Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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  • Preface


Compiled, edited, and published (1988, copyright) by
Robert D. Hoyt

Department of Biology, Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
Updated November 2002 by
Tom Kennedy

Aquatic Biology, University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0206


Darrel E. Snyder

Larval Fish laboratory, Colorado State University

Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1474


Dr. Hoyt granted the American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section permission to prepare, update, and distribute his 13,717-record bibliography (comprehensive for literature through 1987, but out-of-print) as a personal computer file or searchable resource on the internet so long as the file is made available to all interested parties and neither it nor printed versions of it are sold for profit. Because of computer search capabilities, it was deemed unnecessary to provide a computer text version of Dr. Hoyt's subject, scientific name, common name, family name, and location indices (Volume II). As chairman of the Section’s bibliography committee, I prepared and partially edited version 1.0 of this file from Dr. Hoyt’s original VAX computer tapes and made it available in 1994 for download and use as a searchable resource on the internet. Dr. Julian Humphries (then at Cornell University) and Dr. Peter Brueggeman (Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library) prepared and posted the gopher-searchable and web-searchable versions, respectively.

The file has now been further edited for duplicate records and errors by Tom Kennedy and myself and partially updated by Tom Kennedy. For the update, Tom incorporated a file of records through 1997 provided by George W. Boehlert (NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 1352 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, California 93950-2097), perused over 25 academic and governmental web sites, and used Current Contents software for published literature from 1999 to 5 August 2002. I also added a few dozen records. The bibliography now includes 15,596 records from 1842 throught July 2002.

Many references are yet to be identified and added to the bibliography for the period of 1988 through 1997 and especially the year 1998. Users of the bibliography, AFS Early Life History Section members, and anyone else having published in the field are encouraged to submit additional corrections and bibliographic records to me for future updates. Please compare records herein with your own bibliographic files and personal publication lists (including “grey” literature and agency final reports). Bibliographic format generally follows American Fisheries Society guidelines except that standard journal abbreviations are acceptable. Your contributions will be duly acknowledged. If anyone is interested in becoming more involved with the bibliography, much as Tom Kennedy did for this update, I am willing to share or transfer responsibility for maintaining and updating it for the AFS Early Life History Section.

Darrel E. Snyder

Phone: (970)491-5295, FAX: (970)491-5091, E-mail:

Aanesen, R. T., Eilertsen, H. C., and O. B. Stabell. 1998. Light induced toxic properties of the marine alga [Phaeocystis pouchetii] towards cod larvae. Aquatic toxicology 40:109-121.

