Abidi,Saiyed Asif Husain

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Abrol, Inder Pal A001


Born in Lahore (now in Pakistan) on 13 March 1939. Educated at Punjab University, Chandigarh, B.Sc. 1957, Associate IARI, 1959, Ph.D. 1962, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
Director, Centre for Advancement of Sustainable Agriculture, New Delhi, 1999 to date.
Soil Scientist, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Hisar, 1964-69; Head, Division of Soil Science & Agronomy, 1969-82 and Director, 1982-86, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal; Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 1986-95; Facilitator, RWC, ICRISAT, 1995-98.
Awards/Honours: FAO Andre Mayer Award, 1972; Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prize, 1972; Guiness Award for Scientific Achievements, 1980; Vasvik Award, 1985; Hari Om Ashram Trust Award, 1989; President, Indian Society of Soil Science, 1991-92 and International Soil Conservation Organization, 1992-94; Member, Scientific Committee, International Geosphere Biosphere Program of ICSU; Member, Editorial Board, Soil Science, USA (past); Soil Use and Management, UK; Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, Wiely; Irrigation Science, Balkema; Chairman, Salt Affected Soils Commission, Soil Technology Commission, International Society (now Union of) Soil Sciences.
Fellow: Indian National Science Academy (Council Member, 1994-96, Vice-President 2002-04); National Academy of Sciences, India.
Research Areas: Research and education for sustainable agriculture, natural resource management
Address: Director, Centre for Advancement of Sustainable Agriculture, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi 110012; A 34/2, DLF, Phase I, Gurgaon 122001, Haryana; [Tel: Off. (011) 25848188, 9810772161; Res. (0124) 2358755, 2354267; Email: abrolip@gmail.com]
Founder Member, Executive Council 5 Jun, 1990 to 30 Dec, 1991; Editor 1 Jan, 1992 to 19 Aug, 1995; Member Executive Council 17 Aug, 1995 to 31 Dec, 1999

Abrol, Yash Pal A002


Born in Lahore (now in Pakistan) on 23 December 1935. Ph.D. 1963, University of Chicago, USA; Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California, 1963-65.
Adjunct Professor (Hamdard University) & INSA Honorary Scientist, Society for Conservation of Nature, NASC Complex, New Delhi.
ICAR National Fellow (Professorial Chair), 1978-84, Principal Scientist (Professor) and Head, Division of Plant Physiology, 1988-95, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi; Visiting Scientist, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada (1983-1985); Consultant, FAO (1971, 1993); Emeritus Scientist (CSIR) 1996-2000; INSA Senior Scientist 2001-2005; INSA Honorary Scientist (2006 onwards) Member, International Nitrogen Initiative Advisory Committee, 2009 to date.
Awards/Honours: Dhiru Morarji Memorial Award (Fertilizer Association of India), 1977; ICAR R.D. Asana Endowment Fund Prize, 1974-77; National Fellow, ICAR (1978-84); IARI Sukumar Basu Award, 1980; FICCI Award, 1990; Vasvik Award, 1993; Chairman, RC, Institute of Himalayan Bioreseource Technology (1991-1993); Platinum Jubilee Lecture Awardee, Indian Science Congress, 1995; T.M. Das Memorial Lecture Award, 2002; Member, Academic Council, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi (2006-2008); Birbal Sahni Medal (Indian Botanical Society), 2008.
Fellow: Full Member, Sigma Xi, USA, 1963; National Academy of Sciences, India, 1984; Indian National Science Academy, 1986; Indian Academy of Sciences, 1986; Indian Society for Plant Physiology, 1993.
Research Areas: Crop Physiology, Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences
Address: President, Indian Nitrogen Group, Society for Conservation of Nature (SCON), F4, A-Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi 110012; Flat No. 202, Abhinandan, Plot No. 8, Sector 51, Near Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon 122002, Haryana; [Tel: Off. (011) 25843842, Res. (0124) 2576165; Cell: 09810032162; Fax: (011) 25843842; Email: ypabrol@gmail.com]
Editor 1 Jan, 2003 to 31 Dec, 2005

