Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Rice, J. A., T. J. Miller, K. A. Rose, L. B. Crowder, E. A. Marschall, A. Trebitz, and D. L. DeAngelis. 1993. Growth rate variation and larval survival: implications of an individual-based size-dependent model. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:133-142.
Rice, J. A., L. B. Crowder, and E. A. Marschall. 1997. Predation on juvenile fishes: dynamic interactions between size-structured predators and prey. Pages 333-356 [in] R. C. Chambers and E. A. Trippel, editors. Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations. Chapman and Hall, London.
Rice, J. A., J. A. Quinlan, S. W. Nixon, W. F. Hettler, S. M. Warlen, and P. M. Stegmann. 1999. Spawning and transport dynamics of Atlantic menhaden: inferences from characteristics of immigrating larvae and predictions of a hydrodynamic model. Fisheries Oceanography. In press.
Rice, S. D. 1971. A study of nitrogen waste product metaboli sm in the eggs and fry of rainbow trout, [Salmo gairdneri]. Ph.D Diss., Kent State Univ.
Rice, S. D. 1973. Toxicity and avoidance tests with Prudhoe Bay oil and pink salmon fry. Pages 667-670 [in] Proc. Joint Conf. on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills, Am. Petrol. Inst., EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, Wash, D. C.
Rice, S. D., and R. M. Stokes. 1974. Nitrogen waste product metabolism in the eggs and fry of rainbow trout. [In] Report of the international symposium on the early life history of fish. FAO Fish. Rep. No. 141, 58 pp.
Rice, S. D., and R. M. Stokes. 1975. Acute toxicity of ammonia to several developmental stages of rainbow trout, [Salmo gairdneri]. U.S. NMFS Fish. bull. 73:207-211.
Rice, S. D., D. A. Moles, and J. Short. 1975. The effect of Prudhoe Bay crude oil on survival and growth of eggs, alevins, and fry of pink salmon [Oncorhynchus gorbuscha]. Pages 502-507 [in] Proc. 1975 Conf. on Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution. Am. Petrol Inst., EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, Wash., D. C.
Rice, S. D., R. E. Thomas, and J. W. Short. 1977. Effect of petroleum hydrocarbons on breathing and coughing rates and hydrocarbon uptake-depuration in pink salmon fry. Pages 259-277 [in] F. J. Vernberg, A. Calabrese, F. P. Thurberg, and W. B. Vernberg, editors. Physiological responses of marine biota to pollutants, Academic Press, NY.
Rice, S. D., and J. E. Bailey. 1980. Survival, size, and emergence of pink salmon, [Oncorhynchus gorbuscha], alevins after short- and long-term exposures to ammonia. Fish. Bull. U.S. 78:641-647.
Rich, W. H. 1920. Early history and seaward migration of chinook salmon in the Columbia and Sacramento Rivers. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 37:1-74.
Richards, A. 1935. Analysis of early development of fish embryos by means of mitotic index. I. The use of the mitotic index. Am. J. Anat. 56:355-363.
Richards, A., and B. L. Shumacher. 1935. Analysis of early development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. III. The mitotic index of young embryos of [Coregonus clupeaformis]. Am. J. Anat. Baltimore 56:395-408.
Richards, A., and B. L. Shumacher. 1935. Analysis of the early development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. III. The mitotic index of [Coregonus clupeaformis]. Am. J. Anat. 56:395-408.
Richards, A., and R. P. Porter. 1935. Analysis of early development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. II. The mitotic index in pre-neural tube stages of [Fundulus heteroclitus]. Am. J. Anat. Baltimore 56:365-393.
Richards, C. E., and M. Castagna. 1976. Distribution, growth and predation of juvenile white mullet ([Mugil carema]) in oceanside waters of Virginia's eastern shore. Ches. Sci. 17(4):308-309.
Richards, F. P., C. J. Cook, and R. R. Dauteuil. 1985. The ichthyoplankton of the Scioto River near Omega, Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 85(4):164-174.
Richards, J. E., R. J. Beamish, and F. W. H. Beamish. 1982. Description and keys for ammocoetes of lampreys from British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 39(11):1484-1495.
