Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Frisbie, C. M. 1961. Young black drum, [Pogonias cromis], in tidal fresh and brackish waters, especially in the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay areas. Ches. Sci. 2(1-2):94-100.
Frith, C. A., J. M. Leis, and B. Goldman. 1986. Currents in the Lizard Island region of the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and their relevance to potential movements of larvae. Coral Reefs 5:81-92.
Fritzsche, R. A. 1978. Development of fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. V. Chaetodontidae through Ophidiidae. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. Biol. Serv. Prog.
Fritzsche, R. A. 1984. Gasterosteiformes: development and relationships. Pages 398-404 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Frolander, H. F., and I. Pratt. 1962. A bottom skimmer. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 7(1):104-106.
Frost, N. 1938. Some fishes of Newfoundland waters (with notes on the distribution of eggs and larvae). Res. Bull. Div. Fish. Res. Newfoundland:1-16.
Frost, W. E., and A. E. J. Went. 1940. The growth and food of young salmon. Proc. R. Irish Acad. 46B(4):53-80.
Frost, W. E., and A. E. J. Went. 1940. The growth and food of young salmon (River Liffey Survey III). Proc. R. Ir. Acad. Sci. B 46:53-80.

Frost, W. E. 1943. The natural history of the minnow, [Phoxinus] [phoxinus]. J. Anim. Ecol. 12(2):139-162.

Frost, W. E. 1950. The growth and food of young salmon ([Salmo salar]) and trout ([S. trutta]) in the River Forss, Caithness. J. Anim. Ecol. 19:147-158.
Frost, W. E. 1965. Breeding habits of Windermere char, [Salvelinus] [willughbi] (Gunther) and their bearing on speciation in these fish. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. B. 163-232-284.
Frost, W. E., and C. Kipling. 1967. A study of reproduction, early life, weight-length relationship, and growth of pike, [Esox lucius] L., in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 36:651-693.
Fruge, D. J. 1977. Larval development and distribution of [Micropogonias undulatus] and [Leios tomus xanthurus], and larval distribution of [Mugil cephalus] and [Bregmaceros atlanticus] of the southeastern Louisiana coast. M. S. Thesis, Louisiana State Univ. 75 pp.
Fruge, D. J., and F. M. Truesdale. 1978. Comparative larval development of [Micropogon] [undulatus] and [Leiostomus xanthurus] (Pisces: Sciaenidae) from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Copeia 1978(4):643-648.
Fry, D. H., Jr. 1936. California flying fish eggs. California Fish and Game 19(4):288-289.
Fry, D. H., Jr. 1936. A description of the eggs and larvae of the Pacific mackerel ([Pneumatophorus diego]). California Fish and Game 22(1):27-29.
Fry, D. H., Jr. 1936. A preliminary summary of the life history of the Pacific mackerel ([Pneumatophorus diego]). California Fish and Game 22:30-39.
Fry, F. E. J., et al. 1942. Lethal limits of temperature for young goldfish. Rev. Can. Biol. 1(1):50-56.
Fry, F. E. J., J. S. Hart, and K. F. Walker. 1946. Lethal temperature relations for a sample of young speckled trout, [Salvelinus fontinalis]. Univ. Toronto Stud., Biol. Ser. 66:9-35.
Fry, F. E. J., and E. T. Cox. 1970. A relation to size to swimming speed in rainbow trout. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 27(5):976-978.
Fry, F. E. J. 1971. The effects of environmental factors on the physiology of fish. Pages 1-98 [in] W. S. Hoar and D. J. Randall, editors. Fish Physiology. VI. Environmental relations and behavior. Academic Press, Inc., N.Y.
Fry, J. P. 1960. The food of rainbow trout, brown trout, and brook trout fry and fingerlings from five southwestern Montana streams. M.S. Thesis, Montana State Univ., 37 pp.
Fryer, G., and P. J. P. Whitehead. 1959. The breeding habits, embryology and larval development of [Labeo victorianus] Boulenger. (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 59(1-2): 33-49.