Acharya, Chuni Lal A003


Born in Palampur, H.P., India on 6 April 1945. Educated at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Kullu, 1957-62; PAU, Ludhiana, 1962-66; PAU, Hisar Campus, 1966-68; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1968-71; B.Sc. 1966; M.Sc. 1968; Ph.D. 1971; Post-Doc. Fellow, IMG, Grenoble, France, 1975-76; INRA, Versailles, France, 1976-77; FAO/IAEA training course, Cadarache, France, June-July 1981.
Soil Physicist, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, 1972-79; Assoc. Prof.(Soil Physics), 1979-87, Chief Scientist (WM), 1987-93, Chief Scientist and Head, Dept. of Soil Science, CSKHPKV, Palampur, 1993-98; Director, Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR), Bhopal, 1998-2003; Director Extension Education, CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2003-05. Consultant (Soil Expert), Ict, New Delhi (Apr-May, Aug-Sep, 2010, Cambodia).
Awards/Honours: ISSS 12th International Congress Commemoration Award, 1989; Hooker Award, 1993; Himachal Kesri Award, 1994; Hari Om Ashram Trust Award,1999; ISSS 1st Prof. P.K. De Memorial Lecture Award, 2000; Dr. B.V. Mehta Memorial Lecture Award, 2002; 2nd Dr. T.D. Biswas Memorial Lecture Award, 2008; 3rd Dr. N.P. Datta Memorial Lecture Award, 2013. Member, G.B. Pant Society for Himalayan Environment & Development, GOI, 2008-10; Member, Editorial Board, Soil and Tillage Research (Elsevier), 1997-till date; Member Enpowered Committee, National Agricultural Science Fund (NASF), ICAR, 2015-17.
Fellow: Indian Society of Soil Science; National Academy of Sciences, India; Indian Society of Water Management.
Research Areas: Natural resource management, soil physics/soil water conservation/management, tillage, water management
Address: House No. 28, Nagarkot Colony, Thakurdwara P.O. Maranda, Palampur 176102, H.P.; [Tel: Res. (01894) 238824; Cell: 09418105471, 07807205472; Email: cl_acharya@yahoo.co.in]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2008 to 31 Dec, 2010; Dr. N.S. Randhawa Memorial Award, 2005-2006

Acharya, Radha Mohan A004


Born in Nabha, Punjab on 14 April 1934. Educated at Punjab Veterinary College, Hisar, affiliated to Punjab University, B.V.Sc&A.H., 1956; M.S., Ohio State University, 1962; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1966.
Lecturer, Associate Professor, Dairy Cattle Breeder, Professor and Head, Department of Animal Breeding, Punjab/Haryana Agricultural University, 1956-70; Director, Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, 1970-78, 1979-80; ICAR Professor of Eminence in Animal Genetics, HAU, Hisar 1978-79; Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR, 1981-90; Member Secretary of ICAR (GVK Rao) Review Committee; Advisor, Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Iran, 1991; Member Secretary, NCA Sheep & Goat Production, and Veterinary, Animal Science and Dairy Education; Associated with FAO, UNDP, World Bank, IDRC, SDC, Ford Foundation in planning, monitoring and evaluation of research and development programmes in Animal Husbandry and related areas; Member Secretary, ICAR Planning Group for 8th & 9th Five Year Plan.
Awards/Honours: President, International Goat Association, Indian Society of Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization, World Poultry Science Association (Indian Branch), Animal Nutrition Society of India, Indian Association for Buffalo Development, and Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding; Vice-President, Indian Association of Animal Production, and World Buffalo Trust; Member, American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, and International Biometrics Society; Advisor, Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Iran & FAO; Consultant, UNDP Buffalo Breeding Project in Iran; Chairman, Small Ruminant Production Network in South Asia and Member, Group on Identifying needs on Agriculture in Asian Countries of IDRC; ISBD Lifetime Achievement Award.
Fellow: National Academy of Veterinary Sciences; National Academy of Sciences, India; Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction; Egyptian Veterinary Association for Buffalo Development; Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization; Indian Association for Animal Production
Research Areas: Animal Genetics and Breeding, Biometrics, Research Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Address: 784, Sector 9, Faridabad 121006, Haryana; [Cell: 9313062280, 9136065937; Email: sanjivacharyain@yahoo.com]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2000 to 31 Dec, 2001

