IRAMIS@Saclay has issued 16 patents during the last 5 years, one of which has lead to a contract with the company NovaSiC. See the annex for more details concerning these patents. superieur / Higher education
IRAMIS@Saclay is strongly involved in education and dissemination of scientific results to a broad audience of students and society. 4 researchers from IRAMIS@Saclay are currently professors or lecturers in universities, namely: P. Soukiassian (Pr in Paris sud), H. Oughaddou (Pr in Cergy-Pontoise), H. Enriquez (MdC in Paris sud) and A. Hamraoui (MdC in Paris V). Most of the researchers of IRAMIS@Saclay are involved in education as listed below:
• PhD level: 15 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director
• Master Level: courses at the Master "NanoSciences", "Materials for Energy Sciences", "Applied Physics and Mechanics: Surfaces, Interfaces & Nano-objects", "Laser and Matter", "Elaboration methods and characterization of materials and microsystems" and "Physics" at U. Paris XI; the Master PNANO at U. du Maine
• UnderGrad level: regular teaching in various engineering schools: Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Centrale Paris, ESPCI, Ecole des Mines Paris, together with numerous L1 to L3 courses and practicals in many Universities of the Paris area
• High School and colleges: Teaching and coaching for students from high schools for their TIPE projects;
• Nano events: Tutorial on the Quantum-ESPRESSO package, Fudan University (China); Near field microscopy classes in Lima (Peru); HERCULES courses; "Synchrotron radiation based photoemission" course, University of Malaga (Spain), Travelling Chair from SFN in French Graduate Schools (2-3 days per year) to present neutron diffraction; FAN du LLB conferences (open conferences for large audience; contribution to the chapter «Caractérisations physiques » of the ‘Livre blanc du magnétisme’
IRAMIS@Saclay is a consortium from CEA/IRAMIS centered on the study of nanosciences. The different groups function with great freedom concerning their research activities. The LLB side is a ‘grand equipement’ where the four researchers involved in this project are responsible for specific instruments open to access from external users. Although the laboratories involved are part of three different ‘services’ of the CEA/DSM/IRAMIS, they have long standing links and are used to working together as evidenced by a number of common publications in the past ten years. Some of the teams collaborate on a daily basis through several ANR projects. It is noteworthy that one of our teams will shortly host a research group from U. Cergy Pontoise in a common team devoted to oxide nanocharacterization.
Each team already demonstrated excellence in basic sciences and is successful in fund raising from local, national and international agencies. Within the last 4 years, more than 50 contracts, including ANR, CnanoIdF, RTRA Triangle de la Physique and EU have been obtained by the IRAMIS@Saclay groups.
4.1.6Partenaire 6/ Partner 6 : Laboratoire d'Intégration des Systèmes et des Technologies (LIST) et innovation / Research and innovation
CEA-LIST is one of the three main laboratories from CEA/Technological Research Division (DRT), the technological research division at CEA. The DRT research is focused on the development of new technologies in the fields of energy, on health information and on communication. From fuel cell to microsystems, or from materials to biochips, the DRT is on the cutting the edge of the technological research and has a very active role in transfering kowledge towards industry.
Located in the south of Paris (Saclay and Fontenay-aux-Roses), the LIST is a center for technological research on software-intensive systems organized around three themes having strong societal and economic challenges:
- Embedded systems (architecture and design of systems, methods and facilities for software and system dependability, and intelligent vision systems);
- Interactive systems (knowledge engineering, robotics, virtual reality and sensorial interfaces);
- Signal detection and processing (ionizing radiation metrology and instrumentation, optical fiber sensors and non-destructive testing).
CEA-LIST teams are in great majority concerned by the Digiteo LabEx. However, some of them, which activity deals essentially with nanosciences and nanotechnologies, decided to gather in LIST/Nano to join the NanoSaclay LabEx. LIST/Nano gathers two teams:
The Diamond Sensors Laboratory (Head J-C. Arnault) which is seen as one of the most multi-topic teams in France on diamond research fields, from growth to device fabrication aiming at novel sensors (SAWs and MEMS), to bio-interfaces (cells and retinas), to diamond nanoparticles for drug delivery applications and electrochemical industrial applications
The LCE NanoComputing (Head C. Gamrat) which aims at studying and proposing novel computing architectures beyond the classical CMOS, Von Neumann and binary coding scheme. The main research subject is about the heterogeneous integration of nano-components (memristive devices, molecular, spintronics, etc.) within disruptive computing architecture.