Fryer, J. L., J. S. Rohovec, E. P. Pulford, R. E. Olson, D. P. Ransom, J. R. Winton, C. N. Lannan, R. P. Bedrick, and W. J. Groberg. 1979. Proceedings from a conference on disease inspection and certification of fish and fish eggs. Oregon State Univ., Sea Grant Coll. Proj. Publ. No. ORESU-W-79-001. 40 pp.
Fryer, J. N., and H. A. Bern. 1979. Growth hormone binding to tissues of normal and stunted juvenile coho salmon, [Oncorhynchus kisutch]. J. Fish. Biol. 15(5):527-533.
Fuchs, E. H. 1967. Life history of the emerald shiner, [Notropis] [atherinoides], in Lewis and Clark Lake, South Dakota. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 96(1):247-256.
Fuchs, J. 1978. Influence de la photoperiode sur la croissance et la survie de la larve et du juvenile de sole ([Solea] [solea]) en elevage. Aquaculture 15:63-74.
Fuchs, J. 1982. The production of juvenile sole, [Solea solea], under intensive conditions. I. The first month of rearing. Aquaculture 26(3/4):321-338.
Fuhrman, F. A., G. J. Fuhrman, and J. S. Roseen. 1970. Toxic effects produced by extracts of eggs of the cabezon, [Scorpaenichthys marmortus]. Toxicon 8:55-61.
Fuiman, L. A. 1976. Notes on the early development of the sea raven, [Hemitripterus americanus]. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 74(2):467-470.
Fuiman, L. A., and J. J. Loos. 1977. Identifying characters of the early development of the daces, [Rhinichthys atratulus] and [R.] [cataractae] (Osteichthyes:Cyprinidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 129(2):23-32.
Fuiman, L. A. 1978. Descriptions and comparisons of northeastern catostomid fish larvae. M.S. Thesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 110 pp.
Fuiman, L. A., and J. J. Loos. 1978. Morphological changes during the larval development of the cutlips minnow, [Exoglossum maxillingua]. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107(4):605-612.
Fuiman, L. A., and L. Corazza. 1978. Morphometry and allometry: implications for larval fish taxonomy. Pages 1-18 [in] R. Wallus and C. W. Voigtlander, editors. Proc. workshop on freshwater larval fish. TVA, Norris, TN. 241 pp.
Fuiman, L. A., and D. C. Witman. 1979. Descriptions and comparisons of catostomid fish larvae: [Catostomus catostomus] and [Moxostoma] [erythrurum]. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 108(6): 604-619.
Fuiman, L. A. 1979. Descriptions and comparisons of catostomid fish larvae: northern Atlantic drainage species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 108(6):560-603.
Fuiman, L. A. 1979. Materials for a description of lake chubsucker, ([Erimyzon sucetta]), larvae. Pages 92-99 [in] R. D. Hoyt, editor. Proc. third symp. on larval fish, Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, KY, 236 pp.
Fuiman, L.A., and L. Corazza. 1979. Morphometry and allometry: implications for larval fish taxonomy. Pages 1-19 [in] R. Wallus and C.W. Voigtlander, editors. Proceedings of a workshop on freshwater larval fishes. Tennessee Valley Authority. Norris, Tennessee. 241 pp.
Fuiman, L. A., and J. R. Trojnar. 1980. Factors affecting egg diameter of white suckers ([Catostomus commersoni]) Copeia 1980(4):699-704.
Fuiman, L.A., editor. 1980. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Larval Fish Conference. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program, National Power Plant Team, FWS/OBS-80/43. 179pp.
