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O’NEILL, P.G. Early No Drama

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O’NEILL, P.G. Early No Drama. Its background, character and development 1300-1450. xiv, 223pp. 10 illus. (partly hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (Lund Humphries), 1958.

3958 O’NEILL, P.G. Japanese Kana Workbook. 128pp. 4to. Wraps.

Tokyo/New York (Kodansha International), 1981.

3959 ONO, JURO. Minami Kyushu no mingu. (Koko minzoku sosho. 3.) 293pp., 8 plates with 15 illus. Numerous text figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Keiyusha), 1969.

3960 ONO, KATSUTOSHI & HIBINO, TAKEO. Mokyo kokoki. 17, (1), 339pp., 75 plates (1 folding). Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Kyoto (Hoshino Shoten), 1946.

3961 ONO, NORIAKI. Nihon zoshoin ko. 21, (1), 348pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Osaka (Bunyudo Shoten), 1943.

3962 ONO, NORITAKA. Shin kokugo zuroku. 143pp. Wraps.

Tokyo (Kyobunsha), 1967.

3963 [ONO, SENSEI]. Der Blumen Köstlichkeit: Blumenspiegel. Ein Bändchen Winke für das Blumenstellen (nach den Vorschriften des ‘Ikenobo,’) des Stammhauses der Blumenlehre. Eingeleitet und übersetzt von Willi Prenzel. (Kleine Schriften zur japanischen Kultur. 1./ Sonderdruck aus Asia Major, Vol. III, fasc. 3/4.) 75pp., 33 plates with captioned tissue guards. 4to. Cloth. Half-title: “Kwado, japanische Blumenlehre.”

Leipzig (Verlag der Asia Major), 1928.

3964 ONO, SUSUMU, ET AL. Iwanami kogo jiten. Ono Susumu, Satake Akihiro, Maeda Kingoro hen. 16, 1488pp. Lrg. stout 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Iwanami Shoten), 1974.

3965 ONO, TADASHIGE. Otsue. (Minga sokan.) (6), 45, (3)pp., 68 plates (4 color). 27 text illus. Boards.

Tokyo (Zokeisha), 1974.

3966 ONOE, HACHIRO, ET AL. (EDITORS). Shodo zenshu: Bekkan. [Kanshusha Kanda Kiichiro, Tanaka Chikayoshi.] 2 vols. I: Inpu Chugoku. (2), 202pp. II: Inpu Nihon, tsuketari: Sakuin. (4), 234pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Tokyo (Heibonsha), 1968.

3967 ONYANG. ONYANG MINSOK PANGMULGWAN. Onyang Minsok Pangmulgwan. / Onyang Folk Museum. 36pp., 48 color plates. Numerlus text illus. 4to. Wraps.

Onyang, n.d.

3968 ONYANG. ONYANG MINSOK PANGMULGWAN. Onyang Minsok Pangmulgwan. / Onyang Folk Museum. (24)pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Self-wraps.

Onyang, n.d.

3969 ONYANG. ONYANG MINSOK PANGMULGWAN. Onyang Minsok Pangmulgwan. (40)pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Korean and English.

Onyang, n.d.

3970 OPITZ, FRITZ. Die Asienforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg. 41.) (2), 98, (6)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Hamburg (Institut für Asienkunde), 1971.

3971 OPITZ, FRITZ. Die Ostasienforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg. 18.) 61, (5)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Hamburg (Institut für Asienkunde), 1967.

3972 OPITZ, PETER-JOACHIM. Lao-Tzu. Die Ordnungsspekulation im Tao-tê-ching. (Schriftenreihe zur Politik und Geschichte.) 202, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps.

München (Paul List Verlag), 1967.

3973 OPITZ, PETER J. (EDITOR). Chinas grosse Wandlung. Acht Beiträge von Daniel W.Y. Kwok, Peter J. Opitz, Gabriele Sattler-von Sivers, Lawrence Schneider, Tilman Spengler und Peter Weber-Schäfer. (Beck’s Schwarze Reihe. 87.) 321, (3)pp. Wraps.