Aasjord, D., and J. Wallace. 1980. Observations of gastric obstruction during early feeding of Arctic charr, [Salvelinus alpinus] (Salmonidae). Aquaculture 19(1):87-92.
Abbott, C. C. 1862. Notes on the habits of [Aphredoderus sayanus]. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (1861):95-96.
Abbott, C. C. 1871. Notes on fresh-water fishes of New Jersey. American Naturalist 4:99-117.
Abbott, C. C. 1874. Note on the breeding habits of the mudminnow. Pop. Sci. Monthly 4:744-745.
Abbott, C. C. 1884. On the habits of certain sunfish ([Mesogonistius chaetodon] and [Enneacanthus similaris]). American Naturalist 17:1254-7.
Abbott, C. C. 1888. Note on breeding habits of the bill-fish ([Tylosurus longirostris]). Science (NY) 12(288):72.
Abbott, F. S. 1970. The response of melanophores in isolated scales of [Fundulus heteroclitus] to melanophore-stimulating hormone (MSH). Canadian Journal of Zoology 48:581-584.
Abbott, J. C., and L. M. Dell. 1985. Patterns of aggressive attack in juvenile steelhead trout, [Salmo gairdneri]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42:1702-1706.
Abbott, J. C., R. L. Dunbrack, and C. D. Orr. 1985. The interaction of size and experience in dominance relationships of juvenile steelhead trout ([Salmo gairdneri]). Behaviour 92(304):241-253.
Abe, S. 1976. A cytotaxonomical study in some freshwater cottoid fishes (Cottidae, Pisces). Cytologia 41:323-329.
Abe, T. 1951. Notes on the young of the hokie, [Pleurogrammus] [azonus] Jord. et Metz. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 16(11):495-501.
Abe, T. 1957. Studies on the fishes whose young are believed to be carried in large numbers by the Kuroshio. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Jap. Spec. 112(2):93-96.
Abe, T. 1972. On a cyclopic embryo of the blue shark. U.O. 93 pp.
Abedi, Z. H., and W. P. McKinley. 1967. Bioassay of captan by zebrafish larvae. Nature 216:1321-1322.
Able, K. W. 1974. Life history, ecology and behavior of two new [Liparis] (Pisces: Cyclopteridae) from the western North Atlantic. Ph.D. Diss., College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA. 115 pp.
Able, K. W., and M. Castagna. 1975. Aspects of an undescribed reproductive behavior in [Fundulus heteroclitus] (Pisces:Cyprinodontidae) from Virginia. Ches. Sci. 16(4):282-284.
Able, K. W., and M. Castagna. 1975. Aspects of an undescribed reproductive behavior in [Fundulus heteroclitus] (Pisces:Cyprinodontidae) from Virginia. Ches. Sci. 16(4):282-284.
Able, K. W. 1976. A new cyclopterid fish, [Liparis coheni], from the western North Atlantic with notes on life history. Copeia 1976(3):515-521.
Able, K. W., and J. A. Musick. 1976. Life history, ecology, and behavior of [Liparis] [inquilinus] (Pisces: Cyclopteridae) associated with the sea scallop, [Placopecten magellanicus]. N.O.A.A. (U.S.) Fish. Bull. 74(2):409-421.
Able, K. W. 1978. Ichthyoplankton of the St. Lawrence estuary: composition, distribution, and abundance. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35:1518-1531.
Able, K. W. 1984. Cyprinodontiformes development. Pages 362-367 in Moser, H. G. et al. editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication (No. 1) of the American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology.
Able, K. W. 1984. Variation in spawning site preference of the mummichog, [Fundulus heteroclitus]. Copeia 1984:522-525.
Able, K. W., D. F. Markle, and M. P. Fahay. 1984. Cyclopteridae: development. Pages 428-437 in Moser, H. G. et al. editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Able, K. W., M. P. Fahay, and D. F. Markle. 1986. Development of larval snailfishes (Pisces: Cyclopteridae: [Liparidinae]) from the eastern North Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:2294-2316.
Able, K.W., R.E. Matheson, W.W. Morse, M.P. Fahay and G. Shepherd, 1990. Patterns of summer flounder [Paralichthys dentatus] early life history in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and New Jersey estuaries. Fish. Bull., U.S. 88:1-12.
Able, K.W., M.P. Fahay and G.R. Shepherd, 1995. Early life history of black sea bass, [Centropristis striata], in the mid-Atlantic Bight and a New Jersey estuary. Fish. Bull. 93:429-445.
Able, K. W., J. P. Manderson, and A. L. Studholme. 1998. The distribution of shallow water juvenile fishes in an urban estuary: the effects of man made structures in the Hudson River estuary. Estuaries 21:731-744.