Fuiman, L. A., and J. P. Baker. 1981. Larval stages of the lake chub, [Couesius plumbeus]. Can. J. Zool., Vol. 59, No. 2:218-224.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Esocidae. Pages 155-173 [in] N. A. Auer, editor. Identification of larval fishes of the Great Lakes Basin with emphasis on the Lake Michigan drainage. Great Lakes Fish. Comm. Spec. Publ. 82-3, Ann Arbor, MI.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Family Catostomidae, suckers. Pages 345-435 [in] N. A. Auer, editor. Identification of larval fishes of the Great Lakes Basin. Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Ann Arbor, MI. Spec. Publ. 82-3. 744 pp.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Family Percichthyidae, temperate basses. Pages 510-525 [in] N. A. Auer, editor. Identification of larval fishes of the Great Lakes Basin. Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Ann Arbor, MI. Spec. Publ. 82-3. 744 pp.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Family Petromyzontidae, lampreys. Pages 23-37 [in] N. A. Auer, editor. Identification of larval fishes of the Great Lakes Basin. Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Ann Arbor, MI. Spec. Publ. 82-3. 744 pp.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Family Sciaenidae, drums. Pages 649-655 [in] N. A. Auer, editor. Identification of larval fishes of the Great Lakes Basin. Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Ann Arbor, MI. Spec. Publ. 82-3. 744 pp.
Fuiman, L. A. 1982. Correspondence of myomeres and vertebrae and their natural variability during the first year of life in yellow perch. Pages 56-59 [in] C. F. Bryan, J. V. Conner, and F. M. Truesdale, editors. The fifth ann. larval fish conf., Louis. Coop. Fish. Res. Univ., LSU, Baton Rouge, LA.
Fuiman, L. A. 1983. Growth gradients in fish larvae. J. Fish. Biol. 23:117-123.
Fuiman, L. A. 1983. Analysis of egg and larval characters for their use in the systematics of ostariophysan fishes. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, MI. 186 pp.
Fuiman, L. A., J. V. Conner, B. F. Lathrop, G. L. Buynak, D. E. Snyder, and J. J. Loos. 1983. State of the art of identification for cyprinid fish larvae from eastern North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:319-322.
Fuiman, L. A. 1984. Book Review: Guide to the early stages of marine fishes occurring in the western North Atlantic, Cape Hatteras to the southern Scotian Shelf. Copeia 1984(2):556-557.
Fuiman, L. A. 1984. Ostariophysi: development and relationships. Pages 126-137 [in] H.G. Moser, D.M. Cohen, M.P. Fahay, A.W. Kendall, Jr., W.J. Richards, and S.L. Richardson, editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Spec. Publ. No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Fuiman, L. A. 1985. Contribution of developmental characteristics to a phylogeny of catostomid fishes with comments on heterochrony. Copeia 1985(4):833-846.
Fuiman, L. A. 1986. Burst-swimming performance of larval zebra danios and the effects of diel temperature fluctuations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 115:143-148.
Fuiman, L. A. 1987. Book Review: Early life histories of fishes: new developmental, ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Copeia 1987(2):534-537.
Fuiman, L. A., and J.C. Gamble. 1988. Predation by Atlantic herring, sprat, and sandeels on herring larvae in large enclosures. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 44:1-6.
Fuiman, L.A., and P.W. Webb. 1988. Ontogeny of routine swimming activity and performance in zebra danios (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Animal Behaviour 36:250-261.
Fuiman, L.A., and J.C. Gamble. 1989. Influence of experimental manipulations on predation of herring larvae by juvenile herring in large enclosures. Rapports et Proces-Verbeaux des Reunions, Conseil International pour L'Exploration de la Mer 191:359-365.
Fuiman, L.A., and P. Thomas. 1989. Book review: Fish physiology, Volume XI. The physiology of developing fish. Part A. Eggs and Larvae. Part B. Viviparity and posthatching juveniles. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 118:455-458.
Fuiman, L.A. 1989. Vulnerability of Atlantic herring larvae to predation by yearling herring. Marine Ecology Progress Series 51:291-299.
Fuiman, L. A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, [Clupea harengus] L. Journal of Fish Biology 39:93-102.
Fuiman, L.A. 1991. Book review: Description and Identification of Razorback, Flannelmouth, White, Utah, Bluehead, and Mountain Sucker Larvae and Early Juveniles. Copeia 1991(3):860-861.
Fuiman, L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring. Journal of Fish Biology 39(1):93-102.
Fuiman, L.A., editor. 1993. Water Quality and the Early Life Stages of Fishes. American Fisheries Society Symposium 14. 192pp. 
Fuiman, L.A. 1993. Development of predator evasion in Atlantic herring, [Clupea harengus] L. Animal Behaviour 45:1101-1116. 
