aishababaii has joined the room (6: 19 pm) ummalik has left the room
tarix | 30.01.2018 | ölçüsü | 154,22 Kb. | | #41123 |
(6:08 PM) Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
(6:08 PM) Alert: Welcome to the Shariah Program class.
(6:19 PM) *** aishababaii has joined the room ***
(6:19 PM) *** ummalik_2 has left the room ***
(6:20 PM) *** ummalik_2 has joined the room ***
(6:20 PM) aishababaii: Assalamu Aleikum
(6:21 PM) *** ruquya has left the room ***
(6:23 PM) *** ruquya has joined the room ***
(6:23 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(6:25 PM) *** nkamdar has joined the room ***
(6:26 PM) *** aster1sk has joined the room ***
(6:26 PM) *** thanzila has joined the room ***
(6:27 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: ws wr wb
(6:28 PM) *** abdallah_126 has joined the room ***
(6:29 PM) *** course instructor has left the room ***
(6:30 PM) *** Naeema_733 has joined the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: as-salaamu 'alaykum... starting in a bit insha-Allah
(6:31 PM) abdallah_126: wa alaikam salaam
(6:31 PM) *** jtabiade has joined the room ***
(6:31 PM) *** umme-abir has joined the room ***
(6:31 PM) aichax: ws wr wb
(6:32 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(6:32 PM) aishababaii: ws wr wb
(6:32 PM) Naeema_733: waaleykum salaam wr wb
(6:32 PM) *** purda has joined the room ***
(6:32 PM) nkamdar: walaikum salaam
(6:33 PM) aishababaii: Ws
(6:33 PM) aichax: y
(6:33 PM) umme-abir: wswr
(6:33 PM) ruquya: yeah
(6:33 PM) purda: y
(6:33 PM) ruquya: ws
(6:33 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: 1
(6:33 PM) thanzila: yes
(6:33 PM) abdallah_126: wa alaikam salaa
(6:33 PM) nkamdar: y
(6:33 PM) aishababaii: y
(6:33 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(6:33 PM) Naeema_733: waaleykum salaam
(6:33 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: ws wr wb
(6:33 PM) purda: walaikum salam
(6:34 PM) ummalik_2: y
(6:34 PM) jtabiade: is there sound?
(6:34 PM) thanzila: yes
(6:34 PM) ummalik_2: yes
(6:34 PM) aishababaii: yes
(6:34 PM) abdallah_126: y
(6:34 PM) ruquya: yes
nadeemabdulhamid: yes sound is coming.. please re-enter if you can't hear
(6:34 PM) *** jtabiade has left the room ***
(6:35 PM) *** jtabiade has joined the room ***
(6:35 PM) *** owism has joined the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: jtabiade: can you hear now?
(6:35 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: where should we ideally be in terms of sarf
(6:35 PM) ruquya: can u list the 22 places
(6:35 PM) jtabiade: no i am switching computers
(6:36 PM) abdallah_126: and define the 22 places with examples please
(6:37 PM) ruquya: much better
(6:37 PM) *** IbnShafiq has joined the room ***
(6:38 PM) owism: first are the tense tables and then the baabs
(6:38 PM) aichax: n
(6:38 PM) abdallah_126: baabs, khaasiyaat
(6:38 PM) ruquya: basic verb conj
(6:39 PM) *** jtabiade has left the room ***
(6:39 PM) *** owism has left the room ***
(6:39 PM) ummalik_2: irregularities
(6:40 PM) *** abuabdullah09 has joined the room ***
(6:40 PM) *** AbdulKareem4 has joined the room ***
(6:40 PM) aishababaii: does the middle letter variation fall under the irregularities?
nadeemabdulhamid: nasara
nadeemabdulhamid: sami'a
(6:40 PM) IbnShafiq: no
(6:40 PM) desertsand09: no
(6:40 PM) ummalik_2: no
nadeemabdulhamid: karuma
(6:40 PM) *** javey1 has joined the room ***
(6:40 PM) ummalik_2: baabs
nadeemabdulhamid: first 6 "baabs" -- handle middle letter variations
(6:42 PM) *** jtabiade has joined the room ***
(6:42 PM) IbnShafiq: thulaathi mujarrad?
