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BRINKER, HELMUT. Shussan Shaka - Darstellungen in der Malerei Ostasiens

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BRINKER, HELMUT. Shussan Shaka - Darstellungen in der Malerei Ostasiens. Untersuchungen zu einem Bildthema der buddhistischen Figurenmalerei. (Schweizer Asiatische Studien. Monographien. 3.) 276pp. 149 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Bern/Frankfurt (Peter Lang), 1983.

409 BRINKER, HELMUT. Zen in der Kunst des Malens. 177pp. Prof. illus. Cloth.

Bern/ München (Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag), 1985.

410 BRINKER, HELMUT. Die Zen-buddhistische Bildnismalerei in China und Japan von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Eine Untersuchung zur Ikonographie, Typen- und Entwicklungsgeschichte. (Münchener Ostasiatische Studien. 10.) x, 279, (1)pp., 80 plates with 126 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Wiesbaden (Franz Steiner Verlag), 1973.

411 BROMAN, SVEN. Chinese Shadow Theatre. / Pei-ching ying hsi. (Etnografiska Museet. Monograph Series. 15.) 249, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps.

[Stockholm] (Etnografiska Museet), 1981.

412 BROOMHALL, A.J. Strong Tower. 255, (1)pp., 20 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (China Inland Mission), 1947.

413 BROOMHALL, MARSHALL. Islam in China. A neglected problem. Preface by John R. Mott, Harlan P. Beach, Samuel M. Zwemer. xx, 331, (1), 4pp., 26 plates, 1 folding map. 4to. Orig. cloth.

London (Morgan & Scott/ China Inland Mission), 1910.

414 BROWN, RAYMOND LAMONT. The Magic Oracles of Japan. How to divine your future with these thousand year old systems. 141pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (L.N. Fowler & Co.), 1972.

415 BROWNE, NICK, ET AL. (EDITORS). New Chinese Cinemas: Forms, Identities, Politics. Edited by Nick Browne, Paul G. Pickowicz, Vivian Sobchack, Esther Yau. xiii, (5), 255pp. 46 illus. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1994.

416 BRÜLL, LYDIA. Die japanische Philosophie: Eine Einführung. (Orientalistische Einführungen in Gegenstand, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Einzelgebiete.) xiii, (1), 214pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 1989.

417 BRUIN, A.G. DE. Introduction to Modern Chinese. 3 vols. bound in 1. 136pp.; vi, 248pp.; vi, 276, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Boards, 3/4 cloth.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1914-1917.

418 BRUNNERT, H.S. & HAGELSTROM, V.V. Present Day Political Organization of China. Revised by N.Th. Kolessoff.... (6), iv, (2), 572, lxxxi, (3)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Reprint of the Shanghai 1911 edition.

Taipei (Ch’eng Wen Publishing Company), 1971.

419 BRUXELLES. GISÈLE CROËS. Arts d’Extrème Orient. 58, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Bruxelles, [1990].

420 BRUXELLES. GISÈLE CROËS. [Catalogue]. 46, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Bruxelles, [1993].

421 BRUXELLES. GALERIE KB. Trésors japonais des Collections Baur, Genève. Oct.-Nov. 1989. (Europalia 89: Japan in Belgium.) 68pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps.

Bruxelles, 1989.

422 BRUXELLES. PALAIS DES BEAUX-ARTS. Chinese kunstschatten. Archeologische ontdekkingen in dee Chinese Volksrepubliek. Feb.-April 1975. 106pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Bruxelles, 1975.

423 BRUXELLES. PASSAGE 44. Les aïnous. Peuple chasseur, pêcheur et cueilleur du Nord du Japon. Sept.-Dec. 1989. Catalogue edited by Josef Kreiner and Hans-Dieter Ölschleger. (Europalia 1989: Japon.) 165, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Bruxelles, 1989.

424 BSAM-GTAN, DMU-DGE. Bod du rig gnas dar tshul mdor bsdus bsad pa. Dmu-dge Bsam-gtan gyis brtsams. (2), 81pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Tsang tsu wen hua fa chan chien shih.”

Ch’eng-tu (Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khan), 1982.

425 BSAM-GTAN, DMU-DGE. Brda sprod blo gsal dga ston. Par thens 2. (2), 216pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Yu fa ming yue.”

[Lan-chou] (Kan-suu mi dmans dpe skrun khan), 1981.

