Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Burnham, B. L., and J. J. Peterka. 1975. Effects of salinity from North Dakota lakes on survival of fathead minnow ([Pimephales promelas]) embryos and sac fry. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(6):809-812.
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Burns, J. W. 1966. Threadfin shad. Pages 481-487 in A. Calhoun, editor. Inland fisheries management. California Dept. Fish and Game Resourc. Ag.
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Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1978. Micro-projector for drawing larval fishes. Progressive Fish-Culturist 40(1):37-38.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1978. Larval development of the northern hog sucker ([Hypentelium nigricans]) from the Susquehanna River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107(4):595-599.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1978. Larval development of the redbreast sunfish ([Lepomis] [auritus]) from the Susquehanna River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107(4):600-604.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1979. Larval development of creek chub and fall fish from two Susquehanna River tributaries. Progressive Fish-Culturist 41(3):124-129.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1979. Larval development of rock bass from the Susquehanna River. Progressive Fish-Culturist 41(1):39-42.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1979. Larval development of the northern pike, [Esox] [lucius], and muskellunge, [Esox masquinongy], from northeast Pennsylvania. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 53(1):69-73.
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Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1979. Larval development of the blacknose dace ([Rhinichthys atratulus]) and longnose dace ([Rhinichthys cataractae]) from a Susquehanna River tributary. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 53:56-60.
Buynak, G. L., and H. W. Mohr, Jr. 1979. Larval development of the bluntnose minnow ([Pimephales notatus]) and fathead minnow ([Pimephales promelas]) from northeast Pennsylvania. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 53:172-176.
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