səhifə | 28/31 | tarix | 07.01.2022 | ölçüsü | 182,12 Kb. | | #81228 |
| B) Low low level alarm
C) High level alarm
D) High pressure alarm
E) Low pressure alarm
3. ---------------is the cause of burned exhaust valves
Overloaded cylinder
Poor combustion
Distortion and faulty reseating maintenance
Any above -
A and B
4. When a cargo hose joint or coupling starts to leak badly the attempt you should do is to...
Reduce pumping pressure and wrag leak securely
Shut down transfer and make repairs
Soak spill with sawdust and reduce pumping pressure
Wash deck immediately and close tank tops
Carry on transfer
5. Water in the lube oil system may be detected by: I. sounding lube oil tanks with water sensitive paste; II. observing the purifier discharge.
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