Able, K. W., J. P. Manderson, and A. L. Studholme. 1999. Habitat quality for shallow water fishes in an urban estuary: the effects of man made structures on growth. Marine Ecology Progress Series 187:227-235.
Ableson, D. H. G. 1973. Contributions to the life history of the brassy minnow ([Hybognathus nuchalis]). M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, MI. 49 pp.
Aboul-Ela, I., F. I. Amer, and A. R. El Bolock. 1973. Studies on spawning and spawning behavior of [Clarias lazera] Cuv. and Val. in fish farms of the A. R. Egypt. Bull. Zool. Soc. Egypt 25:25-33.
Aboussouan, A. 1964. Study of eggs and pelagic larvae of teleosts in Gulf of Marseille. Rec. Trav. Sta. Mar. Endoume. 32(48):87-171. (in French).
Aboussouan, A. 1965. Oeufs et larves de Teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. I. [Acanthus monroviae] Steind. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire, Ser. A, 27:1183-1187.
Aboussouan, A. 1965. Ouefs et larves de Teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. II. Distribution verticale. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire, Ser. A, 27:1504-1521, 8 figs.
Aboussouan, A. 1966. Ouefs et larves de Teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. III. Larves de [Monacanthus hispidus] (L.) et de [Balistes forcipatus] Gm. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire, Ser. A, 28:276-282, 6 figs.
Aboussouan, A. 1966. Sur quelques larves pelagique de teleosteens recoltes a Tulear. Recl. Trav. Stn. Mar. Endoume-Mars. Suppl. 5:149-164.
Aboussouan, A. 1966. Ouefs et larves de l'Ouest Africain. IV. [Galeoides] [polydactylus] (Vahe) Polynemidae. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire, Ser. A, 28:1037-1040.
Aboussouan, A. 1967. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. V. [Caranx rhonchus] Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Carangidae). Affinites avec Trachurus trecae Cadenat. Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, Sre. A. Sci. Nat. 29:1039-1050.
Aboussouan, A. 1968. Eggs and larvae of the teleosts of West Africa: IV. Larvae of [Chloroscombrus chrysurus] L. and [Blepharis crinitus] Mitchill (Carangidae). Bull. Inst. Fondament. Afr. Noire. 30:226-237.
Aboussouan, A. 1968. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Quest Africain. VII. Larves de [Syacium quineensis] (Blkr.) [Bothidae.] Bull. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire, Ser. A 30(3):1188-1197.
Aboussouan, A. 1968. Eggs and larvae of teleosts of West Africa. VIII. Larvae of [Bregmaceros macclellandi] Thompson (Bregmacerotidae). Bull. Inst. Fondament. Afr. Noire. 30:1590-1602.
Aboussouan, A. 1969. On a small collection of teleost larvae collected on the coast of Brazil ('Calypso' cruise 1962). Vie Milieu, Ser. A. 20:595-610.
Aboussouan, A. 1971. Eggs and larvae of West African teleosts. XI. The migration of the larvae of [Sardinella aurita] Val. near the CapVert peninsular. Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, Ser. A. 33(1):226-236.
Aboussouan, A. 1972. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. X. Larves d' Ophidioidei ([Oligopus], [Ophidion] et [Carapus]) et de Percoidei ([Pseudupeneus]). Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, Ser. A Sci. Nat. 34:169-178.
Aboussouan, A. 1972. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. XI Larves serraniformes. Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire Ser. A. Sci. Nat. 34:485-502.
Aboussouan, A. 1972. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. XII. Les larves d'Heterosomata recoltees aux enviorns de l'ile de Goree (Senegal). Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, Ser. A Sci. Nat. 34:974-1003.
Aboussouan, A. 1975. Oeufs et larves de teleosteens de l'Ouest Africain. XIII. Contribution a l'identification des larves de Carangidae. Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, Ser. A Sci. Nat. 37:899-938.
Aboussouan, A. 1980. Description d'une larve geante "rubaniforme," attribuee au genre [Brotulataenia] (Pisces, Gadiformes, Ophidioidei, Ophidiidae) et recoltee a l'est des nouvelles Hebrides. Cybium, 3rd Ser., (10):51-64.
Aboussouan, A. 1983. Contribution à l'étude des larves pélagiques du sous ordre des Stromateoidei (Pisces, Perciformes). Cybium 7(4):1-24. (reference extracted from Froese, R., and D. Pauly. Editors. 2002. FishBase.
World Wide Web electronic, 07 July 2002)
