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Curriculum vitae

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First name: Vesna

Family name: ANTOSKA

Title: Dipl. Ing

Position: Post Graduate Student

Institution: Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola, University St. Kliment Ohridski

Adress: ul. Ivo Ribar Lola, bb; 7000 BITOLA, MACEDONIA

Telephone: 047 207 702

Fax: 047 203 370


Teaching subjects: Steam Generators, Steam Turbines.

Membership and activities related to the Proposal Project: Member of the Macedonian

Geothermal Association - MAGA No15;Internationa Fair

ENERGETICS April, 2004; Internationa Summer Academy, Turkey,

June, 2003; International Summer School GREECE 2002, Posibilities

of geotermal development of Aegean Islands

Trainig Courses: Application of comercial software CFX - , TaskFlow for Numerical

Simulation of Flow in Turbomashinery, Lodz

(Poland) 2004; SimLab Short Course on Paralel Numerical

Simulation, Belgared (Serbia) 2003; Sumer Academy, Thermo-

Fluiddynamics Course, Petrovac (Montenegro) 2001.

Skills: Windows 98, XP; maintaining Computers Network; Auto CAD; Mechanical

Desktop; application of CFX Task Flow; (MS Office; Adobe Corel);Basic

knowledge of Fortran IV; Basic knowledge of UNIX Systems (Solaris).




1. Donevski, B., Principal Leader, 2000-2003

Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in wet Cooling Towers, Faculty of Technical Sciences,

University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola.

2. Donevski, B., Principal Leader, 1998-2000

Methods for Modeling and Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer Processes in Steam Turbines. Faculty

of Technical Sciences, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola.

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Name: Ahmet ERYASAR

Birth date: 17 September, 1967 / Mugla / TURKEY

Adress: Ege University

Solar Energy Institute

35100 Bornova/ Izmir/TURKEY

Phone: +90 (232) 388 60 28 – 388 60 25

Fax: +90 (232) 388 60 27



1974-1979 Primary School (Ataturk), Mugla / TURKEY

1979-1982 Secondary School (Merkez), Mugla / TURKEY

1982-1985 High School (Turgut Reis Lisesi), Mugla / TURKEY

1985-1995 Technical University of Istanbul, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Department of

Mechanical Engineering

1995-2000 M.Sc. Mugla University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economy

2001-............ Ph.D. in Energy Sciences / Ege University Solar Energy Institute, Izmir-Turkey


2001-…….. WILO-ONTEK LTD. Project & Sales Engineer,

2000-2001 Klimashop Ltd., Sales Engineer.

2001-1998 ASIS Eng. Ltd., Director& Consultant Engineer.

1998-1997 Mugla University, Depatment of HVAC, Lecturer.

1997-1995 AVA Eng. Ltd., Project Engineer.

1995-1993 CANTES Ltd., Field Engineer.

Ongoing Research Project

• Design and construction of a modular biogas plant for rural areas(PhD. Thesis)

• Production of Solar Aided Semi-Continuous Type Biogas Reactor

• Anaerobic Batch Digestion of Various Organic Wastes

• Biogas part of “Development and Application of Renewable Energy Production Technologies

(Solar, Wind, Biogas, and Heat Pumps)“


• Sapmaz, S., Eryasar, A., Yuce, S., 1997. Importance of Organized Industrial Zones in Regional

Development., Industrial Symposium of Denizli Towards 21st Century.(in Turkish)

• Kocar, G., Atayol, A., Illeez, B., Eryasar, A., 2003. Design and Installation Problems of Solar

Heated Biogas Reactors, The Journal of HVAC & Sanitary Engineering, 76:52-59. (in Turkish)

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ADRESS: - 30, Apusului Street, apartment 17, Bucharest, Romania


DATE OF BIRTH: -August 8, 1958


EDUCATION: - University ”Politehnica” of Bucharest

Faculty of Chemistry

DEGREE: - Chemical engineer

- Presently writing the Ph.D. in Environmental Protection Field

– (Faculty of Chemistry, Environmental Protection Department)


: - Ph.D. Stage in the Environmental Protection Field-

University Paris 7, Denis Diderot

Paris (25 april – 1 august 2001)

- Course: “Training Course in Sustainable Development and

Management of Municipal Infrastructures and Services for Managers

and Decision-Makers from Eastern Europe”, September 2003 –

Perugia (Italy), course organized by UNESCO-ROSTE Venice

- Conference attendance on “Water investment financial strategies and

water pricing” – Paris, 10-12 June 2004

EMPLOYEMENT: - September 1982 to October 1991 – The Research

Institute of Construction Materials – Scientific Researcher

-October 1991 to May 2002- University ”Politehnica”

of Bucharest – Lecturer – Power Engineering Faculty

May 2002 to present time – The Bucharest Municipality

Environmental protection Expert; PHARE Consultant


- Energy impact of Environment

- Waste Management

- Environment Audit

- Analysis upon the impact of environment in the industrial sectors


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1. Urban waste incineration equipments expertise- application study Bucharest, 2000-2002,

COPIRTECH Project UPB-INSA Lyon, France;

2. Industrial power units optimisation for the pollutant emission reduction, 2000-2002, COPIRTECH

Project UPB- Poitiers University, France;

3. Urban waste management in the small Romanian towns, 2001-2003, COPIRTECH Project UPB-

Ales University, France.


- Energy impact of environment

- Environmental protection policies in Romania


- Central administration – specific environmental protection problems,

socio-urban ecology, oxygenated areas protection, urban waters

surface protection, solid waste disposal and urban sanitation;

- Elaboration and implementation of urban development strategies and

public services improvement programs at local level;

- Collaboration with territorial local administration institutions;

- Strategies and regulations on Environmental Protection;

- Specific projects and programs for environmental protection and

ecological reconstruction.

