Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Merbs, Charles F. 1995 The Greenland Mummies. Edited by Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist. 1991. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. Arctic Anthropology 32(1):173-177. REVIEW OF, HANSEN; JENS PEDER HART, JφRGEN MELDGAARD, AND JφRGEN NORDQVIST, 1991, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1995 Incomplete Spondylolysis and Healing: A Study of Ancient Canadian Eskimo Skeletons. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:11.]. Spine 20(21):2328-2334. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, CANADA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1995 The Life of the Sadlermiut Eskimo Woman, as Written in Her Bones. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:152. ESKIMO, SADLERMIUT, FEMALE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1995 The Mummies of Qilaklitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Edited by Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv. 1989. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12. [Review]. Arctic Anthropology 32(1):173-177. REVIEW OF, HANSEN; JENS PEDER HART HANSEN AND HANS CHRISTIAN GULLφV, 1989, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1995 The Sky Hangs Low. By Jens Rosing. 1986. Moonbeam, Ontario: Penumbra Press. [Review]. Arctic Anthropology 32(1):173-177. REVIEW OF, ROSING; JENS, 1986, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1996 Discussion. Section 3: Symposium on Behavioral Implications Derived from the Skeleton. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 15. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, SYMPOSIUM ON BEHAVIORAL IMPLICATIONS DERIVED FROM THE SKELETON, DISCUSSION, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1996 Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis: A Cost of Being an Erect or a Clever Adaptation? Year Book of Physical Anthropology 39:201-228. SPINE, SEPARATE NEURAL ARCH, ERECT POSTURE, LUMBAR CURVE, STRESS FRACTURE, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, CONGENITAL, DEGENERATIVE, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1996 Spondylolysis of the Sacrum in Alaskan and Canadian Inuit Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101(3):357-367. SACRUM, SPONDYLOLYSIS, ALASKA, CANADA, INUIT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F. 1997 Eskimo Skeleton Taphonomy with Identification of Possible Polar Bear Victims. In: William D. Haglund, and Marcella H. Sorg, eds. Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, pp. 249-262. FORENSIC TAPHONOMY, POLAR BEAR VICTIM, ESKIMO, [BOOK]
Merbs, Charles F., chairman 1992 Trauma. [Symposium, abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, pp. 14-18. SYMPOSIUM, TRAUMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., convener 1983 Section 1: Paleopathology in North America: A Regional Survey. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6 April 1983, pp. 1-6. PALEOPATHOLOGY, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., convener 1985 Section 3: Mycotic Infections and Problems of Differential Diagnosis. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-10 April 1985, pp. 9-15. MYCOTIC INFECTION, DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., moderator 1986 Section 4: Contributed Papers. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 10-15. PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION, MEETING, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., Heather J. H. Edgar, and Andrea L. Buck 1994 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis in Archaeological Skeletons from Southwestern United States. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 11. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, DEGENERATIVE, SOUTHWESTERN USA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., and Robert C. Euler 1985 Atlanto-Occipital Fusion and Spondylolisthesis in an Anasazi Skeleton from Bright Angel Ruin, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 52:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 67(4):381-391. SPINE, ATLANTO-OCCIPITAL FUSION, SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, DEPRESSION FRACTURE, SOUTHWEST AMERICA, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., and Robert J. Miller, eds. 1985 Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. [See review by Anthony J. Perzigian, 1986; and Jane E. Buikstra, 1987.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 54:11.]. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:1-402. HEALTH, DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, SOUTHWEST, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., and Rose A. Tyson 1990 Occupational Changes in the Skeleton: Six Cases from the Stanford-Meyer Collection. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Miami, Florida, 3-4 April 1990, p. 6. OCCUPATION, SKELETAL CHANGE, STANFORD-MEYER COLLECTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., and Ellen M. Vestergaard 1985 The Paleopathology of Sundown, a Prehistoric Site Near Prescott, Arizona. In: Charles F. Merbs, and Robert J. Miller, eds. Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers (Tempe) 34:85-103. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SUNDOWN SITE, PRESCOTT, ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Merbs, Charles F., and William H. Wilson 1962 Anomalies and Pathologies of the Sadlermiut Eskimo Vertebral Column. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin Number 180. Anthropological Series Number 57. Contributions to Anthropology, 1960. Part 1. Ottawa, Canada: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, pp. 154-180. SPINE, ANOMALY, PATHOLOGY, SADLERMIUT, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Mercadal, O., Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero], and Equip del Museu de Gavà 1992 Anthropological and Paleopathological Study of a Man from the Rocabruna Castle (Gavà, Barcelona). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 16. PERIOSTITIS, ATROPHY, FRACTURE, POSTER, [JRNL]
Mercadal, O., Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero], and Equip Guineu 1992 Pathological Remains from the Burials at the Guineu Cave (Font-Rubi, Alt Penedes, Barcelona). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 16. TRAUMA, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, ANEMIA, ORAL PATHOLOGY, PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Mercadal, O., Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, and E. Chimenos 1989 Estudio Paleo-Antropólogico y Paleonutricional de la Población de La Balma de la Sargantana (Oliola, La Noguera, Lérida). In: Proceedings of the Sixth Spanish Congress of Biological Anthropology, Bilbao, September 1989, pp. 392-399. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SPAIN, [HOMO-1995-45:255]
Mercado Rohano, A. 1987 Una Sacerdotisa en Teotihuacan, México. Desconocido 121:6-9. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, TEOTIHUACAN, MEXICO, [VERANO'S-DISSERTATION]
Mercer, W. 1964 Then and Now: The History of Skeletal Tuberculosis. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 9:243-254. TUBERCULOSIS, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-06-03-02021 & ARME]
Merchant, Virginia L., and Douglas H. Ubelaker 1977 Skeletal Growth of the Protohistoric Arikara. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 46(1):61-72. GROWTH DATA, INTERPOPULATION COMPARISON, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Meredith, Howard V., and Ernest H. Hixon 1954 Frequency, Size, and Bilateralism of Carabelli's Tubercle. Journal of Dental Research 33(3):435-440. DENTITION, CARABELLI CUSP, FREQUENCY, SIZE, BILATERALISM, [JRNL]
Mérei, G., and János Nemeskéri 1958 Palaeopathogiai Vizsgálatok ó--Egyptomi Múmiákon. [Hungarian]. Anthropologiai Közlemények 1:81-84. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Mérei, G., and János Nemeskéri 1958 Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an Ägyptischen Mumien aus der Römerzeit. [Paleopathology of an Egyptian Mummy of the Roman Period.]. [German]. Virchows Archiv fuer Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fuer Klinische Medizin 313(5):569-572. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ROMAN PERIOD, [ARME & CRAN]
Merel, G. R. 1968 Paleopathological Study: Bela-King & Queen of Hungary. Orvosi Hetilap 109:423. PALEOPATHOLOGY, HUNGARY, BELA, KING, QUEEN, [ARME]
Merínsky, Z., and Milan Stloukal 1983 Antropologicky Materiál ze Slovanského Pohrebiste ve Velkych Bílovicích/Okres Breclav. [Anthropological Findings from Slavonic Burial in Velcé Bilovice County, Breclav.]. [Czech]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 53:15.]. Casopis Národního Muzeum v Praze 152(4):222-225. ARCHAEOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, NINTH CENTURY, [PPNL-1986-53:15 [See also Vlcek, Emanuel, 1983, we seem to have two articles occupying the same place at the same time.]]
Merínsky, Z., Milan Stloukal, J. Unger, and Lubos Vyhnánek 1984 Antropologicky Soubor ze Hrbitova Zaniklé vsi Koválov. [Anthropological Review of the Burial of a Disappeared Community Koválov.]. [Czech]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 53:15.]. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae (Sbornik Národniho Muzea v Praze) 40-B(2):93-122. ARTHROPATHY, OSTEOARTHROPATHY, OSTEOPATHY, MEDIEVAL, [PPNL-1986-53:15]
Merke, F. 1965 [The Ice Age as Primordial Cause of Endemic Goiter.]. [German]. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift/Journal Suisse de Médecine 95:1183-1192. GOITER, ENDEMIC, ICE AGE, [NDX-Paleontology-07-01-02901 & ARME]
