591France - New Caledonia & Polynesia: 1903-70s dealer's stock in huge s/book. New Caledonia inc 1966 Birds to 50Fr (17), 100Fr (50+), 1962 Satellite 200Fr (20), 1967 Air Olympics 100Fr (49), 1969 Concorde 100Fr (24). French Polynesia 1972 Air 25th Anniv 21Fr (51), 1973 Air DC-10 20Fr (49), 1972 Air Kon Tiki 16Fr (38), 1969 Flowers 17Fr (125). Most neat pmks. Most F-VF U, some M. SG cat £17,000+ = A$33,000+. Valuable stock of high values. (3100+) $1700$2700
592France - New Caledonia: Collection 1891-2000s in album & packets. 1891 Commerce 10c/30c inverted & 10c/40c. 1892-1904 Peace & Commerce to 30c. 1892 NCE opt commerce 5c/20c & 10c/1Fr. 1899-1902 Surch to 1Fr. 1903 50th Anniv opt 1c-50c. 1905-07 Pictorial to 1Fr. 1928-40 Pictorial to 2Fr50. 1941 France Libre opts to 20Fr. 1942 Kagu Bird set to 20Fr. 1948 Pictorials to 20Fr. Useful 1960s-90s inc M/S. Almost all diff. F-VF M/MUH, moderns seems all VF fresh MUH. SG cat £2700+ = A$4800+. Nice collection with modern issues not often seen. (980 plus 40 M/S). $700$1000
593French Polynesia: Collection 1892-2000s in album plus packets. French Oceanic Settlements 1892 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr inc 40c. 1913-15 Pictorial to 5Fr & 1922-30 New Colours to 1Fr50. 1929 View 2Fr & 3Fr. Polynesia 1958 on ranges with useful 1970s-90s sets plus M/S & the odd bklt. Plenty attractive thematics. Almost all diff. VF fresh M/MUH, odd U, moderns MUH. SG cat £3200+ = A$5700+. Nice collection with modern issues not often seen. (910 plus 25 M/S). $700$1000
594France - Wallis & Futuna: Collection 1920-2000s in album. 1920 opt New Caledonia Pic set to 5Fr. 1920 Postage due set to 1Fr. 1924-27 Surch set to 20Fr. 1930-40 opt New Caledonia Pic set to 20Fr. 1931 Colonial Exhib set. 1937 Paris Exhib M/S. 1939 150th Anniv set. 1941 France Libre opt to 20Fr. 1946 Chad to Rhine Air set. Also packet of unsorted sets & M/S mostly 1980s-2000s. Almost all diff. Almost all F-VF M/MUH, post-1960s almost all VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1400+ = A$2500+. (500+). $350$500
595Gambia: Mint collection 1886-1922 inc 1886-93 Cameo set ½d to 1/-, 1898-1902 QV Tablet set ½d to 1/-, 1902-05 KEVII set ½d to 3/-, 1904-06 KEVII set ½d to 2/-, 1912-22 KGV set ½d to 5/-, 1921-22 KGV set ½d to 4/-. F-VF M/MUH. SG 21-68, 86-102, 108-117 cat £1045+. (68) (P) $350$500
597German States: Collection 1849-1920 in nice album with binder. Baden 1851-58 Numeral 1k-9k plus shades. 1860-68 Arms to 7Kr. Bavaria 1849-62 Numeral to 9Kr plus shades. 1870-74 Arms to 1Mk. 1876-1908 Arms to 2Mk. 1911 Regent set to 20Mk. 1914-20 King set to 20Mk perf & imperf. 1920 Volkstaat & Freistaat opt sets. Useful range of 1862-1920 Railways, plus Officials. 1876 Telegraph to 1Mk. Brunswick 1865 Embossed Arms set to 3gr. Hannover 1866 King roul 2gr & 3gr plus 1860-62 Posthorn ½gr. Heligoland 1867-90 QV Embossed range inc U. Lubeck 1859 Arms 4s. North German Confed 1868-70 Numeral inc perf & roul. Alsace & Lorraine 1870 to 25c. Prussia 1850-58 King to 3sgr. Saxony 1863-66 Arms to 5gr. Thurn & Taxis 1852-58 Numeral to 9Kr. Wurttemberg from 1859 Arms inc Officials. Most F-VF M/U, odd usual mixed classic. SG cat £6000+ = A$10,500+ (1000). $600$1000
