Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Mansueti, R. J. 1962. Eggs, larvae, and young of the hickory shad, [Alosa] [mediocris], with comments on its ecology in the estuary. Ches. Sci. 3(3):173-205.
Mansueti, R. J. 1963. Symbiotic behavior between small fishes and jellyfishes, with new data on that betw een the stromateia, [Peprilus alepidotus], and the schyphomedusa, [Chrysaora quinquecirrha]. Copeia 1963(1):40-80.
Mansueti, R. J. 1964. Eggs, larvae, and young of the white perch, [Roccus] [americanus], with comments on its ecology in the estuary. Ches. Sci. 5(1-2):3-45.
Mantelman, I. I. 1958. Distribution of the young of certain species of fish in temperature gradients. Fish. Res. Board Can. Transl. Ser. 257 (1960), 58 pp. (Tran sl. from Russian).
Manz, J. V. 1963. Lake Erie fish research: Walleye fry sampling. Ohio Div. Wildl. Proj. No. Ohio F-035-R-01, 156 pp.
Manz, J. V. 1964. A pumping device used to collect walleye eggs from offshore spawning areas in western Lake Erie. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 93(2):204-206.
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Marak, R. R., J. B. Colton, Jr., and D. B. Foster. 1962. Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, temperature, and salinity in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area, 1955. Spec. Publ. Fish Wildl. Serv. (U.S.), No. 411, 66 pp.
Marak, R. R., J. B. Colton, Jr., D. B. Foster, and D. Miller. 1962. Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, temperature, and salinity in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area, 1956. Spec. Publ. Fish Wildl. Serv. (U.S.), No. 412, 95 pp.
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Marchal, E. G. 1967. Cle provisoire de determination des oeufs et larves des clupeides et engraul ides Ouest-Africains. Cent. Rech. Oceanogr., Repub. Cote D' Ivoir. Doc. Sci. Provisoire No. 014 S.R., 4 pp.
Marchal, E. G. 1969. Eggs, larvae and post-larvae of the anchovy of the Gulf of Guinea, [Anchoviella guineensis] Blache et Rossignol. Proc. Symp. on oceanography and fisheries resources of tropical Atlantic. Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Oct. 20-26, 1966. Paris, UNESCO. 281-287.
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Marcy, B. C., Jr. 1971. Survival of young fish in the discharge canal of a nuclear power plant. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 28:1057-1060.
Marcy, B. C., Jr. 1972. Spawning of the American shad, [Alosa sapidissima], in the lower Connecticut River. Ches. Sci. 13(2):116-119.
Marcy, B. C., Jr., P. M. Jacobson, and R. L. Nankee. 1972. Observations on the reactions of young American shad to a heated effluent. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 101:740-743.
Marcy, B. C., Jr. 1973. Vulnerability and survival of young Connecticut River fish entrained at a nuclear power plant. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30(8):1195-1203.
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Marcy, B. C., Jr. 1976. Fishes of the lower Connecticut River and the effects of the Connecticut Yankee Plant. Pages 61-113 [in] D. Merriman and L. M. Thorpe, editor. The Connecticut River Ecological Study: Impact of a Nuclear Power Pl ant. Am. Fish. Soc., Wash., D. C., Monograph No. 1, 252 pp.
Marcy, B. C., Jr. 1976. Planktonic fish eggs and larvae of the lower Connecticut River and the effects of the Connecticut Yankee Plant including entrainment. Pages 115-139 [in] D. Merriman and L. M. Thorpe, editors. The Connecticut River Ecological Study: Impact of a Nuclear Power Plant. Am. Fish. Soc., Wash., D. C., Monograph No. 1, 252 pp.
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Margulies, D. 1983. A preliminary guide to the identification of families of larval fishes occurring in the Ohio River. Ohio J. Sci. 83(3):135-138.
Margulies, D. 1993. Assessment of the nutritional condition of larval and early juvenile tuna and Spanish mackerel (Pisces, Scombridae) in the Panama Bight. Marine Biology 115:317-330.
Marichamy, R. 1972. Maturity and spawning of the anchovy, [Thrissina] [baelama] (Forskal) from the Andaman Sea. Ind. J. Fish. 17(1-2):179.
Marinaro, J. Y., and M. Bernard. 1966. Study of eggs and pelagic larvae of Mediterranean fish. 1. Preliminary note on the lethal influence of solar rays on the eggs. Pelagos 1966(6):49-55.
Marinaro, J. Y. 1968. Study of pelagic eggs and larvae of Mediterranean fish. 2. First stages of development of [Trigla] [obscura]. Pelagos No. 8:61-70.
