Réalisations du responsable dans le domaine de l’UE
Charlet J., Bachimont B. et Jaulent M.-C. Building medical ontologies by terminology extraction from texts : An experiment for the intensive care units. Computer in Biology and Medicine, 2005.
Baneyx A., Charlet J. et Jaulent M.-C. Building medical ontologies based on terminology extraction from texts : methodological propositions. In Miksch S., Hunter J. et Keravnou E., coordinateurs, Proc. 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe (AIME 2005), volume 3581 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 231-5, Aberdeen, GB, July 23-27 2005. Springer.
Bringay S., Barry C. et Charlet J. Annotations for managing knowledge in the electronic health record. In Proceedings of the Workshop Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories (during IJCAI, Edinburgh (Scotland), July 30 - August 05 2005. http://www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/WORKSHOPS/IJCAI2005-OM/.
Haouche-Gingins C. et Charlet J. A knowledge-level testing method. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 49(1) :1–20, 1998.
Zweigenbaum P., Bouaud J., Bachimont B., Charlet J., Séroussi B. et Boisvieux J.-F. From text to knowledge : a unifying document-oriented view of analyzed medical language. Methods of Information in Medicine, 37(4–5) :384–393, 1998.