Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Murray, T. J. 1993 The Skull of Mozart. Dalhousie Review 73(2):246-251. SKULL, MOZART, [CWHM-1995-166-#0428]
Murrill, Rupert I. 1968 Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Remains from Easter Island. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1975, 9:14.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, EASTER ISLAND, [STEINBOCK-1976:166 & ARME & ZIMM]
Murty, M. L. K. 1974 Twenty-Five Years of Research on Human Osteological Remains from Prehistoric Sites in India. Deccan College Bulletin 34:116-133. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PREHISTORIC, INDIA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:191]
Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre Momias, 1992. [Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1992]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife. MUMMIES, WORLD, FIRST WORLD CONGRESS, PPNL-1996-93:14 []
Museum fuer Völkerkunde, Freiburg 1990 Ägyptischer Mumiensarg: Analysen, Konservierung, Restaurierung. [Exhibition Catalogue]. Freiburg: Museum fuer Völkerkunde. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ANALYSIS, CONSERVATION, RESTORATION, EXHIBIT CATALOG, MUSEUM FUER VÖLKERKUNDE, FREIBURG [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0486]
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1988 Mummies & Magic: The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt. [Exhibition Catalogue]. Boston, Massachusetts: Museum of Fine Arts. MUMMIES, EGYPT, EXHIBIT CATALOG, MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#0509]
Musgrave, Jonathan H., and Narendra K. Harneja 1978 The Estimation of Adult Stature from Metacarpal Bone Length. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(1):113-119. STATURE ASSESSMENT, ADULT, METACARPAL LENGTH, [JRNL]
Muskens, L. J. J. 1929 [Prehistorical Trephining.]. Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 9:237-244. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Mustian, Wallace F., Cecil R. Lupton, John B. Sowter, and Clifton E. Crandell 1966 Roentgeno-Oddities. Unusual Dental Calculi. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 21(1):52-54. DENTAL CALCULUS, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Musto, David F. 1992 Cocaine's History, Especially the American Experience. [For discussion see Anonymous, 1992.]. Ciba Foundation Symposium 166:7-14. COCAINE, HISTORY, AMERICA, [CWHM-1993-157-#0104]
Mutaw, Robert J. 1988 Pathologies and Anomalies in Human Auditory Ossicles from Two Skeletal Collections. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):252. EAR, AUDITORY OSSICLE, PATHOLOGY, ANOMALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Mutter, G. L. 1975 Jivaro Tsantsas, Authentic and Forged: A Study of Two Shrunken Heads in the Mütter Museum. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 48:73-82. SKULL, SHRUNKEN HEAD, TSANTSA, JIVARO, [CWHM-1976-089:#0773]
Muzslay, J. 1973 Supernumerary Deciduous Maxillary Lateral Incisors. Fogorvosi Szemle 66:40-41. DENTITION, INCISOR, DECIDUOUS, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Myer, T. P. 1988 El Efecto de las Pestes sobre las Poblaciones de la Amazonia Alta. Amazoniá Peruana 8:61-81. PLAGUE, AMAZON, PERU, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:290]
Myers, Charles S. 1905 Contributions to Egyptian Anthropometry.. II. The Comparative Anthropometry of the Most Ancient and Modern Inhabitants. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 35:80-91. ANTHROPOMETRY, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Myers, Charles S. 1908 Contributions to Egyptian Anthropology. V. General Conclusions. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 38:99-147. ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Myers, J. L. 1925 Die Trepanation: Studien über Zusammenhänge und Kulturelle Zugehörigkeit der Trepanation. I. By W. J. Wölfel. Anthropos, 20, 1925. [Review]. MAN (London) 25(Article 111):179-181. TREPHINATION; REVIEW OF, WÖLFEL; W. J., 1925, [JRNL]
Myers, R. A. 1984 Island Carib Cannibalism. Nieuwe West-Indische Gids/New West Indian Guide (Dordrecht, Netherlands) 58(3/4):147-184. CANNIBALISM, CARIBBEAN, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:446]
Myers, Thomas P. 1994 Origins of the Omaha. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 3. AMERICA, INDIAN, OMAHA, ORIGIN OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Myhre, John, Lone Svendstrup, and Jens Peder Hart Hansen 1989 Histological Investigations of Mummified Human Tissue from Qilakitsoq. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 106-108. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, HISTOLOGY, [BOOK]