München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1972.

3974 OPITZ, PETER J. (EDITOR). Chinesisches Altertum und konfuzianische Klassik. Politisches Denken in China von der Chou-Zeit bis zum Han-Reich. (List Hochschulreihe: Geschichte des politischen Denkens. 1504.) 183, (9)pp. 12mo. Cloth.

München (List Verlag), 1968.

3975 OPITZ, PETER J. (EDITOR). Vom Konfuzianismus zum Kommunismus. Von der Taiping Rebellion bis zu Mao Tse-tung. (List Hochschulreihe: Geschichte des politischen Denkens. 1508.) 250, (6)pp. 12mo. Cloth.

München (List Verlag), 1969.

3976 OPPITZ, MICHAEL. Naxi: Dinge, Mythen, Piktogramme. Mit Zeichen in Bilderschrift von Mu Chen. 142pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Zürich (Völkerkundemuseum), 1997.

3977 ORIENT. ROCZNIK MUZEUM AZJI I PACYFIKU. / Yearbook of the Asia & Pacific Museum. Vol. I [all published?]: Zycie wsi w Azji i Oceanii. 331pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Warszawa, 1988 [publ. 1990].

3978 O’ROURKE, KEVIN (TRANSLATOR). The Cutting Edge. A selection of Korean poetry, ancient and modern. 121pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the translator.

Seoul (Yonsei University Press), 1982.

3979 OSAKA. OSAKA BIJUTSU KURABU. Sekai Kodaigire: Nihon Mingeihin Tenrankai. June 5-7, 1933. (12), 18pp., 61 plates (4 color). 4to. Orig. wraps., ties. Although primarily dedicated to Japanese textiles, the exhibition includes Indian textiles as well as 3 plates with 14 illustrations of African sculptures.

Osaka (Yamanaka Shokai), 1933.

3980 OSAKA. OSAKA SHIRIZU BIJUTSUKAN. Shoki Kyoyaki. 125pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Osaka-shi, 1967.

3981 OSAKA. OSAKA SHIRIZU BIJUTSUKAN. Takeuchi Seiho. Tomita Keisen. Tsuchida Bakusen. Murakami Kagaku. May-June 1961. 21pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Osaka, 1961.

3982 OSAKA-KOBE. GENERALKONSULAT DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. 1874-1974: Hundert Jahre Deutsches Konsulat Kobe. (54)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Boards.

Osaka-Kobe, 1974.

3983 OSGOOD, CORNELIUS. The Chinese. A study of a Hong Kong community. 3 vols. xviii, 1264pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. Slipcase.

Tucson (The University of Arizona Press), 1975.

3984 OSGOOD, CORNELIUS. The Koreans and Their Culture. xv, (1), 387pp., 48 plates. 19 maps and figs. 4to. Cloth.

New York (The Ronald Press Company), 1951.

3985 OSGOOD, CORNELIUS. Village Life in Old China. A community study of Kao Yao, Yünnan. xii, 401pp. 36 plates, 33 maps and text figs. 4to. Cloth.

New York (The Ronald Press Company), 1963.

3986 OSHANIN, I.M. (EDITOR). Kitaisko-russkii slovar’. / Hua E ci dian. Izdanie vtoroe, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. 898pp. Lrg. 4to. Buckram.

Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Inostrannykh i Natsional’nykh Slovarei), 1955.

3987 [OSHANIN, I.M. (EDITOR).] Nekotorye voprosy kitaiskoi grammatiki. 114, (16)pp. 4to. Cloth.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1957.

3988 OSHANIN, I.M. (EDITOR). Prilozheniia i ukazateli k kitaisko-russkomu slovariu. / Fu lu ji jian tzu biao. Sostavili: V.S. Kuzes i I.M. Oshanin. 207pp. 4to. Cloth.

Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Inostrannykh i Natsional’nykh Slovarei), 1955.

3989 OSHANIN, I.M. (GENERAL EDITOR). Bol’shoi kitaisko-russkii slovar’. / Hua E da ci dian. 4 vols. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1983-1984.