Fuiman, L.A., and D.R. Ottey. 1993. Temperature effects on spontaneous behavior of larval and juvenile red drum [Sciaenops ocellatus], and implications for foraging. Fishery Bulletin 91:23-35. 
Fuiman, L. A.; Batty, R. S. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44:23-34.
Fuiman, L.A. 1994. The interplay of ontogeny and scaling in the interactions of fish larvae and their predators. Journal of Fish Biology 45(supplement A):55-79.
Fuiman, L.A., and A.E. Magurran. 1994. Development of predator defences in fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 4:145-183.
Fuiman, L.A., and R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44:23-34.
Fuiman, L.A. 1995. Book review: Early life history of fish: an energetics apporach. Copeia 1995(3):747-748.


Fuiman, L.A. 1996. Dynamic morphology, physiology and behavour of fish larvae. Pages 1-2 [in] L.A. Fuiman, editor. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 28:1-148 (email for reprint requests).

Fuiman, L.A., and D.M. Higgs. 1997. Ontogeny, growth, and the recruitment process. Pages 225-249 [in] R.C. Chambers and E.A. Trippel, editors. Early life history and recruitment in fish populations. Chapman and Hall. 
Fuiman, L.A. 1997. What can flatfish ontogenies tell us about pelagic and benthic lifestyles? Journal of Sea Research 37:257-257.
Fuiman, L.A., and B.C. Delbos. 1998. Developmental changes in visual sensitivity of red drum, [Sciaenops ocellatus]. Copeia 1998:936-943.
Fuiman, L.A., K.R. Poling, and D.M. Higgs. 1998. Quantifying developmental progress for comparative

studies of larval fishes. Copeia 1998:602-611.

Fuiman, L.A. 2002. Special considerations of fish eggs and larvae. Pages 1-32 [in] L.A. Fuiman and R.G. Werner, editors. Fishery Science: The unique contributions of early life stages. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 336 pp.
Fuiman, L.A., and J.H. Cowan, Jr. In press. Behavioral mechanisms underlying recruitment success in marine fish larvae: Repeatability and covariation of survival skills. Ecology.
Fujihara, M. P., and R. T. O'Brien. 1964. Toxicity of deuterium oxide to the freshwater [Aequidans portalagrensis]: survival of embryos and young fish. U.S. Atom. Ener. Comm. Rep. No. HW-SA-3627. 10 pp.
Fujihara, M. P., P. A. Olson, and R. E. Nakatani. 1971. Some factors in susceptibility of juvenile rainbow trout and chinook salmon to [Chondrococcus] [columnaris]. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 28(11):1739-1743.
Fujimoto, M., and T. Hirano. 1972. Study on the Huroshio functionary as a means of transport and diffusion of fish eggs and larvae. I. The results of drift bottle experiments. Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 71:51-68.
Fujimoto, M. 1975. Results of drift bottle experiments to investigate the Huroshio functioning as a means of transportation and diffusion of fish eggs and larvae. Datum collect. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., No. 5:1-24.
Fujita, S. 1960. Egg development and prelarval stages of a silver belly, [Leiognathus nuchalis] (Temminck & Schlegel). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26(11):1091-1094. (reference extracted from Froese, R., and D. Pauly. Editors. 2002. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic, 07 July 2002)
Fujita, K. 1971. Early development of the squamation in [Tilapia] [sparrmanni]. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 18:90-93.
Fujita, K. 1981. Oviphagous embryos of the pseudocarchariid shark, [Pseudocarcharias kamoharai], from the central Pacific. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 28(1):37-44.
Fujita, S., and M. Ueno. 1954. On the development of the egg and prelarval stages of [Siganus fuscescens] (Houttuyn) by artificial insemination. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 3:129-132.
Fujita, S., and K. Nakahara. 1955. On the development of the egg and the prelarval stages of a scorpaenid fish, [Inimicus japonicus] (Cuvier et Valenciennes). In Japanese, English summary. Sci. Bull., Fac. Agri., Kyushu Univ. 15:223-228.
