Aarflot, olav. Kinesisk musikk

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6238 Hasake hua jia AMAN. / Qazaq swretshisi Aman. (52)pp. 33 plates (mostly in color), 2 text figs. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and romanized Kazakh.

[Urümchi] (Xinjiang ren min chu ban she), [1982].

6239 München. Fotomuseum im Stadtmuseum. FELICE BEATO in Japan. Photographien zum Ende der Feudalzeit, 1863-1873. Herausgegeben von Claudia Gabriele Philipp, Dietmar Siegert, Rainer Wick. June-July 1991. 207pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Heidelberg (Editions Braus), 1991.

6240 CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI. China, gestern und heute. (130)pp. 144 illus. 4to. Boards.

Düsseldorf (Karl Rauch Verlag), [1955].

6241 [Li, Yimang.] Ming CHEN HONGSHOU Shui hu ye zi. [Gong gao zhe Li Yimang]. (64)pp., printed on folding leaves. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Shanghai (Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she), 1979.

6242 Junker, Heinrich F.J. (editor). KI-SAN: Alte koreanische Bilder. Landschaften und Volksleben. 18, (2)pp., 44 plates with facing commentary. Frontis. in color. Sm. folio. Cloth.

Leipzig (Otto Harrassowitz), 1958.

6243 FENG KANGHOU yin ji. (2), 172pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Xianggang (Nan tian yin she), 1975.

6244 Pommeranz-Liedtke, Gerhard. GUAN HSIU: Die sechzehn Lohans. Eine berühmte Bildnisreihe der chinesisch-buddhistischen Kunst. (Insel-Bücherei. 727.) 51, (1)pp. 32 illus. Sm. 8vo. Boards.

[Leipzig] (Insel-Verlag), 1961.

6245 Utsunomiya-shi. Tochigi Kenritsu Bijutsukan. HAMADA SHOJI. Me to te. Oct.-Dec. 1974. (12)pp., 90 plates. Oblong 4to. Wraps.

Tokyo (Asahi Shinbunsha), 1974.

6246 Hayashi, Yoshikazu. HARUNOBU: Enpon kenkyu. 294pp., 8 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Dec. boards. Slipcase.

Tokyo (Yuko Shobo), 1964.

6247 Kondo, Ichitaro. SUZUKI HARUNOBU (1725?-1770). (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. 7.) (84)pp. 50 illus. Wraps.

Rutland/ Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle), 1956.

6248 Berlin. Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz. HIGASHIYAMA KAII: Landschaften. Feb.-April 1989. 144pp. 100 plates, text figs. Lrg. 4to. Stiff wraps.

Berlin, 1989.

6249 Robinson, B.W. HIROSHIGE. (Humboldt Kunstreihe.) 90pp. Prof. illus. 12mo. Wraps.

Berlin/München (Gebrüder Weiss, Verlag Lebendiges Wissen), 1963.

6250 Grilli, Elise. KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAI (1760-1849). Based upon the Japanese text of Ichitaro Kondo. (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. 1.) (80)pp. 42 plates (mostly in color). Wraps.

Rutland/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle), 1957.

6251 Shibayama, Zenkei. Zen no bokugyuzu. JIKIHARA GYOKUSEI ga. / Zen Oxherding Pictures. Commentaries by Zenkei Shibayama; paintings by Gyokusei Jikihara. 101, (2), 21pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. English-language summary.

Osaka (Sogensha), 1975.

6252 Umeda, Yukio (editor). Glimpses of Old Japan: 120 Colour Paintings by YUSETSU KAIHO. 134pp. 120 color plates, 1 fig. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Slipcase.

Tokyo (Orient Co.), 1984.

6253 Takeda, Tsuneo. KANO EITOKU. (Japanese Arts Library. 3.) 178pp. 120 illus. (partly color). 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo/ New York (Kodansha International), 1977.

6254 Leiden. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde. KAWAHARA KEIGA. Fotograf zonder camera/ photographer without a camera. Dec. 1987-April 1988. 34, (2)pp. Illus. Wraps.

Leiden, 1987.

6255 London. British Museum. Demon of Painting: The Art of KAWANABE KYOSAI. [By] Timothy Clark. Dec. 1993-Feb. 1994. 192pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Stiff wraps.

London (British Museum Press), 1993.

6256 Venezia. Palazzo Ducale. Il mondo di EIZAN. A cura di Eiko Kondo. 254pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Stiff wraps.

Roma (De Luca Edizioni d’Arte), 1989.

6257 Takahashi, Seiichiro. TORII KIYONAGA (1752-1815). English adaptation by Thomas Kaasa. (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 8.) (72)pp. 46 plates (32 color, 4 folding). Wraps.

Rutland, Vermont/ Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1956.

6258 Robinson, B.W. KUNIYOSHI. Ein Meister des japanischen Farbholzschnittes. Mit einer Einführung von Werner Speiser. 58, (2)pp., 33 color plates (partly folding). Sm. folio. Boards.