3990 OSHIKAWA, JOSUI & GORHAM, HAZEL H. Manual of Japanese Flower Arrangement. xiv, (2), 322pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Cultural Exchange Club), 1951.

3991 OSPAN, GELADÊN. Qesqakha qazaq tili grammatikase./ Jian ming Hasake yu yu fa. 4, 224pp. Wraps.

[Beijing] (Ulttar Baspase), 1982.

3992 OSTERHAMMEL, JÜRGEN. China und die Weltgesellschaft. Vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in unsere Zeit. xvi, 607, (1)pp. 2 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

München (C.H. Beck), 1989.

3993 OSTERHAMMEL, JÜRGEN. Die Entzauberung Asiens. Europa und die asiatischen Reiche im 18. Jahrhundert. 560pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1998.

3994 OTANI, MITSUO. Kinin; Kan no Wa no Na no Kokuo no in. (Kenkyushi.) 196, (1), 21pp. Illus. Wraps.

Tokyo (Yoshikawa Kobunkan), 1974.

3995 OTANI, SHIRO. Zuan monji. 136pp. Prof. illus. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Tokyo (Daviddosha), 1960.

3996 OUWEHAND, C. Hateruma. Socio-religious aspects of a South-Ryukyuan island culture. xi, (3), 324pp. 140 illus. hors texte. 32 figs., 12 tables, 7 maps. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1985.

3997 OUWEHAND, C. Namazu-e and Their Themes. An interpretative approach to some aspects of Japanese folk religion. xvi, 271, (3)pp., 21 plates, 2 maps (1 folding). 10 figs. 4to. Cloth.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1964.

3998 OUYANG, JUEYA, ET AL. Jing yu jian zhi. Ouyang Jueya, Cheng Fang, Yu Cuirong bian zhu. (Zhongguo shao shu min zu yu yan jian zhi cong shu.) 2, 150pp. Wraps.

Beijing (Min zu chu ban she), 1984.

3999 OUYANG, JUEYA & ZHENG, YIQING. Li yu diao cha yan jiu. (4), 600pp., 4 plates. 4to. Wraps.

Beijing (Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she), 1983.

4000 OUYANG, JUEYA & ZHENG, YIQING. Li yu jian zhi. (Zhongguo shao shu min zu yu yan jian zhi cong shu.) 2, 137pp. Wraps.

Beijing (Min zu chu ban she), 1980.

4001 OUYANG, WUWEI. Da wang diao cha ji. (Meng Zang wei yuan hui bian qing zi liao ji. 7.) (2), 2, 114pp. Wraps.

[Taibei (Meng Zang wei yuan hui)], 1952.

4002 OUYANG, WUWEI. Zang ni you ji. (Meng Zang wei yuan hui bian qing zi liao ji. 6.) 2, 2, (2), 178pp. Wraps.

[Taibei (Meng Zang wei yuan hui)], 1954.

4003 (OUYANG, XIU) DES ROTOURS, ROBERT. Traité des fonctionnaires et Traité de l’armée. Traduits de la Nouvelle histoire des T’ang (chap. XLVI-L) par Robert Des Rotours. 2ème édition revue et corrigée. (Bibliothèque de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. VI.) 2 vols. cxviii, 1094, (2)pp., 10 folding maps and charts. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Originally published Leiden 1947-1948.

San Francisco (Chinese Materials Center), 1974.

4004 (OUYANG, XIU) NGHIÊM TOAN & RICAUD, LOUIS. Une traduction juxta-linéaire commentée de la Biographie officielle de l’Impératrice Wou Tsö-T’ien d’après le texte du Xin Tang shu (Nouveau livre des T’ang). Avec fac-similé photographique du texte original. (Étude de Texte: Annales Chinoises./ Extrait du “Bulletin de la Société des Études Indochinoises,” N.S., tome 34#2.) 171pp. 4to. Wraps.

Saigon (Société des Études Indochinoises), 1958/1959.