Fujita, S. 1955. On the development and prelarval stages of the filefish, [Mon acanthus cirrhifer] Temminck et Schlegel. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agri. Kyushu Univ. 15(2):229-234. In Japanese, English summary.
Fujita, S., and M. Ueno. 1956. On the egg development and prelarval stages of [Fugu] [(Torafugu) rubripes rubripes] (T. et S.). Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 15(4):519-524.
Fujita, S., and M. Ueno. 1956. On the egg development and prelarval stages of [Platycephalus indicus] (L.). Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 15(4):513-518.

Fujita, S. 1956. On the development of the egg and prelarval stages of [Nibea argentata] (Houtt.). Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 15(4):537-540.

Fujita, S. 1956. On the development of the egg and prelarval stages of the puffer, [Fugu (Shosaifugu) poecilonotus] (Temm. et Schl.). Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 15(4):531-536.
Fujita, S. 1956. On the development of the egg and prelarval stages of the puffer, [Fugu (Shosaifugu) stictonotus] (Temm. et Schl.). Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 15(4):525-530.
Fujita, S. 1957. On the larval stages of a scorpaenid fish, [Sebastes] [pachycephalus nigricans] (Schmidt). In Japanese, English summary. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 6:91-93.
Fujita, S. 1957. On the development and prelarval stage of a damsel fish, [Chromis notatus] (Temminck et Schlegel). Jap. J. Ichthyol. 6:87-90.
Fujita, S., and K. Uchida. 1957. On the development of the egg and prelarval stages of a sole, [Cynoglossus robustus] Gunther. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 16:319-322. In Japanese, English summary.
Fujita, S. 1958. On the egg development and larval stages of a viviparous scorpaenid fish, [Sebastes oblongus] Gunther. In Japanese, English summary. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 24:475-479.
Fujita, S. 1959. On the egg development of a viviparous scorpaenid fish, [Sebastes pachycephalus nigricans] (Schmidt). J. Jap. Assoc. Zool. Gardens and Aquariums 1(2):42-43.
Fujita, S., and K. Uchida. 1959. Breeding habits and rearing of larvae of a blennioid fish, [Ernogrammus hexagrammus] T. et S. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 17(3):283-289.
Fujita, S., and K. Uchida. 1959. Spawning habits and early development of a sargassum fish, [Pterophryne histrio] (Linne). In Japanese, English summary. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 17(3):277-282.
Fujita, S. 1960. Egg development and prelarval stages of a silver-belly, [Leiognathus nuchalis] (Temminck et Schlegel). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26:1091-1094.
Fujita, S., and S. Mito. 1960. Egg development and hatched larvae of a chaetodontid fish, [Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis] (Temminck et Schlegel). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26:227-229. In Japanese, English summary.
Fujita, S. 1962. Studies on the life history of common pufferfishes in Japan. Rep. Nagasaki Prefect. Fish. Res. Stn. 2. in Japanese.
Fujita, S. 1965. Early development and rearing of two common flatfishes, [Eopsetta grigorjewi] (Herzenstein) and [Tanakius kitaharai] (Jordan et Starks). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 31:258-262.
Fujita, S., and T. Takita. 1965. Egg development and prelarval stages of a sole, [Areliscus trigrammus]. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 31:488-492.
Fujita, S., and Y. Dotsu. 1965. Spawning of the clingfish, [Aspasma ciconiae]. Zool. Mag. Tokyo 74:105-111.
Fujita, S. 1966. Egg development, larval stages and rearing of the puffer, [Lagocephalus lunaris spadiceus] (Richardson). Jap. J. Ichthyol. 13:162-168. In Japanese, English summary.
Fujita, S., and T. Yogata. 1984. Induction of ovarian maturation, embryonic development and larvae and juveniles of the amberjack, [Seriola aureovittata]. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 30(4):426-434.
Fujita, S., T. Kitajima, and G. Hayashida. 1986. Induction of ovarian maturation and development of eggs, larvae and juveniles of the tonguefish, [Cynoglossus abbreviatus], reared in the laboratory. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 33(3):304-315.