- Natural resources management, especially for water and air;

- Site and field work and projects experience;

- Data bases and informational systems on Environmental Protection;

- Technical and economical documentation elaboration, patrimonial

works, materials and goods management;

- Environmental economy and statistics, environmental quality factors


- Organization and coordination of international meeting, courses,

seminars, conferences, etc.

EDITING ACTIVITY: - Collaboration with the European Community on a

Phare program for the preparation and editing of the

Romanian Environmental Protection Law;

- Collaboration with various NGO’s for editing for

informational material, brochures, leaflets, on the

Environmental Protection issues.

OTHER SKILLS: - Good knowledge of English and French;

- Personal computer use - DOS, Windows,

MS- Office, etc.

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Adress: Aleea Plopilor, Nr.5, bl. B3, Sc.A, ap. 1, Cod 8120, Oras Buftea, jud. Ilfov, Romania

Telephone: 0742/234586


Nationality: Romanian

Date and Place of Birth: 13 September 1978

Marital Status: Unmarried

Profession: Diplomat Ingineer


Period Company Position Duties

2003 University POLITEHNICA

of Bucharest, Faculty of

Power Engineering,

Department of Power Plants

and Industrial Power

Engineering Chair

Assistant professor

Practical work with students

in Cleaning Technologies,

Utilisation of the energy, ,

Impact of Energy Production

on the Environment, Energy

and Environment, Power

Engineering of the Buildings,

Numerical Methods.

Participation at the Course

« The Attend of the Power

Engineering Sistems ».

2002-2003 University POLITEHNICA

of Bucharest, Faculty of

Power Engineering,

Department of Hidraulics and

Hidraulic Machinery

Assistant professor

Practical work with students

in Dinamics of the Poliphase

Poluant Fluid, Fluid

Mecanics, Plants for Waste

Water Cleaning

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R. Patrascu, C. Gheorghe, “Utilisation of the combustion cells in the power engineering”

R. Patrascu, C. Gheorghe, “The hydrogen – viable alternative for the classics combustibles in the

context of the European policy concerning the environment protection ”


2002- : Matriculation for doctor’s degree with work “Contributions at the study of the

reagents poluant’s spread in case of a nuclear accident at CNE”

2002-2003: Post Graduate Trainning, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of

Power Engineering, speciality Impact of Energy Production and Use on the

Environment and Society

1997-2002: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Power Engineering, speciality

Environmental Engineering and second speciality Economics Engineering

Diploma project: “Design of sand’s washing machine”

OTHER LANGUAGES: English, French

TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES : Office (Word, Excel),Windows,Autocad, Internet


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5. Curriculum Vitae

Personal note:

Name: Tomasz Juda

Age: 28

Nationality: Polish

Address: 31-228 Cracow

ul. Nad Sudolem 10/6, POLAND

Contact: Tel/fax: +48-12-415-50-89

Mobile: +48-607-627-516

Education: December 2000 – till now Moscow State University of Environmental


UNESCO Chair “Technique of ecologically clean


Post: post-graduate student

Holder of UNESCO Regional Office for Science in Europe (Venice) scholarship

1995 – 2000 Cracow University of Technology (Poland)

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Specialty: Chemical process engineering

Degree: Master of Science, Engineer

Publications: 11 publications in scientific journals and printed

materials of the international conferences, seminars

and symposiums

Post graduate student’s activity: Preparation of the International symposiums for young

scientists, post graduate students and students at Moscow State University of Environmental


Participation in the UNESCO International School Seminars and International Conferences devoted

to utilization of renewable energy sources.

Language skills: Russian – very good, English - good

Professional interests: Application of renewable energy sources, particularly

conversion on solar energy to thermal energy and


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Computer skills: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, MS Office, AutoCAD,

MathÑAD, Grapher and others.

6. Curriculum Vitae

Name: Andjela

Family name: LAZAREVIC

Gender: Female

Address: Trg Kralja Aleksandra 5/3, 18000 Nis,

Serbia and Montenegro

Telephone number: +381-18-523-951



Date of birth: 25th February, 1979

Place of birth: Nis, Yugoslavia

Nationality: Serbian

Engineer of the Mechanical Faculty, University of Nis


2002- Post graduate studies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nis,

Department of Manufacturing engineering

Second year on the studies for the master degree in the field of Cutting materials

with plasma arc

1997-2002 : Graduate studies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nis, Department

of Manufacturing engineering, (the average grade 9.95)

Degree: BSc.Eng. (Mech.)

Title of the Final exam: ‘’Analysis of the data of the measured forces on the rotating


Some of the subjects: Termodynamics, Physics, Prime Materials, Resistance of

Materials, Engineering Materials, Non-Conventional Methods, Technological

Systems, Automatic Control Theory etc.

1993-1997: Secondary school ‘’Bora Stankovic’’ in Nis.

Profile: Assistant in Natural Sciences

Job experience and traineeships

Nov 2002- Energy project assistant in the Ministry of mining and energy

My duties in the Ministry of Mining and Energy are:

1. Assistance to Energy Project Advisor, with responsibilities in the field of

District Heating Utilities and Energy Efficiency (implementation of reforms

related to the energy, oil and gas; implementation and realization of projects)

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2. Assistance to the Advisor in the building relations and managing

communication with line ministries, other governmental organizations, public

enterprises and trade unions

3. Gathering the information on the District Heating Systems (DHS) concerning

implementation of district heating projects and coordination of activities

related to the DHS including:

a. Secure, quality and reliable supply of the heating energy

b. Enhancing energy efficiency in activities related to the DHS (including

the promotion of installation and use of Combined Heat and Power-


c. Promotion on renewable energy sources

d. Increasing of the energy efficiency through introduction of modern

equipment and control and regulation systems

e. Rehabilitation of the DHS

f. Prevention of environmental pollution

Sep-Oct 2002: Technical support on the Energy and Transition, Poverty and Environmental

Impact Project, as a part of the Ministry of mining and energy team.