4005 (OUYANG, XIU & SONG, QI) DES ROTOURS, ROBERT. Le traité des examens. Traduit de la Nouvelle histoire des T’ang (chap. XLIV, XLV). (Bibliothèque de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. 2.) xii, 417, (17)pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Reprint of the Paris 1932 edition.

San Francisco (Chinese Materials Center), 1976.

4006 OVERMYER, DANIEL L. Folk Buddhist Religion: Dissenting Sects in Late Traditional China. (Harvard East Asian Series. 83.) x, (2), 295, (5)pp. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge/London (Harvard University Press), 1976.

4007 OVERMYER, DANIEL L. Precious Volumes. An introduction to Chinese sectarian scriptures from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series. 49.) xi, (3), 444, (2)pp. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (Harvard University Asia Center), 1999.

4008 OVERSEAS JAPANESE STUDIES INSTITUTIONS. / Kaigai Nihon kenkyu kikan yoran. xxiv, 226, (12)pp. 4to. Wraps.

Fukuoka (The Fukuoka Unesco Association), 1989.

4009 OWNBY, DAVID. Brotherhoods and Secret Societies in Early and Mid-Qing China. The formation of a tradition. xii, (6), 235pp. 5 maps. 4to. Cloth.

Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1996.

4010 OXNAM, ROBERT B. Ruling from Horseback: Manchu Politics in the Oboi Regency, 1661-1669. viii, (4), 250pp. Frontis., 1 map. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1975.

4011 OZAWA, KUNIHEI. Itabi nyumon. (Nihonshi kenkyu nyumon sosho. 2.) 156, 8pp., 14 plates. Text illus. Wraps. D.j.

Tokyo (Rinjinsha), 1967.

4012 PACHE, ALOIS. Die religiösen Vorstellungen in den Mythen der formosanischen Bergstämme. (Studia Instituti Anthropos. 19.) xiii, (3), 262, (10)pp. 1 map. Lrg. 4to. New boards, 1/4 cloth.

Wien-Mödling (Verlag der Missionsdruckerei St. Gabriel), 1964.

4013 PACKARD, JERROLD M. Sons of Heaven. A portrait of the Japanese monarchy. (10), 400pp., 16 plates. 3 maps and plans. 4to. Cloth.

London (Macdonald/ Queen Anne Press), 1988.

4014 PAE, CHONG-HO. Hanguk yuhaksa. 339pp. 54 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Soul T’ukpyolsi (Yonse Taehakkyo Ch‘ulp‘anbu), 1974.

4015 PAE, MAN-SIL. Yijo kagu ui mi. 160, (2)pp., 9 color plates. 155 illus. hors texte. Text figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. D.j. English-language summary entitled “The Art of Korean Furniture: Late Yi Dynasty.”

[Soul] (Saegulsa/ College of Fine Arts, Ewha Woman’s University), 1975.

4016 PAE, YANG-SO. Hanguk oeraeo sajon. / A Dictionary of Loanwords in Korean. 318pp. Illus. Cloth.

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (T‘ap Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1976.

4017 PAEDAL MAL. / Korean Language. No. 1. Wraps.

Jinju (Kyongsang Taehak Kugo Kyoyukkwa Paedal Mal Hakhoe), 1975.

4018 PAEK, MU-SAN. Manguk ui nodongja yo. (Ch’ongsa minjung sison. 33.) 189pp. Wraps.

Soul (Ch’ongsa), 1988.

4019 PAEK, SE-MYONG. Ch’ondogyo kyongjon haeui. 322pp. Frontis. Cloth.

Soul T’ukpyolsi (Ch’ondogyo Chungang Ch’ongbu), 1969.

4020 PAEKCHE YONGU. / A Study of Baegje. Theses collections. Vol. 6. 236pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

[Taejon] (Ch`ungnam Taehakkyo Paekche Yonguso), 1975.

4021 PAK, CH'ANG-HAE. An Intensive Course in Korean. 2 vols. xxxi, (1), 736pp.; (6), 753, (1), 7pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Seoul (Yonsei University Press), 1961-1967.

