Tax nuclear activities in its activation of NF-kB dependent gene expression. AIDS Res. and Human Retroviruses 19, P90, 2003.

51. Huleihel M., Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M. and Souprun Y. Potent antiviral activity of redmicroalgal polysaccharide against varicella zoster virus. Antiviral Res. 57, A67, 2003.

52. Ramesh J., Huleihel M., Mordechai J., Moser A., Erukhimovitch V., Levi C., Kapelushnik J. and Mordechai S. Evaluation of progress in chemotherapy treatment for childhood leukemia patients using FTIR microspectroscopy and cluster analysis. J. Labor.Clinical Med. 141 (6), 385-394, 2003.

53. Mordechai J., Ramesh J., Huleihel M., Cohen Z., Kleiner O.,Talyshinsky M., Erukhimovitch V., Cahana A. and Mordechai S. Studies on acute human infections using FTIR microscopy and cluster analysis. Biopolymers 73 (4), 494-502, 2004.

54. Tabakin-Fix Y., Huleihel M. and Aboud M. Activation of Simian virus by HTLV-

Tax protein: Role of NF-kB and CBP. BBRC 318, 1052-1056, 2004.

55. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. Spectoscopic method for evaluation of herpes viruses infection development. Spect.Acta A

, 2004 (in press).

56. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. FTIR Microscopy

Detection of Cells Infected with Viruses. Methods in Mol. Biol., 2004 (in press).

1. Huheihel, M., Ishano, V., Tal, J., and Arad, S. Antiviral effect of red microalgal polysaccharides on Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster viruses. International Conference, The Era of Biotechnology, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2000.

2. Huleihel, M. and Arad, S. Effect of Porphyridium sp. polysaccharide on malignant cell transformation by Moloney Murine Sarcoma Virus. International Conference, The Era of Biotechnology, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2000.

3. Huleihel, M. Salman, A., Erukhimovitch, V, and Mordechai, S. FTIR Microscopy Studies of Normal and Malignant Cells. International Conference, The Era of Biotechnology, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2000.

4. Huleihel, M. and Arad, S. Effect of red microalgal polysaccharides on malignant cell transformation by Moloney Murine Sarcoma Virus. 2nd International Conference on Tumor Microenvironment Progression, Therapy and Prevention. Tiberias, Israel, 2000.

5. Huleihel, M. and Arad, S. Effect of Porphyridium sp. polysaccharide on malignant cell transformation by Moloney Murine Sarcoma Virus. 14th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Seattle, USA, 2001.

6. Huleihel, M. and Arad, S. Effect of microalgal polysaccharides on cell transformation. International symposium on positive strand RNA viruses. Institute Pasteur, Federation of European Microbiological Societies, Paris, 2001.

7. Huleihel, M. Talyshinsky, M., Karpasas , M. and Erukhimovitch, V. Spectroscopic characterzition of normal primary and malignant transformed cells. Bi-Institutional Symposium in Glycology, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2001.

8. Huleihel M., Zalah L., , Konson A., Manor E. and Agbaria R. Metabolic pathways of N-Methanocarbathymidine, a novel antiviral agent . Bi-Institutional Symposium in Glycology, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2001.

9. Huleihel M., Salman A.,Talyshinsky M. and Erukhimovitch V. Evaluation of Antiviral Activity of Natural Products against Herpes Viruses by Standard and Spectroscopic assays. 15th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Prague, Czech Republic,March 2002.

10. Huleihel M. , L. Salah, A. Konson, E. Manor,, Harry Ford Jr. , Victor E. Marquez, David G. Johns and Agbaria R. Intracellular Phosphorylation of N-Methanocarbathy-midine, a Novel Antiherpetic Agent 15th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2002.

11. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. Development kinetics of herpes viruses infection. Second International Workshop, Nucleation and Non-Linear Problems in the First-Order Phase Transitions (TPT 2002). St. Petersburg, Russia, Jul. 2002. (Oral presentation).

12. Mahmoud Huleihel, Ahmad Salman, Marina,Talyshinsky, Yelena Souprun and Vitaly Erukhimovitch. Microspectroscopic investigation of malignant cells from cell culture and leukemic patients. First international conference in biomedical spectroscopy from molecules to men. Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. Jul. 2002. (Oral presentation).