Essen (Burkhard-Verlag Ernst Heyer), 1963.

6259 KUO HSI. An Essay on Landscape Painting (Lin ch’üan kau chih). Translated by Shio Sakanashi. Foreword by L. Cranmer-Byng. Preface by Kuo Jo-hsü. (The Wisdom of the East.) 70pp. Cloth.

London (John Murray), 1959.

6260 Silbergeld, Jerome & Gong, Jisui. Contradictions: Artistic Life, the Socialist State, and the Chinese Painter LI HUASHENG. (Jackson School Publications in International Studies.) xxii, 242pp. 118 illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1993.

6261 Rychterová, Eva. LI KO-JAN, ein chinesischer Maler der Gegenwart. 18, (4)pp., 56 plates (16 color). 4to. Cloth.

Praha (Artia), 1963.

6262 Ledderose, Lothar. MI FU and the Classical Tradition of Chinese Calligraphy. xi, (3), 131, (1)pp., 50 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1979.

6263 Dittrich, Edith. Das Westzimmer: Chinesische Farbholzschnitte von MIN CH’I-CHI, 1640. (12)ff., 21 color plates, loose in portfolio. Lrg. folio. Wraps.

N.p. (BASF), n.d.

6264 Tanahashi, Kazuaki & Kurihara, Tetsuo. MOKUJIKI-butsu. (Dentobi shirizu. 26.) 213, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards.

Tokyo (Kajima Kenkyujo Shuppankai), 1973.

6265 Winzinger, Franz. HISHIKAWA MORONOBU. Vergnügungen der Liebe. Koi no Tanoshimi. Second edition. 45, (3)pp. 32 facsimile plates. Lrg. 8vo. Stiff wraps.

Dortmund (Harenberg), 1980.

6266 MORRISON, HEDDA. Hua Shan. The taoist sacred mountain in West China: Its scenery, monasteries and monks. Introduction and taoist musings by Wolfram Eberhard. xxv, (1), 135, (3)pp. 111 plates. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong (Vetch and Lee), 1974.

6267 MORRISON, HEDDA. Travels of a Photographer in China, 1933-1946. vii, (1), 246pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong (Oxford University Press), 1987.

6268 Roos, W.H. de (introduction). All things made of bamboo: Ehon Take ni Yorumono. Attributed to NISHIKAWA SUKENOBU, 1671-1751. 2 parts. I: Introduction. (10)pp. Wraps. II: Facsimile. (16)-pp. facsimile, printed on folded leaves. 15 plates. Boards, stitched. Lrg. 8vo. Folding case (boards).

Amsterdam (Uitgeverij C.J. van der Peet), [1964?].

6269 [Germain-Thomas, Olivier.] BANG HAI-JA: Matières - lumière. (44)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Korean and French.

N.p., n.d.

6270 Chen, Fan. BAISHI yin pu. (6)pp., 69 plates. Cloth.

Xianggang (Xianggang Shanghai shu ju), 1965.

6271 Lai, T.C. CH’I PAI SHIH. xi, (1), 209pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Kowloon, Hong Kong (Swindon Book Company), 1973.

6272 (QIN, ZUYONG) Goepper, Roger. Im Schatten des Wu-T’ung Baumes. / Tong yin hua jue. [Gedanken zur Malerei von Ch’in Tsu-Yung.] 61pp., 32 plates. Sq. 8vo. Boards.

München (Hirmer), 1959.

6273 RIBOUD, MARC. Die drei Banner Chinas. Vorwort von Han Suyin. 215pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Genf/Hamburg (Verlag Helmut Kossodo), 1966.

6274 SATO, GIEI. Tagebuch eines Zen-Lehrlings. Zeichnungen und Text von Sato Giei; eingeführt von Takashi Seiko Hirata; aus dem Japanischen übersetzt und mit klärenden Ergänzungen versehen von Johanna Fischer. 125, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Pfullingen (Verlag Günther Neske), 1988.

6275 Nakamura, Tanio. SESSHU TOYO (1420-1506). English text by Elise Grilli. (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 10.) (64)pp. 60 illus. (partly tipped-in color). Wraps.

Rutland/ Tokyo (Tuttle), 1957.

6276 Kondo, Ichitaro. TOSHUSAI SHARAKU (Worked 1794-1795). (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. 2.) (70)pp. 48 plates. Wraps.

Rutland/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1955.

6277 SU, SHI. Su Dongpo shu Jin gang jing. (42)pp., printed on folded leaves. 4to. Wraps. English-language colophon “The Diamond Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom Vajracchedika Prajñaparamita Sutra (Skrt.). Translated by Imperial Command by the Tripitakacarya Kumarajiva (344-413 A.D.) in the Yao Ch’in Dynasty (384-417 A.D.). A facsimile of the calligraphy by Su Tung P’o (1036-1101) with a colophon by Su Tung P’o dated the second day (the character for the month has been obliterated) of the year Keng Ch’en of the era Yüan Fu, i.e. 1100 A.D. together with another colophon by Wu K’uan (1435-1504 A.D.).”