4022 PAK, CHANG-HYON. Chungsan chonso. Pak Chang-hyon cho; [p’yonjip kyom parhaengin Pak Yong-sok]. 2 vols. 4, 7, (1), 1, (1), 1190, 25pp.; 690, 18pp. Illus. Sm. folio. Cloth.

Soul T’ukpyolsi (Chungsan Chonso Kanhaenghoe), 1983.

4023 PAK, CHIN-JU. Namundul zangyo. (Minsok charyo chosa pogoso. 31.) 25pp., 1 folding plans. Illus. 4to. Wraps.

Soul (Munhwajae Kwalliguk), 1971.

4024 PAK, CHIN-JU & CH‘OE, KIL-SONG. Kangnung Pomgyojang sojangp’um. (Minsok charyo chosa pogoso. 36.) 148pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps.

Soul (Munhwajae Kwalliguk), 1971.

4025 PAK, CHIN-JU & SIM, U-SONG. Muhyong munhwajae ch’ongnam. 373pp. 45 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Soul (Minhak sa), 1975.

4026 PAK, KI-HYOK & GAMBLE, SIDNEY D. The Changing Korean Village. 222, (2)pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the authors.

Seoul (Shin-hung Press/ The Royal Asiatic Society, Korean Branch), 1975.

4027 PAK, KYE-HONG. Hanguk minsok yongu. 429pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. English-language summaries “The Studies on the Korean Folklore.”

Soul (Hyongsol Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1973.

4028 PAK, NO-CH’OL. Tan’gun yejol kyohun p’alli sambaek yuksip yuksa. (370)pp., printed on folding leaves. 4to. Wraps.

Ch’ungch’ong Namdo Taedok-kun (Tan’gun yejol kyohun Halsurwon), 1967.

4029 PAK, PYONG-SON. Le récit de la “Princesse abandonnée” et les médiums à travers l’histoire de Corée. Par Byeng-sen Park. (Publication of Yonsei University Museum. Occasional Paper No. 1.) vii, (1), 143, (3)pp. 4to. Wraps.

Seoul (Yonsei University Museum), 1973.

4030 PAK, SANG-HWA. Hanguk ui yongga. xii, 146pp. Illus. Wraps.

Soul (Konghwa Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1976.

4031 PAK, SI-IN. Alt‘ai munhwasa yongu: Hanguk P‘yon. 3, (1), vii, (3), 330, (2), 50pp., 30 plates. Boards. English-language summary entitled “A Study of Altaic Civilization: History of Korea.”

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (T‘amgudang), 1970.

4032 PAK, SONG-BONG. Hanguksa yondae pyollam. (Hanguk yongu charyo ch’onggan. 1.) 83 [i.e. 97]pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Soul (Kyonghui Taehakkyo Pusol Hanguk Chont’ong Munhwa Yonguso), 1975.

4033 PAK, UN-YONG. Manju omuno yongu. 2 vols. 174, 178pp. 91pp. facsimile; (2), 398pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Vol. 1 includes reprint of the original text of the Chinese-Manchu dictionary under the Chinese title “Ch‘ohak p‘iltok (Chu xue bi du) with date Kwangso 16 (1890) and index arranged in Manchu romanization; Vol. II with English-language title “A Study of Written Manchurian.”

Taegu (Hyongsol Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1969-1973.

4034 PAK, YONG-GU. Kyeryongsan. 4 vols. Buckram.

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (Samyang Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1969.

4035 PAK, YONG-JUN. Traditional Tales of Old Korea. A mixture of legend and history of Korea’s colorful past. Compiled by Park Yongjun.... Prepared with assistance from John Ryan Heisse. 5 vols. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth.

Seoul (Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Company), 1974.

4036 PAK, YONG-SIN. Silla sibiji sinsang e kwanhan yongu. (3), 81, (7)ff., 4 plates. 41 text illus. 4to. Wraps. Dissertation: Soksa hagwi nonmun--Hongik Taehakkyo Taehagwon. English-language summary entitled “A Study of Silla Zodiac Animals.”

[Soul], 1973.