Richards, S. A., H. P. Possingham, and J. Noye. 1996. Diel vertical migration: modelling light-mediated mechanisms. Journal of Plankton Research 18:2199-2222.
Richards, S. W. 1959. Oceanography of Long Island Sound. VI. Pelagic fish eggs and larvae of Long Island Sound. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll. 17(1):95-124.
Richards, S. W. 1963. The demersal fish population of Long Island Sound. III. Food of juveniles from a mud locality (Station 3A). Bull. Bingham. Oceanogr. Coll. 18:73-93.
Richards, S. W. 1965. Description of the post-larvae of the sand lance ([Ammodytes]) from the east coast of North America. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 22(5):1313-1317.
Richards, S. W., and A. M. McBean. 1966. Comparison of post-larvae and juveniles of [Fundulus] [heteroclitus] and [Fundulus majalis] (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 95(2):218-226.
Richards, S. W. 1976. Mixed species schooling of post-larvae of [Ammodytes] [hexapterus] and [Clupea harengus harengus]. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 33(4):843-844.
Richards, S. W. 1982. Aspects of the biology of [Ammodytes americanus] from the St. Lawrence River to Chesapeake Bay, 1972-75, including a comparison of the Long Island Sound postlarvae with [Ammodytes dubius]. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 3:93-104.
Richards, S. W., D. Merriman, L. H. Calhoun, E. S. Fitz, Jr., and F. C. Daiber. 1963. Biology of the little skate, [Raja erinacea], and introduction to the biology of [Raja] as they occur in Delaware Bay. Bull. Bingham. Oceanogr. Coll., Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Yale Univ. 18:4-96.
Richards, W. J. 1960. The life history habits and ecology of the white perch, [Roccus americanus] (Gmelin), in Cross Lake, New York. M.S. Thesis, Syracuse Univ., 113 pp.
Richards, W. J. 1967. On the distribution and abundance of tuna larvae. FAO Fish. Rep. 51:60 pp.
Richards, W. J. 1969. Distribution and relative apparent abundance of larval tunas collected in the tropical Atlantic during Equalant surveys I and II. Pages 289-315 [in] Proc. Symp. on Oceanography and Fish. Resourc. of Trop. Atlantic-Review Pap. and Contr. UNESCO, Paris.
Richards, W. J. 1969. Elopoid leptocephali from Angolan waters. Copeia 1969(3):515-518.
Richards, W. J., and B. J. Palko. 1969. Methods used to rear the thread herring, [Opisthonema oglinum], from fertilized eggs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 98:527-528.
Richards, W. J., D. C. Simmons, A. Jensen, and W. C. Mann. 1969. Tuna larvae (Pisces, Scombridae) collected in the northwestern Gulf of Guinea, Geronimo Cruise 3, 10 Feb. to 26 April 1964. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Data Rep. 36. 18 pp.
Richards, W. J., D. C. Simmons, A. Jensen, and W. C. Mann. 1969. Larvae of tuna and frigate mackerel (Pisces, Scombridae) collected in the northwestern Gulf of Guinea, Geronimo Cruise 4, 5 Augu st to 13 October 1964. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Data Rep. 37. 16 pp.
Richards, W. J., D. C. Simmons, A. Jensen, and W. C. Mann. 1970. Larvae of tuna and frigate mackerel (Pisces, Scombridae) in the northwestern Gulf of Guinea and off Sierra Leone, Geronimo Cruise 5, 10 February to 19 April 1965. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Data Rep. 40. 23 pp.
Richards, W. J., and D. C. Simmons. 1971. Distribution of tuna larva (Pisces: Scombridae) in the northwestern Gulf of Guinea and off Sierra Leone. Fish. Bull. Fish Wild l. Serv. U.S. 69:555-564.
Richards, W. J., and G. R. Dove. 1971. Internal development of young tunas of the genera [Katsuwonus], [Euthynnus], [Auxis] and [Thunnus] (Pisces, Scombridae). Copeia 1971(1):72-78.