(6:42 PM) *** jtabiade has left the room ***
(6:43 PM) aishababaii: yes please
(6:43 PM) desertsand09: yeh .. plz
nadeemabdulhamid: nasara - sami'a - karuma
(6:44 PM) desertsand09: sounds gone?
(6:44 PM) ruquya: no
(6:44 PM) AbdulKareem4: no
(6:44 PM) abdallah_126: no
(6:44 PM) aishababaii: its there
(6:44 PM) javey1: no
(6:44 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: no
(6:44 PM) AbdulKareem4: exit the rroom
(6:45 PM) *** jtabiade has joined the room ***
(6:45 PM) desertsand09: ok its back
(6:45 PM) aster1sk: Re-enter the room
(6:46 PM) ruquya: with its muthari
(6:46 PM) AbdulKareem4: because of the maaduree?
(6:46 PM) ummalik_2: because the mudharri is different
nadeemabdulhamid: nasara - dharaba
nadeemabdulhamid: yansuru - yadhribu
nadeemabdulhamid: (nasara - yansuru)
nadeemabdulhamid: (dharaba - yadhribu)
(6:47 PM) IbnShafiq: smi
(6:47 PM) nkamdar: fataha yaftahu?
(6:48 PM) IbnShafiq: sami'a yasma'u
nadeemabdulhamid: (fataha - yaftahu)
(6:48 PM) *** umme-abir has left the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: (sami'a - yasma'u)
(6:48 PM) *** javey1 has left the room ***
(6:49 PM) aichax: hasiba - yahsibu
(6:49 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: shariba
(6:49 PM) IbnShafiq: hasiba
(6:49 PM) ruquya: ha se ba
(6:49 PM) desertsand09: hasiba
nadeemabdulhamid: (hasiba - yahsibu)
(6:50 PM) ruquya: ka ro ma
nadeemabdulhamid: (karuma - yakrumu)
(6:51 PM) IbnShafiq: fataha
(6:51 PM) AbdulKareem4: fataha
(6:51 PM) desertsand09: fataha
(6:51 PM) AbdulKareem4: karuma
(6:51 PM) AbdulKareem4: hasiba
(6:51 PM) AbdulKareem4: yes
(6:51 PM) ruquya: karoma
(6:51 PM) IbnShafiq: karuma first
(6:51 PM) desertsand09: karuma
(6:51 PM) desertsand09: then hasiba
(6:51 PM) aishababaii: so how do you recognise a verb to know if it has different middle letter?
(6:51 PM) desertsand09: exposure?
nadeemabdulhamid: shariba
nadeemabdulhamid: akala
(6:52 PM) aishababaii: oh ok..got it jzk
(6:53 PM) AbdulKareem4: akrama
(6:53 PM) desertsand09: sarrafa
(6:53 PM) desertsand09: qaatala
(6:53 PM) abdallah_126: up to taqaabala
(6:53 PM) ruquya: up to taqaabila
(6:53 PM) ummalik_2: until taqaabala
(6:53 PM) AbdulKareem4: not for evening class
(6:53 PM) ummalik_2: maybe it's coming
(6:53 PM) ummalik_2: today
(6:53 PM) AbdulKareem4: yes
(6:53 PM) desertsand09: oh yeh... evening class will do taqabbala
(6:54 PM) desertsand09: and begin taqabbala
nadeemabdulhamid: karuma - yakrumu
nadeemabdulhamid: akrama - yukrimu
(6:56 PM) ummalik_2: what does ijtanaba mean
(6:56 PM) ummalik_2: yes
(6:57 PM) aichax: refrain
(6:57 PM) ummalik_2: jak
(6:57 PM) abdallah_126: how crucial do you find being solid on these in the second year?
(6:58 PM) ummalik_2: and how to recognise base letters to check the dictionary
(6:58 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: so to recap ustaz, we've done the basics, the six middle letter variations, and two extra-letter verbs?
(6:58 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: five okay, thank you
nadeemabdulhamid: aslama
nadeemabdulhamid: alif seen laam meem
(6:59 PM) desertsand09: ÃóÓúáóãó
(6:59 PM) desertsand09: i tried.. never happened
(6:59 PM) *** meelash has joined the room ***
(6:59 PM) desertsand09: seen laam meem
(7:00 PM) ruquya: is the second to last letter always the ain kalima?
nadeemabdulhamid: akrama
(7:00 PM) desertsand09: which letter is the extra one in sarrafa?