Jul 2001-Oct 2001: Trainee student at the Kistler Instrumente AG, Winterthur, Switzerland.

My tasks during the student technical practice in Kistler instrumente AG were:

Problems of the "zero call" in the measuring systems, processing and analysis of the

complex data of Rotating Wheel Dynamometers (RWD), visual presentation of measured

and processed data, support in mathematical modelling, using the Mat Lab programming


From 2000 Member of the Group of Experts for Prosperity of Serbia (GEPS)

I was engaged on the projects: “Science and Education under the Conditions of

Transition in Serbia” and “ENRY-Environmental Recovery of Yugoslavia”

June, 2000: Member of IAESTE - Local committee in Nis.

I was in charge for the complete organization of student exchange in Nis, including:

finding jobs, accommodation, payments, organizing excursions, sports, visits to

historical places around town, etc, as well as communicating with national

committees around the world.

Scientific research, Seminars and Conferences

Oct 14-Nov 16, 2003: Seminar “Energy efficiency and Conservation” at the Energy Conservation

Center Japan (ECCJ), organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency,

under the International Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Nov 25-29, 2002: Seminar: “Project Management in Government - Better Service for Citizens“;

The seminar was organized by UNDP, in order to train public officials,

nominated by their institutions comprising ministries, government institutions

etc., in the basics of project management, team work and change management

Sept 23-28, 2002: Participation at the seminar: “TOPSIM - General management”;

Teacher: Prof. Uwe Schulte

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This seminar established a link between business management theory and

business management practice. The simulation presents a realistic model of an

industrial company and thus provides participants with the opportunity to gain:

lasting practical experience, quickly and in risk-free environment.

Sept 17-20, 2001 : My scientific work was nominee to be presented at the ASME

INTERNATIONAL-GREEK SECTION (First National Conference on Recent

advances in Mechanical Engineering)

Title of the scientific work: ‘’Hydraulic forming thorn for rotary construction.’’

Sept, 2000: Participation at the International Conference of the Manufacturing Engineering, organized

in Mataruska banja, Yugoslavia.

Title of the work: “Drifting of plate by Plasma’’


2003: The special prize of the University of Nis for the best graduated student of the Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering in the school year 2001/02

2002: The prize for the best student of the generation, in 2000 /2001, at the Faculty of Mechanical

Engineering, University of Nis.

2001: The prize for the best student of the generation in 2000 /2001, at the Faculty of Mechanical

Engineering, University of Nis.

2000: The prize for the best student of the generation in 1999 /2000, at the Faculty of Mechanical

Engineering, University of Nis.

2000: Scholarship of the Royal Norwegian embassy, for the best students of the Universities in


Computer skills

Operating systems: Windows NT/98/95/3.1x,

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power point, Front page),

MATLAB, Expert choice, Internet tools

Familiar with: SolidWorks, Photoshop


English : excellent Italian: basic

French: good German:basic

Further professional interests

• Management of production, quality control and production planning (Industrial management)

• Project management

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• General thermodynamics, vapour, humid air, combustion, fluid flow nozzles, cycles of heat

machines, compressors, pumps, heat exchangers, thermokinetics technology process


Surname: LLUBANI

Given Name: MANJOLA

Date of birth: 23.06.1978

Place of birth: Kruja, ALBANIA

Address: Bulevardi “Zhan D’Ark” , Tirana, Albania

Tel. (home): ++355 4- 369574

Tel. (mobile): ++355692267222


1996 – 2001 Graduated as environment engineer at the Polytechnic University of Tirana,

Civil Engineering Faculty. Got the Diploma. Department of Environment

Engineering, Energetic Profile

1994 – 1996 Attended the general High School “Skenderbeu” and graduated with very good


My graduation diploma at the University was “ The heating system of the Academic Complex

Buildings and the best alternative on managing energy”.


Specialist near Electro energy Department, at National Agency of Energy (NAE) June, 2002- on.


English Fluent (write, speak & read)

French Very good

Italian Fluent (write, speak & read)


February 2003 Training Course on LEAP-2000.

Durres, 12-15 February 2003

June 2003 Member of the group in compiling National Strategy of Energy

September 2033 Training Course: “Economic Evaluation of the Investment in the Energy Sector”

Tirana, September 2003-February 2004

March 2004 Training course on Promoting using Renewable Energy Sources in Household


May 2004 Training Course by SEETEC in Energy Regional Market

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1. Surname: MARCULESCU

2. First name: COSMIN

3. Date of birth: 1976, July 29

4. Nationality: Romanian

5. Civil status: Single

6. Education:

Dates: from-to Degree(s) or Diploma

obtained Institution

2001 - present Ph.D. student

University POLITEHNICA of

Bucharest – University of

Technology of Compiegne,


01.10.2000 - 07.09.2001 Master

University POLITEHNICA of

Bucharest, Power Engineering


01.10.2000 – 30.07.2000 Thermal Power - Engineer



Engineering Department

15.09.1990 - 30.06.1995 High School Degree “Ion Neculce” High School,


7. Language skills (5=excellente, 4=good, 3=regular, 2=fair, 1=weak):

Language Reading



English 5 5 4

French 5 5 4

German 4 2 3

8. Membership of professional bodies:

9. Other skills:

 Teaching experience (four years of university level experience);

 Software knowledge: Windows NT, MS Office Professional, Borland Pascal 7.0, C++,

AutoCad 2000;

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10. Present position:

 Professor assistant in University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest on: Chair of Electric Plants and

Industry Energy of Power Engineering Faculty;

 Technical expert of Global Energy Services Ltd.

11. Years with firm: 4 (UPB), 4(GES).

12. Key qualification:

- Consultant in electric and thermal energy generation field,

- Author and co-author of several scientific works in energy field.

- In-depth studies degree (master), specialization: “Moderns technologies for the production,

transport distribution and consumption of the electrical end thermal energy”.