Marinaro, J. Y. 1971. Contribution to the study of pelagic eggs and larvae of Mediterranean fish. 5. Pelagic eggs from the Bay of Algiers. Pelagos 3(1):1-118.
Marine Research, Inc. 1973. Rome Point investigations. Quart. Prog. Rep., June-Aug., 1973. Mar. Res. Inc., East Wareham, Mass., 150 pp.
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Marine Research, Inc. 1978. Ichthyoplankton, in Boston Edison Co., marine ecology studies related to operation of Pilgrim Station. Final Report, Boston Edison, 2:V, 1-1-143.
Marion, A. F. 1891. Oeufs flottants et alevins observes dans de Golfe de Marseille durant l'anne 1890. Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Marseille 4(XI):112-121.
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Markert, J. R., and W. E. Vanstone. 1971. Egg proteins of coho salmon, [Oncorhynchus kisutch]: chromatographic separation and molecular weights of the major proteins in the high density fraction and their presence in the salmon plasma. J. Fi sh. Res. Bd. Can. 28(12):1853-1856.
Markle, D. F. 1975. Young witch flounder, [Glyplocephalus cynoglossus], on the slope off Virginia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(8):1447-1450.
Markle, D. F., and C. A. Wenner. 1979. Evidence of demersal spawning in the mesopelagic zoracid fish, [Melanostigma atlanticum], with comments on demersal spawning in the alepocephalid fish, [Xenodermichthys copei]. Copeia 1979(2):363-366.
Markle, D. F., and J. E. Olney. 1980. A description of the vexillifer larvae of [Pyramodon] [ventralis] and [Snyderidia canina] (Pisces: Carpaidae) with comments of classification. Pac. Sci. 34:173-180.
Markle, D. F., W. B. Scott, and A. C. Kohler. 1980. New and rare records of Canadian fishes and the influence of hydrography on resident and nonresident Scotian Shelf ichthyofauna. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37:49-65.
Markle, D. F. 1982. Identification of larvae and juveniles of Canadian Atlantic gadoids with comments on the systematics of gadid subfamilies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60(12):3420-3438.
Markle, D. F., D. A. Methven, and L. J. Coates-Markle. 1982. Aspects of spatial and temporal co-occurrences in the life history stages of the sibling hakes, [Europhycis] [chuss] (Wal.) and [E. tenius] (Mitch.) (Pisces:Gadidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:2057-2078.
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Markle, D. F., and L. A. Frost. 1985. Comparative morphology, seasonality and a key to planktonic fish eggs from the Nova Scotian Shelf. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:246-257.
Markle, G. E. 1974. Distribution of larval swordfish in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF 675:252-260.
Markofsky, J., and J. R. Matias. 1977. The effects of temperature and season of collection on the onset and duration of diapause in embryos of the annual fish, [Nothobranchius guentheri]. J. Exp. Zool. 202(1):49-56.
Markov, K. P. 1975. Scanning electron microscope study of the microstructure of the egg membrane in the Russian sturgeon ([Acipenser guldenstaedti]). J. Ichthyol. 15(5):739-749.
Markov, K. P. 1978. Adhesiveness of egg membranes in sturgeons (family Acipenseridae). J. Ichthyol. 18(3):437-446.
Markovtev, V. G. 1978. Feeding interrelationships of young fish of the subfamily Cultrinae in Lake Khanka. J. Ichthyol. 18(2):235-242.
Marks, R.E., and D.O. Conover. 1993. Ontogenetic shift in the diet of young-of-the-year bluefish [Pomatomus saltatrix] during the oceanic phase of the early life history. Fish. Bull., U.S. 91:97-106.
Marks, R. E., F. Juanes, J. A. Hare, and D. O. Conover. 1996. Occurrence and effect of the parasitic isopod [Lironeca ovalis] (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) on young-of the year bluefish ([Pomatomus saltatrix]) (Pisces: Pomatomidae). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:2052-2057.
Marks, R. E., and D. O. Conover. 1993. Ontogenetic shift in the diet of young-of-the-year bluefish ([Pomatomus saltatrix]) during the oceanic phase of the early life history. Fishery Bulletin 91:97-106.
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Marley, R. D. 1983. Spatial distribution patterns of planktonic fish eggs in lower Mobile Bay, Alabama. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:257-266.
Marliave, J. B. 1975. The behavioral transformation from the planktonic larval stage of some fishes reared in the laboratory. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. British Columbia, 231 pp.
Marliave, J. B. 1976. A theory of storm-induced drift dispersal of the gasterosteid fish, [Aulorhynchus flavidus]. Copeia 1976(4):794-796.
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