Aasg 0961 Study Skills

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AASG 0961 - Study Skills
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
To increase study efficiency by emphasizing improvement in motivation, concentration and memory. Attention is also given to selected study skills including time-management, listening, note-taking, reading comprehension and testing. CREDIT EARNED DOES NOT SATISFY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY PROGRAM OFFERED AT THE UNIVERSITY. Formerly AASG 010. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
AASG 0971 - Introduction to College Reading
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Designed to increase reading proficiency by focusing on comprehension, vocabulary, reading speed, and study skills. Reading ACT score of 18 or below OR enrollment in AASG 0991 is required. CREDIT EARNED DOES NOT SATISFY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY PROGRAM OFFERED AT THE UNIVERSITY. Formerly AASG 005. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Freshman.
AASG 0991 - Introduction to College Writing
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Intensive instruction and practice in college-level writing. English ACT score of 16 or below is required. Student must pass writing proficiency to progress to ENGL 1221. CREDIT EARNED DOES NOT SATISFY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY PROGRAM OFFERED AT THE UNIVERSITY. Formerly ENGL 105. Corequisite(s): AASG 0971. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Freshman.
AASG 1101 - Pre-Law Orientation
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
How to prepare for admission to law school. Introduction to legal education and the legal profession. This course may be repeated 1 time.
AASG 1111 - Introduction to Legal Reasoning
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
Introduction to how to think like a lawyer. Includes rules and the rule of law, the use of precedent and authority, the interpretation of precedent and statutes, law making versus rule making. This course is repeatable for a total of 1 hour.
AASG 1121 - Analytical Reasoning
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
Explore analytical reasoning in the various branches of the law. Develop and improve analytical reasoning abilities. Appreciate the role of future coursework in developing analytical reasoning ability. Assess analytical reasoning abilities as measured by the LSAT.
AASG 1131 - Pre-Law Seminar
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
Preparation for applying to law school and a career in the legal profession. Includes writing the application essay, constructing a resume, LSAT preparation, choosing the right law school, introduction to the legal profession. This course is repeatable for a total of 1 hour.
AASG 1951 - Publication Activities Practicum
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Participation in design, photography, writing, and producing the Ohio Northern University yearbook. Formerly AASG 110. This course is repeatable for a total of 11 hours.
AASG 2011 - Perspectives in Medical Humanities
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of medical humanities. The course examines the human dimension of health care through the study of literature, art and other humanities disciplines to explore the ways in which culture and society work to influence the understanding of medicine. Prerequisite(s):ENGL 1221 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS-HUM - Humanities, Critical and Creative Thinking, GE_Knwlg of Human Thgt/Culture.
AASG 3001 - Career Search Strategies
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
An experiential environment facilitating learning skills that enable development and implementation of personalized and successful intern, professional employment and graduate/professional school search strategies.
AASG 4011 - Integrative Portfolio in Medical Humanities
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
Required for completion of hte medical humanities minor. Includes the creation of a portfolioof papers written throughout coursework the minor, as well as the compotsition of a cumulative essay that synthesizes those papers to demonstrate an interdisciplinary connection in the field of medical humanities. Must be enrolled in one of the following Minor fields of study: Medical Humanities. Course Attributes: Critical and Creative Thinking, Effective Comm Writing.
ABUS 1911 - ST-Young Women’s Leadership Experience
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Topics in the Business and Entrepreneurship fields. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
ART 1911 - ST-Summer Honors Institute
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Topics in the Art and Design field. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
CHEM 1911 - ST-Summer Honors Institute
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Topics in Chemistry and Biochemistry field for Summer Honors Institute only. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
HSPS 1911 - ST-Summer Honors Institute
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Topics in the History and Political Science field for the Summers Honors Institute only. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
HSPS 1921 - ST-History & Political Science
3 Credits Grading mode is S/U
Topics in the History and Political Science field for Summer Honors Institute only. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
PHPR 1911 - ST-Summer Honors Institute
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Topics in Pharmacy for the Summer Honors Institute only. Unlimited repeats permitted.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
TREX 1001 - Transitions Experience
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Designed to facilitate students' transition from high school to university by introducing the skills and habits of mind necessary for success at this level. Individual sections will be designed around topics that deal with various disciplines. Students will develop critical and creative thinking skills and make connections between their major and the general education program. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Arts and Sciences. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Freshman.Course Attributes: GE_Critical and Creative Think.
AERO 1110 - Air Force Organization 1
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Organization of the United States Air Force. Focus on missions involving airlift forces, strategic forces, tactical forces as well as overseas forces. Development and employment of weapons systems and logistic support functions. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered fall semester.