Richards, W. J., and W. L. Klawe. 1972. Indexed bibliography of the eggs and young of tunas and other scombrids (Pisces: Scombridae), 1880-1970. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 652, 107 pp.
Richards, W. J., and F. H. Berry. 1973. Preserving and preparing larval fishes for study. Pages 12-19 [in] A. L. Pacheco, editor. Proc. of Workshop on Egg, Larval and Juvenile Stages of Fish in Atlantic Coast Estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, NMFS, Mid. Atl. Coast. Cent., Highlands, NJ, 338 pp.
Richards, W. J., and T. Potthoff. 1974. Analysis of the taxonomic characters of young scombrid fishes, genus [Thunnus], p. 50. In: Report of the international symposium on the early life history of fish. FAO Fish. Rep. No. 141, 58 pp.
Richards, W. J., R. V. Miller, and E. D. Houde. 1974. Egg and larval development of the Atlantic thread herring, [Opisthonema oglinum]. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 72(4):1123-1136.
Richards, W. J. 1974. Evaluation of identification methods for young billfishes. Pages 62-72 [in] R. S. Shomura and F. Williams, editors. Proc. Intl. Billfish Symp. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-12 Aug. 1972. Part 2. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF-675.
Richards, W. J. 1976. Some comments on Balon's terminology of fish development intervals. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 33:1253-1254.
Richards, W. J., T. Potthoff, and E. D. Houde. Abundance of bluefin tuna larvae and estimates of spawning stock sizes in the Gulf of Mexico in 1977 and 1978. ICCAT.
Richards, W. J., and V. P. Saksena. 1980. Description of larvae and early juveniles of laboratory-reared gray snapper, [Lutjanus griseus] (L.) (Pisces, Lutjanidae). Bull. Mar. Sci. 30:515-521.
Richards, W. J. 1981. Kinds and abundances of fish larvae in the Caribbean Sea. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer.178:240-241.
Richards, W. J. 1982. Kinds and abundance of fish larvae in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas. NOAA, NMFS SSRF Rep. 184.
Richards, W. J. 1984. Elopiformes: development. Pages 60-61 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Richards, W. J. 1984. Gonorynchiformes: development and relationships. Pages 138-139 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Richards, W. J. 1984. Kinds and abundances of fish larvae in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF-776.
Richards, W. J., and J. M. Leis. 1984. Labroidei: development and relationships. Pages 542-546 [in] H.G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Richards, W. J., et al. 1984. Larval distribution and abundance of Engraulidae, Carangidae, Clupeidae, Lutjanidae, Serranidae, Coryphaenidae, Istiophoridae, Xephlidae, and Scombridae in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFC-144, SEAMAP 1982.
Richards, W. J., T. Potthoff, and J. Kim. 1990. Problems identifying tuna larvae species (Pisces, Scombridae, [Thunnus]) from the Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin 88:607-609.
Richards, W. J., M. F. Mcgowan, T. Leming, J. T. Lamkin, and S. Kelley. 1993. Larval fish assemblages at the Loop Current Boundary in the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science. 53: 475-537.
Richards, W.J. 1996. Triglidae: searobins. Pages 797-805 [in] H.G. Moser, editor. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Atlas No. 33. 1505 p. (reference extracted from Froese, R., and D. Pauly. Editors. 2002. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic, 07 July 2002)
Richards, W. L. 1968. Ecology and growth of juvenile tarpon, [Megalops] [atlanticus], in a Georgia salt marsh. Bull. Mar. Sci. 18:220-239.
Richardson, L. B., D. T. Burton, S. L. Margrey, and A. Rosenkranz. 1978. Egg and prolarval development of striped bass, [Morone saxatilis] (Walbaum), exposed to ozone produced oxidants in fresh and estuarine water. Ass. Southeast. Biol. 25(2):40.
Richardson, L. R. 1939. The spawning behavior of [Fundulus diaphanus] (LeSueur). Copeia 1939 (3):165-167.
Richardson, N. L., D. A. Higgs, and R. M. Beames. 1986. The susceptability of juvenile chinook salmon, [Oncorhynchus tshawytscha], to cataract formation in relation to dietary changes in early life. Aquaculture 52(4):237-244.
