MANDEL, EDGAR J. Cast Coinage of Korea. 160pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
Racine, Wisconsin (Western Publishing Company), 1972.
3433 MANGEOT, SYLVAIN. The Adventures of a Manchurian. The story of Lobsang Thondup. 281pp. 17 illus. hors texte. 4 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
London (The Travel Book Club), 1975.
3434 MANGUK YESUL KAEGWAN: MINSOK PYON. 325pp. 4to. Wraps.
Soul (Taehan Minguk Yesurwon), 1975.
3435 MANN, OTTO & OVCHINNIKOV, VSEVOLOD VLADIMIROVICH. Tokyo, Metropole auf schwankendem Grund. Mit 165 Bildern von Karol Kállay. Second edition. 180, (4)pp. 165 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth.
Berlin (Verlag Volk und Welt), 1984.
3436 MANSHU NOGYO ZUSHI. Mantetsu [Sosaishitsu] Kohoka hen. 12, 194pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards.
Tokyo (Hibonkaku), 1941.
3437 MAO, DUN. Zi ye. 549, (1)pp. Wraps.
Xianggang (Nan guo chu ban she), 1975.
3438 MAO, HSING. The Reminiscences of Tung Hsiao-wan. By Mao P‘i-chiang. Translated into English by Pan Tze-yen (Pan Ciyan) (Z.Q. Parker). xv, (3), 156, (2)pp. Cloth.
Shanghai (The Commercial Press), 1931.
3439 MAO, XING. Zhongguo shao shu min zu wen xue. Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan wen xue yan jiu suo "Zhongguo shao shu min zu wen xue" bian ji zu bian; Mao Xing zhu bian. 3 vols. 701pp., 10 color plates; 584pp., 10 color plates; 900pp., 10 color plates. Text figs. Wraps.
Changsha Shi (Hunan ren min chu ban she), 1983.
3440 MAO, ZEDONG. Ausgewählte Werke. 5 vols. Sm. 4to. Wraps. First edition.
Peking (Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur), 1968.
3441 MAO, ZONGWU. Han Yao jian ming fen lei ci dian: Mian yu. Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan min zu yu yan yan jiu suo zhu bian; Mao Zongwu bian zhu; can jia zhe Zhao Xun, Zheng Zongze, Meng Chaoji. (Zhongguo shao shu min zu yu yan xi lie ci dian cong shu.) 2, 16, 350pp. Buckram.
Chengdu (Si chuan min zu chu ban she), 1992.
3442 MAO, ZONGWU, ET AL. Yao zu yu yan jian zhi. Mao Zongwu, Meng Zhaoji, Zheng Zongze bian zhu. (Zhongguo shao shu min zu yu yan jian zhi cong shu.) (2), 2, 234pp., 1 folding map. Wraps.
[Beijing] (Min zu chu ban she), 1982.
3443 MAR, TIMOTHY T. Face Reading. The Chinese art of physiognomy. ix, (1), 150pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth.
New York (Dodd, Mead & Company), 1974.
3444 MARAINI, FOSCO. Der frühe Tag: Asienfotos. 222, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.
Hamburg/Frankfurt (Rogner & Bernhard/ Zweitausendeins), 1992.
3445 MARAINI, FOSCO. Gli iku-bashui degli Ainu. (Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Tokio. I.) (4), 94pp. Frontis. in color, 113 illus. with extensive facing commentary hors texte. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. 16pp. English-language summary, loosely inserted, as issued. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.
Tokyo (Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Tokio), 1942.
3446 MARAINI, FOSCO. Japon. 507, (5)pp., 1 folding map. 76 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j.
Paris (Arthaud), 1969.
3447 MARAINI, FOSCO. Tokyo. (Die grossen Städte.) 200pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards.
Amsterdam (Time-Life Bücher), 1976.
3448 MARAN, SHAROI. Hkrai No hte Hkrai Gam. Ka lajang ai: Maran Sharoi. 2, 67pp. Illus. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Kai ruo he kai gan: Jing bo wen.”
