(Product Maintenance)
Technical Research investigated, developed, and tested a method to salvage some $13,000 in parts received from Tri-plastics just before the fire. The parts were too shiny. Technical Research located an approved clear coat to produce a matte finish on the parts. The clear coat was tested and shown to be lead free. Technical Research trained and supervised the worker as the parts were sprayed. This allowed 89 kits to be placed into stock in March. This kit had existing patterns salvaged in the Technical Research archives. Molds were made from these patterns by the model maker for use by the vendor. The 89 kits salvaged allowed the time for the molds to be finished and put back into production.
Presentations & Workshops
American Printing House for the Blind. (Producer). (2009, April). Azer’s Interactive Periodic Table Presented by Karen Poppe. Video retrieved from http://www.aph.org/webcast/index.html
Holbrook, C. & Pester, E. (2008, October). Building on Patterns Update. Product Development Input Session. APH Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Henderson, B.W., and Jaffe, L. (2009, February). Issues in Translating Tests into Braille: WJ III Achievement-Braille Adaptation. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Convention, Boston, MA.
Henderson, B.W. (2009, June). Presentation on Accessible Tests Department. Visit to APH by Middle Tennessee State University Students.
Kitchel, E. (2008, October). ToAD: Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills. APH Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Kitchel, E. (2009, January). Understanding the Text, Graphic & Visual Needs of Test Takers who are Partially-Sighted. National Test Publishers and Editors, Louisville, KY.
Kitchel, E. (2009, March). ToAD: Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills. Webcast Workshop, New York Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Albany, NY.
Kitchel, E. (2009, April). Using Address: Earth to Teach Students with Visual Impairments. North Carolina Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Raleigh, NC.
Kitchel, E. (2009, April). Understanding the Illumination Needs of Persons with Low Vision. North Carolina Chapter of the American Council of the Blind, Winston-Salem, NC.
Kitchel, E. (2009, June). ToAD: Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills. Workshop. Tennessee School for the Blind, Nashville, TN.
Kitchel, E. (2009, June). Understanding Light and Its Effects on Persons with Low Vision. [Multimedia]. Alabama Technology Symposium, Talladega, AL.
Kitchel, E. (2009, July). Turbo Phonics-Guided Tour. [Multimedia] American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY
Otto, F. (2008, November). Tactile Considerations and APH Tactile Materials. In-service for New York state teachers of visually impaired students, New York Institute for Special Education, Bronx, NY.
Otto, F., Poppe, K. & Zhang, Y. (2009, April & May). Tactile Graphic Design and Production Principles. Workshop for transcribers at KY Correctional Institute for Women, Pewee Valley, KY.
Otto, F. (2009, June). Treks, a Game for Learning Compass Directions. Presentation to Middle Tennessee State students, Louisville, KY.
Pester, E. (2008, October). Thinking Outside the Book. Poster Session, APH Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Pester, E. & Scoggins, D. (2008, October). Braille Sessions of Dits, Dahs, & Dots: Using Morse
and Braille Codes. Saturday Museum Program for the Adelante Hispanic Achievers,
Louisville, KY.
Pester, E. & Scoggins, D. (2009, February). Braille Sessions of Dits, Dahs, & Dots: Using Morse
and Braille Codes. Saturday Museum Program for the Public, Louisville, KY.
Pierce, T. (2008, October). Digital Light Box Artwork. 140th Annual Meeting of the
Ex Officio Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Pierce, T. & Smith, M. (2008, October). SAM: Symbols and Meaning. 140th Annual Meeting of the Ex Officio Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Pierce, T. (2008, November). The APH Intervention/Communication Continuum. New York Institute for Special Education, Bronx, NY.
Pierce, T. (2008, November). APH Physical Fitness Products. New York Institute for Special Education, Bronx, NY.
Pierce, T. (2008, November). APH Physical Fitness Products. YMCA National Diversity Conference, Louisville, KY.
Pierce, T. (2009, May). Product training: Walk/Run for Fitness, Jump Rope to Fitness, and 30: Love: Tennis Guidelines for Players with Visual Impairment or Blindness. Louisville, KY.
Pierce, T. (2009, June). Product showcase: Multiple Disabilities and Physical Education. Middle Tennessee State University, Louisville, KY.
Poppe, K. J. (2008, October). Tactile Town: 3-D O&M Kit. Product Input Session presented at the 140th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Poppe, K. J. (2008, October). Touching on the Basics. Poster session presented at the 140th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Poppe, K. J. (2009, March). New Tactile Graphics Product Training Session for APH Staff. American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Poppe, K. J., Otto, F., & Zhang, Y. (2009, April). Tactile Graphics Workshop. Kentucky Correctional Institute, LaGrange, KY.