Acharya, Shabd Swaroop A005


Born in Raipur, India on 9 May 1939. Educated at SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner, 1955-56; Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur, 1956-59; Punjab Agricultural University, 1964-66; Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 1969-71; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1971-72; B.Sc. 1959; M.Sc. 1966; Ph.D. 1973.
Honorary Professor, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, August 2004 to date.
Agricultural Extension Officer/Block Development Officer, Government of Rajasthan, 1959-64; Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Rajasthan Agricultural University, 1966-69; Associate Professor and Head of Agricultural Economics, University of Udaipur, 1971-79; Project Director, Government of Rajasthan, 1979-80; ICAR National Fellow (Professor), 1980-85, Professor and Head, Agricultural Economics, RAJAU, 1985-91; Member, 1991-92 and Chairman, 1992-96, CACP, Government of India; Director, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, 1997-2004.
Awards/Honours: Two Gold Medals for Best Ph.D. Student of IARI, 1973; ICAR National Fellow (Professorial Chair), 1980-85; Maharana Mewar Award, 1999; Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 1988 to date; President, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, 1994; President, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics 1996; Chairman, Expert Group on Agricultural Marketing, Govt. of India, 1998; FAO's Agricultural Marketing Expert for Asia, 2001; UNDP-FAO Mission Leader for Agricultural Policy in East Timor, 2001; Member, UNDP-ILO-FAO Mission as Agricultural Development Specialist in East Timor 2003; Member, Standing Panel of Science Council of CGIAR 2004-06; Member, International Panel of External Review of Africa Rice Center (WARDA), 2006; Chairman, Working Group on Agricultural Marketing and Trade, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, 2006; Team Leader, International Panel on Socio-Economic Impact of TC Banana Industry in Kenya, 2006; President, Agricultural Economics Research Association (India) 2003-08; Editor, Chinese Agricultural Economic Review, 2007 to date; Member, Board of Directors and Chairman, Program Committee, Africa Harvest International Biotech Foundation, Kenya, 2008-15; Member, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Society, 2007-10 and 2011-14. Chief Editor, 2009-11 and Chairman of Editorial Board, 2011-14, Agricultural Economics Research Review; Senior Policy Consultant, FAO-RAP, July-December 2009; Chairman, QRT for NCAP, 2011; Member, General Council & Executive Council of NIRD, 2011-14; Chairman, International Panel for Centre Commissioned External Review of ICRISAT-IMOD, 2014; Director-Emeritus, Africa Harvet Biotech Foundation International, Nairobi, 2015 to date.
Fellow: Distinguished Fellow of Bhoovigyan Vikas (Earth Sciences Development) Foundation; Honorary Member, Gamma Sigma Delta, The Honor Society of Agriculture, Ohio Chapter (USA).
Research Areas: Agricultural economics, agricultural marketing and prices, agricultural policy analysis
Address: 33 Shahi Complex, Sector-11, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan; [Tel: Res. (0294) 2584782, Cell: 09829061534; Email: ssacharya95@yahoo.co.in; ssacharya@idsj.org]
Vice-President 1 Jan, 2007 to 31 Dec, 2009; Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2004 to 31 Dec, 2006; Member Executive Council (Casual Vacancy) 1 Jan, 2002 to 31 Dec, 2003

Adhikary, Siba Prasad A006


Born in Surada, India on 2 April 1954. Educated at Sashi Bhusan High School, Surada, 1964-70; Khallikote College, Berhampur, 1970-74; Berhampur University, 1974-1980; B.Sc. 1974; M.Sc. 1976; Ph.D. 1980; Post. Doc. at Institute of Microbiology, Freiburg i.Br., Germany,1982-83 and National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan, 1987, 1991-92; D.Sc. Botany, Utkal University, 2000.
Lecturer, Government College, Orissa, 1980-84; Senior Lecturer, 1984-93; Reader 1994-2002, and Professor, Post Graduate Department of Botany and Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 2002-09. Visiting Fellow at: University of Konstanz, Germany 1996; Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Giessen, Germany 2002; Forschungs Zentrum, Juelich, Germany, 2006; Institute of Botany, ASCR, Trebon, Czech Republic, 2006; Institute of Agriculture Biotechnology, University of Florence, Italy, 2007; Commenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2008; Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary, 2011; University of West Hungary, Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary, 2014, Professor and Head-cum-Coordinator of DBT-HRD Program, Department of Biotechnology, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, 2009-2014; Vice-Chancellor, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha, 2014-17. Chairman, Odisha State Higher Education Policy, 2015.
Awards/Honours: University gold medal,1976; IBS Young Scientist Award1983; Orissa Bygyan Academy Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award, 1999; Bijoy Govinda Memorial Award, 1999; UGC Research Award 2000; MOEF Dr. B.P. Pal National Environmental Fellowship Award for Biodiversity, 2009; KIA Life-time Achievement Award in Phycology, 2011; OBS Prof. H. Pattanaik Memorial Award in Algology, 2012.
Fellow: Indian Botanical Society; National Environmentalists Association
Research Areas: Aquatic Microbiology, Biodiversity and Bioprospecting of Cyanobacteria, micro-algae and seaweeds, Biodeterioration of stone monuments of cultural heritage; Biofertilizers
Address: Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Science, Visva-Bharati (a Central University), Santiniketan 731235, W.B.; 200B, Blue-Green, BDA Duplex Colony, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar 751003, Odisha; [Cell: 09439431600; Fax: (06782) 275768; Email: adhikarysp@visva-bharati.ac.in; adhikarysp@gmail.com]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2015 to 31 Dec, 2017

