Aarflot, olav. Kinesisk musikk

HOMANN, ROLF (TRANSLATOR). Pai wen p’ien [Bai wen pian], or, The Hundred Questions

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HOMANN, ROLF (TRANSLATOR). Pai wen p’ien [Bai wen pian], or, The Hundred Questions. A dialogue between two Taoists on the macrocosmic and microcosmic system of correspondences. (Nisaba. Religious Texts Translation Series. 4.) x, 109pp. Wraps.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1976.

2060 HOMMEL, RUDOLF P. China at Work. An illustrated record of the primitive industries of China’s masses, whose life is toil, and thus an account of Chinese civilization. 366pp. 536 illus. 4to. Wraps. Reprint of the New York 1937 edition.

Cambridge/London (The M.I.T. Press), 1969.

2061 HONG, I-SOP. Korea’s Self-Identity. 242pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Seoul (Yonsei University Press), 1973.

2062 HONG, I-SOP. Sejong Taewang. v, (3), 270, v pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (Sejong Taewang Kinyom Saophoe), 1971.

2063 HONG, IL-SIK (GENERAL EDITOR). Hanguk minsok taegwan. / Survey of Korean Folk Culture. 6 vols. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. 1. Sahoe kujo, kwan-hon-sang-che./ Social structure, rites and ceremonies -- 2. Ilsang saenghwal, ui-sik-chu./ Daily life, food, clothing and housing -- 3. Mingan sinang, chonggyo./ Faith and religion -- 4. Sesi p‘ungsok, chonsung nori./ Customs of the four seasons and folk games -- 5. Minsok yesul, saengop kisul./ Folk art, business and technology -- 6. Kubi chonsung, kit‘a./ Oral tradition, etc.

Soul (Kotae Minjok Munhwa Yon`guso Ch`ulp`anbu), 1980-1982.

2064 HONG, JUNTAO. Cao zi bian. Hong Juntao bian; Qi Gong jiao ding. 4 vols. Prof. illus. Stout 4to. Cloth.

Beijing (Wen wu chu ban she), 1983.

2065 HONG KONG: ANNUAL REPORT 1957. (4), 409pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Boards.

Hong Kong (Government Press), 1958.

2066 HONG KONG. FLAGSTAFF HOUSE MUSEUM OF TEA WARE. Cha ju wen wu guan: Luo Guixiang cang pin. / K.S. Lo Collection in the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware. Part 2. 209pp. 271 illus. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong (Hong Kong Museum of Art), 1984.

2067 HONG KONG. HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Chinese Bamboo Carving. / Zhongguo zhu ke yi shu. [By] Ip Yee, Laurence C.S. Tam. Part I. (3rd Festival of Asian Art.) 563pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Hong Kong, 1978.

2068 HONG KONG. HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Qing dai bi yan hu. / Snuff Bottles of the Ch’ing Dynasty. Oct.-Dec. 1978. (Di san jie Yazhou yi shu jie./ The 3rd Festival of Asian Arts.) 139pp. 250 illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong, 1978.

2069 HONG KONG. HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Shiwan tao yi: Xianggang yi shu guan. / Shek-wan Pottery. Oct.-Dec. 1977. (Shi zheng ju zhu ban Yazhou yi shu jie./ The Festival of Asian Arts.) 234pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong (Xianggang shi zheng ju), 1977.

2070 HONG KONG. HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Zhongguo min jian gong yi: Jian jie. / Folk Arts of the Middle Kingdom: An Introduction. 43pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong, 1975.

2071 HONG KONG. HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Zhujiang shi jiu shi ji feng mao. / Pearl River in the Nineteenth Century. Feb.-April 1981. 91pp. 60 plates. Oblong 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Hong Kong, 1981.

2072 HONG, LIANGJI. Chih louh kouoh kiang yuh tchí. Histoire géographique des seize royaumes. Ouvrage traduit du chinois pour la première fois et annoté. (Publications de l’École des Langues Orientales Vivantes. IIIe Série. 11.) 2 vols. bound in 1. xii, vi, 206, (2), cxcii, xlviii pp. Lrg. 4to. New boards, 1/4 cloth.