Kunming Shi (Yinnan Amyu Laika Lajang Dap), 1980.
3449 MARBURG. PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITÄT. UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK. Yokigurashi: Frohes Leben. Ausstellung über Tenrikyo, eine Religion in Japan. May-June 1975. 18pp., 4 plates. Wraps.
Marburg/Lahn, 1975.
3450 MARBURG. UNIVERSITÄTSMUSEUM FÜR KUNST UND KULTURGESCHICHTE. Religiöse Malerei aus Taiwan. Ausstellung der Religionskundlichen Sammlung der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Oct.-Nov. 1980. (Veröffentlichungen der Religionskundlichen Sammlung der Philipps-Universität Marburg. 1.) 134pp. 60 plates, 40 illus. Oblong 4to. Wraps.
Marburg, 1980.
3451 MARCH, BENJAMIN. Some Technical Terms of Chinese Painting. (American Council of Learned Societies. Studies in Chinese and Related Civilizations. 2.) xiii, (1), 55, (3)pp., 7 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Photocopy.
Baltimore (Waverly Press), 1935.
3452 MARCHAIS, JACQUES. Objects from the Tibetan Lamaist Collection of Jacques Marchais. (30)pp. 28 plates. Folio. Wraps. (dusty).
N.p. (Privately Printed), 1941.
3453 MARETZKI, HANS. Kim-ismus in Nordkorea. Analyse des letzten DDR-Botschafters in Pjöngjang. 206, (4)p. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.
Böblingen (Anita Tykve Verlag), 1991.
3454 MARETZKI, THOMAS W. & MARETZKI, HATSUMI. Taira: An Okinawan Village. (Six Cultures Series. 7.) xxxv, (1), 176pp. Lrg. 8vo. Stiff wraps.
New York (John Wiley and Sons), 1966.
3455 MARGOULIÈS, GEORGES. Le “fou” dans le Wen-siuan: Étude et textes. (2), 138pp. 4to. Wraps.
Paris (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner), 1926.
3456 MARGOULIÈS, GEORGES. Le Kou-wen chinois. Recueil de textes avec introduction et notes. cxxvii, (1), 464pp. 4to. Wraps.
Paris (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner), 1926.
3457 MARKERT, GÜNTER. Buddhas, Götter und Dämonen. 16pp., 32 plates. 12mo. Boards. D.j.
München/Hannover (Knorr & Hirth Verlag), 1956.
3458 MARQUART, JAKOB. Die Frau in Schantung. Bilder aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ein Beitrag zur Volkskunde Chinas. ix, (1), 93, (3)pp. 26 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
Tsingtau (Druck und Verlag der Missionsdruckerei Tsingtau), 1932.
3459 MARTIN, EDWIN M. The Allied Occupation of Japan. xiv, 155, (1)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Originally published New York 1948.
Westport, Connecticut (Greenwood Press), 1972.
3460 MARTIN, HEINZ E.R. Die Kunst Tibets. (Heyne Stilkunde. 11.) 217, (9)pp. Illus. Wraps.
München (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag), 1977.
3461 MARTIN, HELMUT. Chinakunde in der Sowjetunion nach sowjetischen Quellen. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg. 45.) (2), 208, (8)pp. Wraps.
Hamburg (Institut für Asienkunde), 1972.
3462 MARTIN, HELMUT, ET AL. Chinesisch-Deutscher Wortschatz: Politik und Wirtschaft der VR China. Von Helmut Martin und Tienchi Martin-Liao unter Mitarbeit von Ute Fricker./ Zhong De zheng zhi jing ji ci hui. xvi, 328pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
Berlin (Langenscheidt), 1977.
3463 MARTIN, SAMUEL E. A Reference Grammar of Japanese. (Yale Linguistic Series.) 1198pp. Stout 4to. Cloth.
New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1975.