Richardson, R. E. 1913. Observations on the breeding habits of fishes at Havana, Illinois, 1910 and 1911. Bull. Illinois St. Lab. Nat. Hist. 9(8):405-416.
Richardson, S. L. 1972. Larvae and young of the western North Atlantic bothid flatfishes, [Etropus microstomus] (Gill), and [Citharichthys arctifrons] Goode, in the Chesapeake Bight. Diss. Abst. Intl., Vol. XXXII. 8.
Richardson, S. L. 1972. Larval fishes in ocean waters off Oregon. NOAA Contract N-043-7-72.
Richardson, S. L. 1973. Abundance and distribution of larval fishes in water off Oregon, May-October 1969, with special emphasis on the northern anchovy, [Engraulis mordax]. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 71(3):697-711.
Richardson, S. L., and E. B. Joseph. 1973. Larvae and young of western North Atlantic bothid flatfishes, [Etropus microstomus] and [Citharichthys] [arctifrons], in the Chesapeake Bight. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 71(3):735-767.
Richardson, S. L., and A. W. Kendall. 1973. Distribution of sand lance, [Ammodytes] sp., larvae on the continental shelf from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras from Dolphin surveys in 1966. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 71(2):371-386.
Richardson, S. L. 1974. Eggs and larvae of the Ophichthid eel, [Pisodonophis] [cruentifer], from the Chesapeake Bight, western North Atlantic. Ches. Sci.
Richardson, S. L., and D. A. DeHart. 1975. Records of larval, transforming, and adult specimens of the quillfish, [Ptilichthys goodei], from waters off Oregon. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 73(3):681-685.
Richardson, S. L., and E. B. Joseph. 1975. Occurrence of larvae of the green goby, [Microgobius] [thalassinus], in the York River, Virginia. Ches. Sci. 16(3):215-218.
Richardson, S. L. 1977. Larval fishes in ocean waters of Yaquina Bay, Oregon: abundance, distribution and seasonality January 1971 to August 1972. Oregon St. Univ., Sea Grant Coll. Prog. Publ. ORESU-T-77-003, 73 pp.
Richardson, S. L., and W. G. Pearcy. 1977. Coastal and oceanic fish larvae in an area of upwelling off Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 75(1):125-145.
Richardson, S. L., and W. Stephenson. 1978. Larval fish data: a new approach to analysis. Oregon State Univ., Sea Grant Coll. Prog. Publ. ORESU-T-78-002, 16 pp.
Richardson, S. L., and B. B. Washington. 1978. Identification of northeast Pacific cottid larvae - a summary. Unpubl. MS, School of Oceanography, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 71 pp.
Richardson, S. L., and W. A. Laroche. 1979. Development and occurrence of larvae and juveniles of the roc kfishes, [Sebastes crameri], [Sebastes] [pinniger], and [Sebastes helvomaculatus] (Family, Scorpaenidae) off Oregon. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 77(1):1-46.
Richardson, S. L. 1980. Patterns of larval fish occurrence in surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico with taxonomic notes. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herp., Fort Worth, TX.
Richardson, S. L. 1980. Spawning biomass and early life of northern anchovy, [Engraulis mordax], in the northern subpopulation off Oregon and Washington. Fish. Bull. 78:855-876.
Richardson, S. L., J. R. Dunn, and N. A. Naplin. 1980. Eggs and larvae of butter sole, [Isopsetta isolepis] (Pleuronectidae), off Oregon and Washington. Fish. Bull. U.S. 78:401-417.
Richardson, S. L., and B. B. Washington. 1980. Guide to identification of some sculpin (Cottidae) larvae from marine and brackish waters off Oregon and adjacent areas in the Northeast Pacific. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 430. 56 pp.
Richardson, S. L., J. L. Laroche, and M. D. Richardson. 1980. Larval fish assemblages and associations in the northeast Pacific Ocean along the Oregon coast, winter-spring 1972-1975. Estuarine and Coastal Mar. Sci. 11:671-699.