- Teaching at university level.

- Graduation projects coordinator.

13. Foreign country experience:

- France: October – December 2002 / April – Jolly 2003 / April – July 2004: Solid wastes

processing technologies, (Ph.D. research stages).

- France: May – July 2001: Wastes burning reactors, (stage for post graduate master courses).

14. Professional experience:

Dates: from-to 2000-present

Location Bucharest-Romania

Company POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

Position Professor assistant on Chair of Power Plants and Industry Energy from

Power Engineering Faculty

Description 1. The applications for the subjects:

- Thermal power plants

- Power plants thermal and mechanic installations

- The energy and heat generation

- The power plants environmental impact.

- Thermodynamically measurements devices

2. Contract based research work:

- Electric and heat generation

- Wastes treatment technologies

- Environmental power plants impact

Doctoral thesis, diploma project and post graduate master courses dissertation:

Curriculum vitae

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• The doctoral thesis subject: “Solid wastes thermal treatment methods”, (Romania-France).

• The post graduate master courses dissertation theme: “About the influence of gas recirculation upon

NOx production in a wastes burning reactor”, September 2001.

• The diploma project theme: “Computational model for of the gas and steam cogeneration power

plant for urban district heating”, July 2000.

15. Publications:

- Badea, A., Antonini, G., Apostol, T., Marculescu, C.,: “The solid wastes thermo-chemical

characterisation methodology for incineration or pyrolysis” International conference „WEC

Regional Energy Forum – FOREN 2004”, Neptun, 13-17 iunie 2004.

- Apostol, T., Marculescu, C.,: “La strategie de la Roumanie sur la gestion des dechets”. Dechets:

Science et Techniques (Revue francophone de l’ecologie industrielle), Nr. 29, 2003, p. 36-40

- Apostol, T., Marculescu, C.,: “Combined heat and power plants rejects diminution methods”.

Industrial Ecology Revue, Vol II, iunie 2002, p. 54-57.

- Badea, A., Apostol, T., Marculescu, C., Rougaume, Th.,: L’influence de la recirculation des fumees

sur la formation des Nox dans une reacteur a lit fix. Scientific Rapport UPB Nr. 3, 2001, p. 75-82

- Marculescu, C., and Ene, M., “Combined gas and steam cycles for urban district heating

cogeneration power plant”, in Power engineering department - students symposium

“POLITEHNICA” Bucharest”, May 2000.

- Alexe, Fl.,...Marculescu, C., and oth. “ Optimising combined gas and steam cycles for medium size

cogeneration power plant”, in Revue “Electricity and heat production, transport and distribution”,

November 2000.

- Alexe, Fl.,...Marculescu, C., and oth. “ Optimising combined gas and steam cycles for medium size

electrical power plant”, in proceedings of Symposium “Fifty years of Power engineering

department in “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest”.

16. Participation at the research and engineering contracts:

1. Study on the SO2 humid retention for the low power steam generators, 2001 – 2003, National

Power Engineering Research Institute.

2. Urban wastes management in the small Romanian towns, 2001 – 2003, COPIRTech Project UPB – U

Ales, France.

3. Urban wastes incineration equipments expertise – application study Bucharest, 2000-2002,

COPIRTech Project UPB – INSA – Lyon, France.

4. Industrial power units optimisation for the pollutant emission reduction, 2000-2002, COPIRTech

Project UPB – U Poitiers.

5. Optimizing the operation of district heating hot water transport network for ENET-Focsani, 2001,


6. Setting local electricity and heat tariffs for CHP ENET-Focsani, 2001, GES.

7. Prefezability study for repowering CHP Halanga plant with a 200 MW new unit using existent

steam boiler, 2000, GES.

9 C.V.

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NAME Oksana


BIRTHDAY: June 19, 1983

POSITION: Junior consultant, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass”;

Engineer, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of

Sciences of Ukraine (IET).

OFFICE ADDRESS: p/o Box 66, Kyiv-67, 03067, Ukraine

TEL: +380 44 456 9462

FAX: +380 44 456 9462




B.Sc., National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute”

(NTUU “KPI”), Heat Energy Process Automation Department 2004


Energy from biomass and waste technologies (combustion, gasification,

pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, landfill gas collecting and utilisation, liquid fuel

production), combined heat and power production, energy conservation

technologies, heat energy process automation


Student of the NTUU “KPI”,

Heat Energy Process Automation Department 2000-pt.;

Leading engineer, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET) 2003 – pt.

Junior consultant, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass” 2003 - pt.


Reading Speaking Writing

Russian (1st mother tongue) Fluent Fluent Intermediate

Ukrainian (2d mother tongue) Fluent Fluent Fluent

ENGLISH Fluent Intermediate Intermediate


Title Supporting Agency Date

Reduction of Greenhouse Effect through Methane

Utilisation at Lugansk Landfill

EcoLinks Challenge Grant




Accompanying Measure to Encourage Biomass

Uptake and Assist Technology Transfer of EU

Biomass/ Biomass Waste Utilisation Technologies to

China, and Central and Eastern Europe

European Commission

Research Directorates




Organisation of Austrian-Ukrainian seminar on

Bioenergy, 21-22 May 2003, Kyiv.

Austrian Energy Agency



Initial Ignition of a Sustainability - creation of the

Central Kazakhstan Education BioGas Center (BGEC)

“Azure Flame”.

TACIS project IBPP 062-




Curriculum vitae

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2nd International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for

Energy, September 20-22, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mainly on the money of



1st International Ukrainian Conference on

Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating

Systems, October 22-24, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mainly on the money of



PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: good computer experience.

PERSONAL: citizen of Ukraine, Ukrainian, reliable and well organised.