598Germany & Area: Collection 1849-1960s in s/book. Baden 1851-58 Numerals to 9Kr. 1862-68 Arms to 9Kr. 1862 Postage Due set to 12Kr. Bavaria 1849-63 Numerals to 9Kr. 1874 Arms 1Mk imperf. 1876-1911 Arms to 2Mk inc shades & printings. Brunswick from 1853 Arms. Hamburg 1859 Arms to 7s. Hannover from 1851 Arms inc 1863 crown 3pf & 1864-65 King 3gr roul. Lubeck 1859 Arms 4s U. Oldenburg 1852 Arms 1/30th. Prussia from 1850 Kings, Saxony from 1851 King inc 1855-63 to 3ng, Schleswig Holstein 1864 Numeral 1¼s. Thurn & Taxis inc North & South districts. Wurttemberg from 1851 Numerals to 6Kr. North German Confed 1868-70 North & South Districts to 5gr & 7kr. Reich inc 1899-1900 Reichpost 3Mk M&U. Useful inflation period inc blks. 1928-31 Zeppelin 2Mk & 4Mk M. Allied Occ inc Soviet Zone Mecklenburg 1946 Pic set imperf etc. Most F-VF M/U, mixed earlies. SG cat £8000+ = A$14,000+. (1500). $600$1000
599Germany: Collection 1853-70s in 5 s/books. States inc Baden 1853 Numeral 6Kr, Bavaria from 1870s, Saxony 1855 King 1gr, Wurttemberg from 1870. Small Eagle to 18Kr, Large Eagle inc 9Kr UN & U. 1874 Eagle surch set 2½gr & 9Kr. 1875-79 Eagle pfennige set to 50pf & 1880-87 Pfennig set to 50pf. 1889-1900 Eagles to 50pf M & set U. 1899-1900 Reichpost 2pf-3Mk. 1902 Germania set to 5Mk. Good coverage of later Germania issues. Useful Inflation period 1922-23 inc blks. Strong 3rd Reich inc 1934 Swastika Air set to 3Mk & 1937 Hitler M/S. 1939-45 German Occup inc Bohemia-Moravia & Poland. Allied Occup inc 1945 Numeral set to 1Mk, plus odd Local & Soviet Province. Extras inc M & U, blks, wmks, pmks etc. Most F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £15,000+ = A$30,000+. (9000+) $1800$2800
600Germany 1871-mid 1990s (2900) collection/accumulation with 1875 Arms to 50pf (£110). 1880 20pf blue with massive vert plate crack, early 1900s Germanias plus high to 5Mk. 1916 Occupation of Belgium (8) to 6f.25 (£140). 1920s Inflation inc high val opts VFU on pieces (STC €1800). 1934 Jubilee set & Airmails to 3RM (£200). Mostly G-FU. Post WWII Allied Occupations inc Soviet Obliterations on Hitler Heads & East Germany to 1980s inc 1951 Friendship with China 50pf blue & 33 M/S. West Berlin inc 1952 Olympics set VFU. Federal Republic to mid 1990s inc Charities, MUH/CTO Pic sets & 17 M/S. Poland 1919-21 Specialised accumulation (2800, cat €1950) inc Arms, Ploughs & 1921 Peace all G-FU, plus 1940s covers & postal stationery (38, cat €227). Total cat €13,650 = A$19,500. (5700). $450$700
601Germany: Collection 1872-1945 in s/book. 1872 Eagle Small Shields to 5gr & 7Kr inc 2Kr M&U. 1872 Large Shields to 5gr & 18Kr inc 2½g & 9Kr U. 1920 Germanias to 4Mk, 1912-22 Numeral Pic set to 20Mk inc 10pf, 5Mk-20Mk U. Useful Inflation issues. 1937 Hitler Culture Fund M/S. Danzig 1920-39 inc 1920 Germania set to 5Mk. 1920 Surch to 10Mk. 1936 Air to 50pf. 1937 Exhib M/S. Memel from 1920 inc Lithuanian Occ inc Surch. Bohemia & Moravia is nearly comp 1939-44 inc 1939-40 Pic set to 20K, 1942 Hitler set to 50K. All diff inc shades. Most F-VF M/U. Mi cat €8000+, SG cat £9000+ = A$16,000+ (550 + 2 M/S). $600$1000