426 (BSOD-NAMS-GRAGS-PA, PAN-CHEN) TUCCI, GIUSEPPE. Deb t’er dmar po gsar ma. Tibetan chronicles by bSod nams grags pa. Vol. I [all published]: Tibetan Text, Emendations to the Text, English Translation and an Appendix Containing Two Minor Chronicles. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Serie Orientale Roma. 24.) xiv, 245pp. (103)-pp. facsimile. 4to. Wraps.

Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1971.

427 BSOD-NAMS-RGYA-MTSHO & TACHIKAWA, MUSASHI. The Ngor Mandalas of Tibet: Plates. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum. 2.) xxv, (3), 149pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Wraps. D.j.

Tokyo (The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies), 1989.

428 (BSOD-NAMS-RGYAL-MTSHAN, SA-SKYA-PA BLA-MA DAM-PA) KUZNETSOV, B.I. Rgyal rabs gsal ma’i me long (The Clear Mirror of Royal Genealogies). Tibetan text in transliteration with an introduction in English. (Scripta Tibetana. I.) xx, (2), 221pp. 4to. Cloth.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1966.

429 BSTAN-DZIN-RGYA-MTSHO, DALAI LAMA XIV. The Kalachakra Tantra. Rite of initiation for the stage of generation. A commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo by Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, and the text itself. Edited, translated and introduced by Jeffrey Hopkins. 511pp., 8 color plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

London (Wisdom Publications), 1985.

430 BSTAN-PA-RGYA-MTSHO. Sum rtags las la don gyi gnad don kha sas. Bstan pa rgya mtshos brtsams pa. 42pp. Wraps.

[Lanzhou] (Kan-suu Mi-dmans Dpe-skrun Khan), 1978.

431 BU PA GUI DI GU SHI. Zhongguo ke xue yuan wen xue yan jiu suo bian. 5, (1), 105pp. Wraps.

Xianggang (Gang qing chu ban she), 1978.

432 BU YI CHAI ZI MI CHUAN. [Shanghai guo yi xue she bian ji]. (Yi bu xing xiang cong ka.) 6, 96pp. Wraps.

Tainan (Bei yi chu ban she), 1971.

433 BU-STON RIN-CHEN-GRUB. Bu ston’s History of Buddhism in Tibet. Critically edited with a comprehensive index by János Szerb. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte. 569. Band./ Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 5.) xxxi, (1), 214pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Wien (Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), 1990.

434 BU-STON RIN-CHEN-GRUB. History of Buddhism (Chos-hbyung). Translated from the Tibetan by E. Obermiller. (Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus. 18-19.) 2 vols. I: The Jewelry of Scripture. 187pp. II: The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet. 231pp. Oblong 4to. Wraps. Photocopy.

Heidelberg (In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, Leipzig), 1931-1932.

435 BUCHANAN, D.C. Inari: Its Origin, Development, and Nature. (The Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan. Second Series. 12.) vi, 191, (3)pp. 15 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Tokyo (Asiatic Society of Japan), 1935.

436 BUCK, STEPHEN H. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. (Publications in the Languages of Asia. 1.) xviii, 833pp. Sm. stout 4to. Cloth.

Washington, D.C. (The Catholic University of America Press), 1969.

437 BUDAPEST. IPARMÜVÉSZETI MÚZEUM. Keleti lakkmüvesség: Kina-Japán-India. / Oriental Lacquer Work: China-Japan-India. (22)pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary and captions.

Budapest, 1981.

438 BUDDHISM IN EAST ASIA. (Acta Asiatica. Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture. 66.) vii, (3), 108pp. Figs. 4to. Wraps.

Tokyo (The Toho Gakkai), 1994.

439 BULANG ZU SHE HUI LI SHI DIAO CHA. Yunnan sheng bian ji zu. [Vol. 2 compiled by "Min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu" Yunnan sheng bian ji wei yuan hui bian.] (Zhongguo shao shu min zu she hui li shi diao cha zi liao cong kan.) 2 vols. 133pp., 2 plates, 1 folding map; 120pp., 2 plates, 1 folding map. 4to. Wraps.

Kunming Shi (Yunnan ren min chu ban she), 1981-1982.

440 BULLETIN: CENTRE FRANCO-CHINOIS D'ÉTUDES SINOLOGIQUES, PEKING. (Chung Fa Han hsüeh yen chiu so). Vols. 1 - 3 (all published). 4to. Wraps. Vols. 2-3 have title: Han-süeh/Han-hiue, Bulletin du Centre d’Études Sinologiques de Pekin.