Myster, S. M. T. 1989 The Co-Occurrence of Dental Pathologies and Infectious Lesions in a Skeletal Sample from Middle Tennessee. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):278 DENTAL LESION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, INFECTIOUS, MIDDLE TENNESSEE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Myster, S. M. T. 1991 Osteological Evidence for Settlement Type in Two Middle Cumberland Populations Near Nashville, Tennessee. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:136. OSTEOLOGY, SETTLEMENT TYPE, TENNESSEE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Mytum, Harold 1989 Public Health and Private Sentiment: The Development of Cemetery Architecture and Funerary Monuments from the Eighteenth Century Onwards. World Archaeology 21(2):283-297. PUBLIC HEALTH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, REMAINS, HUMAN, DISPOSAL OF, [JRNL]
N... 1917 Ornementación Precolombiana de los Dientes. Monitor de la Salud 3:56. DENTAL ORNAMENTATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, [COURY 1969:345]
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Nadal-Valldaura, A. 1987 Patología Dentaria. Ronda ODONTOLOGY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:45]
Nadeau, Gabriel 1941 Indian Scalping Technique in Different Tribes. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 10:178-194. SCALPING, TECHNIQUE, [ARME]
Nadeau, Gabriel 1944 Indian Scalping Technique in Different Tribes. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 5(10):1677-1681. SCALPING, TECHNIQUE, [JRNL]
Nadler, Samuel C. 1957 Bruxism, a Classification: Critical Review. Journal of the American Dental Association 54(5):615-622. DENTITION, BRUXISM, CLASSIFICATION, REVIEW, [JRNL]
Nadol, Joseph B., Jr. 1980 Extracranial Technique for Temporal Bone Removal. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 43:18.]. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 89(3):251-252. TEMPORAL BONE REMOVAL, EXTRACRANIAL TECHNIQUE, [JRNL]
Nadoury, Rashid El- 1968 Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East. Archaeological and Historical Studies of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria 2:3-10. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, NEAR EAST, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Nagai, M., and G. Kido 1962 [A Case of Tooth Filing Observed in the Yayoi-Period Ancients, Excavated at the Hirota Site, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.]. [Japanese]. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi/Fukuoka Acta Medica 53:489-493. DENTAL MUTILATION, TOOTH FILING, YAYOI PERIOD, HIROTA SITE, JAPAN, [NDX-Teeth extraction history-03-03-02839 & NDX-Archaeology-04-02-00288 & ARME]
Naguib, S. -A. 1990 Hair in Ancient Egypt. Acta Orientalia 51:7-26. HAIR, EGYPT, [CWHM-1995-165-#0154]
Nagura, Shigeo 1960 The So-Called Osteochondritis Dissecans of König. Clinical Orthopaedics 18:100-122. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, KONIG, [JRNL]
Nagy, Bethel 1992 Recording Patterns of Osteoarthritic Change on Joint Surfaces. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 10. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, RECORDING PATTERN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Nagy, Bethel 1994 Developmental and Functional Accommodation for a Vertebral Malformation: A Prehistoric Case Study. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:151. SPINE, VERTEBRAL MALFORMATION, ACCOMMODATION FOR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Nagy, Bethel 1996 The Utility of Osteoarthritis in Behavioral Reconstruction. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 12. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, BEHAVIORAL RECONSTRUCTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Nagy, Bethel, and Diane Hawkey 1993 Correspondence of Osteoarthritis and Muscle Use in Reconstructing Prehistoric Activity Patterns. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 27. OSTEOARTHRITIS, MUSCLE USE, ACTIVITY PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Nagy, L. 1981 [The Plague Epidemic of Pécs in 1713.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 122:2488-2490. PLAGUE, HUNGARY 1713, [CWHM-1982-114-#1463]
Naiken, V. Samy 1972 Paget's Disease and Beethoven's Deafness. Clinical Orthopaedics 89:103-105. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, DEAFNESS, BEETHOVEN, [JRNL]
Naim, A., and K. Fahmy 1965 Vaginal Fistulae Complicating Salt Atresia in Arabia. Alexandria Medical Journal 11:218-226. FISTULAE, VAGINA, SALT ATRESIA, ARABIA, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:078]
Naito, Y. 1974 A Case of Lumbar Vertebra of Yayoi Human Skeleton Penetrated by an Arrowhead. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon/Jinruigaku Zasshi 82:109. SPINE, VERTEBRA, LUMBAR, YAYOI PERIOD, JAPAN, ARROWHEAD PENETRATION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Naito, Y. 1981 Human Skeletal Remains of the Yayoi Period. In: Jinruigaku-Koza 5. Tokyo: Yuzankaku Shuppan, pp. 57-99. [Japanese]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, JAPAN, YAYOI PERIOD, [AJPA-1995-98:144]