Fujita, S., and M. Shinohara. 1986. Development of eggs, larvae and juveniles of the puffer, [Takifugu chrysops], reared in the laboratory. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 33(2):186-194.
Fujita, S., I. Kinoshita, I. Takahashi, and K. Azuma. 2002. Species composition and seasonal occurrence of fish larvae and juveniles in the Shimanto Estuary, Japan. Fisheries Science 68(2):364-370.
Fukuchi, M. 1976. Nutritional ecological research of pollock larvae during the coastal living state. Ph.D Diss., Hokkaido Univ. 114 pp.
Fukuda, H. 1935. The influence of light on the carp and the goldfish egg and their development. In Japanese. Yoshoku Kaisha 5(3-4):55-58.
Fukuda, M., Y. Yano, H. Nakano, and M. Sugiyama. 1986. Protein and nucleic acid changes during early developmental stages of cresthead flounder. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52(6):951-956.
Fukuhara, O. 1971. Development of eggs and larvae of [Agrammus] [agrammus]. Suisan Yoshoka 19:159-165. In Japanese.
Fukuhara, O. 1974. The influence of initial delay of feeding on survival, growth and development of the red sea bream larvae, [Chrysophrys major] Temm. et Sch. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 7:19-30.
Fukuhara, O. 1976. Morphological studies of larva of red sea bream - I. Formation of fins. Bull. Nansei Regional Fish. Res. Lab. 9:1-11.
Fukuhara, O. 1976. Morphological studies of larvae of red sea bream. II. Early development of squamation. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 9:13-18.
Fukuhara, O. 1977. Some morphological observations on larvae and juveniles of the Kurodai, [Mylio macrocephalus] (Sparidae: Teleostei), reared in the laboratory. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Lab. 10:1-16.
Fukuhara, O., and K. Ito. 1978. On the formation of the fins and squamation in the Japanese parrot fish, [Oplegnathus fasciatus], reared in the laboratory. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 11:9-17.
Fukuhara, O., and K. Kunizuki. 1979. Morphological development in the wild larvae of madai, [Chrysophrys major], as compared to that in the lab reared larvae. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 11:19-26.
Fukuhara, O. 1979. Morphological studies of larvae of red sea bream. III. Formation of black stripes. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 11:1-8.
Fukuhara, O. 1981. On the shrinkage of eggs and larvae of red sea bream, [Chrysophrys major], preserved in formalin. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish Res. Lab. 13:171.
Fukuhara, O., and T. Fushimi. 1982. Development of fins and squamation in the percichthyid fish, [Lateolabrax japonicus]. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 29(2):173-178.
Fukuhara, O., and T. Fushimi. 1983. Development and early life history of the greenlings, [Hexagrammas otaki] (Pisces: Hexagrammidae) reared in the laboratory. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 49:1843-1848.
Fukuhara, O. 1983. Development and growth of laboratory reared [Engraulis japonica] larvae. J. Fish. Biol. 23:641-652.
Fukuhara, O., and T. Fushimi. 1984. Squamation of larval greenling, [Hexagrammas otaki] (Pisces: Hexagrammidae) reared in the laboratory. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 50:759-761.
Fukuhara, O. 1985. Functional morphology and behavior of early life stages of red sea bream. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 51(5):731-745.
Fukuhara, O. 1986. Morphological and functional development of a Japanese flounder in early life stages. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52:81-91.
Fukuhara, O., and T. Fushimi. 1986. Development and early life history of the ayu reared in the laboratory. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52:75-80.
Fukuhara, O., T. Nakagawa, and T. Fukunaga. 1986. Larval and juvenile development of yellowtail reared in the laboratory. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52(12)2091-2098.
Fukuhara, O. 1987. Larval development and behavior in early life stages of Black Sea bream reared in the laboratory. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 53:371-379.
Fukuhara, S., Y. Nagata, and W. Maekawa. 1982. Minute scaly tubercles on the yolksac of rhodeine cyprinid fishes in prolarval stages. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 29(2):232-236.
Fukusho, K. 1972. Organogenesis of digestive system in the mullet, [Liza haemotocheila], with specific reference to the gizzard. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 19:283-294.

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