4037 PAK, YONG-SUK. Han‘guk kodae misul munhwasa non: Syaamonijum yongu. 490pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (Ilchisa), 1976.

4038 PAL, PRATAPADITYA (EDITOR). American Collectors of Asian Art. 225pp. Prof. illus. (58 color). Sm. folio. Cloth.

Bombay (Marg Publications), 1986.

4039 PAL, PRATAPADITYA & MEECH-PEKARIK, JULIA. Buddhist Book Illuminations. 339pp. 100 color plates, 132 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Slipcase. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies.

Hong Kong/Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex (Ravi Kumar/ Richard Lyon-Chimera Books), 1988.

4040 PALEI, IA.B. & IUSTOV, V.K. Kratkii russko-kitaiskii slovar’: 15000 slov. 516pp. 12mo. Cloth.

Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Inostrannykh i Natsional’nykh Slovarei), 1957.

4041 PALLIS, MARCO. Peaks and Lamas. Thirrd (revised) edition. xx, 428pp. 96 illus. hors texte (1 map), 3 maps. 4to. Cloth.

London (Cassell), 1942.

4042 PALMER, MARTIN (EDITOR). T’ung shu. The ancient Chinese almanac. Edited and translated by Martin Palmer with Mak Hin Chung, Kwok Man Ho and Angela Smith. 240pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (Rider & Company), 1986.

4043 PALMER, SPENCER J. Confucian Rituals in Korea. (Religions of Asia Series. 3.) 270pp. 113 plates, 9 illus., text figs. Cloth.

Berkeley/Seoul (Asian Humanities Press/ Po Chin Chai Ltd.), [1984].

4044 PALMER, SPENCER J. (EDITOR). The New Religions of Korea. (Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch. Transactions. 43.) (2), 211pp., 6 plates. Text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Seoul (The Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch), 1967.

4045 PÁLOS, STEPHAN. Lebensrad und Bettlerschale. Buddha und seine Lehre. (Die Südwest-Bibliothek.) 192pp. Cloth.

München (Südwest Verlag), 1968.

4046 PÁLOS, STEPHAN. Tibetisch-Chinesisches Arzneimittelverzeichnis. ix, (3), 73pp. 4to. Wraps.

Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1981.

4047 PALUDAN, ANN. The Imperial Ming Tombs. Foreword by L. Carrington Goodrich. xvi, (2), 251, (1)pp. 238 illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1981.

4048 PAN, GUANGDAN. Zhong guo jia ting wen ti. (Guo li Beijing da xue, Zhongguo min su xue hui min su cong shu. 123. Dong fang wen cong.) 8, 1, (1), 324pp. Cloth. English-language title-page “Problems of the Chinese Family.” Reprint of the 1926 edition.

Taibei Shi (Dong fang wen hua gong ying she), 1974.

4049 PAN, JIXING. Zhongguo zao zhi ji shu shi gao. iv, 252pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Beijing (Wen wu chu ban she), 1979.

4050 PAN, RONGBI. Di jing sui shi ji sheng. Pan Rongbi. Yan jing sui shi ji, Fuchadunchong. Ren hai ji, Zha Shenxing. Jing du feng su zhi, Rang Lian. 2, 99pp. Wraps.

Beijing (Beijing gu ji chu ban she), 1981.

4051 P’AN, WU-SU. Religion and Chronology in Shang China: The Scheduled Ancestor Rituals and the Chronology of the Late Shang Period. xxxiv, 339 ff. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1976, in microfilm photocopy.

Ann Arbor (University Microfilms International), 1982.

4052 PAN, YUANSHI & WANG, LIXIA. Yangliuqing ban hua. Xuan shu Pan Yuanshi, Wang Lixia; wen zi zheng li Xi Song; bian ji Xiong shi mei shu bian ji bu. (Ba hua cong shu. 1.) 158pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Taibei (Xiong shi tu shu gu fen you xian gong si), 1976.