Paris (Ernest Leroux), 1891-1892.

2073 HONG, SUN-CH’ANG & TAMURA, ENCHO. Han-il kodae munhwa kyosop sa yongu. (Han-Il kwangye Yonguso haksul chongso. 1.) 345pp., 24 plates. Figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Soul (Ulyoo Munhwasa), 1974.


Tainan (Da cheng chu ban she), 1971.

2075 HONG, U. Singo Tonghak immun. xiii, (1), 255pp., 8 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Soul (Ilchogak), 1977.

2076 HONGSERMEIER, HANS (EDITOR). Tibeter-Teppiche. Beiträge von Jim Ford und Peter Mauch. Einleitung von Heinrich Harrer. 112pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Cloth.

Innsbruck/Frankfurt (Pinguin-Verlag/ Umschau-Verlag), 1987.

2077 HONOUR, HUGH. Chinoiserie: The Vision of Cathay. viii, (2), 294pp. 144 illus. 4to. Wraps.

London (John Murray), 1973.

2078 HOOK, BRIAN (GENERAL EDITOR). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China. 492pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1982.

2079 HOOVER, THOMAS. Die Kultur des Zen. Malerei und Dichtung, Theater, Architektur und Gärten, Sport, Ikebana, Keramik und Kochkunst. 272pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Düsseldorf/Köln (Eugen Diederichs Verlag), 1978.

2080 HOPKINS, JEFFREY. Meditation on Emptiness. Assistant editor: Elizabeth Napper. 1017pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

London (Wisdom Publications), 1983.

2081 HOPPE, THOMAS. Die ethnischen Gruppen Xinjiangs: Kulturunterschiede und interethnische Beziehungen. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg. 258.) 564pp., 2 folding maps. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Hamburg (Institut für Asienkunde), 1995.

2082 HOPPE, THOMAS. Xinjiang - eine Arbeitsbibliographie. Xinjiang, Volksrepublik China und angrenzende Gebiete Zentralasiens: Geographie, Geschichte, Landnutzung, Ethnien, Wüsten./ Xinjiang - a Provincial Bibliography.... (Geochina. Materialien zur Raumentwicklung der VR China. 8.) (8), 72pp. 3 maps. Wraps. Parallel texts in German and English.

München (Geographisches Institut der Technischen Universität München), 1983.

2083 HOR GLIN G’YUL GYED: DZAM-GLIN GE-SAR RGYAL-POI SGRUN. 2 vols. 3, (1), 667, (1)pp.; 3, (1), 4, (2), 562pp. Illus. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Gesa'er chuan qi, Huoling da zhan.”

Xining Shi (Mtsho-snon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun Khan), 1980.

2084 HORI, ICHIRO. Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and Change. Edited by Joseph M. Kitagawa and Alan L. Miller. (Haskell Lectures on History of Religions. N.S. 1.) xv, (1), 278pp. Illus. Wraps.

Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1974.

2085 HORI, MIYASHIZU. Nihon no seikatsu bunkazai. (16), 65pp., 4 color plates. 448 illus. hors texte. 67 text illus. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Daiichi Hoki Shuppan), 1965.

2086 HORI, MIYASHIZU, ET AL. Nihon minzoku shiryo jiten. Bunkacho Bunkazai Hogobu kanshu. Hensha: Hori Miyashizu, Seki Keigo, Miyamoto Keitaro. 412pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Daiichi Hoki Shuppan), 1969.

2087 HORN, JOSHUA S. Away With All Pests. An English surgeon in People’s China: 1954-1969. Introduction by Edgar Snow. 192pp., 28 plates. Cloth.

New York/London (Monthly Review Press), 1969.

2088 HORVÁTH, TIBOR. The Art of Asia in the Francis Hopp Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts in Budapest. 25, (3)pp., 112 plates. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Budapest (Fine Arts Foundation), 1954.