3464 MARTIN, SAMUEL E., ET AL. A Korean-English Dictionary. By Samuel E. Martin, Yang Ha Lee, Sung-Un Chang. xviii, 1902pp. Lrg. stout 4to. Cloth.
New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1967.
3465 MARTIN, SAMUEL E. & LEE, YOUNG-SOOK C. Beginning Korean. With the assistance of Elinor Clark Horne. xxix, (1), 574, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps.
Rutland, Vermont/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Co.), 1990.
3466 MARTIN, SAMUEL H. A Reference Grammar of Korean. A complete guide to the grammar and history of the Korean language. xiii, (1), 1032pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.
Rutland, Vermont/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1992.
3467 MARTINIQUE, EDWARD. Chinese Traditional Bookbinding. A study of its evolution and techniques. (Studies in East Asian Librarianship./ Chinese Materials Center: Asian Library Series. 19.) 87pp. 41 figs. (mostly hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Boards.
N.p. (Chinese Materials Center), 1983.
3468 MASPERO, HENRI. La Chine antique. Nouvelle édition révisée d’après les corrections et additions laissées par l’auteur et pourvue de caractères chinois. xxiv, 519pp., 3 folding maps. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.
Paris (Imprimerie Nationale/ E. de Boccard), 1955.
3469 MASPERO, HENRI. Le taoïsme et les religions chinoises. Préface de Max Kaltenmark. (Bibliothèque des Histoires.) 658pp. Sm. stout 4to. Wraps.
Paris (Gallimard), 1971.
3470 MASPERO, HENRI, ET AL. Les ivoires religieux et médicaux chinois d’après la Collection Lucien Lion. Texte de Henri Maspero, René Grousset, Lucien Lion. Summary translated into English by Lionel Hart. 96, (4)pp., 24 heliogravure plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.
Paris (Les Éditions d’Art et d’Histoire), 1939.
3471 MASS, JEFFREY P. The Development of Kamakura Rule, 1180-1250. A history with documents. xv, (1), 312pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1979.
3472 MASS, JEFFREY P. The Kamakura Bakufu. A study in documents. Foreword by Takeuchi Rizo. xii, 364pp. 4 plates, 1 map. 4to. Cloth.
Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1976.
3473 MASS, JEFFREY P. Warrior Government in Early Medieval Japan. A study of the Kamakura Bakufu, Shugo, and Jito. (Yale Historical Publications. Miscellany, 103.) x, 257pp., 1 map. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1974.
3474 MASUDA, FUKUTARO. Taiwan hontojin no shukyo; Tanki. 9, (1), 8, 99, (1)pp., 3 plates, 128pp. Cloth. Reprint edition. First work originally published Tokyo (Meiji Shotoku Kinen Gakkai), Showa 10 [1935]. Second work originally published Tainan (Tainan-shu Eeiseika), Showa 12 [1937].
N.p., n.d.
3475 MASUDA, FUKUTARO. Taiwan no shukyo: Noson o chushin to suru shukyo kenkyu. 5, (1), 234, 12, 2pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. English-language summary “The Study of the Religions of Formosa.”
Tokyo (Yokendo), 1939.
3476 MATEER, A.H. New Terms for New Idea. A study of the Chinese newspaper. 10, 211pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth, 3/4 leather.
Shanghai (Presbyterian Mission Press), 1922.
3477 MATEER, C.W. A Course of Mandarin Lessons, Based on Idiom. Revised edition. 2 vols. lv, 3, 786pp., 1 lrg. folding chart. Lrg. 4to. Buckram, 3/4 red morocco.
Shanghai (American Presbyterian Mission Press), 1906.
3478 MATEER, C.W. A Short Course of Primary Lessons in Mandarin. lv, (1), 79pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth, 3/4 leather.
Shanghai (American Presbyterian Mission Press), 1901.