4053 PAN, ZHIHUI. Dafu Pan shi zhi pu. [14 juan, juan shou 1 juan, fu bian 10 juan]. 10 vols., printed on folding leaves. 26 cm. Tall 4to. Orig. wraps. Wooden case; ties. Lacking the case with “Fu bian 10 juan.” Only 1 copy listed in OCLC (Columbia University).

Suzhou (Song lin zhuang), 1927.

4054 PANG, CH‘ANG-HWAN & CHO, HUNG-YOUN. Chesongnim kwa chesok kut: Chont‘ong chesok sinang ui songkyok kyumyong kwa charyo. 441pp. 2 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Soul (Mundoksa), 1997.

4055 PANG, TATJANA A. “Der Schamanenhof.” Die sibemandschurische Handschrift Saman kuwaran-i bithe aus der Sammlung N. Krotkov. (Shamanica Manchurica Collecta. 2.) xix, (1), 104pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1992.

4056 PANG, XINMIN, ET AL. Liang Guang Yao shan diao cha. (Guo li Beijing da xue, Zhongguo min su xue hui min su cong shu zhuan hao. 2. Dong fang wen cong.) 140pp.; 131pp., 5 plates; xi, (3), 52pp. Illus. Cloth. Contents: Pang Xinmin, Liang Guang Yao shan diao cha--Ren Guorong...et al., Yao shan diao cha--Wang Tonghui, Hua lan yao she hui zu zhi. English-language title-page “Survey of Yao tribe in Kwangtung & Kwangsi.” Reprint of three works; the first, of the 1934 edition; the second, of the Kuo li Chung-shan ta hsüeh yü yen li shih hsüeh yen chiu so chou k`an, ti 4 chi, ti 46-47 liang ch`i ho k`an, Sept. 19, 1928 published under the title: Yao shan tiao ch`a chuan hao, and the third, of the 1936 edition; each has separate ttitle-page.

Taipei (The Orient Cultural Service), 1974.

4057 (PANG, YUN) YÜ, TI (COMPILER). The Recorded Sayings of Layman P‘ang, a Ninth-Century Zen Classic. Translated from the Chinese by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Yoshitaka Iriya, Dana R. Fraser. 109, (1)pp. Frontis. in color. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1971.


N.p. (Privately Printed), n.d.

4059 PAO, ERH-LI & CHENG, YING. Wörterbuch der chinesischen Redensarten Chinesisch-Deutsch: Tetragramme des modernen Chinesisch. / Han yu cheng yu. xviii, 842, (6)pp. Sm. stout 4to. Plastic over boards.

Berlin/New York (Walter de Gruyter), 1982.

4060 [PAPE, C.] Mokanshan. 45, (1)pp., 5 plates (1 lrg. folding panorama), 2 folding maps. Orig. wraps.

N.p., [1917].

4061 PAPER, JORDAN. The Spirits Are Drunk. Comparative approaches to Chinese religion. (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture.) xx, 315pp. 21 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Albany (State University of New York Press), 1995.

4062 PAPINOT, E. Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. 2 vols. xviii, 842pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. Originally published 1910.

New York (Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.), 1964.

4063 PARENT, MARY NEIGHBOUR. The Roof in Japanese Buddhist Architecture. xx, 348pp., 3 folding maps. 94 plates, 120 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill/ Kajima), 1983.

4064 PARFIONOVICH, IURII MIKHAILOVICH, ET AL. Tibetan Medical Paintings. Illustrations to the Blue Beryl treatise of Sangye Gyamtso (1653-1705). 2 vols. I: Plates. Foreword by the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Introduction by Ferdinand Meyer. II: Text. ix, (1), 336pp. 154 plates (77 color), text illus. Folio. Cloth. Slipcase. “This publication was prepared from the Russian translations of the late Yuri Parfionovic...and the English translations of the Tibetan sources by Gyurme Dorje, Richard Meyer. General editor: Anthony Aris, with assistance from Vilena Dylykova-Parfionovitch, Donatus Butkus, Robert Mayer, and the editors of the Parfionovitch texts: Sergey Klokov and Helena Bespalova.”

London (Serindia Publications), 1992.


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