Merkle, E., Wolfgang Pirsig, and Franz Parsche 1994 Computed Tomography of Pre-Columbian Mummy-Heads: Measurements of Sinuses and Calotte, Influences by Artifical Deformation in Infancy. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S86. MUMMIES, PERU, PRECOLUMBIAN, CT SCAN, SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merkle, E., Wolfgang Pirsig, and Franz Parsche 1994 Computed Tomography of Pre-Columbian Mummy Heads: Measurements of Sinuses and Calotte, Influences by Artifical Deformation in Infancy. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 17. MUMMIES, PERU, PRECOLUMBIAN, CT SCAN, SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merrem, G. 1964 [Wound Healing Disorders in Skull Trepanation.]. [German]. Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 89:1750-1752. TREPHINATION, WOUND, HEALING DISORDERS, [NDX-Trephining-06-04-04314]
Merriam, C. Hart 1905 The Indian Population of California. American Anthropologist 7(4):594-606. DEMOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Merrill, William, Edmund Ladd, and T. J. Ferguson 1993 The Return of the Ahayu:da: Lessons for Repatriation from Zuni Pueblo and the Smithsonian Institution. [For comments, see Elizabeth Cruwys, 1993; Alan S. Downer, 1993; Christian F. Feest, 1993; Charlotte J. Frisbie, 1993; Joyce Herold, 1993; Schuyler Jones, 1993; Robert Layton, 1993; and Larry J. Zimmerman, 1993.]. Current Anthropology 34(5):523-567. REPATRIATION, ZUNI PUEBLO, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, [JRNL]
Merrill, William, Edmund Ladd, and T. J. Ferguson 1993 Reply to comments on "The Return of the Ahayu:da: Lessons for Repatriation from Zuni Pueblo and the Smithsonian Institution." [See Elizabeth Cruwys, 1993; Alan S. Downer, 1993; Christian F. Feest, 1993; Charlotte J. Frisbie, 1993; Joyce Herold, 1993; Schuyler Jones, 1993; Robert Layton, 1993; and Larry J. Zimmerman, 1993.]. Current Anthropology 34(5):562-565. REPATRIATION, ZUNI PUEBLO, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, [JRNL]
Merriman, Joan D. 1996 Analysis of the Dental Health of a Nineteenth Century Poorhouse Sample from Rome, New York. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10l 1996, pp. 18-19. DENTAL HEALTH, POORHOUSE POPULATION, ROME, NEW YORK, POSTER, [JRNL]
Merrington, Jim 1994 Liquid Gold of the Pharaohs. Egyptian Archaeology 4:10. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BEER, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Merritt, J. K. 1863 Remarks on Mummified Heads Taken from the Jivaro Indians of Ecquador, with an Account of the Various Mode of Embalment. American Medical Times 6:193-205. MUMMIES, ECUADOR, JIVARO INDIAN, MUMMIFIED HEAD, [LSG1-Embalming]
Merriweather, A. M. 1953 A Case Illustrating the Bone Lesions Seen in Cases of Extra-Venereal Treponematosis in the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 47:242-245. TREPONEMATOSIS, BONE, LESION, BECHUANALAND, [STEINBOCK-1976:165]
Merriwether, D. A., Francisco Rothhammer, and R. E. Ferrell 1992 Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Ancient and Contemporary Amerindians Using the tRNAlys-COII Deletion and Diagnostic Restriction Sites. [Abstract]. American Journal of Human Genetics 51(4, Supplement):A13. DNA, MITOCHONDRIAL DNA VARIATION, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Merriwether, D. A., Francisco Rothhammer, and R. E. Ferrell 1994 Genetic Variation in the New World: Ancient Teeth, Bone, and Tissue as Sources of DNA. Experientia 50(6):592-601. DNA, ANCIENT, CONTEMPORARY, NEW WORLD, PEOPLING OF, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NDX-MUMMIES-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994]
Merskey, H., and P. Potter 1989 The Womb Lay Still in Ancient Egypt. British Journal of Psychiatry 154:751-753. UTERUS, DISEASE, EGYPT, [CWHM-1990-146-#2263]
Mertz, D. P. 1983 'Bleigicht': Ursache oder Folge des Verfalls des Römischen Weltreiches? Medizinische Welt 34:1158-1159. LEAD POISONING, ROMAN PERIOD, [CWHM-1984-121-#1099]
Mertz, Walter 1981 The Essential Trace Elements. Science 213(4514):1332-1338. NUTRITION, TRACE ELEMENT, [JRNL]
Mertz, Walter 1985 Metabolism and Metabolic Effects of Trace Elements. In: R. K. Chandra, ed. Trace Elements in Nutrition of Children. New York: Raven Press, pp. 107-119. TRACE ELEMENT, METABOLISM, METABOLIC EFFECT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:051]
Mertz, Walter, ed. 1986 Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition. 5th Edition. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press. NUTRITION, TRACE ELEMENT, HUMAN, ANIMAL, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:044]