2089 HOSIE, ALEXANDER. Manchuria. Its people, resources and recent history. Second edition. xi, (1), 203, (1), 31pp., 16 plates, 1 lrg. folding map. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

London (Methuen & Co.), 1904.

2090 HOSIE, DOROTHEA. Menschen in China. Die politische und soziale Umwälzung in China vom dem täglichen Leben zweier chinesischer Patrizierfamilien aus gesehen. xii, 393, (1)pp. 25 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Stuttgart (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt), 1926.

2091 HOSKING, R.F. & HOSKING, R.F. A Handbook of Asian Scripts. viii, 71, (1)pp., 18 plates, 1 folding chart. 2 text illus. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

London (The British Museum), 1966.

2092 HOSONO, MASANOBU. Nagasaki Prints and Early Copperplates. Translated and adapted by Llyod R. Craighill. (Japanese Arts Library. 6.) 165pp. 167 illus. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo/New York (Kodansha International/ Shibundo), 1978.

2093 HOU, CHING-LANG. Monnaies d'offrande et la notion de trésorerie dans la religion chinoise. (Mémoires de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. 1.) (4), 238pp. 31 illus. (20 original samples). 4to. Wraps.

Paris (Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises), 1975.

2094 HOU, FUSHENG. Kejia hua zi dian: Pu tong hua dui zhao. Jia ying da xue Zhong wen xi "Kejia hua zi dian" bian xie zu; zhu bian Hou Fusheng. 67, (1), 572pp. Wraps.

Guangzhou Shi (Guangzhou lü you chu ban she), 1994.

2095 HOU, WAILU. Zhongguo jin dai zhe xue shi. Hou Wailu zhu bian; Zhang Qizhi...[et al.] bian zhu. 3, (1), 3, (1), 498pp. Wraps.

Beijing (Ren min chu ban she), 1978.

2096 HOUGH, WALTER. The Bernardou, Allen and Jouy Korean Collections, in the U.S. National Museum. (From the Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum, 1891.) (60)pp., 32 plates with facing commentary. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

[Washington, D.C. (U.S. National Museum), 1892].

2097 HOWELLS, W.W. (EDITOR). Early Man in the Far East. A symposium of The American Association of Physical Anthropologists and The American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946. Contributors: Helmut de Terra, Hallam L. Movius, Jr., G.H.R. von Koenigswald, Edwin A. Colbert, Franz Weidenreich. (Studies in Physical Anthropology. 1.) 156pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Detroit (American Association of Physical Anthropologists), 1949.

2098 HOYT, JAMES (TRANSLATOR). Songs of the Dragons: Flying to Heaven. A Korean epic. (Unesco Collection of Representative Works: Korean Series.) 186pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Seoul (Korean National Commission for Unesco/ Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch), 1971.

2099 HRDLICKA, V. & HRDLICKA, Z. Chinesische Gartenkunst. 168pp. 319 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Hanau (Dausien), 1998.

2100 HSIA, CHIH-TSING. A History of Modern Chinese Fiction. Second edition. xvi, 710pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1971.

2101 HSIA, KUNG-CHUAN. A Modern China and a New World. K’ang Yu-wei, reformer and utopian, 1858-1927. (Publications on Asia of the Institute for Comparative and Foreign Area Studies. 25.) vii, (1), 669, (3)pp. 4to. Cloth.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1975.

2102 HSIA, KUNG-CHUAN. Rural China. Imperial control in the nineteenth-century. xiv, 783pp. 34 tables. 4to. Wraps.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1967.

2103 HSIAO, CHI’EN. Etching of a Tormented Age. A glimpse of contemporary Chinese literature. (P.E.N. Books.) 48pp. Boards.

London (George Allen & Unwin), 1942.