Nakagome, Y., S. R. Young, A. Akane, H. Numabe, D. K. Jin, Y. Yamori, S. Seki, T. Tamura, S. Nagafuchi, H. Shiono, Y. Nakahori 1992 A Y-Associated Allele May Be Characteristic of Certain Ethnic Groups in Asia. Annals of Human Genetics 56:311-314. GENETICS, Y-CHROMOSOME, ASIA, ETHNIC GROUPS, [MYRES-JOEL-BYU-/801-375-6521-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997]
Nakahara, S., and K. Homma 1986 Tufted Toothpicks and Teeth Blackening Customs in Ukiyoe. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 34:88-92. DENTITION, TOOTHPICK, TUFTED, TOOTH BLACKENING, UKIYOE, JAPAN, [CWHM-1987-132-#1934]
Nakahashi, T. 1990 [Ritual Tooth-Ablation in 'Doigahama' Yayoi People.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon/Jinruigaku Zasshi 98(4):483-507 DENTAL ABLATION, YAYOI CULTURE, JAPAN, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:216]
Nakamura, Akira 1987 [An Inquiry into Mikka-Yami (Three-Day Disease) Which Appeared in Medieval Japan.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi/Japanese Society of Medical History 33:308-316. DISEASE, MIKKA-YAMI (THREE-DAY DISEASE), MEDIEVAL, JAPAN, [CWHM-1988-137-#0569]
Nakamura, Akira 1987 [A Pathography of Tamon-in Eishun--a Case of Syphilis in 16th Century Japan.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi/Japanese Society of Medical History 33:477-492. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, JAPAN, [CWHM-1988-138-#1976]
Nakamura, Akira 1995 [A Historical Survey of Diphtheria in Europe, China and Japan. Part 1. Ancient and Medieval Age.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi/Japanese Society of Medical History 41(3):369-394. MEDICAL HISTORY, DIPHTHERIA, EUROPE, CHINA, JAPAN, [CWHM-1995-168-#0349]
Nance, W. E. 1969 Anencephaly and Spina Bifida: A Possible Example of Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Man. Nature (London) 224:369. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA, ANENCEPHALY, [BIENNIAL-REV-ANTHROPOL-1971:160]
Nanda, Ram Sarup 1954 Agenesis of the Third Molar in Man. American Journal of Orthodontics 40:698-706. DENTITION, MOLAR, THIRD, DENTAL AGENESIS, [ARME]
Nanda, Ram Sarup 1955 The Distribution Pattern of Dental Caries. Human Biology 27:211-230. DENTAL CARIES, DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Nansen, P. 1979 A Danish Pathography from the 16th Century. Historia Medicinae Veterinariae 4:73-81. PARASITISM, [CWHM-1981-108-#1386]
Nansen, P., and R. J. Jφrgensen 1977 Fund af Parasitaeg i Arkaeologisk Materiale fra det Vikingetidige Ribe. [Parasite Eggs Identified in Material from Archaeological Excavations in Ribe--the Viking Age.]. [Danish with English Abstract]. [Author's Translation]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 25:11.]. Nordisk Veterinaermedicin 29(6):263-266. PARASITISM, VIKING AGE, [NDX-Archaeology-18-07-05405 & PPNL 1979-25:11 & ZIMM]
Napton, Lewis K. 1969 Archeological and Paleobotanical Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada: Further Analysis of Human Coprolites. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publications, Number 2. COPROLITES, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Napton, Lewis K. 1969 Part IV. The Lacustrine Subsistence Pattern in the Desert West. In: Lewis K. Napton. Archeological and Paleobotanical Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada: Further Analysis of Human Coprolites. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publications, Number 2, pp. 28-89. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, SUBSISTENCE, LACUSTRINE PATTERN, DESERT WEST, USA, [JRNL]
Napton, Lewis K., and O. A. Burnetti 1969 Part II. Paleo-Ornithology of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. In: Lewis K. Napton. Archeological and Paleobotanical Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada: Further Analysis of Human Coprolites. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publications, Number 2, pp. 9-18. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, ORNITHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Napton, Lewis K., and Robert F. Heizer 1969 Introduction. In: Lewis K. Napton. Archeological and Paleobotanical Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada: Further Analysis of Human Coprolites. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publications, Number 2, pp. i-v. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Napton, Lewis K., and Robert F. Heizer 1970 Analysis of Human Coprolites from Archaeological Contexts, with Primary Reference to Lovelock Cave, Nevada. In: Robert F. Heizer, and Lewis K. Napton. Archaeology and the Prehistoric Great Basin Lacustrine Subsistence Regime as Seen from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. Berkeley, California: Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Number 10, pp. 87-129. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, [JRNL]