3479 MATERIALY PO DESHIFROVKE KIDAN’SKOGO PIS’MA. 2 vols. 176, (2)pp.; 98pp. Wraps.
Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1970.
3480 MATHEWS, R.H. Kuoyü Primer. Progressive studies in the Chinese national language. xlvi, (2), 790, (2)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Reprint of the Shanghai 1938 edition.
Taipei (Ch’eng Wen Publishing Company), 1971.
3481 MATHIEU, RÉMI. Étude sur la mythologie et l’ethnologie de la Chine ancienne. Traduction annotée du Shanhai jing. (Mémoires de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. 22.) 2 vols. cxv, (1), 1217, (7)pp., 39 maps. 4to. Wraps.
Paris (Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises), 1983.
3482 MATHIEU, RÉMI. Le Mu tianzi zhuan. Traduction annotée. Étude critique. (Mémoires de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. 9.) (4), 311, (3)pp., 56pp. facsimile. 4to. Wraps.
Paris (Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises), n.d.
3483 MATISOFF, SUSAN. The Legend of Semimaru, Blind Musician of Japan. (Studies in Oriental Culture. 14.) xi, (3), 290pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
New York (Columbia University Press), 1978.
3484 MATSUDAIRA, N. Les fêtes saisonnières au Japon (province de Mikawa). Étude descriptive et sociologique. 172, (2)pp., 1 map. 4to. Wraps.
Paris (G.-P. Maisonneuve), 1936.
3485 MATSUDAIRA, NARIMITSU. Matsuri; honshitsu to shoso. 3, (1), 3, (1), 247pp. Figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.
Tokyo (Nikko Shoin), 1946.
3486 MATSUMOTO, KANEO. Jodai-gire: 7th and 8th Century Textiles in Japan from the Shoso-in and Horyu-ji. / Shosoin-gire to Asuka Tenpyo no senshoku. 251, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.
Kyoto (Shikosha), 1984.
3487 MATSUMOTO, NARASHIGE. Yakushiji. 74pp., 15 plates. Sm. 8vo. Wraps.
Nara-shi (Yakushiji Gojikai), 1956.
3488 MATSUNAGA, ALICIA. The Buddhist Philosophy of Assimilation. The historical development of the Honji-Suijaku theory. (Monumenta Nipponica Monographs.) x, (2), 310pp., 28 plates. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.
Tokyo/Rutland, Vermont (Sophia University/ Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1969.
3489 MATSUNAGA, DAIGAN & MATSUNAGA, ALICIA. The Buddhist Concept of Hell. 152pp., 6 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
New York (Philosophical Library), 1972.
3490 MATSUNAGA, DAIGAN & MATSUNAGA, ALICIA. Foundation of Japanese Buddhism. 2 vols. I: The Aristocratic Age. viii, 292pp. II: The Mass Movement (Kamakura & Muromachi Periods). viii, 362pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Los Angeles/Tokyo (Buddhist Books International), 1974-1976.
3491 MATSUO, BASHO. Back Roads to Far Towns. Basho’s Oku-no-hosomichi. With a translation and notes by Cid Corman and Kamaike Susumu. Illustrated by Hayakawa Ikutada. 173, (3)pp. Illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.
New York (Grossman Publishers), 1968.
3492 MATSUSHITA, WATARU & KIMI, NOBUHIKO (EDITORS). Ainu bunken mokuroku: Wabunhen. 428pp. 8 plates. 4to. Cloth. English-language title-page “Bibliography of Ainu: Japanese Publications.”
Sapporo-shi (Miyama Shobo), 1978.
3493 MATSUURA, TAKESHIRO. Sanko Ezo nisshi. Yoshida Takezo kochu. 2 vols. 12, 618pp.; 10, 520pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.
Tokyo (Yoshikawa Kobunkan), 1970-1971.
3494 MATTHEW, ROBERT. Japanese Science Fiction: A View of a Changing Society. (The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series.) ix, (1), 259pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
London/Oxford (Routledge/ Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford), 1989.