AERO 1120 - Air Force Organization 2
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Organization of the United States Air Force. Focus on U.S. Defense policies, military balance between U.S. and eastern European forces as well as capabilities of Army, Navy and Reserve/Guard forces. Officership/professionalism and introduction to flight. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered spring semester.
AERO 2110 - Air Force History 1
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Development of air power from the first lighter-than-air vehicles through the establishment of the Department of the Air Force as an independent military force. Various concepts of employment of air power and factors which have prompted research and technological change. Examples of impact of air power on strategic thought. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered fall semester.
AERO 2120 - Air Force History 2
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Development of air power since the establishment of the independent Air Force to the present. Various concepts of employment of air power and factors which have prompted research and technological change. Examples of impact of air power on strategic thought. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered spring semester.
AERO 3110 - Air Force Management 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Integrated management course emphasizing individual as a leader in the Air Force. Human behavior, individual and in groups, historical development of management thought, discussion of classical leadership theory; oral and written communication, military writing and briefing formats. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: Requires Department Approval.
AERO 3120 - Air Force Management 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Continuation of AERO 3110. Air Force leadership, planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling functions of management with emphasis on Air Force application, concept of command and staff, junior officer as administrative leader, Air Force personnel system, management of change, managerial strategy in changing environment. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered spring semester.
AERO 4110 - American National Security 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Role of the President, the Congress and National Security Council in national security policy making; American defense strategy; alliances; regional security; arms control. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: Requires Department Approval.
AERO 4120 - American National Security 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Air Force Officer as part of national security forces; military law; laws of armed conflict; the military profession; transition to military life; relations with civilian community. Leadership laboratory activities. Offered spring semester.
ARMY 1000 - Lifetime Leadership Skills
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Skills needed to be successful in a wide range of environments to include academic, corporate and military. Subjects include but are not limited to time management, memory comprehension, effective and efficient reading and effective note taking. Extensive leadership studies of both corporate and military settings focuses on interpersonal skills, professional ethics and officership. No military obligation or prerequisites.
ARMY 1010 - ROTC and the National Defense Organization
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Background, programs, benefits and objectives of Army ROTC. Organization and functions of national defense establishment, with emphasis on the role of the U.S. Army. Extensive discussion of the role and responsibility of the Army officer.
ARMY 2010 - Leadership/Officership
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Theoretical and practical leadership instruction. Examination of several aspects of communication and leadership concepts such as written and oral communication, effective listening, assertiveness, personality, adult development, motivation, and organizational culture and change. Emphasis on developing intellectual curiosity and clarifying practical applications.
ARMY 2020 - Military Tactics
2 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Army tactics, principles of engagement and usage of military maps. Simulation exercises and war games will be utilized in class highlighting military tactics. No military obligation.
ARMY 3010 - Professionalism/Leadership
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Professionalism and leadership required of the U.S. Army Officer; application of leadership principles and styles through case studies and role-playing exercises with emphasis on military situations. Participation in leadership labs, physical training program and field training exercises required. Requires completion of one of the following: ROTC basic course at BGSU; ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, KY; prior active duty service; Army Reserve or Army National Guard basic training. Course Attributes: Requires Department Approval.
ARMY 3020 - Small Unit Operations
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Organization and employment of basic military teams. Squad- and platoon-level tactical operations. Progressive leadership development through application of tactical principles. Participation in leadership labs, physical training program and field training exercises required.
ARMY 4010 - Unit Management and Officer Development
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Concepts and fundamentals of Army unit administration, supply and material readiness. Professional officership techniques and military ethics. Management at the small unit level. Organizing, planning, and participating in field training exercises, participation in physical training and leadership labs. Course Attributes: Requires Department Approval.
ARMY 4020 - Military Law & Leadership
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Organization and concepts of the U.S. Army judicial system including court martial and punitive actions. Fundamentals of the military decision making process. Discussions of various administrative details pertinent to newly commissioned lieutenants. Participation in field training exercises, physical training and leadership labs.
ARMY 4700 - Studies In Military Science
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Offered on demand. Detailed study of selected military subjects. Offered on lecture basis in seminar or independent study depending on students' needs and nature of material. This course is repeatable for a total of 6 hours.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
ART 1101 - Visual Foundations 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Composition, perception and analysis of visual space through direct observation and the manipulation of elements and principles of design. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 1111 - Visual Foundations 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Drawing and design as a means of expression, invention and communication through interaction of perceptual skills, visual language, subject matter and color organization, phenomena, and interaction. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s):ART 1101 Minimum Grade of D or ART 150 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
ART 1501 - 3-D Design
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
The visual language, methods and techniques of three-dimensional design. Emphasis on conceptual thinking skills. Offered spring semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, Critical and Creative Thinking, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 1651 - Visual Literacy
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Analysis into the theories, practices, techniques, language and media of the visual arts and design. Fundamentals of art historical study, styles and periods. Focus on major works from prehistoric world through contemporary issues to cultural and social contexts. Emphasis on identifying relationships between composition, form and content. Offered fall and spring semesters. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 1981 - Special Topics in Art
1 to 3 Credits Grading mode is S/U
Topics in art. Enrollment restricted to attendees of the Summer Honors Institute. May repeat as topic varies. This course may be repeated 3 times.