602Germany: Collection 1872-1945 in binder inc 1872 Eagle Small Shield ¼gr, 5gr & 1Kr & Large Shield to 5gr. 1899-1900 Reichpost set to 5Mk. Useful Inflation issues. 1928-32 Zeppelin set 1Mk-4Mk, plus 1930 South America Flight 2Mk used. 1931 Charity to 50pf (both sets), plus 1932 to 40pf. 1933 Zeppelin Chicago Flight 2Mk & 4Mk. 1934 Swastika Zeppelin Air set to 3Mk U. 1935 Costumes to 40pf. 1937 Munchen Riem M/S U & 1937 Reich Party opt Hitler M/S U. 1939 Danzig opt set to 2Mk. 1945 SS & SA 12pf + 38pf set. Almost all diff plus shades etc. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £4100+ = A$7300+. (575). $400$700
603Germany: Collection 1872-1945 in 2 albums. 1872 Eagle Small Shield to 5gr & 18Kr U inc 5gr, 2Kr & 18Kr. 1872 Numeral 10 & 30 sgr. 1872 Eagle Large Shield to 5gr & 9Kr. 1874 Eagles Surch set 2½ & 9Kr U. 1875 Eagle "Pfennige" set plus shades. 1899-1900 Reichpost to 3Mk. 1902-14 Germania to 5Mk plus wmks & shades. 1912 Semi Official Air 10pf & 30pf used. 1920 Bavaria opt set to 20Mk. Useful inflation issues 1922-23. 1926-31 Eagle Air set to 3Mk M. 1928-31 Zeppelin air set 1Mk-4Mk. 1933 Wagner set to 40pf U. 1934 Air Zeppelin set to 3Mk. 1934 Workers set to 40pf. 1935 OSTROPA M/S U (faults). 1935 Costumes set to 40pf U. 1936 Olympic M/S set of 2. 1937 Hitler M/S perf & imperf plus Nuremburg opt M/S & Munchen Riem opt M/S. 1939 Car Racing opt set. 1939 Danzig opt set to 2Mk. 1945 SS & SA 12pf + 38pf set perf & imperf. Useful Officials inc 1903 set to 50pf. 1905 set to 25pf M. Germany Colonies inc SWA. 1906 Yacht to 5Mk. Cameroon 1897 Eagle opt to 50pf. 1915 CEF opt to 6d. Togo 1900 Yacht to 3Mk. Allenstein 1920 Plebiscite opt to 3Mk. Marienwerder 1920 Plebiscite set to 5Mk U. Useful Memel inc Lithuanian Occ plus 1940 "Memelland ist Frei" opt Lithuanian to 60c, Occ of Belgium 1915 Germania opt to 5Mk. Most diff. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £10,000+ = A$18,500+ Attractive collection (1830, 10 M/S). $1300$2000
604Germany: 1872-1949 Collection in Schaubek album. 1872 Eagle Large Shield 1g & 3Kr. 1875 Eagle "Pfennige" values to 25pf. 1900 Germania Reichpost values to 1Mk inc 1Mk M (SG cat £170). Useful 1923 Inflation issues. 1923 Unissued Rheinland opt inflation set. 1932-34 Hindenberg set to 100pf. 1934 Airs to 2Mk. 1934 Workers 25pf & 40pf 1937 Hitler M/S (Culture Fund). Soviet Occup 1948 SBZ opts to 80pf. 1948 Portrait 2pf-80pf. Allied Occup 1946 Numeral set to 84pf. 1947-48 Pics to 5Mk. 1948 Posthorn opts to 80pf. 1948 Buildings to 5Mk plus shades. BoB inc Officials with 1920 Numeral set to 5Mk. 1923 Inflations to 500Mk & 1938 Swastika set to 40pf. Extras inc shades, types etc. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £2700+. (1200). $300$450
605Germany & Area: 1876-1980s in binder. Better items inc 1920 opt Bavaria set to 20Mk U. 1950 DEBRIA Exhib M/S M. Bavaria 1911 Arms 3Mk, Caroline Is 1901 Yacht to 3Mk. German Samoa 1900 Yacht to 2Mk. Marshall Is 1901 Yacht to 3Mk. Danzig 1924 Air set to 2½g. Allied Occ 1946 Refugee M/S M. DDR 1956 Thalmann M/S U. West Germany 1952 Posthorn set to 90pf. Soviet Occ Thuringia 1946 National Theatre M/S on white & buff paper. Saar 1957 President set to 300Fr U. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £3500+ = A$6300+ (675, 13 M/S). $300$500
606Germany: Collection 1879-1980s in 2 binders & s/book. Bavaria 1879-1918 inc 1911 Kings to 50pf. 1899-1918 Germania to 2Mk. Useful 1922-23 Inflation issues. 1933 Hindenburg set to 100pf. Also range of Saar & Danzig from 1920. Post WWII inc allied Occ, East Germany & a mint range West Germany to 1980s. Most diff. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £3300+ = A$6600+. (2500 plus 20 M/S) $550$800