Terlau, M. (2009, April). Information Access, Storage And Retrieval: 21st Century Challenges and Solutions for Persons with Vision Loss. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 89th Annual Conference Expo, Houston, TX.
Wright, S. (2008, December). In Touch with Literacy: Meeting the Needs of Young Children Who are Blind and Visually Impaired. 26th Southeast Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Nashville, Tennessee.
Wright, S. (2008, October). Poster Session: Guidelines for Designing Tactile Illustrations for Children’s Books. Annual Meeting, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY.
Product Materials
Henderson, B.W. (2009). Examiner’s Manual for Brigance® Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development (IED II), Tactile and Large Print Edition (Revision). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind
Henderson, B.W. (2009). Annotated Bibliography on Impact of Vision Loss on Early Cognitive Development: Update. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Kitchel, E., (2008). What Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments Need to Know about Lighting. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Kitchel, E. (2009). Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairments, Ed., Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Kitchel, E. & Hoffmann, R. (2009). MaximEyes User’s Guide, Eds., Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Print Kit. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Braille Kit. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Teacher’s Edition (Print). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Teacher’s Edition (Braille). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Student Textbook (Braille). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Worksheets (Braille). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E.J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson Monitoring Sheets (Print and Braille). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pester, E. J. (2009). Building on Patterns: Grade 1 Unit 1 Assessment Check-up Forms (Print and Braille). Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pierce, T. (2009). 30-Love: Tennis Guidelines for Players With Visual Impairment or Blindness. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pierce, T. (2009). Digital Light Box Artwork. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pierce, T. (2009). Jump Rope to Fitness. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pierce, T. (2008). Portable Sound Source, Sport Edition. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Pierce, T. (2008). The Sound Localization Guidebook. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Poppe, K. J. (2009). ALL-IN-ONE Board: Reader’s Guide. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Poppe, K. J. (2009). Picture Maker Accessories: Geometric Textured Shapes. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Poppe, K. J. (2009). SQUID: Tactile Activities Magazine [Issue 6]. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Poppe, K. J. (2009). Textured Sorting Circles and Shapes: Reader’s Guide. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Wicker, J., Smith, D., & Leibfritz, B. (2009). MathBuilders, Unit 8, Data Collection, Graphing, and Probability/Statistics, Teacher’s Guide. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.
Kitchel, E. (2009). The Effects of Fluorescent Light on the Ocular Health of Persons with Pre-Existing Eye Pathologies, Philadelphia, PA: Council of Citizens with Low Vision International
Kitchel, E. (2009). Understanding Light and its Effects on Persons with Low Vision, [Multimedia], Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind
Kitchel, E. (2009). Turbo Phonics Guided Tour, [Multimedia], Louisville, PA: American Printing House for the Blind.
Lieberman, L. J., Schedlin, H., & Pierce, T. (2009). Teaching jump rope to children with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 103(3), 173-178.
Mason, L. (2009). Synergy in Seattle. D.V.I. Quarterly, 54(4), 11
Otto, F. (2008, November). Tactile Considerations and APH Tactile Materials. In-service for New York state teachers of visually impaired students, New York Institute for Special Education, Bronx, NY.
Otto, F., Poppe, K. & Zhang, Y. (2009, April & May). Tactile Graphic Design and Production Principles. Workshop for transcribers at KY Correctional Institute for Women, Pewee Valley, KY.
Otto, F. (2009, June). Treks, a Game for Learning Compass Directions. Presentation to Middle Tennessee State students, Louisville, KY.
Rosenblum, L. P. & Terlau, T. (2008). Reclaiming independence: Staying in the driver's seat when you no longer drive. Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 1(2), 57.
Wright, S. (2009). Designing tactile Illustrations for children's books. In P. Claudet (Ed.), The Typhlo & Tactus Guide to children's books with tactile illustrations. Dijon FRANCE: Les Doigts Qui Revent.