3495 MATTIELLI, SANDRA (EDITOR). Virtues in Conflict. Tradition and the Korean woman today. Contributors: Martina Deuchler, Helen Rose Tieszen, Ellen Salem, Park Yong-ock, Cha Jae-ho, Chung Bom-mo, Lee Sung-jin, Rhi Bou-yong, Lee Hyo-chae, Kim Chu-suk, Soon Young S. Yoon, Barbara R. Mintz. x, (2), 214pp. 4to. Wraps.
Seoul (Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch/ Samhwa Publishing Co.), 1977.
3496 MATTOS, GILBERT L. The Stone Drums of Ch’in. (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series. 19.) (10), 497, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.
Sankt Augustin (Steyler Verlag-Wort und Werk), 1988.
3497 MAUER, KUNO. Die Samurai. Ihre Geschichte und ihr Einfluss auf das moderne Japan. 358pp., 16 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Düsseldorf/Wien (Econ Verlag), 1981.
3498 MAUGER, GEORGE E. Quelques considérations sur les jeux en Chine et leur développement synchronique avec celui de l’Empire Chinois. (Extrait des Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, séance du 18 novembre 1915.) 44pp. 16 illus. 4to. Orig. wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to É. Chavannes.
Paris (Société d’Anthropologie de Paris), 1917.
3499 MAURER, JÖRG-PETER & MAURER, GISELA. Zeitloses Tibet. Mönche und Klöster auf dem Dach der Welt. (120)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Cloth.
Hannover (Touristbuch), 1982.
3500 MAYERS, WILLIAM FREDERICK. The Chinese Government. A manual of Chinese titles, categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix. Third edition, revised by G.M.H. Playfair. vi, (4), 223pp. Lrg. 8vo. Marbled boards, 3/4 leather.
Shanghai (Kelly & Walsh), 1897.
3501 MAYERS, WILLIAM FREDERICK. The Chinese Reader’s Manual. A handbook of biographical, historical, mythological, and general literary reference. Reprinted from the original edition. xvi, 444pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Shanghai (Presbyterian Mission Press), 1924.
3502 MCCULLOUGH, HELEN CRAIG. Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle. Translated and with an introduction. (Unesco Collection of Representative Works: Japanese Series.) viii, (4), 367pp. 4to. Wraps.
Tokyo (University of Tokyo Press), 1966.
3503 MEDLEY, MARGARET. A Handbook of Chinese Art for Collectors and Students. 140pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards.
London (G. Bell and Sons), 1973.
3504 MEDLEY, MARGARET. The Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Ch’ing Dynasty. 30pp. 29 illus. 12mo. Wraps.
London (Han-Shan Tang), 1982.
3505 MEDLEY, MARGARET. Yüan Porcelain and Stoneware. xii, 139, (1)pp., 132 plates (8 color). 1 map. 4to. Cloth.
London (Pitman), 1974.
3506 MEDVEDEV, V.E. Kul’tura amurskikh chzhurchzhenei konets X-XI vek. (Po materialam gruntovykh mogil’nikov). Edited by A.P. Okladnikov and V.E. Larichev. 222, (2)pp. 63 plates, 67 text illus. 4to. Cloth.
Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1977.
3507 MEDVEDEV, V.E. Priamur’e v kontse I-nachale II tysiacheletiia: Chzhurchzhen’skaia epokha. Edited by Iu.S. Khudiakov. 205, (5)pp. 69 illus. 4to. Cloth.
Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987.
3508 MEECH-PEKARIK, JULIA. The World of the Meiji Print. Impressions of a new civilization. xxi, (3), 259pp., 40 color plates. 143 illus. 4to. Cloth.
New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1986.
3509 MEES, IMKE. Die Hui - eine moslemische Minderheit in China. Assimiliationsprozesse und politische Rolle vor 1949. (Minerva-Fachserie Geisteswissenschaften.) xi, (1), 129, (5)pp. Wraps.