Napton, Lewis K., and Gerald K. Kelso 1969 Part III. Preliminary Palynological Analysis of Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. In: Lewis K. Napton. Archeological and Paleobotanical Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada: Further Analysis of Human Coprolites. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publications, Number 2, pp. 19-27. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, PALYNOLOGY, [JRNL]
Naranjo, Plutarco 1992 Epidemic Hecatomb in the New World. Allergy Proceedings 13(5):237-241. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EPIDEMIC HECATOMB, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Naranjo, Plutarco 1994 On the American Indian Origin of Syphilis: Fallacies and Errors. Allergy Proceedings 15(2):89-99. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NDX-TREPONEMATOSIS-ON-LINE-CD-1994-ENTRY-MONTHS-10-THROUGH-12-1994 & CWHM-1994-164-#0312]
Naranjo, Tessie 1994 Guest Essay. Natives Peoples. 7(3):5. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Narbe, S. 1981 [Egypt: In Ramses' Time.]. [Swedish]. Odontologiska Foreningens Tidskrift 45(4):30-32. SURGERY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1983-116-#1781]
Nardoux, M., and Montarnal 1980 [Caries--Abrasion--Dimension. Prehistoric Teeth.]. [French]. Ligament (Montpellier) 137:88-91. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ABRASION, DIMENSION, PREHISTORIC, [CWHM-1982-111-#1404 & ARME]
Narita, M. 1994 Establishment of His Imperial Highness Prince Takamatsu Memorial Hall for Historical Materials of Hansen's Disease. Nippon Rai Gakkai Zasshi/Japanese Journal of Leprosy 63(1):30-31. LEPROSY, JAPAN, HISTORY, [NDX-LEPROSY-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-08-02-95]
Nass, G. Gisela, and Nicholas F. Bellantoni 1982 A Prehistoric Multiple Burial from Monument Valley Evidencing Trauma and Possible Cannibalism. Kiva 47(4):257-271. CANNIBALISM, TRAUMA, PREHISTORIC, MONUMENT VALLEY, [JRNL]
Nastoiu, I. 1993 Marturii de arheopatologie infectioasa. [The Evidence of Infectious Archeopathology.]. [Rumanian]. Revista de Igiena, Bacteriologie, Virusologie, Parazitologie, Epidemiologie, Pneumoftiziologi]. Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia 38(3-4):109-111. DISEASE, INFECTIOUS ARCHEOPATHOLOGY, EVIDENCE OF, [CWHM-1994-163-#0283 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Nataf, D. 1988 Magic, Medicine and Dentistry in Pharaonic Egypt. 1. [French]. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie (Paris) 17:323-332. MAGIC, MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, EGYPT, [CWHM-1990-144-#0545]
Nataf, D. 1989 Magie, Médecine et Art Dentaire dans l'Egypt Pharaonique. Deuxième Partie. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie (Paris) 18(1):31-41. DENTISTRY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [CWHM-1991-148-#0510]
Nathan, Hilel 1961 The Skeletal Material from Nahal Hever. 'Atiqot 3:165-175. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NAHAL HEVER, ISRAEL, [INTNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:75]
Nathan, Hilel 1961 The Skeletons of Nahal Mishmar Caves. Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 25:65-69. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NAHAL MISHMAR CAVE, ISRAEL, [INTNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:75]
Nathan, Hilel 1962 Osteophytes of the Vertebral Column. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 44-A(2):243-268. SPINE, OSTEOPHYTES, [JRNL]
Nathan, Hilel, and Baruch Arensburg 1971 [Anatomical and Pathological Observations on Ancient Skeletons in Israel.]. [Hebrew with English Abstract]. Harefuah 80:289-294. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ANATOMY, PATHOLOGY, ANCIENT, ISRAEL, [NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892 & ARME]
Nathan, Hilel, and Nicu Haas 1963 Anthropological Data on the Judean Desert Skeletons. In: E. Goldschmidt. The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations, pp. 284-286. ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA, REMAINS, SKELETAL, JUDEAN DESERT, [ARME]
Nathan, Hilel, and Nicu Haas 1966 Cribra Orbitalia: A Bone Condition of the Orbit of Unknown Nature. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 2(2):171-191. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, [ISCAN-1989:221 & ARME & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:342]
Nathan, Hilel, and Nicu Haas 1966 On the Presence of Cribra Orbitalia in Apes and Monkeys. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 24(3):351-359. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, APE, MONKEY, [JRNL]