13. M. Aboud, Y. Schavinsky-Khrapunsky1, A. Torgeman1 and M. Huleihel. Linkage between HTLV-I LTR activation and apoptosis induced by stress factors: implication to HTLV-I pathogenesis. ISM 2003 Annual Meeting. Tel Aviv university, Tel Aviv, 3-4 February, 2003 (Oral presentation).

14. Huheihel, M. , M. Talyshinsky, Y. Souprun and V. Erukhimovitch. Evaluation of Antiviral Activity of Natural Products against Herpes Viruses by Standard and Spectroscopic assays. ISM 2003 Annual Meeting. Tel Aviv university, Tel Aviv, 3-4 February, 2003.

15. Huleihel M., Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Arad S. Evaluation of Potent antiviral activity of red microalgal polysaccharide against Varicella zoster virus. 16th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Savannah, USA,April 2003.

16. Huleihel M. , L. Salah, M. Talyshinsky, Victor E. Marquez, and Agbaria R. Dynamics of N-Methanocarbathymidine Antiherpetic Activity. 16th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Savannah, USA, April 2003.

17. Goldman E. and Huleihel M.. Critical role of Tax nuclear activities in its activation of NF-kB-dependent gene expression.. The 11th International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses. Sanfrancisco, USA, June, 2003.

18. Huheihel, M. , Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y., Mukmanov I. and V. Erukhimovitch. ftir microscopy as a novel method for detection of malignant cells infected with retroviruses and cells infected with herpes viruses. Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial resistance June, 2003.

19. Huheihel, M. , Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and V. Erukhimovitch. ftir microscopy analysis of bacterial samples. Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial resistance, Brijuni, Croatia, July, 2003.

20. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huheihel M.. FTIR Spectoscopy study of viral infections. XXXIII CSI Presymposium, Zaragoza, Spain, September, 2003.

21. Erukhimovitch V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huheihel M.. Spectoscopic evaluation of herpes viruses infection development kinetics. Colloquium Spectroscicum International XXXIII , Granada, Spain, September, 2003.

22. Erukhimovitch V., Pavlov V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M.

FTIR Microscopy as a method for identification of Bacterial and Fungal infections. 15th International symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical analysis. Flurence, Italy, May 2004.

23. Huleihel M., Karpasas M., Talyshansky M., Souprun Y. and Erukhimovitch V. Mass Spectroscopic and IR Spectroscopic evaluation of abnormal biological samples. V-th International Conference – Ion implantation and other applications of ions and electrons. Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 2004.

24. Mokmanov I., Erukhimovitch V., Talyshansky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel Novel spectroscopic method for detection of various bacteria strains. ISME-10 symposium. Cancun, Maxico, August 2004.


Name of Inventors

Title of Patent

Patent No.



Huleihel, M.,Arad, S.

Antiviral Agents




Huleihel, M.,Arad, S.

Antiviral Agents




Huleihel, M.,Arad, S.

Tal, J.

Anti-herpes activity of red microalgae polyssaccharides


South Africa


Research grants
1987/88 ICRF Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Mordechai Aboud Activation of raf proto oncogenes $30,000, 2 years

1990 Min. of Science Mahmoud Huleihel, Environmental factors involved in HTLV activitation $50,000, 1 year

1993/96 Moriah Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Shoshana Arad, Antiviral effect of red microalgal polysaccharides, $45,000, 3 years

1994/95 Min. of Science Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Shoshana Arad, Activity of microalgal polysaccharides against Herpes viruses, $42,000, 2 years.

1997 Min. of Health Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Jacob Tal. Effect of red microalgal polysaccharide against herpes viruses in vivo. $20,000, 1 year

1997 Biotech. Center Mahmoud Huleihel, Effect of red microalgal polysaccharide on retroviruses, $5,000, 1 year.

1999 MaOF Mahmoud Huleihel. Effect of Porphyridium sp. polysacharide on retroviruses. $30,000, 3 years.

2000-03 Min. of Absorp. Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Marina Talyshinsky (PI). Antiviral mechanism of action of algal polysaccharides. $10,000/year for 3 years.

2001-03 Min. of Absorp. Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Yelena Souprun (PI). FTIR spectroscopy studies and detection of cancer cells and cells infected with Herpes viruses. $10,000/year for 3 years.

