ACI 315-99 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement
3.7.7 Column verticals—TheA/E shall indicate the grade of re-
inforcing steel required on the structural drawings or in the
project specifications. The detailer shall show special speci-
fication requirements for grade in listing column verticals for
each story. In multistory columns, lower stories are some-
times designed for higher strength grades. Special require-
ments for bars to be butt-spliced can also be included.
A table in the supporting reference data section shows the
number of bars that can be placed within spiral reinforce-
ment in conformance with ACI 318 (318M). Three splice ar-
rangements are shown: butt-splices, radially lapped splices
with verticals or dowels from below inside of bars above,
and circumferentially lapped splices with dowels from be-
low the bars above. Spacing for the latter also applies to butt-
spliced two-bar bundles.
Maximum number ofbars for the two lap splice arrange-
ments assumes all bars are spliced at the same cross section.
For the butt-splice arrangement, no allowance was included
for increase in diameter at couplers or end-bearing devices,
or for access to butt weld. Offset between column faces—Wherea column is
smaller than the one below, vertical bars from below must be
offset to come within the column above, or separate dowels
must be used. The slope of theinclined portion shall not exceed
1 to 6. In detailing offset column bars, a bardiameter plus
clearance must be added to the desired offset. In the corners
of columns, bars are usually offset on the diagonal, which re-
quires that theoffset be increased accordingly.
For any offset between column faces less than3 in. (80 mm),
thevertical bar should be offset bent. When the offset is 3 in.
(80 mm) or more, the vertical bars in the column below
should be terminated at the floor slab and separate straight
dowels provided. Lap splices —Typicalarrangement of bars at a
lap splice is shown in
Fig. 4
. Unless special details are pro-
vided on the structural drawings, all column verticals to be
lap spliced in square or rectangular columns must be shop
offset bent into the column above except as noted in Section General practice is to use the offset for the corner
bars that must be bent diagonally as the typical offset dimen-
sion for all the bars in the column. Column verticals in round
columns wherecolumn sizes do not change must be offset
bent only if a maximum number of lap spliced bars is desired
in the column above (see table in the supporting reference
data section).