München (Minerva Publikation Saur), 1984.
3510 MEHL, MARGARET. Carl Köppen und sein Wirken als Militärinstrukteur für das Fürstentum Kii-Wakayama (1869-1872). (Bonner Zeitschrift für Japanologie. 9.) 210pp. 9 illus. 4to. Wraps.
Bonn (Japanologisches Seminar der Universität Bonn), 1987.
3511 MEHNERT, KLAUS. China nach dem Sturm. Bericht und Kommentar. 348, (4)pp. Cloth.
Stuttgart (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt), 1971.
3512 MEHRA, G.N. Bhutan, Land of the Peaceful Dragon. xiv, (2), 151pp. Numerous plates hors texte. 4to. Cloth.
Delhi (Vikas Publishing House), 1974.
3513 MEHRA, PARSHOTAM. Tibetan Polity, 1904-37. The conflict between the 13th Dalai Lama and the 9th Panchen. (Asiatische Forschungen. Monographienreihe zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache der Völker Ost- und Zentralasiens herausgegeben für das Seminar für Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens der Universität Bonn. 49.) (8), 94pp. 4to. Wraps.
Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1976.
3514 MEI GE: YI ZU MIN JIAN SHI SHI. Yunnan sheng min zu min jian wen xue Chuxiong diao cha dui shou ji fan yi zheng li. Di 2 ban. (2), 235, (1)pp., 4 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth.
Kunming (Yunnan ren min chu ban she), 1978.
3515 MEI HUA YI SHU. 127pp. Wraps.
Taipei (Zu lin shu ju), 1971.
3516 MEID, KARL-HEINZ. Japans Gewerkschaften. (Reihe Japanwirtschaft. 14.) 32pp. Illus. Lrg. oblong 8vo. Wraps.
Düsseldorf (Deutsch-Japanisches Wirtschaftsförderungsbüro), 1982.
3517 MEIER-LEMGO, KARL. Engelbert Kämpfer, der erste deutsche Forschungsreisende, 1651-1716. Leben, Reisen, Forschungen nach den bisher unveröffentlichten Handschriften Kämpfers im Britischen Museum. (2), 211pp., 21 plates with 28 illus. 4to. Cloth.
Stuttgart (Strecker und Schröder Verlag), 1937.
3518 MEIGUO ZHONGGUO XUE SHOU CE. Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan qing bao yan jiu suo bian. (Guo wai yan jiu Zhongguo cong shu.) 22, 699pp. Wraps.
Beijing (Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she), 1981.
3519 MEISEZAHL, R.O. Geist und Ikonographie des Vajrayana-Buddhismus. Hommage à Marie-Thérèse de Mallmann. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung. 2.) xix, (1), 257, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.
Sankt Augustin (VGH Wissenschaftsverlag), 1980.
3520 MEISSNER, HANS-OTTO. Das Wunder der aufgehenden Sonne. Japan zwischen Traditionn und Fortschritt. 238pp., 32 plates. 4to. Cloth.
Gütersloh (C. Bertelsmann Verlag), 1970.
3521 MEISSNER, KURT. Unterricht in der japanischen Umgangssprache. Vierte Auflage. xix, 311pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Tokyo (Privately Printed), 1937.
3522 MEISSNER, KURT. Die schönsten japanischen Keramik-Dekors “Kokutani.” 58, (22)pp., 14 color plates. Figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth.
Hamburg (Hand Christians Druckerei), 1976.
3523 MEISSNER, KURT. Tanabata, das Sternenfest. Redigiert von H. Bohner. 155pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.
Hamburg (Otto Meissners Verlag), 1923.
3524 MEISSNER, WERNER. Philosophie und Politik in China. Die Kontroverse über den dialektischen Materialismus in den dreissiger Jahren. 260pp. Lrg. 8vo. Boards.
München (Wilhelm Fink Verlag), 1986.