Peking (Zhong Fa Han xue yan jiu suo), 1944-1949.

441 BULLOCK, T.L. Progressive Exercises in the Chinese Written Language. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 305pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

London (Crosby Lockwood & Son), 1912.

442 BUNCE, WILLIAM K. (EDITOR). Religions in Japan: Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity. From the report prepared by the Religions and Cultural Resources Division, Civil Information and Education Section, Central Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo, March 1948. xi, (3), 194pp. Wraps.

Rutland, Vermont/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1960.

443 BUNKAZAI YOGO JITEN. Kyoto-fu Bunkazai Hogo Kikin hen. (4), 517pp. Prof. illus. Plastic covers.

Tokyo (Daiichi Hoki Shuppan), 1976.

444 BUNT, CYRIL G.E. Chinese Fabrics. (The World’s Heritage of Woven Fabric.) 10, (2)pp., 46 plates. 4to. Cloth.

Leigh-on-Sea (F. Lewis), 1961.

445 BURAKU NO REKISHI. Buraku Mondai Kenkyujo hen. (Koza Buraku.) 5 vols. Wraps. D.j.

Kyoto (Sanichi Shobo), 1960.

446 BURCKHARDT, ERWIN (EDITOR). Widmungen des Kaisers zu Bildtafeln über die Baumwollbereitung: Yü-t‘i mian-hua-t‘u. (10)pp., 17 plates with text on verso, loose in decorated cotton sleeve, as issued. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth.

Basel (Kammer-Drucke), n.d.

447 BURGER, HELGA. Chinesische Oper. Photos: Fred Mayer. 203pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Würzburg (Edition Popp), 1983.

448 BURGER, WERNER. Ch’ing Cash Until 1735. 126pp., 6 very large folding tables. Numerous plates hors texte. Sm. folio. Boards.

Taipei (Mei Ya Publications), 1976.

449 BURKHARDT, MARTHA. Chinesische Kultstätten und Kultgebräuche. 176pp. 53 plates (partly hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Erlenbach-Zürich (Rotapfel-Verlag), 1920.

450 BURKHARDT, V.R. Chinese Creeds & Customs. 3 vols. (6), 181, (1), v pp.; (8), 201, (1), ix, (1)pp.; (8), 164, (4), vii, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong (The South China Morning Post), 1958-1959.

451 [BURNE, CHARLOTTE SOPHIA]. Min su xue wen ti ge. Yang Chengzhi yi. (Zhongshan da xue min su cong shu. 15. Dong fang wen cong.) 12, 6, 2, 96, 16pp. Cloth. English-language title-page “Questionary of Folklore.”

Taibei Shi (Dong fang wen hua gong ying she), 1969.

452 BURNHAM, HAROLD B. Chinese Velvets: A Technical Study. (Art and Archaeology Division, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. Occasional Paper No. 2.) 64pp. 15 plates, 14 figs. 4to. Boards.

Toronto (The University of Toronto Press), 1959.

453 BUSCHAN, GEORG. Kulturgeschichte Japans. 278pp., 68 plates (partly color). 4to. Cloth.

Wien/Leipzig (Bernina-Verlag), 1938.

454 BUSH, RICHARD C., JR. Religion in Communist China. 432pp. Sm. 4to. Boards.

Nashville/New York (Abingdon Press), 1970.

455 BUSH, SUSAN. The Chinese Literati on Painting. Su Shih (1037-1101) to Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636). (Harvard-Yenching Institute Studies. 27.) x, (2), 227pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps.

Cambridge (Harvard University Press), 1971.

456 BUSH, SUSAN & MURCK, CHRISTIAN (EDITORS). Theories of the Arts in China. xxvi, 447pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. Papers presented at a conference at the Breckinridge Public Affairs Center, Bowdoin College, York, Maine, June 6-12, 1979. Texts by 16 contributors.

Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1983.

457 BUSHELL, RAYMOND. Collectors’ Netsuke. Second printing, with corrections. 199pp. 354 illus. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1974.

458 BUSHELL, RAYMOND. The Inro Handbook. Studies of netsuke, inro, and lacquer. 263pp. 424 illus. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1979.

459 BUSHELL, RAYMOND. Netsuke Familiar and Unfamiliar. New principles for collecting. 259pp. 790 illus. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1975.