2009 New Products
30-Love Tennis (Grant 402) 1-08110-00
All Children Have Different Eyes (68) 8-00070-00
ALL-IN-ONE Board (379) 1-08836-00
APH ALPHABET CARD 50-PK (67) 1-04000-01
APH InSights 2010 Calendar (67) 5-18971-10
APH Insights Calendar Custom 2010 5-18972-10
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Print Kit (364) 8-78460-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Lesson Monitoring Shts 8-78463-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Braille Kit 6-78460-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Br. Teacher's Ed. 6-78461-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Assess. Check-Up Forms 8-78466-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Print Teacher's Ed. 8-78461-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 St. Textbook Not Far From Home 6-78463-U1
BOP 1st Grade Unit 1 Worksheets Pack 6-78464-U1
Braille Datebook Calendar 2010 (67) 1-07899-10
Braille Datebook Calendar Tabs 2010 1-07898-10
Charge Syndrome Revisited (68) 1-31001-01
Consumable Number Lines Braille/Tactile (358) 1-03013-00
Consumable Number Lines Large Print 1-03012-00
Cranmer Abacus Hands-On DVD (68) 1-30004-DVD
Denver the Guide Dog DVD (68) 1-30010-DVD
Digital Lightbox Artwork (403) 1-08691-00
Early Braille Trade Books (391):
Sunshine 2 Contracted Label Pack 3-00203-CL
Sunshine 2 Uncontracted Label Pack 3-00204-UL
Sunshine Kit 2, Contracted Br. 3-00203-00
Sunshine Kit 2, Uncontracted Br. 3-00204-00
EZ Track 2010 Calendar (67) 1-07900-10
EZ Track 2010 Calendar Insert 1-07901-10
FVLMA Protocols Large Print (325) 7-96154-00
Geometro GS16 Mini Set (68) 1-03022-00
Geometro GS22 Medium Set 1-03023-00
Geometro GS56 Large Set 1-03024-00
History in the Making: The Story of APH 1858-2008 (68) W-HISTORY
HomeGrown Video: Sensory Learning Kit DVD (68) 1-30022-DVD
i-vu (68) 1-07580-00
Jump Rope to Fitness Kit (383) 1-07521-00
Lighting Guide Kit (362) 1-08941-00
Lighting Guide, Braille 5-08941-00
Lighting Guide, Large Print 7-08941-00
Listen & Think Level B (67) 1-03890-01
Listen & Think Level AR 1-08510-01
Listen & Think Level C 1-03910-01
MathBuilders Unit 8 Braille Kit (112) 5-03565-00
MathBuilders Unit 8 Braille Teacher's Guide 5-03565-01
MathBuilders Unit 8 Consumable Pack 5-03565-02
MathBuilders Unit 8 Print Kit 7-03565-00
MathBuilders Unit 8 Print Teacher's Guide 7-03565-01
MaximEyes Video Magnifier Ver. 2.0 (344) 1-03915-01
PATTER, Braille w/CD & DVD (339) 6-76001-00
PATTER, Large Print w/CD & DVD 8-76001-00
Perkins/APH Brailler, Blue (68) 1-00800-00
PM:Geometric Textured Shapes (376) 1-08838-01
Qwerty Docking Station (301) 1-07452-00
One-year Extended HMA 1-07465-00
HMA Inspection Service 1-07461-00
Case for Docking Station 1-07452-12
Battery for Docking Station 1-07452-10
AC/DC Adapter for Docking Station 1-07452-11
RefreshaBraille 18 (420) 1-07445-00
One-year Extended Warranty 1-07446-00
SQUID: Tactile Act. Mag., Issue 6 (298) 1-08862-06
Transparent CCTV Ruler-Clear (396) 1-03009-00
Transparent CCTV Ruler-Yellow 1-03008-00
Tri-Fold Board (306) 1-08859-00
Turbo 6 Talking Battery Charger English Kit (68) 1-03965-00
Turbo 6 Talking Battery Charger Spanish Kit 1-03965-SP
Verbal View of Windows Vista (386) D-10517-00
VIPs Growing My Way - Part 2 (406) 1-30036-DVD
Woodcock-Johnson III, Student Br. Ed (266). 6-66000-00
WJIII Print Test Record (10) 4-66002-00
Completed Projects (Chart I)
[This is a summary of 70 Completed Projects. See “Project Status” for details.]
Active Projects (Chart II)
[230 Active Projects, see “Project Status” for details.]
Parking Lot Projects (Chart III)
[22 Parking Lot Projects, see “Project Status” for details.]
Pipeline Projects (Chart IV)
[44 Pipeline Projects, see “Project Status” for details.]
Project Status (Chart V)
Product Status: Summary
as of 9/30/09
Parking Lot
Assistive Technology & Electronics
Career Education & Transition
Communication Modes & Literature Education
Daily Living & Social Interaction
Early Childhood
Insights/Special Touch
Orientation & Mobility and Concept Development
Physical Education
Recreation & Leisure
Social Studies & Geography
Science & Health
Visual Efficiency & Low Vision
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