(7:01 PM) ummalik_2: Alqaw
(7:01 PM) IbnShafiq: ra?
(7:01 PM) desertsand09: the first raa or 2nd?
nadeemabdulhamid: sallama
nadeemabdulhamid: one minute
(7:01 PM) ummalik_2: ok
(7:02 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(7:02 PM) AbdulKareem4: wslm
(7:03 PM) IbnShafiq: weak letter?
(7:03 PM) desertsand09: so in sallama... is the 1st laam extra or 2nd...
(7:03 PM) *** meelash has left the room ***
(7:03 PM) *** meelash has joined the room ***
(7:03 PM) desertsand09: and other verbs on same pattern..
(7:04 PM) desertsand09: ok thats fine
(7:04 PM) ummalik_2: no
(7:05 PM) AbdulKareem4: i'm fine fornow
(7:05 PM) abdallah_126: (the first laam is extra)
(7:05 PM) ruquya: no du have link?
(7:05 PM) aster1sk: http://www.shariahprogram.net/students/The%2022%20Places.doc
(7:06 PM) *** meelash has left the room ***
(7:06 PM) ruquya: jazakallah
(7:06 PM) *** musthak41 has joined the room ***
(7:06 PM) *** nkamdar has left the room ***
(7:06 PM) abdallah_126: see their sates
(7:06 PM) AbdulKareem4: to know grammatical states?
nadeemabdulhamid: mudhaaf
(7:07 PM) ruquya: so wee know what vowel endings
(7:07 PM) IbnShafiq: for analyzing and understand the meaning of the text
(7:07 PM) musthak41: to id their roles within sentences
nadeemabdulhamid: ism's
nadeemabdulhamid: raf' nasb jarr
(7:10 PM) IbnShafiq: absolutely
(7:10 PM) aishababaii: yes
(7:10 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: that would be wonderful
(7:10 PM) thanzila: yes
(7:10 PM) Naeema_733: yes please
(7:10 PM) jtabiade: y
(7:10 PM) *** Tajweed_Rkp has joined the room ***
(7:10 PM) AbdulKareem4: yes
(7:10 PM) desertsand09: yeh
(7:10 PM) abdallah_126: yeah thats great
nadeemabdulhamid: faa'il
(7:10 PM) AbdulKareem4: doer
(7:10 PM) jtabiade: doer
(7:10 PM) abdallah_126: subject
(7:10 PM) IbnShafiq: the doer of a verb
(7:10 PM) desertsand09: doer of the action
(7:10 PM) AbdulKareem4: in a jumlah feiliyyah
(7:11 PM) abdallah_126: saajida
(7:11 PM) jtabiade: Zaid hit amr (zaid)
(7:11 PM) desertsand09: daraba zaydun amran
(7:11 PM) ummalik_2: zaid, zaid hit the boy
(7:11 PM) IbnShafiq: Dharaba Zaidun
nadeemabdulhamid: dharaba zaydun 'amran
nadeemabdulhamid: 2. naa'ib faa'il
(7:11 PM) IbnShafiq: deputy doer of a verb
(7:11 PM) ruquya: deputy doer
(7:11 PM) IbnShafiq: when the verb is passive
(7:12 PM) jtabiade: in passive case
(7:12 PM) ummalik_2: The apple, apple was eaten
(7:12 PM) desertsand09: subject of the passive verb
(7:12 PM) AbdulKareem4: the subject of a passive sentence
(7:12 PM) IbnShafiq: Dhuriba Zaidun
(7:13 PM) IbnShafiq: Dhuriba Amrun
nadeemabdulhamid: dhuriba amrun = "Amr was hit"
(7:13 PM) desertsand09: dhuriba amrun (amr was hit)
nadeemabdulhamid: dharaba zaydun amran = "Zayd hit Amr"
nadeemabdulhamid: jumlah fi'liyyah
(7:14 PM) AbdulKareem4: mubtada issubject of a jumlah ismiyyah..