Mery, A. 1973 Temporal Defect of Bone Substance on a Skull from St-Just's Burial in Lyon. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. TEMPORAL BONE DEFECT, ST. JUST'S BURIAL, LYON, FRANCE, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Meschig, R. 1983 Zur Geschichte der Trepanation unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schädeloperationen bei den Kisii im Hochland Westkenias. Düsseldort: Triltsch Druck und Verlag, pp. 63-161. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, KISII, [SURG-NEUROL-1994-41:513]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1981 Schädeloperationen in Kenia. [Skull Surgery in Kenya.]. [German]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 106(5):157. TREPHINATION, KENYA, [CWHM-1982-111-#0415 & NDX-Author index-22-05-03780]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1981 Skull Trepanation in Eastern Africa. Hexagon Roche 9(3):17-24. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, [CWHM-1981-110-#1825]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1981 Trepanaciones Craneales en Africa Oriental. Hexagon Roche 8(8):9-16. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, [CWHM-1982-113-#1881]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1981 Uvulektomie--ein Initiationsritus? Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 123:437-440. MUTILATION, UVULA, UVULECTOMY, RITUAL, [CWHM-1982-112-#1944]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1982 Trepanocoes na Africa Oriental. [Skull Trepanation in Eastern Africa.]. Hexágono Roche 9(2):23-26,29-32. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, [CWHM-1983-118-#2020]
Meschig, R., and H. Schadewaldt 1982 Trepanacoes na Africa Oriental. [Skull Trepanation in Eastern Africa.]. Roche (Basel) 9(4):17-24. TREPHINATION, AFRICA, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:262]
Meschig, R., H. Schadewaldt, and J. Kiwit 1980 Schädeloperationen bei den Kisii (Gusii) im Hochland Westkenias. [Skull Surgery in the Kisii (Gusii) in the Highlands of Western Kenya.]. [German]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 105(52):1817-1821. TREPHINATION, KENYA, [CWHM-1982-112-#1914 & NDX-Trephining-22-14-12888]
Meschig, R., et al. 1983 Klitoridektomie und Exzision der Labia Minora bei den Kisii (Gusii) in West-Kenia. Medizinische Welt 34(19):3-7. CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE, AFRICA, [CWHM-1984-119-#0307]
Meskin, Lawrence H., and Robert J. Gorlin 1963 Agenesis and Peg-Shaped Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors. Journal of Dental Research 42(6):1476-1479. DENTITION, INCISOR, PEG-SHAPED, DENTAL AGENESIS, [JRNL]
Mesmin, S. C. 1987 Du Comte à la Commune: La Léproserie de saint-Gilles de Pont-Audemer. Annales de Normandie 37:235-256. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1989-139-#0990]
Mesner, W., and Michael Schultz 1994 The Use of Forster-OMR for Recording Paleopathological Data. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S87. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DATA, USE OF FORSTER-OMR FOR RECORDING OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Mesner, W., and Michael Schultz 1994 The Use of Forster-OMR for Recording Paleopathological Data. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 17-18. PALEOPATHOLOGICAL DATA, USE OF FORSTER-OMR FOR RECORDING OF, POSTER, [JRNL]
Messer, Ellen 1984 Anthropological Perspective on Diet. Annual Review of Anthropology 13:205-249. DIET, ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE ON, [JRNL]
Messeri, Piero 1959 Un Caso di Spondilolistesi in Epoca Neolitica. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 89:267. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, NEOLITHIC, [ARME]
Messeri, Piero 1959 Rondelle Ossee non Intenzionali in Reperti del Bronzo Italiano. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 89:241. TREPHINATION, ITALY, BRONZE AGE, [ARME]
Messeri, Piero 1962 Aspetti abnormi e patologici nel materiale scheletrico umano dello Scoglietto (Etá del Bronzo). [Abnormal and Pathological Aspects in the Bronze-Age Human Skeletal Material from Scoglietto.]. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 92:129 159. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BRONZE AGE, ITALY, [WIEN-KW]
Messeri, Piero 1965 Note Paleopatologiche sul Materiale Scheletrico Umano Rinvenuto nella Grotta del Romito di Papasidero in Calabria (Cozenza). Atti della Riunione Scientifica dell Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria 10(A):301-307. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PALEOLITHIC, ROMITO CAVE, ITALY, [BULL-MEM-SOC-ANTHROPOL-PARIS-1995-7:136]
Messeri, Piero 1979-1980 Un Cranio Mesolitico Ligure Intenzionalmente Deformato alle Arene Candide nel Finalese. [Italian with English Abstract]. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 109-110:497-510. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ITALY, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(1):#02365]
Mestorf 1907 Moorleichen. [Bog Bodies.]. Bericht des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Museums Vaterländischer Altertümer BOG BODIES, [GLOB 1965:195]