607Germany: Inflation 1919-23 Mint collection in Special Klipstein printed album. Seems comp 1919-23 inc Airmails, 1920 Bavaria set to 20Mk, 1919-20 Germania set to 4Mk, 1921 Numeral Pictorial set to 20Mk. 1922 Numeral set to 100,000Mk. 1923 Surch to 10Md. 1923 Numerals to 50Md, plus roulettes & Officials inc Württemberg opt set to 1Mk. Also interesting range of 14 banknotes from the inflation period. All diff. Almost all VF fresh M, odd U. SG cat £264+, plus the banknotes. (390). $200$300
608Germany: 1937 Hitler M/Sheets set of 4 inc perf, imperf, Culture Fund opt & Reich-party opt. VF fresh 2M & 2MUH, 1 with cnr crease. Mi Blk 7, 8, 9 & 11 cat €540, SG MS635-38 cat £635. (4). $200$300
609Germany: Extensive Collection 1949-2008 in Schaubek Illustrated album to 1980, then in 4 s/books & on hagners. Inc the early better sets (1951/52 Posthorn set FU) then a mix of MLH &/or FU through to 2008 or so. Mainly VF. SG cat £4430 = A$7100. (3500+, 81 M/S). $350$500
610Germany: Classics from old-time collection inc 1872 Arms small shield 1/3g, ½g (7), 1g (2), 2g (2) & 5g all U, plus 1Kr & 2Kr UN (total SG cat £1560), Large shield ¼d, 1/3g, ½g (M&U), 1g (2), 2g (2), 2½g M (SG cat £3000), 1Kr plus 2½ & 9 opts. 1880 set M & set U, 2Mk M & 1926-28 Welfare Fund Arms (7 diff) M. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £5495 = A$10,000. (52). $500$800
611Germany - 1940s WWII Anti-British propaganda Fieldpost cards with printed "Not worth a pfennig" Churchill stamp in various sub-types inc with "perfs", ship, "WC" shoulder letters & "3503" imprint all in black (U & UN), plus a lettersheet. With "perfs", "WC" & 3503 in blue (2U), "perfs" & 5503 imprint in blue with "WC" in brown (3U) inc 1 much redder face. Then Chamberlain "stamp" with brown suit coded 5503 (U), others black suit coded 3503 with 3 diff font "Feldpost" inc diff card stocks 2UN/5U to or from Fieldposts. Mostly G-VF, some mixed condition. Interesting lot. (16). $700$1000
612German Occup-Albania: 1943 "14 Shtator 1943" opts Pictorial set 1q/3q-3Fr plus 25q Express. The 1q/3a-3Fr on large piece with "Tirane 13.12.43" cds, the Express on local cover with "Shkoder 31 8 44" cds. Plus 1944 Refugees Fund set on large piece with "Tirane 1.10.44" cds. VFU. Mi 1-21 cat €640+, SG 389-E402, 402-8 cat £760+. (3 items). (P) $375$500
613German Occupation - Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-44 MUH collection of blks, plate blks, star label blks, blank tab blks & printed tab blks. 1939-42 Pictorial range to 20K inc 40h, 50h, 60h & 1K plate blks, 1.20K star 1, 2, 3 blks & 1.50K-20K, top, bottom, left & right blks with star labels & blank tabs. 1941 Red Cross set in se-tenant blks of 4 with printed tabs. 1940-41 Pictorials to 20K inc star label blks & blank tab blks. 1942 3rd Anniv set in star label blks of 4. 1941-42 Pictorial defs to 3K in star label blks of 4 inc diff star types. All blks diff. VF fresh MUH. Mi est cat €930+. (108 blks). $350$500