2104 HSIEH, WU-LIANG & KAMMERICH, ADOLF. Einführung in die neuchinesische Schriftsprache. Übungsstücke gesammelt und bearbeitet von Hsüeh Shen, Adolf Kammerich. I. Teil: Grammatikalische Erläuterungen, Umschreibung, Vokabular und Übersetzung. II. Teil: Chinesischer Text. (Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin. 22.) xxviii, 210, (1), 77pp. Sm. 4to. New cloth.

Berlin (Verlag von Georg Reimer), 1912.

2105 HSIEH, WU-LIANG & KAMMERICH, ADOLF. Einführung in die neuchinesische Schriftsprache. Übungsstücke gesammelt und bearbeitet von Hsüeh Shen, Adolf Kammerich. I. Teil: Grammatikalische Erläuterungen, Umschreibung, Vokabular und Übersetzung. II. Teil: Chinesischer Text. (Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin. 22.) xxviii, 210, (1), 77pp. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth.

Berlin (Verlag von Georg Reimer), 1912.

2106 HSÜ, CHIH-MO. P’ungsu chiri ch’ongso. 436pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Soul T’ukpyolsi (Kyongin Munhwasa), 1982.

2107 HSU, CHO-YUN. Ancient China in Transition. An analysis of social mobility, 722-222 B.C. (Stanford Studies in the Civilizations of Eastern Asia.) viii, (4), 238pp. Maps. 4to. Cloth.

Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1965.

2108 HSU, CHO-YUN. Han Agriculture. The formation of early Chinese agrarian economy (206 B.C.-A.D. 220). (Han Dynasty China. II.) xxv, (1), 377pp. 4to. Cloth.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1980.

2109 HSU, FRANCIS L.K. Americans and Chinese. xix, (1) 457pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (The Cresset Press), 1955.

2110 HSÜ, IMMANUEL C.Y. The Ili Crisis. A study of Sino-Russian diplomacy, 1871-1881. xii, (4), 230pp. 5 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1965.

2111 HSÜ, IMMANUEL C.Y. The Rise of Modern China. xxii, (2), 830pp. 82 illus. hors texte. 4to. Cloth.

New York (Oxford University Press), 1970.

2112 HSU, ITANG. Les trois grandes races de la province du Yun-nan. Thèse...Université de Paris. 184, (2)pp. New boards.

Paris (Librairie Russe et Française L. Rodstein), 1932.

2113 HSÜ, SHAN-CHI, ET AL. P’ungsu chiri myongdang chonso. So Son-gye, So Son-sul [kongjo]; Han Song-gye yok. 294pp. Illus. Wraps. Translation of “Jen tzu hsü chi tzu hsiao ti li hsin hsüeh t`ung tsung.”

Soul (Myongmundang), 1975.

2114 HSÜ, TAO-CHING. The Chinese Conception of the Theatre. xxiii, (1), 685pp. 60 illus., 10 tables, 2 scores. Stout 4to. Cloth.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1985.

2115 HSU, WEN YING. The Ku-ch’in. A Chinese stringed instrument. Its history and theory. xv, (3), 581pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Los Angeles (Wen Ying Studios), 1978.

2116 HU, CH’I. Die Regenbogenstrasse. Deutsch von Eberhard Meissner. (2), 171, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps.

Peking (Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur), 1960.

2117 HU, CHIA. Peking, gestern und heute. 148, (2)pp., 58 plates, 1 map. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. D.j.

Peking (Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur), 1957.

2118 HU, FUCHEN. Zhonghua dao jiao da ci dian. (8), 155, (1), 2207, (1)pp., 8 plates. Stout 4to. Cloth.

Beijing (Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she), 1995.

2119 HU, HSIEN-CHIN. The Common Descent Group in China and Its Functions. (Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology. 10.) 204pp. 4to. Boards.

New York (The Viking Fund), 1948.

2120 HU, HSIEN-CHIN (INTRODUCTION). National Costumes of China. Twelve drawings by Yeh Chien-yu, Huang Chou, Chang Ting, Sung Yin-ko. (Supplement to “China Reconstructs,” Oct. 1957.) (2)pp., 12 color plates. 4to. Wraps.