Aboussouan, A., and J. M. Leis. 1984. Balistoidei: development. Pages 450-458 in Moser, H. G. et al. editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication (No. 1) of the American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology.
Abraham, M., N. Blanc, and A. Yashouv. 1966. Oogenesis in five species of grey mullet (Teleostei: Mugillidae) from natural and landlocked habitats. Isn. Journal of Zoology 15(3-4):155-172.
Abramova, N. B., T. V. Likhman, and A. A. Neifakh. 1965. Mechanism of increase in respiration intensity during embryonic development of fish (loach). Fedn. Proc. (Transl. Suppl.) 25:T489-492.
Aceituno, M. L., and C. D. Vanicek. 1976. Life history studies of the Sacramento perch, [Archoplites interruptus] (Girard), in California. California Fish and Game 62(1):5-20.
Achord, S., J. R. Smith, and G. M. Matthews. 1984. Experimental tanker used to study transportation of juvenile salmonids. Progressive Fish-Culturist 46(3):206-208.
Ackerman, P. A., and G. K. Iwama. 2001. Physiological and cellular stress responses of juvenile rainbow trout to vibriosis. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 13(2):173-180.
Adams, A. L. 1868. Death of fishes in the Bay of Fundy. American Naturalist 1868(1869) 2:337-342.
Adams, C. A. 1972. Food habits of juvenile finfish, [Lagodon] [rhomboides], silver perch, [Bairdilla chrysura], and spotted seatrout, [Cynoscion nebulosus], of the estuarine zone near Crystal River, Florida. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Florida, Gainesville.
Adams, C. C., and T. L. Hankinson. 1928. The ecology and economics of Oneida Lake fish. Roosevelt Wildlife Annals. 1(3-4):241-358.
Adams, E. S., and F. G. Towle. 1974. Use of a recompression chamber to alleviate gas-bubble disease in coho sac-fry. Progressive Fish-Culturist 36(1):41-55.
Adams, J. A. 1960. A contribution to the biology and postlarval development of the sargassum fish, [Histrio histrio] (Linnaeus), with a discussion of the sargassum complex. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf and Caribbean 10(1):55-82.
Adams, J. R. 1968. Thermal effects and other considerations at steam electric plants, a survey of studies in the marine environment. Pacific Gas & Elect. Co. Rep. 6934. 4-68. 87 pp.
Adams, J. G., and M. W. Street. 1969. Notes on the spawning and embryological development of blueback herring ([Alosa aestivalis] (Mitchill)) in the Altamaha River, Georgia. Georgia G F Comms., Contr. Ser. 16.
Adams, J. G. 1970. Clupeids in the Altamaha River, Georgia. Coast. Fish. Div., Georgia Game and Fish Comm.; Brunswick, Georgia. Contrib. Series No. 20, 27 pp.
Adams, L. A. 1942. Age determination and rate of growth of [Polyodon] [spathula] by means of the growth rings of otoliths. Am. Midl. Nat. 28(3):617-630.
Adams, M. B., M. D. Powell, and G. J. Purser. 2001. Effect of acute and chronic ammonia and nitrite exposure on oxygen consumption and growth of juvenile big bellied seahorse. Journal of Fish Biology 58(3):848-860.
Adams, P. B. 1980. Life history patterns in marine fishes and their consequences for fisheries management. Fish. Bull. U.S. 78(1):1-12.
Adams, S. M. 1976. The ecology of eelgrass, [Zostera marina] (L.), fish communities. I. Structural analysis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. & Ecol. 22:269-291.
Adams, W., H. R. Montalban, and C. Martin. 1932. Cultivation of [Bangos] in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci., Manila 47(1):1-38.
Adelman, I. R., and L. L. Smith, Jr. 1970. Effect of hydrogen sulfide on northern pike eggs and sac fry. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99:501-509.
Adelman, I. R., and L. L. Smith. 1970. Effects of oxygen on the growth and food conversion efficiency of northern pike. Progressive Fish-Culturist 32:93-96.
Adelman, I. R., et al. 1976. Chronic toxicity of guthion to fathead minnow, [Pimephales promelas] Raf. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 15:726.
Adelman, I. R., et al. 1976. Effect of size or age of goldfish and fathead minnows on use of pentachlorophenol as a reference toxicant. Water Res. (G.B) 10:685.
Amundsen, P. A., H. M. Gabler, and L.S. Riise. 2001. Intraspecific food resource partitioning in Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar]) parr in a subarctic river. Aquatic Living Resources 14(4):257-265.
Adolph, E. F. 1982. Physiological integrations in action. Physiologist 25(Supplement):1-67.
Adron, J. W., A. Blair, and C. B. Cowey. 1974. Rearing of plaice ([Pleuronectes platessa]) larvae to metamorphosis using an artificial diet. Fish. Bull. 72(2):353-357.
Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research (FAO). 1970. Report on the ACMRR Working Party on fish egg and larval surveys. FAO. 6/71-WP. 4. Rome. 20 pp.
Adzhimuradov, K. A. 1972. The food of juvenile carp, [Cyprinus carpio] (L.), in early developmental stanzas in bodies of water of the Arakum (Terek River Delta). J. Ichthyol. 12(6):981-986.
Adzhimuradov, K. A. 1977. The feeding of juvenile bream, [Abramis brama] [orientalis], in the early developmental stanzas in the Arakum region (Terek delta). J. Ichthyol. Engl. Transl. Vopr. Ikhtiol. 17(6):903-907.
Aerts, P. 1982. Development of the musculus levator externus IV and the musculus obliquus posterior in [Haplochromis elegans] Trewavas, 1933 (Teleostei:Cichlidae): a discussion on the shift hypothesis. J. Morph. 173:225-235.
Affleck, R. J. 1950. Some points in the function, development and evolution of the tail in fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 120(11):349-368.
Afzelius, B. A., L. Nicander, and I. Sjoden. 1968. Fine structure of egg envelopes and the activation changes of cortical alveoli in the river lamprey, [Lampetra fluviatilis]. J. Embryol. Exp. Morph. 19:311-318.
Agamaliev, A. S. 1970. Reproduction of Caspian lamprey in the Kura River watershed in conditions of construction of hydro-electric power station. Trudy Mold. Uchen. 4:112-118. Russian, Summary in English. 17(6):903-907.
Agassiz, A. 1848-54. Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae. 4 vols. London. Roy. Society.
Agassiz, A. 1876. The development of flounders. Am. Nat.10:705-708.
Agassiz, A. 1877-1878. On the young stages of some osseus fishes. Part I. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 13(4):117-126.
Agassiz, A. 1878. Embryology of the gar pike. Sci. News, Harmondsworth 1:19-20.
Agassiz, A. 1879. On the young stages of some osseus fishes. II. Development of flounders. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 14(4):1-25.
Agassiz, A. 1879. The development of [Lepidosteus]. Part I. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Proc. 14(4):65-76.
Agassiz, A. 1882. On the young stages of some osseus fishes. Part III. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts. Sci. 17:271-303.
Agassiz, A. 1885. Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory. 16. The development of osseus fishes. 1. The pelagic stages of young fishes. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 14(1):1-56.
Agassiz, A., and C. O. Whitman. 1885. Studies of the Newport Marine Laboratory. XVI. The development of osseus fishes. l. The pelagic stages of young fishes. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ. 14(1):1-56.
Agassiz, A., and C. O. Whitman. 1884. On the development of some pelagic fish eggs. Proc. Am. Acad. Sci., Vol. 20.
Agassiz, A., and C. O. Whitman. 1885. Communications from the Newport Marine Laboratory. XIV. On the development of some pelagic fish eggs. Preliminary Notice. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 20(4):23-75.
Agassiz, A., and C. O. Whitman. 1889. The development of osseus fishes. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard XIV, 1(Pt. II).
Agassiz, A., and C. O. Whitman. 1915. Studies from the Newport marine Laboratory. XVI. The development of osseus fishes. II. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Part II. The history of the egg: cleavage, formation of the periblast, and development of the germ ring. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ. 40(9):429-434.
Agassiz, J. L. R. 1856. On some young gar pikes from Lake Ontario. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 6:47-48. Also in Am. J. Sci. 1857. 2 Ser. 23. 284-285.
Ager, L. A., D. E. Hammond, and F. Ware. 1976. Artificial spawning of snook. Proc. 30th Ann. Conf. S. E. Assoc. G & F Comms. 30:158-166.
Aggus, L. R., and G. V. Elliott. 1975. Effects of cover and food on year-class strength of largemouth bass. Pages 317-311 in Stroud, R. H., and H. Clepper editors. Black bass biology and management. Sport Fish. Inst., Wash., D. C.
Aguilar-Palomino, B., C. P. Reyes, F. GalvanMagana, and L. A. AbitiaCardenas. 2001. Icthyofauna from Navidad Bay, Jalisco, Mexico. Revista de Biologia Tropical 49(1):173-190.