460 BUSHELL, RAYMOND. The Wonderful World of Netsuke. 71pp. 100 color illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Rutland/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1964.

461 BUSQUET, GÉRARD & DELACAMPAGNE, CHRISTIAN. Ladakh. 188, (2)pp., 8 plates with 11 illus. Wraps.

Paris (Éditions Buchet/Chastel/ Nouvelles Frontières), 1977.

462 BUSSAGLI, MARIO. Chinesische Malerei. (Elite-Bibliothek.) 159pp. 74 color plates. Sm. 8vo. Leatherette.

München (Schuler), 1975.

463 BUSSAGLI, MARIO (INTRODUCTION). Seide und Baumwolle im Mandschu-China. Mit einem Text von Jean-Baptiste Du Halde. (Iconographia.) (12)pp., 23 color plates. Text illus. Sq. 4to. Cloth.

Genf (Weber), 1980.

464 BUSSY, JACQUES. Allumettes japonaises. Collection Éric Serret. (Les Collections de l’Iconophile.) 38 plates (mostly in color), with captions on verso. Wraps.

N.p. (Léoréca Édition), [1977].

465 BUXTON, L.H. DUDLEY. China: The Land and the People. A human geography. With a chapter on the climate by W.G. Kendrew. xiii, (7), 333pp., 16 plates. 30 figs., 4 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1929.

466 BUYANBATU. Monggol-un uran jokiyal-un silideg ob ulamjilal. 2, 5, (1), 147pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Menggu wen xue de you xiu yi chan.”

Qayilar (Obor Monggol-un Soyul-un Keblel-un Qoriy-a), 1982.

467 BUYI YU DIAO CHA BAO GAO. Zhongguo ke xue yuan shao shu min zu yu yan yan jiu suo zhu bian. iv, 382pp. 1 map. 4to. Cloth.

Beijing (Ke xue chu ban she), 1959.

468 BUYI ZU GU GE XU SHI GE XUAN. Guizhou sheng she hui ke xue yuan wen xue yan jiu suo, Qian nan Buyizu Miaozu Zizhizhou wen yi yan jiu shi bian. (Buyi zu min jian wen xue cong shu.) 2, 296pp. Wraps.

Guiyang (Guizhou ren min chu ban she), 1982.

469 BYA SPREL GTAM RGYUD (BOD RIGS KYI SGRUN GTAM). (2), 33pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Hu niao de gu shi.”

Lha-sa (Bod-ljons mi dmans dpe skrun khan), 1978.

470 BYA SPREL GYI GTAM RGYUD. 41, (1)pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Hou niao ti ku shih.”

[Zi-lin] (Mtsho-snon mi rigs dpe skrun khan), 1981.

471 BYKOV, A.A. Monety Kitaia. 74, (6)pp. 23 plates with 173 illus. Numerous plates and figs. in text. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Leningrad (“Sovetskii Khudozhnik”), 1969.

472 BYRON, JOHN. Portrait of a Chinese Paradise. Erotica and sexual customs of the Late Qing Period. (6), 82, (4)pp., 43 color plates. Text figs. 4to. Cloth.

London (Quartet Books), 1987.

473 CAHIERS D’ÉTUDES ET DE DOCUMENTS SUR LES RELIGIONS DU JAPON. (École Pratique des Hautes Études. Ve Section: Centre d’Études sur les Religions et les Traditions Populaires du Japon.) Vols. 1 - 6. 4to. Wraps. Vol. 3: Syncrétisme au Japon. Omizutori: Le rituel de l’eau de Jouvence. [Par] Laurence Berthier; vol. 5: Tokuhon, ascète du Nenbutsu - dans le cadre d’une étude sur les religieux errants de l’époque d’Édo. [Par] Anne-Marie Bouchy; vol. 6: Omoto, espérance millénariste d’une nouvelle religion japonaise. [Par] Jean-Pierre Berthon.

Paris, 1979-1985.

474 CAHIERS D’EXTRÊME-ASIE. Revue bilingue de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Section de Kyoto. Vol. 6: Numéro spécial: Chamanisme coréen. 338, (12)pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps.

Kyoto, 1991/1992.

475 CAHILL, JAMES. Chinesische Malerei, 11.-14. Jahrhundert. 40pp., 27 plates (18 color). Oblong 8vo. Cloth.

Hannover (Fackelträger-Verlag Schmidt-Küster), 1961.