[Beijing, 1957].

2121 [HU, HUANLING.] Suan ming shi zai yi. [Hu Huanling xie]; Xing xiang yan jiu she bian kan. 70pp. Cloth; orig. wraps. bound in.

Tainan (Bei yi chu ban she), 1971.

2122 HU, NAI’AN. Zhongguo min zu zhi. 6, 317pp., 1 folding map, 1 folding chart. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Taibei (Shang wu yin shu guan), 1964.

2123 HU, NAI’AN. Zhonghua min zu. (Ren ren wen ku. 1115/1116.) 2, 1, (1), 184pp. Illus. Wraps.

Taibei (Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan), 1969.

2124 HU, NAI’AN & YANG, CHENGZHI. Zhongguo min zu zu xi tong lei gai shu. (Guo li Beijing da xue, Zhongguo min su xue hui min su cong shu zhuan hao. 2. Min zu bian. 1. Dong fang wen cong.) 38, (2)pp.; (4), 103pp.; 29, (3)pp.; 40pp., 4 plates. Cloth. English-language title-page “Classification of the Chinese Ethno-Groups.” Reprint of three works, the first, of the 1967 edition, the second, of the Kuo li Chung-shan ta hsüeh yü yen li shih hsüeh yen chiu so chou k`an, ti 11 chi, ti 129-132 ch`i ho k`an, May 21, 1930; and the third, of the 1931 edition published by Kuo li Chung-shan ta hsüeh wen shih yen chiu so.

Taibei (The Orient Cultural Service), 1974.

2125 HU, PU’AN. Zhonghua quan guo feng su zhi. 2 vols. Cloth.

Taizhong (Jing hua chu ban she), 1959.

2126 HU, PUYU. A Brief History of Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). xii, 358p., 16 plates, 24 maps. Cloth.

Taipei (Chung Wu Publishing Co.), 1974.

2127 HU, QINGJUN. Ming Qing Yi zu she hui shi lun cong. (2), 296pp., 1 folding map. Figs. Wraps.

Shanghai (Shanghai ren min chu ban she), 1981.

2128 HU, QIWANG & FAN, HONGGUI. Pancun Yao zu: Cong you geng dao ding ju di yan jiu. 16, 258pp., 6 plates. Text figs. Wraps.

Beijing (Min zu chu ban she), 1983.

2129 HU, SHI. The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China. Second edition. With introduction by Hyman Kublin. (4), 10, 187, (3)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Originally published Shanghai 1922.

New York (Paragon Book Reprint Corp.), 1963.

2130 HU, SHI. Lushan you ji. 74pp. Wraps.

Shanghai (Xin yue shu dian), 1931.

2131 HU, SHUXUN. Zen yang xie hua. (Tong su yu wen xiao cong shu.) 42pp. 12mo. Wraps.

Beijing (Tong su du wu chu ban she), 1954.

2132 HU, YINFANG. Zhongguo min jian ai qing gu shi. (2), 302pp. Wraps.

[Wuhan Shi] (Zhongguo min jian wen yi chu ban she), 1980.

2133 HU, ZHONGSHI. Zhuang zu wen xue gai lun. 7, (3), 260pp. Wraps.

Nanning Shi (Guangxi ren min chu ban she), 1982.

2134 HUAGANG YI SHU XUE BAO. Vols. 1 - 3 (all published). 4to. Wraps. English-language title on cover: “Hwakang Art Journal.”

Taibei Shi Yangming shan Huagang (Zhongguo wen hua da xue), 1981-1983.

2135 HUAINANZI. [Liu An zhuan; Gao You zhu; Zhuang Kuiji xiao]. (Si bu bei yao. Zi bu.) (680)pp. Cloth.

[Taibei Shi] (Taiwan Zhongua shu ju), 1966.

2136 HUAN, KUAN. Yan tie lun. (Si bu bei yao. Zi bu.) (302)pp. Cloth. Bound with: Ren wu zhi. (88)pp.

Taibei Shi (Taiwan Zhonghua shu ju), 1966.