Adhya, Tapan Kumar A007


Born in Calcutta, India on 4 September 1949. Educated at Midnapore College, Midnapore, 1967-70; University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 1970-72; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 1992-93; B.Sc. 1970, M.Sc. 1972; Diploma in French 1973; Ph.D. 1990.
Professor, School of Biotechnology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar to date
Lecturer in Botany, Darjeeling Govt. College, Govt. of West Bengal, 1973-77; Scientist, 1977-83, Senior Scientist (Microbiology), 1983-98, Principal Scientist (Microbiology), 1998-2008, and Director, CRRI, Cuttack, 2008-11; Senior Advising Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund, Washington D.C, USA, 2012-14; Vice-President, Indian Nitrogen Group, New Delhi, and Director, South Asia Nitrogen Centre to date.
Awards/Honours: DBT National Associateship; WMO/UNEP Expert Reviewer, IPCC 2006 & 2012 database; DST (Govt of Orissa) Samanta Chandrasekhar Award, 2008; Prof. G. Rangaswami Memorial Award, 2009; Dr. N.S. Randhawa Commemoration Award, 2010; first receipient of ICAR Norman Borlaug Award, 2010; Prof. K.S. Bilgrami Award, 2012. President, Agriculture and Forestry Section, 98th ISC 2010-11; Member, International Union of Microbiological Societies National Committee, ICSU, 2009-15; Member Editorial Board, Biology and Fertility of Soils; Member Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Microbiology; Editor, Journal Indian Society Soil Science (2006-2009); Member, Editorial Board of NAAS Journal, Agriculture Research; Member, Editorial Board, Nature Frontiers in Ecology and Environmental Sciences Journal; Subject Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Science..
Fellow: Indian National Science Academy; National Academy of Sciences, India; West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology, Kolkata; Association of Microbiologists of India
Research Areas: Environmental microbiology with emphasis on climate change and carbon sequestration, pesticide biodegradation and bioremediation, rhizosphere microbiology, wetland microbial diversity
Address: Flat # A 302, Rajendra Vihar, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar 751009, Odisha; Delhi Address: G-14/5 3rd Floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017; [Cell: 09437304299, 09910759627; Email: adhyas@yahoo.com; tkadhya@aol.in]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2005 to 31 Dec, 2007; Dr. N.S. Randhawa Memorial Award, 2009-2010

Agarwal, Hari Charan A008


Born in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India on 1 October, 1933. Educated at Government High School, Ajmer and Government College, Ajmer. B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Zoology), Agra University, Agra, M.S. (Entomology), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. 1957; Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 1960; Post Doctoral Fellow at Science Research Institute (now Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics), Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A, 1961 to 1963.
Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi, 1963; Reader Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi, 1972; Visiting Reader, University of Hull, Hull, U.K. 1973-74; Professor of Zoology, 1983 and Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi, 1990-93; Conducted a FAO/IAEA six week training course on pesticides using radioactive isotopes for trainees from South Asia in the Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi as Director of the Course, for the first time in the country; Consultant Adviser, Pollution Monitoring Laboratory, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, 2003-15
Awards/Honours: Research Fellowship by Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan for one year,1956-57; Research Fellowship by University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin for three years,1957-1960; Post Doctoral Fellowship by Science Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. for two years, 1961-63; Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship by British Council, U.K. for work at the Hull University, 1973-74; Warden, Jubilee Hall, University of Delhi, 1980 to 1986; Grant by The Netherlands for working as visiting Professor at the Utrecht University, Utrecht for six months, 1990; Chairman, Academic Council Committee on Student Affairs, University of Delhi 1992-93; Chairman, Governing Body, Jubilee Hall, University of Delhi, 1993-98; Chief Election Officer, Delhi University Student Union (DUSU) Elections, 1998
Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India
Research Areas: Environmental pesticide pollution, insect biochemistry and toxicology
Address: B-4/23, Rajasthali Apartments, Madhuban Chowk, Pitampura, Delhi 110034; [Tel: Res. (011) 27019081, 27030869, Cell: 09891495003; Email: haricharanagarwal@yahoo.com]
Aggarwal, Pramod Kumar A009