LIST/Nano counts 14 research scientists, 2 research engineers, 9 PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows
Evaluation: CEA LIST has not yet been evaluated by AERES, but was submitted to a "mock evaluation" in 2009, conducted by an external Scientific Council"
Excerpt of the report: "Le conseil souligne et apprécie l'excellence de ce laboratoire accompagné d'un excellent taux de publication. Sa mission "Valorisation du matériau diamant pour la fabrication de capteurs" est bien délimitée.(…) Avec des collaborations locales, nationales, européennes et internationales, l’optimisation systématique du dépôt de couches minces polycristallines, homoepitaxiées puis nanocristallines de diamant synthétique a permis au laboratoire de maintenir constamment ses couches intrinsèques et dopées au bore au meilleur niveau de performances.
Les travaux du laboratoire débouchent déjà sur des produits industriels diamant
- Dosimètre (homologué) en radiothérapie, positionneurs de faisceau en radiothérapie et pour grands instruments avec des couches homoépitaxiées de diamant intrinsèque
- capteurs électrochimiques pour la détection d’explosifs avec des couches polycristallines dopées dégénérées au bore (…)
Ces excellents résultats susceptibles d’entrainer plusieurs ruptures technologiques, - résultant parfois d’un savoir faire unique - n’ont été possibles que, par l’approche particulière de ce laboratoire s’appuyant sur un parfait contrôle du matériau sous toutes ses mises en forme, par la qualité et l’engagement de ses membres et en particulier de son responsable, par les encouragements puis le support croissant qui lui a été donné par le management. Les résultats de ce laboratoire justifieraient déjà à eux seul l’appartenance du LIST à la structure Nano Innov."
High profile scientists:
BERGONZO, Philippe (H = 22, 1704 citations); CEA; Research Director
Major publications (IF>7): 1 PRL
Research activities: LIST/Nano issued 94 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 14 patents. Among those publications: 1 ACS Nano, 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 1 PRL. (see 7.2 for details). It is noteworthy that nanocomputing activities are traditionally reported more through conference communications than classical publications in reviewed journals. Hence, the LCE Nanocomputing group issued 14 such communications within the last 5 years.
4 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 3 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 1 hold a temporary position. 9 PhD theses are still under way. 2 HdR were obtained during that period at LIST/Nano.
Scientists from LIST/Nano gave ca 35 invited lectures at national and international conferences, from 2006 to 2010. (A partial list is given in 7.2)
LIST/Nano teams have numerous collaborations (13 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay within distinct laboratories, many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 15 collaborations with research French labs and more than 10 international active collaborations)
Equipments: The activities of the LIST/Nano consortium spread from nano-objects synthesis to computing architecture simulation.
Synthesis: Clean-room (mask aligners, Spin coater, high resolution microscopy); Specific laboratory for the evaluation of gas sensors (Calibrated flow benches, gaz chromatography); Chemistry laboratories for the preparation of diamond nanoparticles and diamond surfaces; Electrochemistry lab; 7 Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (MPCVD) reactors (3 for boron doped and 4 for intrinsic diamond growth); 1 Diamond Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (MPCVD) reactor connected to UHV chamber with an in situ XPS and AFM
Spectroscopy: XPS, FTIR equipped for FT photocurrent spectroscopy
Analysis: Radioactive sources for electronics characterisation
Microscopy: AFM, SEM
Electrical measurements: Electronics and optical characterisation facilities
LIST/Nano is partner within the HIDONA project: High-flux and high-brillance X-ray Diffractometer Optimized for the simultaneous investigation of the local structure, morphology and composition of functional nano-structures, and with the INNOVE-XES (Simulation infrastructure: multi core computer clusters). The LCD is partly involved in the IRT SystemX through the participation into the nanosensor activity which belongs to the nanosystem developed in the IRT. This participation is looked as the natural evolution of the research activities undertaken in the NanoSaclay Labex by the LCD.
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