2137 (HUAN, KUAN) GALE, ESSON M. Discourses on Salt and Iron./ Yen t’ieh lun. A debate on state control of commerce and industry in ancient China. Chapters I-XXVIII translated from the Chinese of Huan K’uan with introduction and notes. (Sinica Leidensia. 2.) lvi, 204, 9, (3)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Reprints of the Leiden 1931 and Shanghai 1934 editions.

Taipei (Ch’eng-wen Publishing Company), 1967.

2138 HUANG, BOQIAO & ZHU, GONGJING. De Hua biao zhun da zi dian. / Deutsch-Chinesisches Standard-Handwörterbuch. Third edition. (2), ix, (1), 1364, (2)pp. Stout 8vo. Cloth.

Shanghai (Zhongguo ke xue tu shu yi qi gong si), 1955.

2139 HUANG, BUFAN (GENERAL EDITOR). Zang Mian yu zu yu yan ci hui. / A Tibeto-Burman Lexicon. Gu wen Dai Qingxia; zhu bian Huang Bufan; fu zhu bian Xu Shouchun, Chen Jiaying, Wang Huiyin 11, (3), 724pp. Lrg. 4to. Buckram.

Beijing (Zhong yang min zu xue yuan chu ban she), 1992.

2140 HUANG, CHAOQUAN. Kan yu ao bi. (198)pp. Illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth.

[Zhanghua] (Taiwan yi xue guan), 1971.

2141 HUANG, DIANQUAN. Zheng Chenggong fu Tai san bai nian shi hua. (Xian dai guo min ji ben zhi shi cong shu. Di 7 ji.) 4, 4, 171pp. Illus. Wraps.

Taibei (Zhonghua wen hua chu ban shi ye she), 1961.

2142 HUANG, FENGCHANG. Taiwan sheng shu fan ji shi. (Taiwan wen xian cong kan. 51.) 3, (1), 55pp. Wraps.

Taibei (Taiwan yin hang).

2143 HUANG, HEPING. Cai geng tan xin de. 225pp., 14 plates. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (He ping guo yi zhen suo), 1981.

2144 HUANG, HEPING. Su shu xin de. (4), 56, (4)pp. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (The Author), 1980.

2145 HUANG, HEPING. Xi shi xian wen xin de. 118pp. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (The Author), 1982.

2146 HUANG, HEPING. Zhu Bolu zhi jia ge yan xin de. (7), 39, (2)pp. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (The Author), 1979.

2147 HUANG, HSI-LING. Cantonese Conversation-Grammar. By S.L. Wong. 2 books in 3 parts + Glossary. Folio. Cloth (Books I-II) & wraps. (Glossary).

Hong Kong (The Government Printer/ The Institute of Oriental Studies, Hong Kong University), 1963-1970.

2148 HUANG, HUAJIE. Zhongguo gu jin min jian bai xi. (Ren ren wen ku. 383.) 2, 2, 179, 8pp. Sm. 8vo. Wraps.

Taibei Shi (Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan), 1967.

2149 HUANG, JIPING. Yunnan Yi zu tu an. [Bian zhe Yunnan qun zhong yi shu guan, Yunnan ren min chu ban she; sou ji zheng li zhe Huang Jiping...et al.; Ying wen fan yi Li Xiwen]. 96pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Cloth.

[Kunming Shi (Yunnan ren min chu ban she)], 1985.

2150 HUANG, JUNJIE & ZÜRCHER, ERIK (EDITOR). Time and Space in Chinese Culture. (Sinica Leidensia. 33.) vi, 400, (2)pp. 4to. Cloth.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1995.

2151 HUANG, PARKER PO-FEI, ET AL. Twenty Lectures on Chinese Culture: An Intermediary Chinese Textbook. By Parker Po-fei Huang, Richard I. Feng Chang, Howard H. Chao, Linda T. Hsia, Yen-chan Wang. (Yale Linguistic Series.) xvii, (1), 225pp. 4to. Wraps.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1967.