Richardson, S. L. 1981. Current knowledge of larvae of sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae and allies) in northeast Pacific genera with notes on intergeneric relationships. Fish. Bull. U.S. 79:103-121.
Richardson, S. L. 1981. Current knowledge of Northeast Pacific sculpin larvae (Family Cottidae) with notes on relationships within the group. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 178:603-604.
Richardson, S. L. 1981. Pelagic eggs and larvae of the deepsea sole, [Embassichthys bathybius] (Pisces: Pleuronectidae), with comments on generic affinities. Fish. Bull. U.S. 79:163-170.
Richardson, S. L., and J. D. McEachran. 1981. Identification of small larvae of king and Spanish mackerel, [Scomberomorus cavalia] and [S. maculatus]. N. E. Gulf Sci. 5(1):75-79.
Richkus, W. A. 1974. The influence of environmental variables on the migratory behavior of adult and juvenile alewives ([Alosa pseudoharengus]). Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 225 pp.
Richkus, W. A. 1975. Migratory behavior and growth of juvenile anadromous alewives, [Alosa pseudoharengus], in a Rhode Island drainage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104: 483-493.
Richkus, W. A. 1975. The response of juvenile alewives to water currents in an experimental chamber. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104(3):494-498.
Richkus, W. A., and H. E. Winn. 1979. Activity of cycles of adult and juvenile alewives, [Alosa pseudoharengus], recorded by two methods. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 108(4):358-365.
Ricker, W. E. 1938. On adequate quantitative sampling of the pelagic net plankton of a lake. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 4:19-32.
Ricker, W. E. 1954. Stock and recruitment. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 11:559–623.
Ricker, W. E. 1966. Salmon of the north Pacific Ocean - Part III. A review of the life history of north Pacific salmon. IV. Sockeye salmon in British Columbia. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 18:59-70.
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Riddell, B. E., and W. C. Leggett. 1981. Evidence for an adaptive basis for geographic variation in body morphology and time of downstream migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon, [Salmo salar]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38:308-320.
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Riehl, R. 1978. The oocytes of the goby, [Pomatoschistus minutus]. I. Light and electron microscopic investigations of egg-membrane and follicle. Helgol. wissensch. Meeresunt. 31(3):314-332.
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Riehl, V. R., and K. J. Gotting. 1974. Structure and occurrence of the micropyle in egg cells and eggs of teleost fishes. Arch. Hydrobiol. 74(3):393-402.
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Riffenburgh, R. H. 1966. On growth parameter estimation for early life stages. Biometrics 22(1):162-178.
Riggs, C. D. 1953. Studies of the life history of the white bass, [Lepibema chrysops] (Rafinesque), with special reference to Shaker Lake, Indiana. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 224 pp.
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Rijnsdorp, A. D. 1993. Relationship between juvenile growth and the onset of sexual maturity of female North Sea plaice, [Pleuronectes platessa]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1617-1631.
Riley, C. M., S. A. Holt, G. J. Holt, E. J. Buskey and C. R. Arnold. 1991. Mortality of larval red drum ([Sciaenops ocellatus]) associated with a [Ptychodiscus brevis] red tide. Contributions in Marine Science 31:137-146.
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Riley, J. D. 1966. Marine fish culture in Britain. VII. Plaice ([Pleuronectes platessa] L.) post-larval feeding on [Artemia salina] L. nauplii and the effects of varying feeding levels. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor Mer 30(2):204-221.
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Rimmer, D. M., and G. Power. 1978. Feeding response of Atlantic salmon, [Salmo salar], alevins in flowing and still water. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35:329-332.
Rimmer, D. M., U. Paim, and R. L. Saunders. 1983. Autumnal habitat shift of juvenile Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar]) in a small river. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40:671-680.
Rimmer, D. M., U. Paim, and R. L. Saunders. 1984. Changes in the selection of microhabitat by juvenile Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar]) at the summer-autumn transition in a small river. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41:469-475.
Rimmer, D. M., R. L. Saunders, and U. Paim. 1985. Effects of temperature and season on the position holding performance of juvenile Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar]). Canadian Journal of Zoology 63(1):92-96.

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