10. Cyurriculum Vitae

POGONOVA Ekaterina

Russia, Schelkovo, Vatutina street, building 102, flat 53

Phone: 8-903-274-37-36

AIM: to continue education;

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 1981 March 7, Cherepovec;

EDUCATION: 1998-2004 The Moscow State University

of Environmental Engineering

- Faculty: Environmental engineering

- Specialty: Non-traditional and renewable sources of energy

SUBJECT OF DIPLOMA WORK: Investigations on the efficiency of turbine

installations with injection of water in the compressor

and regeneration under scheme STIG

ACHIEVEMENTS: - 1998 Graduated school with silver medal;

- 2000 "School of Humanitarian Knowledge at MSUEE, faculties:

history and philosophy, management. Heard courses in the

following subjects:"the Psychological life, subjects and methods of

psychology";"the Theory of the person within the framework of its

individual and public nature (the theory unconscious, individual

psychology, the person as the subject of mutual understanding)";

"Introduction in the basic concepts of the general psychology";

- 2001 Graduated The Moscow School of Economy: at faculty

"the Finances and banking " in the frames of " the Currency

cashier" program; at faculty "Computer training" in the frames of

"Exchange office of commercial bank" program;

- 2003 The publication of work on a theme: "Wind energy

resources in free atmosphere of globe ", published in the collection

of VII International Symposium "Ecologically clean engineering and

technology ", organized within the framework of UNESCO

programs for international cooperation of Universities.

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- in April, 2004 the rank of the winner at scientific and technical

conference on " Problems of environmental engineering", a theme of

work : " Investigations on the efficiency of turbine installations with

injection of water in the compressor and regeneration under scheme


- 2004 Graduated The Moscow State University

of Environmental Engineering.

HOBBIES: Computers, swimming, theater, travelling.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Actually I work in the Institute of High

Temperatures of Russian Academy of Science,

the post: junior scientific employee.

11. C.V.

NAME Maxim


BIRTHDAY: September 27, 1979

POSITION: Junior consultant, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass”;

Leading engineer, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National

Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IET).

OFFICE ADDRESS: p/o Box 66, Kyiv-67, 03067, Ukraine

TEL: +380 44 456 9462

FAX: +380 44 456 9462




B.Sc., National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Politechnical Institute”

(NTUU “KPI”), Chemical Engeneering Department 2000

M.Sc., National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Politechnical Institute”

(NTUU “KPI”), Chemical Engeneering Department 2002


Energy from biomass and waste technologies (combustion, gasification,

pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, landfill gas collecting and utilisation, liquid fuel

production), hydrodynamics of fluidized bed and slugging fluidized bed, gas

cleaning from fine-dyspersated solid particles.


Student of the NTUU “KPI” 1996-2002;

Engineer, “Vzljot - Premier” Ltd. 2002 – 2003;

Leading engineer, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET) 2004 – pt.

Junior consultant, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass” 2004 - pt.

PUBLICATIONS: 8 publications;

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Reading Speaking Writing

Russian (1st mother tongue) 5 5 5

Ukrainian (2d mother tongue) 5 5 5



Title Supporting Agency Date

Development of thermochemical gasification

technology for utilization of combustible radioactive

waste with separation between short half-value period

and long half-value period radionuclides

STCU project N3029 2004-


Development of Environmentally Friendly Technology

for Municipal Solid Waste Gasification

STCU project N3036 2004-


Initial Ignition of a Sustainability - creation of the

Central Kazakhstan Education BioGas Center (BGEC)

“Azure Flame”.

TACIS project IBPP 062-




Investigation of Combustion Mechanisms in Furnaces

of Wood Fired Boilers

CRDF Grant #UE2-2428-




2nd International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for

Energy, September 20-22, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mainly on the money of



1st International Ukrainian Conference on

Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating

Systems, October 22-24, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mainly on the money of




1. Slenkin M.V. Model of hydrodynamics of slugging fluidized bed. Proceedings of IV

International Scientific and Practical Students’, Postgraduates’,Young Scientists’ Conference.

"Ecology. Person. Society" (Ukraine, Êyiv, May 14-16, 2001). p.169

2. Slenkin M.V., Voznjuk T.A. Hydrodynamics in system of parallel tubes with slugging fluidized

bed. Proceedings of V International Scientific and Practical Students’, Postgraduates’,Young

Scientists’. Conference "Ecology. Person. Society" (Ukraine, Êyiv, May 13-15, 2002). (on CD)

3. Voznjuk T.A., Korinchuk D.M., Slenkin M.V., Stepaniuk A.R. Magnetic catching in slugging

fluidized bed. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. Special issue 2002. pp 13 -15

4. Geletucha G.G., Zhovmir M.M., Slenkin M.V. Experimental boiler for research of local fuel

burning. Proceedings of International scientific and technical conference ‘Biotechnology and

Biofuels in agrarian industry’.

5. Slenkin M.V., Zhovmir M.M. Review of modern biomass gasification technologies. Excepted

for presentation and publication in the proceedings “2nd International Ukrainian Conference on

Biomass for Energy”.

6. Zhovmir M.M., Geletucha G.G., Slenkin M.V. Wood firing in furnace plant with òîïî÷íûõ

óñòðîéñòâàõ ñ íèæíåé ïîäà÷åé òîïëèâà. Excepted for presentation and publication in the

proceedings. “2nd International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy”

7. Zhovmir M.M., Geletucha G.G., Slenkin M.V. Co-firing of biomass and coal in power stations

in foreign countries. Review. Excepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings. “2nd

International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy”

Curriculum vitae

Page 19

8. Zhovmir M.M., Geletucha G.G., Slenkin M.V. Heat and power co-production technology with

wood biomass using. Review. Excepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings. “1st

International Ukrainian Conference on Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating Systems”


Personal data

First name and family name Tomasz Surma

Date of birth 1 April 1976

Family status Single

Address ul. Centralna 51a/33, 31-586 Kraków, Poland

Phone +48 605 350 155



10/01/2002 - current Warsaw University of Technology

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering

The Institute of Electrical Power Engineering

Chair of Design and Management of Power Plants and


Ph.D area Energy Policy – Renewable Energy Resources

second year

energy sources and systems analysis;

power system analysis; electricity market;

the issues of distributed sources integration into the

electric power system; distributed generation and their

participation in electricity market; economic

competitiveness of generation technologies

1996 – 2001 AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków)

The Faculty of Fuels and Energy

Chair of Energy Policy

Chair of Energy Utilization Problems

area the fuels and energy economy and managment

6/21/2001 M.Sc.Eng.