614German Occupation - Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-44 MUH collection of plate blks, star label blks, blks with printed & blank tabs & marginal dates. 1939 Newspaper set 2h-1K in plate blks of 4, plus 1939 opt 10h. 1940 Red Cross set in se-tenant blks of 4 with special printed tags inc UR, LL cnr blks, plus central blks. 1941 100th Birthday set in se-tenant blks of 4 with 4 ornamental tabs. 1941 150th Death Anniv set in se-tenant blks of 4 with Pictorial tabs. 1942 Hitler set in blks of 10 & 6 with double blank tabs inc top, bottom, left & right marginal blks. 1942 3rd Anniv set in star blks of 4. 1942 Red Cross bottom marginal blks of 20 with date inscription. 1943 Newspaper set in plate blks of 4. 1943 Hitler Birthday set & 1944 Smetana set -both sets in top, bottom, left & right marginal blks with double blank tabs, plus 1944 600th Anniv set. All blks diff. VF fresh MUH. Mi ext cat €720+. (138 blks) $250$400
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615German Occupation - Croatia: 1941-45 NDH Specialized collection MUH almost comp inc 1941 1st & 2nd opt sets on Yugoslavia, 1941 Castles opt, 1941-42 Views tete-beche prs, 1942 Model Plane Expo perf & imperf M/Sheets (the imperf with engravers secret mark), plus se-tenant stamps from the S/S, 1942 Ustashe M/S perf & imperf, 1943 Pavelic M/S perf & imperf, & later commem sets & M/S with some special items such as extras of 1943 Zagreb stamp & M/S showing engravers secret mark, plus an early reprint of the very rare 1945 Storm Troopers M/S (would cat £2000+), Officials, Postage Dues, Military Post inc unissued "Feldpost" opt etc. Plus large section of blks of 4 of various issues, inc some proofs. Then fantastic section of special S/Sheetlets inc 1942 Aviation Fund 2 sets of the diff S/S, 1st set S/S of 25 ea - 1 in ea with engraver's special marks in cnrs, 1st set S/S of 24+1tab - also 1 in ea with engraver's special marks in cnrs, 1942 Ustashe set S/S of 16+9 tabs, 1944 Postal Workers set S/S of 9, 1944 Labor Front S/S of 9, 1948 Red Cross set S/S of 20, 1945 Postal Workers S/S of 8 etc. Mostly VF fresh MUH. SG STC £5000++ for M so should be double, £10,000++ MUH. Beautiful & valuable collection. (570, 14M/S, 30S/S). $1500$2500
616Germany - West (1350) plus 23 M/S & West Berlin (900). Collection near comp 1949-90 in well-filled Davo album with Germany 1949 Parliament & UPU, 1950 Bach, 1951 defs to 90pf & Relief to 20pf, 1952 Otto, Hostels & Humanitarian Relief sets. 1953 Transport & Philatelic Exhib sets. 1954-57 Relief sets & 1955 Lufthansa. These cat £1000+, plus comp collection 1954-90, for a total of £2275. West Berlin inc 1948 opts (23) in black or red to 80pf. 1949 UPU set (£430) & pics comp to 5Mk (£75) 1951-53 Bells set of 15 (£420). 1951 Stamp Day, 1952 Olympics, Famous Berliners sets & 1953 Church Rebuilding sets (these cat £500+), plus comp collection 1952-90, for a total of £3000. A stunning G-FU collection (later sets CTO) with very little needed for completion. Total SG cat £5275 = A$11,000. Then East Germany (300) 1949-60 in older-style Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 UPU & 1953 Karl Marx sets & mostly CTO collection (1000) 1973-90 with wide variety of sets/singles plus odd M/Sheet. (3250) $650$900
617Germany West: Collection 1950-86 in older Lighthouse springback hingeless album with 1949 Parliament pr & Stamp Centenary set (£210), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£200), 1951 Posthorns set (£55), 1953 Transport Exhib (£45), 1955 Relief & Lufthansa sets (£80) & then virtually comp 1956-86, mostly F-VFU inc M/Sheets. Then also MUH pic/commem 1972-86 inc 10 M/Sheets & 30 diff charity sets. Estimated total cat around £1500. Very fresh & clean. (1300) $300$450