ART 1991 - Special Topics in Art and Design
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
May repeat as topic varies. This course may be repeated 2 times.
ART 2111 - Life Drawing
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Composition, proportion, structure and form from direct observation of the human figure. Offered alternate spring semester. Prerequisite(s):ART 1111 Minimum Grade of D or (ART 160 Minimum Grade of D and ART 170 Minimum Grade of D). Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
ART 2201 - Painting 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Concepts and competencies of painting through direct observation. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, Critical and Creative Thinking, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 2211 - Painting 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Creating and controlling visual space and form and their relationship to composition. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):ART 2201 Minimum Grade of D or ART 250 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
ART 2251 - Watercolor
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Concepts, competencies and techniques of aqueous media through composition. Offered alternate spring semesters. This course may be repeated 2 times.Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics.
ART 2401 - Ceramics 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Composition and methods of forming clay objects using various hand building and wheel throwing techniques, including decorating, glazing and firing. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, Critical and Creative Thinking, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics, Integration Across Disciplines.
ART 2501 - Sculpture: Additive & Subtractive
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
The composition and rendering of sculpture in clay, plaster, wood, and stone. Emphasis on technical skills and the organization of form and space. Offered alternate fall semesters. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics.
ART 2551 - Sculpture: Small Metals
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
The visual language, concepts, materials and technical skills of small-scale sculpture. Offered alternate spring semesters. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics.
ART 2601 - Art History 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Western tradition of painting, sculpture and architecture from the Prehistoric era through the Renaissance. Offered fall semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics, Integration Across Disciplines.
ART 2611 - Art History 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Western tradition of painting, sculpture and architecture from the 16th century to contemporary. Offered spring semester. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics, Integration Across Disciplines.
ART 2651 - Non-Western Art
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Painting, sculpture and architecture beyond the Western tradition such as India, Southeast Asia, Africa, Japan, Korea, the Pacific area and the Americas. Offered alternate spring semesters. This course may be repeated 2 times.Course Attributes: AS -Non Western Cultural, AS-FINRT Fine Arts, Critical and Creative Thinking, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 2801 - Book Arts
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
An introduction to the book arts as a medium of creative expression, communication, design, and innovation. Drawing upon both the historic and contemporary western bookbinding tradition, this course is an initiation into fundamental binding forms, techniques, and materials. Offered spring semester. This course may be repeated 2 times.Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics, Integration Across Disciplines.
ART 2991 - Special Topics in Art and Design
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
May repeat as topic varies. This course may be repeated 2 times.
ART 3301 - Print and Paper 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Fundamentals of screen printing. Emphasis on developing the technical and conceptual skills to be able to produce a more individual image and personal aesthetic. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 3311 - Print and Paper 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Fundamentals of letterpress and relief printing. Emphasis on the technical and aesthetic aspects of both processes. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics, Informed Responses-Aesthetics.
ART 3401 - Ceramics 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Advanced methods and techniques of forming clay objects; hand building, wheel throwing, plazing and firing. Offered althernate spring semester. Prerequisite(s):ART 2401 Minimum Grade of D or ART 255 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
ART 3501 - Sculpture: Mold Making & Casting
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
The composition and methods of plaster molds for reproduction and altering of direct cast ceramics and in lost wax casting of bronze. Emphasis on organizational problems of form and space. Offered alternate spring semesters. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics.
ART 3511 - Sculpture: Installation
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Design of sculptural environments and site-specific work. Offered alternate fall semesters. Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts, GE_Knwlg/Princ of Aesthetics.
ART 3991 - Special Topics in Art and Design
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
May repeat as topic varies. This course may be repeated 2 times.
ART 4101 - Advanced Illustration
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Innovative visual solutions in illustration and the mastery of advanced techniques through creative and professional work habits. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s):ART 1111 Minimum Grade of D or (ART 160 Minimum Grade of D and ART 170 Minimum Grade of D and ART 210 Minimum Grade of D). This course may be repeated 2 times.Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
ART 4111 - Advanced Life Drawing
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Structure of the human body with the aim of producing drawings of greater structural and visual integrity. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s):ART 2111 Minimum Grade of D or ART 210 Minimum Grade of D. This course may be repeated 2 times.Course Attributes: AS-FINRT Fine Arts.
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