476 CAHILL, JAMES. The Distant Mountains. Chinese painting of the late Ming Dynasty, 1570-1644. xvi, (4), 302pp. 157 illus. (18 color), numerous text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1982.

477 CAHILL, JAMES. Hills Beyond a River. Chinese painting of the Yüan Dynasty, 1279-1368. xv, (5), 198pp., 8 color plates. 94 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1976.

478 CAHILL, JAMES. An Index to Early Chinese Painters and Paintings. T’ang, Sung, and Yüan. Incorporating the work of Osvald Sirén and Ellen Johnston Laing. x, 391pp. 4to. Cloth.

Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1980.

479 CAHILL, JAMES. The Painter’s Practice. How artists lived and worked in traditional China. (Bampton Lectures in America.) xi, (3), 187pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

New York (Columbia University Press), 1994.

480 CAHILL, JAMES. Parting at the Shore. Chinese painting of the early and middle Ming Dynasty, 1368-1580. xiv, (2), 281, (3)pp. 149 illus. (14 color). Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1978.

481 CAHILL, SUZANNE E. Transcendence & Divine Passion. The Queen Mother of the West in medieval China. xix, (3), 303pp. 8 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1995.

482 CAI, GUOYING. Ying yi Zhongguo shi-cixuan. / Chinese Poems with English Translations. xiii, (1), 179, (3)pp. Wraps.

Taibei (Zhengzhong shuju), 1975.

483 CAI, YUANPEI. Cai Yuanpei min zu xue lun zhu. (Zhongguo min zu xue hui cong kan. 1.) 62, (2)pp. Wraps.

Taibei (Taiwan Zhonghua shu ju), 1962.

484 CAI, YUANPEI. Shi tou ji suo yin. 206pp. Wraps.

Shanghai (Shang wu yin shu guan), 1917.

485 CAILLET, LAURENCE. Das Leben der Frau Yamazaki. Eine japanische Karriere. 507, (3)pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

München/Wien (Carl Hanser Verlag), 1993.

486 CALCUTTA. INDIAN MUSEUM. A Catalogue of Tibetan Thankas in the Indian Museum. [By] Sipra Chakravarti. viii, 56, (4)pp., 16 plates (6 color). 4to. Cloth.

Calcutta, 1980.

487 CAMBRIDGE. FOGG ART MUSEUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Art from Ritual: Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections. April-Sept. 1983. Introduction and catalogue by Dawn Ho Delbanco. 157, (3)pp. Prof. illus. (numerous color plates). Folio. Leatherette. Limited edition.

Cambridge, 1983.

488 CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. HAYDEN GALLERY. Visual Dharma. The Buddhist art of Tibet. April-May 1975. Catalogue by Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. 139, (1)pp. 54 plates. 4to. Wraps.

Berkeley/ London (Shambala), 1975.

489 CAMBRIDGE. PEABODY MUSEUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. China’s Inner Asian Frontier. Photographs of the Wulsin Expedition to Northwest China in 1923 from The Archives of The Peabody Museum, Harvard University and The National Geographic Society. Edited by M.E. Alonso. Historical text by Joseph Fletcher. Nov. 1979-May 1980. 108pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps.

Cambridge, 1979.

490 CAMERON, NIGEL. Hong Kong, the Cultured Pearl. xv, (1), 281pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong (Oxford University Press), 1978.

491 CAMMANN, SCHUYLER. Substance and Symbol in Chinese Toggles. Chinese belt toggles from the C.F. Bieber Collection. Illustrated with photographs by Hedda Hammer Morrison and Laura Gilpin. 256, (2)pp. 230 illus. 4to. Cloth.

Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Press), 1962.

492 CAMPANY, ROBERT FORD. Strange Writing: Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China. (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture.) xii, 524pp. 4to. Boards.

Albany (State University of New York Press), 1996.

493 CAO, CHENGZHANG & ZHANG, YUANQING. Dai zu. (Min zu zhi shi cong shu.) 2, 95, (1)pp., 8 plates. Wraps.

Beijing (Min zu chu ban she), 1984.

494 [CAO, XUEQIN.] Der Traum der roten Kammer. Aus dem Chinesischen übertragen von Franz Kuhn. 796, (2)pp. Illus. Boards.

Leipzig (Insel-Verlag), 1948.

495 CAO, ZHENGHAI. Ming Xiang chu bu. 3, (1), 220pp. Wraps.

Taibei (Ping Ping chu ban she), 1965.