Curriculum vitae

Page 20

1999 AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków)

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics,

Computer Science and Electronics

specialization electrical engineering

1991 – 1996 Secondary School (Kraków)

specialization electrical power, power system


2003 Energy Efficiency and Conservation - Japan

International Cooperation Agency, The Energy

Conservation Center – Japan, Tokyo

area energy efficienicy, renewable energy resources,

energy policy, climate protection

2001 Sustinable Energy Development – Polish Foundation

for Energy Efficiency and Energie Cities

area energy policy, renewable energy resources,

electricities, power system, energy market

Professional experience

05/10/2002 - current Ministry of Economy and Labour of Poland, Warsaw

Department of Energy Security

Electricity and Heat Unit


data seeking and preparation of guidelines for renewable

energy, energy efficiency and energy conservation

programmes; preparation of system solutions projects

(renewable energy, energy efficiency); implementation

and monitoring of accepted programmes; preparation of

opinions, reports and Minister’s for economy statements

regarding power sector; opinions to drafts of laws and

regulations regarding power sector

2004 Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers – Polish Section IEEE

2003 - current Member of Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation

(BASREC) Working Group on Bioenergy 2003 – 2005

2003 - current Co-ordiantor Polish – German – Danish Government

project “Sustinable Energy Policy”

2002 „Relpol Moc S.A.” – Energy Trading Company

energy market specialist

Curriculum vitae

Page 21

co-operation with power plants in Poland and Power

Company Grupa Energetyczna ENEA”

raport preparation,

market research,

office work

2000 – 2001 Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute -

Polish Academy of Science

engineering practice

Zak³ad Energetyczny Kraków S.A. – Power

Distribution Company

engineering practice

Ampol Ltd. (USA – Chicago)


1999 „Electroinstal s.c. – Kraków”

engineering practice

Polelectric Ltd. (USA – Chicago)



Surma T.: “Energy Situation in Poland” – Japan International Coopreation Agency, FY. 2003 – THJRO3-785

Surma T.: “Country report for the study course in energy efficienicy and conservation - Poland” – Japan International Coopreation Agency,

FY. 2003 – THJRO3-785

Surma T.: “Jeszcze o odnawialnych Ÿród³ach energii” – komentarz do rozporz¹dzenia ministra gospodarki, pracy i polityki spo³ecznej z dnia

30 maja 2003 r. w sprawie szczegó³owego zakresu obowi¹zku zakupu energii elektrycznej i ciep³a z odnawialnych Ÿróde³ energii oraz

energii elektrycznej wytwarzanej w skojarzeniu z wytwarzaniem ciep³a, Wspólnota Mieszkaniowa – 10, 2003

(Coments to ordinance of Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy in the matter of obligation purchase electricity from renewable

energy resources)

Paska J., Sa³ek M., Surma T.: „WskaŸniki niezawodnoœciowe krajowych i amerykañskich

bloków energetycznych”, VII miêdzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna

„Nowoczesne urz¹dzenia zasilaj¹ce w energetyce” Kozienice 2004

(Reliability of Polish and American power stations)

Paska J., Sa³ek M., Surma T.: „Generacja rozproszona a lokalny rynek energii elektrycznej”, Rynek energii 3(52) - 2004

(Distributed generation in local electricity market)

Surma T.: „Rozwój odnawialnych Ÿróde³ energii”, konferencja „Paliwa i Energie XXI wieku”

(Growth of renewable energy)

Qualification and Abilities

good theoretical knowledge,

substantial education at University,

Curriculum vitae

Page 22

foreign languages: English – very good,

Russian – backgrounds,

Japaneese – backrounds,

fast learning,

creative, communicative,


1. Personal data Name: Talibov Misirkhan Atdukhan oglu,

was born in 13 Mart 1966 in Village Arus, District Yardimli,

Azerbaijan SSR, married in 1990.

Wife: Ganiyeva Matanat Yusif gizi, was born in 16 February, 1968.

Children: Talibova Leyla Misirkhan gizi, was born in 27 July 1991.

Talibli Perviz Misirkhan oglu, was born in 12 January 1993.

Talibli Farid Misirkhan oglu, was born in 23 May 2002.

Parents: Talibov Atdukhan Tarlan oglu, was born in 16 June 1933.

Mirzayeva Nanakhanim Agabey, was born in 22 December


2. All academic degrees


– year

– name of the academic

degree as used in your

home country

– name of university

– place, country

– subject of examination



Azerbaijan Technical University

Baku, Azerbaijan

Diploma work: "The designing of the screw compressor refrigeration

machine with the 600 kVt productivity". By the decision of the State

Examination Board from 16 June 1990 the qualification of Engineer –

Mechanic was conferred.

Diploma HB No 016179 with honours.

– year

– name of the academic

degree as used in your

home country

– name of university

– place, country

– subject of examination

– grade (only in the case

of doctorate)


Candidate of technical sciences

Azerbaijan Technical University

Baku, Azerbaijan

Dissertation: "Isobaric heat capacity of aliphatic alcohols and its

binary solutions at high pressures". By the Decision of the Highest

Examination Board of Azerbaijan Republic from 12 July 1996 (protocol

No 27) the degree of candidate of technical sciences was conferred.