618Gibraltar: 1886-1924 Mint collection inc 1886 opt QV Bermuda set ½d to 1/-, 1886-87 QV set ½d to 1/-, 1889 QV surch set 5c on ½d-75c on 1/- with 50c & 75c variety "5 with short foot", 1898 QV sterling currency set ½d to 1/-, 1903 KEVII ½d to 8/-, 1904-08 KEVII ½d to 2/-, 1906-11 KEVII New colour set ½d to 8/-, 1912-24 KGV ½d to 8/-. All diff inc couple extra shades. Mostly F-VF M/MLH. SG 1-21, 39-54, 56-62, 66-74, 76-86 cat £4300+. (64) (P) $1300$2000
619Gold Coast: Specialised collection of postal history on pages ca 1900-55 inc covers, PPCs, On Active Service & Censor Mail, airletters & other stationery. Noted 22 covers inc registered covers, 3 PPCs, pre-stamped & postal envelopes & airletters 33 items in total, plus another 108 pmks usually on piece or fragment. Inc a good study of the markings of Sekondi inc with the spelling Secondee, Temple NT, Tarquash/Tarkara, Sulhum, Twifu inc 1936 (12 Sep) cover to Edinburgh. Also noted 1946 On Active Service cover unstamped, 1952 6d Pic pre-stamped airletter, 1954 taxed airletter to Le Havre, France with 3Fr, 20Fr Postage Due tied by cds. Incoming mail inc 1948 (10 Sep) GB 6d Olympic airletter to Gold Coast with Suhum arrival b/s. Priced retail $2200. An unusual & scarce collection. (141 items) $800$1200
620Gold Coast: 1904-21 sets inc 1904-06 KEVII set ½d to 2/6, 1907-13 KEVII set ½d to 5/-, 1912-21 KGV set ½d to 20/-, plus shades & 2/6 Die II. F-VF M/MLH. SG 49-57, 59-68, ex 71-94 cat £715. (35) (P) $250$400
621Great Britain & New Zealand in 2 separate SG loose leaf albums with GB (1300) to 1982 with 1841 QV 1d Brown imperf (3), 1858 letters in 4 cnrs ½d (3), 1d (110) & 2d blue (3). 1865 QV Large un-coloured letters 4d (2), 6d (4) & 1/- green. 1873 QV Coloured letters (8) to 1/- brown inc 4d green, 6d black, 8d orange & 6d/6d lilac. 1883 QV 2/6 (2). 1887 Jubilee set to 1/- green. 1902 KEVII set to 2/6. 1934 KGV Seahorse 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (2 of ea, cat £380). 1948 KGVI SW £1. Pre-dec QEII to £1 Castle & decimal QEII to £5 plus 100s of Pics & Commems plus assorted regionals. Usual variable condition, G-FU SG £3000 to end 1936, total much higher. New Zealand (600) to 1978 with 1858 QV Chalons 2d blue, 2d orange, 6d brown. 1898 Pics (30) to 1/- inc 8d blue (4). 1915 KGV Engraved (11) to 1/-. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue & 3/- violet. 1935 Pics to 3/- U & KGV SJ set M. 1953 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. 1967 Decimals to $2 geyser, 24 diff Health M/Sheets to 1975 & Officials (35) to QEII inc KGV opts to 1/-. Again very mixed G-FU. Retail $1700. Two useful collections, ready for expansion. (1900) $300$400
622Great Britain: 1840 QV 2d Blue no lines, imperf almost 4 margins, light Maltese Cross pmk (SG 5 cat £900), 1858 QV 1d brown plate 145 M (£45). 1902 KEVII 9d opt Govt Parcels UN (£650). 1937 KGVI set 2/6 to £1 inc both 2/6 & 10/-, 2/6 brown MLH, others MUH (£425). 1948 KGVI Wedding £1 MUH. 1952 KGVI set 2/6-£1 MLH. Mostly F-VF, total SG cat £2160. (14) $300$500