496 CAO, ZHENHAI. Ming xiang qi tan. 2, 225pp. Wraps.

Taipei-shi (Pingping cxhu ban she), 1965.

497 CAO, ZHENHAI. Ming Xiang xue jiang zuo. 2, 190pp. Wraps.

[Taibei Shi] (Hua Lian shu ju), 1966.

498 CAO, ZHENHAI. Ming xiang zhang gu. 4, 464pp. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (Ping ping chu ban she), 1965.

499 CAPEK, ABE. Chinesische Steinbilder. 56, (2)pp. 72 illus. hors texte. Text illus. Sm. sq. folio. Cloth.

Praha (Artia), 1962.

500 CAPON, EDMUND. Art and Archaeology in China. / Chung-kuo chih i-shu yü k’ao-ku. 136, (10)pp., 118 color plates. Oblong 4to. Wraps. D.j.

Melbourne (Macmillan), 1977.

501 CAPON, EDMUND & MACQUITTY, WILLIAM. Princes of Jade. 192pp. Prof. illus. (partly in color). 4to. Wraps.

London (Cardinal ), 1973.

502 CARR, BRIAN & MAHALINGAM, INDIRA. Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy. xxiii, (1), 1136pp. Stout 4to. Boards.

London/New York (Routledge), 1997.

503 CARRASCO, PEDRO. Land and Polity in Tibet. (The American Ethnological Society.) vii, (1), 307, (7)pp. Figs. Sm. 4to. Boards.

Seattle (University of Washington Press), 1959.

504 CARROLL, DUNHAM & BAKER, IAN. Tibet: Reflections from the Wheel of Life. Photographs by Thomas L. Kelly. Foreword by the Dalai Lama. 203, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Cloth.

New York (Abbeville Press), 1993.

505 CARTER, MICHAEL. Crafts of China. (Crafts of the World.) 144pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

London (Aldus Books), 1977.

506 CARUS, PAUL. Chinese Astrology. 135pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Originally published 1907.

La Salle, Illinois (Open Court), 1974.

507 CASAL, U.A. The Five Sacred Festivals of Ancient Japan. Their symbolism & historical development. viii, 114pp. 9 illus. (partly hors texte). 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Tokyo/ Rutland, Vermont (Sophia University/ Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1967.

508 CASAL, U.A. Hachiman. Der Kriegsgott Japans. (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens. Band XLI, Teil D.) 29, (3)pp., 1 plate. 4to. Wraps.

Tokyo (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens), 1962.

509 CASANOWICZ, I.M. Paraphernalia of a Korean Sorceress in United States National Museum. (From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 51.) (8)pp., 5 plates. 4to. Wraps.

Washington (Government Printing Office), 1916.

510 CASTELL, WULF DIETHER, GRAF ZU. Chinaflug. 192pp. 128 plates. 4to. Cloth.

Berlin/Zürich (Atlantis-Verlag), 1938.

511 CAUSEMANN, MARGRET (TRANSLATOR). Füchse des Morgens. Märchen einer tibetischen Nomadenfrau. 260, (4)pp. 52 illus. Cloth.

Köln (Eugen Diederichs Verlag), 1986.

512 CAUZ, GINGYUNGZ, ET AL. Ciengz Yungh Cungcingzyieg. Cauz Gingyungs bien Cangh Cauhliengz. Suh Gvangjsunz hoiz. (2), 63pp. Illus. Wraps.

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513 CAVENDISH, A.E.J. Korea and the Sacred White Mountain. Being a brief account of a journey in Korea in 1891. Together with “An Account of an Ascent of the White Mountain” by H.E. Goold-Adams. New edition. 224pp., 2 folding maps. 40 plates (mostly hors texte). Sm. 4to. Orig. dec. blue cloth.

London (George Philip & Son), 1894.

514 CAVIN, ALBERT. Der Konfuzianismus. (Die Grossen Religionen der Welt.) 313, (3)pp. 23 illus. hors texte. Figs. Sm. 4to. Buckram.

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515 (CEN, SHEN) RUAN, TINGYU. Cen Jiazhou shi jiao zhu. Ruan Tingyu zhu. (Zhonghua cong shu.) (40), 434pp. 40 plates, facsimiles in text. Wraps.

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516 CHAFFEE, JOHN W. The Thorny Gates of Learning in Sung China. A social history of examinations. (Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature and Institutions.) xxii, 279, (3)pp. 14 illus., 31 tables. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1985.


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