Prezident Maktablari Imtihoniga Tayyorgarlik Testi – Asosiy bosqich uchun diagnostik savollar TEST
Ingliz Tilida Eshitib Tushunish – 25 ta
Ingliz Tilida O’qib Tushunish – 30 ta
Nostandart Masalalar Yechish – 24 ta
Axborotni Tahlil Qilish va Solishtirish – 16 ta C Daraja (8-9 Sinf O’quvchilari Uchun) _____________________________________________________ (Ism) _____________________________________________________ (Familya) Natijalar Telegramdagi: @reprez_uz Kanalida E’lon Qilinadi
Prezident Maktablari Imtihoniga Tayyorgarlik Testi – Asosiy bosqichi uchun diagnostik savollar Test C: English (Listening)
Part 1
Listen and answer questions
1. How many trips does the school organize every month?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 3
D) 6
2. What kind of places does this school always take students to?
A) historical
B) modern cities
C) villages
D) mountains
3. How long do all visits last?
A) more than three hours B) less than three hours C) three hours and half D) less than four hours
4. How much does a trip cost?
A) between 5 and 14 pounds a head
B) between 5 and 13 pounds a head
C) between 5 and 15 pounds a head
D) between 5 and 50 pounds a head
5. School organizers offer special trip if there will be more than……….people.
A) 13
B) 12
C) 14
D) 11
6. What time do they leave and return?
A) 8.30 am and 6.00 pm
B) 8.40 am and 7.30 pm
C) 8.30 pm and 6.00 am
D) 8.30 pm and 6.30 pm
7. Where should a visitor write his name?
A) sign
B) website
C) noticeboard
D) call agency