Xianggang (Fo xue yin shu ju), 1980.

6278 SU, SHI. Wan xiang tang Su tie. 12 vols., printed on folding leaves. 27.5 cm. Tall 4to. Wraps. Folding cloth case. Calligraphy compiled by Yao Xuejing in 1788. This Yao version is also known as “Xiao wan xiang tang tie” to distinguish it from the 35 juan edition compiled by Chen Jiru in 1616. Acquired by the previous owner in Peking in 1948.

N.p., n.d.

6279 TANGE, KENZO & Kawazoe, Noboru. Ise. Prototype of Japanese architecture. 212pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (MIT Press), 1965.

6280 TANUMA, TAKEYOSHI. Shitamachi, hitomukashi: Tanuma Takeyoshi shashinshu. (116)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Cloth. English-language introduction and title on cover “Old Town...The Tokyo of Yesteryear.”

Tokyo (Asahi Sonorama), 1980.

6281 THOMSON, JOHN. China: The Land and Its People. Early photographs by John Thomson. 160pp. 141 illus. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong (John Warner Publications), 1977.

6282 Cleary, Thomas (introduction). The Buddha Scroll: DING GUANPENG. (72)-pp. leporello. 64 plates. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Boards.

Boston/London (Shambhala), 2000.

6283 Hong Kong. Hong Kong Museum of Art. Guan Lianchang hua shi zhi hui hua./ TINGQUA: Paintings from his Studio. 39pp. 17 color plates, figs. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong, 1976.

6284 Köln. Overstolzenhaus. Werke von TOMIOKA TESSAI. April-May 1967. (10)pp., 54 plates (4 color) with facing commentary. 1 plate in text. 4to. Wraps.

Köln, 1967.

6285 TESSAI: Amerika junkai ten kinen. / Tomioka Tessai. The commemorative picture album of Tessai’s circulating exhibition in Canada. 17, (19)pp., 60 plates. Text illus. Folio. Cloth.

Takarazuka (Kiyoshi-Kojin), 1962.

6286 Hayashi, Yoshikazu. TOYOKUNI: Enpon kenkyu. 302pp., 8 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Dec. boards. Slipcase.

Tokyo (Yuko Shobo), 1964.

6287 Kikuchi, Sadao. UTAGAWA TOYOKUNI (1769-1825). English adaptation by Roy Andrew Miller. (Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. 9.) (72)pp. 49 plates. Wraps.

Rutland/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1957.

6288 Takagi, Moto. TSUJIMURA jusaburo mange kyoka. 128pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Wraps.

Tokyo (Bijutsu Shuppansha), 1980.

6289 Kansas City. Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The Century of TUNG CH’I-CH’ANG, 1555-1636. Wai-kam Ho, editor. Judith G. Smith, coordinating editor. With essays by: Wai-kam Ho and Dawn Ho Delbanco, Wen C. Fong, James Cahill, Kohara Hironobu, Xu Bangda, Wang Qingzheng, Celia Carrington Riely, and Wang Siqing.... April-June 1992. 2 vols. xxxvi, 465pp.; xvii, (1), 602pp. Most prof. illus. Sm. sq. folio. Wraps.

Kansas City, 1992.

6290 WANG, YUYI. Jiu Jing feng su bai tu. Wang Yuyi zuo hua; Duanmu Hongliang ti shi./ Old Beijing in Genre Paintings. 171, (1), 18pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. English captions abridged and translated by Wang Lu.

Xianggang (Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian Xianggang fen dian), 1984.

6291 WU, YOURU. Wu Youru hua bao. 3 vols. Prof. illus. Lrg. oblong 4to. Boards. Reprint of the Shanghai (Wen rui lou shu ju), 1908 edition.

Shanghai (Shanghai gu ji shu dian), 1983.

6292 YAN, ZHENQING. Yan Qin li bei. (48)pp., printed on folding leaves. 4to. Wraps.

N.p., n.d.

6293 YANG JIABU mu ban nian hua. (2)pp., 27 color plates, loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 8vo. Boards.

N.p., 1981.

6294 Köln. Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst. TAISO YOSHITOSHI, 1839-1892. Ein Holzschnittmeister an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit. July-Oct. 1971. Texts by R. Goepper, W. Schamoni, W. Netto, H. Lühdorf. 109, (3)pp., 31 plates (8 color). 4to. Wraps. Contains a catalogue of books illustrated by the artist.

Köln, 1971.

6295 ZHAO MENGFU da kai zi tie. (12)pp., 16 plates. 3 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps.

Xianggang (Nan tong tu shu gong si), n.d.

6296 Hong Kong. Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong. ZHOU LÜYUN hua yi./ Chinese painting by Irene Chou. 123pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Leatherette. Parallel texts in Chinese and English. Signed by the artist on the front flyleaf.

Hong Kong, [1986].

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