Diploma EN No 0896, Baku, 1996.

candidate of technical sciences

Curriculum vitae

Page 23

3. All stages of your

university education

– time (from/to)

– name of university

– place, country

– main subjects

September 1985-June 1990

Azerbaijan Technical University

Baku, Azerbaijan

Physic, Chemistry, High Mathematics, Theoretic Mechanics,

Electrotechnic, Hydrodynamic, Thermodynamic, Heat Techniques,

Refrigeration Machines, Refrigeration Installations and etc.

4. Complete professional


– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

September 1990 - September 1992


Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

September 1992-January 1993

Laboratory assistant

Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

January 1993-May 1996

Post-graduate student

Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

October 1996-September 2001


Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

September 2001

Chief teacher

Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

– time (from/to)

– position

– name and place of the

institution at which you

have worked/studied/

done research

September 2003-now


Department: "Heat and Refrigeration Techniques"

in Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Curriculum vitae

Page 24


1. Family name: YUMASHEVA

2. First names: Olga

3. Date of birth: 14/08/1981

4. Nationality: Belarus

5. Civil status: single

6. Education:

Institution Belarusian National Technical University

Date 1998 – 2003

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Diploma of engineer and manager in energetics

7. Language skills: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence)

Language Reading Speaking Writing

Russian 5 5 5

Belarusian 5 5 5

English 5 4 5

8. Professional Experience Record:

Date: 2003 – date

Location Minsk, Belarus

Company Belarusian National Technical University

Position Undergraduate (master degree) student

Date: 2002 – date

Location Minsk, Belarus

Company Belarusian Scientific and Industrial Information Centre for Energy Conservation


Position Economist

9. Present position: undergraduate (master degree) student of the Belarusian National Technical

University (BNTU), UNESCO Chair «Energy Conservation and Renewable Energies», and economist

of the Belarusian Scientific and Industrial Information Center for Energy Conservation (BelVIEC)

10. Key qualifications: energy saving management, environmental, renewable and non-traditional

sources of energy (wind, solar, biomasses, small hydro-power stations, geothermal energy); energy

auditing, economical questions of energy efficiency.

11. Scientific works and publications: 5 articles in various magazines on energy, energy saving and

renewable sources. Participating in 12 scientific workshops and seminars, including “The prospective

of biomass using in the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, 2000.

Curriculum vitae

Page 25

15. C.V

Marjola Hamitaj



Data of birth 12 .05.1977

Place of birth Fier

Nationality Albanian

Civil status Single

Summary of


March 3-7, 2004 European Committee &O Ö Energiesparverband

World Sustainable Energy Days Conference Welsh/Austria

19 September 2003 - February 2004 Pierce Atwood& USAID

Accomplishment of Power Sector Management Course


1-6 March 2003 ITAP& European Consultant Organisation (ECO)

Training Course for Public Administration Reforms and management



October 1-4,2002 USAID & Core International, Inc.

Course on Albania Power Sector Reform


Education 1991 – 1995 High School “Janaq Kilica” Fier , Albania


Tirana University,, Economic Faculty , Business Administration

Branch ,


Diploma’s Theme “Managing the services and products quality”



October 2004

Ministry of industry and Energy Tirana Albania

Specialist within General Department of Power

March 2002-June 2003 Ministry of Economy Tirana Albania

Specialist – Privatisation of small and medium enterprises

October 2000-March 2002 Ministry of Public Economy and Privatisation

Tirana Albania

Curriculum vitae

Page 26

Specialist-strategic sector privatisation Department




Accomplishment of the training course for manual and computerisation

economics methods with major topics: accounting, balance sheet,

Tariffs, legislations and other financial documents

Didactic Centre “IRISOFT” Tirana Albania



Member of International Association “ASSITEJ” Tirana, Albania-


Languages English Excellent by spoken and written

Italian Excellent by spoken and written

German Good by spoken and written

Hobbies Sport, cruisers, reading books, swimming, music, egg



September 6, 2002 - August 3, 2003 Albanian Red Cross


Activated and trained on “ Prohibition of the Aids Virus in Albania”

Curriculum vitae

Page 27


Proposed role in the project:

1. Family name: DONCHEV

2. First names: Henri Radev

3. Date of birth: 07.07.1965

4. Nationality: Bulgarian

5. Civil status: Single

6. Education:


[ Date from - Date to ]

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

1984-1989 MA French and English philology

1993-1996 M.Sc. Finance and banking management in the International business

7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language Reading Speaking Writing

English 1 1 1

French 1 1 1

Russian 1 1 1

German 2 2 3

8. Membership of professional bodies:

9. Other skills: MS DOS, Windows, word. excel

10. Present position: State expert International projects & assistance programs

11. Years within the firm: 12

12. Key qualifications: Working knowledge of management and implementation of projects under Phare

program including participation in tender evaluation committees

Curriculum vitae

Page 28

13. Professional experience


from -

Date to

Location Company Position Description



Sofia Committee of


Ministry of energy

Expert - Liaison between the management of MEER and foreign

organizations and representatives in Bulgaria and abroad

- Preparation of written materials and briefing papers on

international energy issues



Sofia State Energy and




Head of




s dept.

- Preparation of statements on financial proposals

initiated by different financial institutions and


- Coordination of energy project finance activities;

- Coordination of activities and project proposals within

the energy sector;

- Liaison between the management of the State Energy

Agency and International financial institutions;

2001- Sofia Ministry of energy

and energy




- Management /control and organizing/ different projects

of Phare National program and Phare Cross Border Cooperation


- Administrator of the project “Assessment of the

consequences of the early closure of some units of

Kozloduy NPP and identification of projects to mitigate the

identified negative consequences”

- Preparation of Project fiches and Terms of reference

- Assistance in tender procedures including preparation

and evaluation criteria and participation in tender

evaluation committees

- Participation in Working groups and Steering





Full Name: NIDAL Yacoub Abdalla

Marital status: Married.