623Great Britain: 1840 QV 1d black 3 margins on 1841 folded letter from Mauchline to Ayr, just tied by black Maltese Cross. 1854-78 QV plate numbers (1070) near comp set 71-220, with possible pmk interest. Also pmks (100s) in glassines unchecked, noticed scarcer stamps inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf & higher to 2/6. Some mixed condition, G-FU, huge cat val. (Many 100s) $250$350
624Great Britain: 1840-1960s Collection in s/book with 1840 QV 1d black 3 margins (SG 2 cat £375). 1841 1d Red-brown imperf (15), variable margins cat £480. 1855 4d carmine glazed paper (SG 62 cat £450) & 4d rose white paper (SG 66 cat £150). 1862 Small uncoloured letters 4d (3), 1/- (2) & 6d (£1150). 1865 large uncoloured letters 3d (2), 4d (2) & 1/- (£500). 1873 Coloured letters 3d (3), 4d brown (2), 8d, 1/- green & 1/- brown (£1070). 1880 5d Indigo (2, cat £350), 1883 3d lilac (2), 4d green (2), 6d green & 1/- green (all strong colours, £1185). 1883 QV 2/6 (2) & 5/- (2) U (£1800). 1887 QV Jubilee set to 1/- (G-FU, £200) plus 1½, 2d, 2½d, 4d & 4½d (3) M (£150). Govt Parcel opt QV with 1½d (2), 2d (2), 6d (2), 9d (2) & 1/- (2, cat £1100). 1901 KEVII 9d FU (5) & 1/- M (£360) plus 2/6 U (2, £300). KGV 1918 Seahorses 2/6 (4, £300), & 5/- (6, £800). KGVI defs to £1 U. 1960s Machins to 1/- (9 diff), plate no blks of 6 MUH. Plus many others inc 1980s Machins to £1, pics & commems MUH (FV £60 = A$100). Earlies sl mixed mostly G-FU, total SG cat £9800+. (1200) $500$800
625Great Britain: 1840-1979 collection in green lighthouse "turn-bar" hingeless album with 1840 QV 1d black tied to letter wrapper by red Maltese Cross pmk (SG1 cat £750). 1855-1900 Surface printed range to 1/- plus 1885 Registered cover to NSW, franked 1d lilac (8) & 3d lilac (2), plus 1879 QV 6d grey plate 16 on cvr to NSW. 1902-13 KEVII to £1. 1912-22 KGV to 1/-. 1913-19 KGV Seahorse to £1. 1939-36 KGV set to 1/-, plus Seahorse re-engraved set to 10/-. KGVI 1937-52 comp for basic issues. QEII 1952-79 appears comp with 60% M/MUH. Most diff. Very mixed condition but many F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £7000+ = A$12,500+, Plus album in excellent condition retail $700. (1100). (P) $600$1000
626Great Britain: Extensive collection 1840-2012 in 3 binders up to 1970 mostly G-FU. Noted 1840 1d Black GU, 1884 QV to 5/-, 1902-10 KEVII to 10/-, KGV Seahorses to 10/- mostly GU, KGVI high values mostly G-FU (ex 1948 £1 RSW MLH). Cat value up to 1970 £2500 = A$4000. post-1970 largely MUH, some gaps but solid range of commems & Defs to comp latter day issues such as Post-and-go. FV of post-1970 £875 = A$1400. (2730 + 150 M/S) $600$900
627Great Britain: 1840-70 mainly line-engraved issues collection (plus odd later). 1840 QV 1d black (2) & 2d blue no lines. 1841 QV 2d blue imperf with lines inc with red Maltese Cross listed in SG but unpriced. 1841 QV 1d red, imperf inc shades & pmks. 1854-57 QV 1d & 2d blue with stars in top cnrs. Good quantity inc wmks, perfs & shades. 1858-70 QV 1d red almost all plates 70-224 inc shades. Plenty of diff cnr letters to sort. 1870 QV ½d plate 9 & 1½d 1858-70 QV 2d blue inc plates. Later issues inc 1883-84 QV High 2/6, 5/- & 10/- (3). 1883-84 QV 4d, 6d, 9d (2) & 1/- green. Large quantity to sort especially in the 1d red plates. Mostly G-VFU, few M, mixed condition as expected. SG cat £27,000+ = A$48,000+. (3300). (P) $1500$2500