nadeemabdulhamid: jumlah ismiyyah
(7:14 PM) desertsand09: subject of a ismiyyah sentence
nadeemabdulhamid: 3. mubtada
(7:14 PM) desertsand09: zaydun taweelun
(7:14 PM) desertsand09: zayd is tall
nadeemabdulhamid: 4. khabar = predicate
(7:15 PM) *** nkamdar has joined the room ***
(7:15 PM) ruquya: y
(7:15 PM) jtabiade: y
(7:15 PM) desertsand09: y
(7:15 PM) AbdulKareem4: so taweelun is khaber?
nadeemabdulhamid: inna zaydan taweelun
nadeemabdulhamid: 5. inna and its sisters
nadeemabdulhamid: ism of inna; khabar of inna
(7:17 PM) aishababaii: so you can Inna and sisters changes the mubtada into Ism?
(7:17 PM) aishababaii: k thnks
(7:18 PM) AbdulKareem4: qestion
(7:18 PM) AbdulKareem4: the khabar in the JI is in rafi state?
nadeemabdulhamid: mubtada + khabar <--- both are in raf'
nadeemabdulhamid: inna + + <--- only khabar is in raf'
nadeemabdulhamid: 6. kaana and its sisters
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana + +
nadeemabdulhamid: <-- ism is in raf'
(7:20 PM) ummalik_2: Can a kaana sentence be a jumlah fi'liyyah or jumlah ismiyyah? Depending on content?
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana <-- fi'l naaqis (deficient/auxiliary verb)
(7:21 PM) desertsand09: what does it mean by deficient verb?
(7:21 PM) IbnShafiq: so all of the sisters of kaana ar naqis?
(7:21 PM) IbnShafiq: are*
(7:21 PM) abdallah_126: weak letters?
(7:21 PM) musthak41: it has waw or ya as a root
(7:21 PM) aichax: needs predicate
nadeemabdulhamid: sarf -- fi'l naaqis | nahw -- fi'l naaqis
(7:21 PM) ummalik_2: it needs more explanation than itself
(7:22 PM) ruquya: does it need a doer
(7:22 PM) *** mtsurti has joined the room ***
(7:22 PM) abdallah_126: naaiqs in nahu- does not have a faail?
(7:23 PM) desertsand09: would it not be hidden?
(7:23 PM) musthak41: yeah
(7:23 PM) Tajweed_Rkp: its intransative.. so by the faa'il alone it should be complete
(7:23 PM) Tajweed_Rkp: but yet it isnt
(7:23 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: it's meaningless without the khabar
nadeemabdulhamid: akala
nadeemabdulhamid: akala zaydun ... = Zayd ate...
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana = "to be"
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana + +
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana zaydun ...
nadeemabdulhamid: "Zayd was ..."
(7:25 PM) desertsand09: could it be like a helping verb?
(7:26 PM) aishababaii: ok sorry taking u back..so in kaana sentence ISM - Raf and khabar - mubtada? and in the Inna sentence its opposite of that?
nadeemabdulhamid: kaana + + <--- ism is in raf' ; khabar is in nasb
nadeemabdulhamid: inna + + <--- ism is in nasb; khabar is in raf'
(7:27 PM) aishababaii: ok got it thnks
nadeemabdulhamid: 7. ism of maa and laa which resemble laysa
nadeemabdulhamid: laysa <--- fi'l naaqis that is a kaana sister
nadeemabdulhamid: maa al-waladu qaa'iman fil-masjid
nadeemabdulhamid: mal-waladu ...
(7:30 PM) *** thanzila has left the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: The boy is not standing in the masjid.
(7:30 PM) *** zaidfarooqi_1 has joined the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: laysa al-waladu qaa'iman fil-masjid
(7:31 PM) jtabiade: so what is the def. of 7
(7:31 PM) *** ski999 has joined the room ***
(7:31 PM) aichax: you can say laa al-waladu... in the same meaning?
nadeemabdulhamid: The ism of the particles 'maa' and 'laa' which are used in a meaning resembling that of 'laysa'
(7:31 PM) desertsand09: have we covered 7 and 8 yet in the recordings?