Born in New Delhi, India on 28 June 1954. Educated at University of Delhi; University of Indore; and Wageningen University, Netherlands; B.Sc. 1973; M.Sc. 1975; Ph.D. 1983, Ph.D. 2000.
Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security, BISA, CIMMYT India Office, New Delhi, 2010 to date.
Scientist and Senior Scientist, IARI, 1976-98; Visiting Scientist and Coordinator (SARP), International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 1994-95; National Fellow 1999-2002, Head, Division of Environmental Sciences, 2002-2007, National Coordinator (Indian Network on Climate Change and Agriculture) 2002-2010, and ICAR-National Professor, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 2007-2010.
Awards/Honours: Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), 2009; Young Scientist Medal of the Indian National Science Academy, 1983; Asana Endowment Prize of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 1980-83. Member, Editorial Board of Agricultural Systems (Elsevier), Crops and Pastures, and Outlook on Agriculture.
Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India.
Research Areas: Global climate change, environmental impact assessment; agricultural systems modeling, agro-meteorology
Address: Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture & Food Security, BISA, CIMMYT India Office, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi 110012; E-13/12, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057; [Tel: Off. (011) 25842940; Cell: 9810261230; Email: p.k.aggarwal@cgiar.org]
Secretary 1 Jan, 2008 to 31 Dec, 2010; Treasurer 1 Jan, 2007 to 31 Dec, 2007

Aggarwal, Ramesh K. A010


Born in Shahabad Markanda, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India on 9 February 1958. Educated at D.A.V. Higher Secondary School, Shahabad Markanda, 1963-70; Government Higher Secondary School, Narnaul, 1970-71, 1972-73; Government Higher Secondary School, Gurgaon, 1971-72; Government College, Narnaul 1973-74; Government College, Jind 1974-77; College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 1977-87; M.Sc. 1980; Ph.D. 1987.
Chief Scientist (Director Grade Scientist) and Group Leader, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, 2010 to date; Professor (Biological Sciences), Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, New Delhi, 2014.
Lecturer, Chhaju Ram Memorial Jat College, Hisar 1986; Scientist, 1987, Scientist B, 1987-92, Scientist C, 1992-97, Scientist EI, 1997-2002, Scientist EII, 2002-06, and Scientist F, 2006-10, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India. Post-Doc/Project Scientist 1994-96, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines.
Fellow: Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding; Andhara Pradesh Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad; Associate, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Research Areas: Molecular Biology, Genetics, Evolution; [DNA markers - development & applications in Biodiversity, Wildlife conservation, Crop Improvement and Diagnostics; Comparative Genomics DNA Barcoding; Molecular basis of temperature-dependent sex determination]
Address: Chief Scientist (Director Grade Scientist), Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500007, Telangana; House No. 2, Type-V, CCMB Staff Housing, HMT Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad 500076, Telangana; [Tel: Off. (040) 27192635 (Direct), 27160222-40; Res. (040) 27176285; Fax: (040) 27160591, 27160311; Email: rameshka@ccmb.res.in]
Agrawal, Madhoolika A011


Born in Azamgarh, U.P., India on 1 May 1958. Educated at Government Girls Inter College, Azamgarh 1962-74; D.A.V. Degree College, Azamgarh, 1974-76; Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1974-82; B.Sc. 1976; M.Sc. 1978; Ph.D 1982.
Professor, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, 1999 to date.
Scientist B, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow, 1983-84; Lecturer, 1984-90; Reader, Department of Botany, 1991-98, and Coordinator Environment Science Course, BHU 2005-08.
Awards/Honours: BHU Gold Medal, 1978; UNESCO/ROSTASCA Young Scientist Award, 1988; U.S. Fulbright Fellowship 1988; ISCA Professor Hira Lal Chakraborty Award, 1996; UGC Swami Pranavananda Saraswati National Award, 1999; NASI Dr. P Sheel (Young Women Scientist) Memorial Lecture Award, 2003.
Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India; Botanical Society, India; Ecological Society, India.
Research Areas: Environmental Sciences, Air Pollution, Global Environmental Change
Address: Professor, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, U.P.; B-97, Brij Enclave Colony, Sunderpur, Varanasi 221005, U.P.; [Tel: Off. (0542) 2368156; Res. (0542) 2317799, Cell: 09415628573; Fax: (0542) 2368174; Email: madhoo.agrawal@gmail.com; madhoo58@yahoo.com]

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