- Mechanical properties for solids at a micro scale:
Short range interactions:
- Partitioning Good parallelism.
Differential equation solving:
Logs dumped on disk and exploited postmortem
Private and public codes
Molecular Dynamics, cont.
Specific needs:
High accuracy
Large systems
Disk logs
ASP approach:
Computational power
Checkpointing mechanisms on the grid
Potential Energy HyperSurface (HSEP)
HSEP, cont.
HSEP, cont.
Specific needs:
Use of a Relational DB (MySQL) storing all computation done and to be done
A Web Interface (http+PHP) links the client to the RDB and DIET
Results filtering through Python scripts
Complexity: O(N4)
ASP approach:
DB as a DIET client
Coarse grain parallelism
Microwave Circuits Simulation, cont.
Large systems to solve
Clients look fast and efficient sparse solvers
Simulators source code may be confidential
Dedicated servers for physical simulation, reachable through DIET which provides the part of the jacobian matrix in order to build the large system to solve