(7:32 PM) ummalik_2: I don't think so
(7:32 PM) abdallah_126: yep
(7:32 PM) ummalik_2: but I know we did the last one
nadeemabdulhamid: 8. khabar of the laa of class negation
nadeemabdulhamid: 'laa'
(7:33 PM) ummalik_2: of maybe week 11
nadeemabdulhamid: homonym
nadeemabdulhamid: 'laa firaasha mawjoodun fil-bi'ri' = "There is no bed in the well."
nadeemabdulhamid: laa + + <-- khabar is in raf'
(7:35 PM) ummalik_2: so khabr is the well
(7:35 PM) desertsand09: mawjoodun?
(7:35 PM) ummalik_2: ok
(7:35 PM) desertsand09: is fil biri mutaalliq?
(7:35 PM) musthak41: present
nadeemabdulhamid: "There is no bed present in the well."
(7:35 PM) ummalik_2: how can we tell the difference between these two laas
(7:36 PM) *** ruquya has left the room ***
(7:36 PM) desertsand09: could it be presense or absense of al on the ism?
(7:36 PM) ummalik_2: insha Allah it will stick
(7:36 PM) *** ruquya has joined the room ***
(7:37 PM) desertsand09: because for al-jins... there would be no al.. because ur not talking about anything specific?
(7:37 PM) desertsand09: just a guess.. not sure
nadeemabdulhamid: laa firaasha ....
(7:38 PM) Tajweed_Rkp: mal waladu
(7:38 PM) *** abuabdullah09 has joined the room ***
(7:38 PM) ummalik_2: is it the first one translates as not, the second as no?
(7:39 PM) *** abuabdullah09 has left the room ***
(7:39 PM) ummalik_2: ok
(7:41 PM) jtabiade: Does anyone know if this is being recorded?
(7:41 PM) jtabiade: ws
(7:41 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(7:41 PM) jtabiade: ok. jzk
nadeemabdulhamid: Nasb
(7:42 PM) ummalik_2: maf'uul bihi
(7:42 PM) *** Tajweed_Rkp has left the room ***
(7:42 PM) *** mtsurti has left the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: sorry... one minute
(7:42 PM) *** Tajweed_Rkp has joined the room ***
(7:42 PM) *** mtsurti has joined the room ***
(7:43 PM) *** mtsurti has left the room ***
(7:43 PM) jtabiade: ws
(7:43 PM) aichax: direct object
(7:44 PM) *** mtsurti has joined the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: dharaba zaydun amran
(7:44 PM) ruquya: zaid hit amar,so amar is object
(7:44 PM) ummalik_2: Have we gone overtime? should we continue another time?
(7:44 PM) ummalik_2: Ok
(7:45 PM) jtabiade: i am good
(7:45 PM) ruquya: no its ok please continue
(7:45 PM) IbnShafiq: jazakAllah brother
nadeemabdulhamid: 2. maf'ool mutlaq
(7:46 PM) desertsand09: i think briefly
nadeemabdulhamid: normal adverb / "absolute object"
(7:46 PM) ruquya: weve discussed it in qassas
(7:46 PM) *** thanzila has joined the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: 3. maf'ool lahu
(7:47 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: object of purpose
(7:47 PM) aichax: adverb of cause / reason
nadeemabdulhamid: adverb of reason/cause
(7:47 PM) musthak41: in response to the question why
nadeemabdulhamid: dharabtuhu ta'deeban = I hit him [in order to] teach him manners.
nadeemabdulhamid: 4. maf'ool fihi
(7:48 PM) desertsand09: adverb of time/ place
nadeemabdulhamid: sumtu shahran = "I fasted for a month"
nadeemabdulhamid: jalastu khalfa-ka
nadeemabdulhamid: = "I sat behind you"
(7:49 PM) aichax: mudhaaf
(7:49 PM) ummalik_2: becaus of mudhaaf
(7:50 PM) aishababaii: what places do we always have tanween?
(7:50 PM) ruquya: can we have name of it for chart purposes
(7:50 PM) ummalik_2: indefinite if there is no change restriction
(7:50 PM) ruquya: indefinate
(7:50 PM) abdallah_126: indefinate ism
(7:50 PM) musthak41: is it not the default for most isms
(7:51 PM) ruquya: male names
(7:51 PM) *** zaidfarooqi_1 has left the room ***
(7:51 PM) aishababaii: k jzk
(7:51 PM) desertsand09: acompanment?
nadeemabdulhamid: adverb of accompaniment
(7:52 PM) Tajweed_Rkp: ma'a
(7:52 PM) desertsand09: if its after ma'a would it not be mudhaaf ilayh?