2152 HUANG, PARKER PO-FEI, ET AL. Twenty Lectures on Chinese Culture: An Intermediary Chinese Textbook. Exercise Book. By Parker Po-fei Huang, Richard I. Feng Chang, Howard H. Chao, Linda T. Hsia, Yen-chan Wang. (Yale Linguistic Series.) vi, 251pp. Lrg. 4to. Wraps., spiral-bound.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1967.

2153 HUANG, PEI. Autocracy at Work. A study of the Yung-cheng period, 1723-1735. (East Asian Studies, Indiana University.) xii, 500pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Bloomington/London (Indiana University Press), 1974.

2154 HUANG, RAY. 1587: Ein Jahr wie jedes andere. Der Niedergang der Ming. 431, (1)pp. Illus. Cloth.

Frankfurt (Insel Verlag), 1986.

2155 HUANG, SHEN. Mi chuan kan yu lei zuan ren tian gong bao: 12 juan. 1264pp. 4to. Cloth. Probably a Taiwanese facsimile reprint of the Ming Ch‘ung-chen kuei yu [1633] Ming dao tang jiao kan ben edition.

N.p., n.d.

2156 HUANG, SHOUFU. Xin ban Eshan tu zhi. Huang Shoufu, Tan Zhongyue yuan zhu./ Mount Omei Illustrated Guide. With a translation by Dryden Linsley Phelps. cxviii, 354pp., on double leaves, Chinese-style. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Reprint of the 1936 edition.

Xianggang (Xianggang da xue chu ban she), 1974.

2157 HUANG, WENBI. Xibei shi di lun cong. 6, 2, 354pp. Illus. Wraps.

Shanghai (Ren min chu ban she), 1981.

2158 HUANG, YAN’GAI. A Dictionary of Chinese Idiomatic Phrases. Prepared, translated and annotated./ Zhonghua cheng yu ci dian. vii, (1), 1291pp. Lrg. stout 4to. Cloth.

Kowloon, Hong Kong (The Eton Press), 1964.

2159 HUANG, YONGCHA. Ge hai man ji. (Guangxi ge zu min jian wen xue cong shu.) 2, 2, 8, 271pp. Wraps.

Nanning Shi (Guangxi ren min chu ban she), 1981.

2160 HUANG, YOUDE. Ming li zhe xue. 9, (1), 2, 204, 68pp. Cloth.

Tainan (Da Qian shi jie chu ban she), 1971.

2161 HUANG, ZHAONIAN. Hai zi men de ge sheng. (Zhongshan da xue min su cong shu. 19. Dong fang wen cong.) 14, 133, 7pp. Cloth. English-language title-page “Voices of Children.” Originally published 1928.

Taibei Shi (Dong fang wen hua gong ying she), 1969.

2162 HUARD, PIERRE, ET AL. La médecine japonaise des origines à nos jours. [Par] Pierre Huard, Zensetsou Ohya, Ming Wong. 408, (8)pp., 20 color plates. 79 illus., text figs. 4to. Cloth.

Paris (Les Éditions Roger Dacosta), 1974.

2163 HUARD, PIERRE & WONG, MING. Chinesische Medizin. (Kindlers Universitäts Bibliothek.) 256pp. 66 illus. (19 color). Cloth.

München (Kindler), 1968.

2164 HUAYAN SI. Shanxi Yun'gang shi ku wen wu bao guan suo bian. 8, 4, 6pp., 1 plan. 95 illus. hors texte (partly in color). 4to. Wraps. English-language summary and explanatory notes on the plates “Hua Yan Monastery.”

Beijing (Wen wu chu ban she), 1980.

2165 HUBBARD, JAMIE. Absolute Delusion, Perfect Buddhahood. The rise and fall of a Chinese heresy. (Nanzan Library of Asian Religion and Culture.) xvii, (1), 333pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Honolulu (University of Hawai‘i Press), 2001.


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