Mestre, A., and Domingo Campillo [Domènec Campillo i Valero] 1992 Pseudopathology in Several Exhumed Skeletons in the Late Roman Necropolis at Can Trullas (Granollers, Valles Oriental, Spain). [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 16-17. LESION SKELETAL, PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Mészárosné, V. M. 1980 [The History of the 1831 Cholera Epidemic in Veszprém County.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 121:223-226. CHOLERA, [CWHM-1981-108-#0358]
Metcalf, Carol, and Derek Yach 1989 History of Tuberculosis Among Aborigines. [Poster]. Medical Journal of Australia 151(2):116. TUBERCULOSIS, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, LETTER, [JRNL]
Metcalf, Peter, and Richard Huntington 1991 Celebrations of Death: The Anthropology of Mortuary Ritual. 2nd Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press. MORTUARY RITUAL, [RECENT-PUBS-NATL-HIST-1992-10:013]
Métraux, Alfred 1947 Mourning Rites and Burial Forms of the South American Indians. América Indígena 7(1):7-44. MORTUARY PRACTICE, SOUTH AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Métraux, Alfred 1949 Warfare, Cannibalism, and Human Trophies. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 143(5):383-409. CANNIBALISM, TROPHY HEAD, WARFARE, [JRNL]
Metress, James F., and Thor Conway 1974 A Guide to the Literature on the Dental Anthropology of Post-Pleistocene Man. Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Aboriginal Research Club Bulletin, Supplement, Monograph Number 1. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 10:13.]. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, POST-PLEISTOCENE MAN, [PPNL 1975-10:13 & ARME]
Metress, James F., and Thor Conway 1975 Standardized System for Recording Dental Caries in Prehistoric Skeletons. Journal of Dental Research 54(4):908. DENTAL CARIES, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Metress, S. P. 1983 The Changing Patterns of Human Disease. Collegium Antropologicum 7:189-194. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DISEASE PATTERN, [ISCAN-1989:198]
Mettel, B. T. 1935 Medicine in Ancient America. Hygeia 13:342-345. MEDICINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Mettler, Cecilia C. 1947 History of Medicine. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Blankiston. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [ARME]
Mettler, Fred A., and Cecilia C. Mettler 1945 Historic Development of Knowledge Relating to Cranial Trauma. (Proceedings of the Association, 17-18 December 1943, New York. Trauma of the Central Nervous System.) Research Publications...Volume XXIV. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. New York: Williams & Wilkins. SKULL, TRAUMA, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Metz, F. 1977 Du Diagnostic des Scolioses en Paléopathologie. [Dissertation, Caen, France]. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1980.]. DISSERTATION, SCOLIOSIS, [HOMO-1980-31:271]
Metz, F. 1979 Du Diagnostic des Scolioses en Paléopathologie. Caen: Association International des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, 13th Colloque, 1979. SPINE, SCOLIOSIS, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [PPNL-1982-38:10]
Metz, F. 1982 Paleopathology of Merovingian Necropolis at Verson (5th-8th Centuries A.D.). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 9. CEMETERY, MEROVINGIAN, FIFTH TO EIGHTH CENTURY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Metz, F., and E. Ardila 1978 Du Diagnostic des Amputations en Paléopathologie. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU9. AMPUTATION, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Metz, F., and E. Ardila 1980 Du Diagnostic des Amputations en Paléopathologie. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:19-25. AMPUTATION, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, [PPNL-1980-31:17]
Metz, F., and P. Raffy 1980 Methodes d'Exploration de l'Ostéoporose en Paléopathologie. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C13. OSTEOPOROSIS, DIAGNOSIS, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Metzel, E. 1990 Neurotraumatology im Alten Ägypten. [Neurotraumatology in Ancient Egypt.]. [German]. Neurochirurgia (Stuttgart) 33(3):78-80. BRAIN, NEUROTRAUMATOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-149-#0291-#1847 & NDX-Mummies-31-07-09044 & NDX-MUMMIES-ONLINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-01-02-03]
Meyer, A. B. 1881 Über Künstlich Deformierte Schädel von Borneo und Mindanao. In: Gratulationsschrift an R. Virchow. Leipzig. SKULL, DEFORMATION, BORNEO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, [EWING-J-F-1950:92]
Meyer, A. B. 1885 On Artificial Deformation of the Head in Sumatra, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 14:85-87. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CELEBES ISLAND, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, SUMATRA, [JRNL]

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