(7:52 PM) Tajweed_Rkp: jitu wa zaidan
nadeemabdulhamid: ji'tu wa zaydan <---- MISTAKE IN AUDIO
nadeemabdulhamid: 6. Haal
(7:53 PM) desertsand09: state of the doer or mafool bihi or both
nadeemabdulhamid: jaa'a zaydun raakiban - "Zayd [while in the state of] riding"
nadeemabdulhamid: "Zayd came*..."
nadeemabdulhamid: ji'tu Zaydan naa'iman = "I came to Zayd, [while he was] sleeping"
nadeemabdulhamid: 7. tameez
(7:55 PM) desertsand09: removal of vagueness
(7:55 PM) desertsand09: from whats preceding it
(7:56 PM) desertsand09: wa kaana lahu ahada ashara akhan
(7:56 PM) *** Tajweed_Rkp has left the room ***
nadeemabdulhamid: ok one minute again...
(7:57 PM) aster1sk: no problem
(7:58 PM) desertsand09: if you need more time.. im sure we can wait
(7:58 PM) ruquya: jazakallah for your time as it is
(7:59 PM) jtabiade: I suggest we let the brother attend to his family. He has given us 1.5 hours mashaAllah
(7:59 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: ws
(7:59 PM) abdallah_126: ws
nadeemabdulhamid: the ism which is excluded from that which comes before it in the sentence
nadeemabdulhamid: jaa'anee al-qawmu illa zaydan
nadeemabdulhamid: The people came to me except Zayd.
(8:01 PM) IbnShafiq: is it necessary to include illa?
nadeemabdulhamid: 1. majroor = object of preposition
(8:03 PM) ruquya: 17 i think
(8:03 PM) desertsand09: kitabu zaydin
(8:03 PM) desertsand09: yes very....
(8:03 PM) abdallah_126: jazakham Allahu khayran
(8:03 PM) jtabiade: jazakAllahu khairan brother
(8:03 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: Thank you so much
(8:03 PM) ruquya: extremly
(8:03 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: very helpful
(8:03 PM) aichax: jzk khairan
(8:03 PM) ummalik_2: jazakallahu khaira
(8:03 PM) Ibn Ahmad 2000: jazakAllah
(8:03 PM) ummalik_2: mashallah
(8:03 PM) desertsand09: jazakumullahu khair for your time
(8:03 PM) thanzila: jazakallah u khair
(8:04 PM) aishababaii: Jazakallah
(8:04 PM) Naeema_733: JazakAllahu Khayran
(8:04 PM) musthak41: barakaAllah fik
(8:04 PM) abdallah_126: wa alaikam salaam
(8:04 PM) desertsand09: thankYOU!
(8:04 PM) aishababaii: WS
(8:04 PM) musthak41: ws wr wb
(8:04 PM) aichax: ws wr wb
(8:04 PM) nkamdar: ws
(8:04 PM) AbdulKareem4: walaikumussalaam
(8:04 PM) ruquya: ws
(8:04 PM) thanzila: walaykumusalaam
(8:04 PM) jtabiade: wa alaikum as salam
nadeemabdulhamid: wa iyyaakum
(8:04 PM) ummalik_2: ws
(8:04 PM) desertsand09: ws
(8:04 PM) *** musthak41 has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) *** mtsurti has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) IbnShafiq: may Allah reward u abundantly, wa 'alaykum assalaam
(8:04 PM) *** aichax has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) Naeema_733: waaleykum assalam
(8:04 PM) *** thanzila has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) purda: jzk walaikum salam
(8:04 PM) ruquya: mashallh that was soo good
(8:04 PM) *** purda has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) desertsand09: yeh.. definately helpful
(8:04 PM) aishababaii: WS..this has been very helpful MashaAllah
(8:04 PM) *** abdallah_126 has left the room ***
(8:04 PM) ruquya: it helped clear it up and tie up things
(8:04 PM) *** ummalik_2 has left the room ***
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