Aguirre-León, A., A. Yáñez-Arancibia and D. Pauly. 1989. Recruitment model of [Eucinostomus gula] (Pisces: Gerreidae) in the southern Gulf of Mexico: life history with tropical estuary-shelf interrelationships. Presented at the XIII Annual Meeting of the Early Life History Section, American Fisheries Society, 21-26 May 1989, Merida, Mexico. Abstract In: El Programma y la Memoria, p. 57.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1943. Studies on the Pacific pilchard or sardine ([Sardinops caerulea]) 4.-Influence of temperature on the rate of development of pilchard eggs in nature. U.S. Dept. Int. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. No. 23. 26 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1948. A record of pilchard eggs and larvae collected during surveys made in 1939 to 1941. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Spec. Rep. 54. 76 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1950. Influence of temperature on the rate of development of pilchard eggs in nature. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 15:132-167.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1952. Pilchard eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast 1950. U.S. Dept. Int. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. No. 80. 58 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1953. Pilchard eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast 1951. U.S. Dept. Int., Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. No. 102. 55 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1954. Distribution and abundance of egg and larval populations of the Pacific sardine. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv. Bull. 56:83-140.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1954. Pacific sardine (pilchard) eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast - 1952. Scient. Rep. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., No. 123:1-76.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and O. P. Ball. 1954. Description of eggs and larvae of jack mackerel ([Trachurus symmetricus]) and distribution and abundance of larvae in 1950 and 1951. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 56:209-245.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and R. C. Counts. 1955. Eggs and larvae of the Pacific hake, [Merluccius] [productus]. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 56:295-329.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and D. Kramer. 1955. Pacific sardine (pilchard) eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast-1953. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. No. 155. 74 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and D. Kramer. 1956. Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast-1954. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. No. 186. 79 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1956. Eggs and larvae of anchovy, jack mackerel, and Pacific mackerel. Pages 33-42 in Prog. Rep. California Coop. Oceanic Fish Invest., 1 April 1955-30 June 1956.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and D. Kramer. 1957. Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1955. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. (224):90.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1958. Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast, 1956. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Rep. Fish. 251. 84 pp.
Ahlstrom, E. H., and R. C. Counts. 1958. Development and distribution of [Vinciguerria] [lucetia] and related species in the Eastern Pacific. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 58:363-416.
Ahlstrom, E. H., et al. 1958. High speed plankton sampler. Fish. Bull. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. 58:187-214.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1959. Vertical distribution of pelagic fish eggs and larvae off California and Baja California. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 60(161):107-146.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1959. Distribution and abundance of eggs of the Pacific sardine, 1952-1956. Fish. Bull. Fish Wildl. Serv. U.S. 60(165):185-213.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1960. Fish spawning in 1957 and 1958. California Coop. Fish. Invest. Rep. 7:173-179.
Ahlstrom, E. H. 1961. Distribution and relative abundance of rockfish ([Sebastodes] spp.) larvae off California and Baja California. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Commn int. Explor. Scient. Mer Mediterr. 150:169-176.

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