3525 MELCHERS, B. China. (Geist, Kunst und Leben Asiens. 5.) II: Der Tempelbau. Die Lochan von Ling-yän-sï. Ein Hauptwerk buddhistischer Plastik. Von Bernd Melchers. 45, (21)pp., 119 plates, 18 plans. Lrg. 4to. Boards.
Hagen i.W. (Folkwang-Verlag), 1922.
3526 MELCHERS, BERND. Chinesische Schattenschnitte. Ein Bilderbuch. 63pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.
München (Hugo Bruckmann Verlag), 1921.
3527 MELICHAR, HERBERT. Japanese Archaeological Terms with English and German Equivalents. (Asian Perspectives. The Bulletin of the Far-Eastern Prehistory Association. Vol. 8#2.) 113pp. 4to. Wraps.
Hong Kong (Hong Kong University Press), 1966.
3528 MELIKHOV, G.V. Man’chzhury na Severo-Vostoke (XVII v.). 244, (4)pp. 1 map. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.
Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1974.
3529 MELZER, FRITHJOF. Malaria, Gold und Opium. Mit Stötzners Hei lung kiang-Expedition in die unerforschte Mandschurei. Zweite Auflage, durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Walther Stötzner. 246, (2)pp. 106 illus. hors texte. 3 maps. 4to. Cloth.
Leipzig (Verlag von Max Möhring), 1929.
3530 MENCIUS. Mencius. Translated by D.C. Lau. (Chinese Classics: Chinese-English Series.) 2 vols. xl, 384pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.
Hong Kong (The Chinese University Press), 1984.
3531 MENCIUS. Mong Dsi (Mong Ko). Aus dem Chinesischen verdeutscht und erläutert von Richard Wilhelm. xix, (1), 206, (2)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Boards.
Jena (Eugen Diederichs), 1916.
3532 (MENCIUS) PAK, UN-YONG, ET AL. Taeyok Manmum maengja. [Pak Un-yong kamsu; Kim Hyong-su, Chong Kyong-ja, Ch‘oe Chae-suk kongyok]./ Mencius in Manchurian Language: Translation and Annotation. (Ait'aeo charyojip. Che 1-chip./ Historical Documents in Altaic Language. 1.) 372pp. 4to. Wraps.
Taegu-si (Hyosong Yoja Taehakkyo Ait‘aeo Yon‘gusil), 1976.
3533 MENDE, ERLING V. China und die Staaten auf der koreanischen Halbinsel bis zum 12. Jh. Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Formen zwischenstaatlicher Beziehungen in Ostasien. (Sinologica Coloniensia. Ostasiatische Beiträge der Universität Köln. 11.) x, 527pp., 10 maps. 4to. Wraps.
Wiesbaden (Franz Steiner Verlag), 1982.
3534 MENG, GUANXIONG, ET AL. Yao zu feng qing ge. (Guangxi ge zu min jian wen xue cong shu.) 2, 2, 8, 291pp. Wraps.
Nanning Shi (Guanxi ren min chu ban she), 1983.
3535 MENG, SHANGXIAN. Lang jin bu. 143pp., 4 color plates. Wraps. Text in Dai-language; Chinese-language title from colophon.
Kunming Shi (Yunnan min zu chu ban she), 1982.
3536 MENG, WENTONG. Ba Shu gu shi lun shu. (Ba Shu shi yan jiu cong shu.) 2, (2), 223pp. Wraps.
Chengdu (Sichuan ren min chu ban she), 1981.
3537 MENG, WENTONG. Yue shi cong kao. (2), 148pp. Wraps.
Beijing (Ren min chu ban she), 1983.
3538 MENG, ZHIDONG. Dawo'er zu min jian gu shi xuan. (Shao shu min zu min jian wen xue cong shu.) 3, (1), 8, 339pp. Illus. Wraps.
Shanghai (Shanghai wen yi chu ban she), 1979.
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