Nathan, Hilel, et al. 1982 Mutilation of the Uvula Among Bedouins of the South Sinai. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 18:774-778. MUTILATION, UVULA, BEDOUIN, SOUTH SINAI, [CWHM-1983-116-#1869]
Nathanson, Louis, and William Cohen 1941 A Statistical and Roentgenological Analysis of Two Hundred Cases of Bone and Joint Tuberculosis. Radiology 36(5):550-567, TUBERCULOSIS, BONE, JOINT, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
National Geographic 1994 The Alpine Iceman: Hunter, Toolmaker, Cook. National Geographic 186(3):Geographica. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, ARTIFACT, [JRNL]
National Geographic 1994 In the Arctic, the Taint of Cannibalism. National Geographic 186(5):Geographica. CANNIBALISM, FRANKLIN EXPEDITION, [JRNL]
National Geographic 1994 Mummy's DNA Proves TB Preceded Columbus. National Geographic 186(3):Geographica. MUMMIES, PERU, DNA, TUBERCULOSIS, [JRNL]
National Geographic 1995 Lenin's Caretakers Nurse Siberian Mummy. National Geographic 187(1):Geographica. MUMMIES, SIBERIA, PAZYRYK CULTURE, 'THE LADY', [JRNL]
National Park Service 1993 Buried Heritage: African Burial Ground Declared National Historic Landmark. Federal Archeology Report 6(2):10-11. CEMETERY, AFRICAN, SLAVE, NEW YORK, [JRNL]
National Park Service 1993 NAGPRA. Federal Archeology 6(2):21-22. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
National Park Service 1994 NAGPRA. Federal Archeology Report 6(4):28. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
National Park Service 1994 NAGPRA NEWS: Implementing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Federal Archeology 7(2):44-45. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Naujoks, R. 1980 Zivilisation und Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 35:156-161. DENTAL CARIES, CIVILIZATION, [CWHM-1981-110-#0251]
Navari Padroni, E., Francesco Mallegni, and Gino Fornaciari 1982 Su Alcuni Inumati di Epoca Tardo-Romana (III-IV Secolo d.C.) Provenienti da Alba-S. Cassiano (Cuneo). Studio Antropologico e Note di Paleopatologia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:14.]. Quaderni di Scienze Antropologiche (Padua) 8:80-107. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ITALY, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:04]
Navari Padroni, E., Francesco Mallegni, E. Menicagli, Gino Fornaciari, and B. Ceccanti 1982 Necropoli di Età Romana in Regione San Cassiano di Alba. Parte I: Studio Antropologico e Paleopatologico dei Resti Scheletrici Umani; Parte II: Ricerca degli Elementi Mediante Spettroscopia ad Assorbimento Atomico. Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica Piemonte 1:51-88. REMAINS, SKELETAL, ITALY, ALBA, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:03]
Navarro, J. M. De 1955 A Doctor's Grave of the Middle La Tene Period from Bavaria. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 21:231-248. GRAVE, BAVARIAN DOCTOR'S, LA TENE PERIOD, [ARME]
Naville, Edouard, T. Eric Peer, et al. [See also Peet, T. Eric.]. 1913-1914 The Cemeteries of Abydos. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. CEMETERY, EGYPT, ABYDOS, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#1092]
Nawrocki, Stephen P. 1990 Reflections of Social Status in a Late-19th Century Almshouse Cemetery Population Near Rome, New York. Paper presented at the 30th Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Burlington, Vermont. CEMETERY, PAUPER'S, ROME, NEW YORK, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Nawrocki, Stephen P. 1991 Human Taphonomy and Historic Cemeteries: Factors Influencing the Loss and Subsequent Recovery of Human Remains. Paper presented at the 31st Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Waterloo, Ontario. TAPHONOMY, CEMETERY, HISTORIC, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Nawrocki, Stephen P. 1995 Taphonomic Processes in Historic Cemeteries. In: Anne L. Grauer, ed. Bodies of Evidence: Reconstructing History Through Skeletal Analysis. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 49-66. HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION, SKELETAL ANALYSIS, HISTORIC CEMETERY, TAPHONOMY, [BOOK]
Nawrocki, Stephen P., and E. L. Bell 1991 Burial Archeology and Human Taphonomy in the Northeast. Session organized for the 3tst Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Waterloo, Ontario. TAPHONOMY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Nawrocki, Stephen P., and M. A. Clark 1994 Extreme Dispersal and Damage of Human Skeletal Remains by Farming Equipment. Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, San Antonio, Texas. TAPHONOMY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Nawrocki, Stephen P., and J. E. Pless 1993 Transport of Human Remains in Fluvial Environments: A Review. Paper presented at the 45th Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts TAPHONOMY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
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