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: Dec 11, 1963

Nationality: Jordanian

Address: P. O. Box: 1945, AL-Jubiaha 11941- Amman - Jordan

Tel (office): 962-6-5338041

Email :

Education 1996 – 1999 Mosul University

Mosul - Iraq

M. Sc. In Mechanical Eng’g - grade (good)

Thesis Title: Economic and Thermal Analyses of some Energy Conservation Measures

Curriculum vitae

Page 29

in Jordanian Residences.

1981 – 1985 Kuwait University


B. Sc. In Mechanical Eng’g - grade (v. good)

Work experience 2000 – present National Energy Research Center

Consultant Engineer in Rational Use of Energy and Solar Thermal :

. Energy conservation in pumping stations.

. Detailed energy audit studies for industrial and commercial


. R&D in pumps, fans and refrigeration systems.

. Lecturer for many training courses.

1993 – 2000 Ministry of Energy/ Renewable Energy Dept.

Amman, Jordan

Mech. Engineer In Solar & Wind Energy Application Division:

• Research & Developments of different renewable energy systems.

• Studying and analyzing of Active & Passive solar energy systems.

• Statistical analysis of the solar radiation data.

• Economic Feasibility studies for different solar projects.

1985 – 1987 Ministry of Electricity and Water - Kuwait

Mech. Engineer In Distillation Division :

. Pumps and compressors maintenance.

. Pipes and valves maintenance.

Interests and


Computer Languages:


• Pascal

Computer programs:

• Windows 98

• Excel 2000

• Microsoft Word 2000

• Power point 2000.

• AutoCAD release 14

• Solar system designing (F-chart software )



Paper was accepted for the 3rd Jordanian international conference for Mechanical

Engineering, May 1999.


Curriculum vitae

Page 30

Book was printed in 2003 (Arabic Edition), Amman, Jordan.



• Jordan Engineers Association /Mechanical Eng. Division Reg.No. : 4715

Training Course,

and Seminars:

1) As a participant:

• Pumping system design and pump selection course, Jordan Engineers

Association, from 11/7/2001 to 2/9/2001.

• Refrigeration and Cold storage design course, Jordan Engineers Association,

from 3/5/2001 to 29/6/2001.

• SIES course 1994 on “energy planning and environmental impact, electricity

production from renewable energy sources: photovoltaic system and other local

resources “, held in Catania from 21/11/1994 till 17/12/1994, ITALY.

2) As a lecturer:


COURSE 28/5– 1/6/2000 (National energy Research Center).

Refrigeration systems, Pumps and Fans, and Cooling Towers.


(National energy Research Center).

Refrigeration systems, Pumps and Fans, Cooling Towers and Thermal Insulation.


BUILDINGS 21-23/10/2001 (National energy Research Center).

Refrigeration systems, Pumps and Fans, Cooling Towers and Solar Water Heating


• ENERGY EFFICIENT 16/1/2003(National energy Research


Refrigeration systems, Pumps and Fans, and Cooling Towers.


• Arabic: Speak & Write Fluently.

• English: Speak & Write Fluently.


• Eng. Malek Kabariti, President of National Energy Research Center. Amman,


• Eng. Shaher Zaumot, Consultant & Ex-Director of Renewable Energy

Department, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources.

• Dr. Ghalib Y. Kahwaji, The supervisor of my thesis, Mosul University - Iraq

• Dr. Burhan Al-Ali, Chairman of the examining committee of my thesis, Mosul

University – Iraq.

Curriculum vitae

Page 31


Personal Data:

Name: AYMAN Mustafa Mohammad Daragmeh

Place & Date of Birth: Tubas, 17th June 1965

Nationality: Palestinian

Address: Tubas, Tayaser Cross

Tel: 09/2574344 Mobile: 059/887480



• 1995, Mechanical Engineering; at Politecnico di Torino-Italy

• 1988, Diploma in Telecommunications; at Politecnico di Torino-Italy

• 1985, High School, scientific stream; at Tubas High School.


• Oct. 2001 up to date, Employment in PEC (Palestinian Energy & Environment Research Center),

Nablus. As a researcher in renewable energy, responsible for solar water heatering projects, project

manager for a three year ASTEMB project '" applications of solar thermal energy in the

Mediterranean basin"

• Feb. 2001 up to date, activity coordinator in Tubas Sport Club; “volunteer”

• Aug. 2002-Sep.2003, Project Manager in ACH (Action Against Hunger); Tubas Office;


• Feb.-Sep. 2000; Technical Manager in T&B International; Jabal Ali-Dubai; UAE

• Aug. 1998-Feb.2000; Client Representative in The construction of the Specialized Arab Hospital,

in Nablus

Computer Literacy:

• Familiar with windows & accessories, AutoCAD

• Internet user

Related skills:

• Good computer skills, specially in excel, word, PowerPoint and AutoCAD

• Good knowledge of the local society structures

• Good communication skills

• Good team player

• Traveling availability


• Arabic Mother language;

• Efficient English (reading, writing, comprehensive);

• Efficient Italian (reading, writing, comprehensive);

Curriculum vitae

Page 32


Irina MITINA, engineer (young expert).

Addresses: home: building 123 flat 147, Yuzhnobutovskaya ulitsa, Moscow 117042,


office: VIESH, 1-st Veshnyakovsky pr. 2, Moscow 109456, Russia

e-mails: and

Phones: home: (095) 715 03 38, office: (095) 171 19 20

Fax: (095) 170 51 01


1999 – 2004 The Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, UNESCO

Chair, “Ecologically clean technology”. Diploma topic: “Solar heating supply to

cottage with storage the heating in aquifers”. First-class degree with distinction.

1988 – 1999 Vatutinskaya Higher School with profound studying of subjects.

positions held

2004 – Engineer at UNESCO Chair in the All-Russia Research Institute for

Electrification Agriculture.

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