2001-03 Israel Cancer Assoc. Mahmoud Huleihel (PI), Zahi Ben-Aroya (PI)

Asociation and Mordechai Aboud (PI). Linkage

Between Apoptosis induction and HTLV-I activation

by the phorbol ester TPA. $ 33,000 for first year and

$12,000 for the second year.

2002-05 ISF Mordechai Aboud (PI)), Zahi Ben-Aroya (PI) and Mahmoud Huleihel (CI). Investigation of the mechanism cross-linking between HTLV-I LTR activation and the apoptotic cascade in stress conditions and of the apoptotic cascade in stress conditions and of the apoptotic effects of the viral Tax protein. $ 40,000 /year for 3 years.

2003-05 Min. of Health Mahmoud Huleihel (PI), Zahi Ben-Aroya (CI) and Mordechai Aboud (CI). Role of Protein Kinase C and c-Jun in the shuttle of the Sp1-P53 complex from HTLV-I LTR to the p21WAF-1 promoter: Implications for the viral transition from latency to pathogenic activity. $18,000/year for 2 years.

2004-06 DKFZ Mahmoud Huleihel (PI) and Mordechai Aboud (PI). Oncogenic activities of HTLV-I Tax protein and their prevention by negative transdominant Tax mutant: Potential implication for gene therapy against HTLV-I leukemogenicity. $43,000/year for3 years.

Present Academic Activities

Research in Progress

1. Antiviral and anti-tumor activities of natural products (red microalgal polysaccharide and Propolis) in vitro (cell culture) and in vivo (animals).

2. Mental disorder studies by FTIR microscopy. In cooperation with Prof. Shaul Mordehai, Dept. of Physics and prof. Y. Harrishano, Mental dept., Soroka Medical Center.

3. Fourrier Transform Infra Red Microscope (FTIR microscope). Studies of cancer and normal cells. In Cooperation with Prof. Shaul Mordechai, Dept. of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva

4. Detection of herpes virus infection by FTIR microscopy.

5. Characterization and pathogenesis of Gallstone disease (GSD) in children. In cooperation with Prof. Shaul Mordehai, Dept. of Physics and Dr. Zahavi Kohen, Soroka Medical Center.

6. Anti-viral activity of synthetic chemicals like MCT against herpes viruses. In Cooperation with Dr Riad Agbaria, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Dr Victor Marquez, Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, National Institutes of Health, Frederick, MD 21702, USA.

7. Study of various aspects related to the activity of HTLV-I Tax gene. I n cooperation with Prof. Mordechai Aboud, Dept. of Microbiol. and Immunol., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Prof. Peter Krammer, Dept. of Tumor Immunology G0300, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany.

Books and Articles to be published

1. Schavinsky Y., Goldman E., Azran I., Priel E., Huleihel M. and Aboud M. Dual

effect of HTLV-1 Tax protein on Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER). FEMS 2003.

2. Huleihel M., Talishanisky M., Harry Ford Jr., Marquez V. E., Johns D. G. and

Agbaria R. Dynamics of N-Methanocarbathymidine’s Antiviral Activity Against

Herpes Simplex Viruses in Cell Culture. Antiviral Res. 2004 (submitted).

3. Erukhimovitch V., Pavlov V., Talyshinsky M., Souprun Y. and Huleihel M. FTIR

Microscopy as a method for identification of Bacterial and Fungal infections.

J. of Pharmaceut. and Biomed. Analysis 2004 (submitted).
4. Sahu R. K., Argov S., Salman A., Zelig U., Huleihel M., Grossman N., Kapelushnik J.

and Mordechai S. Characteristic absorbance of nucleic acids in the Mid-IR region as possible parameter for diagnosis of malignancy. Phys. Chemistry Chem. Physics (PCCP) 2004 (submitted).

5. Huleihel M., Karpasas M., Talyshansky M., Souprun Y. And Erukhimovitch V. Mass Spectroscopic and IR Spectroscopic evaluation of abnormal biological samples. Vacuum 2004 (submitted).

Additional Information

Other activities - General Services:

Manager of the Genetic Unit in the Institute for Applied Biosciences, Responsible for Gene Scan and DNA sequencing services.
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